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CoastNet Special

ince its beginnings in 1995, CORE project, CoastNet will be
CoastNet has been championing
National developing scenarios to guide the
long term solutions to coastal development of future policies for the
Coastal and marine
problems, working with all coastal region’s coast.
education network
interests for a truly sustainable coast
From its inception 13 years ago,
that benefits both people and wildlife. European
CoastNet has been involved in coastal
education and now we are setting up
Our long term vision of a thriving coast Involvement in European
a coastal education network, a chance
that supports the many communities programmes
for those professionals to share
of people and wildlife that depend European coastal programmes with
information and discuss issues in a new
upon it, requires local, national, broad based project partnerships
coastal and marine education forum,
regional and international action – all present a unique opportunity for
see p12.
areas we work in to realise our long coastal managers everywhere. They
term goals. offer a chance to share approaches to
All Party Parliamentary
coastal management and learn from
Group on Coastal and Marine
Local Issues (APPG)
systems elsewhere to take back and
adapt to a local/national scenario.
We recognise the need to influence and
Empowering local voices CoastNet is currently involved in the
maintain avenues of communication
CoastNet has been involved in a delivery of two European projects:
with those political decision makers
number of different projects, Imcore and Encora, both of which are
who are able to bring about real
supporting and running local events discussed in the context of
change. That is why in 2006 we helped
related to Low Tide Day as well as communications on p13.
set up the APPG, recognising a clear
supporting local coastal professionals
gap in communication channels and a
through various public engagement A varied conference
clear aim to debate and recommend
workshops. Now CoastNet is running programme
coastal and marine solutions to
an exciting project ‘Holding back the CoastNet has taken its rich conference
tide’ which will span 2008 and 2009 programme to a European audience,
and collect coastal stories from people holding eight conferences in venues
Governance consultancy
around the East Anglian coastline – see across North West Europe.
Good governance lies at the core of
page 7-9.
integrated coastal zone management.
CoastNet supports organisations
Understanding industry
by providing advice and access to
CoastNet works with a wide network of African scoping study
good practice. In North West Wales
coastal interests including those At the international level, CoastNet has
we are supporting CCW and other
representing various coastal industries. recently undertaken a Moroccan and
stakeholders to integrate the
See our report, Offshore Development – African scoping study and is now
management of the Menai Straight
new frontiers of opportunity on our seeking funding to run a full scale
and Conwy Bay marine conservation
website. Look out for an APPG on project supporting fishermen and their
area with regional regeneration
energy at the coast and read about our families and ecotourism in Northern
programmes. In the East of England,
fisheries work on P10. Morocco. See p15 for more details.
with partners in the EU Interreg IM-

6 The Edge Summer 2008

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