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you are here: > UCA > 1. Introduction

1.1 You are a hero

You are a hero. Just by visiting this page you dare to begin something so radical that not even the finest minds of history have ventured to find. The secrets of life. The secrets of the universe. The secrets of matter. A glimpse into the very mind of the absolute. Just to find this web page alone is no easy task. This site is not yet well publicized. However, a number of visionary sites have links to it. Just to stay reading, when there are so many distractions, so many other pressing needs is to be respected. To continue reading even after such claims as to potentially see the secrets of life revealed, of the universe revealed is also to be commended. That is why you are a hero. Because you are continuing to read even though you have doubts, even though you believe such claims to be impossible, when there is a chance this site is not credible. You are a pioneer because what you are about to see revealed is truly amazing and profound and because you are willing to continue to read and to move forward. Please continue by following the links To continue, please follow the links either highlighted in blue (if you have never clicked on that link before) and purple (if you have visited that page before).

The journeys of life

All of us are on a unique life journey. We are born of different parents, on different days, in different places and have different names, personalities and faces. We may share a great many similarities with others in terms of our race, nationality, goals, associations and habits, but our experience of life is from our own unique perspective. No other human has or ever will experience life quite like you have experienced it. The happy and painful journeys of life As every human being will at least testify at least once in their unique journeys of life, not all journeys are the same. Life has a way of dealing odd bunches of happy and painful experiences, not necessarily in the same and fair amount. For some of us, life seems to have dealt an unfair number of painful memories and experiences. For those precious and lucky few, life may seem to be a continual happy journey. But whatever we feel at the moment, life on retrospect seems to have some reason and relation. Unhappy and bad experiences quite often

are the motivation for major change in our lives, sometimes positive in the end. On the other hand, periods of comfort turn out sometimes to be foolish complacency ahead of some major painful life lesson. Even our perspective on our life experiences is unique. You might not see any sunshine has some from painful and sad experiences. Likewise, you may not presently see any reason or ultimate purpose to your life. In contrast, someone else might be perfectly motivated and happy that everything in their life has happened for a reason. The wonderful thing is that such uniqueness is fine. It is our most beautiful trait. No other lifeforms on planet earth is as unique in physical, mental and experiential character as the human being- you.

The outward journey of awareness

One way to describe our unique journeys and experience of life is as an ever increasing outward journey of awareness. Each life experience teaches us something. Each day brings at least some new experience, no matter how trivial. From childhood, we see our awareness of the world continue to grow. Another way we sometimes describe this is as a journey of self knowledge. A simple example of how our life journey can also be described as an outward journey of awareness is that you are reading this web site right now. You have started and will see a range of concepts and ideas that are new and amazing. If you continue this journey, if you continue to read this web site, you will in fact be taking an outward journey of awareness.

The journey of UCA

On so many levels humans live such isolated lives from one another. Separate houses, separate friends, neighborhoods, jobs, titles, and incomes. Separate seats, separate cars, train carriages. Separate desks, separate beliefs, separate ideas. Yet what if we could find common ground? What if I could find unity between the belief systems that separate Moslem and Jew? What if you could re-discover the unity between the ideas of the East and west?, the links between Science and Religion?, the common genetic heritage between Caucasian and Negro? Such unity presents such hope, yet remains so unrealistic in the isolated world in which we live. The undeniable common sense hidden under labels Yet what if re-looked at the wisdom embedded in the combined knowledge and ideas of humanity, the undeniable common sense? Then what if the labels that surround and cloud common sense were removed? such as the labels Science and Philosophy and then brought

it together in one document? This is the purpose of this web site, a collection of the common sense of humanity regarding answers to the timeless and essential questions of who, or what created the Universe? Why was the Universe created? For what purpose does it operate? This web site answers these questions and links these answers from the beginning of the Universe, the formation of galaxies and planets, the beginning of the first life forms on Earth, through to you the individual reading this book. describes the synergies and beautiful simplicity that exists between objects all around us, that cycles and patterns occur at every level- that they are the same patterns Bringing people together When removed from their ownership and their labels, these pieces of wisdom shine when connected to the wisdom and common sense of former enemies. The wisdom of the East helps make sense of the common sense of the west. The philosophy helps understand the science. That is why this web site does not label each and every piece of common sense as "mine", "yours" or "theirs". There is no line drawn between what understandings emerge now, versus common sense and wisdom that is thousands of years old. For rather than seeking to isolate certain people and ideas, this web site seeks to highlight the common sense that exists between all of humanity- common sense that once revealed and structured shows that everyone is right and wrong to some degree.

1.5 How the journey of UCA is structured

The journey of UCA is structured into several components. The principle two original texts are UCA and SELF. UCA is structured into twenty-three

chapters, as shown in the contents section. Each chapter explains a specific level of understanding, whether it is the solar system and galaxy, or the behaviour of sub-atomic particles, or even the nature of the modern human mind. I hope that you can take the time to read each of these chapters in order, as I have developed these chapters in this way to try and provide some approach in which readers can understand the model in more detail. Symbols right-hand side, or left-hand side of chapters In each of these chapters you will notice specific and repeating symbols on either the far right hand side or left hand side each chapter alongside particular points. These symbols relate to fundamental laws and consistent patterns that occur at each an every level. I have included these symbols as another means of making it easier for the reader to understand the cyclical nature at each level of the model. Definitions of terms One of the hardest parts of researching the model, was that so many words used in every day approach to describe the world are themselves "loaded guns." By this I mean that terms such as energy, radiation, soul, heat and/or cold have implied meanings and that these meanings automatically refer back to some other model of the world around us. In many cases I have had to create redefined terms, consistent with the interpretation of this model. Words that have multiple, yet contradictory meanings. Words that link different concepts illogically. In all cases, I have tried to limit this as far as possible. The authors have no desire to embark on redefining language or creating new words for the sake of doing so. The result as you will see in later chapters, is to strip away many layers of confusion and expose the truly repetitive patterns and beautiful synergy of the Universe.

1.6 How the journey of UCA came to be written

For all the journeys of human thought, there have been times of almost completeness in the description of these fundamental questions.

However, many elements have been missed in the overall picture. There is beautiful thought in the teachings of Ancient mystics, in parts of the Bible, in the writings of learned people of history. Yet, there has never been a model that adequately brings together the metaphysical and physical into one. An explanation of why human beings think the way they do and why they are different to other animals on Earth. An explanation of the possibility of life on other planets that does not rely on beliefs of potential conspiracies. An explanation on what happens when humans die and why are they ever born. An explanation on the purpose of human existence and how this equates to the multitude of choices that we each face as part of being alive. For whatever reason, a suitable model has not developed that can answer these points, without the model contradicting itself in some way. I have discovered through a line of approach, a method by which the entire scope of human questioning and reason can be attributed to a seamless and detailed model. It is for this reason that these points were completed into this web site. Seeking to rid the idea of arrogance What has taken the longest time and continues to take time is seeking to rid the model of UCA and of SELF from any hint of intellectual and spiritual arrogance. To this end, some sections have been re-written while other sections still have tinges of arrogance remaining. If you encounter a passage of writing that smacks of intellectual and/or spiritual arrogance, I apologize. There is no excuse or need for arrogance. It adds no value to the idea and only makes readers feel the author is yet another in a long line of individuals trying to make themselves "better" than others. This is not the aim of either the Journey of UCA or the Journey of Self. I hope you the reader will forgive me for any sections or passages that still smell of arrogant thought. I am still working through to eliminate such feelings in the work.

1.7 The benefits of taking the journey of UCA

There are a number of benefits in taking and completing the journey of UCA. The most unique collection of key concepts ever assembled

For starters, the journey of UCA will expose you to the most unique collection of key concepts ever assembled in one place ever. Just look at the index to the journey as immediate proof to this claim. By all means skim through some of the individual pages under the different chapters of the journey just to prove to yourself that this is substantial. Then please come back and continue here. A complete and fresh new perspective on life and the universe The effect of the journey of UCA will be to show you completely fresh and new perspectives on life, the universe and everything. These ideas in turn may help solve questions in your own mind, or even reinforce and strengthen personal beliefs. UCA is just an idea about ideas In the end, the journey of UCA is just an idea about ideas. As an idea, it's value is dependent upon how useful the idea is to you. The good thing is that the journey of UCA covers hundreds and hundreds of ideas. If you feel that an idea within the journey of UCA has been useful, then there is some benefit in the journey.

1.8 The dangers of taking the journey of UCA

Before continuing, it is also important to identify that there are a number of dangers in taking the journey. These dangers are serious enough to warrant careful description as you will probably encounter one or more of these possible dangers. The danger of disintegrating beliefs The first and most serious danger of presenting the most compact set of powerful ideas in one journey is that you will experience the discomfort and trauma of disintegrating beliefs. Disintegrating beliefs is when a belief you hold to be true in your mind suddenly feels threatened and/or under attack from an idea you read by following the journey of UCA. Unlike a simple experience of tuning out to a different point of view, a disintegrating belief continues to decay even if you stop the journey of UCA completely. So awful is this experience that individual readers may become physically sick or even angry and resentful towards this journey. As a result, there is a real risk you may not come back to the site again. So before you potentially experience a disintegrating belief, the recommended cure is to continue reading, to continue the journey of UCA, to push through. By reading on, by pushing through the nausea, the uncertainty, the angst, you will be exposed to more and more ideas that will help to ease your unrest and uncertainty. But if you simply stop, you will not have the opportunity to experience the happiness of having that angst, that void filled.

The danger of the messiah syndrome The second and potentially even greater danger of taking the complete journey of UCA is unlocking the messiah syndrome within the reader. The messiah syndrome is a condition of mind whereby a person sees themselves as having some inner world or outer world destiny to save the world and/or rule others. A person does not have to outwardly show messiah traits to have full-blown messiah syndrome. Many people with diagnosed mental illnesses also show traits of the messiah syndrome in the "inner world" of their minds. As funny as the concept of the messiah syndrome might first appear, it is not to be discounted. Virtually all great philosophers and creators have suffered from messianic tendencies. The most worshipped words in the world are authored to great messiahs. The tendency of such potent and powerful awareness as resides in the journey of UCA is that it will quickly accelerate the growing messiah syndrome in the reader to the point that upon the conclusion of the journey, you are not aware of this danger. The solution, the cure to quelling any messianic desire to go and save the world or prove your divine destiny is to read the journey of self at the end of the journey of UCA. Only by completing the journey of self can a reader completely disarm the messiah syndrome.

1.9 A general warning

This is a general warning. If you continue the journey of UCA your mind and perspective on the world and life will be changed forever. So powerful and great will this change be, that it will transform completely your ideas on the universe, the absolute, life, human life, life after death and the value of human life. If you do not want to undergo such dramatic change, please do not continue. The author and UCADIA shall not be held liable for any dramatic changes experienced by the reader. The author and UCADIA shall not be held responsible for dramatic life changes experienced by readers including the trauma of core belief disintegration. Continuing the journey beyond this point implies the reader has read and and accepted this warning and limited liability. Ideas change our minds and the view of the world Imagine living five hundred years ago and what society then told us about the world in which we live. At that time, many people were still taught that the Earth was flat. Imagine then what the idea that the Earth was round and revolved around the sun did to people initially. For many, the idea that the world was round was a profound shock and jolt to what they had been taught and their idea of God, heaven, hell and the world. It is only natural to at first resist change when it potentially threatens to upset our current view of the world.

This is all that I mean by the general warning. Ideas can and do change us, even if we initially choose to reject them.

1.10 How best to take the journey of UCA

It is entirely up to you how you choose to read this You may choose to skim through the contents section and read chapters and bits of chapters much like an encyclopedia. Alternatively, you may choose to read from the beginning and right through in sequence order. The chapter order has been designed for a number of specific reasons. Ideas and concepts are introduced progressively with each following chapter relying more and more on what was discussed previously. What this means is that if you choose to read sections from the back of, you may not get "best value" than if you had of started from Chapter 1 and worked through. What is the point reading about atoms if I want to read about human emotions? One of the reasons many readers will initially consider skimming chapters is the practical and common sense question of "what is the point of reading about something that seems to have nothing to do with what I want to know?" For example, a reader wanting to find answers on the origin of human life or the function of human emotions might sensibly consider reading about subatomic particles has no relevance. It is impossible to prove to you until you read the chapters in their natural order to show that in fact "everything is important to everything else to some degree". That in understanding the nature of subatomic particles I might also find common sense that helps us understand more about ourselves. I hope therefore you will accept the challenge to read the chapters in their natural sequence. It is not a race- it is not a test Again it is impossible to prove to you until you read the book that some pages, even though the knowledge is simple- will take many months, possibly years to digest. Just in reading, some chapters may take many weeks. Please let us emphasize that there is no need to rush or feel less if you encounter difficult reading points. Simply go around that which presents too much of a problem- often you will find ideas later in the book help make previous problem points make sense. This book is not a test. If there are ideas that you do not understand or find difficult- it reflects more on the authors than the reader. Our goal should be to present each and every idea as clearly as possible. Please accept our apology now should you find the content of this book at times difficult.

1.12 Good luck!

Finally, as the author and as one who has taken the journey of UCA I wish you good luck! It is no easy feat to accomplish. In all honesty, fewer than one in fifty people will probably finish all 23 chapters of the journey end to end. Most (around eight out of ten) won't get past chapter 5 (Matter- Unita). Half won't even get past chapter 4 (existence). Whatever happens, I hope you find what you are about to read interesting and useful.


UCA Index

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you are here: > UCA > 2. Models and meaning

The importance of personal beliefs

Do you remember the old folk story about the boy who cried wolf? He cried with such conviction that the villagers initially hid. But when the boy continued to use this powerful word, the villagers became suspicious and in the end shunned the boy as a liar. Do you remember what happened next? Of course the boy then really saw a wolf and noone believed him, to their eternal regret. Personal belief that things "are what they seem" is fundamental to life. That you believe in something is better than believing in nothing. Beliefs are even more important when you hold them to be true and act upon them. Our belief of the world around us, what you see with our eyes, hear with our ears and feel in our hearts is essential to our sense of sanity and comfort. That you have your own bed. That you have your own room. That you have your own house. That you know where you live. That you know where you work. That you know where your friends and family live. That you know your name. That you know the names of your friends and family. That you know the names of the streets and roads where you live. 2.1.1 The deep roots of personal beliefs If any of these beliefs were to be challenged, our immediate response would naturally be to resist. For you rely on these personal beliefs to maintain a sense of who you are. When strangers challenge our beliefs, our resistance may even turn to anger at such a personal insult. For what you believe and know is fundamental to who and what you think you are. Yet our beliefs extend beyond just the names of friends and the geography of our neighborhood. You have beliefs in terms of such things as life on other planets, dealing with other people, beliefs on what happens when you die (if anything) and beliefs in the existence or nonexistence of God. Like all our other beliefs, these beliefs were formed, or changed from interactions with other human beings. Usually the more tested our beliefs, the more entrenched they become. 2.1.2 The emotional attachment to personal beliefs Yet what of the question of origin of these beliefs: are all our personal beliefs based on scientific proof and personal experience? For most of us, the answer is no. Our beliefs in God may come from our knowledge of religious texts such as the Bible and personal experiences such as the feeling of having our prayers answered. The Bible itself does not proclaim to provide scientific proof on the existence of God. Nor is the ritual of a church service based on any scientific formula on the natural structure of the Universe. Often our beliefs about our self come largely from feedback from others. What they say about us, what you think they're really saying,

what you think about what they're saying all comes together to largely influence our opinion of ourselves. Then there are beliefs of our own safety. Over 100 million people live on or near dangerous fault lines of the Earth such as residents of the cities of San Francisco, Los Angeles and Tokyo to name a few. Within the past 100 years, there has been devastating earthquakes in all these cities as well as many minor tremors. Yet people living in these cities carry on life with the general feeling that buildings are safer and that somehow the next earthquake won't happen for a while or won't be as bad. 2.1.3 The pain when personal beliefs are questioned So why do you hold out when occasionally personal beliefs are shown to be wrong? Why do you seem to burrow-in so readily when a belief is challenged? Maybe, it is because anyone who has felt the emotion of betrayal knows the feeling of what it is like when you finally accept a belief in someone or something turns out to be false. It's a painful experience when a fundamental personal belief is challenged. And pain tends to bring back painful memories. So, in the end, sometimes its better to accept the "devil you know, than the devil you don't know" then have to go through the painful experience of personal change of beliefs. 2.1.4 Events around us that are forcing us to change Probably one of the greatest ironies of the modern world is that you are being pressured to modify your beliefs all the time by the pressures of life. Yet at the same time, this constant threat of common values has produced a counter-conservative movement that is even more convinced on the validity of their beliefs. Our personal beliefs are coming under attack from all sides. Worse still, many of our beliefs are just not holding up under pressure. Our belief in God might be an excellent example of a belief under pressure. Our belief in the underlying good of fellow humanity might be another personal belief under attack. 2.1.5 Many beliefs are adopted, not originated When you look at some of your beliefs that are failing to keep pace, you need to consider that many are adopted from established organizations who "offer" in some way those beliefs. A religious organization is such an example. Our government is another example. One personal belief might be that Jesus is the only son of God. While you may hold this as a strong personal belief, the idea nonetheless has been around for a lot longer than you've been alive. Another personal belief might be that only by working hard do you receive reward. however strongly you feel you have a duty to suffer long hours of seemingly endless frenetic boredom, the idea that work is a form of "punishment" for the sins of man has been around for hundreds of years in Christian cultures. Interestingly, many Asian cultures have traditionally adopted a completely opposite idea in that work is seen as a natural part of the flow of nature and the universe.

What we are saying is that many of the beliefs you hold aren't "home grown". You did not originally come up with the idea. Someone else did. What ever you feel towards these "adopted" personal beliefs, you did not write the Bible. You did not write new-age books or complete the scientific discoveries. Others did. It's their idea. It's got their names on it. You are merely agreeing with the idea or choosing to participate with others in believing the idea. Consider then that some of the personal stresses you feel as your beliefs come under attack are actually "adopted beliefs" coming under attack. This brings us to the next step of our journey- the concept of an idea.

The concept of an idea

It remains a fundamental truth that the greatest advancements in human civilization have come from the harnessing of the creative potential of the human mind. It is also now sadly a truth that the greatest destructive potential yet harnessed on Earth also came from that same potential of the human mind. That humanity can be so creative and yet so destructive remains the central paradox of what is called the 20th Century of human history. We have the atomic bomb, created from the minds of great scientists in the early parts of this century. An idea, when put into action can result in the total mass destruction of an entire city in minutes. The mass death of millions upon millions of individual lives, individual families. Millions of lifetimes destroyed in only minutes. We have the fibulator for restarting hearts, that has resulted in paramedics saving of tens of thousands of individual lives around the world. I have the humble toaster and even the personal computer as examples of the genius of human minds. Isn't it strange then that you forget that so much of the world you live in- the car, the phone, the TV, the stereo, the music, the computer, the kitchen, the packaged foods, the house all came into being because someone put down on paper an idea? 2.2.1 The concept of models What shall we call ideas that are put into action? There are a number of terms you could use. however let us consider using the word "model' to describe ideas once they are put into action. I shall then define more clearly the word "model" in a moment. So now, we can call the electric light bulb a model, and the computer a model, and the telephone a model, and physics a series of models and religions as models. 2.2.2 The daily and constant use of models Whoever you may be, whatever age, you use models to meet our varied needs every day, every waking moment. You may use a model of religious thought that provides a means of

understanding how the Universe, the human species and your life makes sense. You may use a model as a means of achieving meditation. You may use a model as a means of creating a method of transport such as a car, or a way of cooling food, such as fridge. You may use a model of how light travels to create TV or the phone. Or simply, you may use a model to live and work at a particular location in a particular society. The average human in the world today may use over a thousand different models a day, most of the time without thinking about each model. For instance, when was the last time you stepped into a bus, car or plane and asked "why does the model on which this is based work?" Yet models are practical and necessary tools in our understanding and shaping of the environment around us. 2.2.3 The whole world is made up of millions of ideas, millions of models Now if you extend what we have just said to it end, we can honestly say that the world is made up of millions of ideas in action (models)! It sounds like a strange concept at first, but it is true. The light globe, our car, the clothes we wear, the food you eat, the music you enjoy, the places you meet and the sheets on our bed. All were once ideas on a page. 2.2.4 A clear definition on the purpose of models All models share one common purpose: A model is a construct of laws and principles that seek to influence matter and measure it in some way. Whether it be a philosophy, or model to build a toaster, both influence objects. One may influence how you think, and then how you deal with people at work or at home. The other seeks to cook bread to a certain crispness as required. In addition, all models share the need to: Target purpose, Target outcome. That is to say a model must be seen in terms of its target purpose and what is the desired outcome. For instance if we consider a car, its target purpose is as a means of transport. The target outcome is that when you turn the ignition and there is sufficient fuel (providing the general mechanics of the car are working) then the car will take you to where you wish to go. Similarly, a philosophy on the meaning and purpose of life is a model requiring a target purpose and a target outcome. The target purpose may be to understand where you fit in and what is required. The target outcome may be to find purpose and reasoning of your existence and therefore potentially lead a fulfilled and happy life. Alternatively, you may have a model for mathematics in the form of a calculator. The purpose is to add up your tax bill. The outcome is to have a number that adds up all the component parts after you have punched in all the numbers and pressed the equals sign.


Measuring the usefulness of models Taking the definition of a model, we see that its purpose is to influence matter and/or measurement in some way, once you have a target purpose and a target outcome. We can therefore see that models are simply tools. Even if we forget to remind ourselves of that from time to time. (1) Meeting desired target outcome The 1st measurement therefore of the usefulness of a model is in terms of o meeting an individuals target outcome We say individual, because a model can only be measured from starting with individuals and building up. A personal computer may be extremely useful for people living in a 1st world city, but totally useless to a bushman in Africa, with no access to electricity. An explanation of how the planet revolves around the sun may be extremely useful for scientists tracking objects and planning space probes, but totally useless for a woman suffering the effects of a family trauma. (2) Utility of a model Most models today have a certain range of utility. That is to say that as our needs change, the model can provide a range of target outcomes. We have kitchen appliances that are able to dice, slice, grate, heat, etc. I have watches that can tell seconds, days, months, years. We have cars that can tow a load via bull bar as well as auto control for long haul trips. Utility of a model is a measure of a model's usefulness in different situations.


Why don't we replace certain models when they don't seem to work? Remember we spoke about the personal pain when our beliefs come under attack? well, if these are beliefs you adopted from a model and they don't work properly, you should in theory be able to replace them. Certainly if you had a broken computer and it was still under warranty, you could send it off to be repaired. If a light globe breaks, you buy a new one. Humanity as a whole has shown it is prepared to throw out the old to adopt the new. In the late 1940's the city of Los Angeles removed its entire tram system is a classic example of "out with the old and in with the new". So how come we don't do the same when we' re not happy with a model of philosophy- such as a model of God, or of relationships, or of who I are?

The answer unfortunately is that overall, there hasn't been the shiny new replacement philosophy sitting in the corner store window. Science for example, is yet to agree on a complete unified theory of the forces and energy. Few religions give physical road map directions to their version of heaven and while archaeologists have found the lost city of Troy, medicine is yet to fully show us what makes up our self consciousness. No one has come up with a satisfactory model that links physics with metaphysics and ethereal concepts. Instead, in many parts of our life we are told to rely on "faith" and "hope". No wonder we may get so stressed. Let us then look at the importance of Words in conveying important ideas and meaning.


Words-the concept of symbols with meaning

In understanding now that almost everything you see and use in our every day lives are models ( ideas in motion), it is also worth considering that the words on these pieces of paper are just groups of symbols with attached ideas. We call the idea(s) attached to these symbols- "meaning" and the grouping of symbols "words". For the purpose of this book, we define meaning as: "The sense, inference, idea(s), connotation, reference and or denotation implied by a grouping of symbols to form a unique combination, normally arranged according to defined rules. In terms of this book, we define symbols as: "The two dimensional characters, comprising of geometric shapes and arranged into some standard set to which certain meanings are attached." For example, this book is written in the English language- a system of rules based upon a standard set of 26 symbols called the English Alphabet. .


The heritage and variety of symbol sets (alphabets) The symbol set of the English language owes its heritage to much earlier devised symbol sets, principally the Greek and Latin symbol sets

( alphabets) developed around two and a half thousand years ago. In turn, the heritage of these symbol sets can be traced back to the original cultures that emerged in the fertile plains of Iraq/Iran and Egypt over six thousand years ago. In this way, through the origins of symbols for different languages, we see that many ideas have a long history and heritage. 2.3.2 The multiple meanings attached to words That words have at least one attached meaning is common sense, given you are reading this text. That words can have more than one meaning, created over time is also something you probably readily accept. Yet do you have a good idea on the original meaning of many of the words you use hundreds of times every day? Ideally, a single word should denote a single clear meaning. however, the growth of languages such as English has given rise to many thousands of words having more than one meaning. For instance, when someone says the word "go" to you, do they mean depart, travel, someone else's motion, or an instruction for you to leave? Understanding what meaning is the meaning meant by an author or speaker can sometimes be a time consuming and confusing process. 2.3.3 The original meaning of words It was the ancient Egyptians who first documented the belief that the original meaning and form of words are "sacred". This was principally due to their belief that language, words and their meanings were the "gifts of the gods". Many cultures still retain similar beliefs today, often classing certain words and their meaning as "sacred". Today if you call someone a "genius" you probably mean they are some kind of super brain, a high intellect, an "Einstein". Yet the original meaning of the word was far different to this. The word is originally a highly important religious belief of the Roman tribes and means " one through whom the spirits speak".. Traditionally the Romans believed each person had two attendant tutelary (teaching) spirits- a good genii and bad genii- hence evil genius, good genius had the ability to communicate to their attendant spirits- one, being a "good genii" and the other "bad genii". That we lose sight of the original meanings to words is unfortunate, for many of the answers to the questions you seek rest in seeking to understand what you actually mean. In many cases, the conflicts you find in trying to find answers may even reside in the conflicting historical meanings of the word itself.

Numbers-key concept of symbols with meaning

Numbers are an everyday part of our lives. Go to any department store and select something that you wish to buy. A price tag will normally be attached. Go to the check out area and pay with money or a credit card. Look at your watch and see you are running late. Drive home and make sure you do not exceed the speed limit. Because you use numbers so easily and effortlessly, the hidden mechanics and model of thinking behind numbers is often obscured or not even considered. But what are numbers really? and how and why do they work? For instance, an architect or accountant doesn't think twice about adding, subtracting, and manipulating numbers to achieve results. The numbers are utility objects that never break down. If a wrong result occurs, it is not because of inherent defect in numbers. Life on the other hand isn't as perfect. Our bodies continue to decay from the day of our birth until our eventual death. Nature seems less perfect and reliable than numbers. 2.4.1 Decimal and hexadecimal In a majority of countries on planet Earth, the standard numerical system used for measure and calculation is the DECIMAL SYSTEM- a system that uses defined symbols with meaning using the number 10 as a base unit for measure. Hence 100 cents to a dollar, 1000 kilograms to a metric tonne, etc. In contrast, the civilization of the United Kingdom and the United States of America continue to use a parallel system for the measure of nature- the Imperial Measurement System- a system that is many thousands of years old, dating as far back as the Sumerians (6000 years ago). This system uses number measurements such as a foot, a yard, a mile etc. What then of other measure systems and of the nature of the number systems today? For at the heart of every numerical system are symbols with meaning: a model- a collection of ideas. A duplicate concept to the concept of words. That is why mathematics is seen by many as a language- it is indeed a language- a language of thought, rather than words- a language of spoken communication. As we will see later, a type of mathematics is the natural language of nature. In some instances, human understanding of this version of mathematics is strong- in the case of genetic science, the imperial measurement system and space. Yet in others, our model of numbers sadly lacks a deeper understanding of the power and importance of certain number concepts. We attempt to define the basis of numbers here so that in later chapters, our understandings can be expanded. 2.4.2 The development of concepts attached to symbols What is the number 1 if it loses its meaning? Just a squiggly line on a page. So it is, the study of ancient civilizations has been a painstaking process in understanding what lots of squiggly lines on monuments, pyramids and clay tablets meant. What makes a number a number, what gives it its power is the meaning attached, not the symbol used. Therefore it is the concept of one, the concept of a self enclosed

singular thing that exists, a single unit that is the power behind the symbol 1- not the symbol itself. The symbol performs the task of transmitting or receiving that meaning in context. In describing a list of items in a room, in describing a person who comes first in a race. In religious and philosophical arguments. Arguably the six most powerful concepts attached to numbers are: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) the the the the the the concept concept concept concept concept concept of of of of of of 1 (one) more than one (2, 3 4, etc.) infinity zero (nothing) harmony (0 as balance) imaginary numbers

We attribute the Greeks with the discovery of the concept of infinity. Yet there is ample evidence that the concept was well understood by cultures much older than the Greeks 2500 years ago. What is interesting is the delay in Western Cultures of the introduction of (4) the concept of zero (nothing). Neither the Greeks, nor the Romans showed the use of this concept in their mathematical writings. The ancient Eastern cultures on the other hand, had been using the concept in their numerical systems for thousands of years. It wasn't until the mid 12th Century (CE) when a modified version of the Arabic numerical system was adopted by European Kingdoms that the concept of 0 and the symbol we use today appeared. In terms of no (5), the concept of balance, the Nordic cultures and again the ancient East had been using this concept in their mathematical systems for a long period- the concept of duality, YinYang in harmony. There appeared a brief period from the mid 12th Century until the late 14th Century BCE where the concept of harmony was incorporated into the numerical system as a second meaning to 0. however, for some reason the concept lost favour and now no longer exists as a discrete symbol with meaning in Western numerical systems. It is why, the Yin-Yang symbol from the east has been adopted. In terms of imaginary numbers, the Western cultures have excelled, with the creation of negative numbers and a host of special symbols for measurements, constants and so forth. The symbol used to describe the concept of Pi, sum, calculus are all examples of concepts attached to symbols. Again these concepts provide us with tools in which to understand more the language of our own world and the natural world in which we exist. 2.4.3 The development of Symbols attached to concepts The ancient Greeks were voluminous in their writing and rewriting to their own method, concepts and symbols attached to numbers. They were the great standardizers. Aristotle and his students followed in the footsteps of their most famous colleague- Alexander the Great and gained access to the sum total knowledge of mathematical writings of the ancient world. Their success in standardizing and codifying mathematical concepts and symbols were so impressive, texts by such ancient knowledge schools as EUCLID, PYTHAGORUS and ARCHEMIDES

have been standard texts for the past 2000 years today. Even today, the essential framework of Geometry, Trigonometry and Algebra remain ancient Greek in origin. If you ever remember initially struggling through the definitions used, you have the ancient Greeks to thank. The symbols they used were the symbols available of the day. Today, we have designed much more powerful symbols such as stop signs, access, airport etc. however, tradition and convention dictates that the same symbols are attached to the concepts. 2.4.4 The development of numerical systems It is not just the power of the concepts and easy identification of symbols that makes numbers what they are- it is the rules associated with them that creates on overall numerical system- a model. There have been and are many different numerical systems on the planet Earth. Currently there is natures numerical system and then there are a variety of human systems of numeration from Decimal (base 10), Hexadecimal (base 6) etc. While computers thrive in the binary world of one, or zero, the world of nature appears structured on a different base closer to the number six. The more advanced cultures on the planet Earth today, recognize this and use both systems. There is ample evidence to suggest that both systems of numeration can be found throughout nature from the neuron (binary and decimal) to hexadecimal (life, cells, rocks, planets, stars) 2.4.5 The concept of numbers as pure ideas Whatever you think of numbers (symbols with meaning), they exist as the purest ideas within our sum knowledge- unblemished by philosophical and religious wars. They are what they are- pure ideas, pure models. We will discuss numbers at length further into this web site.

The concept of awareness

If you look up the word awareness in any general dictionary, you will find the only listing is as self-awareness (meaning an awareness of one's own personality or individuality). However, if you look up the word aware, a much wider meaning is listed, namely having or showing realization, perception, or knowledge. There not usually existing a general listing of awareness as a unique listing, we define it to mean unique perception and/or knowledge of self and all. 2.5.1 Awareness as unique knowledge of self or all The first part of awareness is as unique perception of knowledge. Examples of knowledge are science, history, society, economics, mathematics, languages and religion.

Therefore in one sense to say a person has greater awareness, it can mean they have greater knowledge of such subjects. 2.5.2 Awareness as unique perception of self or all In contrast, unique perception of self or all does not require great knowledge of science, only of what a person is feeling. Unique perception is completely subjective. There are some words that are especially related to this aspect of awareness as they are most commonly used to mean the same thing. These are: Mind, Consciousness, Ethereal, Ether, Being and Self. 2.5.3 Greater perceptual awareness Unique perception of all is considered a higher form of awareness and is a basic concept associated with ideas such as meditation, astral travel, telepathy, spiritual channeling and healing. 2.5.4 Self-aware life The rational reason that awareness is not usually listed as an independent object in the dictionary is not because the concept does not exist, but because the concept does not exist in reality. The only evidence of awareness is self-aware lifeforms such as the human being and other higher-order species on planet Earth. There is simply no evidence awareness existing independent of a living thing. 2.5.5 The idea of Awareness as an independent quality in theory Even though awareness as an independently existing quality is considered impossible, it still exists as a theoretical idea. Awareness as an independent quality is an idea.

The concept of existence

Any reasonable sized dictionary contains a rich array of definitions for the meaning of existence. Of the list, the key ones are: Absolute Concept-the theoretical state or fact of being independent of human consciousness in contrast with nonexistence; Universal concept-being with respect to a limiting condition or under a particular aspect; Absolute set-the totality of existent things ; Reality of observation-reality as opposed to appearance ; Reality of experience-reality as presented in experience ; Unique life-a particular being ; Life-sentient or living being : life; Quality of life-the manner of being that is common to every mode of being ;

Awareness-continued or repeated manifestation.

The concept of a dream

When someone says to you the word dream, the first thing you probably think of is your most recent memorable dream or thought. Dream is what we do when we sleep. Daydreaming is what we do when we are awake, but not focused on the reality before us. Dreams are intriguing and common to every human being and advanced lifeforms. Dogs dream, cats dream, even fish dream. What they dream of, we can't really say for sure. But as a human, what you dream about you can describe, if you choose to say and remember. The images of dreams are a major part of the fascination of dreams and day dreaming. There are great many interesting web sites that provide marvelous possible reasons for thousands of possible dream images. At the end of the day, the reason for the images in your dreams are ultimately unique to you. What is important to consider about dreams, day dreams and even thinking itself is that all three adhere to certain basic rules of structure. 2.7.1 The concept of dream structure The idea that a dream, or thought has structure is itself a radical idea that takes some getting used to. This is because for most of our lives we have probably never given thought a thought. We take our minds for granted. They exist, so that it. The idea that when we think a thought, that thought represents a dimensional boundary (dream boundary) within which a reality exists for the length of that thought exists is an alien concept to our general sensibilities. 2.7.2 The idea that thoughts and dreams are just "programs" For most of the 20th century, modern societies have been told to consider thoughts and dreams as just effects of the machine of consciousness. Because branches of human analysis (psychology, psychiatry) are now able to explain so much of the human personality and physical process, most of us do not give the very notion of structured consciousness a second thought. By explaining human thoughts and dreams as processes, science is able to place these things in boxes without need to consider any structural or dimensional aspect to the phenomena of thinking, the being of consciousness. Yet for thought to exist, it requires structure. The same structure that applies to any dimensional universe. 2.7.3 The dimensional structure of thought and dreams Thoughts and dreams are made of the same thing. The same theoretical rules that apply to the creation of any dimension. The only difference to human dream dimension and universal dimension is that

human dream dimension only exists for a few moments before collapsing from poor structure.

The concept of Unique Collective Awareness (UCA)

UCA (unique collective awareness) is an idea that the base of all things is awareness and that this awareness might be described by the existence of the universe of all things (collection of unique objects). In other words, everything has awareness and everything is made of awareness in motion. UCA is also a statement that represents a paradox something that intrinsically is illogical ( a statement that makes no logical sense). For something to be unique, it cannot then also be but part of a collection. For is a set of infinite unique objects unique in itself? Unique Collective Awareness therefore represents a supremely contradictory statement in itself as it defies the current laws of thinking to suppose something to be both unique and part of a collective uniqueness at the same time. 2.8.1 The importance of paradox and the model As this book shall seek to outline, this supreme paradox actually represents a critical sign post in trying to define everything.

Basis for measuring the effectiveness of the model of UCA and UCADIA
During the discourse on the model- the Unique Collective Awareness describes a large number of components and summaries of other models of thought. The reason for this is that many of the UCA aligned ideas detailed within are introduced after a discussion of differences with other models. In discussing other models, we have necessarily adopted a line of thinking and argument based on the principle ideas concerning the existence, nature, relationships and consequences of UCA-The Unique Collective Awareness. In doing so, language is applied outlining perceived weaknesses and faults in other models References to other models and perceived weaknesses and faults is done without any negative inference on the original authors of those models, or the people who subscribe and/or support them. Individuals are perfectly entitled to subscribe to models that they find useful in their day to day lives. No one has the right to tell them whether they are right or wrong, which is fundamentally flawed logic in any case. References to other models in most cases refer to perceived weaknesses in terms of utility and the ability of certain models to provide consistent and useful target outcomes.


Measuring the UCA like all models In any object assessment of the effectiveness of the model- The Unique Collective Awareness, the reader and/or critic must apply the same means as we described earlier in terms of the usefulness and utility of the model. Any other means of assessing the model, via comparison to other models or subjective judgment are actions without basis and unable to withstand scrutiny themselves.

For example, we classify the animal kingdom into genera, families, orders, classes and phyla- using a two-part Latin name made up of the genus and species as devised by Swedish naturalist Karl von Linne (1707-78). In Atomic Physics, we classify elements according to the Periodic Table. 2.10.2 The strength of classification in locking down meanings of concepts The strength of classification is best shown by the degree to which concepts remain stable and within various categories. Many concepts have surprisingly long histories of existence and stability within certain categories. Concepts such as truth have remained stable for an extended period of time. Reason has a long life as a concept. Law has a long history as a concept. The concept of honour has a long life, as does the concepts of reality and fact. At the same time, many concepts have a surprisingly short life span, for example- fashion trends, music tastes, hair trends, the human life compared to the life of a star. Yet we also see that many concepts have more of a cyclical nature such as economics, natural disasters, disease, the concept of seasons and even the cycle of night and day. Then there are those concepts that have existed for at least the entire 160,000 to 180,000 years of the history of the species Homo Sapiensthe same as we are today. These most notably are the symbols and words for religious terms. The concept of God or Gods. More recently we have the concept of the soul, of human beings also being divine such as Orpheus, Mithra, Jesus Christ. Systems of classification such as Christianity, where each concept interlinks with each other and references each other shows conclusively that classification has an enormous impact on the longevity and stability of concepts. The rules of classification therefore appear to play a significant role on the strength of a classification system and so the stability and longevity of terms associated with the classification system. Even if an individual concept is strongly challenged, the interlinking web of powerful symbolic imagery reacts by drawing each concept closer- thus neutralizing the challenge. For when concepts appear to be interlinked in meaning, the weakness of meaning of one can be compensated and protected by the strength of the others. In Catholicism for example, the concept of a "virgin birth" has long been a difficult and troublesome concept concerning the religious figure Mother Mary. Yet the sanctification by the Catholic Church of numerous real historical people who claimed divine assistance from worship and/or prayer to Mother Mary counteracts the weakness of the other. 2.10.3 The rules of classification All systems of classification have rules. All strong systems of

classification have strong, simple interlinking rules, such as rules of government, rules of the road, rules of law, rules of physics, rules of logic. The strength, simplicity, universal application and inter linkage all contribute to the strength of each individual rule system. The American Constitution of Government is one example, the Roman Christian Canon Law and the Ten Commandments are other good examples. 2.10.4 All systems of rules begin with fundamental "prime ideas" No matter how complex the classification methods, all systems of rules have a point of origin, called the "prime idea". Sometimes the "prime idea" breaks into a fundamental group of ideas- a philosophy, a creed, a mantra, a constitution, a treatise, a manifesto, a sacred text. The Declaration of Independence is one such excellent example of a prime idea (with Freemasonry insight) that underpins the Constitution of the United States of America.

July 4, 1776 In Congress, July 4, 1776, THE UNANIMOUS DECLARATION OF THE THIRTEEN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the Powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.
The concept of all human beings possessing a soul, as first developed under the Orphic religion ( Orpheus), then developed further under Plato, then to Gnostic and finally to the Christian religion is another excellent example of a prime idea. The immortality and bodily redemption of those deemed "worthy:, as developed by the Egyptians, through to Persia (Zoroastrianism 600BC) and then Christian and Muslim belief structures is another prime idea example. 2.10.5 Impact and influence of classification systems The way we view the world is profoundly influence by systems of classification. We purchase brand name products such as food, clothes, white goods and luxury products. We perform duties at work according to classified specifications and rules. We drive cars classified as registered according to classifications of road rules. We watch television and sports according to classifications of rules and of actions. Even the books and newspapers we read are because of the classifications of language. All these systems of rules, pervading all knowledge effectively presents

us a word is profoundly important. 2.10.6 The need to classify, the need to be certain While we might argue certain classification systems are faulty, or even unnecessary, classification systems are vital for making sense of patterns. Classification systems are the tools by which we learn. Without classification we would have no means of absorbing a thought into a sentence , of reciting life experiences, of formalizing observations of pattern, later to be called a "science". Classification systems have enabled the retention and transfer of knowledge from one generation to the next. The meaning of meanings- the wisdom of life. As our classification systems have improved so has our ability to observe patterns even if some patterns continue to seem elusive. 2.10.7 The influence of the prime idea by underlying "universal constants" Earlier we mentioned that documents such as the Declaration of Independence can be considered a Prime Idea for the United States of America and therefore its Constitution (formal set of rules of classification). Given the importance of the opening statement of the Declaration of Independence ( Prime Idea), what then do we understand the word "truth(s)" to actually mean? If you look at the opening statements, you can see that the word "truth", as well as "life", "liberty", "God", "happiness" are pivotal words. It is no wonder they remain pivotal words to the continued functioning of political and moral law of the United States of America. We call these words "Universal Constants". They are the concepts that provide the backbone of the prime idea. They are called "Universal Constants" because these concepts are seemingly timeless and unchanging, un debatable, unarguable in their nature. As constants, words such as "truth" or "freedom" cannot be argued on face value. 2.10.8 The need to identify and understand the Universal Constants Given their role and importance and given such a wide historical usage, we could assume that the meanings of truth, of God, of freedom, of reality, or fact are certain and therefore do not require investigation. However, as we mentioned earlier, what do you understand "truth" to be? What do you understand as freedom? or the people of another country think of 'reality"? Now understanding the power of classification and prime ideas, we now move to seek to understand "Universal Constants".


Historical "universal constants" of western classification systems

Since humanity first appeared, there have existed Universal Constants that underpin the prime ideas of each and every culture. Some of these have existed for tens of thousands of years and still underpin our understanding of present society. We will now look at some of these prime universal constants.


The Prime Universal Constant of God or God(s) The concept of higher physical and/or spiritual beings other than humans influencing the course of our lives is the oldest prime universal constant of humanity. We will discuss God(s) in more detail at a later date. But for now, we should consider that in human knowledge, the concept of God or God(s) still remains not only the oldest but also the most influential prime universal constant today. Every culture and every society ( except communism) has in some way religious connections with the concept of God or Gods existing. Regardless of what we have discussed so far, a great many readers believe in the existence of one Supreme God, or Gods.


The Prime Universal Constant of laws from God(s) The next most significant and long-term prime universal constant is the concept that God (or Gods) have given humanity certain immutable rules in regards to behaviour. Again, we will discuss these in more detail later. But for now, we recognize that the first and primary laws noted in the earliest cultures that underpin almost every religion is the belief that laws have been given to humanity by God (or Gods) and it is the duty of human beings to obey these laws.


The Prime universal constant of universal laws or "science" The earliest civilizations of Mesopotamia (Sumer, Akkadia), Egypt, Sth America (Olmecs, Mayans) shared strong understanding of mathematics and the knowledge that patterns exist everywhere in nature. As such, humanity over the thousands of years, from the formal mathematical works of the Greek Euclid (600BC) to the latest Nobel Prize winning discoveries has assimilated a wealth of knowledge

collectively understood as science. The concept of a science as a collection of facts, truths or even laws is a relatively modern concept (less than three hundred years old). Up until the nineteenth century, knowledge of how and why things work were considered branches of a wider concept of philosophy. There were no university courses to attend to qualify as a scientist of physics, chemistry or biology. For the most part, the pioneers in their respective fields for 1000 years were either enthusiasts, or educated clergy. Aristotle is considered the first Westerner to formalize the study of objects into a framework over 2000 years ago. Even during his time, the equivalent of sciences today were considered the " muses" (from which we derive the word 'music'). While many formulas, axioms and theories have changed over the centuries, the fundamentals have gradually strengthened to enable science to be recognizes as a prime universal constant in its own right. Today, the confidence in science is such that a number of readers of this book may regard science as a more credible prime universal constant than the concept of the existence of God(s). In stark contrast to the sum history of human discovery, modern divisions of science actively guard and control their respective disciplines, with formal training courses at university and post graduate study, rules of argument, and publishing new discoveries. Those that publish ideas or philosophy from outside this framework of "qualified experts" are largely ignored at best, or at worst ridiculed as not having demonstrated ability to make statements on such an expert subject. Science now has many dozens of immutable laws that are taught and considered as "absolutes" such as The Laws of Thermodynamics, The Periodic Table, Valency, Isotopes and Molecular Biology. These immutable laws underpin the foundations of all human technology, manufacturing and western education. 2.11.4 The Prime Universal Constant of truth The Prime Universal Constant of truth represents the most important linkage concept of both science and religion(the belief in God or Gods). In this way, the concept of truth represents a unique concept in being key to two universal constants normally seen as complete opposites of each other. Both the words "true" and "truth" have their origins from the word "troth". It is a word from the ancient Norse Pagan religion known as Asatru. Troth's original meaning was "faithfulness to the law of the Gods." It is also possible that the word troth has relationship to the ancient Egyptian god for wisdom and health- THOTH, accounting for the ANKH symbol, the ancient Egyptian cross symbol worn around the neck as a sacred charm by millions of believers 2000 years before the birth of Christ. The word "faithfulness", comes from the Old French words feid, and feit, which themselves were derived from the Latin fides, fidus meaning trustworthy.

With the early advent of Christianity, the word Troth lost its specific pagan meaning and came to mean "faithfulness, good faith, honesty and loyalty." At the same time, the word "triewe" (true) emerged, meaning "of persons steadfast in adherence to a commander, or friend, to a principle or cause to one's promises, or faith; firm in allegiance; faithful, loyal, consistent." In this original grouping of meanings, the most important concepts are loyalty and consistency. Secondly it is important to recognize that it is the individuals consistent display of loyalty that underpins the earliest meaning of the word "true". As the word "loyalty" in contemporary culture is interchangeable with the word truth, this ancient definition may not be entirely clear. The origins of the word "loyal" comes from Old French word loial and leial that themselves are derivations of the Latin legalis meaning " law." The word "honesty" comes from the Latin honour, meaning essentially respect, and/or reverence to rank. Later definitions of the word "truth" reinforced these beginnings, e.g." honest, honorable, upright, virtuous, trustworthy; of things reliable, constant", as in the writings of Milton " This way the noise was, if mine ear be true." In the middle of the 16th Century, truth confirmed its status as a scientific term with the meaning " agreeing with a standard, pattern, or rule; exact, accurate, precise, correct, right" (1550). It wasn't until the 17th Century that the word true took on the added meaning linking it to a concept of an underlying reality and linking it with the concept of fact, the 17C definition being " of a statement or belief consistent with FACT agreeing with REALITY representing the things as it is." Therefore we can see in the history of meanings attached to the word "truth", linkages to both the Universal prime constants of God(s) and Laws from God(s), as well as the emergence of science in the study of consistent pattern. 2.11.5 The Prime Universal Constant of reality An important prime universal constant developed and intimately linked to the prime universal constant of science is the concept of reality. Reality comes from the Latin word realis, which itself comes come from res= thing and rem=see. In the mid 16th century, the word real came to mean "that which is actually and truly such as its name implies; possessing the essential qualities denoted by its name; hence genuine, undoubted" (1559). Here we see with this definition a building block on the principle of consistency of action (true) to consistency of appearance of things (real). The Sun for example, consistently appears each day, as night also comes. The rain falls, the crops grow and die. We all die. Mountains remain and so on. The more consistent in appearance, the more we see stability in things, the more real they can be described. Around the beginning of the 17th century, the definition of real

developed further to mean " having an objective existence; actually existing as a thing." (1601). Real had now become a word defining what exists and what does not exist. The definition of real and the concept of reality now provided a benchmark by which it could be argued what is considered real and what is considered unreal case by case. As items could be defined as only one or the other, it did not take long to extend the definition to mean a collective reality. Around 1647 that is exactly what happened with the word reality taking on the meaning: "real existence; the aggregate of real things or existences that which underlies and is the truth of appearances or phenomena." Reality is now viewed, not simply as the individual perspective, but a collective concept, underlined by truth. 2.11.6 The Prime Universal Constant of Fact Fact comes from the ancient Latin word facere meaning "do, a thing done or performed." In its original meaning, there is no attempt to define fact as having actually occurred, nor of fact from non-fact for verification purposes. In the 16th century, the word fact came to be used interchangeably with the word truth and reality. Now the web of reality and the web of a concept of universal truth were established. The discoveries of Newton and Descartes in the next century enabled this definition to be expanded to mean " something that has REALLY occurred or is the case; hence a datum of experience as distinct from conclusions" (1632). 2.11.7 The Prime Universal Constant of Validity The word Valid comes from the three Latin words valere = be strong, validus= strong, validere= strengthen The important aspect of this definition is that it clearly outlines that valid arguments are arguments that are strong. An argument can be strong, not just by the detail, but by several other means: The perceived credibility of the person making the statement; The perceived authority of the person making the statement; The amount of coercion provided in making the statement. Thus valid arguments not only include those that are rationally explained, but those where sufficient force has been applied to coerce agreement as well as those proposed by individuals/organizations holding sufficient authority. Valid is the traditional idea that like virtual gladiators, ideas come to the Coliseum of knowledge of the period and do battle in front of the peers and eminent knowledge bearers of their field, who then decide in their wisdom which arguments have fought valiantly and which arguments do not deserve a second chance. Thus humanity has seen the vilification of a great many thinkers and the end to a great many ideas, not on their individual merit, but by often the strength and established foothold of the opposing speakers.

This we see is the way that so many arguments have gone and why so many arguments have resulted in the end of good ideas, not because the ideas themselves were flawed, but because they were placed forward in circumstances that were not strong enough to withstand the brunt of the opposing forces. An associated word to validity is the words "prove" and "proof" Both words come from the Latin stems probare= test, approve, demonstrate, also probus= good. Hence the original meaning of the word prove was "To make trial of, try, test". A further associated word to validity is the word "ratify" which comes from the Latin ratus, meaning "fixed", "established" and is the past participial of the word reri, meaning "think, reckon". The original meaning of the word was "To confirm, make valid (an act, compact, promise, etc)." Unlike the concept of a gladiatorial battle of ideas, the original application of the word ratify was in fast tracking via the system of imprimatur and the notion of divine right- that is to say that a person in authority may deem that what is stated is what is to be believed whether the statement or ideas are based upon some notion of common sense or not. 2.11.8 Summary of Prime Universal Constants As you can see by this section, the meanings of every day words we take for granted like "truth", "honesty" and "reality" are powerful constants supporting the complex world of politics, religion, science and society we have made. We can learn and understand much about our society and why things happen by just studying the origin and development of these universal constants. There are a number of Prime Universal Constants we have not discussed here, but will cover later. For the moment, it is hoped that we have shown clearly that all Prime Universal Constants have a history, original meanings and emerging interconnection between terms. We will now look at the historical tradition of category and rules of classification.


The historical tradition of category and rules of classification

Literally hundreds of classification systems have been created since the emergence of organized human civilization and knowledge. Essentially, all these rule and classification systems can be categorized into one of two main types of rule systems- bivalent and multivalent. The word valent, is derived from the Latin word valentia (power, competence) and valere (be powerful).


Bivalent systems The word Bivalent means essentially "two-power" or "two-choice". Bivalent systems are based on the prime idea that every sentence/statement in a given class of sentences is either true, or false with "truth" or "falsity" as the only possible alternatives. The earliest bivalent systems were based on the laws of the Gods being the "truth" and anything not conforming to these rules as being the "false", or "bad." Then around 300BC, the most successful and widely used thinking system in human history was invented and systematized by Aristotle in Ancient Greece into the science we now call logic.


Bivalent system- Logic Logic is derived from the practical problems of classification - how to define things. Aristotle, it's inventor, was interested in understanding of how everything fitted. Thus logic firstly is a method of classification. The second need was the ability to justify how and why something is classified the way it has been. At the time of Aristotle, without certain rules, arguments would rage for months between some minds- without coming to agreement on common terms, classifications. The early part of Greece philosophy was entirely engrossed on this point- the debate of different absolute systems for classification. Sometimes philosophy schools would take opposing sides, because they could. Using Aristotle's method of argument, something either is, or is not. Therefore, according to logic, something cannot be and not-be at the same time. Such arguments are considered illogical. Further, Aristotle saw as an immediate byproduct of the argument of logic was that by knowing the relationships of some knowledge, other knowledge (pattern) might be deduced. The more that is classified, the more knowledge can be derived from pattern. Thus logic has been a very important and powerful tool over the past two and a half thousand years. By combining a method of classification on a or b and applying a "law of excluded middle", arguments could be strongly applied. Thus logic provides a powerful method of judgment and securing

success between the argument of ideas. Because of logic's ability to (1) enable clear classification and (2) judgment and justification of classification (often self referenced), arguments that are framed in a strong "logical" structure are considered superior to those that are not. To individuals and organizations desiring their arguments to be successful, the system of logic did and still does present an irresistible vehicle for structuring their view of the world. The formal system was (and still is) extremely popular with organized religions as a method of arguing points of belief (theology), considering the close parallel between the bivalent system of the "law of god(s)" and logic. Today, an area of human research and endeavor is not considered a science, or scientific unless it adheres rigorously to logic. Logic is the backbone, the fundamental premise upon which every science and social science - the entire knowledge based of humanity is largely based. In a bizarre twist, most views of the modern world of human philosophy place religion at one end of the spectrum with science at the other. Yet to religions such as Christianity, logic is just as important tool and Aristotle just as important figure as the articles of faith that are proclaimed. Aristotle created a box, then rules for the box, justifying the box. A or B- everything either fits or doesn't fit. Everything fits something best once. Thus bivalent logic was created and remains intertwined with almost every part of our lives every day, whether we know it or not. 2.12.3 Multivalent systems Multivalent systems as the name implies are those that offer more than two choices. Unlike bivalent systems, no serious formal development of a multivalent system emerged until the 20th century with the development of "fuzzy" logic. As opposed to logic, fuzzy logic refutes the notion that statements must conform to the notion "a or not-a." Instead, fuzzy logic states 100% a and 100% not-a as the boundaries, with most statements falling somewhere in the middle. As this is the "grey" area between black and white logic, the term fuzzy was coined in the 1960's to denote the difference between this system. Fuzzy logic has enjoyed a strong popularity in technical application in Eastern countries in the past few years, with this system of rules classification being used to create "intelligent" machines such as dishwashers that can detect the level of grime and modify the cleaning cycle, as well as air-conditioning units that can detect the internal air temperature of the room and maintain optimum temperature. More recently, fuzzy logic or "multivalent" logic has been adopted as a method by which natural rules may be applied to increase intelligence in robotics and the pursuit of AI- artificial intelligence in machines.

The history of reason, rationality and rules of argument

There are few words more quoted in the contemporary social sciences of economics, philosophy and behavioral science than the word "rational". The concept of "rational behaviour" underpins many of the major theories associated with contemporary economic prediction and modeling. Similarly, rationality is seen as an essential component to coherent workable societies. At this point, we neither seek to discuss or debate those theories that rely upon adequate definition of the word rational, or associated words. What we seek is a better understanding of the family history of the word rationality and its associated words- what it originally meant, where did it come from? 2.13.1 The origin of reason The words rational, rationality and rationalism have their heritage of meaning from the English word reason. Let us then begin with an understanding of this word. The English word comes from Medieval English (res(o)un), reson, reisun and the Old French word raison which are all translations from the original Latin stem reri meaning "think, reckon". Hence, reason is by birth of meaning, is also related to the development of the word rate and ratify. reri (the origin of reason) by definition is associated with two concepts that initially appear similar, but on closer investigation are quite distinct. Thinking is in common sense terms a summary of the general processes of cognitive thought, normally associated with just human beings, but equally applicable to all animals with brain tissue and nervous systems. Reckoning on the other hand is a specific cognitive process involving judgment and calculation, usually based around some formal system of measure. Therefore, we see in the origins of the word reason a mixture of two primary meanings at once general and formal. It should not be surprising then that the development of meanings attached to the word reason have continued to mix both general and formal definitions to one word, depending on circumstance, intent and in many cases convenience. Listed below are a summary of the significant definitions attached to the word reason since its adoption into Old English at the beginning of the 13th to 14th century:

A ground, or cause of, or for, something (1400's 1500's) A fact or circumstance forming, or alleged as forming, a ground or motive leading, or sufficient to lead, a person to adopt or reject some course of action or procedure, belief (1400's to 1500's) A fact, procedure, or state of things in some way dependent upon human action or feeling (1500's, 1600's)

That intellectual power or faculty (usually regarded as characteristic of mankind, but sometimes also attributed to the lower animals) which is ordinarily employed in adapting thought or action to some end; the guiding principle of the human mind in the process of thinking (1500's, 1600's) To think in a connected, sensible, or logical manner, to employ the faculty of reason in forming conclusions (1593). A statement of some fact (real or alleged) employed as an argument to justify or condemn some act, prove or disprove some assertion, idea, or belief (1600). To argue, discourse, converse, talk (1667) Of a fact, event, or thing not dependent on human agency (1700's) (logic) One of the premises in an argument; especially the minor premise when placed after the conclusion (1826)
2.13.2 The battle for reason It should not be surprising given our understanding of the family heritage of the word reason that so many and varied definitions of the word should exist. From its very birth, the word has remained both general and at once specific and formal. This has not only resulted in the word suffering from a chronic lack of clarity and consistency of meaning, but also at the same time made the word highly attractive for incorporation into philosophical ideologies. In looking at the list of historical meanings attached to the word, we see the origins of reason positioned in fairly general and liberal terms. In effect, we see reason meaning the outline and discussion of cause, without need of great formality. However, by the late 16th and early 17th Century, reason quickly developed into a word implying formal systems of argument and thought processes. Suddenly reason, no longer meant thinking and reckoning, but a formal system of thinking and reckoning. By the mid 17th Century, reasoning took on the added meaning as a formal system of proof of thinking and reckoning. No longer was the act of following a certain system or procedure of thinking and/or reckoning sufficient, proof is also required. Finally, we see reason culminating in the 19th Century with reason becoming a term associated with the formal system of argument called logic. By this stage, reason now is a word associated and entrapped by the formal system of argument and proof called Logic. Reason no longer can stand on its own. It is a word conquered by the forces of logic. Free thought is not the same as reason any more. Reason is a formal system of thought and reckoning associated with logic. Nor can the word reason be associated with common sense as it is now clearly shown that the word does not rely on definition similar to common sense.


The definition of rational All systems of classification have rules. All strong systems of classification have strong, simple interlinking rules, such as rules of government, rules of the road, rules of law, rules of physics, rules of logic. The strength, simplicity, universal application and inter linkage all contribute to the strength of each individual rule system. The American Constitution of Government is one example, the Roman Christian Canon Law and the Ten Commandments are other good examples.


All systems of rules begin with fundamental ideas The word is derived from Late Medieval English. The word originates from the Latin root rationalis, from the Latin word ratio. Historical definitions include:

Based on, derived from reason or reasoning (1531) (mathematics) Applied to quantities or ratios which can be expressed without the use of radical signs (1570) Of, pertaining or relating to reason. (1601) Agreeable to reason; reasonable, sensible; not foolish, extravagant or absurd (1601) Having the faculty of reasoning; endowed with reason. (1632) Exercising one's reason in a proper manner (1632) Having sound judgment, sensible, sane (1632)
Rational originally developed as an adjective, describing the quality of persons or things reflecting the nature of reason in its formal sense. later, it developed (as you can see) as a reinforcement to the selling of reason as the only system of thought and reckoning. Therefore, not to follow reason is to be unreasonable, not to follow rationalism is to be irrational. Given reason and rationalism are now integrated into the bi-valent system of thinking, multi-valent by definition is classified as unreasonable and irrational. Thus the contemporary meanings and usage of reason and rationale significantly strengthen the bivalent (black or white) approach.


The inescapable web of logic

At the beginning of this chapter we outlined the common sense understanding that we are profoundly influenced by the systems of classification around us. Yet how often are we aware of the true meaning of the words we use on a daily basis (such as truth for instance)? Are we fully conscious of the sticky an virtually inescapable web of logic?


The mastery of hidden self reference Earlier, we introduced a range of concepts called Prime Universal Constants that underpin almost all of the major rule systems of every society and system of humanity. While we did not outline every prime universal constant, we considered the original definitions of: (religion) God or Gods Laws from Gods Truth faith loyalty, honesty reality fact Validity Reason Rationality Upon closer inspection of these words we use daily, whether we believe in God or not, is that they are built upon multiple meanings that then link each word in a sticky web of circular self-reference back to the concept of Logic- a or b, black or white, right or wrong. If you choose to speak English and if you choose to use these words in any way (as even the author is forced to do at this point) then you (a) cannot escape the multiple meanings attached to these words and (b) their link back to logic. (science) Universal laws (science)


These prime universal constants represent the pillars of our society The importance of dwelling for a moment on these prime universal constants is that they represent the fundamental pillars of our society. They are intertwined with our concepts of law, of government, of justice, of religion and even of basic human behaviour. None of this itself is necessarily negative, except for the "fact" that these concepts in themselves all represent words with multiple, sometimes opposing meanings. For example, a contemporary understanding of validity might be "correct, true", yet the hidden meaning of validity is more aligned to "whatever the leaders say is true is true." If you choose to design an argument that differs in anyway to logic, you cannot by definition consider using any of the prime universal constants listed above:- for they have been carefully repositioned to reinforce the web of logic.

So strong has this sticky web of logic been that bivalent classification remains virtually unchallenged even after 2,300 years.

The nature of paradox

Imagine a postcard on which one side is written the statement "What is stated on the other side is true" and on the other side is the statement "This statement is false". When combined, both statements create a circular argument- if false, then true, and/or if true, then false. The word "paradox" is most often used to describe such examples and statements such as "before the universe existed, UCA both did and didn't exist". The word itself is derived from the Greek words para (para) meaning 'alongside of, by, past, beyond' and doxa (opinion) . Originally paradox simply meant "a statement contrary to received opinion or belief; sometimes with favorable, sometimes with unfavorable connotation. However, around 1569, the word was given the meaning "a statement that is seemingly self contradictory or absurd, thought possibly well funded or essentially true." In science, paradoxes are considered the most loathsome of arguments as the heart of science is the quest for provable knowledge- a or b, true or false. Paradoxes of self-reference have the same form. They both assert and deny themselves. They have the logical form of a contradiction. A AND not-A, and they vex mathematicians and Western philosophers. Paradoxes of self reference have the same form:

A implies not-A, and not A implies A. So A and not-A are logically equivalent: A = not-A. The Yin Yang equation. So they have the same truth values: t(A) = t(not-A). Here we face a bivalent contradiction of either 0 = 1 or 1 = 0.
2.15.1 The use of the proof theory reducio ad absurdum As mentioned earlier, paradoxes are hated with a passion within western schools of knowledge, all of which are built upon the logic framework of argument. Therefore, for a new theory to be accepted within the current structure of any accepted western science, it must by definition be devoid of any paradoxes. The most popular method of defining paradoxes out of existence is the proof strategy reductio ad absurdum, whereby an assumption is made and then shown to lead to contradictions or "absurdities". Once this is achieved, the principle assumption made can be denied as defective. However, the theory of reductio ad absurdum only works if the combatants choose to meet on the field of logic, but one system of thinking. On the multivalent field of argument, reductio ad absurdum does not work.

For bivalent logicians, this presents no problem as multivalent by definition is argued as "unreasonable" and "irrational" (see the previous section for an explanation of this argument). As a result, few scholars accept to do battle on the field of multi valence. 2.15.2 The great 20th century plan to eliminate paradoxes Apart from the success of the reductio ad absurdum method of eliminating opposing ideas to your own, the early part of the 20th Century saw one of the most ambitious projects ever undertaken- the goal to eliminate all paradoxes from formal mathematics- creating the perfect book of truth. One of the main players in this quest was Bertrand Russell who in the 1920's set out to methodically write out all the axioms of mathematics to continue the work of the Boolean algebra language of expressing "logical arguments. The word not only seemed hopeful, but a certainty. For the world of science at this point arrogantly believed that mathematics had developed to such a point that all that was required to do was simply create a clear system and add up all the axioms. However, after progressing relatively quickly, Russell's project came to an abrupt brick wall- the concept of the set of all sets. Simply, the problem rested on the argument "if the definition of a set of things is that it does not belong to itself, but a higher set of thingswhat does the set of all sets belong?" If the answer is itself, then the set of all sets is not a set as well as a set- a self referencing paradox. If the answer is no sets, then it is not a set and no sets can exist by logic. 2.15.3 Godel and the destruction of the grand plan There are many propositions in mathematics to which no exceptions have been found and yet, no proofs have been obtained to demonstrate whether they are true or not. As an instance, all perfect numbers known today are even numbers, we have no reason to believe that odd perfect numbers exist, but no proof has been found to demonstrate their nonexistence. Before 1931 it was believed that the axioms of arithmetic were consistent and adequate to prove or disprove any mathematical conjecture. However, in 1931, Kurt Godel, Czech- American mathematician and logician, published his famous incompleteness, or undecidability theorem stating that any consistent formal system adequate to describe arithmetic must contain statements which can neither be proven nor disproved within this system ( in other words paradoxes). At the same time, Alfred Tarski, Polish-American mathematician and logician, studied the notion of truth in formal systems. Godels argument is simple. Let us say we wish to show a proof that 1 + 1 = 2. Our common sense tells us the answer and proof is self evident. However, in a formal process we must start with defining the variables. Therefore we begin: Let 1 = the unit of 1

This appears fine doesn't it? What then supports the argument 1 = 1? For if there is no defined truth that supports the argument 1 = 1, then this definition is merely an assumption, not a truth. Taken to extreme, we would require an infinite array of definitions 1 = 1, 1 = 1 ... 8 to support 1 = 1 as fact. Since no definition can be proven as being true and all formulas rely on their definitions then no formula in any scientific definition can be considered 100% true ( in spite of often vigorous arguments to the contrary.) While Godel and Tarski discovered that every mathematical formula can be deconstructed to a state of incompleteness, one and only one statement stood out as being both complete and 100% true. The problem was that the same statement also appeared 100% false. 1 = 0. The purest mathematical language to describe the paradox. 2.15.4 The implication of Godel's discovery That paradoxes exist in mathematics at their heart might not appear all that earth shattering, until you consider the implication that all mathematical axioms must begin from a paradox. Not surprisingly, few people outside mathematics circles have heard of Godel's incompleteness theorem and the implication that ALL mathematical theories at best are based on assumptions as no theory can be 100% proven. For the most part, mathematicians and scientists continue to advance their respect fields, largely ignoring the theorem. By Godel's discovery and the work of Bertrand Russell, all systems of classification of absolute systems- must by definition begin with the primary paradox. We call this primary paradox- UCA- Unique Collective Awareness. In other words, Godel and Tarski proved in 1931 that UCA exists at the heart of mathematics.

The multi-valent nature of the universe

In defining logic and multi-valency, we see two seemingly opposing methods of argument, one embracing the nature of paradox, the other denying its valid existence. The question therefore is- is the universe representative of logic or multi-valent systems? 2.16.1 The hidden hand of "normalizing" and "filter" to make things fit Are the results of science influenced by category or the other way around? When we consider the massive system of categorization of human science it is easy to think that all measurement is accurate and consistent. But in the "real" world, nothing could be further from the truth. Science has a range of tools which are accepted as valid to legitimately "modify" data from observations. These are variously classed as "rounding", "normalizing" or "weighting" information. The latitudes enable scientists and statisticians to change information into a different format. Usually this includes the requirement to state and error rate. The result of these techniques is significant variance in key measurements across various scientific centres as the methods of experiment and methods of measurement often vary. 2.16.2 Nothing is absolute. Everything is a matter of degree No where is the evidence of the underlying multi-valent nature of the universe more apparent than in considering the measurement and classification of the life and death of objects. For instance, the debate as to whether women may legally apply for a medically induced foetal termination (abortion) is one of societies most passionate debates. In some places, abortion is considered illegal. In others, it has been decriminalized while in others such as the United States, it is considered legal. Some countries such as China and India even have punitive measures encouraging abortions to stem the issue of large families and over population. Whatever view a person may have regarding the abortion debate, the definition of when a human life actually begins is crucial to the arguments of both main issue groups- pro-life (anti-abortion) and pro choice ( pro abortion).. Using logic as the basis of argument, an argument requires a line in the sand to be born. Pro-life says life begins from conception, therefore abortion is legalized murder. pro-choice prefer to argue that a foetus only emerges as a complete human later in pregnancy (after

the initial 14 week window where termination can occur without serious medical risk to the woman). Both groups, using logic have firmly dug in and in several cases have developed zealous tendencies in supporting their arguments , such as cases in America where doctors performing terminations have been attacked and even murdered. However, medical science has shown that the development of a human life is a continuous growth cycle from conception to birth and beyond, with different periods of emphasis and complexity. In other words, the real world says life is a continuous process of change, with no logical line in the sand. In a multivalent world, a human at conception is 0.000000000001% developed, at 14 weeks is 0.5% developed and at 17 to 20 years is 100% developed and considered physically an adult. There are many examples in nature where logic is unable to properly categorize into one category the multi-valent nature of an animal. The Australian freshwater Platypus is as classic example, with its warm blood, beaver like coat, webbed feet and bill like a duck. 2.16.3 The problem of constant motion Then we have the concept of constant motion of particles (something we will discuss in more detail later in this book). With the analysis of small particles we see the world is in constant motion. Therefore our measurements are only accurate for that period of time, in that place, given the prevailing conditions. Logic seeks to imply these results apply to all conditions ( absolute). Multi-valency on the other hand states that these results accurately represent one set of conditions in a possible range of conditions. 2.16.4 The universe is an absolute system Finally, we have sciences own definition of the universe as an absolute system- the largest set of all things. If we then consider the arguments earlier by Russell and Godel, that all absolute systems have at their heart a paradox, then by western standards, the universe is multivalent.


A problem- how to discuss multi valence with logic based constants?

While common sense and our own observation shows that the universe in which we live is multivalent, not bivalent, we have a serious problem: how do you discuss any alternative model using the same logic based Prime Universal Constants?


The Prime Universal Constants of western philosophy belong to bivalence not multi valence As attached we may be to the Prime Universal Constants below, they belong to the human world of bivalence (right and wrong, black and white, a or b), not the world that is the Earth, Solar System, Galaxy and Universe. (religion) God or Gods Laws from Gods Truth faith loyalty, honesty reality fact Validity Reason Rationality Trying to build any kind of model using these words, would result in bivalence being reintroduced into the argument. Yet intertwined amongst the multiple meanings of these words are some important concepts which we cannot ignore in any model of existence. (science) Universal laws (science)


The only alternative is to re-cast the Prime Universal Constants If we wish to consider a multivalent model of the world in which we live, then there is only one alternative to the problem of the current Prime Universal Constants: to re-cast in light of multi valence

The re-cast prime universal constants- the Primus DA

In re-casting prime universal constants suitable for a multi-valent model, we begin with the first key concepts associated with existence: existence is nothing As you can see, this list of concepts is different to the list of Prime Universal Constants outlined so far. Therefore we use a different set of words to separate this list from the list of Prime Universal Constants that underpin other models. We call these concepts the PRIMUS DA, in respect of their fundamental purpose and nature in respect to existence and creation. Primus stands for first, "prime", while DA stands for a symbolic meaning ( a concept attached to a symbol, and/or words). Similar to the understanding of the function of Prime Universal Constants, Primus DA's underpin the Prime Idea we term UCA (Universal Collective Awareness). (1) The Primus DA of IS-NOT Is-not is defined as the primary and absolute non-idea that defines the boundary of IS and itself. Anything that is, is and must necessarily exist within the bounds of IS. IS-NOT shall always remain a non-idea, for if it were to be realised, then IS-NOT would then by definition become part of IS, by virtue of being an idea. -->IS (2) The Primus DA of IS Is is defined as the primary absolute realizable idea of existence of all that exists now, including all that existed at some previous moment (WAS) and all that comes into existence in the near present and future (BE). -->IDEA (3) The Primus DA of IDEA The smallest unit of thought or MEANING, the elementary constituent of beliefs or assertions. -->MEANING (4) The Primus DA of MEANING The sense, inference, idea(s), connotation, reference and or denotation implied by a grouping of symbols to form a unique combination, normally arranged according to defined rules. -->RULES OF MEANING (EXISTENCE) (5) The Primus DA of NOTHING Nothing is defined as the primary realizable idea of IS-NOT IN ACTION, without number, quantity nor value within the boundaries of IS. Nothing, by definition is the purest idea in that it is the only idea that defines only itself. However, as nothing remains a realizable idea, nothing is also something- pure endless realizable idea. Nothing, therefore is also the primary universal PARADOX. Nothing also defines the universal minimum. non-existence is not

-->MINIMUM -->SOMETHING (6) The Primus DA of ABSOLUTE Absolute is defined as the largest possible concept of all things combining into one thing. Absolute is defined as a maximum. -->MAXIMUM (7) The Primus DA of PARADOX A belief or assertion that states A = not-A to some degree, thereby resulting in the inability for a statement to be made that is 100% true or false. (8) The Primus DA of EXISTENCE That which is the self realizable and self aware idea within IS. The difference to NOTHING and EXISTENCE is defined by existence (a) self awareness of the idea and (b) the idea having form in dimension. (9) The Primus DA of UNIQUE COLLECTIVE AWARENESS The principle awareness of IS that it IS what is and all it was and can be. As such, awareness is defined as universal, non locational and collective at the same time. -->SELF AWARENESS The application of these concepts (Primus DA's) throughout this text The Primus DA as defined above are crucial concept definitions to enable the proper understanding of the model UCA- Universal Collective Awareness. Similar to how Prime Universal Concepts enable prime ideas and rules of classification to be developed, the Primus DA's enable prime ideas to be created and relationships to be established. The first and most important "prime idea" associated with UCA based upon the Primus DA's stated above, is the Prime Idea of "LOGOS".

The concept of LOGOS

Earlier we discussed the Prime Idea of Logic, the system of thinking, categorization and argument created over two and a half thousand years ago. We also discussed how this prime idea of thinking, rules of classification and argument underpins almost the entire structure of human knowledge and education on Earth. We now see clearly that there are other methods of thinking, classification and argument that exist, such as multi-valency. That real word examples point toward the concept of multi-valance ("everything is a matter of degree") as being a more precise model of thinking, classification and argument than logic. However, without an alternative formal system of thinking, classification and argument to consider, the observations of multi-valency do not necessarily provide substantial benefit. LOGOS therefore is a formal system of absolutes, thinking, classification and argument that represents the fundamental absolutes, thinking, classification and argument system of UCA and the Universe. The word Logos is used to define this formal system in respect to the original meanings of the word and its heritage as the basis upon which the word "logic" was created. As such Logos precedes the word Logic. 4.9.1 The structure of LOGOS 2.19.1 The structure of LOGOS LOGOS is based upon a series of statements of relationships between the Primus DA's called the "Absolute DIA's" with primus meaning "first" and DIA representing the meaning of a "statement constructed of two or more DA's". A founding principle of LOGOS is that these relationships between Primus DA do not change under any circumstance. As such they represent a sent of constant "prime ideas". The Absolute DIA's are then divided into categories, according to their specific reference in respect of creation and meaning: 1. UCADIA - The Constant Prime Ideas based around the prime idea of UCA 2. UNIDIA- The Constant Prime Ideas based around the prime idea of the Universe 3. CORDIA- The Constant Prime Ideas based around the prime idea of life. We will outline the categories of UNIDIA and CORDIA later in the book, after we have outlined a number of concepts. However, we have discussed enough to outline the first category of Absolute DIA's- the UCADIA: 2.19.2 THE UCADIA (Absolute DIA) The UCADIA are statements that are self-verifying. They are statements

that are correct in all situations on ALL applications. As such, they are the first principles of UCA: Infinite IS (now moment) Infinite IS NOT Infinite INFINITE (1) INFINITE IS (now moment) 1. IS IS IS IS IS IS x 8 (2) INFINITE IS NOT 1. IS NOT IS NOT IS NOT x 8 (3) INFINITE INFINITE 1. INFINITE IS INFINITE IS x 8 (4) INFINITE NOTHING 1. IS NOT IS no- THING x 8 3. some-THING IS existence x 8 5. every THING IS ABSOLUTE x 8 (5) INFINITE IDEA 1. Nothing IS Idea x 8 3. Awareness IS Existence 5. Matter of degree IS Everything (5) INFINITE MOTION 1. UCA IS motion 3. fluid (ever changing) IS thought 5. Awareness in motion IS matter of degree (relative) x 8 (6) INFINITE UCA 1. Absolutely Unique IS Unique Collective Awareness 3. Life IS Creation x 8 5. Existence IS verification (relative) x 8 2. UCA IS Life x 8 4. Creation IS existence x 8 6. verification IS perception 2. motion IS fluid (every changing) 4. Thought IS awareness in motion 6. Matter of degree IS Absolutely unique 2. Idea IS Awareness x 8 4. Existence IS Matter of degree 6. Everything IS Unique Collective Awareness 2. No-THING IS someTHING x 8 4. existence IS every THING x 8 6. ABSOLUTE IS Nothing x8 Infinite NOTHING Infinite UCA Infinite ABSOLUTE

7. perception IS everything 9. Important IS life not time 2.19.3

8. Nothing IS absolute about life

The second layer of structure of LOGOS- the principles of thinking, argument and classification based upon the Absolute DIA- The Genesis IDEAS Through the relationships established in the three categories of Absolute DIA's (UCADIA, UNIDIA and CORDIA), LOGOS enables us to consider a set of principles upon which rules for thinking, classification and argument may be based. These are called the GENESIS IDEA's, or the ORDO's. Similar to the Absolute DIA's, (upon which they are based) the ORDOS are categorized into a range of headings, including: The Ordos of Existence The Ordos of Identity The Ordos of Pattern The Ordos of Effect The Ordos of Argument We have discussed sufficient concepts so far to outline the Ordos of Existence, Categorization, Identity and Contradiction for the moment. The other categories will be outlined later in the book after preparatory concepts are defined. The Ordos of Categorization The Ordos of Contradiction The Ordos of Cause The Ordos of Ratios


THE ORDOS (PRINCIPLES) OF EXISTENCE (1) All thoughts and actions are governed by the Absolute DIA's (3) I EXIST (5) I am what I am (7) Once something is created, nothing is uncreated (2) All existence is governed by the Absolute DIA's (4) I am who I am (6) I am ALL and ALL is me


THE ORDOS (PRINCIPLES) OF CATEGORISATION (1) All things belong to the category of things. There is no higher category except nothing. (3) The category of nothing ( no-thing) belongs to ALL things as no-thing is also a thing. (5) A thing belongs to as many subcategories as may be determined by the (2) Nothing belongs to a category of itself (4) The category of things may be divided into sub categories of named things (6) All categorization of things reflects the

nature and usage of the category of named things. (7) A thing may be categorized into a subcategory based on its commonality with other things according to the rules of UCA. (3) THE ORDOS (PRINCIPLES) OF IDENTITY (1) A thing is itself absolutely and separate to other things in lesser degrees (3) A = not-A to some degree (4)

grouping of various things according to the laws of UCA.

(2) The descriptions of A shall never = 0 , or 8, but a fraction of both

THE ORDOS (PRINCIPLES) OF CONTRADICTION (1) Nothing is 100% true or 100% false. All other things are true and false to some degree. (3) A = not-A to some degree (2) A proposition is both true and false to more or less degree


A new set of thinking tools upon which to consider the nature of creation and the knowledge of the universe While a significant amount of what has been stated over the past few pages may appear foreign and difficult for some readers to initially grasp, Logos will be a vital "thinking" tool over the coming chapters as we seek to understand the nature and behaviour of the universe around us and ourselves. By providing practical examples of the principles of Logos in motion, we hope that these principles will become more familiar and potentially useful for the reader's own applications.


The use of color in the logic/logos debate

One of the stranger discussions about the debate between A or B vs A and B to some degree, is the comparative use of colour to describe the difference. Supporters of logic say that logic can be described as a quest to define what is "black" and "white". In this classic argument, good/true is white and bad/false is black. This use of white and black imagery is powerful, for it ties into the argument of absolutes- life/death, day/night, summer/winter. In contrast, multi-valence (A and B to some degree) is described as a mixture of black and white ( grey). Our law makers, our politicians, our traditional religious teachers are all regular exponents of the colour example of defining and justifying the various positions such as "there are only two choices. the choices are black and white, or the facts are in black and white.." However, instead of generally positive and irrefutable images associated with white/black definition, grey is seen as representing blurred, muddy, uncertain thinking; chaotic = defective, not perfect. In other words, the colour descriptions used by supporters of logic to describe the differences, for some reason seem to favour logic over logos.


Is there any perfect example of pure black or white in the Universe? The funny thing is that once we step out of the theoretical world of using colours to describe arguments of logic and into the "real" world of science, we discover that in fact there are no perfect examples of pure black or white existing anywhere in nature. In effect, every hue, every object, every dot on a newspaper, or a printed page is a composite of black and white to some degree- or grey. The very grey, that logicians accuse multi-valence of being.


Logos and colour Instead of viewing Logos as grey, let us consider the idea that Logos is a beautiful mix of all the possibilities between pure black and whitenamely colour. That composites of ideas of a writer, or a poet can be compared to the palette of a painter - word pictures that with the right phrase, with a certain mix of ideas can paint a landscape as colorful as any Van Gogh. That the world of grey is the denying of the existence and beauty of composites- that everything is a matter of degree- that there are no absolute truths, no absolute falsities- that the origin is the paradox- the paradox of creation. From now on, instead of using the black/white versus grey analogy, we define logic as being grey- a grey world that separates, that isolates and that denies the common sense before our eyes, versus the rich, colorful full mosaic of Logos- of multi-valence- where every colour is possible.


The rules of classification As strange as the language associated with Logos may appear on first reading, Logos is vital in understanding that the very heart of the model of Unique Collective Awareness is inclusive. "Nothing is absolute. Everything is a matter of degree" implies that every theory we have discussed and will discuss possesses an element of truth. Every science, every religion has an element of truth. This means that every thought of humanity from the very beginning until now has value. Logos empowers us to see that we no longer need to view ideas doing battle for validity. What we are looking for is the common thread of all truth in everything, not a new idea that supercedes or replaces important current thoughts. Muslim, Christian, Mormon, Jew, Hindu are all correct to some degree. The issue may be viewed as either the similarities or the differences.

2.21 What is right? what is wrong?

It is inevitable with any text that lays claim to such a wide utility that individuals and groups of individuals will seek to attack the model. There reasons may include: o Having created alternative models that do not subscribe to the same concepts; o Being employed to protect or use alternative models that do no subscribe to the same concepts o A supporter of an alternative model (or models) that do not subscribe to the same concepts. o being employed to criticize new concepts and attempt to find greatness ( e.g. some specialist journalists). We welcome all active investigation of the model and active debate. however, we point out the following criteria is essential before anyone can legitimately lay claim to negatively commenting on part or all of this model: (1) (2) (3) That this text has been read before criticizing part or all of it; That the basis of criticism is focused on the utility value and target outcomes- the usefulness of the model to the critic. (3) A critic has no right to say what is useful and not useful to another human being. Anyone who subscribes to this train of thought is guilty of imposing their will on others and breaching the fundamental freedoms of fellow human beings. Differences of the model in itself cannot be argued as a flaw. Again, the only objective form of criticism is relevant to the individual and in terms of the utility value and usefulness of the model. UCA is a model- an idea. There is no claim that what you will be reading is fact, no claim that it is 100% right and other theories are 100% wrong. Ultimately it is your choice as to whether you find what you read is useful or not.



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3.1 The quest for understanding

The question of the purpose and meaning of creation is as old as recorded human thought. Why was the universe created? Who or what created the universe? For what purpose? What is the universe ultimately made of? The human need to find answers or an answer to these questions, has pushed our quest in hundreds of directions, from the investigation of what makes up atoms to towards the heavens of stars and galaxies. From the earliest times of organized permanent settlements of humans, many tens of thousands of years ago, historians have found ancient remains of human created star observatories in Europe, the Americas, Africa and Asia, . We still have remnants of recorded thought from ancient cultures in the Tigris/Euphrates region, Sth America and Egypt and what they conceptualized were the answers to these questions on the creation of the Universe. Then we have the mountain of accumulated human reflection on these questions from the time of famous thinkers such as Buddha, Mohammed, Galileo, the Christian scholars, Descartes, Einstein and tens of thousands of others, filling hundreds of thousands of pages on bookshelves around the world. Humanity now has multi-billion dollar machines that can smash small pieces of matter to try to understand what we and the Universe are made of, while at the same time we have billion dollar Earth based and now space based telescopes, looking far out into space towards the known boundaries of the Universe. Never before has humanity had access to such fantastic machinery to smash matter and look far out into space, to formulate with super computers, possible models of behaviour of the Universe. Yet, for all our inventions, for all our thinking, we do not yet have anything more than conceptual models as to why was the universe created? Who or what created the universe? For what purpose? What is the universe ultimately made of? Some scientists and students of science may disagree; they may argue that the accumulated mountains of experiment data and carefully crafted mathematical equations running on machines capable of processing millions of bits of data a second represent "proof" of their models being true. The same people may argue that such models as the Standard Model of matter and hundreds of scientific laws represent a comprehensive model in itself. However, we are still to see seamless unified theory of matter that explains every particle and every structure in the universe, from the smallest possible to the largest. We are still to see a unified model of every force in the universe that is consistent from the smallest levels of matter through to the largest structures of super clusters of galaxies.

More than these gaps, for all that searching, for all that knowledge, there still does not yet exist a complete and unified scientific model that answers why was the universe created? Who or what created the universe? For what purpose? What is the universe ultimately made of?

3.2 The human need to understand

When so much poverty, so much war has existed in the world for thousands of years, why has so much effort been expended on a quest that still has not yielded a definitive unified answer? Scientists in the associated field of particle (small pieces of matter) research tell us that at the heart of their quest is to find a unified model of the universe that will give humanity unprecedented capacity to change matter to its own ends. They point to the tremendous energy locked away in every atom, in every piece of rock and structure throughout the universe. They describe a future where humanity one day, through knowing the secrets of why? what? how? of the universe would allow human beings the ability to create clean and endless power supplies, create food from matter, to possibly even travel back or forward in time. Given the current state of the life ecosystem of Earth and humanity's desire to sustain, the unlocking of such secrets they say would help the human species overcome its shackles and truly give us real hope of surviving well into the future. From the perspective of the basic modern human psyche, the quest for understanding, we are told, is about discovering our position and overall purpose in the grand design of the universe. We are told by philosophers and organized religions that the answers for such questions give meaning to our existence and provide some underlying rules for the living of human life. Certainly, we live in an age where many traditional approaches seem to be failing. In the wealthiest countries, it is the most educated that control the majority of wealth. But, you only have to step outside your home and visit a convenience store, or a cafe, or a friends house to hear people talk about how "unhappy" and "unfulfilled" their lives or maybe the life of someone they know might appear. Lately, it appears that every few months a new survey points to the poor state of mental health and explosion of mental illnesses in every country across the globe. We are told that teenage suicide rates in certain countries such as the United States, Canada, Australia and the UK for example, have never been higher. These reasons and our own individual curiosity continues to push us to seek answers to the fundamental questions:- Why was the universe created? Who or what created the universe? For what purpose? What is the universe ultimately made of?

3.3 Most popular theories on the origin of the

As you would expect from several thousands of years of questioning and thinking, there are thousands of variations on the questions of the purpose, nature and substance of the Universe. Different cultures at different periods in time of human existence have had their own way of explaining an understanding of the Universe. We discuss a number of these in greater detail further into this book. But for all the alternative answers that still exist to the present day, three principle theories fundamentally underline the beliefs of the majority of modern human thought:- o That God (or Gods) created the Universe and was present before the universe was created o That the Universe created itself o That the Universe has always existed. Theory (1) That God(Or Gods) Created The Universe The theory that a single "God" , "Gods" or force created the Universe forms the basis of the philosophies of the largest religions currently in the world: o Christianity o Islam o Judaism and even Buddhism. Each of these major religions base their philosophies on the essential belief that God(s) existed before the Universe was created and that God was the architect and creator of the Universe. The theory is popularly described in the "Book of Genesis" in The Bible which describes the Universe being created around human kind and taking approximately six days to complete. If we accept this theory as being possible, discarding the story book account of the actual "how" it was done, then the next question is why? for what purpose did God create the universe? In the Judaic/Christian tradition, the answer of "purpose" of the Universe is in the context of the Universe being created for man. That man is at the centre of the Universe, that all other livings things serve to sustain man, with God ruling in judgment over man. Let us probe the implications and therefore the first of the potential flaws in this "model" -man as the "head lifeform" over all other life forms in the Universe. Statistically, it is impossible to suggest that there are no other life bearing planets in the Universe. For the moment we will not even attempt to argue the precise number, or even offer an "optimistic" number of life bearing planets in the Universe, we know there are literally a billion billion billion stars in the Universe. (For an explanation of why science establishes such a large number, see Ch 10). Lets say for the moment that there are only ten million life bearing planets around older stars and some around younger stars. Next, let us look at the statistical probability of human beings being the most advanced lifeforms of all those life forms on a relatively few (ten million) planets. It is not only improbable, it is statistically impossible to say that human beings would definitely be the highest order life form in the Universe. Not only would this be highly improbable, it shows a complete

contradiction in the Judaic/Christian notion of God having a sense of evolutionary hierarchy- man being the most advanced = the closest to God = everything else serving man. To be fair, the Judaic/Christian model would probably have incorporated more if written today, than over 2,000 years ago. Yet it remains a model to which a significant number of humanity still subscribe. Let us therefore look at simply asking the question "why?" again and see what the Judaic/Christian model says. We are told in the Judaic/Christian philosophy on creation that "God created the Universe for man, because God created man in his own image." Again, let us ignore the inconsistencies of God being male instead female, or having no sex at all, let us simply ask the question "why?" again. Curiously, this is where the most popular theory of God creating the Universe breaks down. The Theory returns in on itself to create a circular argument on the creation of the Universe. -why? because man is Gods image -why? so man could exist -why? because God so loved man-why? because man is God's image?-why etc. While some ancient Gnostic and Eastern texts indicate that there may be more practical influences at work than spiritual super-beings, the popularized Christian theory of Genesis never allows us to understand the actual reasoning "behind" the act of creation:- if there was a need? If it was just a whim of a higher power who at any moment could "pull" the rug from under creation and end existence at any moment (hence the development /belief of the concept of a "judgment day" in Judaic/Christian religions). Without discounting the possibility that the sacred and ancient religious texts of Egypt, the Sumerians, Jews and Sth American cultures may in fact contain important understandings of the history of humankind, we are constrained at this point by the interpretation and translations of these texts which talk of the universe and God or Gods. Unfortunately these texts as they are currently interpreted do not provide us an objective workable model on the underlying reasons for the creation of the Universe, as these models continue to contain fundamental circular flaws and missing answers. Theory (2) That The Universe Created Itself The second most popular theory of creation is that the universe created itself. That at some point, billions of years ago the Universe (being matter) decided to exist and then did. This theory is more commonly described by the process of the creation of the Universe via the "Big Bang" theory, rather than the question of who or what created the Universe. Contrary to popular belief, the Big Bang theory is not the first theory to consider the possibility that the universe created itself. One of the earliest Ancient Egyptian beliefs on history of creation of the world, over six thousand years old, affirms the belief that the God Neber-tcher is the universe and contains within its being all duality- manifest

and unmanifest, masculine and feminine, physical and mental. The belief states that its was through the God interacting with itself (described as the act of masturbation and fertilization via its mouth of words and ideas) that the universe sprouted forth. The Maori's of New Zealand and the Sth Pacific have a similar theory of the universe creating itself from an idea in motion, in their most sacred of chants:

FIRST PERIOD (thought) From the conception the increase, From the increase the thought, From the thought the remembrance, From the remembrance the consciousness, From the consciousness the desire SECOND PERIOD (night) The world became fruitful; It dwelt with the feeble glimmering; It brought forth night; The great night, the long night, The lowest night, the loftiest night, The thick night to be felt, The night to be touched The night not to be seen, The night of death. THIRD PERIOD (light) From the nothing the begetting, From the nothing the increase, From the nothing the abundance, The power of increasing The living breath It dwelt with the empty space, And produced the atmosphere which is above us...
Meanwhile, the Big Bang theory gives us the origin of the Universe as: "Attributes the make up of the stars, of galaxies and planets of originally coming from that defining moment when the Universe came into existence." This theory has developed mainly as the result of scientists using telescopes and increasingly sophisticated measuring devices to probe into the far reaches of known space and discovering earlier and earlier structures in terms of age. The theory supposes that if we were to look backwards towards the original point of the Big Bang we would see younger and younger structures, while if we looked the other way we would see older and older structures. Interestingly, this theory has been described as Godless, in that it supposedly does not include the hand of a "higher" creator at work to create the Universe. But in fact the theory gives the role of the creator to the Universe itself, therefore making the Universe its own creator (its own God) and therefore being both a higher power and the result of its own creation. Surprisingly, the translation of this to the concept that all matter is therefore part of God and therefore God, has not been actively explored by the majority of Big Bang Theorists. Up until the Hubble Space Telescope started to work properly in late 1993, Big Bang theorists had gathered impressive experimental and statistical evidence to support the theory. However, since late 1993, the theory has struck a number of anomalies, with the advent of the refocused Hubble space telescope that has identifying structures in the far reaches of the "younger" universe that appear to be older than the estimated date of when the universe was created. When the question is asked of the theory why did the universe create itself? Sometimes there is no answer and sometimes an answer is inserted such as "because it could."

There is no explanation in the theory as to why something should suddenly appear from nothing and spontaneously decide to create itself. In respect to the supporters and believers of the Big Bang Theory (model), it may serve their needs adequately at other levels, such as describing how matter disperses throughout the Universe, the different shapes of stars and therefore galaxies. Our point is that in crucial areas of understanding "before the act of creation, the purpose of creation", the Big Bang model does not provide effective answers. Theory (3) That The Universe Has Always Existed The third most popular theory of how the Universe was created (not what or who created the Universe) is the theory that the universe has always existed and that there is no definitive answer of when the universe was created, or even why the Universe was created. This theory is most popular amongst atheists (people who believe there is no God) and parts of the science community. One argument used by the supporters of this model is that at the very smallest workings and the very largest structures of matter, time is meaningless, therefore "technically" it is correct to say that the Universe has existed for all time, therefore always existed. Another argument of believers of this theory is one of pragmatism"what is the point of trying to find out who or what created what? It exists doesn't it?" Certainly the point of pragmatism is a strong argument. Yet our purpose for any model on creation is to understand who? why? what purpose? We have very real and immediate needs to understand, to overcome the uncertainty and confusion that is wasting so many lives. On these questions, let us look at existing theories on the origins of the Universe.


Existing theories on the origin of the universe

To our day to day lives, absolute questions of why the universe was created? who or what created it? may appear to fairly meaningless, and "nit-picking." How can the questions like why was the Universe created? who or what created the Universe? for what purpose? have relevance to our immediate needs for earning money, self sustainment, friends and

happiness? The answer to the relevance of continuing the quest to find the answers to these questions in many ways has more to do with the expectation of what possible treasures of understanding we may find from the answers. What if the answers provide us with a way to look at matter differently and unlock the secrets to creating and controlling matter to certain forms (e.g. fusion power)? What if the answers open up an understanding of synergy existing in the universe, a set of meanings that transcend from the largest structures and the smallest structures to our own existence? What if the answers were able to provide meaning and purpose to our everyday lives and the lives of people we love? The quest therefore would continue to have the same importance to our continued individual sustainment and species sustainment as it did thousands of years ago, when humans first began the search for meaningful answers. 3.4.1 A Butterfly Flaps Its Wings Science and philosophy has helped us understand the cause and effect of one small element cascading to create a more and more complex situation until the original event can be traced from a major disaster. Like the analogy used to describe the interaction of elements such as a "butterfly flapping its wings deep in the Amazon" that through a series of interrelationships affects the bird, that affects the tiger that affects the trees, that affects the air, that affects the weather patterns, that creates a hurricane off the coast of Africa. Sometimes, we feel that our lives are ruled by this chaotic interaction of different forces; the need to earn money, versus people we owe money to, the desire to raise a family, versus the violent societies we live in, the fight to stay healthy versus the inevitability of physical death. We are in effect dealing with the consequences of the butterfly flapping its wings across the other side of the world. Why then would it not be possible that if we understood why the butterfly flapped its wings or how the butterfly was created that we might address the consequences of living in a system affected by that? This is why the quest to answer the fundamental questions of how was the universe created? Or what created the universe? How many universes are there? Why was the universe created? is so important.

3.5 What is the universe?

Before we journey too much further, let us define what we mean by the Universe. The Oxford Dictionary defines the word Universe to mean: "the whole of created or existing things, including the Earth and the heavens; and all that is in them, considered as constituting a systematic whole."

When we look at a more contemporary or "scientific" meaning of the word, a range of terms come into play: o space o dimension o planets o galaxies o wave motion o sub-atomic particles matter in general. The general and common understanding of the universe is "all the matter that forms planets and galaxies in the entire cosmos". Interestingly, in the field of Logic, the word Universe is also used in describing the dimension of some group of objects in interaction. For instance, if an experiment was looking at one person, then in the experiment, that person would be "the Universe". In the case of a research poll, a market could be considered "the Universe", or even in economics, a country might be considered "the Universe." In effect, these two definitions of the word "Universe" give use an effect where the concept of Universe is "scalable" (larger or smaller) depending on perspective. While this is useful and important understanding, it does not directly assist us in progressing towards the question- who or what created the Universe?, or for what reason(s)?


What is the universe ultimately made of?

If macro scientific and religious/philosophical arguments fail to adequately who? why? for what ultimate purpose was the Universe created? We may be able to identify some clues by looking at the some of the contemporary micro theories on creation such as -what is the Universe ultimately made of? There are historically two main roads of human scientific thought that humans have journeyed along to try and find out "what the Universe is ultimately made of?" (1) The first road is the study of smaller and smaller objects that make up the world around us, starting with the science of Chemistry and later developing into the science of Atomic Theory. (2) The second road is the study and understanding larger and larger structures in the Universe, from the Earth, the moon, the planets, the Sun, the galaxy, other galaxies and their motions, positions, distances, magnitudes, structures, starting with the science of Astronomy and developing into Astro Physics. For the moment, let us look at the first road, the study of smaller and smaller objects.


The Study Of Smaller And Smaller ObjectsThe Oldest Science Of Humanity The study of physical objects smaller than a human, their composition and behaviour is the oldest branch of human scientific thought. Early trial and error- Starting hundreds of thousands of years ago, the descendants of modern humans began to identify and classify the

world around them, from rocks that could be used for spears, rocks that could be used to make fire, plants that were good for eating and healing. The beginnings of categorization- With the advent of language and visual communication ( painting, alphabets), this knowledge quickly expanded to include discoveries of creating harder substances (Bronze, Iron), the mixing of various substances for building , health and food. These early discoveries remained knowledge acquired through the practical observation and trial and error of using different minerals and elements. The beginnings of the rules of chemistry- By about 10,000 BC, various settlements of humanity had developed their accumulated "trial and error" knowledge of the world around them into the rudimentary rules and application of chemistry. But around 2000 to 5000 BC, human thought developed an additional field of science of the study of the behaviour of matter- theory. (For more detail, see Ch 16 History of Human Life). Atomic Theory- The term "atom' is derived from the Greek word "atomos" meaning "that which cannot be divided or cut", in other words, the smallest particles possible. The early Greek scientists were fascinated by the concept of matter and how it was formed and structured. Around 450 BC, a resident of the ancient Greece city of Abdera, called Leucippus wrote a treatise that all matter was broken into minute particles with space between them and Democritus. Leucippus concept of the smallest unit of matter was something with form and shape, that was hard but had no smell, taste or colour. He realised that it was so small that it was invisible. Lucretius added to the Leucippus theory in his De rerum natura (On the Nature of Things) to state that atoms were indestructible and therefore eternal. For a period of human history, the "theoretical" side of the study of matter lay largely dormant while the practical application of chemistry saw more and more discoveries. It was not until around 1658 in Western civilization that the early theories of the Greeks were enhanced by Gassendi in 1658 who published a work discussing the possible application of atomic theory as well as coining the term "molecule" for groups of atoms. Despite atomic theory having common ancestry as Chemistry in the study and composition of matter, it remained a poor cousin to its practical neighbour until powerful enough equipment was available to find the necessary breakthroughs and re-unify the two

sciences. 3.6.2 Major breakthroughs over the last 200 years in discovering smaller particles of matter In 1808 and 1810 John Dalton published New System of Chemical Philosophy and for the first time, atomic theory could be seen to have a "practical" application in the study and analysis of matter . Dalton was a chemist, and was able to approach atomic theory from the angle of accepted compounds and their structures, such as Air, Water, Salt, Iron etc. Dalton confirmed that all these compounds are made up of "elements" and that these elements are made up of groups of "atoms." He then established that all atoms of one element are the same and that the atoms in one element are different from other elements. He stated that atoms all have different weights and that atomic weights should be measured against a base of hydrogen equaling one. Dalton's discoveries succeeded in establishing atomic theory as the foundation of chemistry. Beginnings of atomic physics- Following the work of Dalton, in 1897 an English physicist, J. J. Thomson developed a theory that atoms were actually made of electrons, thus suggesting that atoms could be divided into even smaller particles. But it wasn't until around 1902 and the developments of theories and experiments by New Zealander Ernest Rutherford and Englishman Frederick Soddy that suggested an atoms configuration/shape could actually be destroyed. In 1919 Rutherford, succeeded in splitting nitrogen atoms into oxygen atoms using bursts of radioactivity at his laboratory at the University of Manchester in England, thus proving the theory. 2000 years after the words by Lucretius of Greece, the concept of the eternal atom was ended. Classification of 1st level of sub-atomic particles- From the end of the 19th Century until 1932, scientists made a series of blazing discoveries that established names and characteristics to the 1st level of sub-atomic particles- Protons, Electrons, Neutrons. Important characteristics of 1st level-sub atomic particles and atoms began to emerge. The most startling discovery was the tremendous release of energy occurring when atoms were smashed into different configurations- leading ultimately to the atom bomb. The most graphic and terrible demonstration that atomic physics was no longer a "theoretical science." The discovery of Quarks and particles smaller than 1st level- Encouraged by the growing practical

application of atomic physics, and armed with more and more powerful equipment to smash atoms, scientists almost immediately upon discovering the electron, proton and neutron started to investigate if these particles were made up of even smaller particles. One of the most important discoveries then appeared around the end of the 1960's when scientists like Murray Gell-Mann helped discover the sub-atomic particle the Quark and proposed that this was the basic building block of all 1st level sub atomic shapes such as protons, electrons and neutrons. Through experiments and sophisticated theories, it was proposed that Protons were made up of three Quarks, Neutrons also of three Quarks. Other scientists established the hypothesis of the existence of anti-matter- very small particles of matter that behaved differently to the sub-atomic particles such as Quarks. Then with multi-million dollar atom smashing machines, scientists during the early 70's and 80's went even further to propose that Quarks were themselves made up of even smaller particles such as pions and kaons as well as a host of other smaller subatomic particles.

Seeing an atom- Highly powerful electron microscopes have succeeded in taking the first pictures of a single atom. They aren't actual "visual" pictures because atoms are so small and move so fast to create a spherical shape, no "visible light" can actually be used by humans to "see" atoms. Even so, with sophisticated vibration detection equipment, so far, no one has been able to photograph through the shell of an atom to see exactly what is inside, without smashing it against other atoms and breaking its shape using powerful atom smashing equipment.
Now, literally thousands of sub-atomic particles have been observed in atom smashing facilities. The only hitch being that the process of breaking down these sub-sub atomic particles further has proven to be so far impossible. This vacuum of experimental evidence of what actually makes up the smallest particles of matter, has therefore been filled by theories- in other words, different models. The most important theory for the analysis and prediction of sub-atomic and super sub-atomic particles has been a system called Quantum Mechanics. 3.6.3 Major breakthroughs in the discovery of rules (consistent behaviours) of sub atomic matter over the last 200 years

While the range of discoveries of particles smaller than the atom represent major milestones in the sciences of humanity, this is only half the picture. It is the amazing discoveries associated with rules (consistent behaviours) that has then enabled humanity to start harnessing the awesome power of smaller particle physics such as nuclear fission (atomic energy) and technologies such as laser light and fibre optic cabling for communications. Here are some of the significant breakthroughs that occurred during the same period. The unified theory of the behaviour of electricity and magnetismThe 19th Century saw tremendous advances in the study of the behaviour of electricity and magnetism. Based on observations that both electricity(electrons) and magnetism share similar properties and behaviours English scientist James Maxwell in 1856 developed the theory that the energy of the electromagnetic field is in the space around the conductors as well as in the conductors themselves. In other words, both magnetism and electricity are present both "within" atomic structures as well as "through" and "around" atomic structures behaving as fields. By 1864 he had formulated his own electromagnetic theory of light, predicting that both light and radio waves are electric and magnetic phenomena. His theories took over thirty years to be verified when in 1886, German physicist Heinrich Hertz verified the existence of electromagnetic waves traveling at the speed of light; the waves he discovered are known now as radio waves. The viewing of behaviour of energy as packets of exchange, or "quanta" The codification of behaviours such as a hot stove, the steam of a steam engine, the sunlight of the sun as different but similar forms of "energy" represented one of the great mental breakthroughs of the 19th Century when the first law of thermodynamics began to take shape. However the concept of energy as the discrete exchange of something between two bodies was not firmed until Max Planck's formulation of the quantum hypothesis--i.e., the theory that radiant-heat energy is emitted only in finite amounts, or quanta. Plancks observations were vital in that he provided a framework by which energy exchange at an atomic level could be measured (hence Planck's constant).

The interchangeability of mass into energy over time and the "Special Theory of Relativity" While the work of Max Planck opened up a better understanding of energy and elementary particle exchange, it was the work of Albert Einstein that opened our eyes to the interchangeability of matter and energy. In essence, his theories established that within atomic matter tremendous energy is contained of far greater power than traditional forms of energy (such as burning wood in a furnace). Secondly, he established a motion/interactivity barrier for elementary particles in the form of the speed of light- that in essence nothing larger than the constituent parts of light may travel faster than it. This leads us to one of the most dramatic breakthroughs in rules associated with elementary particles- the science and theories associated with quantum mechanics.


Quantum mechanics and the weird world of super small particles in the universe
In the previous section we outlined some of the greatest discoveries over the past two hundred years in relation to rules(consistent behaviour) and sub atomic matter. In particular, the discoveries of the early decades of the 20th century highlighted a different set of behaviour expected from the "ordered" world of Newtonian Physics. However, it was in the development and ultimate success in mathematically trying to unify the discoveries of Einstein, Planck, Maxwell, Bohr and others during the 1920's that even greater discoveries were established- QED or Quantum ElectroDynamics.


QED- Quantum ElectroDynamics explained QED, or Quantum ElectroDynamics first originated mathematically in 1926 when the British physicist P.A.M. Dirac laid the foundations for QED with his discovery of an equation describing the motion and spin of electrons that incorporated both the quantum theory and the theory of special relativity. Then in the late 1940's his theory was expanded and refined by Richard P. Feynman, Julian S. Schwinger, and Tomonaga Shin'ichiro. In essence, QED is based on an idea similar to Plancks concept of "quanta" of energy being transferred between bodies. In the case of QED, the bodies are charged particles(e.g. electrons or positrons) and the exchanged particles are considered photons. According to the theory, these photons are virtual; that is, they cannot be seen or detected in any way because their existence violates the conservation of energy and momentum. The particle exchange is merely the "force" of the interaction, because the interacting particles change their speed and direction of travel as they release or absorb the energy of a photon. Photons also can be emitted in a free state, in which case they may be observed. The interaction of two charged particles occurs in a series of processes of increasing complexity. In the simplest, only one virtual photon is involved; in a second-order process, there are two; and so forth.

Each subatomic process becomes computationally more difficult than the previous one, and there are an infinite number of processes. The QED theory, however, states that the more complex the process (i.e., the presence of additional virtual photons), the smaller the probability of its occurrence. For each level of complexity, a factor of (1/137)2 decreases the contribution of the process, and thus, after a few levels the contribution is negligible. This factor, symbolized by , is called the fine-structure constant and serves as a measure of the strength of the electromagnetic interaction. It equals e2/c, where e is the electron charge, is Planck's constant divided by 2, and c is the speed of light. 3.7.2 QED- what is all the fuss? The revolution of QED compared to any theory before it, was that it turned upside down the classical notion of the "force" being the "nonlocal" component and matter being the "real" component. Under Newton and the world in which we live, matter is considered the substance that is real, while it is forces that appear to be the "guiding hand." The QED theory reversed that order with the mathematical proof of the exchange of virtual particles- that for the first time, something that is, can be transformed into something that we cannot measure. 3.7.3 Quantum Mechanics- it gets even weirder If grappling with "virtual" particles that appear and disappear from observation isn't difficult enough to fathom, then the insights that were gained when the quantum theory was applied to analyze the "behaviour" of sub atomic particles is even weirder. Quantum mechanics essentially deals with the behaviour of matter and light on the atomic and subatomic scale. It attempts to describe and account for the properties of molecules and atoms and their constituents--electrons, protons, neutrons, and particles such as quarks. These properties include the interactions of the particles with one another and with electromagnetic radiation (i.e., light, X rays, and gamma rays). When quantum mechanics is put into practice, say on an experiment of passing a beam of electrons through a set of pieces of paper with defines holes to observe the effect, it became clear that such objects as electrons cannot be strictly described from observation as either a particle or a wave, because both types of behaviour are present. However, an even greater mystery was discovered when considering the principles of measurement to such observations. An essential feature of quantum mechanics is that it is generally impossible, even in principle, to measure a system without disturbing it; the detailed nature of this disturbance and the exact point at which it occurs are obscure and controversial. To put it simply, a scientist may set up the same experiment with sub atomic particles again and again, but the certainty of outcome is only "possibilities" until the act of observation, when one will emerge influenced in part by the very act of observing(awareness).


The quantum question: what are the smallest fundamental particles made of?
While Quantum Mechanics has greatly enhanced our understanding of the behaviour of fundamental particles, the question remains- what are the fundamental particles made of?


Theory (1) The Wave Model As we mentioned in the previous section, one of the most profound outworking of Quantum Mechanics was a concept called "Wave-Particle Duality" which describes the behaviour of very small particles of matter as both waves and particles. In the late 1980's an American scientist called Edward Witten investigating the field of particle theory took this "wave-particle" behaviour of the smallest particles of matter and the work of Einstein in observing all matter basically being made up of the same thing"energy" and created the "Super String" theory. The Super String or wave model essentially states that the smallest particles of matter are essentially vibrations in space time fabric. This theory has allowed numerous openings in mathematics and physics to look at the usage of energy and the relationships of different forces being made up of the same thing. It has helped science move closer to a unified theory of matter, with this model sometimes being described as attempting to solve the "Universal field theory of everything." Assuming we agree with the theory that all matter is ultimately made of energy, that it is in fact vibrating waves at different rates, then the sensible question to ask is what is space? The answer that is sometimes given by science appears to be shockingly inadequate, almost a religious circular argument- space is nothing. Nothing? How can nothing be something? It doesn't hold up. That is where this theory falls down. Waves of space can't be the ultimate building block of all matter and the universe, because space must be something, it can't be nothing if it's creates something.


Theory (2) An Object Vibrating In Space A second theory is that all matter is ultimately made up of very small objects, or even one object vibrating in space. The theory doesn't fit nicely into the wave and energy model that Einstein and others postulated and in many ways has been overtaken by the super string "wave model". This theory in the eyes of some scientists largely falls down as the smallest object must be made of something. As we can't drill further down to understand what this basic object is, research into this theory has largely been redirected to proving the wave theory at some level. Neither theory answer adequately what is the smallest building blocks of the Universe- yet our own common sense tells us that matter at its

smallest level ultimately must be something. The frustration at this point is that neither theory listed adequately explains -what are the smallest basic building blocks of the Universe made of? It leaves us to consider another train of thought that may produce answers- what are the characteristics of the smallest building blocks of matter?


Confusion and road blocks to understanding

By now, the reader may be a touch frustrated at the seemingly inadequate answers that science, religion and philosophy have so far been able to provide to those original questions- why was the universe created? Who or what created the universe? What is the universe ultimately made of? Without adequate answers to these questions, our hope of devising a possibly enlightened and workable model is impossible. However, there are the building blocks of breakthroughs peppered throughout the discoveries of science and religious/philosophical models we have discussed. It might be a question of looking at some of the clues differently to come up with a model that can answer these questions.


Trying to find a working model In proposing any answer, it is vital that we remain clear that it is only a working model to answer our questions that we seek. The model created by the Judaic/Christian religions is a fine working model for their respective objectives for providing answers to daily questions of behaviour. Yet in terms to answering our fundamental questions who? why? for what ultimate purpose?, the religious models have next to zero utility. It also doesn't enhance our chances of a breakthrough when we consider the mountains of thought that has preceded this point, yet apparently failing to provide us a working model to answer our questions. However, if we remember that our objective is not to initially find physical proof - to see it, record it and possibly touch it- but to understand it. Then with sufficient clues we may find a working answer. Let us then start with what we know are clearly characteristics of the smallest particles of matter that can be deduced from common sense and logic and then work up to see if these common sense understandings provide any clues to our questions.


What are some of the characteristics of the smallest building blocks of matter?
If we are unable to determine a clear answer as to what the smallest building blocks of matter and the Universe are made of using existing theories, then an alternative path of investigation may be to look at the characteristics and behaviour of larger matter and possibly discover by deduction what the smallest building blocks of matter might be. ln other words, if characteristics seem to hold (remain constant) at each and every other level of matter, then common sense tells us that these constant characteristics must also hold at the smallest level of matter. Let us begin with listing the simplest, self evident characteristics of the smallest building blocks of matter:


Characteristic#1-The smallest building blocks of physical matter exist It may sound obvious, yet the first and most important characteristic of the smallest building blocks of matter are that they exist. By existence, we mean that they are made of something in reality. The importance of stating such an obvious characteristic is not as silly as it sounds. By existence we mean something that is real- something that if not in physical measurement, can at least be said to have some kind of mathematical proof. If the fundamental building blocks of matter did not exist, then we would not exist. This characteristic of existence by definition carries with it a series of implications (which are discussed in more detail in Chapter 5- Unitathe smallest building block of matter). Unfortunately, both the common sense understanding that matter must ultimately be made up of something is overlooked in favour of debate surrounding complex formulas and imagery. The following characteristics themselves can all be said to derive from the assumption of existence in reality.


Characteristic#2-The smallest building blocks of physical matter exist in dimension While scientists cannot agree or prove exactly what the smallest building blocks of matter are ultimately made of, they do agree that the smallest building blocks exist in dimension. In other words, the smallest particles occupy at least some bit of space within the dimension of the universe, otherwise they could not be said to exist. This is not to be confused with Quantum theories of motion that postulate certain restrictions on the very notion of measurement of position and motion. We are simply saying that the smallest building blocks have position in dimension, they do exist within the boundaries of this universe, they are real.


Characteristic#3-The smallest building blocks of matter possess tremendous energy The tests and investigations into Atomic Physics that we have already discussed, identified via Einstein's work the incredible level of energy contained within an atom. Essentially it was discovered that the amount of energy possessed by atoms in a chair, for instance, is such

that if the atoms in a chair were to collide, it would create a sufficient explosion of energy to devastate the planet Earth. It holds that if atoms contain tremendous "energy" then smaller particles that atoms should also contain tremendous amounts of energy and so on, right down to the smallest particles in the universe. 3.10.4 Characteristic#4-The smallest particles of matter appear to generally avoid collisions Given that the chairs in your office or home haven't exploded lately, thus destroying the planet, it is safe to assume that the smallest particles of matter appear to generally avoid collisions. Science continues to try and develop an answer for this. At the moment, a level of reasoning has emerged that some kind of "weak" force keeps matter from touching, while "stronger" forces attract matter to create more complex structures. This push-pull model still does not explain the complex interactions at the basic building block level of matter that causes matter to avoid collisions, or how the forces interact between themselves. No matter how heavily areas of science bury their models in complex formulas, the model for strong force and weak force is not scalable- it doesn't hold true for all levels of complexity when looking at matter (in other words, there is no unified field theory yet). Science through Quantum mechanics however has been responsible for producing a string of interesting new perspective's. One example is the "tunneling" electron experiment, where an electron tunnels through an object to the other side. Another experiment shows electrons having the capability of being in two places at the same time. Finally there are detailed Science papers that assert matter in some experiments showed an "awareness" at "faster than light principles" and that this awareness affects the results of the experiment. 3.10.5 Characteristic#5-The desire of the smallest blocks of matter to combine and form more complex shapes Small particles of matter show a desire to form more complex structures. We know this to be self evident by virtue of our own existence. The human body is made up of millions of smaller pieces of matter, working and interacting to hold the form of a larger and more complex structure. While humanity has devised models and calculations on how this process of building and interacts happens, such as the laws of attraction, we still do not know why the basic forms of matter, the smallest building blocks want to join and become more complex. Some may argue that the word "desire" here is wrongly denoting greater intelligence to a process of matter aggregating into more complex shapes. In many circles, the theories of chaos evolution- a kind of process of random but patterned evolution of matter is responsible for the shapes that we now see (such as stars, planets, and life).

Whatever words are chosen however, under this characteristic we are simply saying that matter does form more complex shapes and does seem to follow the same path in different galaxies and different parts of the universe as proven by our last hundred years of space exploration and observation. 3.10.6 Characteristic#6-The desire of the smallest particles of matter to form specialized shapes with specialized functions We now understand that complex shapes such as humans are made up of millions of atoms, made up of even smaller parts of matter spinning around. Yet we still do not know why matter at this basic level specializes. 3.10.7 Characteristic#7-The desire of the smallest specialized shapes of matter to maintain basic form We understand that matter forms increasingly complex shapes. Yet we do not know why matter at its smallest level maintains specialized shape. For instance, why don't the tiniest building blocks of matter, build giant electrons? Why don't the tiniest building blocks change from electrons to photons and other small packets of matter?


The character of awareness and the non-local nature of the universe of super small particles
On the previous page, we discussed a range of characteristics that most people would generally agree in common sense to be characteristics of the smallest building blocks of matter. These were: #1-The smallest building blocks of physical matter exist #2-The smallest building blocks of physical matter exist in dimension #3-The smallest building blocks of matter possess tremendous energy #4-The smallest particles of matter appear to generally avoid collisions #5-The desire of the smallest blocks of matter to combine and form more complex shapes #6-The desire of the smallest particles of matter to form specialized shapes with specialized functions #7-The desire of the smallest specialized shapes of matter to maintain basic form

It is now time to describe the most amazing quality of the smallest particles of matter which can best be described as "awareness" that has been both discovered and vindicated as scientifically valid since 1997. 3.11.1 John Stewart Bell and the non-local universal equations In 1964, an Irishman named John Stewart Bell developed a mathematical proof that supported a nonphysical part of the universe. This theoretical physicist stated that any model explaining the universe entirely as local or as physical reality is incomplete for it does not include the non-local part. He also stated that there is an interconnectedness to everything in the

universe. This proof is called the Bell Theorem.

John S. Bell's intention was to reconcile two schools of thought about quantum mechanics headed by two of the founders of atomic physicsAlbert Einstein and Neils Bohr- whose views opposed one another. Each had their interpretation to explain the bizarre, weird behavior of atomic particles. Neils Bohr, a Danish physicist, founded the Copenhagen interpretation of the quantum theory. He believed that the quantum theory could only describe the interactions of the various subatomic particles by probability or statistical predictions and that this method was complete for it explained all things concerning the phenomena. Mr. Bohr pointed out that the indefiniteness of the quantum theory was due to the inherit nature of atoms at the atomic level. Albert Einstein, who also contributed to quantum theory, criticized the statistical or probabilities' predictions of quantum mechanics and considered them incomplete. Predictions could only be made when large numbers of subatomic occurrences were studied. Einstein and two of his colleagues, Boris Podolsky and Nathan Rosen, created a problem around 1950 called the EPR paradox named for the first letter in each of their last names, to show the inconstancy in the quantum theory. The purpose of this thought experiment was to expose the profound peculiarities of the quantum description of a physical system extended over a large space. 3.11.2 What is the EPR paradox? The EPR experiment was based on two equal or twin particles. These tiny particles, called A and B, composed a system traveling in opposite directions from each other. Einstein and his colleagues knew they could measure some aspects of the first particle A, such as its position and momentum. From this measurement, they could predict the outcomes of the second particle B traveling in the opposite direction, while not going near the second particle. However, instead of disproving Neil Bohr's school of thought that said that any measurement on A also effects B or vice versa, the EPR experiment proved it. Whatever particle was not measured reacted to the changes on the other particle. If the measured particle A began to spin in the opposite direction, instantaneously particle B also began to spin in the direction of particle A. Since there was no force or energy transferred between the two particles, there seemed to be some form of information transferred from one particle to another. Einstein did not know how to explain this phenomenon and objected to the 'ghostly action at a distance (The Ghost in the Atom edited P. C.W. Davies & J. R. Brown, p. 15).' He wanted objective measurement and facts.

Simply put, imagine a light bulb that emits two particles of light that move in opposite directions away from each other . Note that even if these particles were at different ends of the universe, if particle A changed certain aspects of its momentum, speed, or course, then particle B would instantaneously change to match the movement, speed, and course of particle A. To resolve this problem the Bell theorem proved "in theory" that there was instant communication between these two particles. This means a message would have to travel faster than the speed of light that is 186,000 miles /sec. between them. According to the Einstein special theory of relativity this was impossible. Bell showed there is non-local communication between these two particles. This communication is nonphysical and currently science has no explanation for it. 3.11.2 What is the definition of 'local' and 'non-local'? The essence of a local contact is direct contact - as basic as the touch of another persons hand. Body 'A' affects Body 'B' locally when it either touches 'B' or touches something else that touches 'B'. A gear train is a typical local mechanism. Motion passes from one gear wheel to another in an unbroken chain. Break the chain by taking out a single gear and the movement cannot continue. Without something there to mediate it, a local interaction cannot cross a gap." On the other hand, the essence of non-locality is unmediated action-at-adistance. A non-local interaction jumps from Body 'A' to Body 'B' without touching anything in between. 3.11.3 1982 and 1997-Proving the Universe is non-local Classical physics states that physical reality is local, or that a measurement at one point in space cannot influence what occurs at another beyond a fairly short distance. However, In 1997 (Based on similar work done in 1982 at the University of Paris-South), experiments were conducted in which light particles (photons) originated under certain conditions and traveled in opposite directions to detectors located about seven miles apart. The amazing results indicated that the photons "interacted" or "communicated" with one another instantly or "in no time," leading to the revelation that physical reality is non-local--a discovery the represents one of the most momentous in the history of science."


The implication of non-locality and awareness (rules)

We will describe the profound implications of the previous section in more detail later in the chapters. However for the moment, it is important to consider what the proof of the universe being non-local means.


There is a message system operating between particles that is faster than light

Put simply, the proof of the non-local experiments shows that there is some kind of message system between all particles that is faster than light. This message system, for want of a better word, could be be described as some kind of fundamental awareness. This awareness somehow provides the "glue" for all the behaviour previously identified in relation to fundamental particles. The only problem then is how and even why?


The intimate link between matter and rules (awareness)

A simple question then that is often overlooked is the fundamental question- if rules and matter are so interdependent, what came first? rules or matter? In other words, at the time of first creation, the time leading up to and including the moment of "big bang" what came first- rules or matter? Matter can't come first- without rules matter can't function The instinctive answer is to say that matter comes first. This makes most sense, except we have already shown that without rules matter cannot function- in other words, an absence of rules implies total and complete chaos- Rules can't suddenly sneak in from this state because a complete absence of any order precludes the ability to validate existence of any fashion. Existence is a definition and an absence of rules is an absence of definition. Rules can't come first- without matter the reality of the universe does not exist By the same token, in reality rules cannot exist without

matter, Without matter, the universe does not exist. 3.13.2 No way to answer this question in reality The answer in reality to the question-"what came first? rules or matter?" is that there is no adequate answer. Neither can exist without the other. It is the perpetual "chicken and the egg" argument (i.e. what came first, the chicken or the egg?"). Because there is no clear answer, we can call this question paradoxicalbecause it seems to have no clear answer. However, remembering that we seek a model first and proof second, there is a way of answering the chicken and the egg argument that can "in theory" work. Lets examine this theory now.


Awareness existing "in theory" before matter

Remembering we are attempting to discover a working model, rather than prove core answers give us a clue in itself in how to answer the "rules of matter" argument.


A theoretical model For argument sake, what if were trying to create the universe in our minds? Because we are talking about creation in the context of the universe of our minds, there is no need to worry about reality concerning the "rules and matter" argument. If we want to dream that elephants can fly, then in a microsecond we need only to think of it to make it happen. In our theoretical world, could matter come before rules? or in theory could rules come before matter? Even in a theoretical world, matter cannot come before rules Even imagining the most basic of all things, a dot on a blank page representing matter in dimension can't exist without some essential rules of existence. The very notion of existence and even of nonexistence is references to models- the concept of existence, the concept of non-existence. Matter coming first before definition, before existence, is simply not possible. It follows that the concept of existence must precede any

kind of actual existence- even in our theoretical test laboratory in our minds. 3.14.2 A theoretical model where rules exist before matter The only answer- the only answer out of four options that holds to be true is that rules can exist before matter in theory. In other words, there is nothing to say that the concept of existence itself cannot exist prior to matter existing. Its simply that the notion of actual existence does not take place until matter exists. Unfortunately, the use of the word "exist" and so many variations makes the words used above seem like a tongue twister. In the next section, we consider a clearer definition of the notion of "rules before matter".


The Unique Collective Awareness

We concluded in the previous section that the only possible answer to the riddle "what came first- rules or matter?" is that "rules in theory can exist before matter". We also agreed that this statement is not strictly true, for without matter existence is not valid. For the purpose of this model, we now define these essential rules that can exist "outside the bounds" of existence in reality- we call it UCA, or Unique Collective Awareness.


UCA- as an idea about an idea of rules existing before matter The use of the three words Unique, Collective and Awareness are deliberately chosen together. Together they form a statement that on the surface appears to make no sense. This will become clearer in the next chapter 4- The nature of paradox. For the moment however, UCA in the context of the riddle "what came first- rules or matter?" is used to signify all possible rules that might exist in theory prior to the existence of matter. In other words, UCA signifies at this point merely an idea about and idea that rules might exist in theory prior to the creation of matter. In the next section, we will investigate the arguments that can be derived from this connection between UCA, existence, creation and matter.


Summary of understandings of our "theoretical model"

Returning to the riddle - what came first rules or matter?, let us summarize the understandings and implications that can now be derived from our "theoretical model".

UCA existed before matter was created

And if you take it one step further- we define the defining moment of creating the universe as the moment the first piece of very small matter was first created, it leaves one only possible conclusion:-

UCA existed before the Universe was created

Theoretically there is nothing stopping awareness existing without matter in dimension. At that point, there would be no dimension, no matter, therefore no laws, no time, no gravity, no motion. Therefore there would be no point trying to drill down by further questioning to ask who created the UCA because in a dimensionless, timeless, non place, non space, non-matter world before creation of the universe, there is only one conclusion:-

UCA has always existed

3.15.3 How Could The UCA Exist For All Time Without Dimension? If we continue this line of argument, the next obvious question is how could the UCA exist for all time without dimension, if even time of anything else existed. The answer is- it couldn't. Before the universe was created, UCA had no dimension, no physical features, but it was aware. It was aware there was no universe, no dimension. Let us look at a feature of species. What is the fundamental desire of species? Some may say to procreate and that is right. On first principles it is to exist. Secondly it is the desire to sustain that existence. In other words, the first is to "be", and then "to continue to be." What is the full extent of the meaning of the concept of existence? When we say something exists, what are the criteria for that holding true? Firstly we know that for something to exist it must exist somewhere. If you say to someone "I saw a green car", then the car's existence can be described as something you saw on a particular road, or a particular suburb, or city, or country, or on Earth, or the solar system. You can describe the car, because it has some contextual backdrop. It doesn't matter if whatever we are describing can locate faster than light to an infinite number of places. It is that this must happen somewhere. We can call this dimension. To exist therefore, something must first exist in a dimension. Yet there are more requirements to exist. It is not enough to say that something exists in a dimension- there is the act of observation that acts as a catalyst to saying something exists. In other words, if no one saw a ghost and no recording equipment was in place to record anything to suggest such an event- who is to say that a ghost in a particular location in dimension exists or doesn't exist? We can call this observation -interaction.

Another example would be if there was just one person left on Earth. Who would there be to say that this person "existed"? The easiest solution would be if there were two people- both could observe each other and say each other exists. Back to the situation we have surmised before the creation of the universe:- we have said that the UCA existed before the creation of the Universe. However, in light of the question of dimension and interaction this statement is neither true or false. For without the Universe coming into being, we can neither prove, nor disprove the existence of the UCA before the Universe came into being. On this basis, the UCA required the creation of the Universe for the UCA to exist. We can now answer several fundamental questions;-

Before the creation of the Universe, the UCA existed and didn't exist To exist, the UCA created the Universe

3.16 When the "machinery" of meaning breaks down

To our day to day perception of what is sensible, we often use the argument "something is either A or not-A, right or wrong". The same way of thinking is applied to our common understandings of Law "Innocent or Guilty", Life "Alive or Dead" and objects that impact our lives "Good or Bad". What we often forget to realize is that the statement "everything has its place, A or not-A" is itself a concept, a type of argument. Like many concepts familiar to human beings, it is a human created concept- not necessarily a universal truth. And like many human created concepts that are useful, its usefulness is often misinterpreted to mean the "best" or "only" way to think. There are indeed other ways to phrase an argument than simply A or not-A. Given that so much of our understanding of "how things fit" is based on the concept of A or not-A type thinking, it is understandable if you are troubled by the concepts "before the creation of the Universe, the UCA existed and didn't exist," and "to exist, the UCA created the universe". To make sense of this, we must briefly look to the next chapter and the mechanics behind our everyday understandings of "argument", "category" and "thinking". It is here we hope to clarify the understandings of UCA that have been discussed so far.


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What is existence?
In chapter 2 (models and meaning) the concept of existence was outlined in summary. But when we talk about the universe, what do we mean by existence? what really is existence? The definitions we may find in any dictionary provide some clues: Absolute Concept-the theoretical state or fact of being independent of human consciousness in contrast with nonexistence; Universal concept-being with respect to a limiting condition or under a particular aspect; Absolute set-the totality of existent things ; Reality of observation-reality as opposed to appearance ; Reality of experience-reality as presented in experience ; Unique life-a particular being ; Life-sentient or living being : life; Quality of life-the manner of being that is common to every mode of being ; Awareness-continued or repeated manifestation.


Existence as a concept

Existence begins as a concept an idea about what constitutes existence. That is why the word has been open for debate over many years on such subjects as the definition of existence as life, or existence as matter. 4.1.2 Existence as an absolute set (of objects) Fundamentally, existence is about objects. When we talk about the universe, we are talking about something. Similarly, when we talk about matter (elements), we are talking about objects that can be measured and/or validated in some way. 4.1.3 Existence as something observed Existence is also about the process of observing something, of validating its experience. In this context existence is not just a stationary concept but an active involvement of the observer and the observed. 4.1.4 The simplest model of existence From all the definitions and all the various qualities attributed to the concept, the simplest model of existence is (1) an observer and (2) a thing observed . The observer observes the object and so validates the existence of the object. The observed object exists so validates the existence of the observer.

4.2 The fragile bonds of existence

existence is (1) an observer and (2) a thing observed
As simplistic as the words above may appear, if either the observer stops observing or the observed object ceases to be, then the very simplest definition of existence also ceases. If the observer has nothing to observe then it has nothing to reference its own existence. Yet if the observer chooses not to observe, then even if an observable object exists, it existence is denied by non-observation.

In other words, the very simplest definition of existence depends upon the existence of both concepts (observer and observed) together in an active relationship. The choice of the observer to observe is as vital an ingredient in the simplest definition of existence as is having an object to observe.


What is reality?
When we talk about the universe, we are talking about something that is real. Objects that can be measured and/or validated in some way are what we understand as real.


Science and the definition of reality Science is principally concerned with defining what is real and excluding what is not-real (unreal). Without the tireless efforts of science, we would not have discovered the nature of matter, the rules of matter and the way things are. Sciences ability to define the whole extent of reality includes theories on the creation of the universe and the existence/non existence of nonmeasurable forces. Things that cannot be proven (life after death, god, angels, spirits, awareness) are considered unreal, while things that can be proven to exist and considered real.


Reality and dimension

When we are talking about something that is real we are talking about something that exists in dimension.


What Is Dimension? In our day to day lives, we largely take dimension for granted. That is because it is always there. When we wake up, we can say that we are at home, or a hotel or somewhere else. When we go to work, or visit friends, we can quote an address. When we travel, we can say where we started and where we are going. Similarly, when science is investigating different parts of the galaxy and Universe, dimension is always there. We can say that a star exists relative to the stars around it because we receive the star's radiation (light and/or radio waves) across billions of kilometres of space to Earth. Dimension, therefore is not just the space around something, dimension can only be described when we establish the position of something relative to the position of other things.

Dimension = position observed by the observer, relative to other objects. 4.4.2 Space Cannot Exist Without At Least Two Objects This definition of dimension may appear obvious to some readers and different, even difficult to initially understand to other readers. In science for example, there are thousands of books that now describe the concept of space time, and/or space being able to exist without objects. Worse, parts of the science community have gone so far as to add extra meanings to the word dimension, especially from their complex approach to Mathematics. Unfortunately, this tends to lead readers away from a fundamental point of Logos and creates confusion. Fundamentally, things do not exist in dimension unless they have position relative to other things and are observed. From this point on in the book and model, we will only talk about space being a quality always attached to something, relative to other things. (For those of you reading this book that are concerned about how this could make sense when we already know vast tracts of space are largely "devoid" of any visible matter, as well as the observed phenomena of the twisting and warping effects of space, these features are explained later in the book.) It is one of the most important contribution of Quantum Physics- that the observer to something is crucial to verifying the "existence" of what is happening. Let us put this more simply. If you saw something happen, say a flock of birds fly across a lake, then from your perspective the birds did fly across the lake. However, if you were sitting in an office, without any camera equipment to view the lake and the birds flew over the lake, you would be unable to say whether the birds did fly, or even if those particular birds existed. A work colleague may have been at the lake for a holiday, instead. He or she may say that they saw a lovely flock of birds fly over the lake. If you accept what they have said, then you are only accepting what they said on face value as being true. You never saw the birds, so the work colleague's statement could be both true and false. This is what we meant in the previous chapter about the UCA both existing and not existing until the Universe was created. Until there was either something to observe, or a clear distinction on what was the observer, then existence could not be true. 4.4.3 What Does It Mean To Exist In Dimension? We now see that dimension is all about relative position. Dimension is not an independent thing. So what does it mean then to have relative position? In space, all objects have three dimensional relative position. That means that say for a star, there will be stars above, below, front and back and to the sides of its relative position. Even on Earth, every object is three dimensional. We have the sky, the planet's surface and what are to the left and right, front and back of the relative object.

Therefore to exist in three dimensions, we must have seven objects. The observed object and six objects that give us the observed objects relative position.


The Creation Of Dimension We can now see that dimension was created when at least seven objects were created. That dimension cannot exist independently (contrary to contemporary science's view of the concept of space) without objects. We can go even further and say that space- the distance between objects is a quality possessed by each object, not an independent thing. This differs significantly from the contemporary scientific belief that space exists first and that objects such as stars come second.


The concept of unreality

A good example of something that is unreal, yet provable as existing only to you is your mind your own self awareness.


The structure of thought While you may be sitting in a room full of people, your mind could be wandering to a special sunny tropical island hideaway where you relax by the water sipping your favorite drink. Or you might be fantasizing about someone else in the room. Whatever is in your mind is not real. The room full of people is real. Yet your thought exists. And even more importantly, your thought has structure. You are dreaming/thinking about objects and places and dimension 4 dimensions (height, width, breadth and time).


The non-location of thought Yet for the reality of your dream to you, its location cannot be validated. Sure the physical location of chemical processes in your brain can be

located, but the actual island does not exist in reality-like a ghost in the machine.


The birth of existence- what came first rules or matter?

A key observation of matter (objects) is that it behaves according to certain rules. Take away the rules and you have chaos.


The synergy between rules and matter

Rules and matter are never apart. Wherever there is matter, rules exist. So bound are these two concepts that their separation is rarely considered. Yet both couldn't have come into being at the same time? One must have come before the other. 4.6.2 Matter can't exist in reality without rules The reality is that by the laws of logic and physics, matter can't exist without rules. Without rules, there is chaos. With complete chaos there is nothing, no existence. No one has yet proven a completely chaotic state without any rules existing as ever being possible in the first place. So this rules matter out as the first thing that happened.


Rules can't exist in reality without matter By the same logic, rules themselves cannot exist in reality without matter to apply them. They have no physical weight nor measure as an independent thing. They are massless without matter. Therefore in reality rules could not have come first.


OK, so what happened? So if matter can't exist without rules in reality and rules can't exist without matter in reality then what is the answer to the riddle?

4.7 Dream and existence

The only example of something being able to exist in theory and in reality at the same time is a dream. A dream provides a mechanism whereby all objects within the dream are real and all rules apply. At the same time, rules can exist in theory. A Dream is also the only example of dimension being created.


The structure of dream

Returning to the model of the UCA without the Universe, we are talking about something that has no boundaries, no physical form, no dimension, no laws guiding its existence, for it both exists and doesn't exist at this point. We are talking about pure and limitless awareness. Our question therefore is not how something was created out of nothing?, but how something physical can be created out of something "ethereal"?


Creating Dimension By Dreaming

Dreaming is a recognized feature that human beings and certain other lifeforms on Earth possess. While science has not yet determined fully the relationships between the act of dreaming, what actually physically happens and why, there is ample evidence to link dreaming as a feature of all animals that possess sufficiently developed brains with memory (as explained in later chapters). In a dream we may create a scenario in our mind whereby actors on a stage may perform various parts. For example, in our dream, a person we know, is pregnant. In the dream they go to hospital and after labour pains, they give birth to a baby. To the person having the dream, the perspective is that it does not happen in their current perspective, in their current dimension, it happens in a dream dimension, through the mind. After all, it is only a dream. Yet from the perspective of the people in the dream, the birth really happened, a new human was really born. They must, if we observed them as happening in our dream. There is nothing to say that the mother in the dream did not feel pain, did not feel fear, did not feel joy. Unfortunately, we tend to discount dreams, without considering that not everything in the Universe may be constrained by the limitations of the level of awareness and observation of a single human being. For instance, if our brain tried to store the last ten actions of every cell in our body, our brain could quite possibly hemorrhage and we would die. Yet, some super computers have sufficient storage capacity to accomplish this feat. Similarly, we also tend to have difficulty disassociating ourselves when thinking about dreams, to consider that a dream consists of (1) the dreamer (2) the outer boundary of the dream (3) the dream and the inner "world" and rules of the dream. 4.8.2 How Can Something That Is Real Be Ethereal At The Same Time? Let us return to our example of someone dreaming about a dream where a mother gives birth. From the perspective of the mother in the dream, the world is real, the pain is real, the new born baby is real. From the perspective of the person dreaming, the act of dreaming is real, although the pain of the birth is not. Dreaming is the only possible time where something can be ethereal and real at the same time. It is the only time where a new reality, from the perspective of the people in the dream can be created. It also happens to be the only occurrence where new dimension is created. Returning to the ultimate dreamer, the Unique Collective Awareness (UCA) without dimension, without form, but pure limitless awareness nonetheless, the UCA would only need to dream of existence for:

(1) objects to be created in dimension (2) existence reality - existence to occur between the link of the dreamer and the dream

(3) physical Reality to be very real from the perspective of the objects within the dream.
The ultimate dreamer (UCA) exists by the dream. Within the dream, the dreamer in the dream sees and thinks things that to the dreamer are real. They are, referenced in the world created by the ultimate dreamer (the Universe). 4.8.3 The Dream And The Dreamer Are One A crucial feature of dreams is the bind between the dream and the dreamer. The dream is always an extension of the dreamer. What this means is that existence- the stars, the planets, our lives, our pain, our joy, the Universe is a dream. We live by the rules of the dream. This is because we (as self aware human beings) are within the Universe. Therefore all the rules are very real. It hurts when someone punches you- it is real. It hurts when someone we love ceases to be a living human being. We experience pain, and joy and all the physical emotions of being alive. At the same time, the dream is an extension of the Unique Collective Awareness- we are the Unique Collective Awareness. This concept- "I am in you and you are in me" is not new to human philosophy. The Bible has several references as does many religions. Holy men and women, such as Gurus are correct when they say you are the Sun, you are the flowers and the sky. You are the Sun, the moon and the Universe. (We discuss these levels of awareness progressively through the following chapters.) We are both the dream and the dreamer-the UCA and the Universe. 4.8.4 The Dream and the Dreamer are unique While unity between the dream and dreamer as one is important to recognize, it is equally true that a dream exists only because the dreamer and the dream are unique. Uniqueness therefore is crucial and fundamental feature of creation. Creation could not occur with simply two dreams and no dreamer. The uniqueness of roles- a dreamer- an observer and the dream, the doermind and life, soul and body. This duality of mind and body exists throughout nature and is one of the fundamental mysteries- the duality of life, the duality of mind. We will see in later sections the importance of the understanding of mind and body being two intertwined elements, yet each separate by perspective, essence and nature. That in observing any physical thing, it exists in both reality ( within the dream) and ethereally in the minds eye of the dreamer. 4.8.5 Evidence of the dream nature of the Universe To many, the previous points may appear vague and difficult to grasp at first. Partly this may be due to the fairly "dry" nature of the language. Partly it might also be due to the apparent different nature of this explanation of the nature of the universe. Yet there is ample evidence to suggest this really is the fundamental

nature of the universe- the dream (I, you, we) and the dreamer (Us). We know for instance, that human perspective is both a fragile and unique gift. We need only eat a large quantity of sugar , or consume some drug to see our perspective on reality change. You may well have experienced the sensation when waking from a vivid dream of initially finding it difficult to distinguish where the dream ends and reality begins. Similarly you may have experienced the strange "out of body" sensation that sometimes occurs during periods of great illness, tranquility or physical stress. Dreams are real, because we have all experienced them. Reality can at times be dreamlike, because we have all experienced those strange moments. And out of body (being the dreamer) observing reality also exists as a human experience because we have all experienced the sensation at least once in our lives. 4.8.6 What Did The UCA Dream About To Create The Universe? We have already arrived at the conclusion that the UCA wished to exist and that through the creation of the Universe, it is able to accomplish this feat. Yet two questions arise- At what point did the dream- the Universe begin to exist? and secondly what did the UCA dream about to kick off creation? Let us answer the second question first. Before the UCA began to dream nothing in the Universe existed. No trees, no people, no time, no stars, no moons, no wind, no rain. So did the UCA simply invent these things up as part of dream and create the Universe in seven days? We have already discussed these points in the previous chapter. We already know that human beings arrived relatively late in the cycle of life evolution on the Earth and that the Universe has progressed from a relatively simple form to become more and more complex. This is a clue- the dream is becoming more complex as it unfolds. Just as the desire of the UCA is simple, the 1st act of creation could also be simple. We conclude this act to be the UCA simply dreaming of itself existing. 4.8.7 At What Point Does The Universe Actually Come Into Existence? We now return to the question, at what point does the dream- the Universe actually exist? We may say that the Universe exists at the point when the UCA dreamt of itself. We also know that existence in three dimensions requires at least seven things to exist, before the object being observed can be said to exist. Therefore the Universe could not exist until it could answer the question of existence in dimension in form- that is having physical properties.

4.9 Dream, dreamer and existence

If existence depends fundamentally on the existence of an observer and an observed, then existence can also be described as the fundamental existence of a dreamer and the dream. What does fundamental existence mean? The fundamental existence of a dreamer and the dream in the first instance means that beyond this simple definition there is no simpler definition of existence. This is it. Without the existence of either a dreamer, or the dream then existence is not possible. Without existence, no concept, no idea, no reality exists. The importance of the dream to the dreamer Most importantly, fundamental existence is given deeper meaning when considering the importance of the dream to the dreamer. No longer is it a case of a comparing a human thought. If the dream collapses existence ceases the dreamer does not exist. Existence ceases to be. The dreamers own existence depends upon the existence of the dream and vice versa. This is the symbiotic and vital embrace of the fundamental principle of existence. The well structured dream As a result of this understanding of the fundamental principle of existence, it is only right that we should expect to find a well structured set of principles for the structure of the universal dream. For unless these principles are perfect and simple, the dream would cease, existence would cease to be.


The need to be something to exist

While the concept of dream provides the first part of the technical question of existence of the rules and matter, there is still the question

of existence as what? 4.10.1 You need to be something (an object) to be something At the end of the day the universal dream needs to be something, an object in order to exist. Existence by definition is existence as some object. This in turn implies that the universal dream needed to be something definable, measurable and to be validated- in other words real. 4.10.2 Easy- just think of a universe and off you go.. Such questions might seem childish considering the potential power of an infinite mind. An infinite mind could create whatever it wished just by thinking of it. Technical problems about what to think of seem a waste of time. I should be easy.. Sure. Count the longest thought you've ever held in your head. A few seconds, a few minutes maybe. Then think about the mental challenge of sustaining a thought as diverse as six billion minds, billions of self aware minds, life, planets, stars, galaxies and sub universes. You wouldn't want to make a mistake, or the whole dream would collapse. 4.10.3 OK, I think of a dot- the perfect universe OK, in trying to answer the argument once and for all, a person might come up with the solution of the universe being the smallest dot. It is still something and there is no risk of shape or blemish. Fine again on first value, but a dot of what? Of UCA. It doesn't work. Matter has to be made of something to be something.


The risk of failure, the risk of non-existence

At each corner, at each avenue of thinking about existence, there is the first of failure . Building a universe is a large project, something far bigger than we will ever carry out in our life time. There are the levels of matter to consider, the growth of the system , the interrelationships between things, the mysteries of life, the paradox of awareness. Technically you can't afford to make a mistake. One mistake an existence ceases, you cease to exist. Existence depends upon no mistakes.


The harsh reality of measure The challenge in starting with nothing far greater than just working out the periodic table of elements- it is working out the periodic table of everything- every force, every element, every level of matter. Not only if you make a mistake would your universe collapse in theory, but under the harsh reality of science, any theory of the universe that does not match the empirical values of the periodic table and key constants and the theory is instantly discredited. This is because we now know a great deal about our world and our universe that we more keenly seek a better model. Any model that purports magical "ethers" cannot be validated, we need proof.


The importance of rules of creation

Before we go much further, we need to pause and ask the question why are there rules at all? We may understand the evidence of the need for rules every day. If people could shoot other people without fear of being imprisoned, then the streets would not be safe. If there were no permits required before building commenced, or transactions on purchasing land, then complete anarchy would rage in our cities. However, in the context of the creation of the Universe, two things must occur for creation to happen: (a) The Universe had to be something, something in dimension. Therefore a set of consequential constraints were also constructed in the process. (b) The Universe had to continue to exist, therefore controls (or in other words rules) had to exist to ensure the Universe did not implode, explode at any moment. Therefore the existence of certain rules is a natural consequence of creation and of sustaining that existence, not the other way around. Rules are inescapable in our lives, in the solar systems life and the Universes continued existence.


How Complex Do The Rules Get? Another reason for pausing for a moment and discussing the natural consequence of rules, is that the following chapters start to introduce a range of rules. Initially, like looking at any new set of rules, they may appear unfamiliar and take time to digest. The good news is that from understanding a few handfuls of rules, the remainder of the book is able to show how these rules repeat, again and again at different levels as patterns. We will see the rules and understanding of Logos being applied at each and every level, just as well will see the rules of creation (UCALEX) repeating.


What About Mathematics? Given the presence of rules, a further enhancement of understanding is able to take place when we begin to see the proportional relationships that exist at every level of the Universe. These patterns are specifically identifiable.

What this means is that we are able to describe these relationships and how they work, using abstract symbols to signify whatever the reader wishes to test the model of certain relationships on. This leads us to the question of using a language to describe these relationships. In describing relationships the reader may expect Mathematics to be used. However, as we will discuss later in this chapter, the science of Mathematics is linked to the science of Logic, in contrast to UCA and LOGOS. Secondly, because the UCA did not have, nor need a degree in applied mathematics to create the Universe, we do not require complex formula. When we talk about complexity, we are talking about many different things happening at the same time. However we will be able to show that the interactions throughout the Universe are in fact built up of constant relationships and patterns- in other words, we can describe the literally infinite number of interactions in the Universe back to the continued enaction of the simplest of the rules- I exist, to exist, I exist, etc. We hope the presence of certain formulas do not unsettle the reader. At all times, we attempt to explain the relationships as clear and as simply as possible.


Why did UCA create the universal dream?

We now come to the next big question concerning the Unique Collective Awareness (UCA), why did it create the Universe in the first place? In the previous section, we now see that for the UCA to exist, it required something to exist against- namely the Universe. Yet we also saw the dual argument, that the UCA existed, even though the Universe did not exist. Could it be that the simplest reason and the fundamental reason that the UCA created the Universe was to exist? Certainly there are examples through the Universe itself and the life ecosystem on Earth of this kind of "existence co-dependence". We see this with the sexual reproduction of life in higher organized life such as mammals. We see this with stars and surrounding planets and meteorite belts. We see this with stars collecting into galaxies. We see this with the structure of atoms with specialized components that sustain an atom's existence. It seems a fair and common sense conclusion then that:

The reason the Unique Collective Awareness (UCA) created the Universe is that it wished to exist
4.13.1 Why Does The Universe Continue To Exist? We know a feature of matter and of life is the desire to continue to exist. We see this in the desperation of trapped animals to escape. We see this in the atoms of chairs avoiding fracturing each other and causing the chair to explode (whether or not we ascribe the process as a complex set of laws).

All around us is the desire of matter to continue in form and the interaction as this goal faces the realities of matter interacting and form changing shape. Certainly, if the UCA created the Universe, then in theory it could uncreate the Universe at any given moment. This could give weight to some religious arguments about some impending doom when the Universe ceases to exist. However, what we observe everyday in our own lives, the Earth and the Universe completely contradicts that. For we see matter, life, not only existing but continuing to exist- wanting to continue to exist. It would therefore be a fair and common sense conclusion as to why the Universe has continued to exist is:

The reason the Universe continues to exist is that the Unique Collective Awareness (UCA) wishes to continue to exist.


Who/what created UCA?

In spite of being able to argue on common sense that UCA existed before the Universe was created (therefore rules, dimension, form etc), the question remains-"who created the creator?" Put another way, if God created man, who created God?


Understanding the philosophical question Before we seek to answer this "question of questions", we need to be clear on exactly what we are talking about: pure and limitless awareness, without form, without dimension, with and without provable existence. Therefore, we are not talking about understanding how something was created, but how pure a limitless awareness of existence was created and by whom, or what?


Does the most important skill of human beings give us a clue? In human global commerce, what do you believe the most valuable commodity? Similarly, what do you believe is the most important talent of a human being? If you said "an idea" to the first question you are right. If you said "to think" to the second question, you a right again. The human ability to think of ideas, to create, to create organized thoughts, goals and desires is our most significant gift. It has been often quoted that "nothing is more powerful than an idea". In the next chapter, we will explain in detail how the UCA could possibly create the Universe and possibly what other synergies exist from this basic desire down to laws that influence our daily lives and the existence of every piece of matter in the Universe- Chapter 5. For now, we leave you with three phrases to consider:

Nothing created UCA Nothing is absolute Absolute is UCA

" I think, therefore I am" The act of creation (thinking an idea), created the creator (UCA), creating the creation (the Universe)
We will return to this paradox for further insight at the end of the book, once we have considered the range, structure and relationships of key human knowledge.


What you are reading is an idea about an idea about an idea

We see described in this book so far, an explanation for why the universe exists, who or what created the universe? the existence of awareness, that everything we us are ideas in motion (toasters, radios, clothes, food) and that there are different ways of thinking ( Logos) that are more representative of the universe than alternatives ( such as Logic). Yet in saying all of this, it is important to emphasis that this book does not claim all these answers as fact. What we say is that these answers are provided under a cohesive framework called UCA- an idea. You have beliefs and we respect these beliefs. Many other people have adopted different models and we respect these. There as a model ( an idea) what you read can be judged on its detail to be useful, to be relevant, to provide answers. Difference alone is not a fault.


Existence and creation of the perfect dream

As explained at the end of the initial outline of Logos, there are certain tools and concepts we need to consider before adequately explaining the theoretical process of the creation and function of the Universe. Over the next few chapters, we propose to provide a grounding as to how these process come about and continue to work, specifically answering the questions: Q. How did the UCA create matter? Q. What are the smallest particles in the universe? Q. What are all the levels of particles in the universe? Q. What are the physical laws and relationships of the universe? Q. What are the unifying principles, the "theory of everything"? Q. What is the "proof" that this theory resembles the real world around us?


The essential requirement to consider technical aspects To answer these questions, we must by definition consider the technical nature of "how" UCA achieves these things. This necessarily requires us to consider concepts such as geometry, ratios, as well as

terms familiar to science such as forces, energy and motion. While the concepts and the descriptions themselves are no more complicated than what is written here, the need to re-define a number of terms may lead some readers to find the following chapters, particularly Chapter 5 and 6 difficult to initially comprehend. However, it is upon these concepts that the remainder of the book is based. We therefore encourage readers not to be too distracted by the technical descriptions or if it takes time to fully understand them. The greatest minds in the history of humanity have struggled with similar concepts for thousands of years. Please take your time and if need be, consider re-reading these chapters after you have progressed further into the book UCA. 4.16.2 The description of creation from the bottom-up The most important reason for structuring the content and chapter sequence the way we have is that UCA describes the creation and function of the Universe from the bottom-up. By this, we mean that UCA starts from the proposition that "nothing exists" and builds up through the various layers of matter, the various laws of the universe to ultimately seek to understand ourselves. Human knowledge until now has generally been based on detailed analysis of patterns from the top down (i.e. astronomy and atomic physics), digging ever deeper and smaller to seek the answers contained in this book. Therefore to a number of readers the concept of being able to describe creation from the bottom up itself may be difficult to comprehend. However, this is what we do, without contradiction, without error. 4.16.3 The ability to see the consistency of laws and relation of laws from the bottom up By considering laws from the bottom up, we seek to show you the consistent operation of fundamental laws at each and every level of matter. We also seek to show the relationships between laws of the universe- to make sense of why things are the way they are. For in understanding the past, you will be able to see the whole. And in understanding the whole, you will understand the importance and purpose of each and every part- especially you.


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The biggest idea..

There is only one way to prove life is a dream and that Unique Collective Awareness exists and that is to explain how UCA created the perfect dream (the Universe) out of nothing. The second and far more challenging aspect to any resulting theory is it then has to withstand the practical scrutiny and measurement of science and what we already know about matter. In other words, a theory that life is a dream and that we are all surrounded by some kind of collective energy might be great for weekend retreats, but it has no valid function in the libraries of scientific knowledge.


The inescapable necessity for detail A complete model of the universe is large. It is impossible not to have to face some kind of detail in explaining such a model. That is why the task of describing the different levels of matter of the universal dream is covered over several separate chapters starting with this one- the smallest particles in the universe.


The unavoidable need to compare with scientific fact The second necessity over the following chapters is to continue to compare with what is known as scientific fact and common sense reason. The model must at every stage and every level match with our understanding of true facts and reason. If it defies common sense, then the model is flawed.


If the model of UCA measures the key understandings of science then what? To be valid, the concept that UCA exists and that life is a dream (universe in motion) must not only agree with science but answer every unanswered question of science. In a word, it must be perfect.

5.3 The 12 laws of creation

Over the following pages, we introduce 12 laws that appear to be the laws of creation. In other words, not only do these laws apply to the creation of the universe, but they apply universally to every level of matter and condition of creation of things. Some of these laws may seem obvious, while others (when considering the human condition) may provide some greater insight as these laws apply as much to the human life experience as creating a universe from nothing.

1st laws of creation-Goal- "I wish to exist"

The first expression of universal creation is free will, also defined as the goal law- I wish to exist. The importance of the goal law being the first expression of creation is that it reflects a willful thought as opposed to some mechanistic rule, or chance event. The goal law also reflects probably the first part of the first thought of UCA (unique collective awareness) I wish to exist, therefore.. It is the action of thought and stepping stone to what and how to create the universe. The reason UCA created the universe The reason the Unique Collective Awareness (UCA) created the Universe is that it wished to exist Who/What created UCA? Nothing created UCA Nothing is absolute Absolute is UCA " I think, therefore I am" The act of creation (thinking an idea), created the creator (UCA), creating the creation (the Universe)

2nd law of creation-Logos -"to exist i use common sense.."

Available to UCA to create the universe was immeasurable common sense. Exist in dimension UCA knew that to exist is to exist in dimension. That means existence can only be measured in terms of something in dimension.

3rd law of creation-Creation "to exist I exist as.."

To exist, UCA began by conceiving itself in a dream as the smallest theoretical point possible. In this action UCA created the dream, a theoretical object and the potential to exist.

4th law of creation-Codependence- "For I to exist, you exist"

A single point of UCA does not guarantee existence in dimension, therefore existence. To have dimension, an object must have a relative position with at least six points around it in 3 dimensional space.

The need for more and more points However, unless each anchor point of UCA has its own anchor points,

relative position cannot be guaranteed (existence collapses). Only when every point of UCA has relative position can dimension be guaranteed. This is only possible through the active and continuous creation of infinite points of awareness in ever expanding dimension.

5th law of creation-Specialisation-"for I to exist, you exist as"

In the process of ensuring dimension and existence, points of UCA specialize into different types core points, anchor points and outer anchor points. Without specialized roles even at the most basic level of points of awareness, UCA could not guarantee existence in dimension.

6th law of creation-Geometry-"to exist, I use geometric principles"

To exist, something must have shape and occupy space. Both concepts have strong ties to common sense principles of geometric shape. Some shapes are more efficient at forming volume than others. Spheres for example have a surface area to volume ratio of 4:3, meaning that there is less volume area compared to surface area. Perfect Cubes for example have a surface area to volume of 2:1, meaning that there is one half the volume compared to surface area. Octahedron The most efficient shape in terms of number of points combining to create maximum volume is an octahedron (six points) combining to create eight equally proportioned triangles, expanding to a middle point and reducing to a single point. The surface area to volume of a perfect Octahedron is always 1:2. That is, an octahedron creates twice as much volume as it takes surface space to create it. Octahedrons are therefore the simplest and most efficient shapes in terms of minimum number of points for maximum volume creation.

7th law of creation-Awareness of position - "I am aware of my position"

While the existence of infinite points of UCA provides a framework to exist in dimension, it also requires active observation or awareness. It is not enough for UCA to observe the dream, UCA needs to be able to validate existence by observation within the dream as well. This is achieved by the inherent awareness of position in dimension of pure points of UCA being pure awareness. By each infinitely small point of UCA being aware of its position in dimension, the requirement for existence to be observed for each and every theoretical object is validated.

8th law of creation-Immediate near neighbours

Points of awareness being pure awareness can interact with points well beyond its immediate position. However, if one point of awareness ceased to exist, dimension would collapse. To reduce this risk, only immediate near neighbours interact in the creation of greater form. This rule does not apply to all objects. As you will see in later sections, some types of matter actually interact with other like objects that are not necessarily near neighbours (such as gravity). The reason for these objects not conforming to this rule will be explained further in the book.

9th law of creation-Exclusiveness of position

Let us consider then, one point of UCA traveling along its circular path to form a circle, while other points of UCA do the same. A problem emerges. If both points of UCA travel on paths exactly the same distance between the anchor point and the central anchor then they by Logos will merge in a microscopic "car crash." Based on the model, if this were to occur, then the problem of collapsing dimension would occur and the Universe would quickly cease to exist. Two points can't be at the same place at the same time. One point has to "give" way. The solution is the development of a simple rule- the "up", "down" rule. A point of UCA travels around half of its trajectory under the optimum trajectory and then slightly over (up) from its optimum trajectory.

10th law of creation-Change of position

While each of the previous rules provide an important component towards guaranteeing sustainable existence, there is still the need for points of UCA to actual move. This is the tenth law everything is in motion. Existence is motion The very definition of existence implies an action the action of dreaming. The dream itself is the dream of specific types of motion. Without the motion of infinite points of UCA, objects would not exist and existence would cease to be.

11th law of creation-Conservation of effort

One of the most efficient shape in terms of number of points combining to create maximum volume is an octahedron (six points) combining to create eight equally proportioned triangles, expanding to a middle point and reducing to a single point. The surface area to volume of a perfect Octahedron is always 1:2. That is, an octahedron creates twice as much volume as it takes surface space to create it. Octahedrons are therefore the simplest and most efficient shapes in terms of minimum number of points for maximum volume creation. With the up-down principle in place, the points of UCA can create three circles and complete the smallest form. The result is a super fast general vibration, or "wobble", also able to be described as "fuzziness". If points of UCA did not alter their trajectories to accommodate other points of UCA, then the Universe would never have got off the ground. Because each point of UCA is pure awareness, it is completely aware of the other points of UCA around it, and every other point of UCA. It is therefore a simple task to alter path to avoid collisions. No perfect shape The implication of this fuzziness from the very smallest particle is that no perfect circle or shape exists in the universe. Everything is a ratio of perfection. The name given to this ratio of imperfect fuzziness in all things is Pi.

12th law of creation-maximum change constant

The fastest potential rate for a point of UCA is infinity. Yet if a point did travel at such a rate it would cease to have unique location (it would be all at once) and dimension/existence would collapse. My fastest rate is always less than infinity A point of UCA need only travel at 1/2 x infinity to achieve form, leaving less than 1/2 x infinity for motion in form.

At the conclusion of the previous Chapter (5.7), we described the smallest particle in the Universe to be the UNITA- an object made up of 33 unique points of UCA arranged in the most efficient geometric pattern possible. While the arguments listed in the previous chapter may appear common sense, several key questions still remain unanswered- how does the UNITA actually look in terms of geometric shape? How can the UNITA achieve sufficient reference with other points to secure existence (the concept of self reference). Let us then begin with the analysis of the UNITA in terms of a simplified diagram of its component parts and their respective purpose. 5.16.1 The Core and Mid layers of the UNITA Thanks to the set of arguments in the previous chapter, we described the UNITA as being comprised at its core being a single point of UCA referenced by six other points of UCA in a 3 circle configuration.

The diagram above provides a rough approximation of what the core and mid look like in terms of a fuzzy "hollow" sphere. 5.16.2 The Core, Mid and Anchor points As also outlined in the previous chapter, in order for dimension to be maintained, a configuration of 1 to 6 requires a minimum of 26 additional points to reference their existence. We described these as anchor points. The question then arises- how do these anchor points arrange themselves around the moving mid and core?

RED= anchor points Because the position of anchor points of UCA maximize efficiency, they also maximize efficiency of motion in form. The shell rotates as a static layer at 1/6 x infinity compared to 1/2 x infinity of the six points of UCA. This geometric structure of anchor points in a static layer relative to the core point and having its own level of motion secures not only a stable exterior in which further bonds with other UNITA can occur ( creation of more complex shapes) but achieves self reference for all the points within and without. In this geometric structure, each point is referenced by at least six other points of UCA. In other words, the geometric structure of the UNITA achieves selfreference according to the laws of UCA, while still requiring the existence of infinite points of UCA. 5.16.3 The prototype structure This prototype structure and motion ratios of matter we will see replicated again and again at each layer of matter- the centre, the core remaining fixed to the shell, with the mid free to move in rapid motion, like an engine, with the shell having its own rotation rate.

The creation of physical form= rules governing physical form

Once UCA created physical form (the Unita), it also created a series of rules governing physical form. But first, let us re-trace and summarize the important knowledge that allows us to consider how UCA- Unique Collective Awareness created the infinite physical universe of UNITA, or UNITAS 5.17.1 The key relationships between rules and concepts discussed so far First, we began with fundamental concepts ( without form), we call PRIMUS DA. Second, the Primus DA, allow us to construct a model of thinking, classification and argument, called LOGOS. In turn, we saw that LOGOS is categorized into key prime ideas we called ABSOLUTE DIA's: 1. UCADIAThe constant prime ideas around the prime idea of UCA The Constant prime ideas based around the prime idea of the Universe ( still to be outlined) The Constant prime idea based around the prime idea of life ( still to be outlined).



These Prime Ideas, then underpin the second level of Logos, enabling us to construct coherent frameworks for categorization and argument we call the Genesis Ideas, or Ordos: The Ordos (principles) of Existence The Ordos (principles) of Categorization The Ordos (principles) of Identity The Ordos (principles) of Contradiction The Ordos (principles) of Pattern ( still to be discussed) The Ordos (principles) of Cause ( still to be discussed) The Ordos (principles) of Effect ( still to be discussed) The Ordos (principles) of Ratios ( still to be discussed) The Ordos (principles) of Argument (still to be discussed) Then from the thinking framework of Logos, we considered the creation laws and their sequence in actually creating the physical universe, we called the AEONs. The 12 Creation Laws (AEONs)

1. Goal law 2. Logos law 3. Creation law 4. Co dependence law 5. Specialization law 6. Geometric principles 7. Awareness of position in dimension 8. Immediate near neighbours 9. Exclusiveness of position 10. Change of position law 11. Conservation of effort 12. Maximum rate of change and/or interaction law
5.17.2 The laws governing physical form From these thinking tools of LOGOS and the AEONS, a range of fundamental sets of laws are then created. These exist as part of UCA and their existence is confirmed by the behaviour of each and every level of matter within certain tolerances. For example, the fact that chairs where you are do not spontaneously break down into sub atomic elements, causing a massive surge in motion, implies the existence of these rules in constant operation. These rules are defined from the universal:

o features of physical matter o relationships between physical matter o motion (cause and effect) between physical matter
5.17.3 EIKOS- a language describing the features, relationships and complex functions of physical form EIKOS is the scientific language of UCA, describing in symbolic representation to actual features, relationships, motions and interactions between all matter in the Universe. Hence the word Eikon from the original greek word meaning "likeness, image". Therefore Eikos describes the likeness of symbolic representation to what UCA actual does- therefore Eikos is a language describing the workings of UCA, just as Logos provides a language of ideas and their relationships with words. EIKOS is divided into a number of sub disciplines, which are called "branches": (1) NUMERICS e.g.

Systems of numeration

e.g. forms of numeration additive

numeration multiplicative notation o decimal point notation sexigesimal notation binary, octal, hexadecimal Types of numbers e.g. rational numbers perfect and amicable numbers powers and roots pi irrational numbers e.g. permutations graph theory samples with replacement combinations


(2) SYMERICS e.g.

Symbolic Logos Theory of equations

(including algebra) e.g. o linear o quadratic o inequalities o root, exponential o logarithmic o quartic o diophantine equations History

Function theory
(3) GEOLEX e.g.

Geometric abstraction Survey of geometries Topography


Probability theory
5.17.4 Why Eikos? Why not mathematics? Considering that most people on earth at some time have learned the essential concepts of mathematics, it is fair to ask why consider the concept of EIKOS, rather than continue with the wealth of knowledge contained in the science of mathematics. There are three key reasons for this: (1)

The fundamentals of mathematics are based upon the essential pillars of logic, which we discussed in the previous chapter is a classification system, that does not best represent the nature of the "real" world, nor UCA. As such, to use mathematics as it currently is configured, would conflict with the understandings of Logos and the principles of UCA as so far discussed. Mathematics has become more complex in terms of language, terms, symbols, logic rules and formulas. Mathematics has grown from its


beginnings into a major science and language of its own, with thousands of complex terms, symbols, rules of logic and formulas. Many key concepts underpinning mathematics are simply not supported by UCA as having application to this dimension or the sustainment of any other dimension.

Godel's Incompleteness theorem proved 0 = 1, proved the existence of the prime contradiction underpinning every mathematic rule, every formula and every set. The rules of mathematics however are still written in a world of 0 = 0 , 1 = 1. In other words, the rules don't match up to the prime truth- nothing is absolute. Eikos on the other hand is surprisingly simple, consistent with the observations of Logos and UCA.
The American Constitution of Government is one example, the Roman Christian Canon Law and the Ten Commandments are other good examples.

Features of the UNITA

We can now consider the physical features of the smallest physical building block of matter. From three groups of points of awareness in perpetual motion and anchor points, we see a range of features that emerge as constants to all spherical objects. Unita Feature (1)

Unita is made up of 6 points of UCA changing position at half maximum rate

A Unita is made up of six points of UCA changing position according to geometric principles to create physical form. Each point of UCA travels at half its maximum rate. 6 is the most stable, most efficient number and structure for creating form. Unita Feature (2)

Unita has a central point of UCA at its direct centre that never shifts from the centre

A Unita always has a point of UCA at its centre, that is the central anchor point to form. The central point of UCA never shifts from the geometric centre of the 6 points of UCA creating form's orbit pattern. Unita Feature (3)

Unita has 26 additional anchor points that are technically part of the structure

A Unita has 26 additional anchor points (in additional to the central anchor point) 8 at middle level 8 at upper level 8 at lower level 1 at top 1 at bottom Anchor points are part of the structure of form and always remain at equal distances from the 6 points changing position to create form. The maximum rate of change of position of anchor points is one half maximum rate of change of position. This guarantees that massive form can never be created and therefore dimension collapse. Unita Feature (4)

Unita has an equator

Unita has an equator defined as the point at 90 degrees to the top anchor point and the centre and the position where the anchor points are at their widest. Only the minimum number of points are used to create anchors to form. 26 is the minimum, spaced at 1:8:8:8:1. The widest distance between anchor points is at the equator. This region also corresponds to the closest orbit path for matter in orbit as opposed to in greater form. In other words, matter that is in orbit, when it is of the same spin will orbit around the equator, rather than orbits around at 45 degrees. Thus we see the pattern of orbit around a form's equator such as the solar system orbit and the creation of the "ring" factor of smaller,

same spin configured matter. Unita Feature (5)

Unita has an axis

Unita has an axis that it determined by drawing a straight line between the bottom most anchor point to the central anchor point and up to the top most anchor point. All matter that behave as spheres have an axis. An axis never changes in form. Unita Feature (6)

Unita has two polesNorth and South

Given the equator and the distribution of anchor points around the six points of form, a Unita has poles. Poles are the points that can be drawn from a straight line joining the centre anchor to the top most anchor points and the bottom most anchor point. Poles are the theoretical regions closest to the northern most (top) anchor points given the line to the centre and position of the equator compared to the southern most (bottom) anchor. Unita Feature (7)

Unita has spin for each pair of UCA points, either positive or negative

Each pair of two points of UCA that change position can change in either a left-right, or a right-left motion to create form. Common sense tells us that either direction is sufficient to create form, therefore a Unita has a 50% chance of each pair of points having either a positive (left to right) spin or a negative (right to left) spin. This gives us eight possible types of Unita spin configuration (1) + equator points and + + (2) + equator points and + (3) + equator points and - + (4) - equator point and + (5) - equator points and (6) - equator points and + (7) - equator points and +(8) + equator points and --

These different spin configurations create several forces of motion (as we will see and establish a fundamental feature of creating more complex form. Unita feature (8)

Unita has rotation in form

The change of position of the points of UCA in creating form create an overall rotation of form of matter. For instance, Unita with 3 positive (same spin) point teams will rotate on its axis at a stable point of 23 and a half degrees.

Unita with 3 negative (same spin) point teams will rotate on its axis at a stable point of -23 and half degrees. We will see in later chapters why Earths are "perfect" creators. The place where life occurs. Unita with any mixture will have an unstable rotation, which we call Rotaxis (rotation of the axis) and will be unable to form more complex shapes. The dominant spins will determine whether it is positive attracted or repulsed. Unita feature (9)

Different combinations of spins create different rotations and therefore different types

Relative to one form of Unita, there are two families of Unita (1) Creators (2) Repulsors Creators and repulsors are essentially the same (perfectly same spin rates for all pairs). Within each family, this creates essentially three types of Unita:

Unita Creators

Unita Equatorial Destructive Creators Unita Non-Equatorial Destructive Creators

We will see the pattern of creators, repulsors and destructive attractors and their behaviour as repeating through every level of matter in the Universe. Unita Feature (10)

Unita has volume

Unita occupies volume in dimension. Unita Feature (11)

Fuzziness of surface area (form) of sphere

When six point of UCA come together and form relationships, they must by virtue of the "exclusiveness of position" law, change positions every so slightly. This creates a fuzziness, or a "wobble" or even a vibration as is sometimes described. In other words, form for a Unita is imperfect. Unita Feature (12)

Awareness of UNITA being in form

As the Unita is made up of points of UCA which is pure awareness , then Unita, which is six, plus twenty seven points operating in harmony to create form in the form of 1:6:26 is aware of its form. Unita is therefore

aware of its position, thus allowing more complex shapes to form and the relationships to continue. Unita Feature (13)

Desire to continue to exist, expressed as creation (creating relationships)

By virtue of the UCA wishing to exist, points of matter share the same desire to exist expressed as creating relationships with other form. Every Unita wishes to be a "creator" and every Unita shares the same desire of "wanting" to create greater form via relationships. Unita Feature (14)

Relative areas on Unitas that have greater form than others

As matter in its basic form spins either left right, or right to left, the surface rate of spin will be different for different parts of the fuzzy sphere. There will be one region of greatest spin called the equator and two points of minimum spin called the poles. These regions have greater attraction or repulsion.- on a sphere there are eight regions. A practical example of this phenomena is right here on Earth when we look at consistent areas of most unstable weather that can be additionally identified and certified by the placing of an equilateral triangle over the region. Regions that immediately come to mind as historically having the highest disruption of electrical equipment and weather include the Bermuda Triangle, the Southern Ocean (near Antarctica) off the coast of Australia, off the tip of Sth America and Sth East of the Japanese Islands. These eight regions are the eight maximum bonding points of any structure to create. Unita feature (15)

Relative mass

Mass is defined as the physical number of relative forms of matter that make up a larger form. Mass is always relative according to the level of form that the observer wishes to MEASURE against. There are principally four types of Mass: (1) CORE MASS defined as the physical number of relative forms in STABLE RELATIONSHIP that make up the core ORBIT around which less stable forms orbit. (2) INNER SHELL MASS defined as the physical number of relative forms of matter that ORBIT the core MASS (3) OUTER SHELL MASS defined as the physical number of relative forms of matter orbiting the lower orbits. (4) TOTAL MASS the total number of relative forms at a common denominator (i.e. lower level so all forms theoretically are the same type) that make up a total form, including all orbits. For a Unita the theoretical largest and smallest mass numerator is one, therefore one "unit". Unita feature (16)

Relative density

Because six points of UCA (mass of UCA) create form and therefore volume, we can apply a formula to divide the number of points by the amount of volume they take up. The smaller the volume (the tighter

packed) matter the higher its relative density to other forms of matter with the same number of pieces that make up its form but require greater volume. For a Unita, the theoretical largest density measurement is one, therefore one "unit", or in Latin "unita". The relative density for all Unita is the same.

Relationship laws that are created with the UNITA

Relationships are essentially constructed because of the co-dependence of existence and the built-in desire of every piece of matter to "create". Relationships are always relative. Therefore, every individual piece of matter in the Universe can be described not only in terms of its features, but its relationships to other forms of matter. Unita relationship (1)

Relative Position

The laws of creation result in the creation of the concept of position in 3D space. Position is expressed as a point with six vectors. At its most basic level UCA is aware of this position as being unique. It can also be referenced by the location of near neighbour Unita. Unita relationship (2)

Relative Distance

Relative distance is the space between an originating object and a target object ( near neighbour or otherwise). Distance is measured by length at a given moment. Unita relationship (3)

Relative Dista

Relative dista is the space between where an object originally was and where it is now. Relative dista is measured by length. While an object will always have relative distance compared to other objects, an object can have a dista of 0. When a point of UCA has a distance of 0, then at least two points merges and Universe collapses, breaking one of the fundamental laws of creation. Distance will always be greater than 0. Unita relationship (4)

Unita has a maximum and minimum rate of spin (kinesis)

The maximum and minimum rate of spin of a Unita is one half the maximum rate of change of position of an individual point of UCA Max and Min Unita spin = 8 x 1/2 We can express this rate of spin in terms of "frequency". That is, how often will one point of UCA return to an originating position on its travels in a circular motion. We call this frequency FSA= frequency of spin (maximum). We also have minimum frequency of spin = FSI (minimum). Because the spin of a Unita is the fundamental level of form creation, both the fsa and fsi are the same = 8 x 1/2. This never changes. Unita relationship (5)

Relative Motion

The desire to exist causes points of UCA to undertake motion (change of relative position). The maximum motion of UCA (change of position) is at an infinite rate of change of position, which some points undertake (not all as this would cause the Universe to cease). The minimum rate of

change of position is no change. The selection of points undertaking rates of motion is covered by the laws of specialization, co-dependence and goal law. Unita relationship (6)

Relative direction

As UCA has a desire to exist, this causes UCA to change position. As this is in 3D space, this means that this change of position will always have direction- that is an arrow pointing towards a desired destination until change of position cycle is completed and a new arrow (direction) occurs. Unita relationship (7)

Relative velocity

Velocity is the rate of change of position (by motion) with DIRECTION. VELOCITY at this level can be expressed as infinite velocity or zero velocity, or any number in between. Unita relationships (8)

Relative temperature

Relative temperature is the measurement of kinesis (rate of spin) and velocity. Maximum Het=Minimum Col Maximum Col= Minimum Het Unita relationships (9)

Relative specialization

The different spin configurations creates eight possible types of Unita. Therefore each Unita is relatively specialized to seven other types of Unita. The different spin configurations also results in different relationship behaviour when each Unita attempts to create more complex form. Unita Creators (either positive or negative spin) are the only form, to create close bonds. are the form that create orbits and weaken creators ability to immediately create form. These are the regulators of the Universe, ensuring cycle exists and that the Universe can never grow to one giant ball of mass of creators. Equatorial Destructive attractors are therefore the "creators of diversity" are the other disrupters of form and the guardians of dimension. They cannot create form with Creators or nonequatorial destructive attractors. They are doomed to live amongst their own kind and travel

Unita Equatorial Destructive Attractors

Unita non-equatorial Destructive Attractors

the Universe, ensuring space can exist without the presence of larger structures. Repulsors are the motivators and expanders of the Universe. They are the originators of the strongest form of motion- repulsion. They are also a family of creators unto themselves.

Unita relationships (10)

Relative codependence

The existence of a variety of different (specialized) Unita and the abundance of Unita of each type is crucial to creation and the existence of the Universe- therefore UCA. Unita are not only co-dependent within their own family for particular relationships, but with the various "specialized" Unita. It is from the interaction of specialization and co-dependence at the smallest level of matter in the Universe that we can say scientifically "everything in the Universe has a purpose". Unita relationships (11)

Relative Attraction and repulsion

Attraction and repulsion are used to describe the effect, because they are easier concepts to understand. In actual fact, the UCA doesn't create basic pieces of matter that "like" each other or "hate" each other. Attraction simply comes about from the interaction of goal law expressed as a desire to "create" the combined spin of Unita and the effect this has on motion, direction and rate of motion. First, let us view the combination of six points moving at infinite change of position to create form. This creates basic forms of matter with either a left-right or right-left spin. At this point we have no motion in physical form, so the six points of UCA change position at infinite speed. But as soon as there is motion in form, the points of UCA have to take into account a new vector (direction) and therefore slow down in creating form. We see then a lowering of spin. When we see two points of matter come together with the same combined spin configuration, they will slow down and maximize spin. This is due to the need to avoid two points of UCA meeting at the same point. When two pieces of matter with different spin come together the anchor points are either coming towards in an opposite direction or in the case of a destructive attractor seem to be following the same direction, only to suddenly turn at apparent random the other way and risk colliding and merging into the same point. The first instance of motion in form comes about when a piece of positive spin matter forms next to a negative spin piece of basic matter, the effect of the spin (shifting either left, then right, or right then left) means that

two basic forms have points of UCA that come to crossing over paths because of the risk that at close to infinite speed, two particles of one piece of positive matter may cross over the path of two particles of negative matter. They therefore shift in the opposite direction to each other to avoid two points of UCA ever occupying the same location in space. This is the first instance of where motion is created. The piece of matter with a lower vibration, therefore a faster capacity for movement in motion moves away fastest. This is the force of repulsion and where it comes from. The force of attraction comes from the continuation of the goal law and all the other laws of the fundamental laws of creation. The Universe came into being to exist and the expression of this was creation. Creation continues to push basic matter to form stronger bonds. Same spin provides the practical and only means of basic forms of matter accomplishing this constant, continual desire. This is where attraction comes from. The rate of attraction The larger and more dense a structure, the greater the attraction pull of a basic form of matter. The state of attraction will always be a function of rate of VELOCITY, DISTANCE and DIRECTION and DENSITY X SIZE to other forms of matter. The higher the VELOCITY of form of matter, the lower its fsa and fva (or kinesis). The lower the VELOCITY of a basic form, the higher its fsa and fva(higher kinesis or energy). As like spin matter gets closer their rates of spin and vibration increase, and relative velocity decreases to each other. As basic matter will only form relationships with other basic matter of a similar spin and density, the probabilities for creating more complex forms are higher when basic matter is at a similar relative distance, similar relative velocities and similar directions. These conditions are most likely to occur at the CREATION of the Universe and other periods of maximum potential (e.g. the most active parts of the Universe, e.g. the heart of stars) Creation of RATE of repulsion of dissimilar spin basic matter The rate of repulsion will always be a function of initial fva and fva or dissimilar spin basic forms of matter, and their relative distance, directions and velocities. As dissimilar spin basic matter move closer, their velocities slow and spin rates and vibration rates increase. Both basic particles will then change direction as distance continues to change. The dissimilar spin basic matter with the higher vibration rate and spin rate will change direction the least, while the basic particle of matter with an initially lower rate of spin will change the greatest direction. As the dissimilar spin particles move away, their vibration and spin rates will slow and their relative velocities will increase. Unita relationships (12)

Relative possibilities

All Unita and all matter has relative possibilities of direction before the

point of NOW that it could go. This is the list of options before a certain NOW in the future. For humans, they are able to project far in front to set possibilities maybe years ahead. Possibilities is the complete list of outcomes defined over a certain period that a smaller set of probabilities will be defined. Unita relationships (13)

Relative Probability

Probability is created as a law in the Universe, the moment points of UCA decide whether to change position left, to right or right to left. This creates "options or possibilities". The resultant attraction and repulsion forces of dissimilar basic matter creates even more "probabilities" when considering the likelihood of more complex shapes being formed. It also tempers the absolute awareness of UCA as points in terms of Universal Memory. The UCA may have Universal Memory, but the laws of probability will determine what will be the outcome in the world of physical form. The laws of probability mean NOTHING is certain in terms of individual and specific outcomes in the physical Universe. In saying this, it is important to distinguish between probability of outcomes and defined laws of interaction of physical form which are defined and absolute. Unita relationships (14)

Relative Ratios

The creation of form (via the Unita), for the first time creates ratios of creation. That is relative ratios of relationships between points of UCA. (a) Ratio of UCA to itself (b) Ratio of UCA to the Universe (UCA in dimension) (c) Ratio of relative position (d)Creation of form ratio No dimension = 0 UCA with dimension to UCA with no dimension = 1:0 1 object and six vectors = 1:6 1 central point 6 creation points 26 anchor points = 1:6:26 1 top point, 8 upper, 8 middle, 8 lower, 1 = 1:8:8:8:1 Combination of (a) and (b) starting with anchor points = 1:0, 8:1, 1:8:6, 8:1, 1:0 Bottom anchor point to centre point to top anchor point 1:1:1

(e) Creation of form anchor points ratio

(f) Creation of specialization of points either form or anchor

(g) Axis

(h) Ratios of maximum change of position of a Maximum and minimum


rate vibration =1/2 x 8 Maximum and minimum rate spin =1/2 x 8 Maximum rotaxis (when change of motion in form =0) = 1/2 x 8 Maximum motion in form (when rotaxis = 0) = 1/2 x 8 The creation of differently configured spin Unita, also creates ratios of attraction and

(i) Ratios of attraction and repulsion

Motion laws that are created with the UNITA

We know that each of the six points in creating form of Unita only has to change position at half their maximum rate. This leaves each point a capacity of 1/2 x 8 to change position, yet remain in form of a Unita. Therefore motion in form is possible. The resultant effect of features upon relationships leads to forces, that in turn are responsible for (time forward) motion in form. Unita force law (1)

Infinite memory of change of position

This is created with form for there was no need for points of UCA to

change position until this point. However to create form, all points of UCA have to change position in someway in some relationships. As UCA is aware of its unique position in dimension, it is aware of its relative motion, distance and new position. Without the constraint of the existence of time UCA is aware of all its previous positions, current positions and future positions at this instant. The UCA therefore has infinite memory of change of position slows down. The slower the rate of change of position, the faster the potential interaction ( time speeds up). Unita force law (2)

Maximum rate of change in position

To create FORM, points of UCA change position at half infinite VELOCITY. Any other changes of motion, thereafter affect this state of FORM. It is impossible to change position at infinite VELOCITY and maintain FORM as this would require a point of UCA to change at twice its maximum rate. Therefore the fastest velocity capable in the Universe = 1/2 x 8. From the Unita up, the fastest rate of change of position will always be less than 1/2 x 8. For example, the fastest speed for a light particle = -2.997925 x10(to the power 8) m/sec. Unita force law (3)

Forces of attraction and repulsion

The forces of attraction and repulsion are the fundamental forces of motion in form in the Universe. Attraction is the fundamental desire of all matter to form more complex shapes, while repulsion is the stronger of the two forces, when matter of dislike spin are in relative short distances from each other. Attraction is the foundation force of the forces that we see keep atomic structures together, the effect of gravity that keeps the Earth rotating around the Sun, while repulsion we see as the effect of streams of electrons forming electro-magnetic waves. We will discuss the specialized manifestations of attraction and repulsion forces in the next few chapters in more detail when we discuss the creation of more complex form than the Unita. Unita force law (4)

The motion of a Unita can never = 0

Because of there can never be a perfect vacuum in space, the motion of all Unita shall never = 0, therefore , the notion of Absolute Zero being the lowest temperature for atomic structures in the Universe is correct. Unita shall always be moving as a result of the forces of attraction and repulsion. Therefore the Universe can never cease to exist. Unita force law (5)

Creation of basic matter traveling through the Universe as fuzzy WAVES (corkscrew analogy)

All basic forms of matter have combined spin. This rate of combined spin is constant for all physical matter at its highest level. Combined spin and frequency combined with velocity creates the wave motion that science has come to understand as the actual method of DIRECTION of all

matter. We have already investigated the relationship between combined rates of spin to show that maximum rate of spin is half that of change in position to create form. As we have already investigated the relationship between spin and rate of change of position in form, you expect, the higher the spin the smaller the wavelength (relative DISTA traveled with spin) and the lower the spin, the longer the wavelength (relative DISTA traveled with spin). This is consistent with contemporary sciences understanding of the behaviour of matter.

The ratio PI and "the sum of the whole is greater than its parts"
Earlier in this chapter, we mentioned the concept of Pi p (the ratio p 3.1416) and explained its existence in terms of the laws of creation (Aeons) and the imperfection of the circular motion of UCA to create UNITA. We considered that because of this, Pi can be seen as a perfect infinite ratio of imperfection, contained in all things, because all things are affected from the very smallest to the largest by this imperfection. Now it is time to consider an even greater and related understanding to the importance and symbolism of Pi. 5.21.1 The "extra bit" of Pi As we discussed, when you look at a circle with your eye, the ratio of its diameter (line through the middle connecting two sides) and its circumfrence (outer rim) seems to be 1:3, not 1:3.1416 which is Pi. While no mathematician disputes the validity of Pi, this "extra bit" (.1416 etc) has perplexed philosophers and mathematicians for millenia. The problem is that this extra bit appears in the creation of a circle. The minute a circle is broken and becomes a line, the extra bit (.1416....8) also disappears. In one sense, we have explained a physical reason at the level of the Unita for the existence of Pi- the unique path dilemma. Yet without strong philosophical and mathematical proof, this answer on its own is inadequate. 5.21.2 How Pi was proven- the "squaring" of a circle Before we reveal the underlying philosophical and Eikos (mathematical) understanding of Pi, it is time to briefly explain how Pi was derived and what it means. Pi was derived by taking a circle and placing it in a perfect square and then drawing chords from its centre and then measuring the difference of distance. The addition of the pieces added up to a rough number, compared to the diameter- Pi. In other words, Pi was discovered by the infinite division of a circle. Therefore Pi, by literal definition is the collective knowledge measurement of squaring a circle.

Now, if we consider the measurement by precision equipment and computers, we have established that the more perfect the circle, the greater the ratio of Pi, to several decimal places. In other words, the closer we get to perfect shape, the more perfect the ratio of imperfection. 5.21.3 Pi = The sum of the whole is greater than its parts Pi represents the living embodiment of the understanding the sum of the whole is greater than its parts- that it is better to be more than one than one. The power of geometric strength. We can now summarise the relationship of Pi in the following understandings: Pi = The sum of the whole is greater than its parts. Pi = unique sum of infinite division of circle; Pi= unique collective awareness of dividion of circle Pi= unique collective awareness Pi ultimately represents the living existence of UCA and the power of perfect imperfection. That through death, life comes. Life itself is imperfect because of death. But without death, there is no life. Anyone who has studied Pi- anyone that believes in the truth of mathematics believes in the truth of the existence of UCA whether they have previously realised it or not.

The concept of static volume, static measurement

When we measure volume, we think of it as static. That is, a ship is 100 ft long, or a person is 6ft high, or a weight of gold is x ounces or a carat of diamond is 1 carat, or something is 20C is 20C. This concept of static volume has been essential to maintaining our present ability to fix relativity of things- the size of stars, the temperature of planets, the weight of substances, the frequency of substances, the melting point of substances. From list upon list of statistics on substance measurements, we have constructed the idea of static volume. For instance, we do not think of a person growing and shortening over 1 day, over a month, over a year. We only think of a lifetime, except for small children and older people. yet science has established that our height is a dynamic measurement that changes daily between a norm.

The concept of Pi is dynamic volume. No sphere is unique Pi, nor the same moment to moment. Not only does its relative position change, but its motion, frequency and size (volume). All objects have fuzziness. All objects have vibration- unique volume at a moment. As dynamic volume, the frequency to Volume ratio is a powerful measure in understanding the behaviour of smaller substances. We see Pi as an expression of dynamic volume and dynamic vibration ratio. Pi in expression of frequency enables understanding of the alignment of perfect frequency to volume ratios for atomic shapes- of harmonic perfection. - e.g. hydrogen, helium, oxygen or carbon. While the understanding that all objects in the universe have dynamically changing volumes may not appear an earth shattering understanding at this point. Nor might the understanding of Pi representing a critical measure of naturally aligned frequency of substances. However, in later chapters when we begin to delve into the world of the atom and the molecules, the star and the planet, such understandings of dynamic volume, dynamic frequency and the power of Pi become critical. For in understanding all things are in constant internal change and external change we may better unlock the precise characteristics of substances in context and therefore better harness this knowledge.


The concept of logarithms and circles of numbers

For much of our day, as has been the case for humans much of their existence, the numeric representations most often used in conversation are quite small- mostly ranging from one (I, you, me, he, she, it) to a few (they). However, increasingly our lives depend upon larger and larger numbers, whether it be the remembrance of telephone numbers, account numbers, product numbers or even large values. So it is, the universe and even biology is dealing with vast numbers, sometimes ten to even twenty digits in length. Thankfully we have tools that simplify the process of managing the calculation of large numbers. Yet their existence is unavoidable and our requirement to at least have an understanding of them is vital. While the consideration of Geometry in the context of curved surfaces provides a greater understanding of the objects of the natural world, there is still the understandings associated with very large numbers. In the previous section, we considered the concepts associated with Geometry and point theory. These concepts are vital for the establishment of measure and position. However, there is an additional method of position and measure that we use every day based on relative position around a circle. A watch for example is a method of measuring time, in terms of circles (hours) of time. The circle in this instance, represents the powerful concept that a day may be regarded as an aggregate of smaller cycles of time called hours. The circular nature of the watch face enables the major hand to rotate from left to right around the watch face to demonstrate minutes within the hour. The smaller hand then denotes the unique hour of the cycle. Circles are therefore an excellent representation of an enclosed cycle of position and movement- such as a planet, ecosystem, human body, group of moving bodies. The question is what method of measure may be used to describe relative position and value. This is the purpose of this chapter, to describe the concept of logarithms and circles of numbers.


Line theory As discussed in the previous section, point theory (Cartesian geometry) and line theory are the most popular methods used for determining position. More recently, vector geometry as discussed has been used to store position information for computers, saving tremendous amounts of disk space. Line theory is simply the display of objects relative to one another on an extended line pointing one way and then another (infinitely). 0 is normally describe as the middle point, with numbers to the left being negative and those to the right being positive.

In this model, the value of 0 is unique to 0, 1 is unique to 1 and so on. While infinity still has to be contended with at the extremes, no paradox exists. As such, the Cartesian line model forms the simplest description of logic in math and the general success in eliminating paradox. 5.24.2 The power of the circle in relation to relationships of values

An alternative to this theory is the concept that the line is enclosed- part of a continuous circle so that 0 merely represents the meeting point, the balance point between two opposite sides. Unlike Cartesian thinking, the numbers 0 and 1 are intertwined in an unending struggle- an eternal paradox. Thereafter (from 2 and above), the numbers are similar to Cartesian. In addition, the circle enables us to consider all numbers as being able to be written as a combination of a fraction of the value of a circle by a constant base. There is no need to learn larger and large numbers, just fractions and multiples ( perspective).

A greater explanation of UNITAS

In the previous sections we have now described, the smallest particle of matter- the conceptual UNIT, or UNITA. The question then arises if the definition of the Universe as outlined in Chapter 4 adequately describes the absolute physical- now that we have outlined the basis of the physical? 5.25.1 UNITAS an infinite number of UNITA

Unitas is defined as:

UNITAS is the Unique Collective of ALL UNITA, whether positive spin, negative spin or non-equatorial spin. By definition, there is only one class, therefore only one UNITAS.
From now on, rather than describing an undefined model called "universe", we refer to all matter and all objects as being a collection of a greater set of ultimately all objects called the UNITAS. 5.25.2 The importance of the definition By defining UNITAS as the model of ALL as defined by UCA, we are able to coherently define all more complex structures and relationships consistently. In addition, we free ourselves of the bonds of having to use the word "universe". Instead, the word Universe serves the purpose of defining classes of objects by human methods other than UCA from this point.


UCA Index

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UNITA- the building blocks of super sub atomic elements

In this chapter we will show how the prime characteristics and behaviour of super sub-atomic particles and the physical laws that guide them can be explained through the existence of UCA and therefore the laws described in Chapter 5. These principle laws, (as described in chapters 4 and 5), do not alter when expressed through the more complicated interactions at a subatomic level (and later at an atomic and compound level). In that way, we attempt to show that there exists perfect alignment in the laws of the Universe- that the goal of existence and the rules that govern existence in the physical world are completely consistent, no matter what complex system we investigate.

As we have stated previously, if these rules were not consistent, then creation and existence would not be possible. Existence would cease.

Everything about the behaviour of larger constructions of matter (e.g. sub-atomic particles) is because of the features, relationships and behaviour (forces) of UNITAS The following observations of super sub-atomic particles in this chapter, which are fully aligned with the measurable discoveries of science, are built from the world of the Unita. This means we are able to understand the world of sub-atomic particles from the "bottom-up", using the laws we discussed in Chapter 5 as a foundation. AEONS- The 12 Laws of Creation 1. Goal law I wish to exist. 7. Awareness of position in dimension 8. Immediate near neighbours As I exist in 3 dimensional space, I can only interact with immediate near neighbours according to the laws of LOGOS. 9. Exclusiveness of position No two points will ever occupy the same position 10. Change of position To exist, you change position. For you to exist, I change position 11. Conservation of effort Using the laws of geometry and Logos, I use the minimum required motion to achieve my goal 12. Change of position

2. Logos law To exist, I use logos-

3. Creation law To exist, I exist as4. Co-dependence law For I (The UCA) to exist, you (The Universe) exist For you (The Universe) to exist, I (The UCA) exist 5. Specialization law For I to exist, you exist as- For you to exist, I exist as6. Geometry

Super sub atomics particles- their existence and the search for understanding
We mentioned earlier, that contemporary science now accepts super sub-atomic particles exist. By super sub-atomic, we mean particles smaller in size than the components that normally go to build up an atom (e.g. protons, neutrons, electrons and positrons). For the past thirty years, there have been whole "families" of super sub-atomic particles discovered with strange sounding names such as "Quarks", "Leptons" and "Neutrinos". A range of theoretical particles have also been identified (such as the Higgs Boson and the Graviton), often for the purpose of attempting to better describe the behaviour of certain forces and general Universal phenomena. Since their discovery, scientists have been working to find a way of providing a coherent "standard model" of the features and relationships between the sub-atomic world and the atomic world. 6.2.1 Our understanding of super sub-atomic particles comes largely from the history of discovery It is important to spend a little time for a moment and explain that the accumulated knowledge of the behaviour of sub-atomic and super sub-atomic particles comes largely from observation via experimentation and interpretation of theoretical behaviour. In many ways, sub-atomic research and findings have not necessarily been integrated into our knowledge of atomic particles and compounds (chemistry). We are at a similar point in time with that of the end of the 19th century when the Periodic Table emerged as a major step in linking the level of atoms with the level of molecules and compounds (chemistry). Unfortunately, we have yet to see the completed linkages between sub-atomics and atomics fully realised (e.g., a completed the Standard Model). This is one of the objectives of this book- to clearly demonstrate the synergy between sub-atomics and atomics.

6.3 Discoveries give us clues- classifications give us road blocks

While the discovery of scientific proof on the existence of sub-atomic particles assists in providing important data, understanding and "reassurance", the subsequent definitions and classifications of these discoveries can themselves become our largest impediments to further understanding. What we mean is that scientists in the field of sub-atomic physics, for example, have developed sophisticated models using "theoretical" particles (as yet unproven) such as the Graviton and the Higgs Boson as a way of explaining the interaction of forces in the Universe.

In addition, science has created a set of base assumptions in such fundamentally assumed areas such as the general behaviour of the Universe, the concept of "heat" and "cold" as well as space/time. For these reasons, the model must re-define and clarify concepts and terms commonly used in physics in this chapter. For instance, in this chapter you will see the concept explained of Het instead of the definition of "heat". Col, instead of the definition of "cold". However, from the re-definitions, we are then able to show the consistencies at all levels, including at the sub-atomic level, the common patterns of form, relationship laws of form and the motion laws of form.

A greater explanation on the concept of universal reality

In Chapter 4, we outlined the first Prime Universal Constants (PUC's) that underpin the prime ideas of most human knowledge. One of the key Prime Universal Constants to science is the concept of the existence of a "universal reality". We were able to establish that the origins of the word implied both the act of "seeing" (the Latin word rem) and objects (the Latin word res). Thus the ancient saying "seeing is believing" applies when considering the origins of the word reality. Additionally, we saw how the words "real" and "reality" were carefully developed using concepts such as truth and consistency to denote an underlying assumption that "things are", regardless of our perception (seeing). The philosophy of physical reality peaked at the turn of the 20th Century, just before the release of the mathematical philosophy of Quantum Mechanics, that returned to the definition that the Universal behaviour as being based on "individual" observation. Even so, it remains the fundamental belief of almost every human on the planet that the Universe somehow operates on something more than "perception". One of the strongest motivations for humanity finding an underlying rationality and objective reality of the Universe (updating or replacing

Quantum physics) is that perceptual reality has become awfully complex. The masses of Quantum formulas for designing rockets and estimating the behaviour of stars and galaxies have given rise to a contemporary model that believes the underlying patterns of the Universe are inherently chaotic -the Chaos theory- that simple changes over many particles, gives rise to complex behaviour. In spite of Quantum scientists "telling" us that there is no aggregate reality, no underlying "truth" to everything , that "reality is perception", we do not believe. Societies exist on the assumption that truth (underlying physical reality) exists. In many ways this represents the contemporary "no God exists" versus "God exists" philosophical battle. 6.4.1 Perception creates reality. Reality creates perception. Perception creates reality. Dreamer creates dream. Dream creates dreamer. Dreamer creates dream. In Chapter 4 and 5, we explained via the model that the Unique Collective Awareness created the UNITAS as the dreamer creating the dream. This had the effect of turning something ethereal (dream/dimension) into reality from the perspective of the things inside the dream. That we see the UNITAS from the inside-out means that everything we see is (theoretically) supposed to be real. But an interesting phenomena happens upon the creation of the Unita (Chapter 5) and upwards. For while chapter 5 explains that an underlying reality exists to the Universe, the behaviour of the Unita and each particle above does not behave exactly as reality means it should. That particles "perceive" reality as aware objects rather than behave mechanically to an underlying reality- that they warp reality into a new reality- is supported by the belief that every particle in the UNITAS is aware. That a particle is aware and chooses to use its awareness to perceiveidentify other particles or ignore other particles- as intelligence or living things are seen to do, is consistent with each and every particle in the universe being "alive".

Spin and attraction/repulsion

We say in Chapter 5 that Unita are comprised of 3 pairs of points of UCA combining to form, with an individual spin of 1/2 x 8. We say this is the same whether or not we identify a Unita as being a "creator" or "equatorial destructive attractor". And yet we describe the behaviour of particle construction from this point on as if the creator Unita has a value of 1 and the equatorial destructive attractor has a negative value of -2/3. This is clearly not the case. Both particles are equal in construction

and different in physical motion of points of UCA by only one pair of points. Yet in the model, the creator and equatorial destructive attractor have very different behaviour. The difference is explained by the awareness of individual Unita in referencing their position with one another, creating a perceived Universe, on which the rules of relationships and behaviour are based. In other words, the collective Unita, the UNITAS creating another dream, a dream by their collective rules. They are the dreamer. Each and every Unita is self-aware and collectively self-aware.

The invisible non-equatorial destructive attractor

Then we have the non-equatorial destructive attractor (which we will later explain as being the Graviton) that to the creator and equatorial destructive attractor Unita does not exist. We will see in this chapter that the creator is aware of the equatorial destructive attractor and vice versa, but neither "see" non-equatorial destructive attractors. Consequently there is no bonding between non-equatorial destructive attractors and the others. This is another example of self-aware Unita choosing to vary from the reality of the Universe to create the new Universal reality.

The descriptions of rules based on self-aware behaviour

Over the next few sections we will see how this self-aware perceived world of the Unita enables us to understand the problem of perception versus reality. That once the Unita is formed, a new reality begins.

The behaviour of UNITAS and the concept of cycle

In the previous chapter, we explained that all physical phenomena in the Universe are fundamentally constructed of three types of UNITA in both the "positive" spin family and "negative" family: 1. Unita creators 2. Unita Equatorial Destructive Attractors 3. Unita Non-Equatorial Destructive Attractors The concept of opposites attract An understanding of natural behaviour throughout the recording of human knowledge is the concept of "opposites attract". Yet we know this does not make sense. For example, if something is opposite in spin or opposite in direction then it physically is repelled and

must move the other way. The features of an equatorial destructive attractor are therefore crucial to understanding one of the great contradictions of life- opposites attract, yet can't by Logos. Equatorial Destructive attractors are 2/3rd's creators. What is more they have the appearance of rotation around an axis (versus non-equatorial destructive attractors that do not). They are attracted to creators, and creators can be attracted to them. Yet their "behaviour" is opposite. That is, one third of their spin is completely the opposite, creating a rotation of axis (or rotaxis) that is at a different angle. Equatorial Destructive attractors cannot create larger forms with creators via fusion, but they can via orbit (which we will speak of later in this chapter). Equatorial Destructive attractors can (and do) alter the configuration of creation via "uncreation", essentially via prevention of forming greater structures of pure creators and via radiation, leaving a structure "weaker" and therefore open to decomposition. The concept of "opposites attract" is actually imperfect likenesses attract. Equatorial Destructive attractors are not opposite in major physical attraction, but in behaviour. Hence we now understand the mystery of a repeating, but seemingly contradictory phrase. The importance of destructive attractors Without destructive attractors, human form would not exist, nor would the Universe. For, perfectly opposite spin configured Unita, would simply speed off in opposite directions and eventually form even larger and larger perfect forms, till ultimately, the form of the Universe would cease to be sufficient to sustain position in form. Without position in form, the Universe would cease to have dimension and collapse, UCA would cease to exist. What we mean by this is that say there were no natural predators for cockroaches. They could live to their maximum age and extend this age. They could grow larger because there is a plentiful food supply and nothing will ever kill them. In a matter of generations, we may see cockroaches the size of dogs. Take that process over a million years and we might see cockroaches as large as buildings leaping over the countryside. If the entire Universe of form could do this, then eventually we would end up with one huge big blob of positive and negative matter opposite each other without position. Dimension ceases to exist. UCA ceases to exist.

The synergy between destructive attractors and creators and UCA and the Universe
We see an interdependence and yet sameness between destructive attractors and creators of the same spin. We see this relationship as a repeat of the relationship that formed the Universe in the 1st instanceCo-dependence- one cannot exist without the other;

Specialization- one is different in behaviour to the other; Change of position- to exist I change, to exist, you change. What makes creation special is uncreation. This is different to awareness and mere existence. This is the creation of something we take for granted yet is far more profound than we might have imagined- the cycle of patterns. 6.5.1 The relative attraction between destructive attractors and creators As you would expect, there is a difference between the relative attractions between destructive attractors and creators. This does not occur at a base of 1 creator to 1 destructive attractor, this happens at the level where creators can form bonds with other creators and therefore create larger forms that have greater attraction to destructive attractors. We also see that destructive attractors cannot form fusion bonds with creators, only orbits. What this means is that destructive attractors are always smaller in form size than creators but at least twice in number. Whereas creators have their strength in the fused bonds and the motto- the whole is greater than the sum of our parts. When there is a greater creation involved, there is a doubling in attractiveness to destructive attractors. The greater the number of destructive attractors, the harder it is for other smaller parts of creation to form and continue expansion of creation. Finally we see a possible loosening of bonds of the creation if it is not geometrically aligned. 6.5.2 The existence of destructive creators along with creators at every level of nature As we progress through the following chapters, you will be able to see in detail the prevalence of destructive attractors at every level of matter and complex matter (life, higher order life, human life). What you will also see is that some destructive attractors themselves can convert back to being creators if their forms are changed through the act of uncreation. We call these particles form "hero" particles, and will discuss the concept of a "hero" later in the book. 6.5.3 The creation of cycle The relative behaviour of creators and destructive attractors creates cycles of patterns of behaviour. Creators -creating more form, becoming greater attractions to destructive attractors-. Destructive Attractors- blocking more creation and eventually leading to uncreation- destroying the thing that originally attracting them. Being active agents for creation- by creating cycle. We see cycle in life and death- in the changes of matter from one form to

another- night and day, light and darkness, good and evil, the life and death of humans. But fundamentally we also see that the agents of both creation and uncreation are the same spin- they are the same. Cycle of creators and uncreators gives us the modern human understanding of good and evil- which IS a physical process, intimately linked- the same. Everything that threatens sustainment of species and individual sustainment could be classed as bad, or evil. Everything that helps sustain the species and individual sustainment could be classed as good, or holy. As you can see, there can be a definite difference between something being good for the species and bad for the individual and vice versa- That is why debates on what is good and evil cannot be classed as Universal. It is always relative, depending on the level you are dealing with. We see the powerful cycle analogy of the Yin and Yang symbol of good and evil, forming a whole. We will discuss the profound impact of this understanding of cycle in terms of human emotions and actions in later chapters. We see that when the concept of darkness rules, lightness rises. We see the concept when lightness rules, darkness is doubly attracted. Life is a series of cycles of patterns, as we will also discuss later. Death is as important as life. Without uncreation, there could be no sustained creation and development. Destructive attractors are themselves intimately linked to the continued development of existence. In later chapters we will discuss the history of life on Earth, where we will cover the history of comets and asteroids smashing into the Earth and as a result, creating the eras of different lifeforms- the dinosaurs for example. Humanity owes its very existence as a species to these cataclysmic destructive attractors. If these massive structures had not smashed into the Earth, the life ecosystem on Earth would not have "learned " and evolution would not have resulted in the development of the primate family of species. Therefore without darkness, there can be by Logos and science- no light.

The "big bang" theory and the creation of the UNITAS

The theory that the Universe was created from a single immensely hot moment of explosive energy (The Big Bang Theory) is only about seventy years old. However, it remains the pre-eminent scientific theory on how the Universe came into being. In chapter 5 we stated that a principle condition for the continued existence of the Universe is perpetual creation. Therefore this means that there could not be simply one event to explain the creation of the Universe- the event must be continuous, ever expanding outwards, or it would have ceased to exist. What we did not discuss earlier was whether this process is like a

massive explosion of intense energy and heat?, or something different? 6.6.1 Temperature is for everything at the level of the Unita and above Based on what we have discussed in the previous chapters, measurable aggregates of energies involved in forming more complex shapes did not exist prior to the existence of the Unita. In other words there is no temperature, either, no pressure and no physical existence prior to the Unita being created. Therefore at the point of the Unita being created should require the smallest level of energy, the lowest temperature in the Universe. And this is exactly the case. The Big Bang is more like a breath- a breath of Unita emerging from Absolute Zero (-273 Degrees Celsius, O Degrees Kelvin). At the edge of creation, the temperature begins somewhere between 1K and 3K (an accepted general temperature for space) and like a spring breeze, quickly rises as winds of Unita swirl together to create the second wave of creation, the sub-atomic particles. While the concept of the continual birth of the Universe being more a freezing "breath of life" than any kind of Big Bang may be completely contrary to all scientific thought, we will show progressively throughout this book that this "model" of the creation conditions of the Unita are entirely consistent with aligned-unified view of the observable knowledge of humanity on the Universe.

A greater explanation on the concept of motion of particles

In Chapter 5, we explained a number of vitally important understandings in relation to the behaviour and structure of matter principally centered around the concept of motion ( particles or points of UCA changing from one position to another). (1) (2) For a Unita to exist, 6 points of UCA (plus anchors) must be in perpetual motion. The maximum rate of change of position (motion) of a point of UCA is 1. No point of UCA can travel faster than its maximum rate of change and/or interaction. For a Unita, this means a maximum rate of motion of 1/2 x 8. There is a direct relationship between the distance between particles and their relative velocities and kinesis ( spin rates). When particles are far away, kinesis rates are their lowest and velocity is at its highest. When particles are close, their kinesis levels are highest and velocities are lowest. The presence of other Unita will always influence a particular Unita in some kind of motion. As direction and velocities of Unita change, this affects the balance of


(4) (5)

attraction and repulsion on other Unita also causing them to change position (motion with direction). (6) The result of all these rules is that all particles in the Universe are in constant motion and changing velocities, spin rates and direction


The importance of understanding motion The profound importance of understanding motion is what we have just stated is that all matter in the Universe ( not matter how complex) is essentially made up of different sized particle groups in motion. Combined motion is what keeps them together ( as discussed later in this chapter under the Concept of Orbits). And it is kinesis rates( spin rates) that can break those combined motions. From now on, when we look at a nuclear explosion or a laser beam cutting through skin or a human body digesting proteins, we can see that the breaking of form unleashes smaller particles with higher kinesis rates (lower rates of motion initially) that in turn can set off a chain reaction- a chain reaction of motion. We therefore have a powerful set of understandings from which to investigate the specific behaviour of particles in the following chapters and understand exactly why certain reactions occur in matter and how.


The strength of classification in locking down meanings As we stated in the previous chapter, Kinesis is the measurement of levels of vibration/spin of a particular form by its density to establish its ability to influence other larger forms of matter (the forces of attraction and repulsion). The higher the Kinesis, the greater the influence over larger and larger forms. The point to remember about spin rates is that they are weakened by orbits and cancelled out by the proportion of different spin by destructive attractors. Therefore, very few structures at the subatomic and atomic level have very high kinesis, even when they are made up of ten or more particles. Relative Potential Kinesis (potential to move other objects) = density of the relative form of an object by the relative maximum frequency rate of the same level of particles minus the current frequency rate of those same particles. Relative Maximum Kinesis ( maximum ability to move other objects) of an object = density of the relative form of an object by the relative maximum rate of vibration/spin of the same level of particles. Relative Minimum Kinesis ( minimum ability to move other objects) of an object = density of the relative form of an object by the relative

minimum rate of vibration/spin of the same level of particles.

The concept of vacuum and infinite perpetual motion

In the past seventy years, contemporary scientific models have generally started with the opening assumption that the Universe will cease to exist at some point. It is one of the most popular cultural viewpoints of human philosophy and science that the Universe, like "life" itself, is mortal. In other words, the Universe was born, has lived and will begin to die and ultimate will cease to exist. In fact so strong is this view held as a scientific "given", it forms the fundamental basis of the Laws of Thermodynamics (which we will discuss further on in this chapter). The major focus on debate is therefore more focused on the dual questions of when the Universe will end? and what will happen after this? 6.8.1 No conclusive proof that the Universe will ever end Regardless of the arguments placed on the "mortality" of the Universe, there remains no conclusive "proof" that the Universe will in fact cease to exist, rather than continue in a pattern of cycles of decay and re-birth. However, via the model, we are able to answer the question once and for all- is the Universe eternal?, by looking at the question of perpetual motion in form. 6.8.2 The concept of vacuum and the assumption of perfect vacuum A fundamental basis for our understanding of the world we live in has been the measurement, classification and documentation of features and behaviour of matter. Much of this measurement has occurred by creating vacuum conditions and the assumption that perfect vacuum's are possible. The word vacuum comes from the Latin word vacuus meaning "empty". It sounds reasonable and fairly easy to create a vacuum, given we use the word in our every day lives such as vacuum cleaner, vacuum flasks, vacuum packed meat etc. However the definition of a perfect vacuum is when no particles are present in a certain volume of space. 6.8.3 The concept of perpetual motion We now understand that the key process to creation and existence is that points of UCA in position, change position (motion) to create form. We now see that this change of position also causes anchor points to move

position. We also now know that for form to continue to exist that points of UCA must continue to move- i.e. perpetual motion. We also understand from chapter 5 that relationship laws means that particles, no matter how small, affect each other's kinesis and temperature. We have seen that all points of UCA either form as anchors or creators of form- that the level of requiring existence shifts to the level of UNITAS. Given that there is infinite Unita- that the Universe is essentially infinite Unitas, we can now see that a perfect vacuum is impossible. 6.8.4 Perfect Vacuum's do not exist If only one Unita existed, it could not have position (there needs to be at least six Unita for one Unita to have relative position). Dimension would collapse and the Universe and UCA would cease to exist. But because there are always other UNITA above or below a Unita, either in more complex form or not, there is always motion in form, therefore there can never be a perfect vacuum. Perfect vacuum's do not exist.

From these features, the motion in form for the infinite number of Unitas can never = 0. The walls of a glass cylinder affect the relative spin and temperature of particles inside the glass cylinder affecting them whether or not there are a great number of particles or not.

The Universe will always exist

If there can be no breakdown of the fundamental form of Unitas, then the Universe shall always exist and never die. We may see it change in cycles, the growth of new stars, the death of old stars, the creation of great creative attractors and the creation of great destructive attractors such as Black Holes , neutron stars ( we will discuss in further detail in later chapters). But the Universe will never cease to exist. There is one dream, there is one Universe, there is one UCA. The motion in form of a Unitas can never =0 Therefore, the time arrow from the Unita and above will always point forwards.

The concept of forces

The concept of the existence of forces is fundamental to all of the sciences of humanity. Given that a belief in the existence of forces is so fundamental to any of our understanding of the world around us, it is generally taken for granted that forces and motion are well understood by science. For instance, we may sit in a motor car, turn on the ignition, press the accelerator and 'usually', the car will start to move. If the car stops, we may get out and "push" the car to the side of the road. Back home, frustrated and exhausted, we may turn on the hot water jug and boil a cup of coffee. All these are examples of different interactions of forces creating motion. Over the thousands of years of human development, we have been able to catalogue hundreds of thousands of results of applying forces. We have even developed enough confidence in describing the behaviour of forces and energy to write physical laws such as Newton's Laws of Motion and the Four laws of Thermodynamics. It would therefore seem a relatively simple question to ask what is a force? even how many forces are there in the Universe? And even a further question might follow, why do forces behave the way they do? 6.9.1 What is a force in contemporary science? The word "force" is derived from the Latin word fortis, meaning strong. In a scientific sense, the word is used to describe anything that produces a change in a body's rate of motion. It was through the work of Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727) and his three Laws of Motion that science developed the basis of our current model describing all forces as basically "pushes" or "pulls" (sounding very similar to attraction and repulsion). Because of his historic work, the unit of all forces is named the Newton, which is the amount of force needed to give a mass of one kilogram an acceleration of one meter per second per second (abbreviated as 1m/sec 2 ) e.g. with every second that passes, the mass travels 1m/sec faster than it did the second before. 6.9.2 How many forces does science believe are in the Universe? One of the most famous stories regarding Sir Isaac Newton and his quest for answers was when he was sitting under a tree in an apple orchard and observed an apple fall from the tree.

It was his persistent questioning of this event that eventually led him to develop a set of laws governing gravity- recognized universally in contemporary science as a force. Then we have concepts such as magnetism, that attracts and repels. Magnetism and the more contemporary view of combining the behaviour of electrons with magnetism as "electro-magnetism" is also defined by science as a force. In recent times, physics has developed the concepts of strong force and weak force to describe the behaviour of atomic structures and why they hold together. In summary, there is now generally believed by science to be four main forces in the Universe interacting to cause the change in motion of all forms of matter. 6.9.3 How does science explain why forces behave the way they do? Given the confidence of contemporary science to describe the purpose of forces, behaviour of forces and the number of forces, it may surprise you that there currently does not exist a comprehensive scientific model that describes why (not how) forces behave the way they do. The model that science desperately wants is just that- a Unified Theory of Forces. A model, that would describe not only what forces are made of, but why they do what they do. The problem is that almost our entire knowledge base on forces is accumulated from the observation of the behaviour of forces as opposed to understanding why a force does what it does. 6.9.4 The breakthrough in a Unified Theory of all Forces is in clear, logol classification Remember earlier, we mentioned sciences definition of forces as "anything that produces a change in a body's rate of motion"? In section 6.8 we explained that perfect vacuums do not exist. That there will always be more than one Unita in the Universe and that the presence of more than one particle will affect the motion and energy level of the other particle, even if the change is infinitesimally small. If we were to use to current contemporary scientific definition of what is a "force", then strictly speaking we would have to classify a single Unita affecting the other as an individual "force". The same goes for the effect of the Unita on the other. If we take this to its logol conclusion, then by science's own definition, all Unita in the Universe are forces and there are an infinite number of forces at any given moment. 6.9.5 Trying to Unify something that has not been observed properly Clearly, a definition of forces properly understood to mean infinite objects and infinite forces, working at the same time is unworkable (in other words the current scientific definition of what is a "force").

Instead, we need to find a new definition that provides some insight into the underlying behaviour of groups of Unita with other groups of Unita. Before we provide an answer to this problem, let us investigate another assumed fundamental basis of science- the concept of energy.

You have no doubt have heard the saying "all matter is pure energy." A hundred years ago, such a concept would have been a radical unsubstantiated claim. But thanks to pioneering physics, we now think that this theory is true. Certainly, fantastic discoveries such as E=Mc 2 seem to back up these claims. More recently, the word energy is increasingly being used by new age healers and promoters in their description of what various techniques, beliefs, cures etc unleash or align. 6.10.1 Contemporary science's view of what is energy The word "energy" is derived from the Greek word energeia meaning vigour of expression and activity. The word was actually created by Aristotle from the Greek words en (in) + ergon (work). The meaning "vigour or intensity of action" was introduced into the English language in the early 19th Century by the poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge. The scientific meanings attached to energy have gradually emerged over the past 120 to 150 years. In contemporary science, the word energy is almost always used in terms of describing work done. Work is done whenever a force causes movement of an object from one place to another, or from one structure state to another. Energy is defined as the capacity for doing work.

Kinetic and potential energy

Science then makes a distinction between a stationary object and an object in motion. A stationary object is said to have potential energy, stored energy, by virtue of what it is made of, where it is and what is around it. Once the object is in motion, it is said to have kinetic energy. It is a fundamental belief within the model of energy by science that there is a conversion of potential energy to kinetic energy for all things to move.

Types of energies identified by science

Contemporary science has been successful in classifying a range of forms of energy- all with different behavioral traits. These include mechanical energy, electrical energy, nuclear energy, heat energy, radiant energy, kinetic energy and chemical energy.

Interchangeability of energies claimed by science

Another fundamental belief of the contemporary scientific model of

energy is that energy is interchangeable. In other words, given the right equipment, any one form of energy can be changed into any other form of energy. Science states with absolute confidence that this can happen in many cases relatively easily, while admitting at the same time that conversions of energy can sometime be much harder.

The conservation of energy and entropy

Another fundamental belief of the fundamental contemporary science model of energy is that energy cannot be created or destroyed- it can only be changed from one of its forms into another. Although it cannot be destroyed, energy can (and is) wasted, usually in the form of heat. We are told that Heat energy "normally" takes place whenever an energy exchange takes place. When an object loses energy to another object, this is defined as entropy. For example, a hand held flashlight is said to produce radiant energy from the bulb. At the same time, the battery and the bulb get hot. This energy we are told often cannot be used and so is wasted. Again, we are told that the wasted heat produced on Earth gradually dissipates through the atmosphere into space. The laws of the conservation of energy are normally called the Four Laws of Thermodynamics and form a crucial pillar of almost all contemporary scientific models. The four laws are: (0) (1) No heat will flow between any two bodies that are at the same temperature (regardless of what the bodies are made of). Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. So a body can gain or lose heat (or any other form of energy) only by taking it from or passing it to its environment (or to another body). Heat will not pass spontaneously from a cold body to a hotter one. It is impossible to cool a body right down to the temperature of absolute zero (-273.16C), the lowest possible temperature in the Universe, because to do so would require the presence of a still colder body. A classic example used to explain the laws in use is the "hot water bottle": A hot water bottle, filled with boiling water and placed in a cold bed, passes heat to the bed, losing its own heat in the process. But once bottle and bed are at the same lukewarm temperature, no more useful work can be extracted from the bottle. This dissipated heat, we are told, cannot be recaptured. Because science has found this model so useful, they have a strong belief that this model also applies to the rest of the Universe as a whole. Therefore, every scientist , every person that has been to school and taught the Laws of Thermodynamics as fact, then assumes the logol implication that the energy contained within the Universe will ultimately dissipate through space. This stage of maximum and Universal entropy is known as the 'heat death' of the Universe. This is also why, it is almost impossible to find the existence of any coherent scientific argument that does not propose the eventual death of the Universe as a whole.

(2) (3)


The contemporary scientific understanding of energy is one of the most sacred areas of science Even though the classification and grouping of energies and the Laws of Thermodynamics, are relatively recent in terms of human history (mostly over the past one hundred years), science holds these views so strongly that any alternative theory on energy would be immediately ridiculed by most. This is in spite of the model of energy by contemporary science just being that-a model! Yet it has been so widely used and taught as an absolute, that even to you the reader, any alternate explanation on energy may be viewed as just plain crackpot. We highlight this stranglehold of certain scientific models as absolute truths over humanity, as it massively affects our ability to achieve a greater understanding of purpose and symmetry. For instance, let us investigate what energy is suppose to be made of, to prove the point that many of our current scientific models require serious review.


What is energy supposed to be made of? You may be surprised to learn that there is no coherent explanation that unifies what each Energy is made of, even though science defines energy as a feature of each and every object and "something" that is transferred. Obviously, something has to be a "thing". For example, what is heat energy made of? We are told that heat is a result of the vibration and motion of particles in form. Fine, so how does this vibration and motion get transferred to other particles? One argument is that it doesn't, while another argument says that heat is transferred like waves, but we don't know what these waves are made of. OK, what about heat converting to nuclear energy? All energies are suppose to be interchangeable right? We are now told that nuclear energy is the energy stored within atoms and that when we split atoms this energy is released, a substantial amount by way of heat. Fine, that answer explains the process of how nuclear energy is created, but what about the question of how nuclear energy is converted into heat energy? Again, the answers are either confusingly vague or buried under so many formulas that most people would just shrug their shoulders and say "Okay". The simple answer is that there are no simple answers on the conversion of nuclear energy to heat energy. What a mess! For such an immutable set of laws, the explanations of what energy is suppose to be made of and how it is suppose to happen are inadequate as the basis for creating a "unified" theory.

A redefinition of the concept of forces as 'fortis'

As much as we wish to avoid doing so, we are forced to consider alternative definitions and classifications of the concepts of forces and energy than contemporary science. Over coming chapters, therefore we will reconstruct a comprehensive and unified model of forces, energy, atomic and sub-atomic structures that not only adhere to each and every valid (properly observed) scientific result but make perfect common sense! We begin by redefining the relationships between forces and objects. 6.11.1 A working definition of force called FORTIS For the purpose of presenting a unified theory of forces, energy, structure and therefore the Universe as a whole, a force is now redefined as fortis:

A fortis is an aggregate feature of all structures of matter that has the capacity to produce a change in another structure behaviour, in terms of make-up and rate of motion
Therefore, we can use this definition to instantly see that all particles of matter possess three fortis in varying degrees of strength derived from each and every Unita possessing self-awareness of form: (1) (2) Creation- all matter wishes to create greater (and therefore more complex) form Attraction- all matter has relative attractiveness to other forms of matter by virtue of the spin configuration of its smallest pieces of matter, built up to an aggregate spin. Repulsion- all matter has relative repulsiveness to other forms of matter by virtue of the spin configuration of its smallest pieces of matter, built up to an aggregate spin. As these fortis are aggregates. They are the strongest fortis in the Universe and the prime determinants of motion in form.


A redefinition of the concept of energy as 'energis'

We can now make a clear definition between: (a) particles responsible for affecting form (e.g. Gravitons and Magnetons) and (b) motion that creates form (Kinesis), motion of that form (velocity/ acceleration). Given that the contemporary definition of energy intertwines both (a) and (b), we now separate these distinct concepts. The first we redefine is accumulative motion, now called Energis. 6.12.1 A working definition of energy called ENERGIS For the purpose of presenting a unified theory of the Universe as a whole, accumulative motion is now re-defined as energis:

Energis is the measure of aggregated motion of all particles in motion to create mass (accumulative kinesis) and the motion of the particle itself (velocity) . Therefore E = mc2
As a measure of aggregated motion, we can now see the consistencies between the Einstein equation and the realization that all matter is in fact an abundance of motion, therefore energis. We can also understand the nature of the tremendous motion of smaller particles creating larger form thus being defined as potential energis. From this point on, the word energis is used instead of energy.

A greater explanation of the concept of gravity

Similar to time, gravity is described in most advanced scientific theories as a major player in the process of creation. Gravity was mentioned earlier as a key member of the four forces of the Universe of contemporary science. We now discuss it further. 6.13.1 What does Gravity do? In contemporary science, we understand gravity firstly as being the force of relative attraction between things and secondly as a mysterious property possessed by all bodies and proportional to its density compared to other bodies that makes its heavier. For example, let us take the concept of a human being in relation to Earth. The Earth is over 12,756 km in diameter, compared to less than half a metre for a human. The Earth, being a much larger object of same spin and higher density attracts a human to its surface at a rate of 9.8 metres per second. The human also has an attraction capability as well of attracting smaller objects to itself. However this relative rate of attraction is so small as to be unnoticeable in relation to the Earth. If we were to weigh this person, their weight on Earth might be, say 80Kg. However if the same human was standing in a space suit on the moon, the proportional effect of the gravity of the moon is much less and the person would weigh substantially less. In terms of the second part of contemporary sciences definition of gravity as the property of attraction possessed by all things. We now know this to be spin and rotation of axis. We call this spin -kinesis, and consider it within this model as a separate feature than the effects of gravity. 6.13.2 The re-definition of gravity Yet, there is more to gravity than simply the application of attraction. When an object moves towards the Earth, its rate of attraction says that its relative maximum motion should slow. However, we see an exaggeration of this where objects seem so slow faster than simply the application of attraction and atmosphere of the Earth. In some respects, it is as if the objects were getting thicker and therefore heavier(slower) as they approached other objects. Remember the humble little "invisible" non-equatorial destructive attractor UNITA, spinning around creators and equatorial destructive attractors trying to create form? Wouldn't these be likely candidates? Certainly their statistical existence according to the model points to them having some purpose. Their behaviour of actually making objects "thicker" and therefore greater density (heavier etc) is totally consistent with our concept of gravity. Science has already thought ahead and named a particle called the Graviton. We agree with this theory and call the Graviton the nonequatorial destructive attractor. However, unlike science, we see that by definition the anti-graviton would be from the opposite spin family

and so would behave randomly and erratically, trying to escape to its "home" universe. Therefore while anti-gravity does exist, it exists in the negative Universe. Both gravity and anti-gravity cannot exist- because gravitons and anti-gravitons cannot co-exist- they are repelled from each other in creating form because of their spin ( kinesis). 6.13.3 The behaviour of Gravitons ( non-equatorial destructive attractors)

No spin
By definition, Gravitons have no spin, therefore they have no attraction fortis or repulsion fortis. However, they do possess creation fortis like every Unita in the Universe.

The smallest unattached units in the Universe

Because Gravitons have no way of creating any greater form, they remain single units of the smallest building block of matters- the Unita, far too small to be captured or "seen."

No two Gravitons will collide

Their spin combination means that Gravitons are neither attracted, nor unattracted to themselves, yet will react to the presence of other Gravitons in terms of changing relative position, just as all matter must- to avoid two points of matter trying to occupy the same position.

Rate of motion is fastest unattached forms

Non-equatorial destructive attractors are also the fastest moving unattached objects in the Universe, given their single unit status. This means that any motion of a Graviton can be over a vast area. 6.13.4 The rules of classification If we combine all these behaviour together, we come up with the Gravitons behaving in particle fields - constant streams of trillions upon trillions of gravitons orbiting forms in successive layers outward, the thickness of the Graviton fields being "warped" by the relative presence of large objects and space. While they do not increase or decrease the attractiveness of objects to one another, Gravitons do however alter the density and therefore the "thickness" and "heaviness" of objects. As greater density means greater "pressure", the Gravitons are catalysts in respect of form creation within large objects by creating sufficient pressures for subatomic and atomic structures to change configuration. The majority of matter in the Universe are Gravitons Remember our original calculations on the abundance of different types of Unita? The non-equatorial destructive attractors (positive and negative) account for around 50% of all matter alone. Existence of Gravitons even where there are no structures Given their size and sensitivity to wanting to form complex structures,

even the presence of something as large as a galaxy would alter the paths of Gravitons in deep space millions of light years away. This would also make sense of the concept of "warping" of space.

The concept of space-time

Earlier in this chapter we explained that perfect vacuums cannot exist by Logos. This implies that wherever there is space, there must be matter. Yet, science has observed that for many billions of Earth kilometres of space surrounding the Earth and the solar system, space seems to be occupied by seemingly "nothing." To make sense of this, let us return to what we can understand by the workings of the fundamental laws of creation- everything has a purpose. 6.14.1 The observations that led science to believe space was a "thing" rather than a characteristic attached to matter Science now understands that space is not necessarily even. In some places, space can be "thick" and in other places, space can be extremely thin and warped. Because of the existence of massive voids, seemingly with no matter in existence, it was logol at the time for science to believe that space is an independent characteristic, rather than linked to the existence of matter. Complex formulas have now been written and literally thousands of pages discussing the space-time phenomena. Using the formal logic system of argument, scientists have been able to argue that if space was not a thing, then the whole Universe would not work, for if space were attached to matter as earlier claimed in this book, then the Universe would break up as galaxies and large chunks of matter moved away. The book itself supports this argument, that if matter ceased to be part of the whole, then the whole would collapse. Let us clear up this anomaly once and for all. 6.14.2 The non-equatorial destructive attractor

A feature of all form, from the Unita up is the motion creating form. We know that a creator Unita has completely the same spin. We also know that equatorial destructive attractors have two points of UCA spinning in the opposite direction around the equator, while the other four points of UCA spin in the same motion as their paired creators to give it a combined spin angle of 45 degrees. We also know that this leaves Unita non-equatorial destructive attractors that have an unstable rotation of axis.


What is the purpose of destructive non- equatorial attractors? The non-equatorial destructive attractor are the most common Unita in the Universe- roughly 50% of the entire Universe ( positive and negative) is made up of destructive non equatorial Unita attractors. Yet, due to their unstable rotaxis, non-equatorial destructive Unita attractors exhibit no attraction, or repulsion to creators or equatorial destructive attractors, even their own kind, even though they are attracted to forming with their "like" family. Even when they come close to their family, the family behaves as if they do not even exist. The poor non-equatorial destructive Unita attractor with their unstable, apparently neutral "charge" is unable to even find a stable orbit. They are doomed to roam the Universe, attracted to their family, but to simply slip through and move on to the next region of the Universe. It is the non-equatorial destructive Unita attractors that solve the puzzle of the smallest of the "dark" matter family that ensures space can operate seemingly independently of matter.


Wherever there is space, there are billions upon billions of non-equatorial destructive Unita attractors moving around in their futile quest to create. One proof for the existence of non-equatorial destructive Unita attractors is the warping of space around very large masses such as galaxies or black holes. From hundreds of millions of kilometres of space they stream towards these structures, creating "thinner" space from where they left to "thicker space" the closer you come to these structures. Sadly, even a black hole is unable to magically turn nonequatorial destructive Unita attractors into creators and they continue their journey through the structures and back out into space, to try on the return trip. But their effect at being attracted to the most dense structures in the Universe is to "enhance" the attraction of Black Holes to stars, planets and other thinner matter.


Over 85% of all matter is of the family of destructive non-equatorial attractors. As you will see in later chapters, over 85% of the Universe is made up of structures that all belong to the family of nonequatorial destructive attractors- particles largely doomed to wander space- ensuring space can exist without larger creation structures being there. We will see later that this is the family to which Neutrinos belong.

The concept of time

In recent years, there have been a great number of books written about time- some talking as if it is a separate "thing" that can exist almost independently, while we have amazing evidence of time being elastic and linked to gravity somehow- twisting and bending spacehence the modern notion of space-time. We even have conceptual mathematic ideas that time travel is "mathematically" possible. But for all the talk of the effects and features of time, whether it be time, space-time or just space, when we talk of "something" called "time", it must be made of something or be part of something. According to the system of formal logic, if time is not something, then it is nothing- it does not exist. We know that time exists and we also know that under different conditions, it slows or speeds up. The example of the astronauts that went to the moon discovering that their clocks were running a full ten minutes behind Earth by the time they completed their voyage. Even the scientists that have created such elaborate theories understand this effect. But we want to know what is time ultimately made of? For all the tens of thousands of words written about time, there still doesn't exist a contemporary model that adequately describes what time is, only models that describe what time does. 6.15.1 The contemporary understanding of the features of time If we can't get a reasonable definition of what Time is made of, then let us investigate the features that science at least tells us about time. Time seems to have a relationship to rate of motion in form For all the investigation, we can safely say that there is a direct relationship of some kind between the rate of motion in form and time. It seems that the faster something travels, time appears to slow, and vice versa. Time has a relationship with space, independent of matter but connected somehow with gravity The latest formula on time have basically been trying to unlock the secrets of time in terms of seemingly having a relationship with space, with no matter present or gravity. All the latest data points conclusively that space can and does exist without the presence of matter, but also that space seems to have various thickness that affect the rate of motion of objects. These are now identified physical features commonly known as space time warps, or sometimes even known as worm holes. The connection with gravity is most readily displayed by the occurrence of black holes and their tremendous gravity and seeming ability to alter time. Hence the growing popularity of black holes being kind of "time port holes" connecting the Universe together, or possibly other Universes.


The confusion of observations, wrong classifications and just nonsense thinking Sadly, the data regarding time has been so "boxed" and pre-classified that it is hard to make sense out of such strange behaviour. Yet the reasons for Time having such strange behaviour is that we are describing two distinct concepts as one. We are falling for the same trap of misclassification that so plagues scientific and historic literature. One feature- the warping of space whether matter is there or not and even more so when matter is present, is consistent with the effects of gravity, once we take the Logos step and reason that gravity could be a particle- a non-equatorial destructive attractor perhaps? The second feature of time seemingly to slow the faster your rate of motion, is is consistent with the concept of having a maximum rate of motion. If we follow that all creation of form is based on motion, then a maximum rate is fundamentally common sense.


Time the concept Time comes from the concept of maximum rate of change of position. That is to say, through pure Logos, something cannot travel faster than its maximum rate. As all creation, all laws and all features are derived from motion, it seems sensible that once something becomes more complex in shape, it moves slower in that shape. Therefore the bigger you are, the slower your maximum rate of motion and the smaller you are, the faster your maximum rate of motion, considering the same conditions.


Physical time Time is therefore a function of the relative form of matter and the effects of other matter around it. A faster rate of change of position in form, results in a slowing of change in form (max rate of spin)- time slows A slower rate of change of position will result in a faster potential rate of change of form (interaction)- time speeds up. We see this sliding Logos scale in everything from human life, to the travel of astronauts in space who measured that their clocks were out by a full ten minutes after traveling to the moon relative to when they started. We see this with the different life spans of animals. We see this with the relative motion of different sized particles and why nothing in substantial form can travel faster than the speed of visible light. Time is a speed limit with advantages and disadvantages, nothing more. Einstein was right about time and the speed of light. We now understand why.

The concept of orbit

We now know the Earth orbits around the Sun and that the moon orbits around the Earth. Unfortunately, orbits have largely been taken as a "given", an "understood" concept which does not necessarily require further investigation. 6.16.1 The concept of orbit is the fundamental key to greater form being created The concept of orbit is the reason why more complex forms take shape and why for instance, humans eventually die. With some further investigation, we discover that not only have we failed to understand the nature of orbit, but we have also forgotten a fundamental rule about orbit- that it is always plural- never singular in form- that is, orbits are always pairs, not singular. 6.16.2 What creates orbit? We have now explained the concept of attraction, of the desire of all matter to create. We now also know the features of creation that prevent the whole Universe from turning into a giant blob, thanks to the unique and special characteristics of destructive attractors. The concept of orbit comes about, simply from the relative kinesis of different structures and their different densities, giving them either a similar or disproportionate aggregate spin. For instance, the moon is attracted to the Earth and wishes to bond. Yet the motion of the Moon is much faster than the Earth, as the Moon is less dense. Similarly, the Earth wishes to bond with the Moon, yet at a lower attraction level and is moving slower than the Moon because it is larger and more dense. What happens is the moon reaches a point whereby it "overshoots" the Earth and tries to self correct its path, while the Earth in its own attempt tries to bond with the moon taking into account the greater attraction of the Sun. The result is an elliptical orbit by the moon, rather than a circular orbit. The Moon, locked into attraction, continues to "fall in" on the Earth at a 90 degree angle, never to have its wish as the Earth is trying to do exactly the same thing (to a lesser degree). 6.16.3 The forgotten orbit Talking about the Earth orbiting the Moon may sound a bit like returning to the days of middle age astronomy. But it is this very 2nd orbit, that is missed so often in science. Simply, if the Earth did no shift to attempt to bond with the moon, then the result would be collision rather than orbit. 6.16.4 Orbits as pairs When we look at two objects - one large and one small, we are able to identify the smaller ones behaviour in motion relatively easily. We see the smaller object orbiting the larger object. However, the larger object unless in the same aggregate kinesis to bond, will orbit around

the smaller object as well, only in a large orbit. 6.16.5 Rules of orbit These are the following rules of orbit, on which all particles bond. (1) Only particles with same spin configuration can bond at a ratio of 1:1. (2) Only particles with spin configuration of at least 2:1 or above can form strong orbits, where large objects orbit = 0 (3) Only particles with spin configurations of at least greater than 1 to 1 can form weak orbits, where large objects orbit is larger than the smaller objects orbit. 6.16.6 Different orbit paths for destructive attractors and creators Most importantly, when we consider the nature of orbit being a result of the individual nature of objects, we see that different orbit paths and angles must necessarily exist for combinations of destructive attractors as well as creators. In the next chapter (7- Atomic particles), this understanding will be critically important in understanding how smaller particles combine to form 3-dimensional atomic shapes, and the particular orbit angles of certain objects.

A greater explanation of heat and cold

The concepts of heat and cold are as fundamental to science as energy and forces. Rather than taking you on an extended journey, we will get to the heart of the matter. The definition of heat and cold used by science incorrectly describes actual behaviour. In science, the attributes of heat are increased vibration and increased movement. Expansion is also attributed. However, under the laws of conservation of motion, increased vibration and spin, must accompany a slowing of motion in form with direction. Therefore Heat is a corrupted term that denotes incorrect characteristics. The word Het is used to denote similarities to the concept of heat, but with correct attributes attached. 6.17.1 The definition of Het Example (1) The equator and sunshine. Common observation tells us that it is hotter at the equator than at the poles. We understand this because the energy from the sun and the angle of the planet rotation makes the equator the most direct location for sunlight to reach the Earth. But why does this make the equator hotter? And what is actually happening when the temperature rises? Historically, we answer this by observing that sunlight, or put it in understandable language, very fast vibrating and small particles hit the surface of the Earth and cause a reaction. Historically, we observe this reaction to be described as high vibration and high motion. But is this correct? We have already learned in previous chapters that an increase in vibration and spin MUST be accompanied by a slowing of motion. So where does expansion come into play. The answer lies in our misinterpretation of what is actually changing when we say something is heating up. We know that sunlight, which is very small particular traveling at high vibrations hits the Earth surface, what we forget is that they don't suddenly "cease to exist." They interact and combine. What is more, the density of the given volume of space and surface of the Earth where this occurs actually increases as more matter from the sun arrives. Therefore things expand at the Equator in heat, as more particles are added to their form. This is entirely consistent with slower motion. Example (2)- An atomic explosion Another example showing the wrong characteristics being attributed to the definition of heat is the signature pattern of an atomic explosion. The initial reaction- very high vibrations and separation of complex form is associated with a slower rate of motion, which accelerates as particles from the device separate and expand outwards, interacting with other particles until finally with increased volume, the levels of

vibration/spin reduce. If current sciences definition of heat was correct, then the fastest motion of particles involved in a nuclear device would be at the centre of the device at the moment of interaction of plutonium. Photos of Nagasaki and Hiroshima showed incredibly that at the centre where the bomb exploded, some buildings were essentially still standing. If current science philosophy were correct, this could not happen. Example (3) - Hot air versus cold air In meteorology, we already ascribe a characteristic of higher density to hot air- that its "pressure" is higher than cold air. Science in this was has already admitted that a feature of heat is higher density on one hand, yet on another hand says this is because of increased motion. How can two opposite concepts be correct? Isn't density when there is more matter per volume measurement and increased motion a feature of less density, more freedom to move? An example of the interaction to create HET Say 3 particles in 1 volume of space exist. Say then that 5 particles of waves of light arrive into this space creating an increase in density to over 8 in 1. This increase in density creates higher vibrations, which when combined with density means there is greater HET. 6.17.2 Col Similar to the problems of the current scientific meaning of heat, cold is also incorrectly ascribed characteristics by science that contravene the laws of conservation of motion. As vibration/spin rates of particles slow, there is greater potential for motion in form. Definition of Col As there are less particles per unit volume, rate of vibration decreases and rate of motion increases. The word Col is used to denote from the contemporary definition of cold which is incorrectly defined. The features of Col can be described by two naturally occurring phenomena- when there is less sunlight ( there are less particles per unit volume in the atmosphere), the pressure of the atmosphere falls and we know it is Coller. Another feature is the expansion of ice, which is a frozen form of water. If the current scientific definition of cold were true, the volume taken up by water molecules should shrink ( because science currently ascribes slower motion, slower vibrations to slower motion). Vibrations and spin do slow down, but motion increases, under a stable form causing a "strong expansion" in the volume per unit that can be taken up by say water molecules. Ice is simply water molecules slowing spin/vibration rates as they move away from each other- Increasing volume An example of the working of Col

8 particles are in a volume area of space. 5 particles leave that space, resulting in a lowering of vibration and spin and therefore increased motion in the same amount of space. The lessening of particles lowers the rate of vibration and increases motion in form with direction.

A greater explanation on the concept of pressure

Pressure is when a fortis or fortis field acting over a small area that has a greater effect than the same fortis or fortis field acting over a larger area. The fortis is said to exert greater pressure when it acts over the smaller area. In contemporary science, the definition of pressure is "force per unit area" and it is calculated by dividing the force by the area over which it is acting. Because the Earth's atmosphere has weight (1m of air weighs about 12 1/4 newtons), it exerts pressure. Atmospheric pressure can be measured with a barometer. 6.18.1 Falling pressure Atmospheric pressure decreases with height. Close to Earth's surface, the height of a column of mercury supported by the atmosphere falls by about 1mm for every 11m increase in height above sea level. Atmospheric pressure at 16,000 is roughly 1/10th as great as it is at sea level. At 100km, it has fallen to about one millionth of its sea level pressure. Listed below and shown on the diagram right are pressures in millibars and the approximate height above sea level at which they are found. Pressure 1013.23mb 1000mb 900mb 800mb 700mb 600mb 500mb 250mb 100mb 10mb 1mb 6.18.2 Height 0m 110m 990m 1950m 3010m 4200m 5575m 10,350m 16,180m 30,000m 50,000m

The concept of increasing/decreasing pressure with het and col We know by watching the weather reports each night on television, that the pressure exerted onto the Earth's surface changes constantly. This is because the number of particles in the atmosphere changes according to the effects of sunlight and other surface based disturbances. A thick atmosphere weights more than a thin atmosphere, therefore surface pressure changes. When the sun transmits tiny high moving particles towards Earth such as photons, they hit the atmosphere and transmit down to the surface.

This creates reactions that releases added matter into the atmosphere, increasing the unit per volume, therefore we see an increase in pressure. When we see these particles dissipate per volume area, we see that pressure decreases, therefore we see a lowering of pressure. That is why forms of air that are called "highs" are associated with het air and "lows" are associated with col air. We also understand from our redefinition and usage of the terms het and col that a "low" will travel faster than a "high" and that high's tend to be slow moving, compared to lows. We can also see a velocity relationship to atmosphere in terms of the difference between high's and lows of atmospheric pressure. When the surface atmospheric pressure drops from its median of around 1013mb to say 950mb, the velocity of winds increases dramatically. Closer to 900mb and we see the emergence of terrifying storms such a cyclones. (Col air moves faster than het air). When we see high's of say just 1030mb, we notice a significant increase in het.

A greater explanation on the concept of mass, density and volume

In Chapter 5, we explained the fundamental objective of UCA in constructing the Unita was to achieve volume. By devising a certain geometric shape using the minimum number of points of UCA, UCA succeeded in meeting this goal and the goal of existence in form. However, what of the interpretation of the goal law from the perspective of the Unita? Does the Unita share the same volume goal as UCA? 6.19.1 The unique perception of the Unita As stated, each Unita has a unique perspective in form, while at the same time following the same fundamental laws as UCA, by virtue of being constructed of pure UCA in motion. This perspective is from within the dream looking out. From the unique perspective of Unita, the goal of unique volume in unique position is already verified by its own existence. The goal of the Unita within the dream, the reality and depth of experience of the dream is not assured. A different goal than volume is required. 6.19.2 The Unita goal of depth of reality expressed as goal for greater density To increase the reality and depth of the unique experience within the dream (Universe), a greater density of UCA is required other than the single Unita. By virtue of the interaction of different shaped Unita in motion, more complex form is assured. Through the laws of attraction, Unita wish to come together to create greater form in terms of the maximum possible number of Unita in a given volume of space (density). This is why density = mass (number of structures)

________________________ volume (given volume of space) This is why the most dense structures are the most attractive structures in the Universe (e.g. neuron Stars as will be explained in Chapter 10 of this book). 6.19.3 The reduction in volume when objects come together in superior structures What is often missed in descriptions and understandings of the volume and density of certain substances ( e.g. metals, earth, rock etc) is that the greater the mass (number of particles), generally the less the volume of space taken up by the substance, the greater the density. Things that are more dense, are necessarily smaller in size. This explains why denser substances ( e.g. 1 cubic metre of Gold versus a Sand) is much heavier. 6.19.4 Structure is a key in understanding optimum way objects come together The second point that is often missed in creating greater form is that geometric structure plays a significant part in optimizing mass and therefore density. In other words, how things are constructed, not just their mass has a significant part to play in their size and strength. 3 Dimensional geometric strength due to superior structure is unfortunately one of the least developed areas of contemporary human knowledge, given much of the theoretical work done by science in the fields of nuclear and atomic physics so far has focused on two dimensional results and two dimensional diagrams. The geometric shape of objects we now see impacts their size as well as their strength. We call this measure of geometric strength of objects the Steph (which will be discussed further, later in this book) in honor of a most learned woman who contributed greatly to the construction of this work. 6.19.5 Conservation of motion due to greater mass and geometric strength The third point that is rarely adequately defined is that by creating greater form in some 3D geometric shape, the motion of Unita is reduced but the strength of attraction and direction is increased. This results in Unita in form having greater motion than individual Unita as individual Unita ( such as Gravitons) have less efficient motion interaction ( fuzziness, or vibration). Most importantly, the geometric shape ensures the minimum required loss of motion to create form. Thus geometric strength once again provides an indicator of the potential maximum motion in form of particles. 6.19.6 The importance of these insights to the coming chapters These insights will become increasingly important as we seek to understand the nature and behaviour of more complex structures in the following chapters. As you will see, they will help unlock a number of previous mysteries surrounding the keys to complete atomic

alchemy ( fusion power, creating molecules and atomic structures cheaply and easily as required).

A greater explanation on the concept of weight

Given the concepts described so far, no space in the Universe exists that is completely identical in terms of density and motion of Unita. Most importantly, we see that certain Unita will create greater form, while the non-equatorial destructive attractors (Gravitons) will forever roam in greater or lesser density around more complex structures of creators and destructive attractors. This means that whenever we measure the mass, or density of a substance, we must always take into account the effect of the environment. Weight therefore is the measure of mass given the effect of the environment. For example, the density of gravity is greater towards the surface and core of the Earth than further up into the atmosphere and certainly greater than the surface of the moon. A human at ground level on the Earth would be at a distance of 0 from the surface of the greater form of the Earth. Therefore the surface effect of gravity would be at maximum ( say around 9.8 m/s x density of the human.) But on the moon, the human at ground level ( therefore at a distance of 0 from the surface of the moon) would have a gravity of say 4.8 m/s x density of the human. The human would weigh less on the moon than on the surface of the Earth.

The concept of ergons

The particles we discussed ( gravitons and magnetons) are now distinctly understood. We now categorize these particular particles into a class of particles called "ergons". Definition of an ergon An Ergon is a certain class of particles that under one set of conditions forms part of larger structures ( e.g. Magnetic particles in certain atomic structures) , under other conditions breaks form and behaves in particle fields.

Thus we have now distinguished the other part of the former definition of energy describing particles that have the ability to affect form. 6.21.1 Classes of matter specializing into different groups, with different purposes The importance of the definition of ergons may not immediately appear significant. However, it immediately reinforces two fundamental laws of creation- specialization and co-dependence As we will see in the next section (7-Atoms), ergons, while not representing primary particles of form (such as protons and neutrons) nevertheless provide a vital and core function of creation themselves. We will also see that even in the concept of particle fields, the magic of ergons in complementary or opposition, in fluid and perpetual motion.

Additional components of LOGOS

We are now ready to consider the final components to the system of Logos ( as introduced in Chapter 4). We now see Logos in parallel to the understanding of the laws (lex) as outlined for the creation of the Universe. As explained in Chapter 4, Logos is based upon a series of statements of relationships between the Primus DA's called the "Absolute DIA's" with primus meaning "first" and DIA representing the meaning of a "statement constructed of two or more DA's". Three categories of Absolute DIA's exist: 1. UCADIA 2. UNIDIA3. CORDIA The Constant Prime Ideas based around the prime idea of UCA The Constant Prime Ideas based around the prime idea of the Universe The Constant Prime Ideas based around the prime idea of life.

We will now outline UNIDIA and CORDIA:


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Everything is change To live, one dies Awareness Love's Life Time never ends Life, not time is important Everything is life


1. Life is change 2. Everything is like everything else to some degree 3. Everything is different to everything else to some degree

4. Everything is a mixture of difference/sameness to some degree that makes it unique 5. Everything is related to everything else to some degree in more than one way 6. Everything has a purpose. There is always more than one purpose. 6.22.1 The second layer of structure of LOGOS- the Genesis IDEAS As outlined in Chapter 4, through the relationships established in the three categories of Absolute DIA's (UCADIA, UNIDIA and CORDIA), LOGOS a set of principles are constructed upon which rules for thinking, classification and argument may be based. These are called the GENESIS IDEA's, or the ORDO's. In Chapter 4 we detailed the first of these, namely the Ordos of Existence, Categorization, Identity and Contradiction. We now outline the remaining Ordos: THE ORDO (PRINCIPLES) OF PATTERNS (1) All objects obey rules. All rules are common. Therefore pattern arises from the application of common rules on unique circumstances. THE ORDO (PRINCIPLES) OF CAUSE (MOTION) (1) Everything is in motion (2) Every motion/action in the universe happens for a reason (3) There is always more than one object/concept involved in each and every cause of motion/action. (4) There is always more than one reason for motion/action THE ORDO (PRINCIPLES) OF EFFECT (MOTION) (1) An effect on a thing is according to its features, relationships and motion. (2) Only two types of external effect may occur- increase/addition, or decrease/subtraction. (3) Ratio (multiplication/division) are ratios, not prime effects. A thing cannot be divided or multiplied. THE ORDO (PRINCIPLES) OF RATIOS (1) Multiplication may be described as the proportional ratio of pattern of additions. (2) Division may be described as the proportional ratio of pattern of subtractions. (3) Effects of addition may be substituted into the form of multiplication and vice versa. (4) Effects of subtraction may be substituted into the form of division and vice versa. THE ORDO (PRINCIPLES) OF ARGUMENT (1) Establish the statement of the argument (2) Establish and agree the terms of the argument (3) Establish and agree the purpose of the argument (4) Establish and agree the goals of the argument (5) Establish and agree the benchmarks of the argument aligned to UCA (6) Establish and agree the Categorization and classification of the statement of the argument as stated in UCA (7) In accordance to the terms and purpose, resolve the argument to stated goals using the classification and categorizations as according

to UCA.

Points to consider as how complex shapes are created from UNITAS

The world of sub-atomic particles is still to come up with a cohesive standard model. In our understanding of the behaviour and reasons for creation as well as the rules set down by the creation of the Unita, we can provide a cohesive framework based on science's "standard model" that attempts to classify the number and properties of subatomic particles. 6.23.1 (26) near neighbours Let us take a theoretical Unita and look at its original position at the time of creation at the boundary of the Universe. Once points of UCA come together in co-operation, they form the smallest building block of matter. Just as points of UCA can have 26 near neighbours in 3-dimensional space, the Unita can also have 26 near neighbours in 3-dimensional space. 6.23.2 The possibilities of different Unita being created We already know that there is a 1/8 chance of a Creator Unita being created and a 1/8 chance of a equatorial destructive attractor being created, and a 2/8 chance of non-equatorial destructive attractors being created. The other 4/8 is the chance of being a negative particle- either repulsor (a negative creator) or a destructive negative attractor. From 26 near neighbours, this leaves us with the likely creation of 3.25 creators 3.25 equatorial destructive attractors 6.5 non equatorial destructive attractors and 13 particles that repel 6.23.3 Remembering the neutrality of attraction of non-equatorial destructive Unita attractors to like spin family Remembering that to creators and equatorial destructive attractors, the non-equatorial destructive attractors are neither "attractive" nor "repulsive", therefore forces of repulsion for both groups of "positive" and "negative" particles will be greater than the force of attraction initially. This ratio of repulsion to attraction is around 2:1 until sufficient distance occurs between opposite spin families. We will use this feature in later chapters to describe the constant "expansion" in form of the Universe at its boundaries, compared to the forces of attraction the further away from the edge of the Universe particles are. 6.23.4 The probabilities of near neighbours being same spin and type determines what is most likely to be formed Based on 3.25 creators and 3.25 equatorial destructive attractors out of 26 near neighbours, it should be theoretically possible that one of

the shapes formed is three creators combining. This would be possible, if the odds of three particles next to each other being creators at the same time. Unfortunately, the odds for this are 3.13%, which is less than the probabilities of forming some bonds out of 26 near neighbours (3.8%). Therefore 3 creators coming together is impossible within near neighborhood. 6.23.5 The powers of attraction Attraction to work, to form greater complexity is either same spin, same density shapes coming together to form a larger shape, or shapes coming closer to form orbits. For orbits to happen, there needs to be an imbalance of forces. Most importantly, the geometric shape ensures the minimum required loss of motion to create form. Thus geometric strength once again provides an indicator of the potential maximum motion in form of particles. 6.23.6 The simple to complex-simple cycle What we also see in the formation of the first level of complex shapes is the working of the simple into the complex to produce the simple. While there are eight different types of Unita classed into four broad groupings, we see that only two complex shapes are created in the first instance with Unita.

The Super-Sub atomic elements

In the super sub-atomic and sub-atomic particle world, literally hundreds of different shapes have been observed. For the moment, we are concerned with the shapes that form the basic building blocks for the atomic world, via protons, neutrons and electrons. From the probabilities and the fortis at work in our field of 26 near neighbours, the three most common arrangements of UNITA will be: (1) 1 creator orbiting 1 destructive attractor (2) 2 creators and 1 equatorial destructive attractor (3) 1 creator orbiting two destructive attractors Further shapes are also created as nearby destructive attractors and creators mix: 3 creator core, 2 destructive attractor orbit 3 destructive attractor core, 2 creator orbit And of course, there is the combination of these shapes. Once a shape is created via fusion at high temperatures, it will not change unless those

temperatures are reached again. While there are many, many shapes of sub-atomic particles possible, it is the limitation that once bonds are created, they are near impossible to uncreate without extremely high temperatures. Therefore the simplest, strongest and most stable bonds also happen to be the most common. 6.24.1 Making sense of these sub atomic particle groups You may be surprised ( or not surprised) to find that the model of sub atomic particles described on the previous, fits with the standard model of the basic building blocks of matter. The "standard model" is an attempt by science to categorize particles in such a way that one day there might be unified theory of the Universe. In terms of categorization, the standard model in parts remains fairly messy as transient particles are listed alongside the basic building blocks of creation. However, some definitions are clear enough for us to give due respect to sciences hard journey and assign the most commonly used names to the complex particles described above. In science, there are commonly understood to be four families of sub-atomic particles Anti-Quarks (Repulsors) Anti-Leptons (non equatorial negative destructive attractors) Quarks (Creation family) Leptons (Non-equatorial destructive attractor family) Quarks (creators)

Science has identified essentially six types of Quarks, behaving in pairs "Up" and "Down" Quarks that combine to create structures such as protons and neutrons. "Charm" and "Strange" Quarks that create more exotic particles- the sort produced by deep space quasars and high energy cosmic waves

"Bottom" and "Top" Quarks that occurred briefly at the creation of the Universe and only occur fleetingly under intense states of pressure. Science has identified that in the construction of protons and neutrons, the following characteristics.

Protons Protons appear to be made up of 2 UP QUARKS and 1 DOWN QUARK. Neutrons Neutrons appear to be made up of 2 DOWN QUARKS and 1 UP QUARK
Neutrinos (destructive attractors)

Neutrinos are essentially the destructive attractor family and the family of neutrinos.We know of three types of neutrinos so far: Electron neutrinos (slight negative charge) Muon neutrinos (no apparent spin, therefore charge) Tau neutrinos (no apparent spin, therefore charge)

Electron neutrinos are the largest of the three types of neutrinos of the destructive attractor sub-atomic family. Cosmics

Cosmics are heavy core super sub atomics with a neutrino pair in outer orbit. They are rare compared to the other types of super sub atomic matter. However, they are the most destructive particles in the universe for matter. They are the source of elementary radiation.

Neutrons Neutrons appear to be made up of 2 DOWN QUARKS and 1 UP QUARK

Magnetons (non equatorial destructive attractors)

Electron Neutrinos

Electron Neutrinos are special. They form, not only the largest grouping of sub-atomic particles in the Universe, but they also form as well, as opposed to the poor non-equatorial destructive attractors. Neutrinos form part of the structure of not only electrons but positrons. For that reason, electron Neutrinos "behave" very similarly to electrons and positrons. If a scientist were to try and pick them apart, they could mistakenly describe them as the same force- e.g. electro-magnetism. But the Neutrinos attracted to form, like Gravitons, do not perfectly match the behaviour of electrons. Neutrinos that are the miniature "magnets" we've been waiting to understand have different particle field behaviour in a lower electron environment. They have larger field arcs, that are weaker because of the less number of electrons. They can also be warped far easier when other objects are placed at different positions, than electrons. Electron Neutrinos are therefore why we have magnetism. Electron Neutrinos are the magic "glue" particles that web themselves between and outside objects. Because they are particles and behave both in form

and as a particle field, we call Electron Neutrinos a fortis particle field. 6.24.3 When are Quarks and Neutrinos formed? Quarks and Neutrinos are formed in the days and years after the "Breath of Life", the incredible col winds of Unita passes through as the Universe on its outer edges continues to expand. They are not and cannot be formed by Stars, Black Holes or Supernova. For the moment, it is important to consider the tremendous pressures and densities (therefore temperatures) required to create Quarks and


A summary of fortis and ergons identified to date

The following is a summary of the various Fortis and Ergon identified in this chapter and Chapter 5: We now have three fortis:

Creation Attraction Repulsion

Two ergon particles:

Gravity (non-eq destructive attractors) Fortis Particle Field o stronger on very large objects, weaker on large objects Magnetism (magnetons) o Stronger on large objects, weaker on very large objects

The concept of prime numbers

In our day to day lives, we link numbers to real objects- whether it be the quantity of money we earned the previous week, to the number of shopping items to purchase at a supermarket. However, numbers have the additional quality of being able to exist independently of real objects. For example, when we write down the number 6 on a sheet of paperthe number exists in a dimension on the paper, even though it has not yet been linked to any real world object. Another relevant example is the entire universe of unita we have just described. In effect, when we talk of unita (smallest units of matter), we are talking about every number possible- from 1 to infinity. 6.26.1 Relationships and patterns between numbers Where mathematics is able to help us in answering our question of the validity of unita and numbers is in those discoveries of relationships and patterns between numbers. The first and most important is the relationship between prime numbers, perfect numbers and composite numbers. A prime number is one that is larger than 1, that is divisible only by 1 and itself. In other words a unique number. Examples of primes are: 1,2,3,4,5,7,11,13,19,23,31,37... A perfect number is one that is equal to the sum of all its possible divisors, except the number itself. Examples of perfect numbers are: 6, 28,496,8128. A composite number is a number that can be written as the sum of two or three primes. In effect every number greater than 2 can be written as the sum of two primes and every number greater than 6 can be written as the sum of 3 primes. While there has been many hundreds of years of serious mathematical thought undertaken to seek to find the perfect formula for predicting primes, no formula has yet succeeded. However, a little known pattern that holds for all primes is that all primes can be found in pairs, or to the left, or right of multiples of the number six- the smallest perfect number. For example, primes described to the left of a multiple of six A and to the right B may be described in the following way: 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 AB AB AB A AB B AB AB A

60 66 72 78 84 90 96


The pattern holds for even extraordinary large prime pairs such as: 1 000 000 009 650 (divisible by 6) A= 1 000 000 009 649, B= 1000 000 009 651. There is nothing to suppose this pattern between unique numbers (primes) and multiples of the smallest perfect number in the universe does not exist right up to infinity. 6.26.2 The relationship remains constant, yet the pattern appears perfectly unique (random) While the sample listed above is only small, it shows that while the pattern between perfect unity and uniqueness exists for each multiple of six, the pattern of left and right AB, left only A, right only B is unique. In other words, the pattern of primes around the constant of multiples of six appears a completely unique non-repeating pattern- or pure randomness. We conclude that this pattern of primes represents the purest pattern of randomness in the Universe- the code of pure "chaos". This is why no formula has succeeded in the perfect answer to predicting primes- because predicting primes is predicting perfect randomness. We call this pattern the Unique Collection of Primes. 6.26.3 What is the importance of the Unique Collection of Primes? Here in numbers, in pure abstract, we see the synergy existing between perfection and uniqueness to show that even in numbers uniqueness of pattern exists. In terms of all patterns of randomness, the Unique Collective Code of Primes represents the highest code of randomness, from which all other codes are less chaotic (more predictable) to some degree. In other words, the Unique Collection of Primes represents the ultimate code breaker of all things random.

One becomes many: many becomes one. The awareness of UCA and UNITAS
It is easy to think that UCA remains whole in perception and many at the same time- a paradox of mind. Whereas in fact, the opposite is the case. UCA ceases to be one at the creation of infinite UNITA. It becomes the physical ALL. It becomes very real. The subtle difference is crucial. The concept of an infinite all knowingness is less the case than a living infinite arrangement of unique awareness at differing degrees. Awareness is a bottom up experience- not a top down. It is within us

that we experience awareness- not without.

The concept of constant ratios of motion

In Chapter 4, we introduced the concept of universal constants. Then in Chapter 5, we introduced the concept of unique universal constant objects- The UNITA, as well as unique constant ratios- PI, Six, Logarithms, Infinity, Geometry. As each concept has been explained we have also managed to place unique objects and ratios in context of the existence of UCA- Unique Collective Awareness. Moreover, we are able to see each of these classes of concepts as reinforcement of the model Unique Collective Awareness. That by re-aligning the concept of mathematics, not discarding the brilliance of thousands of scholars, we see the beauty of the language shine. As introduced in Chapter 4 and 5, the foundations of EIKOS have been explained. It is now time to outline a further set of understandingsconstants of objects in motion Fibonnaci Theorem Eulers motion number 6.27.1 The concept of a ratio of growth We are essentially dealing with the same problems at each level of matter- the process and challenge of growth. The Fibonnaci series provides a constant relationship ratio for maximizing growth patterns within defined space. 6.27.2 The concept of a ratio of decline/decay Not only do there exist ratios of growth, but constant ratios of decay, exhibited by the number known as Eulers number.

Atoms and elements

The notion that all matter is made up of atoms is central to modern scientific thought. Yet, as we discussed earlier in the book, atoms are so small- with diameters of less than one nanometre (a billionth of a meter)- that an individual atom can never actually be seen, no matter how powerful the microscope used to examine it. This is because the size of light particles, to which the human eye is sensitive, are much larger than the diameter of a hydrogen atom. Light in effect is too "big" to be able to pick out any detail in a basic atom's structure. Nevertheless, it is possible to generate representations of atoms. For example we can use an instrument called the scanning tunneling microscope that can measure the shape and size of the electric (electron) field around an atom; while a procedure called X-ray crystallography can measure the distance between atoms. These techniques strongly support that atoms are discrete units and that different "sized" atoms have different behaviour. Because we are unable to actually "see" atoms and their component parts, science have used theoretical models of atomic structure for the past hundred years. Increasingly, sophisticated equipment has assisted science in fine tuning and in some cases replacing previous theoretical "models" of atomic structure. Our current basis for chemistry and particle physics is based on the model of valency and isotopic's (the study of the behaviour and configuration of electrons in atomic structures). While this has led to magnificent discoveries, there remain large gaps in our understanding such as: what truly is light made of? what truly is radiation? why do certain atomic structures behave the way they do? Most importantly, we are yet to see a coherent unified theory that links structures at every level of matter in the Universe. 7.1.1 What we will investigate in this chapter In Chapter 5 and 6, we introduced the first levels of matter in the Universe: UCA standard model of universal elements Level 1 Unita Unita Level 2 Super Sub Atomic Level 3 Sub Atomic Level 4 Atomic Level 5 Molecules Quark, Neutrino, Cosmic Protons, Neutrons, Electrons Hydro-Helio Atomic Matrix Pairs, Tri's, Penta's, Polymers

Level 6 Complex molecules (life) Fats, Sugars, Cells

In this chapter we will introduce two more levels of matter that are built from the super sub-atomic level of matter: We will also seek to clarify important features and behavioral characteristics of these various particle groups that may assist us in understanding why particles at the atomic level do what they do.


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7.2 Important understandings

Let us summarize the key understandings from Chapter 5 and 6 so far: (1) The rules and patterns of features, relationships and behaviour of particles over the past two chapters are consistent When we compare Chapter 5 and 6, we see synergies throughout. We can in fact combine with ease, the super super sub-atomic world (Unita) and super sub-atomic world(Quarks/Neutrinos) with confidence- a feat that contemporary science is yet to achieve. What is more, the model is entirely consistent with the general discoveries of science in this field. (2) The fundamental laws of creation remain in operation at every level of matter Just as we saw that the laws of creation identified in Chapter 4 and 5 also applied at the super sub-atomic level in Chapter 6, we will see these laws of creation continuing to work in Chapter 7. That particles are uniquely self aware and wish to continue to exist in form, is fundamental to the continued existence of the Universe. That particles seek out other particles to create more complex shapes is entirely consistent with laws of co-dependence, specialization and everything we have stated so far. If the laws of creation were not also in operation at the sub-atomic level and the atomic level, then matter would simply not come together. Correspondingly, that as the laws of the Universe are in operation at lower levels of particle structure means that they have to be in operation at the sub-atomic and atomic level. (3) All ergons are discrete particles with specific behaviour. All Fortis are based on features of each particle of matter interacting with other particles In the previous chapter we discovered that ergons are in fact different types of super super sub-atomic, super sub-atomic and sub atomic particles with varying strength, size, velocity and behaviour. We also identified that ergon particles not only form bonds within structures but also move around structures in fields of motion- particle fields. (4) Energis, the accumulated motion of particles In Chapter 6, we were able to understand why the interchangeable nature of "mass and energy" in principle is correct; because mass is principally reliant on the motion of smaller particles to create form. We re-named energy - energis as the accumulated kinesis (mass) and motion in form (velocity) of any and all objects. (5) Returning to singular/simple structures as the basis upon which more complex arrangements are formed One thing we will see in this chapter is a pattern law emerging in terms of the formation of more complex shapes and the nature of synergy in matter- that is, a return to simplicity at each level, as opposed to

complexity. The families of particles we have discussed so far:

Level (1) Super super sub-atomic level (1 family) Creators, Destructive Attractors, Unita family Gravitons Level (2) Super sub-atomic level (3 families) Quarks family Up, Down, Neutrinos Electron N, Cosmics Charm, Strange, Top, Bottom Level (3) Sub-atomic level (6 families) Atomic Core Creators Protons, Neutrons Radioactive's Protoactive, Neutroactive Tron's Electrons, Positrons Photons Photons Heton's Heton's Magnetons Magnetons (magnetism)
That there are patterns within nature should not surprise us, given there must be rules to existence for existence to continue.

7.3 A different perspective on the periodic table

As we explained earlier, since the publishing of the periodic table and the invention of powerful new measuring devices, there has been a flood of information about the world of atoms. Literally billions of dollars have been spent on building massive experimental devices with the result that we have an array of amazing new technologies such as the lasers, microchips, and human engineered molecules. Yet as we did in the previous chapter, this book is about to drastically deviate from standard contemporary scientific models to describe the world of atomic matter. However, it is at the Atomic level of matter that we see UCA agree with the millions of dollars of contemporary scientific measurement of Atomsfrom the bottom up! We take this moment to reemphasize to the reader that this book is about a model- not about proving whether the model is absolute fact. The point is that this model is able to describe behaviour in the atomic world and synergies between all levels of matter like no other model in human history. We apologize for the difficulty this may cause some readers in terms of digesting what we have said and are about to say. However, we make no apology for the fact that by deviating from existing "standard" thinking we are able to describe perfect synergy between all things at all levels in the Universe.

What are the building blocks for creating greater form at the sub-atomic level?
In the previous chapter dealing with super-sub-atomic particles, we saw the Quark (creator) family of particles created, the Neutrino (non equatorial destructive attractor) family created, as well as the Cosmic family of "strange" particles. We also looked at the relative abundance of these sub-atomic and super sub-atomic particles. We also looked the required energis levels to create these various forms and/or tear them apart. This left us with three particles, essentially the most plentiful and configured to create greater form:- the "Up" Quark, the "Down" Quark and the Electron Neutrino. The Quarks (creators)

The "Up" creator Quark The "Down" Quark

The Electron Neutrino (destructive attractors)

The Quark and Neutrino families are responsible for six distinct families at the sub-atomic particle level, In turn, it is these six subatomic families that are responsible for the diversity of shapes and behaviour of structures at an atomic level.

Level (3) Sub-atomic level (6 families) Atomic Core Creators Protons, Neutrons Radioactive's Protoactive, Neutroactive Trons Electrons, Positrons Photons Photons Hetons Hetons Magnetons Magnetons (magnetism)


The atomic core "creator" family

The atomic core creator family of particles are the simplest and most stable sub-atomic shapes in the Universe. From the combination of the simplest and most stable Quarks (Up and Down) we see the creation of the Proton and the Neutron. Photons, for instance, are not a fundamental building block of say the Hydrogen atom's core. Therefore the building blocks of photons are not considered part of the form creator family. It is because the Protons and Neutrons create atomic form, that we call them "creators". Consistent with the previous two chapters, we see the interaction of creators and destructive attractors at each and every level of matter in the Universe. Let us look at the specific features of each member of the atomic nuclei family.


The Proton (atomic creators)

The Proton is 2 creator "Up" Quarks and 2 "Down" (destructive attractor) Quark. Consistent with our Universal concept of spin, we give the Proton a

relative level of kinesis of 1. This is consistent with current scientific "charge" values of 1 for the Proton. The size of the proton is considerably less than 1 nanometre ( a billionth of a metre), which is the diameter of a standard atom. The distance between the outer electron shell and the nucleus of an atom (where Protons are), is estimated to be 10,000 times the diameter of the nucleus. Because of these extremely small distances, the relative theoretical kinesis of a Proton and its estimated "mass" are more useful measures. The relative mass estimated of a Proton is 1.6726 x 10- 27 kg. 7.5.2 The Neutron

The Neutron is 2 "Down" (destructive attractor) Quarks and 2 "Up" creator Quark. We give the relative kinesis of a Neutron to be +0.3. This is consistent with the latest scientific analysis of ascribing a small positive charge to the Neutron. However, the Neutron overall is neither "unattractive", nor "attractive" to other particles, except in enhancing the overall attractiveness of the proton core. The mass of a neutron is estimated at 1.6748 x 10- 27 kg


The Tron family (non equatorial destructive attractors)

The Tron family are the orbiters of atomic cores of Protons and Neutrons. In many ways, they are the "fair weather" friends, constantly interacting with other structures, leaving and returning.


The Electron The Electron is 1 "Down" (destructive attractor) Quark and 1 electron neutrino. We give the relative kinesis of an Electron to be -0.334, even though its mass is considerably lower than a Proton. This is similar with the contemporary scientific approach of giving the electron a -1 "charge." We can explain the .666 difference between the "charge" concept and the model, due to the presence of the electron neutrino that has a small positive charge. The mass of an electron is 9.1096 x 10- 31 kg


The Positron The Positron is 1 "Up" (creator) Quark and 1 electron neutrino. We give the relative kinesis of an Electron to be +2.001, even though its mass is considerably lower than a Proton. The acceptance of the existence of the Positron is only a recent scientific event (past 15 years), given the acceptance of its existence requiring the re-writing of a number of mathematical formulas. Because of its "strength" and size, Positrons are core orbit particles and are found in near orbits to the Proton and Neutron core ( as opposed to

electrons). It is the Positron that effectively "neutralizes" the Neutron's negative spin and therefore attracts electrons to orbit. The mass of a Positron is similar to an electron at 9.1096 x 10- 31 kg.


The photon-the form "carrier"

The importance of sunlight to the sustainment of life on Earth has been known since primordial humans first roamed the savannah's of Africa, Asia Minor, Sth America and Australia/Asia. In more recent times, science now understands the principle particle of light to be the "photon". Our understanding of this amazing particle has led us to develop new kinds of ergon based tools such as the laser.

The Photon is essentially three Up Quarks together in a strong bond, making the Photon the strongest kinesis based particle for mass size in the Universe. Its strength of kinesis ( or attractiveness) gives the Photon a unique set of qualities. 7.7.1 Ability to attract structures much greater in mass than itself The Photon is able to attract structures such as Protons and Neutrons which have a much greater mass and cause them to orbit. In other words, the Photon is the first truly "workhorse" particle, the mighty mouse of the sub-atomic world able to carry up to four times its weight. 7.7.2 Weak Outer Bonds The weak outer bonds of a Light Particle (either Hetons, Hydrogen or for larger Light particles, created by Stars much larger than our ownHelium) mean that Light readily "gives up" either Hydrogen or Hetonsfuel or heat.

These qualities make the Photon the Universal "taxi-service", a particle that in different configurations is able to transport different atomic and sub atomic structures across vast distances, only to drop them off and return to the central "depot", usually the nearest star. The relative mass estimated of a Photon (Unpackaged) is similar to a Proton at around 1.44 x 10- 27 kg.


The Heton (form heater)

Just as the Photon is made up three Up Quarks and Protons are made up of two up and two down Quark, particles are created at the sub-atomic level that are composed entirely of Down Quarks. We have named these particles Hetons after their principle behaviour of raising kinesis levels without directly interfering with the atomic structure of most atoms- hence the concept of heat. Unlike Photons, Hetons are the purest destabilizes of atomic form. Their construction means that they have the strongest negative kinesis to mass ratio than all other sub-atomic structures in the Universe.


Hetons as infrared "light" Like Photons, Hetons can "carry" other sub-atomic particles along for the ride. However, because their negative kinesis is less strong than a Photon positive kinesis, the size of the load carried by a Heton is always less than a Photon. While the Photon is a positive carrier, Hetons are by and large a negative carrier of particles, carrying for instance Neutrons as well as members of the radioactive family. (We will discuss Hetons in more detail later in this chapter). Given the features described, we have identified the Heton as the

principle particle identified in the feature of INFRA-RED radiation and light spectrum of particles


The concept of magnetism

It has been known since ancient times that the Earth is a giant magnet. Naturally magnetic rocks suspended by a thread have long been known to turn to point north and south and the mariner's compass consisting of a balanced and pivoted magnetized steel needle has been an indispensable device for centuries. The cause of the Earth's magnetism was not established however until the middle of the 20th century. According to this model, we now understand the particle responsible for weak magnetism is the Electron Neutrino and strong magnetism is the Magneton (Muon Neutrino). We will also see in a moment that the electron also plays an important part in the "strengthening" of effect of magnetism.


One type of magnetic particle Firstly, there is only one type of Magneton. There is no Magneton and anti-Magneton in operation to describe like fields of magnetism opposing each others and dislike fields attracting each other. We will explain this in a moment. However, what we want to make absolutely clear is that there is only one particle called a Magneton that is responsible for all basic behaviour of strong magnetism.


The size, strength and behaviour of electrons and magnetons That electrical fields and magnetic fields behave in similar ways has been a major understanding of science for the past 100 years. We understand electrons and magnetons to behave so well together that scientists have even coined the phrase "electromagnetism" to describe the behaviour of one force. Looking at the information of the model, we see that the electron and the magneton (and positron) are indeed of similar genealogy. The magneton is much smaller than the electron, but is stronger in attraction and potential energis than the electron. We see that the electron and positron in fact have one electron neutrino each, compared to two electron neutrinos for the magneton.

We see that when both particles are in similar wavelength that the electron orbits the magneton (weakly), thus strengthening the effect of the behaviour of the magneton significantly. However, when their wavelengths are disrupted by competing external influences, we see a weakening of the strength of both particles and their behaviour becoming more erratic. 7.9.3 Magnetons within certain atomic and molecular structures When atomic structures are of a sufficient size, Magnetons are there as a fundamental part of the objects' structure. The accumulated higher density of certain substances (e.g. the silicate family) account for a greater proportion of magnetons, therefore "magnetism". Iron is an excellent example of a substance known to be magnetic. What we mean is that magnetons are actually part of the atomic structures of Iron particles, therefore by definition Iron is magnetic. 7.9.4 The creation of magnetic fields around certain substances- the creation of magnets Almost all silicate structures (metals) can be magnetized (created into a magnet). What this means is that a magnetic field exists around the substance (e.g. a block of iron). The presence of magnetic fields themselves explains the behaviour of "positive" magnetism and "negative" magnetism. Essentially a magnetic field is a self generating field of magnetic particles moving externally and internally through a substance in a pattern of motion. As a self generating patterned field, there is a generally return point for magnetons coming into the substance, a travel route through the substance, an exit point and then the external feed loop back into the entry point. What physically happens is that when a sufficiently large electrical or magnetic field is applied to a magnetic substance, the electrical field strips out the magnetons (and a fair number of electrons) into the larger magnetic field. This leaves ready made homes for new magnetons and electrons. They arrive from the bottom pole and travel into find a home, only to be drawn on by the greater attraction of magnetons and electrons exiting the substance. When the strong field is removed, the magnetons and some electrons are now in a self perpetuating cycle of trying to find a home, thus creating the flow of internal and external magnetic fields. 7.9.5 Which direction is in and out? It is a good question to ask, which direction is in and out for magnetons and electrons? The answer is simply the strength and direction of the dominant magnetic and electric field at that place at that time. As this tends to be the Earth's magnetic fields at the time, most magnetic fields on the Earth are in sync with the

larger fields of the Earth. All these systems of rules, pervading all knowledge effectively presents us a word is profoundly important. 7.9.6 Why the same repel and dislike attract When two magnets are put together and the same "charged" ends are attempted to be placed together they are repelled. The "positive" ends have a narrow focused repulsion, while the "negative" ends have a broad stronger wider, but weaker centre of repulsion. If we look at this phenomena we can see that the two magnetic fields begin to "feed off" each other exponentially as they are brought closer. Two positive ends create an impenetrable "fortis field" between each substance making it quite hard even to put the positive ends of two pieces of magnetized iron magnets together. As hard as you push, the repulsion of the magnetism gets stronger. When you try this on two negative ends, you encounter the repulsion fortis much earlier. But it seems to have a weak spot and the two magnets can be joined together, although magnetism of both pieces seems to drop. This effect can be explained with what happens when two "feeder" areas for magnetic fields are brought together. As the particles are traveling out and then in, at a further distance they push against each other and then repel. But there is a limited repulsion range, because the particles are heading back into the substance, following their natural fields. The repulsion fortis breaks off. 7.9.7 The Earth's magnetic fields The magnetic field of the Earth behave so that a compass needle will turn so that its north pole points to the geographic north pole. So what is commonly described as the north magnetic pole of the Earth is actually a south pole. The magnetic pole is orientated at an angle of about 11 to the rotational axis. It is however, constantly changing its position and moves away or towards the true axis north at a rate of several kilometres per year. (We will explain this further in Chapter 10). The two magnetic poles are not exactly opposite each other with respect to the Earth's centre- that is they are not antipodal. The strength of the Earth's magnetic field varies considerably from time to time, changing over periods varying from tens of thousands of years. Another phenomena is the occurrence of major magnetic disturbances that can change the direction of magnetic fields in rocks such as asteroid and meteorite impacts. In other words a sufficiently strong different direction magnetic field can (and does) alter the magnetic field of rocks to be in a different direction than the Earth's general magnetic fields. (We will explain this further in Chapter 14-Life on Earth). ( Interestingly, the existence of rocks with different direction magnetic fields to

the Earth is a prime basis for the theoretical belief that all continents were once part of a giant continent called Pangea(also explained in Chapter 14.)


The clues as to how the families of sub-atomic structures form atomic structures
Most first year chemistry students have seen the practical example of Magnesium atoms burning on contact with the air. There is also strong inferred evidence of the relative abundance of different atomic structures such as Hydrogen compared to Carbon. We also have the years of research weighing and determining the relative characteristics of various atomic structures such as Uranium and Iron. Let us look at that these clues provide us as an understanding of the laws that dictate the "can do" and "cannot do" processes of forming atomic structures. In the English language, there are literally millions of words, categorized into thousands of relationships and patterns.


The rules of density/pressure/levels of kinesis to form more complex shapes Firstly, for strong nuclear fusion to occur, we require the levels of pressure to increase the density of these particles to such a point that the level of kinesis of each structure are at their maximum. At that point, the motion of particles decrease to sufficiently slow rates of motion to allow the rules of Orbit to create form to take place. Stars are suitable large, with suitably dense inner cores for this process to take place. In addition the other environments where this takes place in nature are nebulae clouds, supernova and the edge of the Universe where new matter is being created constantly.


The rules of orbit to create form For core strong fusion, the ratio of like spin attraction must be 1:1 For orbit strong fusion, the ratio of like spin attraction must be 2:1 or greater For weak fusion, the ratio of like spin attraction must be at least greater than 1:1.


The weakening of attraction via orbits We also know that the effect of orbits is to halve the 1 unit attraction of a creator Unita to another creator particle. For each successive orbit outside form, the attraction/repulsion rate is halved again, and so on. Conversely, we know that in strong core fusion when two like spin particles fuse a core nucleus, their spin attraction is intact.


Strength of like spin multiplied by mass gives us a particles relative attraction To determine what are the most "attractive" particles, we know attraction is based on the total number of creator Unita minus the total number of destructive attractors, after taking into account orbits, multiplied by the total number of Unita particles. Therefore the Proton is the most "attractive" atomic nuclei particle, followed by the Neutron,

the Positron and finally the Electron.


Applying our new understandings to atom level structures

Taking these understandings into account, we can now make predictions on the likely construction of atomic nuclei in the Universe and how they are constructed. We can also use the relative understanding of conditions within "creation" environments for atomic nuclei and then make predictions on the likely abundance of atomic structures within the Universe.


The construction of atomic nucleus determining the fundamental personality of atoms, not simply its mass and electron configuration What determines the principle personality of a human being- their clothes, or what is in their head? Of course, we know that clothes are important, yet we also know that it is the unique functioning of an individual's brain that determines their behaviour. This example highlights the flaw in terms of simply looking at the "clothes" of atomic structures, rather than trying to understand their "brains". We clearly understand that the majority of mass of an atom is its nucleus. Electrons are attracted to the nucleus, not the other way around. Like the clothes analogy, we also understand that atoms can and do change electron configurations in "real life conditions" all the time. So how can we possibly attempt to build an accurate model of atomic science based on "skin deep" observations of electrons.? The simple answer is we can't. We therefore see the study of the atomic nucleus of Protons and Neutrons as the key to understanding the behavioral personalities of atoms, not simply science's current model of an atoms mass and its electron (valency) configuration. By understanding how different nucleus structures are constructed and behave, ignoring for a moment the superficial behaviour of electrons, we are able to perfectly describe the atomic world- with more detail and accuracy than ever before in human history. No longer do we need to continue to use the current model of atomic nucleus that creates an image similar to "red" and "green" smarties tightly packed together. For the first time we will be able to explore why atomic nuclei are constructed the way they are. Not only is this model able to describe more about the different personalities of atomic structures, but we are able to massively simplify our understanding of how and why molecules and compounds are formed.


The different orbit positions for ergon particles around an atomic nuclei

Considering the understandings of rotaxis and orbit positions from the previous chapters, it should be expected that not all structures that compose an atomic nucleus orbit at the same geometric incline, nor radius from the core structures. This is especially so, when considering the various ergon particles such as magnetons, electron neutrinos, positrons and electrons.


Specific orbit positions- avoiding collision, unique behaviour Two key points emerge thanks to unique orbit position- the general avoidance of collision, the unique behaviour of groups of particles in form, and in particle fields. In particles such as Magnetons possessing specific orbit positions, internally and as external fields, we can see the effect of large external field impact as well as impact within form. Magnetons via orbit help keep electron and positron fields stable (hence three phase). Photons, attract greater mass (hydrogen). In terms of Photons, we see Photon particle fields having a strong attraction for Proton material. Thus, the entry point for the Earth ( being the South Pole, which is actually the true magnetic North pole) we should see gradual periods of build up of essential and basic atomic structures (e.g. H2O) and periods of decline in lower periods of Photon production. This is exactly what has been happening with the gradual increase in the mass if the Antarctic ice pack for around 6000 -6500 years. We also see a proof of the theory of different orbit angles for the various ergon particle fields when considering the Earth's magnetic poles shifting over a 12 month period from a maximum distance of around 11 to around 6.


The compression of Atomic cores In considering orbit position, nature of particle and the effects on size ( as listed in Chapter 6), we should expect to see those atomic cores with greater density to actually be smaller. The position of the orbiting ergons within the core and external to the core act as a kind of self tolerance system, providing stability and 3D cohesion. They also help compress the core into a smaller space, thereby increasing the density of the nuclei.


The strong protonic family

The strong protonic family is a related family of Proton core structures that are formed at various pressures and temperatures in either Stars, the birth of stars (nebula) or the death of stars. The temperatures required to form these geometrically superior structures are enormous. For instance, just to fuse hydrogen protons into helium (2 protons) requires temperatures somewhere in the order of 20 million K. The relative abundance of superior Carbon on Earth, indicates that the temperatures at the birth of our Solar System were many times higher than the temperatures at the core of the Sun. It also indicates that heavier proton core structures are a natural consequence of star creation, providing supporting argument that planets are a natural consequence of star creation. Given the temperatures required to fuse these cores are so high, their formation is limited to a few major events in space, such as new solar systems forming, the end of stars or the belly of giant star. They are not formed in the atmosphere of planets.


Hydrogen and Helium Strong Protonic Cores Hydrogen and helium strong protonic cores are the building blocks of the Weak protonic family. They are the lightest protonic cores and are non magnetic and non electric (poor conductors of electrons and magnetism). They principally behave in large quantities and lower pressure environments as gas.


Strong Beryllium Protonic Cores Form the basis of our strong reactive non-electronic/magnetic gases as hydrogen cores bond (weakly).


Strong Carbon Protonic Cores Carbon forms the basic building block for the strongest molecular structures in the Universe and are the foundations for all metals- silicates. Unlike most metals, Carbon, particularly strong Carbon is an extremely poor conductor of magnetism and electrons, given its geometric spherical strength and therefore reluctance to give up electrons.


Strong Silicon and Calcium In the formation of our Solar System the temperatures were not high enough for large quantities of strong proton cores above Carbon and Silicon to be formed. Consequently, elements with an atomic number of 6 and above are largely weak nuclear fusion based structures and protoactive hybrids ( Isotopes). As you will see by the diagram of strong Silicon over the next pages, pure strong Silicon is an good conductor of photons, electrons as well as magnetism. Hence the advent of optic fibres has dramatically improved the transmission of human designed electro-magnetic particle communications.


The weak protonic family

Contrary to what we may believe, most of the particle structures we find on the surface of the Earth are weakly configured protonic/neutronic family groups. That particles can form at substantially lower temperatures with similar characteristics to their strongly bonded counterparts is fundamental to the ability to create atmospheres on planets, molecular structures and therefore life. Elements such as Oxygen, weak Carbon, Nitrogen, are all products of weak fusion. Elements such as Silver, Gold and even Uranium are also elements created during meteorite strikes and tremendous pressures on and within the Earth. To put it in perspective, if one was to attempt to create a fused geometrically perfect ball of 36 protons, the temperatures would require billions of degrees Celsius, while an imperfect ball might be created at only a few thousand degrees. A core feature of the weak protonic family is the basic usage of strong protonic cores in combinations, most noticeably Hydrogen and Helium. That Hydrogen and Helium can be used to make essentially every element in the periodic table under certain temperatures and processes is a fundamental understanding of Mother Nature's Alchemy. It is the "back door" through which all basic elements and then molecular structures can be created under certain conditions.


Weak Silicate and Carbon Cores A feature of Weak silicate and Carbon cores is the presence of Protoactives (in some quantity) and therefore the general attraction of electrons and magnetons. Above atomic numbers of 20, almost all metals show signs of magnetic qualities and conduction of electrons in field behaviour. Radioactivity in large amounts generally only appears for most elements above the level of 60. However, from Carbon onwards, there are many isotope relations to elements that show signs of radioactivity (decay of particles from the basic structure). Weak Carbon

Weak Oxygen

7.15 The Protoactive isotope family

Protoactives are the most useful but most unstable sub-atomic structures for life in the Universe. Luckily, they are largely restricted to single structures as core fusion of Protoactives into "helium" type structures requires extremely high temperatures (over 20 million degrees Kelvin). As such, Earth is only exposed to single Protoactives, restricted to unstable Hydro and Helium type structures.

Protoactive atomic structures are also formed in our atmosphere, as well as from major disturbances such as Asteroid hits. However, Protoactive isotopes are rarer in the lower mass elements than compared to the higher elements (weakly fused cores via the effects of nature) that contain high numbers of protoactives. This partly explains the phenomena that some elements above Calcium (20) tend to have more Neutrons than Protons. However, because the relative temperatures to form, Protoactives are much higher than Protons (and impossibly high for our Sun to create Helium Protoactive cores), Protoactives are in much lower numbers and behave like unstable Hydrogen atoms. Deuterium is an excellent example of a Protoactive Isotope. The Protoactive is more than strong enough to pull in two, sometimes three Neutrons (as in Tritium).

7.16 The photonic family

Our Sun is only large enough to produce 1 core photons (around 18 million degrees K ) compared to 2 or three core Photons. However Photons are the strongest for their size particles in the Universe and their behaviour is to essentially provide a carrier service to many of the "good" particles from the Sun, such as

Hydrogen and to a lesser extent Helium to the Earth. That ultraviolet light is the packaged photon carrier of Hydrogen, while visible light is Ultraviolet light minus Hydrogen has not been fully realised by contemporary science yet. The important feature of Photons is that by and large their motion in Solar Systems is via powerful energis particle fields, spreading out to the planets, reacting with planets and surrounding space and returning to the Sun in giant loops. That light does not travel in straight lines was a major discovery of Albert Einstein while he was alive. That light behaves in particle fields like other energis particles however, is yet to be fully verified. As light in normal quantities does not largely harm atomic structures makes it the most useful carrier of information in the Universe and the principle particle used for detection using the biologic structures of sight (e.g. human eyes).

7.17 The Heton family

Hetonics themselves are strong enough to form particle clusters from Stars into nearby space. However, their effectiveness at long space travel is less, given the lower kinesis strength (pull strength) of Hetons. Hetons also behave in particle fields, leaving a Star, reacting with the surface of a planet and then being attracted back to their original source. They are much shorter range particles and therefore planets need to be close enough to a star to be guaranteed of receiving sufficient quantities of Hetons. Jupiter for example is large enough (and its inner layers het enough) to produce large numbers of Hetons. However their short range means that the Earth rarely receives much Heton particle transfer from the Jupiter.

7.18 Protoactive/neutroactive hybrids

Another major atomic particle family within our Solar System and the Universe are the radical radioactives- particle groupings of combinations of Neutroactives, Hetons, Photons, Magnetons, Electrons that behave in various ways from radio waves, gamma radiation and principally destabilize fellow atomic structures. Stars in proportion produce more radical radioactives than they do any other particle groups. For the most part, planets with heavier enough

element cores produce atmospheres that react with radical radioactives, causing most of these structures to break down. However in recent time, science has harnessed many of the particle groups for use in technologye.g. mobile phones, microwave ovens, burst transmissions.

The problems with these particle groups is that unless they are in stable wave formations, they can severely damage the atomic structures of weak fused molecules- especially biologic compounds. Given humanities dependence on using poor energis using technology (because until now we haven't even had a structural model on what is light!), radical radioactives are found in a range of day to day household environments:

Microwave ovens Digital Mobile Phones Chemical combinations via commercial "high volume" poor quality foods that come from non-organic (high chemical user) producers, high volume factories. Poor quality- mass produced building and household materials (especially poor quality carpets, mass produced foam couches in low but constant dosages) Overhead high voltage power lines Digital transmission ground stations and around any powerful commercial electro-magnetic facility.

For the moment, just looking at the behaviour of radical radioactives we see that the are attracted to atomic structures that have a higher natural magnetic/electron/positron count- Principally Calcium, followed by Iron and Potassium. That these elements are strongly used in the construction of "soft tissue" structures is consistent with the main regions of the human body where damage can occur with high exposure to large amounts of radical radioactives. Radical radioactives in particle fields are one significant catalyst in the advent of cancerous cells, via degradation of molecule structure ( i.e. stripping away of key components leading to defect. We will discuss this further in the next chapter.


A greater explanation of radioactivity

It is now well known that there are certain "packages" of sub-atomic particles that are both useful and harmful to humans. That certain heavier elements (such as elements that have an atomic number of 93 or more) spontaneously give off small packages of particles dangerous in high doses to humans, is also now understood. However what is less well understood is that the basis of all energis transfer is based on the exchange of particle "packages". We therefore see some significant confusion of language in contemporary physics when we use the words radiate, radiation, radioactivity, specifically when defining the differences in respect to particle packages leaving a structure and describing: o the size of particle packages o the configuration and nature of different particle packages o their reaction to other structures and their relative behaviour.


The origins of the words radiate, radiation, radioactive The words radiate, radiation and radioactive are all derived from the Latin word radius- meaning a spoke of a wheel. The word radius was later shortened to the word ray- meaning quite literally "ray". Around 1649 the word radiate was coined to describe the emission of rays of light and heat and then the word "radiation" meaning the quality of actually emitting rays of light and heat. Then around 1896, the word was used to describe the emission of X rays or the rays characteristic of radioactive substances. The word "radioactive" was also coined around the same time (around 1900) for the new definition for radiation. Radioactive means quite literally the ability to spontaneously emitting rays consisting of material particles traveling at high velocities. What is interesting about the history of usage of the words radiation and radiate is that 349 years ago, the words had much broader meanings that in fact were more accurate that the definition of the words today. That all atomic structures exchange energis particles in some way means that all atomic structures in the Universe are radioactive in some way. It is merely a question of how radioactive they are, under what conditions and what they release.

Let us therefore clear up and redefine a more accurate and useful definition of the words radiation and radioactive in the context of understanding the behaviour of the sub-atomic and atomic particle worlds. 7.19.2 The differences we need to identify In any re-definition of radiation, we need to recognize a range of important characteristics:

All atomic structures exchange energis particles; All more complex arrangements of atomic structures eventually exchange or lose atomic structures (e.g. hydrogen atoms leaving, or arriving); Some more complex atomic structures release smaller energis particles as well as bundles of particles that are unstable. These are similar in many ways to bundles of sub-atomic particles that are released by stars.
We need to make clear the distinctions between the release of larger ergon particles and smaller particles as well as the release of stable structures and unstable structures. 7.19.3 Radioactive, Radiation, Ergoactive, Ergoation and Entropy In describing the exchange and loss of particles from a structure, we now introduce a pair or new words.






Radioactive Entropy

We now define all exchange of ergon particles of hetons, photons, electrons and magnetons as ergoation- after the Greek word ergo- to do work. As all atomic level particle structures have some of the ergon particles mentioned built in, we say that all atomic level structures show signs of ergoation in varying degrees. We define this as the action of exchanging and/or losing any ergon particles including photons, hetons, magnetons and/or electrons. We define substances that are ergoactive as having the quality of spontaneously releasing the specific ergon particles mentioned under certain conditions. We now define radiation as the loss and/or exchange of unstable particle packages including gamma particle packages, X-ray particle packages, protoactive particles, neutroactive particles, microwave particles and radio wave particles. We define this as the action of exchanging and/or losing any unstable sub-atomic particle package (as mentioned earlier). We define substances that are radioactive as having the quality of spontaneously releasing specific unstable sub-atomic particle packages mentioned under certain conditions. Entropy is the behaviour of a structure losing subatomic component parts and not having them replaced. This includes the process of Ergoation as

well as Radiation and Hydrogen exchange (chemical reactions).

With these clearer definitions, we can now move forward and focus on understanding more about those substances that are radioactive.

7.20 The concept of electricity

The electron has probably been humanities best harnessed ergon supply since the invention of the electric light bulb. Our affection for the electron has never been stronger, with substantial data gathered on its behaviour. In the previous section on magnetism, we discovered the hidden family relationship of the electron to the magneton (and positron). The electron is the weakest bonder with the weakest attraction rate of atomic structures as a sub-atomic particle. This means that electrons are easily destabilized around atomic structures by using sufficiently strong electric fields. That most electrons can be stripped of, creating electrical fields, or currents similar to magnetism is a fundamental discovery that has provided the power supply for hundreds of thousands of technologies this century. That some substances resist losing their electrons and therefore resist a strong current is known as resistance. The measure of resistance is called the Volt. Volts = Level of resistance to electron transfer x number of electrons trying to get through. Many substances are extremely resistant to creating electrical fields. The human being for example has a Potential Voltage of around 10,000 Volts. Even low dosages of currents touching the human body is sufficient to kill a human being.

7.21 An explanation of different kinesis (frequency) and velocity of particles

One of the more confusing aspects of looking at a table on the various kinesis (frequency) and velocity rates of atomic and sub-atomic particles, is understanding why there appears to be a variety of different speeds/kinesis rates. For instance science has verified that Gamma Particles appear to travel between a minimum and maximum rate of: Frequency of wavelength 10 20 Hz to 10 22 Hz Wave length 10 -11 m to 10 -13 m

We will discuss the importance of identifying minimum and maximum rates in later chapters. For the moment, the "range" of apparent frequencies of particles is simply explained as the different kinesis rates and velocities of particles due to the presence of other particles. In other words, the more particles around a Gamma particle, the higher its frequency and lower its velocity. The less particles around, the lower its frequency and the higher its velocity.

7.22 Cleaning up the "magic particle" anomaly

An anomaly has existed in recent times regarding the breakdown of a Proton into other particles. Essentially the problem has been when a Proton weighing approximately the same mass as a Neutron appears to break down into a Neutron, Positron and Electron Neutrino. How can this be? The answer lies not in the observed result, but the misinterpretation of the "behaviour" of a Proton like particle and the "reality" of what that is. Interestingly, it is this same misinterpretation of behaviour that occurs at the very atomic level we are talking about. The mystery particle to which we refer is the Protoactive- an "Up Quark" core, orbited by two electron neutrinos. The Protoactive looks like and behaves like a Proton, except it is not. Not only is it stronger in kinesis, but is weaker in stable structure in the presence of large concentrations of electron neutrino related particles. What about the Neutron? In Orbit, the Neutron has a weak kinesis. When it orbits a Proton or Protoactive is mass essentially vanishes. We know the particle simply doesn't vanish into thin air. However to the aware particles at the sub atomic level kinesis= 0 means the structure (in this case a Neutron) is part of the larger structure. (We will discuss "vanishing mass" in the mid-summary chapter 9). In this case the protoactive can break down easily in electro-magnetic fields ( as they do). What we see is the Protoactives electron neutrinos rush off at high speed, followed by the Up Quark Core behaving like a heavy Positron, followed by the Neutron. Thus we have answered one of the great contradictions of modern atomic physics.

7.23 Protonic isotopes

Isotopes is the name given to atomic nuclei that share the same number of proton components but have different atomic masses. More recently, the word "isotope" has also come to be used in describing all atomic nuclei. In the past thirty years, it has been identified that there are only 20 atomic nuclei in the Universe with 1 isotope- 1 even (Beryllium (4)) and 19 oddnamely: 9- Fluorine 25Manganese 11-Sodium 27-Cobalt 13Aluminum 33-Arsenic 55-Cesium 15Phosphorous 39-Yttrium 21- Scandium 41-Niobium

45-Rhodium 53-Iodine

5965-Ternium Praseodymium

67-Holmium 69-Thulium



Given what we have just discussed, in terms of strong protonics. weak protonics and protoactives, we are able to make sense why some elements have different isotopes e.g. (Hydrogen, Helium, Lithium, Boron, Carbon etc). As we are able to explain structures in a more detailed way than the concept of Isotopes, the word is redundant when considering the UCA aligned understandings of atomics.


Based on t he understandings of the previous chapters, we now present a restructured periodic table of elements called THE UNITAS TABLE OF HYDRO-HELIO ATOMICS.

Element Hydrogen Helium Lithium Beryllium Boron Carbon Nitrogen Oxygen Fluorine Neon

P 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

ID H He Li Be B C N O F


Mid Outer CP 1 2 2 3 4 4 6 6 8 6



CM 1 4



M 1 4

1 1 1 2 1 2 1 4

4 6 8 8 12 12 16 12

3 3 3 4 2 4 3 8

7 9 11 12 14 16 19 20

10 Ne

Element Sodium Magnesium Aluminium Silicon Phosphorous Sulfur Chlorine Argon Potassium Calcium

ID Core Mid Outer 11 Na 12 Mg 13 Al 14 Si 15 P 16 S 17 Cl 18 Ar 19 K 20 Ca

CP 8 8 12 12 14 12 16 14 18 18

MP 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 4 1 2

OP 1 2

CM 16 16 24 24 28

MM OM 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 12 3 4 4 4

M 23 24 27 28 31 32 35 40 39 40

24 32 28 36 36

Element Scandium Titanium Vanadium Chromium Manganese Iron Cobalt Nickel Copper Zinc

ID 21 Sc 22 Ti 23 V 24 Cr 25 Mn 26 Fe 27 Co 28 Ni 29 Cu 30 Zn

Core Mid Outer CP 20 20 22 22 24 24 26 26 28 28

MP 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2


CM 36 40 44 44 48 48 52 52 56 56

MM 6 8 7 8 7 8 7 6 7 8

OM 3

M 45 48 51 52 55 56 59 58 63 64


Classification system of the Hydro-helio matrix

Based on the personalities of atoms, we are now able to identify a set of consistent rules based on the perceptual world of atoms. We call these the laws of Universal Hydro-Helio Atomics. These rules are consistent for all atomic structures anywhere in the Universe.


Classifications Firstly, atoms identify each other by certain classifications of personality similarities. We are able to categorize these classifications according to: o Structure type, which in turn creates Genera Families


Species Hydro Strength Electron Latent Potential Mass

large family groups of general common features) smaller family groups of common features that define in greater detail which atoms will interact with other atoms. a classification which allows us to understand which atoms "look" to bond with other atoms and which atoms have other atoms search for relationships with them; a classification which allows us to understand the specific atom and its behaviour under certain conditions a classification which allows us to understand the relative strength in creating hydro bonds with other atoms and with hydrogen. a classification which allows us to understand how many electrons will be attracted to forming orbits and in what strengths) a classification which enables us to determine the relative size and therefore the overall strength of interaction with other atoms and specifically how atoms will actually bond.

With these classifications and the following rules, we are able to identify all the molecular structures that are created at the level of strong chemical fusion. We are also able to describe the specific personalities of molecules that are created and therefore set up a higher understanding of what more complex molecules are created under weak chemical fusion (as we will discuss later in this chapter.) 7.25.2 Structure Type There are three levels of structure type The core is called the C The mid is called the M The outer is called the G The following is the complete list of atomic structures of C: 1 x Hydrogen 2 x Beryllium 2 x Helium 2 x Carbon 2 x Lithium 1 x Silicon

3 x Carbon 1 x Iron 2 x Iron 3 x Iron.

2 x Silicon 3 x Silicon

All elements known to humanity and our Solar System are built from C's from this list. There are only 12 types of C atomic structures.

7.26 Relative levels of atomic structures in the universe

Similar to all other levels of matter, the simplest and strongest structures of Atoms are also the most common. It is estimated that 99%of all atomic matter in the universe is made up of just 2 elementsHydrogen and Helium. For every 10,000 atoms of Hydrogen in the Universe, it is estimated there are 500 Helium atoms and just 1 of all other elements. The nine most common elements in the Universe in order are: Hydrogen Helium Carbon Nitrogen Oxygen Neon Magnesium Silicon Sulphur Iron 40,000 3,100 3.5 6.6 22 8.6 0.9 1 0.38 0.6


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This chapter begins by looking at two new levels of particle structure methods in the Universe: o Strong chemical fusion o Weak chemical fusion (solution based fusion) We will then look at the fifth level of matter- Molecules- how and why they are formed. We will also introduce the basis upon which the sixth and final level of matter - Hydro-Carbon Biologics is based, providing an entry of understanding into Chapter 12- "Life". Finally we will discuss the various particle structures formed at these two new levels of matter (strong chemical and weak chemical fusion) how and why they are formed and why they behave the way they do


Differences in contemporary scientific thinking Again, we reemphasize that this chapter will deviate from standard contemporary scientific thinking. However, as with all other chapters,

this chapter will explain the features of molecules at the organic compound level that is totally consistent with our contemporary understanding of results- while at the same time remaining consistent with everything we have stated previously. Moreover, we will be able to explain with substantially more accuracy and detail "why particles at a molecular level behave the way they do" than any existing contemporary scientific models. Bear in mind the importance of what we have just claimed. We are talking about a scientific model that describes each and every particle being aware and the existence of the Unique Collective Awareness able to explain in more detail what contemporary "Godless" models cannot. We fully understand that these new insights challenge the fabric of everything you think you know. Yet, everything you are about to read is entirely consistent with everything we have stated previously. In this way the book remains true to its original statement that the model is totally synergetic.

8.2 Important understandings from the Hydro-Helio Atomic Matrix

Before we go much further, we should recall the key understandings from Chapter 7 that might be relevant when considering how molecular structures form. 1. Atoms above Hydrogen and Helium can and are based on combinations of simpler elements This was probably one of the most profound understandings from Chapter 7, that the whole array of elements discovered by humanity can and are in fact derivatives of one another, down to the simplest groupings of element families, such as Hydrogen, Carbon, Oxygen, Silicon and Iron. We will see later (Chap 10,11) that in the case of the planet Earth,the combination of these elements have been formed under different conditions and for different reasons for Billions of years. 2. Heavier elements contain more sub atomic ergon particle varieties such as magnetons, positrons and electrons We saw from chapter 7 a relationship between the construction of atomic

structures and the attraction of sub atomic ergon particles such as magnetons, positrons and electrons. We saw for the first time a way of understanding why some atomic structures are good at conducting electricity, good magnets or good conductors of light, while others exhibited poorer qualities for these tasks. 3. Heavier elements formed under bombardment from the Sun contain more hybrid structures We saw from Chapter 7 an explanation for the magic proton particles capable of splitting into bazaar particles. We saw the creation and role of the Protoactive and Neutroactive and the very nature of what is radioactive decay. 4. The complete set of ergon particles We also saw from chapter 7 an understanding that sub-atomic ergon particles such as magnetons, positrons and electrons can and do behave in particle fields. We also saw that photons also behave in particle fields. For the first time we were able to understand the relationships between the various energis particle types and see how and why they behave the way they do. 5. Like combination elements remain attracted to one another We saw that like combinations of particles continue to form relationships (where possible) and that with greater size and complexity of structure, the more complex in behaviour and capability (adaptability). 6. The continued interaction of the creation laws at each level of matter We saw with atomic structures that the creation laws described in chapter 5 (on the creation of the smallest particles in the Universe) are same laws for atomic structures. We saw that these laws appear seamless across each and every level of matter. 7. The uniqueness of perception of atomic structures Finally we saw, as we have seen at every level of matter, that each level and complex structure of matter is uniquely aware and that the level of complexity enhances the uniqueness of that awareness. We saw a significant explanation of the "magic" Proton particles that seem to defy the natural laws of nature. Most importantly, we saw complete consistency at the atomic level as with every other level of matter, right back to the Universe, the UCA and its desire to exist. Simply that the Universe is both physical and metaphysical, one and the same.

8.3 The historic understandings of molecules and the mysteries surrounding them
No other level of matter appears so complex or mysterious as that of molecules. A molecule is by definition a group of two or more atomic structures bonded together in some kind of three dimensional structure. The air we breath are molecules. The water we wash in is molecules. Our bodies and everything we eat and use is made up of complex arrangements of molecules.

Since science was able to deduce that living and non-living complex structures such as skin, teeth, hair, blood, cells, plastics are all made up of complex molecules, literally millions of different molecular structures have been identified, from very simple combinations of elements such as Hydrogen and Oxygen (e.g. Water H2O), through to protein molecules which form the basis of organic cellular structure in living animals. From the beginning of this century, many attempts have been made to properly categorize molecular structures into "family" groupings and techniques have been standardized in chemistry to describe chemical reactions ( two structures coming together to form new structures). As knowledge has been built up from previous knowledge, we now have hundreds of thousands of pages of models we can now call Molecular Science, Chemistry and the Biological Sciences. Yet contemporary science is now faced with several major problems regarding our overall models of molecules: 1. Most of the formulas and training in understanding molecular reactions is based on two dimensional diagrams and formulas describing a three dimensional world. For example, simple sugar molecules can be written 6 Carbon, 6 Oxygen and 12 Hydrogen atoms. But it is their 3 dimensional arrangement that determines their characteristics and behaviour. Our two dimensional system continues to provide the wrong picture as to exactly what is happening in the molecular world. 2. Our groupings of many atomic structures into families has been based on the groups of atoms, not their shape and underlying similarities. As science has never fully considered that atomic structures above Hydrogen and Helium can be made of combinations of the two, we see large gaps in understanding the similarities between different molecules such as Carbon Dioxide (1 Carbon and 2 Oxygen) and say Ozone (3 Oxygen). Contemporary science is unable to grasp that they are all part of the Carbon family. We saw function and multiple purpose due to structure using the same base as sub-atomics, yet more sophisticated, hence the importance of Steph. 3. Finally, we see the general loss in "wonder" associated with the way molecules form more complex shapes that ultimately lead to cellular life and to such structures as the human being. Since science was able to deduce that human beings are largely made up of nothing more than billions of atoms of a few basic elements, science, has lost much of its understanding of molecular structures being selfaware living things. In destroying the myth of molecules that make up life holding some secret or unique essence we have lost our ability to rationally explain how molecules can and do exhibit the necessary "intelligence" required of a complex organism.


A revisit on the concepts of volume, dimension

and perception
In Chapter 5, we introduced the humble Unita- the smallest particle created out of six points of UCA moving at half infinite rates to create volume. As you saw by the diagram, Unita are far from solid objects. They are at best, fuzzy etchings in space. Yet we see Unita behaving with one another as if they were solid objects. Moreover, we see at the atomic level, atoms behaving as if they were solid objects, when in fact, their structure is just a handful of Unita in largely empty space. Importantly, we saw that each and every level of matter occupies volume ( i.e. each particle of matter has Mass) in 3-dimensional space. We were able to identify that the density (how many particles in a given space) of certain particles is a vitally important behavioral trait. So what does this mean in terms of the volume of space taken up by molecules, their 3-dimensional structure and perception? 8.4.1 The creation laws and larger more complex structures Atoms obey the laws of creation just as every other level of matter does the same. We see from these creation laws that atoms, like every other level of matter wish to form more complex shapes. The problem being that in using laws 6 and 11, the temperatures required to say form Carbon under strong nuclear fusion is hundreds of millions of degrees Kelvin. If this was the only way complex structures were able to be created, then the most complex structure in the Universe would be billions of Iron atoms and that's it! Of course, we know that molecules exist, so this is not the case- atoms found a way "around" the restrictions of strong and weak nuclear fusion to create even more complex shapes via chemical fusion ( as we will discuss in a moment). 8.4.2 Rule 6- Geometry and Rule 11 Conservation of effort The physical result of atoms forming relationships is that they occupy a larger volume area. When we combine law 1 with 6 and 11, we see that the objective for atoms in forming more complex relationships is to occupy the largest amount of space, as efficiently as possible in the most stable configuration. Amazingly, these insights are often missed when considering molecular structures. For it is not only a question of "visualizing" molecules as having 3 dimensional shapes, it is also recognizing that those shapes are always created to optimize volume, specialization and stability. It is relatively easy to write down 6C6OH12 (6 Carbon, 6 Oxygen 12 Hydrogen), but what does it physically look like in 3 dimensions? Almost our entire knowledge base of molecular science, with the exception of a few diagrams, shows a distinct lack of understanding of the interaction of the laws of creation. For we have hundreds of diagrams of complex molecules that show no synergetic 3-dimensional structure whatsoever. In fact, the majority of our diagrams remain largely 2 dimensional!

This is in direct contrast to the verified investigations into biological science in the past fifty years using powerful electron microscopes that has shown in fact all complex structures show similarities of 3 dimensional synergy. The famous Fibonacci Number set ( 0,1,1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, etc) has been identified as a common re-occurring pattern in cellular life forms. It has been verified that all life can be identified by patterns of relationships in 3-dimensional structures that are the same. In other words, molecules do have defined three dimensional structures and they appear to be structures that optimize volume, pattern and a degree of stability. 8.4.3 Molecular perception Human perception is based on molecular perception, not atomic perception. While molecules are made up of atoms and in turn, sub atomic particles etc, the behaviour of living organisms is at the unique molecular level of perception. Whether or not a molecule occupies a great amount of volume in a superior structure or not, it is the perception of nearby molecules that counts. In other words, molecules create their own level of perception, just as every other level of matter creates its unique level of perception. Most importantly, the rules of molecular interactions is based on molecular perception, not atomic perception or the "reality" that molecules are mostly empty space. This is where so many great minds have become entangled in convoluted arguments. For if we wish to understand and to alter molecular structures, it is by the rules of the perceived world of molecules, not atoms that we must understand. Regardless of how rationale our formulas that show molecules are made up of atoms and that they should not do what they do, molecules won't listen. They are living, self-aware structures that have their own perception of the world around them. We will see this as a crucial understanding to the inherent behaviour of molecular structures and why they do what they do.


A greater explanation of strong chemical fusion

Under weak nuclear fusion, we saw that Proton core structures are strongly attracted to forming relationships under certain temperatures. This gave rise to the Hydro-Helio Atomics Matrix. We also saw that in the process, ergon particles are attracted to forming inner orbits around strong Proton cores, explaining why most heavier (larger) elements in the Hydro-Helio Matrix are more magnetic and electrically conductive. We know that structures such as Carbon, Oxygen and Hydrogen then form more complex structures (molecules). We shall now explain how and why these structures do this.


The latent potential for electrons to orbit As we explained, elements over a certain size and configuration have Positrons and other sub atomic particles located in orbit paths, within the overall structure. Because they are where they are, these sub atomic particles effectively double and in some cases triple the strength of their "perceived" personalities. According to the rules of Orbit (Chapter 6), these inner electrons/positrons are strong enough to attract "same family" electrons to orbit (under the right conditions). At the back of Chapter 7, we showed the latent potential for electron orbit and magnetons for each and every element of the HydroHelio Atomic Matrix. Importantly, we were able to show that electron orbit of atomic structures is not without reason and that if no family members are present in a structure, then electrons will not orbit. We also noted that this has never been fully comprehended in contemporary scientific models such as the idea of Ions and Valency.


Unfulfilled latent potential and fulfilled latent potential From the Hydro-Helio Atomic Matrix we are able to see that certain elements have a strong latent potential to attract electrons, such as Carbon. When the latent potential is unfulfilled, we can define that an atom as being in an Ionic state ( i.e. it has less electrons orbiting than its potential permits). All elements are Ionic above a certain temperature that does not allow stable electron orbits.


Important fact about hydrogen It is both an important and as yet undiscovered fact about hydrogen, in that Hydrogen formed from Proton cores have no natural attraction to electrons! In fact hydrogen made from Protons is the only elements in the Universe that are purely and naturally neutral to electrons. This is because Hydrogen with a Proton at its core have no structures within it that are of the same family group of electrons/magnetons/positrons to attract the energis particles to orbit. In contrast, Hydrogen with a Protoactive core, is very attractive to electrons as the Protoactive is by definition the largest family member of the electron/magneton/positron family. It also happens to be radioactive ( i.e. will break apart under certain conditions). Radioactive Hydrogen is more abundant than neutral Hydrogen. However

Radioactive Hydrogen principally bonds under weak nuclear fusion to form many of the heavier elements of the Hydro-Helio Atomic Matrix. This leaves the humbler neutral Hydrogen in apparent greater numbers. As Hydrogen exchange is the foundation of weak chemical fusion, the difference between radioactive Hydrogen and electrically Neutral hydrogen is of critical importance. Understanding the difference, allows a massively simplified understanding of the world of molecules and chemical reactions, with significantly improved accuracy. 8.5.4 Not forgetting the strength and rules of Proton cores Under weak nuclear fusion, cores of different strengths form the elements we have discussed. Importantly, we see the rules of Orbit applying to core structures of the same family. In other words, only cores of the same family type combine. While we have now identified that most atomic structures have latent potential to attract electrons to orbit, we must not forget that it is principally atomic structures that determine what atomic structures can and will form relationships with other structures. 8.5.5 Definition of strong chemical fusion We are now ready to define strong chemical fusion. Strong chemical fusion is when atoms form 3-dimensional structures with other atoms of the same nuclei family via the co-dependence of hydrogen, hydroactive and ergon exchange. Determining the shapes of molecules Contrary to everything you may have learned until now, with the knowledge of a few key rules all the possible molecular shapes in the Universe may be determined, including: Their 3 dimensional shape; o The temperature at which they bond; How they behave; o Other molecules that are related; o Bonding strength; Energis particle behaviour as a molecule. All this information may be determined without having to see a molecule, or even study a molecule in a laboratory. In other words, we can make entire sense of the world of molecules, through understanding the Hydro-Helio Atomics Matrix as well as the rules of strong chemical fusion bonding. 8.5.6 A major challenge to our contemporary understanding What we are discussing is natural personality groups justifying the reason certain elements bond with one another way before we even consider how many outer and inner Hydrogen/hydroactives in their structure and how many ergons (not simply electrons) these elements have in their shells. How is this possible? For what we have just discussed is completely contrary to everything ever written about molecular chemistry and biological sciences. Let us re-cap part of the atomic structure table we discussed in chapter 7: Element P ID Core Mid Outer CP MP OP CM MM OM M

Hydrogen Helium Lithium Beryllium Boron Carbon Nitrogen Oxygen Fluorine Neon

1 H 2 He 3 Li 4 Be 5 B 6 C 7 N 8 O 9 F 10 Ne

1 2 2 3 4 4 6 6 8 6 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 4

1 4 4 6 8 8 12 12 16 12 3 3 3 4 2 4 3 8

1 4 7 9 11 12 14 16 19 20

Looking at the beauty and the simplicity of design of mother nature UCA, we can now consider the personality of two vitally important elements for life: Oxygen is super attractive to Hydrogen, because Oxygen has four Hydrogen in stable attractive orbits. Because of its core structure, the two outer Hydrogen provide good bonding partners. Hydrogen bonds either 2:1 or 2:2 (HO, or H2O) Carbon is super attractive to Hydrogen, Oxygen and to a lesser extend Nitrogen. 8 times out of 10, Carbon will want to form bonds with Hydrogen, because they're the simplest. And with this powerful knowledge we can go on and describe with precision how and why these atomic structures will bond the way they do under the right conditions. 8.5.7 Electrons are but one the means by which atoms form bonds, electrons are not the end in itself What we are able to therefore say is that electrons are but one of the ergon particles that hold together relationships between particles. That magnetrons, gravitons, electron neutrinos, also play and important part to play in the relationships between atomic nuclei. Electrons are merely the largest collection of ergon particles. They are not the sole basis upon which molecules relate. Electrons come and go, but we see atomic relationships having greater depth and complexity than simply the number of electrons or electron exchange. This is crucial in understanding the limited influence that electrons ultimately play in the overall desires of atoms to make more complex structures. Atomic structures will build their relationships regardless of the minor variances in electron counts. When we consider electrons in the future, we should consider attaching the word tolerance- that all atomic structures have a certain tolerance to an abundance or extreme shortage of electrons. (It is not perfect 1 extra electron or minus 1 electron theory.)

8.6 Symbols used to describe molecules

At the end of Chapter 7 (Atoms), we showed diagrams of the theoretical size comparisons of atoms to one another. e.g. Hydrogen (Bond) Carbon (Base) Nitrogen (Bond) Sulfur (Base)

As we explained previously, ALL atoms form some sort of molecules and ALL molecules are 3 dimensional structures. To make the task of describing 3D structures easier to complete using the 2 dimensional format of ink on paper, the following symbols are used to denote side-on views of molecular bonds. 1 Carbon + 2 Hydrogen (side on) (above) 1 Nitrogen + 2 Hydrogen (side on) (above)


What structures do atoms create under strong chemical fusion?

Given what have now discussed, we now know that only BASES and BONDS form more complex structures we call molecules according to their classification and strength under the Hydro Helio Atomic Matrix. We also know that the most common atomic elements in the Universe are also the simplest. Principally there are six classifications of geometric structures formed under strong chemical fusion: Matrices Pairs Tri Quads Pentas Hexas (geometric bonding of same atoms under pressure) (pair, either core or hydrogen bonding) (groups of three atoms, either core or hydrogen bonding) (groups of four atoms, either core or hydrogen bonding) (groups of five atoms, either core of hydrogen bonding) (groups of six atoms, either core of hydrogen bonding)


Pairs The simplest molecular structure in the Universe are pairs. Thanks to the Hydro-Helio Atomic Matrix, we can quickly see that : BOND atoms are the most active "seekers" of relationships, not only to stabilize themselves, but to enact the creation laws; have strong latent potential, therefore enabling them to use some of their electron attraction potential and share electrons with Bonds. will either form pairs with others of their kind, or with an opposite to form a more stable structure (e.g. a Base with a Bond). We call these two types of pairing: Hydro Bonding, or Core Bonding.


BASES and BONDS Hydro Bonding

The most active Bond seeking Hydro bonding (funnily enough) is Hydrogen itself. Hydrogen will seek bonding relationships with either large Bonds or Bases to form stable relationships (most often triplet structures where two Hydrogen bonding sites are available). Core Bonding The simplest and most abundant paired molecules for core bonding are the Carbon-based atoms of Carbon, Nitrogen and Oxygen. All three elements have the same core structure and at the same time are the most abundant, apart from Hydrogen, Helium, Beryllium etc.


Tri shapes Tri shapes are when three atoms come together to form a triad structure. Again, the two types of simple triad structures are either Hydrogen Bonding or Core Bonding. Again, the most common tri molecules are from the Hydrogen, Carbon, Nitrogen and Oxygen family, the most stable Tri's being Carbon with itself, CO2, NH2, H2O, NCO, NO2


Quads Quads are when four atoms come together to form bonds, either via hydrogen or core. Quads are essential building blocks for more complex molecules ( to be discussed later in this chapter)


Pentas Pentas are structures of five atoms configured under core or hydrogen bonds, either in a cross, or a five-side geometric shape. The stability of the Penta five sided shape of carbon atoms is a superior geometric platform, seen as the base for many key molecules to life ( e.g. DNA, connection between fats and as essential components to Amino Acids ( which will be discussed further into this chapter).


Hexas Hexas are the most complex shapes that are formed under Strong Chemical Fusion and come in cross shapes and six-sided close packed rings (such as Benzene). Hexas are fundamental switches and platforms for a host of vital molecules, including DNA and several Amino Acids.


Matrices- Geometrically stable closed packed structures(Crystals) Unlike Bonds, Base atomic structures can form a third type of structure

based on geometrically stable closed pack relationships. Close packed means, that the bonds are at a maximum core to core to core relationship. Core to core to core bonds between Bases can extend to quite large geometric structures, usually in either one or two geometric shapes: Cubic crystals (e.g. perfect gemstones); or Tetra-Hexagonal (e.g. metals). Almost all metal atoms form into close packed structures, as do a great many combinations of paired atoms.


The concepts of solids, liquids and gases

As we have previously discussed the perception that something is solid is in one sense a complete illusion- for nothing is solid in the Universe. In another sense, it is a perfect illustration of the perceived reality at each and every layer of matter.


Invisibility at the molecular level At the molecular level, atomic structures are clearly visible, but their component parts (sub atomics) are not. Therefore to a molecule, whether an atomic structure is inherently unstable under certain conditions (such as protoactive cores) is not "seen". Likewise, the graviton, the magnetons and even electrons pass right through molecular structures as if they were thin air. However, given our understanding of the Hydro-Helio Matrix and the basic shapes formed from Strong Chemical Fusion, we can now look the the differences in "linkages" between atoms to distinguish why something might be perceived as solid, liquid or gas.


Solid Links Solid links are when the bonds between molecules are at sufficient strength and stability that a matrix is formed of sufficient strength to hold. Heavier elements denote stronger bonding capabilities. Therefore, they are more readily able to form strong matrix bonds between themselves and other atomic structures. This matrix structure is called by its geometric shape- crystallography. All solids form relationships in matrix structures than can be defined in some sort of crystal shape. Furthermore, we can identify a distinguishing feature of solids that do not allow molecules to penetrate within the structure, because of their close packed structure. Therefore, to human (molecular perception), something that resists molecular intrusion can be described as having solid qualities.


Liquids Liquid molecules are those molecules that form temporary bonds between smaller clusters and no formal bonds between these large

clusters. For instance, water is not simply H2O, it is also made up of bonds with HO molecules. In arrangement, these molecules form larger and larger formal bonds with other molecules under certain conditions and less and less bonds under other conditions. A raindrop for example, is a colony of water molecules, not simply tens of thousands of water molecules moving around without any pattern of structure. Liquid behaviour is usually distinguished by a concept called viscosity (or thickness/resistance) of the liquid. In general, the rules are that the lower the temperature, the larger the cluster colonies of molecules, the higher the temperature, the smaller. The importance of liquid behaviour is that cluster colonies with no formal links between them can enable other molecules to enter "in between" the gaps of the molecule clusters and interact. This is especially the case with water. If however, the links between all molecules were firm across an extended region, then the molecules would exhibit solid characteristics and molecular interaction would not be possible within the substance, only its external surface area. Thus, substances that turn from solid to liquid at certain temperatures enables us to "push in" and mix molecular structures. This is the basis of all creation of alloys ( different metallic molecules mixed to form new more complex molecules ( often called compounds) at high enough temperatures. 8.8.4 Gases Gases are when molecules are unable to form any medium term bonds with one another and therefore have no set pattern of relationship. This can also be the case for the Helium atom, unable to form any bonds with hydrogen atoms under weak chemical fusion. The tell tale signs of gas The links between molecules in a gas state are so weak, that almost any molecular structure can be pushed into the space to react with the gas molecules. Depending on the thickness of the gas will determine whether the gas will support certain molecular structures or not. Many molecules behave in a gas state when their electrons have been stripped off, thus breaking the means of bonding. This is often called "Ionization". Ionization can be accomplished through putting a strong ergon particle field through a liquid. Almost all gaseous states for molecules that exhibit liquid and solid tendencies is as a direct result of the input of particles that behave as inhibitors to electron bonds occurring. Generally speaking, gases take up more volume than liquids and solids. This is why we say that when molecules move into a gaseous stage, they expand. However, this rule is determined relative to the substance being discussed. For instance, water in a solid state is larger than liquid stage, and slightly less than gas stage. 8.8.5 Solid, Liquid and Gas behaviour is determined by the core to shell construction

Determining how an atomic structure ( and therefore a molecule) will behave under certain conditions and temperatures is relatively easily understood now from looking at the Universal Hydro-Helio Atomics Table. The structure mix of Core (C), Mid (M) and (G), determines the relative "strength" of the bonds between Proton cores as well as the relative size of the overall structure. More Protons, means stronger bonds, means closer orbit patterns (in other words higher density because the structure is slightly smaller). Therefore, for the first time in human history, we are able to accurately predict the behaviour of every atomic structure according to its size and C, M and G mix as to what temperatures the substance will behave as a solid liquid or gas. Remembering that temperature is an indication of kinesis levels and kinesis is an indication of the relative density ( proximity) of other atomic structures, we see that larger structures take up more room. Therefore, fewer particles may be required to raise temperature (while taking into account the relative strength of bonds).

8.9 The frequency of strong chemical fusion throughout the universe

As all atomic structures exist in some form of relationships, structures created by Strong Chemical Fusion exist throughout the Universe, the simplest being pairs and matrices. By far the most common molecule is Hydrogen (up to 90% of all molecules), followed by Carbon Monoxide (CO), Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and Water (H2O). Water is found throughout the Universe, with concentrations existing in the atmosphere and in frozen/liquid form in some levels on the surface of almost every planet in our Solar System ( for example). The following is a sample of the various structures formed by Strong Chemical Fusion throughout the Universe, detected in atmospheres of planets, molecular clouds and asteroids/meteorites: Pairs H2 NO Tris H2O OCS H2S HNO CO SiO SO2 out the Universe C2H2 (acetylene) C2H4 (ethylene) CS SiS

Quads NH3 CH4 (methane) Pentas HCOOH Hexas



A greater explanation of weak chemical fusion

When large groups of molecules behave in either a gaseous or liquid state ( or both) they can be called a solution. As we have just discussed, a key feature of molecules behaving as a gas or a liquid, is that they allow the insertion of other molecular structures into their matrix of relationships. Depending on the molecules in question and the strength of their bonds, either very simple or very complex molecules can ( and are) created within this matrix. In all cases, more complex molecules are only possible through the existence of relative stable molecular structures behaving as a liquid. The viscosity of the liquid enables more complex molecules to be supported and transported to one another. These processes, where a solution exists is called "Solution based fusion". We also call it weak chemical fusion and is the basis of understanding of the sixth and final level of matter in the UniverseHydro-Carbon Biologics.


The importance in terms of temperatures required to form bonds The supportability of the solution molecules, such as water means that a relatively low level of kinesis is required. The shapes can also break away from the strict regime of geometric strength for survival as is required at the centre of a star or at the birth of a solar system (star system). These factors combine to result in molecules and compounds created under solution based fusion taking on all kinds of shapes, most usually non-spherical shapes, but geometrically alternative shapes.


The creation of strings of molecules and compounds A key feature of solution-based fusion is the creation of string-like structures of atoms and molecules. These shapes would be geometrically unsustainable in the violent environment of a star, or even space. But protected and supported in a solution-based molecule structure, string, rings and all kinds of specialized geometric arrangements are possible. It is because solution based fusion allows this kind of flexibility and easy bonding that means planets with seas or oceans are capable of producing such complex and specialized non-spherical arrangements as we see in life and contemporary science's definition of "organic chemistry".


The behaviour and strength of solution- based created structures Because molecular structures created under solution-based fusion occur with less rigid requirements for geometric strength, they can develop amazingly long and complex structures. However, the survival

of the structure is entirely dependent on the continued existence of the solution-based environment. In other words, if the oceans disappear, or seas or atmosphere go, so too do the molecules and compounds created in this method. Solution-based created structures have the feature of being "softer" less geometrically strong than nuclear fusion created and weak-nuclear fusion created structures. They also tend to be the most active in terms of breaking down and re-shaping new structures, readily and easily. All the complex molecules that form life are solution-based, the fossil fuels are solution based. Solution-based structures can and do exist as liquids, or solids (never gases), in complete parallel to the solutionbased medium which they rely on for survival. 8.10.4 The importance of common frequency at the level of solution based fusion We have discussed kinesis levels and that kinesis = the contemporary scientific concept of frequency. We have also discussed that the more complex structures become, the lower their accumulative kinesis (motion in form). What is rarely considered at the level of solution based molecular structures (such as human beings) is just how important common kinesis levels are to holding their structure together. (1) Firstly, only those substances that have common atomic characteristics will form more complex structures under weak chemical fusion. Given that water is Universally the most common and stable (neutral) solution, then oxygen, carbon, nitrogen and hydrogen form the majority of molecules in the Universe from weak chemical fusion. Secondly, the particles that are common, vibrate in a common wavelength in a common stable matrix as they approach one another. In other words, under certain pressures hydrogen atoms will behave the same, whether or not they are part of an oxygen atomic structure or a nitrogen structure. This common wave pattern means that whole groups of particles can vibrate in the same stable matrix, thus creating what we could call a common "Quantum wave effect". In other words, the vibrations of hydrogen, oxygen and carbon within your body form "harmonics" of kinesis frequency. The particles are "in-tune" with one another, even though a hydrogen atom in your left big-toe seems far removed from a hydrogen atom in your brain. (3) What this means is that each and every structure made up in solution based fusion techniques is made up of hundreds of thousands of common vibrating frequencies of particles- like a complex "DNA" of wavelengths. If the stable matrix is changed radically, then common vibrations either increase to such an intensity that the structure breaks down. The reversal is also true for a lack of solution e.g. space, no air, no water. This also means that structures within solution based fusion are extremely delicate. It is why human beings are so affected by slight


changes in pressure variances. It is also a reason why we cannot survive in environments of low gravity for extended periods. 8.10.5 The Heton and biologic structures It is the humble Heton that is the particle of choice as an ergon supply for biological structures. This is because the Heton is a non disruptive atomic ergon particle under certain conditions. It can be exchanged between particles, thus raising the level of kinesis for another structure, enabling chemical combinations to be exchanged. Water is an excellent attractor of Hetons. Hetons are the main particle fields that flow through the body and why we lose what we understand as body "heat".


What are the molecular shapes created under weak chemical fusion?
As we now see, the existence and behaviour of simple molecules enable more complex molecular shapes to emerge. Let us look at the new shapes created.


Thinking in 3 dimensional strength and flexibility In strong chemical fusion we see the creation of three geometric shapes, o the Bi o the Tri and o Crystals. Now with weak chemical fusion we see adaptations and enhancements on these basic structures. (Diagrams of these shapes are shown on the following pages):

Complex Tri's (based on more than 3 in a star shape) Tri 4 Tri 5 Tripole 6 Trimax (large webs) 12 Penta's (based on a geometric shape of 5) Close packed Penta's Loose packed Penta's Penta spirals (tubes) 10 or more Penta rings (small Penta rings) 10 or more Hexas's (based on a geometric shape of 6) Close packed (very small latex) 6 Loose packed Hexa spirals (tubes) 12 or more Hexa rings (small webs) 12 or more
As these three new complex groups of molecules are essentially

formed by common core relationships between Carbon, Nitrogen and Oxygen this level of shapes formed by matter is classed as the 1st level of Hydro-Carbon Biologics- the simple Hydro-Carbon Based Molecules called "Monomers".

8.12 Complex Tri

Complex tri molecules form both three essential building blocks for more complex Hydro-Carbon Biologics: tight reactionary packages; highly useful "building bridges"; the simplest switches of the molecular world (biologic simple switches). Tri's are always identified from the fact that their basic structure is based on a triad core bond between three Carbon based atoms ( e.g. C-C-C, or C-O-C, or C-O-N etc.) The largest Tri structures are the fats ( commonly called Lipids by contemporary science). All Tri structures are essentially unbreakable in water and so are commonly classed as "insoluble".


Penta's (based on shape of 5)

Penta shapes ( geometrically pentagon) are vital for the development and existence of more complex Hydro-Carbon Biologics. There are essentially two types of Penta's Close packed Loose packed


Close packed Penta's Close packed Penta's are essentially constructed by plants. They are also the basis for our fossil fuels (which are based on decomposed plant based structures). Close packed Penta's cannot be manufactured by animals. However, they are the essential building blocks for a host of important roles including: o nucleic acid (the chemical building blocks of DNA) o neuropeptides o chemical combinations as attachments to amino acid tags (the basis of proteins).


Loose packed Penta's Loose packed Penta's are essentially the super-simple sugars, which are the second most common organic "levers" used by all animals (next to simple Tri levers used for connecting amino acids). Loose packed Penta's are used for a host of roles, including o the connection of nucleic acids o connecting fatty acids together to form triglycerides (the basis of cell membranes).


Hexas (based on shape of 6)

Combinations of 6 particles (hexas) form six side closed chains that form the basis of a whole host of vital components for the sustainment of complex Hydro-Carbon Biologics. The simplest close packed Hex shape is the the Benzene Molecule (6 Carbon and 6 Hydrogen).


Aromatic Hexas (close packed) Aromatic compounds are those that contain a benzene ring in the molecule. Although they are unsaturated, they do not easily add to other compounds. Benzene itself is the classic foundation of the aromatic compounds.

The signature of aromatic molecules is their sweet smell. This is interesting given the number six features so prominently through every level of matter in the Universe. That 6 smells sweet is even more profound, when you consider: All sugars are Hexas (loose packed) sugar= sweet All Aromatics (close packed) are sweet smelling The Latin name for 6 is sex. It is a common human experience that the aromas of sex are sweet smelling. Sex is about creation. Six (the points that form motion to create a Unita) is the basis upon which UCA creates the Universe. Therefore creation is about sweet smells. It is about love. 8.14.2 The wonders of hexa chains (loose packed) The Hexa chain accomplished volume by encircling a larger space than if the atoms were joined as a string. When hexa chains come together and leave one end open, they can form tubes of five apparent sides. This enables the Hexa open chains to accomplish consistent tubes of volume not previously possible under any geometric shape of matter. The tube shape is extremely useful in nature. It provides a method by which smaller structures may be propelled through (such as veins), or reinforcements, or even safe factory environments in which other structures can be constructed. The other advantage of Hexa chains is that they can lengthen ( weakening their five sided apparent shape in tube formation) into straightened lengths, or simply recoil. All of these characteristics are fundamental characteristics of Proteins ( large molecules formed from open hexa chains- Amino acids). Until now, science has not had a synergetic structural model for amino acids and proteins that adequately provides the structural basis for how they form together in logical geometric sequence.


An observation of the unique self awareness of molecular structures

To reinforce the understanding that at every level, structures are perceptually aware of what they are and what they are made of as well as what is around them. In other words that molecules and compounds are every bit as aware that they are a molecule with certain behaviour as the Unita of which they are ultimately made. That this awareness creates a Universe made up of infinite perceptions with the real machinery operating in the background has been explained previously. But at the molecular level, let us consider an important observationwhy do some molecules not travel past other molecules in formation, even though there is plenty of room? Have you every heard of the words water proof? Say an umbrella for

example. You know that an umbrella keeps you dry (relatively) but why should it? For if we were to measure the size of a water molecule against the size of the gaps in the fabric, we would see that in physical real world logic, the material of the umbrella should be no guard against any and all water molecules. Yet very few water molecules get through. Why? It is because water molecules behave in groups and clusters in a common vibration state and therefore as a whole are too large. That individual water molecules do not break from the combined "perception" of their peers and dive through the huge opening between the fabric fibres is a true test of the strength of the perception that everything perceived as fact is indeed fact. Simply, water molecules could not behave like the way they do (e.g. the umbrella), if they were not self aware of their own characteristics and those of other water and non water molecules around them.

8.16 A new level of understanding of atomic physics

We now leave the world of atomic physics to venture into new territory and very large structures. Yet we do so after seeing through Chapters 4,5,6,7 and now 8 a complete alignment of pattern and awareness throughout the Universe. That we should expect to see a continuation of insight with continuing chapters should be expected. In Chapter 9, we will now summarize the wealth of understanding so far, so we can look at the question of biologic organisms with better understanding in Chapter 12 "Life".


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9.1 The unified theory of the universe (everything)

The theory of everything, the search for the complete standard model of the universe is at the heart of the quest of science. Periodically a new theory appears making claims that it provides a solution to the problems of the current standard model. In every case to date, virtually every theory has been found to have flaws and at least some missing elementary components. Over the following pages you will see the summary of the UCA unified theory of the universe, the most comprehensive standard model ever created.

9.2 The structure of the UCA unified theory of the universe

The UCA unified theory is broken down into several components. These are: UCA standard model of universal elements UCA standard model of universal elementary properties UCA standard model of rules of creation UCA standard model of rules and relationships (EIKOS) UCA standard model of universal forces (fortis) UCA standard model of universal ergons (energy particles)

9.3 The key attributes of the UCA unified theory of the universe
An important question to answer before seeking to unify any of the insights is just how accurate in "real" world application the model is so far? When we mean real world, we mean that the model could be used to say o build a new kind of motor o to enhance our use of technology o to help us answer some important philosophical questions o to build machines that enable us to better manipulate matter. The best way to answer this question is to state five facts about everything written in the book from Chapter 2 to Chapter 8: (1) The model provides a sensible sequence of relationships, features and behaviour of each level of matter while at no stage contradicting itself, nor missing a major feature. The model is able to provide an answer to every verified observation of matter as well as answer all of the key "unknown" questions/quirks of science ( e.g. why do some particles disappear e.g. electrons.) The model does not contradict the observable behaviour data on matter so far deduced from science. In fact, the model is able to provide answers to many of the anomalies in observed behaviour such as number of protons and atomic mass. The model provides a seamless explanation for the link between the physical and the metaphysical. The model is historic in that it is the first model in human history that: o proposes a sensibly linked structure between all levels of matter and all particles in the Universe. We therefore believe that now seeking to unify these understandings is indeed important and extremely valuable.



(4) (5)

9.4 Comparison of the UCA unified theory to other theories

One process that a reader of the standard model might find useful is by way of comparing the model to other theories. In science, there have been several attempts to provide part-complete models. These have all entirely been just on the elements side with no real attempt to provide a unified whole including relationships, properties and rules of creation/existence. In comparison, the UCA model is the most comprehensive standard model ever created. Whether its merits and accuracies are debated, there can be no question that the model attempts to provide the most cohesive whole for the theory of the universe that has ever been written.

9.5 UCA standard model of universal elements

The UCA standard model of universal elements is a summary of all elements in the universe. An element is any self contained object which exists at any level of matter with unique properties of existence. The UCA standard model divides all matter into six levels: UCA standard model of universal elements Level 1 Unita Unita Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Super Sub Atomic Sub Atomic Atomic Molecules Complex molecules (life) Quark, Neutrino, Cosmic Protons, Neutrons, Electrons Hydro-Helio Atomic Matrix Pairs, Tri's, Pentas, Polymers Fats, Sugars, Cells

9.6 UCA standard model of elementary properties

The UCA standard model of elementary properties is a summary of all common properties possessed by levels of matter.

the unita

super sub-atomics

sub atomics



UCA standard model of rules of creation

The UCA standard model of the rules of creation are the standard rules for the creation of the universe and every level of matter. They are universal rules of creation.

1. Goal I wish to exist

2. Logos To exist, I use logos-

3. Creation To exist, I exist as-

4. Co-dependence For I (The UCA) to exist, you (The Universe) exist For you (The Universe) to exist, I (The UCA) exist 5. Specialization For I to exist, you exist as- For you to exist, I exist as-

6. Geometry To exist, I exist in dimension according to geometric principles 7. Awareness of position in dimension I am aware I exist. 8. Immediate near neighbours-As I exist in 3 dimensional space, I can only interact with immediate near neighbours according to the laws of LOGOS. 9. Exclusiveness of position- No two points will ever occupy the same position 10. Change of position-To exist, you change position. For you to exist, I change position 11. Conservation of effort-Using the laws of geometry and Logos, I use the minimum required motion to achieve my goal 12. Maximum change constant- rate of change of position and/or interaction-UCA in form cannot change position and/or interact faster than its maximum rate of change.

9.8 UCA standard model of rules and relationships (EIKOS)

The UCA standard model of rules and relationships outlines the precise rules and relationships as understood in the calculation of mathematically related measure.









9.9 UCA standard model of universal forces (fortis)

The UCA standard model of universal forces identifies only two behaviour that may be defined as such- attraction and repulsion. All other phenomena may be defined in terms of matter, properties, relationships and motion. attraction


9.10 UCA Standard model of universal ergons (energy particles)

The UCA standard model of universal ergons, identifies all structures in the universe that may exist in larger structures of matter and may also behave in external fields.

Traditional force/energy Gravity Strong force Radiation (gamma) Magnetism Light Heat (infrared)

Level 1. Unita

UCA element name NEDA Unita

2. Super sub E Neutrino 2. Super sub Cosmics 2. Super sub Magneton 3. Sub atomic Photon 3. Sub atomic Heton

Electricity Burn (fire)

3. Sub atomic Electron,Positron 4. Atomic Hydrogen


The four approaches to movement of a form

When we light a match, or turn on a light, or cook dinner, or take a breath, or think a thought, or start your car, or sit out in the Sun, we are talking about every example being fundamentally the same thing:the motion of particles. The understanding of the previous four chapters is that:

Aware Matter = Energis (energy) = Motion = Awareness

This is consistent with everything we have discussed regarding how the Universe was created, structures of matter, the laws of motion and features of each level of matter. Therefore when we say the four approaches to movement of form, we are talking about the four approaches to accessing increased kinesis rates (what we understand as energy). As all matter is made up of smaller, faster moving particles with kinesis, we also mean, by definition, the four approaches to changing any matter in the Universe. From our understanding of Fortis and Ergons, we are now able to identify the four types and only four types of forced movement of any form of matter in the Universe: (1) Awareness- expressed as the fortis of creation, attraction and repulsion (a combination of size, density, kinesis and added gravity effect); (2) By the release of ergons; (3) By the harnessing of ergon particle fields; (4) A proportion of all three. 9.3.1 The release of ergons The release of ergons is the most common method of changing form used by humanity throughout its history. However, it is only recently that we have advanced beyond basic strong chemical fission (fire) as a means of creating a ergon release chain reaction. We now understand the enormous release of movement (change in state, structure and position of matter) caused by nuclear fission. However, we are still to comprehend the finesse of using frequency specific methods of enacting fission that makes fission reactions controllable. Still humanity appears largely content with its usage of fossil fuel based chemical reaction usages of the release of ergons, as opposed to the potential hydrogen release methods of alternative technologically feasible approaches. 9.3.2 The harnessing of ergon particle fields

It is only in the last one hundred years that humanity has begun to harness certain ergon particle fields to varying degrees of success. The discovery and application of electrons in a particle field called electricity is just one example. We now partially understand the power of o photon ergon particle fields (lasers), o electro-magnetism (incredible lifting and antigravitational power), o hetons (release of hetons so important to the survival of a human). But we have yet to fully comprehend the potential of harnessing strong combinations of all ergon particle fields (e.g. photons, hetons, electrons and magnetons) all operating in a same wave state. It is certain that humanity once able to comprehend workable relational models of the various ergon particles and field strengths/frequencies, tremendous advances in the technological application of these ergon particle fields will occur. 9.3.3 Awareness- attraction and repulsion What is least understood is the application of awareness in the movement of matter. While this concept of mind over matter is considered normally "supernatural", the whole concept of laws of the Universe is based on the perception of each self aware Unita in the concept of attraction and repulsion. That each and every particle in your body is individually and uniquely self aware is fairly hard to fathom. Yet without the existence of this phenomena, then the construction of more complex shapes from the Unita up would not have occurred. To put it simply- if every particle in your body was not individually and uniquely self aware and of other particles around them and vice versa then no planets, stars, galaxies, nor humans would exist. You need attraction and repulsion- two concepts of awareness- of thought- powers of the mind- to kick off the system and for Unita to have a reason to come together and form more complex (self aware) shapes. The powers of the human mind remain largely concepts of little public credibility- more the subject of bizarre TV programs and magazines. However, these powers must exist at each and every level for the Universe to exist. The tantalizing journey that is yet to be fully investigated is to what extent self-aware human beings can access and then use such fortis's. 9.3.4 The application of all three Certainly little if any work has been done into the investigation of all three applications of movement of form. Yet it is precisely this region that appears the most promising in terms of clean powerful movement of all sizes and structures of matter in the future. Once humanity is able to precisely harness the various types of fusion reactions using the right proportions of ergon particles that are needed to change any matter for any reason, humanity will truly have arrived

to a new age.

9.12 Catalytic processes for ergon release

We are now able to provide a unified and range of specific processes that can be applied to the release of ergons. In understanding the different structural configurations and behaviour of each and every particle in the Universe, we could specify these processes further (given the space and research time) to specific measurements for specific conditions for energis release. The six processes are: 1(a) Compression (space change) Reducing the volume of space for particles, therefore increasing the density of the material 1(b) Expansion (space change) Increase the volume, keeping the same number of particles, therefore reducing the particle per volume ratio. 1(c) Reduction (space change) Reduce the number of particles in the volume, therefore reducing the particle per volume ratio. 2(a) Direct general particle intervention (matter) Increasing the density by increasing the general number of particles in a given volume. 2(b) Direct catalytic intervention (matter) Increasing the specific type of particles by a given volume. 2(c) Direct catalytic intervention for reduction in energis release (matter) Increasing the specific type of particles by a given volume that absorb ergons thereby reducing the ergon release.

9.13 A unified look at the four types of fusion and their application in the universe
A further area we are now able to unify is a clear understanding of the four types of fusion of particles into more complex shapes, why this occurs, the conditions required and the results. As stated earlier, the six levels of matter in the Universe are: Unita Super-sub atomic (Quark and Neutrino) Sub-atomic (Protons, Neutrons, Electrons) Atomic (Hydrogen, Helium, Carbon) Molecular (Hydro-Carbons,Water, Air)

Hydro-Carbon Biologics (Life Cells, Plants, Humans, Animals) The four types of fusion process are: Strong Nuclear Fusion Weak Nuclear Fusion Strong Chemical Fusion Weak Chemical Fusion 9.5.1 Strong Nuclear Fusion Strong nuclear fusion occurs when there is sufficient density in number of particles to cause a chain reaction of feeding particles into one another to create new cores of two to three particles and then outwards as in the behaviour of particle fields, the density of particles decreasing and then the second stage fusion or strong orbit fusion of additional particles. It is in these conditions that Quarks and Neutrinos are formed and then from there that atomic nuclei, orbited and protected by positrons come together. We already know that the required temperature levels to cause a fusion chain reaction with Hydrogen being fused into Helium is around 20 million degrees K, intense pressures and therefore levels of kinesis. 9.5.2 Weak-nuclear fusion (Core to Core weak fusion) A second form of fusion enabling more complex forms is weak-nuclear fusion and especially occurs in the atmospheres of planets. Weak-nuclear fusion occurs as a result of the presence of large numbers of more complex atoms, relatively stable atomic configurations, tremendous pressures and temperatures ranging from 2,000K to 10,000K (substantially below the temperatures of strong nuclear fusion of a star). It is on the surface crusts, interiors of planets and the edge of their atmospheres at the "front" of the planet as its orbits as 200+km/sec around a star where these conditions come together. Precious stones, including diamonds were all created as a result of weak-nuclear fusion as are a host of elements in our atmosphere. Essentially we understand from Chapter 7 that weak nuclear fusion accounts for many of the elements we find in and around the surface of our planet, from weak carbon to oxygen, nitrogen and helium. This is essentially possible because of the combinational possibilities of strong cores of Hydrogen and Helium into combinations of the other elements, behaving in similar fashion to the stronger counterparts, with the exception of having a lower core fission rate. 9.5.3 Strong Chemical fusion Strong chemical fusion is the level of matter when atomic nuclei (with electrons) combine to form more complex bonds (such as water, air, carbon dioxide etc). This is the level where ergons play a crucial role as stabilizers of form.

However as we will see, this concept of electrons sharing relationships is about understanding the core to core similarities of particles than the relative abundance or lack of electrons. This is also the level of matter where we see the concept of fire- the release of hydrogen and hetons as well as a host of other structures. Strong Chemical fusion occurs at temperatures ranging from 150 degrees to 1500 degrees K. The creation of stable form structures by strong chemical fusion under certain conditions. It is a feature of certain molecules under certain quantities and densities to form various lattice structures of informal bonds. The best examples of this is carbon dioxide, air and water. Under certain numbers of molecules and volume, these molecular structures form stable, generally non reactive matrixes within which more complex molecular shapes can form weak chemical fusion bonds. 9.5.4 Weak chemical fusion- Solution based fusion This where a stable molecular matrix environment exists, enabling certain molecules to meet and form relationships, supported by the structure of the stable molecular matrix. The stable molecular matrix acts as the skeleton for more complex molecular arrangements to come together. What this means is that when a molecular structure such as air, combination of gases, water etc is in sufficient quantities and under certain stable conditions, more complex, non spherically geometric shapes of complex molecule strings can and do form. These are the biologic molecular structures and the level at which basic life is formed. We call these molecular structures biologic because without the bio environment- e.g. water, or a gas combination in stable matrix, the complex molecule cannot survive. Like strong chemical fusion, weak chemical fusion mostly occurs on the surface and lower atmosphere of planets at sufficient densities and temperatures as well as under certain conditions on asteroids and comets. Unlike strong chemical fusion, weak chemical structures can only exists within a very narrow band of temperatures and pressures ( normally around -200 degrees Celsius and 200 degrees Celsius, with optimum temperature being around 10 to 60 degrees Celsius) When temperatures vary substantially away from these ranges, weak chemical based structures performance drops substantially. This is why human beings cannot survive outside space without internal atmospheres and pressure suits to maintain the air and water in our bodies to the natural pressures on the surface of the Earth. If our space suit cracked, we would explode because of the tremendous pressure differential.

The magic of oceans

The ideal environment for solution-based fusion and therefore

molecular structure creation is on a planet where a planet has sufficient quantities of a molecule at a particular state (liquid) acting as a transport service for other atomic structures that they can be called "oceans". Solution-based fusion can and does occur in atmospheres (e.g. Jupiter and Saturn), where the atmosphere is sufficiently dense. However, oceans are where the "transport" molecules are at their optimum range vibration/density/rate of motion state to form a stable matrix. Planets with oceans of molecules at a liquid state have the ideal environment in which complex molecular structure and compounds can and are created. It is no surprise therefore that the planet with the largest stable-molecular oceans in our solar system (Earth) also has the greatest diversity of molecular and compound structures. Solution-based fusion occurs wherever there are molecules to act as the solution and atoms that are attracted to bonding. In our Solar System, several planets/moons have oceans apart from Earth, including Europa (orbiting Jupiter) and Titan as well as Callista (orbiting Saturn). Most planets and indeed moons have some traces of solution-based molecules. Mars for instance has polar ice caps of frozen carbon dioxide (Dry Ice), and could even have had seas (small oceans) during its existence. Solution-based fusion to create molecules and even compounds certainly would occur under these conditions. Potential proof of the immediacy and spontaneity of solution-based molecular creation can be seen via the latest data on a meteorite fragment found in Antarctica and subject to widespread media attention. It is now recognized that solution-based fusion (complex molecules) is not solely a feature of Earth, but a natural feature of matter wherever the conditions are suitable. Indeed in the case of Mars, if the solution-based molecules were able to sustain a relatively stable environment, elementary life would have occurred. (The debate for life on Mars is discussed in further detail in the chapter "Life".)

9.14 A greater explanation of planetary atmospheres

We have used the word "atmosphere" to describe the particles in and around the edge of the Sun, as well as the Earth. Atmospheres effectively are created through the interaction of particles of the planet with the particles of nearby ergon field producing objects ( e.g. Stars). This is a different concept to the contemporary understanding of atmospheres effectively being the "remainder gases " of a cooling period. Simply the oxygen of the Earth millions of years ago has long gone to other places. The Earth's atmosphere is due to the physical surface of the Earth and Sunshine as well as other inbound particles. In other words, the Earth's atmosphere is due to the character of the Earth in relation to the Sun and other nearby objects. The Earth loses atmosphere every day. That is particles of oxygen, air and other such particles. The ozone layer is not a barrier to the loss of particles, such as Hetons and Photons returning.

Stars simply do not have the power to create complex atomic structures beyond the basic building blocks of Hydrogen and Helium. But atmospheres allow complex simple structures to be created through the interaction of atomic cores (weak nuclear fusion and both chemical fusions). In addition, the impact of asteroids and comets provide the wide variety of heavier elements and abundance of molecular varieties that we find on Earth.

9.15 A greater explanation of the concept of how particles know that other particles are around
That humans and animals can hear is a fundamental collective understanding for hundreds of thousands of years. That our hearing of certain particles at certain frequencies and intensities is limited is also a fundamental understanding. It is an acknowledged scientific "given" that human hearing extends from around 20Hz to around 20,000Hz (frequency of particles). It also a scientific given that humans can see between the frequencies of the visible light spectrum (which we shall discuss in the next few chapters.) That humans and animals rely on their senses to detect the presence of other objects is largely taken for granted. This is unfortunate, for the insight into exactly what our "senses" are for and what we actually sense is a common feature of all matter. 9.7.1 Kinesis and distance In Chapter 5, we introduced the concept of Kinesis (spin rate) and how this combined with rotation of axis (rotaxis) combines into a perceived vibration. We also identified a relationship between the distance between particles, their velocities and kinesis levels. We established that when particles are closer together, their velocities decrease and kinesis levels increase. Furthermore, we established a direct relationship between the size of a particle, its velocity, kinesis and apparent attraction or repulsion to other particles. Fundamentally we established that larger particles have lower kinesis levels than smaller objects and that maximum velocity levels of larger objects are lower than smaller objects as larger objects take up more of the maximum motion of particles (to maintain the structure). 9.7.2 The relationship to frequency and kinesis velocity The contemporary scientific method of measuring frequency is directly measuring the combined kinesis/rotaxis levels of particles. The contemporary scientific method of measuring wavelength is the direct measuring of frequency and apparent velocity in behaviour of waves (actually corkscrew waves). That kinesis/rotaxis (frequency) and velocity (wavelength) changes depending on the presence of other particles is why science has identified "bandwidths" of frequencies for different particles. That kinesis/rotaxis (frequency) and velocity (wavelength) changes

depending on the presence of other particles is why science has identified "bandwidths" of frequencies for different particles. 9.7.3 The automatic rule for feeling and seeing What this shows is that there is a fundamental feature of all particles in the Universe that shows they have a method of "feeling" other particles, what they are and where they are. For example, the Electron Neutrino would know when a Magneton is around, because its own kinesis and rotaxis would necessarily rise by a certain level, while its velocity would also decrease by a certain level. At the same time, it would see the different kinesis and rotaxis of the Magneton and "know" that the frequency is lower (therefore larger) and a similar harmonic of kinesis (the presence of other magnetons). Therefore the electron neutrino would have two methods for verifying what particle was nearby and what that particle was- roughly. (1) its own kinesis change (feeling) (2) the actual kinesis level and velocity of the nearby particle (seeing). While ultimately "seeing is believing", the electron neutrino would nonetheless be able to "feel" the magneton first before "seeing" the magneton second. 9.7.4 The profound importance of this understanding What we have just explained is exactly how each level of self aware matter understands what particles are around it and therefore reacts. We were able to explain the method without the need for great mathematics or complex philosophical arguments. The system is simple. It is the same system we use, every animal uses, every particle in the Universe uses. It has always been an unsatisfactory answer that humanity requires complex formulas to necessarily describe the behaviour of particles, when particles do not appear to have built-in PhD's in mathematics, calculators, satellite navigation systems, or "brains". That we see nature build structures very quickly of awesome complexity (e.g. the weather of Earth in a day), when our own scientific models require huge super computers to try and emulate such complex mathematical behaviour appears on the face of it- insane. For how can the Universe do such complex behaviour without the aid of such tools as human mathematics? How does the Universe keep track of the mountain of fractions that we have identified when measuring everything from Stars, to starfish? We have just answered that it doesn't. No particle in the Universe needs a degree in mathematics to form more complex shapes and to exist. Intelligence is not a prerequisite for existence- only survival. For we have clearly stated that each and every level of matter in the Universe can both feel and see certain particles within a certain "bandwidth". This is how particles know how and how they do interact. 9.7.5 Understanding the concept of sound As we are talking about how particles are able to know that are particles are present, it is worth a brief improvement in our

understanding of sound. When we hear something, like a thunderclap, what we are physical hearing are higher vibrating (kinesis/rotaxis) particles (slower moving) reacting to the massive vibration of the electrons (lightning). The resultant increase of kinesis creates a kinesis and density shock wave, whereby air particles are pushed outwards, increasing kinesis levels sharply by reducing the space between them. To be more specific, we are hearing the kinesis reaction of the air particles to the electron particles. This is critically important in understanding how humans hear and what they hear. Air is a molecule. Humans are only receptive to molecules and above. (A light particle strictly speaking is the smallest molecule). We do not hear the electrons, nor the kinesis (sound) of the thunderclap. We hear the sound of air reactions. Furthermore, what we are saying is that humans, like all particles have "selective" hearing. This is why human hearing sounds "different" under different mediums. For instance, in water molecules, the sound travels further but does not have the clarity. In air, we are able to hear best in normal sea level densities and less in lower densities. In a smoke filled room, our general sound is muffled. To say that there is no sound in space is false. There is no human sound in space, because there is no acceptable medium for humans to react to kinesis changes in the form of reaction to kinesis levels of molecular structures. In fact, the Universe is full of sound and each and every level. The melodies of the Unita, the symphonies of the Quarks, the rhapsodies of the atoms and great Operas of the molecules. 9.7.6 A brief explanation on colour That colour exists in our world is largely taken for granted. This is surprising, given colour again is a reaction to a shift in particles to the world around them. In our case, it is the Photon Light Package ( the smallest molecule in the Universe) and its reaction to the presence of other family related particles in a structure. A heavy concentration of Up Quark structures (e.g. Proton/Electron/Positron/Photon) gives us a photon reaction of high kinesis = white light. A low concentration, gives us minimum photon kinesis= dark. The actual concept of colour is a combination of physical reaction and mental association to a specific frequency (kinesis) level. Colour in fact does not exist in the Universe as any inherent feature of each level of matter. It is only an interpretation of observed behaviour. However, this does not mean other levels of matter ( apart from human beings) do not "see" colour. Certainly there is proof that certain animals have various levels of awareness of colour. It is true however to say that any surface that results in a Photon at its minimum kinesis looks black to a human and when the photon is at its maximum it looks white. In between, the object may look a range of colours.

9.16 What is more effective for moving power- fusion or fission?

Fission reactions are the reverse of the four fusion reactions we have discussed so far. There are only four kinds of fission reactions: Strong nuclear Weak nuclear (e.g. Thermonuclear warheads) Strong chemical (e.g. car engines) Weak chemical (e.g. human decay, mouldy bread, rust). The major sources of power for humanity (e.g. the ability to move things via engines) is based on fission reactions. We use fission reactions for major energy companies such as nuclear fission, coal fission, petroleum fission. We have motor cars that use petroleum mix for fission and of course we have the humble household appliances such as microwave ovens for fission. Basically the entire planet of humanity is dependent on fission power for sustaining their quality of life everyday. 9.8.1 What are the ideal benefits of a power source? If we were to dream of an ideal power source, what would be the criteria: (1) (2) The best possible power source, would be one that is renewable. A source that is guaranteed of never running out; Next, our ideal power source would be one that is powerful enough to run all the engines and needs of humanity today, including such diverse applications as space travel through to cooking the dinner; Next, our ideal power source would have to be extremely cheap and easy to use. It should enable versatile enough appliances and machines that we can vacuum, through to drive the family on an overland holiday; Finally, it should be as clean and as safe as possible, with no harmful side affects to the environment or to humans and higher order life. How does fission power methods compare to fusion methods? Let us look at how fission methods of power compare to fusion methods of power according to our list of attributes for an "ideal" power source: 9.8.3 If fusion power is so good, why aren't we using it instead of fission power? Why indeed do we still use petroleum, when photo-electro-magnetic ergon particle fields can lift large objects with ease? Why indeed do we still use natural gas, when solar power with enhanced collectors could power an entire city? The simple and probably the real answer that humanity has not yet learned to fully harness the power of fusion power is because we have so incorrectly described the basic features and models of the Universe.


(4) 9.8.2

Fusion is about creation. It is a good act. Fusion is the enaction of all the 12 laws of the Universe stand for. Fission is the opposite to creation. It is when things become less than what they were. It is darkness. Yet without fission, there could be no learning and no re growth- evolution. Contrary to conspiracies about large petroleum companies stopping new energy sources, it is simply the inability of their scientists to use more sophisticated and synergetic models of the world around them. Petroleum companies are energy companies in the 90's. If there were ways of producing new cheap power supply products, they'd be into it. 9.8.4 Nature resists fission but encourages fusion The profound understanding of fission compared to fusion is that nature encourages fusion, yet resists fission. In other words, fusion power is naturally easier than fission. It is more controllable. 9.8.5 Show me how fusion works? We have described the four types of fusion at length in the previous pages. At the end of this book in Chapter 24- Universal Laws, we also provide formulas.

9.17 The wonderful insights of density and its relationships

Given this chapter is all about summarizing the insights from the previous chapters, we can explain to you one of the more wonderful insights of the UCAThe complete reflection of scientific law and life, of spirit and hope, of happiness and sadness in the relationship of density to other features of matter: 9.9.1 Maximum Density Maximum density means there are lots of particles in a given space. It could also mean a lot of people in relationships. The closer the relationships, the more people can live in a smaller space in harmonythe greater its attraction power.

More real, more desirable Highest energy Maximum kinesis ( spin) Most attractive Highest frequency- highest sound Maximum temperature Maximum temperature

Weakest individual structural integrity Minimum velocity in form

Shortest wavelength (brightest light) 9.9.2 Minimum density Minimum density means there are very few particles in a given space. It also means:

Strongest individual structural integrity Longest wavelength (darkness) Maximum velocity in form

Less real, less desirable Lower energy Less attractive Minimum kinesis Minimum temperatures Loneliness Lowest frequency, lowest sound Absolute zero 9.9.3 What is so important about these insights? While on first glance, the descriptions of relationships to maximum density and minimum density may appear "dry" and scientific, they are massively important philosophical understandings about each and every one of us as human beings. When we are alone ( minimum density)- we can get a lot done, but feel lonely. When we are with the one we love (maximum density)- we just want to be with them, output decreases, but we are also vulnerable to being hurt. Remember, we are talking about the laws of behaviour of the entire Universe! We are talking about pure science. Yet, humanity and life seem to go hand in hand. We are unlocking the secrets to human nature by unlocking the secrets of the Universe. Just by looking at one simple understanding- the density of matter, we can start to see hundreds and hundreds of parallels with our experience as human beings- why we feel the way we do, what we do, what others do and why.


Water as a renewable fuel source

In chapter 8, we explained the geometric fact, that when water is superhetted above a certain temperature (between 250C and 600C) is breaks down into water vapor HO and hydrogen H2. The bottom line of what this means is that water- is a natural, plentiful and safe fuel.


How do you make hydrogen from water safely and easily? Step (1) Firstly, you need water. No problem, seeing as though,most of the surface of the Earth is covered in water.

Step (2) Secondly, you need a container in which to place the water that is sufficiently strong to withstand het above 600C and the strong outward pressures this creates. Step (3) Thirdly, you need a filter mechanism for separating the water vapor from the hydrogen. Step (4) Fourthly, you need a chamber in which to pass the hydrogen, mixed with air (including nitrogen and oxygen) under some pressure. Step (5) Fifthly, you need the ability to create a spark to ignite a reaction with the hydrogen (in other words "burn" the hydrogen). Step (6) Finally, you need to create a continuous heating system of the water to ensure the process continues. 9.10.2 Is it that easy to create the cheapest, most powerful and easiest fuel the world has ever seen? YES. In fact, the process of creating hydrogen from superhetted water is so simple, and so compatible with our current system of motor cars, that super steam reactors could be easily fitted to most models of cars. The result would be that all cars would run more efficiently and powerfully, with exhaust fumes consistently predominantly of water vapor! 9.10.3 Why has this not been discovered before? The sad fact is that it has. There are hundreds of inventors from around the world that currently have working models of super steam reactors. Yet, consider the economic losses that would be incurred by the oil producing countries and petroleum countries if every motor car in the world ran on water?


Creating habitable planets

Several science fiction films have demonstrated the concept that planets habitable for humans without the need for enclosed biospheres or space stations might be possible by creating large machines that change the atmosphere of the planet. The only problem with this idea has been the sheer cost in terms of transport, assembly and number of machines that are thought to be required for this kind of process. However, as we have discussed in the previous chapters of UCA, the process for changing a planets atmosphere rests in the reaction of larger reactions than ground level processes. It resides in the processes of strong nuclear and weak nuclear reactions.


The problem with mars While mars has a reasonably good comparative level of gravity to Earth, the martian atmosphere is far too thin to sustain any kind of life. While Mars is far smaller than Earth, its atmosphere extends much further than Earths. As will be discussed in Chapter 11, this is due to the counterbalance effect of the Earth's moon.

The Moon effectively compresses the Earth's atmosphere and acts as a secondary harmonic to the seasons of light and darkness on the Earth. As a result of the moon, the Earth experiences two tides, instead of one- giant span of temperatures. Sadly Mars does not have a moon like Earth to provide such counter balance, to compress its atmosphere, nor symmetrical enough to concentrate radiation (Sun particles) towards the surface. 9.11.2 Using understanding of chemistry to simulate a moon Yet to simulate the effects of an Earth's Moon does not require an object of the same dimensions. In fact an object just 100m across with the right matter and construction could perform the same function. On Earth, nuclear reactors and bombs are dangerous sources of potential radiation. yet in space, we call natural reactors and bombs"stars". The challenge is to create a sufficiently "dirty" device capable of spinning at a sufficiently high rate to increase its density (attraction of gravitons). These technical elements pose a challenge- (a) how to launch nuclear devices (b) how to assembly them into a spherical chassis and then (c) transport into a near orbit of Mars, then finally (d) turning it on. 9.11.3 The effect of a nuclear moon Set up correctly, a nuclear moon would almost instantly begin transforming the Martian landscape. The compression of the carbon dioxide atmosphere would create electrically charge clouds, causing the perfect breeding ground for weak nuclear reactions and the creation of water. Rain would begin falling onto the surface of the planet. Within years, the steady rainfall and activity would re ignite the surface action of the planet, with volcanic activity and small seas. By promoting the acceleration of this with magnetic generators on the planets surface, to accentuate magnetic fields between the moon and Mars would prepare the surface even faster- to within a 60 year cycle.


The wonder of ergons

The previous chapters provide an insight into the wonderful word of ergons. No long considered "theoretical particles", these objects belong to a special class of matter in their common behavioral traits.


The flow of ergons like a three dimensional river What helps us to understand the nature of electricity, of gravity, of electron neutrinos, of magnetism and light is the common behaviour of all ergon particles to group together and flow through high density objects in three dimensional flowing rivers, or "fields". Thus like a river, individual particles actually change position, move around these beautifully complex orbit paths and therefore attract other ergons from the source material. That is why fields are considered a current- something that has the capacity to "draw out" the energy of an object. This is why we understand that even a low flowing river of electricity of

3 AMPS is enough to kill a human being because of the power of that flow to strip human neurons of their electrical capacity. 9.12.2 The grouping of ergon fields and concept of internal ergon fields and external ergon fields Not only does the ergon model provide insight into the now commonly understood phenomena of such particles as electricity and magnetism traveling in complex orbits called fields, but also provides insight into the concept of internal ergon fields and external ergon fields. Internally, we see ergon fields generated according to the essential nature and structure of atomic cores. In a detailed diagram in Chapter 7, we see not only the position of these internal ergon field orbits, but also the angle at which these internal orbits take place. In other words, the explanation of the difference to the Earth's magnetic north and its true, or photon north. We see an internal ergon field structure contributing strongly to the bonding nature of different atomic structures and molecular structures. In other words, internal ergon orbit structures are a fundamental part of building strong chemical fusion and strong chemical fission. If these field structures are disrupted then both strong chemical fission and/or fusion can take place. 9.12.3 The harnessing ergon field power Most importantly, the ergon model we have now described that unifies the existing theory of forces and power provides some powerful insight into how ergon fields may be harnessed in the future. Like the concept of an air balloon in water, lifting greater loads, or helium balloons lifting through the atmosphere, the concept of defying gravity is but a question of creating a suitable stable vacuum. Instead of attempting to apply motion against friction to effectively "overpower" gravity as in the contemporary "advanced" theory of space travel, gravity can assist in the movement from Ground zero planetary atmosphere to interstellar currents millions of miles away. The answer lies in the relationship and ratios and behaviour of ergons when grouped together. Magnetism and electricity provide a base for the currents of gravity. To divert the streams of gravity particles- to effectively "bend" gravity is to create a changed state of internal ergon particles. It is in effect the distortion between attraction and repulsion.


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10.1 The second oldest science of humanityastronomy

You may recall we mentioned earlier, that at the beginning of human inquiry for understanding two "sciences" stood out as the ancestors of all others- astronomy (understanding of very large objects) and physics (understanding of small objects). It has always been a goal of modern science that the study of one, would aid in the understanding of the other and vice versa. Therefore, it has been an underlying goal of science to find proof that shows both the very large and very small have similar characteristics. We have now discussed five of the six levels of all matter in the Universe, namely: UCA standard model of universal elements Level 1 Unita Unita Level 2 Super Sub Atomic Level 3 Sub Atomic Level 4 Atomic Level 5 Molecules Level 6 Complex molecules (life) Quark, Neutrino, Cosmic Protons, Neutrons, Electrons Hydro-Helio Atomic Matrix Pairs, Tri's, Pentas, Polymers Fats, Sugars, Cells

Give our discussion in Chapters 5 through to 8 on all the structures of matter up to the basic molecular level, it is now time to look at the environment in which these particles behave. We now investigate the understanding of galaxies, their formation, movement, age and of

course our own galaxy- The Milky Way.


What is a star?
If you happen to have the opportunity to look up at the sky on a cloudless and moonless night away from the city, the number of stars and strange blurred clouds appear to be too many to physically be counted. These are our Universal neighbours. Most of the lights you see are Stars, some are also Galaxies. Stars are very large self- luminous structures that provide the process of creation of a range of sub-atomic structures, as well as the generation of intense ergon particle fields (Electromagnetic Spectrum) by which other structures that do not create sub-atomic particles (such as planets) may be seen over short distances. The word luminous comes from the Latin word lumen, which means light. All galaxies are essentially made up of stars and their companion solar systems of planets, asteroids, comets and in some cases lifeforms. We will begin with the characteristics of stars, their birth, development and eventual death.


What makes stars shine? Stars are mostly made of two elements- hydrogen (30% to 80%) and

helium (15% to 45%), hydrogen being the simplest most abundant atomic level structure in the Universe. They are also made up of a host of subatomic particles, constantly streaming in and out, such as Photons (light) Hetons (heat) Protoactives/Neutroactives (radiation), Magnetons (Magnetism) and of course Electrons/Positrons (Electricity). Stars are so large, that at their centre the relative het is so high, nuclear reactions (also called thermonuclear reactions) of an immense scale occur and material such as hydrogen is broken down into its sub-atomic particles and new atomic configurations are created, including the fusing of hydrogen atoms into helium atoms. (We will discuss these processes in greater detail in a moment). The Earth, for instance, orbits a star, we call the Sun. The particles bursting out from the Sun hit the surface of the Earth, as they do to other planets and we see het, magnetism, ultraviolet light and visible light. We call the range of particles emanating from our Sun and other starsthe electromagnetic spectrum. This is mainly due to the general behaviour of all particles consistent with the particles fields of electrons and magnetism. We will discuss this spectrum of particles later in this chapter. The same process of particle emission occurs, but at a variety of rates and particle proportions for all stars in our own galaxy - The Milky Way, as well as all other galaxies in the Universe. When we look up at night and count those twinkling stars, we are seeing the results of visibly billions upon billions of nuclear fusion reactions. 10.2.2 The anatomy of a star The following description is for Dwarf Stars (of which our star- the Sun is a member). The structure of a star is best considered as consisting of a series of concentric spherical shells.

The core
The core - the core of a star is relatively small, being less than one thousandth of the total volume. However, the density of the core is, however, very high, being 160g per cc. This is where the most powerful strong nuclear fusion reactions occur such as hydrogen into helium.

The radioactive zone

Surrounding the core is the radioactive zone. This region also remains highly dense and where protoactives, magnetons neutron, Hetons (towards the edge of the zone) and photons are created.

The convective zone

Around the radiative zone is the convective zone. This is the transit region where particles attracted back to the Sun interact with intense kinesis with the new particles from the Core and Radioactive Zone. This could also be called the first "assembly" zone where groupings form of protons to neutrons and light particle cores (photons, plus magnetons). Here, particles such as Photons and Hetons return and move outwards, creating currents of particles bringing in new material for the Radioactive and Solar core.

The photosphere
Outside the convection zone is the photosphere, with a temperature of about

6000K from which the newly "packaged" particles are radiated out into space. This is the source of the Sun's visible light and other radiation.

The Chromosphere
Beyond this is a more rarefied layer known as the chromosphere, whose temperature is significantly lower at about 4,300K.

The solar atmosphere (The Corona)

Beyond this is the solar atmosphere, known as the corona, which is of very low density, but in which the temperature rises again rapidly to around 1million K . This is due principally to the fact that it is at the Corona that the ergon particle fields return to the star, causing two groups of particles (one going out and one coming in) to come into close contact.

The inner interstellar atmosphere

Beyond the solar atmosphere is the much wider inner interstellar atmosphere where smaller planets and sulphur/ammonia planets are normally found. This area is rich in radiation and electrons, magnetism.

The outer interstellar atmosphere

The outer interstellar atmosphere extends to a radius of 1.5 Light years in radius including larger brown dwarfs and asteroid fields. The lifezone is between the inner interstellar atmosphere and the outer interstellar atmosphere field meeting points. Unfortunately, the concept that (a) the sun has an atmosphere and (b) we (the Earth) are living within the atmosphere of the SUN is rarely considered. When we look at the SUN, we often consider our selves separate, remote. Yet we see because there is sufficient density of sunlight within this part of the SUN. Yes, we are part of the SUN. The vast majority 70% of all mass in our solar system is in the layers below the Corona. 10.2.3 The numbers of stars in the Universe It has always been apparent that there are many thousands of stars, but it is only comparatively recently that humanity has had any real proofbased statistical idea of how enormous their number really is. To explain distances of such a vast scale, we will need to use the unit of measure called a "Light Year". A Light Year is the distance traveled by a photon particle over a one year period. The velocity of a light particle is estimated to be around 990,000 km per second. Therefore 1 light year equals around 9.4 million million km. In our local region of space (around 10 light years in radius), there is around fifty stars. In our Galaxy (around 50,000 light years in radius) there is over 100 Billion stars. In a radius of 5 Million Light years, there is estimated to be over 1000 Billion Stars. In a radius of 1000 Million Light years, there is estimated to be over A Million Billion Stars. And there are literally billion of galaxies, a few million identified so far. Therefore the number of Stars in the Universe is certainly larger than a Billion Billion Billion Billion Billion Billion (etc). Truly the number of Stars can never exactly be known.


Star properties
As we said earlier, the principle reaction that occurs within stars to produce light particles and other particles is strong-nuclear fusion. Strong nuclear fusion (as defined and discussed in previous chapters) is a reaction whereby sub-atomic particles configure and/or re-configure new atomic structures and as a result, certain atomic and sub-atomic particles are repulsed into nearby space.


Revisit of the relative temperatures required for strong-nuclear fusion As we also discussed earlier, the relative levels of kinesis to cause firstly atomic structures to become unstable and secondly for atomic structures to reconfigure into more complex and/or less complex shapes are huge.

Strong Nuclear Fusion Reaction

Proton-Proton Photons (3 Quarks)

Temperature Required
20 million degrees K 18.2 million degrees K

Hetons (3 Down Quarks)

7.3 million degrees K


7 million degrees K

Protons Magnetons

5 million degrees K 5 million degrees K

Positrons Neutrons Neutroactives Electrons

3.5 million degrees K 2.1 million degrees K 1.3 million degrees K 678,000 degrees K


The actual process of chain reaction- ergon levels and therefore strength As we now understand, the relative conditions for strong nuclear fusion occur only under certain conditions to produce such het. These conditions are limited to: o the creation boundary of the Universe (creation of Quarks and Neutrinos), o collapsing nebulae (the birth of stars), o inside stars themselves, o the collapse of stars (black holes, supernova). As we have discussed previously, a fusion reaction is when groups of like spin and strength particles are in sufficient quantities and close proximity

that they form close orbits. This process means that the relative velocity of these particles drops to O and at that moment, their kinesis rates are at maximum. This creates a wave of intense kinesis rise and therefore a chain reaction of like particles forming new bonds. If the kinesis levels are high enough and in sync, the like particles can form more geometrically complex and perfect shape. These newly "fused" like particle groups and their huge release of kinesis act as a magnet for other particles to come in. The resultant rush, pushes the newly formed and heavier particles outwards, thereby creation a chain reaction of kinesis, release and motion of particles inwards and outwards. Photon-Photon core fusion requires the second greatest level of kinesis (temperature). Proton-Proton (hydrogen to helium) is the highest, while electrons and neutrons are often enough to kick off a chain reaction to start-up a star. When we look at a Star emitting light particles, we are seeing a series of simultaneous chain reactions of the fusion of different particles ranging from electrons through to photons- the electromagnetic spectrum. Hydrogen to Helium fusion is merely one of many different particle chain fusion reactions occurring in our Sun at the same time. 10.3.3 How do stars get the first chain reaction to occur? Stars are huge compared to the size of planets. Stars, being many hundreds of thousands of kilometres in diameter compared to a few thousand kilometres for planets. Because of the general forces of attraction, the further inward we travel into a star, the higher the density. This increasing inward pressure causes increased levels of kinesis to a point that a kinesis level is reached between similar particle shapes and a chain reaction occurs. This sets up a reaction whereby the forces inwards are dramatically increased with a tangible increased attraction of the core to like particles, while at the same time creating an equally strong pressure outwards. It is therefore the number of particles, their size, kinesis rates and the relative pressures that start the sequence of chain reactions to occur. An excellent example of a star trying to start a chain reactions is Jupiter. Jupiter for its size (144,000km across) rotates at phenomenal speed (around 1 rotation in around 10 hours). This speed increases the pressures within the atmosphere of Jupiter tremendously. Sadly for Jupiter though, its size and rotation rate is only sufficient to cause fusion reactions to the magneton stage at its core. Interestingly, during its life cycle, it is possible to see Jupiter lighten in colour. This would indicate limited success in producing certain fusion reactions, but not of sufficient quantity to set of a chain reaction and convection particle field around Jupiter of Photons. However, it does indicate that at some point, Jupiter via its continued growth (attraction as a magnet of small particles throughout the solar system), will reach a critical point where photon-photon and protonproton chain reactions can be established with limited success. This is likely towards the end of life of our Sun.

That Jupiter lightens and darkens significantly during the course of its orbit of the Sun indicates that Jupiter is much closer to being a photon producing star than contemporary science thinks. That in ten million, possibly one hundred million years that Jupiter might fulfil its destiny and become our second Sun is an important understanding of the path of evolution yet to unfold in our very own immediate neighborhood. 10.3.4 The return of particles to the Sun and their curved path As we have mentioned earlier, it is only in the past fifty years that contemporary science conceded that light does not travel in straight lines. Yet we have a further way to go in understanding just how particles from a Sun travel to a planet and then what happens next?. The first question to tackle is: do particles that emanate from the Sun ever return? Particle fields We have already discussed that ergon particles behave in fields. We now know that the Sun has huge magnetic particle fields, gravity fields, electrical fields. But what about photon fields? What we mean is that, there is nothing to suggest to the contrary that the majority of light particles circulate back to the Sun once hitting a planet. This is in spite of a high degree of entropy of photon particles into deep space. Particle fields also explain why the levels of light further out from the Sun diminish. Because Photons are on a path to return to the Sun. That photons, electrons, magnetons behave in particle fields through, out and back to the Sun explains why the Sun remains relatively stable in size and output for so long. That is because it is a self regulating system. It is much more advanced set of process than simply something blowing up. For instance, we know stars do not grow at an exponential rate from birth. We know this because our Sun has been the same approximate size for several billion years. If particle fields did not exist and we simply saw the random explosion of particles from the Sun without any regulationone of two things would happen:

Suns would expand very quickly into chain reactions that spread larger and larger; or Suns would burn out very quickly (millions of years).
10.3.5 Answering an anomaly of science- does a star just burn on its original fuel base? Just as so many hundreds of other models of science, the Sun has been considered a "closed system" for much of this century- that is the Sun burns by virtue of its own original fuel reserves (hydrogen). This model seems to make perfect sense, until closer analysis of the "rate" of fuel consumption by our Sun points to an anomaly as to the precise proportion of helium present.

If we project back in time to the original birth and beginnings of the strong-nuclear fusion reactions at the core of our Sun, then the levels of helium should by rights be in greater proportions- in other words, the fuel tanks should be emptier than they are. The search for neutrinos and "thick" space have given us clues It has only been through the greater understanding of the formation of stars from nebulae and the general "attraction" of large structures to smaller sub-atomic and atomic structures, that we have come to understand that the Sun is actually attracting sub-atomic particles from nearby space (up to 1.5 light years away) while at the same time, releasing particles such as photons (light particles). The difference is that the amount of sub-atomic and atomic particles attracted to the Sun's atmosphere is less than the rate of nuclear fusion. If it was the same, the fuel tanks of hydrogen would never run dry. This way, we see a counter balance between the gradual acceleration of nuclear fusion at the core of stars as their density increases and the attraction of new particles from nearby space. When we look at the evolution and gradual death of stars, we must also consider the amount of matter attracted to the star, that in turn slows the date of death. One more controversy- the loss of hydrogen One loop that hasn't fully been resolved by science is that nuclear fusion of hydrogen into helium does not match up with replenishment rates. In other words, Stars lose hydrogen not only by fusion but by the attachment of hydrogen to other particles such as Photons. What this means is that the Sun loses Hydrogen on two fronts- nuclear conversion as well as being part of particle packages such as light. However, on the return journey, light particles "pick-up" stray hydrogen particles back to the Sun as new fuel. This additional hydrogen loss explains the exponential changes in Suns when hydrogen levels versus size reach critical points. The same process for helium will occur once the size and temperature of the core of the Sun reaches sufficient temperatures to start a photonphoton core reaction, producing stronger light particles capable of carrying helium.


The classification of stars

The most common classification for stars until the last fifty years has been a colour and size system using words such as "Giant" and "Blue". For instance, the Sun is classified under this system as a "Yellow Dwarf" star.

Colour denotes relative temperature e.g. Blue is the hottest, then White, Yellow, Orange then Red Size denotes relative size e.g. Dwarf is the smallest, then Giant, then Supergiant In more recent times, a refined method of star classification has emerged, using letters to denote size and numbers to denote relative brightness. For instance, our Sun is now classified as a G2 star. 10.4.1 The relationship to size and the reaction of strong nuclear fusion as well as the proportions of particles the star radiates There are patterns and ratios of symmetry with all stars in terms of their size determining what rates of fusion occur as well as what proportions of particles are radiated. We can then estimate the age as well as the state of evolution of stars we observe. An example table of Main-Sequence Stars Spectral Class 09.5 B0 B2 B5 B8 A0 A2 A5 F0 F2 F5 G0 G2 G5 G8 K0 K2 K5 M0 M2 M4 M6 Lalande 21185 Ross 128 Wolf 359 Procyon A Our Sun Tau Ceti Pollux Epsilon Eridani Example Star Temp Luminosity Mass Radius Orionis C Becrux Spica Achernar Rigel Sirius A Fomalhaut Altair 33k 30k 22k 15k 9.5k 9k 8.7k 7.4k 7.1k 6.4k 5.8k 5.3k 5.1k 4.8k 3.6k 3.4k 3.2k 3.0k Alpha Centauri A 5.9k Mu Cassiopeiae 5.6k 30k 16k 8.3k 750 63 40 24 9.0 6.3 4.0 1.45 1.0 0.7 0.7 0.44 0.36 0.28 0.18 0.075 0.0005 0.0002 18 16 10.5 5.4 3.5 2.6 2.2 1.9 1.6 1.5 1.35 1.08 1.00 0.95 0.85 0.83 0.78 0.63 0.47 0.33 0.2 0.1 5.9 5.7 5.1 3.7 2.7 2.3 2.0 1.8 1.5 1.3 1.2 1.05 1.00 0.91 0.87 0.83 0.79 0.74 0.63 0.36 0.21 0.12

12.5k 130

Alpha Centauri B 4.3k

10.5 The life stages of stars

Accurate science now understands that Stars with a mass below about 0.06 times of that of the Sun never reach a high enough temperature to start a Proton-Proton nuclear reaction. Heavier stars, up to about 1.44 times the mass of the Sun continue in a stable state, producing energy by nuclear fusion for about 10,000 million years.

(1) As a star's feeding capacity on itself learns to grow during the lean years of hydrogen in the neighborhood, its stomach (core) is slightly larger. As the solar system matures, the availability of hydrogen becomes even more scarce. It starts to actively on itself. Eventually its maturity of content of heavier elements such as Helium, Carbon, Oxygen and traces of other elements grows. At the same time, its smaller non-star, or star partners have become more active competitors, especially , brown dwarfs (such as Jupiter) orbiting within the incoming hydrogen particle fields. (2) Eventually a star is pulled into its ultimate first transformation, to grow to a Red Giant. Its demand for hydrogen versus what it has in reserves or can capture, is over. In this final moment of weakness, outer lying brown dwarfs of the right size capture the last hydrogen from the dying star in a frenzied rush to attempt to reach star status- (i.e. firing up on protonproton and photon-photon fusion). The semi-dormant star quickly expands into a Red Giant, its core dramatically reduced (but certainly not dead!) The new young star nearby aids in the process by sucking all the hydrogen no longer attracted to a bright burning hydrogen core. Astronomers have observed thousands of examples of this process of "burning" binary (twin) stars in space where we see a Red Giant and a White Dwarf, or Young F series star. From this point on, our new Red Giant has a choice of paths to the next stage of evolution. These different paths are largely determined by the presence and level of development of partner (brother) stars. Path (1) As the Red Giant expands, and cols (cools), it stars to attract

heavier elements of helium, as well as absorbing the inner lying planets of the Solar System. Suddenly the first serious signs of helium to helium core fusion begins and we see Carbon and Oxygen core fusion begin. After what seemed an eternity, the Red Giant will transform itself into a Blue Giant, a vastly heater (hotter) star. This Giant het star accelerates the growth of its binary partner, sometimes (if the stars were close to being pairs at the start), they may both be at Giant status. Path (2) At the end of the red-giant phase, the outer layers are lost to form planetary nebulae and the het dense core cools to form a white dwarf with a core consisting of matter that is so compressed that it is not gas, liquid or solid. Such matter is called degenerate matter and the only energy it radiates is residual het. A typical white dwarf is about the same size as the Earth but with a mass about equal to that of the Sun. The greatest possible mass for a White Dwarf is 1.44 times the mass of the Sun. This is because in a more massive white dwarf, the weight of the outer shell could not be supported by the degenerate matter of the core and would either have to lose mass or collapse to form a neutron star or a black hole. This limit of 1.44 solar masses is called the Chandrasekhar Limit after the Indian born astrophysicist Subrahmanian Chandraesekhar (1910-) who made the calculation. Path (3) Our star does reach Blue Giant phase, and indeed goes further. They may collapse inward upon a terminal lack of either advanced (a) proton fuel (b) photon fuel. If either of these occurs (and one eventually does), then the star compresses rapidly and either:

(a) from lack of advanced proton fuel and photon fuel becomes a Neutron Star ( a Black Hole), or (b) from lack of advanced proton fuel becomes a giant supernova (huge light particle producer).
Neutron Stars (Black Holes)

The compression of the material is so great that the residual neutron stars may be only 10-20km in diameter and although they are very het, they produce very little light and so are usually impossible to detect. Rotating neutron stars, however, are detectable as pulsars. Other massive stars well above the Chandraeskhar limit are believed to be able to form massive Neutron Stars (black holes). Let us now look at the origin of stars and how they come to be born in more detail.


The origin of stars

To explain the birth and origin of stars, we must talk about things called "nebulae". A nebulae is a cloud of fine particles and gases, mainly hydrogen. The hydrogen molecules are formed at the colliding of the very first shockwaves of sub-atomic particles as we discussed earlier at the birth of the Universe. The larger dust particles are almost certainly the refuse of supernova explosions (explosions of stars,

creating heavier elements). Nebulae are found in three places: o at the edge (rim) of galaxies o at the centre of galaxies o separate to galaxies (but in a massive form) The width of a particular nebulae at the edge of a galaxy can be several light years in diameter, while independent nebulae clouds, separated for the moment from galaxies can be many hundreds of light years in diameter. The concept of the first stage in the evolution of stars (nebulae) was first put forward by the British physicist, William Thomson, Lord Kelvin (1824-1907) and the German polymath Hermann von Helmholtz ( 1821-94) and is often known as the Kelvin-Helmholtz contraction. 10.6.1 How do nebulae come together? In earlier chapters we have explained at length the importance of common spin to create greater form. The particles at the birth of the Universe were created relatively closely. Therefore at the birth of the Universe, nebulae were created relatively quickly.

But as the Universe grew into more complex structures and then broke down through the laws of attraction and repulsion, like spin particles found themselves literally hundreds of millions of kilometres from other like spin particles. Like spin particles of hydrogen have no attraction to one another to form more complex shapes, unless forced under tremendous het into more complex shapes. What is needed are more complex shapes that hydrogen can "bond" to- hence the dust being the catalyst for hydrogen. Yet, even the dust has such a small rate of attraction to lonely hydrogen atoms spinning through the voids of space. What is needed are "great attractors"- structures that have such immense like spin attraction that a hydrogen atom can be attracted and zero in on the structure from a distance of millions upon millions of kilometres.

Galaxies of hundreds of thousands of stars and solar systems that have already formed are such "great attractors" to the humble hydrogen atom. This is why we find the cradle of stars for the Milky Way on the edge of the galaxy instead of at the centre of the galaxy. At the centre of galaxies, nebulae are formed from exploding stars, principally because of the greatest attractors of stars- massive destructive attractors- neutron stars- or as popular science likes to call them- "Black Holes". Meanwhile, existing nebulae that have formed to a sufficient size can have a strong enough attraction to pull in loose hydrogen atoms from nearby (millions of kilometres) space. The hydrogen and larger particles (for consistency sake we will call dust) come together from all directions, creating a rough cloud of gas that can be more than 2 light years in diameter, while at the same time being very col, at around 50 particles per cubic centimetre (around 80K, or -200C). 10.6.2 The process within a nebulae to create stars and solar systems (heavy particle orbiters) As hydrogen and dust particles arrive on the outside of a nebulae cloud, the particles at the centre of the cloud are attracted from the opposite direction outwards to meet the new arrivals. This means that the very centre of a nebulae cloud is largely a space with no hydrogen particles or dust, much like an eye of a storm. Nebulae can have, given the resultant distortions of attraction and repulsion, more than one "centre", rather like the shape of a peanut, or even three centres, like the shape of a clover. The nebulae can also have rotation as the hydrogen and heavier particles start to form orbits. However the critical moment of fusion that actually forms stars will only occur when the nebulae reaches a critical mass, in other words that there are sufficient new arrivals and existing particles in loose orbits to begin attraction in such close proximity and levels of het that greater structures are formed. For this reason, small nebulae may continue to collapse on themselves and expand, trying to create new stars until such time as there is sufficient mass of hydrogen and heavier particles. Hence, we see nebulae not in consistent shapes but an infinite number of weird and wonderful shapes, warped by failed, or even in the successful birth process of stars. 10.6.3 The critical moments of star creation Step (1)- increased attraction- the storm cloud Once there are sufficient new arrivals and existing hydrogen and heavy particle friends, they move closer, and begin to rotate, causing the cloud to accelerate in rotation, again creating a space at the centre, like the eye of a storm . NOTE: This is a concept, amazingly science has not yet grasped. Some physicists believe that the hottest part of the nebulae is the centre. They forget, or simply do not consider that in a nebulae cloud of similar atomic level matter, there is no great attractor at the centre.

Secondly, if there were a larger structure at the centre of a nebular cloud already, then we would never see the rapid increase in temperature and fusion process required to create stars. The nebulae cloud would in general terms be a "dud". Step (2)- the collapse of the storm cloud and increased temperature This is called contraction as the actual combined pressure of the outer regions of the nebulae becomes greater than the inner regions, with its hollow centre. This causes the nebulae to shrink in overall size, but increase in relative density to such a point that the most tightly packed areas of hydrogen (close, but not actually at the centres) reach temperatures in excess of 10 million degrees Celsius. Step (3)- nuclear fusion begins close but not at the centre of the cloud At that point, nuclear fusion reaction starts and we see the creation of helium on the edges of the most tightly packed shockwaves as the nebulae cloud continues to contract. At the centre of the shockwave, temperatures continue to increase as the nebulae cloud continues to collapse inwards, creating some heavier particles such as carbon and oxygen until eventually the inner edge of the shockwave undergoing fusion is pushed in on itself and forms a ball of nuclear fusion hydrogen. At that point a nuclear fusion reaction starts with hydrogen atoms broken down and reconstituted into helium and a range of other particles. This process takes one of two forms, depending on the temperature reached by the core, either the proton-proton reaction, as in our own Sun, or the more complex, six stage, carbon nitrogen cycle in heater stars. The length of time this goes on, depends on the size of the star and is less than a million years in the case of most massive stars. Thanks to enough investigation by scientists, we now know that our Sun is a fairly standard but comparatively small size. Such a star continues in this stage for a period of about ten million years. Stars with masses of at least 0.4 times that of the Sun can proceed to a further sequence of nuclear-fusion reactions in which helium is converted to carbon and heavier elements. Step (4)-the forces outwards are overwhelmed by the forces inwards As the contraction of the cloud continues the inner edge of the nuclear shockwave is pushed in on itself creating a massive ball of hydrogenbut with the most intense fusion occurring on the outer edges of the ball, as the ball now is totally pushed inwards by the outer compression shockwaves. Step (5)- a giant nuclear explosion at the outer edges of the ball of nuclear fusion hydrogen As the contraction of the cloud continues, the ball of hydrogen in a state of intense nuclear fusion, but with greater temperature at its surface reaches a critical point whereby the forces of compression turn rapidly to the forces of expansion from the massive nuclear fusion activity on the outer surface of the new born starThe new born star then explodes outwards, and in a final moment of nuclear fused creation, creates even heavier particles such as iron.

Step (6)- creation of planets, asteroids and smaller neighbour stars The force of the explosion outwards causes the shockwave and the cloud to be ripped apart. The first things to be hurtled outwards are lighter elements, forming globules, and attempting to repeat the process of star creation. These later become Jovian like planets, and more often than not, create the second star of the system (e.g. like our Jupiter might one day come). The second wave is the heavier elements, the irons, silicons and oxygens. They group into globules that gradually become the heavier inner structures of the new solar system (such as Earth, Venus, Mars, Mercury). Finally in the centre, is the greatest amount of hydrogen and particles of heavier elements. It is the largest of the stars of the new solar system. What we are left with after the nebulae began creation is not just a star, or two or three stars, but a solar system. A stable arrangement of giant attractor, with smaller attractors combining to form a balance of 1:1 like a giant atomic particle. Planets therefore are a natural consequence of star formation, just as asteroid belts are. For every of the hundred billion stars in our Galaxy, the Milky Way, there will be or had been planets orbiting, in various shapes and sizes and orbits. 10.6.4 The rules for collapsing nebulae to create stars are the same You may understand the implication of this point, that planets are natural consequences of star creation. Yet let us push this further. We know that there is a critical range for all nebulae to start the process of compression and eventually create stars. This can also explain why some larger nebulae create solar systems with three stars and why smaller nebulae that still reach the critical range create two and one star solar systems. But it also means that the process of creation MUST follow similar paths, within a certain range. That is, a central star is formed, there are inner planets and there are outer stars or dormant stars, still further outer planets and ultimately the outer cloud of asteroids. There is pattern and therefore there must be symmetries. This means that size of planets, size of smaller stars, distance of orbit, concentrations of heavier elements must fall into some symmetrical pattern for ALL star systems that we now see must ALL be (or had been) solar systems. We will return to this in the next chapter, when we discuss the concept of life.


Neutron stars
In 1967, Princeton physicist John Wheeler coined the term "black hole' in 1967 to describe an object whose gravity is so powerful that it swallows everything around it - even light . The theoretical existence of Black Holes first emerged in proof from

Einstein's equations. The word Black Hole, while descriptively incorrect is however, a part of everyday language 10.7.1 The problem with detection of a black hole Science, and in particular astronomy has struggled with the issue of detection and "validation" of detection of the strongest gravity structures in the Universe since the 1930's. Since the term "Black Holes" was coined in the late 1960's, there has been increasing interest in finding these structures that would appear to "swallow" light. An added boost came via science fiction writers (and fiction science) writers who postulated that Black Holes constituted a theoretically valid argument for "Time Travel". Largely the problem of detection of Black Holes has been a human mind, not instrument problem. 10.7.2 The mental blank over solving the detection of Neutron Stars (Black Holes) (1) What we are specifically looking for (were looking for, until the name "black Hole" came up) are the strongest gravity attractors in the Universe- structures supposed to be so strong, not even light can escape its gravitational attraction. What we are now looking for are some kind of huge "tears in the fabric of the Universe", where things such as Stars and planets are supposed to "fall" through like some "Black Hole". This is a completely different concept, and not one that agree with the Universe according to model of the UCA. In fact, tears in the fabric of the Universe, would denote tears in dimension, which would denote tears in the dream, which would denote the dream dying, which would denote the end of the Universe. This totally contradicts every laws we have discussed so far. Therefore tears in the fabric of the Universe- (Black Holes) DO NOT EXIST. However Neutron Stars and the strongest gravitational attractors in the Universe (very powerful objects) DO EXIST. (2) By definition, we are talking about objects that do not produce light (photon) particles, do not produce Proton particles (e.g. Hydrogen). Therefore we are talking about objects we cannot see. This is unfortunate as 99.9% of credited historical fact is based on "seeing is believing". This is why radio astronomers have such a hard time versus optical astronomers ( people who can show you "pictures" of the stars). A large part of the problem of detection of these massive gravity attractors has been the usage of particle emission detection equipment to find an object that doesn't emit photons (light) or proton (hydrogen, etc) particles. In other words, using telescopes and other particle emission detection equipment to find something that doesn't do that any way- by our own definition.

(3) What is it we are looking for in the first place, if it doesn't emit protons, or photons? Amazingly, the exact question of what we are specifically looking for has not been fully considered. By definition if we are not looking for a proton-proton reaction star, or a photonphoton (light producing star) then we are looking for a Neutron and possibly Neutroactive star. In other words, we are looking for a Neutron Star. (4) Finally, if Neutron Stars = the largest gravity attractors in the Universe, then we should be able to prove it. This is probably the third largest mental brick wall for contemporary science: That we can detect the largest gravity attractors in the Universe, by inference. In fact we have. We have proven the existence of the largest gravitation attractors in the Universe. We just haven't proven to contemporary culture well enough yet that we have discovered "Black Holes". 10.7.3 Pauli's exclusion principle We know that stars are great attractors and that their huge size is capable of not only holding planets such as an Earth in orbit, but to provide energy at the same time to any lifeforms on a planet in orbit. At the turn of the century, scientists had discovered an understanding that at some point a star's fuel will run out and its size will not be sufficient to re-start a higher reaction- the star begins to collapse and thereby create a higher reaction. Then in 1924, the Austrian Physicist Wolfgang Pauli (1900-58) had formulated a most important principle called the exclusion principle. This stated that two similar particles, such as electrons cannot be in the same energy state, that is they cannot simultaneously occupy the same position and have the same velocity. If they approach the same position, they must have different velocities and so would fly apart. As stars become smaller, their electrons get very close together, and Pauli's exclusion principle ensures they fly apart. This provides another basis of equilibrium and results in the formation of white dwarfs. As long as stars are not too large to start with, these mechanisms will operate. But beyond a certain size, the effect of gravitation is so strong that, to escape it, the velocity of avoiding particles would have to reach that of light- the highest possible velocity of complex atomic particles. This puts a limit to Pauli's exclusion principle. In other words, dead stars larger than a certain size- a size that can be calculated- will go on collapsing under increasing gravity. The effects may be one or other of two of the most remarkable phenomena ever described- either the super massive Neutron Star or the supernova. The latter is so important that it is dealt with separately. The important and relevant implication of this uncovered

awareness by Pauli, is that stars do not collapse into "nothing". They change state, as no two objects can occupy the same space. Until then, there was a wide blank on the end of a star = the end of the Universe. Now we know this is not the case. 10.7.4 The importance of massive Neutron Stars in solving puzzles of the Universe As knowledge of the Universe beyond our Solar System has improved, direct visible structures have been observed and detected that create perplexing questions, such as - why does the Milky Way Galaxy rotate? why are stars being attracted to the centre of the galaxy? why does the edge of the galaxy rotate slower that it theoretically should? Objects such as massive stars that collapsed into the most massive gravitational attractors in the known Universe, then their number at the centre of a galaxy such as the Milky Way would answer most of these anomalies outright. In fact contemporary science has answered the greatest local galactic source of electromagnetic radiation, especially in the high end of particles (e.g. gamma rays, x-rays, cosmic rays) is the centre of our own Galaxy- the Milky Way. The centre of our own galaxy- The Milky Way- is about 25,000 light years away. (9.46 million million km = 1 Light Year). This region is obscured to vision by massive clouds of dense gas and dust (nebulae) through which visible light cannot pass. Shorter wavelength radiation such as x-rays and gamma rays and longer wavelength radiation such as infra-red and microwaves, can, however, penetrate these clouds. Monitoring of this radiation indicates that the centre of the galaxy is a maelstrom of radiational activity. The infra-red energy produced by the inner 10 light years is equal to that of about 6 million of our Sun. Radio astronomy has also shown that within 5 light years of the centre is a spiral of gas with four arms. The intensity is not what happens to the Neutron Star. It is the cloud of massive kinesis around it. Radio astronomical observations indicated that the source of the radio-wavelength radiation is only about 3.2 billion km in diameter. The only currently conceivable entity that could emit so much radiation and still be as small in size as this is a massive Neutron Star . 10.7.5 Other Measurable evidence of the existence of Super Massive Neutron Stars M87 In 1994, NASA announced that the Hubble Space Telescope discovered a singular anomaly about 50 million light-years away, at the core of galaxy M87 - something with the mass of more than 2 billion stars the size of the sun crammed into a space no bigger than our solar system. The only thing scientists know of what could possibly fit this description: a gigantic Neutron Star.

Amazingly the structure in M87 is also considered "proof" of black holes- proof that a "hole" in the fabric of the Universe can be 2 billion times heavier than empty space! We now know it is not logol to even use the words Black Hole to describe anything other than a theoretical science fiction idea of what the "Universe could be like". A disk-shaped cloud of gas was detected rotating at a dizzying 1.2 million miles an hour. A disk of gas is just what researchers expect to see around a super massive gravity attractor: any star that ventures too close will first be ripped apart by the massive attractors's intense gravity and then start to spiral in, the way water spirals towards a bathtub drain and then out!. As it is being sucked in, the gas should be compressed and heated and in fact the gas disk in M87 is glowing with an average temperature of about 12,000C. It was the speed of rotation that eventually convinced the researchers that they had identified a super massive gravity attractor. The rules of celestial mechanics dictate that the speed of an orbiting body must depend on the mass of whatever it is orbiting and the distance between the two. Given the incredible velocity and 60-light-year diameter of the gas cloud in question, it has to be circling something of unprecedented mass and density. HDE226868 HDE226868 , a blue supergiant star in the constellation of Cygnus, the Swan some 6,000 light years away, appears to rotate in orbit, what appears to be empty space. Once every five and a half days, this star circles around such a point. Calculations show this to be a mere 100km across but to have a mass of about half that of HDE226868. Although it cannot be seen, it has been designated Cygnus X-1. 10.7.6 Pulsars Pulsars have been known to science for many years and in fact a certain type of pulsar called Cephids have been the basis of estimating the age and behaviour of the Universe for over fifty years. Cephids and Pulsars are stars that rotate at high speed emitting such intense bursts of radiation at such regulation and strength that they are like beautiful metronomes of the Universe. Some cephids are so regular that you could literally set a clock by it. And that what science does- its uses these "markers" throughout galaxies to tag what structures are doing, how old they are and therefore navigate further and further from our field of view. It might shock some people when we suggest, these very structures which science appreciatively takes for granted are much smaller versions of the same structures we have been searching for- super massive gravity attractors - smaller versions of what is at the centre of our galaxy, smaller version of what we see in M87, or what we wrongly term as "Black

Hole". 10.7.7 A theoretical explanation of why Super Massive Neutron Stars do not explode or breakdown for billions of years To believe that Stars and groups of Stars remain Neutron Stars forever is considering the Universe as dull and non-living. Nothing, absolutely nothing physical stays the same- there is perpetual motion as motion is existence. Therefore there is always change. It is massive Neutron Stars that eventually capture enough subatomic parts to build the largest attractors to light. They build and build until they reach a point then massive photon-photon reaction occurs-Super Supernovas, the brightest structures in the Universe.


A nova is a star that suddenly brightens by a factor of 10,000 or more. Originally, the term "nova" was used, in its literal sense (new) for a star that suddenly becomes visible to the naked eye. The increase in brightness occurs over the course of a few days and the bright phase lasts for a few weeks before returning to its former magnitude. A supernova is an altogether more massive and amazing affair. Over the course of a few hours, the brightness flares up until it is greater than that of hundred of billions of suns and may even be visible during the day. The energy radiated by a supernova beggars the imagination. In the first ten seconds of its life, a supernova may generate more energy than the Sun radiates in its 10-Billion year lifetime.


How do supernovas occur? We have explained the process of star growth and collapse earlier in this chapter. We also described that upon Stars reaching a Super Giant stage, they can rapidly collapse into supernovas. In a massive star like Sanduleak 69 202 - about 18 times the mass of our Sun - this takes about 11 million years. When this happens, gravity temporarily wins and the core contracts, increasing in density from about 6g per cc to over 1 kg per cc. This contraction heats up the core from about 40 million K to about 190 million K - a temperature that

causes helium nuclei to fuse to form carbon. This rise in kinesis levels causes the outer layers of the start to expand to an enormous size- some four times the distance from the Earth to the Sun. At this stage, the star is called a red supergiant. When the helium in the core is used up- in about a million years- a further contraction occurs and carbon nuclear fuse to form neon, magnesium and sodium at a temperature of 740 million K. The density of the core has now reached about 240 kg per cc. Neon fuels a fusion reaction to form silicon at a temperature of 2 billion degrees and a density of 50,000 kg per cc and silicon fuses to form iron, nickel, chromium, titanium, cobalt and other elements. At each stage, the levels of kinesis produced is less than that of the previous stage and the contraction is stopped for a shorter period. Carbon fuel halts contraction for only about 1,000 years; neon stops it for only a very few years; silicon is exhausted in about a week. Iron is the most stable of the elements and cannot be used as a fuel. At this stage the star is layered like an onion, with an iron core, surrounded by layers of mainly silicon, neon, oxygen, carbon, helium and on the outside hydrogen. The figures for temperature and density and for the length of each stage are obtained by computer modeling and are very approximate. Now that there is no nuclear fuel left, gravity unopposed and, in a few seconds, the star collapses with a staggering increase in density to about five billion tonnes per cubic centimetre. At this stage, the temperature and pressure is sufficient to crush Photons together to form "Super photon cores of two or more". This is accompanied by a massive outpouring of neutrinos. In a fraction of a second, the iron core of the star collapses into a ball of nuclear material about 100km in diameter and of inconceivable density- probably around 300 billion kg per cc. Temperature rises critically and the controlled fusion of the remaining nuclear changes to a massive particle release of super photons brighter than a billion suns. This is the supernova. A producer of superphotons. In the case of Supernova 1987A, the ten second neutrino burst reached Earth about two hours ahead of the arrival of visible light. Supernova 1987A occurred reasonably close to our galaxy, a satellite galaxy- only around 160,000 light years away. That means when the nova occurred, Neanderthal man was moving around. We only saw it in February 1987. Only three supernova have been observed in our galaxy in the past 1,000 years. The last supernova seen in the Milky Way Galaxy was in 1604, described by Johannes Kepler. 10.8.2 Supernova are not exploding stars When we just described the path towards a supernova, we did not describe Supernova as stars "blowing to pieces". Again, this is a error of perception. Stars that reach "super photon" producing stage can quite comfortable survive after they herald their birth by a brilliant

fireworks display. In fact recent Hubble telescopic pictures of Eta Carinae defy astronomers known laws of "supernovae" experience. For clearly in brilliant high resolution colour- the star is alive and well at the centre of a most awesome explosion that for a time made it one of the most brilliant star in the Southern Hemisphere. 10.8.3 Supernova are deadly compared to Pulsars The funny twist about Supernova compared to Neutron Stars, is that they are by the far the deadlier of the two to lifeforms. The super sized photon particles created out of Supernova send super high powered shockwaves of intense radiation like unstoppable gamma radiation that at nearby radius (closer than 6,000 light years) can kill everything outright. On the other hand Neutron Star emissions are significantly less intense in the killer burst, but stronger and more consistent over a vastly longer time. Supernova = big and fast. Neutron Stars = strong and steady.


The orbit patterns of groups of stars

It is only in recent years that the concept has been formally accepted that the Sun does in fact have a life cycle of increased output than input as well as decreased output than input. It is also now accepted that the cycle is also in part related to the appearance of sun spots (solar storms). This is the beginnings of a profound philosophical shift in the way humanity views the sun as more than just a constant- but a dynamic object- one that could be described as having a chemical "personality". This dynamic "personality" way of thinking about our home star has advanced our understanding of the nature of solar storms and solar activities effect on human communications and appliance technology. Yet the extent to which we recognize the dynamic nature of all stars and their patterns of relationships is still evolving. For instance, the concept that stars orbit other stars and then cluster together to orbit other clusters are still "advanced" concepts within astronomy and NASA. A mental blind spot that currently exists is moving past the concept of stars being stationary objects in the sky. For some reason, it seems we can get past the notion that like planets orbiting a Sun, stars themselves are dynamically moving in relation to one another.


Stars aren't stationary- they move in patterns (orbits) Everything we have discussed in relation to the orbit of objects is objects of differing mass, but similar basic A mental blind spot that

currently exists is moving past the concept of stars being stationary objects in the sky. For some reason, it seems we can get past the notion that like planets orbiting a Sun, stars themselves are dynamically moving in relation to one another. 10.9.2 The rules for orbiting stars Stars during different periods of their life change their principle character, thereby increasing or decreasing their attractiveness. Beyond the mere concept of Mass, it is the Mass of Personality that ultimately determines the interaction of orbits of stars and star systems.

10.10 What are galaxies?

Galaxies are collections of stars, planets, gas, dust, nebulae, etc that form "islands" in the general emptiness of space. Powerful telescopes have now detected over 1 billion galaxies measuring from 1,000 light years to 10 million light years across. Most galaxies are found in groups; very few are found on their own. For example, our own galaxy (The Milky Way) is a surrounded by at least eight galaxies within a 500,000 light year radius. The word galaxy comes from the Greek work gala, meaning milk. Only one star- our own Sun- is near enough to the Earth to be seen, even by the most powerful optical telescopes, as more than a point of light. Some nearby stars can be crudely resolved using the special technique of speckle interferometry, a process whereby large numbers of images can be combined to form one. Current estimates suggest that there at least 100 billion stars in our galaxy.

10.11 Galaxy properties

Like all form in the Universe, the vast majority of galaxies into a few common shape patterns, that then vary according to size and general features such as rate of change of position, rotation rate, distance, general attraction or repulsion to or from other galaxies. The most common shape varieties of galaxies

The four main classes of galactic shapes are:

(1) Spiral

These galaxies resemble pin wheels, with spiral arms trailing out from a brighter centre. The largest galaxies appear to be Spiral in shape and almost always have companion smaller galaxies ( sometimes called pygmy galaxies).

(2) Barred spiral

Here the spiral arms trail from the ends of a central bar around 30% of galaxies are spirals or barred spirals. All barrel spiral galaxies are in pairs, with the barrel effect being created from the gravitation pull of the second galaxy.

(3) Elliptical

These galaxies do not have spiral arms. About 60% of galaxies are elliptical, varying in shape from almost spherical (like a soccer ball) to very flattened (like a football). Elliptical galaxies are usually very small, and most often the "pygmy" type galaxies that cluster around much larger galaxies.

(4) Irregular

About 10% of galaxies are irregular with no definite shape.

10.12 Galaxies as living organisms

It is understandable because of their massive size and the difficulty in determining levels of detail, that our understanding of Galaxies has started from a fairly dry assessment of how a galaxy works. However, as we have shown throughout this book so far, every level of matter can be regarded as being living and galaxies are no exception. Let us look at some critical understandings that help us to view galaxies as more than just "lucky mistakes". (1) In deep mature space, there is a scarcity of food While the Universe continues to create new Unita at its edges, in our part of the Universe, deep space is more like a desert. There is a scarcity of free particles, hence conditions aren't all that pleasant for single stars on their own. (2) Stars and therefore galaxies need food to survive If stars are not able to supplement their existing hydrogen reserves, then like all living organisms, they start acceleration on feeding their own reserves at an increasing rate. It is the same as a person who in the desert, with no food, will find their body starts to eat its own fats

and proteins ( muscles) to survive until there is no internal food left and they die. Stars are no different. Hydrogen is the fuel of the Universe. Without readily available fuel supplies, the Stars would burn into Red giants in a fraction of the time they do. It is logol therefore that Stars would choose to aggregate into communities, thereby regulating the attraction and dispensation of hydrogen to sustain a greater number of stars. (3) Galaxies provide shelter, food, stable communities for Stars Above all, galaxies not only provide food and shelter for Stars, they also provide aggregate gravities and rotations that allow a substantial proportion of Stars to exist under relatively prosperous conditions. (4) Galaxies have the attraction rate to create nebulae clouds- the birthplace of stars It is because of the massive gravitation pull of galaxies that nebulae are formed at their edges. Otherwise nebulae would not form at all.

10.13 Our living galaxy-the Milky Way

We will look at our own Galaxy, the Milky Way in detail in the context of understanding of the Milky Way as being a living ecosystem. The Milky Way is a spiral galaxy, containing some 100 billion stars ( suns), many which have planetary systems. If you were able to look above and back towards the galaxy, its appearance would be similar to looking at a cyclone/hurricane. 10.12.1 Main features of the Milky Way Kpc (stand for Kilo Parsec , or thousands of parsecs. 1 parsec = 3.26 light years).

Galactic Core

At the centre of the Milky Way is a concentrated core (around 30,000 light years in diameter) containing most of the mass (Suns) of the Galaxy. The core region rotates at incredible speeds, completing a rotation (at the edge of the 30,000 light year perimeter) around once every 60 to 80 million years. The core itself is made up several components- an outer sheath of high temperature gases and nebulae-like clouds, while at the perimeter and further into the core are hundreds of millions of Red Giants- older stars at the end of their life. Scientists have identified that the core of our Galaxy is the largest source of cosmic radiation and massive volumes of radioactive particles, capable of escaping the haze of nebulae clouds in our region of space. These massive particle emissions are consistent with the belief that at the centre of our Galaxy are dozens and dozens of neutron stars with the capacity of attracting stars inward and tearing them apart. Because of the tremendous attraction pull of the central core, all stars in our Galaxy are gradually being attracted towards the centre at the same time they rotate in localized clusters at various distances from the galactic core. Galactic Disc Stretching out on an equatorial plane from the central core of the galaxy are spiral arms of hundreds of millions of stars. Our Sun is located in a localized group of Suns on this equatorial plane around 26,000 to 28,000 Light Years from the galactic centre of the Milky Way. At this point, the disk is slightly less than 1,000 light years thick (compared to around 30,000 light years for the galactic core). The galactic disc itself stretches out for around 35,000 light years on either side of the core completing the total estimated diameter of the Milky Way of around 100,000 light years. Unlike planets orbiting a Sun, the disk is not arranged in even densities of matter orbiting, but concentrated clusters of hundreds of thousands of Suns, arranged in spiraling arms of tens of millions of suns from the edge of the galactic core to the edges of the disc region. Within the disc region, the rotation speeds of the groups of Suns are significantly lower. It is estimated for example that our Sun (around 30 light years or 8000 parsecs from the centre of the Galaxy) orbits the core at more than 260 km/sec to complete a rotation every 220,000,000 to 230,000,000 Earth years. Given the powerful attraction forces of the galactic core, the rotation rate of our Sun and localized group of Suns is likely to have been getting shorter for (at an increasing rate) for some time. Halo Directly above and below the galactic core (at 90 degrees to the disc) are huge plumes of gases as well as the thickest streams of particle fields from the centre, stretching outwards in a spherical fashion. This

is called the "Halo". Within the halo of the galaxy are about two hundred dense clusters of stars, fairly evenly distributed, many of them lying above or below the plane of the galaxy. Each of these clusters contains up to some hundreds of thousands of stars in a roughly spherical grouping and are therefore called globular clusters. The existence of these groups of stars off the equatorial plane, indicates that the particle fields of the Galaxy are immensely strong, the particle fields themselves capable of attracting large groups of Stars. While it has never been properly speculated by science, it is likely that these globular clusters are either being pushed outwards, given that directly above and below the galactic core are the exit points for the massive particle fields of the galaxy. Nebulae fields At the edge of the disc- where the massive particle fields return (the particle fields, like our own solar system, return largely along the equatorial plane) are huge fields of nebulae gases. This is totally consistent with our own Sun sending out its particle fields above and below the equatorial plane and the particle fields returning along the plane to the Sun. As the galactic particle fields search out nearby space for "building" particles, the logol location for these nurseries for stars is at the edge of the disc. Science confirms that this is the second location (the halo being the other region) where new stars are being born in our galaxy. Galactic Corona Stretching way beyond the disc and central galactic core, the massive ergon particle fields of our galaxy envelope a region of space somewhere around five times (in strength) and (fifteen times in weaker attraction) to the diameter of our galaxy. In other words, the catchment area for material for our galaxy is somewhere in the region of 500,000 light years in diameter and to a weaker extent around 1.5 million light years in diameter. The galactic ergon particle fields within the 500,000 light year diameter are strong enough to pull smaller galaxies (less than half the mass of our own galaxy) into orbits around our own galaxy, as we shall see in a moment.

10.14 The birth, evolution and death of galaxies

Previously in this chapter, we discussed the importance of nebulae in the creation of stars. The larger nebulae clouds, the more stars that can and are formed from them. It is speculated that at the birth of the Universe, the clouds were more like massively large banded shockwaves of tremendous kinesis fanning out, expanding. Galaxies had to have been born at some point. Contemporary science see all galaxies as being born from the

birth of the Universe. We will discuss the birth of Galaxies in detail in Chapter 17- Universe. 10.14.1 The bonding within galaxies and between galaxies The bond between galaxies are massive shoots of particles, driven by hydrogen and sub atomics. It is these particles and the fight over food and dependence on the food chain of hydrogen that determines the interactions of galaxies. The Milky Way for example, takes hydrogen from Magellan clouds that in turn takes them back via smaller particles. The particle fields enter the stars and form the massive groupings along with gravity waves of the galaxy- hence the spiral arms. The arms themselves are clearly defined by hydrogen rich environments, the actual spiral arms. Like electrons at the atomic level, hydrogen is the fuel that keeps systems alive at the solar system and galactic level. Look at how the large galaxies, the spiral galaxies creative massive hydrogen particle chains, creating attractions with gravity for other galaxies to join and in turn creating pipelines. The pipelines are the feeders for clusters of galaxies so that they do not starve and start fighting amongst themselves. Large hydrogen feeders lines between galaxies indicates a co-dependent relationship. Because galaxies require fuel, they must seek out the desert of space and attract particles from far and wide. Lone galaxies in such a dangerous territory stands to get torn apart by larger communities of organized galaxies. Therefore smaller galaxies join larger galaxies so that they are protected and that fuel can be attracted. This is done by giving out particle fields in massive amounts that effective become huge fuel processing conveyor belts, sending out sub-atomic particles attracting super sub-atomic particles and then receiving hydrogen rich particle fields back in. The hydrogen and dust then aggregates at the edge of the galaxy and through he galaxy via its internal pipes to the core where both at the core and edge new stars are born. 10.14.2 The age of the Milky Way The age of the Milky Way is estimated to be between 14 and 18 billion years old, compared to our own Sun and Earth, estimated to be around 4.6 to 5 billion years old. 10.15.3 The rotation of our group of Suns in the Milky Way Just as science has come to understand that the Earth speeds up and slows down during its elliptical orbit of the Sun, so our Solar System slows down and speeds up during its rotation of the galactic core.

Our Solar System and the local group of Suns orbits the galactic core in a clockwise motion. Similar to the elliptical orbit of the planets around the Sun, our group of solar systems our Solar System rapidly picks up speed during two points of rotation as well as decreased velocity during two other periods. This is partly explained by the fact that the Milky Way itself is in motion (i.e. no object in space remains in one place- motion is continuous). Our solar system arcs around, moving closer to the galactic core, during an extended period of higher levels of ergon particles and material into our region of the galaxy as all stars generally move closer together relative to our Sun. At this point, our Solar System is moving at its maximum velocity. However, because of the nature of motion of the galaxy, our spiral arm tends to slingshot past, instead of collapsing further inward, thus causing an extended period whereby our Solar System is further from the galactic centre. ( i.e. further than 30,000 light years). This process is repeated again before a one rotation of the galactic core is completed. To put this in another perspective, one rotation by our Solar System of the Milky Way corresponds to a 200 to 210 million cycle similar to our understanding of the effects of seasons. In one rotation of our Milky Way, we theoretically have: o 52.5 million year long "summer" o 52.5 million year long "autumn" o 52.5 million year long "winter" o 52.5 million year long "spring". The usage of seasons can be justified when it is considered that the closer our Solar System is to the galactic core and other Suns, the significantly higher volumes of ergon particles to our Sun and therefore the higher output of our Sun (generally the warmer the temperatures). Since the birth of our Sun, it is estimated that we have completed between 22 and 23 rotations of our Galaxy. In other words that we have gone through around 22 to 23 massive seasonal cycles so far.

10.15 Our neighborhood galaxies

The immediate space surrounding the Milky Way contains over

twenty neighboring galaxies most of them smaller than our own. In fact the Milky Way is the second largest galaxy within a 2.5 million light year radius. The largest being the Andromeda Galaxy around 2 to 2.5 million light years away and around 130,000 light years in diameter. The third largest (behind the Milky Way) is the Triangulum galaxy (M33) which is around 60,000 light years in diameter and also around 2 to 2.5 million light years away and closest to Andromeda. Interestingly, the three largest galaxies within 2.5 million light year radius are all spiral galaxies. This group of galaxies is known in scientific circles as The Local Group of Galaxies and extends for a diameter of around 5 million light years. The Local Group consists of twenty or so listed galaxies together with many tens of pygmy galaxies and isolated globular clusters with a spherical volume of 1 megaparsec radius. fT he Local Group does not have a central by which all galaxies orbit. Instead, it is comprised of two sub groups centered around the dominant galaxies which are our own Galaxy and the Andromeda (M31) galaxy. 10.15.1 Our Local Neighboring galaxies Distance from Radial Diameter Mass(M) Milky Velocity (kpc) Way (km/s) (kpc) 1.5 x 10(10) 1X 10(10) 50 +270 +168



Milky Way Group Milky Way Spiral 30 7 3

Large Magellenic Irregular Small Magellenic Irregular Draco Ursa Minor Sculptor Ursa Major Sextans C Formax Leo I Leo II MGC 6822

2 x 10(9) 65 1 x 10(5) 67 1 x 10(3) 67 3 x 10(6) 85 120 140 2 x 10(7) 170 3 x 10(6) 230 1 x 10(5) 230 4 x 10(8) 470

Dwarf 1 Spheroidal Dwarf 0.4 Spheroidal Dwarf 1 Spheroidal Dwarf Spheroidal Dwarf Spheroidal Dwarf 2 Spheroidal Dwarf 0.7 Spheroidal Dwarf 0.7 Spheroidal Irregular 2



Andromeda/M33 Group Andromeda(M31) Spiral M32(NGC221) NGC 205 NGC 185 NGC 147 M33 IC1613 Other Wolf-Lunmark-M Irregular Sextans A Leo A IC 10 10.15.2 Irregular Irregular Spiral Ga Ga Ga Ga 870 1000 1100 1260 Elliptical Elliptical Elliptical Elliptical Spiral Irregular 50 1 2 1 1 8 3x 10(11) 1x 10(10) 670 -275 -210 -240 -300 -250 -190 -240

3 x 10(9) 660 640

1 x 10(9) 640 1 x 10(9) 660 1x 10(10) 730

3 x 10(8) 740

Trying to understand the motion of local galaxies Human understanding has come a long way from the days when it was believed the Earth was "stuck" in one position and everything in the Universe revolved around it. We now understand that due to the enormous mass (therefore attraction) of the Sun, the Earth and the other planets revolve around it. We now also know that because of the enormous mass of the central core of the Milky Way, our Sun at its local neighbours ( tens of thousands of Suns) orbit around the galactic core. But what about the Milky Way? What is it doing? Up until around 1929, humanity was not able to comprehend that there was more than one galaxy. While we had buried the "flat Earth" and "everything orbiting the Earth" models, philosophers and scientists had merely transferred a similar pattern of thinking to the behaviour of the Milky Way. Then with the pioneering work of Hubble, humanity realised that there are many tens of galaxies. We now know that the number of galaxies is many more times than a billion billion billion. Since the discovery that there is more than one galaxy (around 1929) our contemporary scientific beliefs have advanced to understanding that the Milky Way itself is in motion. However, it remains a general belief amongst many scientists that the Milky Way is moving further away from other galaxies. Letting contemporary thinking catch-up We now know this is not the case. In fact leading astronomers now understand that there is some kind of special relationship between

our Milky Way and the Andromeda/M33 region as our galaxy appears to be heading towards that region of space. To make sense of this, let us return to some basic rules about mass (attraction) and what this means in terms of motion (orbit). 10.15.3 The Milky Way cluster and its orbit of the Andromeda/M33 cluster If we forget for a moment the massive sizes involved with galaxies and look simply at the relative size and masses of our own galaxy and galaxies around us, we immediately find: (1) The Milky Way is significantly bigger than the five known galaxies within a 500,000 light year radius from the centre of the Milky Way. (2) The ratio of the Milky Way's mass to galaxies within a 500,000 light year radius is sufficient to suggest that these galaxies would be attracted to forming orbital patterns around our own galaxy. (3) The ergon particle field boundaries and strengths of the Milky Way extend in strength to around 500,000 light year diameter to a maximum of around 1.5 million light years. This is entirely consistent with five galaxies orbiting within the 500,000 light year radius and a further four galaxies in weaker elliptical orbits around a 1.5 million light year radius. (4) The combined mass of the Andromeda, M33 and local galaxies around these spiral galaxies is over 2 times the mass of our Milky Way Galaxy and local orbiting galaxies. (5) The ergon particle fields of the Andromeda/M33 galaxies would be strong enough to have a strong pull for a radius of around 1 million light years and a weaker pull for around 3 million light years. (6) The Milky Way and its local cluster of orbiting galaxies falls within the ergon particle field pull of the Andromeda/M33 cluster. Therefore it is logol to assume that the Milky Way ultimately orbits around the Andromeda/M33 cluster.


The orbit patterns of groups of galaxies

While we may have overcome the concept that stars do in fact orbit one another depending upon their personalities, the same applies to galaxies as living objects. It remains a current mental block to establishment scientists to conceive galaxies in "orbit" paths. Current thinking still considers galaxies traveling in straight line vectors. However, galaxies do orbit and we have our own Milky Way Galaxy to prove the concept. The problem is that early observations of small galaxies orbiting the Milky Way is still considered "advanced" astronomy, rather than common sense. It is also common sense to consider extending the idea to include the interaction of all galaxies to one another.

Map listing the Andromeda Galactic Group at 260 kilo parsecs radius


The Milky way cluster of galaxies

By applying the rules and understanding from the previous chapters, we are now able to consider a much clear map of the region of space from around 500,000 light years to 1.5 million light years from our Earth. Let us now look at the relative features of the Milky Way cluster of Galaxies. The Large Magellanic and Small Magellanic Clouds The closest galaxies orbiting our own are the Large Magellanic and Small Magellanic Cloud Galaxies. Both of these galaxies are irregular shaped and an average of 150,000 light years from our own. However, because of the elliptical pull effect of the ergon particle fields of our Milky Way and those of the Magellanic galaxies, their orbit would is not circular. It is almost certain that the small Magellanic galaxy orbits the larger Magellanic galaxy and that combined they orbit the Milky Way. At their closest point, the two galaxies are likely to come within 11,000 to 12,000 light years, while at their furthest point, their distance between each other would be around 34,000 light years. This is an average of around 23,000 light years. As the large Magellanic galaxy commands the dominant orbit around our galaxy (estimated at an average of around 150,000 light years), it is estimated that at their closest point, the clouds would be within 100,000 light years of the Milky Way and at their furthest around 300,000 light years. The significance of the orbits of localized galaxies

Just like planets, these galaxies would affect the general output of ergon particles depending on their proximity. The closer a galaxy is to our own, the higher the output of ergon particles, which in turn would affect the overall levels of energis in our region of the galaxy. Furthermore, the location of these galaxies relative to our own would provide further harmonic differences to the relative seasonal concept discussed earlier of 4 seasons of 53 million years as our Sun rotates around the Milky Way. At its closest point to the Milky Way the Magellanic clouds would significantly boost the ergon particle output of our galaxy. Therefore we must consider the larger seasonal variance of the local galaxies orbiting around our galaxy.


The local group of galaxies

Yet if we think we have understood all the patterns within the fabric of galaxies we are wrong. For just as we now understand the Milky Way Group orbiting the Andromeda/M33 cluster, there is an even larger pattern whereby the local group of galaxies moves in a pattern relative to much larger groups of galaxies. For instance, it is now known that the Local Group of galaxies is being attracted to the Virgo Group (1000 galaxies) which is approximately 70 million light years away.

Map listing the galactic clusters and super clusters of 25 million parsec radius


The local super cluster of super cluster galaxies

This is a proposed addition section with graphics providing an outline of the local super cluster and its relation to other super clusters of galaxies within a 100 Million light year radius of the Milky Way. The attempt by this section is to provide some kind of conceptual road map as to the size and mass of the local super cluster and where we are being drawn in terms of orbit and behaviour. Map listing the galactic clusters and super clusters of 25 million parsec radius


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Our solar system

Amazingly, when we talk of our Solar System and the planets, we tend to hit a series of intellectual "blind spots". These blind spots prevent us from looking at the obvious and making sense of this part of the Universe in which we live. We will begin by raising the most important four common sense reminders in relation to the Solar System:


The Solar System as a System The Solar System is a system- that means the Sun, the planets, the asteroid belts and the smaller asteroids past Neptune and Pluto (the Oort Cloud) are all part of one cohesive system. As a system, the Solar System moves as a whole, apart from motion around the Sun and relative position of one planet to another. In practice this means that the whole Solar System is moving in a different direction to simply the orbits of the planets. This is defined principally by the Suns orbit path. This may sound obvious, but in reality, we rarely identify the Sun, the moons, Jupiter and the Earth as all parts of a whole.


The solar system as part of a larger system If we fail to regularly consider the Solar System as a whole, then it makes sense that we fail to view the Solar System as one unit compared to nearby stars and the larger system of the Milky Way. It is as if we are mentally unable to make the leap from the orbit paths of protons, neutrons and electrons to the level of solar systems rotating around each other in greater complexity and numbers until we view the entire behaviour of the Milky Way (around 100 billion stars). But that is what actually happens and is happening at this various moment. Therefore when we look at changes in the solar system, we must also look at the relative changes of our neighboring stars and clusters of stars within the Milky Way.


Without patterns and patterns of relationships, the system could not be a system Without rules, without relationships, there would be no patterns. Without patterns there could be no systems. Yet we saw in the previous chapter a defined shape for the Milky Way. We live on a planet, ruled by patterns, within larger patterns, within larger patterns, within larger patterns. Why is it that we only consider the concept of seasons (cycles) of summer, autumn, winter and spring as being unique to Earth? Patterns (cycles) exist at every level in the Universe, from the level of the Unita, to the relationships of Galaxies. If we have failed to identify the patterns and reasons for the patterns, it is more likely because we have failed to admit that patterns exist at every

level. When we look at extinction on Earth, the positions of the planets, the size and composition of the planets, we see patterns relating to the rules of form of the very smallest clusters of particles. We should expect to see synergies, not be surprised or mystified by them. Therefore, there are patterns of position between our Solar System and our neighbour stars, as well as our neighborhood relative to other neighborhoods within the Milky Way. In addition, our position is related to times of "summer", "autumn", "winter" and "spring" on a cluster or star level in terms of stability of peace and harmony and war and trouble. Asteroid hits on Earth are not random. They follow defined patterns and relationships of patterns. The complexity of interacting patterns either works in our favour and we miss getting hit x times out of y, or once every few million years a massive asteroid almost wipes life out. 1.2.4 The patterns are Universal patterns at the sub-atomic, atomic and solar systems level Finally, the patterns within our Solar System are consistent patterns throughout the Universe. Our Solar System wasn't the only single solar system made in the Universe- there are billions upon billions. The relationships are the same, just on a much, much bigger scale than the atomic level.

11.2 Our solar system, our life support system

Before we venture too far into the interesting features and relationships of our Solar System, there is one relationship that deserves special up front mention. It is a feature of the rest of the solar system in relation to the Earth that is almost never mentioned, let alone realised- that the whole solar system is geared to the survival of life on Earth. Further into this chapter, we will show that there is only one feature within the Solar System that has any regular significant detrimental effect to the sustainment of human life on this planet (the tail of Venus at certain positions at certain times in certain years). All other massive hits on the Earth (such as the death of the dinosaurs) are principally caused from fortis's outside the solar system (such as the debris and gravity wake of another solar system). We will also explain further into this book that asteroids have to be of a significant size to risk total extinction of all life on Earth (around 300 km + wide to kill all life on Earth for good, including cockroaches). But what is of particular interest is just how hard it would be for an object of around 300km wide to get through the massive and elaborate defence network to hit the Earth. Firstly, the asteroid would have to get through the Oort cloud, the outer array of dust and small meteorites (50 to 100 metres wide and below) like a giant chain mesh, slowing down and often breaking up large objects (300km across) into smaller pieces, thus reducing the life threatening impact of a killer asteroid. Next the massive equatorial gravity and magnetic fields would draw the

asteroid into the equatorial plane, skewing it towards the first of four massively attractive Jovian (mostly hydrogen) planets. There the incoming 120km wide fragment plus splinters would most likely skew into an orbit of Uranus, Neptune, Saturn or finally, but not least Jupiter. If the angle was too sharp, then the largest piece might come smashing into the tail of one of many of the huge Jovian planets. Now probably fragments of 15km to 40km in size, some skewed off from hitting the Earth, the fragments have to face the challenge of the Inner Asteroid Belt between Jupiter and Mars. Almost home, now missing Mars and its tail, it has to choose between Venus or Earth, both with similar attraction rates and magnetic/gravity fields. Upon the bearing of Earth, the fragments, now only fractions of what they were upon meeting the first line of defence, must get past the Moon and then through Earth's final defence system- its atmosphere. We therefore highlight this important and special personal relationship each of us has with the Solar System. That before we begin to look at the details of our Solar System, that we understand its ever watchful protection of Earth against the only non-higher order life objects that externally can extinct all of life on Earth.


Our star (the sun)

The Sun is the only star near enough to us to be observed as more than simply a point of light. Although stars vary greatly in size, the Sun is typical of many, and is identical in size, brightness and ergon output to countless others in the universe. It is the source of all our ergon particles and essential to the survival of human and all other life forms. Around it, in various orbits, move the nine planets in our solar system and a huge number of asteroids, meteors and comets- all of them under the Sun's gravitational attraction.


The Sun's vital statistics In terms of temperature and brightness, the Sun is a typical star. However its size is small compared with some stars that are up to 300 times its diameter. It's mass is made up of (at high-temperature) 24% helium and 74% hydrogen, together with a small proportion (about 2 per cent) of other heavier elements. The temperature at the core of the Sun is much higher (about 20 million K) than its surface (around 5,000K) . The Sun's gravity at its surface is 27 times that of Earth and, were it not for the enormous energis reactions of giant particle fields returning inwards and outwards from its core, the Sun would collapse inwards under the force of its own gravity. The Sun's energis high pressure environment is derived from continuous nuclear fusion reactions from protons, through to electrons fused into more complex structures. The strongest particle to particle reaction is single protons being fused into pairs ( Helium proton cores). The Sun is about 1.44 million km in diameter- more than 100

times that of the Earth. As it is composed mainly of light gases, its average density is, however much less than that of Earthonly about one quarter. The average distance of the Sun from the Earth is about 150 million km. Most of its energy is given off in the form of ultraviolet radiation, but the Sun also radiates all other wavelengths in the electro magnetic spectrum including very short gamma rays and x-rays and the longer wavelength microwaves and radio waves. Similar to what we now understand from Chapter 10, the particles radiated from the Sun in large part constitute massive particle fields that effectively "hold together" the framework of the Solar system. We also understand from Chapter 10, that the Suns cycles of input-output balance of particle fields corresponds a period of higher attraction (higher input) than output= and a period of higher output than input. We also understand that this cycle means a period of around one to two years at the end of one cycle whereby input (inbound energis particles) and output (outbound energis particles) are at there most unbalanced. 11.3.2 The particles discharged from the Sun

Our Sun, consistent with other self-luminous stars, produces an array of different particles, with most types reaching Earth. It emits around 7 million tonnes of material per second. However contrary to contemporary science, the Sun also attracts back (via its powerful ergon particle fields) a similar but not equal amount. Consistent with real life analysis in Chapter 7 and 8 of this book, all particles from the Sun are fused together into naturally corresponding "packets" in the Chromosphere of the Sun. These packaged particle groups travel across space and are either reflected or absorbed by the Earth's atmosphere.


The major cycles of our star (the Sun)

The Sun rotates on its own axis at a rate of around 23.6 days (1,490,000 km wide and around 610 hours) per rotation. Jupiter's Rotation is in the same proportion of size to rotation speed as the Sun (around 149,000km wide and rotation of around 10 hours). .


Velocity of the Sun and our Solar System The Sun and therefore the Solar System is traveling in relation to the centre of the Milky Way Galaxy at an average velocity of 230km to 260 km per second. Our solar system orbits the Milky Way around once every 200 to 210 million years. That the Sun and the Solar System is moving in relation to nearby solar systems and the Milky Way, apart from the orbit of the planets is often "missed" in contemporary science.


Periodic cycles of greater input to output of the Sun As stated earlier, the Sun's periodic cycles of greater input to output correspond to 11.3 to 11.6 years which also happens to correspond to the precise time it takes Jupiter to orbit the Sun. The cycle completes itself over around every 23.5 Earth years. At each turnaround in balance between input and output, there is a period of around 236 days where there is a significant skewing of effect, prior to the Sun reverting back from either greater input to output, or from greater output to input. What this means is that, during periods of time, the Sun provides more particles than usual, or provides less particles than usual. This naturally affects our weather. The variance between a 11.3 to 11.6 year period of less output than input compared to greater output than input is around 1/6th below norm for greater input years and 1/6th above norm for greater output years. As we shall explain in a moment, this is a direct result of the proximity of other star systems and has nothing to do with any internal changes of the Sun of it's own accord. If particles returning to the Sun are in greater numbers, or the Sun is closer to other Solar Systems, the output of the Sun naturally increases. The opposite is also true.


Size of fields and where new inbound material is derived Our Suns particle fields span a region of space around 1.5 light years in radius. It is from this range of space that our Sun derives raw material back to itself. The raw material most important are basic particles such as hydrogen atoms capable of being "picked-up" by photons and carried back to our Sun. The greater the amount of raw material in the 1.5 light year radius region, the higher the input to our Sun and therefore output. This means that while the 23.5 year cycle exists, the variance in solar storms and solar flares (therefore in output of particles to the Earth) varies from cycle to cycle.


Solar Storms (Sun Spots) and solar flares Solar storms (known as sunspots) which can be several times larger than the entire Earth, appear to be darker than the rest of the Sun's surface only because their temperatures are about 4000 degrees C, are at least 1000 degrees lower than that of the surrounding surface, or photosphere. If a sunspot could be seen shining on its own, its brightness would be greater than that of a nearby arc-lamp. Solar storms are a reflection of a greater amount of inbound particles back to the Sun than output , while solar flares are the reverse. Similar to Earth, solar storms are created when inbound particles react with outbound particles causing storms and a general lowering of output as the particles interact. Solar storms, however do correspond to greater levels of magnetic and electrical particle field activity with the Earth that can and does affect our satellite and radiowave communication transmissions.


The importance of solar storm activity levels and indication of proximity of neighboring solar systems The Sun itself, appears to only vary the difference between input cycle and output cycle by around 1/4 to 1/3rd. Yet since the study of solar storms began (around late 18th Century (around 1770's), scientists have identified major periods of high particle volume output to the Earth compared to low particle volume to the Earth. This signifies an independent cycle occurring to simply the 23.5 year cycle of the Sun's pattern of greater or lesser output. As the fuel catchment area for our Sun is around 1.5 light year radius in all directions, then there is only one explanation when the Sun's fields pick up higher than average levels of particles back to the Sunthat our Solar System's proximity to its neighboring solar systems is closer than normal.


The proximity of stars to other stars affects their field input/output levels of our Sun What we mean is that the cycles of higher overall output or lower overall output is directly related to the position of our Solar System in respect to our neighbour stars. When we are further away, then our Sun produces less output on average than when we are close to other solar systems. On Earth this would correspond to periods of above average temperatures (closer to other stars) and below average temperatures (further away from neighbour stars), apart from the basic 2 x 11.7 year cycles of the Sun itself. This means by virtue of the output levels of our Sun, we know when our Solar System is closer to its neighbours than other times.


The longer cycles of our Sun's output Given the data provided in Sun Spot activity, it appears that several factors affect the volume of input and output of our Sun:

There appears to be a constant cycle of five to seven 23.5 year cycles where input and output of Sun increases = closer proximity to neighboring Solar System Alpha Centauri;

There appears to be a disrupting factor with the smooth increase and decrease of input and output from our Sun occurring around every 86 years, when there is a sudden volume increase followed by decrease. This must correspond to another Star (most likely Sirius) and is a pattern reacting independently to the pattern of Alpha Centauri on our Sun's input and output. There appears to be around a 102 to 105 year cycle where Sun Spot activity = close to 0. The two periods recorded were around 1812 and around 1913/4. Interestingly, these two years correspond to severe European winters. This is most likely when our Sun is furthest from Sirius and Alpha Centauri.


Probably no other objects in the solar system have historically had so much interest as the reoccurring arrival of comets. For centuries there have been wild speculations as to what comets are made of and the reason for their arrival. In human history, comets are the principal astronomical phenomena on which many of the ancient images of "Gods" were based. Interestingly (and importantly) comets have historically been considered purveyors of doom. The great "Garuda" bird was said to spit fire from its breath. We now know that a comets tail can be easily described at certain periods of its journey around the Sun as resembling the foot of a fowl.


The structure of comets Comets are essentially made up of water molecules, oxygen, carbon and hydrogen. During their closest path around the Sun, it is the burning of Hydrogen and Oxygen plus the effect in the Sun's particle fields ( the closer the comet is to the Sun) that gives a Comet its tail or fire. The core of a comet, is usually no more than a few kilometres wide. However, a comets tail, made mostly of hydrogen can be some tens of millions of kilometres long. Comets remain largely invisible until they come on their closest path to the Sun. The closer to the Sun, the brighter their tail, and vice versa.


Why do comets do what they do? There are two ways to answer the question of why comets do what they do: (a) Understanding comets as having a specific purpose to a living organism called the Solar System; (b) Understanding the laws that cause this to happen. As a living organism The Sun needs extra supplies of Hydrogen to avoid dipping into its own reserves and therefore lessening its life as a Hydrogen fusion entity. While its particle fields clean up loose hydrogen from the edges of the Solar System boundaries within the Oort cloud, it is a much more difficult proposition in getting Hydrogen from outside the solar systems

protective barrier and back to the Sun safely. The simple reason is that that the particle fields of "other" Suns are also hunting for elusive hydrogen. What is required are regular orbiting objects capable of breaking through the Oort cloud and returning ladened with hydrogen and trailing hydrogen. This is exactly what Comets do. We know that comets attract large quantities of Hydrogen because of their effect on the Sun. We visibly see changes in the output of the Sun after the arrival of a large sized comet. Let's put this another way. We see an object 1.4 million km across change its output after the arrival of something maybe a few kilometres across! What we have failed to observe is the funnel of hydrogen that pours into the Sun's atmosphere, having been dragged at high speed behind the cometbillions of tonnes of it! The scientific explanation Comets are attracted to returning towards the Sun because of the attraction of their basic Hydrogen and Oxygen composition to the largest Hydrogen structure in the local region, the Sun. They are aided by their pull in and push out by the tremendous magnetic and subatomic particle fields of the Sun. At their furthest proximity from the Sun, the magnetic particle fields of the Sun are at their weakest. However, as the Comet "picks up" more and more Hydrogen from the outer lying regions of the Oort clouds, the gravitational effect of the Sun begins to take hold. Comets become heavier. Thus, they slowly but surely begin to be attracted back towards the Sun, fully ladened. 11.5.3 Heavy ladened water comets are attracted to Earth Just as comets provide extra hydrogen to the Sun, heavy ladened water comets are attracted to the Earth as they head back towards the Sun. This is especially so for the more regular comets that take shorter orbits to the edge of the Oort cloud such as the Comet Encke. Comets such as Encke that periodically has a close orbit to Earth ( depending on the position of the Earth at the time) comes close enough to the Earth for parts to "break off" and enter our atmosphere. Certainly this is supported by the wealth of historical information documented in ancient cultures about the general doom associated with comets.

11.6 Asteroids and meteorites

As we will be discussing asteroids and meteorites in greater detail ( especially in Chapter 14- Life on Earth), this section provides a summary of their general classification. Asteroids- Asteroids are large objects ranging from 100m to 300 km in

diameter. Meteorites are objects ranging from less than a metre in length to 100m in diameter. Asteroids and meteorites are basically made up of the same material. For the purpose of later chapters, we can classify asteroids into three broad groups: C asteroids- are the darkest asteroids, rich in hydrated silicates and carbon; they are the most numerous ( about 60%) particularly in the outer regions of the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter; S asteroids have the spectral characteristics of rocky bodies and are mainly made up of pyroxenes and silicates. M asteroids made up of mostly iron and nickel. These type are very abundant among the Apollo- Amor group and in the inner regions of the main belt of asteroids of our Solar System.


When we observe the planets we can most readily observe ( our own solar system), we consider these to be the way all planets are. Yet what if we could view not just the detailed personalities of the planets of our solar system, but their innate- their core nature? Further than that, what if we could classify planets according to the core nature? In the model of UCA, planets themselves should be considered as objects that have relationships of a basically similar nature to their own, just as we see with unita, super sub atomic particles, sub atomics, atoms and molecules. Each planet exhibits base characteristics that determines its attractiveness to a sun, its orbit distance and relationship to other planets. In this way, we seek to understand the architecture within solar systems to explain the orbit paths and habits of planets.

These are in fact universal features.


Planet properties
If you have ever been stuck in a car behind a large truck on a dirt highway, you know about turbulence. Sometimes, stones and rocks can be thrown up with enough velocity to shatter a windscreen. Trucks such as the forty plus Tonne road trains in the Australian outback can hike along at over 110 kph, with a hundred metre trail of dust behind. We also know that such large objects also rapidly compress the density of particles in front of them, causing a kind of shock wave effect. You may have experienced the phenomena of almost being blown over at an underground rail station by the preceding shockwave of an arriving train. The space between the Sun and the Earth has no where as many particles per square metre as the lower atmosphere on Earth. In fact the temperature of the upper Earth atmosphere is just -30 degrees Celsius.

But when we talk about something the size of the Earth, we are talking about a 59,000 million million million tonne truck traveling down the desert highway of space at over 100 km per second. In relative terms, even with less particles in space, we are talking about a massive shockwave preceding the Earth and a part of Earth's atmosphere at any particular time that is under much greater pressure than the rest of the atmosphere of the planet. That we have never considered this effect is a crucial misunderstanding of the founding cycles of the weather and everything about our atmosphere and therefore the conditions for life on Earth. We know for example that the Sun delivers us radiation as well as het, sunlight and the accompanying hydrogen and helium atoms, the electrons arriving separately. What we are saying about the wave front is that pressures increase to such a point that an amazing change in atomic structures occur in the upper atmosphere. When the wavefront corresponds in the same region to high levels of sunlight, we have weak nuclear fusion and strong chemical fusion. When we are further away from the Sun and the wavefront corresponds to the same region, less complex atomic structures are formed. 11.8.1 Different Regions The closest time the Earth is near the Sun is March and September. These periods also correspond to the times where the Equator is the closest regions to the Sun in our rotation and tilt, along with the wavefront region shifting from the South, to the Centre and then North. During this period, we see the hottest and dry period for the Equator as being March to September. We also see the main period of oxygen production in the upper atmosphere. The furthest periods for the Earth to the Sun is December and June. Summer in Europe in June and in Australia in December/January. What we see is that in June, it is latitude 23.5 North that is the wavefront region as well as the region with the most exposure to the Sun, the reversal being true for December. In this period, we see less complex atomic structures forming in the atmosphere.

Alignment of the wavefront and greatest exposure to sunlight . When we see both the wavefront and the exposure to sunlight being the one and the same region, we see hot dry weather at the Equator and hot but balmy weather the further South you go (in Southern summer) and the further North you go (in Northern summer).
11.8.2 The cycle of sunlight and shockwave region All regions from around 30 degrees latitude South and 30 degrees latitude North undergo the same cycle as below.

Spring- Thaw (slow warmth)

Greater exposure to sunlight without shockwave. Gentle beginning. Nestling of life.

Spring storms- (arrival of wavefront)

Wave front arrives and takes over while the region is still thawing. Storms are created as less density (still colder than summer) levels of particles are pushed to move.

Wave front now over head along with sunlight= hot days. Hot days come with the advent of summer and the combination of wavefront and greatest density of particles from the Sun.

Late summer storms

The angle of greatest sunlight shifts away- for the North, it heads South in Late July, early August. For the South, it heads North in late February, early March. Once again we see storms as the relative density of particles decreases of its own accord, while the pressures remain.

Autumn chill
Then we see the wavefront slowly shift and the rapid onset of cold when the wavefront moves away, also contributing to cooler conditions.

Now, both the wavefront and the high density of sunlight particles are being enjoyed by other regions of the Earth. This is the gentlest period of the year. The same is true for the equator but for opposite reasons when the sunlight and wavefront are at their maximum. 11.8.3 The shifting orbit Thanks to the thinking of Isaac Newton and other great physicists, we now know that the Earth orbits the Sun at a distance of approximately 144 to 147 million miles radius. We also know the gravity effect on the Earth's surface to be around 9.8m per sec, per sec. But has this always been the case? Amazingly, the concept that the Earth could orbit at different radial distances from the Sun during its life has never seriously been considered. Nor has the orbit rate of 24 hours per day, nor has the concept of variations in the effects of gravity. Yet everything we have considered so far points to the understanding that at different times of its life, the sun has produced more output than input. And during its lifetime, our Sun has also produced less output than it does today. When this occurs- the stronger (denser) the field attraction, the compression of the object occurs- things get closer. In other words, during much stronger periods of output by the Sun, the Earth has orbited at distances less than 144 million miles from the Sun. The result would also have been an increase in gravity and a shortening of the day to less than 24 hours. This would have meant much hotter and wetter conditions than the Earth today. It would have favored and even promoted large "cold" blooded creatures with large masses capable of dissipating heat and water-proof. The fact remains, the concept that planets can and do alter their orbit distance from the Sun depending upon what is happening with the Sun

from its local neighbours is a foreign, yet fundamental concept to contemporary scientists. It answers the question- why the dinosaurs were the way they werenot because they could.. because they were the ideal adapted species during a time in the life of the Earth when we were much closer to the Sun, greater gravity and shorter days. This understanding should have profound implications on the restructuring of any scientific disciplines on their interpretation of the geological and life history of Earth.


The inner planets

Content is missing at the start of this section that needs to be replaced Mercury Mercury is 4,878 km in diameter about 40 percent of that of the Earthand of high density with a large core consisting mainly of iron, partly molten. The surface of Mercury is very hot, varying at midday according to the distance from the Sun from 285 degrees C to 415 degrees C. Because of the lack of blanketing atmosphere the nighttime temperature is very low down to about -175 degrees C. There is very little atmosphere because such daytime temperatures excite any atmospheric particles to a level of energy that allows their escape from the very low gravity of the planet. Mercury has a magnetic field that, although much lower than that on Earth is still strong enough to deflect solar wind, streaming past it. The American Mariner spacecraft passed close to Mercury in 1974 and 1975 and showed that the surface is covered with impact craters very similar to those on our Moon. The largest crater, named the Caloris Basin because it is one of the hottest areas (from the Latin calor "heat') of the planet, is about 1,300 km across. The Sun is directly over this crater when Mercury is at its nearest point to the Sun (perihelion). The floor of the Caloris basin is broken up into ridges. Mercury is not so heavily cratered as the Moon and has extensive plains free from cratering.


Venus 12,100 km in diameter and 108 million km from the Sun. No moons, rotates once in 243-4 days, orbits the Sun, once in 224.7 days. The second minor planet, in order outwards from the Sun, is Venus, sometimes known as the "morning' star or "evening star" because it is clearly visible from Earth around sunrise and sunset. Because of its dense, silvery atmosphere, Venus is highly conspicuous as the brightest object in the night sky after the Moon. It is a solid globe 12,104 km diameter and most closely resembles Earth in size, mass and distance from the Sun. Its orbit around the Sun is almost circular with a radius of about 108 million km, and one orbit takes 225 Earth days, a Venusian year. Unlike the other planets, Venus rotates in the opposite direction to that of the

Sun's rotation- probably because of the gravitational pull on it of the Earth. This retrograde rotation is, however, very slow taking 243 Earth days. The Venusian day is thus longer than its year. The atmosphere is dense and hot and consist largely of carbon dioxide with swirling vapor clouds of sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid and hydrofluoric acid. This dense atmosphere prevents loss of heat and maintains the surface temperature of the planet at a constant 475 degrees C- hot enough to melt lead. It also exerts a pressure at the surface of the planet some 90 times that of the Earths atmospheric pressure. The surface of Venus appears to be between 100 million and 1 billion years old and is covered with craters, folded mountain ranges and areas of lava flow and faults, indicating a history of turbulent volcanic activity and impact from large meteors. There are features resembling river beds- probably caused by flowing lava and flat circular areas without definite craters. 11.9.3 Earth The Earth is 12,756 km in diameter and orbits at an average of around 149 million km from the Sun. Our Earth is the third planet from the Sun. The planet is inclined on an axis approximately 23.5 degrees to the Sun and rotates on its axis on average every 23 hours 56 minutes. The planet itself orbits around the Sun on average around once every 365.24 Earth days. Our planet has one moon, with the name Moon. It is approximately 3,475km in diameter (0.273 times the size of the Earth) and orbits at an average distance of around 384,199 km from the Earth (about 30.1 times the diameter of the Earth). The moon orbits our planet at the equatorial plane of the Sun and in the same anti-clockwise motion of the Sun to the Earth. The Moon orbits in relation to our planet once every 29.5 days ( a lunar month). The Moon itself rotates on in its axis once every 27.3 days. However, since the Moon's rotation of itself and rotation of the Earth approximate the same period, the moon tends to present the same hemisphere (or face) to use and therefore we never see the 'dark side. Of particular interest is the age of the Earth and the Moon. Rocks returned by US astronauts have shown that both the Earth and the Moon are approximately the same age. Therefore, unlike the giant planets of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune which appear to have "captured" via gravity many of their moons, the Earth's moon was formed during the same birth time of the Earth. Its major surface difference can then be explained by the higher ratio of meteorite and asteroid hits and therefore dust and debris settling with the Moons gravity over hundreds of millions of years. While the Earth is significantly smaller that the Sun, our planet is mostly an Iron (26 atomic number), Silicon (14 atomic number) and Oxygen (8 atomic number) planet versus Hydrogen (1 atomic number). In terms of surface, the Earth is predominantly covered by oceans of water molecules (around 70.8%). Only around 149 million square kilometres is land. What is not fully comprehended is what substance makes up the core

of our planet. Interestingly, speculation over centuries believed that the core of our planet was made of something precious like Gold. Given our understanding of the formation of star systems via nebulae, the core and inner most regions of the Earth should by rights be made of the most basic of material from the explosion of the nebulae, while the regions closer to the surface are more complex in atomic number. This is contrary to contemporary science that believes the atomic weight of material closer to the core should increase. As we know this does not make sense in terms of the logical creation of the planet. We conclude therefore that the core of the Earth is made up of the most valuable substance in the Universe (which incidentally is not Gold) but super compressed hydrogen. It is this core that determines why the Earth orbits at the position it does relative to the Sun, not the layers of more complex atomic structures covering the core. We explain this by "likeness attracts likeness". Our likeness is our super dense, super pressured inner core of hydrogen that incidentally is the reason why our planet remains relatively stable in structure (the pressure outwards of the hydrogen, compensates for the pressure inwards of the higher elements). Rotation and orbit speed differentials Contrary to popular understanding, the rotation and orbital speeds of the Earth are not constant. The Earth's orbit speed increases during two periods of the year December to March and from June to September. In contrast, there are two periods when the motion of the Earth around the Sun slows down from March to June and from September to December. Weather and Seasons The Earth is closest to the Sun at two periods called the Northern Spring Equinox (20-21st March) and the Southern Spring Equinox (2021 September). This is called Perihelion and the distance from the Sun is around 147 million km. There are two periods where the Earth is furthest away from the Sun the Northern Summer Solstice (20-21 June) and the Southern Summer Solstice (20-21 December). This is called Aphelion and the distance from the Sun is around 152 million km. Contrary to popular science, it is the effect of exposure to particles from the Sun, combined with the relative position of the shockwave front that explains the different weather effects and temperatures on the planet (as explained earlier in this chapter). Calendars and dates Due to the historical usage of (a modified) yearly calendar first implemented by Roman Emperor Julius Caesar around 45BC, all Western calendars are continuously out-of-sync with the true cycle of the Earth. In 3 years out of 4, almost all societies of humanity use a 365 day calendar. In leap years (the 4th year), the error is "corrected", by adding an extra day to account for four years of an extra .24 days.

This makes leap years the only years that get close to providing an accurate measure of the Earth's orbit cycle around the Sun. The most accurate calendar used by an society to measure the years appears to be the Mayan Civilization (up until 600AD). By calculating the year into 18 months of 20 days, plus a 5 period of "clean up", their calendar was accurate to within a few minutes, even after thirty to forty years, compared to our present day calendars that continue to slip and slide out of date by some multiple hours. 11.9.4 Mars 6800 km in diameter and 228 million km from the Sun. Two moons, rotates once in 25 hours, orbits the Sun once in 687 days. Known as the 'red planet', because of the prominence of iron oxide (rust) in its soil and dust, Mars is closer in its characteristics to the Earth than any other planet. Its diameter is about 6,800 km just over half that of Earth- but its mass is only about one tenth that of Earth. The Martian year is equal to 1.88 earth years, and the day is only 37 minutes longer than the Earth's day. Both planets have a titled axis of rotation so that different amounts of sunlight fall on each hemisphere at different times of the year, causing seasonal weather changes. The difference between the Martian summer and winter is, however more extreme than on earth because its orbit round the Sun is more elliptical and the distance from the Sun varies from 206 million km to 249 million km. This difference of 43 million km means that the southern hemisphere of Mars receives 40 percent more solar radiation when nearest to the Sun (perihelion) than when furthest away (aphelion), giving a warm summer and a cold winter. The northern hemisphere has a cool summer and a mild winter. temperatures at the equator can range from 10 degrees C to -75 degrees C. The distance of Mars from Earth varies from 50 million km to 100 m km and the closest approach to Earth occurs every 15 or 17 years. The Martian atmosphere is very thin- about one per cent of that of Earth- and consists mainly of carbon dioxide with some nitrogen and argon along with traces of oxygen and water vapor The atmospheric pressure is very low. The surface details of Mars have always been difficult to make out because optical observation have to be made through two atmospheres, but thousands of pictures taken by Mariner and Viking spacecraft landed on Mars in 1976 and took many close up photographs of the rock-strewn surface of dusty reddish plains. There are many inactive volcanoes, one 24 km high; large numbers of flat bottomed craters from meteorite impacts, especially in the southern hemisphere a huge rift valley near the equator running east for 3,000 km and many smaller valleys and canyons. That these were caused by water erosion is by no means implausible. At each pole is white cap of snow, ice and frozen carbon dioxide that changes size with the seasons, reaching as far as 45 degrees latitude in the wintertime. Frosty crater rims protrude upwards through the snow.

Most scientists believe that there is considerable water on Mars in the form of a permafrost. At various periods in the past, floods of water have occurred. No liquid water can, however exist today as, because of the low atmospheric pressure, it would immediately vaporize and circulate to the poles where it would freeze. The darker areas on mars sometimes appear even darker when the polar ice caps regress. Dust storms are common on Mars and these sometimes cover almost the whole planet in a red haze. No conclusive evidence of any kind of biological activity or organic chemical compounds has ever been found on Mars. Mars has two satellites (moons) Phobos and Deimon- discovered in 1877 by the American astronomer Asaph Hall (1829-1907) during the same approximation to Earth of Mars in which Giovanni Schiaperelli drew his famous map. 11.9.5 The inner asteroid belt The inner asteroid belt is located around 350 to 650 million km from the Sun. It contains some millions of meteorites, averaging between a few metres and up to 2 km in diameter. The asteroid belt is relatively stable, largely due to the interaction of the Sun's particle fields and Jupiter's particle fields effectively "parking" debris around this region.

11.10 The outer planets

Beyond the asteroid belt lie the outer planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto- four giants and one midget. The distance of the inner planets from the Sun seems a mere step by comparison with the vast and increasing distances between the outer planets. These extend out into the col vastness of space, so far from the Sun that the most remote can hardly be seen from the Earth even with the best terrestrial telescopes. Even so, with the sole exception of Pluto, we have a remarkable amount of detailed knowledge of them all. 11.10.1 Jupiter 148,000 km in diameter at its Equator and 778 million km from the Sun. 16 known moons, rotates once every ten hours, orbits the Sun once in 11.86 years. Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system and the fifth out from the Sun, which orbits at a distance of 778.3 million km- over five times the distance of the Earth from the Sun. Its composition is very different from that of the Earth. It has an inner solid-rock core surrounded by a liquid zone and a massive atmosphere. Most of Jupiter consists of hydrogen and helium indicates that these elements were attracted to the massive core by gravitation in the course of the formation of the planet. Jupiter can be considered to represent a failed star. If it has been several times larger, its gravitational field would have produced core temperatures and pressure high enough to start off a nuclear fusion reaction, using the plentiful supply of hydrogen fuel. Because so much of Jupiter consists of hydrogen and helium, its

average density is very low- about 1.3 g per cubic cc. Jupiter spins on its axis at a tremendous speed for anything so large, and rotates completely in just under ten Earth hours. This speed causes it to deviate considerably from a spherical shape and its diameter at the equator- 142,800 km is over 9000 km greater than the distance between the North and South poles. Such a shape, a flattened sphere is called an oblate spheroid. The Jovian atmosphere consists almost entirely of hydrogen and helium, with traces of water vapor, methane, ammonia, hydrogen sulphide and various other organic compounds. The atmosphere is believed to contain heavily layers of clouds of different colours, forming orange-brown coloured bands, readily visible by telescope from Earth and described as belts. Lightning storms and auroras are common and these were observed by the Voyager spacecraft in 1979. Strong east and west winds sweep round parallel to the equator. The high internal temperature means that the electrons are stripped off hydrogen atoms making them electrically charged particles ( ions). The rotation currents of these ions around the core of the planet produces a powerful magnetic field 4,000 times stronger than that of the Earth. The axis of this field does not quite coincide with the axis of rotation of the planet so the field wobbles rapidly sending out a strong radio signals. All the other giant outer planets radiate energy, but Jupiter radiates about twice as much as it receives from the Sun, implying that its has an internal energy source. Jupiter has four large moons (over 3,600 km in diameter), which remarkably were detected by Galileo in 1610, using one of the first astronomical telescopes. These moons- Callisto, Ganymede, Europa and Io- move in a circular orbits around the planet. Ganymede is the largest planetary moon in the solar system. However, Europa is the most remarkable with oceans of water (partly frozen) and signs that the surface of the planet has been torn by glaciation (the same as Earth). However given the life conditions where Europa is located, any likely life on Europa will be at a low level of sophistication (e.g. bacteria, etc). Jupiter are also has numerous smaller bodies and dust particles and a tenuous ring system- much less conspicuous than that of Saturn- of microscopic particles of size close to the wavelength of light. The Tail and front of Jupiter Most importantly from the perspective of understanding a phenomena of planets orbiting the Sun, Jupiter has two fields of asteroids, separate to its ring system that travel just in front and behind the planet. These are called the Trojans and their size and number provide some indication that planets have the capacity to have tails of debris of significant size (some objects in the Trojan fields being as large as 2km across). Why does Jupiter rotate so fast? Jupiter is in the frustrating position of not being large enough yet to produce sufficient internal het to kick along the thermal fusion process to the point of self generating photon and then proton-proton

conversion into Helium- the lowest and most powerful nuclear fusion/fission reaction. Its rotation provides greater pressure and therefore higher temperatures deeper into its atmosphere. This high rotation and temperatures is critically important in the fundamental role of Jupiter. Jupiter is the solar systems magnet, while the Sun is its light and het source. 11.10.2 Saturn Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun, is the most remarkable in appearance on account of its conspicuous ring system. This can easily be seen with a small telescope. Saturn is somewhat smaller than Jupiter and is the second largest of the planets. Its diameter at the equator is 120,660 km and it rotates once in just over ten and a half Earth hours. Like Jupiter its is an oblate spheroid and is composed mainly of hydrogen and helium with a rocky inner core similar to that of Jupiter. Like the other three giant outer planets, Saturn has a dense gaseous atmosphere and it is this that is seen on optical observation. Its density is only about half that of Jupiter, indicating that the core is relatively smaller. Saturn orbits the Sun at an average distance of 1.427 billion km, taking nearly thirty Earth years to do so. The orbit is slightly elliptical and is inclined at a small angle to the Earths orbital plane (the ecliptic plane). The Saturnian atmosphere, largely of hydrogen and helium, shows shifting dark belts and light zones similar to those on Jupiter, but about every 30 years or so, a great white spot appears, thought to consist of frozen ammonia. Like Jupiter, Saturn has a powerful magnetic field. Investigations, mainly by the Voyager spacecraft, showed that most of the ring particles are of ice, of size probably varying from centimetres to metres in diameter and that the structure of the system is far more complex than had been imagined. It actually consists of an elaborate of hundreds of separate ringlets, some of which are elliptical. In addition to the rings, Saturn has the largest satellite moon of all the planets. Over 20 orbiting bodies have been identified and six can easily be seen with a telescope. The largest moon is Titan, which is second in size only to the Jovian moon Ganymede and is the only satellite in the solar system known to have a significant atmosphere. It is largely composed of nitrogen. The atmosphere is determined of the moon of -180 degrees C at which other gases are either liquid or solid form. Some of the other moons are Phoebe, Hyperon, Iapetus, Mimas, Enceldaus, Tethys, Dione, Rhea, Epimetheus and Janus. 11.10.3 Uranus Uranus is the seventh planet and the fourth largest. It is not normally visible to the naked eye. It was first identified as a planet by the British Astronomer William Herschel (1738-1822) in 1781 who at first thought it was a comet. It had been observed previously, but moved so slowly that it was originally thought to be a star. It is nearly 20 times as far from the Sun as is the Earth- some 2.870 billion km and takes over 84 Earth

years for each revolution. Remarkably the axis of Uranus, instead of being perpendicular to the plane of the orbit, lies almost in the plane. This means that in the course of a Uranium year, each pole has 42 years of day followed by 42 years of night. Uranus has a diameter of 51,800 km and a density of 1.1.5 h per cc. Relatively more of the heavier elements, such as carbon, oxygen and nitrogen are present than in Jupiter and Saturn. Its dense atmosphere contains a considerable amount of methane, giving it a bluish colour. Most of this methane is contained in layers of clouds thought to be over 10,000 km thick and this dense cloud covering makes observation difficult. The chief atmospheric gas is hydrogen and, in addition to methane, helium and ammonia are present. On 24 January 1986, eight and a half years after its launch, Voyager 2 sped past Uranus at a distance of only 81,500 km and at a speed of 72,400 kph. because Uranus is so far from the Sun, the ambient light is only about 1/400 that on Earth, so long photographic exposures were needed. This together with the speed of the craft made clear photography very difficult. In the event, little was revealed visually, the planet being seen to be blanketed with a pale blue haze. Observations were, however made of the rate of rotation of the planet and a value of just over 17 Earth hours was obtained. Voyager 2 also confirmed the existence of a strong magnetic field, at least as strong as that of Saturn. Uranus has five major moons, Oberon, Titania, Umbriel, Ariel and Muranda. Voyager 2 obtained remarkable photographs of these moons, especially of Ariel, with detail down to 2.4 km. The spacecraft also discovered 10 new moons ranging in size from about 16 km to 160 km in diameter. The planet also has an inconspicuous system of at least 11 dark rings. 11.10.4 Neptune The eighth planet from the Sun, Neptune is the most remote and least known of the giants. Its position was predicted before it was seen. It is so far from the Sun 4.497 billion km that it reflects too little light to be seen with the naked eye. One revolution of this enormous orbit takes no less time than 164.793 Earth years and the planet rotates on its own axis probably in about 18 hours. Neptune is 49,500 km in diameter and its spectrum shows that it is composed of hydrogen, methane and probably ethane. It is a very cold planet with a temperature well below -200 degrees C and its has two moons. Triton and Nereid. The former 2,720 km in diameter, is probably the coldest body in the solar system. It has ice caps of frozen methane, liquid nitrogen and water. In addition, there are at least six other smaller satellites ranging in size from 50 to 200 km in diameter. Voyager 2 passed Neptune barely 4,850 km above the surface on 24 August 1989 and sent back thousands of remarkably clear images by radio. These showed a turbulent world beset by massive storms sweeping around its equator at 1,000 km per hour. The planet is covered with banks of silvery cirrus, thin, wispy clouds extending out some 50 km from the watery surface. The atmosphere consists

largely of hydrogen, helium and methane and its core is of molten rock. Neptune has four remarkable incomplete, thin dust rings. The images of Triton were of astonishing detail, showing great canyons, craters and peaks. 11.10.5 Pluto Pluto is the ninth planet, the smallest most remote and the least known. Even the largest of telescopes show it as no more than a featureless blob. Its distance from the Sun averages 5.970 billion km, but its orbit is very eccentric and brings it inside the orbit of Neptune at its closest approach. Fortunately their paths do not cross. Pluto takes around 246 Earth years to move once round the Sun. It has a diameter of about 4,000 km and probably consists of a rocky, silicate core surrounded by a blanket of ice of various gases and liquids including methane frost. When furthest from the Sun, the planet is probably covered with methane snow. And there is methane in the very thin atmosphere. Pluto has one moon, Charon which was discovered in 1978 and which is about half Pluto's diameter- so large compared with Pluto that they really should be considered a two planetary system.

11.11 The important patterns within our solar system

While clearly patterns exist within our solar system and potentially all solar systems, it is sometimes difficult to find out exactly what these patterns are, or represent. In this section, we outline some important patterns and consider their implication for possibly other star systems. 11.11.1 The 144 ratio and life The 144 ratio relates to the size/distance relationship between our sun, brown dwarfs and life zones for planets/moons. 144 is recognized as a ratio evident in calculating the size of hydrogen and helium burning stars. 144 x 1 million is the diameter of our star, the sun. 144 million is roughly the circumference of the Earth to the Sun. 144 x 1,000 is the diameter of Jupiter. 11.11.2 The 23.5 ratio and solar season The sun is not a stationary object. It completes a rotation in around 23.5 days. The sun also goes through a cyclical period every 11.4 to 11.8 years of greater input than output or greater output than input.

11.12 The history of our solar system

Here is a test to see if we have a mental block concerning our Solar System- Q has the Solar System always had the same number of planets since its birth? For most of the answer would be yes. This is in spite of the fact that the meteor belts between Mars and Jupiter containing enough mass for 2 Earths.

For some reason, we find it difficult to conceive that there existed more than the 9 planetary objects we currently identify. We are taught this is so by text books that tell us the solar system formed like molten metal and then set like concrete. This is in spite of the obvious evidence of wars between planets and external objects (the surface of Mars for example) as well as the meteorite belts themselves. There are simply too many scars on planets and too many signs of evidence for this view to hold any more credibility. 11.12.1 A symmetrical birth It is almost certain that our Solar System was born within the confines of a symmetrical birth, with planets and objects finding orbit paths and position. Most likely, in our first 2 Billion years of a 6 Billion year cycle there were around 6 inner metallic planets and around 4 outer gas giants. The metallics were probably much larger than they are now (2 times the size of the Earth), with sizeable moons similar to our moon 11.12.2 The massive changes and destiny The most dramatic early shake up of our solar system probably corresponds to the general formation of the Earth in its general mass and the destruction of one of the metallic planets around 4.5 Billion years ago. This period of massive shake up would certainly account for the anomalies associated with the Earth possessing a moon of such mass ( unique to the solar system). Other metallic planets may also have been badly damaged. 11.12.3 The destruction of Mars- 400m years ago It is quite possible and indeed probable that Mars supported life. It almost certainly had oceans and a much thicker crust than it does now. It also probably had one or more moons. yet somewhere between the first major class of calamities that formed the Earth and now, Mars was destroyed as a life bearing planet. Its moon was pulverized as was its surface. It is estimated that Mars has lost up to 50% of its mid crust and all of its original crust. While water would have survived for some period ( during the great winter holocaust of such a devastating period), the planet is now dead. 11.12.4 The destruction of Venus- 200m years ago Venus is a highly volcanically active planet, with toxic clouds and no moon. It is almost certain that Venus encountered some massive event to cause it to be thrown into a strange orbit. Given that the behaviour of Venus is so strange and the surface of the planet is so active, this event probably occurred after the events on Mars and therefore sometime around 200m years ago.


Our nearest neighbour(s)

Our nearest neighbour star system is Alpha Centauri (around 4.3 light years) away. The Alpha Centauri system is a triple Sun system. The two brightest components Alpha Centauri A and Alpha Centauri B form a binary. They orbit each other in 80 years with a mean separation of 23 astronomical units (1 astronomical unit = 1AU = distance between the Sun and the Earth).


Our neighborhood solar systems

If we were to look at a cross section of our position within a radius of 100 parsecs from the Sun, there are about 100 Stars above and below. Of the closest fifteen to twenty stellar systems (solar) systems to our solar system, only around 7 to 8 are within a distance of 10 light years or less. From a distance of 11 light years and on, the number of distant neighborhood solar systems increases significantly.

Nitrogen) forming the majority of structures that make up living organisms. What is significant is that Carbon presents the simplest, stablest, geometrically strongest building block from which the simplest, strongest, lightest elements can combine into literally millions of different shapes. If we follow the rules of creation that have appeared consistent through every other chapter, then it is only natural that the simplest, geometrically strongest atomic structure (Carbon (6 protons)) is the base from which more complex atomic structures (molecules) are formed. For this reason, we can also class the Hydro-Carbon family of molecules the basis of the sixth and final level of matter- the Biologic level- where we see the emergence of fish, animals, bacteria and of course human beings. Having discussed (Simple Carbon-Moleculars -Monomers), we will discuss the first two levels of Hydro-Carbon Biologics (the 6th and final level of matter) being: Complex molecules (hydro carbon and non hydrocarbon life). UCA standard model of hydrocarbon life (Level 6 of element model) Level 1 Polymers Unita Level 2 Mono-cellular Quark, Neutrino, Cosmic

Level 3 Simple species (a-sexual) Mono-neural systems Level 4 Simple species (sexual) Dual-neural systems

Level 5 Complex species (sexual) Triple-Neural systems Level 6 Higher order life (self aware) Triple-Neural systems

Level 1 Complex Carbon-Molecular (Polymers)

Simple Polymers Sugars Fats Amino Acids

Nucleic Acids Complex Polymers Hormones Complex fats Vitamins Proteins Level 2 Simple mono-cellular Hydro-Carbon Biologics

Primordial mono cellular creators

Bacteria and cynobacteria (which are also called prokaryotic cells)

Primordial mono cellular destructive attractors

Viruses Nucleic Acids

Advanced mono cellular creators (ProtozoaSacodina, Ciliata)

Sarcodina- Amoeba, Actinophrys, Diffulgia, Textularia Ciliata- Paramecium, Coleps, Vorticella, Stentor

Advanced mono cellular destructive attractors (Protozoa- Mastigophora)

Euglenids, Trypanosoma, Trichomonas, Codosiga


The evolving meaning attached to "life"

The word "life" and its historic meanings have existed in recorded culture for at least fifteen hundred years. The actual word "life" in English can be attributed to the word "lif" used in Old English and Old Saxon meaning- life, body. The word is linked to the emergence of a religious and social philosophy of European Celtic mythology (around 550AD) that believed human beings possessed a special "quality of life", that vanishes at the point of death. This has often been described as the "essence of life", or the "fifth essence" after fire, water, earth and wind. "Losing" this essence has therefore been historically linked to human death for at least fifteen hundred years. Prior to this period (550AD), there does not appear to be corresponding words in either Ancient Latin or Greek. This supports the argument that the word lif was created in both a social and religious (metaphysical) context. It is no surprise then, that the word "lif " was quickly associated with another philosophical belief that all humans possess a special spirit called the "soul". Philosophers (around 1350AD) speculated that this essence is derived from the presence of the "soul", which at the point of human death leaves the body. The belief of the soul leaving the body at death precedes the concept of the essence of life by at least one thousand years (around 600BC for the first writings on the concept of Soul). Then around 1650, Renne Descartes published a historical work that for the first time provided a scientific basis for proving that human beings are aware and self aware. It was Descartes that wrote the now famous self aware proof of existence "I think, therefore I am." In the past three to four hundred years, the historical usage of the word "life" has been extended to describe a wider quality which all plants and animals on Earth possess before a the state of death. Interestingly, this broadening of the definition of life has almost a direct correlation to the advancement of science into atomic and biologic areas. Every time science has proven that more objects in the Universe share similar qualities to humans, the philosophical definition of life has appeared to widen around ten to twenty years after the discovery. In the last sixty years, a further attribute to what is "life", has been assigned being the quality of awareness. Therefore, almost all modern interpretations on the meaning of life includes as part of the definition of life a state of "awareness".


The historical development of the word "life" and the awakening of humanity That humanity fifteen hundred years ago recognized a special quality

of being human and classified it as lif is the beginning of an amazing journey that has as its destination-today. That Descartes linked the unique quality of being human "life" as being definable through awareness " I think etc." is equally important. Since the emergence of the word "life" fifteen hundred years ago, we have seen the growth of the word, to mean that all things in the Universe possess this same special essence, which we can openly define as both awareness and life meaning the same thing. Indeed, everything you have read so far has shown that in order for the Universe to exist, the existence of the UCA had to precede the Universe's birth. We also saw that the only way to adequately describe the foundation of the Universe is via awareness, projected into dimension (in other words a "dream"). Furthermore, we have seen that the only way of making perfect sense of each and every level of matter is to understand that each particle has a unique perspective of the Universe and what its does and wants to do. Therefore, the words life and awareness, life and awareness of matter, life and the Universe are all wholly interchangeable. By the modern "evolved" definition of life- everything in the Universe is very much alive. Only levels of unique self awareness change. Awareness as a whole never dies, only grows. That we have reached this expanded definition of life now, at the beginning of the 21st century is a profound philosophical event as significant as any recent scientific discovery or cure for a disease. The awesome importance of humanity culturally permitting the expanded definition of life (that the Universe is alive) is not yet fully comprehended by 20th Century thinking philosophers or religious leaders. It has literally paved the way to the opening of understanding of what is awareness and Unique Collective Awareness. (An interesting correlation exists in the general community acceptance of universal awareness (life) and the timing of this book at the beginning of the 21st Century, instead of 100 years ago or 200 years ago. In many ways, this book has arrived at a point where our awareness has never been greater and at the same time misaligned in certain key areas.) 12.2.2 Every particle in the Universe (UCA) is uniquely self aware and therefore "alive" Every complex particle is aware and "alive" It is an inherent understanding of the previous five chapters of this book that in order for the Universe to physically exist and function, every Unita in the Universe is uniquely self aware. We have seen that the behaviour of particles seeming to be invisible, or "vanish" (in the case of electrons when they move sufficiently away from much larger particles) are directly attributable to the unique perceptions of atomic structures as "living" entities. Further, we now understand that all behaviour at all levels of matter come from a perception of reality, not the underlying reality of the universe (which is a dream anyway). What this means is that everything by scientific definition can be said to be aware and therefore capable of being classed as "alive".


There is no "line in the sand" that divides life and non-life We saw that certain types of bonds occur at certain levels of matter and therefore certain levels and sophistication of self-awareness. We also saw that under certain conditions, groups of particles are able to form more complex shapes (personalities of unique-self awareness) and group into even more complex, specialized shapes (personalities of unique self-awareness). From what we have discussed in this chapter, we can see that it is incorrect to classify an atom as non-alive and a molecule as being alive. It would be correct however, to describe an atom as being less structurally complex-less uniquely self aware/complex behaviour/unique personality compared to a molecule. Therefore the question is what level of life or matter you wish to speak about? It may be from the Unita to Quarks and Electron Neutrinos, or from Atoms to Molecules. In all cases, there are clear boundaries between levels of complex shape and self-aware living personalities. Our developed sense of unique self awareness as humans is as a direct result of the level of complex structure, density of particles, variety of specialization of communities of matter that adds up to our uniqueness of personality (behaviour). That we are more self aware than say a fish is in large part to the desire of the workings of all matter on the Earth toward this goal. The bottom line is that there is no line between living matter and nonliving matter in the Universe. There is only the level of unique-physical complexity and therefore unique-self awareness in form. As we have now stated repeatedly, it is the simplicity and ease with which HydroCarb-Oxygen based combinations can form under certain conditions that results in them being the basis for such things as human life.


The six levels of hydro-carbon biologics

As we stated at the beginning of this chapter, Hydro-Carbon Biologics are the sixth and final level of matter in the Universe. Hydro Carbon Biologics can then be divided into six levels UCA standard model of hydrocarbon life (Level 6 of element model) Level 1 Polymers Unita Level 2 Mono-cellular Quark, Neutrino, Cosmic

Level 3 Simple species (a-sexual) Mono-neural systems Level 4 Simple species (sexual) Dual-neural systems

Level 5 Complex species (sexual) Triple-Neural systems

Level 6 Higher order life (self aware)

Triple-Neural systems

e.g. Humans, some well developed emotive animals, e.g. dogs. 12.3.1 What will be covered in this chapter Level 1 Complex Carbon-Molecular (Polymers) Some of these we have already discussed in Chapter 8, e.g. sugars, fats, Amino Acids and Nucleic Acids. In this chapter, we will introduce the next level of polymers- complex polymers. Level 2 Simple mono-cellular Hydro-Carbon Biologics We will introduce the nature and classification of cellular life in this chapter, from primordial asexual cells, to species cells. We will introduce the concept that we, as humans live in a cellular universe level of the dream and that the most abundant life on planet Earth is mono-cellular. We will also look at the common components of a cell and what makes the Hydro-Carbon cell so important.

12.4 Level 1 Life- Polymers

Unfortunately, the word polymer is most often associated with "human made" molecules. In fact, it is the same term used to describe complex molecules made from the basic structures (e.g. tri's pentas,Hex's) we described in Chapter 8 (Molecules). A Polymer is a grouping of two or more monomer molecules (e.g. pairs, tri's penta's, hex's) The key complex polymers to all Level I, Hydro-Carbon Biologics we will now outline are: Simple Polymers Sugars Fats Amino Acids Nucleic Acids Complex Polymers Hormones Complex fats

Vitamins Proteins Hormones will also be discussed in more detail in the next chapter (13Higher organized life).


Level 1 Life- Simple Polymers- Fat

Complex fats

In Chapter 8, we introduced the simple fat polymer. Fats are the simplest and most stable building structure in cellular construction along with Polysaccharides, as well as being a potential food source (Hydrogen, Oxygen and building components). While complex sugars are more sensitive to greater het and col extremes, complex fats are more stable over a wider temperature range. The combination of 3 fat molecules and a glycerol molecule creates the complex polymer Triglyceride ( commonly called fat). 2 tryglycerides normally form the basis of a cellular wall (membrane) of all Earth based hydro-carbon Biologics.

Triglycerides and water What makes fat special, apart from structural strength is that fats are particularly attractive to water molecules, that attach at the Hydrogen edges and "bond" between the structures. Water molecules in a tight matrix, in turn trap ergon particles, especially the particles of het. When we think of fat in the human body in terms of mass, the greatest proportion is water! When people put on weight, the majority of the increased mass is water "trapped" by a matrix of fat. Burning "fat" and losing weight It is a popular belief of health specialists, nutritionists and weight loss promoters that the key to losing weight is by "burning' fat. However, as we have just explained, the majority of mass from a high fat diet is water. The human body breaks down excess fat for fuel and building components slowly, predominantly breaking down sugars first. It is why exercise to "burn" fat requires extended high performance for 40 minutes or more ( e.g. 10km run). Complex solid reactors created by the pancreas of vertebrate animals however, dissolves the oxygen backbone of fats, creating carbon acid residue. These complex polymers ( to be discussed in a moment) are the

most efficient known agents of fat breakdown and are released without the need of exercise in periods of positive neural stimulation. In humans, this includes laughing, self contentment and sexual activity.

12.7 Level 1 Life- Simple Polymers- Amino Acids

All proteins are made up from Amino Acids. Amino Acids ( like polysaccharides) are polymers. All Amino Acids are combinations of an amino lever ( as shown in Chapter 8) and a chemical "tag". The "tag" components of Amino Acids themselves are made up of simpler molecular combinations. 20 different Amino Acids make up the proteins of all living things. The 20 Amino Acids from which all body proteins are constructed are:

alanine - ala - A

arginine - arg - R

asparagine - asn - N

aspartic acid - asp - D

cysteine - cys - C

glutamine - gln - Q

glutamic acid - glu - E

glycine - gly - G

histidine - his - H

isoleucine - ile - I

leucine - leu - L

lysine - lys - K

methionine - met - M

phenylalanine- phe

proline - pro - P

serine - ser - S

threonine - thr - T

tryptophan - trp - W

tyrosine - tyr - Y

valine - val - V

Of the 20 amino acids, 12 can be synthesized in the human body from

other food materials. The remaining 8 cannot be formed in the human body and must be provided in the diet. For this reason they're known as the essential amino acids. Of the structural proteins of the body, the most important is collagen. This is a family of fibrous proteins that form into bundles with high tensile strength. That is, they are capable of withstanding high stresses without breaking. Collagen is the most abundant protein in mammals and makes up about 25% of body weight. Each of the large number of different proteins is formed by stringing these amino acids together in a particular, specific order. A choice of two amino acids from 20 gives 400 permutations. A string of 10 from 20 can be arranged in 100,000,000,000,000 different ways.

12.8 Level 1 Life- Simple Polymers- Nucleic Acids

Nucleic acids are simple molecules which represent the building blocks for both DNA and RNA.

12.9 Level 1 Life- Complex Polymers- Hormones

Hormones are a large series of specialized proteins and other simple

and complex polymers created by specialized body cells that specifically alter the function of all cells with the body of Hydro-Carbon biologics. As such, hormones are the principle chemical messenger system of all complex Hydro-Carbon lifeforms. Since the introduction of the word "hormone" at the turn of the 19th Century, literally hundreds of hormones have been discovered. These hormones can be classed according to their size, molecular make-up and shape:

Proteins 100-500 Amino Acids e.g. Somatropin, Insulin, Prolactin Polypeptides 20-10 Amino Acids eg Sompatropin releasing Factor (STHRF) Peptides 5 to 10 Amino Acids eg Vasopressinb (ADH), Vasoticin,, Oxytocin Sterols 3 to 4 carbon rings eg Progesterone, Aldosterone, Androgen (testosterone) Polymers ( neurotransmitters) 10 to 30 atoms eg Seratonin, Epinephrin (adrenalin) Amino Acids (also neuro transmitters) 10 to 30 atoms eg Gamma (GABA), Histamine
The confusion of multi-use and multi-classification Probably no class of specialized complex polymers has been as confusing as hormones, in that many substances classed as hormones ( e.g. proteins) are also classed elsewhere, creating confusion. It is only in recent years that it has come to be generally accepted that many polymers ( such as Amino Acids and even simple molecules such as NO) have multi-purposes within a living organism. The interaction and link between levels of hormones An important feature of hormones is the common grouping of polymers of different levels and sizes as functional groups. For example, the production and release of the protein Somatropin is co0ordinated with the smaller polypeptide hormones Somatropin releasing Factor (STHRF) and Somatropin Release Inhibiting factor (STHRIF). Thus the hundreds of hormones can be classified also by the membership of functional groupings. The Sterols (Steroids) Sterols ( Steroids) consist of carbon and hydrogen atoms arranged in four rings, three with six carbon atoms and one with five. These rings are linked together to form a basic structure common to all the steroids, to which various chemical groups are attached to form the specific types. The major steroids include: o Major bile salt of glycocholate o Cortisone o Testosterone o Progesterone o Aldosterone o Oestrogens

What makes Sterols particularly important is that they are the primary chemical messengers for the release and closure of certain chemical code (DNA) strands. Steroids enter the cell passively and then bind to specific receptor sites. Cholesterol's basic structure is very similar to a steroid. However Chrolesterol also binds within the blood vessels of a living organism and is responsible for the regulation of fat transport in the blood stream. As the level of Cholesterol indicates the levels of fat within the blood stream, medical practitioners use Cholesterol levels as a measure linked to blood pressure (blood flow, that may be restricted due to fatty build up). Hormones traveling along parallel pathways A particular feature of hormones as the body's fundamental chemical messengers is that they travel along the established pathways of a living organism's systems such as neural/nervous system, blood system and immune system as well as specific cell systems ( e.g. brain, heart, liver). Common functions of hormones across complex species As we have seen at different levels of matter, common traits of purpose and behaviour appear across all levels. The same applies with hormones, with research revealing hormones of the human being serving the same purpose as hormones within less developed biologics. In other words, the hormone seratonin is the same shape and performs the same function across all animals with neural systems. Hormones to be discussed later As hormones play such a fundamental role as the bodies chemical messenger system, we will discuss the role of hormones and the parts of organisms that produce and control them in later chapters (Ch13Higher organized Life and Ch-15 Human Body and Brain).

12.10 Level 1 Life- Complex Polymers- Vitamins

Vitamins are organic complex polymers that interact with solid protein reactors (enzymes) and soluble protein reactors. There are some 14 generally recognized major vitamins, grouped by water soluble and fat soluble.

Water soluble Vitamin B complex ( containing 9 in the group) Vitamin C Polypeptides 20-10 Amino Acids Vitamin A Vitamin D Vitamin E Vitamin K

12.11 Level 1 Life- Complex Polymers- Fats

In Chapter 8, we introduced the simple fat polymer. Fats are the simplest and most stable building structure in cellular construction along with Polysaccharides, as well as being a potential food source (Hydrogen, Oxygen and building components). While complex sugars are more sensitive to greater het and col extremes, complex fats are more stable over a wider temperature range. The combination of 3 fat molecules and a glycerol molecule creates the complex polymer Triglyceride ( commonly called fat). 2 tryglycerides normally form the basis of a cellular wall (membrane) of all Earth based hydro-carbon Biologics. Triglycerides and water What makes fat special, apart from structural strength is that fats are particularly attractive to water molecules, that attach at the Hydrogen edges and "bond" between the structures. Water molecules in a tight matrix, in turn trap ergon particles, especially the particles of het. When we think of fat in the human body in terms of mass, the greatest proportion is water! When people put on weight, the majority of the increased mass is water "trapped" by a matrix of fat. Burning "fat" and losing weight It is a popular belief of health specialists, nutritionists and weight loss promoters that the key to losing weight is by "burning' fat. However, as we have just explained, the majority of mass from a high fat diet is water. The human body breaks down excess fat for fuel and building components slowly, predominantly breaking down sugars first. It is why exercise to "burn" fat requires extended high performance for 40 minutes or more ( e.g. 10km run). Complex solid reactors created by the pancreas of vertebrate animals however, dissolves the oxygen backbone of fats, creating carbon acid residue. These complex polymers ( to be discussed in a moment) are the most efficient known agents of fat breakdown and are released without the need of exercise in periods of positive neural stimulation. In humans, this includes laughing, self contentment and sexual activity.

12.12 Level 1 Life- Complex Polymers- Protein

While Amino Acids are specialized"reactors" to certain molecular structures, proteins are the specialized shape "reactors" to even larger structures of molecules. The word protein comes from the Greek word protos meaning "first, or earliest." Proteins are long unique shaped chains of Amino Acids (80 to 1,000 Amino Acid's long). proteins form approximately 17% of the total mass of the human body, compared to an average of less than 15% for fats and 2% for sugars. Bones and teeth are made of protein (hardened by Calcium). Skin, hair and nails are mostly protein.

Classes of Protein
There are several classes of proteins identified by one main "reacting" structural feature: o o o o Structural (non reacting and stable) Liquid Reactors (highly reacting-unstable) Solid Reactors (enclose-dissolve, e.g. enzymes) Contractors/Expanders (geometrically stable reactors).

Structural Proteins
Structural proteins in animals are found as tough, insoluble, triplehelix stranded form known as "collagen". This is present in tendons and ligaments, but also in the main bone protein and occurs widely elsewhere in the form of connective tissue ( tissue that participates in the structure of organs, or body tissue, or binds them together).

Liquid reactors ( Soluble Proteins)

Soluble protein is present in the cells and in the blood of animals, the two main forms being albumin and globulin. Albumin binds and transports fatty acids, while globulin forms specialized anti-bodies ( various proteins produced in the skeleton of vertebrate animals and transported via a parallel tube system to the blood system called the "lymphatic system") in response to the presence of an external or internal molecular threat (known as antigens).

Contractor/Expander Proteins

Contractor/Expander proteins are those that can shorten and lengthen (normally known as "contractile" protein), such as those present in the muscles as myosin and in the cells as actin and tubulin.

Solid reactors (Enzymes)

Proteins that react to specific solid molecular structures by quickly breaking them down into essential components are known traditionally as "enzymes' (from the Greek word enzyme meaning "ferments"). We class them as solid reactors to simplify the common understanding of purpose of all enzymes. Enzymes are catalysts that can (for example) break down 100,000 molecules in seconds. Solid reactor proteins ( enzymes) are structures designed to be specifically reactive and breakdown in contact with certain heavier elements ( e.g. iron, zinc, copper). Usually a secondary "link" molecule is involved in the breakdown of heavier elements or minerals. These secondary "link" molecules are usually called cofactors and are the principle function of most Vitamin molecules.

The importance of shape to proteins

As discussed, the essential nature and function of all proteins is determined by their shape. Shape in turn determines a proteins effectiveness as either: o structural o liquid reactor o solid reactor o contractor/expander. If the shape of a particular protein is different of faulty, the effectiveness of the Protein is lost. Proteins are particularly vulnerable to extreme temperatures as well as construction errors due to faulty blueprints (RNA- to be discussed in a moment). Much of human advancement in the fighting of disease has been through the synthetic creation of proteins. In recent years, 3D modeling in recognition of the importance of shape to function of proteins has improved the effectiveness of much health research.

12.13 Atomic substitution and performance of polymers

In Chapter 7 (Atomics) we discussed a by-product of each and every level of matter having unique perception- that is the existence of differently constructed particles exhibiting similar characteristics- i.e. creators and destructive attractors. In the case of Hydrogen, we saw "creator" Hydrogen made from protons and Neutrons and "destructive attractor" Hydrogen made from combinations of protoactives and neutroactives. The result being that at the atomic level, proto-active Hydrogen is substituted throughout the elements listed in the Hydro-Helio matrix. Apart from seeing the continuation of a fundamental rule of UCA throughout the universe (unique awareness), we see this results in the breakdown of certain atomic structures and the influence of ergons. 12.5.1 Atomic substitution at the molecular level

Given the general common behavioral traits between Hydrogen (1), Oxygen (6) and Nitrogen (7) and then the commonalities between Carbon 96) and Iron (26), it is possible for other elements showing similar characteristics to be substituted at a Molecular level of perception- e.g. Chlorine (17), Fluorine (9), Bromide (35). What we are saying is that an over exposure to these heavier elements in high quantities during a growth phase of certain cell types would naturally lead to molecular deformities as these structures are misinterpreted at a molecular level. Just as we sometimes misinterpret people or things for being positive to find out later that they were a negative influence, molecules perceive size and behaviour characteristics on a general "face" value. There simply isn't time or the depth of perception for molecules to perceive all levels of structure of atoms, just as we would never truly converse or relate to other people if we did not operate on some level of assumed "trust" in what we see is what it is. 12.5.2 Molecular substitution and defects at more complex polymer molecular levels Apart from obvious substitutions between Oxygen and Bromine, Silicon and Aluminum, we see substitution occurring with Nitrogen and Fluorine, Chlorine and Silver. This means these defects at a molecular level will be reflected in defects at a complex polymer level (e.g. proteins, polypeptides and cell structures- however not at DNA ( as will be discussed). The level of seriousness of defect depends upon the substance that has been substituted and the period of growth. At a fast growth level of immune systems and blood systems, the presence of heavier elements substituting Oxygen may result in respiratory or even blood-oxygen defects (e.g. Asthma and Leukemia). These may gradually pass as the body is promoted into a re-growth phase at adolescence. 12.5.3 The importance of understanding chemical substitution for combating disease in the future As defects in our bodily function result in the eventual failure 9deat) of cellular life, the understanding of origin of defects presents a major area to properly investigate. Combined with a solid understanding of the nature of biologic code (DNA), humans in the future will be able to cure a range of potentially fatal diseases.

12.14 Seeking a unified and simple approach to understanding the next level of Hydro-Carbon Life
Now that we have discussed the first level of Hydro-Carbon "life", we are ready to discuss the nature and understandings of the second level - Simple Cellular Hydro-Carbon life. Before we begin, however, there are a number of crucial understandings we need to consider. 12.6.1 Challenge #1- The complexity of the subject If you have ever looked at a book on biology, or a diagram in an encyclopedia, you will realize that cellular science (molecular biology) is littered with multi-syllable and strange sounding words. The sheer size of the catalogue of terms, components and types of cells is bewildering just to contemplate. In molecular biology, there are literally tens of thousands of definitions and components to consider. (No wonder it takes also many years to qualify as a doctor in Western countries at present.) Yet, in order to gain an good understanding of "why cells do what they do", much of this information is relevant. Our first challenge therefore is to try and find a way of describing a set of sciences that normally takes years to understanding across hundreds of thousands of pages into one chapter. 12.6.2 Challenge #2-The misinterpretation of fundamental terms and concepts To make matters more complicated, cellular science is littered with the same fundamental concepts we discussed in earlier chapters such as the concepts of "energy" and "forces". As we have discussed at length, the concepts of energy and forces are misaligned concepts. Instead we have the understandings provided in the previous chapters as to the underlying nature of motion (energis), vibration (kinesis) and ergon exchange (ergons). Our second challenge then is not only to make sense of the thousands of classifications and descriptions of cellular science but also the redefinition of the processes described within the UCA understandings of energis, ergons and fortis discussed so far. 12.6.3 Challenge #3 Finding the missing patterns and understandings of UCA at the cellular level The third challenge in seeking to understand the more complex levels of Hydro-Carbon life such as cells is to identify the operation of common patterns and rules of UCA we have discussed. That we have seen the rules of UCA at every other level of matter so far, gives us some confidence that at the level of "cellular life" the same rules also exist.

Identification of these patterns is not only important in simplifying the vast array of terms and processes documented in biology, medicine and cellular science, but is also important in identifying those areas, possibly less well understood until now. 12.6.4 The final challenge- to reconstruct and re-align the sum total understanding of humanity regarding cellular science If you know how and why a car and car engine works, do you really need to know the name and serial numbers of every component? Certainly, if your job happened to to be head of components for a large car manufacturer, your knowledge at such level of detail might be required. But for everyone else, the distilled wisdom of a few good diagrams and explanations is probably enough. In the case of cellular and molecular science, the challenge is no different. We could, if we chose, spend years of formal training to understand the complete naming categories of disease, human body components, molecules and their nature as well as potential cures and nutrition. Yet for all the knowledge a Dean of Medicine may possess, does he or she understand any better the fundamental purposes and processes of the human body and life as a whole? Chances are, even the best cellular and molecular scientists in their individual fields still are not able to provide a complete picture on "how and why" the engine of life works. Thus our final challenge is not only to reconstruct and re-align the sum total understanding of humanity regarding cellular science, but distill this wisdom of thousands of pages into a few dozen.

12.15 Life and the world of solution based fusion/weak chemical fusion
Imagine for a moment, the hostility of the world of boiling oceans, toxic volcanic gases and ultra-violet light that was the world in which the first prototype lifeforms emerged. Such hellish conditions are difficult to imagine, let alone the credible possibility of sustainable life being possible. Yet these are just some the obstacles that the prototype cells on planet Earth achieved. (We will discuss life on Earth in more detail in Chapter 16) Before describing the definition structure and behaviour of cells, let us begin with the more general concept of understanding the challenges surrounding the general stability of complex molecular shapes in a molecular ocean environment. 12.7.1 Stability of complex shapes and their dependence on the stability of environment An obvious, yet crucial understanding discussed in Chapter 9 is that complex molecules depend entirely on the existence of relatively stable molecular solution environments- usually in liquid form. In the case of hydro-carbons, this means a high proportion of water molecules. Unlike strong chemical fusion, weak chemical structures can only

exists within a very narrow band of temperatures and pressures ( normally around -200 degrees Celsius and 200 degrees Celsius, with optimum temperature being around 10 to 60 degrees Celsius) When temperatures vary substantially away from these ranges, weak chemical based structures performance drops substantially. In other words, take away the stability of the molecular ocean and complex shapes beyond Level I (e.g. sugars, amino acids etc) are impossible to be formed. In the tumultuous world of early Earth, the instability of molecular oceans would have caused complex molecules to be destroyed and reformed countless times, due to the instability of the general environment. 12.7.2 Problem no#1- how do you create a stable environment? How then could molecules then aggregate to form some way of at least guaranteeing some stable environment in which to maintain their shape? The only answer is to create an enclosed environment- literally a miniocean, a mini-universe in which conditions could be insulated from the external het and col, while inside the conditions could remain relatively stable. 12.7.3 Problem no#2- how do you guarantee the sustainment of the specialized solutions and knowledge of chemical reactions It is one thing for molecular structures to twist and bend to their environment, to exist at the whim of the stability of their molecular world. It is another thing entirely when colonies of molecules began to employ the benefits of a specialized-co-dependent and enclosed world such as cell. The odds of other molecules self aggregating beyond the level of amino acids, sugars and fats into cells naturally diminishes each and every time the internally developed environment becomes more complex. Without some means of "memory"- a system enabling a step-by-step replication of the same methods of construction, life on Earth and other worlds in the Milky Way would never have evolved beyond proto-bacteria. To solve the memory puzzle requires more than just one solution- it requires: (1) memory storage - a system for storing a literal chemical construction code (tri-system DNA - a system for storing the applications and usages of what has been constructed (not yet discovered/decoded); (2) read/write function - a system for up linking and downloading information regarding chemical construction; -a system for up linking and downloading information regarding usage of what has been constructed

This was achieved by the DNA molecule. We will discuss DNA and the memory system of cells later in this chapter. 12.7.4 Problem no#3- how do you ensure the key molecular reactions essential for providing building blocks (food) without destroying the environment? Like any enclosed environment, from a galaxy of 200 billion stars to a planet, to a microscopic membrane enclosed molecular ocean, the problem of food supply and conversion (suitable chemical reactions) is a central problem. While the creation of a membrane, a means of protecting the inner world from the outer world in some way guaranteed general stability, it nonetheless created a further challenge- how to modify molecular structures to meet demands of the inner world? At one level, weak chemical fusion allows some means of construction. But it is at the level of strong chemical fusion ( hydrogen exchange) where molecular structures are fundamentally altered one atom at a time ( a cells basic food). Without this capacity- cell worlds must rely completely on the outside world for their existence- This is what the most primitive cells had to do- a balancing act in terms of being close to regions of strong chemical fusion, but sufficiently protected in terms of multiple boundaries to ensure the cell was not destroyed by the temperatures of several hundred degrees C associated with strong chemical fusion. The problem is not unlike the challenge of how to put a car engine into a structure that includes highly inflammable structures under high temperatures. Both a car engine and a cell rely on the same process ( strong chemical fission/fusion) for its basic function. But to a cell, such a chain reaction within a single membrane environment would literally burn up the cell- as exhibited when flesh is placed into a strong chemical fission environment when exposed to a naked flame. If this challenge hadn't been solved by life billions of years ago, the only life on planet Earth and the galaxy would still be single cell bacteria- feeding off the strong chemical power of volcanic vents. Thankfully, one of the two main groups of cells solved the problem- by enclosing a cell within a cell- thus creating a double, even triple membrane environment in which to tap into a constant engine of strong chemical reactions thereby(a) protecting the cell from destroying itself (b) producing the required reaction (c) without the apparatus producing the reaction from also destroying itself. We call these cells within cells mitochondria and chloroplast's and they are fundamental to the survival of all cells found in plants and animals. We will discuss both mitochondria and chloroplast's further into this chapter. 12.7.5 Problem no#4- how do more than one cell create a cohesive relationship?

While the guarantee of chemical memory means the future of one cell is possible, there is the underlying fortis- the fortis of creation we have identified with the other laws of UCA operating at every level. Cells, like atoms, like Unita wish to form more complex relationships in their own universe. The problem cells had to overcome was developing a common language- a means by which synchronicity can be achieved. The answer ( as we will discuss in more detail later in this chapter) is beautifully simple and practical- a chemical language that: (a) uses the common building blocks (food for cells) as a elements of a language; (b) links food and reactors from a very simple level to a complex level of proteins; (c) enablers powerful direction to change production of components, mitochondria performance and DNA function- a set of keys to accessing different parts of DNA. We call this common language "hormones"- the basic language of various molecular shapes and sizes that enables more than one cell to operate in a more complex community- from plants to animals, from fish to human beings. 12.7.6 Problem no #5- How to guarantee the survival of the complex cellular community- the organism Once a means of communication is established, there is then the problem of how a complex community of cells- (unique collection of cellular molecular intelligence) is able to guarantee its survival? Just as we see the prime laws of UCALEX in operation via prime fortis, cells in a complex community also specialize- some become factories, while others become protective guardians such as skin, scales and bones. Others still become transporters. While one group willingly give up their own life to save others (T-cells and killer cells of the immune system). Specialized co-dependence- two prime UCA laws of creation in enaction. We will discuss these Specialized roles of cells that all communities of cells possess later in this chapter. 12.7.7 Problem no #5- How to guarantee the survival of the complex cellular community- the organism Finally cellular communities face the problem of how to co-ordinate language ( hormones) to co-ordinate pro-active behaviour of the cellular community- motion, digestion, chemical defence's for example. This is where the specialized cell called a neuron becomes fundamental to the function of complex cellular communities. We will discuss neurons in detail in chapter #13.

12.16 Level 2 Life- simple cellular hydro-carbon- the Cell

No structure at a molecular level better demonstrates the enaction of the 12 Creation Laws of the Universe than the cell. Cells are the third level of Hydro-Carbon Biologics (Hydro-Carbon Biologics being the sixth level of matter). 12.16.1 What is a cell? The word cell comes from the Latin word cella meaning small room, apartment, and the name given to a chapel (place of worship) of ancient Roman temples. The usage of the word "cell" in biology to describe "the smallest homogenous (holistic) structures of organisms" was not coined until 1672. Bio chemically, cells are separated from other molecular structures by three things: (1) ENCLOSURE- a molecular membrane that separates the internal molecular world from the external world. (2) MANUFACTURE - the ability to self replicate the conditions required for certain weak chemical and strong chemical fusion/fission (3) MEMORY-the capacity for replication from one generation to another As we will discuss in depth during the following points of this chapter, an animal cell such as a human cell, should be thought more of a local community - with its unique, living citizens being the mitochondria (in the case of animal cells) or chloroplast's (for plant cells)- their health and good function ultimately determining the health of the local community and apparatus. That in returning to the original meaning of the word "cell"- a temple of living mitochondria or chloroplast's we can understand the primary causes of a whole array of human and animal disease and malfunction. 12.16.2 The broad categories of cells There are three broad categories of cellular structures on Earth of which all organisms are either a member of one: (1) Mono cellular organisms (2) Multi-cell plant organisms(3) Multi-cell animal organisms Primordial cells with no organelles (i.e. have no mitochondria or chloroplast's) Typically thicker cell walls than animal cells. Thin membrane cells usually with internal living fusion/fission engines and independent binary memory system and living language ( hormones)

In Molecular Biology (1) Is usually called by the long sounding and strange word Prokaryota (Latin: pro=before + Greek: karyon, a nut, kernel or nucleus). No's 2 and 3 are usually called by the word Eukaryota (Greek:eu=well, + Greek karyon, a nut, kernel or nucleus). Cells that can replicate all the molecular components they need are

normally called autotrophs. Cells that cannot replicate all the components they need and rely on other cell structures as food for components are normally called heterotrophs. 12.16.3 The start of the path of confusing terms It is from this point- the broadest category of the cellular universe, that molecular science, biology and medicine become unnecessarily complex. It is at this point that long and complex words ( such as Eukaryota and heterotrophs) as well as a hundreds of acronyms ( e.g. NADH, ATP etc) start to be used. At one level, there is no alternative but to learn a new language for a new self-aware universe (the cellular universe) whether we call it biology, medicine, molecular science of whatever. At another level, let us not forget everything that we have seen so far, for example some of the words of Logos: o UCA is everything: everything is UCA o Everything is density of awareness: density of awareness is everything o Everything is dream: dream is everything o Everything is memory: memory is everything o Everything is unique: unique is everything 12.16.4 Using common sense of UCA to make sense of the universe of cells With this in mind, as we begin to discuss a high level of detail about the universe of cells, let us keep in mind everything we have seen and read about UCA. At the same time, let us start our journey from a point of common sense- let us consider all the common elements of cells first, in the same order as the problems discussed in section 12.7. o Problem #1- how do you create a stable environment? o Problem #2-how do you sustain strong chemical reactions? o Problem #3-how do you guarantee chemical memory? o Problem #4-how do more than one cell create a cohesive relationship? o Problem #5-how do you guarantee the survival of a complex cellular community? o Problem #6-how do you co-ordinate proactive motion of a complex cellular community?

12.17 The common components of cells

Let us look at the common components of all cells. On the next few pages are three diagrammatic representations of the 3 broad categories of cells: (1) mono-cellular cells ( prokaryota)

(2) multi-cellular plant cells (eukaryota) (3) multi-cellular animal cells ( eukaryota) 12.9.1 Using a graphic style to make it easier to understand the common and unique components of cells To make it easier to understand the common and unique components of cells, we use a simplified graphic style of using circles to represent cell boundaries. Of course, no cell is a perfect sphere. If you have even seen pictures of cells taken via electron microscopes then you will know cells come in all different shapes and sizes. In fact, no two cells can be described as perfectly alike- every cell, just as every living thing is unique to some degree. This simple yet profound understanding is completely consistent with UCA. However, UCA also allows us to see and understand more clearly the universe of cells via simplified models. 12.9.2 Prokaryote cells (bacteria)


Eukaryote cells (plants)


Eukaryote cells (animals)


Summary of cells types Attribute Cell Walls Temp Layer DNA Tubulin Dimers Centriole Prokaryote 4 200 C 6 0 0 Eukaryote Plant 2 100C 4 1 0 Animal 1 50C 3 1 1

Chloroplasts Mitochondria 12.9.5

0 0

The common components of all cells From the diagrammatic representation of the three broad categories of all cells in the universe, you will see they share common characteristics- they all have boundaries, they all have the ability to create weak chemical fusion ( protein manufacture via ribosome's). They all contain chemical memory (DNA). In other words, all cells solve problem 1 and 2 we mentioned earlier. From the diagrammatic representations, we can also see that plant and animal cells share closer similarities than animal to bacteria cells (for example). Both plant and animal cells have internal strong chemical fission/fusion engines (solving problem no #3), a common language (solving problem no#4) and specialized co-dependence (solving problem no#5).


The cell boundary All cells have boundaries of various thickness and layers. The thickness and layering provides the advantage of isolating the "inner world" of the cell from the dangerous and unpredictable "outer world". For a mono-cell ( Diagram A), the prototype cell- he world is highly unpredictable and dangerous. So its boundary is for maximum survival at the cost of being a part of a larger whole. Proto-bacteria can survive in temperatures up to 200C and less than -10C. The heater the temperatures, the better. This is because mono-cells are dependent on external conditions of strong chemical fusion/fission- they don't have internal engines. That is why Bacteria is more dangerous at the extremes of temperaturesextreme het and extreme col- infection - fever and frostbite. It is also why temperature based disinfections ( especially water/steam based) is substantially less effective than gas blast/vacuum extraction- neutralizing water based/air based bacteria. At the other end, animal cells have only thin membranes ( except for some specialized cells such as skin). which allows higher interconnection and communication, but leaves these cells extremely vulnerable to attack and changes in external conditions. Importantly, ( as we will discuss in more detail in a moment), the thin membrane and fluid structure of animal cells enables almost spontaneous shape change- changing shape quickly and flexibly is critical for independent movement. Instead of thriving at the margins (het and col), animal cells thrive at the optimum cellular community mean ( usually somewhere between -20C and 40C). The closer the external environment is to the mean, the better the performance of cells within the complex cellular community at operation. For humans, that figure is an air temperature of around 23C. That is why health is optimum or more rapidly repaired when external conditions allow a skin temperature of around 23C. In contrast, bacteria attacking a human being, requires conditions towards the extreme- high

temperatures for multiplication ( tending to crowd mitochondria and cause an over production of energy) only to deplete the body and cause extreme col, to depress the immune system. 12.9.7 The cytoskeleton The cytoskeleton of all heterotroph species cells is the essential structure for survival. Like many structures it is multi-purpose: o Maintains the boundaries of the cell o Opens and shuts in specific ways to allow the important and export of substances, including replication; o The outer layer behaves as either tens of thousands of tiny limbs, or has a huge tail that "whips" the cell into its desired position; o Is the basis of communication storage and control between what happens in the cell and what is happening with the outside world ( i.e. other cells and the organism as a whole). What we mean is that to a cell, its brain is its structure, not the nucleus. i## We note that this is completely contradictory with contemporary scientific view of the nucleus = brain = centre of intelligence of a cell. However, we say and will prove the argument that the skeleton of a cell is its centre of intelligence, not the nucleus. We will show that the nucleus is actually the sexual organs and hard coded "library" of the cell, not its centre of intelligence. The cytoskeleton of cells are quite sophisticated and "in touch" with what is happening and where things are. The cytoskeleton in many cells should be viewed as having a good common sense intelligence. The specific features of the cytoskeleton of a cell are:

Cell membrane
The cell is separated from its surroundings by a very thin sheet-like outer boundary, the cell membrane (sometimes called the plasma membrane). The membrane itself is made from fats connected to sugars (including Potassium) forming a water attractive and water repulsive boundary. Cell membranes themselves can be a specific "higher purpose" function of a cell such as hair, nails and skin. These cells live longer, have less sex (i.e. replicate slower) and because they have such hard cell membranes, live more economized lives. Liver cells on the other hand are large mass factories, with super soft cell membranes and vast spaces for large particles to come through and be broken down, new components to be added to an organisms fuel supply network.

The cytoplasm is the general liquid that is contained within the walls of the cell. All the components of the cell are contained within this liquid base. In animals, this cytoplasm is generally maintained in a relatively neutral state.

Cilia (singular Cilium)

These are fine hairlike projections that extend from the surface. These beat rhythmically from side to side in living tissue. Their beating moves the cell along, or if the cell is anchored can move what is in front of them along ( e.g. the cells of lungs of a animal).

Flagellum (plural Flagella)

Some animal cells have a single whip like structure extending from part of the cell surface. By means of thrashing movements, a flagellum can move fluids along a tube within the body of the cell. Flagella that extend from the cells on the outside of some organisms can assist in movement of the cell itself.

Traditionally, the Centriole is not considered part of the cytoskeleton. However as we shall see, it shares similar structural components to the other major parts of the cytoskeleton. A Centriole consist of an outer membrane, protecting a completely neutral water pool (i.e. no impurities, no water ions, just pure and safe) in which float structures called microtubules. Microtubules in turn are made up of a particular protein called Tubulin Dimers. Tubulin Dimers are made up of 450 amino acids. Tubulin Dimers in microtubules are in pairs and have the important and consistent behaviour of switching "a" position or "b" position depending on the presence and position of electrons within its protein structure. Tubulin Dimers create specific patterns of structure in all cells of 13 columns to each microtubule. Microtubules are hollow inside and this space is always filled with pure neutral water ( i.e. no water ions are present.) The inner surface of Tubulin Dimers are therefore very sensitive to any change in electron status as even a small electron shift could mean a shift of these inner Tubulin Dimers to only one of two positions ( e.g. 0 or 1). Microtubules themselves are usually arranged in a "fan" like structures of either triplets or duplets of 9 to make 2 larger groups of tubes in a centriole. During replication of a cell, these structures replicate one another. Microtubules can vary dramatically in length, such as in neuron cells and nerve cells in the body ( sometimes centimetres in length!). On average there is around 13 x 8 tubulin dimers per microtubule, making an average of around 4000 tubulin dimers per Centriole of an average cell. A further feature of microtubules in bundles is that they create protein bridges between one another called MAPS (microtubule associated proteins). These are direct bridges and can be numerous or few. An average for "parallel processing capacity for microtubules is around 200 to 600. Microtubules are also found in the filamentous cytoskeleton as well as endoplasmic reticulum ( both of which we will discuss in a moment). In terms of performance, bundles of microtubules can change from individual sequence of 0's and 1's (different positions because of electrons) due to the specific change in electron less than one millionth of a second (as microtubules are very small and electrons are very fast). Centrioles are usually always found at the centre of the cell, regardless of whether the nucleus changes position or not.

Filamentous cytoskeleton
These are long tube like structures throughout the cell. These branch out to the cell membrane and to other components of the cell such as ribosome's

and endoplasmic reticulum ( which we will discuss in a moment). Filamentous cytoskeleton's are principally made up of hard cased microtubules with the capacity to carry larger molecules along its surface. Importantly, in animal cells, Filamentous cytoskeleton always seems to position or reposition (after a required shift of cell components) themselves at 90 to the cell wall ( cell membrane) and the Centrioles. There can be a substantially larger number of Tubulin Dimer in Filamentous cytoskeleton's ( up to 60,000! in just one filamentous cytoskeleton) also with MAP connections.

Endoplasmic reticulum
Throughout the cytoplasm are long, thin "worm-like" membrane structures called endoplasmic reticulum. These are essentially hard cased microtubules with longer MAPS that behave by thrashing about, allowing the endoplasmic reticulum to have independent movement, regardless of the changing structure of the cell walls. These endoplasmic reticulum vary in size, shape and locality ( i.e. some "large" ones move in and around the nucleus, while others move around the other structures ( e.g. storage depots, factories). Depending on size, Endoplasmic reticulum can contain up to 50,000 Tubulin proteins arranged in microtubules. Contrary to popular science, it is the endoplasmic reticulum using ribosome chains (long chains of amino acids, enzymes and bases i.e."ready made" platforms) on which new DNA (called RNA) is created. During the process of cell replication, Endoplasmic reticulum move long chains of ribosome's into position to match up the uncoiled strands of DNA.

Why aren't the components of the cytoskeleton hard and more defined?
An essential ingredient to survival is flexibility. To a cell, it is constant modifications to its size, position, operation in relation to the rest of the organism and its own resources to survive. A rigid cell wall and skeleton, would make it impossible for cells to quickly replicate, or for cells to quickly process food or discharge waste. Cells are initially designed to be as fast and as efficient as their specific purpose allows. With the exception of cells that have the specific job of actually being an organisms skeleton, the remaining cells need to be flexible at all times to function properly. 12.9.8 The fuel stores of the cell Given the multi-purpose brilliance of the cytoskeleton, it probably won't surprise you to see that cells maintain specific store houses for both (a) emergencies (b) maintenance (c) the specific jobs they are supposed to do and (d) for giving birth to replications of Lysomes 12.9.9 The "stomach" of cells In larger organisms, we recognize the stomach as a place where food is digested into smaller parts than are then refined even further. A cell has an equivalent element- called a vacuole. A vacuole is a membrane pool of acids and chemicals capable of breaking down structures- such as proteins into smaller components. A cell may have more than one vacuole. Often

vacuole's are considered more as "store houses" rather than active regions of chemical processing. 12.9.1 0 Weak chemical Factories of the cells The factories of the cells are principally the Golgi apparatus that manufacture and process all kinds of structures and Ribosome's, principally responsible for all protein production (from mRNA) Ribosome's are powerful protein factories that are unleashed by being dropped into position by endoplasmic reticulum over exposed mRNA (messenger RNA) and begin producing proteins by reading the codes from the DNA (to be discussed further in a moment). Without the right introductory sequence of releasing ribosome's, they are largely inert and so are often stored in separate strands in available space around the cell. Endoplasmic reticulum almost always have ribosome's attached wherever they are moving. 12.9.1 1 The nucleus The nucleus is the large membrane enclosed pool in which the chromosomes (specific bundles of nucleic acids are housed). This is the hardwired memory bank and general program library of the cell. It is almost always surrounded by endoplasmic reticulum, which are hyperactive at the time of cell replication. Chromosomes are essentially the bundled pairs of DNA. They are bundled up during the normal working of the cell because the programming code listing the function of the cell is already in operation ( i.e. the cell is functioning and producing what needs to be produced). However at cell replication stage, the endoplasmic reticulum around the nucleus change the ionic nature of the fluid and cause the Chromosomes to unwind and to split. At this point it is the endoplasmic reticulum, in conjunction with the rest of the cytoskeleton that reads the DNA- uploads the next program, replicates the DNA and cell structures, with one exception- the memory sequence for the last program run is added to the DNA strand, not the original DNA strand. This is because in order to read the program- a chemical programthe original copy of that sequence within the DNA had to be destroyed. It is this gap in DNA that allows cells to know where they are up to. In other words, if DNA was complete, then the life of a cell- indeed its destiny would be written. For the purpose of the cell is not just to read programs but to write its experience and pass it on to the next cell and therefore the next generation of that larger species of organism.

Why put the nucleus last in the list, not first?

We deliberately put the hard wire memory bank, blueprints and library of programs (DNA) last because, since the 1960's it has almost always been listed first. Simply, the nucleus is not critical to the survival of a cell. It is critical to the survival of a species of cell and therefore the species of a more complex organism ( e.g. a human). There is a distinct difference. The nucleus is not the central "brain" of a cell, as we have discussed. Nor

are the chromosomes actively disturbed during the normal day to day operation of the cell. This does not diminish the significance or importance of DNA ( as we will soon discuss). It simply puts DNA in the correct perspective as an important an innovative component of an overall intelligent organism with multiple but clearly defined objectives.

12.18 A greater explanation of DNA

Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is the basic genetic material of most living organisms. Although a large and apparently complex molecule, the structure of DNA is in fact astonishingly simple. A single DNA molecule consists of two separate strands wound around each other to form a double-helical (spiral) structure. Each strand is made up of a combination of just four chemical components known as nucleotides- all of which have the same basic composition. Each nucleotide consists of a sugar molecule (deoxyribose) linked to a phosphate group to form the helical backbone; different nucleotides are distinguished only by the identity of the nitrogen-based unit called the nucleotide base bonded to the sugar molecule. The four bases are: (A) adenine (C) cytosine (G) guanine (T) thymine

The bases lie in the central region of the double helix, with each base linked by hydrogen bonds to specific complementary base on the partner strand.

The base pair rule states that wherever you have an A on one strand, there will be a T at the same relative position on the other strand; wherever you have a G on one strand, you will have a C on the other strand. In addition, the number of molecules of A in a sample always equals the number of molecules of T. Similarly, the number of C molecules always equals the number of molecules of G. DNA is therefore basically a linear information macro molecules much like the long strips of computer tape used in the first computers. A typical DNA base sequence might be: 5'-AGCTTATTGCATAAGCGCGAT-3' 5' and 3' These refer to the left-hand and the right-hand ends respectively of a DNA or RNA base sequence. 12.10.1 The genetic code The word genetic code and "genes" refer to lengths of DNA bases, sometimes 100 to 1000 bases long. The words also stand for the current understanding of DNA as being a chemical code for the storage of information on the production of Amino Acids, by the grouping of three bases per one Amino Acid to build specific proteins and molecules( to be discussed further in this chapter). The order of bases in the DNA is determined by patterns that arose in the remote past, sometimes millions of years ago. That order has usually been accurately preserved is one of the astonishing facts of biology. Changes that have occurred in the base sequence for any reason (mutations) are also copied with the same degree of accuracy. For example, the following sequence of bases, read in triples could be classed as part of a gene. 5'-AGC-TTA-TTG-CAT-AAG-CGC-GAT-3' 5'- Ser- Leu- Leu- His- Lys- Arg- Asp-3' In all work conducted to date, only a portion of all DNA for all animals appears to code specific proteins and specific chemical structures, as much of the code sequence does not appear to make functioning physical structures produced by ribosomes. Over 50% of all genetic code for all animals appears not to code physical structures for proteins and functioning systems. This is currently called "Junk DNA" by geneticists working in the field of decoding the triplet-DNA-Amino Code system. 12.10.2 Chromosomes Chromosomes as discussed previously are the lengths of DNA grouped together, between 5000 and 50,000 genes per Chromosome. Not only do the genes between species vary, but the number and length of chromosomes. For instance a garden pea for instance has 14 chromosomes, a potato 48 and a crayfish 200. Summary of human chromosomes (1 to 22, plus X and Y)


Human Genetic Code and Human Chromosomes There are 46 chromosomes in the living cell of a human being and these chromosomes carry the genetic information that decides how a person will grow- whether he or she will be dark or fair, short or tall, blue-eyed or brown. But the sex cells, the female egg and the male sperm each have only 23 chromosomes. They fuse at conception to make a cell containing 46 chromosomes, half from each partner and it is this mixing of two sets of characteristics that creates the diversity of human life. Thus, Chromosomes are often spoken of as 23 pairs. The major difference between humans are the 23rd chromosomes - X and y. The Chromosome X is much larger and has more genetic information than the smaller y chromosome. o women have 2 X chromosomes and 0y chromosomes, while o men have 1X and 1y chromosome. However, sperm produced by men can be of two types, X or y. In terms of bases, the entire DNA code of the human being is around 3 Billion, or 3 gigabytes of memory potential for chemical triple-base code. However up to 85% of the entire DNA code appears to code chemical material, the rest is currently classed as "junk DNA' by the experts in this field. This non-coding material is found throughout the code for functioning and redundant genes as well as on its own. It is also estimated that only around 5% of all DNA of a human being is functioning, the rest (10%) being redundant genes. There is estimated to be 100,000 genes in the genetic pool for humans. If the DNA contained in the 46 human chromosomes were laid out end to end it would stretch several metres in length. Thus there is a very large amount of genetic detail embedded in these very long DNA strands, yet they are folded and compacted into the tiny space of the cell nucleus, which is only a few microns in diameter.



Ribonucleic acid. A very long molecular polymer very similar to DNA made up of the informational bases A (adenine), G (guanine), C (cytosine) and U (uracil). The 'messages' which encode amino acid (protein) sequences copied from the genes are made of RNA. RNA is usually single stranded. For example, a typical messenger RNA base sequence might be: 5'-AGCUUAUUGCAUAAGCGCGAU-3' However, unlike DNA, cellular RNA is made up of only single strands; yet it is made up of the same type of basic building blocks as DNA, and its chemical composition is very similar to DNA. In RNA, T (thymine) becomes U (uracil). The process of copying a DNA sequence into RNA sequence is called transcription. This takes place in the cells nucleus. While a RNA sequence can be copied back into a DNA sequence (reverse transcription), a sequence of amino acids in a protein can never act as a copying template for the reverse flow of protein sequence into RNA. Let us now look at the main Genetic copying process of cells.

12.19 The main genetic copying process

Since the discovery of DNA, there has been discovered four and only copying processes amongst nucleic acids namely. DNA -> DNA (DNA replication) DNA -> RNA (transcription) RNA -> RNA (RNA replication) RNA -> DNA (reverse transcription) 12.11.1 DNA ->DNA (DNA replication)- Giving birth DNA to DNA replication occurs during the cell division and creation of other cells phase of cellular process. A cell does this by copying itself (gives birth) and thus creating a new cell within itself using the components.

DNA replication can only occur after the chromosomes- which are coiled coils have unwound to form extended lengths of helical DNA called chromatin. They do this as a result of the action of an enzyme called heliocase, which unwinds about 100 revolutions per second. When a double-helix DNA molecule replicates, the first step is for the two strands to separate. When they do so the stage is then set for each of the single separate strands to act as a template for the production of a new strand. Contrary to expectation, separation does not start at one end and proceed along to the other. Because of the great length of the strand, this would take far too long. The double helix actually separates locally at many points to form open loops in which replication occurs. As this happens, each of these loops then opens progressively in both directions until the whole length of DNA has split. o about 1,000 bases are copied per second). o Synthesis is always 5' to 3' direction as shown. o When the end of the template molecule is reached the two progeny helices each contain one new strand and one parental strand. Linked to our need to seek answers is our never-ending need to label that which we see and think. As new discoveries are made, new words are also created . The English language grows with literally thousands of words each and every year. 12.11.2 DNA-> RNA (transcription) The RNA chain formed in this way are called messenger RNA (mRNA) because they carry the code of the gene out through pores in the nucleus of the cell to the ribosomes in the cytoplasm. Before the codes are used to select the amino acids, each mRNA length is edited to get rid of sections that are not needed and the remaining coding sequences are spliced together. It is this edited version of the mRNA that is read by the endoplasmic reticulum. The cell fluid contains millions of samples of the 20 amino acids,

mostly derived from food but some synthesized in the body. Before they can be joined together in the right order to form a new protein molecules, they have to be brought to the ribosomes in the correct sequence. This is done by yet another kind of RNA, transfer RNA (tRNA), which moves around in the cell picking up the 20 different amino acids and carrying them to the ribosome site. There, the mRNA and tRNA and the ribosome all work together to form the chain of protein. The ribosome is itself a tiny RNA/protein body that is moved along the strand of mRNA checking the sequence of bases, selecting amino acids from the rRNA in the right order and linking them together to form proteins. o During the process, selected portions of the DNA sequence are copied into RNA either to make messenger RNA (mRNA) which encodes the information to specify a sequence of amino acids or to make ribosomal or transfer RNA (rRNA and tRNA respectively) which are part of the molecular apparatus needed to translate mRNA into protein. The RNA polymerase copies the DNA template strand ( there is a local unwinding of the DNA helix to allow this to happen). o Again the synthesis of RNA is in the 5' to 3' direction so that the template strand of DNA which is copied is in the anti-parallel 3' to 5' orientation. o A sequence of bases beyond the coding region of the gene specifies the termination of RNA synthesis. Once created, messenger RNA (mRNA) is exported from the nucleus into the cell cytoplasm where it is translated into a corresponding amino acid sequence ( protein). The process is again similar to a computer tape being fed through a reading device which reads off the message three bases at a time. each triplet of bases specifies a particular amino acid. In the cell the 'reading device' is a molecular organelle made of RNA and folded proteins called a 'ribosome'. First a length of double helix separates longitudinally to form a loop, exposing the sequence of single bases that together constitute the gene and specify a protein. base triplets different from those coding for amino acids indicate where the gene starts and where it ends. A new complimentary strand is now made on the exposed bases. This takes place because the exposed based of DNA attract the constituent elements of RNA (Ribonucleic acid) from the cell cytoplasm where they float freely. The RNA bases in turn attract the sugar phosphate molecules which form its backbone. These strands form at a rate of about 50 bases per second. RNA 12.11.3 RNA -> RNA (RNA Replication) Separate to Ribosomes, RNA appears able to replicate itself quickly and easily This is one of the triggers associated with hormones, namely the rapid replication of certain RNA code for the stronger production of certain molecular activities.


RNA -> DNA (reverse transcription) Reverse transcription is when RNA material is fed back to DNA material via intervention in the copying process. A central assumption of most genetic scientists in the world is that this process cannot possibly occur- that genetic material only travels one direction. This is often called the Weissmann's Barrier whereby no genetic material may travel in reverse from RNA to DNA. However, the virus and its attack on the DNA of all animals shows that reverse transcription in principle is at work (Virus take their RNA and implant it into the DNA of living cells of all higher organisms). Reverse transcription is responsible for the inheritance of a number of genetic defect traits, significantly when mutation by virus or exposure reduces quality of genetic code. In other words genetic transcription attacks by virus may in part also be responsible in some way for the level of Junk DNA. Let us now look at the Error rates for the genetic copying process.

12.20 Error rates from genetic copying

DNA replication is a high fidelity copying process, yet base substitutions and insertion/deletion events occasionally occur. Errors such as 'point mutations' (single base substitutions) are rare events, an incidence of about 1 base substitution for every 100 million to 100,000 million bases replicated. More complex and even rare mutations can occur involving the insertion or deletion of one or more bases. If the insertions or deletions occur in the non-transcribed or 'flanking' regions of a gene they often have little genetic consequence; however if they occur in the region coding for amino acids the consequences are usually lethal because the protein sequence will now be quite different as insertion or deletion of bases All genes in cellular organisms are double stranded DNA molecules which are replicated faithfully by a complex replication machine 9 consisting of about 30 to 40 different proteins). This high fidelity copying of DNA is achieved because a number of the DNA replicating proteins deal exclusively with editing and correcting the newly

produced copy of DNA. For example in DNA replication, if an A was inserted during copying instead of a C, the editor enzyme can detect this and reinsert the correct base, because the normal base pairing process has been disrupted. Further, if chemical damage to a base occurs after the newly synthesized strand has base paired to the parent (template) strand, a "kink" is caused in the double helix prompting the editing functions of the enzyme complex to snip out the damaged sequence and re synthesize a good copy. It is akin to the process that occurs to check data integrity during electronic message transmission. This is why gene mutations occurring solely at the level of DNA are extremely rare events. The mutations we see are those that have slipped through all of the normal editing and checking gates of the DNA replication machine. 12.12.1 Error rates from RNA copying Transcription, RNA replication and reverse transcription are error prone. Thus- the picture we now have of the early RNA world is one almost of "evolving chaos"- the survival of the fittest self-replicating molecule. Manfred Eigen and colleagues have done some illuminating research that has demonstrated how error-prone copying in RNA and environmental selection for function might give rise to a quasi-optimal population of RNA molecules. This population of RNA molecules rapidly evolves in a darwinian manner to the changing environment. In comparison with double stranded DNA, single stranded RNA is chemically much more unstable. 12.12.2 When error is an advantage For some RNA viruses such as influenza and the retro viruses, the high error rate inherent in RNA production, together with other genomatic strategies, provide a selective advantage. The high mutation rates ( a base error is generated for every 1000 or so bases replicated) enable evasion of the immune system of infected vertebrate hosts. This has led to the retention of RNA as the viral genome, long after the evolution of protein enzymes. 12.12.3 What came first DNA or RNA? The first living molecules were polymers of RNA. proteins as we now know them, and DNA containing chromosomes, did not exist. In the RNA world, the microscopic living forms were self-replicating RNA molecules of varying lengths, consisting of hundreds of thousands of bases. replication of the liner RNA strand was mediated by a folded version of the same molecule (ribozyme). Thus, the first molecules capable of self-replication and thus Darwinian evolution were not the DNA double helices as we understand them today. replication of such DNA helices requires a complex set of specific protein enzymes making up the 'DNA replication machine'.

12.21 The process of cell replication

That cells carry within them the memory, instructions and capacity to build other cells is the key to the existence of the cellular universe and the existence of complex multi-cellular life forms such as whales and human beings. CELL REPLICATION is when a cell contributes in some way- either by delivering part or all of their existence into the creation of one or more new cells. The importance of cell replication cannot be underestimated as a subject of importance to human beings. Rapid cell replication- new growth in a good way, is a key to staying healthy and young as new tissue grows to replace old. On the other hand- understanding cell replication in terms of bad rapid cell growth in the case of a tumor, cancer or parasite is vital to understand how we get sick and what is required to get healthy again. In this section, we seek to define the different types of cell replication and the key processes involved in cell replication- the creation of new cells. 12.13.1 The differing types of cell replication and the different levels of life

Mitosis, division of a living cell nucleus (control centre), leading to the production of two offspring or daughter cells, normally with the same genetic information. Mitosis is the standard way that cells multiply. It occurs all the time in the human body and other multi cellular living things, especially during growth to make more cells, and during maintenance to replace damaged and worn-out cells. In single-celled organisms, it represents asexual reproduction. In plants, it is the basis of asexual or vegetative reproduction (making cells for sexual reproduction involves another type of cell division. Genes exist as chemical codes on lengths of the chemical deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) inside the nucleus. During a cell's "resting" period, or interphase, the DNA copies or replicates itself to form two complete sets. Mitosis then occurs in four main stages. Meiosis, specialized division of the nucleus (control centre) in a living cell, leading to the production of sex cells, called gametes, for sexual reproduction. The female sex cells are usually known as eggs and the male sex cells as sperm. Meiosis ensures that a parent passes its genes, via its sex cells, to its offspring. It also ensures that the offspring vary, since each receives a unique selection or combination of genes from its two parents. In wild animals and plants, this variation among offspring is essential for evolution by natural selection. We will discuss Meiosis in Chapter 13.
12.13.1 PROPHASE, METAPHASE, ANAPHASE, AND TELOPHASE The lengths of DNA begin to twist and coil, becoming more compacted and distinct under a light microscope as thread-like bodies, chromosomes. Because of the DNA replication, each chromosome consists of a pair of identical chromatids. They are attached at a region towards the middle, the centromere, giving the chromosome an X-like appearance. At one end or pole of the cell are two pairs of rod-like centrioles. One pair of centrioles moves to the opposite pole of the cell. At the same time, the nuclear membrane

around the nucleus begins to break down. In the metaphase, mitotic spindle fibres, made of groups of microtubules, now stretch between the two opposing centriole pairs. The chromosomes align across the cell's middle, or equator. As the nuclear membrane disintegrates, the centromeres of the chromosomes attach to the spindle. In the next anaphase the two halves of the chromosome are pulled apart, separating at the centromere. They move in opposite directions along the spindle fibres, towards the centrioles at the poles. In the following telophase the spindle fibres break up. A new nuclear membrane forms around each new set of chromosomes, which themselves uncoil and unravel, gradually appearing less distinct. Meanwhile, the rest of the cell is also dividing, a process known as cytokinesis. In flexible-walled animal cells, the outer membrane pinches inward, like a tightening belt around the equator, and eventually splits the cell into two. In rigid-walled plant cells, a new cell wall is built across the middle of the parent cell.

12.22 A greater explanation of the Virus

Virus (biology) (Latin, "poison"), any of a number of organic entities consisting simply of genetic material surrounded by a protective coat. A virus is a submicroscopic infectious particle composed of a protein coat and a nuclei acid (DNA or RNA) core. Viruses, like cells, carry genetic information encoded in their nuclei acid, and can undergo mutations and reproduce; however, they cannot carry out metabolism, and thus are not usually considered alive. A virus is simply a number of genes, embodied in a nucleic acid (either DNA or RNA) genome, depending upon the type of virus, wrapped up in a protein or membrane coat. By themselves, however, viruses do not grow and divide. All viruses are parasites; they need to enter the environment of a host cell to be able to replicate. Some viruses infect bacterial cells and others infect the cells of higher multi cellular organisms such as plants and animals. Some viruses, such as the influenza virus and the human immune deficiency virus ( HIV) associated with AIDS can appear to be very clever in their capacity to rapidly mutate to evade the immune system. 12.14.1 Origin of the concept and discovery of the Virus The term "virus" was first used in the 1890s to describe agents that caused diseases but were smaller than bacteria. By itself a virus is a

lifeless form, but within living cells it can replicate many times and harm its host in the process. The hundreds of known viruses cause a wide range of diseases in humans, other animals, insects, bacteria, and plants. The existence of viruses was established in 1892, when Russian scientist Dmitry I. Ivanovsky discovered microscopic particles later known as the tobacco mosaic virus. The name virus was applied to these infectious particles in 1898 by the Dutch botanist Martinus W. Beijerinck. A few years later, viruses were found growing in bacteria; these viruses were dubbed bacteriophages. Then, in 1935, the American biochemist Wendell Meredith Stanley crystallized tobacco mosaic virus and showed that it is composed only of the genetic material called ribonucleic acid (RNA) and a protein covering. In the 1940s development of the electron microscope made visualization of viruses possible for the first time. This was followed by development of high-speed centrifuges used to concentrate and purify viruses. The study of animal viruses reached a major turning point in the 1950s with the development of methods to culture cells that could support virus replication in test tubes. Numerous viruses were subsequently discovered, and in the 1960s and 1970s most were analyzed to determine their physical and chemical characteristics. 12.14.2 Types of Virus Viruses vary considerably in size and shape. Three basic structural groups exist: isometric; rod shaped or elongated; and tadpole-like, with head and tail (as in some bacteriophages). The smallest viruses are icosahedrons (20-sided polygons) that measure about 18 to 20 nanometres wide (one-millionth of a millimetre = 1 nanometre). The largest viruses are rod shaped. Some rod-shaped viruses may measure several microns in length, but they are still usually less than 100 nanometres in width. Thus, the widths of even the largest viruses are below the limits of resolution of the light microscope, which is used to study bacteria and other large micro-organisms. Many of the viruses with helical internal structure have outer coverings (also known as envelopes) composed of lipoprotein or glycoprotein, or both. These viruses appear roughly spherical or in various other shapes, and they range from about 60 to more than 300 nanometres in diameter. Complex viruses, such as some bacteriophages, have heads and a tubular tail, which attaches to host bacteria. The pox viruses are brick shaped and have a complex protein composition. Complex and pox viruses are exceptions, however; most viruses have a simple shape. 12.14.3 Virus Replication Viruses do not contain the enzymes and metabolic precursors necessary for self-replication. They have to get these from the host cells that they infect. Viral replication, therefore, is a process of separate synthesis of viral components and assembly of these into new virus particles. Replication begins when a virus enters the cell. The virus coat is removed by cellular enzymes, and the virus RNA or DNA comes into contact with ribosomes (cell organs that synthesize proteins) inside the cell. There the virus RNA or DNA directs the synthesis of proteins specified by the viral nucleic acid. The nucleic acid replicates itself, and the protein subunits constituting the viral

coat are synthesized. Thereafter, the two components are assembled into a new virus. One infecting virus can give rise to thousands of progeny viruses. Some viruses are released by destruction of the infected cell. Others are released by budding through cell membranes and do not kill the cell. In some instances, infections are "silent"-that is, viruses may replicate within the cell but cause no obvious cell damage. The RNA-containing viruses are unique among replicative systems in that the RNA can replicate itself independently of DNA. In some cases, the RNA can function as messenger RNA (see Genetics), indirectly replicating itself using the cell's ribosomal and metabolic precursor systems. In other cases, RNA viruses carry within the coat an RNA-dependent enzyme that directs the synthesis of virus RNA. Some RNA viruses, which have come to be known as retroviruses, may produce an enzyme that can synthesize DNA from the RNA molecule. The DNA thus formed then acts as the viral genetic material. Bacterial viruses and animal viruses differ somewhat in their interaction with the cell surface during infection. The "T even" bacteriophage that infects the bacterium Escherichia coli, for instance, first attaches to the surface and injects its DNA directly into the bacterium. No absorption and un coating take place. The basic events of virus replication, however, are the same after the nucleic acid enters the cell. The DNA or RNA of the virus is replicated in the cell and vital proteins are made. mature progeny virus particles are assembled and are exported from the cell, where they go on to infect other cells. Some really dangerous viruses, like influenza, kill the cell as they replicate. Others coexist peacefully within the living cell they infect and continuously bud from the cell membrane as progeny viruses. Still others, like herpes, may lie dormant (latent) within living cells for years before replicating and emerging. However, the ultimate viral parasites are the retroviruses. Some like HIV, make a DNA copy of their RNA genome (by a process called reverse transcription) and insert or integrate this DNA copy into the chromosome(s) in the cells nucleus where it is replicated as part of normal cell division.

12.23 A greater explanation of mitochondria and chloroplasts

Earlier, in section 12.7 (Life and the world of Solution Based Fusion) we discussed a key problem for early mono-cellular life being how to ensure the occurrence of key molecular reactions essential for providing food without destroying itself. As we explained using the analogy of the car engine, cells also require the ability to source raw carbon, hydrogen, and other essential elements via strong chemical reactions in order to survive. The problem is the required internal reactions are simply too high for a single membrane cell to withstand such activities.

As our diagrams in Section 12.8 showed, Eukaryote cells (plants and animals) solved this challenge by incorporating codependent cells within themselves called mitochondria (plants and animals) and chloroplasts (plants only). In the diagrams, we described these as "Strong Chemical Fusion/Fission Engines". We will now discuss these most incredible of specialized"cells within cells" further. 12.15.1 A summary of chloroplasts Chloroplasts or "plastids" as they are also known are similar in many ways to mitochondria. They occur only in plants and photosynthetic eukaryotes and are the more ancient of the two co-dependent independent lifeforms that exist in cells. Imagine again for a moment the incredible volatile conditions that represented the Earth two billion years ago. In a cruel twist, while the Earth's surface had cooled to enable life to sustain, ancient bacteria now face extinction from the lack of the very volatility of reactions that had helped it survive. In an atmosphere full of carbon dioxide, sulphur and low of oxygen, a breed of bacteria adapted to the changing landscape by enveloping ancient chloroplasts to begin using sunlight and the atmospheric conditions to produce sufficient raw hydrogen, nitrogen and carbon for life- the process of photosynthesis. Chloroplasts are the sites of photosynthesis in eukaryotes. They contain chlorophyll, the green pigment necessary for photosynthesis to occur, and associated accessory pigments ( caritenes and xanthophylls) in photo systems embedded in membranous sacs, thylakoids ( collectively a stack of thylakoids are a granum) floating in a fluid termed the stroma. Like mitochondria, chloroplasts have their own DNA, termed cpDNA. Chloroplasts of Green Alea (protista) and plants ( descendents of some Green Algea) are thought to have originated by endosymbiosis of a prokaryotic algea, similar to to living Prochloron (prochlorobacteria). In effect, oxygen is a by-product of the chloroplast reactions to produce simple food molecules capable of then being absorbed by cells containing chloroplasts. 12.15.2 A summary of mitochondria Every cell of an animal body contains many mitochondria. They produce most of the energis ( strong chemical fusion) and ergon transport fuel used by the body. Cells with a high metabolic rate (heart muscle cells) may contain many thousands of mitochondria. Some cells may contain only dozens. Mitochondria convert energy found in nutrient molecules and store it in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP is the universal energis-yielding commodity in cells, used by enzymes to perform a wide range of cellular functions. We cannot survive, even for a moment, without a sufficient supply of ATP.

Mitochondrial energis production is a foundation for health and well being. It is necessary for physical strength, stamina and consciousness. Even subtle deficits in mitochondrial function can cause weakness, fatigue and cognitive difficulties. Chemicals which strongly interfere with mitochondrial function are known to be potent poisons. During aging, mitochondrial function may become compromised. Mitochondria vary considerably in shape and size, but all have the same basic architecture. There is a smooth outer membrane, surrounding a very convoluted inner membrane. The convolutions form recognizable structures called cristae. The two membranes have very different properties. Together they create two compartments, namely the inter membrane space (the compartment between the membranes), and the matrix (the very interior of the mitochondria). 12.14.3 The mitochondria energis/ergon cycle In order to carry out energy conversion, mitochondria require oxygen, which they convert to water. The purpose of our respiratory and circulatory systems is to deliver oxygen to the tissues for use by mitochondria, and to eliminate carbon dioxide. The consumption of oxygen by mitochondria is called cellular respiration. Mitochondrial energis production is accomplished by two closely linked metabolic processes. (a) HAPPY DIGESTION-First, the citric acid cycle converts biological fuel (carbohydrates and fatty acids) into ATP (adenosine triphosphate) and hydrogen (in the form of NADH and FADH2) 2) DEEP, SLOW BREATHING- Second, the electron transport chain combines hydrogen with oxygen to generate abundant ATP in a highly efficient and tightly controlled manner. Mitochondrial efficiency has been reported to be close to 70%, which compares quite favorably with internal combustion engines (about 10% efficient) or hydrogen-oxygen fuel cells used in spacecraft (approximately 40% efficient). The process of generating ATP with oxygen is called oxidative phosphorylation. This process generates approximately ten times more ATP than the citric acid cycle alone, and generates more ATP than any other energy-producing pathway (e.g., glycolysis). Oxidative phosphorylation is the primary energy process for all aerobic organisms. 12.15.3 Mitochondria have their own DNA One interesting property of mitochondria is that they have their own DNA. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is the same as ancient bacteria in that it exists as a simple loop. That Mitochondria have their own DNA is a living fact to their origin as independent bacteria and their function as individual organisms co-operating within a cell environment.


The importance of Mitochondria and ageing While animal DNA has a number of functions that ensure replication and protection of the code is maintained, Mitochondria does not. For example, mtDNA does not have the protective sheaths (histones) that DNA has. Nor does mtDNA have the self repair mechanisms that animal cells have. What this means is that over time, it has been estimated the relatively unprotected and un repaired mtDNA suffers more than ten times the damage that nuclear DNA does This leads to mitochondrial dysfunction, disruption of cellular energy production, and accelerated cellular aging. Mitochondrial electron transport is not perfect. Even under ideal conditions, some electrons leak from the electron transport chain. These leaking electrons interact with oxygen to produce super oxide radicals. With mitochondrial dysfunction, leakage of electrons can increase significantly. The close proximity of mtDNA to the flux of super oxide radicals (or hydroxyl radicals), and it is the lack of protection and repair mechanisms, leads to free radical-mediated mutations and deletions. Mitochondrial aging has been proposed as an underlying cause of 1) freeradical stress, 2) degenerative disease and 3) aging. Evidence is accumulating that mitochondrial dysfunction underlies many common pathologies. Mitochondrial defects have been identified in Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, heart disease, fatigue syndromes, numerous genetic conditions, and nucleoside therapy for AIDS. Also, many common nutritional deficiencies can impair mitochondrial efficiency. One of the mitochondrial components which may play a critical role in the aging of mitochondria is cardiolipin (diphosphatidylglycerol), a special phospholipid that is unique to the inner mitochondrial membrane and which provides important structural support to several of the enzymes in the electron transport chain Carnitine is necessary to transport long-chain fatty acids into the mitochondrion for use as fuel and for the manufacture of cardiolipin. Medium- and short-chain fatty acids less than 8 carbons in length do not require carnitine transport. Cardiolipin levels decrease with age, as does mitochondrial efficiency. Acetyl-L-carnitine (ALC) restores falling cardiolipin levels in aged rat mitochondria to youthful levels. ALC treatment also restores ADP carrier activity and cytochrome oxidase activity. Since the amounts of cytochrome protein and ADP carrier protein in aged mitochondria is close to that in young mitochondria, it is the enzyme efficiencies which are being adversely affected by aging influences - and restored by ALC administration. ALC has no effect on cytochrome oxidase activity in young rat mitochondria. By restoration of cardiolipin levels, cytochrome oxidase activity and ADP carrier transport, ALC also restores overall respiratory activity (oxygen energy conversion) of aged rat mitochondria to normal levels. We believe it may help normalize human

mitochondrial function as well. Coenzyme Q Coenzyme Q (ubiquinone) is a critical electron transfer molecule that transports electrons from Complexes I and II to Complex III. It is present in much higher amounts than the complex proteins and is probably mobile within the membrane. It can exist in reduced (quinol) and oxidized (quinone) forms, as well as an intermediate radical form (a semiquinone radical). Deficiencies of coenzyme Q are associated with numerous pathologies, the most common of which is probably cardiomyopathy (heart muscle disease). The heart muscle is especially rich in mitochondria due to its extremely high energy requirements. It is no accident that cardiolipin was first extracted from heart muscle mitochondria. Coenzyme 1 NADH (also called coenzyme 1) is a key electron transfer molecule between the citric acid cycle and Complex I. NAD (short for nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) exists in both oxidized (NAD+) and reduced (NADH) forms. Both forms participate in countless reactions throughout the body, where NAD+ serves as an electron acceptor and NADH as an electron donor. The electron transport chain starts with NADH on Complex I and ends with oxygen on Complex. Although the mechanism of inhibition of Complex I in Parkinson's disease is not known, NADH supplementation has demonstrated clinical value in treating Parkinson's disease. Under average circumstances, about one-third of NAD is produced from vitamin B3 (niacin or niacinamide) and about two-thirds from the catabolism of tryptophan. Lipoic Acid Lipoic acid (lipoate) is an essential component of the alphaketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex (KGDHC), the closely associated collection of enzymes that generates NADH from the decarboxylation of alpha-ketoglutarate within the citric acid cycle. Also called thioctic acid, lipoate exists in both oxidized (disulfide) and reduced (dithiol) forms. Thiamine diphosphate (a vitamin B1 derivative) and FAD (a riboflavin derivative) are also cofactors of KGDHC. Lipoate, thiamine diphosphate and FAD also serve as a cofactors in the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex, an enzyme complex quite similar to KGDHC in both structure and function. Like KGDHC, the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex generates NADH. While KGDHC generates succinyl-CoA within the citric acid cycle, pyruvate dehydrogenase complex generates acetyl-CoA that feeds the citric acid cycle. Specifically, acetyl-CoA is a substrate for citrate synthase to generate citric acid (citrate) at the start of the citric acid cycle. Of all of the enzymes of the citric acid cycle, only the KGDHC and citrate synthase catalyze directional reactions. All of the other reactions are reversible (they can run forwards and

backwards, illustrated by double-headed arrows). Both of these directional or driving reactions force the citric acid cycle to flow in the correct direction, the direction that generates NADH, FADH2 and ATP. Both of these directional reactions require the involvement of dehydrogenase complexes which are dependent on lipoic acid and vitamins B1 and B2 for their activity. In addition to it's cofactor role, lipoic acid is a powerful antioxidant that is effective at scavenging both water- and lipid-soluble free It picks up some of the free radicals that vitamin C and E miss. Lipoate decreases the excitotoxicity of glutamate and is used to treat diabetic polyneuropathy Supplementation There is plenty of evidence that documents the potential effectiveness of diet and dietary supplements on the mitochondrial pathologies underlying Parkinson's disease and aging. Not only do numerous nutrients play indispensable roles in mitochondrial energy function, nutrients also serve vital antioxidant functions that ameliorate the free-radical byproducts of oxidative phosphorylation. In aged rats and mice, antioxidant supplements of vitamins C and E, and the amino acid cysteine, are effective in 1) lowering the amount of oxidized glutathione and 2) reducing DNA damage. Untreated, old rodents have several times more oxidized glutathione in their livers and up to six times more oxidized glutathione in their brains. Such changes reflect the general increase in oxidative stress that occurs with age and a gradual decrease in the competence of the antioxidant defense system. One obvious mitochondrial component of this defense is the production of reduced NADH, FADH2 and NADPH which can directly reduce (recycle) oxidized substrates into their reduced forms. Although antioxidant therapy is an obvious approach to deal with increased oxidative stress and decreased antioxidant levels, scientists and doctors have been slow to apply this technology. Researchers have started investigating the effect of vitamin E towards this end, but antioxidants are much more effective in combinations than they are singly. More importantly, vitamin E is lipid soluble and provides minimal antioxidant protection to the aqueous (watery) metabolic compartments of the brain that are stressed in Parkinson's disease. It makes much better sense to employ a broad-spectrum antioxidant intervention which emphasizes water-soluble antioxidants like vitamin C, glutathione, N-acetylcysteine, polyphenols, proanthocyanidins, lipoate, NADH, DMSO, etc. This general approach has been pioneered by Annetta Freeman with outstanding results. Cognitive Enhancement At this time, the degree of mitochondrial involvement in agerelated mental decline (ARMD) and age-associated memory impairment (AAMI) is not known. A significant amount of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) damage seen in Parkinson's disease is also observed in age-matched controls. Such observations suggest that reductions in mitochondrial efficiency and ATP output may underlie many age-associated phenomena. The successful use of mitochondrial support nutrients to ameliorate

serious mitochondrial diseases may prove to be generalized to the sub clinical complaints of normal, healthy, aging humans. 12.15.5 The missing understanding of original motion and mitochondria- chloroplasts Something that is often missed in investigations into the function of cells is the fact that everything is in motion in some way. The natural assumption about motion is that it is there because of operations within the organism. But what of the origin of cellular motion? At what point of origin does motion originate? The strong chemical reaction that occurs within the "bellows" structure of the mitochondria is the same (but smaller) as that which occurs in a car engine. The strong structure of the cylinder and engine block means the mini-explosion of motion is directed upwards push the cylinder head. What then do you think happens to the "bellows" structure of the mitochondria at such a point? As you may have guessed, the shape of the mitochondria expands rapidly, causing a ripple effect of motion throughout the cell. Depending on where the reaction occurs, the main wavefront of motion can be directed- directed motion, such as towards the nucleus, or a component within the cell that needs to be moved. Without directed motion, cells could not function. The existence of directed motion represents a fundamental tenet of intelligence we call "volition"- willful movement. More than just the chemical conversion within mitochondria and chloroplasts, it is the motion created by those chemical reactions that are fundamental to the survival of eukaryote (plant and animal) cells.


A greater explanation of ribosomes and DNA to amino acid sequence (protein creation)
A ribosome translates mRNA into a protein sequence, a linear chain of amino acids. This chain must fold correctly into a particular 3-D stable structure to become a functional protein. A ribosome translates mRNA into a protein sequence, a linear chain of amino acids. This chain must fold correctly into a particular 3-D stable structure to become a functional protein. Amino Acids Amino acids are the basic building blocks that make up the amino acid polymer chains called proteins. The four base letters in nucleic acids are read 3 at a time as a series of triplet codons, each amino acid being encoded by one or more different triplets. There are 20 standard amino acids making up the proteins in all living systems: Gly (glycine) Ala (alanine) Val (valine) Leu (lecine) Ile (isoleucine) Pro (proline) Phe (phenylalaine) Tyr (tyrosine) Trp (tryptophan) Ser (serine) Thr (threonine) Cys (cysteine) Met (methionine) Asn (asparagine) Gln (glutamine) Lys (lysine) Areg (arginine) His (histidine) Asp (aspartate) Glu (glutamate) Amino to Nucleic codes




Ribosome conversion of DNA to Amino Acids

12.25 Are cells intelligent?

After talking about all these amazing qualities of and self correction/adaptation abilities we have yet to answer one fundamentally important questions, are individual cells intelligent- in the sense of a basic level of object cognizance?, or are they a dumb, organic machine- programmed from start to end by DNA? 12.17.1 Intelligence is somewhere- but we can't see it In a scientific world still coming to terms each day with the raft of genetic discoveries and their influence on the physical human, the question of cellular intelligence other than DNA is considered secondary and largely inconsequential. In the genetic world, we have been taught that our function, our height, even our general health and probable cause of death can now be found in DNA. As we know, DNA is a molecular code which the cell reads and then performs certain functions. Therefore if our physical life is all written down, the geneticists argue that this is the greatest goal- to unlock the secrets of the human genetic code. To many in the scientific community, the cell is nothing more than an organic machine, a pre-programmed machine. However, the discovery of the Retrovirus, a biologic program that attacks DNA and re-writes programs is evidence that even DNA is not immune to being dramatically modified in parts. With the recognition of Tubulin Dimers as a binary method of vast information storage via the structural arrangement of tubulin dimers into arrangements of 010's etc, we see real evidence of an extended information system within cells. Our challenge then should no longer be with the question- are cells intelligent and sufficiently unique?, rather it should be- how is a cells information system structured? and why? 12.17.2 The importance of understanding information systems structure for understanding more complex life Not only is understanding and seeing the information structure of a cell important to understanding the function and purpose of components of a cell. It is also vital so that the function and operation of more complex cells like neurons can be understood. Without understanding the function of the "generic" species cell, then it is difficult, to understand the function of the larger 12.17.2 The binary memory capacity of tubulin dimers A general estimate of the processing power of a cells total cytoskeleton system (thanks to the structure and unique function of microtubules), we arrive to a figure around 460K to 550k information storage (0's and 1's) as well as around a 100K to 300K parallel information processing capacity thanks to MAPs. A general estimate of the processing power of a cells total cytoskeleton system (thanks to the structure and unique function of microtubules), we arrive to a figure around 460K to 550k information

storage (0's and 1's) as well as around a 100K to 300K parallel information processing capacity thanks to MAPs. 12.17.3 The journey of mind Yet is DNA the only thing that makes us as human? We recognize that mind is something free to a certain extent of the body in which it resides. If this were not true, then the arguments of eugenicists (people who advocate racial prejudice and elimination of the weak) would be proven, in only the physically most perfect members of the human race contributing the greatest good. Therefore, we see a common sense argument as to the mind of a cell being something with independent existence to the uncompromising unraveling of DNA code. Our code 12.17.4 The need to classify memory In describing and seeking answers to the question of intelligence, we need to find a means of classification of the concept of physical memory. Stored Long term Memory a) Chemical Cellular Based DNA- proteins, DNA responses Memory b) Instructions and understandings Stored short term memory a) Tubulin Dimers Live memory (consciousness) a) Hormones in conjunction with tubilin shift 12.17.5 The need to classify memory


Level II life: the unique universe of individual cells

While we have discussed the nature and function of cells, we have not yet described the level of life in which all cells exist as a fundamental level of Life. We call the first level of cellular life Level 2: Simple mono-cellular HydroCarbon Biologics.


All cells belong in some way to the universe of individual cells A complex organism such as human being is made up of literally trillions of individual cells. While it is natural to consider a human being belonging to a higher order of life, a human nonetheless can also be viewed as an aggregate of these trillions of unique and individual cells. All life, no matter how complex, begins its journey as a single cell. And all ecosystems, such as the planet Earth, can be viewed as a universe of countless trillions of trillions of individual cells, some aggregated into higher organisms, but most arranged in fairly lose alliances and colonies. On Earth, over 80% of all life is and remains mono cellular during its existence. In other words the universe of Bacteria.


The universe of bacteria The word Bacteria is the plural of the word Bacterium (Greek bakterion,"little staff"), and stands for any group of microscopic organisms that are prokaryotic, i.e., that lack a membrane-bound nucleus and organelles. Bacteria are unicellular (one-celled) and may have spherical (coccus), rodlike (bacillus), or curved (vibrio, spirillum, or spirochete) bodies. They can be found in nearly all environments-from air, soil, water, and ice to hot springs; even the hydrothermal vents on the deep ocean floor are the home of sulphurmetabolizing bacteria. Certain types are found in nearly all food products, and

bacteria also occur in various forms of symbiosis with most plants and animals and other kinds of life. Some bacteria are known to be beneficial to humans and the higher animals, while many others are harmful; bacteria are the chief cause of infectious diseases in humans. On average, bacteria are about 1 micrometre (0.000039 inch) long and 0.5 micrometre in diameter. All bacteria are surrounded by a lipid membrane that regulates the flow of materials in and out of the cell. A rigid cell wall completely surrounds the bacterium and lies outside the membrane. Grampositive bacteria are stained blue by the gram stain, because their cell walls have a relatively thick and mesh like structure that traps the dye. In gramnegative bacteria, the cell wall is thin and releases the dye readily when washed with an alcohol solution. Outside the cell wall, some species of bacteria also have a capsule made up of polysaccharides. Such capsules have many functions, including protecting the bacterium from phagocytes and from desiccation (drying). Many species of bacteria swim by means of flagellae, i.e., hairlike structures whose whip like lashing provides propulsion.The DNA of most bacteria is found in a single circular chromosome and is distributed throughout the cytoplasm rather than in a membrane-bound nucleus. Smaller circular auxiliary DNA strands, called plasmids, are also found in the cytoplasm. A number of other structures are distributed about the bacterial cytoplasm, including ribosomes. When applied to bacteria, the term growth refers to an increase in the number of bacteria in a population rather than in the size of an individual microorganism. Bacteria usually reproduce through binary fission, an asexual process in which the mother cell increases in size until it divides into two identical daughter cells. There are also bacteria that reproduce through budding, through chains of spores, and through the segmentation of elementary units. Bacteria do not reproduce sexually, but there are several mechanisms by which DNA is exchanged in a one-way transfer between them. All bacteria require carbon, nitrogen, sulfur, phosphorus, inorganic salts, and micro nutrients. Bacteria that use an organic compound as their source of carbon are called heterotrophs, while those that use an inorganic source are called autotrophs. In addition, some bacteria use photosynthesis to generate energy in the form of the compound ATP; these are called phototrophs. Some species of bacteria are parasitic and can grow only within a living host cell; examples include the genera Rickettsia and Chlamydia, both of which are parasites in eukaryotic cells. Those bacteria that require oxygen, such as Bacillus, are called aerobes; anaerobes, such as Clostridium, cannot survive in the presence of oxygen. Various types of bacteria that are present in water can cause disease in humans, and water-purification plants are designed to destroy these microorganisms. Bacteria from industrial wastes may also act as pathogens, or agents of disease. Conversely, some types of bacteria act as cleansing agents in water, and water-treatment facilities utilize some such bacteria to break down the organic matter that is present in sewage. 12.18.3 The structure of the universe of bacteria There has been greater debate and discussion in recent years as to the exact classification of bacteria. Some scientists have matched bacteria based on their shape, others by their breathing ability, others by their structure. In all, it it is difficult to find a definitive definition to the structure of the most fundamental level of matter. It is for this reason that a formula is applied to

structure Bacteria by what we know and understand through UCA. Level 2 Simple mono-cellular Hydro-Carbon Biologics

Primordial mono cellular creators

Bacteria and cynobacteria (which are also called prokaryotic cells)

Primordial mono cellular destructive attractors

Viruses Nucleic Acids

Advanced mono cellular creators (ProtozoaSacodina, Ciliata)

Sarcodina- Amoeba, Actinophrys, Diffulgia, Textularia Ciliata- Paramecium, Coleps, Vorticella, Stentor

Advanced mono cellular destructive attractors (Protozoa- Mastigophora)

Euglenids, Trypanosoma, Trichomonas, Codosiga 12.18.4 Introduction to the concept of THE CORPUS As we stated earlier, mono cellular life makes up approximately 80% of all life on the planet Earth. In times of great planetary environmental hardship, this percentage would certainly be higher. Yet in human terms, our perspective is influenced by the philosophy of the human being at the centre, or top of the tree of life, the concept of the Great Chain of Being. This mind set has been in place for at least the last 2,000 years, encouraging us to conceive ourselves as separate to the vast mass of life- mono cellular life and small multi-celled life (fungi, algae). It is no wonder then, that our medical history in co-existing healthily with bacteria is fraught with bitter disappointment and fear. We consider bacteria as the enemy, we consider bacteria a nuisance in our world, not the other way around. It is us, the human race that are members of the bacterial world. Testimony to the lack of existence of this perspective in science is the lack of a proper label to describe the interconnected world of bacteria that encompasses the entire surface of the planet Earth. Therefore, in the context of UCA, we have breathed life into a word at least 2000 years old- the word Corpus. Corpus comes from Latin and means "many parts, or people coming together to form a whole." Later, an additional concept was added to imply the forming of a commercial relationship- a corporation.

In the context of the universe of Bacteria on the planet EARTH- we define CORPUS as the sum total of life in the context of the bacterial world. It is the complete cellular world of the planet in recognition of many trillions of cells coming together to form one living cellular entity. In the context of all cellular life on planet Earth, we put in context all life as a proportion of a greater universe of cells ( as the diagram above shows). We hope that in this way, readers may gain a greater appreciation of life and the context of life on Earth.

12.27 Primordial mono-cellar creators

Bacteria are tiny, most ranging from 1 to 10 micro metres (1 micro metre equals 1/25,000 in), and are extremely variable in the ways they obtain energy and nourishment. They can be found in nearly all environments-from air, soil, water, and ice to hot springs; even the hydrothermal vents on the deep ocean floor are the home of sulphurmetabolizing bacteria. Certain types are found in nearly all food products, and bacteria also occur in various forms of symbiosis with most plants and animals and other kinds of life.

On average, bacteria are about 1 micro metre (0.000039 inch) long and 0.5 micro metre in diameter. All bacteria are surrounded by a lipid membrane that regulates the flow of materials in and out of the cell. A rigid cell wall completely surrounds the bacterium and lies outside the membrane. Gram-positive bacteria are stained blue by the gram stain, because their cell walls have a relatively thick and mesh like structure that traps the dye. In gram-negative bacteria, the

cell wall is thin and releases the dye readily when washed with an alcohol solution.

Outside the cell wall, some species of bacteria also have a capsule made up of polysaccharides. Such capsules have many functions, including protecting the bacterium from phagocytes and from desiccation (drying). Many species of bacteria swim by means of flagellae, i.e., hairlike structures whose whip like lashing provides propulsion.

The DNA of most bacteria is found in a single circular chromosome and is distributed throughout the cytoplasm rather than in a membrane-bound nucleus. Smaller circular auxiliary DNA strands, called plasmids, are also found in the cytoplasm. A number of other structures are distributed about the bacterial cytoplasm, including ribosomes. When applied to bacteria, the term growth refers to an increase in the number of bacteria in a population rather than in the size of an individual microorganism. Bacteria usually reproduce through binary fission, an asexual process in which the mother cell increases in size until it divides into two identical daughter cells. There are also bacteria that reproduce through budding, through chains of spores, and through the segmentation of elementary units. Bacteria do not reproduce sexually, but there are several mechanisms by which DNA is exchanged in a one-way transfer between them.

All bacteria require carbon, nitrogen, sulfur, phosphorus, inorganic salts, and micro nutrients. Bacteria that use an organic compound as their source of carbon are called heterotrophs, while those that use an inorganic source are called autotrophs. In addition, some bacteria use photosynthesis to generate energy in the form of the compound ATP; these are called phototrophs. Some species of bacteria are parasitic and can grow only within a living host cell; examples include the genera Rickettsia and Chlamydia, both of which are parasites in eukaryotic cells. Those bacteria that require oxygen, such as Bacillus, are called aerobes; anaerobes, such as Clostridium, cannot survive in the presence of oxygen.

Various types of bacteria that are present in water can cause disease in humans, and water-purification plants are designed to destroy these microorganisms. Bacteria from industrial wastes may also act as pathogens, or agents of disease. Conversely, some types of bacteria act as cleansing agents in water, and water-treatment facilities utilize some such bacteria to break down the organic matter that is present in sewage.

Various types of bacteria contaminate foods and can cause food poisoning in humans. Pasteurization is routinely used to neutralize bacteria that may be present in milk, for example. Other sterilization techniques include high temperature, radiation, ethylene oxide, and other antiseptics and germicides.

A number of bacteria cause diseases in humans. Some, such as meningococcal bacteria which infect the brain membranes, have a specificity for a particular part of the body; others, such as staphylococcal bacteria, can affect various parts of the body. Although human interest in bacteria frequently focuses on their harmful effects, most bacteria are harmless to human beings, and many of them are actually beneficial. Saprophytic bacteria, for example, perform an ecologically indispensable role in the breakdown of dead organisms and organic wastes; without such agents of decomposition, the cycling of various elements vital to living organisms would cease in the biosphere.

Bacteria also form highly beneficial associations with animals. For instance, the bacterial inhabitants of the ruminant stomach break down cellulose; this enables cows, sheep, and other ruminants to digest grass. Humans also harbor beneficial bacteria, such as those in the lower intestine that synthesize vitamin K. Bacteria are also used in various industrial processes, especially in the food industry; the production of buttermilk, yogurt, cheeses, pickles, and sauerkraut are all dependent upon bacterial action. The scientific classification of bacteria is in transition, particularly at the higher taxonomic levels. The bacteria form the only prokaryotic kingdom, that of the Monera. Within this kingdom, at least two groups have been distinguished, the eubacteria and archaebacteria. DNA hybridization studies of ribosomal RNA have proved useful in defining these groups. 12.19.1 Classification Primordial mono cellular creators (Mendosicutes) Bacteria and cynobacteria (which are also called prokaryotic cells) Mendosicutes have unusual cell walls made of material other than typical bacterial peptidoglycan. Among the Mendosicutes are the archaebacteria, a group of unusual organisms that includes methanogens, strict anaerobes that produce methane from carbon dioxide and hydrogen; halobacteria, which grow at high salt concentrations; and thermoacidophiles, which are sulphur-dependent extreme thermophiles.

12.28 Primordial mono-cellular destructive attractors

Primordial mono cellular destructive attractors (Firmicutes) the Firmicutes have thick, gram-positive cell walls

12.29 Advanced mono-cellular creators (protozoa,

sacodina, ciliata)
Sarcodina- Amoeba, Actinophrys, Diffulgia, Textularia Ciliata- Paramecium, Coleps, Vorticella, Stentor

A microscopic picture of a paramecium. You can see the tiny hairs around its single cell body- flagelettes that it uses to wim around.
Protozoa, collective name for animal-like, single-celled organisms, some of which may form colonies. In the classification followed in this encyclopedia the protozoa are placed in the kingdom Protoctista with other single-celled organisms that have membrane-enclosed nuclei. Protozoa have little or no differentiation into tissue systems. Several phyla are commonly recognized. They include flagellated Zoomastigina, many species of which live as parasites in plants and animals; the amoeboid Sarcodina, which includes the Foraminifera and Radiolaria, both important components of the plankton; ciliated Ciliophora, many with specialized structures suggesting the mouth and anus of higher organisms; Cnidosporidia, parasites of invertebrates, fish, and a few reptiles and amphibians; and Sporozoa, many species of which are parasites of animals (including humans). More than 20,000 species are known, including such familiar forms as paramecium and amoeba.

Most species are found in such aquatic habitats as oceans, lakes, rivers, and ponds. They vary in length from 2 to 70 micrometres (one micrometre equals one-millionth of a metre). Protozoa obtain their food by ingesting bacteria, waste products of other organisms, algae, or other protozoa. Most species are motile (can move), either by whip-like structures called flagella, hair-like structures called cilia, or amoeboid motion, a streaming type of movement involving the formation of pseudopods (foot-like extensions).

12.30 Advanced mono-cellular destructive attractor ATTRACTORS(protozoa-mastigophora)

Euglenids, Trypanosoma, Trichomonas, Codosiga

Trypanosoma, Trichomonas, Codosiga Euglenoids, common name for microscopic, plant-like, single-celled organisms such as those of the genus Euglena, common in freshwater habitats but sometimes found also in marine environments. Traditionally, euglenoids have been treated as algae, or simple plants, because they are frequently photosynthetic. Zoologists, however, have considered them simple animals because they can swim and because some feed like animals. Thus, they have been considered transitional between plants and animals. They are currently classified in the phylum Euglenophyta in the kingdom Protoctista. A typical euglenoid has a pair of flagella, or thread-like structures used in swimming, at the front end. It also executes a kind of crawling movement by changing the shape of its body. An eye-spot enables it to move towards or away from light. Photosynthetic euglenoids contain several bodies, called chloroplasts, that give them a greenish colour and enable them to photosynthesize. Some euglenoids feed by taking up dissolved substances, and a few can ingest larger materials such as other euglenoids. The animals reproduce asexually by binary fission, or dividing in two, and little evidence of sexual reproduction exists.

12.31 Is spontaneous life possible under the right conditions?

Since the time of Louis Pasteur, there has existed a scientific

argument that spontaneous development of cell based life is impossible- that all cell based life is bio-genetic, that all life can be derived down to a few cells that spawned millions of years ago. A famous experiment was done to "prove" the theory of "biogenesis". Pasteur put bacteria into a sterilized dish and showed that it would not develop without re-contact with sunlight. That the conditions on Earth have rarely if ever been sterile has done little to diminish the belief by most scientists that the Pasteur test is valid proof. However, recent re-evaluation on the biogenesis tests have shown Pasteur was deliberately misleading in his experiments. For it has now has been proven without doubt that in the re-created conditions of early Earth, carbon chains and even amino acids form within days. 12.23.1 Conditions for the birth of Life on Earth Since its formation 4.5 Billion years ago, the Earth must have lost its original atmosphere- it was probably swept away by the violent solar wind coming from the newly formed star- The Sun. Later the atmosphere evolved to hydrogen, nitrogen, methane, ammonia, water vapor and carbon dioxide. The temperature was low enough to allow the water vapor to condense and form the oceans. Since the atmosphere contained neither oxygen nor ozone, ultraviolet radiation from the Sun could freely penetrate the atmosphere, right down to the Surface of the Earth. This energy flux, combined with that obtained from other sources, such as storms, volcanoes, asteroids, comets, led to the formation of more complex organic molecules that were dissolved in the relatively fresh water oceans of that epoch. Life it is suggested was born from a warm dilute soup. Fossils dating from about 3.5 Billion years after the formation of the Earth have been discovered in very ancient sedimentary rocks. They are microscopic unicellular organisms, similar to bacteria. However, a further two billion years elapsed before the first multi-cellular organisms that we know of developed. This time lapse suggested that it is easier to proceed from the inert to unicellular life than from unicellular to multi-cell life. 12.23.2 Understanding the key conditions for spontaneous life Organic molecules ( living molecules) can be synthesized when an atmosphere without oxygen but containing hydrogen, nitrogen, methane, ammonia, water vapor and carbon dioxide is subjected to either o ultra violet radiation and electrical discharges; o het particles; o or greater density brought about by a shockwave ( such as a comet or asteroid) (meaning the right temperature. Proven experiments show that organic molecular transformation up to the amino acid stage occurs with the presence of an atmosphere of hydrogen, helium, nitrogen, methane, ammonia and water in vapor or liquid form (pools, or seas or oceans).

It has been proven that it is possible by altering the nature of the change of environment that the 20 known amino acids that form the basis of all proteins and therefore cellular life on Earth will form. It has been proven that with the existence of these conditions on Earth, the first life forms 3.3 Billion years ago were formed. That amino acids form naturally, without any external force known as the life force at work. Simply the laws of matter interacting to create more complex shapes under the right conditions proves that there is no clear "special" differentiation between complex molecules we call life and simple molecules and atoms we call non-life. We see that synergistically under the right conditions- all organisms are formed from the same "bricks"- 20 amino acids, five nucleotides that are cemented together by only six different chemical liaisons. Therefore, leading science now has proven unmistakably that: When the right conditions prevail, oxy-hydro-carbon combinations will always form into chains, then carbohydrates amino acids and ultimately cell life; Life is therefore not only spontaneous under these conditions, it occurs naturally. 12.23.3 Would these be the same laws in other parts of the Universe? Yes, by virtue of the rules of matter formation remaining Universally consistent laws. Matter forms into atoms, Strong chemical fusion has consistent rules, fusion-based solution has consistent rules, molecules and compounds spontaneously formed under the right conditions. While we are unable to prove the consistency of DNA structuring as a consistent method of life construction until we can analyze alien life forms (one day), on the argument of pure Logos, and the rules of creation of the Universe, the DNA method of replication where the conditions for life exist makes complete sense. Where there are ocean planets in a state suitable for the formation of molecules and compounds, there will be life. 12.23.4 What about spontaneous and naturally occurring silicon based life? There has been some debate in the past, particularly amongst science fiction writers that silicon could be a base for organic life. It is now known that silicon cannot form the required number of stable compounds. Silicon atoms do not form the same complex long chains that carbon does. This does not discount the very real probability of silicon based life (computers) existing in many places throughout the galaxy, nor mixtures of carbon and silicon (as is slowly happening to human beings via the cult of implants). In both cases however, silicon based, or mixed lifeforms would be the product of effort of carbon based higher-order biologics (that will be discussed in the next chapter). 12.23.5 What about spontaneous and naturally occurring silicon based life?

One theory of contemporary science is that life on Earth could have come here via falling comet or asteroid and then developed from there. Remarkably, this theory is supported by a great many scientists working for the leading research bodies on this planet, including some from NASA. Initially, the theory sounds possible, until you look at 2 major obstacles: o ability of cell structures of "life" to withstand the journey through extremes of space such as impact of gamma radiation, extremes of temperature, possible lack of resources to build more life on the comet and/or asteroid; o the extremes of temperature and reactions upon impact. On both points it is statistically impossible that life, requiring a range of conditions to be in place can ever survive such a journey, let alone the arrival. 12.23.6 What about spontaneous and naturally occurring silicon based life? Simply this- the existence of oceans allowed matter attracted to form solution based molecules to form solution based compounds that became more complex and specialized until programming of construction occurred according to the workings of the fundamental laws of the Universe. In fact the fundamental laws as described in this book would have compelled matter to form life in these conditions anyway, whether or not basic life from another location was somehow able to survive and land on Earth. A supporting argument that formation of molecules and compounds occurs naturally, leading to the natural creation of cells, is that evidence of the beginning of life on Earth indicate that it probably occurred around 500 million years after the birth of the planet- at a time when the surface of the Earth would have still been incredibly het, a substantially thinner atmosphere and oceans almost at boiling point on the surface. The history of life on Earth is discussed in detail in chapter 14.

12.32 How many places in the Milky Way galaxy would there be life?
From previous detailed arguments in the previous chapters, we see that planets are the only structures on which life can begin and sustain in basic form (excluding higher forms of life being able to travel and leave the safety of a planet.) We also know that planets are a regular feature of stars. All stars have some number of planets orbiting them. In the Milky Way, for example we have already discussed that it is estimated there are at least 100 billion stars.

Before looking at the arguments for other life in the galaxy, let us look firstly at the arguments against there being other life forms in the galaxy. 12.24.1 Arguments against other life existing in the Milky Way Galaxy First, the existence of planets would by and large have to be a freak of nature. Stars in our Galaxy would have to be moving and rotating around the spiral arms of the galaxy largely as independent entities. Second, where planets do exist, the likelihood of a planet having seas or oceans (frozen or otherwise) would have to be extremely rare. The fact that just in our solar system, Mars has polar ice caps, Europa is a frozen ocean moon, as is several other moons of the larger planets and that comets are most often made up of frozen ice would all be anomalies peculiar to our solar system. Thirdly, the laws pertaining to the natural formation of molecules and compounds when ocean planets are in a semi-state of liquid and gaseous state would have to be an exclusive feature of our solar system, even though traces of molecules and compounds have been found in meteorite fragments allegedly "chipped off" from Mars and found on Earth. In the rest of the galaxy, where there may be ocean planets, these same laws would not apply. Finally, the natural progression of certain stable molecules and compounds forming cellular structures (and therefore DNA) would have to be a peculiar set of laws pertaining only to Earth. In short, Earth and our solar system would have to operate on a completely different set of laws compared to the rest of the Universe, while continuing to remain part of the Universe. Whenever someone says "no life is possible", or even "no life is probable", they are (by default) supporting the absurd line of argument as discussed above. 12.24.2 The arguments for life in other parts of the Milky Way Galaxy Let us then look at the reasons for why there is life in the galaxy and how advanced or primitive in its evolution would it likely to be:

1. The number of stars in the Milky Way Galaxy

We have stated in previous chapters and this chapter, that it is estimated our galaxy contains at least 200 billion stars. We also know from previous chapters that it is the statistical norm that these stars have planets revolving around them- it is part and parcel of the creation of stars in the first place.

2. All stars are born from the process of collapsing nebulae

As discussed in the previous chapters, all stars (and therefore planets) are formed from the process of collapsing nebulae. The size of stars and the number of active stars is determined by the size and relative shape of the nebulae cloud prior to implosion. What this means is that, there are always general patterns of formation that apply to all stars and their planets- size, shape,

distance of orbit, relative mix of atomic structures for example. Not only would you expect a proportion of Yellow Dwarfs (Sun's the same as ours) to be created, but ocean planets (the same as Earth to be created).

3. Oceans and seas are a natural feature of planets

In our solar system, let alone the solar systems nearby and across the over 100+ billion solar systems in our Milky Way, oceans and seas are a common features of planets. They may be frozen as in the case of Europa and Titan around our dormant outer stars (Jupiter and Saturn), or liquid/gaseous ocean planets as Earth.

4. The conditions for life should be better for younger and middle aged solar systems than for new-born and dying solar systems
All stars die at some point. Those solar systems closest to the centre of the galaxy should be devoid of life as their suns swell up into Giants, while at the edge of the galaxy, the new born stars and planets are still too "het" to sustain life.

5. So what is the "magic number"?

If there is between 80 and 130 billion solar systems (most of two or more stars) in our galaxy, and say only around 10% of those at the right period of evolution to provide the right conditions for life, then that means a number of between 8 billion and 13 billion life bearing planets at least in our galaxy alone! 12.24.3

Is it possible to prove life exists in other parts of the galaxy?

In previous chapters, we discussed the methods that can be applied to predicting planets- the first being the actual way in which solar systems are formed. We can look at the relative size of the Sun and therefore make reasonable predictions on the type and size of planet configuration that should exist to create the overall solar system.

1. The mental block for science:- "needle in a haystack"

The first and most often discussed problem of finding life in other parts of the galaxy has been the needle in a haystack problem. Whereas stars exude radiation in the form or radio waves, radiation and sunlight, planets themselves do not. They are absorbers of these particles. The second part of the problem is the relative size of planetscompared to structures such as stars, they are tiny by galactic comparison. The third part of the problem is the massive distances even in our galaxy. Our nearest solar system for example is the Alpha Centuari Solar System of three stars. Its distance from our solar system to Alpha Centauri Solar System is approximately 4.3 light years or 40 693 900 000 000 kilometres. To give you an indication of this distance, it took the NASA probe to Mars (distance from the Earth of around 60 000 000 kilometres) approximately 1 year to get there.

Even if a NASA probe traveled at twice the same speed as the Mars probe to get to the Alpha Centauri solar system, it would take around 150,000 years to get there! That definitely rules out manned space flights to the system and currently rules out unmanned space probes in the near future. It has led scientists to rule out the question of any experiments to directly detect the existence of planets. For example, any radio waves sent out into space say in one hundred metre bandwidth's, may miss a planet in a nearby solar system by millions of kilometres without being affected in any way.

2. Remembering pattern is the key

The wonder of the Universe that we have tried to show in the previous chapters is not knowing that a structure is 1.4 million kilometres in dimension, but its prime ratio compared to other structures and then their related ratios in terms of orbit and distances. Every piece of matter from the smallest to the largest is about relationships. Relationships are about ratios. Once we establish the age, stability, structure and brightness of a star, we are also able to understand the relative nature of its birth and therefore the likely planets, their size and distribution, finally their orbits. If ratios did not exist, then structures like the Milky Way could not exist. What we are saying is that by using what we can detect- the Sun, we can plot the likely pattern of planets. This then gives us two choices to confirm the existence then of those planets: (a) to monitor the disturbances at the predicted co-ordinates of the light from the Sun coming to our Earth (thus confirming the ratio of interference consistent with certain type planets), and/or (b) use our understanding of radio waves to actually send a signal on the predicted co-ordinates and position of a planet to measure our signals disturbance on its path.

3. A further clue- the wonder of fuzzy refraction of ocean planets

A feature of all ocean covered planets is the incidence of torn surfaces in the form of plates. This occurs (as we will explain in later chapters) because of the combination of large asteroid impacts causing the condition of "nuclear winters" therefore freezing the oceans and then in turn the glacierisation effect tearing the surface of the planet. To ocean moons (like Europa), this may appear like reasonably even hatch marks, compared to a well-worn planet like Earth with its torn and moving plates from hundreds of millions of years of freezing and thawing.


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Simple life
In the previous chapter we saw that it is no longer correct to make a definition between "life" and "non-life". Instead, we may define different levels of life according to the organizational complexity, replication ability, awareness and survival skills of the structure in question. The first two levels of Hydro Carbon Biologics , being polymers and mono-cellular.

UCA standard model of hydrocarbon life (Level 6 of element model)

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6

Polymers Mono-cellular Simple species (a-sexual) Simple species (sexual) Complex species (sexual) Higher order life (self aware)

Unita Quark, Neutrino, Cosmic Mono-neural systems Dual-neural systems Triple-Neural systems Triple-Neural systems

Level 1 Complex a-symmetrical carbon molecular (polymers)

Carbohydrates, Amino Acids, Enzymes, Lipids

Level 2 Mono-cellular life Bacteria We were able to see that cell structures are common structures to all more developed and complex structures, whether they be plants, birds, humans or fish. We were able to explain clearly how under the right conditions, the molecules required for Hydro-Carbon based life will come together naturally. That these processes are consistent for anywhere in the Universe where the conditions are suitable for Weak Chemical Fusion . Most importantly, we were able to show that we live in a cellular universe, that mono cellular life is far more diverse and intelligent than usually understood. Additionally, we were able to describe seamlessly how Hydro-Carbon related molecules come together and form the building blocks of cellular life. 13.1.1 About this Chapter In this chapter, we will look at the next two levels of Hydro-Carbon Biologics, being: Level 3 Simple a-sexual Multi-cellular Hydro-Carbon Biologics - mono neural systems

Fungi 1- Fungi Algae 1- Algae Primal Eukaryotes 2-Jellies & Sponges 3-Worms & Echioderms Primal Prokaryotes 4-Ferns & Horsetails

(Animal/Plant) 2000 million (Animal/Plant) 2000 million (Animal) 800 million (Animal) 600 million (Plant) 450 million

5-Psilophytes 6- Moss

(Plant) 400 million (Plant) 300 million

Level 4 Simple sexual Multi-cellular Hydro-Carbon Biologics - dual neural systems

Hybrid Eukaryotes 1-Coral Eukaryotes 2-Mollusks 3-Crustaceans 4-Insects & pedes Prokaryotes 5-Flowering trees 6-Flowering Plants

(Animal/Plant) 550 million (Animal) 500 Million (Animal) 500 million (Animal) 400 million (Plant) 350 million (Plant) 400 million

Then in Chapter 14 (Complex Life), we will discuss the fifth level of Hydro-Carbon Biologics: Level 5 Complex multi-cellular life 700 million years ago

Triple neural systems- Eukaryotes

I- Egg-laying (monotremes) II- Pouched (marsupials) III- Placental's (mammals)

13.1.2 The neuron cell We will spend some time describing the important features of the Neuron cell and why neural networks- sophisticated bundles of neurons and associated cells are excellent points of difference in the evolution of Hydro-Carbon based Biologics. 13.1.3 The challenge to condense mountains of knowledge As with almost every previous chapter the challenge within this chapter is similar- to condense what amounts to mountains of understanding about the diversity of higher order life into a few pages. Given the mass of material, some decisions have been made to deliberately limit the breadth and depth of information contained in this chapter. Our goal in presenting understandings regarding higher order life is to provide you with an understanding of the structure, relationships and reasons why higher order life is the way it is. It is hoped by providing these understandings you may choose at some later stage to investigate topics in more detail, with sufficient understanding to decipher wisdom from beliefs. The last chapter dealt with a range of complex names and technical terms. To some, the level of detail may have been bewildering. Now that we have established the basic understandings that underpin all life, this chapter can now express a greater depth of understanding without the need to introduce too much new terminology and technical terms.


Key understandings from 12. Life

Now that we will discuss the more advanced levels of life, the sixth and final level of all matter in the Universe, let us begin with the essential understandings from Chapter 12 that will assist us with greater understanding: The rules of all the previous chapters are completely consistent when it comes to Hydro-Carbon based Biologics We discovered that Hydro-Carbon based Biologic complex molecular structures behave according to exactly the same rules as every other level of matter. In fact it is at the level of Hydro-Carbon based Biologics that we see an unprecedented use of the creation laws of "specialization" and "co-dependence" to greater purpose built nonspherical structures of tremendous diversity: 1. Goal law I wish to exist. 2. Logos law To exist, I use logos7. Awareness of position in dimension 8. Immediate near neighbours As I exist in 3 dimensional space, I can

3. Creation law To exist, I exist as4. Co-dependence law For I (The UCA) to exist, you (The Universe) exist For you (The Universe) to exist, I (The UCA) exist 5. Specialization law For I to exist, you exist as- For you to exist, I exist as6. Geometry 13.2.2

only interact with immediate near neighbours according to the laws of LOGOS. 9. Exclusiveness of position No two points will ever occupy the same position
10. Change of position To exist, you change position. For you to exist, I change position 11. Conservation of effort Using the laws of geometry and Logos, I use the minimum required motion to achieve my goal 12. Change of position

Complex molecular structures are far more geometric and intelligently "multi-purpose" than previously considered Importantly, we saw that by applying the "maximization" of the creation laws to the actual structure of complex molecules such as sugars, nucleic acid (DNA), amino acids and fats that these structures follow consistent geometric shapes. More so, these structures exhibit far more intelligent design than has ever been previously considered in the history of human biologic science. A classic example is the simple and yet beautiful design of a simple sugar. That these structures are so simple yet multi-purpose shows an inherent "intelligence" and Logos exhibited in the behaviour of HydroCarbon Based Biologics not previously full realised.


Intelligence is intimately linked with "skeletal" structure- and vice versa In terms of understanding the innate "intelligence" within cells, we concluded that it is in the very structure- the skeleton of the cell- its cytoskeleton and associated components made from Tubulin Dimers (spun into filaments called "microtubules". This will become even more important when we consider the synergy of this understanding when considering the structure of intelligence within complex colonies of cells- such as in vertebrate animals and animals with brains.


We live in a collective mono cellular universe While the planet Earth appears abundant with life such as plants and animals, Level 6 life (including human beings) exists according to the base parameters of the mono cellular universe, making up more than 70% of the total mass of all life on the planet. Even within higher order cells, mitochondria and chloroplasts are inextricably linked to this universe and are themselves co-dependent but also independent cells living within every cell of plants and animals.

Contrary to viewing bacteria, virus and algae as a threat, the millions of varieties of these structures represent the base "intelligence", that we sometimes call "Mother Nature", exuding far greater influence on the health of the planet than we may have ever considered before. As members of this universe, our very lives depend and are shaped by the influence of local collectives of mono cellular cultures- the base of ecosystems. When we attack, it attacks to counterbalance. When conditions move to extreme het or col, the mono cellular universe re-asserts itself at our cost. From Antarctica to the greatest depths of the oceans, life abounds. To respect Mother Nature, the collective base mind of the planet is to understand the true collective power and influence of mono cellular life over all higher order life. 13.2.5 The synergy of all matter Finally, we see from the previous chapter the synergy between the complete model of all matter in the Universe- the six levels of matter, synergies existing between the rules, shape, behaviour and motion of all particles, of all life in the Universe. (1) Super super sub-atomic level (Unita family); and (2) Super sub-atomic (Quark, Neutrino and Cosmic families). (3) Sub-atomic level (Protons, Neutrons, Photons); (4) Atomic level (Hydrogen, Radioactives, Light). (5) Molecular Level (Bi's, Tri's, Pentas, Hexas Polymers) (6) Hydro-Carbon Biologic Level (Plants, Animals, Humans)


The challenge of survival

Sometimes, the most important understandings come from finding an answer to the simple question- why? So it is we now consider the question of why did mono cellular organisms choose to begin to cooperate and specialize into multi-cellular organisms? We start with a revisit to the conditions facing all life at the early birth of a planet capable of sustaining molecular oceans.


The cooling planet While the ability for early mono cellular organisms to develop tough outer "shells" against the extremes of temperatures, a cooling planet represents a whole new threat- starvation. It is almost certain that the first cells on Earth were geared to utilizing the powerful energis and ergon supplies of volcanic vents to supply the necessary strong chemical reactions for food. Yet as the Earth cooled , many colonies of cells would have been faced with starvation. An alternative method had to be found. The earliest multi-cellular organisms therefore were almost certainly ancient eukaryotic mono cellular lifeforms, that had in effect "captured" other cells capable of producing strong chemical reactions ( chloroplasts and later mitochondria ).

Yet such adaption presents a further difficulty in a cooling environment, the predatory nature of cells against other cells, with the prize being the internal strong chemical fusion reactors capable of sustaining life. 13.3.2 The changing rules When we visualize nature in all its power and horror, we often think of those animals with the greatest capacity to do harm to ourselves- the shark, the crocodile, the wolf, the lion and the snake. For many creatures, the battle to find food, to procreate and avoiding being food for some other organism is a lifelong struggle. To small fish, it is the constant vigil against larger predators. To insects it is other insects and birds. To birds it is other birds and larger animals such as cats and so on up the food chain. As cruel as life at times may appear, the fight for survival as we have seen, is not merely restricted to hydro-carbon based lifeforms, for it exists at each and every level of matter- from organisms the size of a galaxy, to the nucleus of an atom. Yet the battle for survival does not just mean avoiding getting eaten from the outside-in, it also means avoiding getting eaten from the inside-out. 13.3.3 The memory of mono-cell protection, the creation of cell As we discussed in Chapter 12, different types of cells have different types of survival approaches creating different challenges. To the bacteria , its tough outer layer protects it from extremes of conditions, but makes it harder to co-operate with other similar cells to form union. The old saying "to let your guard down" is a fundamental prerequisite to multi-cellular life. For bacteria then, it is finding other cellular life or suitable conditions to sustain and reproduce. For some larger bacteria and microscopic multicellular organisms, survival can mean the eating the cells of a larger mult-cellular organism in order to survive and reproduce (inside-out). To viruses , it can mean the attaching to certain cells, to specialize even by species. Due to the necessity for thin membranes for communication between cells within the colony, animal cells, animal organisms are most at threat to internal attack. For simple organisms, the response was to develop a hard outer shell as protection against microscopic attack. Yet the attack from the "inside-out" presented a new challenge to the proto-multi-cellular organisms- how to fight an internal battle, or as we humans call it- sickness. Humans and animals are not unique in having to face the threat of the battle within- the very catalyst for developing more complex lifeforms has in large part been due to this constant battle- from the simplest to self-aware lifeforms. The answer is for more than one cell to co-operate with others so an internal cell can specialize and defeat the invading parasites . This is why we see in the most ancient of lifeforms still existing on the planet a ready made source of some of the most powerful medicines to cure infection ( e.g. the horse shoe crab, that produces specialized

chemicals capable of neutralizing invasion by bacteria). So it is, the simplest examples of multi-cellular life are those with a tough outer protection and singular internal neural system coordinating movement and importing of food elements to the organism .


Introduction to sensory-secretory cells

In the previous chapter (Ch12), we saw that mono cellular organisms can and do develop sophisticated methods for movement, identified by cilia and flagellum (tiny hairs, or one large "tail"). Not only do these appendages to a cells outer membrane serve as a means of movement, but also as a means of "sensing change in the outside world. As ancient cells learned to cooperate in more sophisticated ways, some of these ancient cells began to specialize the use of their sensory elements and internal chemical reactions to become the proto-sensorysecretory from which modern sensory-secretory cells such as skin are derived. The principle cell that is closest in approximation to these ancient sensory cells are called epithelium and are found in all vertebrates and invertebrate- multi-cellular organisms.


The nature of epithelium cells Epithelium form layer of cells closely bound to one another to form continuous sheets covering surfaces that may come into contact with foreign substances. Epithelium occurs in both plants and animals. In animals, outgrowths or ingrowths from these surfaces form structures consisting largely or entirely of cells derived from the surface epithelium. In this way the central nervous system, the sensitive surfaces of special sense organs, glands, hair, nails, and other structures all originate. The epithelial cells possess typical microscopic characteristics: the cell outline is clearly marked, and the nucleus large and spherical or ellipsoidal. The cytoplasm of the cell is usually large in amount and often contains large numbers of granules. Epithelium may be protective, absorptive, or secretory. It may produce special outgrowths (hairs, nails, horns on animals), and manufacture chemical material (e.g., keratin), in which case the whole cell becomes modified. In other instances it contains fat droplets, granules of various kinds, protein, mucin, watery granules, or glycogen. In a typical absorbing cell, granules of material are absorbed. A secreting cell forming specific substances stores them until they are utilized--e.g., fat, in sebaceous and mammary glands; enzymes in salivary and gastric glands; and various excretory substances in the renal epithelium of the kidney.

The cells forming an epithelial membrane are of various types: columnar, cubical, squamous (flattened), irregular, or ciliated (i.e., with hairlike projections). The membranes formed by these cells may be only one cell thick, as in the major part of the gastrointestinal tract, or consist of several layers, as in the epidermis of the skin. Columnar epithelium covers the intestinal tract from the end of the esophagus to the beginning of the rectum. It also lines the ducts of many glands. A typical form covers the villi (nipple-like projections) of the small intestine. Cubical epithelium is found in many glands and ducts (e.g., the kidney), the middle ear, and the brain. Squamous, or flattened, epithelial cells, very thin and irregular in outline, occur as the covering epithelium of the alveoli of the lung and of the glomeruli and capsule of the kidney. Ciliated epithelium lines the trachea, bronchi of the lungs, parts of the nasal cavities, the uterus and oviduct of the female, and the vas deferens and epididymis of the male. A single projection from the exposed surface of a cell, usually large and long, is called a flagellum. Flagellated cells are common on the surface of many simple animals. When the cells of an epithelial surface are several layers deep, various epithelial types can be distinguished: stratified, stratified ciliated, and transitional epithelium. In stratified epithelium, which is found in the epithelium of the skin and of many mucous membranes (e.g., mouth, esophagus, rectum, conjunctiva, vagina), the surface cells are flattened, those of the middle layer are polyhedral, and those of the lowest layer are cubical or columnar. This type of epithelium covers surfaces exposed to friction. The surface cells are constantly being rubbed off and are replaced by new cells growing up from below. Hence, the deepest layer is formative, and successive stages upward reveal a gradual transformation into scaly cells that no longer show any sign of being alive. In stratified ciliated epithelium the superficial cells are ciliated and

columnar. This epithelium lines parts of the respiratory passages, the vas deferens, and the epididymis. Transitional epithelium lines the urinary bladder; its appearance depends upon whether the bladder is contracted or distended.


Managing language and movement

How do cells co-ordinate complex movement? For when we talk of colonies of cells that make up even a simple organism such as a starfish or a jellyfish, we are still talking about hundreds of thousands of cells all functioning as part of a coordinated whole. When we talk about complex cellular organisms of sexually active species cells, we must talk about things called "Neuron" cells. For without Neuron cells, there would be no more complex lifeforms on Earth than fungus and algae. The reason is simple- unless communities of cells were able to solve the problem of maintaining co-ordination, then life would not have developed further than algae. Before we talk about Neuron cells, what they are and how they operate, let us look at the key objectives of groups of species cells and how they might overcome the issue of maintaining co-ordination across a range of specialized colonies of cells.


What are the basic functions required for a complex organism (collection of cells) to survive? Similar to the objectives of individual cells to survive, a complex species organism (collection of maybe hundreds of thousands or trillions of cells) has a specific set of basic functions in order to survive: (1) It must be able to sense its environment, to be able to identify food and react to danger/changed conditions; (2) It must be able to co-ordinate the various specialist groups of cells so that they behave as a whole; (3) It must be able to process food; (4) It must be able to adapt and learn in the change of environment so that survival is enhanced; (5) It must be able to replicate itself through some form of procreation. All these objectives require an organism to be capable of: (a) Processing information about the environment; (b) Communicate that to cells so that cells as groups do something. Therefore, we have a series of specific hurdles that an organism has to overcome: (1) How and what processes information? (2) How does the message get transmitted efficiently to cells that may be far away from the information processing site?

As we shall see, Neurons are the specialized cells that perform a sensory role in gathering and then processing information. However, as we just discussed, the next task is devising a method to communicate that information efficiently to the rest of the cells. 13.5.2 What we should see with Neurons We can now clearly identify a number of features we expect to see about neurons as part of their crucial function: (1) A cell body and internal function for the cells survival; (2) Specialized structures for the large scale storage and processing of information (very long or very large microtubules); (3) (Maybe) factory production areas for the production of neurotransmitters; (4) Storage areas for neurotransmitters (ready to be used for the future); (5) Receptor sites to receive neurotransmitters (a) to help/stop neurons behave in parallel (b) to help/stop neurons behave as individuals (6) Regions to release neuro transmitters.


Cellular mechanics
In Chapter 8 we introduced the understanding that at the Molecular level of matter, objects are capable for the first time of creating atomic structures capable of functioning as atomic levers, pulley systems and structural support. As we discussed the various types of molecular structures, we considered the importance of 3D structure on the purpose of the molecule to its purpose. So we discussed objects such as sugars, fats, hormones, DNA molecules etc and reviewed intricate details about these molecules capacity to hold a geometric structure and provided the building blocks for more complex shapes and matter.


The function of geometry and mechanics at the cellular level One of the most difficult concepts to grasp in an age of mass discovery at a cellular level, is the intricacy and fragility of cellular molecular objects. Specific mechanical molecules capable of extracting a specific type of atom in a specific way continues to amaze and defy the imagination. This mechanical precision of building specific 3D shapes from specific functioning atoms is not diminished at the cellular level. Instead, it is at the cellular level that we see a repeat of geometric and structural principles as displayed at the sub-cellular level.


The simplest species life forms mirror the simplest molecular

shapes Consistent with the geometric principles at work at the molecular level, we see the use of strong, functional geometric shapes once again at the cellular and multi-cellular level. The structure of a jellyfish, a starfish, a worm, or an ancient fern all display similar characteristics to the sugars, fats and other molecular level geometric shapes.

The mirror of simple level species and bacteria shapes

Indeed, when investigating the shapes of Bacteria, it becomes clear that simple life utilizes survival and structure lessons of bacteria with multi-cellular colonies (the first level of multi-cellular life) mimic the shapes. 13.6.3 The intelligence of life originates in its structure For whatever reason, we have taken structure, particularly bones and cellular shells to be a natural feature of life on planet Earth. In spite of the cultural history and fascination with bones- particularly beliefs of intelligence and/or spiritual connection between those that have passed away and their bones, we have not necessarily dug deeper to consider the significance that structure represents in transmitting intelligence. Apart from seeing repeated shapes throughout the living kingdom, we will also be investigating extremely important understandings relating to structure such as glial cells (cells that form a honeycomb structure surrounding neurons). Ultimately, we seek a better understanding of the function of all life and the patterns between all life to assist us in better understanding the purpose, function of the human species.


Introduction to the neuron

Probably no other specialized cell has had so much written about it, yet so little in terms of a proper coordinated description of function. There remains no widely accepted contemporary scientific model that adequately describes (a) where is information stored in a neuron? (b) the precise function role and behaviour of neuro transmitters? (c) why neurons connect to one another the what they do and why do they interact the way they do? However, given the understandings of what we have discussed so far, we can make a number of clear statements about o what we expect to see in a Neuron cell and o what each component does in order of priority.


The key functions within a neuron cell We identify the key functions within a neuron cell as principally overcoming the information needs identified in the previous chapter, namely: * Information processing and storage- long term, medium term, long term * Information transmission * Information reception.

Information storage
(a) information storage and processing for the survival and function of the cell; (b) information storage and processing for the specialized function of a neuron. We know from our discussion of cells in the previous chapter that the principle information storage and processing structure are microtubules. Because a neuron is supposed to be a cell that specializes in information processing and storage, we expect to see very large clusters of microtubules. This is the storage part of a neuron where memory and thought occurs. We expect to see some structure that allows the transfer of electrons along these microtubules to "run" these stored programs. We also expect to see a level of excitement that enables a program to be prepared for new storage of information.

We now know that the specific purpose of neurotransmitters is for neurons to communicate to one another. We expect to see these neurotransmitters at both ends of the microtubules- one end to start, or slow a program and the other end to kick the program to another cell.

Chemical -electrical-chemical
Furthermore, when we see an neuron in action (e.g. via some detection equipment), we expect to see a sequence of chemicalelectrical-chemical reactions of hormones (or neuro peptides)causing electron release- causing neurotransmitter release. When these three processes combine over many neurons, we can call this a "thought". Importantly, we no longer consider just the electron action in isolation as a thought, nor the transfer of neuro transmitters as a thought. For one without the other is incomplete. Once we look at neurons with this in mind, it should no longer be a mystery as to "what is a thought?", or even "what is memory?" We can also be confident in saying that wherever we find neurons in any animal on the planet, we expect to see chemical-electricalchemical operation of neurons.

Everything we discussed
We also know that we should see a neuron structured according to all the points discussed previously. 13.7.2 A diagram of a Neuron Cell There are essentially four main sections to a neuron: (1) Cell Body- which contains the nucleus of the cell and its nutritional mechanism; (2) Dendrites- Several dendrites, which are usually short and thick extensions of the cell body; (3) Axon a single axon, which is a thick cylinder of cytoplasm

extending for some distance from the cell body and eventually branching (like the cells antennae and phone line); (4) Numerous axon terminal buttons, each a small swelling at the end of one of the axons many fine branches.

The Axon is a neuron is usually sheathed in a white fatty, insulating substance called myelin, which is produced by the glia. In general, the conductive part of the neuron is myelinated and insulated; receptive parts and the fine terminal branches are not. The axons of most neurons are less than a millimetre long, but some neurons have axons (or nerve fibres) several cm in length. For example, the sensory neurons whose dendrites are in the skin of the feet have cell bodies near the spinal cord and terminal buttons near the base of the brain. 13.7.3 Axon terminal buttons There are only two methods by which Neurons extend their axon terminals sufficiently close to communicate to one another to one another to communicate: (a) an axon terminal located at one of the receptor sites around the main body of another Neuron cell; or (b) an axon terminal located at a node on a dendrite of another Neuron cell. We will discuss the specific differences between these two communication arrangements in a moment. 13.7.4 A major correction- synapse are not connections Before we discuss specifically how a neuron operates, we can see from the previous diagrams that the synapse, is not a connection, but a gap. Unfortunately, many popular science books write about synapse as if they are connections between neurons. This leads to a way of thinking about synapse as solid connections rather than the more important understanding that (a) if the gap is somehow clogged, or (b) the transmission sites or receptor sites blocked, then the neuron to neuron connections may not work properly. This

insight is crucial in understanding a common set of diseases of the brain (including Alzheimer's), which we will discuss in later chapters. 13.7.5 The axon From the nucleus of a neuron cell to the axon terminals are the microtubules. Their length (as we previously mentioned) can extend for some centimetres. In addition, the microtubules are usually linked between themselves via parallel processing connections called MAPs ( as discussed in Chapter 12). Not only are axons the physical strand that appears to connect neurons to one another, it is also the centre of memory of a neuron. For within the enclosed microtubules are the hundreds of thousands of tubulin dimers in either one or two positions- 0 or 1. Running a program To run a program within a neuron, a sufficiently strong electron based structure along the outside of the microtubules to reverse the positions of the Tubulin Dimers. Running an electron down the side of a microtubule will switch the stored position of Dimers from say 0110110 to 1001001. This is achieved by neuron cells constantly switching the polarity at the ends of axons from positive to negative. This is done by neurons using Potassium and Sodium Ions. By changing one end of the axon to being either Sodium attractive or Potassium attractive, an electrical stimulation of the microtubules occurs. The Sodium or Potassium Ions travel along the outside of the microtubes and regroup at the end for later use. The process is reversed when an electrical impulse is set off again. 13.7.6 Neuro transmitters and receptor sites Neurotransmitters are stored by neurons in the axon terminals. They are a neurons method of communicating to another neuron cell. They are stored in tiny breakable balls at the end of axon terminals and released on command by the original type of hormonal command, not the running of the program (microtubules). There are principally two classes of neuro-transmitters: (1) "Peptide"- that degrade and ultimately wither after usage (2) "Classical"- neurotransmitters that are recycled and reused (such as acetylcholine and catecholamine) Upon the arrival of a certain powerful hormone to the neuron cell, appropriate neuro transmitters are released automatically, regardless of the running of the program in the microtubules. Depending on the way axon terminals are arranged, hormones will cause one of principally two things to happen: (1) Stimulation (2) Suppression If the original hormone is in sufficient quantities, it may cause a group of neurons to release stimulating neurotransmitters to one

another (usually the neurotransmitter dopamine), or alternatively (depending on the particular neurons) may cause a suppressor neurotransmitter to be released. Crucial understanding This is a crucial understanding in the behaviour of neurons (and therefore all neuron based lifeforms). For neurotransmitter release is a hormonal response, not a thinking response. Hormones themselves, are controlled by neurons in immediate contact with sensory neurons (e.g. sight, touch, smell, taste). However, the vast majority of neurons are then controlled in terms of neurotransmitter release according to the hormonal response. That thinking always occurs because of hormones, is a major insight into understanding the behaviour of higher order lifeforms (such as human beings). 13.7.7 Neuro transmitters and receptor sites The operation of neurons in terms of playing or recording a memory along the microtubules is dependent upon stimulation. Stimulation of hormones, produces neurotransmitter release. Therefore strong hormone release produces strong neuro transmitter release, which in turns fires neurons strongly. (It can also mean strong suppression of certain neurons firing, e.g. the freezing of muscle neurons in a state of fear). Low stimulation, leads to low hormone response, which in turn leads to low neuro transmitter release and therefore low level of neuron firing. This is also a crucial understanding that will have profound consequences when we investigate the nature of human learning and the human brain in later chapters.


Chemical-electrical processes within a neuron

Neuron(Nerve) cells communicate with each other and with their target tissues by electrical-chemical-electrical impulses. In the resting state, the nerve membrane is electrically polarized, being approximately 70mV more negative on the inside than on the outside. This polarization is due to ion pumps in the membrane which actively keep certain ions such as K+, Na+ and Cl- unequally distributed across the membrane. When the nerve membrane is disturbed, ions can leak through specific gates which decrease the membrane potential. If this decrease reaches a certain threshold, an action potential is generated which continues down the axon fiber at speeds up to 410ft/s (125m/s). Within a few milliseconds the ion pumps will reestablish the original resting potential so that another impulse may be generated. When the action potential reaches the synapse, a neurotransmitter is released which may result in depolarization of the neighboring cell and a perpetuation of the

impulse. Sodium The voltage sensitive sodium channel is responsible for the polarization of the membrane. Sodium channel protein has been isolated and can be reconstituted in artificial membranes. Although differences exist in the sodium channel protein amongst different species, the general properties and purpose of the channel appear to be identical. Potassium Potassium channels are responsible for re polarizing the membrane and several different types of potassium channels have been identified. Potassium channels may be directly regulated through interactions with guanosine triphosphate- binding proteins (called G-proteins), which are themselves regulated by membrane receptors and their appropriate effectors. G-proteins mediate most trans membrane signaling events involving second messenger systems such as the production of cyclic nucleotides. Potassium channels are also subjected to phosphorylation by kinesis, which are under the control of second messenger systems. Modification of potassium channels can result in longterm changes in neuronal activity Calcium Calcium channels occur in especially high concentration at the synapse and neurotransmitter release is triggered by Ca2+ influx through these channels, which open in response to depolarization of the membrane. The efficiency of neurotransmitter release also may be modulated by modification of the Ca channels which can occur in response to certain neurotransmitters and hormones. The excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate can stimulate Ca influx. Three separate types of glutamate receptors have been identified. 13.8.2 Neurons and nerves are the same thing When we read of nerves and neurons, we are "taught" to see them differently. In fact nerve cells and neurons are part of the same family and fundamentally the same. The usage of two different words to describe the same family has led science and in particular medicine to "separate" the brain from the rest of the body as two distinct classes of cells. We know for example that a human body has nerve cells in literally all its areas, with the exception of the brain. This is why we explain that the brain itself has no pain nerves, hence why some brain operations can be performed without anesthetics. There are nerve cells in and around the heart, all the major organs, the hands, the feet, the elbows, the eyes etc. We know that the nerve fibres that we see are the same as the axons of neurons, just different lengths (sometimes as long as several cm, compared to millimetres for neurons), consistent with the different specialization of nerve/neuron cells. In all there are billions of nerve cells all around the body. In terms of neuron cells, we know that there are billions of them in an average human brain.

Which word should we therefore use? The word nerve comes from the Latin word nervus, meaning sinew, nerve. The word neuron comes from the Greek word neuron for nerve or sinew. As you can see, the two words from different ancient languages literally mean the same thing. It is understandable then, why competition erupted between neurons vs nerves, similar to the Greek heaven Hades vs the Jewish Heaven Sheol. In contemporary terms Nerve cells for example, conjures up an image of impulses and motion, while neuron cells create the image of electrical "waves" of thought. In a way, the neuron is a more appropriate word to use, given the already accepted understanding that the neuron is somehow responsible in some way to our ability to think and therefore seen as a feature some how linked to intelligence and self-awareness. We know the words literally mean the same. From now on, when we use the word neuron, we describe the complete family of nerve cells and neuron cells together. We no longer talk of the nervous system separate to the systems in the brain. The body has an overall neuron system. We would have liked to say neurotic system, to use the words original meaning of a "system of nerves". Sadly, this word has been corrupted by contemporary culture.

13.09 The origin of neuron cells

Early 20th Century theories of the evolutionary origin of the neuron argued for a three stage process: first, the development of non-nervous "independent effectors," such as muscle cells; second, the appearance of non-nervous receptors responding to certain modalities in a relationship with "effectors" (e.g. muscle cells); and finally the formation of a "proto neuron", from which primitive nerves (small neural sets) and ganglia (large neural sets) evolved. This model is no longer valid, yet still impacts the biological theory in the classification of evolution of species of lifeforms. In primitive systems there appear to be many examples of nonnervous (no neuron cells involved) exhibiting electrical conduction. For instance, large areas of epithelium(external "skin" cells) covering the swimming bells of certain jellyfish contain no neuron cells, yet can manufacture sufficient electrical depolarization as to cause an electric shock, if touched. These creatures use this feature to "sting" prey. The same feature is exhibited by the external skin cells of a human being that create an overall negative electrical polarization across the surface of the body. Sometimes the rapid polarization and depolarization of this surface can occur when wearing certain clothes and moving over certain coverings (e.g. static electricity build up while walking over carpet wearing rubber soled shoes). These cells also exhibit the characteristics of secreting peptides and other molecular structures, similar to the ability of neurons to secret much smaller structures called neurotransmitters.


Ancient Epithelium ("skin") cells- the forefathers of neurons It is because epithelium cells exhibit these two fundamental characteristics, that scientist now believe the ancient prototype neuron cells were epithelium cells that mutated. The conduction of electrical potential from one epithelium cell to the next of the ancient neurons may well have been via so called "tight junctions" when the membranes of adjacent cells fuse to form sheets of cells. Tight junctions have low electrical resistance and high permeability to molecules. They are also in great number in embryos, suggesting that the electrical potentials of cells joined in this manner serve as a driving force for the movement of ions and even nutritive substances from one cell to the next. This phenomena suggest that electrically mediated junction transmission is older than chemically mediated synaptic transmission, which would require that some epithelial cells secrete chemical substances. It is now believed that neurons originated from epithelial secretory cells that could secrete chemical substances, respond to stimulation and conduct impulse. Specialization may have then brought about an outer receptor surface and an inner conducting fibre In fact, neurosecretory cells can propagate action potentials and many neurons secrete chemical substances, called neurohormones, that influence the growth and regeneration of cells at other sites of the body. Some researchers now believe that neurons first appeared as neurosecretory growth-regulating cells in which elongated processed were later adapted to rapid conduction and chemical transmission by release of transmitters at their endings.


The first neurons- glial cells In only recent years, scientists have come to recognize that glial cells account for a substantial amount of electrical activity within the brain and are essential for maintaining the flow of messaging. Yet when it comes to neurons, little if anything tends to be written about its bonded twin- glial cells. Without healthy glial cells, neurons can not function one second. And it is because of the degradation of glial cells that many neural diseases occur. We will discuss Glial cells in more detail further into this section. For the moment, it is clear that Glial cells show hybrid characteristics between the ancient epithelium("skin") cells and the modern basic neuron. It can therefore be concluded that glial cells represent the first major class of neurons and most abundant and common form of neuron in nature.

13.10 Introduction to neuroglial cells

You will recall in each and every level of matter there exists a symbiotic co-dependence, between matter- the proton, the neutron, the star, the planets, the cell and the mitochondria and chloroplasts that supply the necessary reactions within cells to produce basic food. Yet when it comes to neurons, little if anything tends to be written about its bonded twin- glial cells. Without healthy glial cells, neurons can not function one second. And it is because of the degradation of glial cells that many neural diseases occur. 13.10.1 The glue that enables neurons to do what they do Neurons form a minority of the cells in the nervous system. Exceeding them in number by at least 10 to 1 are neuroglial cells, which exist in the nervous systems of invertebrates as well as vertebrates. Neuroglia can be distinguished from neurons by the lack of axons and the presence of only one type of process. In addition, they do not form synapses, and they retain the ability to divide throughout their life span. While neurons and neuroglia lie in close apposition to one another, there are no direct junction specializations, such as gap junctions, between the two types. Gap junctions do exist between neuroglial cells, raising questions about their functions and properties. The term neuroglia means "nerve glue," and these cells were originally thought to be structural supports for neurons. This is still thought to be plausible, but other functions of the neuroglia are now generally accepted. It has long been known that oligodendrocytes and Schwann cells produce the myelin sheath around neuronal axons. Studies show that some constituent of the axonal surface stimulates Schwann cell proliferation and that the type of axon determines whether there is loose or tight myelination of the axon. In tight myelination a glial cell wraps itself like a rolled sheet around a length of axon until the fibre is covered by several layers. Between segments of myelin wrapping are exposed sections called nodes of Ranvier, which are important in the transmission of nerve impulses. Myelinated nerve fibres are found only in vertebrate animals, leading biologists to conclude that they are an adaptation to transmission over relatively long distances. 13.10.2 The types of neuroglia cells Three main groups of neuroglia cells have been identified: (1) astrocytes, subdivided into fibrous and protoplasmic types; (2)

oligodendrocytes, subdivided into interfascicular and perineuronal types; and sometimes (3) microglia.

Fibrous astrocytes are prevalent among myelinated nerve fibres in the white matter of the central nervous system. Organelles seen in the somata of neurons are also seen in astrocytes, but they appear to be much sparser. These cells are characterized by the presence of numerous fibrils in their cytoplasm. The main processes exit the cell in a radial direction (hence the name astrocyte, meaning "star-shaped cell"), forming expansions and end feet at the surfaces of vascular capillaries.
Unlike fibrous astrocytes, protoplasmic astrocytes occur in the gray matter of the central nervous system. They have fewer fibrils within their cytoplasm, and cytoplasmic organelles are sparse, so that the somata are shaped by surrounding neurons and fibres. The processes of protoplasmic astrocytes also make contact with capillaries.

Oligodendrocytes have few cytoplasmic fibrils but a welldeveloped Golgi apparatus. They can be distinguished from astrocytes by the greater density of both cytoplasm and nucleus, the absence of fibrils and glycogen in the cytoplasm, and large numbers of microtubules in the processes. Interfascicular oligodendrocytes are aligned in rows between the nerve fibres of the white matter of the central nervous system. In gray matter perineuronal oligodendrocytes are located in close approximation with the somata of neurons. In the peripheral nervous system, neuroglia that are equivalent to oligodendrocytes are called Schwann cells. Microglial cells are small, crenate cells with dark cytoplasm and a dark nucleus. It is uncertain whether they are merely damaged neuroglial cells or occur as a separate group in living tissue.
13.10.3 The function of neuroglia Another well-defined role of neuroglial cells is in repair following injury to the central nervous system. It has been well documented that astrocytes divide after injury to the nervous system and that they occupy the spaces left by injured neurons. The role of oligodendrocytes after injury is not so clear, but evidence suggests that they can proliferate and form myelin sheaths. When neurons of the peripheral nervous system are cut, they undergo a process of degeneration followed by regeneration, the fibres regenerating in such a way that they return to their original target sites. Schwann cells that remain after nerve degeneration apparently mark the route. This route direction is also performed by astrocytes during development of the central nervous system. In the developing cerebral cortex and cerebellum of primates, astrocytes project long processes to certain locations, and neurons migrate along these processes to arrive at their final locations. Thus, neuronal organization is brought about to some extent by the neuroglia. Astrocytes are also believed to have high-affinity uptake systems

for neurotransmitters such as glutamate and gammaaminobutyric acid (GABA). This function is important in the modulation of synaptic transmission. Uptake systems tend to terminate neurotransmitter action at the synapses and perhaps also act as storage systems for the neurotransmitters when they are needed. For instance, when motor nerves are cut, the nerve terminals degenerate and their original sites are occupied by Schwann cells. It has been found not only that electrical signals can be recorded on muscle cell receptors in the absence of any form of stimulation but also that currents applied to the Schwann cells evoke neurotransmitter release. Apparently, the synthesis of neuro-transmitters by neurons also requires the presence of neuroglial cells in the vicinity. In the past it was thought that neuroglia were not electrically excitable, but it has been shown that neuroglial cells in vitro have voltage-sensitive properties similar to those of excitable neurons. If electrical activity similar to that occurring in neurons were generated in neuroglial cells in vivo, the implications for glial-neuronal interaction would be enormous. Such proof is not available, however. Finally, the environment surrounding neurons in the brain consists of a network of very narrow extra cellular clefts. In 1907 the Italian biologist Emilio Lugaro suggested that neuroglial cells exchange substances with the extra cellular fluid and in this way exert control on the neuronal environment. It has since been shown that glucose, amino acids, and ions--all of which influence neuronal function--are exchanged between the extra cellular space and neuroglial cells. After high levels of neuronal activity, for instance, neuroglial cells can take up and spatially buffer potassium ions and thus maintain normal neuronal function.

13.11 The function of neurons with neuroglia (astrocytes)

It is standard medical doctrine that the neuron is the principal unit of intelligence within the brain of an organism, while neuroglia (which outnumber neurons roughly 10 to 1), essentially provided the "support" role to these vital cells. However, in recent years it has been shown categorically that neuroglia, or "astrocytes" as they are more properly known, not only participate in weak chemical (calcium and sodium/potassium) exchange, but also the exchange of electrical and even neurotransmitter activity within the brain. What is even more radical, is the latest results showing that it is the neuron network that is largely stationary, rather than the "support" structure. In fact the glia network, the astrocytes are highly mobile and it is now credibly established that self moving astrocytes control synaptic activity and organize synapses into synchronously firing groups! 13.11.1 Turning our understanding of the relationship between the neuroglia and neurons on its head

As outlines, it is conventional wisdom that the glia ('glue') largely locks neurons into place at a certain age and thereby establishes a protective and supportive role. Secondly, convention states that the neurons are the ones that exhibit movement in a young age, initially during the foetal "growth cone" stage (the laying down of the prototype vertebrate network), through to the severing of unused synaptic connections between the age of 10 and 11. However it has now been shown that the neuroglia, are not only in constant migration, but their shape and density changes according to neuron patterns within the various regions of the brain. This dynamic, minute by minute brain shaping is contrary to our notion of a static brain, that by a certain age is defined and thereafter degrades progressively.


Calcium, astrocytes and the release of neurotransmitters In 13.08, we outlined three atomic substances vital in function to the cells of the brain- sodium, potassium and calcium. Conventional wisdom places the importance of the sodium and potassium for the electrical stimulation within the axon filaments ( the microtubules- the sparking of billions of binary units of information encoded within the three dimensional structure of tubulin dimers). Yet calcium is also recognized as having a vital effect in the function of the transmission of neurotransmitters for more general communication between neuron cells. The "conventional" theory goes that one neuron sparks another neuron and then another, by virtue of their elecrical-chemical balance of sodium, potassium and calcium. However, it has now been firmly established that it is the neuroglia (astrocytes) that control the release of Calcium, so vital to neurotransmitter exchange. more so, it has been shown that astrocytes actually invoke calcium release in a wave like fashion, independently of neuron potential- in effect causing neurons to fire- NOT the other way around.

In other words, when we consider potassium-sodium and calcium, we are witnessing not just one chemical-electrical reaction but two simultaneous reactions-actions- one, causing the basic level of activity across neurons and neurotransmittersvia astrocytes generating "waves" of calcium flow, while another reaction (sodium-potassium) generates a unique wave of electron firing within axons of neurons.

13.12 The classification of neurons

Remarkably the exact number, (type) of neurons and their classification is still officially unknown. It has only been in the past twenty years that clear distinctions have been made in recognizing both similarities and differences between neurons within the brains of developed animals such as the human being. However, given the importance of neurons in relation to the understanding of the development of life on Earth, it is critical that we have some basis upon which to view and understand their relationship. 13.12.1 The understandings that come from previous chapters and sections If we consider the general evolutionary path of cellular complexity from the ancient skin cell to the primal neuron cell, the glial cell, we see an increase in the ability of the neuron cell to secrete specialized molecular messages that then affect the function of other cells. It therefore makes sense that as we investigate the different types of neurons, that neurons ability to secrete and inhibit chemical messages would have continued to evolve. In vertebrates, including fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals, the motor neurons (neurons whose fibres exist within and straddle muscle) always have structures to accept and transmit the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. In segmented-hard bodied invertebrates (insects, crabs, etc), only the sensory neurons, secret acetylcholine. 13.12.2 A theoretic model of the general classes of neurons

Using the model of UCA and discussions to date, the following general model is provided as a classification of neurons: Glial neurons In the human brain for example, there is roughly four to five hundred billion glial cells compared to two hundred billion neurons- all structured in a honeycombed fashion protecting and nurturing their precious partners.


Schwann Cells

General single processor neurons Single processor neurons are the next most common neurons and generally provide the basic structure of the cerebrum of developed animals such as the human being. Their advantage is in the complexity of wiring of single processor neurons through connections between dentrites.

Stellate Neuron

Granule Neuron

Mossy fibre Neuron

Specialized Dual processor neurons Specialized dual processor neurons are found largely around major processing centres of heavy neural activity- particularly at the junctions of the spinal column of vertebrates and connecting to "higher" cognitive functions (predominantly managed by colonies of specialized single processor neurons).

Purkinje Neuron

Gogli Neuron

Basket Neuron

Spider neurons- independent multi-processors The existence of spider neurons has only been seriously considered amongst the neurobiology community over the past three years. yet spider neurons have been found and photographed in a number of test animals . The problem with validating the existence of spider neurons is their rarity. It is estimated the human being possesses less than 100,000 spider neurons throughout their body, compared to hundreds of billions of glial neurons. It is certain that spider neurons through extended and multiple axons control fundamental centres of cognitive action such as the hypothalamus. The existence of spider neurons also explains the seeming paradox of such small "glands" as the hypothalamus, the pituitary and the pineal having such "intelligence" over vast landscapes of neurons. Considering the model of the majority of spider neurons to be found in these areas, it would make sense they could not only influence neurons by chemical secretion but by their extended and direct contact of axons.

13.13 The single neuron model

The single neuron model is a method by which the function of a single neuron in relation to the other groups of specialized cells within a multi-cellular life species may be understood.

13.14 Level III life: simple asexual (mono neural systems)

Now that we have defined key specialized cells and relationships that enable multi-cellular organisms to exist, let us consider Level 3- life: simple asexual species that possess mono neural systems. 13.14.1 Level 3 Simple a-sexual Multi-cellular Hydro-Carbon Biologics (mono neural systems)

Fungi 1- Fungi Algae 1- Algae Primal Eukaryotes 2-Jellies & Sponges 3-Worms & Echioderms Primal Prokaryotes 4-Ferns & Horsetails 5-Psilophytes 6- Moss

(Animal/Plant) 2000 million (Animal/Plant) 2000 million (Animal) 800 million (Animal) 600 million (Plant) 450 million (Plant) 400 million (Plant) 300 million

13.15 Level III life: Fungi

Breath anywhere in the temperate zones of planet Earth and you will ingest hundreds of thousands of fungal spores. Breath around the tropical equator and you will be ingesting millions more. Wherever one such spore lands on a suitable food source, it will begin to grow, breaking down the food source and absorbing nutrients from it. That is why bread goes mouldy, fallen fruit and timber rots and meat goes off quickly with a foul odour. Science classes the fungi that produce these changes- SAPROTROPHSorganisms that live on the dead bodies or waste of other organisms. Their food is the bacteria that live on the dead bodies or waste of other organisms, breaking down molecular structures into amino acids and polymers.

Science unfortunately tends to blur the distinction and describe bacteria as the source of human infection from mouldy food, rather than the combination of bacteria and their hungry predators as the source of infection. Some of the saprotrophs turn cannibalistic and eat their own or fresh living cells. We call these parasitic fungi. 13.15.1 Fungi- the difference between plants and animals In most simplified science books, fungi is often classed as a family of the plant type cell. In fact, no fungi can synthesize carbon compounds from carbon dioxide gas as plants can. Therefore fungi should not be considered a plant, but an animal. 13.15.2 Fungi- the origin of fungi Before we discuss classes of Saprotroph and Parasite Fungi, there is the question of origin of fungi and its evolutionary position in the universe of cellular matter. Because many science books place fungi as plants, it has historically been assumed that fungi evolved early. However, its behaviour provides clues to its purpose and reason of origin. By far the largest class of fungi exist in the Saprotroph category such as simple, single cell yeasts. Their behaviour is the feasting of bacteria, eating dead or dying cells. Ecoli (name of the bacteria). The greater the level of bacteria, the greater the conditions for fungi. As a microscopic animal, its behaviour points to a survival life form of dead land bodies compared to algae (dead sea water bodies). Their existence is based on the assumption of a period of mass death of land based animals and plants. From this we can deduce a period of emergence, a golden age of fungi on Earth corresponding to the first

great land exterminations of forests and animals around 300m to 400m years ago. Thus we will see in Chapter 17 that fungi is a relatively recent organism compared to plant cells. 13.15.3 The importance of these understandings An ancient travelers tale of good health known to the Roman and Greeks was the drinking of their own urine. To modern humans, the idea is greeted with sour face and abhorrence. However, unless we understand the nature of saprotroph fungi such as yeast that is present along with the e-coli in urine, then the reason for such behaviour may appear a misguided antiquity. Yeast fungi is the natural predator of ecoli and other predatory bacteria that lives of the carcase of dead or dying cells. They eat ecoli and need a helpful environment. When consuming your urine, you are doubling the level of yeast cells in your digestive system. The yeast thrives on the ecoli bacteria and you enhance your resistance to infections from unhygienic conditions such as cholera, dysentery. The importance is simply that different types of saprotroph yeast cells are a natural predatorily enemy to the bacteria that make us sick. Bacteria may overcome human constructed molecules that fail to keep pace with the fashion of nature and constant change. But specific classes of contemporary fungi has the potential to wipe out a whole host of bacterial and therefore human diseases. The relationship is simple and profound. Within your local ecosystem, bacteria modify to their conditions. That is why colds or bacterial infections appear different in different places on the globe. Yet within the same environment lives the natural enemy of these bacteria. Eating mouldy bread occasionally is not bad, but could be helpful in warding off certain colds. We need to call upon our fungi to assist on occasions to maintain good health. Too much, or lack of personal hygiene and fungi itself can become the parasite, such as tinea, crotch rot, heat rash. Overall though, a thousand times more important than pills or vitamin supplements, moulds of certain varieties are valuable. Certain algae are the same. Especially in dead fish. One of the healthiest sources of good algae is seaweed products that have not been overly processed. This is why fish is good in the diet. Not because of protein, but because certain algae in moderation are the natural predatorily enemy to bacteria that cause a range of human diseases. Algae and fungi is part of natures tool kit to staying health against bacterial infection. In today's world the need to fight bacteria is increasingly important as humans live in houses effectively designed to be bacterial breading cribs. At the same time, any moulds are considered a sign of poor house cleanliness.

In the bacteria world level of life and human health- fresh fish and some yeast products are our most potent medicines against bacterial infection.

13.16 Level III life: Algae

Algae, is the term given to a group of structurally simple plant-like organisms that carry out photosynthesis. Although most algae are single-celled and microscopic, some as small as 1 to 2 micrometres in diameter (a micrometre is 0.000001 m, or 0.00004 in), many are conspicuous in the form of pond scum, seaweeds, red tide, bluegreen discoloration of aquarium walls, the green coating on trees, and red snow. Representatives of many genera of algae live together in symbiosis with fungi to form lichens. In some forms of algae the ability to photosynthesize has been lost through evolution. Algae differ from bryophytes (mosses, liverworts, and hornworts), which also lack complex tissues, in that their reproductive cells are produced in unicellular structures rather than multi cellular structures. The study of algae is called phycology (Greek phykos,"seaweed") or algology (Latin alga,"sea wrack"). Macroscopic forms of algae are usually attached to a firm surface and grow abundantly as seaweeds in inter tidal and sub tidal zones as deep as 268 m (879 ft), the depth depending on light penetration. Macroscopic algae also grow on rocks in flowing and standing fresh water, frequently becoming detached and floating as pond scum. Microscopic forms of algae, which are mostly unicellular and planktonic (free-floating or motile-that is, capable of movement), are an essential part of the food chain in all aquatic habitats. Scientists have classified algae in several ways. Traditionally, nonmotile forms have been studied by botanists, while motile forms, even if they perform photosynthesis, have been studied by zoologists as well as botanists. However, simply dividing algae between plants and animals is inaccurate. Many biologists and this encyclopedia use a classification system that distributes algae among multiple kingdoms. Current research suggests that at least 16 phyletic lines (groups of organisms with a common ancestry) exist. A phyletic line is usually given the rank of a phylum in zoology, and a rank of phylum or division in botany. Phyletic lines of algae are defined by certain characteristics. These include photosynthetic pigmentation, storage products, cell wall composition, flagellation of motile cells, and structure of the nucleus, chloroplast, pyrenoid (area of the chloroplast involved in starch formation), and eyespot (an organelle made up of closely packed lipids). Algae that are prokaryotic-that is, lacking a nuclear membrane-are classified in the kingdom Prokaryota. Eukaryotic algae (those that have their cellular organelles bounded by a nuclear membrane) with no multi cellular forms are classified in the kingdom Protoctista, whereas eukaryotic phyletic lines with multi cellular forms are classified in the kingdom Plantae. One hypothesis suggests that the organelles of algal cells have arisen by evolution of endosymbionts (organisms that live symbiotically inside the tissues or cells of a host organism). Blue-green algae is classified by some as an algae, but in this encyclopedia it is classified as a bacteria and called

cyanobacteria. 13.16.1 RED ALGAE (RHODOPHYTA) Red algae are eukaryotic-that is, they have a nuclear membrane-and are mostly confined to marine habitats. Many are spectacularly beautiful. They lack chlorophyll b and have special blue and red pigments. The presence of pit connections between cells, which result from incomplete cell division, is characteristic of most red algae. The reproductive cells of red algae lack flagella (whip-like appendages used for locomotion). The sexual life history of most red algae is extremely complicated, involving an alternation of two free-living phases that can be morphologically similar or different, and a postfertilization phase that develops on the female plant. The cell walls of coralline red algae are impregnated with a form of calcium carbonate called calcite. Coralline algae are important in the formation of coral reefs, producing new material and cementing together other organisms. The cell walls of certain red algae are the sole source of two polysaccharide carbohydrates of major economic importance, agar and carrageenan. The two polysaccharides are closely related chemically, and both have suspending, emulsifying, stabilizing, and gelling properties. Agar is best known for its use in preparing media for culturing micro-organisms. Carrageenan is best known for its use in dairy products, but it is also used in the cosmetic, pharmaceutical, printing, and textile industries. Several red algae, of which nori is the best known, are an important component of the diet of various peoples, especially the Japanese. 13.16.2 BROWN ALGAE (PHAEOPHYTA) Brown algae, like red algae, are found mostly in marine habitats. They also lack chlorophyllb, but have another type called chlorophyll c, as well as special photosynthetic, yellow to deep red pigments. Reproductive cells often have flagella. Brown algae are best known for their rapid growth, immense size, and relatively complex tissues. Some kelps reach a length of 30 m (98 ft) and have a primitive foodconducting tissue. One genus, although common in all warm waters, is famous for floating in masses in the Sargasso Sea of the North Atlantic Ocean. Alginate, a polysaccharide extracted from kelps, is used commercially in the same manner as agar and carrageenan. Large brown algae are also sources of vitamins, minerals, and fertilizers. Several species, including wakame, kombu, and hijiki, are important sources of food, especially in Japan. 13.16.3 DIATOMS (BACILLARIOPHYTA) Diatoms are unicellular organisms with pigmentation similar but not identical to that of brown algae. They are found in all types of water and in moist soil. Diatoms may float as plankton or attach to rocks or other surfaces. Diatoms contribute significantly to the food chain in aquatic habitats. Their cell walls are impregnated with silica and are fossilized as diatomaceous earth, which is used in filtration and as an abrasive. 13.16.4 GREEN ALGAE (CHLOROPHYTA)

Green algae are similar to higher plants in having both chlorophyll a and b, and in storing food as starch. Most are unicellular or colonial and form an important part of the plankton of freshwater habitats. Many unicellular chlorophytes combine into filaments and are visible as river "moss" or pond scum. The most highly developed freshwater chlorophytes are the stoneworts, and the most highly developed marine chlorophytes are made up of multinucleate siphons, and reach a length of 10 m (33 ft). One genus has cell walls impregnated with a form of calcium carbonate called aragonite and makes an important contribution to coral reef formation. Studies indicate that some chlorophytes have probably evolved into bryophytes and higher plants. 13.16.5 OTHER ALGAL PHYLETIC LINES At least 11 other algal phyletic lines have been defined, most members of which are unicellular or colonial flagellates. Dinoflagellates (Dinophyta or Pyrrophyta) are mostly marine. Although their role as primary producers in the food chain is of chief importance, they are best known for causing red tide, a massive growth of certain species that introduce toxins into the food chain. Coccolithophorids are members of the Haptophyta (or Prymnesiophyta) that have intricate, calcified scales called coccoliths attached to their cell bodies. Some bloom-forming coccoliths are implicated in the production of dimethyl sulphide, a contributor to acid rain. Fossilized coccoliths, which form the white cliffs of Dover, are important in the geological study of strata (layers of sedimentary rock). The other algal phyletic lines with photosynthetic members are the Chrysophyta, Xanthophyta (Tribophyta), Eustigmatophyta, Raphidophyta, Cryptophyta, Euglenophyta, and Prasinophyta.

13.17 Level III life: Jellies

Jellyfish, common name for any of the invertebrate animals making up two classes of the cnidarian (coelenterate) phylum. About 2,700 hydrozoan and 200 scyphozoan species are known. The term "jellyfish" applies more specifically to the free-swimming, gelatinous organism called the medusa, the form usually taken during the sexual stage of these animals, this generation alternating with a bottomdwelling polyp stage in which reproduction is asexual. In one class the medusae tend to be small and the polyps well developed, whereas in the other class the medusae predominate. Both classes are marine, except for a few hydrozoans, such as hydra, that live in fresh water. Their stings can be painful, and a few tropical forms are capable of killing human beings. As in other cnidarians, the jellyfish has only two major developmental layers (ectoderm and endoderm), no head, a gut but no anus, and a nervous system without a brain. The body exhibits radial symmetry, or symmetry about an axis. Prey are usually taken with tentacles bearing nematocytes, or stinging cells. The polyps commonly live on the sea bottom and produce other polyps by asexual reproduction. Hydrozoan polyps generally form colonies with different kinds of polyps specialized for such functions as reproduction and feeding. The polyps usually bud off medusae. Ordinarily the medusae produce eggs and sperm that unite and give

rise to a new generation of polyps. The medusae are bell-shaped and swim by contraction of muscles around the rim. Their behaviour is simple; most swim slowly and are transported by water currents. Their transparency results partly from the fact that a jellyfish body contains less than 1 per cent organic matter; the rest is water. Large jellyfish are up to 2 m (6y ft) across. Scientific classification: Jellyfish make up the classes Hydrozoa, with well-developed polyps, and Scyphozoa, with medusae predominating, of the phylum Cnidaria (or Coelenterata).

13.18 Level III life: Sponges

Sponge, any of several thousand species constituting a phylum of simple invertebrate animals. Sponges are mainly marine, with a few freshwater species. They are abundant throughout the world and especially in tropical waters, where they and other invertebrates such as corals are important in the formation of calcareous (chalky) deposits. All major sponge groups in existence today had representatives living in the Cambrian period, about 570 million years ago. Considerable debate exists as to the relation of sponges to other invertebrate groups. That they are a multi cellular line derived from single-celled protozoans is generally accepted, but their relationship to the cnidarians (coelenterates-jellyfish and corals) is less clear. One widely held view is that both cnidarians and sponges had a common ancestor. 13.18.1 Key Characteristics The primitive cellular construction of sponges consists of an outer layer of covering cells and an inner layer of flagellated cells that move water through the animals. Between the two layers are numerous wandering, amoeba-like cells and supporting skeletal structures, often in the form of hard, crystalline spines called spicules. Adult sponges are sessile and attach themselves to rocks or other hard surfaces. A sponge feeds by moving water into lateral incoming pores called ostia and then out through a large opening at its top, called the osculum. Each flagellated cell has a thin collar around a single flagellum. These cells line either large chambers or small ones called flagellated

chambers. If the latter are present, they are connected by canals, and the entire sponge can build up pressure and shoot water long distances from the osculum-apparently a mechanism to avoid reuse of oxygen- and food-depleted water. Reproduction occurs either sexually or asexually. In the former case, the sponges are usually hermaphroditic but cross-fertilize one another. Eggs and sperm unite to produce a free-swimming larva that settles on a new surface and metamorphoses into a new sponge. Reproduction can also occur by small, internal asexual buds called gemmules, each one able to give rise to a new sponge. The gemmules are able to withstand unfavorable conditions, such as freezing or desiccation (drying out). Sponges have been of great interest to developmental biologists because they are able to reconstitute themselves if their cells are separated into a suspension. Scientific classification: Sponges make up the phylum Porifera. Four major groups exist. All the Calcarea are marine, with skeletal spicules composed of calcium carbonate. The Hexactinellida are mostly found in the deep sea; because their skeleton is made of silica in beautiful six-pointed arrangements, they are called glass sponges. The Demospongiae (95 per cent of extant sponge species) include the few freshwater forms. Their skeletal network is made of spongin, and in some species silica spicules are also present. The Sclerospongiae (coralline sponges) are all marine and have a combination of a thin silica and spongin skeleton that surrounds a bulkier, central calcareous skeleton.

13.19 Level III life: Worms

Worm (animal), any soft-bodied, usually small and often elongated animal lacking well-developed limbs. The term does not refer to any particular animal group, but is applied to many unrelated invertebrates or their larvae and to a few vertebrates. The major groups are discussed here. The familiar earthworm burrows in soil and feeds on dead materials, extracting organic matter from the soil. This moderately complex animal has a complete digestive tract and a circulatory system. The flatworms are simpler animals that lack an intestine, an anus, and a circulatory system. Some flatworms are free-living and occur in the sea, fresh water, and moist land areas. A familiar example is the freshwater planarian, which crawls about and feeds on small animals. Others, such as the tapeworm and fluke, live inside other animals. The bodies of these parasites tend to be degenerate, or simpler in form than their free-living relatives, in all parts except the reproductive system. The roundworms are inconspicuous but common. Many roundwormsthe pinworm and the hookworm, for example-are parasites of plants and animals; some cause major health problems such as trichinosis and elephantiasis. Many worms occur only in the sea. The acorn worm has features that suggest a relationship to the chordate lineage. The arrow worm is a peculiar creature that feeds on small animals in the open water and is

often abundant. The peanut worm is a distant cousin of the earthworm, and the ribbon worm is related to flatworms. Tube worms belong to various groups and often feed with tentacles. Scientific classification: Earthworms belong to the phylum Annelida. Flatworms make up the phylum Platyhelminthes and roundworms the phylum Nematoda.

13.20 Level III life: Ferns and horsetails

The word Fern, is the common name for any of a group of sporeproducing vessel system possessing (vascular) plants. The fern family contains about 350 distinct categories and in all around 9,000 to 12,000 species. Ferns are found throughout the world. Most grow in damp, shady places, although certain species grow on dry ground or rocks. Some ferns, in fact, grow only in rocky places-in fissures and crevices of cliff faces and boulders. Others grow as epiphytes, or air plants, on trees. The earliest fossil remains of ferns have been found in rocks of the Lower Devonian period (about 408.5 million to 362.5 million years ago). The group thus appeared on Earth earlier than any seedbearing plants. Ferns are among the oldest land plants. They were the dominant form of vegetation, together with club mosses and horsetails, during the Carboniferous period (about 362 million years ago). Ferns vary in size from those that are only a few centimetres tall to the tree ferns, which may reach a height of 24 m (80 ft). Tree ferns have trunk-like structures without branches, topped with clusters of feathery leaves, or fronds. Most ferns, however, have fronds that grow directly from a creeping or short upright stem. 13.20.1 Reproductive cycle of ferns The reproductive cycle of ferns consists of two generations, one asexual and one sexual. The asexual, or sporophyte, generation is the fern plant as it is commonly known. On the underside of the leaves,

groups of spore cases, or sporangia, form. These can be observed as small brown spots, called sori. There are two major groups of ferns, the more advanced leptosporangiate and the more primitive eusporangiate. In leptosporangiate ferns, the sporangium is thinwalled and usually slender-stalked, and typically produces 64 or fewer spores. In eusporangiate ferns, the sporangium is thick-walled, lacks a stalk, and produces more than 1,000 spores. In many species all leaves are similar in appearance and bear sori. In others the fertile leaves which bear sori are very different in appearance from those that do not. Upon drying out, the sporangium breaks open and in many cases catapults the spores into the air. When a spore falls in a place that has the necessary conditions of temperature and moisture, it begins to germinate, developing into a small, sexual fern plant, or gametophyte, called the prothallus. The prothallus is usually a tiny, flat, heart-shaped structure with a number of rhizoids (thread-like outgrowths) growing on its underside. Also on the underside of the prothallus are the sexual organs: the female organs, or archegonia, and the male organs, or antheridia. In certain species these organs develop on separate prothalli. Fertilization of the eggs in the archegonium takes place only in the presence of water. Only one sporophyte (asexual generation) plant develops from each prothallus, and after development has begun, the parent prothallus dies. Native ferns and temperate species from other countries are frequently grown in gardens; ferns used as pot plants are usually tropical species. The young leaves and sometimes the rhizomes, or underground stems, of certain ferns found in Asia and the Pacific region are used for food. The delicate young fronds of some American ferns, including the cinnamon fern and the ostrich fern, are sometimes eaten as greens.

13.21 Level III life: Psilophytes

Psilophytes are considered any of a group of extinct plants considered transitional between the first land plants, the psilophytes, of the Silurian and Devonian periods (438 to 360 million years ago), and the ferns and seed-ferns that were common land plants later in time. The pre ferns appeared in Middle Devonian times (about 380 million years ago) and lasted into the Early Permian Epoch (about 280 million years ago). The pre ferns are difficult to classify because they retained certain primitive features of psilophytes and only manifested some of the traits characteristic of true ferns. They had, however, advanced beyond the stage of psilophytes, which had only scale like leaves or none at all and no distinct roots. The orders usually included in the pre fern group are the Protopteridales and Coenopteridales. The Protopteridales had leaves and reproduced by spores as ferns do but had true wood similar to that of gymnosperms (cone-bearing plants that include pine, spruce, and fir trees), representing an advance for fluid conduction. Their members include Protopteridium, which, like certain psilophytes, had leafless lower branches, and Aneurophyton, which was a fernlike tree at least 6 m (20 feet) tall. The Coenopteridales were a large group of ferns or fernlike plants that displayed a variety of growth forms, such as creeping stems and

erect trunks resembling those of trees. Some were vines that lived on other plants. In certain classifications many of the Protopteridales are called progymnosperms, and the Coenopteridales are categorized with the ferns.

13.22 Level III life: Moss

Moss Animals, common name for two phyla of small, simple aquatic animals that feed with a crown of tentacles called a lophophore, and usually form attached, mossy colonies. The classification of these two phyla has varied to reflect changing opinions about the relationship of moss animals to other phyla. Authorities who think the two groups have a close common ancestor retain the phylum name Bryozoa for all moss animals and treat endoprocts and ectoprocts as classes within this phylum. Others use the term "Bryozoa" only for ectoprocts, and still others think that ectoprocts are related to the Tentaculata, and endoprocts to the Aschelminthes. Endoprocts, which are marine except for the species of one freshwater genus, have a globular body that is mounted on a stalk. The lophophore surrounds both mouth and anus. The animals reproduce both sexually and asexually, often forming colonies of connected individuals by the latter process. In ectoprocts, which are primarily marine, the lophophore does not surround the anus. The colonies that ectoprocts form by asexual reproduction are of varied structure, and each member usually has a hard, protective coating.

13.23 The dual neural network model

While a singular neuron model provides a certain set of abilities, demands for survival and competition eventuated in the development of a dual neural network model. Two neurons means the specialization of neurons and the extension of functionality- in effect from the basic functions performed by one neuron, both neurons can specialize and provide greater functionality. UCA defines the dual neural network model according to two systems- the cyto and the orgo system. 13.23.1 The cyto system The cyto system remains the primordial single neural network model, but with specialization thanks to the existence of a parallel system. The cyto system controls skeletal, muscular systems. 13.23.2 The orgo system

The orgo system as the newest system specialized on the control of internal regulation and specialized cellular groups for higher functions such as organs, cognitive areas (brain), glands etc.

13.24 The concept of sexual reproduction

WIn Chapter 12.13 (The Process of Cell Replication), we introduced the concept that there are two main methods of cell creation- Mitosis and Meosis. It is now time to review the process called Meosis- the creation of specialized sex cells for the purpose of fusion to create multi-cellular organisms. Meiosis has many similarities to another form of cell division, mitosis. However, there are major differences. Genes pass from parent to offspring in the form of chemical codes on lengths of the chemical deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). Inside a cell nucleus, DNA is packaged as thread-like structures, chromosomes. The normal number of chromosomes, in the parent cell, is the diploid number (in humans, it is 48). Meiosis cell division produces four offspring sex cells, each with its own unique, reshuffled selection of genes with only half the number of chromosomes-the haploid number. When two sex cells join during sexual reproduction, the two haploid sets form a full diploid set in the fertilized egg. 13.24.1 The first meotic division In human beings and many other animals, meiosis takes place in specialized stem cells inside the sex glands-the female's ovaries and the male's testes. During the cell's "resting" period, or inter phase, DNA replicates itself to form two complete sets. As meiosis begins, the DNA becomes more coiled and twisted, and appears under the light microscope as thread-like chromosomes. Each chromosome is actually a double-strand of two identical chromatids, joined near the middle. The chromosomes come together in like pairs, one originally from the mother and one from the father. These pairings are bivalent's. A chromatid of one chromosome in the bivalent may join together with a chromatid from the other chromosome, at points

along their length called chiasmata. They may also exchange segments of DNA, known as crossing-over, at these points. This is one source of mixing or recombination of the genes into new and unique selections. As in mitosis, the nuclear membrane around the chromosomes begins to break down. The pairs of chromosomes align along the middle of the cell, which are linked by rod-like fibres known as spindle fibres to pairs of centrioles at opposing ends, or poles, of the cell. The chromosomes separate and members of each pair move along the spindle fibres towards opposing poles. Whether a chromosome originally from the father or mother goes to a particular pole is entirely chance. This is called random assortment and is another source of the recombination in genetic information. A new nuclear membrane forms around each of the haploid, or half-sets, of chromosomes. Meanwhile, the cell membrane pinches inward and eventually the whole cell splits, creating two offspring cells. 13.24.2 The second meotic division After a short pause, each of the two offspring cells divides again. This stage is very similar to mitosis. The chromosomes-pairs of chromatids-align in the middle of the cell. The nuclear membrane breaks down again as the centriole pairs-which have also replicatedmove to opposing poles in the cell. The two chromatids of each pair separate and move in opposite directions, along the spindle fibres towards the poles. Now called chromosomes, they become less distinct and a new nuclear membrane forms around each group as the spindle fibres break up. Meanwhile, the cell membrane pinches inward and each whole offspring cell completes its division. As in mitosis, there may be errors in meiosis, such as the chromosomes being unevenly distributed in the offspring cells. At the end of meiosis, four new cells have been formed. Each is haploid, with half the number of the parent cell's chromosomes, and each has a different combination of genetic information. In male animals, the four offspring cells continue to develop into sperm. In some female animals, three of the four offspring cells shrink into tiny polar bodies. Only one continues its development into an egg cell (ovum).

13.25 Level IV life: Simple sexual multi-cellular lifeforms (dual neural networks)

Now that we have discussed Level 3- simple asexual species, it is now time to consider more complex lifeforms.

Hybrid Eukaryotes 1-Coral Eukaryotes 2-Mollusks 3-Crustaceans

(Animal/Plant) 550 million (Animal) 500 Million (Animal) 500 million

4-Insects & pedes Prokaryotes 5-Flowering trees 6-Flowering Plants

(Animal) 400 million (Plant) 350 million (Plant) 400 million

13.26 The CORPUS and level 2, 3 and life

In the previous section, the introduced the concept of THE CORPUS as a means of describing the world of mono cellular lifeforms that makes up 80%+ of the planet's biosphere. Further, we considered CORPUS as not only representing each unique cell, but the components of one complete living and thinking organism- the LIVING SURFACE of the EARTH. As difficult as the concept is to grasp, we now wish to extend the concept in context of the levels of life we have now discussed in this section, namely Level 3 & 4 LIFE. Further, we wish to make an association with the concept of CORPUS to other concepts of universes already described so that the reader may understand an underlying synergy between ALL things the existence of the- Unique Collective Awareness. 13.26.1 The context of Level 3 life within THE CORPUS Level 3 life makes up the second largest category of life in terms of mass of the CORPUS. Approximately 20% of all life belongs to the categories of FUNGI and ALGAE. The mono neuron and the most ancient intelligence network on the planet. An example not yet understood by many is that FUNGI and ALGAE over an extended region can all be interconnected base intelligence. Each fungal cell possesses the memory mechanism of a single neuron. Therefore a FUNGAL field of say one acre could potentially be an acre of single neuron base intelligence. Unlike independent neuron network neurons (found in all species), the structure of FUNGI and ALGAE neurons predisposes them to very rudimentary, reliable interconnection and function- the biologic equivalent to a reliable INTEL 12K microprocessor. As will be discovered one day by someone eventually, the marriage between

FUNGI neurons and human digital equipment and programming will be the key to creating the world's first artificial intelligence, not trying to use independent species neuron cells. As the natural enemy to bacteria, FUNGI and ALGAE maintain control and balance over the growth of the bacterial world, during favorable life cycles. When bacterial numbers increase, FUNGI and ALGAE increase. When bacterial numbers decrease, FUNGI and ALGAE decrease. 13.26.2 The context of Level 4 Life within THE CORPUS Independent neuron networks, or species represent the remaining 10% of the CORPUS. Level 4 simple species lifeforms represents the largest proportion of all species of independent neuron networks (around 80%). Therefore this level is vital for the maintenance and balance of Level 3 life (FUNGI and ALGAE). When Fungal bloom or Algal bloom explodes, insects increase in numbers. Therefore, common sense tells us that to decrease numbers of insects and worms, we need to decrease objects that attract bacteria and therefore Fungi and Algae. And vice versa. Thus THE CORPUS seeks to maintain a balance, via the viewing of cycle. These co-dependencies and relationships are especially important in understanding the cycle of life and death within CORPUS, why certain species fall away and why others thrive. 13.26.3 The relationship of CORPUS to UNITAS Given CORPUS is the description of a universe of cells, it has many similar characteristics to the concept of the Universe. Hopefully, in grasping the concept of CORPUS we can better understand the living nature of the Universe and vice versa. In the definitions of CORPUS and UNITAS we see a synergy of the many being part of the one, the one and part of each other. 13.26.4 The relationship of CORPUS to UCA Similar to UNITAS, in definition, concept and function, CORPUS agrees perfectly to the concept of UCA- unique collective awareness. If you have seen any photos of cells, then you would know that each cell looks slightly different - is UNIQUE. If you accept the concept of a bacterial universe across the surface of the Earth, you accept the concept of COLLECTIVE. If you accept that all cellular life possesses some basic function of mechanical intelligence, then each cell is basically AWARE. In other words CORPUS is UCA and UCA is CORPUS. Life is a manifestation literally of UCA- Unique Collective Awareness in action.

13.27 Level IV life: Coral

Coral, common name for members of a large class of marine invertebrates characterized by a protective calcium carbonate or horny skeleton. This protective skeleton is also called coral. Corals are divided into two subclasses, based on differences in their radial

symmetry (symmetry around a central axis). One subclass consists of colonial, eight-tentacle animals, each with an internal skeleton. Among them are whip corals, gorgonians, and the red coral sometimes used in making jewelry. Members of the other subclass commonly have six tentacles, or multiples of six, but other patterns are also observed. They include the stony, or true, corals, termed scleractinians. 13.27.1 Structure Corals belong to the class Anthozoa in the phylum Cnidaria (or Coelenterata). They can be broadly categorized into three groups: Categories of Coral Octocorallia (or Alcyonaria) Hexacorallia (or Zoantharia) Scleractinia (or Madreporaria) Examples Corals with eight tentacles Corals that commonly have six tentacles or multiples of six belong Stony, or true, corals belong to the order Scleractinia (or Madreporaria).

True corals secrete calcium carbonate from the bottom half of the stalk of the individual animal, or polyp, forming skeletal cups to which the polyps are anchored and into which they withdraw for protection. In the flattened oral disc at the top of the stalk is an opening, edged with feathery tentacles and hair-like cilia, that is both mouth and anus. At night the tentacles extend from the cup, seize animal plankton that wash against them, and carry the food to the mouth. Stinging cells, or nematocysts, on the tentacles can also paralyze prey. Some scleractinians exist as solitary polyps, but the majority are colonial. Colonial polyps average from 1 to 3 mm in diameter. They are connected laterally by tubes that are an extension of the polyps' gastrovascular cavities, and the colony grows by asexual budding from the base or the oral disc of the polyps. Living polyps build on the deposits of their predecessors; the wide range of branched or massive forms that result depends on the species involved. Colonial corals can grow in deep water, but reef-building corals are found only in warm, shallow seas. They live no deeper than light can penetrate because the symbiotic algae called zooxanthellae that live in their tissues require light for photosynthesis, and the corals cannot exist without the algae. Carbon is passed by the algae to the coral, increasing its energy, and the food caught by the coral may supply nitrogen and phosphorus for both organisms. The dependence of the corals on the algae probably varies according to species and locality. Scleractinian corals are the main contributors to a reef, but other organisms also add to it, such as hydrozoan corals, calcareous algae, mollusc's, and sponges.

13.28 Level IV life: Molluscs

The word Mollusc is used as the common name for a particular class of soft-bodied invertebrate animals (Latin, mollus,"soft"), usually with a hard external shells. Familiar molluscs include the cockle, oyster, snail, slug, octopus, and squid. The mollusc category is the secondlargest in the animal kingdom, after the Insects (arthropods) estimated at around 60,000 species. Molluscs are highly successful in terms of ecology and adaptation, with representatives in marine, freshwater, and terrestrial habitats, but they are most diverse in the sea. Among them are some advanced animals, such as the octopus and squid. Giant squid are also the largest invertebrates, weighing up to 2 tonnes. Most molluscs, however, are about 1 to 20 cm (0.4 to 8 in) long, and some are scarcely visible. 13.28.1 General characteristics Molluscs are commonly divided into seven sub classes: Sub Class of Molluscs Aplacophora Polyplacophora Monoplacophora Bivalvia Scaphopoda which is divided into three subclasses Prosobranchia (mostly marine snails within three orders), Opisthobranchia (sea slugs and their allies within eight orders), and Pulmonata (lunged molluscs, largely freshwater and terrestrial within two orders); which is divided into the subclasses Nautiloidea (the nautilus, with four gills and other archaic traits such as external shells) and Coleoidea (octopuses, squid and cuttlefish, with two gills and other advanced traits). Examples



Although few features are common to all molluscs, the animals are not readily mistaken for anything else, and all may be treated as variants on a common theme (not to be confused with a common ancestor). A theoretical, idealized mollusc would crawl on a single flat, muscular foot, and the body would have at least a suggestion of a head at one end and an anus at the other. Above the body would be an external shell mounted on a visceral hump containing internal organs. This shell, secreted by a sheet of tissue called the mantle, is complicated in molluscs, being made up of calcium carbonate and other minerals in an organic matrix produced in layers by the mantle at the edge of the shell and under it. It is also generally covered by an outer layer without minerals, called the periostracum. The shell may be multiple, as in chitons, or paired, as in bivalves. In various molluscs the shell is reduced in size and is sometimes lost completely; in aplacophorans there is no direct evidence that a shell ever existed. At the posterior (rear) end of the idealized mollusc would be a groove or depression called the mantle cavity, with gills to each side of the anus, and openings to the kidneys and reproductive structures. A single pair of gills is common, but many gastropods have only one gill. The cephalopod nautilus has two pairs, and monoplacophorans and chitons have several to many pairs. Generally, the molluscan gut is equipped with jaws and a tongue-like structure, called a radula, with teeth on it. Also present are a stomach and a pair of digestive glands. The nervous system consists of a ring of nerves around the anterior (front) part of the gut, with one pair of nerve cords to the foot and another to the viscera. Ganglia (masses of nerve tissue) around the gut are usually developed into a brain with various sense organs; the nervous system of cephalopods is as complex and as highly organized as that of fishes. The heart is located at the posterior end of the body; it sends blood into an open system that forms the main body cavity. Associated with the heart is a complex of organs that includes the kidneys and gonads, and sometimes other reproductive structures. The first mollusc fossils appear in early Cambrian rocks, about 600 million years old. All seven of the sub categories of molluscs have living representatives. In the class Aplacophora, the body is wormlike. No shell exists, only a tough mantle, and the foot has virtually been lost. The members of the class Polyplacophora (chitons) have a series of eight shell plates (valves) in a row and are well adapted to clinging to rocks. The mainly fossil Monoplacophora has one known living genus, Neopilina, discovered in deep water in 1952. The animal has a single flat shell and multiple gills. The members of the class Bivalvia, which includes cockles, clams, and mussels, have a shell divided into two halves, and they feed with their gills. As a consequence the head is poorly developed. Members of the class Scaphopoda (tusk shells) have a long, tapered, slightly curved shell and live on sandy bottoms. Members of the class Gastropoda (snails and slugs) are asymmetrical and have only one shell or, as in slugs, no shell at all. The molluscs of the class Cephalopoda, which include octopuses, cuttlefish, and squid, are modified by reduction of the foot and shell and the development of arms around the mouth. Thousands of fossil species are also known.


Behaviour Although vision is poor in most molluscs, cephalopods such as squid have eyes with lenses, retinas, and other features remarkably similar to those of vertebrates. Some gastropods have a well-developed sense of smell and can locate food in the water at a considerable distance. Predators may similarly be detected by the chemical senses and are sometimes evaded by leaping or swimming. Some molluscs, such as octopuses, cuttlefish, and squid, exhibit complicated courtship behaviour. Advanced cephalopods also possess considerable ability to learn from experience.


Reproduction The basic mollusc pattern is to have separate sexes, with sperm and eggs spawned into the water, where fertilization and early development occur. In most molluscs a larval stage follows, in which the larvae swim about for a while and then settle on the bottom and mature; this stage is often modified or absent, however. Fertilization may also be internal, with glands secreting protective coverings around the eggs. Slow-moving creatures such as snails often evolve into hermaphrodites (both male and female), because this doubles the number of appropriate mates. Sometimes the mother protects the developing eggs. Some oysters are remarkable in caring for the young inside the mantle cavity, and for changing back and forth from being male to being female.

13.29 Level IV life: Crustaceans

The name Crustacean is the common name used to describe simple species organisms found principally in water with jaws and two pairs of antennae, such as the crab, lobster, and shrimp. They are among the most successful animals, dominating the sea much as insects dominate the land. The majority of individual animals in the world are marine crustaceans that belong to the copepod subclass of the crustacean subphylum. Crustaceans are also successful in fresh water; a few, such as woodlice, are also abundant in moist land environments. Although most crustaceans are small, they have a wide range of body forms and habits, and the class includes larger invertebrates such as lobsters up to 60 cm (24 in) long and a spider crab with a leg span of 3.6 m (12 ft). The subphylum contains about 35,000 known species. 13.29.1 Structure Crustaceans are divided into five categories: Sub Class of Molluscs Examples

Cephalocarida which contains a few small, rare, primitive forms Branchiopoda Ostracoda, has four orders of usually small animals that feed on suspended matter in fresh water; an exception is Artemia, the brine shrimp, which lives in saline lakes and ponds the tiny mussel shrimps, are protected by a two-

shelled carapace that covers the body has five subclasses. The subclass Copepoda, the copepods, consists of small animals of simplified structure that are abundant in both marine and fresh water; many copepods are parasites. The subclass Branchiura consists of ectoparasites on marine and freshwater fish. The marine subclass Cirripedia consists of the barnacles and a few allied animals; some are parasites, but the most abundant ones capture food with their limbs. As adults they are immobile and highly modified. with three subclasses, all members of which have eight segments in the thorax and six or seven in the abdomen. The subclass Hoplocarida has one order, Hoplocaridea, which consists of the mantis shrimps, which are predatory and often large animals. The subclass Eumalacostraea has four super orders. The super order Peracarida consists of malacostracans, usually of moderate size, that brood their young in a pouch formed from projections of the legs. Two of the orders of the super order Peracarida are abundant and diverse: the order Isopoda consists of the woodlice, or sow bugs, and their allies; the order Amphipoda, of beach hoppers and their allies. The super order Eucarida has two orders. The order Euphausiocea consists of shrimp-like animals that are abundant in the sea and form the krill upon which many whales feed. The most familiar order is Decapoda ("tenfooted"), the name of which is derived from its species' five pairs of thoracic legs; the carapace of these animals is fused to the body to form a protected chamber for the gills. In scientific classification, the names shrimp, lobster, and crayfish do not refer to definite decapod groups. In popular terminology, "shrimp" is a term applied indiscriminately to small crustaceans, whereas lobsters are thought of as large ones, and crayfishes are freshwater animals. Because the zoological classification has little to do with size or habitat, common names are hard to reconcile with scientific ones. The task is somewhat easier with crabs, which are shortened and broadened and have a reduced abdomen. Even so, the term "crab" designates two distinct zoological groups: the swimming forms, including the most commonly eaten shrimps and prawns, and the crawling forms, of which the elongated ones are generally considered lobsters and the shorter ones crabs. The spiny lobsters, which do not have large crushing claws, are placed in the section (infra order) Palinura. The lobsters in the narrow sense (Homarus and Nephrops) are placed in the section Astacidea, together with the crayfishes and mud shrimps. Nephrops, the Norwegian lobster, is often



confused with shrimps because of its small size; it is also called scampi. The hermit crabs and certain other crab-like animals form the section Anomura. Crabs in the narrow sense all belong to the section Brachyura. Like all insects(arthropods), crustaceans have an external skeleton (exoskeleton) and a body made up of a series of segments; each of these generally bears a pair of two-branched limbs. In the course of evolution the segments and other parts of the body have become specialized. The limbs, used in respiration, swimming, crawling, and feeding, may be highly modified as jaws, reproductive organs, and other structures, or may be simplified or lost. The head is usually fused with a number of segments behind it to form a region called the cephalothorax, which is followed by an abdomen. Commonly an outgrowth of the head, called the carapace, covers much or even all of the body. On the head are two pairs of sensory organs (antennae) and a pair of jaws (mandibles), behind which are two other pairs of mouthparts (maxillae). The head is usually equipped with a pair of compound eyes, or an unpaired eye, or both. The cephalothorax generally bears limbs used in locomotion and respiration. Often the carapace provides a protective cover for the gills, which are part of the limbs. Some of the limbs may form pincers (chelae). Abdominal appendages may be used in locomotion but frequently have other functions, such as respiration, and they tend to be reduced in size. A tail portion (telson) that bears the anus is occasionally used in swimming. The main body cavity is an expanded circulatory system through which blood is pumped by a dorsal heart. The gut is basically a straight tube, often with a gizzard-like gastric mill used in breaking down the food, and a pair of digestive glands that not only secrete digestive fluids but also absorb food. Structures that serve as kidneys are located near the antennae. A brain exists in the form of ganglia near the sense organs, and a collection of ganglia and major nerves is found below the gut. 13.29.2 Reproduction Reproduction is primarily sexual in crustaceans; the only kind of asexual reproduction is parthenogenesis (development from unfertilized eggs), but this is rare. Usually the sexes are separate; some parasites and most barnacles, however, which have difficulty obtaining mates, are simultaneous hermaphrodites (that is, male and female at the same time). This increases the number of possible partners and may allow self fertilization- as a last resort. A number of crustaceans also change sex as they get older. Many crustaceans exhibit elaborate courtship behaviour, and the males may fight for the chance to mate. In marine crustaceans, the young generally pass through one or more larval stages in which they are quite unlike the adult. Often the larvae swim in open water, thereby finding a place to live. Freshwater and terrestrial crustaceans miss the larval stage, except for those that return to the sea to spawn. After fertilization the developing eggs are

generally cared for by the mother until they have reached the larval or post-larval condition; otherwise, little parental care exists among crustaceans. Some live in male-female pairs or are gregarious, but they do not form well-organized societies. The smallest crustaceans live for just a few days, but the largest ones may live for decades.

13.30 Level IV life: Insects

Insect, is common name given to any animal of a class belonging to the arthropod category. The insects make up the largest class in the animal world, outnumbering all other animals. At least 800,000 species have been described, and entomologists believe that as many or more remain to be discovered. The class is distributed throughout the world from the polar regions to the Tropics and is found on land, in fresh and salt water, and in salt lakes and hot springs. The insects reach their greatest number and variety, however, in the Tropics. In size, the insects also exhibit great variation. Some small parasitic insects are less than 0.25 mm (0.01 in) in length when fully grown, whereas at least one fossil species related to the modern dragonflies is known to have had a wingspan of more than 60 cm (24 in). The largest insects today are certain stick insects about 30 cm (12 in) long and certain moths with wingspans of about 30 cm (12 in). Insects are also the most highly developed class of invertebrate animals, with the exception of some molluscs. Insects such as the bees, ants, and termites have elaborate social structures in which the various forms of activity necessary for the feeding, shelter, and reproduction of the colony are divided among individuals especially adapted for the various activities. Also, most insects achieve maturity by metamorphosis rather than by direct growth. In most species, the individual passes through at least two distinct and dissimilar stages before reaching its adult form. In their living and feeding habits, the insects exhibit extreme variations. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the life cycles of different species. Thus the so-called 17-year cicada matures over a period of 13 to 17 years. The ordinary housefly can reach maturity in about ten days, and certain parasitic wasps reach their mature form seven days after the eggs have been laid. In general, the insects are very precisely adapted to the environments in which they live, and many species depend on a single variety of plant, usually feeding on one specific portion of the plant such as the leaves, stem, flowers, or roots. The relationship between insect and plant is frequently a necessary one for the growth and reproduction of the plant, as with plants that depend on insects for pollination. A number of insect species do not feed on living plants but act as scavengers. Some of these species live on decaying vegetable matter and others on dung or the carcasses of animals. The activities of the scavenger insects hasten the decomposition of all kinds of dead organic material. Certain insects also exhibit predation or parasitism, either feeding on other insects or existing on or within the bodies of insect or other animal hosts. Insects are sometimes parasitic upon other parasitic insects, a phenomenon known as hyper parasitism. In a few instances an insect may be parasitic upon a secondary parasite. A few species of insects, although not strictly parasitic, live at the expense

of other insects, with which they associate closely. An example of this form of relationship is that of the wax moth, that lives in the hives of bees and feeds on the comb which the bees produce. Sometimes the relation between two species is symbiotic. Thus ant colonies provide food for certain beetles that live with them, and in return the ants consume fluids that have been secreted by the beetles. 13.30.1 Social Insects One of the most interesting forms of insect behaviour is exhibited by the social insects, which, unlike the majority of insect species, live in organized groups. The social insects include about 800 species of wasps, over 1,000 species of bees (including semi-social bees), and the ants and termites. Characteristically, an insect society is formed of a parent or parents and a large number of offspring. The individual members of the society are divided into groups, each having a specialized function and often exhibiting markedly different bodily structures. For discussion of the organization of typical insect societies, see the articles on the insects mentioned above. 13.30.2 Structure Insects are divided into two major categories and then several sub categories Categories of insects Apterygota, wingless insects Pterygota, including most insects, the majority of which have wings in the imago form. Examples

Apterygota, wingless insects

Sub categories Protura Thysanura Diplura Collembola, Examples a group of very tiny, blind insects; that includes the silverfish a small group that contains the largest of the Apterygota, an insect of the genus Heterojapyx (about 5 cm/2 in long); and that includes the springtail.

Pterygota, including most insects, the majority of which have wings in the imago form.
Sub categories Ephemeroptera Plecoptera Odonata Grylloblattodea Orthoptera Phasmida Thysanoptera Examples that includes the mayflies; the stoneflies dragonflies and damselflies; a small wingless order the katydids, crickets, and grasshoppers (locusts); the stick insects the thrips;

Dermaptera Mantodea Blattaria (or Blattodea), Isoptera, Embioptera, Psocoptera Phthiraptera Zoraptera, Megaloptera Raphidiodea Neuroptera cMecoptera, Trichoptera Lepidoptera Diptera, Siphonaptera Coleoptera Strepsiptera Hymenoptera Hemiptera

the earwigs; the mantis; cockroaches the termites; a small group of sub-social insects living in tropical and subtropical regions the bark lice and book lice bird lice and true lice (sometimes separated into the two orders Mallophaga and Siphonculata) of which only one termite-like genus (including about 20 species) is known the alder flies and dobsonflies snake flies; ant-lions and lacewings the scorpion flies; the caddis flies the butterflies and moths the mosquitoes, gnats, and true flies the fleas the beetles; a group of tiny insects parasitic on other insects including the ants, bees, wasps, hornets, and ichneumons, and the chalcids;

Although the superficial appearance of insects is extremely varied, certain characteristics of their anatomy are common to the entire class. All mature insects have bodies composed of three parts: head, thorax, and abdomen (the abdomen and thorax are not always differentiated in larvae). Each of these parts is composed of a number of segments. The segments of the head are usually so fused that they are scarcely differentiated. On the head are two antennae (feelers); a pair of jaws, or mandibles; a pair of auxiliary jaws, or maxillae, that in turn bear a pair of palps (usually sensory feelers); and a fused second pair of accessory jaws, the labium, which also bears a pair of palps. The antennae, usually attached to the front part of the head, are segmented. In some insects, the antennae carry organs of smell as well as organs of touch. The mandibles are large, heavy jaws on each side of the mouth. They close horizontally and are used for grasping food and crushing it. The maxillae, or inner jaws, are lighter in structure. The mouths of many insects are adapted for piercing and sucking rather than for biting. The eyes of an insect are also situated on the head. All insects have three pairs of legs, each pair growing from a different part of the thorax. These parts are called, from front to back, the prothorax, the mesothorax, and the metathorax. Many larvae have, in

addition, several pairs of leg-like appendages called struts, or prolegs. The forms of the legs vary, depending on their uses, but all insect legs are made up of five parts. In winged insects, the wings, usually four in number, grow from the thorax between the mesothorax and the metathorax. The upper and lower membranes of large wings cover a network of hardened tubes, called veins, that stiffen the wing. The pattern of veins of the wings is characteristic of most insect species and is extensively used by entomologists as a basis for classification. Insect abdomens usually have 10 or 11 clearly defined segments. In all cases the anal opening is located on the last segment; in some species, such as the mayflies, a pair of feelers, called cerci, is also present on this segment. The abdomen does not carry legs. In female insects it contains the egg-laying organ, or ovipositor, which may be modified into a sting, saw, or drill for depositing the eggs in the bodies of plants or animals. Insect sexual organs arise from the eighth and ninth segments of the abdomen. Insects have an external rather than an internal skeleton; this exoskeleton is a rough integument formed by the hardening of the outer layer of the body through impregnation with pigments and polymerization of proteins, a process known as sclerotization. At the joints the exoskeleton does not become sclerotized and therefore remains flexible.

Respiration Certain species of insects breathe through the body wall, by diffusion, but in general the respiratory system of members of this class consists of a network of tubes, or tracheae, that carry air throughout the body to smaller tubelets or tracheoles through which all the organs of the body are supplied. In the tracheoles the oxygen from the air diffuses into the bloodstream, and carbon dioxide from the

blood diffuses into the air. The exterior openings of the tracheae are called spiracles. The spiracles are situated on the sides of the insect and are usually 20 in number (10 pairs), 4 on the thorax and 16 on the abdomen. Some water-breathing insects have gill-like structures. Circulation The circulatory system of insects is simple. The entire body cavity is filled with blood that is kept in circulation by means of a simple heart. This heart is a tube, open at both ends, that runs the entire length of the body under the exoskeleton along the back of the insect. The walls of the heart can contract to force the blood forwards through the heart and out into the body cavity. Digestion The digestive tract of most insects is divided into the foregut, the midgut (or stomach), and the hindgut. In the foregut, a food passage, or gullet, from the mouth is followed by a crop and a proventriculus. The crop serves as a storage space for food. Salivary glands open into the gullet, and their secretions are mixed with the food during mastication (chewing). Digestion takes place primarily in the midgut, and the products are absorbed in the midgut and the hindgut. The food waste passes to the hindgut, or intestine, for elimination. Connected to the forepart of the hindgut are a large number of small tubes, called the Malpighian tubules, that float in the blood of the body cavity. Waste matter in the blood passes through the walls of these tubes and into the hindgut, from which it is eliminated from the body of the insect. Neural System The nervous system of an insect centres on a nerve cord that runs from the head to the abdomen along the underside of the body. Typically the cord is equipped with a pair of ganglia, or nerve centres, for each segment of the body. The brain, which is located just above the gullet, is made up of three ganglia fused into one. The brain receives stimuli from the antennae and from the eyes. The sense organs of insects consist of eyes, auditory organs, organs of touch, organs of smell, and organs of taste. Insect eyes are of two types, compound and simple. Each of the two compound eyes, which are usually situated directly behind the antennae, contains from 6 to 28,000 or more light-sensitive structures, called ommatidia, grouped under a lens or cornea that is composed of an equal number of hexagonal prism-shaped facets. These structures permit only light that is parallel to their axes to reach the nerve endings, and thus build up an optical image. Many species have in addition simple eyes, or ocelli, which are usually located between the compound eyes. Entomologists believe that the compound eyes are adapted to seeing swiftly moving objects, whereas the simple eyes are adapted to seeing nearby objects and fluctuations in light intensity. Each ocellus has a simple lens overlying a series of light-sensitive nerve elements, all of which are connected by a single nerve to the brain. The auditory organs of insects vary widely in structure and in some species are quite complex. In some grasshoppers, large auditory membranes are situated on each side of the first segment of the

abdomen. Behind these membranes are fluid-filled spaces that transmit the sound impulses to nerve endings that project into the fluid. Other types of grasshoppers and crickets have auditory organs on their legs below the knee joints. These organs consist of membranes with air chambers beneath them that communicate with the outside air through slits in their walls and are supplied with nerve endings. The organs of touch in insects resemble hairs and are located on various parts of the body and on the antennae. Most insects have a keen sense of smell, which they use to distinguish insects of the same species, especially mates, and to find food. The smell organs are usually found in the antennae. 13.30.3 Reproduction The various species of insects exhibit extreme variety in their modes of reproduction. In some insects, such as the honey bee, the reproductive female, or queen, produces thousands of fertilized eggs over a period of several years, although the male, or drone, dies shortly after mating. In other species, such as the mayflies, both male and female insects have only a short span of life after mating. In a number of species of beetles, both males and females mate repeatedly. In addition, various species of insects reproduce parthenogenetically, developing from unfertilized eggs. This form of reproduction occurs regularly in certain species, and occasionally or in alternate generations in others. In some gall wasps and saw flies, all reproduction is apparently by parthenogenesis, and no sexual reproduction is known. In the social bees and other related insects, male insects are produced from unfertilized eggs. In certain moths, which exhibit sporadic parthenogenesis, both sexes may be produced from unfertilized eggs. Among the aphids several successive generations of females may be produced parthenogenetically before the production of a generation of male and female insects that reproduces sexually. Certain flies occasionally reproduce by means of paedogenesis: the production of eggs by immature forms, either larvae or pupae. The larvae of some midges produce several generations of larval females before producing male and female larvae that develop into adult insects and reproduce sexually. The method of development of eggs also varies widely among the insects. Some insects, such as certain species of cockroaches, flies, and beetles, are viviparous, giving birth to live young. In other species, the entire larval stage of development takes place within the body of the female, and the insect becomes a pupa at birth. Most insect eggs, however, are deposited and hatch outside the body of the parent. The egg-laying habits of the different species vary. Many insects deposit single eggs or masses of eggs on the plants on which the larvae will feed. A number of insects lay their eggs within the tissues of the food plant, and the eggs may give rise to swellings, or galls, on the leaves or stems of the plant. Certain insects show a unique form of embryonic development in which more than one embryo is formed by a single egg. This process is known as polyembryony, and in some species more than 100 larvae are formed from a single egg by division within the egg. 13.30.4 Metamorphosis

One of the characteristics of the development of insects from birth to maturity is metamorphosis, the change through one or more distinctive immature body forms to the imago, or adult body form. Metamorphosis of some kind occurs in most insects, although in a few species, such as the bristletails, the newborn insect is essentially similar in form to the imago. Entomologists recognize two basic forms of metamorphosis: complete and incomplete. In complete metamorphosis, the insect egg hatches to produce a larva, an active immature form typified by the caterpillar; then changes to a pupa, a more or less dormant form, often enclosed in a cocoon; and finally emerges as the adult insect, or imago. A form of complete metamorphosis in which the insect larva undergoes one or more changes in form (usually to adapt it to a change in food supply) before becoming a pupa is called hypermetamorphosis. Hypermetamorphosis takes place in certain beetles and flies, and in certain parasitic insects of the order Hymenoptera. In incomplete metamorphosis, the insect is born in a relatively mature form called a nymph, which resembles the imago but lacks or has only partly developed wings and reproductive apparatus. The nymph changes to the imago by a gradual process, and no pupal stage occurs. The nymphal stages are separated by moulting, or ecdysis, of the inelastic exoskeleton, each successive stage being more like the adult. In the simplest insects, the changes between successive nymphal stages are slight, but generally the stages are distinctly different. In a typical example of complete metamorphosis, the larva is a caterpillar that can crawl in search of food and that has mouth parts adapted for feeding on leaves or grasses. As the larva grows, it sheds its skin from three to nine times. At the end of the larval period, the insect spins a cocoon about itself or, in the case of most cutworms and certain other insects, forms an underground earthen cell and enters the pupal stage. During the pupal stage the insect is quiescent and does not eat, but its body gradually assumes the imago form. At this time the wings and other body structures of the mature insect begin to develop. When the pupa is fully developed, it breaks out of its cocoon or earthen cell and pupal exoskeleton, and emerges as a complete adult insect, such as a moth or butterfly.

13.31 Level IV life: Seed bearing trees (gymnosperms)

Gymnosperm (Greek gumnos,"naked"; sperma,"seed"), common name for any seed-bearing vascular plant without flowers. There are several types: the cycad, ginkgo, conifer, yew, and gnetophyte. Gymnosperms are woody plants, either shrubs, trees, or, rarely, vines (some gnetophytes). They differ from the other great division of seed plants, the flowering plants (seeAngiosperm), in that the seeds are

not enclosed in carpels but rather are borne upon seed scales arranged in cones. The gymnosperms include the most ancient of the living seed plants; they appear to have arisen from fern-like ancestors in the Devonian period (about 408.5 million to 362.5 million years ago). Cycads retain the most primitive characteristics of the extant seed plants. Gnetophytes are considered from morphological and molecular evidence to share a common ancestry with the flowering plants. Living gymnosperms are distributed throughout the world, with a majority, particularly the conifers, in temperate and sub arctic regions. Cycads and gnetophytes are mainly tropical to subtropical. There are about 70 genera with 750 species of living gymnosperms, far fewer than many families of flowering plants. 13.31.1 Structure Gymnosperms are divided into four categories. There are estimated to be fewer than 1,000 species that relate to these categories: Categories of Gymnosperms Cycadophyta Ginkgophyta Pinophyta Gnetophyta A tree differs from a shrub in that it usually produces a single, welldefined main stem, or trunk, and from a herbaceous plant in that the stem is composed almost entirely of woody tissue. Trees of some smaller species sometimes develop with more than one stem, like a shrub, but most larger species of tree never produce shrubby forms. Some species, when they reach maturity, are only a few metres tall, with trunks as slender as 15 cm (6 in) in circumference; the largest species may reach heights of more than 112 m (367 ft), with trunks that have a diameter of more than 6 m (20 ft). Examples


Evolution Trees have existed since the Devonian period (408.5 million to 362.5 million years ago) of the Paleozoic era. The oldest trees known to palaeontologists are those of the genus Cordaites, which originated in the early Devonian period and became extinct by the end of the Paleozoic era (245 million years ago). The oldest known surviving order of trees, the broad leaved, gymnospermous Ginkgoales, is now represented by a single species, the maidenhair tree, Ginkgo biloba (see Ginkgo). Coniferous trees have existed since the middle of the Carboniferous period (about 285 million years ago). Angiospermous trees first appeared in the early Cretaceous period (145.6 to 97 million years ago) of the Mesozoic era, and by the beginning of the Pliocene epoch (5.2 million years ago) of the Cenozoic era virtually all tree genera now in existence were growing. The majority of fossil tree leaves found in Pliocene rocks are indistinguishable from leaves of present-day trees. See also Paleontology.

13.32 Level IV life: Flowering planets (angiosperms)

Angiosperm (Greek aggeion, "vessel"; sperma, "seed"), common name for the division comprising the flowering plants, the dominant form of plant life. Members of the division are the source of most of the food on which human beings and other mammals rely and of many raw materials and natural products. Included in the division are most shrubs and herbs, most familiar trees except pines and other conifers, and specialized plants such as succulents, epiphytes, and aquatic types. Although about 250,000 species are known, many are rare and known only from a few specimens. Flowering plants occupy almost every ecological niche and dominate most natural landscapes. About two-thirds occur in the Tropics, where many species are rapidly becoming extinct through human activities. Only about 1,000 species are of major economic importance, and the bulk of the world's food supply, including wheat, rice, maize, sorghum, and potato, is derived from only 15. 13.32.1 Structure Angiosperms are divided into two classes: Categories of Angiosperms Magnoliopsida dicotyledons (dicots) Liliopsida monocotyledons (monocots) The characteristic feature of angiosperms is the flower, the function of which is the reproduction of the plant through the development of seeds. Flowers are highly modified shoots made up of four fundamental parts arranged in separate series, or whorls, on specialized stem tips. The outer series consists of the sepals, which are modified leaves or bracts that are usually green. The next inner series, the petals, are also modified leaves, but they are usually finertextured and more conspicuously coloured. The third series consists of the stamens, the pollen-producing male portion of the flower. The innermost series is the carpels, female structures that produce the seeds. Carpels are often fused into a structure called the pistil. The seeds of angiosperms develop in an ovary, a part of the carpel that surrounds and protects the egg-containing ovules. Seeds develop from the ovules after pollination and fertilization of the eggs. Ovules and seeds are not exclusive to angiosperms. The "naked-seed" plants, which include the conifers, cycads, and ginkgo, have ovules that lie exposed on the surface of specialized, scale-like leaves arranged into cones. The development of seeds from ovules enclosed in an ovary, which enlarges into a fruit as the fertilized seeds grow, is a feature unique to the angiosperms. Examples


Evolution The evolution of the angiosperms is subject to considerable speculation. They are considered a very isolated group, even from their nearest relatives. The sister group (most closely related group) of angiosperms is that containing Ephedra (Mormon tea) and its relatives Gnetum and Welwitschia. The two groups are collectively known as anthophytes. Conifers are the sister group to anthophytes among living plants, and cycads and ginkgo (maidenhair tree) are sisters to conifers and anthophytes. These groups comprise all of the known living seed plants. Enclosed ovules in enclosed carpels are considered to be adaptations of angiosperms to dry conditions.

13.33 A greater explanation of the logarithmic skills of neurons

One of the questions we will face in the following chapters outlining more complex life is "how does an animal sense and remember their environment?" Without sense of one's environment, a complex lifeform will quickly die from starvation or a larger predator. As we now understand "awareness of your environment" is a fundamental prerequisite to survival. 13.33.1 The special skills of neurons As we outlined in Chapter 12, cells by their structure have the inbuilt function to store binary information in the form of rows upon rows of tubulin Dimer proteins in unique arrangements of on-off, up-down, ) 0,1. This we speculated is evidence of a fundamental biological features of all cells to store live binary information- a basic physical cellular intelligence. Lie a computer requiring flowing electrons through a silicon chip and pre-set gates, of one-electron at same frequency=one gate change=one piece of information(bit), nature achieves a far more sophisticated and efficient system of memory, by using just using one electron to change a hundred gates and then reinforcing that signal with variable frequency to "fuzz in" or "fuzz out" the information. Then in this chapter we earlier outlined the fantastic nature of

neurons, with their ability to produce not just tubulin internal dimer communication of information, but electrical conductivity as well as chemical and instant physiological communication (instant physical change of state). In terms of a complex organism with a complex neural network, this phenomenal ability of hyper-developed skin cells (the forefathers of neurons) means that the physical processing of millions of cells can be changed in an instant through the chain of function of HORMONES- each chemical messenger, linked to a larger and more complex messenger until finally the communication of actual cellular programs- the free transmission of RNA within the body of a complex organism gives rise to an instant physiological reaction. In human beings we see it in the instantaneous, involuntary changing of state of our senses, heart rate, skin density, organ function, body temperature in synchronicity of seeing something. This is especially the case in neural activity and the tell-tale brain wave patterns between something we have seen and something we have never seen. But more than that, neurons have the unique ability to "fire" their responses in sequence or at different sequences. 13.33.2 The difference between the bit-map world and vector based world When you watch a television set, or even viewing this page through your computer monitor, the world you are viewing is a mosaic of multi-coloured dots (mini television sets that show different intensities of red, green and blue). As human technology has improved, the clarity of picture has improved, thanks to the ability of making the individual television sets, or pixels, smaller. In contrast, the volume of information required to be transmitted across a network, or processed by a computer has increased. In other words, the more visually appealing our information has grown, the more memory has been consumed. This is why high definition visual communication through a cable, to the level of a movie theatre, requires many Megabytes of information per second. It is also why some web sites take a lot longer to download than others (when large .gif and .jpeg files are used) In contrast, graphic designers and developers have understood for twenty years, that an image is more efficient in terms of storage as bits of information as a vector graphic, rather than a bitmap. Unfortunately, it is only in recent times that Browser software now automatically allows "vector" graphics (Microsoft Explorer 5+ and Netscape 6+). The most popular format for these type of graphics currently is shockwave flash, or (.swf). Instead of huge files consumed by animated bit-map files (.gif and .jpeg), vector graphics store only paths and angle information instead of every single pixel on a particular canvas size. Moving graphics that would otherwise be many megabytes in size are ten times smaller as .swf vector files. In addition, vector files allow automatic re-scaling without loss of picture quality (to some extent) because vectors (angles and paths) can be recalculated.


Neurons ability to calculate logarithmically Our recognition of calculating angles and paths is enshrined in the mathematic discipline of geometry and algebra. The ability to calculate angles and paths we see is a fundamental sign of intelligence. yet the ability to accurately calculate angles and paths is fundamental to an organisms survival. And this is exactly what a neuron can do- plot logarithmic calculations of geometry. As astounding as this sounds, scientists have proven conclusively that as simple an organism as the common earthworm, with a dual neural system, is capable of calculating the angle and location of objects in its immediate environment. What mathematicians consider complex geometric and algebraic calculations, the earth worm achieves in micro second calculations. The reactions of the earth worm are accurate to its environment, with an ability to project a sense around a certain space- a larger cell membrane, if you like. In determining this special gift, the conclusion was discovered that neurons fundamentally have an ability to "process information" logarithmically, or in other words- "think in terms of vectors".


Neurons and logarithms- a natural fit of 5 or 8 When looking at the structure of the Tubulin dimer, we see a natural structure of tubulin dimers arranged in a ringlets of interconnecting, 5 and 8, 5 and 8 configuration. Our Logarithmic number systems provide a high degree of accuracy when considering a sequences number of eight digits. Even stronger is our ability to remember numbers of four digits. Here we see a natural fit in the fundamental structure of all cellular intelligence and the structure of a logarithmic system. Information stored in bits of five and bits of eight, provides an accurate means of storing vector graphics, particularly is the electron- shapes the function as it travels down the centre. Angular information would naturally come from the strength of the neuron pulse (the density of the impression) as well as the angle of the image (direction) due to the curve path of the neuron. We will investigate these understandings further when we consider more complex shapes and the ability to "remember" one's own environment.


The high consumption of neuron capacity for vector information versus genetic-chemical information In contrast to bitmap and vector based graphics, the storage of vector based information the method as described above increases exponentially when one considers more complex organs of sensory function. An eye, for example, would require significant resources of neurons, principally devoted to the storage of more vector based information than chemical. In contrast, just one neuron can process chemical information super efficiently. As we should expect to see in the coming chapters, the development of more complex sensory demands ( the improvement of life's

awareness of its environment), so to did the demand for vector focused cognitive power.


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Experience and diversity of life

Something we have seen time and time again is how from a simple set of components and synergetic rules, complex and diverse shapes emerge. From the combination of hydrogen and helium we have the construction of the HYDRO-HELIO ATOMOS MATRIX (See Section 7). From the humble cell we have thousands upon thousands of different strands of bacteria and algae types. Yet the sheer number of species and their unique features and behaviour can be a bewildering task to comprehend. It can be even a harder task to consider how they all relate. Taxonomy- or the classification of species as we have described in Chapter 12 is both a controversial and inexact science. Even today, many scholars oppose each others views on the most accurate methods for classifying life. And when we consider Level 5-Life- complex species life, the challenge to categorize life in a way that makes sense is even harder to do.


The four levels of Hydro-Carbon Life discussed in the previous chapters From Chapter 5, we have gradually progressed through the layers of matter and complexity- Level 1 and the unita, Level 2 and the quark, Level 3 and the proton, Level 4 and the hydrogen atom, Level 5 and molecules to Level 6 and the structures created by hydro-carbon chains. UCA standard model of hydrocarbon life (Level 6 of element model) Level 1 Polymers Unita Level 2 Mono-cellular Quark, Neutrino, Cosmic

Level 3 Simple species (a-sexual) Mono-neural systems Level 4 Simple species (sexual) Dual-neural systems

Level 5 Complex species (sexual) Triple-Neural systems Level 6 Higher order life (self aware) Triple-Neural systems

In the previous chapters on life, we have discussed the first four levels of Hydro-Carbon Life, namely: Level 3 Simple a-sexual Multi-cellular Hydro-Carbon Biologics - mono neural systems

Fungi 1- Fungi Algae 1- Algae Primal Eukaryotes 2-Jellies & Sponges 3-Worms & Echioderms Primal Prokaryotes 4-Ferns & Horsetails 5-Psilophytes 6- Moss

(Animal/Plant) 2000 million (Animal/Plant) 2000 million (Animal) 800 million (Animal) 600 million (Plant) 450 million (Plant) 400 million (Plant) 300 million

Level 4 Simple sexual Multi-cellular Hydro-Carbon Biologics dual neural systems

Hybrid Eukaryotes 1-Coral Eukaryotes 2-Mollusks 3-Crustaceans 4-Insects & pedes Prokaryotes 5-Flowering trees 6-Flowering Plants
14.1.2 Level 5 Complex Life

(Animal/Plant) 550 million (Animal) 500 Million (Animal) 500 million (Animal) 400 million (Plant) 350 million (Plant) 400 million

In this chapter, we will introduce the fifth level of HYDRO-CARBON life- namely: Level 5 Complex multi-cellular life 700 million years agotriple neural systems

I- Egg-laying Water-Based Land/Water Based Land Based Land /Air Based II- Pouched (marsupials) Land Based Kangaroo, Wombats 200m Fish Amphibians Reptiles Monotremes Birds 700m years ago 400m 250m 200m 150m

III- Placentals (mammals) Dolphin Water-Based Sea-cows Whale Land/Water Based Rodents Seals Rabbit/Hares Even-toed hoofed Odd-toed hoofed Even-toed hoofed Land Based Anteaters,sloths Carnivores Pangolines Hyraxes Primates Elephants Land /Air Based Colugos (flying lemurs) Bats 60m 40m 60m


The learning model of life- putting classifications in context

As we have found before, when an object or lifeform is put in context with the circumstance of its creation ( reason) a greater understanding can be gained. So it is with the emergence of complex lifeforms.


The growing sophistication of the battle without As we will outline in greater detail in Chapter 17, the conditions on the planet Earth have at times been harsh to the extreme for the survival of life. As a result, cells have adopted many techniques to try to stay alive.

For Level 4 species, the battle for survival principally rests and has rested on not getting eaten, by your own kind, let alone a competitor. The development of a dual neural system provided an unprecedented means by which extra neural bandwidth could be harnessed and focused on the development of more sophisticated senses. Yet with limited interpretation bandwidth- behaviour largely required lessons learned repeatedly over millions of years. To function effectively, sensory organs needed to be routed to a dedicated region for cognitive interpretation, independent of the internal bodily functions and coordination of movement- the dual neural system did not provide adequate architecture. The result is a hybrid- the gradual development of a triple neural system, providing the platform for more advanced :complex" life and ultimately the development of the human being. 14.2.2 The growing sophistication of the battle within As we have discussed in the previous sections, the battle within- that is an organisms internal cells versus invading cells or multi-cellular organisms was one of the two prime experience factors in the emergence of organisms. The principle and earliest forms of defence- were armour, or toxicity. Those that did not choose armour type plating went down the toxic path, trying to make themselves as unattractive a prey as possible. 14.2.3 The development of a new approach- a triple neural system To deal with the battle within, lifeforms needed to find an alternative than simply making themselves toxic to "body snatching" parasites. They needed to develop a way of hunting down and "killing" these parasites while at the same time engineering more sophisticated sensory, mobility and processing cell centres. Hence, the dual neural model needed to be improved into the "triple neural system". 14.2.4 The function and co-ordination of sex organs and sex (germ) cells We will also see in the chapter that a by-product of solving the "body snatching" invader war and hence more diverse and sophisticated lifeforms was how to replicate complex forms and at the same time overcome new adaptions from parasitic enemies. In life, nothing stands still. The old version of asexual cell splitting reproduction is fine for simple organisms, but it is inadequate for highly complex organisms, most notably on the "evolutionary learning" front. In a brutal world full of bacterial parasites, a complex lifeform needs to emerge with a fully formed immune system capable of adapting and combating the very first bug. Only a system that provides enough genetic history and diversity is capable of answering such a problemthe concept of sex organs and sex (germ) cells. 14.2.5 Immune system and vertebrate Greater mobility, yet the requirement for strength and protection of core organ cell colonies also led to the adaption of the traditional cytoskeleton, the axon of the mono-cell model and the classic "tail" of mono-cellular organisms- the creation of a backbone in more

sophisticated lifeforms.


The battle for survival and the environment

It is generally assumed by the conditions in which we live, that the conditions on planet Earth have remained similar. We make this daily assumption in the way we dress, even though we know through research and experience that the conditions for life on Earth change and have been dramatically different in the past. Even so, our understanding of the extremities of conditions, is hard to fathom, unless brought back to life thanks to digital animations such as more recent digital dinosaur movies.


The dramatic periods of temperature and density To the human being, it is inconceivable that we could possibly live in an environment of 35 degrees Celsius 90 percent humidity and incredible pressures of 4G and 6G's. We simple would not be able to breath, we would not have enough strength to survive. Even on a hot day of 35 degrees Celsius and above, humans find the conditions difficult. The same applies for conditions of extreme col, such as constantly under 10 degrees Celsius Yet there have been many times on planet Earth, when conditions for life we at these extremes. And if life had not found ways to adapt and survive, then no life would presently exist on this planet.


Understanding the environment, to understand the adaptions One of the intriguing complexities of viewing life is the sheer diversity of life itself. Different animals, different plants, different features, different foods, different natural habitats and ideal climactic conditions. Because of this complexity it is often hard to imagine how such a complex array of life could have evolved from such simple and similar life as mono cellular and mono neural organisms such as bacteria, algae and fungi. So in recognizing key periods of extreme conditions (in our opinion), we might better understand why life adapted and therefore certain types of cellular life evolved. We will discuss this relationship between conditions on Earth and life on Earth in more detail in chapter 17 (LIFE ON EARTH). For the moment, let us look at some of the challenges that life has had to overcome.


Heavy, hot and wet life on Earth Life has at times had to cope and adapt with conditions in the past when the rotation of the Earth was faster, gravity was significantly higher, temperatures were hotter and humid. Under these pressure cooker conditions, hard shelled- soft bodied creatures could survive up to a point. But without superior methods of structuring, could not advance any further.

In these hot, heavy and wet conditions, ideal life thrives whereby an organism, expands in size, using an internally protected neural system, surrounded by soft tissue and then protected by thick, elastic water proof type skin. Such life would have the internal muscle strength to move in spite of the incredible pressures, sufficient body mass area to radiate excess heat and protective skin to avoid osmosis (internal drowning because of too many water molecules). To survive and thrive in these conditions, a new kind of strategy needed to emerge, beyond the hard external body, soft body concept. The internal cytoskeleton had to fuse into self contained, strong blocks capable of withstanding incredible pressures. A new kind of structural cell- or bone cell had to emerge. As we will see, this is exactly what emerged on planet Earth during extended periods of high density, het and humidity with the first vertebrates (back boned animals), the prototype reptiles. 14.3.4 Cold, windy dry life on Earth Just as there has been periods of tremendous pressure, het and humidity, the Earth has gone through periods of extreme col, dry and lower gravity. In these conditions, large lifeforms as per those ideally suited for het, wet and heavy conditions, would have perished. A completely reverse set of conditions would have existed. Instead, lifeforms with small to medium body masses, thick aerated skin, with hair and internal heating would have thrived. As we will see, this is exactly what happened with the development of proto-marsupials and birds.


The emergence of bone cells

Under the extremes of pressure, het and climactic conditions of earlier periods of Earth, the bone cell is the emergence of yet another specialized cell from the "proto skin" cells hundreds of millions of years ago. In not only providing the internal strength and support to withstand tremendous pressures, this type of cell created ultimately the "perfect" universe for cells- one tightly protected from any external extreme elements. In such environments, some of the most specialized cells of all accomplished the task of creating new semi-complete cells. BONE is a rigid body tissue consisting of cells embedded in an abundant, hard intercellular material. The two principal components of this material, collagen and calcium phosphate, distinguish bone from such other hard tissues as chitin, enamel, and shell.

The functions of bone include (1) structural support for the mechanical action of soft tissues, such as contraction of muscles, expansion of lungs; (2) protection of soft parts, as by the brain case; (3) provision of a protective site for specialized tissues such as the blood-forming system (bone marrow); and (4) a mineral reservoir or sink, whereby endocrine systems regulate the level of calcium and phosphate in the circulating body fluids. 14.4.1 Evolutionary origin and significance Bone is found only in vertebrates, and, among modern vertebrates, only in bony fish and higher classes. Although fossil ancestors of the elasmobranchs and cyclostomes had armoured head cases, serving largely a protective function, which appear to have been true bone, modern cyclostomes have only an endoskeleton, or inner skeleton, of non calcified cartilage, and elasmobranchs, a skeleton of calcified cartilage. Although a rigid endoskeleton performs obvious body supportive functions for land-living vertebrates, it is doubtful that bone offered any such mechanical advantage to the teleost (bony fish) in which it first appeared, for in a supporting aquatic environment, great structural rigidity is not essential for maintaining body configuration. The sharks and rays are superb examples of mechanical engineering efficiency, and their perseverance from the Devonian attests to the suitability of their non bony endoskeleton. In modern vertebrates true bone is found only in animals also capable of controlling the osmotic and ionic composition of their internal fluid environment. Marine invertebrates exhibit interstitial fluid compositions essentially the same as that of the surrounding sea water. Early signs of regulability are seen in cyclostomes and elasmobranchs, but only at or above the level of true bone fishes does the composition of the internal body fluids become constant. The mechanisms involved in this regulation are many and complex and include both the kidney and the gills. Fresh and marine waters provide abundant calcium, but only traces of phosphate, and, because relatively high levels of phosphate are characteristic of the body fluids of higher vertebrates, it seems likely that a large, readily available internal phosphate reservoir would confer significant independence of external environment on bony vertebrates. With the emergence of terrestrial forms, the availability of calcium regulation became equally significant. Along with the kidney and the various component glands of the endocrine system, bone has contributed to development of internal fluid homeostasis--the maintenance of a constant chemical composition. This was a necessary step for emergence of land-living vertebrates. Moreover, out of the buoyancy of water, structural rigidity of bone afforded mechanical advantages that are the most obvious features of the modern vertebrate skeleton. 14.4.2 Chemical composition and physical properties Depending upon species, age, and type of bone, the bone cells

represent 1-15 percent of the volume of bone, but in mature bone in most higher animals usually they represent 1-5 percent. The nonliving intercellular material consists of an organic component, collagen (a fibrous protein arranged in long strands or bundles similar in structure and organization to the collagen of ligaments, tendons, and skin), with small amounts of protein polysaccharides, mucopolysaccharides chemically bound to protein and dispersed within and around the collagen fibre bundles, and an inorganic mineral component in the form of innumerable rodshaped crystals with diameters on the order of 50 and lengths from 200 to 2,000 . These crystals are arranged parallel with the long axes of collagen bundles and many actually lie in voids within the bundles themselves. Organic material comprises 50 percent of the volume and 30 percent of the dry weight of the intercellular composite, and mineral the remainder. The major minerals are calcium and phosphate, present in proportions ranging from 1.4:1 to 2.1:1. When first deposited, mineral is crystallographically amorphous but with maturation becomes typical of the apatite minerals, the major component being hydroxyapatite, Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2. Carbonate is also present, in amounts varying from 4 percent of bone ash in fish and 8 percent in most mammals to more than 13 percent in the turtle, and occurs in two distinct phases, calcium carbonate and a carbonate apatite. Except for that associated with its cellular elements, there is little free water in adult mammalian bone (approximately 8 percent of total volume). As a result, diffusion from surfaces into the interior of the intercellular substance occurs at the slow rates more typical of diffusion from surfaces of solids than within liquids. The structural role of the skeleton depends on the hardness, strength, and rigidity of bone. The mineral crystals are responsible for hardness, rigidity, and the great compressive strength of bone, but they share with other crystalline materials a great weakness in tension, arising from the tendency for stress to concentrate about defects and for these defects to propagate. On the other hand, the collagen fibrils of bone possess high elasticity, little compressive strength, and considerable intrinsic tensile strength. The tensile strength of bone depends, however, not on collagen alone but on the intimate association of mineral with collagen, which confers on bone many of the general properties exhibited by two-phase materials such as fibre glass and bamboo. In such materials the dispersion of a rigid but brittle material in a matrix of quite different elasticity prevents the propagation of stress failure through the brittle material and hence allows a closer approach to the theoretical limiting strength of single crystals. The fine structure of bone has thus far frustrated attempts to determine the true strength of the mineral-matrix composite at the "unit" structural level. Compact bone specimens have been found to have tensile strength in the range of 700-1,400 kilograms per square centimetre (10,000-20,000 pounds per square inch), and compressive strengths in the range of 1,4002,100 kilograms per square centimetre (20,000-30,000 pounds per square inch). These values are of the same general order as for aluminum or mild steel, but bone has an advantage over such materials in that it is considerably lighter. The great strength of bone exists principally along its long axis and hence roughly

parallel both to the collagen fibre axis and to the long axis of the mineral crystals. Although apparently stiff, bones exhibit a considerable degree of elasticity, which is important to the skeleton's ability to withstand impact. Estimates of modulus of elasticity of bone samples are of the order of 420 to 700 kilograms per square centimetre (6,000 to 10,000 pounds per square inch), a value very much less than steel, for example, indicating much greater elasticity of bone. Perfect elasticity exists with loads up to 30 to 40 percent of breaking strength; above this, creep occurs, presumably along natural defects within the bony structure. The modulus of elasticity in bone is strikingly dependent upon the rate at which loads are applied, bones being stiffer during rapid deformation than during slow; this behaviour suggests an element of viscous flow during deformation. As might be anticipated from consideration of the two-phase composition of bone, variation in the mineral-collagen ratio leads to change in physical properties: less mineral tends ultimately to greater flexibility, and more mineral to increased brittleness. Optimal ratios, as reflected in maximal tensile strength, are observed at an ash content of approximately 66 percent, a value that is characteristic of the weight-bearing bones of mammals 14.4.3 Bone morphology Grossly, bone tissue is organized into a variety of shapes and configurations adapted to the function of the bone concerned: broad, flat plates, such as scapula, as anchors for large muscle masses, or hollow, thick-walled tubes, such as femur, radius, ulna, for supporting weight or for use as a lever arm. These different types of bone are distinguished more by their external shape than by their basic structure. In all bones the basic bone has an exterior layer, termed cortex, that is smooth, dense, continuous, and of varying thickness. In its interior, bony tissue is arranged in a network of intersecting plates and spicules, varying in amount in different bones, enclosing spaces filled with blood vessels and marrow. This honeycombed bone is termed cancellous, and the plates and spicules trabeculae. In mature bone, trabeculae are arranged in an orderly pattern that provides continuous units of bony tissue aligned parallel with the lines of major compressive or tensile force. Trabeculae thus provide a complex series of cross-braced interior struts so arranged as to give maximal rigidity with minimal material. Bones such as vertebrae, subject to primarily compressive or tensile forces, usually have thin cortices and provide necessary structural rigidity through trabeculae; whereas bones such as the femur, subject to prominent bending, shear, or torsional forces, usually have thick cortices, a tubular configuration, and a continuous cavity running through their centres (medullary cavity). The cortical material of tubular bones is termed compact bone and differs in a number of fine structural details from cancellous bone. Long bones, distinctive of the body's extremities, exhibit a number

of gross structural features in common. The central region of the bone (diaphysis) is the most clearly tubular. At one or commonly both ends the diaphysis flares outward and assumes a predominantly cancellous internal structure. This region (metaphysis) functions to transfer loads from weight-bearing joint surfaces to the diaphysis. Finally, at the end of a long bone is a region known as an epiphysis, which exhibits a cancellous internal structure and which comprises the bony substructure of the joint surface. Prior to full skeletal maturity the epiphysis is separated from the metaphysis by a cartilaginous plate, the growth plate or physis; in bones with complex articulations (such as the humerus at its lower end) or bones with multiple protuberances (such as the femur at its upper end) there may be several separate epiphyses, each with its growth plate. 14.4.4 Four types of cells in bone Microscopically, bone consists of hard, apparently homogeneous intercellular material, within or upon which can be found four characteristic cell types: osteoblast, osteocyte, osteoclast, and undifferentiated bone mesenchymal cells. The osteoblast is responsible for the synthesis and deposition on bone surfaces of the protein matrix of new intercellular material. The osteocyte is an osteoblast that has been trapped within intercellular material, residing in a cavity (lacuna) and communicating with other osteocytes as well as with free bone surfaces by means of extensive filamentous protoplasmic extensions that occupy long, meandering channels (canaliculi) through the bone substance. With the exception of certain higher orders of modern fish, all bone, including primitive vertebrate fossil bone, exhibits an osteocytic structure. Osteoclasts are usually large, multinucleated cells that, working from bone surfaces, resorb bone by direct chemical and enzymatic attack. Undifferentiated mesenchymal cells of the bone reside in the loose connective tissue between trabeculae, along vascular channels, and in the condensed fibrous tissue covering the outside of the bone (periosteum); they give rise under appropriate stimuli to either osteoblasts or osteoclasts. Depending on how the protein fibrils and osteocytes of bone are arranged, bone is of two major types: woven, in which collagen bundles and the long axes of the osteocytes are randomly oriented, and lamellar, in which both the fibrils and osteocytes are aligned in clear layers. In lamellar bone the layers alternate every few microns, and the primary direction of the fibrils shifts approximately 90. In compact bone of many mammalian species, lamellar bone is further organized into units known as osteons, or haversian systems, which consist of concentric cylindrical lamellar elements several millimetres long and 0.2-0.3 millimetre (0.0080.012 inch) in diameter. Osteons exhibit a gently spiral course oriented along the axis of the bone. In their centre is a canal (haversian canal) containing one or more small blood vessels, and at their outer margins is a boundary layer known as a "cement line," which serves both as a means of fixation for new bone deposited on an old surface and as a diffusion barrier. Osteocytic processes do not penetrate the cement line, and hence these barriers constitute the outer envelope of a nutritional unit, osteocytes on opposite sides of a cement line deriving their

nutrition from different vascular channels. Cement lines are found in all types of bone, as well as in osteons, and in general they indicate lines at which new bone was deposited on an old surface. In a typical long bone, blood is supplied by three separate systems: nutrient artery, periosteal vessels, and epiphyseal vessels. The diaphysis and metaphysis are nourished primarily by the nutrient artery, which passes through the cortex into the medullary cavity and then ramifies outward through haversian and Volkmann's canals to supply the cortex. Extensive vessels in the periosteum, the membrane surrounding the bone, supply the superficial layers of the cortex and connect with the nutrientartery system. In the event of obstruction of the nutrient artery, periosteal vessels are capable of meeting the needs of both systems. The epiphyses are supplied by a separate system that consists of a ring of arteries entering the bone along a circular band between the growth plate and the joint capsule. In the adult these vessels become connected to the other two systems at the metaphyseal-epiphyseal junction, but while the growth plate is open there is no such connection, and the epiphyseal vessels are the sole source of nutrition for the growing cartilage; hence they are essential for skeletal growth. Drainage of blood is by a system of veins that runs parallel with the arterial supply and by veins leaving the cortical periosteum through muscle insertions. Muscle contraction milks blood outward, giving rise to a centrifugal pattern of flow from the axial nutrient artery through the cortex and out through muscle attachments. 14.4.5 Remodeling, growth, and development Whereas renewal in tissues such as muscle occurs largely at a molecular level, renewal of bone occurs at a tissue level and is similar to the Remodeling of buildings in that local removal (resorption) of old bone must precede new bone deposition. Remodeling is most vigorous during the years of active growth, when deposition predominates over resorption. Thereafter Remodeling gradually declines, in humans until about age 35, after which its rate remains unchanged or increases slightly. From the fourth decade on, resorption exceeds formation, resulting in a 5-10 percent loss in bone mass per decade, equivalent to a daily loss of 15-30 milligrams of calcium. Except for the addition of the ossification mechanisms within cartilage, growth and development involve exactly the same type of Remodeling as that in the adult skeleton. Both require continuous, probably irreversible differentiation of osteoclasts and osteoblasts from the undifferentiated bone mesenchyme. Life span of osteoclasts is from a few hours to at most a few days, that of osteoblasts a few days to at most a few weeks. Resorption is produced by clusters of osteoclasts that either erode free bone surfaces or form "cutting cones" that tunnel through compact bone and create the cylindrical cavities that may be subsequently filled by osteons. Osteoclastic cells secrete enzymes and hydrogen ions onto the bone surface, dissolving the mineral and digesting the matrix at virtually the same moment. The

process is associated with locally augmented blood flow and with a greater surface acidity than elsewhere in bone, despite the fact that the process of dissolving apatite consumes hydrogen ions. Resorption is usually a much more rapid process than formation. Osteoclastic cutting cones have been observed to advance at rates up to 500 microns per day (one micron = 1 10-3 millimetre). Bone is formed on previously resorbed surfaces by deposition of a protein matrix material (osteoid) and its subsequent mineralization. Osteoblasts elaborate matrix as a continuous membrane covering the surface on which they are working at a linear rate that varies with both age and species but which in large adult mammals is on the order of 1.0 micron per day. The unmineralized matrix constitutes an osteoid seam or border, averaging 6 to 10 microns in thickness during active bone formation. The biochemical and physical sequence of events that prepare matrix for mineralization includes intracellular biosynthesis of collagen by osteoblasts, extrusion of collagen extracellularly in soluble form, maturation or polymerization of collagen into an array of fibrils (in random orientation in rapidly deposited bone, in a highly ordered, regular pattern in slowly formed lamellar bone), binding of calcium to collagen fibrils, and formation of protein-mucopolysaccharide complexes. Mineralization itself depends upon establishment of crystal nuclei within the matrix; this process requires five to ten days and is under the control of the osteoblast, but its exact chemistry is obscure. A suitable nucleating configuration is somehow established, and once nuclei reach a critical size further mineralization proceeds spontaneously in the presence of usual body fluid calcium and phosphorus concentrations. Other collagenous tissues, such as dermis, tendon, and ligament, do not normally calcify, even though bathed by the same body fluids as bone. Although extracellular fluid is a highly supersaturated solution with respect to hydroxylapatite, calcium and phosphorus will not spontaneously precipitate in this crystalline form at normal physiological pH, so that one and the same fluid is indefinitely stable in non-bone-forming regions yet richly supports mineralization in the presence of suitable crystal nuclei. Mineral movement into new bone is initially rapid and in compact cortical bone is known to reach approximately 70 percent of full mineralization within a few hours after matrix nucleation. This mineral deposition involves replacement of the water that occupied half the original matrix volume. As water content falls, further mineral diffusion is impeded; and the final mineralization occurs progressively more slowly over a period of many weeks. In normal adult humans new bone formation takes up about 400 milligrams of calcium per day, an amount approximately equal to that in the circulating blood. Osteocytes, once thought of as resting cells, are now recognized to be metabolically active and to possess, at least in latent form, the ability to resorb and reform bone on their lacunar walls. Although osteocytes constitute only a small fraction of total bone volume, they are so arranged within bone, and the network of their protoplasmic extensions is so extensive that there is essentially no volume of bony material situated more than a fraction of a micron from a cell or its processes. Of the more than

1,200 square metres (1,435 square yards) of anatomic surface within the skeleton of an adult man, about 99 percent is accounted for by the lacunar and canalicular surfaces. Resorption and deposition on this surface serve both to regulate plasmacalcium concentration and to renew bony material. This renewal may be particularly important because all composite materials change in their physical properties with time. It is not known whether bone properties change sufficiently to have biologic consequence, but to the extent that such change does occur, renewal around osteocytes would provide for the physical maintenance of bone structural material. 14.4.6 Types of bone formation Bone is formed in the embryo in two general ways. For most bones the general shape is first laid down as a cartilage model, which is then progressively replaced by bone (endochondral bone formation). A few bones (such as clavicle and calvarium) develop within a condensed region of fibrous tissue without a cartilaginous intermediate (membrane bone formation). In long bones a collar of spongy membrane bone is first laid down in the fibrous tissues surrounding the cartilaginous model of the shaft. At the same time the cartilage deep to this collar begins to degenerate and calcify. The bone is then penetrated by blood vessels, which grow into the degenerating model and remove the calcified cartilage enclosed within the collar. Vascular invasion proceeds toward both ends of the model in parallel with continued extension of the bony collar. This leaves a structure consisting of two cartilaginous epiphyses at the ends of a hollow, bony shaft. Growth from this point on is accomplished in two ways. Radial growth occurs by deposition of new bone on the periosteal surface and roughly equivalent resorption at the endosteal surface. Longitudinal growth involves replacement of cartilage by bone from the shaft side of the growth plate, at a rate closely matched to the production of new cartilage by the plate itself. The growth plate consists of highly ordered rows of cartilage cells; the row farthest removed from the bony shaft is a basal or germinal layer; it is responsible for cell replication and cartilage growth. The complex sequence of longitudinal growth consists of cartilage cell degeneration farthest from the germinal layer, calcification of cartilage in that area, deposition over it of a thin layer of true bone (primary spongiosa), and, finally, osteoclastic resorption to extend the medullary cavity in parallel with longitudinal growth and to reshape the contour of the shaft. Cartilage growth, degeneration, calcification, and ultimate replacement by bone is responsible for most growth in length in vertebrates. It first begins in the embryo and continues until full skeletal maturity, when in most species the growth plates fuse and disappear. The appearance of epiphyseal ossification centres and their ultimate fusion, both of which can be detected by ordinary X-rays, normally follows an orderly and predictable sequence that is of great value in the evaluation of disorders of growth and development. Because of the complicated interaction of several tissue elements in the process of endochondral ossification, the

metaphyseal region of bones is the seat of, or prominently reflects, many nutritional or metabolic disturbances of growth. Examples of disorders involving this growth mechanism include rickets and achondroplastic dwarfism. 14.4.7 Hormonal influences The most striking effects of estrogens are seen in birds, in which during the part of the cycle prior to egg formation a marked increase in osteoblastic activity occurs along the inside surfaces of the long bones, and the medullary cavities become filled with spongy bone. As the egg is formed, this spongy bone is rapidly resorbed, plasma calcium rises dramatically, and calcium is deposited in the shell. In mammals studied prior to skeletal maturity, administration of estrogens produces an accelerated appearance of ossification centres, a slowing in growth of cartilage and bone, and fusion of the epiphyses; the result is an adult skeleton smaller than normal. In older mammals estrogens in certain dosages and schedules of administration may inhibit trabecular bone resorption, and in some species prolonged administration of estrogen may lead to increased bone porosity. In postmenopausal women administration of estrogen suppresses bone resorption and produces a transient decrease in serum calcium and phosphorus and in renal reabsorption of phosphorus, as well as positive calcium balance, effects which help to stabilize the total skeletal bone mass. The effects described are for estrogens as a general class of steroid hormone, and no attempt has been made to differentiate between the actions of natural estrogenic hormones and the many synthetic varieties now in wide use to suppress ovulation. Extremely few studies have been conducted to determine the effects of the latter on bone. Very little is known of the effects of progesterone on bone beyond studies in young guinea pigs suggesting slight inhibition of the activity of such hormones as estrogens, which speed skeletal development. In mammals, including humans, just prior to sexual maturity, the growth spurt occurring in males is attributable principally to the growth-promoting action of the male sex hormone testosterone. When administered, testosterone and related steroids stimulate linear growth for a limited period; ultimately, however, particularly if they are given in large doses, they suppress bone growth as the result of hastened skeletal development and premature epiphyseal closure. Studies have indicated that testosterone derivatives administered to adult mammals suppress the turnover and resorption of bone and increase the retention of nitrogen, phosphorus, and calcium. The influence of the adrenal corticosteroid hormones on bone is varied, but the principal result is slowing of growth in the young and decrease in bone mass in the adult. In Cushing's syndrome, in which there is abnormally high secretion of corticosteroids, bone loss to the point of fractures often occurs. Cortisol in high concentration suppresses protein and mucopolysaccharide synthesis, with inhibition of bone matrix formation and of

incorporation of nucleosides into bone cells. Lack of the internal secretion of the thyroid gland results in retardation of skeletal growth and development. Action of this hormone to facilitate growth and skeletal maturation is probably indirect, through its general effects on cell metabolism. Thyroid hormone in excess leads in the young to premature appearance of ossification centres and closure of the epiphyses, and in the adult to increased bone-cell metabolism. Commonly in the hyperthyroid adult bone resorption predominates over increased bone formation with resultant loss of bone mass. The anterior lobe of the pituitary gland secretes a hormone essential for growth and development of the skeleton. This effect of the hormone is indirect and mediated by "sulfation factor," a substance produced in the liver in response to stimulation by the growth hormone. The extent to which growth hormone is involved in skeletal remodelling in the adult is not known, but excessive elaboration of the hormone after maturity leads to distorted enlargement of all bones in the condition known as acromegaly. Excessive elaboration of growth hormone prior to epiphyseal closure leads to gigantism. Studies of the administration of growth hormone to man have indicated marked species specificity; growth in hypopituitary dwarfs is stimulated only by human or primate growth hormone. The principal metabolic effects in man of the hormone are retention of nitrogen and increased turnover of calcium, resulting in increases both in intestinal calcium absorption and in urinary calcium excretion. Insulin participates in the regulation of bone growth; it may enhance or even be necessary for the effect of growth hormone on bone. Insulin has been found to stimulate growth and epiphyseal widening in rats whose pituitaries have been removed and to promote chondroitin sulfate synthesis in cartilage and bone and the transport of amino acids and nucleosides into bone.


The growing battle within- the immune system

As life has become more complex, so too has the battle for survival. Not only did the requirement for adaption in physical structure require new ideas to survive external threats, but new internal systems had to be considered to withstand new internal threats- the parasite.


The old method- poison To simple organisms, the threat of internal attack is limited by the nature of the hard outer shell. In addition the simplicity of internal cellular design has allowed many of these creatures to develop toxic chemical reactions to internal invaders, without affecting the overall performance of the organism. In contrast, the battle to overcome the external environment ( larger body mass, skin etc) opened up greater internal risk to infection (parasitic attack). No longer could poison be used as primary method of response to internal attack. Parasites gaining entry through the gaps between the platted, surface

of the proto-reptile creatures could get in and quickly work towards the prized soft body cells containing mitochondria and nutrients. A new method of response (immune response) to internal attack needed to be created. 14.5.2 The development of the immune system As we will see, one of the defining points of complex- vertebrate creatures is their sophisticated internal immune system capable of seeking out internal parasitic attacks and creating responses to destroy the invaders and protect the colony. We will also see that the immune system of vertebrates has developed to such an extent that even the trojan horse virus program attack on vertebrate cells can be traced by a sophisticated internal immune system. Without the adaptability of response of the immune system, complex organisms would not have emerged.

14.6 The emergence of new cellular life construction- sex cells and blast cells
Complex life capable of withstanding the external environment and internal environment, developed an even more astounding feat of engineering- the ability to gestate new organism life and maximize adaptability via the sharing of genetic code. The soft membrane sex cell is an achievement of the vertebrate- with the additional ability to guarantee a certain period of incubation in protection against the elements. 14.6. 1 The Hard bodied zygote compared to soft bodied zygote Early simple life had accomplished the task of cross matching genetic code and producing zygote cells (fertilized cells of cross matched genetic code). These hard shelled fertilized cells guaranteed some measure of survival against the elements, but not against being consumed by larger organisms. The alternative was to enable the fertilized cell to be soft bodied, enabling faster growth and gestation. The problem with soft bodies being, the need for protection against the external environment and being eaten. 14.6. 2 The development of internal gestation The development of internal gestatation and genetic impregnation represents a milestone and key distinction between simple life and complex life. The enablement of new life to develop within the relative protection of the host,

represented a success in overcoming the inhospitable elements of the surrounding environment. The prototype for this kind of birth of new organisms was the emergence of the egg- the developed zygote to a complex lifeform, with all necessary nutrients capable of advancing life to a starting replicated form. 14.6. 3 The numbers game The egg method of procreation follows the same principle as the seed ( hard coated) zygote with advances- the organism advances to the necessary level, with sufficient numbers to guarantee at least a few advanced to the fully formed adult of the species.


The need for more advanced sensory organs- the concept of the advanced eye
While the detection of grey frequencies enables an organism a superior addition, there is also the advantage of detecting different colour effects of movement- a higher cognitive function. That is, the detection of not only the reaction in terms of shadow, but the nature of the object being viewed in terms of radiation and electrical condition. When environmental conditions are at the extreme, such sensory methods can become obsolete- in the extreme pressure, het and wet of dinosaur Earth, single method photo receptor vision would be limited to close range, and perform only when kept dry. However, heton receptive sight (infra-red), color vision and photo-electric vision enables a more all weather solution. Such a solution, coupled with the development of focus sensing, provides a solution to the blinding of extreme conditions. The photo-electric sensor, capable of detecting both movement (spectrum shift) as well as radiation opens up the possibility of much greater recognition of objects for what they are, without the risk of having to try and test before the environment is safe. Such specialized sensors can provide detection based on both shape, movement as well as the actual object nature ( colour). However, a much greater demand on cognitive processing is required. This is the vertebrate eye.


The power of the neuron to accomplish both vector and chemical processing and memory As we described in 13.33, the neuron has the amazing ability to store and process both vector (logarithmic) and chemical (dna, immune, hormones) storage. In considering the process of visual recognition, the neuron network need to establish a VECTOR sensing- CHEMICAL processing and then VECTOR storage feat. Depending on the range and ability of the system of sight, the cognitive requirements in number of neurons can be quite large.


The vertebrate eye The vertebrate eye is a complex arrangement of specialized neurons and tissues enabling the calculation of vector based information,

chemically interpreted and then vectorally stored through controlled electrical stimulus.


The creation of a second eye system An amazing understanding lost to most biological books is the understanding that vertebrates did not dispense with the original eye system. This misunderstanding is principally due to the lack of recognition of the brain and neural system as not just one complete system but the combination of three evolutionary systems of cognitive function- the COGNO, NEURO AND ORGO systems.


The need for greater cognitive bandwidth- the concept of the brain
To humans, our brain is the stand out physical difference to all other animals on planet Earth. The human brain is a wonderfully complex organ tissue, performing feats astoundingly complex to replicate on existing human machinery. When discussing complex life, it is the brain that almost at once comes to mind as the key point of difference of less complex and more complex creatures. This is true and behavioral scientists have made significant inroads into the classification of species according to their habits and cognitive functions. But why the brain? Why not a thicker tube like spinal column? Why do brains vary so much between certain species? and why are brains so similar amongst others ( e.g. mammals?). To answer these questions, science often undertakes a journey of complexity, including masses of terms and detail. Yet it is rare to find a clear and cohesive answer to why the brain came into being. Here we seek to understand what we mean by brain, the questions of origin and purpose of the brain and its context in all of what has been discussed in the previous sections.


The traditional view of the brain

A brain may be defined many ways. In 20th Century science, the brain was defined a central control mechanism for the management of an organism. The emphasis and assumption was that 1 organism = 1 central nervous system = 1 brain. Brain research, particularly through parallel behavioral research has categorized and proven that the brains of all developed animals can be divided into specialized cognitive regions all playing a critical role in the survival and proper function of the species. It has been conclusively shown that damage to one or more key area in a brain can lead to dramatic malfunction of the organism. The occurrence of a stroke can render a human patient unable to speak, unable to move certain parts of their body as well as lose memory for certain items and naming conventions. While the tremendous research into brain functions and the neural system in general has aided our understanding of what makes me human, it has shed little effective new light on precisely the complete process function and operation of the brain in complete relation to the organism, nor has the answer "why?" been adequately answered. 14.8.2 The reason for the brain While methods such as creating an internal structure (vertebrate), internal immune response system (sophisticated organ structure) and improved sensing all presented opportunities, the challenge emerged as to the capacity of an additional layer cognitive function- or a third neural system. As we have discussed, the storage and processing of vector based information at a neuron level is far less efficient than chemical information. To store large and complex vector based information patterns (such as a memory of a particular location), then more processing power and information storage capacity is required. 14.8.3 The drive to survive Something that has helped unlock understanding at each step of the description of life has been reconsidering the basic goals of life, which happen also to be the underlying goals of UCA. To survive is paramount, requiring a change or perish response from life when faced with mortal dangers. Life on earth has had to change on numerous occasions or face extinction. As we will discuss in Chapter 17, the periods of evolution in the oceans were peppered with periods of severe desolation. The lack of food density forced complex organisms to adopt survival strategies where they could sense further. This forced the development of the eye. A sensory organ capable of sensing and processing complex vector based information over long distances. As we have outlined, the more requirement of vector based information, the greater demand on processing power. The brain was born. 14.8.4 The general functions of the Brain The brain has principally six functions:

(1) To interpret and fast track the implementation of programming contained in DNA. (2) To enhance awareness and operation in form via the co-ordination of the various other organs and regulatory systems to enable a living form to function move as a whole. (3) To process information regarding previous PAST MOMENTS to develop an optimum goal in terms of position in form to the NOW and or FUTURE MOMENTS. (4) To direct the immediate movement of cellular structure according to the chosen optimum goal of future position. (5) To collate summaries of NOW and immediate past moments and record them into DNA for future generations of form. (6) To create and store chemical approximations (MEMORY) of past moments to assist in the development of optimum goal in terms of position in form to the NOW and/or FUTURE MOMENTS. The size of a fully developed brain of a particular species will determine the operational capacity of the brain to perform these tasks. Different parts of the brain are specialized in themselves for ensuring the operation of these six functions. The smallest amount of brain is required for function (1), while the largest amount of brain space is required for function (6). The greater amount of brain space available for function, the higher these potential functions can operate. The contents of the brain are not solid, or necessarily the consideration of jelly that we always think of. In thinking of the brain,we forget the general layer of fluid in the brain. Humans like to think of this fluid as pure water. Indeed, a layer of pure water does cover the outer layers of the brain like a water cushion protecting it from damage. But within the brain, between the colonies of millions and millions of neurons, the water is far from pure. The soft membrane sex cell is an achievement of the vertebrate- with the additional ability to guarantee a certain period of incubation in protection against the elements.


The problem of the current single" brain model

While the analogies used by medical science to describe the general functions and relationships between the cerebrum. cerebellum and spine have served us well in gaining a greater understanding of complex life, the language does not provide sufficient scope to understanding the critical interdependencies and reasoning behind the neural system. The complexity of neural systems of higher organisms is such that without a strong founding understanding of why the neural system ( brain etc) is the way it is, many understandings of its function and processes have been overlooked. 14.9.1 The need for a new classification system instead of brain, endocrine system and nervous system Simply, there needs to be a new system of categorization and relationships established to better understand the function of the complex lifeform neural systems.

14.10 An introduction to the tri-neuro model of cognition

As we discussed in the previous section, a series of obstacles currently exist within the framework of classification according to brain, nervous system and endocrine system. As outlined, the problem lies not in the description of individual objects and their function within the systems of life of a complex lifeform, but the overall cohesion - or systems in which they are described. To this end, we outlined the need for a new method of categorization of the elements that go to make up the overall model of cognition of a complex life form. Introduction to the concept of the TRI-NEURO model Throughout the previous chapters and sections, we have successfully described all life according to the difference in cognitive structure, amongst other features. On this bases, we have defined life in terms of cognition according to: single neural network dual neural network, and now triple neural network The TRI-NEURO model then defines each of these networks, namely: CYTO- primary neural network (spine) ORGO- second neural network and organs (endocrine) COGNO- cognitive and third neural network (cerebrum) For the next few chapters we now look at the various features of TRINEURO model and why it provides tremendous insight into the structure and function of complex lifeform cognitive functions. The cyto system skeleton, muscles spine, neural, lymphatic

The orgo system blood, sensory organs, organs, cerebellum, glands, hormones The cogno system cerebellum, hypothalamus

14.11 A greater explanation of the CYTO neural system

The CYTO neural system is the name given to the primary and oldest neural system within an organism. In a single or mono neural organism such as a jellyfish, or worm, it the cyto neural system may be networked via a cross wiring effect, or the bundling of central neural communication via a basic kind of neural tube. In a dual neural system organism, the CYTO system always aggregates itself into a more sophisticated central wiring system of major communication trunks and arteries. In a triple neural or vertebrate organism, the CYTO system is the central nervous system or the spine. Cyto neurons as the oldest and wisest neurons Cyto neurons are by definition, the oldest and most sophisticated of the neural systems. In advanced triple neural systems, the network themselves into a tight membrane, we call the neuro ganglia, that form massive connections down and through the spinal column. Not only does this insulation provide protection against the elements, but enables CYTO neurons to communicate instantaneously the length of a spine- the same principles exhibited by the fusing of ancient skin cells and electrical activity. Cyto system as the centre of active awake intelligence The Cyto system in vertebrates is the active- waking intelligence of the organism, responsible for the complex coordination of a multibillion cellular organism efficiently. Its job being strongly contained, enables the other neural systems to specialize. The name CYTO The name CYTO is used to represent the connection between the neural system and its function in parallel to the single cell- the prototype of life. In a single cell, it is the cytoskeleton that is the centre of intelligence and process

14.12 A greater explanation of the ORGO neural system

The ORGO neural system is the name given to the secondary and second oldest neural system within organisms.

In dual neural organisms, the ORGO system is also the sensory processing and cognitive memory processing system. In triple neural structures, the ORGO neural system is predominantly associated with the cerebellum (ancient brain). Organ control and sensory processing Orgo neurons are by definition the second oldest of neuron systems and specialize in high volume sensory processing and chemical control of the organism. It is the Orgo system that controls the general function and performance of all major organs and centres of hormone production (excluding the hypothalamus and CYTO centres). While the CYTO brain may initiate signals, it is up to the ORGO system to process those signals into its own interpretation for function. The name ORGO The name ORGO is used to represent the connection between the neural system and its function in principle managing the organs and major hormone centres of higher order organisms.

14.13 A greater explanation of the COGNO neural system

The COGNO neural system is the name given to the third and most recent neural system within an organism. The COGNO neural system only exists in higher order organisms (complex species). The COGNO system is responsible for external information processing (principally visual data processed by sensory neurons) and higher brain decision functions.

14.14 The vertebrate immune system

The softer the shell of an organism, the more open to attack, therefore the greater pressure to adapt or die. In terms of attack, the greater the attack, the greater the battle, the more open to mutation from battle- battle scars- the more likely

mutations to occur. What this law means is that viruses are more prevalent and agreesive towards softer shelled animals (skin) than hard shelled bodies- as a result these animals are open to greater risk/opportunity of adaption. In contrast, creatures with thick skin or protective coating are less likely to adapt over longer periods as the shell protection limits viral attack and mutation of DNA. The law extends to the simplest structures to the more complex structures: soft shell mutations highest risk (tissue) complex cells (neurons, organs) medium risk hard cell (bone) mutations lowest risk. The softest shelled animal happens to be the human. Therefore the human is most open to viral attack and therefore mutation. What this means is that the tissue code because the tissue cells are most likely to be attacked are the most likely to mutate. In soft shelled animals- we see the highest surface mutation. Humans- the softest shelled animals displays the highest rate of surface mutationunique surface shape- unique face, unique hands, dogs, cats all have thin relatively soft shells. This is why humans have different faces. The benefit of attack is adaption. Those species that are good at protections- struggle to adapt- risk extinction while those that risk extinction must adapt- therefore evolve- can exist in increasingly diverse conditions. There is a benefit and price in every species survival strategy. Protecting the spider neuron network Remember the original centre of intelligence of the cell- the centriole as a coordinating role, but the cytoskeleton as the source of intelligence- well in higher level organisms, the same applies the existence of vertebrates. The vertebrate spine is packed with spider neurons. It is their role, often misinterpreted as nerves that serves as the line of intelligence that runs through a complex organism. And the most concentrated number of spider neurons is usually at the top of the brain, called the brain stem. Spider neurons are in contact with upwards of 100,000 neurons , with over 2000 in the human being. It is these specialized cells that traverse the spine of the human and concentrate signals and information. The brain becomes the projection centre for the intelligence of the spine. The spine produces a nitric oxide cloud ( first considered poisonous) that enables the brain to function as a whole. The spider neurons co-ordinate the overall in bound signals and then project and control the level of activity and the ability to think. The software of the brain then allows the more complex and sophisticated elements to being to work. Our bodies are exposed to a relentless barrage of potentially invasive pathogenic viruses and bacteria. In the course of maintaining a healthy body, the immune system is often far from being at harmony

with itself. There is always the potential for full-scale "immunological warfare" involving a battle with our own cells and tissues, as well as vigorous responses to fight off foreign invaders. Whether we like it or not, we live in a mono-cellular universe- a biosphere called Earth conditions. It is at this level of bacteria and virus and immune system that the battle for life and death happens every day. Our bodies quickly make whole armies of new antibodies to fight previously unknown pathogens. Those of us in good health remain so because of the complex and decisive role our immune system plays in maintaining the integrity of our body. Such is the complexity and extraordinary "intelligence" of the immune system of the vertebrates ( animals with backbones) it enables pathogen recognition and regulation of immune responses as well as generation and maintenance of immunological memory. the role of the immune system is to manage the war within. Connectivity- 1 neuron in a human brain can on average be wired to 10,000 others. every neuron in the brain connects to some 10 000 others. The next level of intelligence is the software of the brain. This is where we need to make the distinction. the centre of intelligence of animals with small brains and vertebrates is their spine.

14.15 The vertebrate organ system

The verterbrate system of immune response and basic body architecture is both ingeniuous and highly adaptable in nature. Not only do vertebrates have the most sophisticated cognitive network, as demonstrated by the structure of the vertebrate, they also have the most sophisticated structure of specialized tissue colonies. The spinal column (backbone) and a cranium (brain case) There are about 40,000 species of vertebrates. They may be divided into eight classes: (1) hagfishes (Myxini); (2) lampreys (Cephalaspidomorphi); (3) sharks and other cartilaginous fish

(Chondrichthyes); (4) bony fish (Osteichthyes); (5) frogs and other amphibians (Amphibia); (6) reptiles (Reptilia); (7) birds (Aves); and (8) mammals (Mammalia). All vertebrates are bilaterally symmetrical--that is, the left and right sides of the body are alike. The body is usually divided into a head and a trunk. The more advanced land vertebrates have a neck. In mammals (animals with milk glands for feeding their young), the trunk is divided into a thorax (chest) and abdomen. Vertebrates never have more than two pairs of limbs. Skeleton is the flexible, bony framework of any vertebrate animal. It gives the body shape, protects vital organs, and provides a system of levers, operated by muscles, that enables the body to move. The skeleton houses bone marrow, the blood-forming tissues. It stores such elements as calcium and phosphorus and releases them to the blood. The skeleton also contains smaller amounts of the elements magnesium, potassium, and sodium. Bones are joined to neighbouring bones by joints. Joints are either immovable, as in the skull, or movable, as in the arms and legs. The bones fit together and are held in place by strong bands of flexible tissue called ligaments. Most backboned animals have two pairs of limbs, front and hind limbs. A giraffe's neck has the same number of bones as a mouse's neck, although the giraffe's bones are longer and larger. Most mammals are quadrupeds. That is, they run on all four legs. Human beings are bipeds because they walk on only two legs.

14.16 Level V life: Complex life (tri neural systems)

It is now time to consider the structure of the fifth level of matterComplex Life (triple neural organisms) We have now discussed four of the six levels of Hydro-Carbon biologics. It is now time to discuss the 5th level of matter-complex multi-cellular life Level 5 Complex multi-cellular life 700 million years ago (triple neural systems) I- Egg-laying

Water-Based Land/Water Based Land Based Land /Air Based II- Pouched (marsupials) Land Based

Fish Amphibians Reptiles Monotremes Birds

700m years ago 400m 250m 200m 150m

Kangaroo, Wombats


III- Placentals (mammals) Dolphin Water-Based Sea-cows Whale Land/Water Based Rodents Seals Rabbit/Hares Even-toed hoofed Odd-toed hoofed Even-toed hoofed Land Based Anteaters,sloths Carnivores Pangolines Hyraxes Primates Elephants Land /Air Based Colugos (flying lemurs) Bats 60m 40m 60m

14.17 Level V life: (Egg laying water-based) Fish

Fish is the word used to define the majority of water basedvertebrate animals, usually possessing gills in the adult stage and having limbs, when present, in the forms of fins. Typically, the body of a fish carries a number of fins, which are membranes supported by rays or spines, that function in propulsion or orientation. One or more dorsal fins may be located along the centreline of the back. A caudal fin lies at the end of the tail and is the primary organ for generating thrust in most species. One or more anal fins are situated on the ventral midline between the vent and the tail. The body has two pairs of lateral fins: the pectoral fins, which are usually located on the sides behind the gill openings, and the pelvic fins, which lie on the belly between the head and the vent.

Great diversity exists in the shape and anatomical details of fishes, ranging from the snake-like eel to the globe-shaped puffer or greatly flattened fluke. Fins are often much modified or absent in accord with the diverse modes of life. Certain species of swamp eels lack most of the features by which fishes are commonly recognized, including gills, fins, and scales, and may even be primarily terrestrial. Some species of bony fishes lack eyes. However, not all fish have jaws, or live completely in the water ( such as the lungfish). As such, they have presented a difficult group to adequately and definitively classify for many scientists. Fishes are generally classified into two super classes: the Agnatha, which include the lamprey and other fishes without jaws; and the Gnathostomata, which include the fishes with hinged jaws. The latter are further divided into the class Chondrichthyes-the cartilaginous fishes such as the shark, ray, and chimaera-and the class Osteichthyes-the bony fishes. The bony fishes are made up of the subclass Sarcopterygii-lobe-finned fishes-and the subclass Actinopterygii-ray-finned fishes. The recent ray fins consist of two groups, (1) Chrondrostei, which include the sturgeon, and (2) the Neopterygii, which comprise ten superorders: the Ginglymodi, which include the gars; Halecomorphi (the bowfin); Elopomorpha (the eel, bonefish, and tarpon); Clupeomorpha (the anchovy, herring, and shad); Osteoglossomorpha (the salmon, pike, and smelt); Ostariophysi (the arapaima, or pirarucu; elephant fish; and mooneye); Protacanthopterygii (the catfish, electric eel, carp-or minnow-and hatchetfish); Scopelomorpha (the lantern fish and lizard fish); Paracanthopterygii (the cod, hake, toadfish, and trout-perch); and Acanthopterygii (the John Dory, perch, rockfish, sea horse, sunfish, tuna, flatfish, killifish, sculpin, and remora). 14.17.1 Age and diversity The earliest known vertebrates were jawless fishes that left fossilized remains in rocks laid down during the Ordovician period, which began about 480 million years ago. Early forms were of small size, seldom more than a few centimetres in length, and possessed gills in a series of pouches. The first fishes with jaws evolved during the Devonian period (408 million to 362 million years ago), the so-called Age of Fishes, and became the dominant form of vertebrate life in marine and freshwater habitats. The major lines of fishes, including sharks, the coelacanth, and bony fishes, appeared in the latter part of the period. Fishes constitute more than half the total number of known modern vertebrates. Scientists recognize an estimated 24,000 living species, compared with 21,500 extant (surviving) amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. Unlike other vertebrates, new species of fishes continue to be discovered at a high rate and it is expected that the eventual number of recognized living species may exceed 28,000. 14.17.2 Scales The bodies of most fishes are covered with a layer of scales, which are bony or horny plates arranged in overlapping rows, with the free rear end of one scale overlapping the attached front end of the scale behind it. A thin epidermis usually covers the scales. In some species,

such as the eel, the scales are minute. In others, such as the catfish, they are almost absent. Fishes have sometimes been classified according to the shape and characteristics of their scales. The most important types are ganoid scales, which are rhombic in shape and covered with an enamel-like layer; cycloid scales, which are almost round with smooth edges; and ctenoid scales, which are also round but have serrated, or comb-like, exposed edges. The epidermal layer of the body contains the pigment cells that give the fish its colour. Also in the epidermal layer are cells secreting a slippery mucus that covers the entire body. 14.17.3 Skeleton The scaly skin covering the body of a fish comprises the dermal skeleton. The endoskeleton, or inner bony framework, of most modern fishes consists of a skull, containing jaws equipped with teeth; a vertebral column; ribs; a pectoral arch; and a series of interspinal bones that support the fins. In the ancient fishes, represented in modern times by such fishes as the sturgeon, skeletons are largely cartilaginous rather than bony. 14.17.4 Internal Organs The digestive system of a fish usually consists of a mouth with rows of sharp, crushing, or brush-like teeth; a pharynx; an oesophagus; a stomach; and an intestine terminating in an anal vent. The several organs of the alimentary canal are not sharply differentiated in all species. All species, however, have a pancreas and a liver. The respiratory apparatus of jawed fishes consists of a series of slits, the gill clefts, which open from the pharynx at the back of the throat to the gill chambers at each side of the back of the head. These chambers open to the water outside, but can be covered by a series of bones called the gill cover or operculum. Inside the gill chamber and in the gill clefts are the gills themselves, which take the form of thin sheets or filaments through which the blood circulates. When the fish takes in water and expels it through the gills, dissolved oxygen passes across the thin gill membranes into the blood, and carbon dioxide waste passes out of the blood into the water. A few species, however, such as the lungfish, can also breathe atmospheric air by means of a well-developed lung. Most bony fishes have an organ used in buoyancy control. Called the swim bladder, this precursor of the lung is a chamber that opens off the alimentary canal and fills with oxygen and nitrogen taken from the blood. The chief function of this organ is to adjust the fish to the varying water pressures at different depths so that the animal will have neither positive nor negative buoyancy. Thus the fish may maintain its depth without effort. The circulatory system in most fishes is simple, consisting of a twochambered heart that forces blood forwards through the gills, then to the head, and from the head back to the rest of the body through a major artery situated beneath the spine. The rate of circulation is slower in fishes than in other vertebrates. 14.17.5 Nervous System The central nervous system of most fishes consists of a spinal cord

and a brain that has a large cerebellum, a pair of optic lobes, a small cerebrum, and a medulla oblongata. The form and size of various parts of the brain vary markedly in different species. The eyes have almost spherical lenses with a flattened cornea. The entire lens of the eye is moved towards or away from the retina in order to focus at different distances. The eyes of some cave fishes that live in complete darkness are rudimentary or absent. Fishes smell by means of a pair of double nostrils leading into an olfactory pit, which is part of the smell organ. Many fishes detect chemical stimuli through sense organs or tentacles (barbels) around the mouth or on other parts of the body. Fishes hear without the aid of external ears. Sound vibrations are transmitted through the bones of the skull to an internal ear containing three semicircular canals. This inner ear acts as an organ of equilibrium as well as an auditory organ. Fishes are also equipped with unique sensory organs called lateral lines. These organs consist of canals that run along the sides of the head and body and connect with the outside surface of the fish through small pores. The chief function of the lateral line is to sense extremely low-frequency vibrations, but in some species it can also detect weak electrical fields. 14.17.6 Diet Most fishes are carnivorous and eat mainly other fishes but also worms, shellfish, and other kinds of water animals. The herbivorous fish have a diet of algae and other water plants, although they probably also eat fish. Some of the larger fishes, such as the whale shark, and also the flying fish and herring feed on plankton. Others are scavengers and live on waste products or the dead bodies of other animals found on the sea bed. Fish have a number of body organs that have been specially adapted for the capture of food. The razor-sharp teeth of barracudas, sharks, and certain piranhas are used to tear the flesh of their victims. Those fish that feed on plankton are known as filter-feeders as they have comb-like structures, gill rakers, that strain plankton from the water that is pumped through the gills. Electric fish, such as the electric eel, stun their prey with electric shocks, using their electricity-producing organs. 14.17.7 Reproduction Fishes have various ways of producing young. Although methods of heterosexual reproduction are most common among fishes, some species are hermaphroditic-that is, individuals develop both ovaries and testes, either during separate life stages or simultaneously. Sexual parasitism is exhibited in some species of anglerfishes, in which the male permanently attaches himself to the body of the female, deriving nutrients from the female's circulatory system. Oviparous fishes are those that lay eggs that are fertilized outside the female's body. The female lays her eggs in the water and the male then covers them in sperm. In such species, development of the young is also external. Species that scatter eggs in open water often produce eggs in prodigious numbers. A single cod, for example, may produce up to 7 million eggs. Other egg-layers, such as the Pacific salmon, may undertake remarkable homing migrations associated

with spawning activity. Parental care after hatching may be absent, or it may be elaborate, often involving the defence of a nest or territory. In the bowfin and some African species of cichlid, the young enter the mouth of a parent for protection when predators threaten. Viviparous fishes have internal fertilization and give birth to young in an advanced state of development. Viviparity has evolved many times among fishes and occurs in the shark, the coelacanth, and such popular aquarium fishes as the guppy and the mollie. These fish mate in pairs and copulate, fertilization of the eggs taking place inside the body of the female. Various mechanisms exist whereby nutrients are provided to the embryos, which may increase in size a thousandfold before birth. Ovoviviparity is exhibited in some species, in which the young hatch within the oviduct of the female and are thus born live.

14.18 Level V life: (egg/land/water) Amphibians

An Amphibian is defined as any member of the class Amphibia, vertebrates distinguished by their ability to exploit both aquatic and terrestrial habitats. They include the frogs and toads, salamanders and newts, and caecilians. The name, derived from the Greek amphibios meaning "living a double life," reflects this dual life strategy. Despite this distinction, however, some species are permanent land dwellers, while other species have a completely aquatic mode of existence. Being the earliest tetrapods to adapt to a terrestrial existence, primitive amphibians are regarded as intermediary life-forms between fishes and reptiles. Modern amphibians are not, however, strictly transitional in their morphology; during their successful radiation throughout the world, they have achieved a variety of modifications that do not exemplify this intermediate status but are specific adaptations to their environment. One such example is the skin, which is kept moist by mucus-secreting glands and is involved in respiration and maintenance of water balance. Members of the three extant orders of amphibians, Anura (frogs and toads), Caudata (salamanders and newts), and Apoda (or Gymnophiona of some authors; caecilians), differ markedly in their structural appearance. Frogs and toads (anurans) are tailless, somewhat squat amphibians with long, powerful hindlimbs modified for leaping. Salamanders and newts have tails and two pairs of limbs of roughly the same size and have less-specialized structures than the other two orders. Caecilians are limbless, wormlike, and highly adapted for a burrowing existence. Traditionally, these orders have been united in one class by the feature unique to them among all tetrapods, the anamniotic egg. Other general defining characteristics include glandular skin that lacks epidermal structures such as hair or feathers, two lungs, a threechambered heart, and a biphasic lifestyle common to most groups in which aquatic larvae metamorphose into adult forms. Size, range and diversity of structure The three living groups of amphibians vary greatly in size and structure. Long tails and two pairs of limbs of about equal size

distinguish the salamander, although members of the family Sirenidae have no hindlimbs. Their total length varies greatly; a diminutive terrestrial species in Mexico measures 27 millimetres (1.06 inches) long, and the giant aquatic salamander in China reaches a length of more than 1.5 metres (5 feet). Frogs and toads (anurans) have long hindlimbs and large eyes by which they can be easily identified. They lack tails and have only five to nine presacral vertebrae. The West African goliath frog, which is 300 millimetres from snout to vent and weighs 3.3 kilograms (7.28 pounds), is the largest anuran; the smallest is the Brazilian brachycephalid, which reaches a snout-tovent length of only 9.8 millimetres. The long, slender, limbless caecilian is a burrowing animal. Adaptations for this lifestyle include a body segmented by annular grooves and a short and pointed tail that is usually present. Caecilians can attain lengths of more than one metre--Caecilia thompsoni reaches a length of 1,520 millimetres; the smallest species, Grandisonia brevis, is only 112 millimetres. Distribution and ambundance Found in almost every type of environment except the high latitudes in the Arctic, Antarctica, various oceanic islands, and some extremely xeric (dry) deserts, frogs and toads show the greatest diversity in humid tropical environments. Salamanders primarily inhabit the Northern Hemisphere and are most abundant in cool, moist, montane forests; however, members of the family Plethodontidae are diverse in the humid tropical areas of Mexico, Central America, and northwestern South America. Caecilians are found throughout the tropics except for Madagascar. For many years habitat destruction has had a severe impact on the distribution and abundance of numerous amphibian species. Since the 1980s a severe decline in the population of many species of frog has been observed. Although acid rain, global warming, and ozone depletion may be contributing factors to these reductions, the reasons for their decline have not been fully determined. Life cycle Most amphibians have a biphasic life cycle involving aquatic eggs and larvae that metamorphose into terrestrial adults. They deposit large numbers of eggs in water; clutches may exceed 5,000 eggs in the tiger salamander (Ambystoma tigrinum) and 45,000 eggs in large bullfrogs (Rana catesbeiana). Egg size and water temperature influence the length of time required by embryos to develop in the egg before hatching; many anuran eggs laid in warm water require only one or two days to develop, whereas eggs deposited in cold mountain lakes or streams may not hatch for 30 to 40 days. Development of salamander eggs usually requires more time, with hatching occurring 20 to 270 days after fertilization. Reproduction The three living groups of amphibians have distinct evolutionary lineages and exhibit a diverse range of life strategies. The breeding behaviour of each order will be discussed in its individual section below. One similar tendency among amphibians has been the evolution in some species of direct development of young in terrestrial eggs, thus eliminating the aquatic egg and larval stage. The majority of species of the largest

salamander family (Plethodontidae), some caecilians, and many species of anurans deposit eggs on land; these eggs develop directly and hatch as miniature adults. Numerous caecilians and a few species of anurans and salamanders are viviparous; i.e., they give birth to live young. Anurans present a gamut of life history variations. Centrolenids and phyllomedusine hylids deposit eggs on vegetation above streams or ponds, from which hatchling tadpoles (anuran larvae) drop into the water where they continue to develop throughout their larval stage. Some species from the families Leptodactylidae and Rhacophoridae create foam nests for their eggs in aquatic, terrestrial, or arboreal habitats; after hatching, tadpoles usually develop in water. Dendrobatids and other anurans deposit their eggs on land and transport them to water. Female hylid marsupial frogs are so called because they carry their eggs in a pouch on their backs; they are sometimes not transported within the pouch but are exposed on the back. In some species when tadpoles emerge, the female places them in a pond.

14.19 Level V life: (egg/land/water) Reptiles

A reptile is defined as any member of the class Reptilia, a group of air-breathing vertebrates that have internal fertilization and scaly bodies rather than hair or feathers. They occupy an intermediate position in evolutionary development between amphibians and warmblooded vertebrates, the birds and mammals. Reptiles include the snakes, lizards, crocodiles and alligators, turtles, and tuatara, among the living forms, and a great many extinct types such as dinosaurs, pterosaurs, and ichthyosaurs. The word Reptile is the common name applied to vertebrate animals such as snakes, lizards, turtles, crocodiles and many extinct fossil species that depend on environmental warmth for optimum function, hence the vast majority are to be found in tropical or temperate climates with extended periods of warmth. The term "cold blooded" is often used to describe this difference but is misleading as reptiles when active have higher internal body temperatures than most mammals! In spite of this crucial fact, many standard education

books and teachers continue to teach that reptiles are "cold blooded". Today, there is estimated to be around 6,000 species of reptiles on the Earth, comprising around 2,500 species of snakes, 3,000 of lizards, nearly 250 of turtles and tortoises, and 21 species of crocodilians. However, it is now estimated that over twenty times the total number of reptiles living today have once existed on the planet. During the great "reptile ages" on the planet such as the TRIASSIC PERIOD, it is conservatively estimated that anything up to 40,000 reptile species were alive. 14.19.1 Common characteristics The majority of reptiles are primitively oviparous (egg-laying), but many snakes and lizards are viviparous (giving birth to live young). Existing reptiles are characterized by the development of two embryonic membranes: a protective amnion, or egg sac, and a respiratory allantois, or vascular foetal membrane. The amnion, which all reptiles, birds, and mammals have, prevents the egg from drying out, so the early stages of the animal's life cycle do not have to depend on water. In most snakes and some lizards, only one lung is functional; in other reptiles, both lungs are equally developed. The thorax and abdomen are not separated by a diaphragm, and breathing is accomplished by muscles of the body wall. Being bound by the temperature of their environment, reptiles hibernate in regions where the winter is cold, and some forms aestivate-that is, become inactive-in exceptionally hot and dry regions. The important difference in temperature physiology is that reptiles rely on external sources of heat, whereas birds and mammals use internal heat. Reptiles regulate their body temperatures by taking advantage of different sources of outside warmth, such as direct sunlight, warm stones and logs, and the heated earth. By using such heat sources to varying degrees, individual species of reptiles keep their bodies more or less at the constant temperature characteristic of the particular species. Often this body temperature is well above the temperature of the surrounding air. Only when the animal is inactive or dormant is the body temperature approximately the same as that of the environment. The reptile skeleton is almost completely ossified (non-cartilaginous). The skull is joined to the vertebral column by a single condyle, or joint, as in birds. The ribs of the thorax are attached to the breastbone; and when a sacrum (pelvis-connected portion of the spine) is present, sacral ribs articulate with the pelvic girdle. Two complete pairs of limbs may be present, or they may be reduced or lost, as in snakes and some lizards. The skin is covered with scales, and bony plates may be embedded beneath the skin. 14.19.2 Reproduction The typical mode of reptilian reproduction is oviparous (i.e., the female lays eggs in which the young develop). The eggs are laid shortly after fertilization, and development of the embryos takes place largely after the eggs have been laid. This pattern characterizes crocodilians, turtles, the tuatara, most lizards and snakes, and many extinct reptiles. The size of eggs laid by lizards and snakes varies according to the size of the females. The banded rock lizard

(Petrosaurus mearnsi) of the western United States, which ranges from 7.5 to 10 centimetres (three to four inches) in length, lays eggs that are about one centimetre (0.4 inch) long; those of the 30- to 60centimetre (12- to 24-inch) ringneck snake (Diadophis punctatus) from the eastern United States are 1.25 centimetres (0.5 inch) long. Eggs of the three-metre Komodo dragon lizard (Varanus komodoensis) and of the six-metre (20-foot) Indian python (Python molurus) are about 11.25 centimetres (4.5 inches) long. A minority of modern and extinct reptiles are (and were) live-bearing, or viviparous. Strictly speaking, most of this minority are not truly viviparous but ovoviviparous, because the embryos develop with their shells or shell membranes intact and are nourished wholly by the yolk. In a few modern reptiles the embryonic membranes and the tissues lining the oviducts of the females come into close contact and are modified in one of several ways to provide a temporary organ, through which food and respiratory gases are exchanged; i.e., a structure similar to the placenta of mammals. In the simplest reptilian "placenta," the most superficial layer (the lining of the oviduct partially degenerates, thereby bringing the blood vessels of embryo and mother closer together. The approximation of the two bloodstreams facilitates the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide, this gas exchange being the only function of the organ at this stage of evolution. Several Australian snakes (Denisonia superba and D. suta) and a number of lizards--e.g., the common East Indian brownsided skink (Mabuya multifasciata) and the cylindrical skink (Chalcides ocellatus) of southern Europe and North Africa--are known to have this type of organ, as presumably do many ovoviviparous reptiles. The best developed reptilian "placentas" consist of apposed, thickened, folded elliptical areas of the outer embryonic membrane and lining of the oviduct. The ridges of the oviductal areas are filled with blood vessels, and the epithelium between ridges is thickened and glandular. Usually, eggs developing with this type of "placenta" have less yolk; food and oxygen are transmitted from mother to embryo. Several species of Australian lizards, American water snakes, and the common European viper (Vipera berus) are known to provide this type of internal environment for their developing young.

14.20 Level V life: (egg/land) Monotremes

A monotreme is any member of the order Monotremata, a distinctive group of primitive mammals, the only surviving members of the subclass Prototheria. Monotremes lay eggs and are reptilelike in many other ways, but they possess such essentially mammalian characteristics as mammary glands, hair, a large brain, and a complete diaphragm. Only two monotreme types, the platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus, family Ornithorhynchidae) and the echidnas, or spiny anteaters (Tachyglossus aculeatus and Zaglossus bruijni, family Tachyglossidae), are known. The earliest monotreme fossils known come from the Australian Pleistocene (2,000,000 or more years ago), and they are essentially the same as the living forms, which range in body length from about 30 to 80 centimetres (12 to 32 inches) and weigh from about one to 10 kilograms (two to 22 pounds).

The platypus, found in eastern Australia from north Queensland to Tasmania, is one of the most remarkable of all mammals. It has a ducklike "bill," webbed feet, and a flattened beaver-like tail. When the first stuffed specimens reached England around the end of the 18th century, they were thought to be fakes, made by sticking together bits of different animals. The echidnas also rank high among the world's most interesting mammals and are readily kept in captivity for physiological studies. Superficially, they are quite unlike the platypus. They are recognized by their sharp-pointed spines and tubelike noses. Tachyglossus is found throughout Australia, including Tasmania, and part of New Guinea. Zaglossus has an extensive distribution in New Guinea. Neither the platypus nor the echidnas are readily seen by the casual visitor, but they may be fairly common in some areas. Platypuses are not kept in zoos outside Australia. The monotremes do not appear to be carriers of diseases harmful to man. Both monotreme types are now wholly protected by law in Australia. 14.20.1 General features One of the most striking features of the monotremes is that they lay eggs from which the young are subsequently hatched. These eggs are like those of reptiles in that they have large yolks and rubbery shells. Other interesting reptilian features are seen in the structure of the urogenital organs and in the skeleton. In both sexes of the monotremes, as in all reptiles, the intestine, bladder, and reproductive organs all open into a common chamber, the cloaca, with only one external opening. The penis of monotremes is used solely for delivering sperm and not also for urination as in most other mammals. In the skeleton, the shoulder girdle not only retains welldeveloped coracoid bones, which are reduced to vestiges in other mammals, but also an interclavicle. The pelvic girdle carries epipubic bones, which, as in some reptiles and marsupials, act as supporting structures for the ventral (abdominal) body wall. The skull of monotremes has a smooth, rounded cranial portion, terminating in a long rostrum, or snout. Both monotreme types are toothless as adults, and the echidnas are toothless throughout life. The platypus has teeth when young, but they are shed before the animal becomes adult and are replaced by horny pads. The testes are abdominal and there are no teats and no vibrissae (whiskers). The limbs are modified for digging or swimming. The posture of the platypus resembles that of reptiles, especially lizards. In the echidnas, however, the limbs support the body well off the ground, even when the animals are stationary or walking slowly. An interesting feature of the digestive system of monotremes is that the whole inner surface of the stomach is lined with a cornified (horny) epithelium. There are no glands of any kind. Particularly interesting is the lack of those that produce hydrochloric acid and peptic enzymes, which together initiate the digestion of protein in other mammals. Some other insectivorous mammals also have cornified epithelium covering most of the stomach lining, but there is

a small glandular area. It has been suggested that the breakdown of food in the stomach of Tachyglossus is assisted by the grinding action of ingested dirt.

14.21 Level V life: (egg/air/water) Birds

Bird, common name for any member of the class of vertebrates that contains animals with feathers. All adult birds have feathers, although some species, such as pelicans, kingfishers, woodpeckers, and jays, are completely naked when hatched. Birds share certain features with mammals, such as warmbloodedness and a four-chambered heart. Nevertheless, birds are distinct, having evolved from dinosaurs long after the mammalian and reptilian groups diverged. All birds-like most reptiles and a few primitive mammals-develop from embryos in eggs outside the mother's body. Unlike most reptile eggs, those of birds have hard shells, which are very strong in large birds and rather brittle in small birds. 14.19.1 Classification The following table provides a general classification of all Birds: Categories of Birds (Aves) ANSERIFORMES APODIFORMES APTERYGIFORMES CAPRIMULGIFORMES CHARADRIIFORME CICONIIFORMES COLIIFORME COLUMBIFORMES CORACIIFORMES CUCULIFORMES FALCONIFORMES GALLIFORMES GAVIIFORMES GRUIFORMES Examples Waterfowl (ducks, geese, swans) Swifts, hummingbirds Kiwis Cassowaries, emus Shorebirds, gulls, alcids, jacanas, skuas, terns, skimmers Herons, storks, ibis, spoonbills, flamingos, bitterns Colies Pigeon Kingfishers, bee-eaters, rollers, hoopoes, hornbills Cuckoos, anis, roadrunners Vultures, hawks, eagles Grouse, pheasants, turkeys, quails Loons Cranes, rails, bustards, limpkins, coots, gallinules Perching birds (over 70 families), including crows, thrushes, sparrows, wrens, warblers, flycatchers, larks, nuthatches, vireos, shrikes, blackbirds Pelicans, boobies, cormorants, gannets,


darters PICIFORMES PODICIPEDIFORMES PSITTACIFORMES RHEIFORMES SPHENISCIFORMES STRIGIFORMES STRUTHIONIFORMES TINAMIFORMES TROGONIFORMES 14.19.1 Characteristics Although all birds share a generally similar body plan, they vary greatly in size and proportions, being adapted to so many ways of life. All of these modifications have to do with survival, including foraging for food, escaping enemies, and protecting eggs and young. The largest living birds are found among the ratites, all of which have lost the power of flight and have powerful legs for running. Largest of all is the ostrich, standing nearly 2.4 m (almost 8 ft) tall. The smallest are the hummingbirds of the western hemisphere, of which the tiniest is the bee hummingbird of Cuba, only 6.3 cm (2.5 in) from bill tip to tail tip. Its newly hatched young are no larger than honey bees. Hummingbirds are aerial acrobats, being the only birds that regularly fly backwards (to back away from flowers whose nectar they have been lapping).I Many birds pursue prey by swimming under water, but none is so superbly adapted to the task as the penguins. The entire anatomy of the penguin wing has been modified so that it is a stiff, oar-like flipper like that of a porpoise. Clumsy on land, penguins use their wings for underwater propulsion as efficiently as other birds use wings for flying. Most other underwater swimmers-such as divers, grebes, cormorants, and some ducks-are propelled by their powerful feet, although some use their wings for balance. Almost all swimming birds, both the divers and the surface swimmers, have webs of skin connecting their toes, creating efficient paddles. In a few aquatic birds, such as grebes and coots, the toes are not webbed but individually bordered with large flaps or lobes. Another group of water birds, the tubinares or "tube noses" (named after the shape of their nostrils), consists entirely of marine species: the albatrosses, petrels, and shearwaters. Although they nest on land, usually on islands, they spend most of the year at sea, where they feed on fish and invertebrates. The group includes the greatest size diversity of any order, from sparrow-sized storm petrels to the giant of seabirds, the wandering albatross, with a wingspan reaching up to 3.5 m (11.5 ft). The group known collectively as birds of prey, or raptors, includes a generally night-hunting order, the owls, and a day-hunting order that includes the hawks, eagles, and falcons, as well as the carrionWoodpeckers, honey guides Grebes Parrots Rheas Penguins Owls Ostriches Tinamous Trogons

PROCELLARIIFORMES Albatrosses, shearwaters, petrels

feeding vultures. They are all flesh eaters (except for one African vulture that feeds on palm nuts), although the "flesh" for the smaller species is generally insects, and some feed only on fish. All have powerful, sharp bills, and all but the vultures have grasping toes tipped with curved, sharp claws, or talons. Several families of birds are adapted to feed primarily on flying insects and have developed long wings and wide-opening mouths (although often with small bills). Most highly developed for this way of life are the swifts, whose Latin family name Apodidae means "without feet". Swifts do have tiny feet, but they are unable even to perch as hummingbirds do; they can only cling to vertical surfaces with their small, sharp claws. The swallows are superficially similar to swifts but are passerine (capable of perching) songbirds, and are not closely related to swifts. The nightjars, or goatsuckers, not only have huge mouths for capturing flying insects but also a row of long hairlike feathers called rictal bristles surrounding the mouth, possibly as a sort of flytrap. Some families of birds, such as the American wood warblers, include species that often catch insects on the wing, and others that seldom do. The fly-catching species have long rictal bristles, whereas among those that pick their insects off leaves or twigs, these bristles are weakly developed, if present at all. Woodpeckers, which pound on trees not only to excavate their nesting holes but also to communicate with one another by "drumming", have very thick skulls and a shock-absorber system in their neck muscles and rib cages. Plumage The feathers of birds, collectively called plumage, play several roles. Brightly coloured plumage, sometimes including ornamental feathers called plumes, is often influential in attracting a mate, but display of such plumage is used with equal frequency by males to try to intimidate other males competing for females or for territory. Some birds are camouflaged to resemble their surroundings, thus escaping the notice of possible predators (see camouflage). They sometimes even adopt a pose that enhances the protective coloration. The marsh-dwelling herons called bitterns"freeze" with their striped necks and long bills pointing straight up, emphasizing their resemblance to the surrounding reeds. The screech owls, which have a plumage pattern that resembles tree bark, close their large eyes and stretch very thin, thus often passing for a stubby, broken branch. In many species of birds, including most ducks and pheasants, adult males are brightly coloured, whereas the more vulnerable females and young blend into the background. Some birds, notably plovers, have sharply contrasting disruptive camouflage patterns, which break up the outline of the bird when it is standing still, making it quite difficult to spot-the same principle as used by zebras.

14.22 Level V life: (pouched/land) Marsupials

A marsupial is any member of Marsupialia, a mammalian order (superorder according to some authorities) characterized by premature birth and continued development of the newborn while attached to the nipples on the lower belly of the mother. The pouch, or marsupium, from which the group takes its name, is a flap of skin

covering the nipples. Although prominent in many species, it is not a universal feature among marsupials; in some species, for example, the nipples are in a well-defined area but are fully exposed or are bounded by mere remnants of a pouch. The young remain firmly attached to the milk-giving teats for a period corresponding roughly to the latter part of development of the fetus in the womb of a eutherian, or placental, mammal. The largest and most varied assortment of marsupials--more than 100 species--is found in Australia alone: kangaroos Gray kangaroo (Macropus canguru)), wallabies, wombats, the koala, and a bewildering assemblage of smaller rodent-like forms. About 70 more species are distributed more widely, in Australia (including Tasmania), New Guinea, and a cluster of nearby islands. The wide array of Australian marsupials is reflected in the extensive popular vocabulary of names, many of which are derived from descriptive Aboriginal words. Only two families of marsupials--totalling more than 70 species--are found in the Americas, vestiges of a larger group that originated there as long ago as the Cretaceous Period (from 136,000,000 to 65,000,000 years ago). The family Didelphidae comprises about 65 species of South and Central American opossums, one of which ranges as far north as southern Canada. The family Caenolestidae consists of seven species of ratlike marsupials confined to South America. Female marsupials have two vaginas, which share a common opening but do not fuse. The placenta is not well developed, as it is in all other mammals except monotremes. The birth canal forms from an opening that develops in the connective tissue between the two vaginas and two uteri. The young are born in an incomplete state of development some two to five weeks after conception. Immediately after birth they enter the mother's abdominal pouch, in species that have pouches, or they simply anchor themselves to a teat, which expands to hold the young in place. They remain attached to a teat, inside a pouch or not, until old enough to forage for their own food. The penis of the male marsupial is forked, and the testes generally lie in front of the penis.

14.23 Level V life: (placental/water) Dolphins

The mammalian dolphins are small, streamlined whales, usually with a well-defined, beaklike snout. They are often called porpoises, but that name is usually reserved for similar, but beakless, whales of the family Phocoenidae (see porpoise). Dolphins are popularly noted for grace, intelligence, playfulness, and friendliness to man. The most widely recognized species are the common and bottle-nosed dolphins (Delphinus delphis and Tursiops truncatus; see ); both are of the family Delphinidae and are widely distributed in warm and temperate seas. These are probably the species of dolphins mentioned in the works of Aristotle, Aesop, Herodotus, the Plinys, and other early writers, often as a child's mount or the rescuer of someone lost in the sea. The family Delphinidae contains 14 genera and about 32 species of dolphins distributed throughout the world oceans. Most are gray, blackish, or brown above and paler below, and most are about 1 to 4

metres (3 to 13 feet) long. Risso's dolphin (Grampus griseus), found in tropical and temperate seas throughout the world, is grayish in colour and lacks a beak. Teeth are usually lacking in the upper jaw. The pilot and killer whales, also members of this family, are much larger and, because of their size, are not usually thought of as dolphins. The majority of the delphinids feed primarily on fish, and most of them are gregarious, appearing in groups of a few to several hundred. A number of species are attracted by moving ships, often accompanying them or leaping alongside and sometimes riding the wave created by the moving bow. The bottle-nosed dolphin, characterized by a "built-in smile" formed by the curvature of its mouth, has become a familiar performer in oceanaria. It has also become the subject of scientific studies because of its apparent intelligence and its ability to communicate with its kind through a range of sounds and ultrasonic pulses. It adapts to captivity better than the common dolphin, which is timid. The Platanistidae, or river dolphins, comprise four genera and species of small, mainly freshwater dolphins found in South America and Asia. They have long, slender beaks, reduced eyes, and poor vision. The Stenidae, or long-snouted dolphins, comprise three genera and eight species of little-known dolphins, also with long, slender beaks. They are found in tropical rivers and oceans and are sometimes included in the family Delphinidae. 14.15.1 Dolphins and sound Dolphins have a very wide frequency range and several communication channels, as well as a "click" echolocator. Dolphins and whales use their blowholes rather than their mouths to utter these sounds

14.24 Level V life: (placental/water) Whale

any of several species of exclusively aquatic mammals who, along with the porpoises and dolphins, constitute the order Cetacea (see cetacean). The term whale is sometimes used interchangeably with cetacean, but more often whales are distinguished from the usually smaller porpoises and dolphins and also sometimes from narwhals. Whales (and cetaceans generally) are divided into three suborders: (1) Archaeoceti, which are extinct heterodont- (differentiated-) toothed cetaceans, (2) Mysticeti, which are baleen, or whalebone, whales and include the gray, right, rorqual, humpback, and (3) Odontoceti, which are homodont- (uniform-) toothed cetaceans and include the sperm, bottle-nosed, beaked, killer, beluga, and pilot whales (as well as dolphins, porpoises, and narwhals). The mysticetous whales have whalebone, or baleens, instead of teeth. The baleen is a dense fringe of blade-shaped, horny plates that hangs down from the roof of the mouth. Baleen whales feed on plankton, on small crustaceans such as krill, and on other tiny sea life. They feed either by swimming with their mouths open or by gulping water. The fringe of the baleen acts as a strainer to the relatively small throat, letting water out but holding back the food. The odontocetous, or homodont-toothed, whales, on the other hand, have

slicing teeth and throats large enough to swallow chunks of giant squid, cuttlefish, and fish of all kinds. Some whales are larger than the largest ancient dinosaurs; a blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) may be up to 33.6 m (110 feet) long and weigh more than 136,000 kg (150 tons). Whales are warmblooded animals with skeletal, vascular, alimentary, respiratory, sensory, and reproductive features fundamentally the same as those in other mammals despite their superficial general resemblance to the fishes. They must come to the water's surface to breathe through blowholes located on top of their heads. When washed ashore, they are helpless; without the support of water they cannot move, and their lungs may be crushed by the weight of the body. Whales have exploited all the available aquatic habitats--the oceans and the seas connected with them, as well as estuaries and rivers. They are especially numerous in the Antarctic Ocean, which is rich in plankton and other marine life. Some whales are social, traveling in groups called schools, herds, pods, or gams. Whales produce two basic types of underwater sounds. The low-pitched signals, such as the barks, whistles, screams, and moans audible to humans, are used in social communication, while the brief clicks of high-intensity sound, usually inaudible to the unaided human ear, are used to navigate or to identify food sources. 14.24.1 General features The general body form is fusiform, or spindle-shaped, with the head end variously modified into a more or less attenuated beak, rounded, bluff, or flattened. The tail always ends in a horizontal blade (the flukes), through which vertical movements of the tail produce forward thrust. The forelimbs are paddle- or sickle-shaped flippers that function in balance and steering. A dorsal fin is usually present. The flippers have all the recognizable elements of the mammalian forelimb skeleton. No external trace of the hindlimbs remains, but a greatly reduced pelvis is represented by a pair of slender, irregularly curved bones, remote from the backbone and embedded in the flesh in the vicinity of the reproductive opening. In some of the larger whales, bony or cartilaginous remnants of the hindlimb skeleton still persist as attachments to the pelvis. The head varies in size from about one-tenth of the total length in some toothed whales, such as dolphins, to nearly one half in the sperm whale. No ear pinnae are to be distinguished adjacent to the inconspicuous opening of the external ear tube. Eyes and eyelids are present and usually functional, but vision is said to be reduced in some river dolphins. The facial part of the skull is elongated into rostrum, or beak. The maxillary bones are spread laterally at their posterior ends and either override the frontal bones (in the toothed whales) or extend under the orbital processes of the frontal bones (in baleen whales). The telescoping of the skull and the laminated (layered) bony structure, together with the high, short, broad braincase, result in a skull form that is far removed from the usual mammalian pattern.

14.25 Level V life: (placental/water) Sea cows

A sea cow is any member of the order Sirenia, a group of large aquatic mammals that have become rare or extinct as a result of exploitation by man for meat and oil. The largest, Steller's sea cow (Hydrodamalis gigas), which reached lengths of about eight metres (about 26 feet), was eaten out of existence by hungry seal hunters within a few decades of its discovery in 1741 in the Bering Sea. The remaining forms, to which the common name sea cow is also sometimes applied, are the dugong (Dugong dugon) and manatees (three species of Trichechus; photograph: (Left) Juvenile and (right) adult female manatee (Trichechus manatus)), which, if their stocks were allowed to rebuild themselves, could again become of economic importance. Being the only large aquatic herbivores, other than some turtles, they could provide meat from the vast expanses of marine and freshwater vegetation, at present quite unused by man, and so bring another marginal area into production.

The dugong seems to have had a wider distribution in the past, but in recent times it has been restricted to the warm coastal waters of the Indo-Pacific region. Throughout most of its range it is now much depleted in numbers but exists from the Solomon Islands in the east to the head of the Red Sea in the west and from the Philippine Islands and the Persian Gulf in the north to Brisbane, Perth, and Mozambique in the south. It is entirely marine and rarely even enters estuaries. Manatees, however, seem more adaptable and inhabit the coastal, estuarine, and riverine waters of the tropical and subtropical Atlantic region: T. senegalensis from West Africa; T. manatus, with two subspecies, from the Caribbean; and T. inunguis, landlocked in the Amazon Basin. Dugongs and manatees are both usually seen up to lengths of three to four metres (10 to 13 feet), but larger specimens, up to six metres (20 feet), have been mentioned in tales of early travellers. Extremely little is known of the breeding biology of sirenians and particularly of the time scale involved. Manatees are known to be long-lived, and dugongs are believed to have similar lifespans. But there is no information about age of maturity, rate of growth, or number of young produced in a lifetime. Mating in manatees has been observed with the animals in very shallow water lying on their sides. Gestation is known to occupy more than 152 days, and the normal birth is a single calf, which receives much maternal care. Very occasionally twin fetuses are found in dugongs. Suckling from the single pair of pectoral mammary glands normally occurs in a horizontal position, but the occasional suckling of a young one held vertically by a flipper may have given rise to the mermaid myth. There is no marked difference in size between the sexes. Sirenians are totally herbivorous. Whereas Steller's sea cow fed on marine algae, the dugong and manatees feed entirely on green higher plants, a circumstance that limits their distribution to relatively

shallow waters. The habit of the dugong is to feed where there is good growth of "dugong grass" (Zostera, etc.), the leaves and underwater stems of which are pulled off by the animal's powerful lips. Manatees seem prepared to feed on marine or freshwater plants whether growing on the bottom, floating at the surface, or even growing on banks of rivers up to a foot above water level. It is this catholicity that has led to the experimental use of manatees in Guyana to keep clear irrigation and transport channels in cane fields that otherwise must be cleared by hand. Virtually the sole enemy of both the dugong and manatees is man. There does not seem to be any commercial exploitation of these animals at present, but both are hunted sporadically and locally for food with the use of nets or harpoons. The dugong still has a considerable residual stock off northern Australia and with protective legislation enforced, could have a valuable future. Manatees, because they come into more confined waters, are still in danger of extermination. 14.25.1 General features Sirenians have torpedo-shaped bodies and, like whales, have lost all external trace of hindlimbs. Their tails likewise are flattened horizontally and provide the main propulsive force in swimming. The forelimbs are small and may help in turning and manoeuvring. Though usually somewhat sluggish, sirenians are capable of considerable speeds for short distances. The main distinguishing characteristics between the dugong and the manatees are that the former have a downturned snout and a forked tail, while the latter have a straight snout and rounded tail. Both have immensely thick, tough skin, which is nearly hairless. In the dugong there are individual hairs about six millimetres (0.24 inch) long, spaced five to seven centimetres (two or three inches) apart. There is no substantial layer of blubber beneath the skin, but the body contains much fat. The eyes are small and circular, without lids, and the minute external ear openings are to be found only by careful examination. All of the bones are of exceptional density. Sirenians, particularly the dugong, have a much enlarged and intensely muscular upper lip, the corners of which serve to pluck the vegetation on which the animal feeds. In the dugong there are remains of two incisors, the second of which becomes large in the adult, remaining unerupted in the female and erupting to form a tusk in the male. There are basically six cusped molars in each jaw, which fall out progressively from the front so that only two remain in the adult. These teeth, together with horny pads at the front of each jaw, crush the food. In manatees each jaw has a series of 20 to 30 crushing molars, which move progressively forward during the life of the animal. Manatees are also exceptional in having only six vertebrae in the neck, instead of the seven standard in mammals. Almost nothing is known about the physiological processes of these animals.

14.26 Level V life: (placental/water/land) Rodents

A rodent is any member of the order Rodentia, the most abundant order of mammals. At present, over a quarter of the families, 35 percent of the genera, and 50 percent of the species of living

mammals are rodents. Probably an even higher percentage of individuals are rodents, for they tend to be small animals with dense populations. They are one of the few groups of animals that flourish in close association with men. Some, such as squirrels, live independently but fairly successfully near humans. Others, such as the house mouse (Mus musculus) and black and Norway rats (Rattus rattus and R. norvegicus), have adapted themselves to human civilization, and live everywhere that man does. These two rats (and the Polynesian rat, Rattus exulans, of Australia and Oceania) have travelled in ships and boats of all sizes, and have populated the entire habitable world, especially near human habitations. All rodents possess one pair of upper and one of lower incisors, growing throughout life, with the enamel restricted to a band on the front side of the teeth. Behind this is a large gap (diastema) followed by two to five cheek teeth. The jaw articulation is so arranged that when the cheek teeth are in use, the incisors do not meet, and vice versa. The incisors grow continuously, and must be worn off equally fast, or the whole gnawing mechanism is ruined. Because of the necessity to abrade these incisors, rodents spend a considerable amount of time gnawing hard objects. Generally rodents are small. Some mice and dormice are among the smallest of living mammals, adults being as small as 75 millimetres (three inches) long, including the tail, and weighing as little as 20 grams (0.7 ounce). The largest living rodent is the South American capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochoeris), reaching over 1.3 metres (four feet) in length and as much as 50 kilograms (about 110 pounds) in weight. A fossil rodent recently described from Uruguay is reported to have had a skull as large as that of a bull and a body bulk as large as that of a wild boar. Rodents are of major economic importance, primarily as consumers of the grains that are the basic foodstuff for man. It has been estimated that rats and mice destroy up to one-third of grain crops under conditions of heavy infestation. Burrowing rodents may damage root crops. The muskrat (Ondatra zibethica) and nutria (Myocastor coypus), introduced into Europe as fur sources, have escaped and spread over much of Europe between the Baltic and the Alps. Their burrows, particularly in canal banks, have been a major source of damage to the drainage system, most especially in The Netherlands. A number of rodents serve as reservoirs for human diseases, such as bubonic plague, tularemia, scrub typhus, and others. The plague that ravaged Europe during the mid-14th century was transmitted by fleas from rats to humans. Several rodents (beaver, muskrat, chinchilla, nutria, squirrel) produce fur useful to man. All but beaver and squirrel have been domesticated for this purpose. Albino mice and rats, hamsters, and guinea pigs are widely used as laboratory animals for biological and medical purposes. Guinea pigs were domesticated by the Incas for food; a few kinds of rodent have been raised as pets. Rodents occur naturally in all parts of the land where there is an adequate food supply and are found in essentially all terrestrial habitats. They range from well above the Arctic Circle to the southern

tips of Africa and South America and were the only terrestrial placental mammals, other than bats, to reach Australia before the arrival of man. Many rodents have successfully adapted to difficult environments such as deserts. Many rodents have broad climatic tolerances, an example being the North American porcupine, which is found from the Arctic Circle to central Mexico and from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Most are quadrupedal scamperers, but they generally have much freedom of use of their forefeet in manipulating food; many are burrowers, spending most of their life underground; some are ricochetal, leaping on their hind legs; flying squirrels use skin membranes to glide from one tree to another; a few (beaver, muskrat, water vole, nutria) have become amphibious in habit, living in freshwater streams and ponds; and a number of South American rodents are cursorial (running) animals. 14.15.1 Infectious diseases Rodents serve as reservoirs for a number of diseases that may be transmitted to humans by arthropod agents. The most devastating of these is bubonic plague. This disease is fundamentally a disease of rodents, especially rats, transmitted from one rodent to another by an intermediate host, the flea, which also serves to transmit the disease to humans. An epidemic (called a "pandemic" because of the totality of infection in the human population) that seems to have been plague spread over Europe in the 6th century AD. If this epidemic was indeed plague, it must have involved an unusual rodent host because it antedated the arrival of Rattus in Europe. The epidemic known as the Black Death originated in Mesopotamia about the middle of the 11th century, and spread to Europe, particularly in the 14th century, being accompanied by the spread of rats throughout the Continent. It has been estimated that 25,000,000 people died of that pandemic of the plague in Europe. The latest pandemic originated in southwestern China in the late 19th century and was spread all over the world by the rat populations of oceangoing ships. Plague is controlled by controlling rat populations, particularly those on ships, and preventing shipborne rats from reaching land. Although plague epidemics have been brought under control, there still remain numerous foci of infection. The plague bacillus (Pasteurella pestis) can infect a variety of other rodents, and foci have been established among native rodents other than Rattus in many parts of the world. This disease is referred to as "sylvatic plague" to distinguish it from the basically urban occurrence of ratborne plague. Over 80 species of ground-living and burrowing rodents are known to be involved in sylvatic plague, including ground squirrels, some cricetids (e.g., voles, lemmings, muskrats), several murids (e.g., Old World mice), and a few others, including guinea pigs.

14.27 Level V life: (placental/water/land) Seals

A seal is any of numerous species of carnivorous aquatic mammals that live chiefly in cold regions and have limbs modified into webbed flippers for use in swimming. Together with walruses, seals make up the suborder Pinnipedia of the order Carnivora.

Seals range in size from the freshwater seal : Baikal seals (Phoca sibirica), endemic to Lake Baikal, southeastern Siberia.) of Lake Baikal, which is 1 m (3 feet) long and weighs about 70 kg (150 pounds), to the male elephant seal, which can reach lengths of 6.5 m (21 feet) and weigh 3,530 kg (7,780 pounds). Seals' streamlined bodies are round in the middle and tapered at the ends. Their limbs are short and have long feet that have been modified into flippers. Seals possess a thick subcutaneous layer of fat (blubber), which insulates the animal against the cold, provides a food reserve, and contributes to buoyancy. Seals are found throughout the world, with some species favouring the open ocean and others inhabiting coastal waters or spending time on islands, shores, or ice floes. The coastal species are generally sedentary, but the oceangoing species make extensive, regular migrations. Seals are especially abundant in cold polar seas. All species of seals must come ashore once a year to breed. The gestation period averages about 11 months (including a delay in implantation in many, possibly most, species), and the females (cows) are soon impregnated again after giving birth to their young (pups). One pup is normally born to each cow and is nursed for a few weeks to a few months; during this period the cow remains on land and does not feed. The young gain weight rapidly, for the cow's milk is up to about 50 percent fat. Nearly all seals are gregarious, at least when breeding; some species assemble in enormous herds on sea beaches or floating ice. In species such as the fur seals, the gray seal (Halichoerus grypus), and elephant seals (Mirounga), the bulls (males) take possession of harems of cows and drive rival bulls away from their territory. Seals are excellent swimmers and divers-especially the Weddell seal (Leptonychotes weddelli). Seals cannot swim as fast as dolphins or whales but are more agile in the water. Various species are able to reach depths of 150-250 m or more and to remain underwater for 20 to more than 30 minutes. Seals eat mainly fish, and some may also consume large quantities of squid, other mollusks, and crustaceans. The leopard seal (Hydrurga leptonyx) of the Antarctic feeds largely on penguins and other seabirds, as well as fish. The main predators of seals are human beings, killer whales, polar bears, and large sharks. The seals consist of two families: earless, true, or hair, seals; and eared seals. Earless seals lack external ears and are of the family Phocidae (13 genera, 18 species). Depending on the species, the males are smaller to much larger than the females. When swimming, an earless seal uses its forelimbs to maneuver in the water and propels its body forward by side-to-side strokes of its hind limbs. Because the hind flippers cannot be moved forward, the seals propel themselves on land by wriggling on their bellies or pulling themselves forward with their front limbs. Most earless seals form pairs during the breeding season. The pups are weaned after two to four weeks. The principal species of earless seals are the bearded seal, elephant seal, gray seal, harbour seal, harp seal, hooded seal, leopard seal, monk seal, ribbon seal, ringed seal, and Weddell seal. Eared seals possess external ears and are of the family Otariidae (6 genera, 14 species). They consist of various species of sea lion and of fur seal . Eared seals have longer flippers than earless seals, and the

males are twice to more than four times the size of the females. Eared seals, when swimming, rely mainly on a rowing motion of their fore flippers for propulsion. Because they are able to turn their hind flippers forward, they can use all four limbs when moving on land. During the breeding season, eared seals gather in large herds. The young are suckled for four to six months. Seals have been hunted for their meat, hides, oil, and fur. The pups of harp seals, for example, are born with fluffy white coats that are of value in the fur trade. The fur seals of the North Pacific and the ringed seals of the North Atlantic have also been hunted for their pelts. Elephant seals and monk seals were hunted for their blubber, which had various commercial uses. Seal hunting, or sealing, was so widespread and indiscriminate in the 19th century that many species might have become extinct if international regulations had not been enacted for their protection. The severe decline of sealing worldwide after World War II and the effects of international agreements aimed at conserving breeding stocks enabled several severely reduced species of seals to replenish their numbers. See also carnivore.

14.28 Level V life: (placental/land) Hares/Rabbits

A hare or rabbit is any of several species of small gnawing mammals of the family Leporidae (rabbits and hares), order Lagomorpha. Rabbits are native to Europe, the New World, Asia, and Africa. They are placed in several genera, the best known being Oryctolagus, consisting solely of the European, or Old World, rabbit (O. cuniculus), and Sylvilagus, consisting of about 13 species of cottontail rabbits. The common names "rabbit" and "hare" are used interchangeably in the United States and are sometimes misleading; the popular breed known as the Belgian hare, for instance, is actually a variant of the European rabbit. . As a group, rabbits and hares do not differ greatly in structure. The primary difference is that rabbits are naked, blind, and helpless at birth; newborn hares are well-haired and sufficiently advanced so that they can hop about shortly after birth. Rabbits may be gregarious, as is the European rabbit, but hares are generally solitary. Rabbits are also usually smaller than hares, although some, especially those of the many domestic breeds, may weigh as much as 7.25 kg (16 pounds). Small to medium-sized European and cottontail rabbits are about 25-45 cm (10-18 inches) long and weigh about 0.5-2 kg (1-4 pounds). Domesticated cottontails and European rabbits may live up to 8-10 and 13 years, respectively.

Rabbits are long-eared and short-tailed, with long hind legs and, usually, gray or brown fur. The European rabbit is the best-known species and is the ancestor of all domestic breeds. It was originally

found in southwestern Europe and North Africa but has been introduced into Australia, New Zealand, and the Americas. It is an exceedingly prolific animal whose main breeding season runs from February to October, though breeding can occur at practically any time throughout the year. The females, or does, begin breeding at about eight months of age, and when about to give birth they dig a new, short burrow in the ground and construct a nest in it from leaves and their own fur. Gestation takes about 30 days, and the female is able to breed again very shortly after producing a litter. Females bear several litters of five to eight young each year. The European rabbit is a social animal and lives in warrens consisting of the burrows of many individual rabbits. It inhabits brushy fence rows and thickets from which it ventures into the fields to feed at night, eating grasses and other plant foods. It possesses a placid and timid temperament.

The cottontail rabbits (Sylvilagus) of North America are named for the white on the underside of their tails. They are common wild rabbits and are popular game and food animals. They live in burrows and are usually found in open country, frequently near settled areas. Of the roughly 13 species, the best known is the Florida, or eastern, cottontail (S. floridanus), which ranges over the entire United States east of the Rockies and occupies a wide variety of habitats.

Rabbits are of considerable economic importance. They form the bulk of the diet of many animal predators, and they are the most widely hunted small game (by humans) wherever they occur. They can also carry and transmit to humans such diseases as tularemia, or rabbit fever, however, and in some areas they become serious pests, destroying crops or grazing lands. Australia is a notable example; rabbits were successfully established there in the late 19th century, but the animals bred prodigiously and, escaping into the wild, soon overran the continent. In the 1950s their increase was slowed, although perhaps not permanently affected, by introduction of the rabbit disease myxomatosis into Australia. Rabbit fur, sometimes called lapin, is used in the fur industry and is also a primary source of fibre for the manufacture of felt. (See rabbit hair.) Rabbit flesh, which is delicately flavoured, is often eaten by humans. Because they are easily raised in captivity, rabbits are important as laboratory animals for medical and scientific purposes.

Many varieties of the European rabbit have arisen as a result of domestic breeding, and about 30 breeds and almost 80 varieties of domestic rabbits are recognized in the United States. Among the better-known breeds are the Angora rabbit, a long-haired rabbit kept mainly for its fur and meat; the New Zealand rabbit, also kept for its meat and fur; and such types as the Flemish giant, silver gray, chinchilla, Havana, and the American blue. See also lagomorph

14.29 Level V life: (placental/land) Even toed hoofed

An even toed hoofed animal is any member of the mammalian order Artiodactyla, or even-toed ungulates, which includes the pigs (see table), peccaries, hippopotamuses, camels, chevrotains, deer, giraffes, pronghorn, antelopes, sheep (see table), goats (see table), and cattle (see beef and dairy tables). It is one of the larger mammal orders, containing about 150 species, a total that may be somewhat reduced with continuing revision of their classification. Many artiodactyls are well-known to man, and the order as a whole is of more economic and cultural benefit than any other group of mammals. The much larger order of rodents (Rodentia) affects man primarily in a negative way, by competing with him or impeding his economic and cultural progress. Artiodactyls were once the dominant herbivores (plant-eating mammals) of almost every continent. They are an important link in the chain by which the sun's energy, having been used by green plants, is made available to other forms of life. They tend to be medium- or large-sized animals. If they were any smaller they would compete with rabbits and the larger rodents, and if they were larger they would compete with elephants and rhinoceroses, the largest of terrestrial herbivores. The success of artiodactyls has depended on skeletal adaptations for running and on the development of digestive mechanisms capable of dealing with plant foods; none is adapted to flying, burrowing, or swimming. The individual species tend to be fairly narrowly adapted, in comparison with other mammals, but many of them nonetheless have broad distributions. Native artiodactyls are absent only from the polar regions and from Australasia, but many have been introduced into Australia and New Zealand. In Australia, the position of medium and large herbivores is occupied by kangaroos. Through most of its evolutionary history, the order was absent from South America; only within the last few million years have some groups entered that continent. The occurrence of the majority of living artiodactyls in the Old World is a recent phenomenon; a considerable variety once inhabited North America. The order Artiodactyla contains nine families of living mammals, of which the Bovidae (antelopes, cattle, sheep, and goats) is by far the largest, containing nearly 100 species. There are five Eurasian and four African species of pigs (family Suidae) and two Central and South American species of piglike peccaries (Tayassuidae). The two hippopotamus species (Hippopotamidae) are African. The more familiar large species were until recently widespread throughout Africa south of the Sahara and in the Nile Valley; the pygmy hippopotamus has a restricted distribution in West Africa. The camel group (Camelidae) was formerly abundant in North America, the now extinct North American stocks having produced the camelids of South America (wild guanaco and vicua, domestic llama and alpaca) and the Old World dromedary and Bactrian camel. The remaining artiodactyls (i.e., the suborder Ruminantia) are all ruminants (cud chewers), the most primitive of which are the chevrotains (Tragulidae), with three species in Asia and one, the water chevrotain, in West Africa; the chevrotains are clearly remnants

of a group that was once more numerous and widespread. Deer (Cervidae) are basically Eurasian and have not spread into subSaharan Africa, although they have reached the Americas. There are about 30 species, the greatest number being concentrated in South America and tropical Asia. The giraffe and the okapi (Giraffidae), two distinctive African species, are closely related to deer. The pronghorn (Antilocapridae), although sometimes called pronghorn antelope, is not a true antelope; it is the only survivor of a stock of ruminants that was very successful in the later part of the Tertiary Period in North America (about 2,500,000 to 65,000,000 years ago). The family Bovidae is primarily African and Eurasian, with a few members in North America. Bovids are advanced artiodactyls, many of which live in open grassland and semi-arid areas.

14.30 Level V life: (placental/land) Odd toed hoofed

An odd-toed "hoofed" animal is any member of the order Perissodactyla, a group of herbivorous mammals characterized by the possession of either one or three hoofed toes on each hindfoot. They include the horses, asses, and zebras, the tapirs, and the rhinoceroses. The name (Greek perissos, "odd," and daktylos, "finger") was introduced to separate the odd-toed ungulates from the even-toed ones (Artiodactyla), all of which had previously been classified as members of a single group. The Perissodactyla comprise three families of living mammals: six species of horses (Equidae), four species of tapirs (Tapiridae), and five species of rhinoceroses (Rhinocerotidae). These families are remnants of a group that flourished during the Tertiary Period (from 65,000,000 to 2,500,000 years ago), a time when it was much richer in species and in variety of form than at present and played a dominant role in the fauna of the world. The horses, asses, and zebras are long-legged, running forms with one functional digit in each foot and with high-crowned, molariform (i.e., modified for grinding) cheek teeth. The tapir is a rather rounded, piglike, semiamphibious forest and woodland animal with a small proboscis (trunklike snout) and a coat of short, bristly hairs. Tapirs have primitive features, such as four hoofed toes in the forefoot and three in the hind, and they have rather simple molar teeth. Rhinoceroses are massive, graviportal (ponderous) creatures with a thick and nearly hairless hide and three digits on each foot. They bear hornlike structures on the head. Living perissodactyls are of medium or large size. Asses and tapirs, the smallest representatives of the order, attain a length of approximately two to 2.5 metres (6.6 to 8.2 feet), stand one metre or more at the shoulder, and weigh up to 250 or 300 kilograms (550 to 660 pounds). The largest forms are the Indian and square-lipped

rhinoceroses (Rhinoceros unicornis and Ceratotherium simum, respectively), which are four to five metres (13 to 16.4 feet) long and measure up to two metres at the shoulder. The maximum weight has not been well established, but a figure of 2,070 kilograms (4,550 pounds) has been recorded. Baluchitherium, relative of the rhinoceroses known from the Oligocene (about 30,000,000 years ago), was the largest known land mammal, standing about 5.5 metres (18 feet) at the shoulder. Ecologically, the Perissodactyla were the dominant large herbivore group during the Tertiary, a position now held by the Artiodactyla. All feed either by grazing (i.e., cropping grasses) or by browsing (taking shoots and leaves from trees and bushes). The Equidae in particular were abundant and important members of the Old World fauna until their numbers were reduced by modern man. Zebras are still numerous and ecologically important in a few parts of Africa. The importance of the domestic horse and the ass in the history of mankind is very great indeed. Both have served extensively as pack, draft, and riding animals. The horse is sometimes eaten by man, and its flesh is widely used as pet food; through centuries of domestication, it has been developed into a number of different breeds (for more information on domesticated horses, see horse). The living wild Equidae are confined to the Old World. Zebras and the true wild ass (Equus asinus) are African, with the zebras confined to the southern and eastern parts, while the ass originally ranged over northern and northeastern Africa. The wild horse (Equus caballus), ancestor of the domestic horse, occupied the low country north of the great mountain ranges from Europe across central Asia; it may now be extinct as a wild animal. The half-asses, races of E. hemionus, were found in the arid zone of Asia from Persia to the Gobi Desert, as well as in Arabia, Syria, and northwestern India. The living rhinoceroses are also Old World forms, with two species in Africa and three in Asia. There are three species of tapirs in the New World tropics, one in Middle America and two in South America. The fourth species of tapir is Asiatic.

14.31 Level V life: (placental/land) anteaters, sloths

An anteater or sloth is any member of the mammalian order Edentata, which includes 31 living species distributed among the armadillos , true anteaters, and tree sloths, as well as eight extinct families of ground sloths and armadillo-like animals. The living families and six of the extinct families constitute the suborder Xenarthra. A second suborder, Palaeanodonta, consists of two extinct families. The entire evolutionary history of the edentates is restricted to the Western Hemisphere, and the majority of the living species occur today in South America. Edentata means lacking teeth, though in reality only the true anteaters are toothless. The majority of edentates have simple, peglike cheek teeth that lack enamel; canine-like teeth do occur in some forms. Certain armadillos may have as many as 100 teeth.

Edentates possess specialized traits, such as reduced dentition, a long sticky tongue, powerful, clawed, forefeet, associated with their insect diets. They also have primitive traits, such as the possession of five toes on the hindfeet, a simple uterus, and small, uncomplicated brain, which place them close to the primitive stock that gave rise to the infraclass Eutheria, which includes all placental mammals. Living edentates range in size from the tiny pink fairy armadillo or "lesser pichiciego" (Chlamyphorus truncatus) of Argentina, measuring about 16 centimetres (6.3 inches) in length and weighing little more than 100 grams (3.5 ounces), and the slightly larger two-toed or silky anteater (Cyclopes didactylus), just over 37 centimetres (14.6 inches) long and weighing about 325 grams (11.5 ounces), to the 60kilogram (132-pound) giant armadillo (Priodontes giganteus), nearly 1.5 metres (five feet) long, and the giant anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla), which weighs up to 25 kilograms (55 pounds) and may be over two metres (6.6 feet) in length. Among extinct forms, an Oligocene armadillo, Prozaedyus proximus, had a skull under eight centimetres (3.1 inches) in length and was only somewhat larger than the smallest of the living armadillos. The Pleistocene ground sloth, Megatherium americanum, was six metres (20 feet) long and was larger than a modern elephant; a Pleistocene glyptodon (Doedicurus clavicaudatus) was more than four metres (13 feet) long and 1.5 metres (five feet) high. Both flourished in South America about 500,000 years ago. 14.15.1 External appearance Anteaters (Myrmecophagidae) have elongate heads; tubular muzzles with no teeth; and long, sharp claws. Their toes vary in number from two to four on the forefeet and from four to five on the hindfeet, depending on the species. The thick coat of the giant anteater is gray with lateral white-bordered blackish stripes, and the hair is long and straight, especially on the characteristically stiff bushy tail. Tamanduas, or lesser anteaters, have short hair, which is usually cream-coloured to brownish, with a black vestlike area over the upper thorax. The entire underside of the tail, as well as the tip, is naked. The two-toed anteater (Cyclopes) has soft silky fur, usually golden yellow in colour. In this species, only the underside of the prehensile tail is naked. Males and females are of approximately equal size in Cyclopes and Tamandua, but males are much larger in Myrmecophaga. All anteaters have enormously developed salivary glands that supply the sticky saliva that covers their long extrusible tongues. The shaggy pelage of tree sloths grows from the belly toward the back on the body and toward instead of away from the body on the limbs (i.e., downward, when the animal is suspended beneath a branch), thus facilitating the shedding of rain. Tree sloths have pale faces with darker eye rings. The body hair is yellowish to brownish, but the individual hairs are fluted and contain a growth of algae that gives a greenish cast to the entire animal, especially in the rainy season. In the drier conditions of captivity, the algae die and the animal loses the natural coloration. The legs are long, with the forelimbs longer than the hindlimbs, and are designed for suspension of the body rather than for "column-like" support.

Armadillos are characterized by a dorsal bony carapace made up of scapula (shoulder), dorsal, and pelvic shields, separated by a series of movable bands. A bony cephalic (head) shield is also present. The tail is typically armoured as well, except in the naked-tailed armadillos of the genus Cabassous. The body hair is greatly reduced, but some, such as the pink fairy armadillo, have dense fur on their sides and underparts. A sparse growth of hair also occurs among the bony plates of all species.

14.32 Level V life: (placental/land) Aardvarks

An Aardvark is a heavily built mammal, ranging south of the Sahara in forest or plain, that constitutes the family Orycteropodidae and the order Tubulidentata. The name aardvark--Afrikaans for "earth pig"-refers to its stout, piglike body, up to 180 centimetres (6 feet) long, including the 60-cm tail. Its coat varies from glossy black and full to sandy yellow and scant. The aardvark has a long snout, rabbitlike ears, and short legs. The toes are long and equipped with large, flattened claws; the second and third toes are united by a web of tissue.

One young is born in summer. The aardvark excavates a burrow, in which it rests by day. It ventures out at night to rip open ant and termite nests and rapidly lap up the routed insects, using its sticky 30centimetre-long tongue. Although not aggressive, the aardvark can fend off such formidable attackers as lions and leopards by parrying with its claws. Though formerly classified with the true anteaters, sloths, and armadillos in the order Edentata, aardvarks differ from them and from all other mammals in having permanent teeth traversed by tubules that radiate from a central pulp cavity; hence, the ordinal name Tubulidentata. The tubulidentate line may be 60 million years old. The relationship of tubulidentates to other orders of mammals remains uncertain.

14.33 Level V life: (placental/land) Carnivores

A carnivore is any member of the order Carnivora, literally "meat eaters." The order includes 10 families of living mammals: Canidae (dogs, wolves, jackals, and foxes), Ursidae (bears), Procyonidae (raccoons), Mustelidae (skunks, mink, weasels, badgers, and otters),

Viverridae (civets and mongooses), Hyaenidae (hyenas), Felidae (cats), Otariidae (eared seals), Odobenidae (walrus), and Phocidae (earless seals). The term carnivore is frequently applied by mammalogists to members of this order and is employed in that sense in the present article. In a more general sense, a carnivore is any animal (or even, occasionally, a plant) that eats the flesh of other animals, as opposed to a "herbivore," which eats plants. Although the Carnivora are basically meat eaters, a substantial number, especially among bears and procyonids, feed extensively on vegetable material. The smallest living member of the Carnivora is the least weasel (Mustela nivalis), which weighs about two ounces. The largest terrestrial form is the Alaskan grizzly (Ursus arctos), weighing up to 780 kilograms (1700 pounds). The largest aquatic form is the elephant seal (Mirounga leonina), which may weigh 3,640 kilograms (four tons). Most carnivores weigh between four and eight kilograms (nine and 18 pounds). Most members of the order are terrestrial. Some, such as the sea otter, river otter, and polar bear, spend most of their lives in water. The pinnipeds, or seals, are more aquatic than other members of the order. Aquatic or semi-aquatic forms tend to have body specializations such as a streamlined body and webbed feet for this mode of life. Carnivores, like other mammals, have a number of different kinds of teeth: incisors in front, followed by canines, premolars, and molars in the rear. Most carnivores, especially those that feed exclusively on meat, have carnassial, or shearing, teeth that function in slicing meat and cutting tough sinews. The carnassials are usually formed by the fourth upper premolar and the first lower molar, working one against the other with a scissorlike action. Cats, hyenas, and weasels, all highly carnivorous, have well-developed carnassials; while the bear and procyonids, which tend to be omnivorous (eating both plants and animals), and the seals, which eat fish or marine invertebrates, have little or no modification of these teeth for shearing. The teeth behind the carnassials tend to be lost or reduced in size in highly carnivorous species. Most members of the order have six prominent incisors on both the upper and lower jaw, two canines on each jaw, six to eight premolars, and four molars above and four to six molars below. Incisors are adapted for nipping off flesh. The outer most incisors are usually larger than the inner ones. The strong canines are usually large, pointed, and adapted to aid in the stabbing of prey. The premolars always have sharply pointed cusps, and in some forms (e.g., seals) all the cheek teeth (premolars and molars) have this shape. Except for the carnassials, molars tend to be flat teeth utilized for crushing. Terrestrial carnivores that depend largely on meat, such as weasels, cats, and hyenas, tend to have fewer teeth (30-34), the flat molars having been lost. Omnivorous carnivores, such as raccoon and bear, have more teeth (40-42). Seals have fewer teeth than terrestrial carnivores. In addition, seals exhibit little stability in the numbers of teeth; for example, a walrus may have from 18 to 24 teeth. Several features of the skull are characteristic of the order Carnivora. The articulating surfaces (condyles) on the lower jaw are transverse,

their axis at right angles to that of the head, forming a half-cylindrical hinge that allows the jaw to move only in a vertical plane but with considerable strength. The clavicles (collarbones) are either reduced or absent entirely and, if present, are usually embedded in muscles without articulation with other bones. This allows for a greater flexibility in the shoulder area and prevents breakage of the clavicles when the animal springs on its prey. The brain is large in relation to the weight of the body and contains complex convolutions characteristic of highly intelligent animals. The stomach is simple, and a blind pouch (cecum) attached to the intestine is usually reduced or absent. Since animal tissues are in general simpler to digest than plant tissues, the carnivore's dependence on a diet with a high proportion of meat has led to lesscomplex compartmentalization of the stomach and a decrease in the length and folding (surface area) of the intestine. The teats are located on the abdomen along two primitive lines (milk ridges), a characteristic of mammals that lie down when nursing.

14.34 Level V life: (placental/land) Hyraxes

A Hyrax is any of the small hoofed mammals of the order Hyracoidea. Both hyraxes and the unrelated pikas (order Lagomorpha) are also sometimes called rock rabbits; the term is misleading for hyraxes, which are neither rabbits nor exclusively rock dwellers. The term cony (coney) in the Bible actually refers not to the true cony (also a lagomorph) but to the hyrax. Hyraxes, native to Africa and extreme southwestern Asia, are rodentlike animals with plump heads; short necks, ears, and tails; short, slender legs; and squat bodies. Anatomically, they are characterized by small hoofs on the first and third digits of the hind foot (the middle digit is clawed); a scent gland on the back; a pair of curved, continuously growing upper incisors; four chisellike lower incisors; and rhinoceros-like molars. The rock hyraxes (Heterohyrax) and rock dassies, or conies (Procavia), are terrestrial animals that live in groups among rocks and are active by day. The tree, or bush, hyraxes (Dendrohyrax) are arboreal, solitary, and nocturnal. Hyraxes are primarily vegetarian. As adults they are about 30 to 50 cm (12 to 20 inches) long and weigh about 4 to 5 kg (8 to 11 pounds). They are agile and climb well with the aid of special pads on their feet. One to three fully furred young are born after a gestation period of about seven or eight months. Natural enemies of hyraxes are pythons, eagles, and large cats. The phylogenetic relationships of hyraxes are not clear. Their fundamental characters indicate that the group may be an ancient and unprogressive offshoot derived from the ungulate (hoofed mammal) stem. Fossils are known from the mid-Oligocene (about 30 million years ago); most of these early hyraxes were large, the largest perhaps as big as a modern horse.

14.35 Level V life: (placental/land) Pangolines

A Pangoline (also called SCALY ANTEATER) is any of the armoured placental mammals of the order Pholidota. Pangolin, from the Malayan meaning "rolling over," refers to this animal's habit of curling into a ball when threatened. About eight species of pangolins, usually considered to be of the genus Manis, family Manidae, are found in tropical Asia and Africa. Pangolins are 30 to 90 cm (1 to 3 feet) long exclusive of the tail and weigh from 5 to 27 kg (10 to 60 pounds). Except for the sides of the face and underside of the body, they are covered with overlapping brownish scales composed of cemented hairs. The head is short and conical, with small, thickly lidded eyes and a long, toothless muzzle; the tongue is wormlike and extensile, up to 25 cm (10 inches) in length. The legs are short, and the fivetoed feet have sharp claws. The tail, about as long as the body, is prehensile, and, with the hind legs, it forms a tripod for support. Some pangolins, such as the African black-bellied pangolin (Manis longicaudata) and the Chinese pangolin (M. pentadactyla), are almost entirely arboreal; others, such as the giant pangolin (M. gigantea) of Africa, are terrestrial. All are nocturnal and able to swim a little. Terrestrial forms live in burrows. Pangolins feed mainly on termites but also eat ants and other insects. They locate prey by smell and use the forefeet to rip open nests. Their means of defense are the emission of an odorous secretion from large anal glands and the ploy of rolling up, presenting erected scales to the enemy. Pangolins are timid and live alone or in pairs. Apparently usually one young is born at a time, soft-scaled at birth and carried on the female's back for some time. Life span is about 12 years. Pangolins were once grouped with the true anteaters, sloths, and armadillos in the order Edentata, mainly because of superficial likenesses to South American anteaters. Pangolins differ from edentates, however, in many fundamental anatomic characteristics.

14.36 Level V life: (placental/land) Primates

A primate is any member of the mammalian order Primates, which includes the prosimians, monkeys, apes, and man. The order has long excited human interest, because it contains man's closest relatives. The obvious similarity of monkeys and apes to man was noted long before any genetic relationship was postulated. Recognizing that monkeys possess intelligence substantially exceeding that of other familiar mammals, man has valued these animals as companions and pets for centuries. In recent decades, in addition to becoming increasingly popular as pets, nonhuman primates have served as substitutes for man in situations, such as experimental medicine and space science, which require near-human biological reactions. The two main groups of the order Primates are the prosimians (lemurs, lorises, and tarsiers) and the anthropoids (monkeys, apes, and man). As classified at present, the suborder Prosimii consists of six families; the Tupaiidae (tree shrews, though these are considered by some authorities to belong in the order Insectivora), Lemuridae

(lemurs), Indriidae (indri, sifaka, and avahi), Daubentoniidae (ayeaye), Lorisidae (galagos and lorises), and Tarsiidae (tarsiers). Collectively, the prosimian suborder is frequently referred to as lower primates. The suborder Anthropoidea, sometimes called "higher" primates, also comprises six families: Callitrichidae (marmosets and tamarins), Cebidae (South American monkeys other than marmosets), Cercopithecidae (African and Asian monkeys), Hylobatidae (lesser apes: siamangs and gibbons), Pongidae (great apes: orangutan [orangutan], gorilla, and chimpanzee), and Hominidae (men, living and extinct). The two geographically separated stocks, the Old World and the New World monkeys, are often referred to as catarrhines and platyrrhines, respectively, terms which derive from the shape of the nose (see below Form and function ).

14.37 Level V life: (placental/land) Elephants

An elephant is any member of the order Proboscidea, which comprises three suborders and about 300 species of terrestrial mammals. All but two species, the Asiatic, or Asian, elephant (Elephas maximus; Indian elephant (Elephas maximus).) and the African elephant (Loxodonta africana;African elephant (Loxodonta africana).), are extinct. The elephants are the largest surviving land animals and, among the mammals, are exceeded only by the whales in size. The Proboscidea are characterized by columnar limbs, bulky bodies, and elongated snouts. In recent forms, testes are internal. The snout is a long boneless proboscis, or trunk; it is a combination of the upper lips, palate, and nostrils. Some of the incisor teeth develop into tusks. One extinct suborder (Deinotherioidea) lost the upper tusks; certain others have lost the lower ones and evolved upper tusks of dentine from which the enamel has partially or completely disappeared. The canine teeth were generally repressed in all groups, and the cheek teeth developed rows of blunt cones or ridges. In later forms, the temporary teeth were replaced by permanent ones, which are pushed by an escalator-like movement along a horizontal plane, so that the front teeth were replaced by teeth moving forward from the rear. The skull, which originally was elongated, became shorter, higher, and bulkier in later forms. The back of the eye orbit remained open instead of forming a complete bony ring, and the nasal opening in all Proboscidea is at a higher horizontal plane than the eye sockets. The neck shortened as the animals evolved larger, higher bodies and an elongated trunk that also functions as a hand. The skull has enlarged out of proportion to the brain in order to serve as an anchor for the trunk and to support the heavy dentition. This order occurs in all the continents except Australia. Fossils of proboscideans provide valuable information about early humans who were their contemporaries.

14.38 Level V life: (placental/land/air) Colugos

A colugo (also called COBEGO, OR FLYING LEMUR) is any of the lemurlike gliding mammals, perhaps only two species, constituting the primitive order Dermoptera. They are found only in the East Indies and certain of the Philippine Islands. Colugos resemble large flying squirrels, being arboreal climbers and gliders with lateral skin membranes and large feet, webbed and clawed. The form of the head and the nocturnal habit, however, recall the lemurs, hence the colugos are sometimes called flying lemurs. The tail is short and connected by skin folds with the hind limbs, as in bats. Most peculiar are the teeth, 34 in number. The lower incisors stick out in a comblike structure formed of enamel folds; the second upper incisors are similar to canines and are double-rooted. Canines are absent in the upper jaw. Cheek teeth, premolars and molars, bear sharp cusps. The digestive tract exhibits features that are consonant with a strict vegetarian diet. Besides the Philippine species, Cynocephalus volans, a series of races of Cynocephalus (or Galeopterus) variegatus ranges from Myanmar (Burma) to the Malay Peninsula and from Sumatra to Borneo. Colugos were formerly considered a suborder of the Insectivora but differ from them and from other mammals in several basic anatomical features, especially in the form of the brain and in the dentition.

14.39 Level V life: (placental/land/air) Bats

A bat is any member of the order Chiroptera, the only mammals to have evolved true flight. This ability, coupled with the benefits deriving from their system of acoustic orientation (so-called bat sonar), has made the group a successful one in numbers of species and individuals. About 900 species are currently recognized, belonging to some 174 genera. Many species of bats are enormously abundant. Observers have concluded, for example, that some 100,000,000 female Mexican freetailed bats (Tadarida brasiliensis mexicana) form summer nursery colonies in Texas, where they produce about 100,000,000 young in five large caves. Adult males of this species, although equal to the females in numbers, may not range as far north as Texas. (Individuals of the species also range widely throughout tropical America.) Thus, bats of one species alone number at the very least in the hundreds of millions of individuals. Most bats are insectivorous. Little is known of the spectrum of insect species consumed, but the quantities are formidable. The Mexican free-tailed bats of Texas have been estimated to consume about 20,000 tons of insects per year. Bats would thus seem to be important in the balance of insect populations and possibly in the control of insect pests. Some bats feed on fruit and aid in dispersing seeds; others feed on pollen and nectar and are the principal or exclusive pollinators of a number of tropical and subtropical plants. The true vampires of tropical America feed on the blood of large birds and mammals, occasionally becoming significant pests of livestock and sometimes serving as carriers of rabies. Certain aspects of the physiology of some bats, particularly those involving adaptations for long hibernation, daily lethargy, complex

temperature regulation, acoustical orientation, and long-distance migrations, are of interest to experimental scientists. In tropical countries, in particular, large colonies of bats often inhabit houses and public buildings, attracting attention by their noisiness, guano (droppings), and collective odour. In the West, bats have been the subject of unfavourable myths; in parts of the Orient, however, these animals serve as symbols of good luck, long life, and happiness. 14.15.1 Diversity of structure All bats have a generally similar appearance in flight, dominated by the expanse of the wings, but they vary considerably in size. The order is usually divided into two well-defined suborders: the Megachiroptera (Old World) and the Microchiroptera (worldwide). Among members of the Megachiroptera, a flying fox, Pteropus vampyrus, may have a wingspread of about 1.5 metres (about five feet) and a weight of about one kilogram (2.2 pounds). The largest insectivorous bat is probably Cheiromeles torquata; it weighs about 250 grams (about nine ounces). The largest of the carnivorous bats (and the largest bat in the New World) is Vampyrum spectrum, with a wingspread of over 60 centimetres (24 inches). The tiny Philippine bamboo bat, Tylonycteris pachypus meyeri, has a wingspread of barely 15 centimetres (six inches) and weighs about 1.5 grams (about 0.05 ounce). Bats vary in colour and in fur texture. Facial appearance, dominated by the muzzle and ears, varies strikingly with family and often with genus. In several families, a complex fleshy adornment called the nose leaf surrounds the nostrils. Wing proportions are modified according to modes of flight. The tail and the interfemoral (between the legs) membrane also differ, perhaps with feeding, flight, and roosting habits. Finally, at the roost, bats vary in the postures they assume, particularly in whether they hang suspended or rest on the wall and in the manner in which the wings are folded and used.


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Self-aware life
When we think of self aware life, we naturally think first of humans. It has been a common sense assumption for centuries that the only animal of the God(s) capable of self awareness is the human being. Our Western religious foundations are based on the GREAT CHAIN OF BEING cycle that has historically placed humans above all other living animals on the planet Earth, except God(s). Even the work of Charles Darwin and other great anthropologists and biologists have reinforced the understanding that the human being is the most genetically advanced, sophisticated and intelligent lifeform on the planet Earth.


The swing back to the notion of "collective" life In parallel to our higher understanding of the meaning of the word LIFE (Chapter 12), we see a greater understanding of the commonality between all living things thanks to the pioneering work of geneticists decoding the proteins within DNA. We are now told accurately, that humans and chimpanzees share 99% the same genetic coding for proteins. Thanks to DNA research, humans have now come to understand that human beings are no longer so "unique" in the living world. At the same time, animal behavioral continuing the pioneering work of Darwin, Pavlov and others have been able to categorically establish that other living species on planet Earth also exhibit signs of community, intelligence, communication, and other social skills. The dolphin, the whale, the gorilla, the chimpanzee, the dog, the wolf are some prime examples. This has also been reflected in the re-evaluation of the history of humanity in respects to these other lifeforms. We have countless stories of intelligent relationships and communication between "man" and "beast". The Bible is full of stories of special humans capable of communicating with other animals- such as the story of Daniel in the lions Den. More recently, we have famous TV series involving intelligent animals, including Rin Tin Tin, Lasse, Flipper to name a few. Any person who has lived with a dog or cat knows that when they are asleep they dream. Even more recently, psychologists have established conclusively that many animals in fact do dream, just like we (humans) do. Further work by language experts have also proven that chimpanzees and other primates do think in similar patterns to the human, thanks to leading work in the use of technology to create symbolic translators between teacher scientist and primate study. Actual demonstrations captured on film and shown in documentaries on Discovery Channel show that primates familiar with these electronic translators actually converse, clear self-aware and willful thoughts of desire, emotion and idea. As a result, many of these test animal subjects have been estimated to be similar in psychological development to a six to eight year old human being. Pigs have been tested on modified technology by similar methods to have an IQ (Intelligence Quotient) potentially as high as a five to six year old human.


What do we mean by "self aware" and "self aware life"?

As introduced in the previous section, our understanding and knowledge of the similarities of humans to other animals has greatly advanced. We can now categorize similarities on a number of fronts from genetic code similarities, behavioral similarities, community similarities, language, technology and intelligence (IQ). But what do we mean by the words "self aware"? In order to establish a common platform from which to discuss the notion of self aware life, UCA defines self aware life as: those complex forms of matter that have the capacity to dream, to project their own reality onto the world and self reflect, to display emotions. Principally on Earth, this represents the placentals, the most advanced of all lifeforms (usually called mammals). It is on the basis of this definition that we may compare similarities between lifeforms on planet Earth to establish exactly which ones qualify to be categorized as self-aware life.


Physical intelligence systems When we talk of self aware life, we are talking of triple neural lifeforms on planet Earth- the vertebrates and principally the placentals (mammals). These lifeforms have the most advanced neural network systems. Therefore, we can reliably use the structure and complexity of brain systems to categorize self-aware life on planet Earth.


Dreaming Dreaming is the effect of simulating a world in motion and different to the world you are, when in fact your body is at a period of rest. It is the most powerful example of a sophisticated brain and is a fundamental component to any contemporary theory of mind. The example of dreaming is recognized as an excellent measure of determining self aware life forms.


Conscious driven thought We have discussed the will of UCA- as expressed in the fundamental 12 laws of creation. I WISH TO EXIST. We have also expressed this in the context of all matter. But what of conscious free will- the ability to initiate consciously chosen motion- to discern, to judge, to calculate? While the philosophical field of consciousness and sentience is full of long written essays and arguments, it is recognized that consciousness thought, and the expressions of conscious emotions- of wants and needs is an excellent marker and distinction of self-aware life- "I am aware that I am".


Biological or mechanical? We use computers every day to perform increasingly complex tasks. Yet our contemporary view is that they are dead, devoid of the

lifeform, that special essence that distinguishes living from non-living. But as we have shown, the distinction between biologic machines and other machines made of carbon and silicon composites, differs only by the skill of construction. Human nano-technology is still crude in comparison to cellular machines structured in nature. Possibly in the future, humans will harness the most efficient biologic shape changers of the living kingdom (virus) to modify cells. In our culture, the concept of machines that are self aware is recognized in famous films such as 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY. In contemporary culture, we define this as Artificial Intelligence or AI. Therefore the substance from which a machine is principally made, nor how it was made can represent a distinction of self-aware life. It might very well be, that super machines as envisaged by David Zindel in the Epic Series a Requiem for Homo Sapiens that vast arrays of silicon moons constituting a galactic super computer intelligence may exist in some part of the Universe.


The concept of dreaming

Dreaming appears a trait of all placentals (mammals). Science has shown conclusively that the vast majority of species enter some kind of dream state during their periods of sleep. Dolphins dream. Whales dream. Pigs, Sheep, Cows all dream. Elephants and tigers dream. Closer to home, we see cats and dogs dream. In terms of the human process and experience of dreaming, we will discuss this in more detail further in the following sections. However, it is worthwhile noting some common traits associated with dreaming and placental mammals.

Dreaming occurring within certain phases of sleep

It is recognizes that dreaming occurs during certain phases of sleep, a period of rest for the animal, usually in a prone state.

Rapid eye movement

Rapid eye movement is a common trait of most placental mammals during phases of dreaming.

Increased brain wave activity

Increased brain wave activity during periods of dreaming has been detected in all placental mammals observed appearing to dream.

Often dreaming is associated with the movement of limbs, twitches indicating some kind of simulated messaging from the brain. 15.3.1 The ability to dream is an excellent measure of self-aware life Whereas some tests, such as cognitive ability are often unique to certain species and even certain test subjects of placental mammals,

the occurrence of dreaming by a species is an excellent measure of a self-aware species. By "self-aware", we imply the ability and cognition to independently construct thoughts and emotions to some extent and complexity. There is no indication that during periods of dreaming, that dogs for example, do not dream of happy and even sad times during their lives.


A general definition of consciousness

Similar to dreaming, consciousness is historically considered a significant distinguishing feature between "higher" life and lower life. As with dreaming, the concept has traditionally been exclusively associated to the human experience. For this reason, we will now consider the concept of consciousness and its importance in classifying self-aware life


What is consciousness? As it turns out, no contemporary universally agreed definition exists for the concept of consciousness. It common usage, the word consciousness, cognition and awareness are often considered as interchangeable concepts. However, substantial opposing arguments now exist as to the exact definition of consciousness as a unique feature of the observer, or a reaction between the observer and the world, or some other combination. For this reason, most contemporary text books seek to initially define consciousness by way of example, rather than clear and precise definition. "I wake up and have a cup of coffee. As I sip the coffee, I am aware of its hot bitter taste- I can therefore say that I am consciousness of the taste and heat of the coffee." The problem is compounded when additional factors are introduced such as the leaking sink tap, or the burning toast. Am I aware of these items at the same time? Maybe yes, maybe no.


The problem with getting an agreed definition of consciousness The problem of getting a clear definition on consciousness has only emerged during the 20th Century. This is because the approach of excluding subjective properties that cannot be accurately measured has only emerged as orthodoxy in science over the past 100 years. Prior to this, it was widely taken for granted that reality contains conscious features, in addition to any physical ones like size and mass.

French philosopher Renne Descartes considered a similar view to Plato in that he believed conscious experiences were a result of two distinct realms (the dualist view) mental and physical. Further, he considered that both interact causally. While making strong sense, based on the human experience of unique events even though "reality" remains largely the same, the lack of scientific proof as to the connection between the mental and the physical have pushed his writings out of favour.


In contrast, philosophers of the 18th and 19th centuries such as George Berkely, Georg Hegel, John Stuart Mill and Ernest Mach considered the alternate view that everything we see in reality is really a construct from the mental and that the world is essentially made up of elaborate ideas (hence the concept of "idealism"). While their writings placed consciousness at centre stage (each of us creating subjective approximations of the world), their ideas also fell out favour due to the lack of explanation on how collective view of reality emerges from such individual mental experiences.

In contrast, the scientists and philosophers of the 20th Century have found an increasingly powerful way to argue the validity of the world of ideas and subjectivism through the "science" of behaviouralism and neuroscience's ("functionalism'). In the first instance, it is now commonly accepted that , all human mental states can largely be described in terms of their outwardly observable behavioral effects (thus, "pain is the state that causes writhing and other avoidance behaviour"), rather than the subjective mental state of what the patient is feeling while in pain. Secondly, the tremendous advances in neurobiology has provided a wealth of knowledge of the complex functioning of the human brain, including the processing capacity and processes of the human brain as a cognitive machine.

Interestingly, in recent decades a number of scientists have sought to return to more balanced notion of internal subjective senses having some validity apart from being described as simply outputs from complex groupings of physical processes. The problem of credibility within the scientific community remains at what point does the ethereal react with the physical. In answer to this question, leaders in promoting expansionist concepts existing with nature have met with largely ridicule from the established scientific community. 15.4.3 The UCA view on consciousness If you have arrived at this point after reading all the previous chapters, then you might have already guessed the likely summary of all the previous concepts in terms of UCA might be: All have an element of truth about them. The problem lies not in the general concepts, but the model of thought in which they are arranged Firstly, in terms of the contemporary scientific model of the all physical phenomena being able to be described as having a root cause from other physical phenomena- UCA is in full agreement. In the physical world, only real world objects can alter the motion and disposition of other physical objects. This is completely consistent with the description of the physical world in existence from the rules laid out in chapter 5 of UCA right up to this chapter. From the perspective of the idealists, they are absolutely correct in considering the world as being an illusion of sorts (a dream). However, we exist by virtue of being instantiated within a frame of matter. We exist within the dream. From the perspective of the dualists, they are absolutely correct in considering that mind(spirit) and body interact within every action,

because mind and body are one and the same substance. Again the only problem from the dualist point of view is perspective. 15.4.4 Consciousness is unique collective awareness As contemporary scientists now show us, the human conscious experience is made up of a unique and complex collection of physiological actions. If certain molecules are not present in the right amounts at the right location at the right time, then we may feel drowsy, or even find our experience (such as a sudden rush of endorphins) of an event are enhanced. Consciousness therefore is a redundant term, given it fails to adequately describe or attribute our state of being to these fundamental principles. In complete agreement to this prognosis of 20th century science, the word UCA- Unique Collective Awareness is used as a superior concept as means of describing the complex chemical reactions and actions that contribute to our overall state of cognition we commonly call "Consciousness".. 15.4.5 Consciousness(UCA) and all life Given this entire book is based on the premises that everything is UCA, it holds that all life possesses UCA. Consciousness therefore is not considered an adequate determinant for deciding what lifeforms are "higher" in ability than others.


A general review of the memory and cognitive organs

We introduced the concept of cognitive organs in the previous section. Cognitive organs is the concept that specialized groups of neurons function for the sole purpose of information storage and processing. This ability to calculate and determine complex information in turns enables the organism to perform more delicate maneuvers in life. While the presence of neuron cells distinguishes level (3) structures ( simple cellular structures) from level (4) structures (complex cellular hydro Carbon Biologics), it is the presence of a brain of certain proporitions that determines whether an organism is a level (5) (high neuron specialised lifeform).


The Triple Neural System (The 3 brains) The oldest brain and neuron system specialised to co-ordinate movement and fight off disease (internal battle) An additional benefit of having two neural systems was the ability to provide additionaly complex DNA information to procreate. This required different strategies for reproduction and the development of sexual reproduction. The development of a third neural system and processing area, enabled the prime nervous system ( primordial system) to divest some of its functions and instead focus on the battle within. The oldest neural system developed a new strategy- instead of using a hard cased exterior, the exterior could be softer and different shapes, while the actual central nervous system could protect itself via tough calcium

protection. This would also act as a support, instead of the outer shell. The second nervous system could become even more specialised as it could divest some of its responsibilities to the new system and focus on the production of food and co-ordination of internal organs and major cellular groups of motion, of work and flow of food. The third nervous system, free from the work of second by second function and internal battle, enabled dedicated focus to the external threats and the search for food. Thus the third brain was born and the third layer that we call our cortex- the most free processor of information in all of nature- to express, to dream, to look beyond.

15.6 The concept of biological software-stored cognitive processes

While the relationship between DNA, amino acids, proteins and genes has now been firmly established over the past fifty years, the understanding of proteins actually representing living biological memory (as in tubulin dimers) is still a controversial concept. Certainly, the relationship between dimers and electrons exhibits a binary behaviour, however the exact relationship between all the components and how information is physically translated from words, sounds and visual images into a machine code and then into hard coded memory is still uncertain. What is certain, without any doubt is that species are born with certain pre-loaded software- we are never born with a blank disk (to use the computer model). Instead, all species appear to inheret certain programs and instinctual behaviours which become active given certain circumstance. Again this indicates a level of sophistication in that programs are somehow related to hormone messages as well as visual, logarithmic (geometric shapes).


Placental life that displays self-aware qualities

Dreaming, the concept of the brain and nervous system being active during periods of sleep now appears to be a common feature of all vertebrate animals. While fierce debate still rages as to how much actual REM (rapid eye movement) type sleep (indicating conscious dreaming) different animals experience, it is now confirmed that virtually all animals that have been studied exhibit some period of REM, therefore dreaming. Whereas humans used to like to think of themselves as somehow being unique in terms of dreaming, it now appears that we are merely a more sophisticated example of the normal dream and sleep behaviour of virtually all vertebrate.


The display of emotions and self identity While humans were forced through science to concede that we are not unique in dreaming, a parallel area of study in the area of emotions and self identity behaviour has also proven to be illuminating. All vertebrates have sophisticated hormone and neuro transmitter systems, the engine that drives the physiological side of emotions. When a dog, or a cat or a human reacts to a certain stimulii, it is the chemical response of these hormones that triggers the change in body state, movement and even facial expressions. Human beings have hundreds of intricate muscles in their faces making facial expression change the most sophisticated of all animals. But this does not mean that other animals do not experience similar chemical and emotional responses to stimulii interpreted as fear, or food, or happiness, or jealousy. The most famous study of the common traits amongst complex animals life forms have been within the primate families as well as other species such as dolphins and dogs. In all these examples of complex mammals, the range of emotional variance was suprisingly broad and not disimilar to human beings. A dog feels pain in much the same way as a human does. A chimpanzee when angry, exhibits the same neuro transmitter responses as an angry human teenager. A laughing dolphin releases the same endorphin response as a movie audience enjoying a comedy. Like dreams, emotions and hormonal responses seems to be a common trait amongst mammals and something not unique merely to human beings.


Language, and communication While dreams and emotions are no longer the exclusive domain of being human, there is one area that humans still consider their unique and special realm- the world of language and communication. Some historians argue that the greatest invention of humanity is language, when in fact unique communication between species is common place, Nor is complexity a uniquely human trait, as a number of species are known to create unique communications of astounding complexity such as the song lines of Humpback whales.


The thoughts, emotions and feelings of nonhuman self aware life

When human beings demand an endless supply of meats and byproducts from the slaughter of other mammals, it helps if one feels that they somehow do not share the same dynamic emotions, feelings and even the idea of dreams and thoughts as humans do. If children were to actually consider the terrible trauma and fear of a cow standing in line as it hears, hears and smells death all around, knowing its life is soon to end, or the trauma of pigs as they are slaughtered then fewer people would buy the fast food hamburger.

In our sanitised world, probably the only time we are likely to see the terrible conditions in which so many farm animals exist is when the occassional current affairs team occassionally airs the sometimes appaling conditions in which these dreaming, thinking and fully emotional animals live and die. 15.8.1 The evil trade of animal testing Probably no other current trade, excluding the massive sex slave and body part trade can compare to the trade and use of animals for testing by large private chemical companies. All manner of mammals are subjected to horrendous torture and barbaric deaths all in the name of better shampoos, aftershaves, synthetic pain killers and wonder drugs. The standard line to the pictures of death and sometimes dismemberment of such innocent lifeforms is that such work helps saves the lives of millions of human beings. This argument is dutifully reported most times by the media without any serious follow-up to consider just how many of the thousands of animals killed by such torture are actually used in life saving drug trials versus the greedy and insanse pursuit to try and manufacture yet more synthetic pain killers while the best natural pain killers in the world remain illegal. Of course, animal testers never tell you the truth, because 95% of all animal deaths in trials is in the needless short cut pursuit of new chemicals that have no vital or new life saving properties.

15.9 Is pain the same? or different for self-aware life?

Three hundred years ago, enlightened western thought considered all other non-human life to effectively be merely beats of burden and lesser beings with no commonality to humanity, other than sharing some general organic design principles. Two hundred years ago the work of Darwin showed clearly the connection between life and that we are all related in some way to common ancestry and all life on Earth. Fifty years ago, the unthinkable was finally accepted that humans are not the only self-aware life form on the planet Earth. That it seems all other complex tri-neural lifeforms dream. Twenty years ago, it was finally accepted by some (not all) of the scientific community that certain complex tri-neural lifeforms express

and feel emotions including a general sense of self. Now the question is do self-aware lifeforms feel pain the same as humans? or is somehow different? The question is not as strange or as routine as it sounds. Everyday human beings slaughter and torture other lifeforms (apart from fellow human beings) to the cries and groans of these dying lifeforms. Are these merely reflexes of life that has no soul, or is the pain and fear of a cow being slowly chopped into pieces while still alive every bit as intense and as awful as if that cow were a human? For western nations with an insatiable appetite for the consumption of meat, such notions are dangerous to even consider. If children were to ever reflect on the idea that the dead cow or pig or chicken felt pain at death exactly if that child was murdered then none of us would probably want to eat a steak again. But is this merely speculation or is there some basis. While it has taken human beings an eternity to come close to awakening to the reality of the world, and the connection between all things, there is nothing to suggest that self aware lifeforms have any less experience of pain than humans. The fear in the eyes of the cow is real. The fear in the dying pig is real. It is just that we choose to pretend that somehow these "lesser" lifeforms experience an inferior set of emotions than we do. One day we will grow up some such deliberate self-ignorance. Probably it will be the day when science is able to provide irrefutable proof.

15.10 A general review of non-biologic and biologic self-aware life

As we outlined at the beginning of this chapter, carbon is not the only atomic substance in the universe from which complex, small mechanisms may be created. It just so happens that carbon and its relative atoms- (hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen) fit together so well under stable conditions that the most complex molecular naturally occurring shapes in the universe are formed. 15.10.1 The wonders of silica With a little help, other atomic structures such as silica can be formed into wonderful uses, such as the integrated microchip. While the size of circuits and complexity compared to hydro-carbon cells remains primitive, the microchip has already proven an unprecedented tool in building computer devices that fill our everyday lives. While human made computers are reaching new processing speeds

and parallel problem solving capability, they remain, by and large simple versions of the complex parallel processors that are the human brain. In future times though, there is no question that human made computers will conceivably rival the number of circuits, parallel connections and processing speeds of the human brain. 15.10.2 The question of artificial intelligence Up there with the question of life in other parts of the galaxy and local area is the question of the possibility of artificial intelligence. Many hundreds of books have been written, some outlining the strong possibility and probability of machine intelligence, with others considering the feat impossible. Like many questions still perplexing human scientists, the answer might be elusive, not because of the question, but because of mislabeling."Artificial" implies something not natural and "intelligence" denotes some kind of quantitative benchmark of cognition. The facts are that computers today are vastly more intelligent in function and design than those even a decade ago. Computers have improved in reliability and cognition to such a point that they are now considered standard components in many family cars and failsafe systems. Several systems in operation around the world even enable the car to call a number and alert a central service centre of a fault. A frequent response by those scientists hard nosing the quest for AI to such examples is that no matter how "smart" these computer systems may be, they essentially run on programs created by humans and do not display the clear self-choices that an independent entity such as a human make. With such labels as AI (artificial intelligence) being used, it is often difficult t sustain a valid argument against such assertions. Simply, once again the labeling restricts any answer to OK- so a computer isn't the same as a human being. A superior label for our discussions, in line with the spirit of the debate is self awareness of silicate lifeforms. 15.10.3 The natural design flaws in human engineered silicate lifeforms Unlike nature, whose computational design recognizes that self awareness- awareness of one's environment is paramount, above higher cognitive abilities (speech, abstract creation etc), human engineers still consider cognition (computing power) the heart of solving the debate. As you can now see, we no longer describe the AI debate as AI, but the question of self awareness of silicate lifeforms- recognizing that even the simplest of computers represents a form of life- albeit very primitive. Human engineered silicate lifeforms are highly dependent upon wasteful forms or energis for their operation (utility electricity), rather than alternative forms of energis action such as photosynthesis or a form of internal combustion. Human engineered silicate lifeforms cannot perform the essential internal molecular manipulations required to prepare and repair fundamental errors at a complex

molecular, or even simple molecular structure. They cannot produce their own sub components. Human engineered silicate lifeforms have limited built in and external sensory solutions, so that simple means of detecting external danger, or internal danger are often limited. In contrast even the humble single cell, is almost over- engineered with features designed to ensure the cell is aware of its external environment in a practical sense. Human engineered silicate lifeforms tend to centralize cognitive functions to a few components, rather than build a cohesive whole from independently active and functioning systems ( e.g. the concept of organs of cognition) Human engineered silicate lifeforms are still programmed along the binary to the 16, 32 or 64 bit standards, rather than the powerful naturally vector based system of natural logarithms.

15.11 A general classification system for self-aware life

A constant feature of all levels of matter is the way in which they group. The 6th level of Hydro Carbon Biologics is no different. However, given the complex behaviour of such sophisticated entities (e.g. humans), we need a more appropriate categorization method to distinguish between "advanced" high order life forms and "less advanced" higher order life forms. Just how should we categorize higher order biologics given everything we have spoken about? For we can no longer use "awareness" on its own as a measure of development. Nor can we simply use technology as a measure of development. This has been one of the great problems in any previous contemporary work in classifying higher order lifeforms- one measure is not enough. 15.11.1 The common traits of all Self Aware Life Firstly, let us consider that when we talk of Higher Order Lifeforms

we are considering the various species of higher order lifeforms that may exist across the Universe. All human beings belong to one species, there are no sub-species of human beings. Regardless, of the level of technological, education and social development of different groups of humans living on Earth, we should begin with a term than enables us to categorize and summarize a species-wide level of development. We can make a general assumption that all self aware lifeforms will at some point, develop communities for their collective survival. We can call these species of higher order life forms that interact and work towards their collective survival- a civilization, from the Latin words civilis, civis meaning "citizen" and tion meaning "the state or condition of being." 15.11.2 The 6 levels of "civilization" Higher Order Biologics Once we reach an adequate definition and description of Higher Order Hydro-Carbon Biologics (e.g. human beings), we will then define the six categories of Higher Order Biologics, being: 6 Levels of Higher Order Biological Life Positive Negative Type Civilization I - Masters of a colony and language II - Masters of a Region III - Masters of an Empire (this is where all our civilisations are at the moment) IV - Masters of a Planet V - Masters of A Solar System VI - Masters of a Galactic Quadrant

We will define each of these levels and describe briefly why human civilizations are at a Type III level. In this way we seek a continuation of the seamless description we have accomplished so far, from before the Universe was created to Higher Order Hydro-Carbon Biologics without contradicting anything written in any previous chapter. 15.11.3 The classification of civilizations into sub-categoriessocieties While the word civilization is used to describe the complete number of various settlements of a particular species as a whole, the fact is that equality of technology, knowledge and power systems is often far from equally distributed. On the planet Earth, human beings still exist in conditions similar to our ancestors, living in jungles and in deserts, while many millions live in sophisticated cities.

To answer this issue, we further classified civilizations into sub categories being societies namely " a state or condition of living in association, company with others of the same species; the system or mode of life adopted by a body of individuals for the purpose of coexistence or for the mutual benefit, defence etc" (1553) Therefore while, the entire species of Human beings may be classed as a certain level of civilization, many societies of human beings live in vastly different arrangements of association and usage of technology and rules. We can now look at specific measures that assist us in understanding just how "developed" and enlightened a civilization might be, and therefore a classification structure of higher order biologics.

15.12 A general method for measuring different levels of self-aware life

Whether it be the discovery of fire, or agriculture or even the atomic bomb, all of these processes involve the harnessing of either fusion or fission. So fundamental are these processes to heating homes, transport vehicles and the powering of cities that we can use the various types of fusion and fission as a measurement of sophistication of a civilization. Fusion Weak Chemical Strong Chemical Weak Nuclear Strong Nuclear 15.12.1 Fission Weak Chemical Strong Chemical Weak Nuclear Strong Nuclear

Measure of development of civilization. in terms of ergon field management Whether it be magnets, electric lights, gas mains, lasers or fibre optics, all of these involve the harnessing of ergon particles in field behaviour. Similar to the understandings of fusion and fission, the harnessing of various types of ergon particles is an excellent benchmark of the level of sophistication of a civilization. Electrons Positrons

Hetons Magnetons Gravitons 15.12.2

Photons Electron Neutrinos

Measure of development of civilization. in terms of mass management Mass management begins with the ability to feed yourself and move yourself and then move things or change things. (MP) Mass Power= 1 = moving a mass of 6000 kg within a 24 hour period. (MMP) Move Mass Power =1 = moving a mass of 60kg (or twice your body weight body weight) a total of 60km within a 24 hour period. We can then apply these measures to look at a theoretical timeline for MMP for all the collective human civilizations on Earth:

(MMP) 6 (MMP) 600 (MMP) 6000

Evolution (yrs) 160,000yrs

60,000 yrs 6,000 yrs

Time period Technology/Models

70,000 BCE 10,000 BCE 4,000 BC E 1800 CE 1912 CE 1945 CE 2005 CE Horse & Boat Horse and cart, bigger boats Bigger boats, bigger levers Harnessing of ergonindustrial Harnessing of ergon particle fields Nuclear Fission Controllable fission and fusion Harnessing Sun creation potential

(MMP) 60,000 5,800 yrs (MMP) 120 yrs 600,000 (MMP) 600m 33 yrs (MMP) 6,000b 60 yrs

(PEP) Personal Energis Power= 1 = accessing and then intaking the required energis consumption required to perform at a maximum level within a 24 period. For a human this is measured in calories of 4000 calories required to be accessed and consumed each day for healthy survival.

Level (PEP) 7 (PEP) 42 (PEP) 252 (PEP) 1500

Evolution (yrs) 160,000yrs 60,000 yrs 6,000 yrs 6,000 yrs

Time period 70,000 BC 10,000 BC 4,000 BC 2000 AD

Technology/Models Weapons Agriculture Civilization. Matter conversion

(CCSN) Change C Structure Non-living = 1 = ability to change the molecular structure of approximately 1000 Kg of non living molecular material in 24 hours This can include dead animals, but not live ones. This includes fire, boiling, burning. (CBS) Change Biologic Performance = 1 = ability to change the biologic performance of a living structure of a approximately 1000 Kg of living material in 24 hours. This includes crops, cattle, families, environment, but not destruction (which is covered by CCSN).

(CSC) Change Structure of Cell = 1 = ability to change the cellular structure of approximately 1Kg of living material in approximately 24 hours. (HEP) Harness Ergon Particles = 1 = ability to use ergon particles up to 6000 Kg of mass moving potential in a 24 period. (HEPF) Harness Ergon Particle Fields = 1 = ability to ergon particle fields of up to 6000Kg of Mass moving potential in a 24 hour period. This is measured as person power. An average measure of person power is based on the physical constraints of the human body aided with physical tools within the hands, non using ergon particle emissions (either as a solid in the case of guns, or lasers or electricity etc). Therefore it is assumed that a single person within a 24 hour period could move a mass total of 60 kg, caught food up to 6 Kg, and moved with themselves and attached mass a total of 60km. This is equal to 1 person power. The measure on which we measure the energis development of each and every stage of civilization. development. As developments results in extension of any of these three things, each is given a weight. Therefore when one of the three doubles, its value = .6666.

Type I self-aware life: Masters of a local colony and language

Type I Civilizations are those species that have become the dominant species within a local catchment area. A local catchment area is defined as a self enclosed region such as a valley, small island, savannah or flood delta less than 2000 sq km in size in which one or more ecosystems may exist. As the dominant species, Type I Civilizations are the first to break the evolutionary chain of HydroCarbon Life, whereby species are matched with enemies or prey with qualities that ensure the diversity of life continues. Type I Civilizations are those that have at least mastered at least one type of ergon particle field as well as basic weak chemical fusion/fission in the form of fire and agriculture. Their knowledge of their planet is limited and importantly they have developed the basis of written language, oral communication and the ability to pass to new generations the knowledge gained from previous generations. 15.13.1 The classification of Type I- Masters of a local colony & language To ensure the standardization of language associated with Type I Civilizations, the following classification of sub components is used: Sub Classification Highest Class Number Families Component Local Colony Region of 12 to fourteen families 20 to 30 blood relatives per family

In this category of civilization, the most powerful bonds for civilization

were the blood ties of immediate families in survival amongst harsh elements. Their life may have been no more advanced than trying to survive in a cave dwelling in Northern Europe, of a family on the plains of Africa. 15.13.2 Emergence of Type I Civilization on planet Earth As we will discuss, the date of origin for the emergence of the human being is still a hotly debated topic. Not only is it controversial in terms of the debating of finds and more modern genetic testing, but the sheer anomalies in the presence of the human being as a result of natural evolution. For now, we date the emergence of the modern human to be approximately 240,000 years ago in the Middle East, from origins of earlier hominids from Africa.

Type II self-aware life: Masters of a region

Type II Civilizations are those species that have sufficiently mastered matter, ergon fields and the processes of fusion and fission to develop transport vehicles and machines. A region is defined as large land mass, or series of land masses ( such as an Island Group) that are considered autonomous and controlled by some form of organized leadership. Significantly, Type II Civilizations have codified teaching methods to the point of developing basic education systems and the formal classification of knowledge. 15.14.1 The classification of Type II- Masters of a region To ensure the standardization of language associated with Type II Civilizations, the following classification of sub components is used: Sub Classification State Tribe Component universal personification deity Inter-stellar, Earthy deity- nature

The classification of Type II Civilizations identifies two distinct models- one that recognizes ultimate power to some higher environmental power, and a model that respects the personification of a deity. City States The city state is where we see the emergence of what is more commonly classed as Civilization. The structure of this Type II model is:

Sub Classification Highest Class City State State Religious/Warrior Leaders Scribes/Assistants Worker Families Slave Families Tribes

Component universal personification deity 1 city/state, walled, settlement 12 to 40 religious/warrior leaders 50 to 100 supporters Thousands of workers Thousands of slaves

The tribe is where we see the emergence of a spirit of localized cooperation and harmony within a certain environment. We also on some occasions include this structure within our scope of the definition of Civilization. However, this model is usually seen as having preceded the model of the city state. Instead, we consider it concurrent. Sub Classification Highest Class Tribes Lead family and elders 15.13.2 Component Inter-stellar, Earthy deity- nature 40 to 100 families 10 to 50 elders

Emergence of Type II Civilization on planet Earth If fierce controversy exists over the dates of origin of the species, then the origins for dating what we would commonly call 'the first civilizations' is even hotter in controversy. For years, the commonly accepted date for the first 'civilizations' of modern human were thought to be no older than a few thousand years. Then in the late 19th century and early 20th Century, a series of startling finds and analysis re-dated archeological sites such as Jericho, Jerusalem, Stone Henge and settlements of Egypt and South America as old as 12,000 years. The now more accepted date by widely read and knowledgeable academics is around 10,000 to 12,000 years ago. Thanks to the archeological work done in Iraq and Iran we now know that the more advanced city/states had structures very similar to our own current day city states. These early settlements were built around central religious monuments- such as ziggurats, or temples of some kind. To this day, many cities remain constructed centrally around a religious structure such as a cathedral, temple or former religious site of significance. These settlements had structures for military nearby, for government officials, the storage of wealth and documents. All of these basic structures which we find in place in modern cities is identical at the highest level to the first models of Type II Civilizations ten to twelve thousand years ago. On the other hand, the emergence of the extended tribe is considered to have preceded the emergence of the city state.

However, to this day, there remains no evidence to suggest the existence of advanced tribal cultures resulted in the creation of city states. Advanced tribal cultures precede city states by tens of thousands of years from research in Africa, France and Australia. However, evidence as to the continuation of these cultures separately to city state cultures indicates that it does not follow city states emerged from tribal cultures directly.

Type III self-aware life: Masters of an empire

Type III Civilizations see the emergence of new energis understanding, the unlocking and awareness of matter and the nature of motion. They begin to harness their understanding into genetically altering life. Type III civilizations have mastered the basics of control of strong chemical, weak chemical fission, but not yet weak nuclear fission ( atomic fission). Type III Civilizations remain largely aggregates of dozens to hundreds of societies at various levels of development, with dominant societies inflicting undue influence in the form of Empires. Type III Civilizations may have begun rudimentary space travel and may even have begun to send out probes into space to begin development of their first hand knowledge of the solar system in which they live. 15.15.1 The classification of Type III- Masters of an Empire The classification of Type III Civilizations is as a direct link to the evolution of Type II City/State Models. The extension of which was the introduction of an earthy representative of the religious deity worshipped. This personification of power- of earthy legal and spiritual power, placed an advancement on the expansion of cultures. Sub Classification Highest Class Emperor Empire king/Prince Component universal personification deity Legal, Spiritual and Military representative. Extension of legal, military power over several kingdoms Legal, Spiritual and Military representative.

Province City State

Region around a city/state 1 city/state, walled, settlement

State Religious/Legal Leaders 12 to 40 religious/legal leaders (Church) Public Servants (Govt) Professionals (Military) Merchants (Merchants) Worker Families (Workers) Slave Families Thousands of public servants Thousands of professionals Thousands of workers Thousands of workers Thousands of slaves

As we will discuss, the date of origin for the emergence of Type IIEmpire civilizations, however, it is worth to note the major structural features of these type civilizations. The general agreement on the emergence of Type III Civilizations is the emergence of the Greater Egyptian Empire, Persian Empire, Sumerian Empire, Phoenician Empire, Greek Empire, Roman Empire etc. The generally accepted date for the emergence of empires is around four to six thousand years ago, an advancement on the key elements and structures of self aware life. All that you see today in terms of organisations of cities, of government, of power, of instruments of power are derived ultimately and most powerfully from the structure of Empires of Type III Civilizations. Today, few societies have structured themselves along these lines. Those few that accomplished this task, have thrived, such as United States of America, United Kingdom, France and Germany.

Type IV self-aware life: masters of a planet

Type IV Civilizations are defined as Masters of a Planet Civilizations This can mean one of two things- the ability to destroy their planet, as well as the ability to protect and manage their planet. Type (a)- capable of a planetary self extinction .

Type (b)- capable of planetary eco-survival, which we are not yet.

More mature and aware Type IV Civilizations have developed a complete control of their planet- management, defence network ensuring no single cataclysmic event can occur without desire (e.g. global defence network against meteors, biological weapons against disease). They have extensive knowledge of their biologic change capability, food production and energis management to a high level. Type IV Civilizations have completed exploration of their solar system.

They control the problems of the planet. Early under-developed Type IV Civilizations are those that have not yet mastered the proper management of their planet, only the ability to potentially destroy it. This is where the human species is positioned at the moment.- Type (b). 15.16.1 The classification of Type IV- Masters of an Planet The classification of Type IV Civilizations is as a direct link to the evolution of Type III City/State- Empire Models. The extension of which was the introduction of powerful structural idea of a functioning society - an "ideal" society. Sub Classification Highest Class Legal Covenant Church(es) National Leadership Merchant Elite (Bankers) Military Legal State leadership Local Leadership/officials Elected Officials Public Servants (Govt) Professionals Small Merchants (Merchants) Worker Families (Workers) Component GOD Legal and spiritual contract (constitution) Spiritual representatives. National leader and immediate team Financial Elite Military Legal Region around a city/state 1 city/state, mapped, settlement Elected Officials Thousands of public servants tens of thousands of professionals Hundreds of thousands of small merchants Millions of workers

As we will discuss, the date of origin for the emergence of Type III masters of a planet (negative) versus masters of a planet positive is in the balance. The acquiescence of power from Nations to regional structures has been painful and drawn out. The unknown factors of nuclear weapons and crumbling former empires remains uncertain as to whether the planet Earth will see the full emergence of a positive Type Iv structure. 15.16.2 The classification of Type IV- Positive Masters of an Planet As discussed, the positive type IV Civilization has mastered control of the planets resources and defence in a positive manner. By definition, this implies global systems of government, ideas, structures and organisation. Many of these structures have been instituted, although citizens from numerous communities remain skeptical of the motives of those promoting and developing these structures ( such as the World Bank, the IMF, United Nations etc). However, for humanity to advance to a Type IV positive structure,

many of the structures that exist today, need to be amalgamated into more cohesive regional bonds. The economic cost of military aggression against one region and another needs to positively diverted towards global safety and protection. This can only be accomplished with a lessening of the influence of the military in government and the raising of scientific thought to more influence. Sub Classification Highest Class Legal Covenant Global Systems( IMF, Global defence, etc) Regional elected economic zone leadership Regional economic structures & standards Regional military Regional Legal Merchant Elite (Bankers) National political leadership Legal State Economic Zones State Police & Military officials Local Leadership/officials Elected Officials Public Servants (Govt) Professionals Small Merchants (Merchants) Worker Families (Workers) 1 city/state, mapped, settlement Elected Officials Thousands of public servants tens of thousands of professionals Hundreds of thousands of small merchants Millions of workers Component The universe United Nations Global Defence APEC, NAFTA, ASEAN, EU markets, exchanges, rates, currency NATO, APEC, ASEAN, ETC Effective inter country courts & standards Financial Elite National elected officials Legal Region around a city/state

The major structural differences between a negative Type Iv Civilization and a positive Type IV civilization is the elimination of unknown and wasted resources by refocusing global structures on what is best for the planet and broad economic regions. The lowering of national armies in favor of the supply of members of global task forces (United Nations) and regional defence (NATO, ANZUS etc) represents a potential saving. The corresponding focus of law enforcement at the state and local region- backed up by powerful regional standards in data, communication, exchange and trade. Regions become economic competitors in a regional market, regardless of national boarders. The global government then has the capacity to harness resources for global infrastructure projects such as subsidizes medicines to poor countries, or education programs.

Type V self-aware life: Masters of a solar system

Type V Civilizations have begun colonizing their solar system and exploration of nearby solar systems. They have penetrated space beyond ten light years of their home planet and have developed sophisticated space travel machinery. Type V Civilizations have mastered the fundamental energis laws of the Universe and are capable of launching large objects using such harnessed ergon particle fields as magnetism and photonic poweraligned with electrons. They no longer use inefficient systems such as rocket motors to launch objects, but powerful electro-photonmagneton machines. Type V Civilizations have contacted other Civilizations and are now part of the localized community of higher order life in the Galaxy. 15.17.1 The classification of Type V-Masters of a Solar System No Type V- Masters of a Solar System Civilization of human beings has yet lived. Yet, consistent with the structure of the model of UCA, it is both conceivable and possible that the human species may master the laws of the universe to become masters of a solar systemfirst our solar system. Like any structure and set of possibilities, components exist for Type V Civilizations just as they exist for other levels of Civilizations. Importantly, it is in the structures of Type V Civilizations that the understandings of the knowledge unleashed is best harnessed and focused. Sub Classification Highest Class Legal Covenant Legal leadership Legal leadership Global Systems( IMF, Global defence, etc) Global economic standards and structures Global laws Component UCA UCADIA Planetary Council Global Parliament Global Defence global markets, exchanges, rates, currency Effective global courts and laws

Global Financiers State Economic Zones State Police & Military officials Local Leadership/officials Elected Officials Public Servants (Govt) Professionals Small Merchants (Merchants) Worker Families (Workers)

Financial Elite Region around a city/state 1 city/state, mapped, settlement Elected Officials Thousands of public servants tens of thousands of professionals Hundreds of thousands of small merchants Millions of workers

By definition, a Type V Civilization is one that has mastered the energis and ergons and all laws within their solar system. Given that stellar systems that provide sufficient lifetime for the development of Type IV Civilizations only require that species on that planet to sufficiently harmonize their efforts, to emerge as a Type V Civilization. In effect, it is in the design and implementation of a global model of existence, apart from national to regional focus. The catch cry of a Type V Civilization is "THINK GLOBAL, ACT LOCAL". Such an inspired society that no longer economically supports the draining of wealth through exchange rate fluctuations- through a common global means of exchange, and one that does not spend up to one fifth of its wealth on military machinery is able to think of bigger issues- such as the colonization of their solar system and beyond. Of fundamental and critical importance, and difference to Type IV Civilizations is in the focus of empowering ideas. The position of UCA and UCADIA within the structure of Type V Civilization is regarding the concepts of these, not necessarily those exact words. The idea of UCA in itself is an empowering idea that if implemented even in thought across a planet represents the evolution of a Type IV Civilization to a Type V Civilization.

Type VI self-aware life: Masters of a galactic sector

Have expanded their reach into space at least 500 light years. They have a complete understanding of their special relationship with the UCA and have mastered the personal techniques of telepathy, telekinesis of moving objects as well as the understanding of all foundations within the Universe. These are truly the enlightened beings, where the understanding of the Universe is harnessed in sophisticated technologies and models. Type VI Civilizations now number no concentration of greater proportion on one single planet. They truly are children of the Galaxy and actively trade and communicate with other Type V and VI species of higher order life.

While Type VI Civilizations appear awesome in their technological development, it is their harmony of technology and enlightenment that makes them truly special ( and therefore exceedingly rare). 15.17.1 The classification of Type VI-Masters of a Galactic Quadrant The concept of the possibility that a species may populate and coexist with distances of light years and within star clusters is the stuff if dreams. yet because it is of dreams, it exists a distinct possibility that the human species, once mastering Type V- Civilization may progress to an advanced Type VI Civilization. It is because of our diverse nature and all encompassing emotional structure that this may be so. Similar to Type V Civilizations, no actual Type VI structure appears to have existing in cohesion with the planet Earth in direct contact. however, consistent with the structure of UCA, we can conclude the following fundamental elements: Sub Classification Highest Class Legal Covenant Interstellar Leadership Legal leadership Legal leadership Legal leadership Global Systems( IMF, Global defence, etc) Global economic standards and structures Global laws Global Financiers State Economic Zones State Police & Military officials Local Leadership/officials Elected Officials Public Servants (Govt) Professionals Small Merchants (Merchants) Worker Families (Workers) 1 city/state, mapped, settlement Elected Officials Thousands of public servants tens of thousands of professionals Hundreds of thousands of small merchants Millions of workers Component UCA UCADIA Interstellar Council (federation) Interstellar Standards and Practices Planetary Council(s) Global Parliament Global Defence global markets, exchanges, rates, currency Effective global courts and laws Financial Elite Region around a city/state

As far fetched as such concepts may appear, it has been the stuff of vivid social dreams for the past thirty years. The works of George Lucas, Stephen Spielberg and others has come together to paint a picture with Isaac Azimov, Arthur C. Clarke, Jules Verne, that such a reality is possible. In harnessing UCA to its full potential, the Type V Civilization in realizing what is possible, and in the mind can be made real,

progresses with wisdom in understanding.

The greatest danger period- type IV (a) to IV (b)

The greatest danger period for 6IV higher order life is the safe transition during which the knowledge possessed by the Civilization has the potential to destroy the globe from Type (a)- capable of a planetary self extinction to Type (b)- capable of planetary eco-survival, which we are not yet. During this period civilizations type IV (a) discover the tools for genetic engineering and atomic physics. yet the sheer disruption and transference of wealth generated from new ideas threatens the very ecosystem from over population, biological warfare, thermonuclear warfare. Large, closely packed populations are mostly under threat, either via disease, war or calamity ( weather change), comets/asteroids/terrorists. It is during this period that most of those civilizations that survive this period, move away from genetic diversity and freedoms towards a more autocratic societies harnessing the behaviour of the Universe in a similar fashion to the rest of the Universe. This is where many civilizations"sell their diverse soul" to achieve the benefits of Type IV Civilizations The result is that we see the grotesquely deformed features of other higher order life in the local region that modified themselves and their technologies to achieve their goals, but in the process lost what it is like in many respects to be purely emotional beings. It is almost unheard of for a Type IV (a) Civilization to leap to a Type VI Civilization unless they acquire a dramatic improvement in their level of awareness before major genetic engineering and social controls begin in earnest. This is precisely why the model UCA is so important.

15.20 Existence of type IV, V and VI civilizations in the Milky Way

In the previous few chapters we established that no stellar system (single, double or triple star system) can be born without planets & moons ( non-photon producing mass systems). We were able to show that the uniformity of star creation is such that all stars in the universe can be classed according to the age, current personality and cycles of life. The common patterns between stars enables us to class and identify literally thousands of stars for almost each and every category.

Similarly, we were able to show that the formation of planets and moons of each and every stellar system share similar commonalities of pattern, size, position and lifecycles. Therefore, we should (in theory) be able to eventually develop techniques to identify and class the planets and moons of nearby stellar systems according to common categories of shape, structure and personality. We then established that every stellar system where at least one star exists in hydrogen to helium cycle, planets/moons will exist with water based environments to some extent. In our solar system alone, three planets/moons have significant water based environments (Earth to the Sun, Europa to Jupiter, Titan to Saturn). 15.20.1 The existence of carbon-based life on planets/moons in the Milky Way Given the estimated number of stars in the Milky Way is between 100 and 200 Billion, and the possibility of more than one environment per stellar system capable of sustaining life, that the number of life bearing planets/moons in the Milky Way alone probably exceeds 50 Billion. 15.20.2 Carbon-based life versus non-carbon based life We also established that Carbon based life is the common standard across the Galaxy for naturally occurring life, as Carbon is the only element that enables both stable molecular environments and the bonding strengths of non spherical structures. Silicate life can and does exist ( e.g. computers). However, its abundance depends upon the direct intervention of carbon based life to provide development. 15.20.3 The existence of Type IV, V and VI higher order civilizations In terms of the evolutionary path of life on Earth, we saw the emergence of species with brains around 600 million years after the second great cataclysmic asteroid shower that froze the planet. We now know that our solar system is about 5 to 6 billion years old and that the Galaxy is about 14 to 15 billion years old. We also now know that stars are formed at the edge of the galaxy and slowly spiral inwards towards the great attractor of a combined and massive great attractor- Neutron star that eventually destroys old solar systems, creating massive amounts of radiation, then leaking back out of the centre of the galaxy. We also know the relative distances between the solar system and the newest parts of the galaxy and the older parts. The older solar systems are closer towards the centre of the galaxy and the younger solar systems towards the edge of the galaxy. For every 10,000 light years closer to the centre of the galaxy, the stars are around 3 billion years older. For every 10,000 light years further away from the centre of the galaxy, the stars are 3 billion years younger.

The life expectancy of stars

We now understand the life expectancy of stars as well. Yellow

Dwarfs have a life expectancy of 8 to 10 billion years in their present state. yet we have also discovered that Hydrogen Stars are not the only stars capable of sustaining life to planets. Carbon stars, Oxygen stars too, have the potential to sustain life at much large distances (up to 2 Billion light years away from their location).

The relative stability of an older or younger solar system and therefore sustained growth of life
The Earth has been hit by at least six cataclysmic events. From what we can see asteroid hits are a common feature for all planets. However, an ocean planet that has managed to avoid one less hit, might have enjoyed a further period of uninterrupted growth of life. This could be both towards the edge of the galaxy and towards the centre of the galaxy. On Earth, life started relatively early after the environment conducive for life emerged. Within a few hundred million years, specialized higher order life forms emerged to present the dinosaurs. Importantly though, higher order life forms can only continue if the environment is conducive. There have been a number of cataclysmic events in the history of life on Earth via comets and asteroids hitting the Earth and causing life to cease for a wide area. If these interruptions did not occur, humans almost certainly wouldn't have been the most advanced higher order life form, but those that did emerge from the dinosaur or earlier periods if life was uninterrupted would have reached specialized higher order structures sooner. In terms of evolution, we are looking at possibly two, maybe even three million years earlier than now. When scientists and philosophers talk about the possibility of intelligent life in other parts of the galaxy, they forget that life on Earth has been dealt a few curve balls along the way. Life on Earth has had to go back to close to square one on several occasions. If a planet conducive to life was relatively untouched in another part of the galaxy, even if conditions conducive for life didn't stabilize for some years, then there is no doubt they could develop their culture and be further along the evolutionary curve than the human species. Given the false starts of life on Earth and statistically that life in other parts of the galaxy may have had a better ride, life on Earth almost certainly is not the most advanced life form in the galaxy. It is impossible to predict where the human race would be on a sliding scale. It maybe that we are towards the middle. or quite possibly, way down at the starting gates. Only time will tell.

15.21 Nature & patterns of behaviour of type IV, V & VI civilizations

In terms of the relative abundance of life and the likelihood of large numbers of higher order civilizations across the Milky Way, we may safely conclude that certain patterns of behaviour must exist between these civilizations and civilizations of lesser levels. Trade Colonization Control Education/Guidance War/Feud 15.21.1 Trade Inter-Stellar Trade is less likely because of the vast distances between stellar systems. However trade between different cultures within a stellar system as well as limited trade ( particular in bio and knowledge) is possible. 15.21.2 Colonization Colonization in the form of creating embassies or regions of existence in other stellar systems is also probable as a form of making peace. 15.21.3 Control Control is the behaviour of choosing to dominate and subjugate civilizations in the immediate region and is directly related to the waging of war. 15.21.4 Education/Guidance These are higher ideals and would most likely relate to Type VI Civilizations in their relationship with lower civilizations 15.21.5 War/Feud Just as humanity wars with itself, the prospect of wars between higher order civilizations is also likely.

15.22 Influence/intervention of self-aware lifeforms on nearby biospheres

According to the "civilization" classification system of higher order lifeforms, Type V and Type VI have the technological capacity to travel the vast distances of inter-stellar space and explore planets and moons of nearby stellar systems that support life (biospheres). Nearby biospheres are defined as planets/moons with developed life systems within a 2 to 10 light year radius of the home biosphere for a Type V/Type VI higher order civilization. It should therefore be expected that such advanced higher order civilizations have and continue to interact/influence in some way biospheres in the nearby regions of their home stellar systems. 15.22.1 Reasons for influence

The first assumption must relate to the relative advancement of the biospheres in question

Bio farming
Intervention may be for the practical purpose of bio farming lifeforms ( similar to our development of bio farming in the forms of fish farming, meat and livestock). This may include the farming of DNA, as well as proteins, molecular material and larger structures ( flesh, bone etc).

Intervention may be for the practical need of sourcing minerals and materials that are extremely scarce, especially the elements higher in the tables of elements.

Intervention may be for political or military reasons, similar to our understanding of strategic regions of influence, against competitors. This includes the establishing of outposts as well as small colonies.

Bio Workforce
Intervention may also be for the development of a bio workforce. Contrary to our understanding of the development of silicon based machinery- bio workforces are actually more efficient in terms of fuel requirements and more advanced than most advanced machines. Large animals such as dinosaurs would have the capacity to lift and move large objects with greater skill and flexibility that most crane lifting devices. Bipeds with sufficient strength and stamina, would have far greater flexibility in the tasks of mining and building than boring equipment alone, given the need to make repairs and work in conditions that are no usually conducive to the reliability of heavy machinery over long periods. Bio workforces that can self-reproduce are a self replenishing supply of work for Type V and Type VI Civilizations.

Intervention may be due to the ideas and beliefs that frame the higher order Civilization in terms of passing on knowledge and producing changes according to a common creed.

Aesthetic and higher reasons

Influence may occur for aesthetic reasons such as the desire to see the development of lifeforms that reflect the characteristics of the higher order life form that is intervening.

Signatures of self-aware lifeform intervention

There are a number of clues that provide irrefutable proof of higher order lifeform intervention/influence on a biosphere. We call these signs and evidence "signatures": 1. Genetic Intervention Signatures- in DNA of lifeforms that (have) or currently exist on a biosphere 2. Technology Intervention Signatures- in history of higher order lifeforms that have and or currently exist on a biosphere. 3. Environmental Intervention Signatures- in history of higher order lifeforms and/or ecosystems and/or biosphere itself. 4. Knowledge based Awareness Intervention Signatures- in history of higher order lifeforms on biosphere 5. Eikon Evidence- cultural images and words, language representing external intervention contained within culture of higher order life on biosphere. 6. Visual sightings, physical presence- record of visual sightings and physical presence by existing lifeforms on presence of non-stellar higher order lifeforms ( popularly known as UFO sightings). 15.23.1 Genetic Intervention Signatures Genetic intervention signatures are identified by differences in the normal associated ratios of patterns of evolutionary life on a biosphere. This includes: (a) rapid macro genetic mutations (b) competitive bio-advantage derived from history of rapid macro genetic mutations (c) genetic variances to near species existing and precisely corresponding to DNA representing macro genetic mutations (a) Is essentially measured in timescale for rapid genetic mutation and in the magnitude of macro genetic mutation. Tell tale signatures include timescales for rapid genetic mutation occurring in significantly or uniquely short timeframes. The magnitude of macro genetic mutations increases the improbability of naturally occurring evolution as the source of changes. macro genetic mutation cycles over a third, quarter or less time frame than the natural evolutionary cycles of the biosphere are strong signatures of external intervention. The macro genetic mutations need not be advantageous. The pedigree show dog, particularly the smaller breeds are one example where genetic mutation has lessened the genetic strength for life of one breed in favour of exaggerating certain characteristics for aesthetic desires. (b) Is essentially measured in the history of complexity and sophistication of cognitive processes to survive and prosper as well as

becoming aware of the environment vs the normal timeline history of the planet/moon. Competitive advantages that are larger and shorter in timescale are tell-tale signs. Species that dominate an environment due to large macro genetic mutations in short proof are strong proof of external intervention. The shorter the time period, the larger the advantage and macro changes, the greater the likelihood of external intervention. Time of intervention can also be traced by the fossil record of intervention. (c) Is measured in the actual existence of physical difference in DNA code and physical anatomy of one species to its nearest cousins. The more unique DNA, the more diverse the physical characteristics and the shorter the time scale, the more likely external intervention. 15.23.2 Technology Intervention SignaturesTechnology intervention. signatures are identified by the cultural history, physical archeology and environmental history of the biosphere. Technology is the capacity to construct, move and alter mass. Rapid and high levels of this knowledge, physical examples ( ruins and buildings) changes to environment (detonation impact signature of nuclear weapons) are all strong signs. 15.23.3 Environmental Intervention SignaturesEnvironmental intervention signatures are identified by the physical deviation of environmental conditions that should otherwise have prevailed. The most noticeable is the detonation impact signature of nuclear weapons, given radioactivity of asteroid and volcanic activity emit different amounts, ratio and 3D shapes of particle emission. 15.23.4 Knowledge based Awareness Intervention SignaturesSignatures of knowledge based awareness are classic signatures of external intervention. tell tale signs are: (a) rapid cultural/knowledge development (b) rapid recessive progression from cultural/knowledge heightexhibited by a seeming amnesia to the knowledge evidence in early historical cultural development. (c) over engineering, over abundance of knowledge of culture/society that does not show development of technology/progress (d) physical buildings showing advanced building/technology awareness 15.23.4 Eikon EvidenceCultural images and words, language representing external intervention contained within culture of higher order life on

biosphere. 15.23.5 Visual sightings, physical presenceRecord of visual sightings and physical presence by existing lifeforms on presence of non-stellar higher order lifeforms ( popularly known as UFO sightings).


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The human miracle

Since the earliest times, the human body has been at once an object of fascination and mystery. At a quick glance, the internal world revealed during invasive surgery or because of some accident appears a sloppy package of jelly like masses: muscle, sinew, fatty paste, bone and blood. Yet upon closer investigation under a microscope, this mess suddenly reveals an almost incomprehensibly sophisticated network of tissue cells, specialized cells, information networks, proteins, tubes and mechanical muscular systems. Like looking under bonnet of the most advanced car or machine you could imagine, there is a seemingly overwhelming complexity and delicacy- tens of Billions of neuron cells in our brain, nervous cells, specialized organs, glands, veins, sensory cells and chemical messages. No wonder that medical science have struggled for so long to find some sort of comprehendible pattern and overall structure to the body . Even now, there are widely different views as to the picture of the "whole" of the body, as opposed to the gradual and meticulous detailing of individual systems and component parts. Modern western medicine has developed their knowledge magnificently since the days a few hundred years ago when doctors would "bleeding" people to get rid of illnesses, or chop off infected arms and/or legs with crude instruments. Now surgeons use super sharp knives to precisely cut open people with a good chance of recovery on a regular basis even for relatively superficial requirements such as elective facial surgery. Eastern medicine has historically taken a different approach, trying instead to identify the synergies between the parts to understand the whole. Very few parts of eastern medicine focuses on an individual part of the human body without attempting to understand its relationship with the whole- even the relationship of say a cure to the whole. To some eastern medical practices, the traditional western medical obsession of cutting people open represents a greater threat to overall well-being than the proposed cure. Unlike traditional western medicine, eastern medicine tends to focus first on the mental and "energy" influences, rather than the symptoms. Both approaches have resulted in tremendous discoveries and understandings. The fusion of the two approaches is now recognized globally as one of the greatest advances in medicine- the usage of Eastern philosophies and Western precision techniques in fighting disease and medical ailments. Yet to both Eastern and Western philosophies, the concept of the mind has remained an elusive prize model of practical coherence. There remains no clear understanding on precise terms of a working model of what physically the mind is and how it functions in life and possibly in death.


What makes me human? However complex our analysis, however complex the terminology used in human medicine and science, when we consider the human miracle,

we are talking about ourselves. You are a human being. You are a living and breathing organism. You are on planet Earth. You have limbs, you have eyes. You have emotions. You have thoughts. You have pain. You have sickness. You have change. Some of our most basic questions in life- those that start with why are related to the human physical being-what makes me human? These include such essential related questions such as what am I made of?, why am I physically like the way that I am?(why am I, I?), where did I come from? how was I made?, how do I function? Science and medicine have been the pioneering fields of knowledge providing stronger answers to the physical self- the living and breathing human you. Beyond the simplified philosophical answers of the various religions of the world as to the purpose of our creation and position in life, it has been up to the pioneers of medicine to explain the basic physical answers to the collective questions of what makes me human? In more recent times, the tremendous advances in genetic analysis and genetic and cellular medicine has resulted in better treatment for health and surgery, as well as systems for sustaining good health. As our awareness has expanded, so has our demand and consumption of more elaborate "antidotes" or "cures" for ill health. The cosmetics industry, pharmaceutical industries have grown from corner store chemists and members of a guild, to multi-billion dollar commercial ventures. In America and Australia alone, the annual spend per household on pharmaceuticals regularly exceeds $1,500. This equates to about the standard annual wage of a person living in a third-world country. 16.1.2 What is true? what evidence is there that medicine works? Remarkably, the question that is least often asked in medicine has historically been what is true/false claims and what evidence is there that medicine works? The method of using medical knowledge, procedures and pharmaceuticals based on established and clear facts is called " evidence based medicine". The important difference between classic medicine and evidence based medicine is that evidence based medicine is based on established knowledge of all the symptoms, all the cures, all the effects and side effects of a cure, compared to patchy knowledge in these areas of classic medicine. The process is not unlike other pursuits of human engineering such as aircraft. Until the Boeing 777 was introduced, all other commercial airlines were based on years of experience of trial and error. The Boeing 747 wasn't even supposed to fly. It is an ugly duckling compared to the Concord. Yet, when they tested a large model in a wind tunnel they found the 747 to be arguably the most stable large aircraft ever built. Unfortunately, the accumulative method of trial and error- our nature method for learning is how science often approaches the human body. Some errors, can be fatal.

It may not surprise you then to consider that evidence based medicine represents just 5% of all the knowledge and procedures now used in both Western and Eastern medicine on the human body. In other words, for around 95% of medicine, only voluminous case history and isolated laboratory tests exist. Yet, neither prove the genuine nature of the recommended treatment. A common source of proof for this massive problem is the tendency for law suits to emerge around five to fifteen years after certain drugs and supports come out into the market- amalgam full of mercury poisoning people teeth with fillings. IUD's, silicon breast implants, growth hormones for women etc. 16.1.3 Our knowledge on "what makes me human?" is far from complete Contrary to the growing confidence of geneticists, doctors and scientists that we know more than ever about the physical human system, our complete knowledge on "what makes me human?" remains critically incomplete. At a philosophical level, we still do not have a practical working model of the connection to what has traditionally been termed "the spirit", or "soul", the mind, the thoughts and ideas we call I, the conscious thought, identity, then the physical brain and nervous system, to the endocrine system- the body. The body mind and spirit question remains at the heart of the majority of philosophical quests, books of philosophy and theories of philosophy. At the micro level, we still have not completed the mapping of DNA protein sequences yet. The Human Genome Project is rapidly developing, but at each new stage the question of cohesion- that is how the mapped human DNA code sequences together as a single program, or application ( e.g. grow hair, grow bone, be a boy, be a girl, lower the voice, etc) At the same level, we have the vexatious question of the 85% plus of genetic material scientists have been unable to decode into any meaningful way- commonly called Junk DNA. Like neuroglia, like bone cells, scientists call the majority of what they do not know- JUNK. Yet is this forgotten and unexplored majority of human DNA- what makes me Human actually a very special place where on more investigation, we might find answers to the emergence of the human mind, the emergence of the human "soul"- or purity of awareness (UCA). 16.1.4 UCA can assist in answering the fundamental questions of "what makes me human?" As we stated earlier, the human body and brain represent in sheer components an awesomely complex biological machine, with billions upon billions of cells interacting. However, as we have seen, UCA has enabled substantial and mindboggling concepts to be distilled down to essential points- capable of being understood by the human brain. So it is with understanding the human body and brain- that we begin with one body, one brain, which in turn is made up of inter-linking systems.

We also seek to answer the questions so elusive until now- what is the human mind physically? and how does it function physically? Once we achieve this, we will discuss the operation of the human mind- how It operates. In this way we hope to see the same synergies as observed at every other level of matter and existence- that the rules of existence remain the same, even for the human being. 16.1.5 We are not starting with a blank canvas Thanks also to the previous chapters we now can see that human beings are not the only self aware lifeforms that dream, think and communicate on planet Earth. Humans are, however, the most advanced in terms of knowledge, skills, language and social complexity. If you have completed reading the previous chapters of UCA in sequence, then you come with a greater understanding of what it means to be human and all related questions. That is because you come to have a greater appreciation of what the word "spirit" represents if considered just another name for UCAUnique Collective Awareness. If you have read Chapters 5 to 15 in sequence, then you know the connection between SPIRIT and BODY clearly. You will fully understand the meaning and implications of the words "all body is pure spirit in motion". Again if you have considered reading UCA in the order and sequence of its chapters, then you have a greater appreciation of the link between MIND (awareness in motion) and SPIRIT (pure awareness), as well as MIND (awareness in motion) and BODY (awareness in motion, with purpose in motion). Such would be your understanding that you know the fundamental answers to the riddle of MIND, BODY and SPIRIT. The only question relating to our physical selves would probably be, how do these related concepts operate for being human? 16.1.6 Chapter 16 and Chapter 18 To answer the question "what makes me human?", it is beneficial to consider the questions and answers in sequence- that is- to consider the largest questions in scope and implications first, followed by those in related life cycle ( i.e. birth, systems, ageing, function) and finally those relating to mind (who am I, why am I, I?, can I ever know I?) Therefore this section (Chapter 16 Human Body, Birth and Mind Software) deals with the fundamental concepts that link the philosophical questions of BODY and BODY, BODY and MIND as well as BODY and SPIRIT. Section 18 then follows as the next component of the sequence to focus on the specific answers and concepts surrounding the fundamental concepts of MIND and BODY, MIND and MIND, MIND and SPIRIT, SPIRIT and SPIRIT. These concepts in Chapter 18 are then expanded from this base in the

extended branch of knowledge contained in the Chapters of ME. (See Index of ME).


The complexity of knowledge of medical science

In considering the array of knowledge concerning the human body and its function, humanities greatest resource is its medical and scientific knowledge. Today, human beings have successfully accumulated millions of pages of information concerning the structure, relationships and functions of the human body. To become qualified in 1st world countries as a medical practitioner, then a person must study thousands of pages of this knowledge over a period of between five and seven years. Medicine represents one of the most esteemed qualifications in all human societies. Those that know and understand the human being are seen correctly for their healing gifts- the accumulated knowledge of how to heal.


The mind boggling array of new terms and concepts If you have not studied medicine, or molecular biology, or any of the specialized fields of neurobiology and psychology, then many of the words to be described in this section will sound strange and alien to you. In the study of the knowledge branch of human anatomy, there are over 200 discrete names for bones of the human body, hundreds of names for specialized tissue areas and hundreds more names for specialized relationships and processes (functions). It is, without having struggled through it before, a bewildering array of new terms to learn, new relationships to understand. If you have studied medicine and possibly remain active in practicing a healing art, then many of the terms in the following sections may be familiar to you.


The complexity of relationships and knowledge Even if you are a qualified representative of the medical profession, you would be one of the first to admit that even to an expert, the vast array of knowledge now available to western medical science is almost too much for one person to actively retain. It is why, after all, western medical science has split into more specialized branches of medicine. Yet, if a person is to consider an injury to their foot, or a reason for why their heart rate is higher than normal, then this specialized knowledge in the hands of someone who is aware and has experience in using that awareness is very important. We rely on medical professionals to explain to us why we feel the way we do, what is happening to you and our loved ones and what we can do to heal, or avoid illness. While we might say "my arm hurts", a medical specialist such as a radiologist may use technology known as an x-ray machine, or a magnetic resonance imager MRI machine to look past the tissue and specifically name a bone, type of bone that is broken and exactly what

type of break it is. To most of us, remembering the specific names of each of our bones seems an unnecessary burden. 16.2.3 The challenge to better know ourselves and contemporary human knowledge The challenge therefore is to better know ourselves, by being able to comprehend the knowledge contained in the medical libraries of humanity, without becoming lost and fragmented by the mountains of knowledge and terms that exist. We are not aliens outside the experience of nature. We are part of nature, just as we are part of the Earth and the solar system. Therefore, part of the solution to better understanding ourselves is seeing that patterns continue throughout all matter and all life. This is the goal of this section, to bring together the enormous understandings of the previous sections and focus them from the human experience to better understanding our physical selves and the unique journey each human beings takes.


The powerful related knowledge structure of UCA

While the massive volume of new terms and information related to human life that needs to be digested to properly understand, there is a method by which understandings can be clearer. It is based on the assumption that the previous knowledge you have read in the previous chapters provides a logos support to the understandings required in this section. In other words, we already know a great deal about the human body, mind and likely birth pattern thanks to the contents of the previous chapters.


Missing or badly described terms and processes simplified One method of clarifying the mass of terms and relationships associated with the human being is to ensure that the categorization of elements and their description are as simple as possible and provide a cohesive model. In other words, the description of groups of objects in terms of their function, greatly assists the goal of understanding human bodily function. Likewise, the use of words and combination of words to denote their relationship by category and purpose also assist in understanding the function and structure of the human body.


The use of different language, not necessarily different objects This insight brings into light the requirement to consider the use of different language to describe what otherwise are perfectly good and common sense concepts because the word is complex and unrelated in sound or construction to related words. This is a common problem across English. On the face of it, the word elbow and knee seem completely different, yet both are bone structures and joints. At the other extreme, the use of long worded latin phrases to describe these components also makes

the task of identification harder as one needs to learn latin to decipher the long meaning of words. 16.3.3 Using common sense- a six letter combination yields The use of six letters (26 letters in the alphabet as options per place) yields 300 million different word options- more than enough to construct a inter-related category scheme requiring the memorization of placement of letters into only six possible positions- a much simpler exercise for the human brain rather than descriptions longer than eight letters. Again emphasizing that the issue rests not with the concept attached to a word, but the word itself, the complexity of understanding the terms and relationships of ideas associated with the human body are substantially improved just by simplifying the language. 16.3.4 The reluctance of contemporary science to break with tradition Even though the work of Michelangelo and early scientists has now since been updated and enhanced, there is a general reluctance within the structure of contemporary science to break with naming traditions. Part of this tradition, it is argued is out of respect for the originators of those seminal thoughts of understanding. Another reason, not often spoken is that it is a system that offers immortality to those scientists that discover new theories and ideas. Similar to the analogy of pulling a thread from a rug only to find it gradually unweave into a ball of twine, the wholesale renaming and simplification of terminology used in medical science would wipe out thousands of words created in honor of hundreds of pioneering scientists. So in spite of the common sense opportunity to greatly enhance our understandings and harness human knowledge, we find in medical science, probably no greater adherence to tradition and complexity. 16.3.5 UCA as a model breaks with that tradition In an approach that will almost certainly generate anger amongst some quarters of medical science, the model UCA breaks with the naming conventions of contemporary science and instead creates a naming system incorporating relationships, larger categories and functions. Thus in recognizing a name, in combination with another set of words, a person may better understand both the location of an object, its relationship to other objects within the human body and its principle function. 16.3.6 The power of integrated knowledge What the restructure of knowledge via UCA means is the ability to fully comprehend that what has traditionally been seen as an inherently complex subject- the thousands of terms and bits of understanding associated with the complete answer of "what makes me human". The proof of its use is in considering the traditional level of understanding of a fully qualified medical practitioner on the function, purpose and relationships of specialized tissues of the human body compared to the level of understanding that you currently hold, if you

have already read chapter 1 to chapter 15 of UCA before coming to this chapter. This is the final purpose of chapters such as this. To be able to describe a level of detail to the answer of "what makes me human" equal if not greater than that normally associated with a recognized "expert" in the field. If you understand. Then the model of UCA provides utility that extends into scientific areas of medical knowledge and psychological well being.


The human body

"What am I made of?" "How do I function?"
The two most common questions we ask about our physical construction is "what am I made of?" and "how do I function?" The answers to both questions have multiple layers of meaning and detail, that often can be bewildering once you begin to discuss specific systems within the human body. There are several ways in which various texts and teachers provide answers to such questions. To children it used to be encapsulated in a nursery rhythm- "sugar and spice and all things nice, that what girls are made of".. To children at school, we are taught more and more layers of detail about the complex organism that is the human being. At University we may be enrolled in one of the medical sciences. Here we are literally bombarded with thousands of facts about the function and structure of the human body- all requirements of knowledge in order to pass western exams for medicine. So it is, as we venture through each successive layer of knowledge, the picture of "what am I made of?" and "how do I function?" becomes more complex as we approach an approximate truth. For most of us, the lists of facts and treatments prescribed by doctors is far too numerous and complex to say anything more than "OK". Yet is this an optimum method of describing the answers that exist to the question "what am I made of?" and "how do I function?" Instead of diving straight into the complex categorization of the hundreds of bones, organs, glands, tissues, veins and inner workings of the human body, let us start at the top and summarize what we know via UCA about the first question- "what am I made of?"


The unique collective body of awareness (UCA) If you have read the previous chapters then the first substance, the primary substance from which we are made is pure awareness- UCA. This is the same as every other thing we see, think or feel. Every particle at its heart is awareness in motion- the dream in motion. At this most basic level we are the stuff of dreams and part of the dreamer. As explained in Chapter 5 and successive chapters, the human being like all existence is both real and ethereal at the same time- in support to the research completed by Plato in the concept of IDEA and EIKON.


Awareness makes up matter- molecules, atoms While some readers may still find this concept difficult and contradictory to their own beliefs ( particularly if you haven't read UCA starting from chapter 1), then there should be no disagreement that at the level of matter, human beings are also made of complex arrangements of atoms and molecules. We are, like all life, basically complex arrangements of hydro-carbon atoms. The majority (95%)of what makes us up can be categorized into four basic elements- hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and carbon. At this level, we share a common bond with all matter in the universe, with our star, with our planet, with our galaxy. In other words, when you look at a rock, or a pool of water, you share much of the same building materials as these- although arranged in a far more intricate and complex arrangement.


Molecules make up cells-Corpus the cellular universe Then at the building block level of all life, we are essentially a colony of cells. At the cellular level, our cells function with the same basic characteristics of all living cells. We have DNA like all other cells, we have cell membranes and specialized cells. At the cellular level we share common heritage to the smallest and most ancient of lifeforms- bacteria, fungi and algae. We are in fact distant relatives to all life, including the animals we slaughter to eat. We describe this universe of cells, CORPUS in honor of the base intelligence of the planet which we call our home. We are part of CORPUS and CORPUS is part of us.


The structure of a vertebrate Within CORPUS, we belong to the most advanced general branch- the vertebrates (constituting less than 2% of all life on earth (Corpus). While vertebrate are the minority of lifeforms on the planet earth, they are by far the most advanced, having mastered climactic changes and the ability to produce independent volition ( movement).


The structure of a primate Within the general classes of species that constitute vertebrates, humans belong to a narrow class known as bipeds. Within this class we belong to a group known as the primates- Two legs, two arms, five fingers on each foot and hand. Our physiological structure as well as our genetic protein DNA coding shares strong similarities with chimpanzees and gorillas, in spite of obvious external differences. Humans in terms of their basic anatomy and functionality are primate- apes.


Human birth
"How was I made?" "Where did I come from?"

As we outlined, answers to the questions "what am I made of?" and "how do I function?" provide a level of detail to our physical body. In our society, those that are traditionally seen to possess the greatest knowledge to these questions are those that hold the degree of medical practitioners. In traditional indigenous communities the same position would be one known as the "witch doctor or medicine man". However, questions "what am I made of?" and "how do I function?" are not the only two physical questions that human beings ask about themselves and "what makes me human?". At a very early age, children often begin to ask the questions "how was I made?", or "where did I come from?" Just like the nursery rhythm answer "Sugar and spice and all things nice", western society has traditionally offered many simplified answers as well as detailed answers to these questions- both in terms of species and in terms of our own personal physical development. In modern society, our first examples of birth and answers to the questions "how was I made?" and "where did I come from?" appear in story books about "storks" and "alligators" and other metaphors. Whatever metaphors are used, pregnant women have a special and mystical aura about them in our lives. There is something complete and special about a women giving birth- something safe and inviting. Prior to the general breakdown of social morality in most western countries, pregnant women were given much greater respect. Some of the earliest human civilized relics of Europe are of a pregnant female fertility goddess. 16.5.1 The mystery of human birth and development Human birth is a strange and mysterious event. Human beings do not begin developing one heart as a perfect miniature replica. It is as if the body evolves through several "generations" of specialized organs until the foetus finally settles down to look vaguely more human. For different periods of the development of a human being, we look for all the world like- a bacterium initially, then any multi-cellular organism, then a species, then an animal, then a vertebrate animal, then a primate, then a human. Mystery still surrounds each of these critical initial stages- the birth of our brain, the birth of our heart, the birth of our spine, the birth of our other organs and then the beginning of each of these organs to function. 16.5.2 The importance of understanding the purpose of and function of the sequence of human birth One of the great hopes of genetic science is the development of cures for human disease and malfunction. Yet cloning has already proven to be a difficult taskmaster. The genetic modification and engineering of human DNA, particularly the synthesis of a fully functioning human with completely tailored growth characteristics is still a fair way off. The reason is not just the interpretation of code sequence, but the way the program runs. For instance, genetic defects in the organs of the human body, that then result in physical deformities at birth, don't simply appear when a

baby is born- they evolve as malformations during the life learning and life growing process. Therefore, in understanding better "why" the heart, lungs, brain and other key tissue centres undergo the transformation process they do, we might better understand where in the birth cycle we may address early on the potential for evolving malformations in birth, apart from eliminating code generated defects. 16.5.3 The psychological and physical understanding of the human birth cycle Yet there is even more power associated with understanding the full implications of "how was I made?" and "where did I come from?" when considering the psychological implications. We are a product of not just our environment, but come to be born, by a live screening of the movie called LIFE ON EARTH- in action within the womb of our mother. We not only represent all life, but have already lives a period of our own existence, our own experience, our own touchstone with every other living things and every level of CORPUS. We know what life is like being a bacterium. We have lived life as a bacterium, we share an inherited memory of what life is like for a bacterium, we are part of the bacteria family. Similarly, there is a part of our cellular memory that knows what it is like to be a fish, or a dog, or a cat, or another primate. We have been at the same point they were in their cellular evolution and then gone past that- advanced genetically past that point. Retouching this cellular memory is vitally important for several reasons- most importantly for a state of healthy well being. because we live in a cellular universe, this touchstone helps us, reminds us what it is like to be a bacteria, how bacteria behave, how they communicate, how they resolve issues. All of these processes are the basis of our immune system and our homeostasis- state of physical equilibrium.


The human mind

"What am I?" "Why am I, I?"
While medical science has accomplished fantastic feats of research and study in to unlocking the mysteries of the human body in terms of what is it made of and how does it function, when it comes to the human mind- there remain significant gaps. The two most common questions asked regarding our mind apart from "what is it?" is "what am I?" and "why am I, I?". By the words "what am I?" we mean, the internal question that begs the question of the true identity of I- the self. Serious attempts to provide answers to both of these primary questions did not emerge until the late 19th Century with the

pioneering work of Dr Sigmund Freud. It was his ingenious concept of considering the human mind not as one self identity, but os a series of sometimes competing and complementing identities- the id, the ego, the superego. As a result of this work, practitioners have found over the past hundred years that such an approach provides powerful insight into a host of human behaviour, mental illnesses and motivations. 16.6.1 The missing elements to the answers to the questions While Freud and other pioneers of the science of psychology have provided wonderful models to extend our understanding of self, on personal reflection the answer is harder to confirm within ourselves. When we seek to inwardly reflect- to consider the ego, or the superego or the id, their location and their current state are difficult to capture. It is as if, when we immerse within ourselves, all that is sure and concrete changes like quicksilver. As soon as we grasp an insight, another element falls away or changes. The journey to discover self takes more than a few summaries- some believe it takes a lifetime to discover who and what we are. In this chapter we will introduce some fundamental concepts that are then expanded within CHAPTER 18- HUMAN AWARENESS. 16.6.2 Moving beyond self knowledge If the question of self knowledge is hard enough, then the second question- "why am I, I?" is even more complex. It is one thing to know the identity of thyself- to know oneself, it is another to ponder the implications of the question why? Why do we exist when others do not? why are we human and not some other animal? why are we alive when so many people we know are not? why am I, I? It is a thought provoking and seemingly unanswerable question. So difficult in fact that many religions and philosophies make no attempt to provide a suitably cohesive model and instead produce the phrase "only God knows." 16.6.3 The quicksilver nature to these questions If we have ever searched for answers to these questions, or even if we have considered these questions at all, you probably know that it is a frustrating subject to pin down. Just as you think you have an answer to a part of your personality or who you really are, the "you" shifts again and another whole can of worms seems to open. This can be evidenced by the journey of self knowledge and the stumbling across seeming astonishing flaws and dark thoughts. As human beings interacting in modern society, most of us keep these thoughts to ourselves, under a virtual kind of lock and key. For a few, the reverse is the case and they relish in their enjoyment in playing out their darkest desires as sadists, serial killers. 16.6.4 The complex and seemingly endless layers of required understanding to answers to these questions Yet it is not just the quicksilver nature to answers to the questions of why am I, I? and what am I? It is also the seeming endless layers of complexity and implication.

Many of the greatest minds who have sought to unlock the definitive answers to these simplest of questions "what am I?" and "why am I, I?" have gone completely mad. Their intense self reflection has caused their daily routines to collapse, people around them to grow frustrated at their remoteness and inconsistency and for their health to suffer. Their minds have simply fragmented to a point until it could not operate at a cohesive whole as expected in modern society. Considering the complexity and volume of knowledge on the subject of what it means to be human, it might be understandable that many great philosophers have gone crazy. yet is this the only fate of the search for self knowledge? Is there some hope we can achieve depth and detail- not just spiritual, but physical and mental at the same time? 16.6.5 The assistance of UCA Ancient wisdom from the East and ancient Western cultures have understood the power of meditation and prayer to extend understanding of self for many thousands of years. Yet in the areas of physical and mental knowledge, the cohesion between clearing the mind of all thoughts and the attempt to rearrange consciousness into a single clear, peaceful, constant thought has seemed impossible. Now UCA provides a solution, by structuring answers to the physical self, the mind self and answers to these questions structured so that the answers are "in context". In other words, there can be no confusion as to the answers, their context and their implications for further questions and answers associated with "what makes me human." 16.6.5 The book of SELF The complete 23 chapters of Self, is dedicated to providing tremendous detail and context to the questions "what am I?" and "why am I, I?" in addition to chapter 18 and 19 of UCA.


The human life experience

"What happens to I?" "When does what happen to I?"
W e know that much of our life experience is shaped by our awareness of events that happen to us. The experience of losing one or both parents. The experiences of growing up at school. Our first sexual experiences. Whatever experiences we have undergone, there are principally two key questions relating to the human life experience "what happens to I?" and "when does what happen to I?"


If only to be a fortune teller The answer to the first question is better understanding life's journeyits good times and bad. This includes such essential education as sex education for children about to change during puberty, through to understanding the process of ageing and the final process of death. In most western societies, the explanation of life's experiences has

largely been seen as a parental responsibility for many years. However, now it is seen as an important part of school life that students learn within a classroom context important understandings about community life, sex, the danger of drugs and the processes of growing up. In terms of describing these life ages- science has provided an essential framework. However within modern society this framework no longer translates into a meaningful template. The age of 18 bears no genetic significance to the development of the human being, compared to say the period 13 to 14 when for most children the changes of puberty take place. Similarly, the age of 65 has little or no significance in terms of physical changes, compared to the period of change within women known as "menopause" when the regular cycle of regeneration of the uterine lining and preparation for fertilization starts to slow down. Without a framework that both aligns what we feel physically and what we experience and develop mentally, it is difficult to place into context the order of events that a person who successfully lives to an age of 72 or more may experience. We will discuss 16.7.2 The UCA aligned cycle of life experiences To provide some structure to our understanding of the cycle that is our lives, UCA provides a aligned lifecycle structure ( discussed in far more detail in future chapters). LEVEL NAME L0 L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 L10 L11 L12 All Foetal Infancy Childhood Youthhood Adulthood AGE RANGE Our first form- the potential, the idea, the matter of existence. 0- to birth birth to 4 4 to 11 19 to 33 33 to 50 AGE LENGTH Eternal Mortal- (less than 1 yr) Mortal- (4 yrs) Mortal- (7 yrs) Mortal-(8 yrs) Mortal-(14 yrs) Mortal-(17 yrs) Mortal-(20 yrs) MortalVARIABLE Mortal Immortal

Adolescence 11 to 19

Seniorhood 50 to 70 Elderhood Death Transition Angel All+ ME 70 to death The moment of dying and death The moment of transition to angel, ghost

The stage of enlightenment as Immortal an angel Our final journey, our final death and ultimate birth. Eternal

In this chapter, we are concerned with L1- the Foetal and birth stagethe formation of the physical self and physical systems that provide the temple for the consciousness that is what calls itself I.


The cyclical nature of the cycle of life If you look at this list you will notice a number of different elements, most interestingly, the cyclical nature of the list. The list identifies ourselves as having originated from ALL, being part of ALL and ALL at the same time and ultimately returning to a unique consciousness of ALL, or UCA. For most adult humans, the focus on the cycle of their own lives probably extends no further than a few weeks, or possibly even a few months. That is because our focus on the changes, transition and where we all head is focused more on the mortal experience of lifelove, joy, emotions, hurt, ideas, people, regrets, memories. So it is for many of us, our perspective on what is the cycle of human existence is possibly no longer or deeper in understanding than LEVELS 2 TO LEVEL 9. Anything before that, or after that is a mystery- a "grey" area where only ideas exist on what it might be. If only we truly knew what we were saying when we said we only have "ideas about existence (dreams, awareness in motion) beyond physical life". In other words, by stating the truth- we only have ideas- we describe the very thing that exists beyond life- boundless ideas and dreams and infinite possibilities.


The human purpose

"Why does what happen to I?" "Why?"
Beyond the previous pairing of questions lies the final questions and answers most often associated with "why does what happen to I?" and "why?" In philosophical terms, the answers to these questions most often give rise to glimpses of the mind of the universe- the mind of what we may have traditionally called "God". In spiritual terms, answers to the question why would go a long way to providing some comfort in understanding our destiny, life after death and the concept of a large force in nature, the earth and the universe. Why do some things happen to I? is probably one of the most profoundly mysterious questions- that for many, few answers provide any degree of comfort.


Why do bad things happen to some of us? The reason why comes sharply into focus during the time of grief over the death of a person close to us. No answers yet provide adequate reasoning behind the death of some people, over the prolonged life of others. Parents live on, while their children die before them. Some beautiful and good people die of horrible sicknesses, while some evil people seem to live until 100. Our parents have died or will die. We will die. Answers like "it is all part of God's will" is not enough. It simply doesn't cut it as a sensible or detailed answer. If anything, the answer

generates the image of a precocious God wielding his power, fingering people at whim to die or to be hurt, for no good reason other than he can. The lack of any reasonable explanation to the pain and suffering that exists in the world is the major motivation for people to lose their belief in a God or a certain faith later on in life. 16.8.2 UCA and finding answers to the reasons why? Just as UCA provides answers to all the previous questions, the most powerful answers really come into focus when we consider the largest and most important questions of why? and what makes me human?. It is at this fundamental level that UCA stands apart as a model for conceiving the context and purpose of our existence.


UCA- unique collective (body) of awareness

When considering the physical human body, one of the hardest concepts to take in is the concept that what we feel and what we are is ultimately unique awareness in motion. Every physical particle of our bodies is "dream dust". While we may now accept the existence of an external force, be it "God", or some other name, it is very difficult on reflection to consider ourselves as anything less than divine. To many of us, our upbringing in context of religion has specifically positioned us and all of life as separate from the divine. For those religions that do speak of a soul, its connection to us is described as at best "tenuous" and at risk of being lost due to poor deeds and thoughts. In spite of the christian concept attributed to Jesus "I am in you and you are in me", few preachers provide any positive insight into the "connectiveness" between all things.


Answering the question of immortality That we are part of UCA before we became human means that we are and always will be part of UCA, we will never die. As poets and philosophers will tell you, a person may be tortured and tormented, but their mind is a palace, that is free to roam. How can something that is and has always been ethereal, the thought, the dream, be unmade at the point of physical death? Medical scientists and scientists may correctly describe the physical mechanisms associated with thinking and dreaming, but what of the dream itself? No real weight is put on what is considered an effect of the physical, something that cannot be properly quantified. In a funny way 20th century thinking has gone a long way to proving categorically and unequivocally that thoughts and dreams are not measurable and valid in terms of the physical- they lie outside the physical. But returning again to the basic substance that makes up the smallest objects that make up the atoms within our bodies, everything about us is UCA. That matter may re-arrange does not mean the awareness, the unique awareness associated within our physical form is lost. We have and will always live forever.


UCA and our relationship to "God" That we are part of UCA means that as unique collectives of awareness we share in the mystery of being part of the one and being the one at the same time. Simply put, what this means is that there is no unique higher spiritual power more advanced than ourselves. We are not on the third or lower rows of spiritual importance (behind say angels, and saints). In the eyes of UCA- we are absolutely UCA and UCA is absolutely us. We are the absolute and part of the absolute. The only thing that is distinguished as being of greater influence is the harnessing of our unique collective awareness with others- of being more than one human, of being part of a family, a tribe (community) a connected planet of beings. These discussions come later. But for now, let me say that everything you have read reinforces categorically and unequivocally that you are part of the divine and the instantiation of the divine at the same time. If it is God that you long to meet, then walk to the bathroom and look in the mirror. If you feel less divine because of some thoughts within your mind, then walk outside and see the many faces of God walking down the street, or growing in your garden, or shining down on you.


UCA and the continuous operation of the 12 laws of creation What we know extends beyond our immediate awareness of form further- to the world of protons, ergons and photons. That the laws of creation exist at each and every level. That as part of these worlds, our awareness is broader and splendid as the stars, galaxies, planets and atoms. And further still, to the very act of free will of absolute existence- the 12 laws being: AEONS- The 12 Laws of Creation 1. Goal law I wish to exist. 7. Awareness of position in dimension 8. Immediate near neighbours As I exist in 3 dimensional space, I can only interact with immediate near neighbours according to the laws of LOGOS. 9. Exclusiveness of position No two points will ever occupy the same position 10. Change of position To exist, you change position. For you to exist, I change position

2. Logos law To exist, I use logos-

3. Creation law To exist, I exist as4. Co-dependence law For I (The UCA) to exist, you (The Universe) exist For you (The Universe) to exist, I (The UCA) exist

5. Specialization law For I to exist, you exist as- For you to exist, I exist as6. Geometry

11. Conservation of effort Using the laws of geometry and Logos, I use the minimum required motion to achieve my goal 12. Change of position

16.10 CORPUS- the cellular universe

In Chapter 15, we provided a summary of CORPUS- the Cellular Universe and the position of the neuron as the oldest and wisest of cells. Given that human beings are part of the CORPUS, it make sense that all of the cells to be found in our body are also to be found elsewhere in the CORPUS. In other words, that we will see liver cells in other species cells, that we have bacteria throughout our cellular colonies, mitochondria, neurons, muscle cells etc. 16.10.1 We are Specialized colonies in a sea of bacteria Just as we visually consider walls and doors and even glass windows to be solid, we view our bodies as reasonably solid. Yet to bacteria, we are like the city of New York to a tourist for the first time- a complex arrangement of Specialized cells, with roads and inlets to travel. We live on Earth, a system dominated (80%) by mono cellular organisms. No matter what we think, or how we try to avoid the fact, our lives (and our deaths) are intimately linked to the sea of bacteria in which we live. Good bacteria assist we, as a colony of Specialized living cells to function as a cohesive whole, breaking down food matter, providing Specialized molecular components. Bad bacteria also live within our city limits and on regular occasions seek to rise up and challenge the well being of our community of cells. 16.10.2 We are completely bonded to the universe of bacteria Since the first realizations regarding bacteria, just 200 years ago, humans have been obsessed about the dangers and avoidance of bad bacteria. Bad bacteria after all, account directly to 90% of known diseases and probably contribute in some way to the remainder. Thus it makes sense that if we avoid as far as possible these deadly parasites, our lives somehow will be prolonged. Sadly this "build a wall" mentality is completely misguided if we choose to live in any functioning way on planet Earth. The human body is far from stable at the level of atoms and molecules. We are a maelstrom of activity, competing with the

fluctuations in atmospheric pressures, of external ergon fields. Our bodies at the very smallest levels, must compete and fight for survival in an uncertain solution of weak chemical bonds (air). At the next level up, the cellular level, our bodies similarly are geared to fight for survival in an uncertain world. Much of our internal cellular resources are geared for battle (immune system). Our knowledge of battle is an essential component to a sustained and healthy lifestyle. An overactive immune system can be just as deadly as a depressed immune system. It is often why elite athletes get sick before large events and are seemingly overly at risk to catching "colds" and "flu's". It is simply because their immune systems and bodies are so primed that their immune systems are itching for a fight- and in many cases, take off fighting even the simplest of bacterial challenges, even if it is completely over the top. Sure, we may seek to rid our home worlds of bacteria and therefore the risk of disease. However, our health is dependent upon progressive exposure to lower level attacks to withstand specific parasitic attacks. In other words, if our immune system loses the art of making and winning war, then we will be ill prepared for the next great battle. In the United States, where cleanliness has been an obsession for decades, there is now overwhelming proof that children are less 16.10.3 The sadness of failing to observe and respect bacteria Enter into this world, the independent lifeform- the bacteria, that has the unique advantage of having existed in the universe outside of of our city limits and the ability to move in and out of our bodies.

16.11 Level 6- body of self aware life

In Chapter 15, we provided a summary of CORPUS- the Cellular Universe and the position of the neuron as the oldest and wisest of cells. Given that human beings are part of the CORPUS, it make sense that all of the cells to be found in our body are also to be found elsewhere in the CORPUS. In other words, that we will see liver cells in other species cells, that we have bacteria throughout our cellular colonies, mitochondria, neurons, muscle cells etc. However, as the dominant intelligence on the planet, we should also expect to see specific cells unique to the human species- cells that stand apart from other species. This is one of the more controversial concepts within UCA- that human beings possess cells that are superior to certain other lifeforms. 16.11.1 The possession of specialized superior neuron cells As we discussed in the previous chapter, it is the neuron that is the superior cell within the CORPUS. And it is the most specialized functional neurons where we find the key to understand the powerful intellect of the human being. Furthermore, as neuron cells are oldest of species cells, we should

expect to find these most advanced cells forming part of the oldest network within the human body- the skeletal, vertebrate, central nervous system, spinal column (hypothalamus). As we also discussed, when looking at a hypothalamus we often consider something so small versus the mass of neurons within the cortex and fail to see the method of nature. The hypothalamus of advanced self aware lifeforms are packed full of spider neuronswhose thin tentacles of axons extend out like a web across the neocortex region and back through to connective tissue. They are indeed strange and amazing neurons.

16.12 The primate body

At the heart of our physical nature, we remain principally a larger version of a single cellular organism- a large body of cells functioning as a whole. Like the cells that constitute the body, the overall colony of cells requires food at the most basic cellular level- atomic components such as hydrogen and carbon. In addition, it relies upon the attraction of ergons and movement that takes place during a strong chemical fission reaction. The trillions upon trillions of mitochondria that inhabit the cells of the human body, especially those associated with movement- the heart, the brain and other key organs. 16.17.1 Traditional view of looking at strong chemical fission systems Contemporary medicine uses such categories as the respiratory system to describe the process of human breathing and the need for oxygen to survive. Yet the category does not provide any clear underlying purpose and reason. Medical practitioners reading this article may consider the common sense response that if a person did not breath they would die. Yet the reason oxygen is important and the purpose of the lungs is important. 16.17.2 Up to 40% of required oxygen is absorbed via the skin Contrary to the belief that the lungs is the only method by which oxygen enters the system, the human skin attracts up to 40% of required oxygen taken directly into the system and used. That is why a human will suffocate if the surface of their skin is sealed. 16.17.3 The importance of mitochondria The reason we breath in terms of food is for the supply of materials for mitochondria. As discussed in Chapter 12, Mitochondria are the source of internally generated motion within the body- the physical origin of manifestation of thought (as opposed to neurons that use this motion to move objects). Interestingly, emphasis on Mitochondrial research has tended to focus on the chemical process , assuming the process itself is merely

the means. yet it is exactly that- what happens to the shape and movement of mitochondria during the strong chemical fission process that is so important. Like a cylinder in a car engine, the mitochondria accept in chemical materials and fuel. Like a car engine, the mitochondria mix together these materials under contracting pressure- squeezing space between molecules and atoms until there is a strong chemical reaction. Like the piston, the outer cell envelopes of the mitochondria expand outwards rapidly because of the moment of reaction and the subsequent kinesis wave creates physical wave of motion. This wave of motion, pushes other objects around the mitochondria. Like a piston the process continues to produce machine motion. Thus mitochondria enable motion to be originated within a cell. Original motion is critical in areas where self reliance and independent reliance can be guaranteed. The heart is an excellent example. the brain is another excellent example. The spinal cord is another example.

16.13 Physical human systems

People sometimes call the human body a machine--the most wonderful one ever built. Of course, the human body is not a machine. But it can be compared to one in many ways. Like a machine, the body is made up of many parts. Each part of the body, like each part of a machine, does special jobs. But all the parts work together and so make the body or the machine run smoothly. Also like a machine, the body needs energy to work. In such a machine as a car, the energy comes from petrol. In the body, it comes from food and oxygen. Although the human body can be compared to a machine, it is far more amazing than any machine. It can do things that no machine can do. For example, the body can grow. The body starts out as one cell. In time, this tiny cell develops into a body consisting of trillions of cells. The human body can also replace certain worn-out parts. Each day, about 2 billion of the body's cells wear out and are replaced. Thus, the body is always rebuilding itself. Every 15 to 30 days, for instance, the human body replaces the outermost layer of skin. The human body can defend itself against hundreds of diseases. The body can also repair itself after most small injuries. Many body parts, such as the heart and kidneys, work continuously. The heart of a 70year-old person, for example, has pumped at least 174 million litres of blood during that person's life. In addition, the person's kidneys have removed wastes from more than 3.8 million litres of blood. By using its senses, the body can detect changes in its surroundings, such as changes in temperature, light, or sounds. It can adjust to these changes immediately. The body's senses are truly incredible. For instance, people can learn to identify thousands of odour's, yet smell is one of the least developed senses in human beings. The human body can also detect changes that occur within itself, such as changes in body temperature. The various parts of the body continuously adjust their activities to keep the "inside" environment normal. Such adjustments rely on a system of nerves that carries messages from

one part of the body to another. The messages travel at speeds of up to 90 metres per second. The most remarkable part of the human body is the brain. The human brain is so highly developed that it makes people different from all other living things. Their magnificent brain makes people able to think. They can compose silly rhymes or beautiful poetry. They can imagine a dream world or study the mysteries of the atom. No animal--no matter how cunning--and no computer--no matter how powerful--can think like a human being. The brain and the exquisitely complex nervous system, which ramifies throughout the body, work in close collaboration with the blood-borne hormones. These are the body's inbuilt control systems, orchestrating all that we are and we do. 16.5.1 What the body is made of- chemical elements and molecules Like all things--living and nonliving--the human body consists of atoms of chemical elements. The most common chemical elements in the body are carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen. The body also contains smaller amounts of many other elements, including calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, and sodium. The most common molecule in the human body is water. A molecule of water consists of two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen. Water makes up about 65 per cent of the body. Most of the chemical reactions that occur in the body require water. Except for water, all of the chief molecules in the body contain the element carbon. The most important carbon-containing molecules are large, complicated structures called macromolecules. There are four main kinds of macromolecules in the body: carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids. Carbohydrates provide energy that powers all the body's activities. Lipids have several jobs. Some lipids, particularly the fats, store extra fuel. Other lipids serve as one of the building materials for the cells that make up the body. Proteins also have various duties. Many proteins serve as building blocks for cells. Other proteins, called enzymes, speed up the chemical reactions within the body. Nucleic acids carry instructions that tell each cell how to perform its particular jobs. For more information on macromolecules, see the article LIFE (The chemical basis of life). 16.5.2 Organs and organ systems Cells and tissues. The cell is the basic unit of all living things. The cells of the human body consist chiefly of molecules of water, proteins, and nucleic acids. The molecules that make up the cells are not alive, but the cells themselves are living things. Each of the body's cells is able to take in food, get rid of wastes, and grow. Most of the cells can also reproduce. A thin covering consisting of lipid molecules encloses each cell. This lipid envelope permits only certain substances to enter or leave the cell. The body has many basic kinds of cells, such as blood cells, muscle cells, and nerve cells. Each kind of cell has special features and jobs. Cells of the same type form tissues. The body has four chief kinds of tissues. (1) Connective tissue helps support and join together various parts

of the body. Most connective tissue is strong and elastic (2) Epithelial tissue covers the body surface and so forms the skin. It also lines such body openings as the mouth and throat. Epithelial tissue prevents harmful substances from entering the body. (3) Muscle tissue consists of threadlike fibres that can contract (shorten). Muscle tissue makes it possible for the body to move (4) Nervous tissue carries signals. Its system of nerve cells permits various parts of the body to communicate with one another. 16.5.3 Specialized cell colonies An organ consists of two or more kinds of tissues joined into one structure that has a certain task. The heart, for example, is an organ whose job is to pump blood throughout the body. Connective tissue, muscle tissue, and nervous tissue make up the heart. Groups of organs form organ systems. Each organ system carries out a major activity in the body. For example, the digestive system consists of various organs that enable the body to use food. Similarly, the nervous system is made up of organs that carry messages from one part of the body to another. The remainder of this article discusses the main organ systems of the human body. For more detailed descriptions of the major organs and organ systems, see the articles listed in the Related Articles at the end of this article. 16.5.4 Organ Systems Given the detailed analysis of the previous chapters we can view the human body as a series of cohesive self contained but interdependent systems: SYSTEM Skin Skeletal System Neural System Strong Chemical Fission System Weak Chemical Fission System Central Control System Muscular System Circulatory System Waste Systems Immune System Reproductive System Sensory Systems PURPOSE The outer membrane and filter system The skeletal system The data processing and pattern recognition system The extraction of atomic and ergon particles plus the reaction to produce internal movement and a source of energis The extraction of polymer and monomer molecular structures for building, maintenance and good health The endorcrine system of glands producing hormones for the transmission of actions throughout the body upon receiving neuro transmitters. The movement support systems The transport mechanism for polymer and molecular structures The waste disposal system of fission reactions The bodies internal defence network The sexual reproductive organs The information gathering systems of the body

16.14 System: the skin

The skin, which is sometimes called the integumentary system, is the largest organ of the body. If the skin of a 68-kilogram person was spread out flat, it would cover about 2 square metres. Skin has three layers: (1) the epidermis, (2) the dermis, and (3) the subcutaneous tissues. The epidermis forms the outermost layer of the skin. It serves as a barrier between the outside world and the inner tissues of the body. The outer portion of the epidermis consists of tough, dead cells that prevent bacteria, chemicals, and other harmful substances from entering the body. It also protects the body's inner tissues from the harsh rays of the sun and prevents the loss of water from these tissues. The dermis is the middle layer of the skin. The dermis helps keep the temperature of the body within its normal range. The body produces tremendous amounts of heat as it uses food. Some of this heat escapes from the body through the blood vessels in the dermis. When the body needs to retain heat, these blood vessels narrow and so limit heat loss. When the body needs to give off heat, the blood vessels in the dermis expand and so increase heat loss. The sweat glands, which are part of the epidermis, also help control body temperature. These glands produce sweat, which is released through pores on the skin surface. As the sweat evaporates from the surface, it cools the body. The dermis also serves as an important sense organ. Nerve endings within the dermis respond to cold, heat, pain, pressure, and touch. Subcutaneous tissues form the innermost layer of the skin. This layer provides extra fuel for the body. The fuel is stored in fat cells. The subcutaneous layer also helps retain body heat, and it cushions the inner tissues against blows to the body. 16.14.1 Skin- the forgotten system for supporting cell growth Science has typically seen fuel intake through two main systems, the respiratory system and the digestive system. There is a third, that for some reason has been left out in terms of behaving like a fuel intake as well as a sensory system- the skin. The skin and surface vein network in fact is one of the most efficient methods of fuel intake. If it wasn't, then paramedics could not administer intra venous fed drips of saline to help stem blood loss. You couldn't penetrate it! All three systems provide specific building materials and information for cell replication. The lungs not only intakes oxygen, essential for blood and for tissue growth, the lungs also intake other nutrients by way of Nitrogen and even Carbon. The digestive system is responsible for gathering the more complex components for bodily function, the heavy elements. It is also

responsible for generating the largest catalysts in the body for chemical recomposition. We then have the skin as a place for absorbing smaller catalysts for healthy cell growth via the creation of vitamins . This is why humans that have no access to sun normally have less than average levels of Vitamin D, reflected in the vitality of surface cells and an important part of developing an effective immune system. A proof of the skins absorption of outer side molecules on its surface is poisons through the skin. That this occurs every day across the world (thousands of people who get sick because of something poisonous on their skin) is proof that part of the skins job is to absorb certain structures. Further proof is that all humans have skin pigment. Pigments primary purpose is to react with something - to do something. The basic existence of pigments in almost all humans is further proof of the forgotten purpose of skin. The behaviour of our skin is a living reminder to our common ancestry to all higher organized Hydro-Carbon Biologics- the behaviour of cell walls as entry points and source points for food. Our skin is our oldest biological method as a living organism of acquiring food!

16.15 System: the skeletal system

The skeleton of an adult consists of more than 200 bones. The skeleton forms a strong framework that supports the body. It also helps protect the internal organs. For example, the brain is shielded by the skull, the spinal cord by the spinal column, and the heart and lungs by the ribs.

The skeleton works together with the muscles in enabling the body to move. The bones of the shoulders and arms, for instance, serve as levers against which the muscles that move the arm can pull. The place where bones meet is called a joint. There are two basic kinds of joints. (1) Freely movable joints, such as the elbow, knee, and shoulder joints, permit varying degrees of motion. The bones of a movable joint are held together by bundles of tough, flexible connective tissue called ligaments. (2) Immovable joints do not permit any movement of the bones. The bones of the skull, except for the jawbones, meet in fixed joints. The skeleton serves as more than a framework for the body and a system of levers to help move the body. Bone tissue contains various kinds of cells that play a major role in keeping the blood healthy. The cells of bone marrow--the soft, fatty core of many bones--produce new blood cells and release them into the bloodstream. Two kinds of bone cells regulate the mineral content of the blood. One kind removes calcium, phosphorus, and other minerals from the blood and deposits them in the bone. The other kind dissolves old mineral deposits and releases the minerals back into the bloodstream as needed.

16.16 System: the neural system

In Chapter 15, we provided a summary of CORPUS- the Cellular Universe and the position of the neuron as the oldest and wisest of cells.

Given that human beings are part of the CORPUS, it make sense that all of the cells to be found in our body are also to be found elsewhere in the CORPUS. In other words, that we will see liver cells in other species cells, that we have bacteria throughout our cellular colonies, mitochondria, neurons, muscle cells etc. However, as the dominant intelligence on the planet, we should also expect to see specific cells unique to the human species- cells that stand apart from other species. This is one of the more controversial concepts within UCA- that human beings possess cells that are superior to certain other lifeforms. 16.16.1 The possession of specialized superior neuron cells

As we discussed in the previous chapter, it is the neuron that is the superior cell within the CORPUS. And it is the most specialized functional neurons where we find the key to understand the powerful intellect of the human being. Furthermore, as neuron cells are oldest of species cells, we should expect to find these most advanced cells forming part of the oldest network within the human body- the skeletal, vertebrate, central nervous system, spinal column (hypothalamus). As we also discussed, when looking at a hypothalamus we often consider something so small versus the mass of neurons within the cortex and fail to see the method of nature. The hypothalamus of advanced self aware lifeforms are packed full of spider neuronswhose thin tentacles of axons extend out like a web across the neocortex region and back through to connective tissue. They are indeed strange and amazing neurons. 16.16.2 The nervous system The nervous system regulates and coordinates the activities of all the other systems of the body. It enables the body to adjust to changes that occur within itself and in its surroundings. The nervous system is made up of countless nerve cells, or neurons. The neurons form a communications network that extends to every part of the body. The nervous system has three main divisions. They are (1) the central nervous system; (2) the peripheral nervous system, which includes the eyes, ears, nose, and other sense organs; and (3) the autonomic nervous system. The central nervous system consists of the brain and spinal cord. It functions as the control centre of the nervous system. The central nervous system receives information from the senses. It analyses this information and decides how the body should respond. It then sends instructions that trigger the required actions. The central nervous system makes some simple decisions, such as directing the hand to pull away from a hot object, within the spinal cord. Such simple decisions are called spinal reflexes. Most decisions, however, involve the brain. The brain is an enormously complicated collection of billions of neurons. These neurons are linked together in precise patterns that enable the brain to think and remember. Much brain activity occurs at the conscious level. We are aware of decisions made at this level and can voluntarily control them. Other activity occurs at the subconscious level. This activity regulates the smooth muscles and is beyond voluntary control. The peripheral nervous system is made up of the nerves that connect the central nervous system with every part of the body. These nerves include both sensory neurons, which carry information to the central nervous system, and motor neurons, which relay instructions from the central nervous system. Sensory neurons run between the sense organs and the central nervous system. The sense organs have special sensory neurons called receptors. Receptors translate information about the internal or external environment into nerve impulses. These impulses are electrical signals that nerves can carry.

The body has many kinds of sense receptors. Vision receptors in the eyes change light waves into nerve impulses. Similarly, hearing receptors in the ears convert sound waves into nerve impulses. Smell receptors in the nose and taste receptors on the tongue convert chemical information into nerve impulses. Receptors in the skin respond to heat, cold, pressure, and pain. Sense receptors deep within the body provide information on the chemical and physical conditions of the inner body tissues. Nerve impulses from the sense receptors travel along sensory neurons to the central nervous system. The central nervous system analyses the information and decides what actions, if any, are necessary. If a response is needed, the central nervous system sends out instructions. The motor neurons of the peripheral nervous system carry the instructions from the central nervous system to the appropriate tissues. The autonomic nervous system is a special part of the peripheral nervous system. It carries messages from the subconscious level of the brain to the internal organs. The autonomic nervous system regulates the automatic functions of the body, such as the beating of the heart and the movement of food through the digestive system.

16.18 System: weak chemical fission systems

The digestive system breaks down food into simple substances that the cells can use. It then absorbs these substances into the bloodstream and eliminates any leftover waste matter. The main part of the digestive system is a long tube called the alimentary canal. This tube consists of (1) the mouth, esophagus, and stomach; and (2) the small intestine and large intestine. Other parts of the digestive system include the gall bladder, liver, pancreas, salivary glands, and teeth.

The mouth, esophagus, and stomach. Digestion begins in the mouth, where the teeth tear and grind food into small pieces. Small pieces of food are more easily broken down during the digestive process than large ones. Therefore, thorough chewing is important. As food is chewed, three pairs of large salivary glands pour saliva into the mouth. Saliva moistens the food, making it easier to swallow. Saliva also contains the first of the system's several digestive enzymes. The digestive enzymes break food down into chemicals the body can use. After the food is swallowed, it enters the esophagus The esophagus is a long, muscular tube that leads to the stomach. Contractions of

smooth muscles move the food down the esophagus and into the stomach. The stomach is the widest part of the alimentary canal. It serves as a sort of "holding tank" in which food remains for several hours. During this time, the stomach produces an acid and an enzyme that further break down much of the food. Muscle contractions mix the partly digested food into a thick liquid called chyme. The small intestine and large intestine. Chyme passes from the stomach into the small intestine at a steady rate. Various digestive enzymes complete the breakdown of the food within the first section of the small intestine. The small intestine produces some of these enzymes. The rest are made by the pancreas. The pancreatic enzymes empty into the small intestine through a duct (tube). Bile, a liquid made by the liver and stored in the gall bladder, also enters the small intestine through a duct. Bile does not contain digestive enzymes, but it aids digestion by breaking up large molecules of fatty foods. By the time the food leaves the first section of the small intestine, it has been completely digested. Special cells line the walls of the remainder of the small intestine. These cells absorb useful substances from the digested food. The absorbed substances enter the blood. Some of the substances are carried directly to cells throughout the body. The rest are transported to the liver. The liver stores some of the substances, releasing them as the body requires. It chemically alters the other substances, changing them into forms needed by the body. The substances not absorbed by the small intestine pass to the large intestine. These substances consist of water, minerals, and wastes. The large intestine absorbs most of the water and minerals, which then enter the bloodstream. The wastes move down toward the rectum, the end of the large intestine, and leave the body as faeces.

16.19 System: system regulation-endocrine system

The endocrine system consists of glands that regulate various body functions. The system plays a major role in regulating growth, the reproductive process, and the way the body uses food. It also helps prepare the body to deal with stress and emergencies.

The endocrine glands control body functions by producing hormones. These chemicals are released into the blood, which carries them throughout the body. Hormones act as chemical messengers. After a hormone reaches the organs or tissues it affects, it triggers certain actions. Many hormones have widespread effects. For example, the hormone insulin causes cells throughout the body to take in and use sugar from the bloodstream. The chief endocrine glands include the adrenal glands, the pituitary gland, the parathyroid glands, the sex glands, and the thyroid gland. The brain, the kidneys, the stomach, and the pancreas also have endocrine tissues and produce hormones. The pituitary gland, which lies near the base of the brain, is often called the master gland. It releases a number of hormones, which, in turn, regulate other endocrine glands. However, the pituitary itself is controlled by hormones produced by the hypothalamus, a part of the brain. The

hypothalamus links the nervous and endocrine control systems. The body also has glands that do not produce hormones. These exocrine glands make chemicals that perform specific jobs in the area where they are released. Major exocrine products include the digestive juices, mucus, sweat, and tears.

16.20 System: muscular and motion systems

While the human skeleton of an adult consists of more than 200 bones, its function is closely linked to the colonies of contractorexpander cells, or muscle cells.

The skeleton works together with the muscles in enabling the body to move. The bones of the shoulders and arms, for instance, serve as levers against which the muscles that move the arm can pull.

16.21 System: circulatory system

The circulatory system uses blood to deliver oxygen and nutrients to body tissues and remove waste products from tissue cells.

This illustration shows the heart and the different types of blood vessels in the bodys circulatory system. Red vessels indicate oxygenated blood, usually carried by the arteries. Blue vessels show oxygen- poor blood carried by veins. Tiny vessels called capillaries connect veins and arteries and permit the exchange of substances between the blood and body tissues. Let us now look at the human body waste and storage system.

16.22 System: waste and storage system

The waste and storage system eliminates waste products from the body and helps regulate the bodys water and chemical balance.

The organs of the waste and toxic storage system include two ovalshaped kidneys, each with a long, slender tube, called the ureter, that connects to the bladder. Another tubular vessel, the urethra, extends from the bladder to an opening out of the body. Let us now look at the human body immune system.

16.23 System: immune system

The immune system defends the body from invading organisms that may cause disease.

One part of the immune system uses barriers to protect the body from foreign substances. These barriers include the skin and the mucous membranes, which line all body cavities; and protective chemicals, such as enzymes in saliva and tears that destroy bacteria. Another part of the immune system uses lymphocytes, specialized white blood cells that respond to specific types of foreign invaders. B lymphocytes produce proteins called antibodies, which circulate in the blood and attack specific disease-causing organisms. T lymphocytes attack invading organisms directly. Let us now look at the human body sexual reproductive system.

16.24 System: reproductive system

The organs of the reproductive system enable men and women to

have children. Human beings reproduce sexually. Sexual reproduction involves the union of sex cells. A new human being begins to develop after a sex cell produced by the father unites with a sex cell produced by the mother. The father's sex cells are called sperm, and the mother's are called eggs. The union of a sperm and an egg results in fertilization. The fertilized egg has all the information necessary for the development of a new human being.

The male reproductive system includes two testicles, which hang between the legs in a pouch called the scrotum. The testicles are glands that produce sperm. The sperm travel through tubes to the penis, an organ in front of the scrotum. Sperm leave a man's body through the penis.

Most of the female reproductive system lies inside the woman's body. Deep within the body are two glands called ovaries, each of which contains about 400,000 eggs. Only about 400 eggs will mature during a woman's childbearing years. About once a month, one of the ovaries releases an egg. The egg travels down a narrow duct called the Fallopian tube. The female body has two Fallopian tubes, one leading from each ovary. The Fallopian tubes open into the top of the uterus, a hollow, muscular organ. The other end of the uterus leads to a canal called the vagina. The vagina extends to the outside of the body, opening between the legs. During sexual intercourse, sperm from the penis enters the vagina. Each sperm has a tiny tail and can swim. The sperm swim from the vagina to the uterus and into the Fallopian tubes. If an egg is present in one of the tubes, a sperm may fertilize it. The fertilized egg cell continues its journey to the uterus, where it becomes attached to the wall of the organ. The cell divides over and over, forming the beginning of a developing baby. Soon, a complex organ called the placenta forms. The placenta enables the developing baby to obtain food and oxygen from the mother's bloodstream.

After about nine months, the baby is ready to be born. Powerful contractions of the uterus push the baby out through the mother's vagina, which widens to allow the baby to pass through. Let us now look at the human body sensory system.

16.25 System: sensory systems

The sensory systems are information feedback systems of the body, including the skin, the eyes, the ears, the mouth and the nose. These sensory organs provide a dual role of processing information about surroundings and substances to enable the human organism as a whole to react to opportunity and/or impending danger. Human sense ranging and information gathering The various human senses of taste, touch, sight, smell and hear vary according to the range of utility, speed of information, volume of information processed per second and storage. The following is a rough estimate on the effective range and velocity of information to the senses. Radius of static ranging (Capable distance of effective use) Touch 1/1,600 km Smell 1.6 km Hear and speak 160 km Visual 15.1 million million million km Dynamic velocity (speed of information) 16 km/h 640 km/hr 1,760 km/hr 990,000km/sec

One light year is 9.4 million million km and humans see Andromeda with the naked eye 1.6 million light years away. A theoretical model on the capacity of one human eye Given the shift between detail observed (information per square cm) versus arc of observation, we can conclude a theoretical relationship of say 2000Dpi x maximum arc area of an eye (16 sq cm) every 3,000th of a second. If we say that for each Dpi, approximately 50 bytes of information is needed then our theoretical maximum information processing capacity of one eye is around 4,800,000,000 bytes or 9.6 Gigabytes (Gb) per second. If we double that figure for two eyes, then a theoretical explanation for sight capacity is around 9.6Gb, per second.

16.26 System: Neural System- The Brain

Nothing is more tantalisingly close yet so far as understanding the human brain. This 6.6 kg organ stores over 100 trillion (100,000,000,000,000) bits of information over the course of 70 years, equal to 500,000 sets of the Encyclopaedia Britannica. 85% of the brain is made up of water. It also receives 20% of the bodies blood supply. A fully formed human brain contains around 100 billion neurons, or nerve cells as opposed to the worm that has 23. The brain is an amazingly sensitive area of the body. A stroke can occur when the brain increases temperature by only 4 degrees Celsius. The packaging of the cortex of the human is in the same proportion of almost any other animals brain. The point is it is larger in size. Humans have only about 1.25 as many neurons per cubic cm as chimpanzees. There are approximately 146,000 neurons per cubic millimetre of cortical surface. The human brain has an area of about 1,400 cubic centimetres and about 70 billion neurons. A further 30 to 40 billion neurons are tightly packed in the primordial brain the cerebellum. The chimpanzee and the gorilla have brains of about 500 cubic centimetres and with about 6 billion neurons. The chimpanzee brain is around 12 million neurons per cubic centimetre. Humans have around 20.6 million neurons per cubic centimetre. Important understandings of neurons and memory from previous chapters Before we look at a way of understanding the key systems of the brain, it is important to recap on the points we discussed regarding neurons in chapter 12. (1) For neurons to work, there must be hormones. Hormones get the system going and are responsible for neurotransmitter release (determining how many neurons fire). (2) The process for neurons is always Hormones triggers (a) electrical pulse (memory) and (b) release of neurotransmitters. (3) Learning and memory will always be subject to the level and type of hormones presently exciting the neurons Logically making sense of the brain As we have done in other chapters, let us look at what specialist areas we would expect in the human brain given the specific tasks that involve existing as a human: Sensory processing centres We would logically expect to see areas of neurons responsible for processing sensory input. We would logically expect eyesight to have the largest required region of neurons, with the other senses in varying proportiong. Motor processing and command centres

Motor processing neurons are the neurons that control the movement of the body as a whole, or part. You would logically expect a large area controlling motor processing and command centres to ensure that the human is capable of remembering and co-ordinating movement. Glands (Hormones) and Neuron managers In contact with sensory and motor processing centres you would expect a large part of the brain to have neurons in control of glands as well as the production of neurotransmitters (small chemical equivelents). That hormones are the vital link as to how neurons communicate to the rest of the body as well as the production of neuro transmitters, you would expect this segment of the brain to be tightly packed and probably the oldest part. You would also expect that the glands and neuron managers are linked as well as having some ultimate chain of command. Memory neurons Finally, you expect to see memory neurons- neurons specialised for storing information that might be important for future survival. Because these are secondary to the immediate survival of the human, you would expect these to be furthest away from the fundamental structures. As it turns out, this is exactly how the brain is structured. What is often described as the primordial brain (the glands, neuron command centre, sensory and motor processing centres) are the essential survival systems, while the modern brain is the more recent expansion of the neo-cortex (memory cells that are on top). The Limbic System (Primordial Brain) The Limbic System is essentially the base of the Brain. It is the section closest to the brain stem (the neurons connected to the spinal column) and is the principal control centre for the automatic creation of hormones and neurotransmitters for the rest of the body and brain. The body produces basically two families of hormones and neurotransmitters: Positive, stimulus Negative, depress That is not to say that all positive stimulus to the body might be classed as a positive emotion. The amygdala, an almond-size knot of neuron cells located close to the brain stem, specialises in memories of fear. At the centre of the Limbic system (the tip of the brain stem) is the Thalamus- (a tight bunch of neurons that in real life looks like the end of a circumcised penis!). The thalamus is where all senses (except taste and smell) are routed into a common sense. This is important as its allows the Limbic system to consider a macro position of the state of affairs and put into action an appropriate hormonal response.

The left hemisphere of the cortex Above the Limbic System is the Cerebral Cortex (principally memory). The Cortex is divided into two parts- left and right hemisphere. The left side of the cerebral cortex controls the right side of the body. The left hemisphere controls the smaller muscle groups such as fingers. The left hemisphere controls the face muscles. The left hemisphere also controls language and logical activitiesthings that happen in specific order. The right hemisphere of the cortex The right side controls the left side of the body. The right hemisphere controls the larger muscle groups associated with running, and moving the arms, such as fighting or fleeing. It directs spacial, simultaneous things- which happen all at once- and artistic activities. These differences could be explained when our ancestors began to make and use symbols (language and art). How big is the brains capacity? A contemporary view is that the brain contains up to 100 billion neurons. We now know that microtubules are the centre of action in terms of electrons and 01001 etc information storage. An average Neuron may have up to 6 Mb of Microtubules (and up to 3Mb) of parallel connections between MicroTubules. Therefore, on a rough estimate, the information storage capacity of a human brain could be as high as 6Mb x 100 Billion Neurons. This is a significantly higher figure than has been previously considered. However, what is most interesting is the parallel processing capacity of a human brain (say up to 3Mb of connections per Neuron x 100 Billion Neurons x 20 connections per neuron). In other words, the greater strength of the human brain is not necessarily information storage ( even though it is immense), it is solving complex problems. In terms of the capacity of the brain in terms of absorbing information at 100 trillion over a lifetime (100 terrabytes in computer terms) of around 70 years, or around 25,550 days which equals around a intake capacity of around 3.9138 gigabytes of new information per day. Speed of impulses into the brain Tests on the retina and brain activity detect electric impulses from the retina along the optic nerves to the cerebral cortex at a few milliseconds.

16.27 Human birth: our mysterious birth

The birth of a human life is at once an exciting and mysterious event. To the mother, it begins One of our advantages is understanding the nature of birth. A frustration of science in relation to reproduction is the apparent inefficiency of battle within the growing organism. Not once, but

many key systems are replaced again and again in the dance of life until the foetus is born.

16.28 Human birth: day 1 as a single cell

1 Oocyte, 300 Million Sperm, 24 Hours 0.1 - 0.15 mm 1 day post-ovulation

Fertilization begins when a sperm penetrates an oocyte (an egg) and it ends with the creation of the zygote. The fertilization process takes about 24 hours. A sperm can survive for up to 48 hours. It takes about ten hours to navigate the female productive track, moving up the vaginal canal, through the cervix, and into the fallopian tube where fertilization begins. Though 300 million sperm may enter the upper part of the vagina, only 1%, 3 million, enter the uterus. The next step is the penetration of the zona pellucida, a tough membrane surrounding the oocyte. Only one sperm needs to bind with the protein receptors in the zona pellucida to trigger an enzyme reaction allowing the zona to be pierced. Penetration of the zona pellucida takes about twenty minutes. Within 11 hours following fertilization, the oocyte has extruded a polar body with its excess chromosomes. The fusion of the oocyte and sperm nuclei marks the creation of the zygote and the end of fertilization.

16.29 Human birth: day 1-2 cleavage and travel to place of birth
First Cell Division, Blastomeres, Mitotic division

0.1 - 0.2 mm 1.5 - 3 days post-ovulation

The zygote now begins to cleave, with each division occurring into two cells called blastomeres. The zygote's first cell division begins a series of divisions, with each division occurring approximately every twenty hours. Each blastomere within the zona pellucida becomes smaller and smaller with each subsequent division. When cell division ungenerated about sixteen cells, the zygote becomes a morula (mulberry shaped). It leaves the fallopian tube and enters the uterine cavity three to four days after fertilization.

16.30 Human birth: day 4-5 murulla and blastocyst

0.1 - 0.2 mm 4 days post-ovulation

About four days after fertilization, the morula enters the uterine cavity. Cell division continues, and a cavity known as a blastocele forms in the center of the morula. Cells flatten and compact on the inside of the cavity while the zona pellucida remains the same size. With the appearance of the cavity in the center, the entire structure is now called a blastocyst. The presence of the blastocyst indicates that two cell types are forming: the embryoblast (inner cell mass on the inside of the blastocele), and the trophoblast (the cells on the outside of the blastocele).

16.31 Human birth: day 6-7 implantation

0.1 - 0.2 mm 5 - 6 days post-ovulation

The blastocyst "hatches" from the zona pellucida around the sixth day after fertilization, as the blastocyst enters the uterus. The trophoblast cells secretes an enzyme which erodes the epithelial uterine lining and creates an implantation site for the blastocyst. In a cyclical process of hormonal stimulation, the ovary is induced to continue producing progesterone while human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is released by the trophoblast cells of the implanting blastocyst. Endometrial glands in the uterus enlarge in response to the blastocyst

and the implantation site becomes swollen with new capillaries. Circulation begins,a process needed for the continuation of pregnancy.

16.32 Human birth: day 7-12 our life as a parasite

0.1 - 0.2 mm 7 - 12 days post-ovulation

Trophoblast cells engulf and destroy cells of the uterine lining creating blood pools, both stimulating new capillaries to grow and foretelling the growth of the placenta. The inner cell mass divides, rapidly forming a two-layered disc. The top layer of cells will become the embryo and amniotic cavity, while the lower cells will become the yolk sac. Ectopic pregnancies can occur at this time and sometimes continue for up to 16 weeks of pregnancy before being noticed. Diagnosed quickly, ectopic pregnancies can be treated pharmacologically without surgery, reducing danger to the mother, and preserving the site of the ectopic pregnancy.

16.33 Human birth: day 12-28 Level 2 and 3 Life

13 days post-ovulation 0.2 mm

Chorionic villi "fingers" in the forming placenta now anchor the site to the uterus. The formation of blood and blood vessels of the embryo begins in this stage. The blood system appears first in the area of the "placenta" surrounding the embryo, while the yolk sac begins to produce hematopoietic or non-nucleated blood cells. By the end of this stage, the embryo is attached by a connecting stalk (which will later become part of the umbilical cord), to the developing placenta. The next stage begins when a narrow line of cells appears on the surface of the embryonic disc. This primitive streak is the future axis of the embryo and it marks the beginning of gastrulation, a process that gives rise to all three layers of the embryo: ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm. 16 days post-ovulation 0.4 mm

In this stage, gastrulation began with the appearance of the primitive streak. In the next stage, gastrulation continues with the formation of the audoderm and mesoderm, which develop from the primitive streak, changing the two-layered disc into a three-layered disc. The cells in the central part of the mesoderm release a chemical causing a dramatic change in the size of the cells in the top layer (ectoderm) of the flat disc-shaped embryo. The ectoderm grows rapidly over the next few days forming a thickened area. The three layers of the will eventually give rise to:

Endoderm that will form the lining of lungs, tongue, tonsils, urethra and associated glands, bladder and digestive tract. Mesoderm that will form the muscles, bones, lymphatic tissue, spleen, blood cells, heart, lungs, and reproductive and excretory systems. Ectoderm that will form the skin, nails, hair, lens of eye, lining of the internal and external ear, nose, sinuses, mouth, anus, tooth enamel, pituitary gland, mammary glands, and all parts of the nervous system. 17-19 days post-ovulation 1.0 - 1.5 mm

The embryonic area is now shaped like a pear, and the head region is broader than the tail end. The ectoderm has thickened to form the neural plate. The edges of this plate rise and form a concave area known as the neural groove. This groove is the precursor of the embryo's nervous system and it is one of the first organs to develop. By the next stage, the blood cells of the embryo are already developed and they begin to form channels along the epithelial cells which form consecutively with the blood cells. 19 - 21 days post-ovulation 1.5 - 2.5 mm

By this stage, if you could look at the embryo from a top view, it would resemble the sole of a shoe with the head end wider than the

tail end, and a slightly narrowed middle. Somites, which are condensations composed of mesoderm, appear on either side of the neural groove. The first pair of somites appear at the tail and progress to the middle. One to three pairs of somites are present by this stage. Every ridge, bump and recess now indicates cellular differentiation.A head fold rises on either side of the primitive streak. The primitive streak now runs between one-fourth to one-third of the length of the embryo. Secondary blood vessels now appear in the chorion/placenta. Hematopoietic cells appear on the yolk sac simultaneously with endothelial cells that will form blood vessels for the newly emerging blood cells. Endocardial (muscle) cells begin to fuse and form into the early embryo's two heart tubes. 21 - 23 days post-ovulation 1.5 - 3.0 mm

Stage 10 reflects rapid growth and change as the embryo becomes longer and the yolk sac expands. On each side of the neural tube, between four and twelve pairs of somites can exist by the end of Stage 10. The cells which become the eyes appear as thickened circles just off of the neural folds. The cells of the ears are also present. Neural folds are rising and fusing at several points along the length of the neural tube concomitant with the budding somites which appear to "zipper" the neural tube closed. Neural crest cells will eventually contribute to the skull and face of the embryo. The two endocardial tubes formed in Stage 9 fuse in Stage 10 to form one single tube derived from the roof of the nueral tube, which becomes S-shaped and makes the primitive heart asymmetric. As the S-shape forms, cardiac muscle contraction begins. 23 - 25 days post-ovulation 2.5 - 3.0 mm

Thirteen to twenty pairs of somites are present in Stage 11 and the embryo is shaped in a modified S curve. The embryo has a bulb-like tail and a connecting stalk to the developing placenta. A primitive S-shaped tubal heart is beating and peristalsis, the rhythmic flow propelling fluids throughout the body, begins. However, this is not true circulation because blood vesel development is still incomplete. At this stage, the neural tube determines the form of the embryo. Although the primary blood vessels along the central nervous system are connecting in this stage, the central nervous system appears to be the most developed system. If twenty somites are present in the embryo, the forebrain is completely closed. 25 - 27 days post-ovulation 3.0 - 5.0 mm

The embryo curves into a C shape. The arches that form the face and neck are now becoming evident under the enlarging forebrain. By the time the neural tube is closed, both the eye and ear will have begun to form. At this stage, the brain and spinal cord together are the largest and most compact tissue of the embryo. A blood system continues to develop. Blood cells follow the surface of yolk sac where they originate, move along the central nervous system, and move in the chorionic villi, the maternal blood system. Valves and septa may appear in the heart in this stage. The digestive epithelium layer begins to differentiate into the future locations of the

liver, lung, stomach and pancreas. The beginning cells of the liver form before the rest of the digestive system.

16.34 Human birth: day 28 the beginning of our life as a mammal

Approximately 27-29 postovulatory days

Four Limb Buds, Lens Disc and Optic Vesicle, the first thin surface layer of skin appears covering the embryo. Between thirty and forty somite pairs. Head and Neck Region The brain differentiates into the three main parts: the forebrain, midbrain and hindbrain. The forebrain consists of lobes that translate input from the senses, and will be responsible for memory formation, thinking, reasoning, problem solving. The midbrain will serve as a relay station, coordinating messages to their final destination. The hindbrain will be responsible for regulating the heart, breathing and muscle movements.Thyroid continues to develop and the lymphatic system, which filters out bacteria, starts to form. Otic placode invaginates and forms the otic vesicle, which will develop into the structures needed for hearing and maintenance of equilibrium. Retinal disc presses outward and touches the surface ectoderm. In response the ectoderm proliferates forming the lens disc. Specific parts of the eye, such as the retina, the future pigment of the retina and the optic stalk are identifiable. Primitive mouth with a tongue is recognizable. Thyroid continues to develop and the lymphatic system, which filters out bacteria, starts to form. Heart chambers are filled with plasma and blood cells making the heart seem distended and prominent. The heart and liver combined are equal in volume to the head by this stage. Blood circulation is well established, though true valves are not yet present.. The villous

network is in place to accommodate the exchange of blood between the woman and the embryo. Aortic arches 4 and 6 develop and 5 may appear. Lung buds continue to form.Abdomen and Pelvic Regions, Gall bladder, stomach, intestines, pancreas continue to form and the metanephric bud appears in the chest cavity. The stomach is in the shape of a spindle and the pancreas may be detected at the intestinal tube. The developing liver receives blood from the placenta via the umbilical cord.The amnion encloses the connecting stalk helping to fuse it with the longer and more slender umbilical vesicle (the remnant of the yolk sac).

Upper limb buds are visible as ridges and the lower limb buds begin to develop. Folding is complete and the embryo is now threedimensional and is completely enclosed in the amniotic sac. The somites will be involved in building bones and muscles. The first thin surface layer of skin appears covering the embryo. Approximately 32 postovulatory days

Approximately 35 postovulatory days

Approximately 39 postovulatory days

Approximately 42 postovulatory days

16.35 Human birth: day 42 to 50 - the beginning of our life as a primate

Approximately 48 postovulatory days

Brain has the first detectable brain waves. The head is more erect and semicircular canals start to form in the inner ear which will enable a sense of balance and body position. Septum primum fuses with septum intermedium in the heart.The gonads form. In about a week, the sex of the embryo will be

recognizable in the form of testes or ovaries. Knee and ankles locations indicated by indentations. Legs are now at their proper location, proportional to the embryo. The critical period for the lower limbs is about to end. Toes are almost completely notched and toenails begin to appear. Joints grow more distinct. The trunk elongates and straightens and the bone cartilage begins to form a more solid structure. Muscles develop and get stronger. Approximately 52 postovulatory days

16.36 Human birth: day 55-60 the beginning of our life as a human being - fetus

16.37 Human birth: day 61 to 266/300 fetus to birth

By the beginning of the third month (Day 61 +) the young fetus clearly resembles a human being, although the head is disproportionately large.

The previous protrusion of much of the intestine into the umbilical cord is reduced through the return of its loops into the abdomen. The ears rise to eye level and the eyelids fuse shut. Nails begin forming; ossification (bone-forming) centres appear in most of the future bones; and the sex of external genitalia becomes recognizable. At four months individual differences between the faces of fetuses become distinguishable. The face is broad but the eyes are now less widely separated. The umbilical cord attaches higher on the abdominal wall; this location is above an expanding region between the cord and the pubis (front bones of the pelvis) that scarcely existed previously. At five months downy hairs (lanugo) cover the body, and some head hairs appear. The skin is less transparent. Fetal movements ("quickening") are felt by the mother. At six months eyebrows and eyelashes are clearly present. The body is lean, but its proportions have improved. The skin is wrinkled. At seven months the fetus resembles a dried-up old person. Its reddish, wrinkled skin is smeared with a greasy substance (vernix caseosa). The eyelids reopen.

At eight months fat is depositing beneath the skin. The testes begin to invade the scrotum. At nine months the dull redness of the skin fades and wrinkles smooth out. The body and limbs become better rounded. At full term (38 weeks) the body is plump and proportions are improved, although the head is large and the lower limbs are still slightly shorter than the upper limbs. The skin has lost its coat of lanugo hair, but it is still smeared with vernix caseosa. Nails project beyond the finger tips and to the tips of toes. The umbilical cord now attaches to the centre of the abdomen. The testes of males are usually in the scrotum; the greater lips of the female external genitalia, which previously gaped, are now in contact. Cranial bones meet except at some angular junctions, or "soft spots." The average time of delivery is 280 days from the beginning of the last menstrual period, whereas the duration of pregnancy (age of the baby) is about 266 days (38 weeks). Pregnancy may extend to 300 days, or even more, in which case the baby tends to be heavier. Premature babies born under 27 weeks of age rarely survive, whereas those more than 30 weeks old usually do survive.

16.38 Human mind: specialised brain sections

When a baby is born, two of its three brains are well established- its CYTO brain and its ORGO brain. The CYTO Brain centered around the brain stem and the spinal column is already carefully tuned ready to do battle with each and every kind of pathogen it encounters. The ORGO Brain is already regulating organs and performing its specialized functions. However, the COGNO brain, the cortex or "top" areas of the brain are only roughly mapped out- with plenty of available and potential neural wires, but limited hard wiring. As a result, when a baby is born it can see and hear, smell and respond to touch but only in a limited fashion. 16.38 The burst of neural network connections of the cortex of a new born baby In the visual cortex of the COGNO brain undergoes a phenomenal change during the first few months of birth of a new born child. The number of synapse (connections) between neurons rises from around 2,000 to as many as 18,000 by age of six months. This hard wiring of visual information corresponds to a babies growing familiarity with the particular shapes and even colours that are important in its domain.

16.39 Human mind: the software of the brain

An intelligent being has to deduce the implications of what it knows, but only the relevant implications. This requirement poses a deep problem not only for design of machines, but epistemology, the analysis of how we know. The problem escaped the notice of generations of philosophers, who were left complacent by the illusory effortlessness of their own common sense. Only when artificial intelligence researchers tried to duplicate common sense in computers, the ultimate blacnk slate, did the conundrum, now called "the frame problem" come to light. yet somehow we also solve the frame problem wheneve we use our common sense. Robot design is a kind of a consciousness-raising. We tend to be blase about our mental lives. We open our eyes, and familiar articles present themselves, we will our limbs to move, and objects and bodies float into place; we awaken from a dream and return to a comfortingly predictable world; Cupid draws back his bow and lets hiw arrow go. But think of what it takes for an arrangement of matter to accomplish these outcomes; and you begint o see through the effortless illusion. Sight and actiona nd common sense and morality and love are no accident, no intextricable ingredients of an intelligent essence, no inevitability of information processing. Each is a tour de force, wrought by a high level of targeted design. Hidden behind the panels of consciousness must life fantastically complex machinery- optical analyzers, motion guidance systems, simulations of the world, databases on people and things, goal schedulers, conflict-resolvers and many others. The robot challenge hints at a mind loaded with original equipment, but it still may strike you asa an argument from the armchair. When the visual areas of the brain are damaged, for example, the visual world is not simply blurred or riddled with holes. Selected aspects of visual experience are removed while others are left intact. Some patients see a complete world but pay attention to only half of it. Other patients cannot recognize the objects they see: their world is like handwriting they cannot deciphre. They copy a bird faithfully but identify it as a tree stump. A cogarette lighter is a mystery until it is lit. These syndromes are caused by an injury, usually a stroke, to one or more of the 30 brain areas that compose the primate visual system. Some areas specialise in colour and form, others in where an object is, others in what an object is, still others in how it moves.

The mind is not one organ but a system of organs of computation. They can be thought of as psychological faculties or mental modules. The mind is what the brain does, specifically the brain processes information and thinking is a kind of computation. The mind is organised into modules or mental organs, each with a specialised design that makes it an expert in one arena of interaction with the world. The modules basic logos is specified by our genetic program. 16.39.1 The origins of the computational mind theory Information and computation resides in patterns of data and in relations of logos that are independent of the physical medium that carries them. We you phone a person, the message stays the same as it goes from your lips to their ears even as it physically changes form from sound vibrations to electrical vibrations and then back to sound via the speaker in the phone. This insight, first expressed by the mathematician Alan Turing, the computer scientists Alan newell, Herbert Simon is now called the computational theory of mind. The computational theory of mind states that beliefs and desires are information, incarnated as configurations of symbols. The symbols are the physical states of bts of matter, like chips in a computer or neurons in the brain. They symbolize things in the world because they are triggered by those things via our sense organs, and because of what they do once they are triggered. 16.39.2 A restructure of view on DNA DNA plays an essential informations torage system for all cellular life. Our DNA is the code that makes us, that shapes us, that defines our physical limitations. The two information storage systems of DNA Science has identified one coding system for DNA- the tri-chemical storage of protein and other molecular structures. We can all this matter. And DNA codes approximately 15% of its space to coding matter. However science has yet to describe the coding purpose of bindary nucleic pairs, the missing rule components- what we can awareness, or memory of awareness. For without this second set of information, matter coding would be meaningless. A cell needs to know what it is supposed to do and how it is to be arranged. Rules and matter, memory and emotion. These are the pairs of purposes of DNA. 16.39.3 The purpose of binary chemical coding Like tri-chemical, binary chemical is divided into specific topisc and sections. There are three main classes of binary chemical DNA memory coding: o GEN o BIO o MEM

GEN CODE Gen code is the function instructions for the chemical structures developed by the tri-chemical code systems. The gencode identifies the priorty order, placement, function, assemblage order, timetable for all physical components manufactured by the cell. Gencode also contains the hisory of key immune response requirements? BIOCODE Biocode is the machine operating instructions for the function of memory and information identified and co-ordination. It is the code that determines machinery of cognitive function. MEMCODE memcode are information sequences associated with basic learned macro-function of physical parts. It also includes information sequences of major inherited experiences. KINCODE Kin code are the binary sequence arrangements that differ from human to human due to genetic drift. This is the specific heredity environment of the individual inherited from ancestors. Therefore Kincode is integrated into GEN, BIO, MEM and so a human has three GENKIN, BIOKIN, MEMKIN. SOLCODE SOL code is higher functions embedded in GEN, BIO and MEM EGO EGO code is higher functions misaligned inherited in GEN, BIO & MEM It is the antithesis of Sol code and is designed to actively work against it. EGO code is especially effective in clouding MEM and BIO code components of SOL, thereby making the access of SOL code harder. EGO has self released points that actvate upon suitable stimulation and harness with KIN code. MACHINE CODE machine code is the Bio and MEM code loaded into the nerve centres and primordial brain as well as key cortex centres. It is the building blocks of unconscious. Unconscious reacts independent of conscious. OPERATING SYSTEM Sub conscious- co-ordination background programs SOFTWARE Conscious. genome BI-CHEMICAL - 85% TRICHEMICAL 15% GEN- BUILD- AMINO ACIDS BIO co-ordinatesProtein function MEM information manage- memories- FATS

16.40 Human mind: the basic mathematical and pattern intelligence of mind
The natural capabilities of Tubilin Dimer in sequences forming the essential structures of the axon of a neuron are naturally logarithmic around combinations of five and eight. In other words, data having around five to seven pieces enable a natural storage within the general capacity of a Microtubule structure, whereas data greater in length may be sequenced across multiple sets of Tubulin within a Microtubule, and indeed within the binary memory structure of several axon. When this natural logarithmic data storage ability is combined with the three dimension synapse connection capability of neurons, it is clear to see that the human brain has exceptional spacial and geographic mathematical capabilities. What this means in practice is that actual living images are processed down to abstraced binary sequences, usually in a logarithmic storage and a hormone association for unique re-trigger and secondly a spacial context in relation to synapse and other neurons. It means when a memory of a place fires in the head of a person, they literally have an abstract electro-chemical model in their head.

16.41 The social cellular theory of mind and brain

While we have discussed the computational thery of mind, we have not yet considered the social theory of mind. Government Ruling thought- Ruling thought collective- personality (collective memory emotion) BOur conscious belief is that we are one- we are one identity as represented by our physical bodies. Yet our cognition is built from the bottom up. Our intelligence and mind can be considered more in terms of a social model of mind, with the ruling personalities and minds being the collective government of the organism. Like a country, a strong constitution is what bases a strong government and society. A weak constitution causes corruption and potentially civil war. 16.41.1 The concept of levels of unique mind of an organism As we reflect on the amazing structures and synergy of cells and in particular unique cognitive cells such as neurons, we see that the concept of mind is a bottom up event. That when we think of the singular mind of an organism, or a human being, we are talking about levels of mind, levels of cognition all occuring in a structured way to the advancement of the life.

LEVEL Cellular neurons link neurons(organ clusters) spider neurons system conscious perspectives ( personalities) Unique government of minds

MINDS 1,000,000,000,000,000 unique minds 1,000,000,000,000 unique minds 1,000,000,000 unique minds 1,000,000 unique minds 100 unique minds 10+ unique minds 1 unique mind ( government)

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16.42 Human mind: the relationship of mind to life experience

One of the seeming never ending debates is nature versus nurture concerning the development of the human mind and brain. But as the remarkable birth of the human being shows, we actually experience the evolutionary stages of life on Earth literally through our birth cycle. In the process, our cells re-live and learn the experiences that were learned by countless species over millions of years in unlocking DNA sequences to build superior structures. Experience therefore is a fundamental driving force to who we are, even before we are physically born. But there is more to mind than merely the physical functions of the brain- there is memory, there is personality and many aspects that make up a person. We will investigate this further in chapter 18.


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The Earth, Corpus and home

A central truth that all readers will agree is that the planet Earth is our home. Nestled in a star system we call The SOLAR SYSTEM, the planet Earth travels is a unique gem of liquid molecular oceans of water and abundant hydro-carbon life, compared to the desolate and barren rocks and gas storms that are the remaining major planets of our Solar System. For what we call the Homo Sapiens species today, it is our first home. Where we were born as a species and where our history until now has largely been experienced. A planet some 12,756 km in diameter, spinning on an axis varying between 22 degrees and 24 degrees in cycles of 26, 000 years. A planet with an average gravity of 9.8m sec per sec, with the frozen water polar regions being slightly higher in gravity compared to the warmer tropical liquid equatorial regions. A planet born some 4.8 billion years ago in the storm of intense energis and kinesis that was the birth of our Solar System. A planet where several billion human beings, twenty billion animals, three trillion insects, and trillions upon trillions of bacteria cells all call Earth home. A planet photographed from space, investigated underwater and traversed by countless explorers and adventurers that today we feel confident in our understanding of its workings and nature.


A planet that still holds mystery Yet for the blaze of discoveries seemingly encouraging the feeling that we know all there is to know about our home planet, the Earth still holds many mysteries. Science is yet to devise a clear answer that can be proven as to exactly what the core of our planet is made of. Hundreds of years ago, some people sincerely believed that the centre of the Earth was made of Gold. Several hundred years earlier, the leaders of the major religions managed to hold the belief of the majority that the earth was "flat." The precise nature and prediction of weather remains as hazardous profession, as any professional weather person would attest. Rarely does a week go by when our daily reports of weather proves to be completely the opposite of what happens. And on those occasions when we get it badly wrong, massive storms can and do create terrible damage and loss of life, such as cyclones (hurricanes), ice storms, twisters, tsunami(tidal waves) and electrical/hail storms. Then there is the prediction of future earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. With nearly 400 million people living in cities and regions

that have been volcanically active for the past thousand years and longer, the prediction of earthquakes is a matter of high importance. 17.1.2 The understanding of the Earth The purpose of this section on the Earth is not simply to provide a range of statistics on the highest peaks, longest rivers and what a cloud is made of; it is to seek a greater understanding of the Earth in parts because we understand the Earth as a whole. Like all other chapters of UCA, this chapter will provide insights that may differ from contemporary view. Similarly, there will be sections that contradict existing orthodoxy on the evolution and history of the Earth. However, the model UCA is able to not only explain why these differences exist, but to ensure all that is discussed regarding the planet Earth is consistent with every other component of the model UCA. 17.1.3 THE CORPUS- The Earth our living mother One of the oldest and most important beliefs of the indigenous nomadic/semi-nomadic human cultures of the planet Earth is the belief that the Earth is God of its own and that its equates to our mother- the sustainer of our food, our safety from the elements, the provider of good seasons and good times. In reality, the good weather provided by the Earth's seasonal atmosphere and moving liquid molecular oceans determines whether parts of the Earth are in feast or famine. While most of the human beings reading this book live in cities, the majority of human beings still earn their living from the land in some way. Further, we now see that the ancients were true in considering the wider Earth as a living organism, through the concept of THE CORPUSthe universe of living cells that inhabit the surface of the planet. 17.1.4 The opposite view of the Western mind Western religious and philosophical culture over the past two thousand years places has in large part been opposite to this view. The most highly regarded Christian philosophy places the Earth within the context of a "Great Chain of Being", where God is supreme, followed by those of the Christian Deity, the saints and angels, followed by human, followed by animals, the Earth, the moon, stars and the Sun. With this mind set, the Western mind for the past two thousand years has largely seen all that is the Earth their for the taking and harnessing, usually for personal gain. Until the 20th Century, less than 0.000000000001% of the planet's surface was considered sacred from destruction for industrial purposes. Countless species, countless trees and streams and natural rainforests have been destroyed in the name of industry and progress. Perversely, today with around 0.001% of the world's surface considered sacred from destruction by Western thinking governments, the rate of destruction of natural habitat has never been higher. Literally hundreds of acres of irreplaceable wilderness is being destroyed every hour around the world by corporations in the name of

profit. 17.1.5 The changing attitude Ever so slowly, a change is occurring in the general attitude to the Earth and our relationship to it. Countries are realizing that the avoidance of dealing with modern chemical waste results in escalating social health problems. The destruction of ecosystems unleashes a whole host of unknowns and dangers. That a value can finally be place on a section of still untouched wilderness. Even the peak Christian church, the Catholic Church of Rome has for the first time in its 200 year history modified its previous doctrine and introduced the notion of respecting the Earth and conservation as a virtue. It still however, does not define the Earth as possessing any singular intelligence. 17.1.6 The Earth a complete organism In this chapter, we propose to not only validate the most ancient of human beliefs that the Earth is sacred and a living deity, but to seek to understanding the Earth's physical function as a living organism. We also get to see the history of the evolution of the planet's CORPUS as a singular organism. Just as would conceive and view another living breathing animal, the Earth, like our Solar System and Galaxy has specialized and co dependent moving parts. Like a living organism, it has systems and structures that act as a skin, as a food source, as a circulatory system.


The Earth's atmosphere, asteroid paths and multi-hits

Before we look at the history of general conditions for life and the age of the planet, it is important to spend a short moment on the effect of the Earth's atmosphere on any large inbound object such as an asteroid.


The constant denial of large asteroids impact on life on Earth

On any clear night, you can look at a full moon and see with your own eyes various shapes of colour on the surface of the Moon. If you were to look through a pair of binoculars, you could clearly see these shapes are created by massive asteroid hits onto the surface of the Moon. That the moon is cratered by literally thousands of impacts from asteroids has been known for hundreds of years. But what remains a contentious issue for contemporary science is just how many, how large and what impact asteroids have had on the planet Earth. South Pole. Remarkably, there has never been an open general acceptance in the science community that the Earth has suffered at least a similar number of asteroid impacts as the Moon. It may also surprise you a majority of scientists remain unconvinced that there is sufficient evidence as to massive asteroid impacts at least as large as those on the surface of the Moon. Hot debate still reigns as to whether the gulf of Mexico was actually created by a giant meteor 65 million years ago for example. One contemporary and generally supported model is that the Moon acts as a kind of asteroid magnet, "warding off" killer objects. While this sounds reasonable for a proportion of incoming objects, the fact remains that the Moon does not shield all the Earth all the time. There are periods ever day where parts of the Earth are directly exposed. This theory also discounts the ability of large objects squeezing"underneath" the Moon's orbit and into the Earth's atmosphere 17.2.2 The effect of the Earth's atmosphere on an incoming asteroid, comet or meteor The Earth's atmosphere is not as "weak" a defence system as you might think. Apart from generally keeping most harmful gamma rays and x-rays away, the 120km of air and other particles has the capacity to substantially slow objects down entering the atmosphere. The effect of gravity and attraction tends to warp the effect, however, we know from manned space flight that re-entering the Earth's atmosphere at any speed causes huge flames as the hydrogen and oxygen in the air burns from the friction on the outside of the craft. We also know the spacecraft's outer skin gets extremely het as well as the object buffeted (push and pull) as its hits varying densities in the atmosphere, causing it to shake. NASA understands that if the Space Shuttle tilts too hard into the Earth's atmosphere and comes down at any speed beyond 27,000 km ph, the spacecraft will burn up. The effect of the Atmosphere on smaller meteorites is already well understood- "shooting stars" in the night sky are meteorites burning up in our atmosphere Therefore we know that if an object comes in at 90 degrees, it will encounter greater resistance than if it comes in side on. We also know that any object traveling at speed must withstand tremendous friction to hold together. 17.2.3 Do asteroids, meteorites hit in one place or in a series of hits? Given the general unacceptable by science as to the seriousness of

studying asteroid and meteor hits on the Earth's surface, it is not surprising to find that the common held view is that one meteor = one crater. This is in spite of the strong understanding that comets, meteorites and asteroids are not manufactured by the conditions of space as perfect spherical shapes. Instead, these pieces of rock, metal or ice and dust are infinitely varied in shape, mostly irregular rather than spherical. Without even looking heavily into the mathematics of speed of asteroid, resistance of atmosphere and effect on the asteroid, common sense tells us that an irregular object traveling at speed into our atmosphere would most likely break up into pieces before the pieces hit the surface. We also know that an object will face less resistance if it travels into our atmosphere sideways, rather than 90 degrees. Presumably this must also have some impact on the path of any meteor, encouraging the object to finish its final approach into our lower atmosphere (if it is big enough) on an angle. It would also hold true that if a big enough object came toward the Earth at a too shallow angle, the object would simply "bounce off" the atmosphere. This combination of intense het, the object splitting up, means that by rights, when we find one crater, there should be more. Contrary to the current view, one comet/meteor/asteroid = multi craters. 17.2.4 The thinner outer atmosphere of the equator vs the thinner inner atmosphere towards the poles Another area we need to consider regarding the inbound path of large objects onto the surface of the Earth is the relative difference in densities of the outer atmosphere and inner atmosphere of the Earth. Around the equator, the atmosphere is thinner in the upper atmosphere, compared to the poles. The reverse is true when you get further into the atmosphere. This difference is strong enough that an object would find it "easier" to enter around the equator and skew further towards the North Pole or the South Pole. We should therefore find more meteorite impacts initially occurring closer to the equator than closer to the North or South pole. 17.2.5 Do fragments of asteroids, meteors hit in clusters or lines? The next question is whether the fragments of asteroids broken up in the atmosphere hit in a cluster or in a line? To answer this, we need to consider the combined effect of the atmosphere's friction, skewing of objects to enter sideways to come in around the equator, but away closer into the atmosphere Under such pressures, we must assume that the largest objects will have the greatest power to continue towards the surface while the smaller fragments torn off in the atmosphere will travel at slower speeds and be more influenced by the atmosphere Given these relative pressures on the object, there is no other likely conclusion except for

patterns of asteroid, meteor/comet hits in curved or slightly curved lines. We also expect to see a large crater, surrounded by smaller impacts as well as a line of successively smaller craters as the parts of the object that broke off in the atmosphere come down. 17.2.6 What does all this mean r/e deadly asteroids, meteors and comets? We now know that the Earth's atmosphere is capable of breaking up large objects into smaller objects spreading out the fragments in a line of impact zones burning up a sizable amount of the object in the process. All these factors are good when you consider the strength of a 4km wide meteor traveling at 100,000km per second towards the Earth. In recent years, science has provided a number of comparisons regarding the size of meteors and their potential impact on life on Earth if they hit. For instance, a recent US defence dept. analysis stated that a meteor 1/10th the size of Hale-Bopp would be large enough to destroy up to 1 billion people and devastate the Earth. It is unlikely however, that this analysis took into account the process of the meteor through the atmosphere, breaking up, and various impact zones. All these factors lessen the killing potential of the meteor. Once we take these factors into account, a 4km object would more than likely break up into at least 1 to 2 main components with anything up to half a dozen smaller fragments. Secondly, the smaller objects would move slower in the atmosphere, again lessening their damage. Thirdly, the friction within the atmosphere would help burn up to 30% of the main body of the largest parts and anything up to 80% of the medium sized pieces. Finally, the impacts would be spread out, possibly over a 200km to 600km curved line. The worst impact from a 4km asteroid would end up being one to two impacts of around 200m to 400m across. Certainly large enough to destroy a major city, or close cluster of cities, but not enough to wipe out the whole of North America or Europe. Given these considerations, the most people a 4km wide asteroid could directly kill would be no more than 50million to 100million plus. The environmental impact in terms of global cooling might contribute an additional 50million to the death toll, but certainly not a mass extermination of the planet. 17.2.7 What damage does a large asteroid/meteor cause? There is a sequence to the damage that any large object causes to the Earth and the life ecosystem, the first beginning with localized Earthquakes and Firestorm. (1) The nuclear fireball and Earthquakes At the point of impact of a large fragment of meteor, the impact would likely create a huge crater. For a 50metre wide fragment, the crater could be as wide as 6km across and up to 1km to 2 km deep. The impact would pulverize the displaced rock and soil into fine particles, pushing them high up into the atmosphere, to settle back down over years, sometimes even hundreds of years. Immediately upon impact, the meteor would also cause a sudden

increase in kinesis shockwaves near ground level atmosphere, causing a huge fireball of burning hydrogen and oxygen to erupt from the impact zone for possibly 80km around the impact zone (if it was a 50m wide meteor). This would burn all the trees and plants up like a giant forest fire, with the wind, blowing every man made structure flat for around a 30 to 40km radius. At the same time, the shockwaves from the impact would cause major Earth quakes at 7 or above for possibly a 100km radius, extending beyond this point if the impact was nearby to a major fault line. This all happens within the 1st ten minutes of the meteor hitting. (2) Tidal waves across the oceans Within 7 hours of the hit, you would expect major tidal surges hitting other continents nearby as the impact reverberates through the Earth's surface and mantle. (3) Volcanoes Within 24 hours of the hit, you would expect volcanoes in the region to be active, releasing the stress within the Earth's surface from the impact. (4) Severe cooling of the region Finally, apart from the after shocks, you would expect a major warming and then cooling of the region because of the tons of fine dust in the air reducing the arrival of sunlight, not interacting higher in the atmosphere. The temperature around the impact zone may even drop by more than 15 C. This may bring on the onset of severe winter conditions, causing local bodies of water to freeze and the creation of glamorization. Eventually the dust will settle, carried by the winds over an area from the impact site for potentially thousands of kilometres, burying some or all of the burnt forests in thick layers of fine dust. In maybe 40 million years, we may rediscover this region and tap into the burn forests for coal or even oil, if the impacts are more recent. This pattern of severe climactic change (in order) is the same for every major meteor/asteroid hit that has happened and will happen on Earth. 17.2.8 What does this mean for future asteroid hits? While the good news might be academic to someone living on the future impact zone for a large meteor or asteroid, the conclusion from this section is that asteroids need to be of a substantial size in order to cause mass extinctions of the planet. Much larger than we have previously thought. Humanity will simply not be exterminated from the arrival of a 10km to even 20km across asteroid/meteor into our outer atmosphere. Such a large object would cause a significant change in atmosphere however. Mass extinctions of the sort that have happened for hundreds of millions of years (mass extinction = where more than 90% of life was killed), would take an object of immense relative size (50km across or more). Again the good news is that these objects are much rarer than the

hundreds of smaller objects (2km or less) that cross our Orbit ever year. 17.2.9 Further proof of large asteroid hits The most stunning proof of asteroid hits on Earth remain the heavy core elements above Iron (26). That Gold exists, that Uranium exists is living proof of previous asteroid hits on Earth. For example, using our knowledge of the elements from chapter 7, we can see a natural relationship between the three major classes of asteroids and meteorites and the constituent elements their impacts would cause. Carbon based asteroids (most common in the Universe) On impact, would create sufficient kinesis to form heavier elements such as o Potassium (19) o Calcium (20) o Manganese (26) o Surface Iron (26) o Nickel (28). The second most common asteroids, comets and meteorites are the oxygen/silicates. On impact, the oxygen/silicates would create sufficient kinesis to form heavier core elements such as: o Strontium (38) o Silver (47) o Tin (50) o Cadmium (48). The third, and least common asteroids and meteorites being the iron structures on impact would create sufficient kinesis to create the heaviest elements, including: o Gold (79) o Mercury (80) o Lead (82) o Uranium (92). If you are still not convinced that asteroids and meteorites are the catalysts that create these heavier elements, simply have a look at any atlas that shows the various locations of "heavier" elements and their approximate position relative to structures such as: deserts, deformed coastlines and o mountain ranges. While significant pressures over millions of years can assist in forming "reefs" of heavier elements, surface minerals correspond strongly to geological environments consistent with what you would expect from the result of large impacts. ( We will discuss this in greater detail further into this chapter).


A greater understanding of cycles and seasons

A consistent rhythm of life on planet Earth is the cycle of seasons. Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring. In regions closer to the poles, the temperature extremes between the seasons increase. In regions closer to the equator, the difference seasonal temperature decreases. Likewise, for most of our history, since the foundation of modern Western history the North Pole and South Pole have been capped with ice, the Sahara has been a desert, the Equator has been hot and Australia has been flat and dry. To us, two thousand years is a long time. Yet in the 4.5 Billion year cycle of seasons of the Earth's life, compared to ours, two thousand years is a blink of an eye. Because we live an average of seventy to eighty years, it is difficult to pick the larger cycles as they turn from the

Earth's perspective. Sometimes we get a glimpse, when we experience the "hottest day in a hundred years", or the "biggest storm in sixty years". But for the most past, our perspective on seasons and the shape and conditions around the Earth remain short on focus. 17.3.1 The Earth has looked vastly different than it does today Thankfully, science has done much to expand our view of seasons to consider what conditions might have been like millions of years ago during the last great ages of the Dinosaurs. Similarly, great work has been done on the analysis and description of the last great ice ages across North America twenty five thousand years ago and Europe eleven thousand years ago. Yet for the most part, our perspective remains that the North Pole has always been the North Pole and the South Pole has always been the South Pole. 17.3.2 Shifting Poles, shifting polar regions It is only recently, in the past fifty years that Western scientists have finally come to fully accept that the Earth's axis shifts in angle between 22 degrees and 24 degrees over a cycle of 26,000 years. Ancient cultures before the Romans and Greeks knew about this "wobble" precisely and built temples and devices to mark the shift in angle. Today we call this phenomena the "Precession of the Equinoxes" (discussed in more detail later in the chapter). However, the additional concept that different regions of the planet have at one time been tropical and at other times polar is still a contentious theory. Oil companies have known for some time that large deposits of fossil fuels exist under the arctic and antarctic land masses. The only way for oil to be created is that at one time lush the North and South Pole must have experienced sub tropical/tropical conditions. In fact, it is estimated that as recently as 4000 years ago , Antarctica still had sufficient exposed land mass that rivers still flowed and vegetation along coastal regions would have existed! With such recent time frames involved, it is quite possible and probable that ancient cultures lived in Antarctica and the Arctic when it was warmer. It is also probable that human bones of these ancient cultures will one day be found through ice excavations around the mouths of old river deltas. 17.3.3 The shifting skin of the Earth As we explain further into this chapter, every major region on the Earth experiences its own season of life, moving from winter (arctic conditions), spring (temperate), summer( tropical/desert), autumn (temperate) and then arctic The wobble adds an additional dimension of cycle so that a region such as Australia has at one time been the South Pole, then temperate, then summer, then temperate (now), then winter again in a few thousands more years.


The shifting orbit of the earth In Chapter 11, we introduced the concept that the orbit radius of the Earth to the Sun is not static, but dynamically changes of long periods of time. In addition, we explained this as a feature of the output of the Sun. During great "summer periods" of massive input of hydrogen into the Sun, the Earth has orbited much closer to the Sun and as a result, gravity has been greater and the day shorter. As we also explained, this dynamic feature explains the emergence of the dinosaurs and the different great periods (177m, 122m and 65m years ago). Their emergence at a time of increased rainfall, heat and density making them ideal lifeforms on the planet.


The cycle of galactic seasons winter- spring-summer-autumn While we described the 122m year orbit of the Sun (earth) around the galaxy like we orbit the Sun, the concept of galactic seasons may have struck some as far fetched in Chapter 10. Yet it is the seasons of the galaxy- spring 177m years ago when the Earth orbit was around 144m miles, summer 121m years ago when the Earth orbited around 138m miles and winter 8m years ago when the Earth orbited as a chilling 150m miles that explains so much of the Earth's history. Closer orbit times producing major shifts in vegetation, volcanic activity, ideal life, length of time, density and rainfall.


The general conditions for hydro-carbon biologics on Earth

In this section, we will investigate important understandings on the development of Hydro-Carbon Biologics and conditions required for life on Earth. Many of the concepts will be familiar to you and as you have encountered in previous chapters, this model is able to make some sense from previously unassociated or misarticulated concepts.


The general conditions for Hydro-Carbon on Earth: The general conditions required for existence of complex Hydro-Carbon Biologics on Earth are consistent with the description of general conditions for all complex molecular structures in the Universe: (1) Oceans of water The first and most fundamental condition for Hydro-Carbon Biologics on Earth is the existence of molecular oceans- that is the existence of

sufficient quantities of stable structured compound(s) with common catalyst qualities. (2) Surface temperature Mono-cellular organisms can function in a generally wider bandwidth of surface temperatures from around -50C to over 250C. Plants can withstand a narrower range of temperatures (-50C to 150C). Animal cells on the other hand, can only survive in a bandwidth of around -40C to 60C. (3) Possession of a "life" supporting atmosphere The third and equally fundamental condition for Hydro-Carbon Biologics on Earth is the existence of an atmosphere. Life supporting atmospheres, such as Carbon Dioxide and Air come from the existence of oceans on a heavy atom planet such as Earth. (4) Relatively stable gravity The effect of gravity affects cell growth and cell structure. The higher the gravity, the more complex the compounds possible. The lower the gravity, the less complex. 17.4.2 External influences to life conditions (1) Cosmic Waves Cosmic waves are the ultra small, ultra high speed unstable particles created during the birth of Supernovae and the after shocks of the continual birth of the Universe. Cosmic waves are also known sometimes as Cosmic radiation. Given the rarity of Supernovae births outside the centre of maturing galaxies, the levels of Cosmic radiation are normally so low as to pose no threat to the structures of life on a planet such as Earth. Cosmic waves pass through the atmosphere and interact with the Earth every day, every year for billions of years. Their effect on compound based structures is happening all the time, though normally at a lower rate. However, sufficient levels of Cosmic wave particles can have a devastating effect on life and basic compound structures, causing them to break their weak solution-based bonds temporarily. This can result in sufficient levels of Cosmic waves causing all life to vaporize under intense Het, much hotter than the hottest nuclear explosion. A Supernovae being born say ten light years from Earth, would be sufficiently close to cause a massive wave of Cosmic radiation to sweep the Earth less than eight years after its violent birth and extinct all life. (2) Sun- Solar Flares Solar Flares are when explosions on the surface and in the atmosphere. of our Sun occur at a faster rate than normal. This can result in huge blasts of fire raging up and out of the Sun's atmosphere, sometimes over 500,000 km in width, more than 40 times the width of the planet Earth. Solar Flares, regardless of size, affect the levels of particles that travel

to Earth as light and radiation. Solar Flares cause a dramatic rise in the levels of radiation traveling to Earth. As radioactive particles, which are smaller than light particles travel faster than light particles, the higher amounts of radioactive particles arrive first, before the light particles. If the solar flare is large enough, it can result in at least a 100% increase in the level of radiation from the Sun, increasing the risk of skin cancer, affecting human communication systems, such as radios and television, affect computers. This is sometimes known as what is called "Solar Winds", (not to be confused with the solar surface winds of particles swirling around in the atmosphere. of the Sun). If a solar flare is particularly violent, the radiation can come at the Earth like "shockwaves", or in other words "pulses." This is understood by Science and the military as EMP, or electro-magnetic pulsessufficient levels of high speed radioactive particles traveling as a shockwave. EMP, or violent Solar Winds from a violent Solar Flare could cause complete shut down of almost every computer based electrical appliance on the planet. Not only can Solar Flares create an intense builds up of radiation entering Earth's atmosphere., they also increase the levels of light arriving to Earth, creating wilder weather patterns, such as storms, floods and droughts. (3) Sun - Sun Spots Sun Spots are essentially huge storms in the atmosphere of the Sun that cause the small, super het particles to increase in density as the storm, swirls around, therefore lower relative motion and increasing vibration. This results in sun spots being the coolest part of the Sun. The effect on Earth is similar in terms of creating coller conditions, but with significantly greater levels of radioactive particles entering the Earth's atmosphere. Sun spots can and have caused rapid periods of cooling and wild winter storms on the surface of the Earth. However, their severity rarely has the capacity to create a sufficiently wide and col environment on Earth to cause mass extinctions. (4) The Sun- Solar surface winds Solar surface winds are the relative densities of stable and unstable particles interacting in the atmosphere. of the Sun, before they escape and arrive on Earth, or escape to other parts of the Solar System or neighborhood of the Galaxy. Special astronomical photographs of the Sun's surface show these solar surface winds to be traveling and tremendous velocities. These solar surface "winds" and their relative density (e.g. a sun spot), affects the level of particles streaming into the Earth's atmosphere. Solar winds in turn means that the blanket of particles interacting with the Earth's atmosphere and oceans/landmass, is never even, it is always arriving in swirling blankets of density. This in turn creates, different levels of reactions in the atmosphere and oceans, and land, which in turn creates the currents, that in turn

create the clouds and wind movements. Violent solar storms in the Sun's atmosphere are in turn repeated by violent storms on the Earth. (5) Asteroids, comets and meteorites Asteroids and meteorites have affected the general conditions for life on Earth more than any other class of phenomena. As we can see with our naked eye, the surface of our Moon is cratered from asteroid and meteorite crashes. Similarly, asteroid and meteor showers have hit the Earth. Asteroids by far have the most destructive potential to the existence of life on the Earth, until the Sun reaches the end of its life. We will discuss the history of asteroids and meteors in further detail in a moment. (6) The other planets The position of the planets affects the accumulated forces of attraction and velocity of the Earth in its orbit around the Sun. When larger planets such as Jupiter and Saturn align with the attraction forces of the Sun, it can reduce the effect of such things as Gravity, which in turn can reduce the ferocity of storms and weather patterns as well as the relative weight of objects on the Earth's surface. The opposite is true when planets align between the Sun and the Earth. (7) Molecular clouds as Solar System orbits Milky Way Galaxy As our Solar System orbits around with other local stars within the local neighbourhood of the Milky Way, our star and system comes in contact with regions of the galaxy with vastly differently densities and composition. Some of these regions represent dense molecular clouds of hydrogen and simple molecular structures that in turn increase the density of our solar system, causing the rotation of the Earth to increase and the activity within the solar system to vastly increase.


History of general conditions for life on Earth

No one has established for certain (plus or minus a hundred million years) actually how old the Earth really is. As recently as the midseventeenth century, philosophers and religious leaders thought the Earth was only a few thousand years old. In 1656, the archbishop of Armagh (Ireland) declared that the Earth was created on the 10th October 4004 B.C. We now know that the Earth is certainly older than 4000 to 4500 million years old. Yet we may never know for certain as much of the Earth's original surface has been replaced by the gradual change from volcanic action and general increase in size of the Earth over the past millions of years of bombardment by meteorites and larger asteroids. The oldest known rocks found so far were in Canada during the mid1980's and dated around 3960 million years old.


The increasing size of the Earth From its earliest moments, the size of the Earth has been growing, due to the constant bombardment of meteorites and asteroids over

thousands of millions of years. Even the debris of the largest of asteroids that have hit Earth has eventually settled back down to add an extra layer to add to the Earth's surface at an average of increased surface area of 1cm every 100,000 years, with varying degrees of increased layering on different parts of the original surface. 17.5.2 The age bands of the Earth Since the advent of dating technology for rock formations (mass spectrometer), Geologists have arranged the time of the Earth according to a calendar based on the age of rocks. While there are many hundreds of different sedimentary and rock layers across the Earth, these following dates have been identified as significant points to define periods of massive development/change to the Earth's surface. YEARS (millions) 4,600 to 563 563 to 543 543 to 510 510 to 438 438 to 408 408 to 360 360 to 320 320 to 286 286 to 248 248 to 208 208 to 144 144 to 66 66 to 53 53 to 37 37 to 26 26 to 12 12 to 2 2 to 12,000BCE 12,000BCE TO 2000 2000 ONWARDS 17.5.4 ERA Archaean Protozoic Palaeozoic PERIOD Pre-Cambrian Verdian Cambrian Ordovician Silurian Devonian Missisippian Pennslvanian Permian Triassic Jurassic Cretacious Tertiary Tertiary Tertiary Tertiary Tertiary Quarternary Quarternary Quarternary EPOCH



Paleocene Eocene Oligocene Miocene Piliocene Pleistocene Holocene UCACENE

Understanding the significance of rocks Earlier, we spoke of the oldest known rock found so far was dated at around 3.9 Billion years old. Why is this date and the other dates of different rock formations so significant? The rock is identifiably different to be defined as different The first may sound obvious- the rock layers above each other are different. What does that mean? In some cases it may be the level of radioactive particles, in other cases, it may be the overall mix of chemical compounds and elements, as well as combination of the two. It does not mean different cooling rates of exactly the same rock in every single way except age. Fundamentally, what this means is that something external happened

for the various rock layers to be different. Not simply the internal workings of the Earth. The temperature required for rock to solidify Earlier, we looked at the relative temperatures within the Earth to a potential inner core temperature of 5,000C. Even at a temperature of 300C, the rock found in Canada around 3.9Billion years ago would not have solidified. Therefore the temperature around the time of the Canadian rock being formed would have had to be less that 300C. The problem with standard gradual cooling of the Earth The problem with contemporary beliefs that the Earth cooled to a point that life could start is that we are saying the surface temperature of the Earth from birth at around 4,500 Million years ago at around 2,000C to around 40C when life started around 3,500 Million years ago. That is a temperature drop of around 2 degrees Celsius every million years at a time that the Sun and the general environment was significantly hotter than it is now. When you consider that we have found formed rocks at 3.9 Billion years, the drop in temperature would then have to be more than 4 degrees every million years. This means that the massive temperature drops required to create oceans, to solidify the surface to create rocks must have been accelerated by something external. There is only one case when something external can provide the added het to enhance rock formation and provide the necessary cold for the rocks to solidify-asteroids/meteors/comets.


The nature of the Earths' surface

Looking at any atlas and you will can see maps of the fractured surface of the Earth's surface into "plates". Looking over any part of the globe, minus the ocean and you can see its scars and past battles- giant trenches in the Pacific Ocean thousands of metres deep, while we have mountain ranges such as India, China and Tibet. We see massive volcanoes such as Mount Fuji and recent evidence of the effect of exploding volcanoes such as in the Philippines with Mt Pinatubo.


Does the Earth's surface ever heal? It may seem simplistic to ask does the Earth's surface ever heal? We mean "heal" in the context of say volcanoes eventually becoming extinct, or mountain ranges eventually eroding, or rivers changing course, or craters from meteorites eventually being buried, or old rifts in the surface eventually folding and mending. However, it is a fundamentally important issue. For if the Earth's surface did not heal eventually from old wounds (excluding of course "new" wounds), then we could not explain new rock formations, the eroding of mountains, volcanoes would ever remain active, rift valleys would remain the same etc. Clearly this is not the case and it would appear nonsensical to think otherwise. However, current science is less emphatic in describing the

eventual healing and repair of various sections of the Earths surface. Yet, the concept of severe fractures in the Earth's surface to create plates seems to fly in the face of the healing capacity of the Earth's surface. This of course only applies if you believe the fracture zones that exist today, have existed since the Earth was formed and that the Earth has been unable to repair these fractures via new growth and volcanoes. There is no proof that plates have existed the same for hundreds of millions of years. On the contrary, the theory of Pangea (one huge land mass 200 million years ago) builds in the contingency that the plates have changed shape. 17.6.2 How plates are formed Unfortunately, there are no substantive scientific models that provide sufficient explanation as to the phenomena of plates. We do know for example, that the surface of the Moon is not fractured like Earth. We also know that Mars does not have a plate surface. However, we have observed fractured surfaces on frozen ocean moons such as Europa. Given the size of impact craters on the moon, we can safely say that meteors and asteroids on their own are insufficient. That leaves only one alternative, the effect of water when frozen over structural weaknesses in the Earth's surface. It would make sense that oceans the size of the Pacific, if mostly frozen would create tremendous pressures, powerful enough to tear the fabric of the Earth's surface underneath the frozen ocean to create plates. This would also explain the look of the main fault lines, like "tree rings", indicating massive external influences that may have caused the massive freezing of the Earth's oceans. 17.6.3 Volcanoes Volcanoes have always been a symbol of fear, power and awe to humanity. Human agriculturalists for tens of thousands of years have known that fresh (50 to 100 years) volcanic plateaus offer excellent regions for growing crops, given the compounds and elements in volcanic rock. It is no surprise then that the first great human civilizations were born on volcanic flood plains thousands of years ago. Certainly volcanoes are a problem if you happened to live in Pompeii two thousand years ago. However, without volcanoes, we would not have the richness and variety of soils vital for life across the globe. 17.6.4 The growth of the continental plates Geologists have established that North America and South American plates are moving further away from Europe and Africa at around 4cm per year. Based on present observation, it is a fairly easy task to calculate a shift at the same rate would mean North America and South America have moved away by around 8,000km over the past 200 million years. After fudging a bit for variances in the rate of growth of the plates, this fits nicely into a theory that Africa and North Americas were once part of a giant continent. Certainly, a casual, not too detailed glance at their shapes certainly makes the theory sound

feasible. Yet, the plates on the other side of the globe are growing at different rates, with continents "drifting" in different directions. So is growth in the plates constant? Clearly not and contemporary science at least agrees. So have the plates always grown and have they always been the same? Again, there is enough evidence to suggest no to both answers. This suggests that it might be dangerous territory to suggest that the Americas will always be drifting away from Europe and Africa. At some point, continental drift may stop, possibly even reverse. 17.6.5 The growth of the continental plates A theory formed in 1924, still dominates geological thinking on the history of the Earth's surface. The theory is called Pangea- that around 200 million years ago, all continents were joined into one giant land mass. The main "proof" of the theory is o the general movement of the plates and that the continents "seem" to be like a jigsaw puzzle o that structures in their present system have magnetized rock that is misaligned with magnetic North and South, indicating change in position. The theory is so strongly supported, it remains a fundamental pillar to the concept of human evolution and eventual "drifting" away of the continents to their present position. These by the way, are the same people who refuse to believe that asteroids have principally been the catalysts for the shape of the surface of the planet. This is in spite of glaring anomalies in the Pangea theory in terms of different speeds of drift for various continents, the exact fit of the continents and amazing coincidence of one mass of land, lopsided over one section of the Earth. Their reasoning is like any child learning that seeks to fit the pieces of a puzzle. The land masses appear to have shape (as common sense would suggest)- therefore, why don't we join them together and see if they fit? Blankly, a single lop sided land mass is not only impossible, it defies all our laws of mathematics, probability and Logos. There is no way that asteroids simply hit one side of a rotating Earth and not the other side, given the Earth spins once a day. The land masses emerged separately with synergetic shapes thanks to the massive glamorization of frozen oceans and asteroid impacts. That is why we see the stretching of East Africa and the squashing of the East Coast of America. Yes, the continents are adrift at the moment. But over time, the position of the continents will stabilize until the next massive asteroid hit. 17.6.6 The creation of Bays There currently exists no faultless explanation from non-asteroid scientists as to the formation of massive bays such as the North Atlantic Basin, The Gulf of Mexico, the Bay of Bengal, Hudson Bay. Even with the forces of separating continental shelves, it is geometrically impossible to see these features as being caused by volcanoes that have exploded, moving plates, glaciers or erosion.


When life first started on Earth

The emergence of first life forms appeared to have occurred around 3500 millions of years ago. At that stage, the Earth was a shallow, continuous ocean, with possibly a few volcanoes and depressions from massive asteroids, creating mini-oceans and land. In the hundred metres or so of water, the rays of the sun were filtered further to eliminate the harmful spectrum of radiation from the sun. The Earth was also warm- so warm in fact that the organisms, closest to the Earths surface could begin to form, away from the harmful effects of the bright, intense sunlight of the newly born sun. At that stage, the temperature of the water closest to the Earths crust may have been as hot as 40 degrees. The first celled creatures called- protozoan's, evolved to multi-celled animals known at metazoans. These were just basically strands of chemicals that started to function and replicate. They developed further to provide themselves movement through the currents of the great ocean of 1st life. Gradually they were able to develop into more complex life forms still in the great ocean. Metazoans developed in more complex multi-celled life forms that created species.


Age times of the Earth YEARS AGES OF LIFE 4.5 STAGES OF EVOLUTION YEARS Formation of Earth 4.5 Oldest known rocks 4.0 Condensation of steamPre-biotic formation of 3.8 shallow seas conditions for life Carbon based compounds Catalytic loops, membranes MICROCOSM First bacterial cells Fermentation Photosynthesis sensing devices motion DNA repair Trading of genes Tectonic plates, continents Oxygen photosynthesisbacteria fully extended First nucleated cells Oxygen build up in atmosphere Oxygen breathing Earth surface and atmosphere established Locomotion 3.5


2.8 2.5 2.2 2.0 1.8 1.5 1.2

Evolution of micro organisms



Evolution of visible lifeforms

Sexual reproduction Mitochondria, Chloroplasts Early animals Shells and skeletons Early plants Land animals Dinosaurs Mammals Flowering plants Primates

1.0 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.1


Life and death on Earth

As you would expect from regular bombardments of massive asteroids and hundreds of showers of smaller meteorites, the development of life to the stage of the evolution of the primates was long and hard. So hard in fact, that if a massive asteroid hadn't exterminated the dinosaurs, then in evolutionary terms, there is no reason that they wouldn't have already colonized far off star systems and developed sophisticated cities and civilizations of their own.


Extinction as a fact of life on Earth Extinction from the result of dramatically changing environmental conditions is a fact of life on Earth. Sometimes, the size of the external influence has been so great that it has almost extinguished all life. Other times, it has rendered areas, useless for several thousands of years. Diversity and survival skills has always been a feature of life on Earth Regardless of our understanding of lack of bio diversity, it is clear that life on Earth has developed to diversified peaks of amazing variety in life, then to rapidly fall and re-emerge again, even more diverse. The answers to all mass extinctions lie with external influences Putting into perspective something now- the result of ice ages, darkened skies, volcanoes, shifting plates of the crust of the Earth are from external influences on the planet. The planet itself has by and large tried to stay in form. We see historical evidence to suggest that with the applied changes as a result of the influence on the other planets as well as the effect of the sun, the Earth has displayed an extraordinary stability conducive to life. Secondly, the influence of the planets on their own in terms of dramatically shifting position, even the planet dramatically shifting position appear to be so small as to be almost imperceptible vibrations and change.

If they were large, then they would reoccur in patterns of the largeness as the planets turned and spinned on their orbits. If these were the results of the exterminations, therefore the shift of the Earth from a stable position to an unstable position, then we would see cycles in extermination and death of life. But we do not. We do not see the regular occurrence of total eradication of the species on Earth at regular intervals. Earlier on this century, there was an attempt to imply something of this nature, when some scientists stated that the rates of extinction were consistent. It was later proven that this hypothesis was wrong. While the simplified pattern suggested has been dismissed as in error, there MUST BE some set of cycles in operation to explain the hits on Earth by asteroids, meteors and comets. Regardless of what these patterns might be, the bottom line is- all exterminations on a large scale have occurred because of asteroids. o None of the mass extinctions can be caused by the Earth; o None of the mass extinctions can be blamed on the planets influencing the Earth; o All of the mass extinctions can be blamed on asteroid activity influenced by the relative position of the solar system and the planets within and outside the solar system over time. 17.8.2 Mass extinctions- The Five "Big Ones" In terms of the history of life on Earth, there is now general agreement amongst palaeontologists (the study of fossils of life buried in rocks) that there has been at least five mass exterminations of life. At these periods of time in the Earth's history, whole branches of species disappeared from our record of fossils at or about the same time and in greater volumes than at other times. At the same time, there have been numerous "smaller" extinctions in the history of life on Earth. While theses have probably been too numerous to isolate, we have identified the most pertinent and especially the most important over the last 100,000 years of life on Earth. 17.8.3 The mass extinctions correspond to our definement of the historic periods of life on Earth As you would expect, the research into the fossil record has helped us determine different phases of life on Earth. Therefore these massive changes are our defining points for many of the mass exterminations. The five largest detected mass exterminations took place at the end of the following periods. o o o o o Ordovician (About 438 million years ago) Devonian (About 360 million years ago) Permian (About 245 million years ago) Triassic (About 208 million years ago) Cretaceous (About 65 million years ago)


The pre-Cambrian/Vendian extinctions (500m BCE)

o Pre Cambrian period (4.6 billion to 523 million years ago) o Vendian period (523-543 million years ago) The Pre Cambrian era was a period in Earth history before the evolution of hardbodied and complex organisms. Throughout the extent of both periods, dominant Pre Cambrian and Vendian organisms were soft-bodied, simple, and entirely marine. They swum around the water close to the surface of the immersed Earth, feeding of the very much stronger radiation from the Sun and the internal warmth of the Earth, still cooling down. Even at these Early stages there would have been land. Places where asteroids had smashed into the 100 metre deep ocean and created huge gaping holes and pockets of islands. But these few dotted islands of land were bare, warm, warped rock. Nothing yet lived on land. The diversification of life to hard-bodied organisms did not occur until the beginning of the Cambrian, when the first shelly fauna appeared. About 650 million years ago, seventy percent of the dominant Pre cambrian life totally living in the oceans perished in the first great extinction. This extinction strongly affected stromatolites, acritarchs, and was also the predetermining factor that encouraged the diversification of the Vendian fauna that followed. However, pre Cambrian life totally in the oceans resembled modern-day softbodied organisms such as sea pens, jellyfish, and segmented worms that also perished in a second extinction event at the close of the Vendian.


What happened then? The impact of the asteroids had several effects. Firstly it fractured the Earths surface, releasing massive amounts of the inner core and creating volcanoes. Second, it twisted and re-shaped the Earths crust into mountain ranges, rather like the folding of a giant rug, when someone trips on the end. The stretch of the Earth's crust could also accounts for secondary fissures at the other end, where another object hit, causing the crust to snap and thus create two or possibly three edges of a "mini" plate. At this time, the temperature of the Earths oceans would have been incredibly het (possibly for over a year). Huge volcanic eruptions would have added to the massive amounts of dust particles creating thick, dense clouds in the Earth's atmosphere. Finally, the blanket of dust plummeted the Earth's surface into darkness. Quickly the oceans cooled. Life that hadn't been boiled now faced the prospect of being snapped frozen. For the oceans quickly began freezing up, all across the globe. A massive ice age occurred where the entire globe was covered in ice for years. The life most likely to have survived the heat wave of the oceans, closer to the poles now face being the first to freeze to death. They may have got half way, say around where Europe now is located and the early islands that may have eventually become Australia. And there- the miracle of snap freezing took place. Life, growing the conditions for growing ceased to be possible. But life was not dead. It was frozen in the frozen oceans of the globe. As the dust gradually settled, the sunlight started to break through again and the oceans thawed after several thousands of years. During this period, the floor of the oceans were scowled by the giant glacier. Ridges and mountains were warped even higher, crushed by the expanded massive ice pack.


The signature pattern of life But we also see from the extinction, that life through DNA understood the conditions and the need to adapt to possible future changes. From now on, life had to adapt with harder bodies. Harder bodies could withstand the greater

changes of heat and cold. It certainly the reason that we see basic organisms develop into shelly types during the next period, apart from the continuation of soft bodied creatures.

17.10 The Ordovician extinctions (440M BCE)

o Ordovician period (510-438 million years ago) o Ordovician extinction (440-450 million years ago) o Ordovician extinction was second most devastating in earth history The Ordovician period was an era of extensive diversification and expansion of numerous marine life. For the world was still an ocean, but now with a few more rugged lifeless land masses. Some of the oceans were deeper, allowing further diversification and possible escape from future disasters. Soft bodied organisms could always hide down there if another ecological disaster happened again. But closer to the surface, there needed to be a development of hard bodies. At this point, there was still not the need to consider land. At any point, life had no means of sustaining yet on land. Although organisms also present in the Cambrian were numerous in the Ordovician, a variety of new types including cephalopods, corals (including rugose and tabulate forms), bryozoans, crinoids graptolites gastropods bivalves flourished. Ordovician communities typically displayed a higher ecological complexity than Cambrian communities due to the greater diversity of organisms.


Species affected in the Ordovician extinctions The Ordovician extinction caused the disappearance of one third of all brachiopod and bryozoan families, as well as numerous groups of conodonts, trilobites, and graptolites. Much of the reef-building life was also decimated. In total, more than one hundred families of marine invertebrates perished in this extinction.


Why? Well, as we have seen, extraterrestrial bodies such as asteroids have a habit of massively changing the conditions for life, particularly when life depended so

much on the temperature of water, it means of transport, food, replication. Again the oceans dominating the world would have frozen up. Species at the centre would have been boiled to death and the ones at the poles survived and swam towards the centre, again depositing themselves in the snap frozen life for another few thousand years of nuclear winter and freezing temperatures. Again there would have been fractures and again the surface would have been twisted and torn from the effects of the ice, stretching and pulling at the surface of the crust until it snapped into pieces. In this theoretical diagram, we attribute some of the largest hits on the Earth, such as the creation of the Atlantic ocean to around 450 Million years ago.

17.11 The Devonian extinctions (360m BCE)

o Devonian period ranged from 408-360 million years ago A major intra-Devonian extinction occurred at the Frasnian-Famennian boundary. Following the Ordovician mass extinction re diversification of surviving groups occurred throughout the Silurian and Devonian. In addition, the Devonian saw the first appearance of sharks, bony fish, and ammonoids. During the Devonian the world's oceans were dominated by reef-builders such as the stromatoporoids, and corals, and some of the world's largest reef complexes were built. But we also saw for the first time, the emergence of plant life from the oceans. Again adaption and "learning from the past" via DNA showed that life needed to diversify and get out of the oceans so that if asteroids hit again and the oceans froze, then the animals on the surface may not be crushed to death like happened to so many during the second massive ICE AGE. As the ice thawed, the first plant life crept out of the ocean, slowly until it could sustain itself on the surface. It also adapted its approach to intaking fuel for survival. The process of creation was now via the carbon dioxide and extracting nitrogen for energy and leaving oxygen. Terrestrial newcomers in the Devonian included amphibians, insects. Eventually the land based system gave rise to the first forest and hard bodied animals rising from the oceans as amphibians.


Species affected by the Devonian Mass Extinction The Devonian mass extinction occurred during the latter part of the Devonian at the Frasnian - Famennian boundary. The crisis primarily affected the marine community, having little impact on the terrestrial flora. This same extinction has been recognized in most mass extinctions throughout earth history. The most important group to be affected by this extinction event were the major reefbuilders including the stromatoporoids, and the rugose, corals. This late Devonian crisis affected these organisms so severely that reef-building was relatively uncommon until the evolution of the scleractinian (modern) corals in the Mesozoic era. Among other marine invertebrates, seventy percent of the species did not survive. Amongst the severely affected groups were the brachiopods, trilobites, conodonts,acritarchs, as well as all jawless fish, and placoderms.

17.12 The Permian extinctions (248m BCE)

o Permian Period (286-248 million years ago) o Terrestrial faunal diversification occurred in the Permian o 90-95% of marine species became extinct in the Permian Using the analysis of galactic and interstellar seasons of orbit of the planet Earth, the Permian period of life 286 represented an autumn period of life on earth as the orbit of the Earth slowly drifted towards it outer market of around 150m miles orbit by 234m bce. As expected, the great winter period would have accentuated the effect of any great catastrophe. The effect of the ice again was to force repairs in previous fractures in the Earth's surface And creating separate continents, not one giant continent such as Pangea as postulated by science. Given the freezing oceans, for the first time, livable land exceeded livable oceans. The result of this new global configuration was the extensive development and diversification of Permian terrestrial vertebrate fauna and accompanying reduction of Permian marine communities. Among terrestrial fauna affected included insects, amphibians, reptiles (which evolved during the Carboniferous), as well as the dominant terrestrial group, the therapsids mammal-like reptiles. The terrestrial flora was predominantly composed of gymnosperms, including the conifers. Life in the

seas was similar to that found in middle Devonian communities following the late Devonian crisis. Common groups included the brachiopods, ammonoids, gastropods, crinoids, bony fish, sharks, and fusulinid foraminifera. Corals and trilobites were also present, but were exceedingly rare.


Species affected by the Permian Mass Extinction The Permian mass extinction occurred about 248 million years ago and was the greatest mass extinction ever recorded in Earth history; even larger than the previously discussed Ordovician and Devonian crises and the better known End Cretaceous extinction that felled the dinosaurs. Ninety to ninety-five percent of marine species were eliminated as a result of this Permian event. The primary marine and terrestrial victims included the fusulinid foraminifera, trilobites,rugose and tabulate corals, blastoids, acanthodians, placoderms, and pelycosaurs, which did not survive beyond the Permian boundary. Other groups that were substantially reduced included the bryozoans, brachiopods, ammonoids, sharks, bony fish, crinoids, eurypterids, ostracodes, and echinoderms.


Causes of the Permian Mass Extinction Simply, Earth encountered another bombardment of asteroids that pulverized not only the oceans this time, but the land as well. Once again, the world was pushed back into a massive ice age. Only this time, the land did not have the same sustaining protection of the ocean. Pretty much all life on land was extinct. What was left became highly predatory in naturesurvival required a different approach. In terms of glaciation, thankfully we have evidence from the science community that supports this did occur. In temperate zones, there is evidence of significant cooling and drying in the sedimentological record, shown by thick sequences of dune sands and evaporates, while in the polar zones, glaciation was prominent. This caused severe climatic fluctuations around the globe, and is found by sediment record to be representative of when the Permian mass extinction occurred.


Volcanic Eruptions In terms of asteroids landing on land, we would expect massive volcanic

eruptions. Thankfully again, science has done enough homework to establish that there were substantial basaltic lava eruptions in Siberia. These volcanic eruptions were large and sent a quantity of sulphates into the atmosphere. Evidence in China supports that these volcanic eruptions may have been silicarich, and thus explosive, a factor that would have produced large ash clouds around the world. The combination of sulphates in the atmosphere and the ejection of ash clouds may have contributed to lowered global climatic conditions. The age of the lava flows has also been dated to the interval in which the Permian mass extinction occurred. One thing, one crucially important thing is the ability of a large number of volcanoes to create the nuclear winter. Sure volcanoes create ash and dust, but do they create the microscopic dust in such mass quantities that it totally blocks out all sunlight? The answer so far is no.

17.13 The Triassic extinctions (209m BCE)

o About 248 to 208 million years ago Labyrinthodont amphibians, conodonts, and all marine reptiles (excluding ichthyosaurs) were eliminated and mammal-like reptiles, the codonts, brachiopods, gastropods, molluscs were severely affected by this event. The causes of the Triassic extinction are not well known, but popular explanations for its occurrence include global climatic cooling, extra-terrestrial impact, or comet showers. This extinction event is particularly important because it allowed the dinosaurs to radiate into terrestrial niches that were previously unavailable. This period would have corresponded to a winter period of life on Earth, when the output of the sun would have been less than it is today.

17.14 The Jurassic extinctions (144m BCE)

o About 208 to 144 million years ago Two extinction events are speculated to have occurred in the Jurassic. The first of these events is recognized in Pleinsbachian age originated from Europe. This extinction eliminated more than eighty percent of marine bivalve species, along with various other shallow water species. The second crisis occurred near the end of the Jurassic, by an event that severely affected ammonoids, marine reptiles, and bivalves. Dinosaurs were also severely affected as stegosaurs and most types of sauropods did not survive into the Cretaceous period.

17.15 The cretaceous extinctions (65m BCE)

o Numerous evolutionary radiations occurred during the Cretaceous (144-65 million years ago) o A major extinction occurred at the end of the period. o 85% of all species died in the End-Cretaceous (K-T) extinction Following the Permian mass extinction, life was abundant but there was a low diversity of species. However, through the Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous, major faunal radiations resulted in a large number of new species and forms. New terrestrial fauna that made their first appearance in the Triassic included the dinosaurs, mammals, pterosaurs (flying reptiles), amphibians (including frogs and turtles). In addition, the first birds appeared in the Jurassic. Among the terrestrial flora, the gymnosperms of the Permian remained dominant until the evolution of the angiosperms (flowering plants) in the Cretaceous. In the Cretaceous there was also major radiations occurring in several established groups including the marine reptiles, rudist bivalves, belemnoids, scleractinian corals, Bivalves and brachiopods. Marine groups that were present but did not undergo major evolutionary expansion in the period included the gastropods,bryozoans,crinoids,sea urchins,and sponges.


Species Affected During the End-Cretaceous (K-T) extinction (65 million years ago) eighty-five percent of all species disappeared, making it the second largest mass extinction event in geological history. This mass extinction, extinction event has generated considerable public interest, primarily because of its role in the demise of the dinosaurs. Although dinosaurs were among the unfortunate victims to perish in the K-T extinction, several other terrestrial and marine biotic groups were also severely affected or eliminated in the crisis. Among those that perished were the pterosaurs, belemnoids, many species of plants (except amongst the ferns and seed-producing plants),ammonoids,marine reptiles,rudist bivalves. Organisms which were severely affected included planktic foraminifera, calcareous nanoplankton, diatoms, dinoflagellates, brachiopods, molluscs,echinoids, and fish. Remarkably, most mammals, birds, turtles, crocodiles, lizards, snakes, and amphibians were primarily unaffected by the End-Cretaceous mass extinction. Mammals were warm blooded, in that they had self generating warmth, compared to Reptiles requiring heat for warmth.


The K-T Boundary Evidence for catastrophism at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary is found in a layer of sediment which was deposited at the same time that the extinction occurred. This layer contains unusually high concentrations of Iridium, found only in the Earth's mantle, and in extra-terrestrial meteors and comets. This layer has been found in both marine and terrestrial sediments, at numerous boundary sites around the world.


Meteorite Impact Some palaeontologists believe that the widespread distribution of this Iridium layer could have only been caused by meteorite impact. Further, these researchers cite the abundance of small droplets of basalt, called spherules, in the boundary layer as evidence that basalt from the earth's crust that were melted and flung into the air upon impact. The presence of shocked quartz tiny grains of quartz that show features diagnostic of the high pressure of impact - found in the boundary layer provides additional evidence of an extraterrestrial impact at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary layer. Recent research

suggests that the impact site may have been in the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico.

17.16 Major extinctions over past 65m years

The Holocene epoch is the geologically brief interval of time encompassing the last 12,000 years. With the evolution of humans beginning in the Neogene, humans have evolved into a significant agent of extinction. For example, David Western of the New York Zoological Society, has speculated that for the destruction of every two hundred square kilometres of tropical forest and one hundred thousand square kilometres of rangeland there is a resultant loss of hundreds, if not thousands, of species. Most of these have never been (or ever will be) documented by science. Deforestation, agricultural practices, pollution, over hunting, and numerous other human activities result in numerous species being threatened everyday. However, more information is required to see if the level of extinctions being experienced today are the harbinger of a mass extinction or merely reflect natural background levels of species replacement. Although mass extinctions are most studied by the paleontological community, several smaller-scale extinctions have also been documented. These extinctions, occurring in the Triassic, Jurassic, Oligocene, and Neogene, did not affect as many species as the major mass extinctions, but are critical to understanding the patterns of extinction. 17.16.1 The Oligocene Extinction The early Oligocene extinction event was triggered by severe climatic and vegetation changes, and drastically affected land mammals. At this time, the world experienced a global cooling that shuffled many of the existing biomes. Tropical areas, such as jungles and rainforests, were replaced by more temperate savannas and grasslands. This change in biomass forced dramatic changes in the distribution of Oligocene flora and fauna. Typically, forest dwellers declined as forested habitat became less abundant, and in their place, hoofed animals flourished due to the growing number of temperate grasslands. A number of predators also became extinct at this time, due primarily to the faunal changes. Major mammal groups that perished included mesonychids and creodonts. 17.16.2 The Neogene Extinctions Six major pulses of extinction have occurred since the beginning of late Miocene time. The first occurred about nine million years ago, and the most recent occurred only about eleven thousand years ago. This last crisis was restricted exclusively to large mammals, eliminating thirty-nine genera. Among the species eliminated were sabre-toothed cats, mastodons, woolly mammoths, huge ground sloths, short-faced bears, and dire wolves. Causes for this extinction are also widely debated. Hypotheses for this extinction include global climatic cooling, and human over-hunting.


21C- State of species extinction There are no accurate and total number of the diversified species in the world. Around 1.4 million different species have been catalogued, with a rough estimate that around 30 million existing. Species diversity is dropping rapidly due almost totally to the intervention of humans, particularly in tropical rainforests. It is estimated that up to 10% of all species on Earth will be extinct on present rates by the year 2000. By the year 2020, the estimate on current rates is closer to 33% of all species will be extinct. Given the co-dependence of one species on another, it is estimated that with the loss of one species, up to 30 are affected, possibly to extinction.

17.17 Summary of general patterns of behaviour of life

All life follows patterns of development. The following are the general characteristics of the general behaviour of life on Earth. 17.17.1 Co dependant, specialization Interdependence of life species on Earth from more complex life forms depending on less and less complex lifeforms. o Specialization of the species to function within the life ecosystem o Manifestation of specialization as either more complex and more specialized or more simple and more specialized o Extinction of species 17.17.2 Transition through need to survive o After each major environmental catastrophe, life on Earth became more diverse and learned skills. From soft body to hard body. From hard body to vertebrae, from vertebrae to plant and brain existing creature etc. 17.17.3 Adaption Contemporary scientists have almost succeeded in killing and eradicating one of the most important features about life- that adaption to changed conditions is a spontaneous and Universal phenomena, not just an individual species phenomena.

Contemporary scientists point to evolution, not only requiring a genetic link, but a common point of origin. Such an absurd notion of an ecosystem restricted to specific geographical locations would have the world think that nature set up large genetic immigration points along the coast of Africa or in-land, whereby the old species was rounded up, a few selected for up-linked advanced DNA and the rest exterminated. Adaption and therefore evolution is not restricted to geography, it occurs across all sectors of geographic location on the Earth where there is change.

17.18 Chances of major life conditions changing in future

Life is change. Life is chance. While we look back at the history of the Earth and seemingly impossibly long time frames to comprehend for a human, change is coming again. The only question is when and how. Given the historical patterns of life and death on Earth, we can to some extend look at the patterns and consider when and what "odds" are in or against our favour. 17.18.1 Chances of very large changes to conditions for life on Earth 1 in 2 Billion years Chance that the entire planet will be unsuitable for all 1 in 5 million life to be supported years Chance that the entire planet will be unsuitable for 1 in 1 million higher order forms of life to be supported years 1 in 500,000 Chance that 50% of life ecosystem is extinct years Chance that the entire planet will be destroyed 17.18.2 Chance of medium changes to conditions for life on Earth Chance that up to 25% or more of life ecosystem is 1 in 100,000 extinct years Chance that 10% or more of life ecosystem is 1 in 50,000 years extinct Chance that humans will be extinct 1 in 100 years 17.18.3 Holes in the Ozone Layer

At the simplest level, life survives on Earth because it is shielded from the sun's deadly ultraviolet rays by the ozone layer, located 30 miles above the planet's surface. Ozone is an unstable molecule, consisting of three oxygen atoms, which absorbs ultraviolet *UV) light. The ultraviolet light that penetrates the ozone layer is enough to cause sunburn, cataracts and skin cancer in humans and animals. Moreover, it appears that a rather small additional decrease in the thickness of the ozone layer might produce major ecological disruptions. The problems would start in the oceans. Already in some regions of the world, seasonal variations show a 7 percent to 8 percent thinning of the ozone layer. When it reaches an estimated 11 percent to 12 percent, some scientists believe the plankton in the oceans would begin to die. Phytoplankton, the microscopic plants and animals that drift with the currents of the oceans, are the base of the oceanic food chain. They also produce oxygen- 40 percent to 50 percent of the planet's atmospheric oxygen, and the free oxygen in the ocean that is necessary for fish to live. As the plankton began to die, so would the fish that depend on them. Since 70 percent of the food protein eaten by humans living on the Pacific Rim comes from the sea, it is clear that even in its early stages, this is a potential catastrophe. Global Warming- The greenhouse effect The most important aspect of increased density (global warming) in terms of survival is the net effect on storm, drought and seismological (earthquakes) activity. A 2 Celsius average increase in temperature has the effect of up to a 20% increase in the severity of extreme conditions (e.g. violent winter storms and extreme drought conditions in certain areas). 17.18.4 The human impact on global conditions It is now universally known and accepted that in the past 100 years, humanity has been responsible for altering the general conditions for life on Earth. The two most noticeable impacts of human populations and industry on the global environment are: o global warming o depletion of the ozone layer Human impact on global warming It is generally accepted that humanity is responsible ( via greenhouse gas emissions) to a general rise in temperature of the planetary atmosphere of around 1C to 1.5C. What is important, however, is that predictions of significant temperature rises due to human emissions have failed to materialize. The largest determinant of average global temperatures remains the position of the Earth and solar system cycles (relative to other stars and our position in the Milky Way). It is simply overstating the case to say that warmer conditions will prevail. It is also quite erroneous to say that warmer conditions are necessarily "bad" for the planet or for the sustainment of humanity.

Warmer conditions contribute to higher sea levels, wilder storms and greater rainfall in certain areas. Warmer conditions can also lead to extended periods of drought in certain areas. Coller conditions lead to lower sea levels, but can also lead to lower average rainfalls. The general temperatures of Earth have been significantly higher (and lower) in the past. What is more significant is the general "mix" of gases contributing to the depletion of ozone. Depletion of ozone The most significant damage in terms of human waste has been the production of highly complex aerosol molecules that react with ozone. These molecules such as chlorofluorocarbons have impacted negatively on the Earth's natural ozone. Interestingly, these chemicals, which represent only a tiny proportion of what is popularly called "greenhouse gas emissions" are the real problem. Unfortunately, these small, very specialized and very expensive chemical waste products continue to be lumped in with overall targets of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and so nothing is actually done around the planet.

17.19 Summary of key insights

We have chosen this point in the book to reveal two key insights that pertain to understanding large objects such as Earth: o the source of the Earth's nature o the maximum potential velocity of large objects. These insight, while extraordinarily simple, are nonetheless profound. We decided to reveal these insights at this point within UCA, as it is only now that you could truly grasp the importance of these understandings. Both understandings are scientifically based. That is, both understandings have an underlying, measurable and mathematical symmetry. Simply, that accurate formulas can be created from these two insights. 17.19.1 The source of the Earth's nature It has been a quest for thousands of years to capture the essence of the Earth's nature. By this, we mean, to understand the secret scientific formula for the underlying patterns on our planet- the seasons, life/death, weather, earthquakes. For in understanding these questions, we might finally understand our underlying personalities as part of Earth. Thanks to what has been discussed in previous chapters, we can now be certain of the following fact: Like particles are attracted to other like particles in other words: Like attracts Like (perfect and imperfect) The greatest attraction to the Sun is from our very essenceHydrogen. That is why Earth as a planet is around the Sun. Yet our nature is more, for we are an iron planet, we are made of the top-line stuff of nebulae creations. Our atmosphere is because of our density

of iron and size. There fore, we can say with confidence that: The Earth's nature is because of its nature. This means that our atmosphere is because of the natural personality of the Earth, the seas are because of our inherent nature, life and the patterns of life. If we were not made of iron and silicon the way we are, then we would not have seas, we would not have the atmosphere we have. Simply, the Earth has a personality and it is very much alive. 17.19.2 The maximum potential velocity of large objects We have stated several times that there is an inherent maximum potential in motion. Increased velocity must mean decreased kinesis ( vibration and spin). What we have not revealed, is this relationship to the size of an object, or in other words how large or small an object is. From everything we have discussed previously, we can state the following: (1) Larger objects have a lower overall natural frequency than small objects. (2) Larger objects have a greater overall mass (3) Larger close packed structures are more attractive than less dense same size structures (i.e. they weigh more in the same conditions) (4) Mass and attraction rates and fully interchangeable (5) Larger objects have a potential higher velocity in form than smaller objects (6) Larger objects have a potential larger reaction of alternative attraction rates so that natural velocity can rarely reach maximum. 17.19.3 What this means? Large objects, if sufficient opposing forces can be initially overcome, have the potential to travel faster than smaller objects. And if opposing forces can be reduced, or used into helping shift the position of a large object, then very large objects finding little environmental resistance can travel at phenomenal speeds. The Earth for example, is traveling at tens of kilometres a second around the Sun, much faster than any human plane or car. It certainly makes the top performance of a Ferrari at .09km a second seem miserable by comparison. If only, we could make large objects more cohesive and geometric in design and nature, that we see amazing performance in motion of large objects. Big actually means faster potential velocity, not slower as we have always been taught since childhood. Science has had it the wrong way around for hundreds of years. In space, large space ships will actually travel faster than smaller space ships.


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Human nature & awareness

Stand on any tropical beach and look down the shore at the sand. As you look further along at the length of sand, the billions of sand crystals appear so common in general appearance that the only thing that distinguishes them are the shapes imposed by the environment: the seaweed, the broken seashells and bleached coral, the ripples of waves and wind. It is only close, when you look down at your feet, that you begin to make out this collective sand carpet is made up of tiny individual grains. Sometimes we have felt like a tiny grain of sand on a beach such as this. That we are small and insignificant in the general scheme and size of the universe, let alone the over one billion stars of the Milky Way. Yet nothing could be further from the truth. For the human being, you and I on the planet are so completely and deeply unique in so many ways, that if the billions of human beings were to be compared to grains of sand, then the beach would shine as millions of different colours, unique shapes and movement- a shimmering unique mass of conscious awareness. It is not just the difference in unique DNA. It is not just our different cell make up and complex state. It is not just our wonderfully complex personalities and minds. The flow of many billions of minds into tributaries of specialized cognitive processing, that flow into torrents of mental activity that culminate in the illusion that a thought is just one, self generated, self aware expression. In many ways, it is the unique collective experiences of being humanto feel, to feel hurt and joy; to see with your own eyes, to hear with your own ears, to think with your own brain. That no two humans ever experience life first hand through the same pair of eyes, is the ultimate accolade for the existence of unique collective awareness.


The awareness of life In Chapter 16, we considered the belief as common sense and psychology that our personalities and experiences form their core when we are very young, from the earliest ages of birth through to early childhood. In our re-evaluation, we reconsidered this period of core growth not to be our core, but the growth of our mid region. Like the birth of a planet, or any object in the Universe, our core awareness remains UCA- pure unique collective awareness. As some philosophies and religions say- our "soul". Yet what of the continuation of our journey- the experience of sexual attraction, of working, of living and coping with ever increasing stress. It is a complex web of ongoing life experiences. From the people we meet, the paper and computer screens we read, the television and movies we see, through to the accumulative emotions experienced throughout each day, each week, each year of our lives. To provide any serious consideration to such a complex web of life would take a lifetime companion of writings and advice. Many of the books in the library and book stores on just one subject alone would take a hundred times the web pages on this site. In this chapter therefore we seek to introduce the key concepts associated with human nature, awareness and mortality. The topics are then continued through as the basis of a second book and journey of SELF.


The ages of awareness of life A further need in such a complex and different world of views on the awareness of the human being is some common senses structure: a framework by which we might describe the various phases of growing experience of awareness throughout life. Therefore, in this section, we seek to provide a framework of age related periods by which we may define and consider life as a human being.


Human nature Just as we seek to find answers of ourselves, our curiosity extends to understanding the nature of life and mind of other self aware lifehuman nature. If we are male, our questions may relate to the behaviour of the opposite sex- the female. If we are female our questions may extend out to the nature of human relationships and behaviour including the opposite sex, role, life, intuition. In this chapter, we seek also to define the basic concepts associate with the definition and description of human nature.


Human mortality (death) Finally, in preparation for the detailed discussions contained in The journey of SELF (Search for the Journey of SELF), we will discuss the essentially definitions and concepts surrounding human death and the

questions of life after death Nothing frightens nor mystifies than the point of death and the question of beyond. Like all self aware animals, the point at which we die is a point of clear finality. The point that we stop breathing. The point when our body no longer moves, a brain and heart no longer work. The point when our physical bodies will start to rot and eventually decay back to basic molecules. We have or will experienced the terrible reality and finality of watching someone die. When we think back to those points, what we miss most is our ability to interact, to communicate. Unlike dreams or words in our head, which can be disturbing and sometimes too personal, our experiences together are ones of physical emotion and aware realism. We touch, we hold, we argue. We live. We are both alive. No matter what religious or social beliefs we may hold, nor what we may feel of other sections of UCA, the question of life after death remains one, where too few books specifically on the subject exist. It is therefore with respect that we venture forth to discuss and seek to understand in this section human nature, awareness and mortality.

18.2 The historic quest for knowledge on human mind

The quest to understand the human mind (the "internal world") has paralleled the search for knowledge of the external world since the beginning of civilization. The human mind, the world, and God represent the three goals of Western thought from the beginnings of its recorded history; the relative significance of these three themes, however, has varied from one epoch to another. Western thought has laid greater stress on the existence of the individual human being than have the great speculative systems of the East. In Brahmanism, for example, personal identity dissolves in the All. But even so it was not until the Renaissance that man became the primary focus of philosophical attention and that the study of human nature began to displace theology and metaphysics as "first philosophy"--the branch of philosophy that is regarded as forming the foundation for all subsequent philosophy and that provides the framework for all scientific investigation. From late antiquity onward differing views of man were worked out within a framework that was laid down and given initial development by Plato and later by Aristotle. Plato and Aristotle concurred in according to metaphysics the status of first philosophy. Their differing views of man were a consequence of their differing metaphysical views. (See Greek philosophy, metaphysics.) Plato's metaphysics was dualistic: the everyday physical world of changeable things, which man comes to know by the use of his senses,

is not the primary reality but is a world of appearances, or phenomenal manifestations, of an underlying timeless and unchanging reality, an immaterial realm of Forms that is knowable only by use of the intellect. This is the view expressed in the Republic in his celebrated metaphor of the cave, where the changeable physical world is likened to shadows cast on the wall of a cave by graven images. To know the real world the occupants of the cave must first turn around and face the graven images in the light that casts the shadows (i.e., use their judgment instead of mere fantasy) and, second, must leave the cave to study the originals of the graven images in the light of day (stop treating their senses as the primary source of knowledge and start using their intellects). Similarly, Plato believed human bodily existence is merely an appearance of the true reality of human being. The identity of a human being does not derive from the body but from the character of his or her soul, which is an immaterial (and therefore nonsexual) entity, capable of being reincarnated in different human bodies. There is thus a divorce between the rational/spiritual and the material aspects of human existence, one in which the material is devalued. Aristotle, however, rejected Plato's dualism. He insisted that the physical, changeable world made up of concrete individual substances (people, horses, plants, stones, etc.) is the primary reality. Each individual substance may be considered to be a composite of matter and form, but these components are not separable, for the forms of changeable things have no independent existence. They exist only when materially instantiated. This general metaphysical view, then, undercut Plato's body-soul dualism. Aristotle dismissed the question of whether soul and body are one and the same as being as meaningless as the question of whether a piece of wax and the shape given to it by a seal are one. The soul is the form of the body, giving life and structure to the specific matter of a human being. According to Aristotle, all human beings are the same in respect to form (that which constitutes them as human), and their individual differences are to be accounted for by reference to the matter in which this common form is variously instantiated (just as the different properties of golf and squash balls are derived from the materials of which they are made, while their common geometrical properties are related to their similar size and shape). This being so, it is impossible for an individual human soul to have any existence separate from the body. Reincarnation is thus ruled out as a metaphysical impossibility. Further, the physical differences between men and women become philosophically significant, the sex of a person becoming a crucial part of his or her identity. Although Plato and Aristotle gave a different metaphysical status to forms, their role in promoting and giving point to investigations of human nature was very similar. They both agreed that it is necessary to have knowledge of human nature in order to determine when and how human life flourishes. It is through knowledge of shared human nature that we become aware of the ideals at which we should aim, achieved by learning what constitutes fulfillment of our distinctively human potential and the conditions under which this becomes possible. These ideals are objectively determined by our nature. But we are privileged

in being endowed with the intellectual capacities that make it possible for us to have knowledge of this nature. Development of our intellectual capacities is thus a necessary part and precondition of a fulfilled human existence. Today we can talk of people in terms of their "personalities" and "motives". We can also describe parts of the human brain as specialized thinking or "cognitive" systems, for language, emotions and behaviour. Yet is this all who we are? Is this what we think we are?- a classification? A behavioral type on a demographic profile? It is no wonder that almost no other area of human endevour (except possibly genetics) has proven to be so controversial or difficult to catalogue. It might be because we are all human with our own unique values, our own unique systems.


The concept of the human mind

When we talk of the human person as a thinking and rational animal, we talk of the human being's mind- that array of faculties capable of originating thought, symbols and beliefs (structure of symbols) into common visual and audio communication between the species. Yet what do we mean when we say the word mind? Is mind the most adequate description of that vast array of unique cognitive entitiescells, neurons, neuron networks, spider neurons and specialized cognitive regions? In this section we investigate the meaning of the word mind and seek to define more adequately this vital of concepts.


What do we mean by the word mind? What do we believe we are describing? The word mind is an ancient term derived originally from the word mon and men, meaning "an action or thought" Since is adoption in the English language, the word has accrued over two dozens meanings from rituals associated with the requiem for a departed soul, remembering something, to the act of cognition and the seat of consciousness. While each of these definitions has value and relevance to what we mean when we say the word "mind", the myriad of definitions makes the act of understanding the nature of mind- as we have defined the physical and cognitive abilities quite difficult. In Latin the word nous was used to define mind. In the Western tradition, the complex of faculties involved in perceiving, remembering, considering, evaluating, and deciding. Mind is in some sense reflected in such occurrences as sensations, perceptions, emotions, memory, desires, various types of reasoning, motives, choices, traits of personality, and the unconscious. Yet is it something physical we are describing- in terms of hardware and physical components, or something ethereal? intangible- a running complex program? In addition, when we talk of mind, are we describing the one person

and mind, or the duality of thoughts that often represent the two sides of mind, or "two minds"? Or are we describing the multitude of specialized regions of neurons in the cerebrum, cerebellum and spinal column that align to produce specialized motor cortex functions or specialized hardware to perform specialized cognitive function? 18.3.2 Mind- the concept as something uniquely human Some previously popular theories considered mind as a peculiarly human possession. We now understand mind via UCA as a universal property of matter to some degree, with many animals, besides humans exhibiting highly developed nervous systems and therefore higher mind functions (such as dogs and cats dreaming). 18.3.3 Assumed concepts associated with "Mind" Several assumptions are considered fundamental with any definition of mind. 1. The assumption of thought The first primary concept associated with all reputable scientific theories of mind is the assumption that a mind, by definition involves the process of thinking. Thinking is variously defined as the cognitive act of constructing an impression, sense, communicated concept or phrase. A common sense description often used is the word "awareness" 2. The assumption of self-knowledge The second primary concept associated with all credible scientific theories of mind is the assumption of self-knowledge- that is the ability of knowing one's own existence "I think, therefore I am." . A common description used to describe this feature of mind is the concept of self knowledge or self-reflection. In credible theories, Self knowledge presumes and in fact is dependent upon the existence of thought. The reason is that thought ultimately provides the only object by which a person may self verify their existence. While truth and falsity may differ depending upon the facts at hand and that error may occur in the determination of belief, self thought on one's own self is an underlying truth that cannot be disputed- "I exist." 3. The understanding of intent The third assumption is that of purpose or intention, of planning a course of action with foreknowledge of its goal or of working in any other way toward a desired and foreseen objective. Intent is, by definition considered a sign of intelligence and therefore a key component of mind. Interestingly, intent is largely seen as an exclusively human skill in psychology, even though many of the experiments conducted to provide analysis of behaviour has been with animals that display the feature of intent. The famous example of Pavlov's Dog, trained to anticipate food at the sound of a bell, that saliva's at the sound of the bell even if no food is provided is an excellent example to show that intent is not just a feature of human ability but all animals possessing a higher cognitive neural network.

We will consider these concepts and other concepts as we progress through this chapter.


UCA and human mind (awareness)

The summary of previous chapters enables us to come to a higher level of understanding than simply a new subject on human nature, awareness and death to which we know nothing. We come to Chapter 18 after journeying through Chapter 1 to Chapter 17 of a model called UCA- Unique Collective Awareness. As a model of an idea about and idea, we have considered that what we see and feel as real is in fact a dream, UCA is the dreamer, an idea, a unique idea, paradox of life, logos, laws of creation, unita, quarks, protons, photons, ergons, atoms, molecules, stars, galaxies, our solar system, earth and life. Our understanding so far is of a model, an idea that shows synchronicity from the smallest to the largest. From nothing to the absolute. Whatever ideas we discuss, fact or not, they must all fit somewhere between the boundaries of nothing and everything. Our understanding therefore comes not just from what we will learn than what we already know and will remember, because we are part of UCA and UCA.


Our birth What we know from Chapter 16 is our birth, our wondrous birth to this world is a journey of far exceeding richness and texture than we may have ever previously imagined. The miracle of birth, so apart in describing not an ugly foetus, but a journey from the very beginning of life itself on earth, to the present day. An experience of life as it was for our ancestors and how it is fro our cousins, uncles and parent species. That we were and are at once, brothers and sisters in existence as an ancestor to the bacteria on the surface of a still, warm pond. That we are cousins of distant trees, birds, flowers, fish, lizards, marsupials, whales, dolphins, primates, dogs, cats and other humans. What we have seen is the concept that life a foetus, life as an embryo mirrors the journey of life on earth itself.


Our three brains We see that our cognition is not just one brain, but the adaption of three neural systems. WE now understand that our physical mind is that more complex than seemingly simple cognition of self thought "I". "I exist. I am human."

In three brains we see three different and specialized sets of systemshaving evolved for specific purposes- having commonality of ancestry. 18.4.3 The innate intelligence of cells We see and understanding in the innate intelligence of cells, in math calculation of geometry and in symbol recognition- sensing. We see the function and ability of the neuron in cognition and marvel at the cognitive ability of the human brain system. 18.4.4 The existence of the creation laws at every level of matter What we know extends beyond our immediate awareness of form further- to the world of protons, ergons and photons. That the laws of creation exist at each and every level. That as part of these worlds, our awareness is broader and splendid as the stars, galaxies, planets and atoms. And further still, to the very act of free will of absolute existence- the 12 laws being: AEONS- The 12 Laws of being human 1. Goal law I wish to exist. 7. Awareness of position in dimension I think, therefore I am. 8. Immediate near neighbours As I exist in 3 dimensional space, I can only interact with immediate near neighbours according to the laws of common sense 9. Exclusiveness of position No other person can be me. 10. Change of position To exist, I move to work, home, birth.For you to exist, I change position 11. Conservation of effort Using the laws of common sense, I use the minimum required motion to achieve my goal 12. Change of position can never interact faster than my fastest rate.

2. Logos law To exist, I use common sense

3. Creation law To exist, I exist as something I want 4. Co-dependence law For I to exist, you exist For you to exist, I exist 5. Specialization law For I to exist, you exist as (employer, mother, father, creator). For you to exist, I exist as a specialist, worker, provider. 6. Geometry 18.4.5

The physical structure of intelligence and senses We understand the physical structure of intelligence and physical senses. We understand the meaning of intelligence as physical equipment and specialized sub routines.


The dream that is the universe we see and feel For all that you have read, one constant remains throughout- the

existence of UCA- Unique Collective Awareness. The collective dream (UNITAS). That the universe(UNITAS) is a dream and we are in the dream and part of the dreamer (UCA). That we are a combination of dream and reality. We are life (CORPUS)- middle way between the seemingly cold reality of lonely space and the eternal possibilities of dream. What we see as real- this reality is in fact: a dream. And what we think, feel and dream is real- the real world. A complete reversal of where we place our understanding of the importance of the world, and our thoughts and actions. That our thoughts and interactions as a human being are vitally important for our well being beyond human life- but to the longer and future life beyond human life as higher awareness. That we are in a dream, we need to define the concepts of human awareness and death as context of death within a dream. Suddenly the subject opens up so many possibilities. When we consider death in terms of a dream, we can see an immediate personal understanding and proof to the concept of what happens when we die. We have all had dreams that have "died" and been reborn, only differently. 18.4.7 You are already immortal While the subject will require more definition, the question of life beyond death has been discussed at length within the concept of the dream UNITAS. So far we have identified at no point does the dream break down. It is flawless in its eternal existence, yet unendingly becoming more complex as life unfolds. If one point of UCA ceased to exist, then the entire fabric of existence would collapse and objects as large and complex as galaxies would die instantly. The infinitely complex and large object that is the universe (UNITAS), the one dream would cease. Existence would cease. It is like if we woke up this morning and dreamt of our ideal life and then at some point started thinking of something else completely different. Our first dream ceased to be. We are made up of trillions upon countless trillions of atoms that in turn are made from thousand of points of UCA which in turn is awareness- that like our dreams has no location and all locations. Given the universe will not cease when we die, nor will the awareness that makes us living this very moment. The universe does not conspire for our mortality. It devotes all its resources into ensuring that which makes us who we really are continues for eternity. Our journey does not end at mortality, it goes on. In this chapter we seek to provide some detail to this journey in preparation for the deeper journey of self.


A brief review of the computer model of cognition

An intelligent being has to deduce the implications of what it knows, but only the relevant implications. This requirement poses a deep problem not only for design of machines, but epistemology, the analysis of how we know. The problem escaped the notice of generations of philosophers, who were left complacent by the illusory effortlessness of their own common sense. Only when artificial intelligence researchers tried to duplicate common sense in computers, the ultimate black slate, did the conundrum, now called "the frame problem" come to light. yet somehow we also solve the frame problem whenever we use our common sense. Robot design is a kind of a consciousness-raising. We tend to be unthinking about our mental lives. We open our eyes, and familiar articles present themselves, we will our limbs to move, and objects and bodies float into place; we awaken from a dream and return to a comfortingly predictable world; Cupid draws back his bow and lets his arrow go. But think of what it takes for an arrangement of matter to accomplish these outcomes; and you begin to see through the effortless illusion. Sight and action and common sense and morality and love are no accident, no inextricable ingredients of an intelligent essence, no inevitability of information processing. Each is a tour de force, wrought by a high level of targeted design. Hidden behind the panels of consciousness must life fantastically complex machinery- optical analyzers, motion guidance systems, simulations of the world, databases on people and things, goal schedulers, conflict-resolvers and many others. The robot challenge hints at a mind loaded with original equipment, but it still may strike you asa an argument from the armchair. When the visual areas of the brain are damaged, for example, the visual world is not simply blurred or riddled with holes. Selected aspects of visual experience are removed while others are left intact. Some patients see a complete world but pay attention to only half of it. Other patients cannot recognize the objects they see: their world is like handwriting they cannot decipher. They copy a bird faithfully but identify it as a tree stump. A cigarette lighter is a mystery until it is lit. These syndromes are caused by an injury, usually a stroke, to one or more of the 30 brain areas that compose the primate visual system. Some areas specialize in colour and form, others in where an object is, others in what an object is, still others in how it moves. The mind is not one organ but a system of organs of computation.

They can be thought of as psychological faculties or mental modules. The mind is what the brain does, specifically the brain processes information and thinking is a kind of computation. The mind is organized into modules or mental organs, each with a specialized design that makes it an expert in one arena of interaction with the world. The modules basic logos is specified by our genetic program. 18.5.1 The origins of the computational mind theory Information and computation resides in patterns of data and in relations of logos that are independent of the physical medium that carries them. We you phone a person, the message stays the same as it goes from your lips to their ears even as it physically changes form from sound vibrations to electrical vibrations and then back to sound via the speaker in the phone. This insight, first expressed by the mathematician Alan Turing, the computer scientists Alan newell, Herbert Simon is now called the computational theory of mind. The computational theory of mind states that beliefs and desires are information, incarnated as configurations of symbols. The symbols are the physical states of bits of matter, like chips in a computer or neurons in the brain. They symbolize things in the world because they are triggered by those things via our sense organs, and because of what they do once they are triggered. 18.5.2 A restructure of view on DNA DNA plays an essential information storage system for all cellular life. Our DNA is the code that makes us, that shapes us, that defines our physical limitations. The two information storage systems of DNA Science has identified one coding system for DNA- the tri-chemical storage of protein and other molecular structures. We can all this matter. And DNA codes approximately 15% of its space to coding matter. However science has yet to describe the coding purpose of binary nucleic pairs, the missing rule components- what we can awareness, or memory of awareness. For without this second set of information, matter coding would be meaningless. A cell needs to know what it is supposed to do and how it is to be arranged. Rules and matter, memory and emotion. These are the pairs of purposes of DNA. 18.5.3 The purpose of binary chemical Like tri-chemical, binary chemical is divided into specific topics and sections. There are three main classes of binary chemical DNA memory coding: o GEN o BIO o MEM

o GEN CODE Gen code is the function instructions for the chemical structures developed by the tri-chemical code systems. The gencode identifies the priority order, placement, function, assemblage order, timetable for all physical components manufactured by the cell. Gencode also contains the history of key immune response requirements? BIOCODE Biocode is the machine operating instructions for the function of memory and information identified and co-ordination. It is the code that determines machinery of cognitive function. MEMCODE memcode are information sequences associated with basic learned macro-function of physical parts. It also includes information sequences of major inherited experiences. KINCODE Kin code are the binary sequence arrangements that differ from human to human due to genetic drift. This is the specific heredity environment of the individual inherited from ancestors. Therefore Kincode is integrated into GEN, BIO, MEM and so a human has three GENKIN, BIOKIN, MEMKIN. SOLCODE SOL code is higher functions embedded in GEN, BIO and MEM EGO EGO code is higher functions misaligned inherited in GEN, BIO & MEM It is the antithesis of Sol code and is designed to actively work against it. EGO code is especially effective in clouding MEM and BIO code components of SOL, thereby making the access of SOL code harder. EGO has self released points that activate upon suitable stimulation and harness with KIN code. MACHINE CODE machine code is the Bio and MEM code loaded into the nerve centres and primordial brain as well as key cortex centres. It is the building blocks of unconscious. Unconscious reacts independent of conscious. OPERATING SYSTEM Sub conscious- co-ordination background programs SOFTWARE Conscious. genome BI-CHEMICAL - 85% TRICHEMICAL 15% GEN- BUILD- AMINO ACIDS BIO co-ordinates- Protein function MEM information manage- memories- FATS


The concept of human behaviour

If we pick up any psychology book, or popular book on human nature, we inevitably will encounter the word "human behaviour." In todays world, as a legacy of the 20th century, almost all consideration of the human mind is in some way influenced by the writings of people discussing the "behaviour" of human beings in terms of traits and motives. The word behaviour has been around in various forms since around the beginning of the 16th Century. We now understand its meaning to be the "manner in which a person conducts themself". The word also used to mean "a person". The interesting history about the word "behaviour" is that the ancient words from which it is formed such as be and healfe only appeared in Old English and Old Frank around 600 AD. This is consistent with historical research that cannot find any European languages existing before 600 to 800BC with a word in their vocabulary equivalent to the first personal pronoun " I ", and that the first examples of writing in the first person did not appear until this time either.


The modern context of human behaviour Despite all the complexity of definitions associated with modern behavioural science, in today's context, the words "human behaviour" essentially means: "the way in which one human conducts themselves relative to other human(s)." If we look at this meaning, we can even interpret the meaning in the context of everything we have discussed in previous chapters as either:

(a) "the physical and or psychological effect of the relative features, relationships and fortis of one human being on other human being(s) and/or their environment." or (b) "the physical and or psychological effect of the relative features, relationships and fortis of other human(s) and environment on one human being."
This is entirely consistent with the contemporary definition of human behaviour, yet with relevance to the specific "thing" and/or "things" we are describing. For when we talk of human behaviour, we are talking about the effects of interactions, the results rather than the "things" that caused them. To make this even clearer: when we talk of human behaviour, it is like counting the number of times cars and trucks travel down the closest main road, their angles, their weight, their colour etc, including the road, rather than focusing on the features, relationships and fortis's that are causing the trucks and cars to travel down the road. No wonder human behaviour has been one of the most elusive (and therefore to some self professed "experts", one of the most lucrative) areas of human understanding. How can anyone make sense out of the literally millions of events that occur to affect you unconsciously

and consciously as you may drive to a supermarket and purchase some goods. 18.6.2 The strong disagreement that will exist with this definition Contemporary behavioural scientists will argue against this modern treatment of the word behaviour. They would most likely point to the important discoveries by behavioural science in terms of "why" people do what they do, not just catalogue movements, speech, "behavioural statistics". Behavioural scientists may also strongly defend the fact that they have catalogued vast amounts of data on the features of individuals and that they have a good understanding of the features, their interactions, therefore effect (behaviour) and why. We are not disputing the significant contributions made by behavioural science. We are merely pointing out what the meaning of the words "human behaviour" actually imply by logic. It is essential to understanding just how complex a task it is to understand effect, rather than cause. For if we are to talk of the features of individual humans that contribute to the effect we call behaviour, then we have to use a different word than behaviour. Historically, this is where the words "human nature" come in.


The concept of human nature

The word "nature" comes from the Latin word nasci and natus, which means literally "to be born" The first writings of the word "nature" appear around 2nd Century AD, with the meaning of " the essential qualities of a thing; the inherent and inseparable combination of properties essentially pertaining to anything and giving it its fundamental character." Around the early 16th Century the word "nature" appeared in Old French and Old English as having the additional meaning of " the inherent and innate disposition or character of a person; and/or the inherent character or disposition of mankind". Interestingly, the more modern interpretation of "nature" also applying to a person corresponds to the same timeframe as the emergence of the more modern definition of "behaviour".


The modern interpretation of the words "human nature" Again, using our understanding from the previous chapters of this book, we can define the definition of "human nature" to be:

(a) (individual human nature) "the relative features, relationships and fortis of a human being to other human beings" . or (b) (group human nature) "the relative features, relationships and fortis of a group of human beings to some other group of human beings".
Now understanding a modern and logic definition of human nature, we can say that Human behaviour Human behaviour occurs from the interaction of human nature(s) and/or certain defined environments. 18.7.2 The inherent difference to contemporary behavioral scientific

research While it makes sense to say that "results" come from interactions of things with particular features in particular relationships according to particular fortis's", contemporary human behavioral science has spent most of its time starting with categorizing human behaviour first. This brings us back to an analogy used earlier in this book when we spoke of sciences approach like trying to count the number of people at a train station, rather than looking down to establish the features causing behaviour ( e.g. trains and train timetables). We have studies by famous scientists such as Freud and Jung, plus hundreds of others that have categorized human behaviour and then human features to great detail. This is the backbone of non-clinical behavioral sciences. In many ways, the findings of these great scientists have been taken as "given's" and therefore influence much of our contemporary understanding of who we "think" we are and "why" we do what we do. But when we look at this approach of observing and categorizing behaviour to understand features and therefore the "why", we see that it is inherently flawed. For example, if we were to look at one theoretical object with say 100 features with 100 different choices interacting with another object with exactly the same number of features with choices, then we are talking about potentially 100,000,000 perfect outcomes. From pure categorization, trying to understand human beings as a whole from the study of a few presents an insurmountable challenge just on categorization before trying to describe behaviour. And that has been the underlying problem with the "behaviour first, features second" approach: it forces scientists to make averages of complex factual results. What this means is that behavioral scientists and clinical behavioral scientists leave out certain observed data because it is not deemed at the time to be important- but it is all important! The net result is that science has created a series of "laws" of human behaviour and then treatments and approaches based on accumulated "averaged" behavioral data, with potentially crucial data omitted. How on Earth then can we ever hope to have perfectly accurate models of human behaviour with this sort of approach of potential misclassification and omissions? The answers is we simply can't.


Human mind as human awareness

When we look at the word mind in the context of a human being, we

are talking about not one, but many minds, operating at different levels for different functions. 20th century scientists established clinical proof that certain parts of the human brain and nervous system perform specialized tasks in the cognitive function of human neural networks. Some of the most sensational discoveries in neural science was the discovery of certain parts of the cerebrum that perform specialized functions in the processing of sight, of hearing, of taste, of written symbols recognition, or audio sounds recognition, audio and sight and smell association, speech etc. These regions are so unique that the damage of just a few neurons in strategic parts of these unique regions can cause permanent damage to the overall performance of that ability- such as speech, symbols recognition, certain associations etc. While mind defines the function of the one, in short clinical terms, it does not describe the many. In our search to understand the nature of human mind, our definition of what it is we are discussing is vital. An alternative definition to the human cognitive functioning systems needs to be applied. 18.8.1 An alternative to the word mind The first recognized quality we can say about human mind is the ability of thought- I think. The think process of self cognizance- I exist (awareness of existence) , I am (name) (unique existence), I wish to exist (unique goal). I exist as (specialization), I am location (unique position in location) . The best word to describe a quality contained in all these understandings if the word awareness. The second recognized quality we can identify in all of these descriptions is the uniqueness of who, what, where and why we are so completely unique living human being. We call this our uniqueness. The third recognized quality we can identify in all description of human beings is the description of a multitude of complexities running, to make the unique living human being. The autonomous neural system, the processing of sight, sound, unique memories, unique cognitive functions, speeds and collective electro-magnetic neural wave patterns. Therefore the third common word to describe mind is collective. Therefore a superior description of what we mean by the human mind is the words Unique Collective Awareness) defined by PSY. PSY better describes the complexity, physical nature and function of the human being as a cognitive being than the word mind. For this reason instead of the word mind, we can describe the letters UCAUnique Collective Awareness to mean the human self. 18.8.2 The difficulty in conceiving PSY as being the many and the one While the redefinition of mind to be UCA is perfectly legitimate. The difficulty is in comprehending the concept that the human being represents in perfect definition the many- the universe, the absolute, the one.

This is understandable, given our conscious awareness of our bodily functions is limited maybe to the background rhythm of heart and breathing, but certainly not conscious awareness of the collective functioning of all cells. The closest to this is the concept of feeling- of hormones- the reaction and impulse of hormones through the bodythe waves of emotions. A different definition is therefore required that aligns to UCA perfectly, yet is sufficiently different that we can accept it as a suitable replacement. 18.8.3 An additional meaning to the word Corpus There exists an ancient latin term that by definition meant " the many coming together to form one body, the many being the one and the one the many." In other words, an identical definition to UCA. The word is corpus, as in corpus christi, or "body" for short. It is also the origin of the word "corporation" used to describe all unions of individuals by a legally binding document giving permission to produce, exchange and trade goods. The word also means "life". Therefore, in using the word Corpus to describe the concept of unique collective of minds, of UCA, the word Corpus is perfectly aligned to the concept of body, oneness and life. Corpus is used to define the human mind. Body of Life personified. Life personified. Life.


The journey of life as the journey of PSY (mind and awareness)

When we think of our lives, we think of times and scenarios that include more than just a fact sheet of occurrences. Our memories include memories of smells, of emotions, of people, of color, of movement. Our memories are a rich tapestry of items, some good some bad. Yet as we live each moment, we are immersed in it- we live in the moment of reality. In spite of this clear common sense, most of us live within the world of our memories- of our own unique collective memories of awareness of our lives- our own private UCA. WIn other words, our lives, although involving physical living, of facts, of important knowledge of our physical being and position and facts- our journey of life is better expressed as the journey of mind.


The UCA aligned cycle of life experiences In chapter 16, we introduced the UCA concept that our lives can be viewed within the context of a cycle- a cycle of human life both physical and ethereal:



AGE RANGE Our first form- the potential, the idea, the matter of existence. 0- to birth

AGE LENGTH Eternal Mortal- (less than 1 yr) Mortal- (4 yrs)





birth to 4



4 to 11

Mortal- (7 yrs)


Adolescence 11 to 19

Mortal-(8 yrs)



19 to 33

Mortal-(14 yrs)



33 to 50

Mortal-(17 yrs)


Seniorhood 50 to 70

Mortal-(20 yrs) MortalVARIABLE Mortal



70 to death



The moment of dying and death The moment of transition to angel, ghost






The stage of enlightenment as an Immortal angel Our final journey, our final death Eternal and ultimate birth.

L12 18.9.2


Describing the key understandings of each phase of the journey of the mind Now that we have considered the features of unique birth as a human being, we now can view the continuation of this journey for the majority of human beings as a journey of the mind- from infancy to its ultimate journey of awareness. This is what we seek to introduce over the following sections- the unique understanding of what it means to be a human infant in terms of the development of the human mind, as well as what it means to be an adult in terms of the development of human awareness.


The journey of SELF and providing greater detail

While the following pages provide a fair amount of information that itself will take time to consider, the journey itself is far more detailed than is able to be described within the next few pages. The experiences of each of us are far more unique than simply broad statements about the nature of the human mind of a child. As each of us know, our experiences have been shaped by specific people with names, and habits and histories. Our own experiences have been in context of specific places and specific belief systems- of religions, of countries, of cultures, of color and creeds. The journey of SELF will be able to better flesh out these unique experiences in greater detail than in the following sections. For more information see the Journey of Self.

18.10 The concept of emotional templates

In the chapter in Human Body and Birth, we highlighted the crucial nature of emotions in the general function of learning. We also focused on their purpose and operation in recall. We identified that emotions operate much faster that the conscious mind can comprehend and that once our mind catches up, emotions are likely to already have changed.

Hormones triggered by recalled patterns= physical changes to state of body and mind= emotions. Emotions always = hormones.
We also identified that every memory during our life is only possible from emotions being present. We explained this through the function of emotions creating "constant wave states" in certain parts of the brain by activating signals from parts of the body first. We also identified the types of basic emotions that exist and the physical features. In this section, we look at how the emotions come together to form "templates" on which memories are stored and actions within the body occur. 18.10.1 What is an emotion template? An emotion template is a relative mix of primordial emotions connected to a memory of a pattern that when this pattern is observed or experienced again, causes the emotion template to be enacted firstly by "memory pattern matching", then secondly by the emotion memory being re-created by the hypothalamus to physically alter the body and align the body and mind into that previously learned emotional state. This process is involuntary- in others words, the conscious mind has no say in what emotional template is put in place in the first instance. It only has the right to veto and to enhance or diminish the construction of the emotional template to create a new template. If the environment shifts too suddenly, then another template will fall automatically into place and the conscious mind will have no say in the switch. Emotional template are essential to memory and recall. Affecting the functioning of the endocrine (gland/hormone) system

severely affects memory recall and learning. The non functioning of certain glands, or misalignment, can not only prevent learning or recall, but can even make learning and recall of certain events difficult. Later in this chapter, we will be looking at groupings of mind emotional templates to construct "mind sets", that then build up a person's personality. For the purpose of representing emotional templates, the diagram opposite is used in varying shades. It symbolically represents the regions of the brain and the various states we will see the brain wave patterns, depending on certain emotions.

18.11 The primordial emotion building blocks to templates

As we just indicated, all emotion templates, no matter how sophisticated are constructs of the essential primordial emotions of all human beings. The principle grouping of emotions are: Positive Feedback:Negative Feedback:18.11.1 signals to continue what is happening signals more urgent issue needs to be addressed and to stop the continuation of what is happening.

Negative Feedback emotions Contrary to religious philosophy, negative feedback emotions do not equal bad emotions. Given that the principle desire of all living creatures is to sustain themselves and their species, negative feedback emotions form the principle survival system for all humans. Without negative feedback emotions, human beings would not be able to recall past dangers and hence avoid them, or prepare to overcome them. Negative Feedback emotions are the most powerful emotion set, substantially more powerful than most positive feedback emotions. All negative feedback emotions derive from the principle emotion of pain. Therefore, all negative feedback emotions are able to be described as "uncomfortable" emotions, that cause parts of the body to feel uncomfortable- not in a state of harmony. We can describe the "pure" negative feedback family of emotions according to responsivereaction to external stimulus and expressive- causal emotion from external stimulus or conscious memory recall.


Positive Feedback emotions Positive feedback emotions are the principle higher leaning emotions, such as position (geometry, mathematics, history, science), the application of logic and harmonious interaction. Positive feedback emotions provide a framework for identifying certain objects (human and non-human), enhancing the ability of choice. All positive feedback emotions derive from the principle

emotion of sensory bliss- bliss. 18.11.3 Mixed primordial emotions In addition to the primordial emotion sets of pure positive feedback or negative feedback emotions, humans also have the capacity to develop mixed emotion mind templates. These are the most common forms of emotion templates: Greed: Excitement: Aggressive + Lust ----N-------- P Anxiety + Desire ---N--------- P

18.12 Journey of mind as the journey of emotional mind templates

With the insights from the previous two sections, hopefully we may now see more clearly the incredible importance of emotions and memories of the mind. As discussed in Chapter 16 and the previous two sections, our minds may be viewed as series of emotional templates than form into "mind sets". The journey of life (mind) can then be considered then not just a journey of flowing experiences, but the formation of unique collections of emotional mind templates- of mind sets. 18.12.1 The growing complexity of emotional mind sets While simple templates of pure emotions are crucial for our survival, they do not remain simple for long. Depending upon the environment and experiences in that environment, our mind templates usually become more "mixed" in terms of positive and negative emotions as we grow older. Nowhere are the changing mixtures of emotions more evident than the Love emotion template range for all conscious humans (which we will discuss in a moment). While the growing complexity of emotions and therefore mind templates is largely unavoidable given the social interaction of humans, there are several crucial insights in relation to mixed mind templates: (a) Pure negative emotions are the best emotions for recall. Unconscious negative emotions can immediately recall memories long since buried, or forgotten by a person's conscious mind. (b) Pure positive emotions are the best emotions for learning new memories. Love is the strongest learning emotion, as it involves the conscious mind, which is usually critical for any analytical or language orientated learning. (c) Mixtures of positive and negative emotions, lessen the minds ability to accurately recall memories and learn new memories. When two strong, but opposite emotions are learned in an environmental situation, such as love-hate, it creates strong unsettling behaviour over the mind and body, associated to a

general lack of learning (therefore repeat behaviour). (d) As more mind templates are created with mixed emotions, a persons ability to learn new memories greatly reduces. In a poor positive environment, strong learning may stop as young as 10, while in more positive household upbringings, learning may largely reduce at 20+. As the requirement for sleep to store new memories becomes redundant, a large proportion of the population over 35 require less sleep. (The 2nd half of sleep is about processing short term memory into medium term memory!) (e) The learning of mixed emotional templates is principally the reason why as people grow older, their behaviour can grow more polar (i.e. signs of strong positive and signs of strong negative at the same time). Example of the mixing of love and hate into a mixed emotion mind template. You love cigarettes that cause a Yet, you hate that cigarettes triggering of dopamine in the make you drowsy and in poor brain and a general sense of health bliss. A mixed emotional template is formed. 18.12.2 The love emotional templates Pure Love is the conscious feeling of bliss, associated to a specific object or person. It is our most important positive emotion and the associated mind templates formed are fundamental to proper intimate interaction with other human beings. However, an important physical and sociological difference emerges from childhood through puberty for males and females of the species. Female Love Templates With the onset of sexual relations, females usually develop new "love" templates based on the experiences with other males. As sex usually includes a period of sexual penetration, females are more likely to experience some degree of discomfort associated with the exhilarating feelings of love making. This may also include feelings of actual physical pain. Over a period of time, these new "love" templates may include mixed emotional templates whereby a female may "expect" love to include feelings of pain and bliss. Depending on the experiences associated with love making, this may vary widely between females who actually "like" a degree of pain and those that "dislike" any feeling of discomfort. While it might be argued, such sociological conditioning for pain might be important for developing tolerance ahead of such painful acts as childbirth, the development of mixed emotional templates has the negative aspect of making relationships more difficult for a large percentage of women as they get older. Male Love Templates As men develop into the role in sexual encounters as the penetrators

of women, men can and most often develop a sense of "desire to inflict pain" in their more complex love templates as they grow older. This might be skewed to the point whereby some men may become totally masochistic, while others may be turned off by the experience all together. 18.12.3 The danger of mixed Love emotions The danger of mixed love emotional templates is that the emotion of love is principally the strongest positive emotion for learning and feeling of well being. The more skewed the love templates become, the more skewed a persons behaviour in seeking ways to generate that emotion. That all humans developed mixed emotional templates is neither accepted, nor understood by contemporary scientists. Certainly from a society viewpoint, leading figures who seek out methods of generating a mixed love emotional template through an affair, or casual encounters is frowned upon. The behaviour of such people is rarely understood, especially by the media. The further danger is that as emotions happen automatically, complex love templates can only be unlearned through changed experiences. In others words, no amount of intellectual discussion can change a persons basic mixed love emotional templates until they know what it is like again to feel pure emotions. 18.12.4 The concept of lying The word "lie" in terms of the definition of falsity, misrepresentation and to deceive comes from several derivations of mid-European languages (e.g. Old English lyge) and appears around the mid-16th Century. Consistent with Western philosophy, there is no attempt to make the words relative (i.e. what might be true to one person, could be false to another). Both words are regarded as absolute- i.e. that facts are facts, truth is truth and lies are misrepresentations of the facts. Given the difficulty in recalling actually what happened, most conversations tend to be summaries of the perceived facts, allowing for the discrepancies of individual minds. However in this context, it is also possible and quite frequent that individuals will distort their recall, to suite the various situations. Lies, leads to greater disharmony of emotional templates and hence leads to potential problems in health. Liars are not healthy people. Being true to yourself first. You can never really be true to others without being true to yourself. As we have seen in previous chapters, these underlying issues are most often "left out" the concept of not telling to truth and the need to tell the truth is regarded as fundamental to a healthy relationship between people. Yet we know that this goal is rarely met in our day to day relations with other people.

Human life L2: Infancy (birth to 4)

The human baby(infant) is born with a vast array of information and knowledge systems already in place. As discussed, the sounds and experiences of the external environment, as well as the emotional context passed directly by the mother establish the very foundation of our means of learning (emotional templates). But what then of the experience and differences of life once we are born? Why do some infants excel, while others do not? Why are the earliest and simplest of experiences during infancy fundamental to the shape of our awareness? We seek to answer some of these questions in this section. The human lifecycle segment L2 is defined as the period of life from birth to around our second birthday. This lifecycle segment is called INFANCY. This period is consistent with the extensive studies by French behavioral scientists and pioneer Piaget who identified this periods as the first phase of mental development as the "sensorimotor stage". 18.13.1 Birth: We officially exist! The average newborn infant weighs 3.4 kilograms (7.5 pounds) and is about 51 centimetres long; in general, boys are slightly larger and heavier than girls. (The period of the newborn covers the first five to seven days, which the infant normally spends recovering from the stresses of delivery.) During their first month, infants sleep for about 16-18 hours a day, with five or six sleep periods alternating with a like number of shorter episodes of wakefulness. The total amount of time spent sleeping decreases dramatically, however, to 9-12 hours a day by age two years, and, with the cessation of nocturnal feedings and morning and afternoon naps, sleep becomes concentrated in one long nocturnal period. Newborns spend as much time in active sleep (during which rapid eye movements occur) as in quiet sleep, but by the third month they spend twice as much time in quiet as in active sleep, and this trend continues (at a much slower rate) into adulthood. At birth the infant displays a set of inherited reflexes, some of which serve their very survival. An infant only two hours old typically will follow a moving light with his eyes and will blink or close them at the sudden appearance of a bright light or at a sharp, sudden sound nearby. The newborn infant will suck a nipple or almost any other object (e.g., a finger) inserted into his mouth or touching his lips. They will also turn their head toward a touch on the corner of his mouth or on the cheek; this reflex helps him contact the nipple so they can nurse. An infant will grasp a finger or other object that is placed in their palm. Reflexes that involve sucking and turning toward stimuli are intended to maintain sustenance, while those involving eye-closing or muscle withdrawal are intended to ward off danger. Some reflexes involving the limbs or digits vanish after four months of age; one example is the Babinski reflex, in which the infant bends

their big toe upward and spreads his small toes when the outer edge of the sole of his foot is stroked. The newborn baby can turn their head and eyes toward and away from visual and auditory stimuli, signaling interest and alarm, respectively. Smiling during infancy changes its meaning over the first year. The smiles that newborns display during their first weeks constitute what is called reflex smiling and usually occur without reference to any external source or stimulus, including other people. By two months, however, infants smile most readily in response to the sound of human voices, and by the third or fourth month they smile easily at the sight of a human face, especially one talking to or smiling at the infant. This social smiling, as it is called, marks the beginning of the infant's emotional responses to other people. 18.13.2 Perception Research shows the achievement of extraordinary perceptual sophistication over the first months of life. Judging from their facial expressions when different substances are placed on their tongues, newborn infants apparently discriminate between bitter, salty, or sweet tastes; they have an innate preference for sweet tastes and even prefer a sucrose solution to milk. Newborns can also discriminate between different odours or smells; six-day-old infants can tell the smell of their mother's breast from that of another mother. Much more is known, however, about infants' ability to see and hear than about their senses of touch, smell, or taste. During the first half-year of life outside the womb, there is rapid development of visual acuity, from 20/800 vision (in Snellen notation) among twoweek-olds to 20/70 vision in five-month-olds to 20/20 vision at five years. Even newborn infants are sensitive to visual stimulation and attend selectively to certain visual patterns; they will track moving stimuli with their gaze and can discriminate among lights that vary in brightness. They show a noticeable predilection for the sight of the human face, and by the first or second month they are able to discriminate between different faces by attending to the internal features--eyes, nose, and mouth. By the third month, infants can identify their mothers by sight and can discriminate between some facial expressions. By the seventh month, they can recognize a particular person from different perspectives--for example, a full face versus a profile of that face. Infants can identify the same facial expression on the faces of different people and can distinguish male from female faces. Newborns can also hear and are sensitive to the location of a sound source as well as to differences in the frequency of the sound wave. They also discriminate between louder and softer sounds, as indicated by the startle reflex and by rises in heart rate. Newborns can also discriminate among sounds of higher or lower pitch. Continuous rather than intermittent sounds and low tones rather than high-pitched ones are apparently those most soothing to infants. (See hearing.) Even young infants show a striking sensitivity to the tones, rhythmic

flow, and individual sounds that together make up human speech. A young infant can make subtle discriminations among phonemes, which are the basic sounds of language, and is able to tell the difference between "pa," "ga," and "ba." Furthermore, infants less than one year old can make discriminations between phonemes that some adults cannot because the particular discrimination is not present in the adult language. A distinction between "ra" and "la" does not exist in the Japanese language, and hence Japanese adults fail to make that discrimination. Japanese infants under nine months can discriminate between these two phonemes but lose that ability after one year because the language they hear does not require that discrimination. 18.13.3 Determinants of attention Both movement and contrasts between dark and light tend to attract an infant's attention. When an alert newborn is placed in a dark room, they opens their eyes and looks around for edges. If the infant is shown a thick black bar on a white background, their eyes dart to the bar's contour and hover near it, rather than wander randomly across the visual field. Certain other visual qualities engage the infant's attention more effectively than do others. The colour red is more attractive than others, for example, and objects characterized by curvilinear and symmetry hold the infant's attention longer than do ones with straight lines and asymmetric patterns. Sounds having the pitch and timbre of the human voice are more attractive than most others; the newborn is particularly responsive to the tones of a mother's voice, as well as to sounds with a great deal of variety. These classes of stimuli tend to elicit the most prolonged attention during the first 8 to 10 weeks of life. During the infant's third month a second principle, called the discrepancy principle, begins to assume precedence. According to this principle, the infant is most likely to attend to those events that are moderately different from those they have been exposed to in the past. For instance, by the third month, the infant has developed an internal representation of the faces of the people who care for them. Hence, a slightly distorted face--e.g., a mask with the eyes misplaced--will provoke more sustained attention than will a normal face or an object the infant has never seen before. This discrepancy principle operates in other sensory modalities as well. 18.13.4 Judgment Even infants less than one year old are capable of what appears to be complex perceptual judgments. They can estimate the distance of an object from their body, for example. If an infant is shown a rattle and hears its distinctive sound and the room is then darkened, the infant will reach for the rattle if the sound indicates that the object can be grasped but will not reach if the sound indicates that it is beyond his grasp. More dramatically, infants will also reach for an object with a posture appropriate to its shape. If an infant sees a round object in the shape of a wheel and hears its distinctive sound and also sees a smaller rattle and hears its sound, he will reach in the dark with one hand in a grasping movement if he hears the sound of the rattle but

will reach with both hands spread apart if he hears the sound associated with the wheel. The four-month-old infant is also capable of rapidly learning to anticipate where a particular event will occur. After less than a minute of exposure to different scenes that alternate on the right and left side of their visual field, infants will anticipate that a picture is about to appear on the right side and will move their eyes to the right before the picture actually appears. Similarly, infants only five to six months old can detect the relation between the shape of a person's mouth and the sound that is uttered. Thus, they will look longer at a face that matches the sound they are hearing than at one where there is a mismatch between the mouth's movements and the sound being uttered. Infants develop an avoidance reaction to the appearance of depth by the age of 8 to 10 months, when they begin to crawl. This discovery was made on the surface of an apparatus called the visual cliff. The latter is a table divided into two halves, with its entire top covered by glass. One half of the top has a checkerboard pattern lying immediately underneath the glass; the other half is transparent and reveals a sharp drop of a metre or so, at the bottom of which is the same checkerboard pattern. The infant is placed on a board on the centre of the table. The mother stands across the table and tries to tempt her baby to cross the glass on either the shallow or the deep side. Infants younger than seven months will unhesitatingly crawl to the mother across the deep side, but infants older than eight months avoid the deep side and refuse to cross it. The crying and anxiety that eight-month-olds display when confronted with the need to cross the deep side are the result of their ability to perceive depth but also, and more importantly, their ability to recognize the discrepancy of sitting on a solid surface while nevertheless seeing the visual bottom some distance below. Both nervous-system maturation and experience contribute to this particular cognitive advance. Finally, infants create perceptual categories by which to organize experience, a category being defined as a representation of the dimensions or qualities shared by a set of similar but not identical events. Infants will treat the different colours of the spectrum, for example, according to the same categories that adults recognize. Thus, they show greater attentiveness when a shade of red changes to yellow than when a light shade of red merely replaces a darker shade of the same colour. Five-month-old infants can tell the difference between the moving pattern of lights that corresponds to a person walking and a randomly moving version of the same number of lights, suggesting that they have acquired a category for the appearance of a person walking. By one year of age, infants apparently possess categories for people, edible food, household furniture, and animals. Finally, infants seem to show the capacity for cross-modal perception--i.e., they can recognize an object in one sensory modality that they have previously perceived only in another. For example, if an infant sucks a nubby pacifier without being able to see it and then is shown that pacifier alongside a smooth one, the infant's longer look at the nubby pacifier suggests that he recognizes it, even though he previously experienced only its tactile qualities.


Memory Infants make robust advances in both recognition memory and recall memory during their first year. In recognition memory, the infant is able to recognize a particular object he has seen a short time earlier (and hence will look at a new object rather than the older one if both are present side by side). Although newborns cannot remember objects seen more than a minute or two previously, their memory improves fairly rapidly over the first four or five months of life. By one month they are capable of remembering an object they saw 24 hours earlier, and by one year they can recognize an object they saw several days earlier. Three-month-old infants can remember an instrumental response, such as kicking the foot to produce a swinging motion in a toy, that they learned two weeks earlier, but they respond more readily if their memory is strengthened by repeated performances of the action. By contrast, recall memory involves remembering (retrieving the representation, or mental image) an event or object that is not currently present. A major advance in recall memory occurs between the 8th and 12th months and underlies the child's acquisition of what Piaget called "the idea of the permanent object." This advance becomes apparent when an infant watches an adult hide an object under a cloth and must wait a short period of time before being allowed to reach for it. A six-month-old will not reach under the cloth for the hidden object, presumably because he has forgotten that the object was placed there. A one-year-old, however, will reach for the object even after a 30-second delay period, presumably because he is able to remember its being hidden in the first place. These improvements in recall memory arise from the maturation of circuits linking various parts of the brain together. The improvements enable the infant to relate an event in his environment to a similar event in the past. As a result, he begins to anticipate his mother's positive reaction when the two are in close face-to-face interaction, and he behaves as if inviting her to respond. The infant may also develop new fears, such as those of objects, people, or situations with which he is unfamiliar--i.e., which he cannot relate to past experiences using recall memory.


Piaget theory of sensorimotor stage (0 to 2 yrs) Piaget identified the first phase of mental development as the sensorimotor stage (birth to two years). This stage is marked by the child's acquisition of various sensorimotor schemes, which may be defined as mental representations of motor actions that are used to obtain a goal; such actions include sucking, grasping, banging, kicking, and throwing. The sensorimotor stage, in turn, was differentiated by Piaget into six sub phases, the first four of which are achieved during the initial year. During the first sub phase, which lasts one month, the newborn's automatic reflexes become more efficient. In the second sub phase, the infant's reflex movements become more coordinated, though they still consist largely of simple acts (called primary circular actions) that are repeated for their own sake (e.g., sucking, opening and closing the fists, and fingering a blanket) and do not reflect any conscious intent or purpose on the infant's part. During the third phase, lasting from the 4th to the 8th month, the infant begins to repeat

actions that produce interesting effects; for example, he may kick his legs to produce a swinging motion in a toy. In the fourth sub phase, from the 8th to the 12th month, the child begins coordinating his actions to attain an external goal; he thus begins solving simple problems, building on actions he has mastered previously. For example, he may purposely knock down a pillow to obtain a toy hidden behind it. During the fifth sub phase, covering the 12th to 18th months, the child begins to invent new sensorimotor schemes in a form of trial-and-error experimentation. He may change his actions toward the same object or try out new ones to achieve a particular goal. For example, if he finds that his arm alone is not long enough, he may use a stick to retrieve a ball that rolled beneath a couch. In the final sub phase of infancy, which is achieved by about the 18th month, the child starts trying to solve problems by mentally imagining certain events and outcomes rather than by simple physical trial-and-error experimentation. The child's actions thus far have shown progressively greater intentionally, and he has developed a primitive form of representation, which Piaget defined as a kind of mental imagery that can be used to solve a problem or attain a goal for which the child has no habitual, available action. An important part of the child's progress in his first year is his acquisition of what Piaget calls the idea of "object permanence"--i.e., the ability to treat objects as permanent entities. According to Piaget, the infant gradually learns that objects continue to exist even when they are no longer in view. Children younger than six months do not behave as if objects that are moved out of sight continue to exist; they may grab for objects they see but lose all interest once the objects are withdrawn from sight. However, infants of nine months or older do reach for objects hidden from view if they have watched them being hidden. Children aged 12 to 18 months may even search for objects that they have not themselves witnessed being hidden, indicating that they are capable of inferring those objects' location. Show such a child a toy placed in a box, put both under a cover, and then remove the box; the child will search under the cover as though he inferred the location of the toy. 18.13.7 Vocalizations The first of the two basic sounds made by infants includes all those related to crying; these are present even at birth. A second category, described as cooing, emerges at about eight weeks and includes sounds that progress to babbling and ultimately become part of meaningful speech. Almost all children make babbling sounds during infancy, and no relationship has been established between the amount of babbling during the first six months and the amount or quality of speech produced by a child at age two. Vocalization in the young infant often accompanies motor activity and usually occurs when the child appears excited by something he sees or hears. Environmental influences ordinarily do not begin to influence vocalization seriously before two months of age; in fact, during the first two months of postnatal life, the vocalizations of deaf children born to deaf-mute parents are indistinguishable from those of infants born to hearing parents. Environmental effects on the variety and frequency of the infant's sounds become more evident after roughly eight weeks of age. The use of meaningful

words differs from simple babbling in that speech primarily helps to obtain goals, rather than simply reflecting excitement. 18.13.8 Physical growth and development A child's first year is characterized by rapid growth of body and brain: healthy, well-nourished children experience an almost 200 percent increase in height between birth and one year. Every normal, healthy infant proceeds through a sequence of motor development that occurs spontaneously and requires no special training. The infant can reach for and grasp an object by about the 4th month and can grasp a small object between his thumb and forefinger by the 10th month. By 4 months of age most babies are able to sit up for a minute or so with support, and by 9 months they can do so without support for 10 minutes or more. Most babies begin crawling (i.e., moving with one's abdomen in contact with the floor) between 7 and 10 months and are creeping on hands and knees adequately at the end of that time. By 10 months an infant can pull himself up to a standing position by holding onto an external support (e.g., a piece of furniture), and by 12 months he can stand up alone. He is able to walk with help by 12 months and can walk unaided by 14 months. By 18 months, with exposure to stairs, the average child can walk up and down them without help, and by his second birthday he can run, walk backward, and pick up an object from the floor without falling down. (See physiology, psychomotor learning.) 18.13.9 Emotional development Emotions are distinct feelings or qualities of consciousness, such as joy or sadness, that reflect the personal significance of emotionarousing events. The major types of emotions include fear, sadness, anger, surprise, excitement, guilt, shame, disgust, interest, and happiness. These emotions develop in an orderly sequence over the course of infancy and childhood. Even during the first three or four months of life, infants display behavioral reactions suggestive of emotional states. These reactions are indicated by changes in facial expression, motor activity, and heart rate and of course by smiling and crying. Infants show a quieting of motor activity and a decrease in heart rate in response to an unexpected event, a combination that implies the emotion of surprise. A second behavioral profile, expressed by increased movement, closing of the eyes, an increase in heart rate, and crying, usually arises in response to hunger or discomfort and is a distress response to physical privation. A third set of reactions includes decreased muscle tone and closing of the eyes after feeding, which may be termed relaxation. A fourth pattern, characterized by increased movement of the arms and legs, smiling, and excited babbling, occurs in response to moderately familiar events or social interaction and may be termed excitement. In the period from 4 to 10 months, new emotional states appear. The crying and resistance infants display at the withdrawal of a favorite toy or at the interruption of an interesting activity can be termed anger. One-year-old infants are capable of displaying sadness in response to the prolonged absence of a parent. Finally, infants begin displaying signs of the emotion of fear by their

fourth to sixth month; a fearful response to novelty--i.e., to events that are moderately discrepant from the infant's knowledge--can be observed as early as four months. If an infant at that age hears a voice speaking sentences but there is no face present, he may show a fearful facial expression and begin to cry. By 7 to 10 months of age, an infant may cry when approached by an unfamiliar person, a phenomenon called stranger anxiety. A month or two later the infant may cry when his mother leaves him in an unfamiliar place; this phenomenon is called separation anxiety. It is no accident that both stranger and separation anxiety first appear about the time the child becomes able to recall past events. If an infant is unable to remember that his mother had been present after she leaves the room, he will experience no feeling of unfamiliarity when she is gone. However, if he is able to recall the mother's prior presence and cannot understand why she is no longer with him, that discrepancy can lead to anxiety. Thus, the appearance of stranger and separation anxiety are dependent on the improvement in memorial ability. These emotions in young infants may not be identical to similar emotional states that occur in older children or adolescents, who experience complex cognition in concert with emotion; these are missing in the young infant. The older child's anger, for example, can remain strong for a longer period of time because the child can think about the target of his anger. Thus, it may be an error to attribute to the young infant the same emotional states that one can assume are present in older children. 18.13.10 Attachment Perhaps the central accomplishment in personality development during the first years of life is the establishment of specific and enduring emotional bonds, or attachment. The person to whom an infant becomes emotionally attached is termed the target of attachment. Targets of attachment are usually those persons who respond most consistently, predictably, and appropriately to the baby's signals, primarily the mother but also the father and eventually others. Infants are biologically predisposed to form attachments with adults, and these attachments in turn form the basis for healthy emotional and social development throughout childhood. Infants depend on their targets of attachment not only for food, water, warmth, and relief from pain or discomfort but also for such emotional qualities as soothing and placating, play, consolation, and information about the world around them. Moreover, it is through the reciprocal interactions between child and parent that infants learn that their behaviour can affect the behaviour of others in consistent and predictable ways and that others can be counted on to respond when signaled. Infants who do not have a particular adult devoted to their care often do not become strongly attached to any one adult and are less socially responsive--less likely to smile, vocalize, laugh, or approach adults. Such behaviour has been observed in children raised in relatively impersonal institutional surroundings and is shared by monkeys reared in isolation. The social smiling of two-month-old infants invites adults to interact with them; all normal human infants show a social smile, which is,

in fact, their first true sign of social responsiveness. The social smile is apparently innate in the human species. At about six months of age infants begin to respond socially to particular people who become the targets of attachment. Although all infants develop some form of attachment to their caregivers, the strength and quality of that attachment depends partly on the parents' behaviour to the child. The sheer amount of time spent with a child counts for less than the quality of the adult-child interaction in this regard. The parents' satisfaction of the infant's physical needs is an important factor in their interaction, but sensitivity to the child's needs and wishes, along with the provision of emotional warmth, supportiveness, and gentleness are equally important. Interestingly, mothers and fathers have been observed to behave differently with their infants and young children: mothers hold, comfort, and calm their babies in predictable and rhythmic ways, whereas fathers play and excite in unpredictable and less rhythmic ways. ra One significant difference has been detected in the quality of infants' attachment to their caregivers--that between infants who are "securely" attached and those who are "insecurely" attached. Infants with a secure attachment to a parent are less afraid of challenge and unfamiliarity than are those with an insecure attachment. ra During the first two years of life, the presence of targets of attachment tends to mute infants' feelings of fear in unfamiliar situations. A one-year-old in an unfamiliar room is much less likely to cry if his mother is present than if she is not. A one-year-old is also much less likely to cry at an unexpected sound or an unfamiliar object if his mother is nearby. Monkeys, too, show less fear of the unfamiliar when they are with their mothers. This behavioral fact has been used to develop a series of experimental situations thought to be useful in distinguishing securely from insecurely attached infants. These procedures consist of exposing a one-yearold to what is known as the "strange situation." Two episodes that are part of a longer series in this procedure involve leaving the infant with a stranger and leaving the infant alone in an unfamiliar room. Children who show only moderate distress when the mother leaves, seek her upon her return, and are easily comforted by her are assumed to be securely attached. Children who do not become upset when the mother leaves, play contentedly while she is gone, and seem to ignore her when she returns are termed insecurely attached-avoidant. Finally, children who become extremely upset when the mother leaves, resist her soothing when she returns, and are difficult to calm down are termed insecurely attached-resistant. About 65 percent of all American children tested are classed as securely attached, 21 percent as insecurely attached-avoidant, and 14 percent as insecurely attached-resistant. All other things being equal, it is believed that those children who demonstrate a secure attachment during the first two years of life are likely to remain more emotionally secure and be more socially outgoing later in childhood than those who are insecurely attached. But insecurely attached-resistant children are more likely to display social or emotional problems later in childhood. The development of a secure or insecure attachment is partly a function of the predictability and emotional sensitivity of an infant's caregiver and partly the product of the infant's innate temperament. ra


Temperament Individual infants tend to vary in their basic mood and in their typical responses to situations and events involving challenge, restraint, and unfamiliarity. Infants may differ in such qualities as fearfulness, irritability, fussiness, attention span, sensitivity to stimuli, vigour of response, activity level, and readiness to adapt to new events. These constitutional differences help make up what is called a child's temperament. It is believed that many temperament qualities are mediated by inherited differences in the neurochemistry of the brain. Most individual differences in temperament observed in infants up to 12 months in age do not endure over time and are not predictive of later behaviour. One temperamental trait that is more lasting, however, is that of inhibition to the unfamiliar. Inhibited children, who account for 10-20 percent of all one-year-old children, tend to be shy, timid, and restrained when encountering unfamiliar people, objects, or situations. As young infants, they show high levels of motor activity and fretfulness in response to stimulation. (They are also likely to be classified as insecurely attached-resistant when

Human life L3: Childhood (4 to 11)

While the acquisition of language is itself may be considered one of the defining moments of childhood (along with our first independent steps), our first conscious thoughts of self existence may also be considered a defining point between infancy and our transition to being a "child".

By self existence, we mean that point when we, as individuals first came to realize that we exist as a unique thinking entity, separate to other human beings and objects, capable of thinking uniquely and acting independently. Extensive child psychology study over the past one hundred years have provided an unprecedented body of data in understanding the steps that the average human being takes towards their first conscious thought of recognizing their own existence "I think, therefore I am". Broadly speaking, the age of four to five is considered the point at which the average child reaches a level of recognition of self as a unique, independently thinking person- the "I" is born. This is why UCA defines the point of aged 4 as the transition from infant to child- the point at which the I, of us is born. 18.14.1 The significance of realization of self As older, thinking adults, many of our personal problems and the majority of the worlds problems are due principally from our ability to separate our "minds", not necessarily our physical presence from others. Therefore the period of first realization of self is significant. For our mind to separate itself from others, it must first consider itself as being separate and unique. Once we see our ability to separate ourselves from the picture, the next phase of development of life is possible: to separate oneself from reality to another state of mind, to consider thoughts and scenarios different to what is happening, to interlace our own interpretations onto the fabric of an existing activity. LEVEL & AGE PHYSICAL EXPERIENCE MIND EXPERIENCE 4 to 11 EMOTIONAL/LIFE EXPERIENCE Mortal- (7 yrs)

L3Childhood Childhood

2 to 4

WORDS: comprehend 1,800 to 2,100 words GRAMMAR: Sounds MEMORY: Basic Tense,

2 to 4

concepts of our local worlds Our outer world Position Language Communication Once these concepts firm, self identity follow. However self identity is not completely independent of influence. Rather self identity is highly influenced by others in this stage, it is easy to develop contradictory behaviour- the embers of developing schizophrenia. Contradictory behaviour beliefs and values means no clear values opportunity. 18.14.2 Food Food possessions activity are all elements that the young child

groups. 18.14.3 Developing personality At this age our major images and desire in people we attracted to usually on parent Boy- mother- carer- selfish son Boy father- leader over achiever Girl mother home- low self esteem Girl father princess- selfish daughter These combinations set a path- critical in terms of what we look for 4 to 7 Child beginning of personality- choice of concepts, sounds immature personality- prime selfish self Age 4 to 7 when we develop our imagination Insular- within Extrovert- either Introvert/estrovert-0 mixed These elements all form fundamental components to state and view of self. Need Behaviour al inheritance has a large influence in character. Rejecting adult behaviour can develop opposite character. Acceptance of behaviour can develop similar behaviour. Most children do not reject all of adult behaviour

Human life L4: Adolescence (11 to 19)

As with each life age defined in the context of UCA, the period of age 10 and 11 for the average human being represents another period of profound change. It is at this period that the wiring of the individual human brain is said to undergo a massive cleansing and streamlining operation that does not end until around eighteen and nineteen, in correspondence to the finishing of major growths experienced during puberty. That the age of ten to eleven has been recognized as the a biological marker signifying the reversal of synaptic connection growth within the child's brain, in correspondence to the rapid rise in sterol and

hormone release within the body provides suitable justification to recognize this age period as the next transition point to define the human lifecycle. L4: Adolescence is therefore recognized as the defining period of character- those traits and skills perfected from the conscious choices of the developed core of self from 4 to 11. The combination of the core of self, combined with the refinement of traits and skills(character) gives rise to the completion of our personality (aged 18 to 19). 18.15.1 The importance of specialization- master of some While the learning of new skills is a necessary part of living and ensuring survival in case of changes in times, the perfection of key skills associated with survival ( such as communication skills, hunting skills, etc) are essential for our long term survival. The human brain makes allowances for this and so, during puberty, perfects and refines the human body and brain to specialize in those areas identified and learned within the genetic history of the individual human as well as those skills and thoughts considered during childhood. Those features not considered important, or in greater use are relegated to secondary systems, while the concepts and knowledge actively used is rewired for optimum access. The age of 10 to 11 is also seen as another period of dramatic change- it is beginning for most girls of the preparation for puberty- when the hormone system begins its preparation for the onset of full scale physical construction of the adult body from age 12 to 13 and from 13 to 14 for boys. 18.15.2 The consideration of character proceeding development of self Earlier we discussed the semantic arguments between human nature and human awareness. Now is the consideration of difference in argument of the emergence of the human personality in two stagesthe development of our core and secondly the development of skills and traits- refinements of those things identified in our character. 18.15.3 Why is it so hard to change core human being? because each layer is complex and builds on the previous layer and protects the core. To get through the teenager need to deal with selfish lust, low self esteem, anxiety. To get thought youth need to deal with selfish mind pleasure/masturbation) and food. To address the core- need to focus on core values from a child's perspective Maybe- need to deal with each layer as a package in context of what was learned . Need t address as contextual package. LEVEL & AGE PHYSICAL EXPERIENCE MIND EXPERIENCE 11 to 19 EMOTIONAL/LIFE EXPERIENCE Mortal-(8 yrs)

L4Adolescence Adolescence 11


begin to decline

Human life L5: Youthhood (19 to 33)

The age 18 (and 21 in some others) in many cultures signifies the legally recognized age of adults. Along with reaching this age comes the granting of certain privileges and responsibilities such as car driving, alcohol consumption as examples. For many, it represents the turning point in terms of earning adult wages for a days work. In others, it means little or nothing ( particularly in cultures forcing people to work from young ages with little or no education). In many social studies and common language, the word "youth" is used to denote people between the chronological ages of 12 to possibly 21. However in the context of UCA and the consideration of the life journey as being a journey of awareness, the word extends in period beyond the artificial boundary of 18 or even 21, to the period of 33. In many social studies and common language, the word "youth" is used to denote people between the chronological ages of 12 to possibly 21. However in the context of UCA and the consideration of the life journey as being a journey of awareness, the word extends in period beyond the artificial boundary of 18 or even 21, to the period of 33. Youthhood is the defining period in which the lessons of the first major section of life begin to be refined and put into practice and where the young mind seeks to extend and journey. 18.16.1 The importance of youthhood Youthhood is where the skills and traits of adolescence are put into practice. It is our period of apprentiship. Where we try and often fail as we seek to put knowledge learned during extended periods of study and schooling into practice. It is where we live away from home, where relationships and the world takes on more and more responsibilities

Human life L6: Adulthood (33 to 50)

In the context of UCA, adulthood is defined on a deeper scale of requirements beyond simply the maturity of the physical body and the achievement of certain chronological ages. It includes the maturation in terms of family, of ideas, of study of awareness. The age 33 is therefore considered a stronger milestone to distinguish the age from youth (young adult) to adult.

Adulthood represents the age and experience whereby, knowledge combined from theory (childhood and adolescence) as well as the years of youth, come together to form the adult member of the tribe. An adult is one, who recognizes their responsibilities and is prepared to carry them, without curse. <

Human life L7: Seniorhood (50 yo 70)

As the average age and awareness of human beings extends to a greater chronological period, the question of retirement age is now under serious consideration. Our notion of "old" is being challenged constantly, as people of ages ranging from 60 to 80 and beyond show the ability to retain full and active lives. In the context of the model UCA, the period of 50 to 70 is considered the "senior" life period and represents the pinnacle of one's working life- then the lessons of awareness, the wisdom of life may be imparted on those just starting their careers.

Human life L9: Elderhood (70 to death)

As respect for our elders has lost significance in modern societies, so too has our distinction of the nature of this phase of life. AS human lives continue to extend beyond the ages of 70 to 90 and 100 and beyond, our assessment of the nature of our elders also has to be reassessed

18.20 Human sickness

It is impossible to discuss human life without discussing the aspects of human death and illness. It is a fact of life that some day we will die. It is also a fact of life that from time to time we will get sick, probably violently sick as least once during our lives. There are many factors that influence the condition of being sick, from external parasites to our state of mind. In fact, over the past one hundred years, literally dozens of diseases have been studied and categorized relating to the human mind. We will discuss these in more detail along with the other types of human sickness.

18.21 Human physical sickness

The search for the causes (etiologies) of human diseases goes back to antiquity. Hippocrates, a Greek physician of the 4th and 5th centuries BC, is credited with being the first to adopt the concept that disease is not a visitation of the gods but rather is caused by earthly influences. Scientists have since continually searched for the causes

of disease and, indeed, have discovered the causes of many. In the development of a disease (pathogenesis) more is involved than merely exposure to a causative agent. A room full of people may be exposed to a sufferer from a common cold, but only one or two may later develop a cold. Many host factors determine whether the agent will induce disease or not. Thus, in the pathogenesis of disease, the resistance, immunity, age, and nutritional state of the person exposed, as well as virulence or toxicity of the agent and the level of exposure, all play a role in determining whether disease develops. In the following sections the many types of human disease will be divided into categories, and in each only a few examples will be given to establish the nature of the process. These categories are divided on the basis of the presumed etiology of the disease. Many diseases are still of unknown (idiopathic) origin. With others the cause may be suspected but not yet definitively proved. In a few instances the discovery of the etiology of a disease represents the individual achievement of a solitary investigator who may have worked many years on the problem; the story of Louis Pasteur and the discovery of the cause of anthrax is a classic example. More often the individual investigator who makes the final breakthrough stands on the shoulders of hundreds of earlier workers who provided bits and pieces of knowledge vital to the final understanding. 18.21.1 Diseases of genetic origin Certain human diseases result from mutations in the genetic complement (genome) contained in the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) of chromosomes. Any alteration of the DNA may result in the defective synthesis and subsequent malfunctioning of one or more proteins. If the mutated protein is a key enzyme in normal metabolism, the error may have serious or fatal consequences. More than 5,000 distinct diseases have been ascribed to mutations that result in deficiencies of critical enzymes. Mutations are classified on the basis of the extent of the alteration. Large mutations, which include alterations to chromosome structure and number, are relatively rare because most cause such major disruptions to development that the fetus is naturally aborted. However, certain alterations are not so immediately lethal, and the fetus can survive with a characteristic disorder. Down syndrome is one such case. It involves an error in the division of chromosome 21 that results in trisomy (three copies of a chromosome instead of two are inherited), bringing the total number of chromosomes to 47 instead of 46. Many characteristics such as distinctive facial features and mental retardation result from the presence of this extra chromosome. Smaller mutations are more common and include point mutations, in which substitution of a single nucleotide base occurs, and deletion or insertion mutations, which involve several bases. Point, deletion, and insertion mutations may cause an abnormal protein to be synthesized or may prevent the protein from being made at all. Mutations that occur in the DNA of somatic (body) cells cannot be inherited, but they can cause congenital malformations and cancers (see below Abnormal growth of cells); however, mutations that occur in germ cells--i.e., the gametes, ova and sperm--are transmitted to

offspring and are responsible for inherited diseases. Each gamete contributes one set of chromosomes and therefore one copy (allele) of each gene to the resultant offspring. If a gene bearing a mutation is passed on, it may cause a genetic disorder. Genetic diseases caused by a mutation in one gene are inherited in either dominant or recessive fashion. In dominantly inherited conditions, only one mutant allele, which codes for a defective protein or does not produce a protein at all, is necessary for the disorder to occur. In recessively inherited disorders, two copies of a mutant gene are necessary for the disorder to manifest; if only one copy is inherited, the offspring is not affected, but the trait may continue to be passed on to future offspring. In addition to dominant or recessive transmission, genetic disorders may be inherited in an autosomal or X-linked manner. Autosomal genes are those not located on the sex chromosomes, X and Y; X-linked genes are those located on the X chromosomes that have no complementary genes on the Y chromosome. Females have two copies of the X chromosome, but males have an X and a Y chromosome. Because males have only one copy of the X chromosome, any mutation occurring in a gene on this chromosome will be expressed in male offspring regardless of whether its behaviour is recessive or dominant in females. Autosomal dominant disorders include Huntington's chorea, a degenerative disease of the nervous system that usually does not develop until the carrier is between 30 and 40 years of age. The delayed onset of Huntington's chorea allows this lethal gene to be passed on to offspring. Autosomal recessive diseases are more common and include cystic fibrosis, Tay-Sachs disease, and sickle cell anemia. Xlinked dominant disorders are rare, but X-linked recessive diseases are relatively common and include Duchenne's muscular dystrophy and hemophilia A. Most genetic disorders can be detected at birth because the child is born with characteristic defects. Thus these abnormalities are congenital (existing at birth) genetic disorders. A few genetic defects, such as Huntington's chorea mentioned above, do not become manifest until later in life. Hence it may be said that most but not all genetic diseases are congenital. Conversely, some congenital diseases are not genetic in origin; instead they may arise from some direct injury to the developing fetus. If a woman contracts the viral disease German measles (rubella) during pregnancy, the virus may infect the fetus and alter its normal development, leading to some malformations, principally of the heart. These malformations constitute a congenital disease that is not genetic. Further confusion often arises over the terms genetic and familial. A familial disease is hereditary, passed on from one generation to the next. It resides in a genetic mutation that is transmitted by mother or father (or both) through the gametes to their offspring. Not all genetic disorders are familial, however, because the mutation may arise for the first time during the formation of the gametes or during the early development of the fetus. Such an infant will have some genetic abnormality, though the parents themselves do not. Down syndrome is an example of a genetic disease that is not familial. 18.21.2 Factors relating to genetic injury

The causes of mutations are still poorly understood. Certain factors, however, are thought to be important. Maternal age plays an important role in predisposing toward genetic injury. The frequency of Down syndrome and of congenital malformations increases with the age of the mother. This may be so for a variety of reasons. Unlike men, who produce new sperm continually, women are born with all the eggs (ova) they will ever have. Thus the eggs are exposed to the same internal and external agents that the woman comes in contact with. The longer the exposure to such factors (i.e., the older the mother), the greater the chance of genetic injury to the ova. A paternal contribution to the disease also has been discovered-roughly 25 percent of cases may be caused by extra chromosomal material from the father. At present, the nature of the factors responsible for impaired division of chromosomes remains unknown. (See pregnancy.) Radiation is a well-recognized cause of chromosomal damage. The survivors of the atomic bomb blasts in Japan in 1945 have shown definite chromosomal abnormalities in certain types of their circulating white blood cells. Indeed, a higher incidence of leukemia (a form of cancer of white cells), as well as other cancers, has been reported in this population, suggesting that the chromosomal changes may have played some role in the induction of the disease (see also radiation: Biologic effects of ionizing radiation). Viruses have been shown to cause mutations in human cells when the cells are grown in tissue culture, but there is no clear evidence that viral infections can cause genetic injury in humans. Instead, current evidence suggests that the oncogenic viruses implicated in some human cancers facilitate genetic mutations rather than cause them directly. The induction of DNA mutations in cells by drugs and chemicals is complex. It involves metabolism of the drug by detoxification enzymes into reactive intermediates that damage DNA. The mutations that remain are those not removed by DNA repair enzymes. In contrast to viruses, drugs and chemicals have been shown to cause mutations not only in human cells in culture but also in a living host. 18.21.3 Heredity and environment Diseases can be spread across a wide spectrum, with predominantly genetic diseases at one extreme of the spectrum and diseases of largely environmental origin at the other. In the genetic part of the spectrum are diseases such as Turner's syndrome; in the environmental part are infectious diseases and chemical poisoning. Between these two extremes lie most human diseases--those with both genetic and environmental causative influences that are significant. Indeed, even at the very extreme ends of the spectrum both factors play some role. The genetic constitution dictates in part the host's response to environmental challenges. Similarly, environmental factors play significant roles in the manifestation of genetically induced disease. Sickle cell anemia, for example, an inherited disease characterized by abnormal red blood cells and hemoglobin, is seriously exacerbated by low levels of oxygen in the air.

18.22 Human sickness-genetic

Certain human diseases result from mutations in the genetic complement (genome) contained in the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) of chromosomes. Any alteration of the DNA may result in the defective synthesis and subsequent malfunctioning of one or more proteins. If the mutated protein is a key enzyme in normal metabolism, the error may have serious or fatal consequences. More than 5,000 distinct diseases have been ascribed to mutations that result in deficiencies of critical enzymes. Mutations are classified on the basis of the extent of the alteration. Large mutations, which include alterations to chromosome structure and number, are relatively rare because most cause such major disruptions to development that the fetus is naturally aborted. However, certain alterations are not so immediately lethal, and the fetus can survive with a characteristic disorder. Down syndrome is one such case. It involves an error in the division of chromosome 21 that results in trisomy (three copies of a chromosome instead of two are inherited), bringing the total number of chromosomes to 47 instead of 46. Many characteristics such as distinctive facial features and mental retardation result from the presence of this extra chromosome. Smaller mutations are more common and include point mutations, in which substitution of a single nucleotide base occurs, and deletion or insertion mutations, which involve several bases. Point, deletion, and insertion mutations may cause an abnormal protein to be synthesized or may prevent the protein from being made at all. Mutations that occur in the DNA of somatic (body) cells cannot be inherited, but they can cause congenital malformations and cancers (see below Abnormal growth of cells); however, mutations that occur in germ cells--i.e., the gametes, ova and sperm--are transmitted to offspring and are responsible for inherited diseases. Each gamete contributes one set of chromosomes and therefore one copy (allele) of each gene to the resultant offspring. If a gene bearing a mutation is passed on, it may cause a genetic disorder. Genetic diseases caused by a mutation in one gene are inherited in either dominant or recessive fashion. In dominantly inherited conditions, only one mutant allele, which codes for a defective protein or does not produce a protein at all, is necessary for the disorder to occur. In recessively inherited disorders, two copies of a mutant gene are necessary for the disorder to manifest; if only one copy is inherited, the offspring is not affected, but the trait may continue to be passed on to future offspring. In addition to dominant or recessive transmission, genetic disorders may be inherited in an autosomal or X-linked manner. Autosomal genes are those not located on the sex chromosomes, X and Y; X-linked genes are those located on the X chromosomes that have no complementary genes on the Y chromosome. Females have two copies of the X chromosome, but males have an X and a Y chromosome. Because males have only one copy of the X chromosome, any mutation occurring in a gene on this chromosome will be expressed in male offspring regardless of whether its behaviour is recessive or dominant in females. Autosomal dominant disorders include Huntington's chorea, a degenerative disease of the nervous system that usually does not develop until the

carrier is between 30 and 40 years of age. The delayed onset of Huntington's chorea allows this lethal gene to be passed on to offspring. Autosomal recessive diseases are more common and include cystic fibrosis, Tay-Sachs disease, and sickle cell anemia. Xlinked dominant disorders are rare, but X-linked recessive diseases are relatively common and include Duchenne's muscular dystrophy and hemophilia A. Most genetic disorders can be detected at birth because the child is born with characteristic defects. Thus these abnormalities are congenital (existing at birth) genetic disorders. A few genetic defects, such as Huntington's chorea mentioned above, do not become manifest until later in life. Hence it may be said that most but not all genetic diseases are congenital. Conversely, some congenital diseases are not genetic in origin; instead they may arise from some direct injury to the developing fetus. If a woman contracts the viral disease German measles (rubella) during pregnancy, the virus may infect the fetus and alter its normal development, leading to some malformations, principally of the heart. These malformations constitute a congenital disease that is not genetic. Further confusion often arises over the terms genetic and familial. A familial disease is hereditary, passed on from one generation to the next. It resides in a genetic mutation that is transmitted by mother or father (or both) through the gametes to their offspring. Not all genetic disorders are familial, however, because the mutation may arise for the first time during the formation of the gametes or during the early development of the fetus. Such an infant will have some genetic abnormality, though the parents themselves do not. Down syndrome is an example of a genetic disease that is not familial. 18.22.1 Factors relating to genetic injury The causes of mutations are still poorly understood. Certain factors, however, are thought to be important. Maternal age plays an important role in predisposing toward genetic injury. The frequency of Down syndrome and of congenital malformations increases with the age of the mother. This may be so for a variety of reasons. Unlike men, who produce new sperm continually, women are born with all the eggs (ova) they will ever have. Thus the eggs are exposed to the same internal and external agents that the woman comes in contact with. The longer the exposure to such factors (i.e., the older the mother), the greater the chance of genetic injury to the ova. A paternal contribution to the disease also has been discovered-roughly 25 percent of cases may be caused by extra chromosomal material from the father. At present, the nature of the factors responsible for impaired division of chromosomes remains unknown. (See pregnancy.) Radiation is a well-recognized cause of chromosomal damage. The survivors of the atomic bomb blasts in Japan in 1945 have shown definite chromosomal abnormalities in certain types of their circulating white blood cells. Indeed, a higher incidence of leukemia (a form of cancer of white cells), as well as other cancers, has been reported in this population, suggesting that the chromosomal changes may have played some role in the induction of the disease (see also

radiation: Biologic effects of ionizing radiation). Viruses have been shown to cause mutations in human cells when the cells are grown in tissue culture, but there is no clear evidence that viral infections can cause genetic injury in humans. Instead, current evidence suggests that the oncogenic viruses implicated in some human cancers facilitate genetic mutations rather than cause them directly. The induction of DNA mutations in cells by drugs and chemicals is complex. It involves metabolism of the drug by detoxification enzymes into reactive intermediates that damage DNA. The mutations that remain are those not removed by DNA repair enzymes. In contrast to viruses, drugs and chemicals have been shown to cause mutations not only in human cells in culture but also in a living host. 18.22.2 Heredity and environment Diseases can be spread across a wide spectrum, with predominantly genetic diseases at one extreme of the spectrum and diseases of largely environmental origin at the other. In the genetic part of the spectrum are diseases such as Turner's syndrome; in the environmental part are infectious diseases and chemical poisoning. Between these two extremes lie most human diseases--those with both genetic and environmental causative influences that are significant. Indeed, even at the very extreme ends of the spectrum both factors play some role. The genetic constitution dictates in part the host's response to environmental challenges. Similarly, environmental factors play significant roles in the manifestation of genetically induced disease. Sickle cell anemia, for example, an inherited disease characterized by abnormal red blood cells and hemoglobin, is seriously exacerbated by low levels of oxygen in the air. Furthermore, there are many disorders in which there is a familial tendency to develop the disease but no formal pattern of inheritance has been delineated. Many forms of cancer, high blood pressure, arthritis, and obesity, for example, seem to have a familial tendency. Although the exact roles of environmental and genetic factors are unknown in all these diseases, it is strongly felt that both factors contribute to the disease process.

18.23 Human sickness-chemical

A poison is any substance that can cause illness or death when ingested in small quantities. This definition excludes the multitude of substances that cause damage if ingested in large quantities. For example, even oxygen and glucose, so crucial to life, are toxic to cells when administered at high concentrations. There are several considerations to keep in mind when one discusses poisoning. The first of these, as already suggested, is the degree of toxicity. A substance with a very high toxicity (such as cyanide) need be taken only in minute amounts to cause serious harm or death. A second consideration is the mechanism by which a poison operates.

Each poison acts at particular sites in the cell that are critical for the maintenance of homeostasis. These sites include the genome, whose expression dictates cell structure and function, and the cell membrane, which regulates ion transport, energy metabolism, and synthesis of vital proteins. Each poison also has a characteristic ability to cause damage at particular sites within the body, such as the liver, kidneys, or central nervous system. A third factor is the body's ability to eliminate the substance. Some chemicals, rapidly excreted in the urine, must act quickly while they remain transiently in the body. Others are poorly eliminated, and, because of this, a chronic ingestion of nontoxic amounts leads to a buildup in the body that can reach toxic levels. Lead poisoning is a good example of this phenomenon. The route of entry is also important. Many substances are harmless when eaten but become deadly if injected into a vein. There are chemicals and drugs that are highly reactive and interact directly with an important cellular component to cause cell injury or death. Other chemicals or drugs that are not toxic per se become so following their metabolic conversion to toxic intermediates by the host. Similarly, the chemical form of a substance affects its action on the body. Metallic mercury, as found in thermometers, is harmlessly excreted, whereas the chloride salt of the same substance is deadly. Finally, the condition of the host, the recipient of the poison, is an important consideration. A dose of aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) that is harmless to an adult may be poisonous to an infant. Similarly, an elderly person's tolerance of a substance may be much lower than that of a healthy young adult. A wide variety of poisons exist, among which a few stand out as being the most commonly encountered in medical practice. Some are of relatively low toxicity but are important because of their widespread use. Many physicians consider aspirin the most dangerous poison because of its commonplace use and abuse and because it is the leading cause of poisoning in children. In the following paragraphs three groups of agents will be presented: (1) organic chemicals, (2) inorganic chemicals, and (3) drugs. 18.23.1 Organic chemicals Among the organic chemicals commonly encountered in instances of poisoning are two forms of alcohol, ethyl alcohol (ethanol) and methyl alcohol (methanol). Ethyl alcohol is the form found in most alcoholic beverages. Methyl alcohol, or wood alcohol, is used for a variety of household purposes. Acute ethyl alcohol poisoning is encountered after ingestion of large quantities over a relatively short time. The alcohol is quickly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, and high blood levels can be achieved in a remarkably short time. Ethyl alcohol acts principally as a centralnervous-system depressant and, fortunately, stupor usually results before fatal doses can be reached. The difference in blood levels between intoxication and fatal stupor is very slight, however, and death may result with the ingestion of large quantities of alcohol from depression of the respiratory centre in the brain.

Methyl alcohol is usually ingested either by accident or with suicidal intent. Once inside the body it is metabolized to formic acid, an extremely toxic substance that selects the nerves in the eye as its target. Without treatment, blindness results. Methyl alcohol also can affect the brain tissue itself. Carbon monoxide is a nonirritating, inert gas without colour, taste, or odour. A poison responsible for a large number of accidental and suicidal deaths, it is one of the chemical products of any combustion of organic material. Inhalation of a 1 percent concentration can be fatal within 10 to 20 minutes. Carbon monoxide acts as an internal asphyxiant causing oxygen starvation of tissues. It should be noted that exposure to even low concentrations can result in the slow accumulation of this poison over hours, days, or weeks, leading very gradually to toxic or fatal levels. 18.23.2 Inorganic chemicals The inorganic chemicals most commonly responsible for poisonings in the United States are cyanide, mercury, arsenic, and lead. While the last three often appear in chemical forms that are quite harmless, it is the soluble salts of the substances that are poisons. Cyanide is a dangerous substance in any form. It may occur in the form of hydrocyanic gas or as solid compounds such as potassium cyanide. It is one of the most lethal poisons known; an amount of 0.2 gram (0.007 ounce) administered to a 70-kilogram (154-pound) human causes death within minutes. Like carbon monoxide, it acts as a cellular asphyxiant. Mercury in the pure metallic form is rather harmless, but the salt of the same substance, notably mercuric chloride, is a deadly poison. As little as 0.1 gram is enough to cause damage to body tissues, and 2 grams can cause death in a 70-kilogram person. This agent causes extensive tissue damage wherever high concentrations of the poison are encountered. When the substance is swallowed, the stomach represents the portal of entry. The mercuric chloride is partially absorbed into the blood, and this portion is excreted through the urine. The remainder affects organs in the digestive tract, principally the stomach and the colon, and the kidneys. Mercuric salts cause death of cells by precipitating the proteins within the cells, a form of cell injury called coagulative necrosis. With careful treatment, affected persons survive with full recovery. Chronic ingestion of smaller amounts of mercuric salts, as is seen in some industrial settings, can result in disease involving the mouth, skin, and nervous system. Arsenic is contained in many items used around the house. Both odourless and tasteless compounds of arsenic are found in some rat poisons, plant sprays, paints, and other household preparations. Many of these household staples are ingested accidentally by children. Principally affected by arsenic are the blood vessels and the central nervous system; vascular collapse and depression of the central nervous system can be followed by coma and death within hours after ingestion. The soluble salts of inorganic lead are also strong systemic poisons. They may accumulate within the body over a long period until toxic

levels are reached and cell damage ensues. These salts were at one time commonly found in paints, and lead poisoning was frequently seen in children who chewed on their painted cribs or woodwork. Legislation in many countries has outlawed the use of lead-base paints for infants' furniture. Other forms of poisoning are incurred through industrial exposure and ingestion of water from lead pipes. Lead poisoning damages red blood cells and leads to hemolysis (rupturing of red blood cells) with resulting anemia. In the brain, lead accumulation causes the degeneration of nerve cells. This produces such manifestations as mental depression, psychoses, convulsions, and even coma and death. If an early fatality does not occur, the lead is slowly excreted and complete recovery may be anticipated. 18.23.3 Drugs Drugs are another important cause of poisoning. It is a pharmacological principle that, for any therapeutic gain derived from a drug, a price is paid. There are few drugs used today that have no side effects (i.e., effects unintended when the drug is administered). Although these side effects may be harmless and inconsequential, certain drugs have side effects that are potent. Similarly, a drug may be useful in a certain dose range but harmful when larger doses are taken. Morphine, for example, is an excellent drug for the control of severe pain, but it can depress respiration, and too much of it can cause death. All drugs are, therefore, potentially harmful. Barbiturates and salicylates are the major drugs commonly found to cause serious illness from overingestion. Barbiturates affect the central nervous system almost exclusively. With toxic levels, the vital centres located within the midbrain are depressed; this leads to profound coma, depression of respiration, oxygen starvation of the tissues, and even shock. The identification of barbiturate poisoning relies almost exclusively on finding the substance in the blood or urine, because there is little anatomic change in tissues. Treatment is directed toward getting the drug out of the system as quickly as possible, either by inducing copious urinary excretion of the drug or by the use of the artificial kidney--a process called hemodialysis. Aspirin, or acetylsalicylic acid, is a drug that deserves special mention because it is such a common household item and often within the reach of small children. Approximately 10 to 30 grams of aspirin can be fatal in adults, and much smaller amounts can be fatal in children. (A single aspirin tablet of standard size contains approximately onethird gram.) There are many signs and symptoms associated with salicylate poisoning, including headaches, drowsiness, dyspepsia, nausea, vomiting, sweating, and thirst. Salicylate poisoning is an acute medical emergency. Rigorous medical treatment is demanded, and use of the artificial kidney is often required.

18.24 Human sickness-parasites

A further cause of human sickness and death is attach by parasite organisms. The human body is exposed to attack by bacteria (mono cellular life forms) and even simple multi-cellular organisms.

Like all parasites, the goal of attacking the human body is to use its own resources and supplies to multiply instead of having to fend for it yourself. This is why the more exotic and hardy a strain of bacteria, the greater its danger. As strange as it may sound, over caution and chemical hygene can over long periods actual help produce strains of bacteria that learn to survive in the harshest of conditions. The scarcity of food and risk of death for bacteria in the average western hospital is high. Over periods of time, colonies of bacteria have had to adapt to these conditions to survive. These are now the super bugs that haunt our most precious of institutions and risk killing us.

18.25 Human sickness-physical injury

Physical injuries include those caused by mechanical trauma, heat and cold, electrical discharges, changes in pressure, and radiation. Mechanical trauma is an injury to any portion of the body from a blow, crush, cut, or penetrating wound. The complications of mechanical trauma are usually related to fracture, hemorrhage, and infection. They do not necessarily have to appear immediately after occurrence of the injury. Slow internal bleeding may remain masked for days and lead to an eventual emergency. Similarly, wound infection and even systemic infection are rarely detectable until many days after the damage. All significant mechanical injuries must therefore be kept under observation for days or even weeks. 18.25.1 Injuries from cold or heat Among physical injuries are injuries caused by cold or heat. Prolonged exposure of tissue to freezing temperatures causes tissue damage known as frostbite. Several factors predispose to frostbite, such as malnutrition leading to a loss of the fatty layer under the skin, lack of adequate clothing, and any type of insufficiency of the peripheral blood vessels, all of which increase the loss of body heat. When the entire body is exposed to low temperatures over a long period, the result can be alarming. At first blood is diverted from the skin to deeper areas of the body, resulting in anoxia (lack of oxygen) and damage to the skin and the tissues under the skin, including the walls of the small vessels. This damage to the small blood vessels leads to swelling of the tissues beneath the skin as fluid seeps out of

the vessels. When the exposure is prolonged, it leads eventually to cooling of the blood itself. Once this has occurred, the results are catastrophic. All the vital organs become affected, and death usually ensues. Burns may be divided into three categories depending on severity. A first-degree burn is the least destructive and affects the most superficial layer of skin, the epidermis. Sunburn is an example of a first-degree burn. The symptoms are pain and some swelling. A second-degree burn is a deeper and hence more severe injury. It is characterized by blistering and often considerable edema (swelling). A third-degree burn is extremely serious; the entire thickness of the skin is destroyed, along with deeper structures such as muscles. Because the nerve endings are destroyed in such burns, the wound is surprisingly painless in the areas of worst involvement. The outlook in burn injuries is dependent on the age of the victim and the percent of total body area affected. Loss of fluid and electrolytes and infection associated with loss of skin provide the major causes of burn mortality. 18.25.2 Electrical injuries The injurious effects of an electrical current passing through the body are determined by its voltage, its amperage, and the resistance of the tissues in the pathway of the current. It must be emphasized that exposure to electricity can be harmful only if there is a contact point of entry and a discharge point through which the current leaves the body. If the body is well insulated against such passage, at the point of either entry or discharge, no current flows and no injury results. The voltage of current refers to its electromotive force, the amperage to its intensity. With high-voltage discharges, such as are encountered when an individual is struck by lightning, the major effect is to disrupt nervous impulses; death is usually caused by interruption of the regulatory impulses of the heart. In low-voltage currents, such as are more likely to be encountered in accidental exposure to house or industrial currents, death is more often due to the stimulation of nerve pathways that cause sustained contractions of muscles and may in this way block respiration. If the electrical shock does not produce immediate death, serious illness may result from the damage incurred by organs in the pathway of the electrical current passing through the body. 18.25.3 Pressure-change injuries Physical injuries from pressure change are of two general types: (1) blast injury and (2) the effects of too-rapid changes in the atmospheric pressure in the environment. Blast injuries may be transmitted through air or water; their effect depends on the area of the body exposed to the blast. If it is an air blast, the entire body is subject to the strong wave of compression, which is followed immediately by a wave of lowered pressure. In effect the body is first violently squeezed and then suddenly over expanded as the pressure waves move beyond the body. The chest or abdomen may suffer injuries from the compression, but it is the negative pressure following the wave that induces most of the damage, since over expansion leads to rupture of the lungs and of other internal organs, particularly the intestines. If the blast injury is transmitted through

water, the victim is usually floating, and only that part of the body underwater is exposed. An individual floating on the surface of the water may simply be popped out of the water like a cork and totally escape injury. Decompression sickness is a disease caused by a too-rapid reduction in atmospheric pressure. Underwater divers, pilots of unpressurized aircraft, and persons who work underwater or below the surface of the Earth are subject to this disorder. As the atmospheric pressure lessens, dissolved gases in the tissues come out of solution. If this occurs slowly, the gases diffuse into the bloodstream and are eventually expelled from the body; if this occurs too quickly, bubbles will form in the tissues and blood. The oxygen in these bubbles is rapidly dissolved, but the nitrogen, which is a significant component of air, is less soluble and persists as bubbles of gas that block small blood vessels. Affected individuals suffer excruciating pain, principally in the muscles, which causes them to bend over in agony--hence the term "bends" used to describe this disorder. Aspirin, or acetylsalicylic acid, is a drug that deserves special mention because it is such a common household item and often within the reach of small children. Approximately 10 to 30 grams of aspirin can be fatal in adults, and much smaller amounts can be fatal in children. (A single aspirin tablet of standard size contains approximately onethird gram.) There are many signs and symptoms associated with salicylate poisoning, including headaches, drowsiness, dyspepsia, nausea, vomiting, sweating, and thirst. Salicylate poisoning is an acute medical emergency. Rigorous medical treatment is demanded, and use of the artificial kidney is often required.

Human mortality
Death is a fact of life and something most of us silently fear the most. The point when our physical bodies give up and we die. Like birth, it is a moment that we ultimately share alone as a single unique consciousness. Even if we have seen death a thousand times, it is an experience as unpredictable in timing as it is in circumstances. Death has both fascinated and horrified the human race since the earliest recorded writings. It has been the dominant topic and theme of countless cultural and religious events. Even today, death sells newspapers and television, second probably only to sex. Sometimes our obsession with death and lackluster emotions towards life cause some of us to contemplate and even take our own lives. Every day, around the planet, human beings take their own lives for a host of reasons. Yet humans are not unique on the planet as the only self-aware lifeform that consciously chooses death over life. Dogs, cats, dolphins and whales have also regularly exhibited suicidal tendencies apart from the famous "lemming" march of death. What then is death, in the context of UCA? What insight can we seek to make sense of this terribly personal question? Is there something that we can consider that may make the thought of this day less painful.

Quite possibly, our search for external proof has resulted in us ignoring a simple, yet profound reflection of proof of life after death that we can self verify, namely the location and existence of our own thoughts and dreams. You know you think and dream. If you happen to go to a medical specialist, the electrical impulses of your thoughts and dreams can be measured. Yet, where are your thoughts and dreams located? Your first answer might be "inside my head". Certainly, science can provide proof of brainwave activity- but what of daydream thoughts of previous holidays or visions of the future? A dream or thought is more than just an electrical impulse- it has dimension, characters, movement, emotion. It exists. In other words, we can prove that our brains work and we can prove that there is a relationship between our brainwaves and certain thought patterns- yet we have never proved irrefutably the location of the thought- that is where the dimension of our thought exists.

When we consider that which we identify as our self, it is not our physical neural systems but our unique collective thoughts and dreams, our unique collective awareness- something that we know exists, because we know we think and therefore exist, but something we cannot prove as having physical existence. Now when we consider life after death, we are really asking "does this non-physical-non locational part of ourselves- the part that calls itself "I" the part that is unique collective awareness continue after the physical shell ceases to function?" When considered in this light, the tradition of considering thoughts and dreams as non-physical except when discussing death and life beyond death seems absurd. Only the body is physical. Only our bodies die, not that which we call I. 18.27.3 Turning our perspective around Possibly, the problem of Western cultures originates back to the period of Plato to Aristotle when the base arguments of reality began to take shape. We are taught that what we see, what we touch is real and what we think and what we feel is unreal- is subjective. Yet everything we have discussed within the context of UCA is the complete opposite. It is the physical, our bodies, our eyes, the world around that is the dream with our thoughts and dreams being a direct connection to the real- the collective dreamer- the collective observer. If we stop for a moment and consider the world for what it is- an incredibly elaborate dream, providing the underpinning of overall existence, then the question of life after death should cease to ever be an issue again and the question of what we do now to prepare for our next journey of life should be seen as more important. The proof of life after death has always been under our noses- it is our thoughts, memories and our dreams.

18.28 The difficulty in believing in life beyond death

To some, even the previous section and arguments still will not provide sufficient self proof on the existence of life beyond death. The reason for this may include the fact that we have not yet answered many of the questions that remain such as "OK, if I continue after death, then how come this person or that person don't contact me?" This is often one of the key arguments used by people who support and protect the existing 20th Century way of thinking. To others, it might simply be the concept remains too fantastic to contemplate- the concept of eternity- of immortality. To others again, it might be that they have been so filled full of ideas and concepts by religions and people claiming to be "good people" that they don't know what to believe anymore.


Can the PSY (mind) continue on after death? In the previous chapters we were able to explain that the human selfaware conscious mind requires an ethereal component to function properly- namely the physical loop of hormone-transmitters onto the forehead. Furthermore we explained the well documented phenomena that upon death a persons drop in weight cannot be full accounted by just gas leaving the body, when the electrical potential of the body appears to collapse. For if we can clearly establish once and for all that a persons consciousness can travel on into another state at the point of death, then the concept of life after death is feasible.

18.28.2 The Universe is ethereal everything you see is a dream The first important clue is this book. We have been able to explain all levels of matter, their apparent "real world" behaviour with precision and accuracy. This is from a model based on the concept that the Universal Collective Awareness created the Universe and that dimension is in fact a "dream". Therefore to the model, the belief that dreams can exist within dreams is not impossible, it is a fundamental requirement in making sense of why the Universe appears to do what it does. Perceptions within perceptions is exactly what we explained in chapter 9 about how particles at different levels operate. In other words dreams within dreams do exist. Our question on whether a human mind can continue to exist as a unique being therefore becomes a question of : can a person continue to exist as a unique individual thinking person in a level of dream after they cease to exist in one level of the overall dream? As you can see, it becomes no longer a question of do we continue on after death?, but to seeking specific answers as to what happens in this different state of dream? what are the specific restrictions and advantages? and what physical proof is there in this dream that what we say is accurate? 18.28.3 We are always every particle and always have been immortal Our next insight on the ability of the human mind to exist in the afterlife is that by definition, everything is connected to everything else in the Universe and at the same time is the collective one. This is the expression of the ability of Universal Collective Awareness. When a persons human brain ceases to exist, there is no physics law according to the model that says the person has ceased to be a part of the Universe- that once created, something can cease to exist. There are no black holes. A human personality is every bit as real as a mountain or a Star. By definition, the ability of the human mind is in its unique dimension of awareness. If Awareness could be destroyed then the very fabric of the Universe could be destroyed. Bottom line is we wouldn't exist. You and what you think you are, what people believe you are is every

bit a crucial part of the Universe as a planet- by scientific law. If you ceased to exist, then trillions of points of awareness would cease to exist, etc. 18.28.4 Near Death Experience and the "vastening" There is a phenomena that science can refer to in considering the potential existence of a clue to mechanisms existing to enable continued awareness and existence of human self after physical death in considering the "vastening of knowledge" experiences of people who have suffered near death experiences. A common feature of many descriptions of near death experiences has been the description of a vastening of knowledge and wisdom at the point of departure from their body to meet and greet lost relatives/field of flowers etc. As discussed, there is some new understanding of hitherto little known mass releases of powerful hormones at apparent time of death- causing some kind of reactions. It may be possible that this vastening experience is a key clue to the ability to enter immortalitylife after death.

The concept of the ghost state

The existence of ghosts, beings of human white and cold human form, is a feature written about since the earliest times. There are countless stories about ghosts and their integral part in human historical events from the earliest of times. Even today, "ghost stories" hold a certain magnetic fascination for most human beings. Why then is it difficult for many people to believe in the existence of ghosts, even though their existence unquestionably has been written about for thousands of years? Possibly, it is because of our now well developed sense of scientific endeavor of being abe to measure all we see. 18.29.1 Historical documentation pointing to existence of spirits To say that spirits do not exist, because there are no clear photos, no video recordings, no credible eye witness accounts is to deny "real world" documented fact. In spite of what professional skeptics would have you believe, there are documented videotaped, photographed phenomena indicating the existence of ethereal beings or spirits from across the world. It remains a subliminal part of our language that we venerate people we think as super smart and call them a genius. As we discussed earlier the word to the Romans meant someone through who the spirits speak! There are countless stories of spirits documented in almost every religious philosophy on the planet. 18.29.2 Spirits with physical form appear less common than visitations in dreams

From all the literature there appears a clear distinction in terms of spirits of departed humans and spirits that appear in dreams. It appears that there are fewer documented cases of spirits with physical abilities compared to people who have experienced a dream when someone who was dead interacted through a new experience (in other words a vision). On the face of it, it appears almost every living conscious human will experience at least one vision in their life where they experience a dream where someone who has died speaks to them as if they were very much alive. It is even common for people to experience feelings of familiarity in locations where they have never physically been. These recorded occurrences have provided the basis of the whole "past life" culture that is now so popular- the belief that people die and come back to life again, "reincarnation". 18.29.3 So your body is dead, but your awareness is free to roamwhat do you do? To help us better understand many of the common features of ghosts, let us consider the scenario of your body ceasing to exist, yet your mind continuing. In the first instance, the compulsion may be to stay with the body, watch it, what people around our body, experience the feeling of burial and separation. It is only natural that those of us with a strong attachment and affinity to our bodies would remain attached to them, even when they have ceased. Next is the question, if we remain obsessed in issues of this reality as to what previous emotions draw us further. Next to our bodies, the most affectionate temples are buildings and locations that hold the strongest memories of our life. Both good and bad memories may represent the strongest memories. usually, if life experiences are so strong as to keep our minds focused on trying to continue living as a physical human being even though our bodies have ceased to function are most often negative in influence. What are you then in a physical sense, wedded to this reality? In essence, a person who chooses to remain in a state of existence in a particular location is whatever matter they choose, usually those things that represent the strongest images of their life- their chair, their bed, their closet their possessions. How then does a mind, with the ability to influence matter to move and form under strong concentration seek to solve the problem of being something solid, out of matter that is far from solid- the answer is in reverse- by creating a vacuum. A ghost form is usually cold, for no other reason than the mind seeking to embody those features most normal about being a human- actually possessing form, by consuming volume in reverse- by creating a vacuum. Thus the presence of a ghost is often associated with the sense of a cold draught, seemingly having no point of origin. 18.29.4 A scenario Mr X, is frightened and in a jolt, the conscious mind changes position to look at the body from the outside, possibly from a defined angle in

the physical room. Mr X's conscious mind is physical too. It is the particles in the room to which Mr X's mind has chosen to position. This means that Mr X's conscious mind is busily trying to make changes to other than his form, e.g., trying to shake the hand of the doctor, or try to push the nurse to hurry up, or simply watch from afar. What can happen is that the conscious mind fails to tap into pure aware memories and therefore meld with the UCA. This results in the conscious mind trapped of physical form, able to pick up new thoughts, but unable to speak or do any thing physically of its own form to communicate, to be separated from the oneness feeling of UCA, of joy, of happiness, of beauty. Mr X is frightened and leaves the operating theatre, and goes home. Mr X is in a state of hell. He is neither living, nor pure UCA. The dimension and definition of hell in this case is totally of Mr X's choosing. If Mr X believes he cannot go anywhere but with his body, then this will happen in the real time of Earth. If Mr X, believes he can travel to possibilities of the future, or memories of the past, or watch passing moments of now, he can do all these things. But the moment that Mr X thinks about those happy moments, the joys, those laughter's, those pure UCA thoughts of existence, then the conscious mind and memories of Mr X can begin to be with the one.

The concept of the heaven state

While the definition of a ghost state is wedding our existence of awareness to those things that are physical on the Earth within the present and the near past, our awareness once we are free of our bodies is free to create its own reality and/or participate in any other collective reality. If our choice is to exist within hell, then our mind is unfettered in being able create this as real as any memory of life. If we choose to exist within a common reality with other unique entities, unique minds, then this is also within our power. We call this state, the "heaven" state and is what most of us consider the state of heaven.

The concept of the angel state

While we consider our own reality and our own awareness as humanwe know within our deepest emotions that we are far from perfect. We remain at best a land in uneasy truce between emotions and actions of powerful virtue and selfish self obsessed actions seemingly of no benefit other than short term needs. This contradiction is what it means to be human. Yet as unique UCA, in a state of UCA it also means we are much more, than just UCA

remaining within the limited perspective of the individual mind. Just as we experience in those rare moments of life when we are in complete synchronicity with others, whether it be at a celebration, or the expression of mutual love, or a rare family moments of care, we understand what it means to be more. We are not lost when we have opened up in those rare and special moments of the best of two humans or more bonding. Thus, when the human awareness opens up to the possibility of being part of something greater, while still being very human in perspective- we open up our own unique mind to being something more- the angel state.

The concept of the ALL and me state

Yet for all that an angel may be, that which we fear of being lost is that which holds us back from all that makes us fear. nothing is lost in UCA- only enhanced by the inter connectiveness of UCA. Thus when we free ourselves of the final limitations of human restriction we become one- we are the one. 18.32.1 The fear of giving self up completely The fear of giving up self to be more- to die so one might live, is in a sense the greatest fear of us, because we identify so completely with that within us called "i". I tells us that to give itself over to the all, in spite of everything we may feel or see as an angel state, is to cease to be- to cease to exist, because unique consciousness is lost. Yet what is UCA if not unique- collective consciousness? We will discuss this more in ME.

18.33 Human nature and awareness-Human behaviour- genetic or environment?

The argument over whether human behaviour is a product of either genetics or environment has been raging in medical circles for decades. At various times, one side has gained the ascendancy over the other thanks to some latest research or disproved opposing theory. Thanks to the detailed insights over the previous chapters, we can now answer this debate once and for all: (1) Genetic = cellular programming When we talk about genetic, we are talking about DNA and the code not just in one cell, but the billions of cells that make up our body. (2) Human behaviour is always a mixture of genes and environment Without the code built into DNA, our cells would not know how to specialise into a human being. Without the flexibility of cells being able to "upload" and interpet the code according to real life experiences, we would not survive. Therefore, throughout our life, we can say that we are a product of a mixture of genes and our environment. (3) Environment (experiences) plays a more and more important

part in what makes us who we are as we get older. Most importantly, it is our experiences, our unique memories that make us more unique every day we live. Consider the fact that human beings differ from other earth primates by a difference to the maximum of 2% or less. Now consider the fact that genetic scientists have established that junk DNA (DNA that does not encode protein sequences, but the intervening stretches of DNA base sequence between and within the genes) comprises of 98% of the total DNA in the verterbrate genome. In other words, 98% of the genetic code of our 46 chromosomes does not seem to code the production of standard proteins, it codes something else. The storage of chemical information- the raw materials that in the right conditions will enable the production of building materials, catalysts and specialised components necessary for multi-cellular life only takes up around 2% of the total space available for coding with DNA. The remaining 98% therefore must be available for the storage of some other information, less visible by the standard construction methods of proteins ( eg identifying nucleic acids to amino acids to proteins= what is already known by science). 18.33.1 What could this 98% of genetic code store? It seems ludicrous that 98% of the human genome is simply junk! That we have not found the keys to unlock the purpose of this 98% might be, because we found the less obvious before the obvious. It is possible that the current method of looking at the coding purpose of DNA has focused on the chemical construction language is the more obvious. That a simpler language exists using the combined bases as a system of information storage in a binary code also exists. What this means is that information is stored by virtue of the sequence of nucleic bases to amino acids that create "nonsense" proteins which are chemical chunks of memory- stored memory. That this system fits perfectly with the understanding of microtubules and the function of neurons and living knowledge. Therefore we have discovered that 98% of our genetic code is stored knowledge. And that the language we are yet to uncover is the language of chemical binary of our DNA. Therefore when we unlock the programming, we have a organic perfect memory of our past- not just our past but the past of everything we are and have been. The seed- the memory legacy. The jewel of memories- the jewels of knowledge- how to speak- how to walk- how to talk-. We call this jewel theSOL- in respect for the old belief that humans had a soul given to them by the gods or GOD. For we recognize this is as a definitie possibility. We define this soul legacy as the gift of innate chemical knowledge- implanted knowledge of things such as language, concepts, mathematics etc.


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19.1 The origin of the species

In this chapter, we look at the origin of human life. As in previous chapters, to spend any substantial degree of detail on just this topic would fill hundreds of pages alone. Instead, we will rely on the web of awareness we have gained in previous chapters to gain a new and far reaching insight into the history and origin of the human species. In this way, we seek to understand further, the developing "patterns" of human existence that still affect us today. Most importantly, as history shapes our o current biologic functioning, mental abilities, environment and models of knowledge, this chapter will assist us in understanding how humanity comes to be the way it is in the 21st Century.


The concept of recorded history

At school, you may remember being taught about previous human cultures, what they created, how they lived and in some cases how they may have thought. Depending on the culture in which we grew up and the skill of the teachers, we may have learned about great empires, wars, politics, religions and people of history. We may have studied the Bible, the history of the ancient Egyptians, Romans and Greeks and maybe more recent contemporary cultures. Whether we were interested, or not during these lessons, you have probably never thought of the details in these historical texts as being anything other than fact. It may surprise you then to discover that the human process of documenting events as they happened is far from a disciplined science and in many cases, involves highly subjective and often dubious information.


The politics of history The word "history" comes from the ancient Greek word historia which literally means story. The act of storytelling, has been a feature of human culture for tens of thousands of years.

To immediately illustrate the difficulty in distinguishing "fact" from "story", a short summary of the history of "storytelling" is more than adequate. Story telling from written texts was a well established feature of ancient Sumerian culture (over 8000 years ago), Egyptian (over 6,000 years ago) well before the Greeks. However, we are taught it was the Greeks that appeared to have excelled in the act of documenting stories (history) and in large part founded the art, particularly during the golden period of Ancient Greece between 700BC and 100AD. Yet in Greece at that time, there still remained little distinction between what we would class as "fiction" and "non-fiction". It is only in recent times that history has been considered a "science" of sorts, with rules regarding the proper collection, analysis and documentation of "evidence". Yet, even today, historical works are still produced with poor data collection, analysis and documentation skills, yet considered by some as valid "factual" works. Most importantly, the provision of stories or "education" remains in the most part a strategic and tactical prize, something our ancestors well understood. Thus, a crucial component to protecting culture has always been that each new generation be "indoctrinated" into the specific cultural framework via an understanding of their culture's history. It is no wonder given the profound impact that stories have on new minds and their sense of place and their culture, the act of writing history has in large part been regulated by the ruling powers of various cultures throughout history. It is no coincidence then that the cultures most active in writing history have been those cultures that conquered other cultures and established vast empires, such as the Romans, the Greeks, and later the French, English and more recently, the Americans. What this means is that for the most part, what we see as factual works of history have often been a combination of calendar dates and propaganda- deliberately skewed to serve the purposes of the time. The result is that across the planet today, we have wildly varying views of "what actually happened" in the past, with various cultures violently defending their sense of history. In many ways, to then challenge historical works established in our culture is to challenge the very foundations of our culture- a traditionally perilous act. For most organized systems of managing people so effectively indoctrinate their young, that it is virtually impossible to convince the majority of ordinarily intelligent people that their sense of history is at best a guesstimate and at worst a deliberate manufacture of the events of the past. 19.2.2 The massive gaps of knowledge and "hard data " about human history If you ever had the chance to breeze through the thousands of Bibliographic references of the US Library of Congress on say ancient Greece or Egypt, you would be excused for thinking that humanity pretty much knows most of what there is to know about these two cultures. Certainly, if you visited the British Museum or picked up one of the beautifully photographed books on ancient history from one of their

bookshops- the words describing these cultures, their behaviour and mindset appear clear and unambiguous. So it may surprise you to hear that it is estimated fewer than 5% of all significant archeological sites on the planet have been properly excavated. In South America alone, the number of sites still to be fully researched is in the hundreds. In the middle east, a similar number exists. There are various reasons for this: governmental/religious in the case of governments sensitive about sites that continue to hold religious significance such as Jerusalem, environmental in the case of submerged ruins at the mouth of old river deltas on the northern side of the Adriatic Sea and economic- the cost of large scale excavations. Essentially, the science of archeology is expensive. It is also a science well structured and protective of what hard data it gleans. So while almost all history books describe particular history with an air of certainty, the facts are far from certain. 19.2.3 How do we know what is "true" and what is "false"? The basic truth is that our understanding of previous events is at best sketchy. At worst, much of our history of early cultures is dotted with deliberate misrepresentation and occasionally outright fraud- as in the case of the Egyptologists claim that the Great Pyramid at Giza was ( a) built by Khufu (Cheops) and (b) its original intention was as a tomb. Neither claim stands up much scrutiny as the only piece of evidence claiming Khufu (Cheops) as the builder, a red-painted inscription mysteriously found between the giant granite slabs above the King's Chamber of the Great Pyramid by Colonel Howard Vyse in 1835/36 contains obvious grammatical errors, sloppy lettering and symbols not used until 2000 years after the pyramid was supposedly built. The other piece of evidence often quoted is the claim by the 5th Century (BCE) Greek historian Heroditus that Khufu built the Great Pyramid, yet never stated the structure's purpose. In another example we find almost no time devoted to the Sumerian culture, even though (a) there is extensive artifacts of writing at least as significant in number, if not greater than Egypt (b) their culture predates every other sophisticated ancient culture in the region (c) their technology and science was extremely advanced. 19.2.4 The deliberate destruction and ignorance of thousands of fossils While some may find the argument of deliberate scientific cover ups and misleading information pertaining to ancient cultures difficult to believe, there is one overwhelming source of data that can no longer be ignored- the hundreds upon hundreds of documented discoveries of anatomically modern humans fossils, along with advanced tools and signs of organized settlement that pre-date accepted timeframes of human evolution by millions of years. So it is against this background of politics, misleading information and gaps that we attempt to make sense of human history since the creation of the species.


A general definition and timeframe for dating the appearance of modern humans
The origin and timeframe for dating the emergence of the modern human species remains as controversial today as it was at the time of Aristotle 2400 years ago. Today, opposing theories of origin of the species and reasons for our existence fight it out in the halls of universities and in the bookshelves and minds of the curious around the world. In recent years, a stream of books have emerged, each with a little more thinking and a little more research to back up their assertions. Some theories explain that the modern human arrived out of a series of random, but ultimately favorable genetic mutations. Other theories exist that explain the physical differences of the human to other ancestors and primates is a combination of genetic mutation and environment, working together in our favour. Other theories still are now trying to explain human evolution more in terms of a kind of "simultaneous emergence" from different populations of genetic ancestors. For all these theories and the tons of paper and white noise they create, there is one underlying and undeniable fact of which we cannot escape- we, the human species (Homo sapien sapiens) exist on planet Earth and therefore

(a) we must have come from some previous life, (b) at sometime, (c) emerging at some location(s) on Earth (d) for some set of reasons.
Let us begin then with the answering (b) - the question of timeframe first. 19.3.1 Fossil evidence of earliest appearance of modern human beings It has been principally through fossil evidence and later through analysis of rock and sedimentary layers that scientists managed to recreate significant knowledge on the history of earlier life on the planet Earth such as the dinosaurs. What made the search for dinosaur remnants slightly easier, was the tremendous difference of the size and structure of many dinosaur bones to those of modern animals. The problem with searching for the very first fossil remains of modern humans (Homo sapien species) is that we are essentially looking for fossils with the same bone structure and shape as a person living at the beginning of the 21st Century. Unfortunately carbon dating only provides dating for periods less than 30,000 to 40,000 years. Even with new techniques of using radioactive

substances to measure dating, large errors still exist. However, very old fossil remains have been found and dated through various techniques . An international conference on Human Fossil Origins held in 1992 in summarized the most reliable evidence then available.

Sites of early Homo sapien fossils

Location Qafzeh Skhul, Mt Carmel Country Israel Israel Estimated Date 115,000 (before present) 101,000-81,000 (before present) 128,000 BP ( confirmed to at least 100,000 BP using Ostrich eggshell dating) 130,000-118,000 BP 190,000-105,000 BP

Border Cave


Klasies River Mouth Jebel, Irhoud 19.3.2

Sth Africa Sth Africa

The date of emergence of the modern human While it is certain other early Homo sapien fossil remains will be found in coming years, the fossil evidence to date implies the earliest date for the emergence of the species into our present form is no more than 200,000 years ago. In other words, 200,000 years ago, there were humans walking around Africa that if dressed in modern clothes would look the same as a human at the beginning of the 21st Century. They had the same physiology, the same ability of speech and the same sized brain. There is no current physical evidence to suggest a date of emergence of the modern human species any earlier than this date (200,000 years ago).


Genetic evidence of the origin of modern human being In 1987, Allan Wilson, Mark Stoneking and Rebecca Cann from the University of California at Berkeley, declared that all women alive today must have had a common genetic ancestor who lived between 250,000 and 150,000 years ago. The genetic dating has been made possible by the discovery of mitochondria- the tiny bodies within a cell that are responsible for production of energy through the breakdown of sugars. Unlike our other DNA, which is scrambled by sexual recombination, mitochondria DNA (mtDNA) is inherited via the cytoplasm in cells, not the DNA in a nucleus. Therefore, MtDNA is virtually unchanged through the female line and is thus a perfect marker to trace ancestral relations. Moreover, it mutates at a predictable rate. The number of differences between mtDNA in a worldwide sample of 135 different women allowed Wilsdon, Stoneking and Cann to compared how far back the ancestors of these women had diverged. In order to calibrate the divergences, the researchers used a comparison of mtDNA between man and chimpanzees, based on a

separation 5 million years ago. And that led to the conclusion that a common ancestor named "Mitochondrial Eve" must have lived 250,000150,000 years ago. This genetic evidence was vigorously challenged, due to its calibration with the chimpanzees, whose separation date from man is not known with certainty. Consequently, in 1992, the geneticists returned with an improved methodology. Working with other associates, mark Stoneking this time used an intra specific calibration, based on different human populations. In order to validate the results, the team utilized two different approaches, which gave remarkably similar results. the revised date for the common mtDNA ancestor, with a 95 per cent degree of confidence, is now either 133,000 years or 137,000 years ago using method 1 or method 2 respectively. The new genetic evidence does not undermine the fossil evidence back to 200,000 years ago, but simply proves that surviving female variation dates to an ancestor who lived somewhat later. The combination then of both genetic and fossil evidence reinforces that the period around 200,000 years ago as the most likely period of emergence of the Homo sapien species. 19.3.4 Archaic homo sapiens- where are they? While we stated categorically and unequivocally that there is not one piece of hard evidence suggesting the existence of homos sapiens before 200,000 years ago, old scientific habits persist. One habit in particular is to place "in theory" a "theoretical" archaic homo sapien preceding our same-bodied/brain sized ancestors 200,000 years ago. Worse, some scholars deliberately mislead by dividing homo sapien generations from 200,000 years to 40,000 years as archaic and 40,000 years to now as modern. Let us then re-state again, for the record(1) the earliest fossil records and DNA of homo sapiens stop at around 200,000 years ago; (2) the fossils indicate our ancestors 200,000 years ago shared the same modern anatomy and cranial ( brain) size as us today; (3) no archaic homo sapien evidence has yet been found. Any current usage of the word "archaic" to denote a physical version 1 (homo sapien) and version 2 (homo sapiens) as is done by many renowned texts and scholars is patently misleading and false.


A review of Darwinian/Lamarckian evolutionary theories relating to the human species

Now that we have clearly established the evidence that the homo sapien species first appearance in fossil records is around 200,000 years ago and that the emergence of the species occurred either o Africa or o Middle Asia it is time to consider the question of from what did we evolve? In other words, what are the preceding ancestors of homo sapiens from which we derive and over what time period should this theoretically take? You may recall we discussed two important theories on the natural process of evolution of life on Earth- Darwinism and Lamarckism. Given what we are discussing, it is important to revisit the important theories and knowledge of Darwinian and Lamarckian theories discussed in Chapter 12 as to the required timeframes for natural evolution.


Genetic mutation A genetic mutation is when one or more genes of a species DNA alters in sequence, thereby producing a change in the physical structure, purpose and organisation of the organism. By definition the word mutation is used to describe a "change" in the original sequence of DNA. In truth, all life mutates, all life changes over time. That is why we were able to explain in Chapter 12 how the diverse pattern of life on the planet Earth owes its inheritance largely to a few simple and microscopic organisms that lived over 3 billion years ago. Most genetic mutations occur in sub parts of a gene. However, mutations can occur across a whole gene or even the creation of new genes. These large changes in the DNA sequencing of an organisms genes are called 'macro mutations'- meaning "large mutation."


Genetic mutation time periods In terms of Darwin and the majority view of most scientists, genetic mutation ( e.g. bigger ears, better eyesight, different bone structure, larger brain) are the results of random gene mutation occurring over extended periods. In Darwinian theory, a major genetic mutation ( e.g. brain increase by 50%) would be considered sudden if it occurred over 100,000 years. While the Lamarckian view holds scope for accelerated positive mutation via inheritance of traits/immunity knowledge, especially in simple organisms, the genetic mutation time periods for complex organisms with large DNA codes such as the human species seems to still be over long time periods (hundreds of thousands of years). In that sense, both theories are generally in agreement that for complex organisms, the rate of macro mutation is painfully slow.


The conditions required for macro mutation shift Whatever differences Lamarckian and Darwinian theories have, they both agree that in order for 'macro mutations'- to take hold, by

definition we are talking about a common set of conditions for mutations to take hold. By definition these must be met for a mutation to occur. Changes in genetic features that do not follow this path such as human intervention into the DNA structure of life- do not fit this paradigm.


small isolated members of a species

By definition 'macro mutations'- occur in small isolated groups of the species due to dramatic changes in survival conditions, sickness and actions. The population has to be small enough for the mutation to be bred via sexual relation over time and to gradually take hold in all members of the population. Next, the modification has to enable further changes to occur in the same manner until the changes are distinct enough to consider the species sufficiently different in appearance and features to its fellow cousins;


motivation- normally a natural competitor

In all other species, survival appears to be the greatest motivation for genetic mutation- change or perish seems to be the catch cry for mother natures genetic diversity. Therefore in order for change motivation to be present, there needs to be a natural competitor in order to spur on change to survive- the leopard and the gazelle are classic examples of naturally paired competitors for survival in the food chain;


The genetic and skill features that make humans similar to other primates and animals
Before we venture too much further, it is worthwhile and important to highlight those basic facts that place human beings as very similar to other primates and genetic ancestors. In this way we seek to achieve a clear picture that the species Homo Sapien is very much adapted from primates and the conditions for life on the planet Earth.


Common points of DNA and genetic background When the Russian and American civilizations first began to launch human beings into space, they discovered a key feature of the human body- the muscles and skeleton strength actually starts to significantly deteriorate in a low gravity environment. In fact the bones of astronauts that have been in space for even a few weeks can become so fragile that even a slight bump can cause serious bone fractures. The rate and extent of body breakdown is so serious that manned space flights to nearby Mars remain still out of the question, until answers are found on how to create sufficiently normal gravity or some other way to suspend degradation of the astronauts muscles and bones can be found. Thus it is clear that the human species is full adapted to the specific environment of the planet Earth. We are not physically well adapted

for extended space travel, nor is it sensible to suggest that the human species arrived fully formed from another star system as the same problems would apply. Even taking into account adaption to the environment over tens of thousands of years, our physical structure would have to be dramatically different if our origin in complete from was from another solar system. 19.5.2 The obvious links between the human species and other life on Earth Apart from the general genetic commonality of the human species to all life, the human species shares particularly close similarities to a number of species- most notably with the primate family of animals (such as gorillas and chimpanzees). Around 98% of Human DNA coding for proteins and structural components ( using the codon (3 bases = 1 amino acid) is the same as that of Chimpanzees and other primates. The obvious implication of these common characteristics is that human species owe a vast majority of the protein coding of their DNA to the same genetic ancestors as other animals on the planet Earth. While the overall differences between different species may be small, we now understand that small differences can in fact produce significant physical differences between species. We see this even within our species with the uniqueness of DNA coding between each and every human being, differently by only a fraction of a percentage, yet wide differences between facial features, skin colour, hair colour, eyes, height, weight and health. 19.5.3 Common ability of other hominid relatives ability to speak before emergence of modern human era Many scientists believe that language is the key to humanities great leap forward, since it uniquely enables us to communicate and transfer ideas and experience from one generation to the next. Until recently, this leap forward was associated with the behavioral changes that swept Europe around 40,000 years ago. Then in 1983, came the shocking discovery of the 60,000 year old neanderthal hyoid bone, which proves that neanderthal could talk. In other words, hominid ancestors and cousins apart from homo sapiens also had the capacity to speak. The quality is not unique to homo sapiens alone. 19.5.4 Common usage of specialized tools in complicated ways by many animals Contrary to the popular teachings of history that state a key factor of the development of humanity was our discovery of tools, many thousands of animals have and still do use self constructed tools for a variety of tasks. The Egyptian vulture throws stones at ostrich eggs to crack their tough shells. The woodpecker finch in the Galapagos Islands uses twigs or cactus spines in up to five different ways to root out wood-boring insects from rotten trees. the sea otter on the Pacific coast of North America uses a stone as a hammer to dislodge its favorite food, the

abalone shellfish, and uses another stone as an anvil to smash open the shellfish. Chimpanzees and Gorillas are extensive users of tools for a variety of reasons, including back scratching, digging out termites of their nests, picking fruit, to name a few. 19.5.5 The common feature of larger brains in other Earth animals than human beings It is commonly assumed that a bigger skull implies greater cranial capacity and hence a bigger and better brain. It is also assumed, wrongly that human have one of the largest brains of any animals. The size of an elephants brain is around 11 lb compared with our with our own 3lb brain. The dolphin has a brain roughly twice the size as ours. Even the Neanderthals had substantially bigger brains (by as much as 50% larger).


The genetic mutations, features that make humans unique to other primates and ancestors
Now that we have established what we have in common with other lifeforms on the planet Earth, it is equally important to describe those genetic mutations, features and abilities that separate us from other life. We begin with those genetic mutations that make us unique:


Genetic differences Genetic difference #1-The structure of our genes Firstly and most often forgotten or deliberately left out of expressing the uniqueness of homo sapiens to other species is the very structure of our DNA. While we share up to 98% of the same genes (protein, amino acid coding), as you will recall less than 15% of our total DNA actually expresses functioning proteins. In other words there is approximately 88% or more of our DNA that is potentially completely different to that of our primate cousins and ancestors! The second difference also conveniently not mentioned is that homo sapiens are the only hominid known on the planet Earth to have 46 chromosomes. All our other primate cousins and presumably our ancestors had and have 48 chromosomes. Humans are the only primate species on the planet Earth to have experienced a seemingly "unnatural fusing" of two chromosomes- X1 and X2 into one chromosome. As you will recall, the X and the y chromosomes are the principle sex chromosomes controlling fundamental components of human development including:

sex reproductive organs birth and development from birth- especially the early development of brain

hair and skin colour/level, to name some.

What makes this fusing of two chromosomes so unique in humans is that the sexual chromosomes of any species are arguably the most sensitive genetic data of all in that they determine the development cycle and essential reproductive capacity, cycle of a species. Any macro mutations in this area (just in terms of genes) have an even higher risk of resulting in extinction level modifications. That whole chromosomes were fused together, puts this macro mutation as arguably the largest macro mutation in any species, in the history of the planet Earth ever found. Apart from such a tremendous anomaly, there are clear signs that the fusing of the previous X1 and X2 is not a perfect fuse is that the human species is the only one to exhibit in natural (non-radioactive) conditions the feature of humans being born with two sets of sexual genitalia. Genetic difference #2- The large level of "junk DNA" The second substantial difference in our DNA compared to other primates and animals is the high level of junk DNA of the human being. All mammals have between 2 Billion and 3 Billion base pairs of DNA makiing up the various chromosomes of their DNA. All primates (including humans) have generally around 3 Billion base pairs of DNA. However in humans, less than 1% of their total DNA (3 Billion base pairs) actually codes functional genes. The rest has traditionally been called "Junk DNA". It is because of the large amount of junk DNA that the human genome project is such a large, expensive and time consuming task. Junk DNA is found all over the place, often splitting functional genes into parts. However, the Junk DNA patterns within the human genome does not share any similarities with the Junk DNA of other primates. In other words, of the 99% of our DNA that does not code our genes, almost none of it shows commonality with other primates. That this major and significant difference- the volume and proportion of junk DNA to readable DNA is rarely, if ever mentioned should be a major concern. For it opens up possibilities of understanding just what we now call "junk" might actually be ( as discussed in later chapters). Genetic difference #3-Birth problems The human brain at birth is approximately one quarter of its adult size and the largest brain at birth for any currently existing primate. A baby's brain is typically 350-450cc at birth, compared to the next largest being chimpanzees at between 250-300 cc. The need for a large skull to house the fully grown adult brain causes human babies to have extremely large heads at birth relative to other primates. Passing the baby's head through the birth canal is therefore the major problem of childbirth and causes acute pain to the mother. The reason the female human did not develop a larger birth canal is simply anatomical engineering limits. Such a change would have required a radical redesign in bone structure and impossibility within

the limits of a body which is designed for bipedal walking. The birth canal is thus the limiting factor to human's cranial capacity. If we cast our minds back several hundred thousand years, before hospitals and midwives existed, it is not difficult to imagine that a large number of infants were stillborn or their mothers killed in childbirth. It therefore seems extremely doubtful that natural selection would favour a gene for large brain size, with its potential harmful consequences to both mother and child. Simply put, such a gene would not have successfully spread. Its seems more likely that natural selection would have deselected the large brain and would have stumbled instead upon a better neural networking system, or alternatively a means to switch skull growth from pre-birth to post-birth. The fact that it did not and the fact that the wiring of the brain also seems highly efficient in design strongly indicates two essential evolutionary requirements. First, an incredibly long period and secondly a pressing need to develop its optimum potential. Neither of these requirements is met by the established evolutionary circumstances. As efficient as the brain is, the average human being does not use it to anywhere near its full capacity. A popular expression is that the average human fails to use more than 10% of their brain at any one time. How then can we explain such an over-engineering of the human brain? What useful survival skills did music and mathematical ability give to our hunter ancestors? Indeed, skills such as enhanced smell, infra-red vision, improved hearing would have better enhanced our survival skills in the medium term than mathematics and poetry. These are macro mutations associated with the X and y chromosomes Genetic difference #4- The choking ape The human ability to talk resides in both the shape and structure of the mouth and throat as well as in the brain. In adult humans the larynx (voice box) is situated much lower than in other mammals and the epiglottis ( the flap of cartilage at the root of the tongue) is incapable of reaching the top of the roof of the mouth. Thus we cannot breath and swallow at the same time and we are uniquely at risk from choking. These features have only one purpose, to make human speech possible. In all other respects they are evolutionary disadvantages. Apart from the risk of choking, it causes our teeth to become crowded so that, prior to the advent of antibiotics, septic impacted molars would often have proven fatal. These are macro mutations associated with the X and y chromosomes. Genetic difference#5- The nakedness of humans Desmond Morris contrasted homo sapiens with 4,237 species of mammals, the vast majority of which were hairy or partly haired. The only non-hairy species were those that lived underground (and thus kept warm without hair), species which were aquatic (and benefited from streamlining) and armoured species such as the armadillo. The naked ape ( homo sapien) stands alone, marked off by his nudity from

all the thousands of hairy, shaggy or furry land-dwelling mammalian species. If hair had to go, then clearly there must have been a powerful reason for abolishing it. Another unique feature of mankind may provide us with a clue to the loss of body hair. That feature is sexuality. One particular anomaly is that the human female is always 'in heat', yet she can only conceive for a few days each month. This is an evolutionary enigma that cannot be explained by natural selection. These are macro mutations associated with the X and y chromosomes. Genetic difference#6-The male human penis The male penis is by far the largest erect penis of any living primate. The whole human body seems to be perfectly designed for sexual excitement and pair bonding. The enlarged breasts of the female, the sensitive ear lobes and lips and a vaginal angle that encourages intimate face to face copulation rather than rear-end copulation of all other primates. Also we have an abundance of scent-producing glands, our unique facial mobility and our unique ability to produce copious tears- all features which strengthen the exclusive emotional pair-bonding between male and female. The human penis is without a bone, in complete contrast to other mammals which use the penis bone to copulate at short notice. The deselection of this vital bone would have jeopardized the existence of the human species unless it took place against the background of a long and peaceful environment. These are macro mutations associated with the X and y chromosomes. Genetic difference#7- The poor repair of human skin The human skin is appallingly inept at repairing itself. In the context of a move to the open savanna, where bipedal man became a vulnerable target and in the context of gradual loss of protective hair, it seems inconceivable that the human skin should have become so fragile relative to our primate cousins. These are macro mutations associated with the X and y chromosomes. Genetic difference#8-The use and application of language Work by neuroanatomists and psycholinguist's has shown that our brains have features lacking in the brains of our closest surviving relatives, features that play crucial roles in language perception and language production. It has now been proven that language ability in humans comes from inherited specialized systems and areas within human brains via DNA and is not something learned. When in the last six million years or so did our lineage acquire these traits, in what order and why? These are macro mutations associated in part with the X and y chromosomes. Genetic difference#9-The eating habits of humans

Whereas most animals will swallow their food instantaneously, we take the luxury of six whole seconds to transport our food from our mouth to stomach. This again suggests a long period of peaceful evolution. These are macro mutations associated in part with the X and y chromosomes.


General anomalies
Further to the major genetic anomalies of the human species, there are a range of general anomalies that put us unique amongst species of the natural order of life on Earth.


General anomaly #1- no evidence of archaic homo sapiens There is no proof that an archaic Homo sapiens existed 300,000 years ago and no proof that Neanderthals dates back to 230,000 years ago. The fact of the matter is that Homo sapiens fossils suddenly appear within the last 200,000 years without any clear record of their origins.


General anomaly #2- stone tools to modern behaviour Why has Homo sapiens developed intelligence and self awareness whilst his ape cousins have spent the last 6 million years in evolutionary stagnation? Why has no other creature in the animal kingdom developed an advanced level of intelligence? The conventional answer is that we stood up, thereby releasing our two arms and began to use tools. This breakthrough accelerated our learning through a 'feedback' system, which stimulated mental development. The latest scientific research does confirm that electro chemical processes in the brain can sometime stimulate the growth of dendrites, the tiny signal receptors which attach to the neurons ( nerve cells). Experiments with caged rats have shown greater brain mass developing where the cages are full of toys rather than empty. But is this answer too simple? For unexplained reasons, Homo sapien continues to live primitively, using stone tools for around 160,000 years since the emergence of the first fossils until around 40,000 years ago. Having swept northwards, he expanded through most of the globe by 13,000 years ago. After another 1,000 years he discovers agriculture, 6000 years later he formed great civilizations with advanced astronomical knowledge and here we are another 6000 years probing the depths of the Solar System.


General anomaly#3- missing rival What rival caused intellectual ability to be such an essential survival development? Who were we trying to outsmart? Could inter-species competition be the explanation? In modern times our most significant achievements, space travel and nuclear weapons for example, have comes from superpower competition. Did primitive men split into competitive, rival groups? Could Neanderthal have been a competitive threat to his fellow homo sapiens? On the contrary, the

evidence suggests that Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon peacefully coexisted. Discoveries at the cave of St Cesair in France indicate that they lived in close proximity for thousands of years without fighting. Furthermore, early hominids continued to use simple stone tools for millions of years up to about 200,000 years ago- there is no sign of any escalation in tool use caused by an inter-species conflict. In the absence of an intellectual rival that fits the time frame evolutionary theory Darwinism fails to hold.


The point of origin of the Human species

The origin and timeframe for dating the emergence of the modern human species remains as controversial today as it was at the time of Aristotle 2400 years ago. The next question of our four key questions (when? where?, from what? why?) is the question where did the Homo sapien species emerge? Popular belief and scientific orthodoxy suggest that Africa as the modern birthplace of the Homo sapien species. The theory then goes on to surmise that human migration occurred gradually from Africa to the rest of the world during different periods when climactic conditions allowed the crossing of land bridges during periods of lower sea levels. However, both the fossil, climactic and genetic evidence is inconclusive. The Middle East fossil sites have bones that are also extremely old and at least as old as several African finds. This opens up the contentious possibility of a particular Middle East region being the birthplace of modern human, something frighteningly consistent with ancient Western religions. What is clear is that Homo sapiens appeared much later in Europe and Sth East Asia, possibly as late as 60,000 years ago. This brings a further problem into focus, namely Homo sapiens development in Australia and Sth America.


1st human habitation- Nth America & Sth America Much of Nth America was buried under ice from around 75,000 to 10,000 years ago. At the same time, the oceans during the Pleistocene ice age were at least 50 metres lower than they are today, low enough to expose the Bering land bridge. Because of the shifting ice and water levels, only two possible time periods exist for theoretical land based migration- pre 20,000 years and after 12,000 years. The discovery in 1927 at Folsom, New Mexico of stone projectiles embedded in the slain remains of ancient bison that became extinct before the end of the last ice age (around 10,000 years ago), points to human habitation pre-12,000 years ago. Evidence discovered at Clovis, New Mexico of primitive stone tools alongside mammoth bones supports similar dating. Evidence at both sites shows that humans living in the region around 12,000 years ago were "stone-age" primitive hunter gatherers, not

much different to remains of settlements found of primitive huntergatherers that lived 140,000 years ago in Africa and the Middle East. Early sites of human activity have also been found in Sth America, such as Monte Verde, in southern Chile. The site revealing about 30 people has lived on the sandy bank of a small creek where they erected shelters and lived mainly by foraging. Radiocarbon dates has unequivocally set the time at 12,500 years, more than 1000 years earlier than Clovis. Yet what is even more intriguing is that the population in Sth America showed signs of greater intelligence and social organisation than those of Nth America from where they are supposed to have come. A potential answer initially appeared to come in 1992 from the work of Douglas Wallace and his colleagues at Emory University in Atlanta regarding the origins of the mitcochondrial DNA of Nth American populations. The work discovered four distinct lineages which they called A, B, C and D. These lineages are also found in Asian populations, but not in European or Africans, thus supporting the theory of native Americans having ancestral link to Asia. Moreover, Wallace and his colleagues found that all four lineages exist in populations of Amerindian people, but in the Na-Dene only A is present, while in the Askimo-Aleut people only A and D appear. This distribution of mitochondrial lineages is consistent with a proposal of at least three waves of migration. By counting the differences in the sequences between Asian and American lineages and using a generally accepted rate at which mutations accumulate, the Emory team cam up with times of entry for the three group: 25,000 years ago for the Amerind 12,000 years ago for Na-Dene and Eskimo-Aleut. Simply, there is no current and credible scientific theory capable of explaining how a caucasian people came to inhabit Nth America at least 25,000 years ago. 19.8.2 Aboriginal Australians While detailed theories of interconnecting land masses have been used in the past to justify human migration of the globe, fossil remains of humans discovered in Australia pre-date the entry of modern humans into Europe and Asia by some 10,000 to 20,000 years. Furthermore, the famous "Bradshaw" rock paintings of Nth West Australia have been tentatively dated using fossilized wasp nests on the same rock as between 40,000 and 70,000 years old, making them arguably the oldest human art known. What make the discovery even more extraordinary is that the images show: o the artists had a clear understanding of perspective and distance o the images are of humans in sophisticated head-dress and ornamental clothes in some kind of ceremony. Such art shows the existence of culture and knowledge far advanced of anything that is supposed to have existed until around 10,000 to 20,000 BCE. 19.8.3 What is going on? The age of fossil and artifact sites in Australia have largely discredited

any serious scientific claim that migration over interlinked land masses from Africa explains the development of distinct and separate populations of the species. Simply, the specimens of Australia are older than the specimens that supposedly populated the region. In other words the great land link-up migration for Homo sapiens doesn't add up. This leaves only two possible course of events:

(b) Independent evolution of hominid populations

That some homo sapiens evolved from independent colonies of earlier primal ancestors, thus explaining the Australian anomaly.

(c) Intervention at Homo Sapien

Some other "guiding hand" forces provided the impetus for the relocation of Homo Sapiens in specific colonies for specific reasons, such as a group of higher order life from other stellar systems.


Current scientific principles and orthodoxies of human history

In terms of "where we come from?" it is the absolute and unequivocal belief of science that the species homo sapiens (modern human beings) is wholly a product of the natural evolutionary cycles of life on the planet Earth. This is in direct conflict to the most ancient human religions of the African, Middle East and Sth American regions that state clearly and unequivocally that human beings were created by Gods from mixing the blood of "slain gods from the stars" and Earth creatures. In contrast, the belief of science is based on the extensive work by biologists and researchers over the past two hundred years, most notably Charles Darwin-the father of the Theory of Evolution. While Darwin and his colleague Wallace did not include the human species in their famous book outlining the theory of evolution, history has seen fit to attach his latter theory of humans as line descendents of the apes and his detailed theory on evolution. Hence supporters of Darwin's

theory of human evolution are known as Darwinists and NeoDarwinists. In fact Charles Darwin was unable to provide much actual proof to this theory of Homo sapiens originating wholly from ancient apes. At the time, his co-author on the theory of evolution stated categorically that human evolution can only be explained by the influence of some "external divine hand". Even today, 200 years later, science has yet to positively and categorically provide genealogical and fossil proof of an unbroken line of evolutionary ancestors to support the general evolutionary theory of Homo sapiens. The "gap" in data is popularly known as "the missing link". 19.9.1 Darwinism remains predominant in describing the scientific evolution of humanity Regardless of the "missing link" yet to be found, sufficient genetic, fossil and anatomical research has been done to prove categorically and unequivocally that humans are in fact related to other present day primates through a split lineage dating back to a common ancestor some five to seven million years ago. Chimpanzee genes have been proven to be 98% the same as human genes. Furthermore, sufficient fossil evidence has been compiled to provide a generally credible line of descendents of humanity (minus the "missing links) back to a common ancestry with other primates. In spite of the obvious differences between Chimpanzee's and humans, it has been the wealth and proof of similarities that has provided sufficient ammunition to the Darwinists to declare confidentially theirs as the only credible theory of where humans came from. 19.9.2 The human evolutionary path From fossil records and increasingly rich finds, the following is a brief summary of the contemporary Darwinist understanding of evolution of the Hominids to human: AGE 4 m-3m NAME BRAIN SIZE LOCATION East Africa Australopithecus (Hadar/Lucy)Central 500cc afarensis East Africa (Olduvai and Laetdi) Sth Africa Australopithecus 550cc (sterkfontein, africanus swartkerans) Central East Africa (Koobi Valley, Robust 650cc Olduvai, Laetoli) Sth astralopithecus Africa (sterkfontein, swartkerans) Sth Africa (sterkfontein, Homo habilis 700cc swartkerans)Creators of basic stone tools Homo erectus 1000 cc Central East Africa,

3m to 2m

3m to 1m

2.5m to 1.5 1.6 -0.25

Sth Africa,China 1m years ago, Sth East Asia (Java Man) 1m years ago, Europe 400,000 years ago, More developed stone tools 1.4M 1m to 200,000Homo Australopithecus becomes extinct Homo sapiens begin to evolve??? Homo sapiens appear, Homo 1450 cc erectus becomes extinct Homo 1700cc neanderthalensis Homo sapiens fully evolved in Africa & Asia Homo sapiens (Cro-magnons) fully formed in Europe Neanderthals become extinct


450 cc Middle East o Central Europe o Spain o Central Europe Australia o Sth Africa o central Europe o Middle East o Nth Europe o Greece



1450 cc


1450 cc

35,000 19.9.3

1700 cc

The non consistency of populations to support spontaneous development What is clear, even from this brief summary is that the emerging theory that homo sapiens evolved as the result of two or possibly more simultaneous species development is impossible. Not only from the point of view of the non-consistent existent lines of ancestors across the globe, but the simple fact that the genetic developments would have been wholly divergent. Theory (b) The independent evolution of hominids does not hold.


Even more anomalies Rather than answer the key anomalies and genetic differences we stated, current scientific theories highlight even more anomalies that need to be answered, namely: (1)- why did Homo erectus transform to Homo sapien? The first key anomaly as yet not fully answered by Darwinism, is the question of why did Homo erectus transform to Homo sapiens? e.g. via viral attack, mutations, massive weather change? To all intensive purposes, the climate appears at the time of the development of the Homo sapien to be better to keep hair, rather than lose it? (2)- why did the Homo erectus become extinct?

It appears on the surface to be justified to suggest that the extinction of the Homo erectus and the appearance of the Homo sapien are linked. It also appears on the surface to be justified to conclude such an event must have been climactic and therefore conducive to competition between the new Homo sapiens and Homo erectus. However, there has been no adequate explanation to outline how a species so successful in expanding across the globe could literally suddenly disappear around 200,000 to 250,000 years ago. (3)- the extinction of the Neanderthals? If the sudden and as yet fully explained extinction of Homo erectus us puzzling, then the mass extinction of Neanderthals around 35,000 years ago is quite strange. In almost all aspects the Neanderthal was a developed in speech and social integration as Homo sapien. But in terms of physical strength the Neanderthals were superior in every aspect, including brain size. By all accounts these massive giants would have been able to lift ten to twenty times the weight as a powerful homo sapien and could easily crush bone with their powerful jaws. As opposed to the children's stories presenting Neanderthals as slow and dim witted, these relatives were built for quick, powerful and agile movement and their brain power opening up the potential for deeper thoughts?

19.10 The anomalies and inconsistencies of current orthodoxy

No matter how you look at the evidence, the current position of both Darwinists and Lamarckians is untenable(a) both theories contradict their own rules for the process of evolution when it comes to emergence of the human species- they cannot therefore by definition claim to have definitive answers- reductio ad absurdum. The existence of a paradox- eliminate the paradox; Both theories do not adequately account for the massive genetic and general anomalies of the human. The argument that civilization enabled genetic mutations otherwise terminal to become an advantage defies logical sequence of evolution- change first, use second. The truth that won't go away As much as science may wish to explain away one or two anomalies in certain theories, the complete list provided to far. The popular approach has to been to deal with one anomaly at a time, thus reducing the tremendous odds against's such a high list of anomalies ever existing.



Therefore, by dealing with one issue at a time- requested as a form of argument, scientists have succeeded in tying up the debate on specific points of concern for many years. 19.10.2 Additional complex anomaly the relationship between the genetic differences It is one thing to take brain at birth and nakedness at face value as macro mutations. It is entirely another powerful insight to consider the 10 substantial genetic differences between humans and their ancestors and other primates are all interrelated around what happened to our sexual chromosomes to fuse them from 48 to 46 and around the same time unleash major structural changes to the human body, brain and mind.

19.11 The question of difference between mind software development and body development
In considering the inconsistencies and anomalies we have outlined in the current orthodoxy of human evolution, it is important to review a previous understanding- that is the mind, including the preset mind software, derived from what science currently classifies as "Junk" DNA can be considered different to the development of the physical body. 19.11.1 The complex mind software possessed by the human being While genetic anomalies clearly exist between the human and its nearest living genetic relatives on the planet Earth, the greatest difference is by far the superior mind software that humans possess, to process speech, concepts, language and construct of classification and identity. This by far is the rarest and so far unique gift that any species on the planet Earth possesses, that of sophisticated mind software. In contrast, much of the physical body differences can be explained as natural evolutionary theory, although significantly different to Post Darwinian and closer to Lamarckian and early Darwinian theory- that is the human intimate relationship with the virus and rapid mutation. However there are some anomalies such as our skin that remain just that glaring anomalies that cannot be explained as purely natural.


Any theory that is adequate must answer all anomalies Given that both mind development and body development have both separate and intertwined issues, the theory that finally answers the anomalies must do so comprehensively. Yet in answering the anomalies there are several clues that come into play- the common threads and unique ideals of all ideas pertaining to the origin of the species. If nothing is absolute and everything is a matter of degree, then the Darwinian, Lamarckian, Post Darwinian, Creationist and even ancient cultures all have a basis of truth in their respective beliefs.

19.12 The last contentious theory

There is only one theory that we have not yet fully investigated being the theory that human existence is by a factor of external influence in the natural course of evolution on the planet Earth- in effect intervention by genetic engineering. To put it bluntly, the theory that we- homo sapiens were genetically engineered by a life species from another solar system. 19.12.1 The immediate concern for such a theory The immediate concern for even considering such a theory is that it smacks of the UFO abduction debate and quasi- new age religious movements. Yet this is the only theory not yet explored in the legitimate list of possible theories we initially outlined. Many people now reading may feel that at this point, we are starting to retreat to superstitions and unscientific assumptions. Our reasons for feeling this way may not just be based on concerns of interpreting genetic and behavioral anomalies in humans- but our long held views on the existence of life on other planets. 19.12.2 The argument for the abundance of life We have gone to great lengths to provide adequate evidence to show that life in the form of hydro-carbon lifeforms exist across the galaxy and the universe. The universe is teaming with life- for itself is alive.

The arguments of current scientists that life on other planets is a one in a billion chance is simply not accurate. Around our nearest of neighboring solar systems life has and probably still does exist with all the diversity and majesty of Earth. A voyage on a spaceship from one local star to our solar system therefore becomes something of years, not centuries or millennia as has often been quoted. The arguments of distance being a restriction for at least colonial settlement no longer hold. 19.12.3 Being clear what we are looking for Let us be clear about what we are looking for: we are not attempting to describe an alternative theory of the process of evolution and genetic shift, we are looking for specific spikes in that evolutionary cycle where there are key signatures of partial intervention in the development. In genetic terms, this might amount to only a small genetic change leading to a dramatic evolutionary change- either via virus, or genetic engineering. That we have the power to genetically engineer organisms suggests that other high order lifeforms may well have the same knowledge, or greater.

19.13 Signatures of higher order lifeform influence/intervention on a biosphere

There are a number of clues that provide irrefutable proof of higher order lifeform intervention/influence on a biosphere. We introduced these in Chapter 15- as Intervention Signatures: 1. Genetic Intervention Signatures- in DNA of lifeforms that (have) or currently exist on a biosphere 2. Technology Intervention Signatures- in history of higher order lifeforms that have and or currently exist on a biosphere. 3. Environmental Intervention Signatures- in history of higher order lifeforms and/or ecosystems and/or biosphere itself. 4. Knowledge based Awareness Intervention Signatures- in history of higher order lifeforms on biosphere 5. Eikon Evidence- cultural images and words, language representing external intervention contained within culture of higher order life on biosphere. 6. Visual sightings, physical presence- record of visual sightings and physical presence by existing lifeforms on presence of non-stellar higher order lifeforms ( popularly known as UFO sightings). The one that is of most interest in relation to this chapter is a review of Genetic intervention signatures.


Genetic Intervention Signatures- in DNA of lifeforms that (have) or currently exist Genetic intervention signatures are identified by differences in the normal associated ratios of patterns of evolutionary life on a biosphere. This includes: (a) rapid macro genetic mutations (b) competitive bio-advantage derived from history of rapid macro genetic mutations (c) genetic variances to near species existing and precisely corresponding to DNA representing macro genetic mutations (a) Is essentially measured in timescale for rapid genetic mutation and in the magnitude of macro genetic mutation. Tell tale signatures include timescales for rapid genetic mutation occurring in significantly or uniquely short timeframes. The magnitude of macro genetic mutations increases the improbability of naturally occurring evolution as the source of changes. Macro genetic mutation cycles over a third, quarter or less time frame than the natural evolutionary cycles of the biosphere are strong signatures of external intervention. The macro genetic mutations need not be advantageous. The pedigree show dog, particularly the smaller breeds are one example where genetic mutation has lessened the genetic strength for life of one breed in favour of exaggerating certain characteristics for aesthetic desires. (b) Is essentially measured in the history of complexity and sophistication of cognitive processes to survive and prosper as well as becoming aware of the environment vs the normal timeline history of the planet/moon. Competitive advantages that are larger and shorter in timescale are tell-tale signs. Species that dominate an environment due to large macro genetic mutations in short proof are strong proof of external intervention. The shorter the time period, the larger the advantage and macro changes, the greater the likelihood of external intervention. Time of intervention can also be traced by the fossil record of intervention. (c) Is measured in the actual existence of physical difference in DNA code and physical anatomy of one species to its nearest cousins. The more unique DNA, the more diverse the physical characteristics and the shorter the time scale, the more likely external intervention.


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Human community life

Human beings are a social animal. We prefer to live in settlements, rather than alone. One hundred years ago, 8 out of 10 of all human lived in settlements of less than 5,000 inhabitants. Today, 1 in 3 people live in major metropolis centres of one million or more people. The shift towards larger and larger urban settlements in the past forty years is arguably one of the most dramatic shifts in human history. Historians and social commentators point to the shift as a clear sign post along a path of evolution of the human species- from ape, to "civilized ape". We are taught that civilization is less than 10,000 years old. That it was the agriculturists, the farmers along rich river beds who stumbled across civilization when trying to protect their settlements from raiders and the elements. Slowly we are told, human beings learned from the experience of their ancestors and further refined their notion of societies- gradually culminating in the knowledge of the modern world. This precise and seemingly logical model is the one taught to almost every single child who has learned history. So confident are we that it is true and without contradiction that almost no opposition to it receives much interest or airplay. Yet, less than one hundred years ago, the estimated age of the dawn of western civilization was considered no more than 6,000 years old. And two hundred years ago, the figure was more closely aligned to 4,000 years old.

What has pushed back our concept of the age of human civilization has been the continuous work of archeologists and specialists scientists in being able to find previously lost ancient civilizations (such as the Sumerians) and predate ancient and known discoveries (such as the water marks on the Sphinx and the astrological alignment of Sth American temples). Yet, no matter what the new date, there is almost no dispute on the basic premise that x thousands of years ago, humans were less civilized and gradually became more so. 20.1.1 What is the origin of human society? Yet is this accurate? Is this what really happened? The "uncivilized to civilized" argument seems patently absurd and simple untruthful when issues such as the 15,000 year old ruins at Tiahuanaco on Lake Tititaca in Sth America, the ruins of Balbeek in Lebanon and the Great Pyramid are considered. If anything, our ancient "uncivilized" forefathers were better engineers than us. Then what about the ancient 6,000 year old Sumerian culture and vast libraries of clay tablets that show they were every bit as sophisticated in social living as we are today? It begs the question why? and how? If a society was using legal models frighteningly similar to ours 6,000 years ago as well as vast libraries of medical knowledge- how did it happen? It is as if the trail goes cold and simply disappears. One minute human beings are living as savages and the next minute, a few are living in cities, using rules and ideas, very similar to the present day? A further angle to this argument also raises a great paradox- why were humans so great and precise at building cities and monuments thousands of years ago, only to revert to savagery and/or less civilized practices as shown in Sth America, Pacific (Easter Island), Asia, Egypt, Europe and Mesopotamian region. Surely the argument that Pol Pot and Chairman Mao type regimes (anti-knowledge, anti-culture) were responsible. Even as a result of both regimes, the history and customs of the old still managed to survive. yet when we talk of sophisticated skills such as the Maya and the Olmecs, we see almost a complete disappearance of all knowledge and skill- a complete anomaly. Such questions and investigation touches on dangerous and controversial subjects already raised in previous chapters such as the Origins of Humans. To raise such questions is to stir the angst and ire of well funded and well connected schools of belief. However, we will answer these questions in more detail in later chapters. 20.1.2 What is the structure and nature of a society? It is common sense, that a human being requires food, shelter, warmth and companionship. But what of the aggregate of humans that come together to form a society? In this chapter we will look to describe and classify the essential structures of a society- what it requires, what makes a society a society and how different models of society have evolved. In terms of the nature of a society, we will consider the common sense realization that a society- like any other level of matter should also be considered a living organism- an enclosed ecosystem with dynamic motives, collective thoughts and behavior. This is in direct contrast to the mechanistic attitudes of modern day economics and many social

sciences that view societies as mechanical things, rather than living symbiotic wholes. 20.1.3 The development of cities As societies and cities are often considered synonymous, we will review and discuss the nature of cities- their construction and evolution. 20.1.4 Finding common sense to move ahead Ultimately, we will rely on the discussions and importance of society later in chapters, we seek to provide a framework from which to further investigate the nature and behaviour of human life.


The basic model for survival

Before entering the complex debate over the origin, history and nature of human community life, it is worthwhile considering exactly what survival means to a group of humans needing to survive. So much is assumed in the debate and argument of the origin and development of human civilization that the essential concepts around: how does a group of human beings survive are often overlooked. For an individual to survive on their own, the landscape may assist or hinder. Ultimately, the individual can make rapid adjustments to their condition. Yet when dozens or even hundreds of human souls are involved, the task of survival is very much more complex.


The essential survival needs of a human being- food, water and shelter It is universally recognized that an individual human requires certain things to survive, namely adequate food, water and shelter. If one of these is not able to be met, the person must move from his/present present location or perish. Like all lifeforms, a human must make choices over different alternatives in order to survive. The human body generally needs around 3 litres of fluid replenishment, around 1,200 calories and around 5grams to 10grams of fat per day to maintain optimum health (climate, age considering). While mountains and caves give excellent methods of protection, the ecosystems around river flood plains tend to be the most abundant. While more food exists and existed in these grassland flood plains, it also meant a greater level of predators. As any documentary on wild animals in Africa can show, the difference between life and death on these grassy plains can be measured in seconds. Spend too long at a water source and you might become prey for another predator (such as lion or tiger).

Forget for the moment any notion of spears or fire. As an ancient ancestor of our primate cousins, your diet would consist almost entirely of vegetation and plants, not flesh. Principally because our physical bodies posses no real built in weapon or structure for pursuit of prey, unlike say a tiger or lion. Given our food demands our ancient ancestors would have to have spent almost their entire day looking for food (as many other species do). 20.2.2 Small, healthy and mobile groups are better As our primate cousins amply demonstrate in the few places where they remain in natural environments, survival on the flood plains means small, healthy and mobile groups are optimum- say of between six and ten to twelve. Given conditions for child bearing, procreation of the group, food scouring and protection, the optimum group would almost have certainly been between two and three adult males, one being leader, with five to six females with young. Any group larger than this and demands on food and lack of maneuverability would place intolerable strain on the group. Too few females or not a strong enough male leader and the group may also fade away or be picked off by hungrier and smarter predators. Thus the very first communities of human ancestors would have been no more than a couple of dozen primitive souls.


A greater explanation on the concept of technology

It is generally accepted that the three greatest inventions of humanity are (a) the spear (b) language and (c) the wheel. The spear, because it is generally believed that ancient humans somehow came up with the idea and how to use it and thus enabled the catching of greater amounts of food. Language, because language is considered the key to understanding and the reason humanity has developed such a high intellect. The wheel, because the technology enabled a host of processes from transport to grain milling. The word technology comes from the early 17th Century and was coined from Greek word tekhnologia 'systematic treatment', from tekhn 'art, craft' + -logia . Looking back at our model of ancient human ancestors, it is technology that is considered a crucial "spark" in the fire that seemed to somehow propel human ancestors from small, baboon like apes into the "advanced" knowledgeable species we are today.


The "technology" evolutionary argument as explanation for the origins of human civilization The explanation of the evolution of human civilization as described in almost every text book across planet Earth is remarkably simple. It suggests that human beings, having come from a common ancestor of the apes, found themselves in the grasslands of Africa during a period

of great climactic change. As temperatures rose, the previous semi upright human ancestor needed to adjust or perish. It adopted a strategy different from its primate cousins, by choosing to shed hair and stand more upright, thus observe its enemies better, and optimize cooling better, thereby spending more time gathering food. The theory goes that this decision to walk upright set of a series of biological changes than in effect "caused" the expansion of the protohuman cranium (brain) versus its primate cousins, principally due to the need to improve head circulation to disparate heat. At some point, this upright posture and change in food gathering techniques introduced new opportunities and needs such as look out calls for danger as well as the ability to use the arms as free agents rather than walking or climbing implements. Finally, in coming together, the spear emerged it is believed out of this ongoing sequence of events leading ultimately to human being able to efficiently capture animals for food. The contemporary theory then goes on to claim that once the ability to source food had been conquered, proto-humans were able to divert their attention to "higher" pursuits such as painting and communication which ultimately led to language and then all the technology that followed. 20.3.2 The giant assumptions in the story While this story is an admirable attempt to try and piece together a plausible explanation for the origins of man and civilization, it nonetheless possesses a number of giant assumptions. While heat management could be an option for why we are virtually naked versus our cousins, the resulting poor quality of our skin (to repair and handling outdoor conditions without technology) makes the negatives far outweigh the positives. Species beloning to an ecosystem by definition seek to optimize survival within the ecosystem. Any massive damage to the ecosystem would result in dangerous threats to the survival of the species. In other words, having achieved a level of optimum using whatever tools and ideas, the proto-humans defy all that is known about species behaviour to choose against ecosystem balance. Indigenous races are living contradictions to the argument of ongoing technology advancement None of these giant assumptions have so far been answered to any degree of satisfaction to suggest the contemporary view of human history and civilization is accurate. 20.3.3 Two principle models exist, distinct and irreconcileable To essential models exist for community life1 Nomadic tribe 2 City/town

We will consider these now.

20.4 Community model #1- the nomadic (semi-nomadic) method

The nomadic method of human community life is associated with the necessity for groups of humans to continuously move in search of adequate food and water. While many races of humans have been identified as "nomads", very few true nomadic races have ever existed. Most races identified as nomadic are in fact semi-nomadic or seasonal- changing their location in sync with the seasonal variations in environment. This is consistent with the American Indians, the Australian Aborigines and even the Bushmen of Africa. The main driver for movement is essentially the unsustainability of conditions for survival of a particular location during a particular season (each year, or even every few years). Given the need to be mobile, these groups of humans have historically been smaller in number, with fewer possessions than permanent settlements.

20.5 Community model #2-the permanent settlement method

In contrast to the nomad, the permanent settler communities are those capable of sustaining their food and water requirements from the same environment, in spite of the seasons. The most favorable conditions for such permanent settlements are flat arable land areas, well irrigated by permanent flowing rivers. The water, provides drinking and transport. The flat land provides area to grow crops, graze farming animals and expand the settlement. The mud from the river even provides a ready source of building materials 99.9% of all permanent settlements of humans over 2,000 from 1st recorded settlements to this date have

always been on or very near a river and flat region of land. Today, around 1 in 3 people live within 10km of the coastline, a major river and under 100 metres.


The quantum leap from mud huts to a city of people

A mistake often made (deliberately) is that humans somehow went from nomadic herdsmen to great city builders. In fact, both models of community survival seemed to exist in parallel without necessarily meeting or following each other. A second mistake often made is in simply moving forward into describing ancient cities without considering the implications of the massive organizing task it takes to design, built and manage a city.


Some basic statistics- City of five thousand souls 20,000 litres of water per day In contrast to the nomad, the permanent settler communities are those capable of sustaining their food and water requirements from the same environment, in spite of the seasons. The most favorable conditions for such permanent settlements are flat arable land areas, well irrigated by permanent flowing rivers. sanitation Sanitation is not something you simply "invent". It takes deep knowledge of the importance of sanitation. The sanitation in the most ancient of human cities was better than the sanitation in London up until 50 years ago. What makes this a huge anomaly is that sanitation is considered a high engineering feat and sign of high culture, not people who were one step from the bog of mud flats and feeding domesticated animals. law and order We take law and order for granted as if somehow it has always been there. However, what about laws and the dispensation of disciplined. If a person were to come

into power and simply order that everyone who defied him/her were put to death, then chances are there would be resistance law and order is not something that you work out after you have built a city- it must exist before even a wall is built. Property craft the making of pots and items is not something that suddenly appears 99.9% of all permanent settlements of humans over 2,000 from 1st recorded settlements to this date have always been on or very near a river and flat region of land. Today, around 1 in 3 people live within 10km of the coastline, a major river and under 100 metres.


Traditional assumptions associated with the origin and development of settlements

From the previous discussion about the basic nature of survival for communities, it makes sense that the first permanent settlements of humans were alongside rivers with large regions of arable land. Following on, it is the traditional assumption of historians and archeologists that the origin of models of permanent human settlement originated from Asia Minor (Iraq/Middle East) compared to Africa and other parts of the world. One hundred years ago, the general date for the first examples of sophisticated organized human settlement were around 4,000 BCE. Thanks to more recent work in this field, the generally accepted date for the first examples of sophisticated organized human community settlement is thought to have been around 10,000 BCE. The assumptions associated with these dates that continue to shift further back into history is that settlements around the Tigris, Euphrates and Nile developed as humans adapted to domesticating animals as well as growing agricultural crops. It is assumed that this knowledge was somehow gained through either trial and error, or by sheer accident. As these early settlers improved their survival chances, semi nomadic and nomadic tribes posed a threat to the settlement, so walls were erected to protect the inhabitants. In addition, it is a traditional assumption that as time required for food preparation changed and more time was available, these early settlers were able to devote themselves to more cerebral tasks such as searching for knowledge on the universe, mathematics and science.


The dominant view of this theory Today, the various theories that fundamentally assume the progression

from "uncivilized" to civilized via some evolutionary path far outweighs any alternative theories. In fact, almost no society, nor education facility would seriously entertain any other alternative. This is in spite of glaring deficiencies in the popular theory of the natural evolution of human settlements. 20.7.2 Anomaly #1- Evolution seems to have been selective on who understood building and who didn't This first Anomaly (an still to this day one of the most controversial) is that for some reason only some races seemed to engage in settlement building compared to others. Caucasian, Sth American and Asian races seem to excel in the development of sophisticated settlements compared to North American indigenous cultures, Sth East Asia, and African races. In other words- "white" people seemed to possess some special gift for building societies compared to people of "dark" coloured skin. Obviously there is no substantial genetic difference between people of Africa and people of Europe. They share common DNA. Nor is there any difference in the make up of their brains and capacity to comprehend. That is why any sensible person living today should abhor any theory that suggests a superiority between individual humans on the basis of their skin. Yet this Anomaly regarding city building exists. In spite of all the explanations given, there still remains no credible explanation for this Anomaly No argument can be credibly given on the basis of climate, lack of building materials, time to evolve or any other kind of excuse. If anything, the indigenous cultures of these regions should have had much greater time to develop their city building skills than their near relatives. 20.7.3 Anomaly #2- The evidence supporting ground zero- the first sophisticated settlements We have discussed this Anomaly previously- the concept that all knowledge acquired through experience should be reflected in earlier prototypes. It is perhaps one of the most controversial understandings that when deliberate fabrications and false and misleading evidence is put to one side, there is categorically no evidence of experience in the lead up to the Olmec culture in Sth America, the Egyptian culture and the Sumerian cultures 8,000+ years ago. If the theory of natural evolution of human settlements were sound, then evidence should exist of earlier prototypes for at least ten to twenty thousand years prior to the appearance of these sophisticated settlements. In fact the opposite exists. For some reason these settlements disappeared almost overnight and their knowledge was lost for thousands of years. To put it bluntly- humans went from living in building with running water, lighting and better ergonomic design than what we live in today- to living in straw huts, hiding in the hills- a complete reversal- as if humanity in those regions suffered collective amnesia. In the case of Egypt, for example, feeble attempts have been made by historians to reposition proven "newer" structures than the Great

Pyramid by simply ignoring architectural and scientific testing data. Yet, even these attempts fail to provide sufficient depth to the necessary evidence of "prototypes" required to prove "build by experience". Take the 20th century for example, in the creation of the personal computer, we see several trails of historical thought and technical development leading to the defining moment when personal computers appeared. Yet to look at ancient civilizations such as Sumer, Egypt and Sth America without adequate proof of "build by experience" is to accept that somehow these civilizations one day came up with the equivalent of the personal computer out of thin air. 20.7.4 Anomaly #3- Global examples of sophisticated settlementsrather than one point of origin If the oldest example of human existence were just in Asia Minor in terms of human settlement, then the argument of the "evidence" of the evolution of human settlements simply being lost could be explained away. But the fact is that sophisticated settlements dating back as far as 15,000 as in the case of Lake Tititaca in Sth America have now been proven. Because there this is impossible if you adhere to the theory of natural social evolution of human community life, these facts remain largely ignored by most academics earning a living in this arena of debate. 20.7.5 Natural evolution of human settlement is was not the first credible theory on the origin of human settlements and technology It may not surprise you to hear that the theory of natural evolution of humans settlements is only a fairly recent theory- popularized over the past 100 years. Prior to this period, the most popular theories centered around quasi-religious and religious teachings that civilization was a gift from God. In fact the civilizations of the Sumerians, Olmecs and Egyptians themselves were quite explicit in explaining their existence. Simply, they stated their existence was not the result of natural human experience, but a gift from gods- coming from another star system. In arguably one of the most bizarre of circumstances- we have never had more evidence as to the ability to genetically engineer life, travel in space and alter brain patterns, yet we refuse to even consider the possibility that our original structures of society are not our own.


A general summary of the concept of civilization

In Chapter 15 Self Aware Life of UCA, we defined the sixth and final level of all matter as being Higher Order Biologics of which the species Homo Sapien sapiens ( human beings) may be classed. As you may recall, we defined Higher Order Biologics as being those lifeforms with sufficiently complex neural systems to generate selfconsciousness and the means of language and information storage for learning and communication. While the human species shares a great many similarities with other species such as Chimpanzees and Gorillas,

only the human species on the planet Earth appears to have developed sufficiently complex conscious abilities to recognize, communicate and store information via various symbolic languages. We defined the six levels of higher order biologics as being: 6 Levels of Higher Order Biological Life Positive Negative Type Civilization I - Masters of a colony and language II - Masters of a Region III - Masters of an Empire (this is where all our civilisations are at the moment) IV - Masters of a Planet V - Masters of A Solar System VI - Masters of a Galactic Quadrant


Timeline of development from Type I to Type IV In terms of mapping the development of the human race using the system described above, is the analysis of steps from Type I Civilizations to Type IV Civilizations. As we will discuss, there is no clear start time for Type I civilizations, certainly no evidence as to the definitive ground zero, the very first settlement that proves itself categorically and unequivocally as the starting point for humanity. What is clear is that humanity evolved to Type II Civilizations sometime over 8,000 years ago. Type III Civilizations did not emerge until the empire of Alexander.

Type II Civilization and human community life

When we consider human community life and the first models of human community life, we naturally think of those of the oldest civilizations on record- the Sumerians, the Egyptians and Sth American Cultures. In Chapter 15, we defined all self aware life by categories called Civilizations. When we consider human community life we need to consider our understandings within the framework of a wider scope being self-aware life. 20.9.1 The classification of Type II- Masters of a region To ensure the standardization of language associated with Type II Civilizations, the following classification of sub components is used: Sub Classification State Tribe Component universal personification deity Inter-stellar, Earthy deity- nature

The classification of Type II Civilizations identifies two distinct modelsone that recognizes ultimate power to some higher environmental power, and a model that respects the personification of a deity. City States The city state is where we see the emergence of what is more commonly classed as Civilization. The structure of this Type II model is: Sub Classification Highest Class City State State Religious/Warrior Leaders Scribes/Assistants Worker Families Slave Families Tribes The tribe is where we see the emergence of a spirit of localized cooperation and harmony within a certain environment. We also on some occasions include this structure within our scope of the definition of Civilization. However, this model is usually seen as having preceded the model of the city state. Instead, we consider it concurrent. Sub Classification Highest Class Tribes Lead family and elders 20.9.2 Component Inter-stellar, Earthy deity- nature 40 to 100 families 10 to 50 elders Component universal personification deity 1 city/state, walled, settlement 12 to 40 religious/warrior leaders 50 to 100 supporters Thousands of workers Thousands of slaves

Emergence of Type II Civilization on planet Earth

If fierce controversy exists over the dates of origin of the species, then the origins for dating what we would commonly call 'the first civilizations' is even hotter in controversy. For years, the commonly accepted date for the first 'civilizations' of modern human were thought to be no older than a few thousand years. Then in the late 19th century and early 20th Century, a series of startling finds and analysis re-dated archeological sites such as Jericho, Jerusalem, Stone Henge and settlements of Egypt and South America as old as 12,000 years. The now more accepted date by widely read and knowledgeable academics is around 10,000 to 12,000 years ago. Thanks to the archeological work done in Iraq and Iran we now know that the more advanced city/states had structures very similar to our own current day city states. These early settlements were built around central religious monuments- such as ziggurats, or temples of some kind. To this day, many cities remain constructed centrally around a religious structure such as a cathedral, temple or former religious site of significance. These settlements had structures for military nearby, for government officials, the storage of wealth and documents. All of these basic structures which we find in place in modern cities is identical at the highest level to the first models of Type II Civilizations ten to twelve thousand years ago. On the other hand, the emergence of the extended tribe is considered to have preceded the emergence of the city state. However, to this day, there remains no evidence to suggest the existence of advanced tribal cultures resulted in the creation of city states. Advanced tribal cultures precede city states by tens of thousands of years from research in Africa, France and Australia.

20.10 A greater explanation of the concept of cities

While technology and "ages of humanity" tend to be considered as one means of describing the history of humanity, technology always occurs in the context of social organisations of people. By definition, social organisation means not only how people think, work and interact, it also means the physical buildings that constitute their places of work, home and entertainment, the areas they gather and trade and the systems that support these activities. In a biological sense, we mean the habitat of a colony of humans. It also means the relative density of people over a given environment. It also means the legal arrangement of a given location as well as the model used for these living working environments. We call these models of living "cities", suburbs, towns and many other names. We begin therefore with the first model recognized as the 1st model defining human civilization - the city. 20.10.1 The definition of the word city

The word city comes from the Latin word civitas mead from two Latin words civis "citizen" + -tat- "condition" to mean literally "conditions of a citizen." The word "citizen" itself as we have just discussed comes from the concept of a "free person of the State, the State being the city", a fundamental basis of the Greek version of democracy. Therefore, in its base sense, the word city is circular in its argument, as self-defining - i.e."a city means the conditions of the citizens of a city means.." Initially this summary of the original meaning of the word city may not appear important or even necessarily make sense for the moment. However, the word "city" will prove to be of significant purpose later in this chapter. 20.10.2 The usage of the word "city" to describe certain models of organized human life Rather than applying to all habitats and models of organized human life, the name city appears only to be bestowed to certain models of organized human life, that adheres to certain rules and structures. We say a city is a city not because of any one thing, but because of a multitude of things, such as o number of people in a given area o legal status as a city o tall buildings, large buildings, central buildings and so on. But most commonly if asked in a day to day lives why we call a city a city, our answer most likely would be "because its always been a city.." 20.10.3 Key components that define all cities Initially, it may appear improbable that all human societies might be considered common elements transmitted from the first civilizations to our present day civilizations It defies our belief of evolution of knowledge and sophistication to think of our societies and civilization as anything but the most advanced that has ever lived on the planet Earth. However, the discovery of the more than one million cuneiform clay tablets in the ruins of the 6,000 year old great library of Nippur testifies to their civilization also having to deal with same "key news" of the day. Some tablets talk of the problems of corruption in the legal process and the public service. Others talk of problems within education and crime. Others talk of the problems and issues surrounding greedy merchants. Common components exist for all cities that have ever existed on the planet Earth. We now define these according to their type and category:

Buildings (Geographic centre of the city) 1 Symbolizing religious and absolute power 2 Symbolizing Civic and Regal power 3 Symbolizing Military/Police Power 4 Symbolizing Legal Power 5 Symbolizing Financial and Administrative 6 Symbolizing Knowledge and technology of society

Areas 1 Professional/Administrators Accommodation 2 Storage-Goods-warehouse/distribution 3 Workers/Slaves Accommodation 4- Markets 5- Industry 6- Central Common Ground Systems 1- Public Service Administration System 2- Legal Justice System 3- Military/Police System 4- Roads/Transport System 5- Food/Produce/Market/Distribution System 6- Water & Sanitation System 7- Power System 8- Public Standard of Living Health System Education System Public Welfare & Entertainment System

20.11 The common components for all cities

Similar to society, all cities have common components. Because of the important of cities to the lives of most of humanity on the planet today, it is important to consider what these common components are and how they affect all of us. City Structures City Residential Structures City Centre City Precinct City Area City Systems City Regions

20.12 A general summary of the concept of societies and cities

In Chapter 15, we introduced the notion that CIVILIZATIONS of selfaware life may be further divided into sub-sets called "Societies". We defined a Society as being:

" a state or condition of living in association, company with others of the same species; the system or mode of life adopted by a body of individuals for the purpose of coexistence or for the mutual benefit, defence, etc" (1553)

While the previous two sections identify the essential structures within cities, society is a broader definition including the method by which a city and surrounding areas is run within a framework. 20.12.1 The different models of society In terms of UCA, we distinguish the various models of society according to the type and usage of the instruments of power that give the leadership of State its mandate to govern. Accordingly, we categorize all human societies by four types of categories:

Category (1) Rule by Divine right or birthright Regal/Monarchy Religious Aristocratic Category (2) Rule by Force Military Category (3) Rule by Constitution Democracy Socialism Communism Category (4) Rule by hybrid mix of instruments of power Constitutional Monarchies Constitutional Dictatorships Constitutional Religious States
20.12.2 The fundamental backbone on essential structure and function of society is unchanged since the first societies of human beings As dry and clinical as the previous section appears, it is done so to highlight the point that all societies share common structural and functional components, no matter whether they be a communist model of society, socialist, capitalist democracy, or monarchy. Furthermore, the basic structure, function and operation of societies have remained the same principles upon which ALL human versions of civilization have been based. It is the way in which these components of a society are constructed, and related that determines the various models of society.

20.13 A greater explanation of category (1) and (2) models of society

In Chapter 15 (Higher Order Life) of UCA, we defined the sixth and final level of all matter as being Higher Order Biologics of which the species Homo Sapien sapiens Category (2) Rule by force Military - dictatorship While we have discussed category (1) model of society, we have not yet spoken of the role of category (2) societies in the rule of force. This model traditionally was considered a primary model for society. However, anthropologists have in recent times had to amend their understandings of the brutality of life in previous settlements to consider that rule by force alone, dictatorships in the truest sense of warlords has been less successful and long term than the religious aspect of divine right and divine appointment.

20.14 The essential components of a society

Just as a city may be defined by its components, a society may also be defined by its organic components. Differing opinions still exist as to exactly what constitutes the essential elements of a society. However, in the context of UCA, a society is considered a living organism, thereby exhibiting the same motives and elements that constitute all matter in the universe: 20.14.1 The 12 laws of a society 1. STATE CREED (Goal law) I wish to exist). 2. BELIEF SYSTEM (Logos law) To exist, I use a language belief system 7. KNOWLEDGE (Awareness of position in dimension) 8.TRADE (Immediate near neighbours)As I exist in 3 dimensional space, I can only interact with immediate near neighbours according to the laws of LOGOS. 9. SOVEREIGNTY & DEFENCE (Exclusiveness of position) No two points will ever occupy the same position 10. ECONOMIC ACTIVITY Change of positionTo exist, you change position. For you to exist, I change position

3. CONSTITUTION (Creation law) To exist, I exist as4. BODY POLITIC (Co-dependence law) For I (The UCA) to exist, you (The Universe) exist For you (The Universe) to exist, I (The UCA) exist

5. INDUSTRY (Specialization law) For I to exist, you exist as- For you to exist, I exist as6. INFRASTRUCTURE (Geometry)

11. COMMUNICATION Conservation of effort Using the laws of geometry and Logos, I use the minimum required motion to achieve my goal 12. GROSS PRODUCTION (Change of position

As you can see, these elements are consistent with the 12 laws of creation as described in previous chapters associated with all matter. The 12 laws of existence of a society similarly provides us with a framework in understanding the nature and behaviour of a society.

20.15 The state creed

The first element of a society as we identified if the concept of a state creed- a statement of existence, of intent that forms the basis of the formation of the society. The State Creed represents the ultimate instrument of power in the formation of a society. Hence, its legitimacy is paramount in considering the legitimacy of the society. 20.15.1 Category (1) "Divine" Societies and State Creed In the case of social models such as regal/monarch/religious and aristocratic power, the State Creed is entwined in the religious legitimacy of the Church bestowing power onto the leader, or leading family. The creed itself may exist in a document, or in the historical stories of an act whereby the transference of power shifted from spiritual plane to a secular plane in the embodiment of the leader. The State of the Vatican claims its legitimacy in the supposed creed by Emperor Constantine bequeathing the Imperial colours and instruments to the Pope. Many more countries historically then claim their legitimacy in the bequeathing of spiritual blessing from Rome to their leading families. 20.15.2 Category (2) "Force" Societies and State Creed Similar to Category (1) societies, category (2) societies have also sought to gain legitimacy in having in their possession an instrument bestowing religious legitimacy on their existence. Few military regimes have attempted to operate without some kind of basic instrument of power legitimizing their existence. 20.15.3 Category (3) "Constitutional" Societies and State Creed Again, similar to type (1) and (2) societies, constitutional societies have all started with some instrument of power

legitimizing the constitution of the state. In the case of pure democratic examples, the state creed instrument has expressed the will of the people. In contrast, the more enduring and powerful of state creeds of democratic countries have also sought to transfer religious legitimacy of their actions. 20.15.4 The power of a State Creed On pure argument, consider the power of a State Creed in terms of present day law. If a country owes it construction by a group of people, compared to the will of God, which one has greater precedence? In a strict sense, the answer of course is the will of God (whether you believe in the concept of God or not). That is because, historically in law, the rule of God takes precedence over the rules of man. Those states that were formed early enough and/or recognized this find themselves in a power model of society.

20.16 The belief system

A cohesive belief system is the second component found in every society and every sophisticated city structure. In terms of instruments representing a cohesive belief system, the most common has been the State Creed, or "decree". The State Creed represents the ultimate instrument of power in the formation of a society. Hence, its legitimacy is paramount in considering the legitimacy of the society. In terms of the association of prime constants, they can be divided into both prime positive and prime negative.

Prime Positive
Religion God or Gods laws from gods Truth Reality fact Validity Reason Rationality Logic Right Correct Science Universal Knowledge Universal laws ( science)

Prime Negative
Religion Bad Science

Evil Lie

Wrong False

As we mentioned, these lists of Prime Universal Constants is not the complete list of constants. There are several terms in addition that need to now be considered in the context of Societies and sense of self. In addition, most social organisations of significant behavioral influence over large populations have developed Secondary Universal Constants. Most notably, these secondary universal constants outline more sophisticated positive ideas such as liberty, citizenship as well as negative concepts such as treason, deceit, fraud, guilt and win. We will now seek to place a context regarding the use and development of these key ideas. 20.16.1 The concept of moral law In any organized system of human endeavor, rules must and do exist. "Ideally" rules exist to place in action the goals of the collective and to ensure the organisation can function. In less ideal and more common circumstances, rules exist at the discretion of the ruling elite to maintain control and limit the populations influence. It was the Romans that excelled in developing rule systems and the application os classifications regardless of existing localized cultures. The Romans integrated, while at some stage going at lengths to define negative behaviour against the State. 20.16.2 The codification of divine law The concept of anointment by the divine provided a key concept enabling the effective description of the transfer of power from God ( or Gods) to mortals ( to be discussed in a moment) The codification of divine law 5thus enabled detailed rules applying to all behaviour to be described. As such, some religions such as Islam, Christianity and especially Orthodox Judaism have developed highly detailed and sophisticated rule systems. 20.16.3 The concept of anointment In parallel to the prime universal concept of the existence of Gods, or God, is the idea that the Gods or God periodically bestow their authority and or wisdom upon human beings. The words Messiah (hebrew) and Christos (Greek, Gnostic) mean simply "the anointed one". The word King King The word King comes from the Old English kine and kune, themselves translations of the ancient Greek word Kurie meaning "lord". (hence the hymn kyrie eleison, "lord have mercy") cyning, later cing, cyng, cyne (Old Engish = royal) cingulum = girdle of a priests alb. A band surrounding the

base of a tooth 20.16.4 The concept of democracy The concept of democracy, of elected officials as opposed to divinely anointed representatives is a fairly new concept and first emerged in Greece at end of the reign of Tyrants in the 5th century BCE. While this was considered democracy, in fact the system relied upon the unelected influence of the ruling financial and intellectual elite. 20.16.5 The concept of liberty and freedom Today, we consider the concept of freedom one of our inalienable rights. However, the concept of being free is relatively quite recent. Freedom of sorts has been implied within social structures for thousands of years. However it is not until institutions such as the Magna Carta, Declaration of Independence and the French Constitution were written that the concept of individual rights were ever codified. Today, in the West, we call this common law. It seems strange for us to imagine, but in years of old, even as little as three hundred years ago, individuals could be mugged and put into service (forced service) on ships 20.16.6 The concept of citizenship Citizenship is the legal relationship of an individual has with the state. As a legal concept, citizenship demands from the individual a permanent allegiance to the state ( including commitments to bear arms in times of war, to avoid engaging in anti-state activities and to contribute to the financial wellbeing of the state) and confers upon the citizen full political rights, thus allowing him/her to participate in the state's decision making process. The conferring of citizenship upon an individual is an implicit recognition by the state of the integration of the citizen into the political system. Citizenship is a concept and a status, first became important around 400 BC Greece. here it was neither a national nor a universal status. Citizenship was restricted to a small elite and conferred rights and privileges not enjoyed by the majority of the populace. In many ways it was a negative right used to discriminate against foreigners and members of the "lower classes." It was this negativism which was embraced by the Romans who saw citizenship as a means of distinguishing between "Romans" and all the various nationalities and races embraced by the Roman Empire. But the first century after Christ this distinction had virtually disappeared as the Romans awarded citizenship as a sign of loyalty or for people who demonstrated a commitment to the Empire.

The Middle Ages saw citizenship , although still a narrow and privileged concept, being used by the emergent merchant class as a protection against the frequently excessive claims of local barons and noblemen. Historically, the term "citizen" changed meaning in the latter half of the 18thC. Prior to that a citizen was simply a member of a city or town, local borough or municipal corporation. The terms citizen, droit de cite cittadinaza ciudadania and bergerrecht all indicated the relationship an individual had with his immediate town or city. These terms were distinguished from "subject", which was used to indicate an individuals relationship to the monarchy under which he lived. This division was destroyed and the concept of "citizen" established by the French intellectuals who, at the outset of the French Revolution, articulated the idea of the "citoyen" in the famous Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen. The importance of this concept was that the individual enjoyed a level of civic freedom and had some involvement in the political process- both these rights had been denied under the rules of French Monarchy. Most historians now see the French Revolution of 1789 as the beginning of what we call " modern history" . In its revolt against feudalism and monarchic rule, it set in motion a series of events which led to the rise to power of the middle classes and the establishment of nations and democracies throughout Europe and European-influenced countries. Systematically in the last two centuries, most Western countries have defined for themselves concepts of citizenship and nationality. There are obviously subtle differences from country to country- The United States talks in terms of a national of the United States. Britain has established a complex notion of British subject and commonwealth citizen with differing rights according to where an individual fits into a subtle grading system. and the French have devised rules of citizenship which vary according to whether the individual is a native of France, a native of a colony or a native of a past colony. At core, however, there are only four means by which citizenship is granted: Birth within a country, in most cases automatically endows citizenship Direct descent from a parent who is recognized as a citizen marriage to a citizen may endow citizenship Most countries have naturalization facilities which allows an alien, after the fulfillment of certain requirements (usually residential), to apply for citizenship. Naturalization usually requires a specific written or verbal commitment to the territory concerned. There are two grounds for citizenship by birth known as jus soli and jus sanguinis. Jus soli is where a child acquires citizenship simply by being born in a territory. Jus sanguinis is

where citizenship is conferred, even if a child is born outside a territory, because at the time of birth, one or more patents were citizens of the territory. In many ways citizenship is an imprecise term. It broadly expresses the relationship between an individual and the state but in the last two hundred years has been open to endless interpretation- usually to the state's advantage. Perhaps the most famous citizenship exclusion case was in 1857 when the United States Supreme Court in what has become the Dred Scott case, declared that no negro, free or slave, could become a United States citizen. This led indirectly to the Civil War and eventually to a change in the United States constitution.

20.17 The constitution

The third element of a society's structure is its constitution. The constitution may be comprehensive, or simple an addendum to the principle instrument of power- its state creed. Most societies have developed some level of sophistication in the way they have constructed their constitution. 20.17.1 Key elements of a constitution Transference of power from the State Creed to the Body Politic The primary requirement of the Constitution of a country is to transfer power from the State Creed to the Body Politic, whether it be an elected government, a monarch, or even a dictator. The State of the Vatican claims its legitimacy in the supposed creed by Emperor Constantine bequeathing the Imperial colours and instruments to the Pope. Many more countries historically then claim their legitimacy in the bequeathing of spiritual blessing from Rome to their leading families. 20.17.2 Definition of the body politic The Constitution is essential in defining the elements of the body politic. The constitution is the instrument of power of legitimacy, in that it outlines the fundamental structure and connection between a higher power (usually a monotheistic concept of god) and the founders of the nation. 20.17.3 Function of the body politic Function of the body politic- is essential in being able to establish the means by which the body politic functions. In the case of pure democratic examples, the state creed

instrument has expressed the will of the people. In contrast, the more enduring and powerful of state creeds of democratic countries have also sought to transfer religious legitimacy of their actions.

20.18 The body politic

The body politic is the leader, executive and organs of government, and society in general. The body politic in effect are the living cells of the organism that is the society. It is what is defined by the constitution. It is in the structure of the body politic where societies most noticeably differ. Some may define their executive as being above the vote of the people- in the case of the executive of the United States serving the President of the United States. In other cases the body being the people are ill defined, with their rights failing to be adequately protected by a shoddy constitution in the case of Australia. 20.18.1 The evolution of the body politic and the constitution Where a sufficiently large gap emerges between the body politic defined in a societies constitution and the actual structure of the present day body politic, injustice can and does arise. This is often seen in the realm of diminishing rights and the continued leaking of actual power from one group to another by enforced regulation rather than constitutional law. In countries older than 100 years, this is evident most noticeably in the administration of tax and revenue by the State as well as the protection of individuals rights.

20.19 Industry
Industry is how the body politic structures itself to perform work and trade. Industry is defined by a number of factors, regulation, trade, technology and demand for services. The State Creed represents the ultimate instrument of power in the formation of a society. Hence, its legitimacy is paramount in considering the legitimacy of the society. 20.19.1 Primary producers/industry Primary producers/ industry can be defined as those specialized activities that provide essential components for the survival and sustainment of all activities within the economy. Historically and today, the first and most important primary

producers and industry are: Food Fuel Transport Systems Water/Sanitation Mining and materials Storage and distribution Rules of economy- economic Building policy Means of exchange (money) People Knowledge/education Law/legal system system 20.19.2 Food It goes without saying that without food a community starves. Food therefore is the lifeblood of any community. In human history, agriculture has historically been the main economic activity for 90% of the world's population. Until the 20th century enabled construction technologies and massive shifts in manufacturing and jobs in the service industries, most of the population lived in cities of fewer than 5,000 people. Food depends not only on the land, farming techniques but transport, storage and distribution systems in place. The most efficient food system ever created remains the agri-technology of the ancient Sth American civilization over 8,000 years ago. In significant scientific testing in the early 1990's, their system of elevated natural hydroponic agriculture beds consistently produced better yields than any other methods by 3 to 1. 20.19.3 Water/Sanitation Water is essential to the survival of the human being. So is healthy living conditions. As water is both the lifeblood and the main source of health problems of community living (waste disposal, sanitation) water and sanitation have always historically been connected. It is no coincidence that most cities are built near water sources such as rivers. Evidence of water storage, distribution and sanitation is a feature from the oldest cities to the present day "model" city. The Romans were not the first to invent public water and sanitation systems. Evidence of this engineering feature can be seen in ancient cities of Sth America, Iran/Iraq, Greece and Egypt. Given the related roles of flowing water for sanitation, power, agriculture as well as liquid, water planning has historically been a public utility function. 20.19.4 Fuel Fuel has traditionally been a primary industry since the dawn of humanity. The oldest fuel sources include wood and hydrocarbons, including the use of petroleum (tar and later petroleum) for thousands of years. As is self evident, fuel is crucial as a primary source for heat in cold weather conditions, a feature of mineral and materials refinement (furnace and

ovens), source of energy for cooking, ceremony, public lighting and machine function ( e.g. steam trains). All these functions of fuel sources are evidence in the very first cultures of humanity to those of the present day. As fuel is an enabler of all primary manufacture and (mineral refinement, machine function, materials refinement and cooking) and motor transport (car, plane, ship) its relative abundance or scarcity has affected the overall health and focus of the economy of a society. A lack of fuel leads to a dramatic reduction in manufacturing and increased focus on essential living needs- and abundance of fuel leads to a growth in manufacturing and health of the economy. In looking at the history of fuel sources, periods of cheap abundant fuel have corresponded to the greatest periods of growth of wealth of economies- the wood age, the coal age, gas age, petroleum age. It was the cheap abundance of coal in the 17th and 18th century that powered the industrial revolution. It was the refinement of coal to gas in the late 18th to 19th century that opened up public lighting, manufacturing and beginning of mass public transport systems (trams) and key appliances. It was then at the beginning of the 20th century and peaking in the 1960's that petroleum fueled some of the greatest prosperity of human history with personalized motor transport (cars/trucks). Importantly, the relative scarcity and cost of fuel in many economies contributes to the cost of manufacture and general decline in living conditions. 20.19.4 Mining/Materials refinement Contrary to the belief that mining and materials refinement is a relatively new primary industry of human endeavor, evidence in Tanzania in Africa has revealed mines over 140,000 years old, indicating the evidence of mining as a primary activity from before the 1st recorded founding of human cities. Further, the metal skills of the Sumerian culture over 8000 years ago, smashes the old belief of "iron age", "bronze age" labels for the development of technology and human development. Mineral/metals are crucial for the construction of products and materials as well as the building of machines. Similar to fuel, the abundance and cheapness of minerals promotes manufacture, while expense depresses manufacture. The cheapness of primary ores in the 18th/19th century thanks to improved transport and extraction methods in combination with cheap fuel fed the industrial revolution and the growth of social wealth into the 20th century.

20.20 Infrastructure
Infrastructure to a society is the same as infrastructure to a humble living cell. Infrastructure includes such things as the membrane (defensive network), in the case of a city, its protective boundary, the streets and roads by which goods may be transported in and out, the supply of water and the extraction and removal of waste. Infrastructure also includes energy, goods and food storage systems. Some historical and social works on the analysis of cities and civilizations define much infrastructure as technology. By UCA, we make the distinction that technology pervades an entire social structure, not necessarily one part, so that a definition of technology cannot be taken out of context of the society to which it served. Therefore the definition of infrastructure is used.

20.21 Knowledge
Knowledge is the combination of information, intellectual capital and experience of a city, written down and preserved in its texts, religious documents, rules, manuals and written records. Knowledge, above all is an insight into the level of sophistication and advancement of a society. Knowledge of astrological cycles, beyond the basic plotting of seasons and into detailed charts and measurement of phenomena are the hallmarks of advanced knowledge and not something expected to be derived in any possible way, without a sophisticated and sustained cultural development.

20.22 Trade
Of all features listed within communities, trade is one of the great constants. The earliest long-distance road was a 1,500-mile route between the Persian Gulf and the Mediterranean Sea. It came into some use about 3500 BC, but it was operated in an organized way only from about 1200 BC by the Assyrians, who used it to join Susa, near the Persian Gulf, to the Mediterranean ports of Smyrna (Izmir) and Ephesus. More a track than a constructed road, the route was duplicated between 550 and 486 BC by the great Persian kings Cyrus II and Darius I in their famous Royal Road. Like its predecessor, the Persian Royal Road began at Susa, wound northwestward to Arbela, and thence proceeded westward through Nineveh to Harran, a major road junction and caravan centre. The main road then continued to twin termini at Smyrna and Ephesus.

The Greek historian Herodotus, writing in about 475 BC, put the time for the journey from Susa to Ephesus at 93 days, although royal riders traversed the route in 20 days.

20.23 Sovereignty & defence

The sovereignty and defence capability of a city is fundamental to its sustainment. Those societies and cities that had natural environmental as well as human constructed defence systems have traditionally stood longer and better.

20.24 Economic activity

Economic activity, the production of goods and the transaction os services is recorded as far back as the Sumerians.

20.25 Transport & communications

In addition to the concept of a functioning city, the concept of paved roads and marine transport (ships) are fundamental steps towards civilization. In contemporary history, the inventors of the boat are believed to be the Egyptians around 2,000 BCE and the inventors of the sealed road, the Romans around 70BCE. Yet, these two commonly understood beliefs have now been proven to be understated and inadequate, with ancient boats discovered in Sth America, Central America, Asia and the Pacific. In terms of roads, it has been shown that the Gauls were master road builders and were the originators of most of the major ancient roads of Europe. In many cases, the Romans, copied or simply upgraded the existing road structures at least 300 years old by their time. In respect to the greatest road network of the ancient worldthe Silk Road(s) that wove through Egypt, Mesopotamia, Asia, India and Europe, excavation has now shown conclusively that

the trade routes were in operation at least 2,000BCE. The oldest mummies in Asia, are those discovered at a tomb in the ruins of a former trade route in China. They are caucasian, not Asian and are at least 2,800 to 6,000 years old. Their burial items indicate strongly they were fabric merchants and possibly the ancestors of those who brought the craft of fabric to China from the West. 20.21.1 The importance of roads The invention of the beast drawn carriage represented one of the greatest commercial inventions in human history. Whether it be oxen, or horses, the carriage enabled the transport of loads far too heavy to be moved over long distances by men. The only difficulty of such technology is the requirement for terrain of a relatively stable nature. Ancient wheels of wood and metal soon fracture under the massive pressures of displacement caused by the shifting of a load over rocky ground. Unless the soil provided naturally firm and smooth surfaces, the beast drawn carriage could not travel safely over long distances. Luckily, the surfaces of vast areas of the Middle East and Asia historically have offer good natural terrain for beast drawn carriages. In contrast, Europe has historically offered less reliable and boggy and mountainous terrains. There is no question, the invention of the wheel promoted the development of roads. Nor is there any question that the development of roads promoted the development of trade. 20.21.2 The ancient Silk Road(s) and Jerusalem If you look at a map of the Mediterranean looking North, you see that the right hand side of the Sea is what we call the Middle East. behind and below, we call the region the Land of the Sinai and to the West we have Egypt, East we have Asia and India and North we have Turkey and Greece and South West we have Ancient Persia. Geographically central to all these regions is the position of Jerusalem on the hills within view of the sea and protected by a natural ring of hills and just two open passes (one being Jericho). In terms of Trade, Jerusalem was the New York trading hot house of the ancient world. Here, in vast open markets, valuables from all corners of the ancient world were traded. From spices from Asia, fine cloth, food and produce, jewels and precious metals and of course people. There appears to be two golden periods of Jerusalem historyone around 1000BCE and another around 100BCE to around 10CE. The first is commonly signaled as the age of Solomon. There is no conclusive proof that the figure described in Jewish history actually existed. However, it is overwhelmingly clear from limited archeological research that Jerusalem as a place

of settlement is itself over 6,000 years old. The context of massive building programs of the size and scale described in the Bible and attributed to King Solomon around 1,100BCE is supported by evidence suggesting the foundation of the Temple and great irrigation systems pre-dating the Maccabeans. It is probable that this work could be partly funded by the massive wealth in trade through Jerusalem. It could also account for the contact between royalty from far away kingdoms such as Behersheba from Ethiopia. It has now been shown that the trade routes through Asia, existed at least 2,000 years before the emergence of the Roman Empire. However, what is clear is that between 200 and 150 BCE, major parts of the Silk Road were upgraded to incorporate more efficient trade stops (like the ancient equivalent of road side motels and diners) as well as better sealing on large sections. Many sections of the ancient silk road in Asia that was in use around the time of the Romans has been dated as original work back to at least 200 BCE. The second great period of growth appears to coincide with the major upgrade period of the Silk Road and the capture of Judea by Judas Maccabeas around 130BCE. This second period of Renaissance of Jerusalem coincides with a reformation of philosophical and religious thought throughout the ancient world, with concepts of Buddhism, Orpheus, Mithra, Zoroaster, and many other religions appearing to gain massive following. It is certain that those living in Jerusalem and specifically the Maccabean rulers of the time that they would have come in contact first hand with every major religion in the ancient world. 20.21.3 The growth and importance of marine trade While beast drawn land carriages offered new methods of transport over land masses, water based transport offers significantly heavier loads over even longer distances efficiently. The heart of vast trade between cultures has historically always rested upon efficient and safe marine transport systems. In the ancient Mediterranean, it is the Phoenecians that are regarded as the greatest shipbuilders around 800 BCE - having created great armadas of military escorted trade ships. So too the Egyptians have finally been recognized as ancient mariners, not just river traders. After the Phoenecians, the great ship fleets of the Persians and Greeks are regarded as the masters of the Mediterranean, with great tales of navigation and nautical skill exhibited in the tales of jason and the argonauts. In Europe, it has been recognized that the Gauls themselves were master shipmen at least the same time as the Phonecians (1,000 BCE) and were regularly crossing rough conditions between the British Islands and mainland Europe. Their descendents, the Vikings are better remembered than

they. With ship trade reaching the entire span of the Mediterranean, regions of Greece, Italy, France, Spain, African Coast, Egypt and palestine have historically played strategic interests even up until the 20th century with the battles to control the Mediterranean 20.21.4 The growth of piracy and the reliance on the Silk Road 80BCE to 30BCE It is clear in the records of many ancient Civilizations around the Mediterranean that during the period 80BCE to around 10CE, trade around the Mediterranean waters was extremely dangerous and limited because of pirate fleets. With the destruction of the Great Persian and Greek fleets, no force, including Rome effectively controlled the Mediterranean until after the Tunisian campaigns by the Roman Empire eventually smashed the African pirate fleet bases. During this period, the importance of Palestine and specifically of Jerusalem as a tactical prize grew. The capture of Palestine against the Maccabeans in 60CE by the great Roman general Pompey represents one of the most important strategic victories in the establishment of the Roman Empire. By controlling Jerusalem, Rome controlled the end of the tap of the Silk Roads. As Rome improved and modernized each major trade stop within its provinces, trade flourished.

20.26 Economic policy

Economic policy includes the plans and terms by which trade can take place. Even in the city of Nippur, taxes were and issue

20.27 Common city component-City Structure

A structure is any fixed construct of human technology which serves a purpose. Large structures include skyscraper buildings, bridges, communication towers and factories. Medium structures include apartment complexes, homes and bus shelters. Small structures include pipes, telegraph poles, electric wires and phone boxes. 20.27.1 Key city structures There are a number of types of significant buildings that a city might contain: Religious & absolute power Civic & regal power

Military/Police power Legal power Financial & admin power Knowledge & technology 20.27.2 Structures symbolizing religious and absolute power The very earliest models to the most sophisticated models of city's used today consider the central building, symbolizing the geometric heart, the seat of power as the most important building of the city. For the building itself existed to represent the supreme power- from which all things come and all things can be taken away- the hall of the gods, or the hall of the supreme god, it was their shrine, their home and their seat on Earth. In the 1st Sumerian model, it was the ziggurat, that represented first and foremost the former seats of power of the Gods over the humans. It was where they resided and controlled the destiny and running of the city. When vacant, it was where offerings were made to the gods in return for their continued favour in allowing the city to continue to prosper and avoid enemies. Later as the belief in the physical presence of the almighty beings of various cultures became less commonly believed, it became the physical seat of power for many heads of religions. 20.27.3 Structures symbolizing civic and regal power The second most significant buildings standard to all cities from the beginning of time until now is the existence of a building signifying the instruments of power of the civic leader or regal leader of the city (normally also State). It is this building that has typically clashed with the position of the first (central building symbolizing supreme religious power). To powerful dynasties, military and civic leaders, it is the buildings symbolizing civic and regal power that play central position in their design and development of their city. This is certainly the case with the layout and planning of Late Rome, Washington D.C. and Canberra, Australia. However, it is the central religious buildings of Istanbul, Cairo, London, Paris that take pride of geometric place in the design of these cities, indicating subscription to the earliest of models. 20.27.4 Structures symbolizing military/police power The third set of buildings of significance of all cities has been that of military and police power. The power of the state, while imposing in terms of the edifaces of religion and State, still have always required the sharpened point of arms to enforce the question. All cities from the time of the Sumerians to now have had central buildings housing the military, police and specialised security forces of the State. In many instances, these forces have been called upon to defend the instruments of power. Often they have been used and abused by the leaders of a State

against their general population of the city and sometimes they have helped defend a city from invasion or capture. 20.27.5 Structures symbolizing legal/judicial power The buildings symbolizing legal power have also played a fundamental role in the model cities of the most ancient to most modern societies. The Sumerians had legal system, including trials, lawyers, case law and evidence. So it has been the means of administrating the law of the Gods and then the human rulers of cities of mankind. 20.27.6 Structures symbolizing finance and administrative power Buildings symbolizing the financial and administrative power of the city have often gone hand in hand with the buildings of civic or regal power, or even buildings of supreme religious power. However, the financial and administrative management of the earliest cities has always been seen as a separate component of the instruments of power of the State to be considered a vital component to all cities. The wealth of the State, in terms of its trade, produce and proper administration is linked to these buildings, whether it be The Treasury, The Administration. 20.27.7 Structures symbolizing knowledge and technology Libraries of knowledge have featured as a part of society from category (1)( civilisations/societies of the Sumerians. The obtaining and storage of knowledge recognised as a key instrument of power was recognised as a supreme component of cities up until the Christian/Gnostic period of religious growth. During the dominant ages of Christianity, knowledge was relegated to a secondary or non existent symbol in many cities as the catherdral became the multi-function symbol of knowledge and power. However, with the age of enlightenment heralded by the re-building of London and Paris, Museums, Libraries and places of knowledge once again took their place as key structures of importance.

20.28 Common city component-City Residential structures

A residence is a type of building for the purpose of private living. While each and every home is unique due to its unique tenants (people), building construction, design, furniture, time and place, there have only ever been a handful of types of city residences (homes). 20.28.1 Residential model The essential attributes of a residence that define its limits and qualities can be defined as a residential model. While at one extreme, there are billions of unique residential models for humans on planet Earth there are only a handful of basic types of residential models.


Types of residential models Types of residential models are the most generic and essential groupings of attributes for human residences from all cities from the beginning of history to the present time. Three basic types of residential models have existed and defined the types of residences since the very first human cities to the present day. These are: The most common and consistent grouping of types of residences over human history are: Rulers People who rule the land and minds of all humans Lords-The Lords who rule under the Rulers and control the industry, assets and land Servants-The people who work for the Lords at their terms. Ruler Temple Palace Church Castle Mansion Lord Village hut Villa Mini-Palace Vista Castle Mansion Ranch Skyscraper penthouse suite Servant Hut Prison Dormitory Slum Shack Cell Apartment In-line house Homestead Duplex house Free standing house Skyscraper cell apartment 8,000 CE 300 BCE 300 BCE 100 CE 400 CE 1300 CE 1800 CE 1920 CE 8,000 BCE 6,000 BCE 2,000 BCE 300 BCE 100 CE 1600 CE 1800 CE 1850 CE 1890 CE 1920 CE 6,000 BCE 2,000 BCE 100 CE 400 CE 1300 CE


Residential models and quality of life The quality of life for an individual (excepting disasters), has always been determined by which basic style of residence they are able to obtain. For nine-hundred and fifty out of every one thousand human beings that have ever lived, this means being born into one of the basic residential models of being servants. It might be servants to a government system, a large corporation, a small business or relying on government benefits to survive.

For the remaining fifty out of every one thousand human beings that have ever lived, the quality of life has always been substantially better as they were born into either a Lord (forty nine out of one thousand) and Ruler (1 out of every one thousand). 20.28.4 Residences and power Human residences have always been related to an individuals power within the city community. A person of great power, whether by ownership of assets, birthright or election usually resides in a home based on a ruler residential model. In reflection of the persons power and stature, their residence has usually been one of the largest of buildings in one of the most geometrically significant positions. This is why temples and churches have always been at the geometric heart of ancient and Christian modelled cities as the absolute residence of a ruling deity. By occupying the geometric heart of a city, Christian architects knew that their power and influence could be firmly based until the church or temple is demolished.

20.29 Common city component-City Centre

A centre is a central group of buildings of significant purpose and activity. 20.29.1 Types of centres All centres may be defined by types of principle purpose and function of buildings, including: Mono Dual Tri Omni Types of city centres Mono Dual Tri Omni

Commercial Culture

Knowledge Health

Education Entertainment Executive Government Military Police

Industry Justice Political Prison Religous

20.30 Common city component-City precinct

A precinct is a small, well-defined area of dense-packed human or natural structures. 20.30.1 Types of precincts All precincts may be defined by types of principle purpose and function of structures (to an absolute limit of 10,000 residential structures), including: Mono Dual Tri Omni A mono precinct is a single purpose precinct. There are principally 9 types of mono-precincts: Residential.Precinct Industrial.Precinct Cultural.Precinct Business.Precinct Political.Precinct Military.Precinct Park.Precinct Natural reserve.Precinct Entertainment.Precinct

20.31 Common city component-City Area

An area is a large, well-defined area of medium-packed human, modified habitat (eg farming) or dense natural structures. 20.31.1 Types of areas All precincts may be defined by types of principle purpose and function of structures and land (to an absolute limit of 3,000 residential structures), including: Mono

Dual Tri Omni A mono area is a single purpose precinct. There are principally 7 types of mono-areas: Residential.Area Industrial.Area Military.Area Park.Area Farming.Area Park.Area Natural reserve.Area Entertainment.Precinct

20.32 Common city component-City Systems

A city system is a combination of infrastructure, technology methods and people providing an important element for the ongoing function of a city. 20.32.1 Types of city systems All cities have had a combination of some or all of the following systems: Lord Religious Social Industry Commerce Education Health Government Military Police Justice

Culture Entertainment Prison

20.33 Common city component-City Regions

A region (model) is an aggregation of one or more centres, precincts and areas. 20.33.1 A city can be defined as a region model All cities may be defined as single regions or clusters of regions. As such, all historic and current cities may be defined as living models of CIVILA. 20.33.2 Region models as Regional centre models While there are millions upon millions of potential combinations of centres, precincts and areas, all region models may be defined by a simpler model based on their common centre model. Even with just centres, there are tens of thousands of combinations available in mono, dual, triple and multiple relationships. 20.33.3 The limited number of regional centre models used for cities Of all the tens of thousands of possible geometric combinations, all human cities built to date may be defined by a limited set of regional centre models. Not only is their a limit to the number of regional centre models used for human cities, but periods of history represent the birth, death and domination of a few models. The city associated with the birth or death of a model can be classed as a model city.

20.34 Regional Models

The following lists the primary regional centre models used as the core of virtually every human settlement of significance (over 20,000 people) in human history. They fall into four types of class: Mono Dual

Tri Omni Mono regional centre models Regional centres based on one central purpose of buildings. Dual regional centre models Regional centres based on the specialised purpose of each set of buildings and their co-dependence of power. Tri regional centre models Regional centres based on the specialised purpose of three centres of buildings and the interdependence and flow of power. Omni regional centre model Omni regional centres based on the specialised purpose of more than three centres of buildings and the interdependence in the flow of power.

20.35 Regional Model-Mono: Religious

The oldest and simplest used model of human settlement is the monoreligious regional centre model. This model is based on the central buildings of the city being the one and only dominant centre of power. This model represents the blueprint for the oldest recorded city settlements of humanity such as the Sumarian, Akkadian and Indus civilizations.

The oldest civilizations of Sth America, Asia and the Pacific also all follow this model of settlement.

20.36 Regional Model-Mono: Leader

The second oldest and simplest used model of human settlement is the mono-leader regional centre model. This model is based on the central buildings of the tribe, town or city being the one and only dominant centre of power. This model reflected as a village with a tribal chief predates the model of mono-religious.

This model is also reflected in Middle Age feudal castles and walled cities.

20.37 Regional Model-Mono: Military

The third oldest and simplest used model of human settlement is the mono-military regional centre model.

This model is based on the central buildings of the town or city being the one and only dominant centre of power.

This model reflected as a fort or outpost is reflected in the design of ancient Roman outpost cities, Crusader forts and Colonial frontier forts.

20.38 Regional Model-Omni: Town Square

The fourth oldest, simplest and most used model of human settlement is the omni-town square regional centre model. This model is based on the principle of a central square of buildings providing a multitude of functions with the free space of the square providing unlimited functions.

Unlike buildings, the free space of the town square can be imagined into any occasion from a wedding, dance, open child care centre, concert or funeral.

20.39 Regional Model-Dual: Absolute Monarch

The simplest and oldest dual centre model of human settlement is the religious-monarch regional centre model. This model is based on the principle of a central set of religious buildings representing the ultimate seat of power while juxtaposing is a set of buildings representing the home of an anointed ruler.

Each set of buildings support one another in a power loop as the anointed monarch by birthright is usually sworn to defend the church, while the church defends the legitimacy of the bloodline.

20.40 Regional Model-Dual: Military Dictatorship

The second simplest and oldest dual centre model of human settlement is the dictatorship regional centre model. This model is based on the principle of a central set of palace buildings representing the ultimate seat of power while juxtaposing is a set of buildings representing the home of a powerful military and non-religious state order apparatus.

Each set of buildings support one another in a power loop as the dictator seeks to represent him/herself as supreme ruler supporting the military, the military defends the life of the dictator.

20.41 Regional Model-Dual: Military Socialism

A third dual-centre model of human settlement is the military socialist regional centre model. This model is based on the principle of a central set of government buildings representing the ultimate seat of power while juxtaposing is a set of buildings representing the home of a powerful military and nonreligious state order apparatus.

Each set of buildings support one another in a power loop as the socialist government seeks to represent themselves as supreme rulers supporting the military, the military defends the life of the socialist leadership.

20.42 Regional Model-Tri: Absolute Monarchy

The simplest and oldest tri centre model of human settlement is the monarchy regional centre model. This model is based on the principle of a central set of palace buildings representing the ultimate seat of power while juxtaposing is a set of buildings representing the home of a powerful military and state order apparatus and the countering is a set of buildings representing the ultimate seat of religious authority.

Each set of buildings support one another in a power loop as the anointed monarch by birthright is usually sworn to defend the church, the military is sworn to defend the crown, while the church defends the legitimacy of the bloodline.

20.43 Regional Model-Tri: Constitutional Dictatorship

The second simplest and oldest tri centre model of human settlement is the constitutional dictatorship regional centre model. This model is based on the principle of a central set of palace buildings representing the ultimate seat of power while juxtaposing is a set of buildings representing the home of a powerful military and state order apparatus and the countering is a set of buildings representing a nominal parliament.

Each set of buildings support one another in a power loop as the dictator seeks to represent him/herself as supreme ruler supporting the military, the military defends the life of the dictator while the parliament gives popular support and legitimacy to their rule.

20.44 Regional Model-Tri: Socialist Religious State

The third simplest and oldest tri centre model of human settlement is the socialist-religious regional centre model. This model is based on the principle of a central set of palace buildings representing the ultimate seat of power while juxtaposing is a set of buildings representing the home of a powerful military and the countering is a set of buildings representing the ultimate seat of religious authority.

Each set of buildings support one another in a power loop as the religious socialist government seeks to represent themselves as supreme rulers supporting the military, the military defends the life of the socialist leadership and the religious leaders support.

20.45 Regional Model-Tri: Constitutional Monarchy

A more recent tri centre model of human settlement is the constitutional monarchy regional centre model. This model is based on the principle of a central set of palace buildings representing the home of the monarch while juxtaposing is parliament as the supreme seat of power with the countering of a set of central religious buildings representing the defenders of the faith and anointers of the monarch.

20.46 Regional Model-Tri: Secular Constitutional State

A more recent tri centre model of human settlement is the secular constitutional democracy regional centre model. This model is based on the principle of a central set of palace or mansion buildings representing the home of the leader while juxtaposing is parliament as the supreme seat of power with the countering of a set of central justice courts and buildings representing the constitution and laws of the nation.

20.47 Regional Model-Omni: Secular Constitutional State

The omni-secular constitutional state model is an as yet unimplemented city model which focuses the centre of power between knowledge, parliament and the leadership of the state.

20.48 The model cities of civilization

In addition to considering the way in which components are all common to all cities, it is also important to consider that the different basic structural types of cities are in fact based on model cities. From the first model city- ideas, inspiration, technology from the Gods, to the most recent cities of humanity. each model city represents a major milestone in the fundamental outlook on citieseither in a progressive (positive) way or negative way on the conditions of life for the citizens of the city. We define the following cities as the key model cities from Ancient times to today: 1 2 3 4 5 Helios Atlantis Sumer Model Babylon Athens pre15,000 6,000 2300 600 BCE 200 BCE

6 Rome 7 Paris 8 London 8 Washington DC

150 CE 1000 CE 1667 CE 1900 CE

Each model city provided a model in some dramatic shift and focus in the worlds potential1 2 3 4 5 6 Sumer Model Babylon Athens Rome Paris London provided the basic model of city- religious centre integrated systems, trade, education- regal centre public buildings, personal property- aristocracy public entertainment/welfare/charity/slums-regal trade-slums/industry/worker slave-aristocracy Public housing/inner city housing/-regal

The battle is now between the aristocracy and the merchants ( usually now one and the same in the world of politics and big business) just what model city shall exist of the future. Note how different models of executive, of leadership have been employed with each model city, showing the traditional battle between religious and regal, between regal and aristocracy and then of aristocracy and merchants. That each type has held sway in a certain system for time, but has not always succeeded, thereby implying a general turn of preference of people to some other model of organized society.

20.49 Pre 15,000 BCE- Helios- The city of the Gods

We begin with the first model city of civilization. Based on the earliest writings of the earliest cultures (including Egyptian, Sumerian, Asian and Sth America) civilization was considered a "gift from the gods." Even the Christian Bible maintains that the keys to civilization such as writing, words and ideas are all gifts from God. In ancient Greek legend, the Gods possessed their own city (or cities) before humans walked the Earth. Given (a) gods were seen by our oldest ancestors to be the bringer of civilization and (b) they reputedly had their own cities, then it must follow that the city of the gods must be the first model city of human civilization. 20.28.1 Where was the city of the Gods and what was its name? For all the archeology that has taken place (to date), at no point has irrefutable evidence in the form of skeletal remains or building remnants been found that points to a colony or city of "gods" (aliens, higher order life etc) having existed on Earth. Possibly, such evidence may one day come to light. However, we only have the stories and legends of cities of the gods existing prior to human existence in the writings of the most ancient of human cultures. No clear direction can be given as to the exact place of such supposed settlements. Nor can we gauge the actual name of the

supposed city. For this reason, we choose the name Helios, or sun city to signify this model of all models of cities. 20.28.2 What was the architecture and structure of Helios? Ancient writings of Greece in particular, describe a place not dissimilar to the traditional Type I human cities of the centre of the city being prominently signified by a large temple to the supreme gods, with smaller temples fanning out for the lesser gods. The city itself,supposedly had all the key building components expected of an ancient city including store houses for food, and even walls.

20.50 15,000 BCE-8,000 - Atlantis- The 'perfect' city

Perhaps one of the greatest unsolved mysteries of our time is the site of the lost island /city/continent of Atlantis. The reason for interest in Atlantis is the very old age that the story is said to be- pre-dating the early Egyptian and Sumerian cultures. The history of the Island of Atlantis was written by the Greek philosopher Plato around 380 BC. Plato in his book Critias and Timaeus said that the island of Atlantis was a continent as large as Asia (Indian Peninsula) and Lybia combined, but, in a single day and night of disastrous rain followed by earthquakes and floods, the island of Atlantis sank into the sea and disappeared. Apparently the island was situated in the Atlantic Ocean in front of the straits called by the Greeks the Pillars of Hercules (the Strait of Gibraltar) and here we have the root of the problem, for in accordance with our modern geological science it is said to be not possible for a whole continent to sink and disappear in the space of a single day; no one has ever found any remains of a civilization or continent sunk in the Atlantic and many people, especially archeologists don't believe in the truth of Plato's story. However, a strange thing occurs when one puts Plato's description of Asia and Lybia together. One immediately identifies the continent of Sth America, which indeed is outside the Pillars of Hercules. To begin with, the word Atlantis consists of two native South American words, Atl which means "water" in the native tongue and "Antis" which means "copper", origin of the name of the Andes mountains and the name of the tribe which still lives today in a part of Peru. For the Incas, their empire was called "Tahuantinsuyo"- land of four quarters- and one of these quarters was "Antisuyo", home of the Antis indians. The native Aztecs claimed to have come from an island originally called "Aztlan": their own language was called Nahuatl, they had many words such as Tamatl (tomato), Chocolatl (chocolate) and Quetzalcoatl their principle god. Also in Mexico there are many sites with names such as Cuitatlan, Miahuatlan and Mazatln. The key to the mystery is the description given by Plato of a plain

which existed in the centre of the continent. This plain was in the centre of the continent, but at the same time it was next to the ocean, further it was in the centre of the longest side of the continent, the plain was very smooth and level, it was surrounded by mountains on all sides, it was in a region very high above the level of the ocean and the plain has the form of a "quadrangle, rectilinear for the most part and elongated". We can also be certain that this is also a perfect description of the Bolivian Altplano, the largest perfectly level plain in the world and which also contains the two island seas of Lake Titicaca and Lake Poopo. But the part which is interesting is the part surrounding Lake Poopo because this is the part which has the unique rectangular shape and the presence of the island sea is the second key to the mystery. Plato said that on the plain there was a city which was also an island and has the name of Atlantis. It was built on the remains of an extinct volcano and consistent of a central island surrounded by alternate rings of water and land. Now Plato always maintained that the story of Atlantis was not an invention of his own but came originally from the priests of the Egyptian temples. Now suppose that in the translation there should be an error so fundamental and simple as this: it was not the island continent of Atlantis which sank into the sea in a single day but only the island city of Atlantis which disappeared under the huge inland sea of Lake Poopo. Plato himself did not know anything of the Bolivian Altiplano or of the continents of the "Americas" and thought that the sunken continent was exactly in front of the entrance to the Mediterranean because he said that the ocean in those parts was no longer navigable "on account of the barrier of shallow mud which the island threw up as it settled down" and which "prevents those who are sailing out from here to the ocean beyond from proceeding further." In truth, it is not the Atlantic Ocean which is no longer navigable but only the shallow Lake Poopo which only reaches a depth of a few feet and in the dry season has been known to dry up altogether leaving behind brilliant white salt deposits. The third key to the mystery is that we should note the island disappeared in a single day and night of rain, which resulted in earthquakes and floods. This region is in the centre of the Avenue of Volcanoes, it is a region where there are always earthquakes and floods- the plain is like a closed basin and should there be a period of torrential rain there would be no possibility of exit for the water from the plain. In fact thousands of years ago, the entire Altiplano was the bed of a gigantic inland sea, known as Lake Minchin for the period between 38,000 and 23,000 BC and renamed Lake Tauca for the period when it re-appeared between 9,000 and 8,000 BC With this new hypothesis, it is clear that all the other details given by Plato being at this site in Sth America. The walls and city and temples were covered with metals which we today consider rare and precious such as gold, silver, copper, tin and another mysterious metal called "orichalcum" which could be polished

and "sparkled like red fire." Here we have the fourth key to the site of the city. All these metals are found not far from Lake Poopo. The city of Ouro has the mining industry as its base. In Corocoro there are mines of gold and copper. Potosi was the mountain of solid silver which became the fountain of wealth for the Spanish empires and today is the mountain famous for its deposits of tin. Orichalcum was most probably an alloy of gold and copper and occurs as a natural alloy only in the Andes mountains. Plato mentioned that it was a natural alloy since it was mined in many places in the island (continent). the tradition of covering the alls of cities and temples in gold and silver was continued by the Incas who also had a fabulous garden full of birds and animals all made of solid gold. other similarities- the Incas constructed baths where they used the natural springs of hot and cold water, they kept statues in solid gold in the images of their ancestors and said that the first inhabitants of the land were born in pairs just as Plato claimed for Atlantis. One of the other interesting aspects of Plato's text is the description of a huge system of irrigation canals which the kings of Atlantis had constructed on the plain. One of today's problems is that for most of the year there is no rainfall and because of this the ground has reverted to desert. At other times in January, february and March there are floods and when the water later evaporates it leaves behind deposits of salt which contaminate the land. According to Plato the kings of Atlantis has constructed a canal of such dimensions it seems incredible that it should be so large as the account states but we must report what we heard. its width was one stade (600ft) and this canal went round the perimeter of the entire plain, collecting the streams from the mountains and discharging them into the sea somewhere in the vicinity of the city. Additional canals of 100ft in width were cut across the plain at intervals of 100 stades, discharging into the large canal on the seward side of the plain and connected to each other by further transverse passages. It was in this manner it was said, they transported the timbers from the mountains to the city, also the fruits of the earth of which they harvested two crops per year, making use of the rains from Heaven in the winter and the waters that issue from the earth in summer, redistributed by means of the extensive canal system. In the whole of the world, there exists no other plain so level, with this particular rectangular configuration and with the resources of water into the surrounding mountains including the immense reserve of fresh water in Lake Titicaca to the north. Additionally, if one follows for example the 12,000 ft elevation contour on a map of the Altiplano, one can see that it would be possible to construct a canal which would run around the perimeter plain making a circuit which returns to itself described by Plato. In July 1995, satellite analysis revealed the remnants of a massive canal network that once existed across the entire plain itself. Incredibly in the north-west of Lake Poopo, the measurement of a significant length of remain canal is indeed 600ft from crest to crest! 20.50.1 1220- 1186BC - the invasion of the sea peoples

It would make sense that the Minoans and their distinct and curiously original styles were from the island of Crete a colony of traders and people from Sth America, given the similarity of style and position given the decline of the city of Tiawanaka. Around 1220 to 1186Bc there were huge invasions of Egypt by a people called "the Sea People's or "the people who came from the isles in the midst of the sea". The invaders consisted of a confederation of nations. It is also interesting that, as one can see from the bas-reliefs on the walls of the temple of Medinet Habu in Egypt, their ships were sailing ships with out oars and in the narrow confines of the Nile Delta they were totally defeated by the powerful Rameses III. There is no question, the destruction of Crete and the Minoan cultures occurred around this time, hence the reflection back to Greece and the poetic understanding that the message comes to us via Greek, that the Greeks hail their sailing heritage as ancient and divine wisdom- the Phoenecian traders. Thousands of the invaders were taken prisoner and later given their own lands to settle, such as the Philistines who were allowed to occupy the land which took their name and became Palestine. Others entered into the service of the Egyptian king and it seems very likely that the true history of Atlantis, with so many precise details of a geographic nature originated with one of these.

20.51 6,000-2,300- Sumer- The 'template' city states

Ur was an ancient southern Mesopotamia (Sumer), situated about 140 miles (225km) southeast of the site of Babylon and about 10 miles (16 km) west of the present bed of the Euphrates River. During its habitation, the river ran next to the city. The city was founded at some time around 4,000 BCE, by settlers thought to have been from northern Mesopotamia, farmers still in the Chalcolithic phase of culture.

Between 2900 and 2400 BCE, Ur became the capital of the whole of southern Mesopotamia under the Early Sumerian kings.

20.52 2,300-400- Babylon- The 'centre' of trade & wisdom

Babylonian Bab-ilu, Old Babylonian Bab-ilim, Hebrew Bavel, or Babel, Arabic Atlal Babil, one of the most famous cities of antiquity. It was the capital of southern Mesopotamia (Babylonia) from the early 2nd millennium to the early 1st millennium BCE and capital of the NeoBabylonian (Chaldean) Empire in the 7th and 6th centuries BCE, when it was at the height of its splendor. Its extensive ruins on the Euphrates River about 55 miles (88 kilometres) south of Baghdad lie near the modern town of al-Hillah, Iraq.

Though traces of prehistoric settlement exist, Babylon's development as a major city was late by Mesopotamian standards, no mention of it occurring before the 23rd century BC. After the fall of the 3rd dynasty of Ur, under which Babylon had been a provincial centre, it became the nucleus of a small kingdom established in 1894 BC by the Amorite king Sumuabum, whose successors consolidated its status. The sixth and best known of the Amorite dynasts, Hammurabi (1792-50 BC), conquered the surrounding city-states and raised Babylon to the capital of a kingdom comprising all southern Mesopotamia and part of Assyria (northern Iraq). Its political importance, together with its favorable geographical position, made it henceforth the main commercial and administrative centre of Babylonia, while its wealth and prestige made it a target for foreign conquerors. The ancient city. Evidence of the topography of ancient Babylon is provided by excavations, cuneiform texts, and descriptions by the 5th-century Greek historian Herodotus and other classical authors. The extensive rebuilding by Nebuchadrezzar has left relatively little archaeological data in the central area earlier than his time, while elsewhere the water table has limited excavation in early strata. The reports of Herodotus largely relate to the Babylon built by Nebuchadrezzar. Nebuchadrezzar's Babylon was the largest city in the world, covering 2,500 acres (1,000 hectares). The Euphrates, which has since shifted its course, flowed through it, the older part of the city being on the east bank. There the central feature was Esagila, the great temple of Marduk, with its associated ziggurat (a tower built in several stages) Etemenanki. The latter, popularly known as the Tower of Babel, had a base 100 yards on a side, and its seven stages, the uppermost a temple in blue glaze,

reached to a height of 300 feet (91 metres). Four other temples in the eastern half of the city are known from excavations and a larger number from texts. Along the Euphrates, particularly in the neighbourhood of Esagila, were quays for trading vessels, and textual evidence that Babylon was an entrept for trade with south Babylonia points to the existence of warehouses. The river was spanned by a bridge on brick piles, with stone capping, to the western half of the city. The streets were laid out on a grid, with the main axis parallel to the river. From Esagila northward passed the paved Processional Way, its walls decorated with enamelled lions. Passing through the Ishtar Gate, adorned with enamelled bulls and dragons, it led to the Akitu House, a small temple outside the city, visited by Marduk at the New Year festival. West of the Ishtar Gate, one of eight fortified gates, were two palace complexes that covered about 40 acres with their fortifications. East of the Processional Way lay an area that since the time of Hammurabi had contained private dwellings built around central courtyards. A powerful double wall, reinforced by a fosse (ditch), enclosed the city on both sides of the Euphrates. Beyond the city walls to the east an outer rampart of triple construction, 11 miles long, met the Euphrates south and north of the city, at its northern junction enclosing another palace. Between the inner and outer defenses was irrigated land with a network of canals, some going back to the time of Hammurabi. Greek tradition refers to the Hanging Gardens.

20.53 400 BCE-0CE- Athens- The centre of applied systems

Athens lies five miles (eight kilometres) from the Bay of Phaleron, an inlet of the Aegean (Aigaon) Sea where Piraeus (Piraivs), the port of Athens, is situated, in a mountain-girt arid basin divided north-south by a line of hills.

The site of Athens has been inhabited since the Neolithic Period (before 3000 BC). Evidence for this has come from pottery finds on and around the Acropolis but particularly from a group of about 20 shallow wells, or pits, on the northwest slope of the Acropolis, just below the Klepsydra spring. These wells contained burnished pots of excellent quality, which show that even at this remote period Athens had a settled population, with high technical and artistic standards. There are similar indications of occupation in the Early and Middle Bronze ages (3000-1500 BC). The earliest buildings date from the Late Bronze Age, particularly about 1200 BC when the Acropolis was the citadel. Around its top was built a massive wall of cyclopean masonry (a type of construction using huge blocks without mortar). The construction of this wall probably marks the union of the 12 towns of Attica (the department in which Athens lies) under the leadership of Athens, an event traditionally ascribed to Theseus. The palace of the king was in the area of the later Erechtheum, but almost no traces of it have been identified. The town, insofar as it was outside the Acropolis, lay to the south, where wells and slight remains of houses have been found. The principal cemetery lay to the northwest, and several richly furnished chamber tombs and many smaller ones have been discovered in the area that later became the Agora.

Athens' expansion The 6th century BC was a period of phenomenal growth, particularly during the tyranny of Peisistratus and his sons (c. 560-510 BC). On the Acropolis, the old primitive shrines began to be replaced with large stone

temples. About 580 BC a temple to Athena, known as the Hecatompedon (Hundred-Footer), was erected on the site later to be occupied by the Parthenon. The pediments (triangular spaces forming the gable) of this temple were decorated with large-scale sculpture in gaily coloured, porous limestone, representing groups of lions bringing down bulls, and with snaky-tailed monsters in the angles. These sculptures are now displayed in the Acropolis Museum. In 566 BC Peisistratus reorganized the Panathenaic Games in honour of Athena on a four yearly basis. About 530 BC a large peripteral temple (one having a row of columns on all sides) to Athena Polias (Guardian of the City) was erected near the centre of the Acropolis, on the site of the old Bronze Age palace. It had marble pedimental sculpture representing the battle of the gods and giants. Besides these two major temples there were five smaller buildings, treasuries and the like, and a wealth of votive offerings in marble, bronze, and terra-cotta. The Acropolis thus became a fullfledged sanctuary. This change from citadel to sanctuary is also reflected in the arrangement of the entrance at the west. Instead of a winding path suitable for defense, there was, from about the middle of the 6th century BC, a broad ramp, designed as a ceremonial approach, leading up to the gate. This basic change of attitude toward the Acropolis must mean that the whole lower town was surrounded by a fortification wall and the Acropolis was no longer needed for defense. The ancient historians Herodotus and Thucydides tell of such a wall, but no trace of it has been found, and its course and date are uncertain. In the lower town, too, the 6th century was a period of growth and change. The old Agora, below the western approach to the Acropolis, was now inadequate, and a new one was therefore laid out in the low ground to the northwest. This was accomplished by demolishing houses and filling in wells and gullies, to create a broad, open square, which was used for gatherings of all sorts: political, judicial, religious, and commercial. Dramatic contests were held there, too, before the construction of a separate theatre. Various public buildings and shrines were erected around the borders of the square, including the Basileios (Royal) Stoa, where the archon Basileus, one of the chief magistrates of the city, had his headquarters; the Old Bouleuterion (or Council House); and a large enclosure (100 square feet) that probably housed the Heliaia, the largest of the popular lawcourts. At the southeast corner of the square a fountain house received water from outside the city through a conduit of terra-cotta pipes. In 480 BC this flourishing city was captured and destroyed by the Persians. The Acropolis buildings were burned and the houses in the lower town mostly destroyed, except for a few that had been spared to house the Persian leaders. Athens at its zenith When the Athenians returned, in 479 BC, they immediately rebuilt their fortification wall larger than before. About 20 years later the famous Long Walls were built, connecting the city with its port, Piraeus, four miles away. They were parallel over most of their course, forming a corridor 550 feet wide. These walls played a vital part in the history of Athens during the Classical period, for they allowed it to carry the

supplies brought in by its powerful fleet in safety to the city, even when enemy forces roamed the Attic countryside. For 30 years after the Persian destruction, the Athenians built only fortifications and some secular buildings in the Agora, notably the Stoa Poikile, or Painted Colonnade, with its famous paintings by Polygnotus and Micon, one of which represented the Battle of Marathon. The Tholos, the round building that served as the headquarters of the executive committee of the council, was also built at this time. Lack of attention to the Acropolis was partly the result of the oath, sworn before the Battle of Plataea in 479 BC, that sanctuaries destroyed by the barbarians would not be rebuilt but left as memorials of their impiety. In 449 BC, however, peace with Persia was at last officially established, and the oath was annulled. Athens, moreover, had ample funds, for the silver mines in the Laurium (Lavrion) Hills of southern Attica were in full production. These mines had always been exploited, but in 483 BC a big strike was made, the proceeds of which were used to build the ships that won the Battle of Salamis in 480 BC. Thereafter, the mines remained productive throughout the 5th and 4th centuries, providing Athens with the sinews of its strength in the great Classical age. Another source of revenue was the tribute that the allies had been paying, as members of the Delian League, to prosecute the war against Persia. Athens had been collecting and administering this money and, even though the war was officially over, continued to collect it in spite of the protests of the allies, who degenerated into subjects of Athens. Pericles deemed it proper, over the protests of his opponents, to use this money on beautifying the city; in this way he could keep the money in circulation and provide jobs for the whole population. Thus began one of the largest and most enduring works programs in history. In a period of 40 years the Acropolis was entirely rebuilt in gleaming white marble quarried from Mt. Pentelicus, 10 miles north of the city. The first great work was the Parthenon, begun in 447 BC and finished, except for some details, in 438 BC. The architects were Ictinus and Callicrates, and Phidias was in charge of the whole artistic program. The building was considerably larger than was usual, having eight columns across the ends and 17 on the long sides, against six by 13 for the average temple. It was richly decorated with sculpture, having a running frieze all around the top of the cella (the walled-in chamber within the colonnade) wall outside, and sculptured metopes and sculptured pediments. Inside the cella stood the cult statue, the great gold and ivory figure of Athena, the work of Phidias. No sooner was the main work on the Parthenon completed than the Propylaea was begun. This was the monumental gateway with five doors at the head of the approach, designed by the architect Mnesicles. Its large outer vestibule was covered by a marble ceiling, supported by marble beams with a free span of 18 feet, about which Pausanias wrote, "The Propylaea has a ceiling of white marble which in the beauty and size of the stones remains supreme even to my time." Work on the Propylaea was nearly finished when it was stopped by the outbreak of the Peloponnesian War in 432 BC, but, as things began to go well for Athens, the little temple of Athena Nike was erected on the bastion in front of the Propylaea, perhaps in 425 BC. Around the time of the Peace of Nicias (421 BC) the Erechtheum was begun. This was a small Ionic temple of highly irregular plan, which housed various early cults and sacred tokens. When the building was about half-finished, work was suddenly interrupted,

probably because of the disastrous Athenian expedition to Sicily (415413 BC), but it was resumed in 409, and the building was completed in 406. The final defeat of Athens two years later put an end to all building, but the Acropolis had been completed, and in later centuries only secondary buildings and monuments were added. In the second half of the 5th century there was also some building activity in the lower town. Even before the Parthenon, work was begun on the temple of Hephaestus (the god of fire), the Theseum, which still stands on a low hill. In the Agora itself, a new Bouleuterion was built, and two colonnades, the Stoa of Zeus and the South Stoa, were constructed. On the south slope of the Acropolis, next to the theatre, Pericles built an odeum, a large enclosed concert hall, its roof supported by a forest of columns. Of the theatre itself there are no identifiable remains, but the arrangements were no doubt quite simple, and it is known that a theatre existed on this spot from the late 6th century BC because of the old temple of Dionysus (the god of wine) nearby, which dates from the same period. A sanctuary of Asclepius was founded on the south slope of the Acropolis in 420 BC. Athens was slow in recovering from its defeat in the Peloponnesian War, but in 394 BC its admiral, Conon, won a decisive naval victory over Sparta off Cnidus, on the west coast of Asia Minor. As a result he rebuilt the Long Walls, which the Spartans had demolished to the music of flutes 10 years before, believing they were inaugurating the freedom of Greece. The walls of Piraeus were also rebuilt, and those of the city were repeatedly strengthened in the course of the 4th century, notably by the addition of a ditch, or moat, as protection against siege machinery. Apart from military works, there was little building in 4th-century Athens until the years 338-322 BC, when the orator Lycurgus was in control of the state finances and there was great activity. On the Pnyx, the broadbacked hill west of the Acropolis where the Athenian popular assembly had met since the reforms of Cleisthenes in the 6th century, a large auditorium was constructed. At the same time, two large stoas were started on the terrace above. The Theatre of Dionysus was rebuilt and greatly enlarged, with stone seats to accommodate the crowds. (Lycurgus did another service to the theatre by having definitive copies made of the old plays.) The Panathenaic stadium was also built about then, partly with state funds and partly by private contributions; the land was donated by a certain Deinias, and one Eudemus of Plataea provided 1,000 yoke of draft animals to level the ground. The period was one of lavish private expenditure in other fields as well. The tripods won in choral contests were displayed on elaborate monuments, sometimes even resembling small temples; the best preserved of these is that of Lysicrates (334 BC), a small round building with six Corinthian columns. Tombs also became increasingly elaborate, often portraying the whole family in high relief. In 315 BC a stop was put to all this extravagance by the sumptuary laws of Demetrius of Phalerum. Meanwhile, the philosophy schools flourished. Plato (c. 428-348/347 BC) established himself in the Academy, a gymnasium that had existed since at least the 6th century BC in the great olive grove about a mile west of the city. Plato himself had a house and garden nearby. Aristotle and his Peripatetics occupied the Lyceum, another gymnasium, just outside the

city to the east, and his successor Theophrastus lived nearby. Antisthenes and the Cynics used the Cynosarges gymnasium to the southeast of the city. Zeno held forth in the heart of the city, in the Stoa Poikile, in the Agora, and his followers were therefore known as Stoics. Epicurus and his followers had a house and garden in town. Apart from its temples and public buildings and its great avenues, however, Athens seems to have made a poor impression. A 3rd-centuryBC visitor complained that the city was dry and ill-supplied with water, that it was badly laid out because of its great antiquity, and that most of the houses were mean. The streets were in fact narrow and winding, and the houses, it is true, presented a blank wall to the street except for the entrance door, but then they were built around a central courtyard, off which the various rooms opened. There was often an upper story, and the court had a well. Water brought in by the aqueducts was not considered good because it was hard (containing salts of magnesium or calcium) and caused rheumatism. Waste water was carried off in an elaborate system of underground drains beneath the streets.

20.54 0 BCE-400CE- Rome- The centre of the world

Rome is located in central Italy on the Tiber (Tevere) River, 15 miles (24 kilometres) inland from the Tyrrhenian Sea. The Roman countryside, the Campagna, was one of the last areas of central Italy to be settled in antiquity. The city was built on a defensible hill dominating the last downstream, high-banked river crossing where traverse was facilitated by a midstream island.

Although the site of Rome was occupied as early as the Bronze Age (c.

1500 BC) and perhaps earlier, continuous settlement did not take place until the beginning of the 1st millennium BC. By the 8th century BC, separate villages of various iron-using Indo-European peoples appeared, first on the Palatine and the Aventine hills and soon thereafter on the Esquiline and Quirinal ridges.

20.55 0 BCE-400CE- Paris- The centre of the world

Paris is located some 233 miles (375 kilometres) upstream from the river's mouth on the English Channel. The modern city has spread from the island (the le de la Cit) and far beyond both banks of the Seine. The City of Paris itself covers an area of 41 square miles (105 square kilometres); the Greater Paris conurbation, formed of suburbs and other built-up areas, extends around it in all directions to cover approximately 890 square miles.

Paris was in existence by the end of the 3rd century BC as a settlement on an island, the modern le de la Cit, in the Seine River and was inhabited by a Gallic tribe known as the Parisii. The first recorded name for the settlement was Lutetia (Latin: Midwater-Dwelling). When the Romans arrived, the Parisii were sufficiently organized and wealthy to have their own gold coinage. Julius Caesar wrote in his Commentaries (52 BC) that the inhabitants burned their town rather than surrender it to the Romans. In the 1st century AD Lutetia grew as a Roman town and spread to the left bank of the Seine. The straight streets and the public buildings in thislocale were characteristically Roman, including a forum, several baths, and an amphitheatre. A series of barbarian invasions began in the late 2nd century. The town on the left bank was destroyed by the mid-3rd century, and the

inhabitants took refuge on the island, around which they built a thick stone wall. From the early 4th century the place became known as Paris. By this time, Christianity seems to have spread to Paris. A 10th-century sacramentary cites St. Denis (Latin Dionysius) as having been the first bishop of Paris, in about AD 250. A graveyard excavated near the Carrefour des Gobelins showsthat there was a Christian community in very early times on the banks of the Bivre (a left-bank tributary of the Seine); but it was probably under St. Marcel, the ninth bishop (c. 360 436), that the first Christian church, a wooden structure, was built on the island. By the end of the 5th century, the Salian Franks, under Clovis, had captured Paris from the Gauls, making it their own capital. It remained the capital until the end of Chilperic's reign in 584, but succeeding Merovingians carriedthe crown elsewhere. Charlemagne's dynasty, the Carolingians, tended to leave the city in the charge of the counts of Paris, who in many cases had less control over administration than did the bishops. After the election of Hugh Capet, a count of Paris, to the throne in 987, Paris, as a Capetian capital, became more important. The population and commerce of Paris increased with the gradual return of political stability and public order under theCapetian kings. The maintenance of order was entrusted to a representative of the king, the provost of Paris (prvt de Paris), first mentioned in 1050. In the 11th century the first guilds were formed, among them the butchers' guild and the river-merchants' guild, or marchandise de l'eau. In 1141 the crown sold the principal port (near the Htel de Ville) to the marchandise, whose ship-blazoned arms eventually were adopted as those of Paris. In 1171 Louis VII gave the marchandise a charter confirming its ancient right to a monopoly of river trade. During the reign of Philip II (11791223), Paris was extensively improved. Streets were paved, the city wall was enlarged, and a number of new towns were enfranchised. In 1190, when Philip II went on a crusade for a year, he entrusted the city's administration not to the provost but to the guild. In 1220 the crown ceded one of its own precious rights to the townsmenthe right to collect duty on incominggoods. The merchants were also made responsible for maintaining fair weights and measures. The King's formal recognition of the University of Paris in 1200 was also a recognition of the natural division of Paris into three parts. On the Right Bank were the mercantile quarters, on the island was the cit, and the Left Bank contained the university and academic quarters. Numerous colleges were also founded, including the Sorbonne (about 1257).

20.56 0 BCE-400CE- London- The centre of the world

London is located on the River Thames 50 miles (about 80 km) upstream from its estuary on the North Sea.

Although excavations west of London have revealed the remains of circular hutsdating from before 2000 BC, the history of the city begins effectively with the Romans. Beginning their occupation of Britain under Emperor Claudius in AD 43, the Roman armies soon gained control of much of the southeast of Britain. At a point just north of the marshy valley of the Thames, where two low hills were sited, they established Londinium, with a bridge giving access from land to the south. The first definite mention of London refers to the year AD 60 and occurs in the work of the Roman historian Tacitus, who wrote of a celebrated centre of commerce filled with traders. In the same year, Iceni tribesmen under Queen Boudicca (Boadicea) sacked the settlement. From traces of the fires they set, it can be determined that the city had already begun to spread across the Walbrook valley toward the hill where St. Paul's Cathedral was later built. After the sack, the city was reconstructed, including a great basilicaan aisled hall 500 feet (150 metres) long. On the same spot today stands Leadenhall Market, an 1881 creation of cast iron and glass. To protect the city, Cripplegate Fort was built by the end of the 1st century, with an amphitheatre nearby. The first half of the 2nd century was a prosperous time, but the fortunes ofLondinium changed about AD 150, and areas of housing and workshops were demolished. A landward wall was built aboutAD 200 for defense. Remains of the wall can be seen at the edge of the Barbican (near the street called London Wall) and on Tower Hill. In medieval times the walls were rebuilt and extended, requiring new gateways in addition to the six Roman ones. During the

3rd century timber quays along the Thames and public buildings were rebuilt, and a riverside wall was constructed. An area of some 330 acres (about 135 hectares) was enclosed. Londinium in the 3rd and 4th centuries was less populous than in AD 125. When the legionswere recalled to Rome early in the 5th century, there was widespread abandonment of property. What happened to London over the next two centuries is a matter of conjecture. No records tell how or when London fell into Saxon hands, but it was still, or had once again become, a city of great importance by 597, when Pope Gregory I the Great sent St. Augustine to England from Rome. Aethelberht I, king of Kent, founded St. Paul's Cathedral, and Mellitus was installed as bishop there in 604. By the late 7th century London had emerged again as a major trading centre. Reinterpreting evidence from various excavations, archaeologists now argue that in the 8th century there was a large and apparently densely built-up settlement (at least 150 acres [60 hectares]) of craftsmen and traders just upstream of the depopulated Roman city and extending inland to what is nowTrafalgar Square. The settlement was called Lundenwic; however, virtually nothing is known about this phase of London's history until the time of Alfred the Great (849899)and the wars with the Danes, who invaded England in 865. A little farther west a church was founded on marshy Thorney Island in 785, later to be replaced by a great abbey (the Westminster) built at the behest of the pious Anglo-Saxon king Edward the Confessor. The city's future importance as a centre of financial and militaryand therefore politicalpower became clear at the time of the Norman Conquest (1066). One of the first acts of William I the Conqueror was to accord a charter promising the citizens of London that they should enjoythe same laws as under Edward the Confessor and that he would suffer no one to do them wrong. Just outside the city walls he established the Norman keep (theWhite Tower), which was the central stronghold of the fortress-castle known as the Tower of London . A roughly square (118 by 107 feet [36 by 33 metres]) structure, the White Tower is 90 feet (27 metres) high, with a tower at each corner of the walls. When in the late 12th century King Richard I returned from the Third Crusade with a new concept of fortification, he began surrounding the keep with concentric systems of curtain walls with towers at intervals, a project completed by Henry III (ruled 121672). Because virtually every reign since then has added its contribution, the Tower incorporates architecture from many periods. An official royal residence through the reign of James I in the early 17th century, it has also housed the Royal Mint, the Royal Menagerie, the public records, an observatory, an arsenal, and a prison. Some executions took place within the confines of the Tower, but most were carried out on Tower Hill just beyond. The Crown Jewels are now on display in the Tower, as is a superb collection of arms and armour. The Norman kings selected Westminster as the site for their permanent residence and government. Edward the Confessor (ruled 104266) constructed an enormous church dedicated to St. Peter (and later referred to as Westminster Abbey) as well as a royal palace. The ancient city of London, meanwhile, reestablished its role as a centre of trade. In 1085 London had between 10,000 and 15,000 inhabitants (less than 2 percent of England's population) andwas the largest city in Europe north of the Alps. About 1087 amajor fire destroyed many of the city's wooden houses and St. Paul's. In the rebuilding, houses of stone and tile began

toappear, and some streets were partially cleansed by introducing open sewers and conduits, but wooden houses remained the norm. By 1200 the city and its suburbs involved a jurisdiction covering 680 acres (about 275 hectares)which still defines the official limit of the City of London and contained a population of 30,000 people. Between 1050 and 1300 construction of quays on the northern banks of the Thames led to the waterfront being extended southward by some 100 yards (90 metres). A colony of Danish merchants was outnumbered by Germans, who had their own trading enclave, the Hanseatic Steelyard, on the waterfront until they were expelled in 1598. Other important trading groups, who assimilated easily into London's population, were the Gascons, Flemish, and northern Italians. When members of the last group were firmly established as bankers, the Jews, who had arrived withthe Normans, were banished in 1290; they were not to return until 1656.

20.57 0 BCE-400CE- Washington DC - The centre of the world

Washington DC ("District of Columbia") is located at the head of navigation of the Potomac River, which separates it from Virginia to the southwest of the United States of America

The District of Columbia, founded on July 16, 1790, is a federal district as specified by the United States Constitution. The land forming the original District came from the states of Virginia and Maryland. However, the area south of the Potomac River (39 square miles or about 100 km) was returned, or "retroceded", to Virginia in 1847 and now is incorporated into Arlington County and the City of Alexandria. After 1847, the remaining land that formed the area now known as the District of Columbia was formed exclusively from land that once belonged to

Maryland. The cornerstone of the White House, the first newly constructed building of the new capital, was laid on October 13, 1792. That was the day after the first solemn celebrations of Columbus Day, marking its 300th anniversary. On August 24, 1814, British forces burned the capital during the most notable raid of the War of 1812 in retaliation for the sacking and burning of York (modern-day Toronto) during the winter months, which had left many Canadians homeless. President James Madison and U.S. forces fled before the British forces arrived and burned public buildings, including the Capitol and the Treasury building. The White House was burned and gutted. The Navy Yard was also burnedby American sailors. During the 1830s the District was home to one of the largest slave trading operations in the countr. Washington remained a small citythe 1860 Census put the population at just over 75,000 personsuntil the outbreak of the Civil War in 1861. The significant expansion of the federal government to administer the war and its legacies such as veterans' pensions led to notable growth in the city's population. By 1870, the District population had grown to nearly 132,000.

In terms of regional and government models, Washington is unique in that during certain federal administrations the city and nation behaves as a secular constitutional democracy, while during other times, the city and nation is effectively run as a constitutional dictatorship similar to the model of ancient Rome.


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The living universe

In the previous chapters, our journey has taken us into the realm of the infinitesimally small particles that build relationships to make subatomic particles, atomic particles and then finally everything we see and here in our world and the immediate world around us. We then ventured into the world of the very large, galaxies and solar systems, seeing the patterns of Unique Collective Awareness in all its manifestations at each and every level. We journeyed briefly into the concept of life, higher order life, human life, human history and then human nature. Yet while our journey has answered a great many questions regarding the relationships of objects from the very large to the very small, we have not yet answered some of the core questions that have traditionally vexed human beings: is there a heaven? is there a hell?, is there a collective manifestation of good (god)? is there a collective manifestations of evil (devil)? does universal karma exist? At the same time, there are practical questions yet to answer such as: is the universe expanding? and if so, will it ever end? how is the universe structured? It is therefore time to return to the beginning- the discussion of absolutes- the universe, the infinite array of unique unita that is the prime dream.


Addressing the historical beliefs of humanity on absolutes In any discussion of absolutes there is the risk of over simplifying the answer. Relative to the history of humanity, absolutes concerning life and the universe have traditionally been the tool of religious philosophers and organisations. Some of these absolutes, such as the concept of a supreme god, the existence of heaven and hell profoundly influenced the psyche of countless generations of human beings. The reason is simple- human beings not only need to understand detail of relationships between various layers of life and matter, but ultimately seek our relationship with absolutes. In the context of UCA, we are able to address these concepts clearly, from the understanding that everything we see and feel is a dreamthat when alive, we exist within a certain dream, that when we cease to command a physical body, our existence expands and returns to the greater dream of life.


The historical scientific view of the general behaviour of the universe

Until the 1950's and then the 1990's, humanity did not have all the necessary tools to answer once and for all, fundamental questions such as: the age of the Universe? is the universe expanding or contracting?

what is the ultimate destiny of the Universe? where did the Universe start? There simply wasn't the technology available to look back at the Universe and attempt to pinpoint the exact location and time of its creation. Computers were not yet at the advanced stage that they could cope with the massive amounts of data to be assessed on far distant galaxies and their behaviour. Scientists instead, had to rely on carefully crafted mathematical formulas and what observations they could make to construct "theories" on the growth and/or decline of the Universe, its approximate age and what is happening. It was in this period of advancing mathematical thought and breakthrough from the 1920's onwards, that such theories as Einstein's theory of general relativity enabled the concept of the "Big Bang Theory" to be born. 21.2.1 Revisit of the Big Bang Theory As we discussed at the beginning of the book, the Big Bang Theory was the theory that the Universe began at a certain point billions of years ago and then from that point, in a violent rush of incalculable energis burst forth, expanding and creating galaxies, nebulae and solar systems. 20th Century Science discovered that galaxies are not strewn around the cosmos randomly, but according to a pattern that includes some patches with lots of galaxies and others with very few. To explain this patchwork, 20th Century scientists developed a theory that the universe is pervaded by a mysterious dark matter, whose gravity had dominated cosmic history from the start. 21.2.2 How 20th Century science traditionally based its calculations on age of the Universe? 20th Century Astronomers assumed since the 1920s that only two pieces of information were required to deduce the age of the universe: o how fast the galaxies are flying apart; and o how far away they are. The ratio of these two numbers enabled calculations to be made on how fast the cosmos was thought to be expanding in this region of space (a rate known as the Hubble Constant) expressed in units of kilometres per second of recessional speed per megaparsec (million parsecs) of distance. A simple additional calculation then enabled the determination of how long it's been since the expansion started. While the calculations are elementary, the ability to accurately measure large objects in space to determine age requires an understanding of the approximate distance and the approximate speed of the objects being compared. Because the distances are so vast, it was impossible for Earth scientists to send out probes to actually measure the distance between objects and their relative velocities. Instead, 20th Century scientists used what they already knew they could measure, such as the physical make up of a star (e.g. what percentage of hydrogen and helium) and the changes in the make up of the star providing its age and what might

have been happening in the neighborhood. Unfortunately, the variations in the size of objects meant that reliable usage of star brightness equaling relative distance (e.g. saying that every star is like a candle off in the distance) created unreliable calculations. Stars that are further away, can actually be brighter than those closer. The famous pioneering astronomer Edwin Hubble himself didn't realize this and triggered an "age of the Universe crisis" in the 1940s when he announced that the Universe was 2 billion years old. Geologists at the time already knew that Earth was older than that. 20th Century scientists solved part of this problem by identifying stars in the Universe that appear to have relatively constant shape and brightness called Cepheids. However Cepheids can't be spotted more than a few galaxies away. All galaxies are not simply flying apart under constant expansion. Therefore measures of the age of the Universe are terribly skewed. As we now know from the previous chapters, galaxies are not simply flying apart with no relationship to one another. We saw for instance, a series of patterns regarding the Milky Way (our galaxy) and local galaxies. Motion of galaxies and clusters of galaxies is far more complex than simply straight line motion. In some cases, galaxies orbit other galaxies. In other cases, lines of galaxies are being pulled together or apart in strange shapes under tremendous fortis. By wrongly assuming all galaxies are moving apart, various scientific estimates of the age of the Universe being between 12 and 18 Billion years are drastically skewed and of suspect accuracy. 21.2.3 The age of total chaos of cosmology at the end of the 20th Century The Hubble Space Telescope (launched in 1991/92) was suppose to assist in overcoming the shortfall of Earth based telescopes and identify Cepheid type stars in far away galaxies, therefore enable a more accurate estimate on the age and (theoretical) expansionary behaviour of the Universe. After the Hubble's primary mirror was repaired by the Space Shuttle mission in December 1993, Astronomers eagerly awaited to see whom amongst them had been the most accurate between the 15 to 20 billion year estimate on the age of the Universe. Almost immediately, the Hubble started to do its job and identify Cepheids in distant galaxies. One of the first distant galaxies to be investigated was the galaxy named M100, in part of a huge group of galaxies known as the Virgo cluster. Within a few months of the repair of the Hubble's mirror and the initial observations of M100, the astronomy team at the Carnegie centre in Pasadena, California had identified more than 19 Cepheids, enough to map the distance of the M100 galaxy at approximately 56 million-light years from Earth. While the research results confirmed the Hubble Space telescope's ability to breakthrough and identify reliable Cepheids in distance galaxies, M100 and the Virgo cluster were still not far enough away to

provide an accurate indication of the age of the Universe. The team at Pasadena then moved their attention to the Coma cluster of galaxies, about five times the distance of the Virgo cluster. The results of their observations, brought in a figure, using the mathematical formula of the Hubble Constant = 80, indicating the Universe aged between 8 billion and 12 billion years old, at least 4 to 6 billion years young than previously imagined. The problem with this figure, is that in our very "own cosmic backyard", calculations on the oldest stars at the centre of our own galaxy- The Milky Way are estimated to be at least 14 billion years old and possibly quite older. Rather than confirming the expansionist theory of the Big Bang, the world of 20th Century science was thrown into turmoil with the answer from its theory that "the Universe is younger than the stars it contains." To make matters worse, further observations created a number of massive anomalies that scientists at the time were unable to solve, namely:

The Great Wall

The Great Wall is a huge conglomeration of galaxies stretching across 500 million light years of space, arranged like a wall.

The Great Attractor

A powerful concentration of thousands of galactic masses hauling much of the local Universe off in the direction of the constellations of Hydra and Centaurus.

Great Voids
Voids where few galaxies can be found.

New galaxies
New galaxies being formed a mere Billion years after the Big Bang in an area where (under the Big Bang Theory) they should not exist.

Contraction and attraction rather than just expansion

The Milky Way, including many thousands of galaxies and spanning possibly a billion light-years or so, are speeding en masse towards a point somewhere in the direction of the constellation Virgo.


Understanding the micro helps us understand the macro

Within the previous twenty chapters, we have spent considerable time showing that the underlying laws, as well as patterns of structure remain the same at each and every level of existence. Whatever way we wish to look at it, the Universe is in essence the combined sum of the infinite number of atoms, in turn made up of the infinite number of sub atomic particles, then made up of the infinite

number of UNITA, which in turn is made up of six points of UCA. By understanding the micro, we can and should be able to understand the macro behaviour of the Universe and answer some of the pressing anomalies such as the Great Wall and the Universe seemingly younger than the galaxies within it. We already know a great deal about the behaviour of the Universe as a whole from previous chapters. 21.3.1 The Universe is a closed system, yet continuously expanding for infinity formed from the co-dependence between the UCA and the Universe to exist: In order for dimension to operate, each point of UCA must have position, as well as each UNITA. This means the Universe must continue to expand via creation to sustain. The creation of the Universe hasn't stopped. At the boundary of the Universe, new stars and galaxies are being created all the time. It's just spread out beyond our viewing or detection range. We also know that there is no reason to suggest that the Universe has a weakness to not sustain, except is own desire to do so. Whatever contractions happen away from the ever created boundary of the Universe, the Universe continues to expand. 21.3.2 Unita can be positive spin, negative spin or mixed negative, mixed positive The natural odds of spin differences in the creation of the unita mean that at the borders of creation, not all unita are the same spin and have never been created in even patterns. The natural odds of spin differences in the creation of the unita mean that at the borders of creation, not all unita are the same spin and have never been created in even patterns. It is statistically impossible to assume regions of pure negative spin unita and positive spin unita. Instead, the universe is a patchwork quilt in parts- with negative spin regions fighting to escape and forcing positive spin regions into closer density and vice versa. 21.2.3 Everything has purpose: The interaction of the rules means that nothing in the Universe is without an ultimate purpose. Everything from a force, a relationship, a measure, an object or groups of objects has a purpose. At the Unita level, each of those purposes are crucial to the sustainment of the Universe. Without those features the whole system could not sustain. We already know that our own human purposes may well be misaligned and therefore different to those of the Universe. But to the Universe and to the UCA, every piece of matter, down to the infinite number of infinitesimally small points of UCA that form matter that form your body has a purpose. If but one of the smallest points ceased to exist, everything would cease to exist.

21.4 The concept of dark matter, space and the universe

In chapter 6, we investigated the necessary presence of matter in space to enable space to exist. We also investigated the role of the hapless non-equatorial destructive attractor family (both positive and negative) that roam the Universe in the ultimate search to create greater form. We identified the fact that this family of particles answers the "balance question" as to why space "thickens" around large structures and "thins" as you head further into void space ( space where on the surface there appears to be no matter). It also explains the warping effect of space to this effect. Dark matter is the non-equatorial destructive family. We also understand from chapter 6 that dark matter is responsible for space seemingly able to exist independently of larger structures being far away. Dark matter is also responsible for introducing at the birth of the Universe a virtual imbalance in the forces of repulsion and attraction of 2:1 repulsion to attraction, that encourages the Universe to expand away and diversify in its first growth phase at the edge of the ever expanding Universe. We also now understand the purpose of Dark Matter (non equatorial destructive attractors) on this level and that if they did not exist, then the Universe could not exist. In the purpose of dark matter and that if it did not exist, dimension could not be sustained.

21.5 The concept of anti-matter and relative rates of repulsion

We have discussed at length the concept of positive spin and negative spin particles throughout the chapters, that hopefully the definition of "anti-matter" can quickly be assigned to the negative spin family that we have described. The anti-matter family are mirrors of the positive matter family, creating galaxies and stars and planets, at the opposite end of the Universe. Sadly, because at the fundamental level, the structure of spin of anti-

matter is completely different. It means that light and all complex structures of anti-matter can neither be seen, nor measured directly. Yet indirectly, we can measure the effect of anti-matter via the repulsion of positive spin matter as opposed to the attraction of like spin matter to form more complex shapes.

21.6 Understanding the universe as a living organism

The hardest leap of understanding for the self aware human being is the understanding that at each level of matter and complexity of the Universe, the Universe behaves like a living system. From the perspective of the human being, the essential needs are the amino acids, the carbohydrates, water, oxygen, catalysts to stay alive all products of the environment of the Earth with our Star. From the perspective of the Earth, it needs the particles of the Sun to remain in a stable position and enhance its self awareness. From the perspective of our Sun, it needs the existence of partner Suns in stable positions around the massive tubes of hydrogens and oxygens that come through the galaxy like giant arteries, as stars live on hydrogen and catalytic particles (e.g. ergon particles). From our perspective, we need occasional boosts of heavier elements via comets and asteroids, e.g. irons, minerals and gases. From the perspective of the galaxy, it needs hydrogen, collectively and creates communes and attracts other smaller galaxies that help focus attraction for hydrogen. From the perspective of the Universe, it is the flow of life of galaxies born and rebuilt, the ever increasing closed boundaries, the regeneration and rebirth. From the perspective of the UCA, it is the existence of the Universe. As the Universe can be viewed as a living organism, we therefore expect to see structure and logol specialization for survival in greater form.


The size, age and shape of the universe

To look at the shape of the Universe by any decent computer model from a super computer and you would scratch your head. The shape resembles a weird semi-deflated beach ball with strange growths jutting out ahead of the main body. It is not a perfect sphere bursting on its constant growth path to guarantee its existence and the existence of UCA. Let us explore some of the major factors that contribute to this shape:


Creation and existence It is the UCA at the edge of the Universe's boundary that is creating

points of UCA and more UNITA all the time to sustain existence according to the fundamental laws of creation. It is this boundary where the deflated beach ball is nonetheless expanding all the time at an initially even rate. 21.7.2 Repulsion of dislike matter Next, it is the repulsion of dislike matter that is then pushing the shape into wild appendages as negative particles seek to get as far away from positive particles. 21.7.3 The attraction of matter to larger "like spin" structures Then we have the reduction of the forces of repulsion as structures move away and the powers of attraction take over, shrinking space as dark matter (non-equatorial destructive attractors) and creators and equatorial destructive attractors are attracted to become part of the structure. Positive and negative particles are being created all the time at the edge of the Universe. The power of repulsion pushes them away. 21.7.4 Size of the Universe Historically, there have been many people attempt to put a figure on the number of stars, planets and structures in the Universe. All have grossly under estimated its size, by virtue of even putting a fixed number on the suggested number of stars. The only true answer is that the Universe is infinitely large made up of an infinite number of stars (positive and negative matter) and that it shall continue to grow at an infinite rate on its edges so long as it desires to continue existence. In terms of dimension, we are talking about between eighteen and twenty billion light years in radius (presently). The age difference of matter is able to be explained by the general motion and behaviour of large clusters of galaxies being pulled back into the centre and new stars and galaxies being pushed back out.

21.8 Is the universe expanding or contracting?

A question that plagued 20th Century scientists was whether the universe is expanding or contracting. Given that the Laws of Thermodynamics were coined on the assumption of an eventual heat "death" of the universe, it makes sense that most scientists of the era believed in some way, the universe would ultimately end in some kind of "big crunch" contraction. Accordingly, we have discussed that in order for dimension to be maintained- expansion of the universe is a pre-requisite. However, the random chance of spin in the creation of the unita also means the patterns of new space are wonderfully complex and diverse- weaving space into infinite complex loops and curves- negative matter regions

squashing positive matter regions into shapes like a donut. While in other regions, negative space wanders around within positive space like an air bubble desperately seeking an exit from a thick liquid. The answer to the question is therefore- the universe is expanding on its edges and contracting and expanding in an infinitely unique variety of ways within this constantly expanding boundary.


Are there any other universes?

A popular 20th Century theory was the theory of multi-verses ( multiple universes) and time travel into other dimensions. Interestingly, these theories often incorporated the existence of "Black Holes" and "worm holes" as kinds of doorways between the various parallel Universes. However, throughout this book, we have evidence showing that the nature of matter is about efficiency of movement and use of the laws of creation. There appears no fundamental reason that parallel Universe are required for the existence of the UCA. In fact, (as we have discussed several times), the existence of anomalies such as tears in the fabric of space ( such as holes) would threaten the very existence of the Universe. While complex mathematical formulas have been devised to "prove" the theory that multi-verses can exist, we have also shown at length that the Universe does not operate on the assumption that each particle has a PhD in mathematics and astrophysics. Therefore, many complex mathematical formulas bear no resemblance to the "real" world behaviour of the Unita, the Quark, the Proton, Atom, or Molecule. We have shown that the entire system of existence works most efficiently and effectively with the existence of just one Universe.


The existence of sub-Universes While there can only be one Universe (dream) and one UCA (dreamer), this does not rule out the possibility of "sub-Universes". When we consider the rules associated with the creation of the positive spin Unita family and the negative spin Unita family, it is logol to assume that both families will develop further into Quarks (positive and anti-Quarks) onto atom stage and even molecular stage. In a broad sense, the Universe is theoretically divided up into two massive sub-Universes- positive spin and negative spin. In reality, as we have discussed, there are hundreds and thousands of massive positive and negative spin sub-universes of all different shapes and sizes. That creation continues to occur at the boundaries of the overall Universe means that these opposite spin Universe are neither equal in size, nor evenly distributed. Certainly vast voids of space where there does not appear to be any physically measurable matter, yet incredibly strong reactions by observable matter would support "trapped" antimatter colonies. In terms of validation of the existence of an opposite spin Universe, or

even colonies of anti-matter, the difficulty for humanity will always remain in the direct observation of something that is made up of completely opposite matter. We can't observe something that doesn't even register on any piece of equipment we possess. Our efforts in the future will therefore have to use validation by observed behaviour of matter around anti-matter colonies.

21.10 Is time travel possible?

Time travel is one of the most popular of theories of the human race. HG Wells made himself famous by publishing books on the concept of time travel. Even today, movies about time travel and immortality rank almost as highly as hero films. Let us now consider the validity of the potential to travel forward or backward in time. 21.10.1 The definition of time travel Time travel is not to be confused with the effect we call time. As described in Chapter 6, time can be consider the perceived effect of the ratio between vibration(kinesis) and velocity- the faster my velocity, the slower my vibration (time slows), the faster my vibration ( interaction with my environment) the slower my velocity (time speeds up). Time travel on the other hand is the concept that it is possible to move beyond a Now Moment to a future moment, that has not yet occurred, or a previous moment that has occurred. In other words, time travel theoretically should make it possible to visit your grandparents as children in the past, or visit your grandchildren as parents in the future. 21.10.2 Key underlying assumptions of time travel Like all theories, time travel is based on a series of key underlying assumptions: Assumption (1) Assumption (2) That the future is pre-destined. In other words, there is a set of future behaviour that are set. That points of matter can interact under certain limited conditions by interposing themselves twice into the same dimension. e.g. You are a 21st Century collection of molecules moving to a 10th Century dimension or a 22nd Century dimension. That the Universe is not a closed system. E.g., points of UCA can come and go, without disrupting the fabric and existence of the Universe.

Assumption (3)


How do existing theories believe time travel is possible There are two broad categories in which all semi-credible time travel theories fit: (a) That if you can travel faster than the speed of light, time = 0, therefore you can move forward or backward in time.

(b) That if you can get particles below absolute zero (-273C) then time = 0 and you can more forward or backward in time. 21.10.4 The key assumptions associated with time travel to not hold up As you can see on the previous page, all three underlying assumptions regarding time travel completely contravene every law we have discussed on the creation and operation of the Universe. Therefore we do not believe these assumptions have any valid theoretical or practical existence. In other words, time travel in any physical method, (including) by o absolute zero temperatures or o speed of light travel is not possible. 21.10.5 Time travel of the mind There is only one area, where time travel may remain theoretically possible. It the controversial concept of time travel through the conscious mind, by projection.

Future possibilities and probabilities

Firstly, the future is not set in concrete. Under the model of the UCA it does not need to be. Yet when you look at the future, it is like looking into the sea- the first level is clear and becomes murkier the deeper you look. This is because the next few steps you take and your behaviour can largely be predicted based upon where you are, who you are, what you do and what you have to do. But in ten years, much of that may have changed.

Avoiding breaking the rules of creation

There is nothing stopping the human mind from feeling out the future, nor from reflecting the past. Equally, there is nothing theoretically wrong about the human mind projecting itself into a future possible world. In a way it would be like a new dimension- a dream that has not yet taken place. There is certainly strong evidence to suggest that time travel of the mind via future predictions and visions does occur for some people, sometimes. It remains to be seen if it is a skill that can be developed to a point of it being able to be done on demand.

21.11 Speed of light travel

In the previous section, we described the concept of time travel and why it contradicts everything we have discussed in relation to the non destiny relationship of future moments of the universe. Yet we did not answer the question relating to faster than light traveltraveling at the speed of light. 21.11.1 Traveling without moving During chapters 10 and 12 we explained the tremendous velocities of the Earth as it orbits the Sun. We also explained the velocities associated with the solar system to its neighbours and the galaxy to its neighbours.

The conservation momentum means that all objects utilize their potential velocity in some wayNeed to include expansion on traveling without moving as a stand alone heading before time travel. The purpose of this section is to raise the possible theory that we already travel at the speed of light and that motion is change of vector ( perspective). Include explanation that we cannot break vectors without conscious will as we are linked to Earth in aura and physical- the mind is free to literally travel in reality if it masters the ability to focus and direct- to be the box- to be the chair- to be the pillow- to make things move with the power of mind. We are already traveling at the speed of light- objects that can break this vector cycle can move at tremendous velocity. Traveling without moving assumes that if an object could align its vectors, it could in fact remain in position while the objects around it changed theirs. In other words- a space ship in space could conceivably via the ability to warp space to a vacuum around its hull- release itself from the aura of the solar and galactic vectors and travel at the speed of light or faster to another point of the galaxy without moving in absolute position.- Traveling without moving.

21.12 The concept of god, god(s) and the universe

All religions have proper names for the major deity or deities they worship. In Christian liturgy it is God, or his son Jesus Christ. In Islam it is Allah, in Judaism it is Yahweh (YHWH). A feature of all religions in the tuition of their heritage to new generations is the belief that the proper names of their deities have always been the proper names. Even more importantly, we are taught by these religions that their god is the only god of worship. This is significant, as this belief of exclusive righteousness has been the central thorn and motivation for pro-active recruitment to these religions for centuries. In the Christian theology for instance, we are told that The Bible is a direct revelation from God. This constitutes a central and vital tenet of the Christian faith. Without reading the Bible then, one might assume that the revelations of God would then show some consistency and wisdom of approach (given the nature and definition of Wisdom). On the contrary, the kind and forgiving God of the New

Testament is in complete contrast to the Old Testaments God of Wrath, an inconsistency that has caused many sleepless nights for Christians. Many hundreds of Christian scholars over the centuries have produced volumes of explanation as to why the Christian God apparently changed his attitude to humanity and therefore the references to jealousy, anger, pleasure etc of the God of the Old Testament are answered. However, the Bible itself does not refer to the same name of God throughout. In fact, there are several different proper names assigned to God (or Gods) throughout the Bible. We are told the name of the Jewish God is and has always been Yahweh (YHWH in Hebrew). However this is historically and literally incorrect with the different names of God listed in the most sacred of texts of the Jewish religion (the equivalent to the Old Testament for Christians). The word Yahweh is traditionally assigned with the saying ehyeh asher ehyeh which literally means I am who I am. This follows the general belief in the meaning of Yahweh to be yahweh alone, implying that other Gods must have existed as dangerous rivals to Yahweh at the time of the word coming into usage. In fact the word Elohim precedes Yahweh and is the proper name given to God in the books of Genesis. The word Elohim in hebrew is the plural of the word El, the Lord. This is well known and accepted by scholars but largely unknown to the general public. For the literal translation of Elohim is not one God, but the Lord Gods. There are over 100 occassions in the Old Testament, in the earliest and most important creation stories where the word Elohim is used rather than Yahweh. 21.12.1 What is going on? Why dont they tell us? To suggest that Judaism and Christianity were anything other than Monotheistic in their beginning would be considered as heresy by most avid followers of these religions. Yet, as we have already discussed the very texts that these religions state is their central message and belief reveal this is not the case. Why then the continued hypocracy? Sadly much time and trouble has passed since the days of a divided hebrew nation (Israel in the North and Judah in the South). The rabbinic traditions of post AD 70 (destruction of Jerusalem) only provide hebrew scholars with a sanitised version of the past, avoiding the obvious existence of multi-god worship in the traditions of the hebrews. Christianity is the same, with the multi-god worship of the Gnostic churches, eventually cut and destroyed by the prevailing Roman Christian faith. Yet the shadows of the past remain, with enough archeological and textual evidence to enable us to piece together the historical path of names of these three major religions- Judaism, Christianity and Islam. We will now briefly describe the various names that have described the supreme deities of these religions.


El (Il) The name El, originates from Western Semitic regions and Israel ( northern Hebrew tribes) Suria, Lebanon and Israel. The word El literally means creator god. The origins of the names are old, possibly older than 2500BC and were used commonly until around 700BCE. Il is considered the supreme authority, morally and creatively, overseeing the assembly of gods, while El is similar to Baal (the creator god of the Canaanites), represented by the bull and revered by the hebrew tribes who settled northern Palestine. In historic tradition, El(Baal) is considered ultimately answerable to Il. El and Il are also contextually similar to the ancient Sumerian religious beliefs (at least 4000 BCE) of An, Anu (Amun) being the supreme creator and his son Enlil (very similar to Il) and Enki ruling the earth, often represented in terms of bull worship. In Biblican texts the word El comes to be used in a descriptive sense as a qualifying epithet meaning lord. Possibly El came to represent the sum of all the creator spirits of the northern tribes. Israel was unwilling to part with the name El against the pressure from the southern state of Judah, but the name fell into disuse after suppression of Israel by Tiglathpileser II (Assyria) (around 750 BCE).


Elohim As mentioned earlier, Elohim literally means the supreme council of the gods, or lord gods, a term similar to the Greek word Pleroma.


YHWH (Yahweh) I am what I am The name YHWH originates from around 1200 BCE from the southern tribes of hebrews, headed by Levi and Benjamin, formerly known as the state of Judah. The centre of the religion were Hebron and Jerusalem until around 587 BCE, then subsequently throughout the world. Possibly a copy of the Egyptian deity Amum (Amen), introduced by the Pharaoh Amenhotep IV in the fifteenth century BCE. The object of monolatrous but not necessarily monotheistic worship by the hebrew settlers in Palestine. Arguably the first surviving concept of a truly universal deity. Yhwh is the god, according to tradition, was revealed to Moses on Mount Sinai and who provided the Covenant, the ten tablets of law. The name Jehovah was adopted around 1200 CE replacing the name YHWH in English speaking countries.


ALLAH The name ALLAH originates from around 300 BCE from the Nabatean and Arabic peoples of Africa. Allah is believed to have been modelled from the western Semitic god Il (El) and is considered the creator god of Islam. Allah in pre-islamic times was considered the creator of the earth and water. Allah was then named by the prophet Muhammad as the one

true god and given a hundred names or epithets in the Quran, ninety-nine of which are known to mankind and accounted on the rosary beads; the final name remains a mystery.


The concept of heaven and the universe

Throughout documented human history for at least six thousand years is evidence of a fundamental belief by different cultures in a hereafter. Today, most cultures and religious organisations use the word heaven to describe their various models of what is the state of the hereafter. However, the word and concept of heaven is just one of the many that have existed and still exist in some way.


The concept of Elysium (The Elysian Fields)- 300 BC- to today The word Elysium (often mistranslated as Elysian), is a derivative of the Greek word for plain, hence the popular description the Elysian Fields meaning the abode assigned to the blessed after death, according to ancient Greek belief. Also, a place or state of ideal happiness. Around 400BC, Plato championed the concept of judgement after death and proposed an immortal soul that strove ever upward after gaining its freedom from the flesh.


The concept of Paradise -300 BC- to today The word Paradise comes from the Latin translation of the IndoEuropean word pairidaeza (pairi = around, diz = form), translated in Latin as paradisus. The word first appeared in writing as a description attributed by Xenophon of the parks of Persian kings ( hence) the word being used to describe garden, orchard as in the Old Testament Garden of Eden. Interestingly, the word Paradise has historically been used by both Christians and Moslems to describe their different notions of heaven.


Hades-1400 BCE to 400 CE Also formerly known as Ades. Hebrew equivelent is the word Sheol (seol), the abode of departed spirits. In Greek mythology, the oldest name of the god of the Dead, also called Pluto; hence, the kingdom of Hades, the lower world, the abode of shades.


Hel(l)-1200 BCE to 300 CE Cthonic underworld goddess. germanic and Nordic (Icelandic). The daughter of Loki and the giantess Angrboda and the sibling of both the Midgard worm who will cause the sea to flood the world with the lashings of his tail and of Fenrir, the phantom wold who will swallow the Sun at Ragnarok.

She is Queen of the otherworld, also known as Hel(l) and she takes command of all who die, except for heroes slain in battle, who ascend to Valhalla. In some religious histories she is depicted as half black half white. She was also adopted into british religious history hence the modern name for a place of lost souls, being called Hell. 21.13.5 The concept of Sheol 300 BC- to today The word Sheol comes directly from Hebrew translation and means The Underworld; the abode of the dead or departed spirits, conceived by the hebrews as a subterranean region clothed in thick darkness, return from which is impossible. 21.13.6 The concept of Nirvana 600 BC- to today The word Nirvana comes directly from Sandskrit translation, and is derived from a combination of the words nirva= be extinguished nis= out, va=wind, meaning In Buddist theology, the extinction of individual existence, or of the extinction of all desires and passions and attainment of perfect beautitude. 21.13.7 The concept of Valhalla 300 BC- to today The word Valhalla comes directly from two old Norse words valr ( from which the word valour comes) meaning those slain in battle and holl meaning hall. The word valhalla according to ancient Scandinavian religion means the hall assigned to those who have died in battle, in which they feast with Odin. 21.13.8 The concept of heaven- 300 BC- to today The word heaven comes from the Old English word heaofon, and hefen which are derivations of the Old Saxon word heben itself a modification of the ancient Greek translated word (hebe) meaning youthful prime. While the original creators of the word and its original purpose have been lost, one of the oldest definitions of Heaven is listed as the celestial abode of immortal beings; the habitation of God and his angels and of beatified spirits, the state of the blessed hereafter. Heaven is also defined as a state of bliss. As the concept of heaven has developed into a place or thing, even state of being that exists in some Universal dimension, our interest in the context of the Universe is if such a place can exist in Logos and physical existence? 21.13.9 The concept What is heaven? The simple answer is that there has never been a consistent answer to the concept of what is heaven, therefore all the characteristics of such as location and description have changed over time. At any one time in human history, there has been differing documented descriptions of what is heaven. However, the common themes of contemporary descriptions is a dimension where the souls of dead human beings are reunited with loved ones, with a higher force and are part of that life force. 21.13.10 The first documented writings on heaven

The first concept of heaven emerged in the Greek and Jewish cultures around 800 to 1200 BC. Called Hades by the Greeks and Sheol by the Jews. By 600 BC, the concept bodily resurrection had been incorporated into the Jewish religion. The book of Ezekiel for example described a field of dry bones, which at Gods bidding came together, bone by bone and lived again. The same theme recurs in the later books of the Hebrew Bible, sometimes in combination with the concept of the Messiah and the re-establishment of paradise located in a new Jerusalem. In Greece, the privileged dead gradually came to inhabit the Isles of the Blessed, later called the Elysian fields. Around 400BC, Plato championed the concept of judgement after death and proposed an immortal soul that strove ever upward after gaining its freedom from the flesh. However, the most dramatic and radical teachings of heaven did not occur until the appearance of Jesus, in a historical context. The teachings traditionaly attributed to Jesus talk of a place, not principally a waiting room, or a temple of worldly pleasures but a reunion with God. More, that Heaven is a human souls true home, its ultimate destination. 21.13.11 What is the general human philosophical/scientific agreement on the description of heaven? Quite simple, there isnt one, and there has never appeared to be one that unites humanity. The definition has been like a cherished prize for philosophers and religion builders for thousands of years. With the victorious publication of their definition and description came the right to the front door of the new revised location. Hence, a fundamental tenet of most religions has been (a) to define the true description of what heaven is and (b) to be the only people allowed to determine, or the only people allowed to go in. There have been two principle schools of thought in the battle for supremacy in describing heaven over the thousands of years of documented human thought: God- centred visions; More humanistic arrangements, primarily focused on the reunion, form and interactions of the dead. 21.13.12 What is the historical description of a heaven in dimension? The descriptions of religious scholars is unclear about the precise description of what heaven looks like in terms of their actually visiting heaven. In various forms, it has been described in writings as a garden, a city, a kingdom, a temple or, less often, a nut, and even a womb. In many written descriptions, heaven features buildings and streets of precious metals and jewels, doves, palm trees (first allegedly discerned by the church father Lactantius), singing stones (a late borrowing from the Celtic myth), white clothing , milk, honey, wine, olive oil, harps, fountains and ladders.

The Koran details a heaven filled with beautiful, large-eyed companions and youths of perpetual freshness. Islam appears to have inherited older traditions of heaven from Judaism and Christianity, including the hierarchy of the angels and the seven tiers of paradise. The sutras (holy men) speak of a multiplicity of Buddha fields, pleasant way stations on the journey to Nirvana. Certain strains of Buddhism believe there are as many paradises as there are Buddhas. Each enlightened being has his or her own heaven, a concept probably borrowed from Hinduism, in which Gods and Goddesses inhabit a series of heavens. The primal heaven, however, was probably the one called Sukhavati, which may itself have borrowed some elements from the florid paradise of Zoroastrian Persia (whence the word pairi-daeza, or enclosure, the origin of our word paradise). Presided over by the Amitabha Buddha, Sukhavati, according to the ancient texts, has no ghosts, no beasts, no sickness- and no women. Yet those who reach the Pure Land, as East Asian Buddhists call it, know the journey of their souls is not over. Wrote a 6th century Chinese master Although they dwell in seven jewelled palaces and have fine objects, smells, tastes and sensations, yet they do not regard this as pleasure... (and) seek only to leave that place. Nirvana, the ultimately selfless Buddhist goal of nonbeing, is beyond paradise. Medieval heaven, approached intellectually by the scholastics or passionately by the mystical school of love, expanded St Augustines idea of the early-Christians idea of heaven as a place of raptuous and direct communion between the saints and God. By the 13th Century, the aspect on humanistic behaviour being repeated in a state of heaven was expanded to a belief of heaven more resembling an ongoing human-to-human celebration presided over by the Virgin Mary. Then in the 14th Century, Dante Alighieri published the epic Paradiso and its celebration of heaven as a state of being in which we open up more to love. It was a time where the more etherial nature of heaven emerged, as opposed to the mechanical descriptions of heaven, like a magnificent precinct of a city. In this way, the 14th Century represented a return to a closer connection between spiritual philosophies of the West and Asia. However, Protestant reformers of the 1600s reinstated a vision severely centred on Christ and his last judgement and tangible description. Their motivation was no doubt enhanced by the onset of the Great Plague, quickly followed by such catastrophes as the great fire of London 1666 (which has some small bearing on why in English history the number 666 is associated strongly with the concept of the Devil). Interestingly, as the Puritans largely colonised America, the Puritanical view of Heaven largely became the dominant basis of American religious philsophy largely up until the late 1700s. The Puritanical view of God that continues to be displayed throughout

American culture remains even today strongly influenced by Americas Puritanical philsophical heritage. But by the mid-19th century the harsh image of heaven crafted by the Puritans gave way to what is now known as the Victorian-era concept of what Heaven looks like. The Victorian heaven therefore appears a response to the Puritanical heaven and a return to a more humanistic approach. Its strongest proponents were not clergy but a new breed of popular novelists like Elizabeth Stuart Phelps, whose 1868 The Gates Ajar, was a best seller through to the end of the century. She described heaven as: We stopped before a small and quiet house built of curious inlaid woods... So exquisite was the carving and colouring, that on larger scale the effect might have interfered with the solidity of the building, but so modest were the proportions of this charming house, that its dignity was only enhanced by its delicacy...There were flowers- not too many; birds; and I noticed a fine dog sunning himself upon the steps. In the 1960s evangelist Billy Graham was one of the most successful in providing some model of what heaven is supposed to look like. At the time he stated, heaven is a place, as real as Los Angeles, London, Algiers or Boston. Graham postulated that heaven is 2,600 km long, 2,600 km wide and 2,600 km high. Once there, we are going to sit around the fireplace and have parties and the angels will wait on us, and well drive down the golden streets in a yellow Cadillac convertible. New Age philosophers now speak of heaven as Heaven is not a place; its a state of awareness. Heaven is where your heart is, where your soul needs to be. 21.13.13 What is the historical description of the actual location of Heaven? Just as there has been differing descriptions promulgated by various religions and philosophers over thousands of years, there has been an equal number of historical descriptions of where heaven is actually located. One of the most beautiful explanations of Heaven explained it as an area surrounding the outermost of nine nested spheres, of which Earth was innermost (the old concept of the Solar System) and composed of a substance that was neither earth, air, fire nor water but rather a marvellous fifth essence- or as the word has come down to mean today- quintessence. 21.13.14 The UCA understanding of the creation of dimension,therefore a new dimension called heaven This entire section has considered the very practical concept of the creation of dimension and existence through the application of clear consistent and higher rules. That awareness is in itself pure- pure in its intention for existence and for awareness and importance of each and every particle and thought and concept.

In considering the constant projection of new dimension, we only need to consider the erratic and non-constant nature of dimension projection of our thoughts at the moment. That we are unable to hold a stable thought for longer than a few seconds is testimony that holding a separate dimension, or a group dimension within UCA, but without physical form (heaven) would appear to require wisdom and projection strength greater than the average human being exhibits in their lifetime. Maybe that is why mystical writing has considered the notion of immortality and enterting the existence of heaven so difficult. We therefore can establish a potential linkage to the experience of vastening and the apparent releasing of wisdom and awareness to enable constant higher dimension to continue. 21.13.15 The need for a better definition and description of heaven Clearly from this brief description on the historical context of Heaven, there is desperate need for a better description. After all, we have provided an explanation as to the process of death in previous chapters. While the descriptions on heaven we have discussed appear to bear no consistency to one another, there does exist a number of clues that enable us to provide some specific questions regarding heaven. In addition, we are able to call upon our already considerable knowledge discussed so far, as to patterns and likely historical patterns regarding heaven. Finally, there is the proof of this web site to suggest to the reader that a state of Heaven does exist, that angels do exist and do communicate to the living. We suggest to you that a book like this could not possibly have been written without the existence of angels and a state of heaven. We feel therefore that what we are about to say on heaven, the history of heaven and the current state of affairs has some degree of accuracy. 21.13.16 A updated definition of Heaven Heaven is when the consciousness and self memories of an individual meld with the greater UCA partially so that the individual is anything they want to be. However they are prevented from physical intervention in the Universe by virtue of the same rule that prevents the UCA from intervening. The exclusiveness of position rule applies. No two points of UCA may occupy the exact same position. This is the price a human pays for wanting to keep all that they are as well as merging with the UCA and all that is. There is a further level, where the soul returns completely to the UCA and what it truly is, by accepting its oneness with the Universe as pure UCA- the dream and the dreamer. This requires the final end to the self conscious mind, but not all that the person was in life and even the added learning after death.

Angels do however have one area of influence, which is their principle stepping stone to physical individual existence, via the conscious mind of living humans and some self aware animals. They may project into a free roaming state of awareness, or join a collective awareness. In other words, Angels can and do influence the minds of living humans. Alternatively, in a state of heaven, every memory, every thought can be enacted and developed as if it were real, of the individuals choosing, with dialogue and with communion with the people they love. If you want to have a dinner party in heaven, you have a dinner party, invite people over, cook the meal (if you want to go to that extreme), and enjoy their company. It is as real as anything experienced while alive. However, the whole awareness of UCA remains focused through the context of the approximate understanding of the human consciousness and memory, rather than the limitless understanding of the UCA. 21.13.17 Souls (Minds) that reach a state of heaven Souls that reach a state of heaven, can be both good and bad. There is no judgement on their actions by the UCA on whether they shall merge as angels or not. It is up to the individual soul and in many cases the livings hold on that soul from departing a trap of isolation as a separated soul from form and the UCA to being with the UCA. This is the difference between human minds that go on to be angels or remain for a period as spirits. Good and bad angels What this also means is that there are both good and bad angels. That means that people who have hurt other humans and were destructive attractors in death, then as souls may choose to continue these thoughts and desires in death, as a soul retaining self awareness and joining with the UCA. Where is heaven located? Heaven is located wherever the angels choose to be, individually and collectively. In that sense, it is everything you see and moreeverything youve wanted to be and are. Heaven is only limited by the individual and collective awareness of its inhabitants. How old is heaven? The state of heaven is relatively recent in terms of the history of life on Earth, possibly no more than 2,500 to 5,000 years old. This may sound strange. However, it appears the only life forms on Earth to develop a heightened and developed sense of self awareness and desire for that self consciousness to continue after death are humans. This desire for self immortality and self awareness is only recent in terms of human evolution, again possibly only 2,500 to 5,000 years old. Upon the desire to continue self awareness in form of the conscious mind appears the stepping stone for the creation of heaven.

Is there more than one heaven? Absolutely. Wherever there is higher order self aware life forms in the Universe, these conscious minds can reach a state of heaven. In addition, collectives of human souls are far and varied. There is a hindu heaven, a muslim heaven, a jewish heaven, a christian heaven, a buddhist heaven and so on. So long as souls wish to exist in communion of larger self awareness, then that heaven is a real as any other. As we shall see in a moment, the continuation of religions see many followers while they are living prepare themselves to be introduced to a certain heaven. Some heavens have developed a fairly exclusive door plan. The Mormons for instance use the number of 144,000. It would be interesting to note how many actually do reside in the collective Mormon heaven?

21.14 The concept of memory and the universe

A great philosophical difficulty for even the deepest of thinkers is the question of memory and the universe. This question is also frequently considered as the computational challenge of the universe. The problem rests on two issues: (1) How is memory resolved in the greater picture of the universe? i.e. what happens to memory when we die? After the moment? (2) How is the computational question regarding such a vast storage of information solved? given the huge amounts of data? The natural assumption of memory and the physical computer Memory, the storage of information in bits and bytes is now a generally accepted idea. This is not the only example of memory. Magnetic tape is used for memory storage, as is Compact Disks. Even carved stone tablets are an example of memory storage. However, even two hundred years ago the idea that a machine could somehow store the entire book library of a major city would be considered an impossibility. We now know that physical computation systems exist not only as artificial silicate and electrical circuits, but also as organic computer systems in the form of microtubule storage (cytoskeleton and centriole of cells). As a result, a definite link can be made as to the performance of electronic computers as well as organic systems such as mammalian brains and memory. The result of these understandings is that for most people, certainly those that have studied science to some degree, the notion of memory tends to be inextricably linked to the physical machine.

That is why one of the most feared of conditions for conscious people is the fear of losing ones memory. Awareness as an independent variable The most difficult idea to get across with the concept of Unique Collective Awareness is the understanding of awareness being a unique variable unto itself first and then to matter second. In virtually all definitions of awareness, awareness is linked to an object first. Again, it makes the idea of memory far more difficult as it assumes that without the existence of physical machinery, memory itself does not exist. In the context of Unique Collective Awareness, this is not so. Pure awareness is capable of remembering everything, from every moment perfectly. The only problem is that this information is not available to objects within the universe (dream), only to pure awareness (outside) the universal dream. While being inside the dream, the rules of the universe apply. Physical memory is required to bring forth memory, except in the case of selfconsciousness and self-aware lifeforms which are capable of tappingin to the collective awareness while still being within the dream. Nothing is lost to the dream of the universe. Everything is remembered.

21.15 The concept of destiny and the universe

It has been an eternal battle of the human mind to reconcile whether the future is set, or the future is an open book. We have stated quite clearly throughout this book that the future is o future possibilities and o future probabilities NOT future certainties. 21.15.1 There is no absolute destiny As we have said, future certainties defies the definition of a living higher order lifeform- for free will must be the ultimate test of self awareness, therefore being alive. We have also shown that future certainties defies all the laws of the known Universe. The Universe simply couldn't and can't evolve on the vastness of a giant computer program or chess game. Absolute destiny, therefore a certain future does not exist. To make it even clearer- The UCA chose to exist. It exhibited free will in the creation of the dream- Universe and continues to exhibit free will. Therefore the existence of free will at such a fundamental level prohibits the existence of absolute destiny. 21.15.2 Maximum probability does exist Maximum probability is most often mistaken to mean absolute destiny. In fact they are quite different concepts. Maximum probability is the most likely accumulative behaviour of motion of particles over a defined time period. Given the behaviour of particles, there is a predictive curve of likelihood over time. In other

words, the closer to NOW we look, the more accurate our predictions on future outcomes should be. The further out we look (i.e. the further into the future), the less accurate our predictions of future behaviour will be. Timeframe is relative. For instance, it is highly probable that our Solar System will continue to be part of the Milky Way for the next several hundred million years. This is a huge timeframe from the human lifespan perspective. But it is a relatively short timespan for galaxies. Next, we can say that it is almost certain that our Solar System will encounter turbulent periods in its orbit of the galaxy and that at some point the Earth will be under huge risk of being hit by a large asteroid. We could even predict this is highly likely in the next two million years. In essence, we can take predictions on maximum probable behaviour right down to the likely behaviour in life of individual humans. Humans, essentially are highly predictive, the larger groups they form. Therefore, predictions on world politics, as well as purchase habits and lifestyles of groups of humans ( the science of demographics) can provide a high degree of accuracy. By plotting out a series of key factors about a persons life, then it is now feasible to plot the most probable behaviour of that person over the next forty years, so long as all conditions remain consistent to the model of behaviour. A similar technique is used in the craft of horoscopes and astrology. Modern day astrology and horoscopes essentially use demographically accurate phrases and conditions that in the majority of human interactions remain accurate. There is also a strong element of auto-suggestion in action as well (if you read it, you believe it, if you believe it, you become it.) However, maximum probabilities are not the same as absolute destiny.

Infinite possibilities, finite probabilities, no certainties.

21.16 The concept of judgment and the universe

A further Universal concept is the concept of Karma and DharmaUniversal judgment then retribution or reward. This has increased as a popular model to a point that many Christians now talk of the operation of God as a kind of karma and Dharma- at work. Before we look at whether there is a Universal concept of karma and Dharma- operating in the Universe, let us carefully define the objects, the action and the subsequent action we would then define as karma or Dharma21.16.1 Karma and Dharma When we say Karma and Dharma we are merely expressing a belief of humanity in regards to a higher power in operation (e.g. God) that

God will do good things to people who do good things and God will do bad things to people who do bad things. Karma and DHarma is a belief system stating that:

from good, good will always come from a higher power upon the individual that did good, and that; from bad badness will always come from a higher power upon the individual that did bad.
In order for this model or any model regarding the probable or certain course of actions that a higher power (God) may take, there must be the ability to "judge" the actions to cause other actions. 21.16.2 Retrospective Judgment Retrospective Judgment is the act of observing an event that has taken place and categorizing that event. This means that the object observing must have the ability to separate themselves from the actual witness of the event and make immediate judgment or judgment based on memory. This means that only the UCA as a single entity, or higher order life as self conscious independently mobile objects with brains and memory are capable of performing the physical act of judgment Given that the UCA cannot interpose twice, or risk the dream collapsing, this leaves only higher order life forms with the capacity to judge.

Only higher order lifeforms such as humans are capable of retrospective judgment as well as guilt and regret
21.16.3 Judgment of what is good and what is bad In the context of how the word judgment is most popularly used, in its most popular human context it is in judging what is "good" and what is "bad." Layered within this two table column are the essential rules of existence, sometimes placed in columns where we would not expect, such as no existence being good and the need for positive diversity being bad. Judgment is therefore most often based on the existence of a spiritual replication of the laws of human society. All other matter in the Universe adheres to the rules of existence without need for conscious judgment. Instead "feeling" is used to make sense of patterns and relationships. 21.16.4 Stars, Nebulae, Rocks, Light do not have brains, therefore does not judge Only human beings and other higher order life forms and the UCA judge. The Universe as a single whole does not judge. It is only the absolute (UCA) and higher order life forms. 21.16.5 What would UCA judge as being bad?

The basic need of UCA is existence. Nothing can harm its existence as the Universe shall always exist as long as the UCA wishes to continue to exist, which it wishes to do. Therefore there is no need to judge anything at a galactic, solar system level. But in terms of higher order life forms, its children, yet at the same time- pure UCA, UCA would be saddened at death, joyous at change and every emotion that higher order life feels. 21.16.6 What could UCA do about it? In terms of judging a bad action such as one human killing another human, the UCA can do nothing directly for the same reasons that the UCA cannot create more than one Universe, because there is only one UCA and one Universe, it cannot re-project itself and thus disrupt the dream, causing it to cease existence. Simply, the UCA once projected itself into dimension was forced to follow a set of behaviour to maintain existence, to continue to exist. The process, or outcomes were just that, outcomes from the desire to exist. Planets smashing into each other, stars being born, stars dying are all outcomes from the basic desire for the UCA to exist in dimension and form.

Only one point of awareness may occupy one point of dimension. (Exclusiveness of Position Law)
The UCA cannot alter the course of nature at a macro level. Only UCA at level of life can alter its fate and sustain itself. Collective Awareness is at its strongest with individual life forms then collections of the life forms and then the overall lifeform. What it can do is influence form at a level where form can move independently without disrupting the rules of form- higher order life. If a rock falls and hits a murderers head, it cannot be said to be karma working, nor could a storm. But an attack in a prison yard, or a car crash might be viewed as the concept of human judgment in action via UCA as the conduit. This kind of karma level is rare, given that emotions must be directly related to the questions of existence and powerful enough to be maintained and sustained by the victim. The downside for the victim is that wishing harm on others is also wishing harm on themselves. It doubles the effect of any harm occurring again on them. By releasing the hate and the guilt, and any hint of judgment, the UCA shall take its course, without effect on the individual. 21.16.7 Our Judgment is very human judgment karma and Dharmaare human, not Universal Judgment is human judgment Judgment is judgment of the ecosystem. Judgment is simplest at the point of anything that threatens existence. This is why television as a medium has been so powerful to signify the single event and its possible impact on a lifeforms future. People are more likely to be concerned of senseless killing in a 1st world country, where the similarities mean, a degree of randomness could

also happen around them, compared to a disaster of many thousands of humans being killed in a far off land. 21.16.8 The fickleness of human judgment of good and bad Just take a look at the following graphs below and you will quickly see that what our religious leaders and political leaders class as Good or Bad is far from consistent. Not only is there no universal Good or Bad, there is no consistent path of what is good or bad throughout human history. The reason so many Western legal systems are breaking down is largely because the law makers have failed to stay in touch with the changing attitudes of their own societies about what they believe is good or bad. 21.16.9 The greatest social mistake in Western social history When you look at the table on the previous page, you can clearly see that all of the illegal drugs today, were at some point legal. Even alcohol has had a checkered past, especially through the prohibition. Most politicians and social commentators would argue that these laws are necessary to protect society from the harmful influences of these substances. Yet, let us look at what those "patriotic" politicians and contemporary religious leaders have been directly responsible in creating. Thanks to the moral crusaders:

The largest cash economy in the world is the illegal drug business; Crime and social unrest has never been more of a problem in poor urban centres of 1st world countries; Organized crime has never been stronger; In fact Organized crime predominately got its foothold in America thanks to prohibition in the 1930's. It is fair to say that the patriotic politicians and moral crusaders that outlawed drugs and continue to outlaw drugs are directly and individually responsible for the creation of wealthy Organized, urbanized crime syndicates, through their policies. Hundreds of thousands of lives have been wrecked because of the drug culture; More than any world wars and any other major natural catastrophe's, the illegal drug culture has torn huge holes in the social fabric of societies such as USA, parts of Australia, Asia, UK and Europe.
Compare these massive social ills, caused by people, many of who are still in government and religious positions of authority today, to the process of changing attitudes on smoking cigarettes. Instead of making cigarettes illegal, tremendous improvements have been made through education and simply banning smoking in certain areas.

21.17 The concept of emotions- life characteristics of the universe

To any sane sounding scientist or philosopher, emotions, such as "desire", "want", "love" and "hate" are qualities of higher order life forms. Yet it is only recently that our historical understanding has evolved to this broadness. Up until as recently as thirty years ago, most philosophers, psychologists and scientists have seen emotions being exclusively a human quality. It was only through the systematic study of apes and other mammals of sufficient brain size, that we discovered their facial actions and physical actions were consistent with having emotions. Even today, there are still strong pockets of view, especially religions such as Christianity and Judaism, that maintain emotion to be a purely "human" quality. But what proof is there that emotion is a purely human, or even higher order life form quality? 21.17.1 What is emotion? While the physical identification of human emotions have been widely understood for tens of thousands of years, surprisingly, very few definitions of actually what is an emotion? what causes an emotion? where does emotion come from? have been documented. It is only relatively recently, that definitions of emotions have branched beyond purely cataloguing the physical characteristics of emotions. For the purpose of this model, we view emotion in terms of the expression of a goal - that is, recognizing, firstly, that emotion can be incomplete without a physical representation. For example, hate and the expression of a contorted face and loud voice. Secondly, we now recognize hate as the expression of a thought to kill someone. They are both expressions of goal- one in the NOW moment by expressing a physical hatred towards a person and the other being a dream of what we'd like to do to kill that person. Our definition of emotion is therefore:

an expression of goal (either physically, or non physically) applied to a present moment to try and derive an action (either physically, or non physically).
We can make an even simpler definition.

Emotion = desire of certain motion. The expression of choice.

21.17.2 Human Beings and emotions We see from our definition that human beings have the capacity to express emotions in two different ways:

(a) the capacity to express emotion(s) physically in a NOW moment, such as crying for joy at winning a lottery; and (b) the ability to express emotions through playing an imaginary image of a future possibility from memory (e.g. dreaming of hitting an unfair boss).
21.17.3 Certain primates and other mammals We also see from the definition, that recent medical and behavioral research has confirmed that certain higher order life forms on Earth, apart from human beings have the capacity for emotion and a range of emotional characteristics- although almost always considered narrower than human beings. No emotion in some higher order life forms and the rest of the life ecosystem At present, our understanding is that the majority of higher order life forms (except humans and certain species) have no capacity for emotions or in fact have emotions. We also as a community refute the possibility that such things as plants have emotions. 21.17.4 Strange things with plants and music Why is it, that a widely known phenomena around the world of not just feeding plants but showing love via such things as music has a direct impact on their level of growth and speed on growth. There have been literally thousands of irrefutable comparable examples of home gardeners and commercial gardeners using soft, melodious music to stimulate agricultural growth in their crop(s). The results have always tended to be significant improvements, compared to no positive stimulation. We also see that human beings have a wide range of emotions and therefore combinations of those emotions. For instance, winning the lottery may be a mixture to the person of joy-happiness and relief. 21.17.5 Where does emotion originate? Tied closely to our belief in the restriction of emotional abilities to humans and select higher order life forms, we believe emotions to be part of the inherent make up of procreation and species sustainment. In the same context of this argument, we also have made a significant bonding between emotion and human character and development. It is no mystery then that the field of behavioral science is racked with competitive debate on whether emotions are transferred genetically or via environmental conditioning. The environmental conditionalists have typically held the day in the sciences of psychology, psychiatry for most of the period that these

disciplines have been recognized as "sciences." However, clinical psychology and clinical psychiatry and the use of drugs and research into the medical conditions guiding emotions have grown in strength. Now in places such as the United States, the amount of money spent on mental health has exploded. Recent studies into the human brain and genetic research has come up with dramatic discovery after dramatic discovery on the affect of genes and our physical make up. It is now a widely held and growing belief, that ultimately, emotions are a part of our genetic make-up. Whatever scientific belief ultimately wins the war, the question of generally where do emotions come from, the answers are unanimously from other humans. It is just the "how" where they disagree. 21.17.6 An emotional frustration with God In the context of the lead up to answering the question of whether the Universe as a physical system has emotions, or not, is a problem that all conscious human beings face at some time or another- an emotional frustration with God. Religious organisations call this commonly "a supreme test of faith", and various mainstream religions have traditionally taught this as a standard feature of everyone's life as a human being. The frustration comes from an event that for some reason or another goes against all the emotions that we perceive as good and calls into question how a higher power could allow this event to occur. The most common event where this is likely to occur is at the death of a close friend, relative or partner. During the moment of grief, there is not only the personal frustration at not being able to prevent the death, or turn back the clock, but at a higher power that did not seem to "care" or "lend a hand" at preventing the death. Expression of this frustration is then most commonly seen in a "loss of faith", or "loss of belief/trust/esteem of God." After humans have reached at certain age, not matter how much they profess to believe in a higher power, mainstream religions know that it is most common for all followers to have a lesser belief/esteem of their model of "God", given some real-life drama that resulted in the death of a loved one. Interestingly, and why this section is relevant is that most humans that believe in a higher power, also believe that the higher power has emotions, a wide, but perfectly aligned set of emotions and able to be expressed in infinite strength. The Christian religion derives a model of an "interventionist" God, from the Judaic tradition of a God that "helped" Israelites kill their enemies because they were "non-believers." The model of the interventionist God has always been one of the greatest marketing strengths of most of the mainstream religions, and yet expressed in detail in such as slip-shod way that followers after a certain time, wane in their trust and esteem of the "personality" of God.

Certain human beings that have lost trust or esteem in an "interventionist" God after seeing something that went against the model of God they ascribe to, variously see "him", "it" as uncaring, frivolous, unyielding, stern. Many of those that ascribe to a noninterventionist but loving God, also suffer a loss of esteem and trust in God. This is why discussing the context of emotions and the Universe, when most of human kind have such as strong base belief in a higher order life with full emotions is so important. It is because, most of us believe in some kind of model of a higher power, that we all seem to suffer a lowering of our personal esteem/trust in "God" at the death of a loved one. 21.17.7 One point of UCA interposing on another point of UCA Have you forgotten one of the fundamental principles of creation of the Universe?- one point of UCA cannot merge with another point of UCA. What happens if this were to happen? We know through the model that dimension would collapse and the Universe and then UCA would cease to exist. The rules of existence that create the rules of the dream cannot be tampered with by the UCA as a whole from within the dream. But what about intervening from outside the dream? Once again, we see that one dream interposed into another dream would violate the laws of creation and our Universe would cease to exist. Quite simply UCA as a part or whole entity cannot physically alter the arrow of time, cause a part of the system to change instantly without violating the laws of creation. Basically, an interventionist God cannot exist in a macro physical sense, whether God (UCA) wants to or not. 21.17.8 One point of UCA interposing on another point of UCA This leads us to ask again, do emotions simply come as transferred "understanding" from within the species, or are they much wider qualities?

The first act of existence

We have already discussed the first evidence of where at least one emotion originates- the desire to exist (mind) and then the physical representation of existence with the creation of the universe (physical expression). In the expression of the goal law I wish to exist. "Wish" is not a mechanical, or genetic thing. It is an emotion. It is a thought, it is that "essence" we have spoken of- a mixture of the qualities of physical state, spiritual goal and existence. The desire for survival is a UCA and Universal emotion. It is shared by all matter and therefore explains why the laws of existence work, which is the expression of that emotion- survival. Atoms do not smash into each other, because they wish to exist. This is why the Universe will never cease to exist, because the

creation of the first and fundamental emotion means that existence shall continue for infinity and that UCA shall continue for ever.

The second act of existence

But with the creation of the Universe, the second most powerful emotion was created- Love. With the companion of the Universe- the two- UCA and Universe, we had all the qualities of the Universe, the essential definitions of Love- specialization, co-dependence, existence. The fundamental laws of creation are the fundamental laws of love. Therefore UCA in essence has two overriding and unchanging emotions that are as absolute as the Universe is incomprehensibly large- Existence/desire to Exist and Love.

The third act of existence

The third emotion is the desire to form relationships, expressed by creation. This is how the Universe came into being and how the forces of attraction and repulsion are formed. Therefore the Universe loves to create and hates to uncreate. It feels happiness at creation and unhappiness at uncreation. It feels together when it is together and alone when it is not together in form. It feels jealousy when greater form is created and desires to find a way to get ahead. 21.17.9 The frustration of UCA There is no question that UCA (God) can be as frustrated as any human being. The UCA and the Universe is equally as sad when even the smallest creation "dies" and changes into a lesser form. It shares the same passion and upset. Yet it cannot break the laws of creation by intervening, for this would end creation. Ultimately, UCA does not need to if creation is aligned. For everything around in this dimension allows UCA to interact. Hopefully, this may lead to a restoration in esteem of higher powers given a better understanding of the interaction of the laws of existence.

21.18 Will the universe ever end?

We have already the discussed in previous chapters that the behaviour of the Unita and existence of infinite Unita (UNITAS) means that the Universe will never end.


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Awareness and mass

In the previous twenty or so chapters, we have investigated an enormous amount of detail in terms of the structure and relationships between everything in the Universe. That we have been able to present a logol argument for the linking of all energis and fortis as well as matter is profoundly important. In a world, where knowledge is the regarded as the ultimate quest, the knowledge we have outlined so far is surely more than enough for one book. Certainly, if you have read the previous chapters you would have experienced the waves of enlightenment by now. Waves of complete bliss as questions of life become clearer and synergetic.


The loneliness of knowing all. The loneliness of being all aware It remains the ultimate prize of most religions and mystic cults that to be all aware is to reach the end of the road. This is commonly described as reaching a state of enlightenment. Yet is knowing everything there is to know, being supremely aware enough in itself? To reach the point of pure awareness that the mystics have sought for so long. To know what it is like to be God. Is this where it makes sense? The answer we suggest is no. For to know everything is nothing, if one cannot live. Or simply as was once said "what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world, yet loses his soul?" For example, if you have read all the previous chapters of this book, you may well have reached a strange feeling of waves of enlightenment, yet at the same time experiences of profound isolation of the world around you. How could this be so? In this chapter, we explain the last major scientific insight for this book- that pure awareness has no mass. In this chapter we seek to understand why the most powerful essence is the universe is when pure awareness is in motion- the power of an idea.

22.2 Understanding mass

There has been an eternal debate between scientists and philosophers for thousands of years between the concept of spirit, mind and reality (the body). In more recent years, the body has reigned supreme in the scientific debates of describing the world. The last notes of God in the Universe appeared forever closed with the advances since the bombing of Japan with nuclear weapons. Yet we now know the connection in essence is remarkably clear- all of what we see is awareness in motion- a dream. But before we delve into this fundamental understanding, let us look at the question of mass. Mass is described as the accumulated attraction, an object has by virtue of the type, configuration and number. Therefore an ocean liner made out of iron and other heavier metals is vastly heavier than a human being (and always will be in whatever environment measuring is carried out). This concept of understanding mass has enabled us to measure everything from atoms to human children to skyscrapers to stars to galaxies. That reality has mass is the essential argument of science. Reality can be measured. If it can't be measured, it can't be real, it has no influence.


The power of an idea

We then come to a challenging component. An idea is not just awareness, it is awareness in motion. It is awareness that is taking something of the past and the present and projecting towards the future. This makes no judgment on whether it is a good idea or a bad idea. In this way we describe idea as if a thought, as if a dream. In other words conscious mind to a variation is a low level in many cases of dreaming, of an idea.


The creation of the steam engine Two hundred years ago, there were no trains, no trams, no integrated public transport systems for cities. But two hundred years ago, the idea of steam powered engines started to be applied, forever changing the nature of transportation and industry- the creation of the Industrial Revolution.


The creation of electricity Roughly one hundred years ago, the electric light was created. Suddenly in the space of twenty years, electricity became available for house lighting in major urban centres. Twenty years on, we see the creation of household appliances thanks to the idea of electricity and the creation of the Mass Consumerism Age from the late 1940's to the

early 1970's. 22.3.3 The creation of the personal computer Around thirty years ago, the idea of personal computing was invented in practical mass production. Now, computers are in almost every household on the planet, while at the same time, computers dominate the operation of business across the globe. 22.3.4 Do these idea have mass? Do these ideas have mass? Are these ideas very real to our daily lives? Of course they are. These three examples are but three ideas that have changed the course of human history. Idea is pure mass and mass is pure idea. The essence of pure reality is pure mass. Everything we see is dream, is awareness, what keeps it together is a goal, an idea- to exist, existence. Therefore by law all ideas possess mass. The greater and idea, the denser, the greater mass and value.


Idea is pure mass

Isn't it funny how we discount the power of an idea and yet our worlds problems as real as they are are just constructs from ideas put into motion. That is all these things are- democracy is just an idea in motion. Crime, life and death, institutions, unemployment as real as these things are, the problems are always going to come back to the sorts of ideas in motion. More importantly, as the imagination of so many generations has be depressed at a time when it needs to emerge, the credibility of ideas needs to be developed.


The essential mystery of life We are told the world is faced with so many "real" problems. In our own lives we see their effects through quality of life, employment, environment and personal relations. There are so many things we look at as if we must somehow conquer the whole world. Is there not so many understandings that this task of being so aware is fruitless? Don't we understand the inherent nature that to be all aware is to have no mass, unless in motion? The understandings of mass:

Pure awareness has no mass Only ideas have mass Idea is awareness with purpose in motion Motion is mass Energis is mass Energis is reality Reality is perception


E = mc2
That energis = mass x motion Dr Albert Einstein unlocked a series of new understandings with this formula. He revealed that at a very small level, small mass objects at high motion have high energis. More than that, it established a working relationship between mass, energis (power to change other things) and motion.


Understandings below this formula Sadly, Dr Einstein experienced great anguish at the creation of this formula. Not from any shying away from its brilliance, but its seeming condemnation to the lonely halls of pure awareness it seemed to throw him. Just look at any photos of his study at Princeton and look into his eyes. Is this not a man lost to such inner loneliness in brilliance? In 20th century history, Dr Albert Einstein is credited as probably the greatest mind to have lived. Yet Albert could not seem to find the answer while he was alive. Locked deep below this formula were the understandings as to why E= mc2? Simultaneously there was the great expansion of horizon that this formula and other thinking that presented the key to unlock so many doors of knowledge. His life was an endless search and expansion to find a way to find the "Unified field theory", the theory that united mathematically the energies of the universe. For Einstein knew energis was equivalent to mass. He also knew that in finding a unified theory of all energies and forces, he would have in his hands the key to unlocking any door of knowledge in the universe. Interestingly, Albert chose the expansion path of searching for the unified field theory, expanding his knowledge, drawing him further and further away from his fellow humanity. He died in life, neither finding his dream of a unified field theory, nor adequately describing why in the universe does E=mc2? Yet we see his formula again in the new understandings:

Pure awareness has no mass Only ideas have mass Idea is awareness with purpose in motion Motion is mass Energis is mass Energis is reality Reality is perception ( a dream) Life is a dream
We see his formula in the understanding that only ideas have mass. The dream has mass, when awareness is in motion. We see the proof of existence, the proof of reality, of how dream transcends with the measurable reality of life. All these things become

apparent when we consider:

E = mc2 Energis = mass x motion Energis = (awareness with purpose in motion) x motion Energis = dream in motion Energis = idea in motion Energis = 0 when there is no motion with awareness Power = Idea in motion Reality = Idea in motion


The power of nothing

At the beginning of the book, we quoted the famous saying "nothing can come from nothing." Not only is it a famous saying, but an essential point of the formal system of Logic upon which many great philosophies are based. However, one great philosophical movement has at is heart a belief in the mystical fulfillment of a silent, peaceful mind. The space, the "nothing" parts between a relentless reality. This is Buddhism, in particular the teachings from Tibetan Buddhism.


Awareness has no mass. Pure nothing is pure awareness We now come to this most challenging of understandings. On the one hand, we have the underlying Western academic view that "knowledge is everything" and on the other hand there is the Eastern spiritual teachings that "everything is nothing". For with the previous understanding that pure awareness has no mass, we establish that: Pure Awareness = Nothing Pure knowledge = Nothing Everything = Nothing Nothing = Everything How can this be? It doesn't make sense. It seems the highest of nonsensical contradictions until you realize that all of us reading this book have been trained to think of nothing as devoid of anything. Nothing is something, for the very reason that it was defined. If you take away the "concept" of nothing you have no word and no concept. In other words, there can never be nothing. There is always something, even if it is just an idea such as a definition of a concept.


The secret to silence of the mind What the mystics stumbled upon in the power of silent reflection, or deep meditation was merely a "technique" to tap into the purest knowledge in existence- pure UCA, pure awareness. By settling the mind, by freeing the mind of emotional thoughts and being totally at peace, these people experienced the power of nothing. That suddenly out of nothing can come blinding insight and wisdom.

Furthermore, we now understand why allowing ourselves certain times of the day to be completely at peace is so beneficial and powerful.


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You are now at the point where so many great mystics and holy people over thousands of years of human endeavor have stumbled. Organized religions such as Buddhism in the past thirty years have made a tremendous growth into Western cultures, with the attraction of seeking enlightenment.

Professional wealth seeking Gurus have made much out of claiming to know the path to reach a state of bliss . Yet in reading this book so far, you are now at a point where you can answer once and for all, the understandings to living each day from now on as an enlightened human being. 23.1.1 How can we seriously claim knowledge to enlightenment? When so many have tried and failed, how can we claim to truly know the essence of enlightenment? We are not talking about the waves of bliss that have swept over you as you have read the previous chapters. We are talking about the ability to be and to understand as one completely in-tune with your higher self and the environment around you. Our confidence is in knowing the mathematical and scientific understandings of the previous chapter: Awareness has no mass Only awareness in motion has mass The answer is right in front of our noses. Life and living is what is important and what gives reality and meaning to existence, not knowledge.


The highest human emotion

If you look in any dictionary or thesaurus you will not find it. If you look in the countless volumes of philosophies and books, you will not see it. For nowhere is it stated what is the single highest emotion of being human. This may sound a complete impossibility- a fraud. For it is inconceivable that in spite of all the debate and constant questioning of human emotion for thousands of years, it appears that no one has bothered to define what is quintessentially the highest human emotion? Yet this is effectively where we find ourselves.


The imperfection of love alone

The first emotion you would have thought of when we mentioned the highest human emotion may have been the word - "Love". Certainly, many poets and religious leaders have spoken of the perfection of love. Yet human love as a human emotion is far from perfect. We love certain kinds of foods that are bad for us. We crave certain physical affection, in spite of the conflicting emotions that mixed emotional partnerships bring. We sometimes love people who hurt us and hate people who are trying to help us. Religious leaders commonly define their use of the word Love in more detail as a kind of "higher ideal of love" then going onto examples of this in action. With greatest respect, the actual "higher ideal" is never defined as a single word. With the greatest respect, the list of examples means dozens of words are used to describe a higher ideal that is never actually defined in word. 23.2.2 The mixed usage of the word life The second word that you probably though of was the word "life". Certainly, hundreds of great philosophers over the ages, in particular the new age movements of the 20th Century stated life to be the highest ideal. Life indeed may be seen as the fundamental reason, or purpose as to why all things exist. But it is not a human emotion. It is a purpose and we are looking for a word that is an emotion. Therefore, life cannot be the highest ideal emotion. It must be something else. 23.2.3 The mixed usage of the concept of a higher power The third word that you might have considered is a word for a higher power, whether it be UCA, UNITAS, God, Yahweh, Allah or something else. Certainly an all encompassing word for a higher power must by definition include whatever the highest human emotion is, but it is a concept, not an emotion. Emotions are physical combinations of hormones running through our bodies and affecting the operation of our conscious minds as well as our physical state of being. Therefore a definition of a higher power being the highest human emotion is incorrect. 23.2.4 The most esteemed of all humans-the hero As we struggle to grasp a single word so far that adequately describes the highest human emotion, we can state with confidence the highest example of the highest human emotion in action. We call this the action of a hero. The hero myth In every culture since the birth of mankind, hero myths have been fundamental to the development and sophistication of human emotion and therefore learning.

All hero myths have an underlying story principle and underlying display of emotion which is typified as:

A hero is a being that breaks from their natural tribe and then goes off on some journey into some darkness, to return as a protector/ saviour somehow of their natural tribe.
The hero myth encompasses a range of powerful implications, sometimes lost on modern day story tellers. For the action of thinking about yourself to then help others appears to be the essential understanding of the hero myth.

"Greater love hath no man, than to lay down his life for his country"
23.2.5 The highest emotion is ME You may ask, is there a hormone that can be secreted within humans we could call Me that has not yet been discovered, or verified? We would say yes, there are many chemical packages that the human body has the capacity to produce that for the moment we have no idea of the mind and chemical triggers and their potential impact on the human body. Most importantly, we are yet to understand the harmonic balance of emotions and their effective impact on the body and chemical balance of the mind. The highest emotion being me, may well in fact hold the key to a range of hormones that provide an underlying cohesion and purpose to the packages- thus optimizing the internal messages of the body, thus resulting in better overall performance. In other words, being honest to yourself, being yourself, being you should also by definition be a healthy state of being, a positive state of being- the highest state of emotional being for a human. 23.2.6 The proof that the highest emotion is ME Something that all who have read UCA see are certain underlying patterns that run strongly and consistently throughout the book. We have become accustomed to seeing words and meanings have both underlying synergies, but also literal and numerical synergiesoverall synergy. It is no surprise that we should expect to see such patterns occurring with the highest human emotion of ME. E=mc2 and emotion We have already established that E=mc2 represents the fundamental mechanics of how the dream of life operates. We also established that E=mc2 is the formula that establishes the link between awareness (knowledge and ideas) and mass (reality). Furthermore, we established that emotion represents literally energis in motion, that in fact emotion is firstly a physical thing- not a conceptual thing.

Now we consider the word ME and EMOTION. We can consider the following argument

ME = more than 1 ME = 2 (numerically) ME= 1st 2 letters of emotion energis in motion = EMOTION me + motion = EMOTION energis in motion = ME E=mc2 E motion ME in motion
By definition, the first purpose of life is to think about yourself first Survival and sustainment By definition, only by being yourself can you then help others Being true to the full understanding of you is the best way.


The ultimate understanding of death

For all that we have spoken of death, the fear and understanding of death remains one of the hardest for human beings. It is not that we fail to understand the genetic requirement of humans to die, nor the general path of the mind after death. The fundamental difficulty lies with an adequate answer to the question "why do I have to die?".


Death of other life is vital to the sustainment of ours However we choose to describe it, human beings require the eating of other life forms to survive. Even a grain of wheat is from a living plant. Death is therefore all around us and in our homes at the same time as life. While there has been a tremendous growth in the following of a vegetarian philosophy ( and not eat meat), we still must cause others living things to die so we might live. The phrase "For I to live, something has to die" is therefore true for all humans.


To live I die and the understanding of death and life

210 To Live I die To live, one dies One dies to live I die to live 1 becomes 2 to live 2 is to live 1 is not to live I become more to live To live is more We are only more, when we are more than one.
23.3.3 The understanding of "to live, 1 dies" In the statement "to live, I die", we see the intrinsic nature of the understanding of life and death- that being one is not enough, one needs to be more- but to change requires the death of one state of being and birth of another state of being. Death is the end of something, yet always the beginning of another. Death is merely a doorway through which we all pass to something else. Without death, there literally would be no life, from the very moment the universe came into existence. Once again we see the mathematical and philosophy consistently aligned.

23.4 The sense of life

A question directly asked by many is the sense of life in terms of hardships and misery that afflicts so many. For all the simple sayings and words of wisdom, and explanation of the nature and behaviour of the universe, the question remains if quintessentially there exists an ulterior motive, a "hidden message" behind the sense of life In all that we have considered, there is no, nor likely to be any evidence to suggest that life necessarily has to be hard or miserable.

There is no law in the Universe that says life has to be hard. Everything in life happens for a reason. There is always more than one reason for what happens in life. In life, look for the other reasons, apart from the obvious. Always ask what is the purpose of an action? Always look for the less obvious, ideal, yet normally the simplest

solution to the purpose of an action.


The loneliness of knowing

If you have read all the previous chapters of this book, then you have indeed traveled far. We hope you found within these chapters, the understandings of awareness you were looking for. Certainly, we hope that you are more aware than you were before starting this book.


The double edged sword of awareness In recent times since you have read this book to this point, you might have started to experience a strange emotion- the emotion of loneliness because you now know so much. You might have started to find it hard to converse, or even to find people receptive to what you now know. There is nothing wrong. This is to be expected with the vast expansion of understanding that UCA brings. For awareness alone is not enough. It is not enough to suddenly know more than you have ever known before. Awareness in essence has no mass. For the understanding, scientifically of the connection between life (reality) and the mind ( unreality) is that:

Pure awareness has no mass Only life has mass Life is awareness with purpose in motion Motion is mass Energis is mass E = mc2
23.5.2 There must be something more If awareness on its own feels incomplete, then by definition there must be something more. We suggest the obvious is life. However, just the word "life" on its own does not help us to understand "why" we feel these emotions. What might assist us with the answer, is considering the answer to the questions of questions- the answer to the meaning of everything, the meaning of ALL?


The meaning of ALL

There is one question we have not answered in this book so far. It is the fundamental question of all human existence. It is the question that philosophers and scholars have sought throughout the ages. It is the question: What is the meaning of ALL?


The historical mystical aura surrounding the theoretical

answer to ALL Since early tribal settlements of human beings, there is evidence in the belief and practice of magic- that certain words, sounds, symbols and objects had certain supernatural powers. Rightly, or wrongly, certain superstitions underpin the beliefs of almost every human being on the planet. In a historical context, the theoretical answer to the meaning of everything (ALL) in a variety of languages has always carried a mystical aura. Some cultures still maintain to this day that the answer to such questions are impossible to know, because to know such an answer would only rest in the hands of a higher power, than a human. Others claim that only at the end of time will such an answer be given. Almost every religion in the world are unanimous in their teachings that the answers to the meaning of everything will only truly come at the end of time. The Christian religions and Judaic religions as we have discussed previously have made the prediction of an answer being found to the meaning of everything a central pillar to their faith. That at the end of time, a Judgment time will occur, a Messiah will come and ALL will be revealed. Therefore to even seek an answer to such a question as the meaning of ALL may horrify many current and previous followers of Christian and Judaic religions. For this period is regarded by some fundamental Christian Groups as the end of time. 23.6.2 The scientific and apparently "logical" flaw in seeking an answer to ALL On a scientific note, it appears impossible to consider something as complex in action as the Universe and its reason for workings and all the reasons associated with the Universe could be described in a coherent sentence, let alone a word. Therefore to many scientists and even to a great many thinkers using formal logic, the question itself is flawed, because "we can never truly know the answer to the meaning of ALL." We strongly differ and suggest that the creator the Universe was brilliant in design and sculpting something so synergetic that it will always exist- The Universe. Therefore the answer to the meaning of ALL should also be deceptively simple, yet brilliantly crafted. 23.6.3 Multiple meanings from different fields- numerology and literary That objects can have more than one meaning. Not just in a literal sense, but in a symbolic sense. We have already seen this with the letter I. We see the word I also representing the symbol for one and the actual single symbol itself representing one. Therefore we see: I in English meaning - myself, one

I also being interchangeable with 1, representing in science 1 1 being a symbol that numerically is one. We should therefore expect that other multiple synergies should exist. In looking for the ultimate meaning, it should be expected that more than one meaning and across many disciplines should apply.

23.7 Meaning of ALL:#1-The direction of creation

If we are talking about finding the answer to everything, then we are talking about the Universe (UNITAS) and UCA. We are also talking about the creation of the Universe and the relationships and proper sequence. If we look at the structure of this book and the arguments contained within, we see that: First came UCA Then came the Universe Then came cellular lifeforms ultimately leading to humans These represent the greatest advances and the most unique object classifications that exist. Numerologically, we might express this as: 0 1 2 Therefore in our quest to find the meaning of ALL (everything), we might consider that this order of creation and numerological sequence might have significance. We now look for clues in the possible names synergies that might exist for UCA, the Universe and Cellular Life.

23.8 Meaning of ALL: #2-The names for UCA, Universe and Cellular Life
Looking back, we see essentially a range of words that can describe UCA, the Universe and life. There are simply too many words on first account to make any meaning. We have words such as: cosmos all UCA o Universal Collective Awareness etc. Yet there is one certain way to accurately define the most appropriate words for UCA, The Universe and all life forms. Looking back to the essential definition of UCA, we see:

many points of awareness coming together to form one, while each point represents the cornerstone of the one.
Therefore, the definition of UCA is the most appropriate to describe the nature of awareness.

If we then look at the Universe, we see the definition of infinite Unita as being UNITAS. By definition, an infinite number of Unita forming the one ( the Universe) and at the same time being crucial to the continued existence of the Universe. Therefore, the definition of UNITAS is the most appropriate to describe the nature of the Universe. If we then look at a summary word for life, we see that the word life is most appropriate. However the word CORPUS, carries the definition of many cells coming together to form one body, with each cell being a key player in the existence of the overall life form. We see then in the word CORPUS and exact meaning to UNITAS and an exact meaning to UCA. In other words, UCA, CORPUS and UNITAS, describing the Universe, UCA and all lifeforms all in fact mean the same thing, by literary definition. Therefore, the definition of CORPUS is the most appropriate to describe the nature of life. We can now add these insights to our previous insights on our search for the meaning of ALL (everything): UCA Then came the Universe Then came unique cellular life UCA UNITAS CORPUS 0 1 2


Meaning of ALL: #3-The essential emotion of each word- UCA, UNITAS and CORPUS
In previous chapters, we have discussed at length the physical cause and nature of emotion. We stated that the endocrine system of all living mammals are responsible for the production of hormones which are the physical packages that make us "feel" the way we do. However, we also discussed at length the overall emotional state of the Universe in Chapter (17). In Chapter 17, we were able to essentially argue that everything in the Universe is emotional, as everything in the Universe is alive. What we did not discuss at the time was the simple and obvious symbolic similarities to the word "emotion" and other words.


Emotion and the meaning of all

Consider the word Emotion. Take away the E and you only have motion; Emotion is more than simply motion. It is motion with purpose and usually direction. Consider the E in emotion = energis Energis = (awareness with purpose in motion) x motion Emotion= Energis x motion Emotion = (awareness with purpose in motion) x motion x motion

Emotion is the highest form of motion.

On this basis, what might be the most ideal emotional expressions of UCA, UNITAS and CORPUS?

If we consider UCA, the most natural emotional description is "awareness" If we consider cellular life, the most natural emotional description is "life" If we consider the Universe and the close link to the physical laws required of creation, we have creation, or "love".

23.10 Meaning of ALL- the answer is..

From the previous pages we can now state the following patterns: First came UCA 0 Pure Awareness =0 UCA The one & many=1 then Universe 1 Universe = 1 UNITAS The one & many=1 then Cellular Life 2 Cellular life = 2+ CORPUS The one & many=1

All three definitions of UCA, UNITAS and CORPUS mean the same thing Awareness A Love L Life L

The answer to the meaning of ALL is Awareness Love(s) Life

23.10.1 How synergetic and powerful is the answer to ALL? Considering the deceptively simple answer to the meaning of ALL, we still expect to see evidence of the multiple synergies between disciplines in the word ALL. ALL literally means "everything there is". There is no bigger conceptual word than ALL, with the exception of UCA (Universal Collective Awareness); Physical order of creation of the Universe, A + L + L Explains the reason for existence ("Awareness Love's Life") The definitions of UCA, UNITAS and CORPUS all literally mean the same thing: " the many forming the one, with the many also being the one."

Explains the physical major components to the dream of existence: Awareness the dreamer and everything about the dream Love the universe, its rules, it boundary unique awareness within the dream, some lifeforms Life having the capacity for unique dreaming. 23.10.2 LLA and the understanding of human perspective There is more to the answer of ALL than initially appears. For example, what if we were to literally turn the word 180 around? We would have the word LLA, standing for "Life Love's Awareness." This is in fact how we as humans see the dream, from the inside out, because we are human. As human beings, we are unique not only in awareness, but in physical position and form. No two humans are exactly the same in all respects. If we were to list the multiple synergies between LLA and the questions of life, we see: LLA is exactly how we perceive the Universe as human beings, as unique living, self aware physical forms; LLA is literally 180 reverse in perspective to ALL. LLA is looking from the inside of the dream out; LLA is the truth of human desire- "Life Loves Awareness" that we yearn knowledge, that we seek to be more than what we are. Hence, the status in our societies of people who are regarded as being intelligent and well-read in knowledge. LLA shows the inherent conflict born into the entire Universe and in particular all self-aware life forms- that we place less emphasis on life and more emphasis on knowledge, which is 180 in contradiction to ALL. 23.10.3 Coming home- the most important insight of the meaning of ALL There is one underlying truth, one underlying key message of understanding the meaning of ALL and it is about the privilege of being human. From our perspective, life is less important than love and love is less important than pure knowledge. That is because we always look at things with a LLA perspective. But from the true perspective of the creator, from the perspective of ALL, the highest ideal is life. And the greatest and most precious example of life is unique life forms that are self aware and geared to experience life in all its diversities. The human being is such a lifeform. To UCA and to the ALL, we are the crowing glory of existence, for we are so alive and so unique (whether we sometimes understand this or not). To UCA, intelligence is not the ultimate prize, nor are answering all the questions that have ever been asked. It is all knowledge, it is everything. That you are human 1st is the most prestigious of gifts

and highest of honours. Unique, diverse life, forever is what ALL means. That for all the knowledge you have read, for all that you are, what makes you most special is that you are human first. Being ALL is nothing special. Having a unique perspective, feeling emotions, feeling alive is. It is time to come home to the underlying truth and understanding that ALL brings. You are you, yet you are more (LLA). But you are only more because you are you (ALL). It is time to return to what it feels like to be human. Not to worry about how much or how little we know. To be happy. To be human first. To truly be yourself. 23.10.4 How could the answer to everything be so simple? Why shouldn't it be this simple? There is no law in the Universe that says life has to be hard, or that the answers have to be incredibly complicated. It is what it is.

23.11 The revelation of ALL

All three definitions of UCA, UNITAS and CORPUS mean the same thing Awareness A Love L Life L

The answer to the meaning of ALL is Awareness Love(s) Life

23.10.1 How synergetic and powerful is the answer to ALL? Considering the deceptively simple answer to the meaning of ALL, we still expect to see evidence of the multiple synergies between disciplines in the word ALL. ALL literally means "everything there is". There is no bigger conceptual word than ALL, with the exception of UCA (Universal Collective Awareness); Physical order of creation of the Universe, A + L + L Explains the reason for existence ("Awareness Love's Life") The definitions of UCA, UNITAS and CORPUS all literally mean the same thing: " the many forming the one, with the many also being the one." Explains the physical major components to the dream of existence: Awareness the dreamer and everything about the dream Love the universe, its rules, it boundary unique awareness within the dream, some lifeforms Life having the capacity for unique dreaming. 23.10.2 LLA and the understanding of human perspective

There is more to the answer of ALL than initially appears. For example, what if we were to literally turn the word 180 around? We would have the word LLA, standing for "Life Love's Awareness." This is in fact how we as humans see the dream, from the inside out, because we are human. As human beings, we are unique not only in awareness, but in physical position and form. No two humans are exactly the same in all respects. If we were to list the multiple synergies between LLA and the questions of life, we see: LLA is exactly how we perceive the Universe as human beings, as unique living, self aware physical forms; LLA is literally 180 reverse in perspective to ALL. LLA is looking from the inside of the dream out; LLA is the truth of human desire- "Life Loves Awareness" that we yearn knowledge, that we seek to be more than what we are. Hence, the status in our societies of people who are regarded as being intelligent and well-read in knowledge. LLA shows the inherent conflict born into the entire Universe and in particular all self-aware life forms- that we place less emphasis on life and more emphasis on knowledge, which is 180 in contradiction to ALL. 23.10.3 Coming home- the most important insight of the meaning of ALL There is one underlying truth, one underlying key message of understanding the meaning of ALL and it is about the privilege of being human. From our perspective, life is less important than love and love is less important than pure knowledge. That is because we always look at things with a LLA perspective. But from the true perspective of the creator, from the perspective of ALL, the highest ideal is life. And the greatest and most precious example of life is unique life forms that are self aware and geared to experience life in all its diversities. The human being is such a lifeform. To UCA and to the ALL, we are the crowing glory of existence, for we are so alive and so unique (whether we sometimes understand this or not). To UCA, intelligence is not the ultimate prize, nor are answering all the questions that have ever been asked. It is all knowledge, it is everything. That you are human 1st is the most prestigious of gifts and highest of honours. Unique, diverse life, forever is what ALL means. That for all the knowledge you have read, for all that you are, what makes you most special is that you are human first. Being ALL is nothing special. Having a unique perspective, feeling emotions, feeling alive is. It is time to come home to the underlying truth and understanding

that ALL brings. You are you, yet you are more (LLA). But you are only more because you are you (ALL). It is time to return to what it feels like to be human. Not to worry about how much or how little we know. To be happy. To be human first. To truly be yourself. 23.10.4 How could the answer to everything be so simple? Why shouldn't it be this simple? There is no law in the Universe that says life has to be hard, or that the answers have to be incredibly complicated. It is what it is.

23.12 The "end of time" as we know it

A revelation spoken of in all cultures is the end of time. A point where we cease to exist. In todays modern world, we consider this to be the extinction of life on planet Earth. Yet to those that wrote prophecies 2000 and 3000 years ago, the end of time could even have been as simple as the end of a civilization and its culture. Such an event- the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans, the abolition of the Jewish calendar of Time and the imposition of the Caesarian calendar of time (basically what we have today) would have certainly represented the "end of time" for ancient Jews. It is in the preceding years of this period, that the prophecies of John and the Apocalypse of the Essenes at Qumran (the authors of the Dead Sea Scrolls) were written. It is certain by the Dead Sea Scrolls and the basic architecture of the book of revelation that these texts were written. They were not written for, nor meant to be interpreted as prophecies of events yet to come 2000 years on. The end of time can be seen not only as a physical event, but an associated cultural event as one cultures system of time is lost to another, or all cultures are lost together. Interpreted this way, the "end of time" has been occurring in different parts of the planet for thousands of years. Even as recently as fifty years ago, the "end of time" was occurring in parts of Sth America, SE Asia and the Nth America as ancient indigenous cultures perished under Roman Time Law. 23.12.1 The nature of Time The measurement of time is an essential part of an civilized system of organized settlement. Civilizations have designed their own calendars for thousands of years. The Aztecs, the Mayans had their own calendar of counting the days, weeks and months. The Romans, under Julius Caesar were the first to implement an international calendar of measuring time. If we still used the calendar of Julius Caesar, this would be year 2300 something. As it is, we record this year as being 1997. Year 0 of our present day Western calendar is supposed to link back to the year of Birth of Jesus Christ ( hence the historical usage of BC and AD). In other words, the year 1997 has its identification because it is regarded as 1997 years since Jesus was born.

In hindsight, the year in which Jesus was supposed to be born is now regarded as 3BC, as 3 years were somehow "lost" between 0AD and 1997AD. Therefore, if we took the original intention of the calendar to accurately list how many years since the birth of Jesus, then 1997 is in fact year 2000! 23.12.2 The pervasiveness of Roman Christian Time Law The Roman Christian Calendar as devised by Pope Gregory IX has been a powerful weapon for that organisation and those that it supports. It has become the dominant method of calculating time and therefore in most people's mind "time itself". We talk of Mondays, Tuesdays, Friday. We talk of hours, minutes and seconds and March, May and June. To us, this is time material. Yet time material is in fact a "working model" as structured and phrased by Roman Christian Politics 1600 years ago. Yet what other value does this Christian calendar provide? For instance, does the calendar enable us to understand from say March 1997 that the 1st of each month= the cycle of the moon? or does the calendar assist in understanding the regular seasons of the Suns rotation around other Stars, then around the galaxy? More to the point, could we devise a calendar that simply could provide us an accurate measure of time AND position? The answer is yes. The Christian calendar does nothing more than to entrench in the mind of every person that uses the calendar that 0 = Jesus' birth. 23.12.2 The power of controlling time Could you imagine it- controlling time. Time itself in your handswhere you decide the calendar for managing 6 billion people's lives. This is the jewel in the crown of the most modern Roman Christian Empire- the Roman Catholic and associated Christian Churches. They control time across the planet and have done for hundreds of years. It is a powerful weapon of reinforcement and politics that has existed within the Vatican armory for most of modern history. It has defined and redefined history to its own ends. It has set mind maps from which we rarely escape and consider- such as what about a 5 day week? or a four day weekend? 23.12.3 The stubbornness of the "end of time" Christian mindset In spite of the original texts being quoted being written for ancient history and in spite of the Roman Christian Calendar being a made up human concept- many hundreds of millions of humans alive today believe that one day armageddon will appear, time will end as we know it when the revelation of ALL appears. No matter how you try, the "end of time" images and reinforcement of Roman Christian Culture is virtually impossible to shift. Like ten tonnes of lead, it shuts peoples minds to possibilities and breeds internal ill and paranoia. Therefore, repudiating the end of time as a figment of Roman Christian Mind Manipulation, the only was to overcome is push forward and say YES- NOW IS THE END OF TIME AS WE KNOW IT.


NOW IS THE END OF TIME AS WE KNOW IT Supporting the prophetic belief that a messenger will come to reveal ALL at the end of time, is the recognition of a superior means of measuring time- a system that takes into account the orbit of the moon, the sun and its neighbours and a great cycle- the time of OPUS- ( as described in the section of this site called OPUS). But from the true perspective of the creator, from the perspective of ALL, the highest ideal is life. And the greatest and most precious example of life is unique life forms that are self aware and geared to experience life in all its diversities. The human being is such a lifeform. To UCA and to the ALL, we are the crowing glory of existence, for we are so alive and so unique (whether we sometimes understand this or not). To UCA, intelligence is not the ultimate prize, nor are answering all the questions that have ever been asked. It is all knowledge, it is everything. That you are human 1st is the most prestigious of gifts and highest of honours. Unique, diverse life, forever is what ALL means. That for all the knowledge you have read, for all that you are, what makes you most special is that you are human first. Being ALL is nothing special. Having a unique perspective, feeling emotions, feeling alive is. It is time to come home to the underlying truth and understanding that ALL brings. You are you, yet you are more (LLA). But you are only more because you are you (ALL). It is time to return to what it feels like to be human. Not to worry about how much or how little we know. To be happy. To be human first. To truly be yourself.

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