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Wisdom From The Kitchen Table Millionaire

The Art of Wealth

I used to be a driver a truck. I sold meat and seafood door to door.

When I used my hands to make money and confined myself to 10 hours

[per] day of labor, I never had enough income.

Then I began to read books by Napoleon Hill, Muhammad Ali, Malcolm X

and books by great Entrepreneurs like Johnny Cash and Ray Kroc, who created the
McDonalds franchise and books by Ben Franklin.

I learned about leverage and learned to use 10,000 hours a day of leverage.

When you leverage 10,000 people you leverage 1 Million man hours. Theirs.

I learned to assemble other minds and without our hands, we put our minds together
and together we became the Million Mind March. We teach people to parrot the words,
“ I CAN” and to bury the words “I can’t.”

Like Einstein, who spent eight years thinking, in order to acquire the precise model of
relativity, I spent years and years thinking about a perfect prosperity model. One that
any “average Joe” could not only earn with, but I wanted to give people the MIND SET
of someone who was rich. Someone who flipped from average to super successful.

So I wrote and wrote and wrote and thought and thought and thought into infinity. What
you are about to discover is a letter I used as my business card.

Thousands of people have not only read this simple letter about Greed, but also
shared this landmark manifesto on prosperity, to assemble other, “like mind” people.

The original lesson that can serve you well is this, “the only people who have jobs and
are people who we re too lazy to learn how to make their own work.”

I decided to make my own work. Which means to learn to make your own income. That
is what Ray Charles and Johnny Carson did. They decided to make their own work.

“What you can walk away form often predicts your future.” Page # 1
“The desirable thing, is to possess sufficient Individuality
and Initiative to be your own bell-ringer - to be a law unto yourself,
so far as other men are concerned. The great men - the strong men -
care nothing for the flock, which so obediently trots along after
them. They derive no satisfaction from this thing, which pleases
only inferior minds, and gratifies only petty natures and ambitions.
The big men — the great spirits of all ages — have derived more
satisfaction from that inward conviction of strength and ability
which they felt unfolding into activity within themselves, than in the
applause of the mob, or in the servility of those fellow nerr-do-wells
who sought to follow in their footsteps.”
$37 Project Break-Free

Beethoven Martin L. King President Roosevelt James Dean Charles Haanel

1770-1827 1929-1968 1858-1919 1931-1955 1861-1921

Leading Indicators of Those Who Became Amazing Leaders Who Knew

How To Draw Large Crowds and Who Were Able To Build Vast Networks
They were able to draw people to them. Gathering a network is second fiddle to people who possess the
ALPHA Code and who are able to speak with certainty, conviction and who CAST their values
flagrantly upon other men. Martin King did. How big is your network? Are you a “law unto self?”

Men and women of HIGH mind are effortlessly able to draw OTHER minds, people and multiplying
circumstances to them. Disney did. So are all Presidents and Networkers who earn over $10,000 per month.
Test your own ability and charisma. What did you earn _____? Last month? Your Network size is____?

The Three (3) Hardest Things You’ll Ever Do in Business

#1 Convince yourself that you’re worth $25,000 per month.
#2 Convince other people that you believe in yourself.
#3 Draw a crowd of believers who decide to follow you.

Project Break-Free is $37 You Earn $20 Per Sale

Imagine 100 people sending you $597 in Money-Orders
The $597 Course pays $500 Commission
Start Now and Order our $37 Prosperity and Marketing Package

Master-Mind Nightly Live Revival Calls. Soldiers of Prosperity Focus Society! Page # 2
No More Fear!
No More Excuses!
Create Your Own Bail-Out With Just $37!
Goal #1: To gather and invite 100 people to give me and trade $1,000 with me = $100,000

Goal #2: To gather and create $100,000 per quarter or $400,000 annually. Income #1

Goal #3: To earn $25,000 in repeat monthly residual income. Income #2

After I Designed My “Bail-Out” I Then

Wrote This Manifesto on Greed. I Then
Gave This to Potential Customers.

Important Note From The Author:

Before I even showed this to one person, I sat and thought “thoughts” for two years.

In other words, I read book after book and learned to THINK like a Millionaire.

So I read books that were hundreds of years old. I read Ben Franklin, stuff from Napoleon
Hill and all sorts of books about current success ions as well.

I devoured articles by and from Muhammad Ali, Charles Haanel who wrote about the
subconscious mind and I learned how people who “make their own work” thought prior to
how the money was made.

I didn’t ask, “how do you make money,” but rather, how does one think who is richly making
a fortune and legacy all at the same time. That question induced me to study:

** Einstein
** Ray Kroc who created McDonalds
** Johnny Cash & Malcolm X (those two grew large organizations, that really inspired me)
** Ben Franklin and John Adams / Both wildly rich. They were geniuses. I loved their books!

Not Long After I Was Doing Over $100K Per Week in “Home” Biz Sales Page # 3
Copyrights / 2008 Joe Schroeder Page #4

Where The Money Flooded In From:

Those two years of study encouraged me to write for two more years.

Now I had four (4) years into this. I knew the economy would “tank” and as such,
back in 1998, took a page out of Ben Franklin’s life, and started, just as he did, my
own MASTER-MIND club.

Really out of selfishness, I decided to “short cut” the process and use other minds
to gain faster traction and make more income. So we started as 10 people.

You can witness our master-mind now at

But as I said, I took the next two years and I wrote books and made audio teaching
CD’s. This way, I could kill two birds with one stone.

1: I could force myself to own my own thoughts.

2: Begin to create products that we as a master-Mind could market and sell.

** Remember the goal:

“Create your own work means to create your own economy.”

Book 1: “The Alpha Code” (42 Pgs) and teach the Alpha Code of discipline.
Book 2: The Alpha Code manual (125 Pgs) Larger scores of usable discipline.
Book 3: The Warriors Nest (178 Pgs) Learn mass marketing & mind set.
Book 4: The Narrative (98 Pgs) Mass psychology and salesmanship squared.
Book 5: Super-Mind (92 Pgs) My own thesis on the control of subconscious mind.
Book 6: Part-Time Millionaire (42 Pgs) Booklet on the mind set of those who rule.
Book 7: Hercules Recruiter (121 Pgs) All about how I grew an org. of 7,000+

There are 18 books in my collection and 22 audio CDs. I decided it was time to re-
lease my manifesto on “greed.” The hard part was over. It was now time to multiply.

I Was Writing From 3 am to 11 am Daily + Working my Meat and Seafood Route. Page # 4
“I am a Mime and a Mimic. Nothing I teach is new. All I did was lift con-
cepts that are thousands of years old. I sell air. I sell people back to them-
selves. Nothing more. I don’t teach “how to get people.” Instead I teach
how to get more of yourself. I sell air. I am an “air” salesmen and make
income from the mist of thought. Mind-stuff. I am like Oprah Winfrey
with a book club. You don’t need me. Who I am but an out-cast sinner
and someone who is a card carrying social revivalist. I am the guy my
friends laughed at years ago when I said, “I found the keys to wealth.”

Being a terrible reader helped me because I had to

read and re-read each page over and over. I am lousy Joe Schroeder
at reading comprehension. However, my problem AKA
was actually my solution because this FORCED me “Joe The Meat-Man”
to “catch” the Hidden code.

Some Books I Studied Before I Learned to Make $50K Month

Barnes and Nobles Became My 2nd Home + I Listen to Tapes in my Meat Truck

Joe Meat-Man Self Study Book #1:

This Thing Called You ——Ernest Holmes / Pg. 138
It is only when the intellect is NO LONGER obstructed or constricted by negative emotional reactions, arising
from false experiences reflective in FEAR and DOUBT that the word of MOUTH can immediately bear fruit.”

Joe Meat-Man Self Study Book #2:

Think and Grow Rich ——Napoleon Hill / Pg. 198 / Chapter, “The Subconscious Mind.”
“You are now engaged in trying to shut off the negative impulses which are reaching your inner mind of all
knowing we call, the subconscious. When you achieve this YOU will posses THE KEY that unlocks total
prosperity and the door to the infinite subconscious planet within you; power. Be warned that the inner
mind is never asleep as your frontal conscious mind sleeps; and the inner mind WILL
function on your habitual thoughts as a reflection of your neglect. I warned you.”
Joe Meat-Man Self Study Book #3:
The Science of Getting Rich —Wallace Wattles / Pg. 21 / Chapter IIII
“The HARDEST thing you will ever do is to think truth versus appearance and circumstance. This will require
such laborious strength and mind that those who do will become kings, a Master-Mind and CONQUER fate!
Each negative experience tends to produce a likened experience. However, if you can THINK truth you can
bring a heightened reality to you. This is the FIRST requirement of bring rich.”

Joe Meat-Man Self Study Book #4:

The Master Key System ——Charles Haanel / Chapter Twenty-Four / The Last Treatment
“After you have (page 277) learned to form mental pictures of what you desire, the HARDEST part will
be to gain the belief that what you want and see is TRUE; and have the skill of faith to CONVINCE
yourself of the desire you wish to bring into manifestation and reality. This will be your hardest job.”

Go To Barnes and Nobles and BUY These Books / They Flipped by Life Up-Side Page # 5
Copyrights / 2008 Joe Schroeder Page # 6

The Art of Wealth

So why this report and why an essay on “greed.”

Because while everyone is still trying to “get people” and they haven’t figured out
yet how to grow their own flock, I had perfected that and I needed something to di-
vide the types of people —–I didn’t want in my club -— apart from us.

I am in the business of sorting, not selling. When you are in my shoe’s, you no
longer have a problem with getting prospects or making sales, as you do in wasting
time with the wrong kinds of people.

Listen to this recorded 24 hr. Message first 1-800-772-9781 EXT 40

The Landmark Message in It’s Entirety

The Art of Wealth

If you make money and consumption your god

and taking from others becomes your daily modus operandi,
over time, you will experience the unsettling frustration of evaporation.

** The car will go away.

** The fancy house will become a burden.
** The banks will begin to call you at dinner time

And what will happen is that God will be forced to teach you
tat to love anything outside of yourself, that doesn’t have the
capacity to love you back, will actually grow into a sore.

Page # 6
“Make your dreams
as if you were never
gonna die and live
your days as if they
were your last.”

James Dean: Dead Poet / Dreamer / Artist

Here is the law: Never love anything that doesn’t have eyes.

Things without eyes can not love. Therefore if your business

is encouraging people to love money, you are setting people
up for self destruction.

The alternative is this:

Teach people to love who is within them and teach them

that what they gift away they always get to keep.

Oprah and Sam Walton made literally a Billion dollars

giving away the farm, and me, a little old tired hack
door-to-door meat-man, became successful by reading
books like “Think and Grow Rich” and “The Science of Getting Rich” to people.

Free. I freely taught these books to thousands of people. Why? Because what you
do to other people He who made you will do unto you. That too, is law.

Page # 7
Copyrights / 2008 Joe Schroeder Page # 8

Shame is Predictable, as in Hello Wall-Street!

Nature has her own natural order and she also has her own
cleansing system whereby she shames the greedy and takes them
back to zero. Notice the events of Wall Street and watch how those
who swore that money was their gods. . . have lost much of it.

If TAKING is your business model and if TAKING people’s last

$5,000 is your way of paying your bills, by the end of 2009
you will be exercised out of the beauty of abundance and nature,
by her natural order, will remove from you what you took from others.

The higher road, which is your natural calling and divine a assignment

The high road, will require loverage.

Reciprocity and freedom. Freedom from impatience and lack of loverage.

“If Hard Work Was The

Answer All Construction
Workers Would Live
in Mansions.”

“What You Give Away

You Always Get To Keep.”

Pg. # 8
Copy Rights / 2008 Joe Schroeder Page # 9

Downline Building

The law is, “If you want to get more GET value you gift more GIVE value.”

If people can spy on you on the internet and they can see you taking, versus
being a witness to your ability to heal and to be an example to others, soon,
those people will be embarrassed by and for you and evaporate.

The alternative is to be caught gifting grace, increase and love into each
other. The big news is that money is not the hot new idea, people are.

People and each other is the new world order, and what you do TO people,
the father will do back to you.

How To Make $5,000 per Week

All you do is give people an excuse to grow as a people

Become a reward and even better, become their Benefactor and make
building OTHERS as your own our preferred daily order of wealth

I did that and I have done this since the middle nineties

Hundreds show up and a few say, “hey, I want more, can I by more love?”

But here’s the rub. If you aren’t serving you won’t assemble the crowd in the
first place.

Because it’s the mob who has the money. Not you.

They have the money. You don’t.

Our Members Area is: Pg. #9

Page # 10

The Art of Loveage

Step 1: Assemble a mini village.
Step 2: Love them and ADD into them and keep your HANDS in your pockets.
Step 3: Don’t ask for their money. Don’t beg or plead. Just ADD into them.

We know this works because we never saw Oprah or Bill Gates ask for money.

Step 4: The multitude will grow

Step 5: 92% will never ask to give you money, but the 8% will.

Nature will see to it that you are fed because nature will see you as a resource to her.

About Man Who live in Prisons:

Many men, in their attempt to become “more man,” lose themselves and find themselves
as prisoners within a cell that they created for themselves.

They lose sight of their own “gold” and their own divinity and forsake their souls
and inner being (light) for the money, the gold, the stuff and the hot cars.

They teach themselves to live above their means and eventually are brought to tears by
their own greed and their own passion to be BIGGER than those around them.

They actually believed that things outside of themselves would secure them and against the
storms of life. So they seek to conquer all and they seek to make anchors out of things that
have no ability to love them back.

Where To Place Your Faith

The lesson is clear, if you place your highest faith outside of yourself, that which you put
your faith will eventually reveal itself to you as your own prison. And he will be locked within
a cell cemented with confusion, regret, struggle, eventual wrath and poverty.

Our Members Area is: Pg. # 10

$37 Project Break-Free:
At the Million Mind March we teach people to bury the words, “I can’t”

And they actually build little tombstones and in their back yards, they bury their old selves and
become born again. Why? Because until a person loses the limiting mind of the ego, they can
not experience life beyond what their negative ego’s will allow them to experience.

And you earn ZERO money for doing this. Not one thin dime. Nada. El-zilcho. Zippo.

But you do get to earn more eternity because that makes you a Benefactor of more life.

People change almost instantly and it’s all your fault! And that’s a good thing. Imagine being a
REWARD for 10,000 people?

That’s a good thing. From there, you invite people to numerous free webinars, conference
calls and you invite them also to become a part of this movement.

Your job is to set people up for change.

Your job is to help other people renew their own vows into self.

Not to help them “get more people.”

Not to help them get rich.
Not to assist them in going F/T

Project Break-Free
Your job is to simply invite them to become a member of our FREE community.

Most internet communities teach “what to do.”

They teach folks how to brand yourself

They teach you how to make $10,000 per day
They teach people how to become marketing mavens
They teach people all sorts of business and marketing techniques.

And most fail.

Why? Because the lesson is no t what to do, but rather should be how to think while you do.

Our Members Area is: Pg. # 11

The Art of Wealth

Now step back from what I just said and see if you can locate the profound truth. What
separates the big guns from the little sho ts, is not so much in a doing, but a seeing.

And we know this is truth because isn’t it always a fact, that the same people always go
anywhere and they always make the big money? Yes, that’s a fact.

And isn’t also true that those who fail always fail and always quit and leave and don’t
they pack up their failed minds and take their failure with them where ever they go? Yes,
that’s quite true. Therefore, the secret lies not in what to do, but more in how to think while
you are doing.

Here’s an example:

Back about four years ago, I went to my old rat pack of Network Marketing friends, guys
within my own “$100,000 boys club ,” men who built MLM dynasties with me and beside
me in competitive programs next to me, in the nineties, and I assembled them a nd said,
“The new money is within empowering the people, not in actual products and not in teach-
ing them how to get rich.” But rather in how to “be” and in how to “’see” farther.

Because as I sat and watched the Universe, I saw destruction. I saw this years ago and
prepared for the wall street destruction of the fall of 2008.

This is why I built Million Mind March four years ago.

But here’s the rub, my friends saw people as money and they saw others as meal tickets.

I said, “You will fail if you do anything but give people a way to heal themselves.”

Why? Because I was THINKING as I wanted to be.

I was THINKING freedom and as such, decided to TEACH freedom.

Remember the adage, “things do not move, it is only how you perceive them do they move
in relation to what you believe.” (I learned that while studying Einstein)

And now, most of those old friends of mine are out of the industry. They failed.

Our Members Area is: Pg. # 12

I Didn’t Ask, “What Shall I Do.”
I Asked, “Who Do I Want To Be.”

That question (see above) forces you to become more than you were yester-
day. Just as it forces you to become ten feet tall and bullet proof.

I was THINKING love. It worked for the Beatles and it can work for you.

What I saw on my own inside I saw in other people and decided to build more love within
more people. My poor friends, they decided to “see” money and they saw OTHER people
as their meal tickets. To those that might say, “poppy cock” or for the few who may hear
this and say, “Oh that Joe is one old tired idealistic bs artist.”

Guitar Hero Jerry Garcia

To those, I ask you to look back upon the legend of the Greatful Dead

Did Garcia have boat loads of hits? Nope. Only one. Did Garcia and his traveling healing
show of increase sell loads of albums? Nope. In fact, these cats were so “Blue Mountain
Strategy” and so off the wall that they actually encouraged concert goers to RECORD the
concerts themselves and create their own boot-leg tapes!

In other words Jerry Garcia was saying, “Forget buying our albums, just record the live
shows and save money.” Can you imagine? And what happened? You already know.

Free Information + Free Value = World Wide Leverage

They became the rage of the day and sold more tickets and made ten times in concerts
and t-shirts and back-end fan gear, than any other band of that generation. That’s what
happened. Because the law states, “what you give away for free you always get to keep.”

Therefore the precept is, “in order to take in more GET value, all you do is
give more give value.” —–Just as Garcia did and many like him.

My biz model is simple, “You get by giving. To get more money you give to
more people.”

I ripped that idea off from some black book that was written a few thousand
year ago. It apparently works to make people like King Solomon rich.

Our Members Area is: Pg. # 13

Don LePre TV Info Commercial Circa 1988
Back in the late eighties, mail-order get rich quick agent of greed DON LePre sold the idea
that if you used his mail order system, anyone could GET RICH.”

He no longer exists and he must have partied too hard with my old failed friends from the
“$100K Boys Club.”

On the other hand, TONY ROBBINS had a different message. His message was “what
you think about most you become” and he sold people his personal power empowerment

That tape set for $177 healed Millions of people and Robbins still today is an international
self help prodigy who has coached President Clinton, Oprah Winfey and still today has a
name that stands for integrity and grace.

Because he sold and told people how to become a LAW UNTO SELF

He taught self-discipline and taught you how to discipline your mind in order to get your
feet to do what your mouth told it to do. Not easy. Dong as you said you would isn’t easy.
It takes discipline.

So I ask you?

What will you sell in 2009 and beyond?



More life.

One brings you more people and encourages strangers to love you back. The other,
brings danger to others and makes them loathe you. What will you deliver to a people and
a village this coming decade of change? Will you be a Minister of more and an angel of
grace? Or will you sell people out and teach them to create prisons for themselves?

I prefer to teach people to break free.

It worked for BONO and Madonna. It works like mad for OPRAH WINFREY.
I use this biz model and you can too. The Rolling Stones use this message. You can too.

Our Members Area is: Pg. # 14

In the future, the new opportunity will be each other. People have recently
learned not to trust not only banks and wall street, but Government. When the
crash of September 2008 came, they were taught that their money wasn’t safe if
held by men in suits who worked at banks.

Then with the Fannie Mae scam, which was structured by the United States
government, they then learned they can’t even trust their own government.

Then you had “pork bellies” given to the congressmen who voted for the
$750 Billion dollar CEO pay days and now we ask, “When will America decide to
re-enter the market and to spend their money?”

And today, in November 2008 they are predicting a weak holiday market at the
stores. No wonder. America has simply lost its trust in whom they believed in.

In the future, the little guys, like you and me, will create their own economies. It
is you and me, and the social reformists and grass roots revolutionaries like us,
who will . . .

** Create their own on-line internet banks.

** Trade money with each other.

** Trust each other and market and build financial equity amongst ourselves.

** Seek each other out as partners, while we ignore the business as usual crowd
on main street.

Project Break-Free is $37 You Earn $20 Per Sale

Gathering $597 is a Function of First Selling our $37 Package
The $597 Course pays $500 Commission
Start Now and Order our $37 Prosperity and Marketing Package

Master-Mind Nightly Live Revival Calls. Soldiers of Prosperity Focus Society! Page # 15
In The Future

In the future cash will become the new true king and those without it
will be considered weak and somehow a bit odd.

In the future people will ask, “do you care about me, do you really care
about me?”

And you better be prepared to back it up if you say that you do.

They Will Lynch You Quickly If . . . .

You will be tested by the people. They will tar and feather greed mon-
gers and publicly crucify their own who buries their kind financially as
the suits did to them not too long ago.

The new valuation will be honor, character and “what’s in it for others
rather than, “what’s in it for me?”


Because we as a people won’t do to EACH OTHER what

Washington D.C did to us.

In the future the new money and wealth won’t be valued in how much
you earn, but rather in how well you serve. In fact, if they see you earn-
ing or even pretending to earn, the populous will wince because toler-
ance of greed and the show of money will be distasteful.

So the questions will be, “How many did you gather” and people will
evaluate you based on whether or not people have trusted you, not by
how big your house is.

Ask people to empty their pockets for you and expect to be lynched.

Sam Walton was never seen fleecing anyone. All he ever did at Wal-Mart was
FIGHT for us and get us to come back and back and back, to buy the entire store!

Our Members Area is: Pg. # 16

Make no bones about it. We as a people have the money. It’s under our beds now and we
have plenty of it. But to whom we deem worthy of sharing it with now has flipped to decision
of honor, rather than impulse or greed. Gone are the days where people like us throw
money around. Star-Bucks and American Eagle are oh so last year.

We will needle pick and search for other soldiers to trade with. Everyone else can kiss our
asses and the “kiss of death” is to he who even pretends to be watching our backs if in fact,
he hasn’t first proven his faith, into us, through service and good will.

Use Barnes and Nobles as an example. If they aren’t set up to allow you to sample it for free,
run. If people trying to hustle you don’t feed you and make you cozy BEFORE you buy, run.
Barnes and Nobles is the high art as is Wal-Mart and Target stores.

Did you ever notice that people “hang out” at Barnes and Nobles? From now on , before you
decide to lay your name down on anything, look for the party atmosphere.

Look for the crowd.

There’s a crowd at Million Mind March and project BREAK FREE

There’s a crowd at Costco.
There’s a crowd at Wal-Mart.

And if there isn’t a crowd, you’ll know why. And if there is a large party atmosphere, as there
is at Wal-Mart, Costco and Barnes and Nobles, they’re one of us and we trade with our own.

And another thing, write this down, “People with money don’t need to sell money or even
mention it.” Why? Because places of service were rich before you even entered their environ-
ment. So why discus what you already have and already have?

Watch out for those who speak money; because chances are, they don’t have any.

“Death is a Feather and Duty is a Rock”

Greed, dishonor and giving up is the death of character and has no weight. It can be decided
in an instant and therefore is as light as a feather.

Character on the other hand, is as heavy as a large rock. It becomes a burden and you have
to discipline yourself to “be” just as divine as you were destined to be, at your conception.

The choice of poverty is a choice to give up and give in and is man’s own death of ambition.

Pg. # 17
The Art of Wealth
The weight of poverty is as light as a feather and is the choice for many, who choose
“death” rather than duty. When you can feel other people and you become magnanimous,
you assume the Warriors path and the duty of bringing honor to others becomes your
choice of daily trade.

It’s not easy.

It’s a burden.

You have to wake up earlier and do more life.

Something About Dad:

You get ridiculed and often while the gold is virtually guaranteed, the pay days are slower
at first. The choice of fast money is at the expense of other people. It’s the death of your
fathers sir name. It’s chase will bring shame to your own kind and it’s the death of your
reputation. It has no weight, no value and certainly no long term equity.

The challenge then, not too strong a word, is to become a rock, rather than a feather.

If you say it, you mean it, and if you say it, you do what you say.
Your new heritage is your name and not how well you earn.
You are like a statue. You don’t move. You don’t quit.

In fact, you are so solid and sure that it’s like someone opened you up and
poured two tons of sand into your shoes.

Gone are in one day, out the next. You are now known as a finisher. Not a quitter.

To thine own self be true.

Because until you can reveal yo ur original truth that was born into you and until
who you are as in Good News Merchant becomes what you do and what you market,
you won’t be able to see the truth and love in others and as a result, others will notice that
flaw in you and cancel you out of their own futures.

Pg. # 18
If you see money, you will see others as meal tickets and they will feel your insecurity.

However, if you are truest to yourself and to your highest self, a village of people
will surround you and ask, “what do you see” and “can you show us how to see that too.”

That’s what happened to myself and Jerry Garcia

Leadership 101:

A true leader is someone who can see what other people can’t yet see. They speak in
common words and yet sound like no one else alive. A leader can show you things that
he or she can see, that you too can sense, but you can not yet see yourself.

And then people ask the leader, “can you teach us to see what I only yet can feel?

That was the magic of John Lennon and Martin King, Jr. You knew that what they saw
was alive. But you couldn’t yet actually see it yourself. But they as leaders were able to
make the invisible, imaginable. That is what a leader can do. They give sight and vision.

In The Future As In Now:

People will wrap around the globe and line up to be given sight.

At Project Break Free and the Million Mind March we sell the tickets.

And once people enter our world, we teach them how to “be” more life.

To more people and first, more to themselves.

Some ask, “but that is not what I want, what I want is more marketing classes
and what I really want is to learn to get more people.”

And we snicker and say, “Poor man, how silly. Don’t you know that until you become more
of yourself more people will not want to have more of you?”

People actually believe that the secret is outside of themselves. In fact, until you become
more of SELF more people will have no interest in finding you!

And the precept is this, “If you build people the people will build you.”

No Excuses. Just Create Your Own Bail-Out

Pg. # 19
The Bob Dylan System of Attraction and Wealth

When you become a rock, you become a place of rest for other people.

When you become a rock, you become a place of healing for other people.

And they then decide to stop and sit on you and rest.

So yo u do this, you stand still. Because you stand for something. You speak your desire of
others into mankind. And then sit still. And then you watch a village grow all around.

The future will be ruled by teachers and artists who paint the design of more
life into more people and who make a loving doing all of themselves as a way of living.

That is what we do. It worked for Thomas Edison. It worked for Bob Dylan. It works today
for teachers like Tom Hanks and Robert Di Niro and it will work for you.

What you decide to teach you ultimately can not resist becoming yourself.

The Kung Fu of Money:

Bruce Lee was an immigrant in America and penniless. He taught Jeet-Koon Do for Free
in parking lots and college grounds. He later became a living legend and then after death,
an icon. I started in diners. I’d bring my books on prosperity and over coffee we would
teach each other prosperity.

You would speak SIZE into me and then I would speak SIZE and DESIRE into you

All we did was agree to agree that we were all free. Funny. The bible (somewhere) talks
about “when two minds sit and agree.”

I took it to another level and then asked 10,000 people if they could see what I saw!

And now here we are. We sit. We chat and we speak prosperity back and forth to each
other. And lover time, what you speak about and teach about becomes you.


Because you will never out earn your lips.

Here is why that LAW is a law.

Pg. # 20
Because you will never out earn your lips.

Why? Because what you TELL other people they can do, you trick yourself into
believing that you can do also. Why? Because what you do to other people the Father
does back to you.

Why? Because to be free you first have to un-lock your own mind. At first, I was insecure.

So when I was small and penniless, I assembled my Master Mind club and asked
them to remind me of my wealth. Over time, I learned to believe what was spoken into me
and to me, and then what I spoke about came about.

Oprah did the same thing. She sat in front of a nation and taught them more about self.

Did she get rich over night? Hardly. But what she TAUGHT she became.

Billionaires are not the only self-made Millionaires alive.

Everyone is self made. You make yourself.

Poor or rich and sad and happy. You pick. I took the short cut.

I decided to “make” more self-image into more people. What I un-locked people from, they
in turn un-locked me. Thus, I never had to work another day in my life.

Why? Because as the God book says . . .

What you do TO other people HE does back to you.

Now, find three people and turn their lives UP-SIDE down.

Project Break Free / Million Mind March

Be known as a fighter. FIGHT for other people. Be a rock.

Choose integrity and character and more people will choose you.


And we close with the Warriors prayer into mankind

“My prosperity prospers 10,000 people and their prosperity prospers me.”

It’s hip to be Square. Be like Ben Franklin. Money has no glory.

Make more LIFE into people and thousands will honor you for the difference you made.

Trade More Life Into Mankind and Mankind Will Trade More Business into You Pg. # 21
Join The Revolution! Project Break-Free!
Change Your Mind. Change Your Income. Change Your Life. Change The World.
Internet Members Area + Marketing Courses + Residual Income + More Lifestyle
Life Style Coaching Clinics + 4 Income Streams + Live Webinars + Seminars!

Monthly Residual Income #1 Live Free and Do What You Love

** $67 monthly membership pays $20 per head. ** Learn to be free and to develop your own cash flow economy.
** This pays monthly per person you recruit. ** Learn to earn income 24/7 and be totally leveraged.
** Learn to grow your own community and get paid doing you.
** Also earn $5 second level and $10 third.
** Rub elbows and fellowship with home-grown Millionaires.
** Learn to erase fear in a matter of minutes. Feel more free.
Weekly Residual Income #2
** Develop your own aura of ease and simple authenticity.
** $597 course pays you $400 per sale. ** Grow your truest nature which is to be wealthy in lifestyle.
** Earn a lazy $100 when your people sell one. ** Use our study groups and grow your self-image x’s 10!
** This pays two levels. (see Pg. #6 for details) ** Earn in a single day what many in America earn in a month.
** Earn an extra $500 to $1,000 a week helping other people.
Weekly Residual Income #3 ** Learn to become a social networking web 2.0 dynamo!
** Use this to re-program and “re-set” your subconscious mind.
** $1,341 course pays two levels $700 & $200.
** Learn to manifest your dreams and feel TEN feet tall.
** Sell one earn $700.
** Make a difference. Serve other aspiring Entrepreneurs.
** Earn $200 per sale 2nd level.
** Challenge the status quo. Be a fringe dweller. Don’t conform.
** No group volumes to meet. Just earn money!
** Make who you are an example to 10,000 lives.
Monthly Residual Income #4 ** Become wealthy giving away what you love to do.

** Optional $50 per month lead program. ** Create a life that GIVES EVIDENCE to what you believe.
** Pays 5 levels and everyone needs more leads!

Condition #1
** Do not decide to join until you hear and agree with
our primal core values and beliefs. Listen to our cry for
freedom and either join us or back down. Fight or flight.
24 Hr. Rec. Message 1-800-772-9781 Ext 40

Condition #2:
** Do not decide to join our movement unless you are
fully prepared to bury the words, “I can’t”

Pg. # 22

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