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The purpose of this session is for principals to reflect on and use the Danielson Framework to lead teachers through an exploration of their areas of strength and growth. We will map a scenario that ultimately results in teachers using the framework to develop professional goals that focus on applying specific teaching strategies from Enhancing Professional Practice (Danielson et al).

So why am I here exactly?

What do you hope to get out of this session?

*The session assumes that the majority of your teachers have been introduced to only the initial trainings on PG&E that we facilitated last year.

Take on the role of one of your teachers

Please think about one of your teachers whose practice will benefit from the focus on the Danielson rubric and take on the role of that individual.

Take a moment to think about what you do well as a teacher.

For example:

am good at creating, using and assessing multiple teaching strategies within a lesson to meet the needs of all students (general ed, special ed, high achieving). I am good at creating an environment where students support one anothers learning and offer each other assistance. In my classroom, students always support and help one another learn.

What would you like to work toward this year and why?

Please share your thoughts with a partner at your table.

Danielson Rubric Organization

The Framework drills down from a broad perspective to finite detail...

Domain 1: Planning & Preparation

Component a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content & Pedagogy

Ex. Teacher consistently provides multiple, clear explanations of the content both verbally & in writing to students.

Into which Domains do the following fall?


am good at making content relevant to students, adjusting materials, providing students authentic choices.

3: Planning & Preparation, Component c

am good at creating an environment where students support one anothers learning and encourage each other to take risks.

2: Classroom Environment, Component b

Using the Rubric

Please locate on the rubric which domain and component areas you believe both your strengths and areas of growth can be categorized. Among those you have listed, please choose one domain and within that domain, one component to focus on for an area of strength & and area of growth.

completing this task, note the domain(s) and component(s) on the index card provided.

Find a partner

Please get into groups of up to three people with whom you share a similar strength or challenge. In your group, please share the domain and component you wish to work within and why. What questions do you have about the domain and/or component?

Next Stepswere you to present this to your teachers.

In your group, please go back to a classroom and use the videos within the Domain you have selected to learn more about how Danielson frames the work.

Confirm things you are already doing. Note something you could improve on or shift your focus around.


**For today, we will focus on three domains only 2b, 3b and 3c

Stay on targetmeta-analysis

What do you think the goals are for next steps and what are some outcomes you can predict?

provide teachers time to use Education Impact and listen to Danielson explain what the Domains and Components mean. Provide you time to collect the responses and prepare the next steps

Drilling Down...

Please use the Element Worksheets provided to help inform you about what you can do to maintain or become innovative in your areas of focus.

comparing your self-assessment to the detailed element lists for proficient and innovative, what did you notice?

Drilling Down Continued

Based on your self-assessment and subsequent comparison to the element worksheets, please develop three strategies that you can use that will help you develop in your areas of strength and growth.

doing this, please include ways to monitor the effectiveness of your strategy and collect data that will help you determine mid-year and end of year where on the continuum you fall.

Professional Growth Goal Setting

How can you use this information to develop your professional goals for the year? Take the next few minutes to develop your goal for the year based on what you learned today.

Revisiting our purpose

The purpose of this session is for principals to reflect on and use the Danielson Framework to lead teachers through an exploration of their areas of strength and growth. We will map a scenario that ultimately results in teachers using the framework to develop professional goals that focus on applying specific teaching strategies from Enhancing Professional Practice (Danielson et al).


What are some of the outcomes beyond the scope of goal setting that can be achieved using this process?


Warm & Cool Feedback

What went well and what could I improve on?

Chris Cronas Wedgwood Elementary 2-5711

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