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ALTA 1207 Part Zero

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ALTA 1207 - Part Zero

Asymmetric Language Trend Analysis Intelligence Report Changes in language precede changes in behavior. By Tenax SE for Note this report is offered for entertainment value only. Any resemblance between the events portrayed in this report and any developing reality is purely co-incidental and in no manner represents foreknowledge on the part of the authors of this report. Note that this information is derived from humans expressing themselves on the internet. As such, human emotional values and the words used to express them are being sampled and interpreted here, NOT THE FUTURE. Any resemblance between this report and future developments is entirely in the mind of the perceiver and does not exist in reality. The Authors cannot be held liable for accuracy of lack thereof in this report. Authors cannot be held liable for human interpretation of this report nor any action any human takes as a result of this report. Any human foolish enough to alter their behavior based on this entertainment-only analysis demonstrates themselves incapable of rational appreciation of reality, and the authors are explicitly held harmless and blameless for any and all such mental aberrations on the part of the reader. 2.17.2007 Note: Entities are identified by a blue typeface. Aspect words are enclosed in brackets [aspect]. Attribute words/phrases are within parentheses (attributes). Near sentences or concepts composed of both leading aspect and trailing attributes are single quoted '. Interpretive editorial comments are preceded by an asterisk *. Editorial notes are within {} curly braces. Navigation links are in italicized bold green, and red when visited. Our expectations are to achieve 70+ million reads within our bandwidth limitations. We expect a 6 part report series from this data set. Depending on the processing flow there may be a 7th part to the series. This report in the series created from summation of data from previous ALTA 907 series reads.

From here we start The graphic below is from ALTA series 907. It displays some of the key elements of the timeline for 2007 as defined by modelspace. It represents the movements of 'emotional tension values' from 'release states' {the downward slopes} to 'building states' {rising angle lines}. The totality of the timeline is developed from all 3/three of our data types and their ranges of 'affective potential'. The data types are they are defined within our processing are as follows: Value Type Range of Potential Processing Schedule into Report



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immediacy values short term values longer term values

3/three days to 3/three weeks 3/three weeks to 3/three months 3/three months to 3/three years (18/eighteen months in details)

Parts 1 and 2, then 5 and finishing into Part 6 Parts 3, 4, and 5 Parts 4, 5, and 6 {carry over into Part Zero in the next series, as well as modelspace extension definition}

As the graphic shows, the period of March 7th through March 15th is showing as an 'emotional standstill'. The secondary descriptors also include such as 'stand off/pause/pending' and include the complex definitions which go toward the idea of a 'confrontation held in abeyance'. Further descriptors in the set reinforce the meme as in 'conflict paused'. It is pertinent to note that the meta data layer of 'conflict' goes vertical within the Bushista entity over those 8/eight days in March. This suggests that 'conflict' will dominate *all* aspects of Bushista after that point. Further the interpretation is that 'conflict' will affect the Bushista entity will come to dominate both internally and externally the [manifestation] of the Bushista entity over the course of the 'release period' which we have previously labeled as the 'Ides of March' release period. A note about 'release' and 'building' periods and their natures. Within our experience with this work, we noted a defining set of lexical descriptors with accompanying numeric values which, when summed, pointed to either 'emotional release' words, or 'emotional tension building' words. As a practical example from our past work, the period from July through to November of 2005 was defined as a building emotional tension period within the USofA, but it included the 'emotional release period' of 11/eleven days which was the impact of hurricane Katrina on the national psyche. So the video images presented for the time of Katrina until the 'rescue' of New Orleans represents what is seen in an intense release time. However, the larger period began with the rising anti-Bush political tensions marked by the appearance of Cindy Sheehan as a national anti-war political leader. Get the difference? Still plenty of histrionics on teevee in both cases, but the Katrina images were of people 'releasing emotions', and rather intensely. So impacting was that compressed release period, that we even were observing the journalistas weeping openly into their cameras. As with other emotional release times, a new and defining teevee personality emerged, in this case, Anderson Cooper. The whole concept of the 'release' versus the 'building' emotional tension periods is difficult to pin down, as well as being something that most humans are able to define for themselves after the events have been experienced. Having recently experienced hurricane strength storms here in the PNW, we can use the following illustration to provide a definition: when you are huddling in the building as the winds howl and the trees snap, your life suddenly exposed raw as a wisp of clenched breath in universal of storms, THAT is building emotional tension. After the storm, with the nerves raw and jangling still from stress chemicals and lack of sleep, food, and water, muscles fatigued, and spirit stretched thin, that is the release of emotional tension. We note that it is after the emotional build of the storm that people behave really badly, stupidly, and usually loudly. This was seen in the aftermath of the recent PNW hurricane, as well as with the previous Katrina/Rita release. So, note that ALTA reports from 2006 have pinpointed the Ides of March (the 15th, about 3:20 pm UTC) as being the beginning of an emotional release period. This is *NOT* to say that large storms or other radical earth changes are necessary to precipitate such a period. In fact, the data from 907 suggests that a lot of the driving force for this release will be political. Further the data suggests that the release will be centered around 'conflict' and will, as noted, totally involve the Bushista entity. There are several



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previously observed indicators for such storms or radical climate changes, or earthquakes which are annotated on the graphic as 'terra intrudes'. Much of the summation values for these 'intrusions of terra' go to 'flooding' within our lexicon of value sets.

TPTB - Fears of Tears A developing trend line seen growing slowly for the whole of 2006, and 'emerging' with significant force in 2007 is centered around a resurgence of use of psychedelics. While likely a common misnomer, the 'psychedelic' drugs are, as noted in this very good article on where the 'drug war' stands in 21st century America, not responsible for as many deaths a year as coffee nor aspirin, *and* are illegal precisely due to the desperate need of the-powers-that-be {TPTB} to attempt to retain control of humanity. Our work in the last 3/three years has shown a continuing escalation of demand for, and use of the psychedelic class of drugs including both naturally occurring chemicals as well as laboratory products. With the exception of [Ecstasy (MDMA)], the laboratory products most seen on the increase include DMT, and LSD as well as other phenylamine/harmine chemicals. Ecstasy is explicitly excluded due to several factors pointing to it being a [pass-off] drug being offered by TPTB as a sop to the 'archaic revival' movement. The issue is that the 'delivered doses' and 'formulation' of Ecstasy does not deliver the clinically observed MDMA 'trip to visit the Other'. Rather, the pills sold as Ecstasy deliver part of the psychedelic experience without the 'crossover' to other dimensions usually associated with the 'traveling drugs' as they are known. Could it be that the Israeli manufacturers of the global ecstasy supply are intending to deliver only 'part of the trip'? Could it be that TPTB are attempting to dilute or



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disrupt the building wave of demand for the 'psychedelic' benefits of Other contact which they, TPTB, find so difficult to control? Our work suggests that this is a very significant order of probability, and further, that it will not succeed. The nature of the last 3/three years acceleration of demand for psychedelics of the more natural form, and with the use of these substances tinged with what is known as 'the far look', or 'Other speaking/viewing', it is becoming apparent that the conscious and subconscious awareness of the biospheric break-down is driving these new drug use trends. As the global mind of humanity becomes increasingly affected by the degradation of the biosphere around them, the more adventurous, and sensitive persons within the social order are increasingly seeking [wisdom] from any place available since it cannot be discovered among the [leadership]. This trend is in direct opposition with the same biospheric degradation causing TPTB to require increased control of their populations. This scenario is found within both the TPTB entity, and the 2/two populace entities, GlobalPop and Populace/USofA. If ecstasy was intended as a diversionary drug, then its use/introduction has failed in that sense as its primary user base is *not* the demographic driving the increase in demand for psychedelics. Rather, ecstasy is confined to a narrower use pattern limited by both age and intent of the user class. What currently has TPTB most disturbed is the very rapidly growing global demographic of psychedelic demand outside of the traditional definitions of the 'youth culture'. When reading articles about this subject be advised that TPTB are using the term 'citizen' to mean 'the sheeple class', also known as the 'middle class'. Their problem with this developing trend, especially in the current decade, has to do with the inability to control 'citizens' who have had 'Other contact' as a result of psychedelic experiences. Once the 'citizen' has returned from their trip to visit the Other, the tendency is to no longer fear. Further, after direct experience of the Other, and the many other dimensions, the psychedelic using citizen emerges with solid grounding within their own immortality. This is perhaps the most frightening problem to TPTB since fear of death is their ultimate tool, and indeed, the core upon which their whole arsenal is based. If this is disregarded as a meaningless threat, then TPTB are truly hobbled as even they realize that they can't kill everyone, and that the point is 'control - able ' humans, not dead humans. The data sets in the last year have reinforced this developing trend line within the linguistics to the point where emotional energy around the subject has clearly slipped away from the control of TPTB. Within the TPTB entity we saw data in the most recent ALTA report, 907, which indicates that the 'light is dawning', and now the [fear] aspect is clearly within TPTB entity, and is very robustly supported by cross links to [psychedelics, natural] within the populace entities. It will also be interesting to note that sometimes words have multiple meanings. In the case of a key supporting attribute for the [fear] aspect, we have (tears) which can be thought of as meaning 'product of crying/eye irritation', however in this case we discovered within the lexicon associations for the descriptor sets, that this use of (tears) is referring to a 'ripping or shredding within fabric'. Hmmm. Interesting that also (wrinkle) is a supporting attribute to this set. The [fear] showing within the TPTB entity is supported by both strong attribute sets as well as internal {to the entity} cross links to other aspects including the surprising appearance of many of the sub sets to the 'secrets revealed' meta data layer. The meta data layers are linguistic structures found in multiple entities. Such linguistic structures share a common lexical center, as well as the same supporting attributes, but may vary in detail within individual entities.To qualify as a 'meta data layer', the structure must occur in *all* of the primary entities as well as at least half of the secondary entity context descriptions. There, clear as mud? As we have noted in previous ALTA reports, the 'secrets revealed' meta data layer is going vertical within the Bushista entity over the course of Spring 2007. By going vertical we mean when the values for just that term are graphed, the trend line described is vertical relative to the time axis for the chart. The last of the 907 series data shows that TPTB entity is also going to have 'secrets revealed' vertical within it, and this will occur before the end of September, 2007. As with the Bushista entity, TPTB entity, when progressed along with the modelspace into Fall of 2007, is beset with [devils] as an aspect, which is defined by the attribute details as being (of their own flesh). We interpret this to be read as 'devils of their own devising'. Specifically the detail attributes include references to the [911 truth movement] as well as [lihop/mihop]. These references are *only* a small



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part of the total emotional tension values which drive the TPTB as it participates in the upward slant on the chart above. As the chart displays the emotional tension values as a summation, it is not showing the relative contributions of each entity. However the graphic is telling in that the whole of the trend line is very sharply rising with virtually no minor releases from September 19th through to December 1. A very unusual formation in our experience that probably is not a good sign for humans.

Bushista - Meta Data Meat As we start this series, the data from the 907 series, and accumulated date range extension descriptor sets from the 2006 ALTA series, all have the Bushista entity being hoisted on meta data layers all either at vertical ascent, or just leaving the knee of the logarithmic curve and heading vertical. These meta data layers include 'secrets revealed', 'duality','tension/confrontation', and now also both 'conflict', and 'restrictions on movement' join the vertical lift affecting the Bushista entity. The 'restrictions on movement' meta data layer is showing, by way of extensive cross links to Populace/USofA entity, that the 'restrictions' will affect 'movement' for both entities. The interpretation from the complex of data around this meta data layer is not only that the Bushista entity will be [boxed] and [curtailed], but also some very significant impacts from the 'restrictions on movement' meta data layer will emanate from the Bushista entity as it attempts to [impose](forced control/restrictions) on its perceived [attackers]. This last will include the populace at large at least to the extent that the 'secrets revealed' meta data layer shows a 'rift/split' will 'cause leakage' about 'money spent' to 'restrict popular expression/movement'. The supporting aspects for the Bushista entity for the month of March have 2/two major changes as the modelspace is progressed from the last weeks in February and across the March 7th to 15th period which we are interpreting as some form of "emotional barrier". This period might involve a legal or actual 'stand off' or 'confrontation, face-2-face' between the Bush cabal and the populace of the USofA or their recently elected representatives. While it is clear that the [tensions] (escalate) between the entities within modelspace and progress towards a point of 'restrictions on movement', it is less clear as to whom or what the 'restrictions' impact. The probabilities now must include a manifestation of the 'restrictions on movements' as coming from Congress and laying on Bush et al. The data set goes on to suggest that the Bushista entity [suffers] (restrictions in stocks/leg bindings) and this such that the (toes are lost). Further attributes within the supporting descriptor set can be interpreted as [planning/plotting] (emerges/revealed) about (damaging) the [popular/common] (base). Within this set are numerous references to human body parts or functions; as prototypical archetypes any references to human body parts/functions are taken as significant given our processing experience. The interpretation for the data from the starting point of the modelspace and the Bushista entity is that a certain 'insanity' will grow into public view over the last week of February and up through the Ides of March. This may well present as some form of 'ultimatum' being expressed between the populace and the Bush cabal. The data would argue that Bush will [resist], and will [stubbornly defy] up to the point that [conflict] breaks out into the open. The progression of the entities through the modelspace takes us up to March 15th, where we suspect that the 'tension breaks' and there after, until late September, the modelspace shows the planetary population plunged into a 'release period'. If we examine the last of the Emotional Tension charts developed for ALTA 907, we can note that the Bushista entity was showing 'conflict' going vertical both internally and externally with the emotional tension peak being between March 7th and the 15th. We can also see that 'revolution', yet another meta data layer developing throughout 2005/2006 is now emerging in 2007.



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Chart for 907. As a component to the emotional release period indicated from March 15th through September 19th, the cross links grow between the TPTB entity and the Bushista entity. The formation of the links is unusual in our experience an is seemingly implying that a recent 'split' or 'war' within TPTB will soon be 'cemented' or 'sealed', and that this will arise from a 'settlement' within TPTB about Bush et al. The data suggests that an 'internal alliance' will 'emerge' as an 'inseparable block {of} interests'. This [block] is then showing as [wrapping] or [pressuring] the Bushista entity from late March onward. As a consequence of these developing cross links, the aspect of [delusion] within the Bushista entity gains very large amounts of new emotional values all bordering on the extreme end of the range. The suggestion coming across from the modelspace is a descent, as Spring progresses, into intensified selfdelusion , or a 'further retreat from reality'. This is not a good sign for humans. As we proceed along, inevitably it would seem, into Spring from the Ides of March, the long term data set which defines our starting position for modelspace is forecasting the [visible]



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(emergence/manifestation) of several of the meta data themes, including 'revolution', and 'reversal of fortunes'. This last is a meta data level for only the Bushista entity and the Populace/USofA entity. Specifically it appears to forecast very large scale changes in [relationships/proportions], as well as [power](flows). The details are pointing to a time of 'manifesting conflict within Bushista' in which the cabal is 'held hostage' to their own 'internal warfare', and this occurs during a period of 'external conflict waves', as well as 'revolution' and 'global resistance'. These last attributes are also aspects with their own supporting sets. The data is suggesting that the Bush fortunes have 'turned sour', and further that the populace of the USofA is about to begin paying the price for the last 40/forty plus years of 'sheepledom'. As the modelspace is progressed to its "ready state" prior to loading the new data, we note how event filled and just crowded the chart has become.

Populace/USofA - 'transformation' initiated, Busy Spring, Damn UFO's



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Noting the 'restrictions on movement' meta data layer and the numerous cross links to the Bushista entity which exist as modelspace was loaded prior to processing the new 1207 data sets, the interpretation of the initial state of things is that at some point within Spring, 2007, which is to say between the March equinox and the Summer solstice in June, either actual 'restrictions on movement' will be [imposed] on the populace of the USofA, or it will be 'revealed' that active consideration to this end has been [paid for/invested]. The data set does not offer much confirmation that the 'imposition of restrictions on movement' will actually "take", and so the interpretation takes the fallback position of considering that the data may be referring to leaks about the considerations of martial law, as opposed to the imposition of same. In either case, the 'secrets revealed' meta data layer within the Populace/USofA entity goes directly to a [blowback/response] which does not do the already crumbling relations between the populace and those of the self-appointed 'Bush elite'. The last of the ALTA 907 series long term data values were dominated by the rising impact of the meta data layer of 'revolution' within the populace entities. Within the Populace/USofA entity the rise of 'revolution' as a meme is also being accompanied by indications of [resistance] as an aspect signaling actual behavior changes. The [resistance] aspect has supporting attributes going to (pogrom) and (purge), both in their turns supported by (behavior) as an attribute which in its turn is supported by details pointing to an 'anti-Bush' popular action wave sweeping through the populace. This will express itself, according to our data with the [destruction/desecration] of Bush signs and logos, including a [telling/speaking] (revelation of self) which our data suggests will lead to instances of former Bush supporters removing signs that they used to [lean] that way. Given the cross links to the Press entity, this will rise to the level that teevee reports on signs being vandalized or removed. Other outbreaks of 'open rebellion', as well as more serious instances of [active revolution] will begin *apparently* later in Spring. The data set suggests a rather nasty confrontation with the Bush cabal develops over March and April, with [eruptions] of (disfavor) from the populace dominating the Press cross links beginning late in April. This suggests, that if confirmed by new data from the processing of the shorter term value sets, that some form of 'blood producing' active anti-Bush actions will actually [capture] the media this Summer here in the USofA. While the populace is showing as 'acting out', it will be also expressing frustration with the [imprisonment] or [restrictions] that the Bushista is showing as attempting to put into place in April. The modelspace, as it is progressed with the data set we have now, shows that a 'conflict' with Congress, and the people versus the Bushista breaks out with the [shift] of the [stalemate] in March, and what follows in March is a series of [staged/planned] (actions) intended to [place] (people). Or alternatively this last can be interpreted as 'putting people in their place'. However badly the data set shows the opening weeks of the Second American Revolution proceeding against the people, Congress is shown as really getting the brunt of the 'displeasure' of [those-who-would-be-royal]. The modelspace is pointing toward a very difficult opening to Spring, with March and April bring twin dominant aspects to the Populace/USofA of [disillusionment] and [disappointment]. Both aspects are completely supported and all parts of the descriptor set are filled. The implication is that the Congress is 'held back' and 'restricted' from [real actions], and as a result, all through April until about the 21/twenty-first. Thereafter an [act] of [purple] [revolution] is showing as [freeing/releasing] the (restraints/constraints) on Congress and a very serious [battle] for [supremacy] begins....our long awaited manifestation of the 'constitutional crisis'. Also, as of this time, and lasting through all of July, the Bushista entity is described as being [unhinged]. This last aspect brings along a supporting set indicating that the 'actions' of the administration will be 'daily questioned' both by the populace and by the press. Further the developing [conflict] with the King George faction will be very ugly. The implications are for all sorts of unintended consequences to evolve out of this coming fight. Some of the cosmic slop-over effects will include a rash of "leaks and whistle-blowing" from within the [civil service] as many employees of the government suddenly discover actual 'warfare' swirling through their offices.



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The modelspace is, and has for some months now, forecast a very trying time for the Populace/USofA. While the merits of karma can be discussed, the whole of the energies shown within the modelspace are indicating that a 'transformation' is emerging from the Populace/USofA entity. This 'transformation' will be energized by 'constitutional crises' as well as 'UFOs' this Spring and Summer. The energies pouring in suggest that the outcome will be fundamentally transforming to the nature of the populace. The [transformation] aspect has moved to a vertical and pervasive level within the Populace/USofA entity as is acting as a meta data layer through which other developments should be viewed. The data is suggesting that the transformation of the populace will be a long(ish) process lasting for at least 18/eighteen months in an active state {as far out as our initial modelspace defines), and further, that it begins with the Ides of March of 2007. As a last note here, the 'transformation' is showing as affecting 'multiple generations' and will cause the populace to [repudiate] the past use of the USofA military for [commercial enforcement]. Much of these areas of the data sets are cross linked or directly held by linguistic structures supporting the 'secrets revealed' meta data layer within Markets entity, and Bushista. Some of the 'revelations' showing up as emerging this Spring, will be 'poison pens' let loose from within TPTB as the factions fight it out internally. The 'buffeting winds of war' worrying the populace will not only be emerging from TPTB. There are also thousands of data sets centered on the cross linked nature of the Bushista and Populace/USofA entity. The data sets at the point the modelspace is loaded, and the progression into the release period begins, are pointing to a period of [vitriolic rhetoric] from the end of March through to about mid-April. Thereafter the Bushista entity acquires new rising aspects/attribute sets going to [aggressive](overly, without restraint), and [confrontation](explosive, Middle East), and [combative](internal, self fixated/delusion). These are all cross linked over to the Populace/USofA entity where they, and hundreds more such references, terminate in supporting sets under the aspect of [disaster]. It is not surprising to find that the [disaster] aspect and all its supporting aspect/attribute sets are held under the primary aspect of [transformation]. Most of the increased [aggression], and [defiance] from the Bushista entity starts piling on from April 15th and continues to build through to some rather dramatic events temporally indicated around May 15th. These will continue to unfold their complex ramifications throughout the rest of May and into June. There are indications within the data that a label of 'purple' will emerge during these events, though given the many temporal overlays for this part of the modelspace, and absent the yet-to-be-processed data from 1207, we can't quite define it with any greater clarity. So we have labeled the appearance as a 'purple revolution' in the chart above. Hmmm. Sounds like that the 'world changes' here in the USofA this Spring. But, why limit it to just the USofA? The modelspace for the last several ALTA reports has had a very 'unhealthy' fixation on [UFOs] as a rising aspect globally. Now the data from the last of the 907 processing, as well as the accumulated "score reference values" which are used to start the modelspace off, are all pointing to several rising aspect/attributes within the [ufo] sub sets throughout the various entities. Curiously, some of these sets also contain references to 'purple' either as aspects, or supporting attributes. To return to the main point, the primary, secondary, and n+4 layers descriptors for [ufo] sub sets are now all including either 'emergence' or 'manifestation' as major supporting aspects. Further at both of the functioning groupings for meta data values, [ufo] is within the 'secrets revealed' meta data layer which are in the process of going vertical in several different entities. The data sets are also extensively cross linked to all of the larger entities such as Terra, Bushista, Markets, and the populace entities. Including the [ufo] emotional sub sets and the summations of their many cross links, as well as the terminating cross links which originate within Bushista entity, the total emotional tension summations within Populace/USofA are forecasting a 'turn to the negative' within this release period. While there may be early dramatic statements, and much posturing of the 'elite' and 'personalities' seen on teevee, the real drama begins in late April and will sweep us all along through July. This will be a very rough



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emotional release period according to the summations noted above. The Populace/USofA entity, even absent the further complications coming from the Terra entity, is pointing to a release period dominated by [danger] with supporting aspects of [disaster] and [continuance/continually]. In our several years experience with these models, there has never been so bleak a projection. The rate of descent of the emotional tension values is running at a .001 value loss over barely 6/six months. This is comparable to several hundred Katrina/Rita/Fema sized events. Ought to be one hell of a ride.

Terra - Sloshing in Antarctica The news out of Antarctica actually is arriving from space. The use of lasers from space have allowed researchers to discover something already confirmed by other means, the existence of giant lakes under the glaciers. When reading the article at the link provided it is important to *not* accept the conclusions firmly put in place by the author. Those are conclusions based on several assumptions now known to be *not* factual. The reporting here is that these lakes must have always existed entirely because they are 'too deeply buried' beneath the ice of the glaciers to have been formed recently. Of course what is not being stated is that the author is actually saying that 'because we have a particular model of global warming which precludes energies from space acting in any way except the narrow way in which our limited understanding will accept'...we can't believe (wish to be true) that these lakes must be 'harmless' since they have 'always existed'. The report of the lakes, on the contrary, is huge news. The supposition that planetary reaction to increased amounts and types of radiation from space *would* include a heating effect at the rock levels of the planet is now being supported by the discovery of lakes of such size. Bear in mind that when the Laurentian Ice Sheet gave way and slid off of Canada thousands of years ago, there was a vast collection of lakes which supported the ice mass, acting as a lubricating base as it slid off into the Atlantic. Also note that when the sheet moved, there were ruptures of the ice rim which allowed for vast jets of water to be forced out from the layer under the ice sheet. These rivers of compressed water were miles wide and hundreds of feet tall. These are thought to be the actual shaping mechanisms for much of the bad lands of the west (the Laurentian sheet extended down into present day USofA). Note that of the 3/three bullets at the top of the article, only the first is factual. The second is a huge conclusion with no evidence offered, and is merely stated as fact. This is what you should believe, that is, the authors' purpose in presenting the information in this manner. Then a quess(timate) is presented, again, as a fact so that your mind will have to go ponder which is to say, turn to mental imagery, and thus shift your attention out of right-brain analytical mode, and into left brain image cogitation. Thus you will 'accept' the conclusion without question. Link to article about Antarctic lakes. For several years now the modelspace has maintained a small, but emotionally significant sub set within the Terra entity which centers on [antarctica]. This sub set has steadily grown. It has always been something of a curiosity as the continent has not enough residents to bring out such as large emotional base, relative to the larger of the entities, the Terra entity. It has been an assumption of ours for several years that very large scale, potentially planetary impacting events would come out of Antarctica, given the continuing build up of emotional tension summation connected with this sub set. There is now more support than ever for the potential 'left field event' to arise from Antarctica.



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Markets - Reflections of Change, Won Ton Too As may be noticed in global markets behavior, our predictions for the last several ALTA reports that late February {specifically from 23rd} marks the 'danger point' for paper and debt assets globally. Our previous ALTA reports are having a very difficult time establishing that any form of 'globalism' as we know it today continues to exist much beyond September of 2007. Of course the reality is that the 'defining characteristics' or what we call our 'descriptor sets' are likely changing, and thus the data sets as they exist now will not or do not match the definition of what the markets look like from Fall of 2007 on ward. Perhaps, as our data suggests that the 'usofa dollar' is taken out of the global equation in large measure. Perhaps the release period of Spring and Summer [torpedoes] global shipping in large measure and thus global trading no longer exists, and thus also goes the concept of global markets. All this is speculation, but in part based on what we can glean from the starting point of modelspace. What is clear from the early stage values sets is that the Markets entity is continuing to support the idea of a pending 'employment crash' in the USofA. This is 'dollar' related, but recent announcements also would tend to put the housing markets at the center of the precipitous issues which come on the heels of this employment crash. Much of the impact will go to the very sizeable non-citizen population within the USofA borders. The sudden burdens of unemployment, with no social safety net will cause very large scale disruptions in the social fabric of all 3/three north American continent countries. Canada, the USofA and Mexico will find themselves 'seemingly suddenly' afflicted by economic refugee population shifts unimagined. The resulting impacts will alter the social mood over such a short period of time as to elicit comment from teevee and other sources as to how 'quickly the American Dream fell'. From February 23rd on, the Markets entity no longer [owns] (its own soul). Our data set suggests that for the rest of the year and beyond, the Markets entity will be 'held captive' by 'changing reality'. And as an always 'backward looking complex system' the Markets will fair very badly indeed since the 'change' rates that they do not yet reflect will accelerate beyond the rate of comprehension and reaction of the markets. This will be a critical component of the mass failure of software trading programs as real changes within social orders can come over weeks, and yet take years to 'cement' enough to be coded. The markets globally will alter. The data suggests large scale shifts of 'paper' and 'debt' based 'wealth' to S. America, India, South Asia, and Australia/New Zealand. The implications are a serious flight from the USofA dollar, with attendant repercussions on the USofA populace, and the slower-reacting USofA government. All coming to a planet near you this Spring and Summer. Of course we need to note that the 'rampaging queen' and his 'shotgun slinging' side-kick will be primary problems for the USofA dollar, and will personally be responsible for the increased 'slide of values' beginning on March 15th. Further, the Bushista entity points to the Bush mental state, and Bushista internal 'warfare' as contributing very large impetus to 'dollar abandonment'. After all, what sane person wants to invest/rely on the currency of a country run by a madman? Soon the international perception will be that the 'usofa dollar' is held in the same esteem as the North Korean won. The shocking component to the whole of the data set is actually how rapidly the changes proceed. As may be expected, the Spring and Summer of 2007 will be a very good time to *not* sell any gold or silver that may be held.

Conclusion: Part Zero, ALTA 1207 Our data pipes opened a few days early thanks to the kindness of our telco supplier, and we are posting a



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few days earlier than thought. Due to the proximate of the Ides of March, our goal is process the data sets of the immediacy values for 1207 and get Part 1 posted before Thursday, March 1. We will send out notifications of the posting of Part 1 as soon as it is available. If the data interpretation warrants, given that we are processing immediacy value sets, we may send out email updates.

ALTA 1207 - Part One

Asymmetric Language Trend Analysis Intelligence Report Changes in language precede changes in behavior. By Tenax SE for Note this report is offered for entertainment value only. Any resemblance between the events portrayed in this report and any developing reality is purely co-incidental and in no manner represents foreknowledge on the part of the authors of this report. Note that this information is derived from humans expressing themselves on the internet. As such, human emotional values and the words used to express them are being sampled and interpreted here, NOT THE FUTURE. Any resemblance between this report and future developments is entirely in the mind of the perceiver and does not exist in reality. The Authors cannot be held liable for accuracy of lack thereof in this report. Authors cannot be held liable for human interpretation of this report nor any action any human takes as a result of this report. Any human foolish enough to alter their behavior based on this entertainment-only analysis demonstrates themselves incapable of rational appreciation of reality, and the authors are explicitly held harmless and blameless for any and all such mental aberrations on the part of the reader. 2.25.2007 Note: Entities are identified by a blue typeface. Aspect words are enclosed in brackets [aspect]. Attribute words/phrases are within parentheses (attributes). Near sentences or concepts composed of both leading aspect and trailing attributes are single quoted '. Interpretive editorial comments are preceded by an asterisk *. Editorial notes are within {} curly braces. Navigation links are in italicized bold green, and red when visited. Our expectations are to achieve 70+ million reads within our bandwidth limitations. We expect a 6 part report series from this data set. Depending on the processing flow there may be a 7th part to the series. This report in the series created from 14.931 million reads. In the beginning.. The beginning of all of our processing is the word. Or words, rather - actually excessively large amounts of them. Totals of words beyond all reason. These then are distilled down into a thick syrupy mass and



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placed in an inadequate visual display and from there interpretation proceeds. Well, sort of.

Just the 'static' bits such as data bases are large, and to a surprising extent, dynamic. The changing nature of our lexicon was an unexpected part of our processing. It requires constant tuning as the 'emotional quantifiers' placed on the words change over time, as well as usage. Ever notice how some words and phrases get 'burned out' by excessive popular usage? As though they had no real emotional legs and by the time that the mainstream media grabs hold of them, or now, by the time they have been round the net a few times their emotional 'cache' has diminished and they fade away? Well, Igor and I sure notice such linguistic flows as we have to then adjust whatever emotional values that we had placed on that word or



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phrase and which has now had its emotional 'tonality' altered. Such tuning of the lexicon is quite tedious and as may be imagined requires a significant level of feedback with testing to even come close to obtaining a decent emotional representation within the confines of numbers. Speaking of numbers, when the interpretation refers to an entity or lexical structure {note: a lexical structure is a collection of descriptor sets} as being 'fully populated' or 'complete and correct' in being populated, it means that the current data set has a representation within it for a required number of contexts which go into entity definition. So as an instance, there are nearly 20/twenty thousand contexts within the Bushista entity definition. These are composed of nearly 50/fifty thousand words. But not all of the contexts will be found by the spyders at any given point within the processing, and so an arbitrary per centage has been set at 64/sixty-four percent for the Bushista entity in order to consider that it has been 'minimally constituted'. This is an important distinction as when the times, and emotional waves within the populace change, it is possible for entities to also change. We have several large changes within entities already showing for 2007. So far these include our Markets entity, specifically the sub set for 'global markets' which apparently undergoes a large scale redefinition over the course of this coming Summer {June solstice to September equinox}. Some of the entities involved within our modelspace are detailed in the table below. The entities are actually rather numerous, but many are either small, and thus rarely reported upon, or primarily used as 'supporting confirmation' for movements shown in larger entities. Some entities are so large, such as Terra entity, that the modelspace has to be dumped and reloaded to clear space for its display. This necessitates a rather tedious process for look ups on the cross links to other, not currently loaded, entities.


Constituted as:

Descriptor set for all trading including paper debts, commodities, global currencies, et cetera. Proxy for the cabal required to keep Geo. W. Bush in Bushista power Proxy for the populace of the USofA. Defined broadly Populace/USofA and representative of issues which rise to national prominence. Proxy for all populace groups *not* part of GlobalPopulace Populace/USofA. Division forced by emotional splits arising from anti-Bush reactions post October 2001. Largest of the entities. Proxy for all biosphere related Terra sub sets at all levels. Proxy for print, teevee, and most radio. Define with corporate sponsorship or funding as requirement. So increasingly *does* apply to some bloggers. Press Represents the conduit for 'official' messages at all levels. Also referenced as the 'global mediastream'. Proxy for independent information exchange. Rarely FreeStream discussed as it has potential for circuitous references. Proxy for UFO, NASA, NSA, and other 'strange



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reports' from/concerning Space including local to earth environmental reports. Proxy for The Powers That Be. Proxy for groups which may be loosely described as both 'elitist', and 'global' in thinking. Includes proxies for such as RCC, UN, OD, Illuminati, CFR, and others too numerous to detail here.

Some particulars of interest include that our data sets are constructed on a lunar month calendar. We use the sidereal lunar month as opposed to the synodic since humans inherently seem to be synchronized, at least linguistically, to the 27.321 day length month. The ALTA report series is built around a modelspace which extends out 1.618 lunar years from the incept date. Our lunar year contains 13 lunar, sidereal months for a 'year' length of 355.173 days. Our modelspace extends out to 575 days from the first date of processing for details on that ALTA series, for a total of 1.57 solar years of 365.25 days each. Not that any of this will be on the test later. But it sometimes does surface in interpretation of particular event/condition predictions. Meta data layers are not visible within our display. These are dominating aspects/attribute sets which are 'active' or 'rising' within a number of entities, yet the lexical sets are based on the same core set. Further definition for a meta data layer requires that the lexical structure relate back to one of the 'prime emotional sets' within the lexicon. These are sets which, as a rule, contain lots of bespoke emotion words for aspects and even supporting attribute details. Such words would be 'fear', 'elation', 'confusion', and other words or phrases which can broadly be thought of as describing either an emotion, or a mental state *resulting* from emotional impacts to the human system. The meta data layers are composed of these sorts of aspect/attributes in their descriptor sets. Further, the same lexical structure, arranged in the same hierarchical fashion must be on a 'rise' in emotional summations within many of the larger entities in order to be considered as a candidate for meta data status. Layer Label restrictions on movement encounters with scarcity secrets revealed Entities involved Bushista, both Populace entities, rising in Markets GlobalPop, Markets, Pop/USofA vertical in Bushista in March, dominating Pop/USofA starting in March, GlobalPop in July, goes vertical in Markets in late March, Press entity impacted from 2/27 onward. vertical in Bushista in March, dominating Pop/USofA - multigenerational change here begins in July, GlobalPop dominated from Sept. Vertical in Press as of March 7. rising in Bushista, strong but flat in Pop/USofA, rising in GlobalPop, rising in Markets. Dominates Press. Dominates Terra. rising in Pop/USofA, shift here from rebellion over to revolution begins March, GlobalPop shift from resistance to rebellion by July, large Terra associations with this meta data layer,



impetus for change - aka 'resistance/rebellion/revolution'



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actively resisted in Bushista

Bushista - Pressurized and Apoplectic? As noted in Part Zero, the Bushista entity is dominated by meta data layers. Not only does 'conflict' go vertical for Bushista indicating both internal and external strife, but the entity is also suffering from other meta data layers also reaching out to stamp their influence on events. We have noted how 'secrets revealed' as a meta data meme will begin to squeeze Bushista in the [guts] as the aspects would have it, such that [bloated] (passages erupt). This last is from the immediacy values as details to the coming prominence of the 'secrets revealed' meta data layer. There is more along this line which could be taken as either describing the 'halls of congress' or the 'passages of power' in some other sense, including how both 'oil' and 'electricity' flow. There is very little within the descriptor set to suggest that it is referring to any Terra based event. Rather the data sets are pointing to the next few weeks prior to March 7th as a time in which 'secrets revealed set nerves blazing'. As a conjunct, and complementary meta data meme, we have the [rupture] of the (dream/delusions outward) appearing as the first level of primary immediacy support for the meta data layer 'restrictions on movement'. As we note from our experience predicting a 'wounding' involving the White House, and specifically the Dick in chief, in which we though *he* would be the woundee, we now take a more ambivalent point of view in these sorts of interpretations. The data seemingly is predicting that 'restrictions on movement' will be [applied to] the Bushistas, such that the [bottle/container] becomes [excessively/too much] (pressured) and in the end, an [eruption] of (dark delusion) comes [rushing] (out) at the world. The immediacy data would be pointing to a Bush versus Congress dust-up as fulfilling the forecast 'stand-off' or 'confrontation' for March 7th through the 15th. The data set is pointing toward this as the [real/substantial] (battle/conflict) rather than the other attention getters which will also appear. The data suggests that very large amounts of [energy] including [money] is being put toward a [distraction]. This area is cross linked back to the Populace/USofA entity where it terminates in [hatreds/antagonism]. However, the data is weighted to the 'restrictions on movement' being [applied] to Bushista. The results of this [application] of (restraints) will be a [pressurized] (vessel). This last is pointing to the whole of the entity as being the 'vessel' in question. The supporting aspect/attribute sets are indicating that the [pressure] will be so [intense] and [excessive] as to have such predictable effects as a sudden [swooning] within the [weaker] members of the Bushista entity who then find any excuse, even the (implausible) to beat a hasty exit. This is but 1/one component of the [visible] manifestations of [internal] (conflict) within Bushista over March. Other noticed effects will include a sudden [confusion] emerging which the Press entity will pick up, further amplifying the [concern/worry] about the [impact] of 'secrets revealed'. The [worry] will be specifically focused on the [decay] within the [mind] of Bushista which will be seen to be [distancing] itself from (reality). Further it will be [without] even and [internal] (consensus) on anything relating to (external)[reality]. The number of cross links within the Bushista entity, and this sub section of the immediacy values suggest that the interpretation needs to be applied as a fractal or design pattern in the sense of fitting both the Bushista entity as well as Bush himself. The data set is self referencing a number of times at various layers pointing to [internal] manifestations of the meta data of 'conflict' at so many points within Bushista as to be completely dominate. This does not bode well for anyone. The movement, by way of the summation of the emotional tension values, is for 'secrets revealed' and



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'restrictions on movement' to bring the Bushista entity up to the point where 'conflict' breaks out internally. This scenario of a 'movement restriction' causing a pressure cooker effect on the entity is supported by examining the very far range of the immediacy values in isolation for what glimpses they can provide. At the moment, the values are pointing to [confusion] as the reigning mental condition at within Bushista just at the point on the 15th of March when the [standoff] is showing as [breakingopen/rupturing]. At that point there are data sets suggesting that the Bush war of aggression in Iraq will be a central issue. As a side point, yet more 'secrets revealed' will push yet another 'rationale' for the war, or [goal] into the dustbin of history. The data suggests that the [confusion] state dominating Bushista immediately after the Ides of March release 'breaking point' will not be completely as a result of the Iraq war. The data set does show a supporting set for [war] which is very bad indeed. What we have had for a long while within the modelspace is a general linguistic set floating around which goes to the idea that no wars can be won during these times. At the moment, what is shaping up within Bushista is a variant of this general set with very specific references. The interpretation *could* easily be made that *if* the power-path lunatics actually do launch another war anywhere, that the resulting [defeat] of the USofA and/or its proxies will be so [swift] and [total] as to generate [shocks/shockwaves] of [confusion]. The numerous cross links between this area of Bushista and the Populace/USofA is suggesting that the [confusion shock] potentially *could* be transferred out into the general populace. So a scenario which would fit these linguistic clues would have the USofA and/or proxy attack Iran. This causes a devastating response in which 3/5ths {three-fifths} of the USofA naval fleet is destroyed, and within the same day, events are put in motion which completely shatters the USofA economy and its participation within the global economy. Now a [pariah state], the USofA is plunged into a [WTF?] state of [confusion] which will dominate for weeks as the situation progresses. Not to say that the nutters at the top will attack Iran. What we do have points to Iraq being very dominate within the Press throughout March, and in ways not previously noticed. The theme of [power] struggles being (un resolvable) will dominate the mediastream. Violence levels will increase beyond what has been seen and to the level that general [condemnation] will begin globally to affect Markets within USofA. Movements to [end support] for the [madness] will become organized boycotts of USofA financial markets/instruments. Also within the expression of the 'conflict' meta data layer impacting Bushista entity will be a [spill over] to internal 'conflict' within the USofA. At this point, the most reasonable and probable unfolding of events would have Congress placing 'restrictions' on Bush such that by March 7th the Bush cabal feels [threats/threatened], and within their [fear] develops further [delusion] and over the course of the 8/eight days until the 15th of March remains in [constitutional deadlock] with Congress, the military, and the populace of the country. Then the emotional 'release' period hits, and events start to play out rapidly. A number of [financial] (worries) show up in the Bushista entity for mid March and onward. All of these are [external] concerns, many of which appear to be [global] in scope. The accumulating totals of [tension] will take their toll. And already dysfunctional government is shown by our data as headed into [coagulation] and [seizure]. The lexical clues within the details of the supporting aspect/attribute sets are indicating a [backlash/splash-back] from the [economic] *AND* [financial/currency] problems of Spring which will finally and irrevocably severe the financial support for Bushista, as well as push the last of the 'true believer' camp into single-digit minority. "At what point in loss of public support," asks Cicero, "does the ruler cross over to become dictator?". An entertaining prediction would be that the actions of Congress brings [pressure] to the Bush cabal such that the stand-off breaks with Bush and associates in crime attempting to defy the will of Congress with new [actions] from the US military. Assuming the military to be loyal to the constitution, the [actions] on the part of the administration result in orders being issued to arrest the [treasonous]. In this case, the resulting internal turmoil within the American Empire is such that larger wars with outside



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forces are precluded as the planetary population withdraws contacts and trade as the populace of the USofA works on setting its house in order. A nice fiction, but far too neat to actually be reflecting developing reality. Rather, the real world will provide some stew of messiness for our March build up to the plateau, and then the release. Not to say that [resistance] won't be showing against the Bushista entity, as the data sets are clearly indicating that such [resistance] and [rebellion] will be visible as to even penetrate to the limited awareness of Bush himself.

Markets - Iceberg Rolls Over, Gold Floats on Debt The [illusion] of (prosperity) that has propped up the Bush administration these last 6/six years is breaking up. Unlike previous market situations, our data suggests that no mere correction is underway, rather what is happening is akin to the [economic] and [financial] iceberg of the USofA rolling over. The vastly disparate ratio of wealth transfer these last few decades, which accelerated to gigantic proportions under the Bush decider-ship, and which has resulted in the top 1/one percentile of the populace controlling 99/ninety-nine percent of the wealth, is about to [flip] or roll over. As with real icebergs, the process is observable only at the point rolling begins, and by then it is way too late to react. As with real icebergs, it is entirely unequal distribution of 'mass' which results in the flip. As with really big icebergs, the actual flipping can take minutes. The data suggests that the economy of the USofA based markets, and specifically all forms of [usofa dollar] associated debts are rolling over, and the actual visible signs of the roll will be apparent on February 27, 2007. The roll has been initiated, and came 2/two days early for us on February 21, instead of the 23rd as we had supposed. However the 'weekend tension' is still showing as of this point in the processing of the immediacy values, and therefore is still showing as an inflection point in our modelspace. However the actual [visible flip/roll] shows for February 27. The coming period of 8/eight days leading up to the Ides of March release period will also be presenting more [visible] (manifestations) of financial crumbling, but by that time, it is far too late to react to stem the process. In fact, as of this interpretation, ...alea jacta est/the die is cast. Start running now, just guess correctly as to which way the iceberg will roll. As part of the [economic] degradation, soon to be exacerbated by political degradation, the populace of the USofA is going to have to endure a Spring of [employment] (crashes). The data sets are quite clear about the projection, and it is very dire. The data being interpreted has been showing up for over the last 6/six months and has been posted in previous ALTA report series. The fundamental core of our modelspace is the replacement of words. These words are showing up in basically the same sorts of conversations about the same kinds of things, but the nature of the words used to discuss all this same-old at the same-old, is different. So as an instance, since early July (2006) the Markets entity has been moved through modelspace by the replacement values associated with words used to describe 2/two very large {linguistically, that is lots of verbiage's on the internet} general areas. The dominant of these has been [housing], with the subordinate element being [instruments, paper/debt]. In this last area there are all the references to such things as stocks, bonds, derivatives, notes, et al. Further the lexicon for this group naturally contains references back to the other element [housing] just as within the [housing] lexical structure are supporting aspect/attributes which include [paper debt] and [note] references. This brief description is to provide a certain sense of the muddy nature of our interpretations. That is to say, the data sets are not usually very cleanly separated, and thus a certain amount of bleed-through on the interpretation will occur.



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At this time the Markets entity is exhibiting what we have termed in the past "splitting behavior". We have seen this most frequently within the Bushista entity as the various layers of support feel away from the BushCo entity and subsequently the linguistic descriptor set was split or pared down to its current shape. Within the Markets entity, and specifically within the [usofa] sub set, a split of direction is becoming visible as the [housing] lexical element is now dropping below the neutral line. This occurs as a result of the summation of the emotional values associated with the words now linked to this [housing] aspect. As the summation drops past 0/zero and into the negative range, it has a tendency to drag down the entity as a whole by lowering the many related summations which compose an entities movement through modelspace. All that just as clear as crystal at the bottom of a lake on a cloudy day? Well, here is the developing issue within the Markets entity. The [housing] sub set, a large sub set, is now dropping into negative territory, and this is JUST as the [paper debt] sub set is roaring along on a [stressed] (run up/climb). Further, the [housing] section of the data set is larger than the total [paper debt] sub set in several key ways within our modelspace. The data sets and processing that we use tend to put humans first over information. So the emotional component of [housing] in the real world will be several orders of magnitude more impacting than that of [stocks/bonds/et al] since more humans have houses than 'own' paper debt. The emotional bespoke values within the [housing] set include bespoke [fear], and secondary impacting verbs such as [crushing]. These sorts of bespoke emotion holding words are now dominating the [housing] section of the lexicon just as the [paper debt] side is making a step up into more abstract descriptor sets, that is, more emotionally 'removed' words. These twin effects have significantly shifted the relative weights within the Markets entity. The relative weight shifting within Markets entity as the modelspace is progressed forward into March is why it appears as an iceberg rolling over. As the modelspace provides in its rather tedious presentation, as the iceberg starts to roll, the whole of the processes involved accelerate. This is the view of the whole of the Markets entity as March moves forward. Within the details the dominant aspect of [energetic behavior] for the [paper debt] sub set shifts in early March to [disassociated/disconnected/discordant/cut-loose]. As the shift within [paper debt] takes place, some of the very key supporting aspects also shift. Descriptor sets such as [force] (emerging from lower elements/center) are supporting rising aspects such as [exhaustion] which in its turn supports [haste/hurry]. Further supporting sets go to the idea that [strength/energy/force] (totally consumed) which is showing as [producing] (depleted reserves). This in turn points to [unrelenting] [math] which apparently will emerge as a [trigger] for [meltdown]. This last is heavily cross linked to the [currency] and [fed reserve] sub sets. Several of the Markets entity shifts within modelspace are temporally linked to [flooding] and [pulsations/perturbations] (magma). This last is probably not a good sign, but may be linked, as indicated within the supporting aspect/attribute sets, to the [commercial] (ventures) which are within [extermination] distance of a volcano likely to pop off. By far the largest sets of cross links within the descriptors within Markets entity are internal sets. Of these, the cross links to [currency] dominate all. The largest group of external cross links go to Bushista entity. Most of these are below neutral as individual sums. As we have reported in the last few ALTA reports, the Markets data set, as well as the Populace/USofA data sets both contain directly held sub sets pointing to the idea of an 'employment crash'. The data set for this aspect/attribute descriptor arose spontaneously, and does *not* fit within our current concepts such as 'mass layoffs'. In the case of the latter, a 'mass layoff' would include a 'pre-announcement' as well as a 'defined value' for the number representing the 'layoff'. These are usually within the thousands. What is now developing is a lexical set which goes to the idea of an 'after the fact' or 'post temporal' descriptor, this is to say that there will be no recognition of the 'employment crash' by the global mediastream until after the [bulge] of the crash has occurred. Much of this will be due to the way in



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which the process will play out. While the data set implies that the 'crash' will have unemployment sweeping upwards into the [millions], it is also pointing to an [oscillating] effect in which [layers] are [peeled off/removed] from the economy. Some of these layers will be composed almost entirely of illegal workers who will *not* have a social safety net nor will be counted, at least not at the time. The lexical sets are pointing to a very rapid process, perhaps only months. In examining the chart below, note that the downward sweep of release period following the Ides of March represents a composite of 'reasons' for the release of emotional tensions. The totality of the drop is the summation of all of the various global brouhaha occurring that day, however some consistent trends power periods. In the case of the next few months, the rolling over of the iceberg that is the USofA economy will be providing a significant component. Further the 'economic woes' resulting will further exacerbate the political pressures cookers and the various releases from that realm. Such a stew.

Within the [gold/silver/precious metals] sub set of the Markets entity, the immediacy values are showing that a [pushing effort] or [trend] is to begin emerging this week. Our data set shows that February 27 the



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Markets will enter a pattern where [gold/et al] will be [pushing] (back/against pressures from strong hands). Further the data set is pointing to a shift from the current dominating aspect for [gold et al] of [ceiling] (held down) over to the rising aspect of [push] (through restraints). This aspect/attribute set is it self only short lived in that it is replaced as the modelspace moves through March and into April with the aspect/attribute of [energy] with supporting attributes of (formerly/previously) and (restraint/restrained). This aspect/attribute group rises within the [gold et al] sub set over the course of March and accumulates further supporting aspect/attribute sets which go to the idea of a 'destruction, completely' of the 'past form/order', and the 'replacement' of 'energetic patterns' with 'emerging realities'. This last aspect/attribute is also cross linked extensively to the Terra entity and the Press entity. It would appear that the whole biospheric change problem is finally going to impact USofA markets within radically altering patterns of thinking. Over the course of the last few ALTA series we have been getting the predictions of a 'change' of a very fundamental nature arriving in 2007. This change was to emerge as behavioral changes for the masses beginning shortly after the Ides of March. The impact on the modelspace of the 'wave of mind sets' being altered is apparently just starting to manifest. Now we are showing that the Markets entity, already facing change forced on it by perceptions of those outside the USofA who are, as an instance, no longer financing the debt of the USofA government, will also now have to accept the alteration of the basic 'perceptions of core/nature/status' by the populace of the USofA. The Populace/USofA has much of this emotional wave dominated by both 'secrets revealed', and 'revolution'. The Markets entity has the terminating cross links within it dominated by 'duality', and 'secrets revealed'. As noted previously within this series as well as earlier ALTA reports, the complex system that is the global economy which is what supports [debt trading] is undergoing changes at such fundamental levels as to preclude a 'return to business as usual'. The nature of the changes is predicted by the "duration of impact" values for the descriptors within the immediacy values sets. The "duration" values are running at multiple generational lengths. This is to say that our "duration of impact" range which extends out to the length of a saeculum is fully extended by the values currently associated with the changing linguistics coming in under almost all of the [precious metals] contexts. Again, stated another way just to be sure to be confusing, the 'gold and silver et al' emotional values bound to the words we find linked to 'gold/silver/et al' are showing for 100/one hundred years impact or longer. This is very long indeed. Before change of this magnitude can be visible to time travelers such as us {ed note: you do travel through time, don't you? at least one direction}, a whole series of emotional and mental abstractions and constructs must be demolished. The modelspace shows this clearly under the aspect/attribute sets of [separation] (from the past). In the case for [gold/silver/et al] sub sets in several entities, the supporting aspects/attributes are suggesting that the 'separation from the past behavior' will be accomplished as [stairs/levels] of [discord/disharmony]. Both of these supporting aspects have common supporting attribute sets which include lexical clues such as 'layers of destruction' which are archetypically supported further down the descriptor set as being [furrows] (plowed by history). The [furrows] supporting aspect has its own supporting sets going to the idea that [large scale/core/primary level] [destruction] (of perceptions, view-points) will [overthrow/invert/revolutionize] (inter/between) [human] (behavior). The underlying message coming through from the Markets entity is also being confirmed by the Populace/USofA entity. Now we note that the Populace/USofA entity represents the most stupid and ignorant people on the planet, that is to say, the sheeple of the USofA who are content to receive their news/information via 'official' sources such as the global mediastream. So we find it very important that the detail levels of supporting aspect/attributes in a number of entities are pointing to what can only be interpreted as a 'revolution' within the 'awareness' if not consciousness of the Populace/USofA. That this shift is also showing up in descriptors of the "after effects" tends to reinforce our reading of the linguistic clues. Basically, now is not a good period to try to 'time' any gold or silver trading. Apparently the emotional attachment to precious metals at a core human level is about to rekindle over the course of this release period and into Fall of 2007. But we bear in mind that this attachment is merely the frothy



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wave riding the top of a saeculum length change in behavior.

Populace/USofA - America's Gandhi?, War with Israel As shown in the Markets entity, a large scale change in perception of reality is being forecast by the modelspace for the Ides of March release period. This change is manifesting within the Populace/USofA entity at very key support levels. We note with some irony that the 'death of religion' meme which had been discussed in several previous ALTA report series of 2005 and 2006 chooses just this particular emotional nexus in time (moment) to resurrect itself. Not as if there are not enough emotional flash points around the planet that the species just has to have 1/one more really juicy emotional trigger such as religion to scrap over. The continuing pressures on the social order are being reflected within the Populace/USofA entity which is growing several large supporting structures of aspects under the broad category of [social order/arrangements]. This is the area that first shown as a context change within our data set several months prior to the appearance of the 'illegal alien movement' and their demonstrations around the country. Our data set showed several months prior to the demonstrations that a 'context change' was going to occur at that particular time. We had some lexical hints as to its nature, and did get some of them correct, but in the main we were just aware that the core of the national psyche and self image was going to change forever. What awaits the populace of the USofA over the course of the Ides of March is just such a change in the 'social order/context', however this go-round the level of magnitude is much larger, and the visible manifestations of the change emerging into society stretches over months, not merely a few weeks. And it will be a less than peaceful experience for all involved. The Populace/USofA is forecasting that the [light/guidance] of the [social order/milieu/national identity] is about to be tested, seriously and repeatedly over these next 7/seven months. And then we get a 75/seventy five day respite where we get to switch over to building our emotional tensions rather than enduring their expressions. The extent of the coming 'perception change' within the populace of the USofA is such that much of the supporting aspects/attribute sets are also falling under the [revolution] meta data layer, and *all* of these newly accrued value sets are dominated by the [secrets revealed] meta data layer. The data sets suggest that the 'national identity' will not survive the tests ahead. Just as we had advance 'word' {ed note: pun intended} of the appearance of Cindy Sheehan on the national stage a few months before her first 'camp out at crawford', we are now getting data that suggests that a new [personality] will be appearing who will act as the focus for much of the perceptual changes underway within the general populace. Our label for this individual is the [america's gandhi]. We could have chosen several other appellations including such as [america's krishnamurti], but while all the others brought across the idea of the 'enlightened human', none also convey the idea of the 'ascetic' who is willing to [step into/enjoin] the (political/social) realm and put [life] and [limb] at risk. Our data has supporting aspects which are defining this new personality much more in this vein. This individual is also [irreligious] and [denigrating/mocking] of the whole of the [church/organized religion] structure. There are details suggesting that our [america's gandhi] will [present] a [threat] to ThePowersThatBe and will suffer some level of [legal] wrath along the rise to the national consciousness. Further, it must be remembered that Gandhi was not well liked by TPTB in his time. The British Crown and Government were actually quite rude to M. Gandhi. The data suggests the same sort of relationship will exist between the American Crown and Government and this personality-who-will-bedevil. However we



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note that the data sets are showing this individual will be more than merely the [focus] of the times, and will also act as a [focusing lens] for the energies emerging within the populace of the USofA. The implications are that this individual will emerge during the release period and should start showing within the global mediastream during the release of tensions from [war powers] which will also be temporally close to [power struggles] of a huge level within China. {ed note: more on this in GlobalPop discussion in part two} There are *no* supporting sets suggesting that our [america's gandhi] is a politician. There are supporting sets suggesting an [incarceration] and the [suffering] of [punitive punishments]. The emergence of this personality over the course of these next few months will bring out our previous report hints of 'identity of the green man'. The emergence of this personality onto the planetary global mediastream consciousness will be able to be used as a temporal marker for Terra entity intrusions to appear shortly thereafter. There are many data sets which suggest that shortly after emerging into the mediastream, [america's gandhi] will be within the USofA. On key element about the [america's gandhi] is that the whole of the relationship between USofA at the populace level and the 'nation state' of Israel will change at this time. It is not possible for us to be able to separate out how much of the change in relationship is due to the appearance of our human emotional lens, and how much is merely also happening at that same time. What we can say is that the aspects of [sudden] and [huge/large/gargantuan] are both showing within the Populace/USofA relative to the aspect of [israel] and the [support] of the [populace] of the USofA. We can also note that the [america's gandhi] personality is not the cause of the backlash against Israel emotionally, but rather is merely temporally close to the emergence of the 'anti-zionista' movement as an [visible] open political force within the USofA. Further it would appear that the [beast] of bespoke emotions such as [rage] and the driving mental states of [betrayal] are what will motivate the populace of the USofA into a *never-beforedemonstrated* mass movement of [outrage/hatred]. As part of this movement, former 'israel supporters' within the USofA will be making large public demonstrations of their change of heart. This is connected to very realistic fears for an 'anti-judaism' pogrom globally catching fire within the Populace/USofA. More on this in further reports dealing with the 'death of the faith based religions meme'. In projecting the probabilities of the future from our linguistic clues it becomes problematic when data sets begin to confirm each other in a stair stepping fashion with actual events. We could be tempted to interpret this sub set as being the natural outgrowth of an Israeli attack on Iran. It could be that the populace of the USofA would rise up really pissed to find that Iran in response destroys a very large part of the USofA naval infrastructure stupidly stationed as a target by the StupidAdminstration of the GOP Politburo. *However*, there are also data sets in support of the [rage] emerging from [actual betrayal/underhandedness] which goes right to the [core values] of the populace. The implication coming from the emotional sums of the data sets is that [war] will be declared with [israel] over the emerging [scandal]. Of course we note that [scandal] is supported by [intelligence] and [prostitution]. On this last, note that [prostitution] is a general term for [selling out personal interest] within our data set before it references sex for money. All of the supporting aspects for the [betrayal] linguistic sets are falling under the meta data layers of 'secrets revealed' or 'conflict'. We note also that the cross links suggest a very large level of 'conflict' within the Bushista internal organization to arise from this 'israel situation'. Further the level of [resignations] showing as [appearing] all in a (rush/haste) will probably cripple the ability of the Bushies to even get breakfast made in the morning, let alone 'sway government' or populace. Again, it is worth noting that 'conflict' goes vertical within the Bushista entity beginning in March. Followed very closely by 'secrets revealed' going vertical in Populace/USofA. We need to also note that the changes within the Populace/USofA entity relative to its values defining contexts over the course of the Ides of March release period are reinforcing of the alterations discussed in the economic landscape in other entities. The Populace/USofA entity is showing that there will be



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'civil strife' as a result of the emergence of 'extreme economic weakness' over the course of the release period and well into Fall and beyond. The data sets are pointing to [riots], which will be connected to [food restrictions] as well as [riots/mayhem] connected to [housing] and vast pending [wave] of [foreclosure] and [homelessness] which manifests with some vigor during this time. It is predicted by the accretion values of the data that the government and politicians at all levels will be way behind the curve on the 'home loss' front. So much so in fact that the primary aspect in support of the [foreclosure wave] is [sudden]. When the Populace/USofA entity is progressed along with the modelspace through early March and into Spring, there are several aspects accruing to [revolution] directly held within the entity. These aspects include [fluffy] as is defined in GlobalPop. Examples of [fluffy] revolution as it is applied globally can be found at the Chaos Works. Within the [fluffy] revolution coming to a town in USofA near you the primary association within our data set is under the aspect of [homelessness]. This will be missed by the TPTB within the USofA as being the beginnings of the [new political movement/reality], but it seeds will come from the [fluffy] [revolution] as it will be practiced by young [squatters] here in the USofA. This last is pertinent as the [american populace] will put their own national stamp on [fluffy] strategies and [tactics]. It is tempting to label the whole of the 2007 the emergence of the [fluffy revolution] to all aspects of popular culture globally. So many of the pending alterations in thinking will be influenced by [fluffy] strategies, but that would imply a will by universe to employ such tactics. While a pleasant change from the usual universal slap-upside-the-head-to-getthe-stupid-human's attention, it is premature to think that the emergence of the [fluffy] aspect within [revolution] implies that no smacks are awaiting our collective noggin over Spring and Summer. Terra - West Coast North America - Spring Quivers The data set for the Terra entity is still building its immediacy values, and we do feel a need to get the Markets data posted so we are proceeding with the interpretation even though the Terra entity is not yet as stable as we would like it. Further the data sets are only partially loaded into modelspace. That being noted, we do have data suggesting that March, and the continuing Spring will show as [upsetting] for the populace on the [west coast] of north america. We note that our geographic references are the weakest elements within the system, and so are loath to point to specific places. In the Terra entity at the moment, the 'north america' sub set with its sub set of [west coast] is showing a dominant aspect of [finality] for March which will change rapidly to [pulsating motion]. This last aspect is related to [volcanoes] and seems to suggest that [earthquakes] will be [initiated] at a considerable [distance] by [motions] beneath [volcanoes]. Further the data shows this as bring in the (complacency) supporting [finality] to an end, and replacing it with [shaken/upset] after a [disquieting][quiet] period. This last, when further explored, is best interpreted as a 'time of perhaps some weeks' in which a very 'disquieting calm' or 'lack of measurable activity' will be noticed. In the way in which our technique works, we do not *see* earthquakes within our data sets, rather what we see are changes in language which reflect how the populace will speak, and what they will be speaking about, *after* the quake. So in the case of the Hawa'ii earthquake we were able to perceive the "6.3" size since that was what was 'spoken about' within the global mediastream immediately after the earthquake. Did that make sense? Kind of looking not at events, but at mirror images of news paper headlines discussing the event. What our 'headlines' are telling us now is that some humans will have to 'extract themselves' from the 'entangling embrace of earth and rubble' after the earthquake. From this we can surmise that at least some injuries will come. This idea is reinforced with linguistics implying [desperate] emotions associated with [transporting] [wounded] to (distant) [resources]. This last is implying hospitals and [care based] functions. We do not have indications that the earthquake is of huge proportions, but we do note that 'mountain tops' within the vicinity of the 'rubble strewn plaza' will be [visible] in their movements. From the cross links to the Press entity we can surmise that this will show up as video on the global mediastream. Since the data under interpretation are immediacy values, we do not get as much details within the attribute sets as the shorter and longer term value sets. What details we do have



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suggest a 'mid afternoon' shake which will result in several days of teevee coverage of the resulting 'fires' and general 'chaos'. There are linguistic pointers to 'trampling herds' and other indicators of panic in the populace, but for the main, the indications are more for panic, than actual disaster. In terms of actual [disaster] the data sets are continuing to accrue for a [flooding] based problem to strike north america such that 'millions are shifted' with some '700/seven hundred thousands' left 'displaced'. Thus the aware person will note even further pressure on [housing] within the USofA and also connections to the rise of a [militant squatter class] over the course of Spring and Summer. The [flooding] clues have been building for the last several ALTA series. We note with grim satisfaction that the early signs of predicted flooding in South America are emerging on schedule. We take this as reinforcement for our [flooding] indicators for the USofA which have also been showing since Summer of last year. The specificity of the [flooding] predictions for the [red] river which we have labeled as the "Red River" as in a local place name, may need to be examined as a description rather than a label. In that case the data set could be interpreted as a 'river run red' for a period before the real flooding hits. This would/could also argue for such damage from flooding because the place to be impacted may not even be a river in the sense of continuous flow. Our data has added such contexts as can now be interpreted as a 'river' which will soon run to areas not normally even showing as 'wet'. The data set has a strange inner duality which is proving a difficult to nail down into a stable pattern. The shifting nature of the data set is implying something about the [flooding] impact, but what is not yet discernable. We are able to observe that much of the previous language for [gouging] is also now still building along with the [red flood river] linguistic set, and these are cross linked internally. The modelspace is suggesting that March, perhaps very late in the month is our most probable 'emergence time' for the [flooding]. Along with the [flooding] aspect within Terra, the whole of this area is cross linked to [atmosphere] aspect within the entity, and specifically falls under a growing area headed by the aspect/attribute of [change/alteration](visible). Again, it is worth noting that much of this area is cross linked externally to the Populace/USofA entity where it participates within the 'changes in perception of reality' sub sets. This in turn is cross linked also directly and indirectly to Markets entity where it terminates in 'shifts of values'. There are also curious cross links internally within the Terra entity between the [flooding] within the [north american continent] sub set, and the [antarctica] sub set where the cross links either originate in, or terminate in [exposure]. This [exposure] is not of some bare butts, but rather is supported by [solid] and [mountain]. Further the [mountain] is more poetically described by the details within the attribute set as 'roof of the world'. This [exposure] is somehow related to the [flooding] both temporally, and perhaps causally. We cannot separate these out of the lexical sets. We do note that the [exposure] of the [mountain top] is going to give a huge boost to the 'restrictions on movement' meta data layer, as well as its close cousin, 'encounters with scarcity'. The [exposure] cross link to these meta data layers accounts for fully a 25/twenty-five per cent increase in emotional intensity values. Presumably these will be displayed during the release period as the increase in intensity is also very high among other immediacy values within the set. We have large amounts of Terra data still to be processed and it will occupy much of Part Two. Universe - Mystery Shifts The aware human senses the emerging design patterns currently appearing in the biosphere, and disregard the glib words of officialdom which place these changes into a false context of individual reactions to stress and degradation. As the solar system reenters the end-of-precessional-cycle space, and specifically referencing the unknown components of alignment with galactic central, it is feasible that



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many changes will take place, up to and perhaps even surpassing, alterations in the electron spin resonance. As all of reality-as-we-know-it is based on the ESR we currently have, *any* changes to the ESR *will* affect manifesting matter. For instance, since electron spin rates determine the 'material' of the material universe, if the ESR shifts, so do the properties of matter. A relatively hidden insight into ESR and material determinism/properties is that the ESR of the whole of the solar system need not be affected simultaneously. Rather it is to be expected, given the nature of continuous creation cosmology that the ESR rates will shift at different times and for differing reasons in differing places. Thus will arise the "mysteries". Even though the global mediastream is seemingly chock-full-o-crap, it will still find room for the newly developing "mysteries" or "mysterious conditions" which will begin to emerge in earnest this year. These will soon rise to the level that the whole subject will demand capitalization, ever more to be short-handed as "The Mystery". Some of these mysteries may soon be appearing in a reality near you. Denver this time? Or your local hymenoptera hangout. Or a 300 foot deep sinkhole...

Conclusion: Part One A rainy and stormy Sunday here in the PNW, and we observe that the planet as a whole is having quite a few 'weather issues'. Our data is showing that this is just the last of the ratcheting up phase where we will feel each of the last few ticks as the restraining hammer drops into the notch before taking up the tension. Over these last few years our data set began to describe 2006 as the 'pivotal' year. It now is describing 2007 as the year of 'emergence'. When we examine the lexicon for all of the context values hidden within 'emergence' we note that it means 'intrusion into material reality'. Hmm. Now that promises to be a real kick of a year. All these memes which have been building pressure within human consciousness 'manifesting' themselves all over material reality. Likely it will be very messy indeed. These sorts of emergences usually are. I have included background material here in Part One that should get the stage set for reading the dynamic interpretations of parts 1 through 6. This promises to be a very interesting ALTA series in that part of our data capture will transit the predicted cusp into the release period. This may well impact the later reports as the immediacy data sets may be affected by the release. We saw that within the last context change in the ALTA series prior to the 'illegal aliens demonstrations'. This could be lager due to the size and scope of the predicted release period. Basically saying watch out, our extremes may become even more extreme over the weeks ahead as the language we are reading gets a bit intense and emotional. The processing is running to schedule so we anticipate Part Two to be posted by late on March 5. A notification will be sent at the time of posting or if immediacy values warrant. Vale et bona fortuna in nova annum agitare. clif and igor



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Copyright 2007 by HalfPastHuman. All rights reserved. Not to be republished in any form without written, prior approval.

ALTA 1207 - Part Two

Asymmetric Language Trend Analysis Intelligence Report Changes in language precede changes in behavior. By Tenax SE for Note this report is offered for entertainment value only. Any resemblance between the events portrayed in this report and any developing reality is purely co-incidental and in no manner represents foreknowledge on the part of the authors of this report. Note that this information is derived from humans expressing themselves on the internet. As such, human emotional values and the words used to express them are being sampled and interpreted here, NOT THE FUTURE. Any resemblance between this report and future developments is entirely in the mind of the perceiver and does not exist in reality. The Authors cannot be held liable for accuracy of lack thereof in this report. Authors cannot be held liable for human interpretation of this report nor any action any human takes as a result of this report. Any human foolish enough to alter their behavior based on this entertainment-only analysis demonstrates themselves incapable of rational appreciation of reality, and the authors are explicitly held harmless and blameless for any and all such mental aberrations on the part of the reader. 3.04.2007 Note: Entities are identified by a blue typeface. Aspect words are enclosed in brackets [aspect]. Attribute words/phrases are within parentheses (attributes). Near sentences or concepts composed of both leading aspect and trailing attributes are single quoted '. Interpretive editorial comments are preceded by an asterisk *. Editorial notes are within {} curly braces. Navigation links are in italicized bold green, and red when visited. Our expectations are to achieve 70+ million reads within our bandwidth limitations. We expect a 6 part report series from this data set. Depending on the processing flow there may be a 7th part to the series. This report in the series created from 25.569 million reads. Meta Data - Rising Froth Our work rests on the hidden layers not usually conveyed in textual presentation, that is, the emotional connotations *usually* associated with words. As is recognized, it takes a great writer to bring emotions out well from mere text. In the case of our reads of the chatter of the global monkey mind across the internet capture an assumed, and mostly arbitrary emotional context associated with words used within human-2-human conversations. These emotional values are assigned to words within the lexicon as numbers which are later summed and what-not to produce an aggregate emotional view of all of the words within a particular descriptor set. These summation values are what drive the entities through the



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modelspace. A primary function of summation values is to separate out emotional components by their "waxing and waning" influence. Just as humans *must* produce slang and attach new emotional contexts to words in order to distance themselves from a particular group (usually their parents generation), and to bond themselves within other groups (usually their generation, work/skills, hobby, familial, racial, political.), the nature of language is that it *must* reveal these alterations in emotional associations. After all, the use of the words are designed to illustrate the separation between groups. As these changes in emotional attachment to words occur, it is possible to capture shifts within the ever changing mood of the planetary monkey mind. Within the entities, an aspect that has emotional summation values which grow over the processing is considered a 'rising' aspect. These will have a numeric impact on the movements of the entity in direct ratio to the rate of the increase in summation values for the various fields within the multidimensional array of emotional quantifiers associated with the word. A rising aspect within several of the entities is [energy]. The aspect, relative to the shifting focus of the global monkey mind just *might* be transforming into a meta data layer. A meta data layer is where the same lexical structure occurs with the same context within most of the entities within modelspace. At this point we have [energy] with the same lexical base of 29/twenty-nine contexts within the Terra entity, GlobalPop, Populace/USofA, Markets, Press, Officialdom, and several of the minor entities. Beyond this level of [energy] as a rising aspect, we also have variants on a theme as several other aspects such as [power] and [wave] are also rising within several of the entities along with the primary [energy] aspects. These independent occurrences of non-linked near-concepts are called 'working to double' within the processing as they have a tendency to 'double up' on the emotional values within the arrays as the similar contexts may have only slight variations from the base aspect's array set. Whew....make sense? As the value sets are summed, there are several areas which accrue the [energy] aspect/attribute sets in a particularly [energetic] fashion, that is, many new values all acquired over a short period of processing and all clustering around particular days as the modelspace is progressed forward. The chart below shows these [energy] accretions and their impact points.



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The modelspace, as it gained the [energy] aspects in an energetic fashion also began to accrue aspect/attribute sets for a [wave] of (events). This 'energetic wave of events' will continue to manifest and influence events through February of 2008. The cluster of [energy] aspects, as well as the other variants also show up during a period of multiple events closely spaced. The data suggests that a bellcurve of events will start off on April 27th, and scale up to a peak that arrives between May 11th and 14th, and then trails off through the 20th. Just at the point of maximum accretion rates for [energy] as an aspect is reached on the afternoon of May 13th, a the [wave] context forms with long range values going out to very late February 2008.

Terra - Energetic Days,Data from Space, April Rocks



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Within the Terra entity there is the sub set which holds all things related to [space]. The data set shows a large increase in discussion which revolves around 'energy'. Curiously we can actually track separate threads of this subject across multiple Terra sub sets and in distinct lexicons. As a reminder we need to note that most humans, while they may have a vocabulary of hundreds of thousands of words, will usually *only* use a sub set of less than 12/twelve thousands during any given week. Further their particular sub set will be highly influenced by the nature of the work that they do, as well as the types of people with whom they come in daily contact. So we can discern, using our processing, that several layers of independent threads about [space] [energy] or [energy] from [space] are in place. Most of the weighted {ed note: numeric} values in support of the primary [energy] thread associated with [space] are under the aspect/attribute set of [accumulation]. Support for this contains aspects/attributes under [dangerous](position) and [unable/not possible] to [dissipate/shed/discard]. Much of this data either has directly held values or cross links over to [coast] and [coastal locations] as aspects. The [energy] aspects also have very extensive cross links to [antarctica]. Further detail levels of supporting aspect/attribute sets go to [enormous][impact] which is supported by [energetic](thunder) as well as [energetic](winds). This last is heavily detailed and suggests that [winds] become so [violent] and [unseasonal] that [lakes] are [lifted] and [hurled] across the landscape. Given the extensive tornado damage to the SouthEast of the last few days, the aspects here have to be taken as an indicator of extraseasonal, and extra-large winds resulting from [energetic] (activity) from [space]. There are a curiously large number of cross links between the Terra entity, [space] sub set, and the Markets entity. The larger portion of these cross links accrue over late March and through April. The implication is that 'markets moving information' develops as a result of 'data from space'. While the cross links tend to *not* make much sense to a human as text, it could be that rather a temporal marker is being indicated over a 'causal' link. If so then the links indicate that the Markets entity is headed down consistently over the course of Spring and Summer as the data sets continue to accrue [space] based support sets in Terra entity as well as *negative* summation cross links to Markets with the appearance of each of the [space] based links. Markets linked to the stars? Maybe, but another possible interpretation is that 'incoming' data in some form influences the popular mind set such that Markets are [less attractive/interesting/compelling]. Much of these data sets are also either linked or directly held within [biosphere] and (degradation) sub sets. A reasonable interpretation would go towards the populace at large, from which the 'investing/speculating' populace is drawn, discovers or learns or accepts that humans are not the cause of 'global warming'. The resulting acceptance of 'energies from space' as the root cause of biosphere degradation alters the perceptions of the populace at such a core individual level that mass social behavior changes are manifest. In an odd, rather unique, 3/three way cross links with ThePowersThatBe entity as well as the [space] sub set of the Terra entity, and the Markets entity, the data sets are providing some reinforcing elements to the idea that a 'mind change' comes about due to [space] influence. This [mind change/behavior alteration] data set, as it is directly held within TPTB entity is showing that the 'change comes suddenly' to the populace. In fact the [behavior] [changes] are so [sudden] as to cause a [reactive/responsive] (rift) within TPTB as they begin [conflict] over how they will proceed. Further, the same data set also describes the [change] as being [swift], but also, in and of itself, [non violent]. Again we get the [energy] aspect ties as the data set is seeded with [energetic] and [powerful] and [unstoppable] as aspects in support of what TPTB entity finds rippling through its once 'complacent herds'. Some of the cross links indicate that the Terra/Space based mind set change will manifest and directly impact the Markets entity over the course of March through April. The Terra entity, within the [usofa, continental north america] sub set, is indicating an April [movement] toward (change). The indications are for a series of [earthquakes] which will [shimmer] the (leaves) on the [flat branches]. Further the [earthquakes] will (force) [action] and [interfere] with [energy]. The



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former is referring to humans having to take an [action] during the earthquakes. This [action] aspect is supported by aspect/attribute sets going to the idea of [avoidance] (ricochet/tangential force). The [interfere] with [energy] aspect set is supported by aspect/attributes which are heavily cross linked with both [restrictions on movement] as well as [encounters with scarcity]. The implication is that the 'energy delivery systems' will be damaged during the earthquakes, and that subsequently some large numbers of people will be [cooking] (over/on) [road] (fires). The data set is pointing to a [multiple] (day) series of earthquakes which will be taken up by the global mediastream. The cross links to the Press entity suggest that the series will intrude upon other forms of [quaking] also manifesting during April. Since we have this last juxtaposition of [quaking] events and cross links, the interpretation is that the earthquakes have a late April temporal marker. As the data set is continuing to build during this processing we should have more reasonable details within the shorter term value sets processed for Parts 3 and 4. The data set contains references to [flying] (missions) of [rescue] and from the descriptors, it can be interpreted as a group of helicopter rescue missions. Some references to [dodgy] (moments) as [landings/touchings] on the (coast) [marshland] (grip) [stomachs], but in the main, things apparently proceed satisfactorily, earthquakes aside. The data sets are pointing toward [wet] and [west] (facing) [hills] as being a [stable] (place) after the earthquakes, though shaken up along with everyone else during. The results of the [actions] of (avoidance) will have people trying to move [east] and [uphill/upline] during the day of, and the days following the earthquakes. There are lexical descriptions of [plush] but [damaged] houses acting as [refuges/shelters] in the [hills] over that first night and subsequent [weeks]. The imagery points to lack of [energy] and the Press entity cross links go to the idea of [visuals] of [fires](camping) in the [dark nights]. Not too cold it would seem, but still, [exposure] becomes an issue as well as [delayed] (rescues). This last is apparently somehow bound up with [political] [warfare], and not the usual sort. It may be that some form of manifesting confrontation among the branches of the Federal government contribute to a [failure] to [act/respond]. This is *not* the same sort of emotional set we had before or during the Katrina/Rita/FEMA problems. And we do note that during the data gathering which led to the Katrina predictions, the operative aspect set was [Diaspora/dispersion]. Now, the data is instead pointing toward [isolation/restriction/constraints] which will be place on the [survivors] such that [tribes] (form) in response to need. The imagery is describing groups of people thrown together by universe trying to make do with very reduced circumstances. The repeated image of [camp fires] and [outdoor cooking fires] comes through along with [wet hills]. This last is evocatively filled with instances of the [aftermath] of (rainstorms). It is this [water] component of the weather and the site which will cause problems for the post earthquake recovery. That, and the federal government [seizure/seize_up]. An interesting aspect/attribute set in support of a [spring] earthquake shows up running parallel within the Terra entity. This may be referencing the same event, if at some other level of information about it. The data set goes to the idea that the 'earthquake produces successful movement'. The 'successful movement' part is the aspect. This aspect is supported extensively with common, similar, but slightly different aspects/attributes showing within the other [earthquake] lexical set. There is some confusion and mingling of the data set elements, and if it were not for the sharp values increase in positive emotional quantifiers, there is every reason to presume it is merely more detail in the same event. However, the positive value increase which goes toward [successful movement] is a bit too out of character for an [earthquake] to suppose that these are referencing the same point in time. It is possible that the 'successful movement' data set is pointing to the same 'earthquake event', but in that case is likely some level of significant discussion after the event about how the 'successful movement' was [beneficial] to humans. The supporting sets are suggesting that [beneficial] be applied to the [results] if not the earthquake itself. Our *guess* at this point in the processing of the immediacy values is that this is a 'bad news, good news' situation along the lines of 'bad news about the earthquake knocking your city down', *BUT* 'good news about the resulting up thrust event shoving the survivors so high that the



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associated tsunami couldn't reach them'. There are some data sets in support of [lifting] and other [raising] aspects which do point to 'up thrust' as an effective characterization of the result. Just using the 'tsunami' as an example. As with all of our Terra based event predictions, we note that we 1) always err on the extreme side of things as a side effect of hunting for emotional language; 2) are frequently wrong about dates, while reasonably accurate with ranges; 3) have only the smallest reliable hints for geography. So we are likely incorrect in some particulars, and we note once again, that earthquakes rarely kill people, it is bad engineering which is the culprit. Also that the reality is *never* as bad as our anticipatory fears. However, speaking of fears, there is a continuing build, yet one more time, around the idea of [energy] but which is focused on China, and is seemingly pointing at what can only be described as a "megaupheaval" in Fall. Actually coincident with the emotional building period in September, but showing now as following the autumnal equinox on the 23rd, the [china] aspect is pointing toward a [power struggle] of very serious proportions. As there are so many GlobalPop political references within the data set it is not possible for us to separate them at this time. The interpretation at the moment could be read as an [earthquake] which creates such havoc as to [foment] a [political power struggle], *or* it could be read that an [energy shortage] with huge and long lasting ramifications results from [political decisions] made *prior* to the 'natural disaster'. This last naturally focuses the attention to the Three Gorges Dam project. The implications for a natural disaster involving the dam complex would be horrific for the entire planet. The level of impact showing within the GlobalPop, and the Terra entity summations is that whatever it is that affects [china] will indeed alter the daily lives of basically the whole planetary population. Well, ain't that great. Of course we still have to survive the Spring/Summer release period before facing the predictions for a [rocking china] Fall. Markets - Dangerous Business, Men with Poles The Markets data set continues to accrue values going to the [deflation] side of the [fiscal] equation. Within our data set the [housing] section is still growing disproportionately to all other 'asset classes' and is also still accruing bespoke emotion aspects such as [fear], [anxiety], [trepidation]. Further we are now seeing the appearance of references to human body parts and functions. These are taken very seriously within our interpretation due to the core archetypical nature of the human body within the lexicon. The aspect of [stomach] is supported by aspect/attributes such as [churning/heaving](ribs ache), and [bowels] (flame, fire, pain, agony, debilitating). Being the site of the ego, and also the location for fear expressions, the [stomach] and [intestines] references are quite telling. They are speaking of a [fear] response so deep that [words](fail the mind) and as a result, the [bowels] (writhe). Probably not a good sign as these areas are directly supporting [housing], and specifically [housing] as an industry. We also have corresponding reflections of these data sets within the Populace/USofA data set acting as a reinforcement to the previous predictions of an [employment crash]. Again, the initial stage of the [crash] begins within [housing]. However the data is suggesting that within a short period, a little less than a month, the [crashed/depleted] employment picture will no longer be easily disguised by industry. The spread of the firings as a result of the [housing] industry collapse will be very rapid, will spread to the expected "industries" of the big box stores and supporting [material] and [tools] suppliers, but what will apparently catch everyone off guard is how fast it spreads out to [blanket] the whole of the economy. The implication is that the [consumer] as a predictable source of funding will just dry up. The data sets are showing that by mid summer the lay-offs and reductions-in-force will be spreading out into fast food, having already devastated other restaurant categories. As a temporal marker, the general degradation of the employment picture, that is to say, the first [visible] (wave) of the [unemployment] surge will be associated with the emergence of (active/actions_of)[revolution] within the USofA. Further, the Populace/USofA entity is supporting this



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temporal association and also suggesting that the Bushista's will [receive/get] a very nasty (surprise) [wilting] of the last of their waning conservative, die-hard support at this time as a general meme of [dangerous business] to (trust/faith) in someone [Bush] who [betrays] it (all). This [betrayal] of the [base] (conservatives) by Bush is also temporally linked to a flood of 'secrets revealed'. This area is also temporally linked with [abandonment] as a rising aspect within the Bushista entity which it self has supporting elements for a very visible [wave] of [resignations]. Here in the PNW, in days gone but not forgotten, there was a phenomena called the 'log raft' in which hundreds, and sometimes thousands of fir and hemlock logs each over 32/thirty-two feet in length were carried down to the nearest Puget Sound access and dumped into the water. There these logs were herded by brave men with poles in very small boats into large floating rafts of logs. The outer group of logs were chained together to form a corral around the others. Bearing in mind that these logs could/would have butts on them over 10/ten feet in diameter, the masses involved were on the order of hundreds of thousands of tons. As rafts formed up in the smaller coves and bays, they were pulled by tugs to larger groupings in inlets, and reaches within Puget Sound. The log wranglers, the men with poles, would jump from their small herding boats, and walk across the heaving masses of the log raft in order to merge smaller rafts into the whole. They also had to constantly monitor the log herd as it was towed up the Sound to the soft wood hungry mills up north. So the men with poles were out-and-about on the logs continuously, poking and prodding. Men with poles poking hundreds of tons hoping to herd it back into place in the thousands of tons heaving mass. And with only a 5/five foot pike with a 1/one inch wide tip. It can be understood that this was extremely dangerous work, required skill, deft feet, and tolerated only 1/one mistake from any worker. The lucky mistake makers were those who merely lost limbs to the crashing, heaving, crushing mass of the timber. The unlucky were sometimes never found again after slipping between logs in movement. The data set is suggesting that the Markets, sub set [usofa] should now be considered to be a log raft in motion, and the humans involved need to be aware that life and limb now depends on their skill with their feet and stick. The [heaving/gyrating/reactive] mass will be especially highlighted through March according to the displays put on by the Markets entity as it is progressed along with the modelspace. Also, according to the newly processed immediacy values, the next 2/two weeks through to late on March 15th will be a time in which [limbs] are (lost/destroyed) and in which [equilibrium] and [proportion] are also supported by an attribute set headed by (lost). As we get further into the lexical set, the descriptors containing 'water' or 'fluid' or 'flow' references increases. The general aspect/attribute ratio is heavily weighted towards words which have emotional quantifiers running to the negative, and whose primary descriptor levels are 'negative impact of water' focused. So the interpretation naturally wants to shade towards such aspects as [flooding] which is under [currency] sub set, and that in turn is under the [usofa] sub set. As the Markets entity is progressed forward over the course of March, the [usofa dollar] sub set acquires large supporting masses under [flooding]. Further, the [flooding] within the [currency] markets is showings as (inducing/causing/precipitating)[sublimation] within the [paper debt trading] markets. Further much of this [sublimation] of the markets is using the term with supporting aspect/attributes from the realm of chemistry where a specific definition is the 'process wherein a change directly from the solid to the gaseous state without first becoming liquid occurs'. Now in regular human-ville, the more common definition for sublimation is that of a 'profound, and fundamental change'. While there is a significant weight in mass of the [chemistry] based supporting words within the descriptor set, the primary emotionally weighted set is held within the supporting aspects/attributes of [transformation] and [transmutation], and at the secondary levels, a [qualitative] and [quantitative] [shift]. Within these sub sets the rising aspect/attributes in support go to [poison], and [bad waters], as well as [no life] (within/among circle/group). The data further has specific values in support of a rising aspect of [retreat] which has [from the floor/get up off] in its supporting aspect/attributes. Further, the [retreat] is seen as [causing/making](visible) the [deep entanglements] which [bind] to [stagnant](sources). This last is



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pointing to some [exposure] of an [inability/incapacity] with respect to [fulfillment]. It will have a very broad impact, but seemingly at its core is [financial] as in 'banking services'. The [sublimation] of the [usofa] markets is under the [visible] aspect and begins to accrue significant portions of its emotional weight over the course of the next 2/two weeks up to March 15th. Thereafter we still show the [currency] descriptor set as dominated by [flooding], but the [markets] and [debt trading markets] sub sets have moved on to [other influences] or 'new concerns' at that point. Perhaps a 'new concern' is highlighted by the [deflation] descriptor which accruing data with serious intent. The data set is growing more rapidly than we have seen any sub set behave in Markets in some years. The indications within the supporting sets are for a [leak] in the [flooding][dollar] to (drain) from the [bottom]. When the Markets entity is progressed closer to the March 15th release point, the [leak] is showing as (accelerating) and shifting the [dollar flood] into the [visible] state. Coupled with the very extensive cross links to the Populace/USofA entity, and noting their termination points hovering around [driven/compelled], the interpretation is that the March 15th release point will be so for more than mere politics. The Ides of March release period is also being forecast as a significant period in the [life/lifespan] of the [dollar]. As the Markets entity is progressed along with modelspace through March, the [housing] sub set continues to gain both mass and emotional summations out of proportion to its size within the entity. Further, if the numerous cross links to the Populace/USofA entity are taken into consideration, the size grows to dominate most of the Markets entity on an emotional basis. The dominating aspect at the Populace/USofA termination for the cross links is [confusion], while the dominating aspect for [housing], internally held is also a meta data layer aspect, [duality]. The [duality] is what will produce the [confusion] within the [populace]. The [housing] market, according to the accretion of the descriptor sets is at the cusp. The damage done so far has fallen into the 'duality' meta data layer space as it has not been ubiquitous across the nation. The data suggests that over the course of March, this will change. That the [duality] of [suffering] will [dissolve]. When the entity is progressed, the [dissolved] aspect gains support for a definition of 'destroyed' or 'removed'. However it must be noted that it is the 'duality' which is removed, not the [suffering]. The implication is for the [suffering] to now become more [universal/continuous], and as the modelspace progresses, this is just what appears within the data sets over the month of March. The [painting/cover] of the [housing] market is peeling off over this month, and apparently we will see the first hints of the [employment crash] shortly thereafter. Much of the other financial, and currency directed areas have a late April shift occurring which we are interpreting as a 'shift in wealth' towards points outside the [usofa] and primarily into the southern hemisphere. This 'shift in April' is seemingly temporally linked to the rising visibility of the 'employment crash'.

Populace/USofA - Rampaging Confusion, Marching to Mental Revolution As the modelspace is progressed forward through March and into Spring, the Populace/USofA entity is pointing toward a newly rising aspect of [confusion] to dominate the public social mind. This is not your ordinary, bumbling-through-the-week sort of confusion, but rather [confusion] raised to the level of [constantly] (confounding). The [confusion] will stem from the apparent, [before] the [eyes] breakdown of the USofA social structures. The Populace/USofA entity is heavily under the influence of the 'secrets revealed' meta data layer, as well as being impacted by the 'duality' meta data layer. The net effect will be to [expose] or reveal the inner [conflicts], and [discordance/disjunctions] within [officialdom]. Further the data sets are suggesting clearly that all things 'economic' will be raised to the level of a constant worry for most of the populace either through their direct, and [personal] (suffering) under [constraints], or through the constant [conflict] within the global mediastream between [reality]



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presenting itself and the [propagandists] trying to [force denial] of the manifesting circumstances. The [housing] market crash just now manifesting, the pending [employment crash], as well as developing economic [conflicts] will propel the Populace/USofA into a questioning mood. Not a good sign for TPTB, or Bushista. Of course, when the [populace] questions, the media stream gets [confused]. In this case the [confusion] aspect has a supporting sub set going to the [cognitive dissonance] or [not harmonizing] of the global media stream with the populace and a resulting [schism] within the [populace] over the issues of [public lies]. Yet once again, more of the 'secrets revealed' meta data layer being vertical within Populace/USofA entity at this time. The data set suggests that some [visible] manifestation of this expression of the meta data layer of [duality] within the [media] and [populace] dynamic will result in [citizens] (seizing/restraining) [media]. The supporting set for this layer is still building and we have few temporal indictors so will guess the event to be later in the Spring, perhaps in Summer, however the supporting set has aspect/attributes going to [capture] and [hold](hostage) and other descriptors suggesting that [armed] [citizens] will (seize) a teevee station or other media over a [grievance] relating to [public lying]. Once again, the references are not crystal clear and are still building so the inference is that this event will be better understood as the planet moves through March and into Spring. As noted in the chart above, [energy] figures prominently, staggeringly so, over the course of March and through Spring. And as shown in the Terra entity, there are areas of [space] aspect headed data wherein the primary rising aspect is [energy]. This is also true for the Populace/USofA entity. Within this entity the [space] sub set is also dominated by [energy]. While it is not unusual for the Populace/USofA entity to have [space] based data sets, they are not a constant the way they are within Terra entity. Further, and much more ominously, the data set last appeared within Populace/USofA prior to the Columbia Space Shuttle disaster. At that time we were much more focused on the [marine] links {ed note: such as 'columbia, gem of the ocean'}, and missed the [space] links entirely. Now, having learned, we pay a bit more attention. It is curious that our Populace/USofA entity picks up [space] based data sets at this particular moment in time, but it is predictable that if other entities are being driven by [space] based inputs, *and* that Populace/USofA entity is also so driven, that the supporting sets will be similar. This is just what is discovered when we more deeply explore our [space] based data within Populace/USofA. The first element encountered is the now familiar [energy] aspect which does mean that once again we are discussing 'energies from space', but in this case the data sets are very much more particular in their details. Here in Populace/USofA we discover that the [space] [energies] are supported by sets pointing to [too much] and [excessive](amounts). These in turn are supported by [excess] (not able) to be (shed/dispensed), and (cause) of [damage], and [abundance] of [energy]. This last aspect has supporting sets for [solar] as well as [extra/outside] [solar]. All of these sets have extensive internal cross links within the Populace/USofA entity to areas pointing toward a 'shift of consciousness'. There are cross links from this area to the TPTB entity where it terminates within the directly held, and bespoke emotion of [fear]. So the implication is for some very large level of change within the behavior of the populace *most* likely relating to the knowledge of energies from space. This is *most* likely to be relating to a new awareness that humans are not the cause of "global warming". This will be significant both to the populace as well as the powers that be(were) since the equation alters the mind set. If humans cause global warming, then 'hope' exists that humans can change it. Else, if humans are *not* the cause for global warming, and it is 'energy' from space, then humans lose 'hope'. What is 'lost' in the equation above is the 'sense' of 'hope' which is the fundamental basis for all forms of 'control'. Consider that if there is no 'hope' of humans being able to correct the deterioration of the global



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climate, then a very predictable reaction on the part of a large portion of the populace will be a rejection of 'controls' placed on them by anyone, especially the powers that be (were). They will begin to exhibit just the sort of 'out of control' behavior that TPTB cannot tolerate. Nor do TPTB want to expose their 'not so nice' side in a public way. Their own projections of 'successful' implementation of 'forceful control' of the populace once 'sure or official' knowledge of 'sheeit from space' shows that they have a 1/one in 12/twelve chance of retaining operational control of the masses. Once the illusion of global control is removed, then the reality of that control fades like fog on a sunny day. To return to the data set, and the [energy] theme, we find that the [energy] aspect within the Populace/USofA entity has several distinct layers of support. At a very low level, and running across several of the larger supporting aspect/attribute sets is a sub theme of [hidden] [energy]. The point to note about the aspect of [hidden] is that what is hidden must, at some point, become 'revealed' in order that we know that it had been 'hidden'. This is seemingly what is being hinted at within the data set now. This is to say that the data suggests that much of the [energy] aspects are supported by a body of [hidden] knowledge which, in the natural course of things, will be [exposed]. The cross links to the Press and GlobalPop entities suggest that the global media stream will pick up the meme of this 'revealing' of 'hidden' knowledge about these [energies]. But the key item to concern this interpretation is that very large scale behavior changes will result. Such [heaving] of the (masses) had been seen in previous ALTA report series of 2006. That the meme is still building is forecasting a change at a very core level. The level of change within the populace now being forecast is as significant as any social revolution of the last 2000/two thousand years. The data set is showing that our chosen appellation for 2007 as the 'year of emergence' will seem very prescient indeed by the time we all reach the end of the year. The change showing for the populace will not manifest as an 'event', but as previously indicated will begin to manifest within the events about to entertain us all over this release period. Responses to the [causal] events/circumstance by the populace will be seen to [morph/alter] in late March, just after the Spring equinox. From that point on within the Ides of March release period, the Populace/USofA will 'emerge' as a participant. Other supporting aspects for [energy] within the Populace/USofA worthy of note include [awakening], [active], [seemingly awakes], [germination in space]. These are only a few of the rising supporting aspects. We also note that [active] is supported itself by [morning] til/to [night]. Further, the [active] aspect has several supporting aspect/attributes going to the idea of [being alert] or [on guard], and several more aspect/attribute sets supporting these which suggest that this 'condition' or 'state' of 'alert' will last a whole 'solar day'. Hmmm. Probably not good for humans and other furry critters here on earth. These lexical sets actually read as though a solar flare or some other space based energetic intrusion will come along an mess with everyone's day. Also in support of the 'intrusion' of 'energy' are several large ropes of cross links over to Terra entity which reinforce the idea of actual 'energy' flowing in from space and causing problems. Over in the Terra entity many of the cross links are terminating within [water] and [flooding] sub sets. The implication is from the supporting data sets that the [usofa] in particular seemingly is hit by [sudden] (melting) as a result of [excessive energies] and the result is [flooding] and [layers] of [rushing waters]. This would also fit with our last several ALTA reports which have pointed to 'flooding' as being a problem specifically affecting the USofA over 2007. This now is pointing to 'excessive' energies. While the [energy] aspect within Populace/USofA is not specific, the terminating values within Terra are effectively pointing to 'solar' radiation which would cause a very [rapid] and [devastating] melt.



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Conclusion: Part 2 - Roll your own,Psy-ops Demise For those subscribers who have requested more information on bots in general, and references to how to corral a few of these helpful critters for their own use, we offer a link to BotSpot which is a general purpose bot shop for developed products as well as a point of contact for humans desiring to roll their own special purpose bots. It is very interesting to watch as universe seemingly cooperates with predictions. Currently the buzz-dujour is with the appearance of 'green' as the theme/meme globally. We first noted the 'green' linguistic sets building late in October of last year and had predicted based on the modelspace movements that 'green goes emotional' after January 20th. It will continue to scale up over Spring and through Summer. The data sets are pointing toward a 'green culmination' some time in late July, though the date could alter based on pending processing as many of the 'green references' are coming from the longer term data sets. Still, universe speaks constantly, humans listen rarely. But when they do listen, the mystery



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and marvel of it all comes through. An interesting gleaning has come from the most recent ALTA reports relative to the 'secrets revealed' meta data layer and its current and pending impact on humans. The 'pivotal' year of 2006 has transitioned into the 'emergent' year of 2007, and along with that emergence is the shifting of 'secrets revealed' into vertical in a number of the entities. The 'secrets revealed' influence is significantly part of the Ides of March release period now only weeks away from manifesting. During this time we can expect, among all the other histrionics of the global media stream, to be able to catch secrets leaking out with increasing frequency. The importance is not on the secrets themselves, but rather the contribution that the release of this information makes on the changing mind set of the public at large. What has happened over the last few decades to the global social milieu has been the shift into extremes, and then getting 'stuck' in the extreme of 'controls' being exercised by the few. The methods by which the 'controls' were manipulated are now failing as part of the emergence of the underlying lies, and distortions. The subsequent changes in small personal behavior will magnify rapidly both into large scale social changes in behavior, and also into further rooting around for yet more secrets ready to be revealed. The year promises to be one of escalating change in which the visible manifestations of deep underlying changes will emerge. Other periods of similar types of change bring to mind the 'age of revolution' which also followed a similar period of 'secrets revealed' only it was called the 'age of enlightenment'. It is interesting to note that the 'age of revolution' includes not only the more famous French and American revolutions, but also the first successful, nation/country level revolution against slavery. Further, the Haiti revolution has echoes emerging throughout the Caribbean and also within the USofA. Our data is once again pointing at an [interconnectedness] which will rise within the [confusions] soon to beset the populace of the USofA. Within this [interconnectedness] will be a Caribbean link which will turn out to be very powerful relative to the continuation, and 'furtherance' of the 'secrets revealed' over the next few months. The Caribbean connection will emerge as a result of politics, and will in some manner be providing significant support among the American populace for the individual we have tagged as the 'american gandhi'. All this and a release period too. Damn planet is gonna be hopping this Spring. Part Three processing begins immediately, and we expect to have Part Three posted by the 12th.

Copyright 2007 by HalfPastHuman. All rights reserved. Not to be republished in any form without written, prior approval.

ALTA 1207 - Part Three

Asymmetric Language Trend Analysis Intelligence Report



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Changes in language precede changes in behavior. By Tenax SE for Note this report is offered for entertainment value only. Any resemblance between the events portrayed in this report and any developing reality is purely co-incidental and in no manner represents foreknowledge on the part of the authors of this report. Note that this information is derived from humans expressing themselves on the internet. As such, human emotional values and the words used to express them are being sampled and interpreted here, NOT THE FUTURE. Any resemblance between this report and future developments is entirely in the mind of the perceiver and does not exist in reality. The Authors cannot be held liable for accuracy of lack thereof in this report. Authors cannot be held liable for human interpretation of this report nor any action any human takes as a result of this report. Any human foolish enough to alter their behavior based on this entertainment-only analysis demonstrates themselves incapable of rational appreciation of reality, and the authors are explicitly held harmless and blameless for any and all such mental aberrations on the part of the reader. 3.11.2007 Note: Entities are identified by a blue typeface. Aspect words are enclosed in brackets [aspect]. Attribute words/phrases are within parentheses (attributes). Near sentences or concepts composed of both leading aspect and trailing attributes are single quoted '. Interpretive editorial comments are preceded by an asterisk *. Editorial notes are within {} curly braces. Navigation links are in italicized bold green, and red when visited. Our expectations are to achieve 70+ million reads within our bandwidth limitations. We expect a 6 part report series from this data set. Depending on the processing flow there may be a 7th part to the series. This report in the series created from 33.419 million reads. Terra - Listen...what's that sound?, Ice Dreams As the normal flow of processing proceeds, and the insertion of the data points into modelspace occurs, it is sometimes possible to witness 'data bubbles' forming in particular clusters. Data bubbles are intense clustering, early in the loading, usually of the same color, or similar hue values which indicates a 'common theme' forming. At the time the CAD program is running the AutoLISP scripts and loading the various data points, the viewer is ignorant of the actual nature of the cluster receiving the 'data bubble', and can only wait for the modelspace loading to complete before being able to root around to discover just what is causing the 'bubbling' behavior. As general rule, 'data bubbles' are not very good signs as they are indicative of lots of activity clustered around a small nexus of contexts. We have such a data bubble formed for Terra entity, with a temporal focus for May/June. This is specifically for the last lunar month prior to the Summer solstice on June 21. Noting that our timing clues are frequently wrong, the data still does point to a specific lunar month in that is when most of the data bubble formed. Within the data bubble itself, the aspect sets are dominated by [fire], and [vessel/container]. This last is also connected to aspects pointing to [sun] as in the context of 'originating place of fire' in an archetypical sense. Further the [vessel/container] aspect is at the core of the data bubble, and is the lexical element accruing the most layers of emotional support. The data set in support of these aspects as



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well as all aspect/attribute sets within the data bubble within this sub set of Terra is very heavily weighted in favor of 'action' oriented words. Before moving on, we note that once again, [energy] focused word sets are emerging. The data bubble falls almost evenly between 2/two large sub sets for the Terra entity, that of [atmosphere], and [plains/steppes/valleys]. This last context set is used to help frame that part of the 'non coastal, habitable' planetary space. Most humans are coastal dwellers and this affects both the numbers and types of words used to describe 'home' or 'country'. The levels of emotion are high for [plains/steppes/valleys], but the masses of emotional connections are small in proportion to the total due to population spreads. So, it is unusual for the [plains/steppes/valleys] to pull in this much emotional weighing, as well as unusual for the data bubble to form at all. The other entity set is [atmosphere], and what our bubble suggests is probably not good for humans. We have a large amount of the mass of words by both count and emotional summations hanging under some form of the context for [sound]. We have [sound in motion], as well as active verb directed data sets going to [listening], as well as [hearing], and [perceiving]. Nutty, yes, but still the data set is pointing to a 'listening event/circumstance' over the course of the lunar month prior to the Summer solstice. The [sound] dominated sub set contains numerous references to [ears], as well as [singular contact](with ears), as well as [sense of hearing]. This last is the single largest emotionally weighted sub set within the group. When this area of [sense of hearing] is explored the directly held references as well as the cross links internally to other parts of the data set are overwhelmingly focus on 'ears'. We do note that this set has a base core pointing toward [earthquakes] or [upset]. The [upset] aspect is filled with references to physical [upset] in the form of, once again, [ears] (now) on the [ground] and [feet] in the [air]. This last is cross linked back to the [atmosphere] sub set and goes to the termination aspect of [foul/unbreathable/contaminated]. Of course, if enough human feet are in the air, many of us will consider it [unbreathable]. And likely they would make big sounds about it, however, the [sound] aspect that we have does not appear related to protests. Within the [sound] sub set, and internally cross linked over to [air], and directly under the dominating [fire] aspect, the data set has supporting details going to the idea of [energy] [directed] (outward), (not correct). This supporting aspect/attribute set repeatedly contains bespoke judgment language in the form of 'not correct' context references. Within the whole of this sub set of the Terra entity are repeated references to [respiration] associated with the [sound], almost as though the [sound] is such that it 'knocks the wind' out of humans. The numerous [respiration] references are populated with supporting references toward [conscious grip/awareness] is [lost/gone] and other forms of pointing to [slipping] into an [unconscious] state. These are supported in their turn by aspect/attribute sets going toward [lose/lost/forgotten] which continue down a number of layers deep into our data bubble. An intriguing detail within the data bubble is pointing to an [incident] in which [pressure] goes [too high/extreme]. Now this would indeed feel like a [sound] if pressure changed rapidly enough, and may indeed even cause an [upset] with [feet] waving about in the air. Sort of like an 'atmosphere quake' as opposed to an [earthquake]. We do note that [feet/lower limbs/supports] are [broken] during the [pressure incident], and further that the [contents] of a [city] are [shaken] by the [energy directed outward]. As the modelspace is progressed forward into June and past the Solstice, the [sound] sub set shifts to being dominated by [rain], whereas while the sub set is forming, the dominating aspects are forms of [fire], and [scorching], and [dry/baked], this last specifically focused on [atmosphere]. The movement of Terra entity as a whole is not in the usual fashion. In keeping with the 'emergent' nature of the year, it appears that Spring and Summer will be filled with manifesting circumstances such



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that these circumstances push humans into a 'differing frame of mind' as regards their planet. The 'mind shift' or 'global mind quake' coming will radically alter what used to be 'business as usual'. As the modelspace, and the Terra entity are progressed through Spring/Summer, the accrual rates for particular clusters of the area identified as our 'data bubble' change their ratio of shorter term values versus longer term. The modelspace is suggesting that over the course of the Spring, the longer term impacts of the 'mind shift' will fall into place. Internal cross links to this area go back to another section of Terra entity where the rising, and dominant aspect is [dispersal/separation/scattering]. The supporting layers for this area go to explicit references to [ice] which is showing as [breaking], then [melting/dispersing], and then [vanishing], and if that is not enough, the cross links at this layer of support go over to both populace entities where it terminates in [hole/absence]. The interpretation of the overall data clusters seemingly are pointing to an 'ice incident' this Spring, though it may be closer to the Summer solstice that the equinox, in which the 'break up' and 'dispersal' of the [ice] affects humans mentally. This is where the interpretation starts to get a bit wonky, which is to say, difficult in tracing accurately. The number of cross links to the populace entities is very high, not only hiding relative weights of clusters visually, but also altering the emotional summation values for the individual clusters and spreading the emotional effects to other lexical areas. As an instance, there is a sub set which ties the [separation] aspect over to [energy], and over to [space], and then brings in [wall] from the lexicon. A possible interpretation, given the emotional weighting and the very long range "duration" values, is that an 'energy wall from space will cause separation/melting/dispersing'. And further that the implications are that this will be manifesting this Spring/Summer. Much of the data begins to be visually apparent just prior to the solstice, but the continuation of impacts within the modelspace is out to the far edge of our long term value sets implying at least a 3/three year impact if not longer. An alternative explanation could go to some form of blockage, as in a [wall] which hinders or prevents the [dispersal] of [energy]. If only applied to the [ice melting] sub set, then the [wall] could be easily seen as a [blockage] to [dispersal] of the previously [broken up ice]. However this interpretation is not fully supported by the newly processed data sets. The lexical sets under [dispersal] also include [knife] which within the lexicon is secondarily described as 'pointed/edged/focused' and so we could be looking at a 'knife edge force'. Further the data includes [hands] as in human body parts which we remind once again are taken as the ultimate in archetypical language. The [hands] are described as [separating/pulling apart] the [ice] as though aiding in the [dispersal]. This also could be taken as a descriptive value set as we have support for [appears] and [visible]. So an interpretation could go to the [energy wall] being visible as [2/two hands] or [separated bands]. At the level of the 'hands' aspect the cross links to the populace entities go to aspect/attribute sets such as [separation/dispersal] and [scattering]. This could be pointing toward the [energy wall] causing humans to [scatter] or flee. {Ed note: yes, we are aware of the discussion of the energy tsunami on the internet coming to kill everybody. This is not the source for the growth of our data bubbles. Our emotional sums and processing methods preclude picking up conscious discussions. Is it coincident? Yes. Meaningful? Well....} The lexical set within the Terra entity data bubbles have many directly held, and/or cross linked references to [danger] and [dangerous] associated with [dispersal]. The [danger] references are impacted by the meta data layer of [duality] within the Terra entity. As the [duality] aspect is considered, it points to several levels of [impact/change] from the [dispersal/melting] of the [ice]. Many of the [physical] impacts are showing up within our shorter term values where they cross link back over to populace entities and once again meet [danger/dangerous]. The implications for the human mind set are also not good. Many of the [sound] references come back to terminate in this same [danger] aspect set. These, within the longer term values also point to a point of [initial danger/risk] to the (sustainability/duration/lifespan) of the [change]. Once again, much of our points of departure on these value sets are picked up as the modelspace is progressed into Spring, and approaching the solstice. And



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once again, within the [energy wall] area are lexical sets going to [winds] which also include references to [sounds]. This last has a very high summation value and appears that the sounds themselves will be frightening. As the modelspace is examined from a high level view and then drilling into the details, it appears to be self-referential with integrity in the sense that the broad view is forecasting a 'global mind set/point of view' change for humans, and the individual data sets are pointing to Terra effects, each of which participates in supporting the alteration of the point of view. While this [point of view] issue could seem trivial, it is not. The emotional summations around this subject/context are as high as we have ever encountered. The levels suggest a change at such a core level that an adequate description of the impacts on daily human life cannot easily be rendered. As a confirmatory component we note that this area under 'dispersal' within the Terra entity cross links over to populace entities, and within both populace entities, cross links from that termination point go internally to termination points at the aspect of [revolution]. Again, the point being that it takes a whole lot of emotional or other pressures to induce [revolution] within the populace. Our data suggests that the [revolution] is like nothing ever seen before as it continues to build and much of the supporting data is pointing to a 'planetary' or global change. In the examination of the Terra entity as a whole, that is from a summations view, the dominating aspect within Terra will continue to be [flooding] all through Spring, and past the Summer Solstice. Again, we note that the [flooding] aspect is not particularly geographically located, that is, the geographic references are pointing to major [flooding] on all continents, including Antarctica. Much of the North American [flooding] is showing for nearer the solstice, but for Europe, the [flooding] is closer to the equinox. In the main though the damage from the [flooding] will be persistent through several years, with large scale [dispersals] of the populace occurring as a result. The [flooding] domination of the Terra aspects changes shortly after the solstice, though [flooding] remains a major problem, the implication is that the global mediastream will be speaking of other forms of 'weather damage/danger' including our previously noted [atmosphere] issues. A significant level {ed note: over 40%} of the rising summations for our large scale mind shift come from the emergence of [double brightness] within the Terra entity which has extensive cross links over to the Populace/USofA entity and the GlobalPop entity. The influence of this lexical set on the populace entities suggests that the [awareness] of increased solar output will be a very large contributor to the mind change and the subsequent alterations in behavior. Once again, the aspect is under the influence of the meta data layer [duality] and it shows this with the [dangerous] aspect at the core of the lexical set, as well as through cross links over to [revolution] within the populace entities, though we note, primarily in Populace/USofA. This last is likely due to the [zeal] that the newly converted express. Or the enthusiasm shown by those long denied. As events here on earth in 2007 have already demonstrated, [weather] is an increasingly important subject. The Terra entity is forecasting a [rocking] in the sense of 'short jumps to extremes' for weather. These oscillations will combine to form the emergent new [climate] patterns. Tied into the [climate] are all of the longer term impacts for the [ice breaking]. The data set is pointing to the appearance of [climate] changes following, or rather [jumping off from/departing from] the [floods] near the solstice. The implications are for [climate] alterations too broad to be either denied, or laid off on human activity. The [flooding] in many parts of the globe will be so severe as to render the local terrain permanently changed in so far as human use is concerned. The several millions impacted, and the previous ALTA reports suggesting 700/seven hundred thousands permanently displaced within the North American continent are still acquiring values both shorter and longer term within their value sets. It appears that the [floods] within North America are also being [duality] impacted. The data set points to [climate] alterations producing the [floods], but also that the [scope] of the [flooding] (damage) is so large as to itself feedback into the local weather system and participate in changes later in the year. Further the



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[flooding] is shown as having national issues for the USofA both in [food production] and [goods transport]. These are both long term impacting value sets with ranges going out 18/eighteen months to 3/three years. There are also the numerous [flood] references associated with northern Africa, Australia, and southern South America, though this last appears to be a developing [sea flood] or [tidal flood]. In both cases these are sub sets of [climate] change lexical sets, and not merely aberrations. Speaking of what may be an aberration, our data set for the [flooding] aspect continues to insist on [mexico], [new mexico], and [arizona] as sites of [flooding] impacts. What is troubling about the references is the state of the long term value set for this data is very far reaching, on the order of generational in length. The implication is for [flooding] to impact the SW of the USofA, and some significant part of Mexico with alterations to the basic infrastructure. The supporting aspects/attribute sets go to 'new ecosystems', and 'influx of extra-regional biota'. The value sets do not really indicate that a temporal link exists between the SW flooding and the flooding to impact the rest of the USofA, so we will interpret the data set to mean a 'separate incident/circumstance' for this flooding. Its long term impact is greater than the other flooding to affect the USofA, but is less in terms of total numbers of humans involved, likely as a direct result of population sizes in the region. There are also directly held values headed by the aspect of [russian] as in a descriptive phrase *not* referencing the country directly. The interpretation, given the mass of [russian] summations is that the word is a location descriptor in use locally, *or* there will be some [russian people] involvement in the [flooding] episode itself as in a [russian tour group] being trapped by the [rising flood]. Also, and perhaps most curiously, the data sets are *not* describing this as an instance of 'flash flood', but rather long term flooding as in when a river flows over the banks and stays in the area for some number of weeks. Somehow that does not fit with my mental image of the SW, but what the hell, that is where the linguistics lead. The leading linguistics also are collecting large numbers of long range values around [flooding]. The temporal link to these accumulating values points to 2009 as a point where emotional tension relative to [flooding] will go off the current scale and define a whole new range of what may be endured emotionally. In our examination of the data set, especially the long term value pointers collectively, and noting the intrusion of larger amounts of 'antarctica' based geographic references, it would appear that modelspace is pointing toward a 2009 [continental] [movement] which results in global [flooding]. Now, noting the previous [global coastal] event forecast in ALTA reports over this past year, that will *not* be the 2009 [continental][flooding]. Rather the [global coastal] event is still building values and continues to point toward the [sudden/abrupt] (rise) of an undersea's mountain range in the far southern seas which sets off a chain of events as the planetary ocean currents change on a grand scale. Problem enough, but small in comparison to the emotional extreme suggested by the very long range Terra data.

Markets - Shattering Bones, Hot Blood on the Street, Warm Gold. The Markets entity is showing a higher than usual for this point in processing ratio of immediacy to other value sets. This implies that emotionally based 'releases' are not yet complete.



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Given the ratio of immediacy values to both of the other value sets, the expectation is that a short period of [irrational] or [unsupported] emotional [recovery] will prevail. It is the [breaking/shattering] of this very slight trend toward [positive vapor] which is showing at the March 15th point on the chart above. The week of 3.12.2007 will be a testing of [unreliable] [information] to start, which may refer to an [unexpected/sudden] (release/announcement) on the part of [officialdom/government]. While the expectation is for a very slight trend toward the positive, do not be deceived by the data itself. The reaction will be real, according to our data sets, but the underlying information will be shown to be false. It *may* be that a [short life/transitive] story within the global mediastream will act as the catalyst for the coming week. If so the expectation is for the [secrets revealed] meta data layer to kick in on or about 3.15 such that the general trend after that is for emotional tension release. It would not be surprising at all to have the global Plunge Protection Teams out in force for several days as they attempt a global markets rally around some emotionally 'key' data elements, such as the 'hunt for bin Laden'. The point being that it will be the refutation of the rumor itself which acts as the precipitating verbiage for the subsequent [breaking/shattering] of the Markets. The data is hinting that without the coming [rumor] (storm) the markets behavior would be quite a bit different indeed.



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Just as our data sets constantly labeled 2006 as the 'pivotal' year, or 'time between ?', we are now only months into the 'emergent' year, and the reinforcing values for 'emergence' are welling up in all the entities, none so much as Markets entity. The explicit references within this descriptor set point toward the 'emergence' of [interconnectedness] here on earth. There are repeated supporting sets for Terra impacts on Markets entity, as well as political impacts showing from Bushista, and the populace entities. In all cases the intrusions of the other entities emotional tones into Markets act as catalysts and precipitate the next [economic] (reaction). This effect has been illustrated in the chart above. The data is indicating that the release of March 15th onward will be particularly troubling to Markets entity with repeated and [unexpected] shocks hitting through April 23rd. This includes a period where the data has the aspect of [swoon] as dominant within the [currency] sub set of Markets. Noting that our numbers have a tendency to be decimally impaired in that we see 13/thirteen millions showing in the data set as evacuated prior to Katrina, and then that actually 1.3/one-point-three million was the actual number visible within the global mediastream, we offer the following: the [swoon] sub set contains references which point toward a '20/twenty' per cent loss within Markets. Actually what the language says is a '20/twenty' per cent 'running deflation' or [deflation](active/running/moving). Is this forecasting a 20% drop in any given index? No. What we are seeing here is that the 20% is the 'deflation' of the [global] (markets) entity. The inference we are taking is that as we move through Spring and into Summer, especially as the equinox is passed, the global markets will be hitting a [deflation] of a very [active] form. This is showing as being particularly [violent/virulent/aggressive] within [housing], but basically hitting all of the [paper debt] based "financial" instruments. Again, our implication is for an over-all deflator applied to markets as a whole. Within some of the specific areas, such as [derivatives], the lexical clues are arguing for much larger levels of deflation/damage. Not saying anything that is not known, but the [housing] data sets have moved right over to 'scary'. The [housing] aspect is now dominated by very dour and bespoke emotion words which are also heavily cross linked to Bushista, and Populace/USofA where large numbers of the terminating lexical sets end in "legal" sub sets from the lexicon, or in the case of Populace/USofA, where the most terminating references are within the "social action" sub sets of the lexicon. A moment to explain. First, legal language is a sub set of commonly used people language representing the various applications of latin as the formal "language of the courts". This sub set contains some of the more commonly used latin terms as departure points within the context, but is primarily focused on the emotional impacts of such language, not the intense details of the actual use of latin. Clarus talis lutum qualis? So in other words, we use the mere presence of 'legal language' as markers for both emotional components and time components. Legal language is formal language. Formal language, especially at the extreme end of the written expression of such, describes the outer range of 'long term' values. Legal language is also representative of 'control structures' and 'abstractions of emotion'. This last is more our key point at the moment, as legal language is used by the control parts of the social order to 'dampen dangerous emotions'. Think about it for a moment and it can be seen that all legal/court matters represent a technique to provide an alternative to escalating emotions which lead to suffering, and probably violence as a solution to some perceived conflicts. Thus it can be realized that 2/two key changes within the [housing] lexical set emerge with the rising tide of [legal] aspect representation. The first is that [housing] is now being identified as a looooong term problem extending out to the far edge of our longer term values, or out beyond 5/five years. And further that the emotional components of the impact of the housing 'industry' collapse, both on people in markets and people in houses, is escalating rapidly toward [social action] language. The appearance of the [social action] linguistic set is supported by the cross links between the Markets entity, TPTB entity, Populace/USofA entity, and Bushista entity. The Markets entity is also clearly showing that an [effect] or [resonance] will rise from the [social action] component language within the Populace/USofA. This can be ascertained by the repeated, and inwardly spiraling, mutual cross references. Basically, a feedback loop within our lexical construct wherein our prolog programs will support up to 1024/one kilobyte levels of pointer redirection. The appearance of



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the self-referencing spirals between the 'legal' language of the Markets, sub set [housing] and the 'social action' language of the Populace/USofA is pointing to a 'distancing' of emotions movement attempt wherein much of the [housing] issues will be shifted into the realm of the courts, *and* a counter [response] movement, in which very large emotional changes within the populace, induced by bespoke [fear], will create new [connections] and [goals] within the [populace]. While this may seem mild, even ho-hum in nature, we are speaking of nothing less than the 'radicalization' of a [primary] [tier] of the populace. The data set is pointing from the Markets entity over to the Populace/USofA entity where some of the terminating lexical sets *could* be interpreted as suggesting that 44/forty-four MILLION people will be [moved] en masse this Spring and Summer as a result of the [emerging] [chaos] within the [housing] sub set. And while the data set kindly uses internal puns and sets us up with [moved] as the dominating aspect for the set, the supporting aspect/attribute sets tell a very scary story indeed. These data sets are, when cross linked to the Populace/USofA entity, pointing to [housing] as the [inducement/casual push] into [bloody] [revolution]. It will take surprisingly little time, seen in hindsight. Much of the totality of [carnage/fleshconsumption] within the Markets is showing as being over by the end of this year. However the crushing component will come through this Spring and Summer right up to the Autumnal equinox. Some component of the Markets degradation and [devastation] over these next few months is echoed within TPTB entity, and there are mass indicators of change percolating through the system. Much of the visible component of the impact of the [social action] word set is seemingly centered on a [resistance] to [seizure] event which will play out as the May/June pre-solstice problems emerge. The data could be suggesting either a mass movement around [resistance] to [legal actions/maneuvers] such as foreclosure, or [collection] attempts, *or* it could just as easily be pointing to a single instance of a [family] [resisting] the [seizure] of their property by [authorities], *but* the point is that this manifesting circumstance will be the temporal marker for the emergence of the [resistance] movement which will also act as a temporal marker for both the internal attitude change within the populace, as well as the manifestation of the [social action] word set. At that point the Markets are showing that the trading of paper debt and other abstractions will be [off/down] by a significant amount *over* 20/twenty per cent. Noting that our data is looking at the global markets as a whole, it is not stating that any particular index will be down 20/twenty per cent, but rather that the twenty per cent deflator will have taken its toll by then. Of course, that temporal marker is important because the 20 down is merely the start of things getting really [grim]. Returning our wandering thoughts back to the beginning of this Part Three, we note that the Markets entity also has temporal markers suggesting via cross link to the Terra entity that the [breaking] of the [ice] will be very impacting on global markets. Again, the continuing shift of mind set within the global populace is also cross linked within the sub set indicating that such a 'change of mind' or 'alteration of perception' will also be very impacting on Markets entity. This last is also cross linked back to Terra entity and its [ice] terminator. Through out the data sets for Spring and Summer a steady building for [fortune] and [wealth] as supported aspects for [gold/silver/pms] continues. The gains are shown as relative to [paper debts] and so will [fluctuate] vastly, but as all of the deflators are applied to the paper debts, the data indicates that [gold/et al] will *not* shift down at the same levels. In fact, relative to real purchasing power, [gold/silver/pms] will [climb] with the supporting set for this aspect including such poetic attribute sets as 'climb to the sky' and 'golden dawn, high sky'. However there is a cautionary note as this is pointing to the end result of much [conflict] and [fighting] within the [dying beast] of the global markets. The caution is that [timing] will be virtually impossible as the [tptb] and their minions will continually [attack success] even as they are [drowning] in their own [blood]. So the prognosis is for a 'rising gold' emotional meme as the housing and other market sectors melt down, and this will be the 'good' time for gold. Following this period apparently will be a period of very chaotic time in which gold/silver may not



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mean that much as a 'market' for such would imply paper currency, and the stability of those is questionable given the data sets. As an interesting side note, as the modelspace is progressed through the release period, across the equinox boundary, and into Spring and Summer, the dominating aspect for 'gold et al' is the meta data aspect of [secrets revealed]. This is curious in that what is actually being shown is that 'gold' is going to act as a 'light' if you will, [illuminating] secrets globally and at multiple layers. Not only will 'secrets' be revealed about such mundane matters as 'global price fixing', but also at much deeper human and metaphysical levels. The implications are that 'gold' as a word, concept, metal, and vibration, will be the next "hot" word out-and-about on the internet. As the "green" references were showing up in late August of 2006 with a forecast of appearance post January, we now have "gold" being the meme, with a forecast appearance pre-solstice and continuing beyond. The 'gold' meme will extend way beyond the meager concept of gold as metal. The metaphors for gold reaching all the way to 'without untruth' and into 'truth revealer'. Further, some humans who are associated or 'marked' by gold will emerge this Spring onto the public stage. Their appearance is described as being so [forceful] and [sudden] as to elicit comments from the regular talking heads within the global media stream. There are apparently to be 4/four of these fine fellows, and their appearance on a 'single stage' at 'night' will be able to act as a temporal marker for the emergence of the next economic phase. It would seem from the data that this night event would occur before the solstice, though that is our only timing clue. As to the 4/four fine fellows themselves, none of them are necessarily male, nor are they of the elite, nor upper classes. Their associations with [gold] may not be with the [metal], but rather some [spirit/metaphysic] connection to [gold]. The data set has provided an image of '4/four on stage' and the associations of 'night', 'gold', several social action words, and then the 'next economic shift/phase' begins the following day. Again, because of the [without untruth] descriptor set for [gold], it may be feasible that these 4/four humans are receiving awards for some form of [truth-telling]. Again, their importance in the global scheme of things is unknown, it is just that the event itself is able to be extracted from the data set as a temporal marker for the next, and largest-so-far, economic shift/change. Again, most likely to appear shortly before June 21, the Summer solstice.

Populace/USofA - Action Spring, Hot Summer As the modelspace is progressed forward under the impetus of the newly processed shorter term value set, the Populace/USofA entity is showing as [reacting] and [acting] in response to [conflict] going vertical in Bushista entity. The Populace/USofA entity is showing that April through May are to be [action] filled months. The pressures on the Populace/USofA over this period are indicating the [outburst] of [energetic action] at many different levels. Some of these are tied into the [revolution] meme previously discussed, but much of the [outburst] activity within the entity is apparently arising from some new and [egregious] actions on the part of Bushista as well as TPTB entity. The modelspace shows the [response] of the populace is toward the [social action] language set. This [response] is also showing as inducing a wholesale level of change within TPTB entity. We do not have the totality of the TPTB entity data so that interpretation awaits another day. However the Populace/USofA entity is indicating a Spring and Summer of [social][upheaval] and [change] at a level so deep as to be described as [total]. The [change] itself is described as being [painful] and [wrenching] both to [individuals] and [groups/tribes/families]. The good part of the Populace/USofA entity if it can be so termed, it that the populace is shown as 'receiving what it wants'. This produces a temporary, *but sustaining* burst of [delight]. It is very rare indeed for a bespoke positive emotion to appear. This [delight] is showing as putting in an appearance



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this Spring which leads to [social advancement/evolution/change] in Summer. Apparently the data set is suggesting that a [populace/popular][victory] over [TPTB] and [Bushista et al] this Spring will induce a [wave] of [advancement] born of [delight] in [success]. Note also that much of the emotional power of the Populace/USofA entity during this time is driven by the rising values within the meta data layer of 'secrets revealed'. It is also pertinent that detail levels within the Populace/USofA are providing directly held support and cross link support to the idea of a 'change in the social tide'. Once again the depth of the emotional change within the populace *cannot* be over stated. This seemingly small thing of an individual changing their mind set about something, and then reconciling to a new view of universe is the most powerful thing we have ever seen grow within the data sets. Oh, of course it is necessary to multiple the individual mind set change a few hundred million times. The change level will not materialize as of an instant, or perhaps even be able to be clearly marked by any events, that is, right up until it is an accomplished fact within the populace, then everything is shown as changing very rapidly. We can bore you with the math, but basically the equation reduces to several tens of millions of 'change agents' running around all hopped up on [delight], [good intentions] and plenty of [caffeine]. Gonna be a hell of an active Summer. At a core level within our Populace/USofA entity, and connected to the 'wave of change' coming, there exists a knot of new values emerging which are hung off of [hand out] or [give away]. The supporting aspect/attribute sets for this aspect of [sharing/generosity] suggest that a [recognition] of basic human nature toward [cooperation] over competition is developing. The whole of the area reads as an admonishment that 'we are all in this stinking boat together'. The [response] is showing within the Populace/USofA entity as a [movement] or [momentum] towards what we have previously identified as [self organizing collectives]. If read at face value, the data set could be signaling the death of the 'cowboy mentality' within the USofA, and the shift of the 'american dream' away from [rising to the top] on the [bones] of fellow humans, and more toward a [recognition] that only the [cooperative] will [advance/survive/endure] the manifesting circumstances awaiting us here on earth. Much of the cross links to the [housing] sub set of Markets entity have termination points under the [hand out] or [give away] aspect. Under these the details suggest that a [wave of homelessness] will be met, at least in the main, with a large scale [give away] movement within the country. There are detail sub sets which are headed by aspects such as [repudiation], and [squatters]. There are supporting areas within these sub sets indicating that [squatters] will [battle/fight/conflict] with [authority], both [police] and [commercial] over housing. Again, pointers to 'blood on the street' as a temporal marker to the manifestation of the [give away] change wave coming. It may be that the data is predicting a social action toward repudiation of the whole of the debt based housing 'industry'. If so, this will be following the hard times of mass foreclosures, mass bankruptcy wherein actual banks rupture, and the period of the beginning of the 'employment crash' previously discussed. Conclusion: Part Three - Here comes tomorrow. We have large amounts of data yet to be processed, and had planned on posting this section tomorrow, but the data set is indicating that the 11th, tomorrow is the emotional peak for the first half of the year, as well as being the 'turning point' for the release period. The data shifts as we progress forward into the period of predictions. So while we initially had pegged the actual 15th, that is the Ides of March as the beginning of the release period, as we get closer to the shift, the data also moves along with our granularity. The chart below shows how the data lays out as of this point.



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This chart shows that we move into the release period about mid day tomorrow. The release period still shows as ending late on September 19th, though that may/will change as we move forward through this time. Since the data set is showing the 11th as the release point, we thought to post today, the 10th as much of the markets predictions will start to emerge over these next few weeks. Well, heads up people. Its here. Got pie? It does help in release periods. Blueberry is on our schedule today. *** Part Four has an anticipated posting date of March 18th, release period permitting.



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Copyright 2007 by HalfPastHuman. All rights reserved. Not to be republished in any form without written, prior approval.

ALTA 1207 - Part Four

Asymmetric Language Trend Analysis Intelligence Report Changes in language precede changes in behavior. By Tenax SE for Note this report is offered for entertainment value only. Any resemblance between the events portrayed in this report and any developing reality is purely co-incidental and in no manner represents foreknowledge on the part of the authors of this report. Note that this information is derived from humans expressing themselves on the internet. As such, human emotional values and the words used to express them are being sampled and interpreted here, NOT THE FUTURE. Any resemblance between this report and future developments is entirely in the mind of the perceiver and does not exist in reality. The Authors cannot be held liable for accuracy of lack thereof in this report. Authors cannot be held liable for human interpretation of this report nor any action any human takes as a result of this report. Any human foolish enough to alter their behavior based on this entertainment-only analysis demonstrates themselves incapable of rational appreciation of reality, and the authors are explicitly held harmless and blameless for any and all such mental aberrations on the part of the reader. 3.18.2007 Note: Entities are identified by a blue typeface. Aspect words are enclosed in brackets [aspect]. Attribute words/phrases are within parentheses (attributes). Near sentences or concepts composed of both leading aspect and trailing attributes are single quoted '. Interpretive editorial comments are preceded by an asterisk *. Editorial notes are within {} curly braces. Navigation links are in italicized bold green, and red when visited. Our expectations are to achieve 70+ million reads within our bandwidth limitations. We expect a 6 part report series from this data set. Depending on the processing flow there may be a 7th part to the series. This report in the series created from 47.11 million reads. Markets - The Zionista Factor, Housing Harvest, Golden Alliances A curious movement linkage is developing within modelspace between the Markets entity and the [israel/zion] sub set. The [israel/zion] sub set movement over the course of the whole of the release period from March 15th through to September 19th is being replicated by the Markets entity beginning



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just after the June 21/solstice. The effect is to see the whole of the motion transcribed through modelspace by the [israel/zion] sub set duplicated but with a 'starting lag' by the Markets entity. The lock step dance of these entities within modelspace is unlike anything previously encountered. It is as though Israel will take a particular path this Spring and Summer, and the Markets entity will rush to replicate over the course of Summer alone. Did that make sense? A definite retrace of the same course of emotional actions, just accelerated into 3/three months instead of 6/six. If we examine the [israel/zion] sub set, admittedly a very large and confusing descriptor set laced with contradictions, the modelspace shows a [coming together] of [2/two snakes]. These friendly [snakes] then proceed together, and the (perceived) [power] of their [proceeding] is [doubled]. Then the [2/two snakes] are shown as [shifting] or [sliding] (under the bed). This [proceeding stealthily] involves the [grouping] and [employment] of large numbers of [priests/technicians] and [exorcists/sorcerers] in an attempt to [placate] the gods. Unfortunately for all involved, the [priests] are able to [sway] the [fears], and [regret vanishes]. Then there is a cryptic aspect/attribute set which says that (in the field/arena) [3/three] [grades] (of actions) are [taken/caught]. It is this last which is externally focused which leads to the [retreat]. The [retreat] is called due to a [lack of support]. The [retreat] involves [sacrifices] or perhaps a [sacrificial ceremony] during the [retreat]. The supporting aspect/attribute sets for this section point toward [to hide] and [to withdraw into seclusion] as the [outcome] of the [endeavor]. Clearly the above description could be interpreted as a 'successful up to a point' attack on Iran by Israel. Then the 'inevitable' failure of such stupidity. Followed by the 'retreat' into 'quivering seclusion'. Taken along with the previous data sets pointing toward a very 'aggressive' and 'out of control' and 'beyond reality' Bushista for the lunar month prior to the solstice, and considering that the Markets entity is pointing toward an immediate post-solstice replication of the emotional [israel/zion] track, it would be reasonable to expect that Israel and Iran and Bushista rise to the forefront of the global craziness in late May through June 21, there after the 'retreat' begins. However it needs to be known that the Zionistas, like Al Queda, and other non-state-entities, are mucking about in countries, governments, and corporations globally. An alternate interpretation of the data set *could* be showing that the [zions] (attempt) {ed note: indicating failure within our lexicon} a [dark] operation/attack, and that in this process [3/three] [grades/types] (of actions/reactions) lead to the perpetrators being [taken/caught]. There is some deeper levels of support for this as the data set includes both directly and via cross link to Press, references to [video] and [net] with the idea being that the [3/three] [zions] are [taken/caught] in the (action) and that global emotional tensions release due to the whole thing being [taken] on [video] and released to the planetary mind for its consideration. In either case, the continuation of the dominance of [secrets revealed] both as a meta data layer aspect, and as an internal to Markets entity aspect/attribute set seemingly point to 'israeli/zionist failure, and exposure' which in turn promotes a deep unraveling. This in turn [spooks] {ed note: chosen very deliberately from the context set} the Markets entity globally. As a rule the 'israel' context and descriptors are very emotionally 'hot' and are usually not worth interpreting due to the frequently misleading lack of change, that is, they always run 'hot' so difficult to distinguish changes. However, the alteration, and then the compressed retracing of the same route through modelspace by the Markets entity as a whole suggest a very interesting [exposure] which will emerge this Summer as the 'secrets revealed' meta data layer continues toward vertical in Markets entity. The Markets entity and the Populace/USofA entity are floating on a rising emotional tide of descriptors which are either directly held under [housing] or are cross linked to [housing]. The emotional tone, while rising, is participating within the release period, yet still gaining emotional tension values for longer term time frames. That is, the descriptor set is "shedding" emotional values within the immediacy and shorter term emotional elements within our values array, but gaining in emotional tension within the longer term value sets. The indication within modelspace is that the real "crash" of [housing] as a



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supposed "industry" will not be visible until late in Summer when the [components] will [uncooperate/clash] and (cease) to [function] relative to the Markets entity. This appears to be pointing to a period in late Summer, say end of August through September right up to the autumnal equinox in which the [proffered] (numbers) no longer add up or [create confidence], and then the [shattering] begins. Following the [disruption] period, which apparently is the last of the demi-quavers before the actual [unfolding/emerging], there will be the shift into what the descriptor sets are labeling as the [harvest] of the [housing]. The implication is clearly a 'reap what you have sown' kind of thing. The [harvest] is a lexical group in which things such as [sub divisions], and [banks], and [corporations], as well as individual [houses] are treated as [wheat] being [harvested]. The linguistic support groups are very discouraging. In the primary supporting aspect/attribute set we have [hardship/struggles/suffering] as the aspect which gains the most support over the course of the progression of modelspace. This aspect is pointing to [hardship] growing very rapidly starting in August, and accelerating in leaps over the course of the last days of Summer and into Fall. The [expectation] of [hardship] is also seen as a [preceding wave/bow wave] which is traveling up the [power] [pyramid]. It is at this point, some time shortly after the September equinox that [officialdom] and the [weak prince] get involved and things get really bad. The [suffering] gains very rapidly after the [involvement] of the [petty people/politicians], and this last jump in [suffering] [spread] leads to (unified) [action] on the part of the populace. The cross links between the Bushista entity, the Populace/USofA and the Markets entity at this time suggest turmoil beyond our ability to even remotely describe. As the Markets entity, with its extensive cross links to the Populace/USofA entity, is moved along with modelspace past the September equinox, and into Fall proper, the picture for [housing] becomes muddied by [fracturing/scattering]. There are many rising references to [squatters], and surprisingly there are several descriptor sets which suggest that at least for a brief period, many former 'home owners' will be legally classified as 'house squatters' as the [petty people] try to [police] the situation in [protecting] their [friends] the corporations. By the time that these legal linguistics show, the beginning of the employment crash has manifested nationally, and the degradation of all things 'paper debt' based is well under way. The government, seemingly still under the control of the corporate masters of the politicians, is shown as attempting to support the banksters requests for 'enabling legislation'. As the modelspace is moved a bit further into Fall, new themes emerge in which there are calls for a national [housing] bailout similar in nature to the Savings and Loan crisis of the past century. However, complications with a very weak, and weakened administration, as well as the rapidly swelling numbers of both unemployed and [legally displaced] persons present a conundrum for government not easily reconciled. The next visible shift occurs within the Populace/USofA entity which brings up rising emotional energies of never-before-seen-in-our-model levels. This emotional energy moves the mass of the Populace/USofA entity in a way that seeming severs the previous Summer based connection to the actions of Israel, and abruptly flings the Markets entity over under the domination of the linguistic aspect/attribute set of [contention]. The secondary layers of this descriptor set include [needing/demanding], as well as [to bring a case to court because of contention of justice denied]. Further, in the tertiary layer descriptors the [needing] is supported by [needing redress after suffering egregiously]. These aspects from Populace/USofA swamp the Markets within a very short period of time after the movement into Fall.



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As a curious reinforcement of the imagery of the radicalization of the populace, and the move towards [contention/conflict] with the government, the data set is indicating that an extremely popular song will emerge just at the cusp of the shift into 'demanding justice'. The song is showing as distinctly antigovernment, but also seemingly references the 'common suffering' of the populace including specific references to 'harvest' and 'housing'. The data set suggests that governments at all levels react badly and make significant mistakes as regards to the song and its creator. Much of the [housing] [harvest] language within Markets moves over under [spilling over/waste] as the modelspace is progressed into Fall. The idea being that [thousands] if not tens of thousands of [houses] will be declared as [waste]. This is a part of the problems which will develop socially as a large segment of the populace disappears into the un-official status of [squatter]. The Markets entity does not appear to do well with this shift. By this time the impacts of the social degradation within the USofA have significantly degraded international confidence, the dollar is ill and dying as the global reserve currency, the government [numbers] racket is up, and the populace is on the verge of revolt over the impacts of the



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crash of housing, and the subsequent impact on banks. Further the [flooding] of the USofA currency turns out to be a [repatriation] effort globally which will likely induce hyper inflation within the political boundaries of the USofA. The data set suggests that the first and most sustained and [visible] point of hyper inflation will be the [food supply]. The data sets are providing linguistic clues toward a shift within the USofA economy of very large proportions. This [shift] will be akin to an earthquake relative to the foundations for any future markets behavior within the USofA as a political entity. The actual aspect/attribute image which dominates the [economy, usofa] sub set for September 21 and beyond is [exhausted] from [trying to grow] to [expectations]. This [exhaustion] is showing as a [source] for [change] and it is extensively cross linked back to the Populace/USofA entity as well as the GlobalPop entity. In all of the entities these areas are directly holding [currency] and specifically [usofa dollar] as aspects. Under the Markets sub set, [usofa dollar] in Fall, the linguistic sets which are still building go toward [removal] of the [well] for [dollars], as in a [tremendous] crash is [felt] and it had the Federal Reserve as its target. Further the data set contains aspect/attributes sets pointing to the [destruction] of [currency] [bucket/basket] (produces/drives) [misfortune]. Under [misfortune] there are supporting aspect/attributes including [prepare] (for future) and [weak in their place, produce too little aid]. These are part of a grouping pointing toward the alteration of [fundamental/core] (values) as well as the [manifestation/expression] of the [redress] for [imposed/created] [suffering]. The Markets entity, sub set [usofa], as it is moved along with modelspace past the autumnal equinox, gains a rising aspect with very large emotional sums which is headed by [extraordinary action/change]. The supporting aspect/attribute sets are gained as the entity proceeds through Fall and toward the Winter release period which actually begins on December 2, 2007. The totality of the data tends to provide the impression of a very large, socially motivated, core values changing emotional tension build toward a release of [extraordinary change]. The developing linguistic description of Fall is as a time during which the [pressures] are [reached/exceeded], and the [emotionally exhausted] are [recharged] prior to ...? Derivatives! Agggghhhh! Soon the word will come to symbolize, to the cognoscenti, all that is puerile in finance. The [trembling/shaking] of the [banks] over the course of the lunar month just preceding the Summer solstice, and there after to the end of the year, as well as the end of many of the banks, will be laid to the doorstep of [bad debt], but the actual [crash], and the [rapidity/speed] with which it overtakes the global economy will be put squarely to [derivatives]. The data sets are pointing to a very bad summer indeed. The [derivatives] implosion, which is actually headed by the aspect of [conflict/contention] with primary supporting sets of [disputes/collisions], is signaling for a [dam/blockage] to occur within the [currency] trading world as a result of [derivatives] and the [inability] to (settle). The data set is indicating that the problems or conditions which will precipitate the [derivatives] (implosion/meltdown) are already manifesting, but that [visibility] to the masses is still a couple of months away. The data sets are pointing to the [meltdown] of [derivatives] as contributing to the fundamental 'mind change' within the global populace over the course of this summer with the most severe ramifications seen for the populace of the USofA. As noted ad nauseam, this is but a single component to the overall 'view of universe' change showing in several entities, and in several different lexical configurations. Unlike the 2001 period when we had the 'tipping point' form in the data set in early June which signaled the massive global emotional focus on the September 11 attacks, and their ripples of influence, the entities now have each formed large knots of data around individual contexts or descriptors such that the entity is still bound up, just not with a single lexical set. However diverse the "causes" are for the shift in mind set the focus will be very central, and very singular, that is [survival]. We note though that the ideas around [survival] will spread throughout a large range of probable expressions. As the Markets entity is progressed along with modelspace through Summer and past the September



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equinox, a rising aspect relative to the [gold/silver] sub set gains very large emotional sums very rapidly. The speed with which these values accrue indicates the [rapid appearance] or [sudden manifestation] of what we are terming [golden alliances]. These [alliances] would appear to be predicting [new currencies] or [trading media] which will be [precious metals] based. Obliviously if a [sudden appearance] in the Fall of new, [gold] (backed/supported) currencies shows up, then there must have been a significant denouement of the USofA dollar as a global reserve currency. The data supports this conclusion and is seemingly pointing toward new [gold alliances] which are explicitly [rejecting] of the [dollar]. While not news, the formation of these [alliances] and their [rapid] [acceptance] and [maturation] in Fall are pointing to a very large period of [progress] for [gold/silver/et al] as commodities. *NOT* that it will necessarily be globally applicable. There are real splits in the cross links from Markets over to both GlobalPop and Populace/USofA which are under the [duality] meta data layer influence. The data could be indicating a [split] [planet] scenario in which the USofA is isolated, both by actions of [revulsion], and [disgust] globally, as well as by [internal chaos/difficulties]. In the split streams of cross links the [golden alliances] are showing as being in harmony with actual [need] and progressing well with few difficulties. The Populace/USofA entity cross links are pointing toward something much more akin to a large scale rattlesnake round-up in a completely packed sports stadium with no power. An interesting experience to say the least. We do note that the [gold/silver] sets within Populace/USofA are shown as rising with the [golden alliances] if somewhat [dampened] and [lagging]. This is likely due to the [currency] [chaos] of Fall and the [crumbling of the facade] of the American economy. GlobalPop - Chartreuse Green, Suicide Machine, Misfortune Comes, Failed Attacks? The 'green death' showing up these last few ALTA report series, starting in last August, 2006, appears to be fulfilled with the developing global crisis around [pollinators]. The 'bee colony collapse' syndrome, likely due at least in part to genetic screwing around/up with plants, is to be but an instance of continuing [green death] over Spring and through Summer. While we had initially thought the 'green death' linguistics pointed to a person or group, or even perhaps a date, the data sets continue to grow the linguistic sets under the aspect/attribute of [green death] indicating that the main effect has yet to manifest. Further, the continued growth of the emotional tension values under this aspect/attribute set are also pointing to its manifestation being very emotional, and very wide spread. Within the GlobalPop entity a new [green] reference, which is identified by the primary supporting aspect of [chartreuse], is also dominated by the various meta data layers including [revolution], [secrets revealed], [duality], and [transformation]. The 'chartreuse green' revolution begins this Spring, with [international] [contests/contention] and [bitching/wailing]. A [rising] [tide/wave] of [populace action] will come from an [environmental] (trigger) within the [southern] EU, or perhaps [south] of Europe? In either case, the [populace] will [writhe] and [shrug] such that [governments] (shake) and are in [danger] of [falling/tumbling] almost overnight. The data set is pointing to a [manifesting circumstance] of [visible] [ecologic degradation] which will [shock] and [arose] the populace globally. The [planetary] (populace) is showing as [shaking] with [emotion]. And a lot of that emotion is [rage]. Much of the [shift] within the global [mindset] will come more as a result of the successful [actions] resulting from this particular trigger, than the trigger itself. Not that all is well. The cross links to the Terra entity show the 'green death' continuing as the GlobalPop takes up [contention]...and [investigation] which, under [secrets revealed] leads to [rejection] and then [regulation]. The idea coming across is that a [social movement] of some staggering size will begin in pockets globally. From these seeds will arise a [populist] movement which bears the seeds of some level of [sustainability], however as these [seed groups] are forming, they will do so within a larger social context of developing [chaos], [revolution], with all that implies, as well as the manifestation of a [revenge] and [rejection] meme.



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The imagery is pointing to a developing time of [introspection] by those capable of it, and [acts/expressions] of [rage] by those not. The data sets within both the GlobalPop, and Populace/USofA are showing for a very emotionally hot Summer as the release period sets [fires] to [existing order/infrastructure] due to the [revealing] globally of the [depth/immediacy] of the [biospheric risk]. In many areas, the Terra entity cross links are showing for [weather/climate] (extremes) so violent as to [shift populations], or [restrict movements] to [less than] a (few) [miles]. Further impacts such as [flooding], and [scouring/gouging] {ed note: we take these to be tornados now} are just a small prelude to [hurricanes] of particularly [ill/nasty] (dispositions) which in their supporting sets are showing as [appearing/manifesting] in [odd] places, as well as [wandering] (circuitously) about. In such areas the [populace] will be under stressors which preclude much in the way of active [revolutionary] (acts), however, in other areas, including the USofA, [riots] and other [anti-social welfare] stressors will be displayed as part of the release period. Note that these acts will be able to be used as temporal markers both for [place] and for [intensity] for the seeded [revolution] which will display later in the year. As the GlobalPop entity is indicating the [chartreuse green] [revolution] rises from the [green death] which continues through out Summer and is magnified by circumstances manifesting in the Terra entity realm. The [chartreuse green] movement will bring out the whole [examination] of [why] which will basically look to those aspects of modern life which are 'seemingly' contributing to the [biospheric degradation] and many people will seek to [reject] these. However this sub set of the [chartreuse green revolution] is showing as short lived. It seems that even as that [cultural revolution] meme starts, another meme of [extra-solar causes] begins which overwhelms the first before it can become well established. However, both of these memes have cross links internally indicating that sub sets within these will join up with some yet-to-be-revealed information from late Summer to put serious pressure on the [faith based] organizations. In fact the GlobalPop entity is showing that the concept of [church] and [religion] themselves will be altered by the newly released information such that the [faith based] [religions] shift in concept over to [faith based][organizations]. This last is a prelude to the [rejection] and [regulation] of these [organizations]. As an interesting note, the more [violent] and [virulent] of the [rejection] memes is within the Populace/USofA entity where attempts to [criminalize][fundamentalism] will evolve into a [tax] the [faith based organization] movement. Within the GlobalPop entity, and held under the [chartreuse green revolution] are sub sets indicating a more mild form of [rejection] emerging in which the populace turns to a [myriad] of [collective social rituals] as the [faith based organizations] self destruct. Much of the GlobalPop contribution to this meme is to act as a [conduit] and [host] to [channels] which will facilitate the [secrets revealed] meta data layer expression. The GlobalPop entity is clearly showing that the basic principles of 'growth uber alles', and 'go forth and multiply', as well as 'patriarchic dominance' and 'human dominance' are to be challenged by universe in such a manner as to [shatter] the [faiths/faith based religions]. It appears that [fundamentalism] as an ideology will place some small sub set of [faith dominated] humans into denial about the [green death] which induces its own wave of karmic dance as the [collisions] of points-of-view work themselves out. The data is very clear that the [dominance] of fundamentalism both in western and islamic societies is going to be under extreme pressure. As a point of confirmation, we have had a meme within the last several ALTA reports of a new [religion substitute] moving up from Brazil into the northern hemisphere. This apparently will manifest over the course of this coming Fall and Winter in response or rather driven by the [chartreuse green] revolution. As a part of the [fracturing] coming from the [green death] and the subsequent impacts on the collective human understanding, a wave of [suicides] will occur. These are not as bombings in the main, but rather are a reaction to the [visibility] of the [green death] and its impact on earth. For the most part the [suicides] are showing within GlobalPop and are pointing to [young(ish)] people with an apparent centering on mid-20's, but ranging out to 40's, and even some extremes of 70's. These [suicides] will be seen by ThePowersThatBe as an [attack] on the social order and all sorts of very strange responses will come from the [uber-classes]. However, the larger impact will be within the social order as the



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[conflicting] themes of [checking-out] and [revolution] will have all of their [extreme] expressions. These will include some [group suicides] and then the divergent approach of [total rejection] of [contemporary] (structures) which will lead to barbaric attacks on [power structures]. The [suicide] meme is shown as persisting to some length over the course of a couple of seasons, but in the main it is curtailed by [extreme climate] issues pressing on human [survival]. The data set also indicates that much of the [suicide machine] meme is [northern hemisphere] based. The [chartreuse green] [revolution] will focus on the [global food supply] and other [necessary resource] issues including water. It will also shift priorities *just* as the economic 'engine' of [delusion] within the USofA and 'western' society is under its most [extreme pressure] to continue 'business as usual'. And of course these are mutually incompatible social trends. Seems as though the 'release period' of March through September will be followed by a very brief, but intense emotional tension building period which then manifests within the next release as a [social revolution] on a more or less global scale.



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The data sets accruing for GlobalPop as the modelspace is moved forward through Summer and into Fall are dominated by [food supply] which itself is internally cross linked to the 'chartreuse green revolution'. This [concern] for [food supply] is both short and long term value laden such that there appears to be a "wake up call" about the [sustainability] of the [food] [production](cycle). The cross links between the GlobalPop entity and the Populace/USofA entity indicate that both are having the same [waking nightmare] at the same time. The changes in human behavior forecast by the linguistics show a range that is spread across a wide spectrum of extremes. The 'revolution' aspect will be taken to heart by some sub set of the populace, convinced that a [luddite] like return to [pre-industrial] social order is required. There will also be the [flee the planet] groups and their efforts. Further complications arise from the meme for [protect] or [fix] the planet even after the [extra solar] nature of the problem is perceived. Then there are the [hide in a hole in the ground] groups and their variants of all stripes. As the old forms of social order which are perceived to have contributed to our present planetary predicament are discarded, it will be due to an expression of [doing/manifesting] *anything* as an emotional release. Even knowing full well it will not correct the present problem, much of the old social order will be discarded due to the intense [need/drive] for action/release as a result of the [nearly intolerable] pressures from [perceptional alteration] stemming from a Summer of [green death]. A significant part of this particular emotional sub set is also pointing to a [revenge] for [silence] factor. The entity is stating that part of the motivation for [destruction/removal] of the old social order will be due to [revenge] for [pre-knowledge][hidden]. Much of this shows up under the [secrets revealed] dominated part of the GlobalPop entity which is suggesting that an actual [riot] somewhere in the southern area of the EU {ed note: perhaps the actual headquarters in Brussels, south facing building} will [feed] the ravenous beast of [secrets revealed] with a [treasure] of [tens of thousands] of [secret documents] relating to who knew what and when. This is shown as also [feeding] the [global frenzy] for [revenge] and leads to a considerable [redirection/examination] of the [proported] (past/history). Not a few deaths will come directly from the [middle cache/stash] of these documents, which we are taking as referring to those documents put on the internet in the [middle] of the span of the event. In the whole of the GlobalPop entity, the aspect/attribute set with the largest group of accretions, and the highest growth of emotional sums is [food supply]. It appears by the time that this point is reached, that is, the release period of Winter of 2007/2008, the China [power struggle] will be mostly a [determined subject/course]. This has been referenced in previous ALTA reports focused on 2007, and to revisit the subject, we need to note that either a large 'natural disaster' will involve a [power struggle] as in, say a disaster striking the ability to create electricity, *or* rapidly decaying economic conditions will lead to a Summer of riots and [power struggles]. It may be that both happen, with the natural disaster triggering the onset of a political power struggle over [failures] to [serve the people] properly. Nonetheless, even though the manifestation of the 'china syndrome' will have been already digested, the GlobalPop entity is suggesting that some large echo, or continuation of the situation will impact [food supply] along with other factors in the Winter release period. Much of the [china power struggle] language, as well as Populace/USofA entity [universe view shift] linguistic structures are tied either by directly held values or by cross links to an aspect/attribute set of [ends] in the [eighth month]. Note that our lunar calendar system uses 13/thirteen months and our [eighth month] actually spans the September equinox. The data set has [misfortune] (comes) as the primary aspect/attribute support. The interpretation, including the cross links to Terra, all dominated by meta data layers of 'duality' and 'secrets revealed', goes to the idea of a 'natural disaster or disasters' which [bring] an [end] to ??? over the course of the month of September leading up to the equinox on the 21st. The [natural] [disasters] are connected to social expressions of [chartreuse green revolution] in the release months of the Winter, but apparently the emotional building period of Fall is pushed off by the [natural disasters] of September. The cross links within the populace entities and those continuing over to Terra have a slight dominance toward [tidal] and [energy] as the rising descriptor aspects. This is cross linked within the Terra entity to [misfortune] and [space] sub sets.



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Within the [social order] descriptor sets, the GlobalPop entity gains most of its Summer based lexical sets under [eradication]. This aspect is supported by aspect/attribute sets going toward [alteration/alternation] into [new] (alternatives/possibilities). The indication is for an emotionally hot Summer leading to a emotionally 'tense' Fall. During much of the transit of the GlobalPop entity across the Summer months, the entity is gaining most of its values within the [eradication] aspect, and most of these are supported by [old systems/infrastructure]. Probably not a good time to be betting on the ratification of new constitutions or efforts to [unite] peoples. It needs to be also noted that [israel/zions] will be playing a very large part in GlobalPop politics and news this Summer and especially through Fall. With the defeat of the American military in Iraq ongoing at the continued insistence of the Bushistas and their fellow delusionists, the data points to [zions] becoming very [aggressive] and [desperate]. The data sets within GlobalPop indicate that [secrets revealed] will be the *only* outcome of [israel] [aggression], and that [secrets revealed] will begin to cause problems for jewish people globally as the [backlash/response] against the [zions] begins to build in Fall. The [secrets revealed] meta data layer is replaced in its dominance of the [israel] sub set within GlobalPop by [duality] which in its turn is being heavily pressured by [transformation/alteration]. All of these meta data layers will be present within the actions and responses around Israel, and judaism this Fall and into Winter. The expectation is that the beginning of the anti-zion actions will begin later in Fall as the emotional tension builds and as the [secrets revealed] are shown to be [pouring] out of a very [leaky] [israel]. The [secrets revealed] lexical set directly held by the [israel] sub set suggests that an [agent] of [israel] gets [burned] over Summer, and while [in custody] decides to say what [he/she] knows. There are some hints within the data set that [documents] are involved, and that these run into the [tens of thousands] and stretch back for [generations] of [misdeeds]. Further there are very extensive references to [France] involved as though either the questioning will take place in France, and thus the [firestorm] starts there, or that [France] was the failed target of the [zions] (political) [infiltration]. Populace/USofA - Pogroms, Failures, Revenge In the examination of the [failed] (attack/action/infiltration) lexical set, the connections between [israel/zions] and Bushista jump out. So to do the cross linked [secrets revealed] components of both entities. The implication is for a [failed] (terrorist) attack which turns into a [catastrophe] of no [falsehood]. Or stated another way, a [backlash] results from the [failure] which [reveals/exposes] a [flood] of [no falsehoods]. The indications are for the real impact of the [failure] to be manifesting after the September equinox. Specifically the data set is pointing to the [activation/action/triggering] of the [secrets revealed] component for the [disaster/catastrophe] which will [strike/hobble/cripple] the [zions] as arriving after the equinox, and beginning the real problems from that point onward. Cross links to the Markets entity, the Populace/USofA entity, and the Press entity suggest that the [secrets revealed] is temporally linked to a [movement] to (confiscate/dispossess) [zions] globally. The data sets indicate that an [inquiry] within the USofA into [zions] impacts will proceed to branch out into a general [pogrom] as the emotional tensions rise throughout Fall, and further that the [zions] (trail/path/droppings) will [open] up the [world] to the Populace/USofA through the [spilling] of [no falsehood/history/news] and [blood]. The cross links between the populace entities are pointing to a global [pogrom] against *all* [fundamentalists] will [grow] from the [first blood] of the [zions] and the subsequent [spillage] of [secrets]. As a direct result of the [failed] (attacks/plans) of the [zions] there will be long lasting movement to place [legal actions/sanctions] against [israel], and [zions] and [jewish lobbies] and other [jewish organizations]. The very high emotional sums around this meme, especially within the USofA sub set of the global populace, will become [entangled] as the [christian fundamentalists] (attempt) to [lend support/money] to [israel] during a particularly bad bit of timing. The [ram] that is used to [push] the [aid] through the Congress will be a [last spark] required to set of some pretty ferocious fireworks. It is from this point that the data sets suggest that [blood] [dries] (dark) on [wet streets] as the [people] (take) [grievance] directly to [government]. Of course this whole area is bound up in, or cross linked to



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the [revolution] meme which has been developing for some years now within the data sets. An unsettling amount of the newly processed data is pointing towards a very [violent] (wave/movement) of [revenge] which will [shake] the USofA leaving virtually [no community] untouched. There are many supporting aspects/attribute sets for [confiscation], [outlaw], [revenge], [killings], and other wordings suggesting that a social [cleansing] is coming to a town near you. This is not to say that the reaction to the [secrets revealed] movement is USofA based alone. The GlobalPop has its own levels of [pogrom] language also indicating [disgust] and seeking [revenge] for [generations of lies]. Within the GlobalPop entity are the cross links which first show that this whole anti-manipulation/power politics wave also targets the [church]. Shortly after this appears within the data sets, the cross links to Populace/USofA indicate that the [wave/motion/momentum] returns to the USofA as the language is pointing toward [seizures] of [church] property and [records], as well as [investigations] into [church] [lies] begins to take the national stage. As may be expected within the overly violent and well armed citizenry of the USofA, the data is pointing to numerous [priest/pastor] [killings] as well as [personal revenge attacks] against [churches/religion organizations]. All of these [attacks/murders/killings] are cross linked to the Press entity and Bushista in a very unusual way. The data is *seemingly* indicating that the Press will be [bound/gagged] and some [reporters] will be [jailed] and [beaten] for [promoting] [disharmony] within [society]. This last sounds like an attempt by the Bushista's to "keep a lid on" a situation which is already out of control. And their approach will be to [muzzle/hobble/gag] the Press. Of course, that doesn't go over too well, and once again the [revolution] meme appears in late Fall, just prior to the beginning of the Winter release. Again, [song] issues are some how intertwined within all of this mess such that the [song/artist] will be nationally prominent, even if [jailed/beaten] by officialdom. There are no [martyr] contexts associated with this [artist] and the offending, but popular [song]. Rather this person becomes something of a national [poet] as a result. This is important as a temporal marker for larger shifts just at that point which precipitate the Winter release period. The data sets, as previously examined within the Terra entity, are pointing to a 'globally' affecting [natural disaster] or [catastrophe] for this Fall. The problems for the interpretation are the numerous areas of very high emotional sums as many different areas of the entities are all whipped up over the course of the release period of Spring/Summer. These many 'hot spots' make it difficult to ascertain if the totality of the [natural disaster] is related to the [China power struggle], or if these are separate, and not related groups of events. Within the Populace/USofA the aspect/attributes are confirming that as the entity is progressed into Fall, that the [effects] on the populace of a [hindrance] is felt, and very heavily so. The context which arises is rarely seen, and is headed by the aspect of [hindrance] at the primary descriptor level. In this case the [hindrance] is shown as [following] a [rapid] (advance) and then [blocking] (beyond) the (ability) of (persons) to [alter]. This area is heavily cross linked internally to [food supply] and [needing nourishment] within Populace/USofA as well as over to nearly the same [food] [supply] areas within the GlobalPop entity. The implications should be obvious that the [Fall] (affecting) [catastrophe] will involve the [needing nourishment] by the general populace. Within our [natural disaster] or [catastrophe] sub set are supporting sub sets for [turning point] and (after) [reaching/obtaining][extreme] (movements). These in turn are supported by aspect/attributes suggesting that [5/five] (out of/removed from) [6/six] will be directly impacted by the [unfolding/unbuckling/unstitching] which leads to the [hindrance]. The [hindrance] is *not* connected to the meta data layer of [restrictions on movement], though it is under the influence of the alternate meta data context of [encounters with scarcity]. The [restrictions on movement] meta data layer is noted as being an influence, but mostly this seems to be confined to the Bushista entity. This suggests either that the Bushistas attempt to impose [restrictions on movement] on the populace which [fails] miserably, *or* alternatively, that a [failure] by the [Bushistas] leads to [restrictions on movement] being applied to Bushista, and that the timing is merely co-incident with, or slightly before the [natural disaster]. The



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indications are for the populace as a whole to have [suffered] a [reduction] (by/to) [1/3rd - one third] either as a result of the [disaster], or temporally close to the appearance of the disaster. The whole of these areas are difficult to separate out from the numerous cross links over to Markets entity and GlobalPop entity. The idea coming across is that a 'double whump' hits the populace in the form of an [economic] as well as some form of [food] [supply] affecting [natural disaster]. *IF* this is referring to the whole bee/pollinator situation, then to have gained this level of emotional values, there must have been an acceleration of impacts to the point of starvation or immediate threats thereof within the populace. Or the data is forecasting some not-yet-well-described [natural disaster] headed our way. Either way, a seriously [stewed] Fall. The cross links between the Populace/USofA and the Markets entities does not bode well for either. Further ramifications from the [economic] (woes) are pointing to the Bushista entity where a [shell/wrapper] will have to [cope/fend off] [deteriorating] conditions. The cross links to Markets entity are influencing the interpretation to forecast a [removal/reduction] of the [economy] by [1/3-one third]. This will be particularly troubling to the [petty people] or [politicians], but of course as they have no real power, the situation will proceed as it must. The aspect/attribute sets for the Populace/USofA entity indicate that [economic suffering] ramps up in Summer and become the [daily life/chore/routine] for most people as we enter the tension building Fall. The Populace/USofA entity is clearly, and explicitly stating that the [consumer] [engine] of this form of economic structure moves from being touted as [auspicious] over to being recognized as [already/previously fulfilled/completed]. The [completely fulfilled] aspect set includes the [housing] as "industry" sub set, and the data which accrues over late Summer and into Fall is particularly dismal. The scenario is for a [failed consumer] society reaching resource limitations which impose huge and crushing burdens as the general currency collapses under the staggering global debt. The scenario includes impacts on every feature of life in these United States. These impacts of the crumbling [illusion] of a [healthy] economy flood the political process as well as bring the populace to internal [warfare]. This [war] is within populace groups and *will* involve the [illegal immigration/invasion] issue. This area of the Populace/USofA entity gains much of the [violence] supporting aspect/attribute sets as the [employment crash] and the [housing] crash are materializing over late Spring, and in through Summer. At this point, the rising [political] confrontations between the people and the [failed] government of the Bushistas reaches a [fevered] level. This in turn actually precipitates the next round in early Summer of global [repudiation] of all things USofA including the [dollar]. This area is heavily cross linked over to [israel/zions] and is further heavily cross linked to the Markets entity. Some of the minor, but important supporting points include the [moratorium] on [new construction] for [housing] which will emerge in late Summer. This is likely a [political] move to formalize an already existing condition. This area appears following the employment crash, and within the background of the beginning of the [civil strife] which takes over Summer. Terra - Encountering Space in Fall The Terra entity has gained a data set under [space] which goes to an [encounter] in Fall {ed note: post equinox} which is supported by both [energy] and [misfortune]. The actual aspect is [encountering], which we are taking as a more 'active' process which will involve our emotional response. The [encountering] is supported by [energy], and [energetic response] as well as [long lasting]. As the data is continuing to build within this area, and as the Terra entity is already nearly a solid black mass of cross links it is difficult to provide further clarity on this 'energetic encountering'. There are clearly [sun] supporting aspect/attributes, but not enough details to provide a better understanding of the reason for the emotional sums that the data is presenting. These sums indicate a large(ish) response to the [energies from space], *but* this point is past our 'mind set change resulting from green death', and so represents



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some new [attraction] for inquiring minds. The [attraction] reference is specific as it is a rising aspect within the data set. It may be leaning toward a magnetic or electric form of attraction, rather than emotional, however, the data sets are still accruing at a large rate and further examination needs to wait for next week's processing. While waiting for [space] to get back to us, we can note that a secondary area also has had a very large increase in emotional summations within this processing and this is the [antarctica] sub set. We note that Antarctic Ice Sloughing is showing up, again, the key element for such stories going to the [mystery] factor being expressed within them. The language in all the global climate change articles is changing, and very rapidly for mainstream media. The press are the *last* group to use new language. That we are seeing such a large breath to the language changes in the articles that we scooping off the internet is very significant. That much of the language is now expressing a clear [duality] of either [immediacy fears] or [long range/generational fears] is also significant. Conclusion: Part Four The release period is here. We note with grim satisfaction the emergence into the global mediastream of the many [conflict] levels within Bushista. As predicted [conflict] has gone vertical within Bushista and will dominate it for the rest of this year. Conflict as an [expression] of Bushista into universe will rise over the course of the release period and peak in September. We await the next groups of release steps down as these are predicted to bring [secrets revealed] to the forefront globally. There are several temporal markers predicted to emerge over these next 3/three weeks which will lead us into the large release drops of April through June. These next few months will be very [unsettled] in a number of ways. When the world has lost its center it is even more vital that we reseat our own centers. Of course, Igor and I prefer to center our centers around pie. Use whatever works for you, but just make sure to have it close to hand through Summer. Part Five will continue exploration of the longer term values, as well as seeking for building details within key areas of Terra and Markets. We expect to have Part Five posted by the 26th.

Copyright 2007 by HalfPastHuman. All rights reserved. Not to be republished in any form without written, prior approval.

ALTA 1207 - Part Five

Asymmetric Language Trend Analysis Intelligence Report Changes in language precede changes in behavior. By Tenax SE for Note this report is offered for entertainment value only. Any resemblance between the events portrayed



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in this report and any developing reality is purely co-incidental and in no manner represents foreknowledge on the part of the authors of this report. Note that this information is derived from humans expressing themselves on the internet. As such, human emotional values and the words used to express them are being sampled and interpreted here, NOT THE FUTURE. Any resemblance between this report and future developments is entirely in the mind of the perceiver and does not exist in reality. The Authors cannot be held liable for accuracy of lack thereof in this report. Authors cannot be held liable for human interpretation of this report nor any action any human takes as a result of this report. Any human foolish enough to alter their behavior based on this entertainment-only analysis demonstrates themselves incapable of rational appreciation of reality, and the authors are explicitly held harmless and blameless for any and all such mental aberrations on the part of the reader. 3.25.2007 Note: Entities are identified by a blue typeface. Aspect words are enclosed in brackets [aspect]. Attribute words/phrases are within parentheses (attributes). Near sentences or concepts composed of both leading aspect and trailing attributes are single quoted '. Interpretive editorial comments are preceded by an asterisk *. Editorial notes are within {} curly braces. Navigation links are in italicized bold green, and red when visited. Our expectations are to achieve 70+ million reads within our bandwidth limitations. We expect a 6 part report series from this data set. Depending on the processing flow there may be a 7th part to the series. This report in the series created from 59.1 million reads. Meta Data - Duality Meta data has come home to roost. Both the data gathering and the data processing parts of this report are now being impacted by the rise of [duality/separation/distinction] as a meta data layer. {ed note: aspects with multiple words are listing the secondary and tertiary descriptors which are used as labels for that aspect.} Usually, in part 5 and 6 processing, we turn our attention back to the immediacy values which have been ignored in the examination of the shorter term sets, and the longer term sets of parts 3 and 4. Again, usually, Part 5 is the most cohesive of all of the articles in any series since it examines all 3/three data types. As we have noted early in this series, the data is not flowing in its usual patterns, and as we are all about spotting developing patterns within the data sets, it behooves us to apply the technique at a macro level just to keep an eye on our processing integrity. The alteration of our usual pattern now has a bulge of immediacy values, a very large bulge of shorter term values, and our moreor-less-usual amount of longer term values. The emerging design pattern has added a slight twist in that where we would ignore the shorter term value set, we now find that the amount of accruing data is pointing to a significant shorter term duration development. The shorter term values range from 3/three weeks out to and including 3/three months. There is some slight sloppiness built in to the lexicon so some of the shorter term values actually go out an extra 2/two lunar months. As the modelspace is loaded with these values it is apparent that a larger-than-usual number of the shorter term values are of the kind that ranges out 5/five lunar months. This, again, is expressing the [duality] within the data at pretty much all levels. Unlike the pre-9/11 attack runs, we *do not* show a 'tipping point' forming. Rather the [duality] is pointing toward a [sheering/cleaving/separations] of the data into discrete units which are forming into very emotionally "hot" points. It is as though many 'tipping points' are forming, but none are



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maturing/growing beyond their local lexical sub structures. Did that make sense? When the pre-9/11 tipping point formed it took over all of the modelspace, more or less. That formation appeared over the course of 2/two small runs done January through May of 2001. By June all of modelspace was involved. Now the situation is appearing, within the shorter term value sets mostly, that many small tipping points are forming, each within its own sphere of influence, and each dominating its local lexical structures. Terra - Space - Encountering Early, China Factor As noted in previous parts of this series, an [encountering] with [space] is showing for Fall of this year. The newly processed data has shown a large shift forward to August 13th. This shift takes it from postequinox to pre-equinox. The data set is approximately as far in front of the equinox as it had been previously behind. The reason for this shift is open to debate. There are no indications that any processing has accounted for it, and all our referential integrity checks are showing that the shift has occurred within the data set itself. The shift of temporal clues now has the [encountering] taking place over 4/four days, from August 13th through the 16th inclusive. There are still indicators for a postequinox [encountering], but the weighted values are now less than previously processed, and less than are indicated for the now seen August dates. Further we have some descriptors which are interesting, and seemingly are pointing to our other 'hot' word of [energy]. Within the data set for the [encountering], we note that rising support aspects include [3/three] (longest) [arms], and [expansion/explosion], and (losing) [strength/force/energy] by a [divisor] (square/square-root)[expanding/moving/growing]. Further details with the aspect/attribute sets are pointing toward [details] (visible) at the [end/terminus] of the [arms], specifically focused on the [3/three] (longest) [arms]. Also found as support for this area are the science category descriptors [astronomical] and [geological], something rarely seen. The interpretation is that an [energy wave] of more than [3/three] [arms] with [astronomical](evidence) and [geologic][impacts] is what is being described within the data set. What is of interest is the confirmatory math expressions which are supporting aspect/attributes for this lexical set. This area is cross linked to the Press entity with the implication being that the 'loss of energy as a function of the radial distance squared' function will be discussed within the global mediastream relative to or associated with this [encountering]. The data does show some correlations between temporal clues for [earthquakes] and other [geologic](events) previously mentioned, *and* the mid-August period. These include the [china] and [natural disaster/power struggle] lexical sets being cross linked internally within Terra entity with a suggestion of a causative relationship forming at several different levels. In a near fractal sense, the data is showing (multiple) [inter/among/between] [ties/links/chains] between the [encountering], sub set supporting aspect/attribute [geologic][events], and the earthquakes and other planetary weather and 'energy' events. While it is disturbing to come to these conclusions, we also must note that the very extensive Press cross links, as well as some of the internal-to-Terra cross links *may* offer support for an alternate interpretation. Our processing has difficulty distinguishing between the mass emotions being caused by an event and the same mass emotional shifts being caused by the discussion of an event. At its core the processing runs on math. So if an event impacted thousands of persons directly, or hundreds of thousands received an emotional change discussing a *potential or pending* of that same event, the modelspace would/does show these remarkably the same. There are some differences that can be used to discriminate between such, that process itself is both laborious and *not* certain {ed note: so we rarely do it. Igor throws fits if even the merest hint of a suggestion that we run "deep sheeit" checks escapes out into the room.} Another problem for us in running the deep level details scan and subsequent modelspace display is the bulges of data. These bulges for the shorter, and immediacy level values are providing the support for the August 13-16 [encountering] and they do not provide but a fraction of details available within the longer term values. Since the data clues are within the very near edge of the



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longer term value set, there are fewer than normal detail levels within the descriptor sets. So, just pointing out that it *may* be that what we are picking up is the sudden, and very emotionally [altering/moving] discussion on the global mediastream of a [space] [encountering] with a [energy wave] which affects lots of people for some number of days very profoundly. Or, could just be that a giant energy wave pushing some kind of 'hard details' on the tips of its 3/three longest arms is going to hit our solar system on August 13th through the 16th. And if the entertainment offered in future viewing is not enough, there is also the very real appearance of the Spring green comet unexpectedly which will be co-incident other April events. Not causally related, mind...merely co-incident. Meaningful?...well, that is in the mind of the cogitator after all. There are also some possible confirmatory lexical clues arising from the forecast 'china power struggle' and [natural disaster] which has been previously discussed in this report series. The supporting data for both of these aspects still grows. As the modelspace progresses up to, and then immediately past the autumnal equinox in September the [china] data sets grow considerably. The inference just from the visual presentation of the modelspace is that perhaps it is this [china factor] which ends this release period. The data accretion rates soar as the modelspace moves up to September 19th around the [power] aspect within the [china] sub set in both Terra entity and the GlobalPop entity. Within the Terra entity, the [power] is extensively supported by [natural disaster] references in many forms. It is as though a single and very large disaster initiates a long string of subsequent disasters both within nature and caused by human reactions. Bushista - Bad Spring, Worse Summer, Aggressive Mono's Within the data bulges, at the far edge of the immediacy values is a group of cross linked lexical sets pointing toward an April 20th and beyond [piling on/heaping/excess] of [bad news/catastrophe] onto the Bushista entity. The [piling on/excess] will include [blame] being plated up for Bushista over the [housing] industry crash currently escalating as well as some very ugly [economic] problems emerging in late April. The Bushista entity is indicating that *any* remaining support for Bush et al, [fades] and [demurs] in June as a result of the [tremendous] [increase] in [problems/crisis] besetting the populace pretty much globally. The [fade] of [popularity] is heavily linked to aspects/attributes under the sway of the [secrets revealed] meta data layer. Within the Bushista entity, in the lexical set for [cheney] where we had previously come across so much language for [wounding], we now have another [cheney] specific series of aspect/attributes. On the surface layer, that is, the primary aspects, the Chief of Vice Dick will be (active/manifesting) [aggression] from mid-April through to about mid-August of this year. The [aggression] becoming [active] in [cheney] does not bode well for anyone. It also augmented by the idea that [caging/trapping/capturing] will somehow become involved. Does [cheney] capture someone? Or is it [cheney] who is captured? The data set is not revealing. It merely points to an episode of [capture] amidst the [active aggression] beginning in mid-April. Yet another, deeper supporting layer is predicting, via cross links internally within the [cheney] sub set, that the [aggression] itself will [participate] in the [sudden] and [debilitating] [health] problems awaiting the Vice Dick in late August or early September. It is as though a fight erupts at such a level that [cheney] is involved every day, and constantly such that his [energies] are [focused], *but* [initiate/cause] [reactions] which lead to [exhaustion] and a health [crash/collapse] from which he never recovers. As a confirmatory note to the [fight] involving [cheney], there are a number of internally held and cross



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linked lexical sets which point to a *co-incident* [crash] of the [government/officialdom] within [Iraq] which is also mid-April focused. This lexical set arises first from the immediacy values bulge, but continues to grow within both shorter term value sets and the longer term values. The implication is that [sudden/abrupt] [turning] or [miscalculation] leads to [catastrophic] [misfortune], and the total change in the [Iraq] war. Again, this data set is mirroring the [cheney] fight set in that it starts in mid April and runs through mid August in this initial, and active stage. There after the longer term data sets are pointing to effects which last for [generations]. These effects are housed within Bushista, so of a necessity will be very populace USofA affecting. Of course, the suffering populace of Iraq will also be affected. There are indications that within the middle of this period, actually from about very late May onward, that the [shia] and specifically [leadership], will have a [transforming] [breakthrough/metamorphosis]. During the early period of mid April through to the end of May, the [leadership] lexical set is under the influence of [restrictions on movement]. These restrictions apparently will be [relieved] in late May as the [power shifts]. Thereafter, as the autumnal equinox approaches, [conflict] begins to magnify [exponentially] with a very [steep] escalation of the [war to repel] the [invaders]. There is also a serious increase in the [intensity] of the [power struggle] between Iraqi's. As a supporting note to other elements, of Bushista entity and others, the data sets are pointing to a *?* something which takes place in mid-August which is described as [precipitous], and [rapid/sudden] (onset) which, via cross links is indicated to [alter] the [capacity] of the USofA to continue to pursue Bush's war of aggression against the Iraqi populace. What that something is....well, that is only speculation at this point as we obviously do not have an appropriately formed context which could then be populated by the data processing. So we merely have lexical clues hanging about in a rather disjointedly connected fashion. These are difficult to interpret. The set at this point suggests, via the [cheney] [crash/collapse] linkages, that the government/social order within the USofA is in [turmoil] and [debilitating agitation] which [blocks actions]. Interspersed within this set are confirmatory support sections for [bloody] and [revolution] moving the masses of the Populace/USofA. That would probably do it. The main proponent of the war has been [cheney], and if his health wanes with the fortunes of the USofA in Iraq, and there is [aggression] against the chief dicks in the White House, then indeed, chaos would reign within the government of the USofA as a *huge* power vacuum would be created. And with a weak willed Bush surround on all sides with pressures suddenly dumped on him, well... blithering, drunken rages, and chaos would certainly seem to fit. We also have a Bushista lexical structure which is almost Byzantine in nature, going as it does to [imperial] aspect supported by [betrayal], and [deception]. This last is supported in its turn by [grand] seen in several forms suggesting the [secrets revealed] meta data layer will expose a very major or 'grand' deception. The set grows over the Spring with its initial appearance being on March 25th, and building from there. As [secrets revealed] progresses into vertical in more and more entities as the Spring turns into Summer, the Bushista entity develops more emotional mass under the 'deceptions of empire' and 'personal betrayal' themes. The data set suggests that in a soap opera fashion, the emotional release period will be a stair step of [intrigue] and [imperial betrayals] revealed. Cross linked to the [betrayal] as well as the [conflict] meta data layer within Bushista, but with its core lexical sets in Markets, is an area referring to [financial] [monopolies]. This is a newly formed context which has all forms of financial "institution" language in it. The termination of the cross links within Bushista go to the [betrayal], and further are promising that the [financial monopolies] will also be 'going to war' over the course of the mid-April through to mid-August period. Following this? Hard to say, it is about a mid-August period when the contexts which describe 'global markets' begin to *not* be properly filled by the processing. This is not a data processing error, but rather represents a time in which our contexts are no longer accurately descriptive enough of the situation. The implication is that our current concept of 'globalism/global markets/mercantile(ism)/consume(ism)' will no longer reflect reality. Will global markets disappear? Seems unlikely. However it does seem likely that any number of factors from degradation of the American Dollar empire by defeat in war, as well as a government in



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chaos, as well as biosphere degradation could alter the environment to where it is *no* longer business as usual. Something erupts from the multiple flash points to significantly change the nature of our "world" if not our planet over the course of this release period. In any chase, or rather what-ever-the-hell-also-happens, the data set is indicating [severe], as in [bloody] and [crippling] [pressures] will be placed on Bushista by the [financial monopolies]. They are going to be [raging] and much of the [desperate anger] will be directed toward Bushista in general and some very specific members of the Bush cabal. Not a good time for Bushie to loose his remaining supporters, the self-deluded money worshippers. Markets - Body Blow, Power Struggles There is much within the twin data bulges of immediacy values and shorter term value sets suggesting that [twin] disasters are about to [unfold/reveal] within the AmericanDollar empire. Not merely a [financial] disaster, but also a co-linked [social] disaster. There are many supporting layers with larger than usual detail layers. The Markets entity, when moved along with the modelspace is indicating that the [financial] disaster will be [staggering] in the [gut] and [induce] [tremors] in the [body]. Please note that body references, being very deeply archetypical are *always* taken very seriously in the interpretation. They have not failed yet to be accurate, if not necessarily as exactly as we might prefer. So the implication is for a [body] [blow] to [strike] the AmericanDollar empire this Spring. The still building data suggests a multiple generation impact, as well as pointing to some specifics. The [deflator] value placed against the [wealth perception] lexical set has risen to [40/forty] per cent. This is showing as following a very [sudden/rapid/shocking] drop in [consumption] within the USofA of over [30/thirty] per cent in a very short time. As may be expected, a WHOLE bunch of these lexical sets end up under or cross linked to the [explosion] of the [housing] [bubble]. This data is forecasting a disaster of an order of magnitude for which there are few words remaining. Virtually all the superlatives and extreme adjectives which can be applied are showing up within our data set. The lexical set is easily interpreted as showing a financial disaster which will dwarf the coming collapse of the social security system which follows closely on its heels. The lexical sets are lining up to forecast a [housing] [bubble] [explosion] which leads almost instantly to a [financial/bank] and [dollar] [implosion]....please note the difference. The [implosion] references are directly cross linked over to the [deflator] value which continues to rise as the data sets build. As a partial temporal clue, we have a marker which points to a [single day] in [trading/markets] where the [exceeded limit] goes through [3/three] [steps] [down]. The supporting data set has aspects of [reversal][3/three times] and [swings] [to exceed/beyond] [limits]. This particular day is indicated as the last [regular/expected] day prior to the [flooding] reference appearance. This last is a [flood] reference which is supported by and linked to the AmericanDollarHegemony concept. The implication is for a [flood] of [repudiated] [dollars] to come back to the USofA as the whole of the [financial system] globally reels under the impacts of global rush to [transition] to other forms of [wealth storage]. The [flood] of [dollars] points to [hyperinflation] within the domestic USofA economy which is what induces the [crash] of [consumption] by [30/thirty] or more per cent. The [hyperinflation] context is very brief, but has very long lasting emotional summation values in both intensity, and duration. A few of the rising aspects which are gaining emotional values as the Spring proceeds into Summer are pointing the [housing] bubble to explode with bespoke [violence]. This [violence] is supported by aspects/attributes specifically referring to [something/process](gone) [wrong] (previously). Also specifically referenced is the [gross/grand/large] [national] [remorse] which will exist, in spite of [correct behavior] at this [time/now/current]. This data set holds references to the huge wave of pending



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legal actions such as [foreclosures] and other [confiscation] language. The Markets entity is showing that so much [legal response] to the [housing] [bubble] [explosion] happens as to induce a [moratorium] on further legal [seizure] actions. However, this does not occur until the first of the [housing] [uprisings/revolutions] has happened. It is a clear indication of a very emotionally hot Summer for millions of 'debt slaves to houses' and then the politicians upon whom they bring their wrath. As the modelspace is progressed through the Spring and Summer into Fall, the dynamics among the Markets entity components shifts. Many of these elements have changed within the progression over the Summer. Now it appears that the Markets entity, as well as the whole of the planetary populace will be [consumed/eaten/involved/sucked into] [power struggles]. These will be playing out globally. With Pakistan in the turmoil of the post-[revolution] government/systems creation stage after the [deposing] of their former president/dictator, and with power struggles openly erupting within the government of the AmericanDollarEmpire as it is seen to be [collapsing] under its own weight, the atmosphere globally begins to be tainted with [aggression] and [strife]. This seriously impacts the globalism agenda. This in turn seriously impacts the Markets entity in a very negative way. All of this Fall quarter based 'power struggles' geopolitically, move the emotional tension value precipitously upwards, as noted in the chart below. Likely this is *not* going to be good for Markets.



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The Pakistani [revolution] has already begun. The data sets within Markets are forecasting that it is both [unstoppable] and [predetermined/planned]. While there is some doubt as to the actual day that Musharraf is deposed, there are clear modelspace indicators for [turmoil], [war], [battles], [death], and other words under the [revolution] aspect over the month of August, and into September. The interpretation of the data set is that a [revolution] comes this Summer, and the chaos of the [revolution] [succeeding/achieving] is [certain] by the end of September. However, the data sets are pointing to the [war/battles/confrontation] and general [civil chaos] to continue through October, November, and December. As an aside, there are indications both directly held, and through cross links, that [earthquakes], and [scouring floods] from the Himalayas will actually [alter] the course of the events of humans, and the [channels] of [rivers]. Both will be devastating for Markets within the USofA centered world, as well as the Bushista entity where much of the [Pakistani revolution] is showing as a [constant] Summer [irritant] to the Chief Dick Cheney.



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Populace/USofA - Docile Ox Loses It, Misery Summer, Terrifying Fall The modelspace has the Populace/USofA entity dropping below the neutral line of emotional tension values with 'release value sets' in nearly all the filled array values for the course of Spring through to late August. In human words, the populace of the USofA will transit time up to September in a state of emotional release driven by manifesting karmic returns. This will manifest within the global mediastream and within a local reality near you with lots of emotional 'release' episodes. It is up to the aware individual to choose to participate or refrain from messing in with such episodes. Unfortunately for the unaware, the Populace/USofA is predicting a whole lot of emotional release leading to a very rapid [gasping shock] as the global human power structure begins the process of complex system break down in Fall. The continuing pressures of 'secrets revealed' meta data layers on Bushista and Populace/USofA, and GlobalPop produce a circle flow of pressures which expose more and more [corruption] at the very top of human power structures, and no where more so than in the USofA, over the course of Spring and Summer. It is this 'exposure' of conspiracy, duplicity, and deception which coincides with and magnifies an emotional wave toward [honesty/truth/facts] which is building within the Populace/USofA. The conflict between a populace desiring [honest expression/words] and a government [corrupted] beyond [knowing/knowledge] brings extremely powerful universal archetypes into [conflict]. The peak of the 'release of tension' values relative to this meme of [honesty desired] and [corrupt dictators] apparently arrives in late August when [conflict] meta data layer shows openly [emergent] [war/conflict] between the people of the USofA and their 'rulers'. Within the release period drop in late August the rising aspect/attribute set goes to [blood][floods] the (streets) and [dries][black] and [sticky]. This last is very interesting modifying sub set as it has further language implying that [bodies] and their [blood] will [lie/remain] in the [street] for days. Of course such an occurrence within the USofA would require either another natural disaster directed by FEMA *or* a break down in social services in some localities due to the [conflict] and its local manifestation. Within the data accruing to the Populace/USofA entity over Summer is a lexical grouping headed by [foul]. This has many supporting details indicating via archetype that the [docile populace] [sheds] (docility) in direct response to the increasing [mad bird] White House shown as [fouling] the [common] [nest]. The linguistic set also contains references to [yelling], and [ridicule] which will be broadcast on the global mediastream as the relationship between the karma of the people and the karma of the Bushistas part company. August will be a very bad month indeed for all concerned. The [common nest] has been [irreparably] (fouled) and [actions] must be, and are taken in response. Much of the response language is directly tied to expressions of a [bunker] manifesting. The [bunker] is shown as an actual, cement reinforced hide-hole kind of thing, in which a [raging] [mad] [bird] screeches out against the [populace]. The data set is pointing toward [threats to destroy assets] and [armed] [bunker] [reactions] on the part of Bushista. Within the Populace/USofA over the course of Summer and leading right up to the abrupt end of the release period, the dominating aspect {ed note: the 1/one which gains the most emotive summation values across the whole of the array} is also the rising aspect and it is [misery]. A usual component of part 5/five of any series is that this article represents processing that is the blending of shorter term through to longer term values which may be significant, but unexplored so far. The bulk of the report is dedicated to the immediacy values which have been piling up unprocessed. In this series, likely as a direct result of the data acquisition beginning during the last of the emotional building period, and the cusp of the Ides of March release period, the data sets are actually forcing an examination of the immediacy values and shorter term, and there are a number of longer term values piling up yet unexamined. A brief scan of the visual overlays of longer term data sets shows that as the modelspace is progressed



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out of our 'releasing Summer' and into Fall of 2007 we enter a period which will extend clear to the vernal equinox (March) of 2009. The linguistic sets are very discrete, and cleanly separated, which provides us with a well described longer term view. The data is forecasting that the Ides of March release period actually begins a time almost exactly 2/two years in length in which the dominant aspect/attribute will be [power struggle] with [ruthless] being the dominant supporting aspect. Further this period shows for a large number of places on our poor planet, as basically what is developing is an underlying, more sustentative [power struggle] between [ruling elite] and [popular opposition/insurgency]. This [power struggle] will [topple] whole countries. The data is showing that [maps] (change) over these next 2/two years in ways we cannot yet describe. There is, at its core, and now developing into [noticeable] in 2007, a [ruthless] [struggle] for the [survival] of the [power/ruling elite]. Their [seeking] for [dominance] will [extend] into (visible) [strategies] for [populace/popular] [control]. It will be [visible] to those (who) [peer/look] (upward) that [attempts] to [dominate] via [coercion] and [manipulation] are (now/currently) [failing]. It is the [failure] of [dominance] which is making these [power elite] (desperate) and, under the twin influences of [duality] and [secrets revealed] meta data layers, will be (exposing) the [manipulations] to our view. The longer term data sets are arguing for an interpretation of a [new war] or [type shift] of [warfare] which extends through 2009, trailing off after the vernal equinox. The [ruthless] [war for power/survival], begun with the Ides of March release period, will be [blatant/open] in 2008. According to our data sets 2008 will be very much a [peak/culminating] year within the [global war for dominance]. What ThePowersThatBe are dreading, the [pushback/retaliations] will, like the war itself, begin this year, but become [visible/open/blatant] in 2008. The GlobalPop and Populace/USofA cross links indicate that our planetary populace *is* currently undergoing a very significant shift into a new phase of [entrainment/alignment/resonance]. The data is pointing at a new form of [planetary] [human social order] emerging following the 2009 Spring equinox. It is very clear that the populace shifts will [press] and [defeat] the current crop of [power elite]. The longer term data sets are also suggesting a large amount of [damage] to the [infrastructure] along the way such that Summer of 2009 has a [global rebirth/cleansing/cohesive_cleanup] [ceremony] at its beginning on the June solstice. This [ceremony] is important in more ways than can be stated here. It is [green] down to its core. Within the longer term values for the lexical set for [power struggles] there are extensive cross links to the GlobalPop entity, and even more curiously, to Markets entity which form a 'round robin' of selfreferential links with [russia] as the central sub set. Within this sub set there are many recurrences of [aggression] which form almost a continuous block within modelspace stretching out from April of 2007 through to June solstice 2008. This period within Russia is indicating that [duality] is also a dominant operative meta data layer. The [duality] expression within the [russia] sub set shows that [growing/fruiting] [resistance] movements within the populace of Greater Russo-Asia will run smack into Putin's concern over [aggressive islam] and for more than a year, the rising aspect/attribute set within the [russian] sub set will be [repression]. This, in conjunction with the rising dominance of [duality] globally as a meta data layer, will [cement/fix] the populace into [rebellion] and [suffering] until next June. The [russia] sub set has extensive cross links under [conflict] and [aggression] between and the Bushista entity. An interesting note is that from the June solstice onward there is a common link between Bushista and [russia] sub set where [painful consequences] of the [violence] begin to manifest. There are a great number of rumors floating around from various sources about the 'pending' attack by the Bushista's upon Iran. The data set that we have *could* be interpreted to provide support for just that sort of action, specifically *most* probable around or on April 10th. There are a number of detail layers which have curious and ominous collections of contexts not normally seen together. These include aspect/attributes such as [rain] and the [explosions] [create] a [non-translucent] [curtain](between) [earth] and [sky, night]. Also there are lexical sets such as [motor/engine/energy] (pushing/driving)



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[backwards] (against/pushing) a [transport] (of/for) a [jejune/young] [female/feminine aspect]. The [transport] is [driven] (backwards). A [consultation] is (arranged/let/created) with [secret] [agents/actors/elements] (anxious) and [forlorn]. The [opportunity] (arrives) (after/post) [waiting](long), and [communications] with the [young female] [signifies/triggers] (alert)[response/actions] (proffering/showing) [intelligent](behavior). We have a detail picture of early April for what intelligence it may provide. Please note that our data indicates that if a [war] begins on April 4th/5th, then the countering response will come on the 9th/10th. Also note that what ever parties are the aggressors on the 4th/5th, will be soundly defeated on the 9th/10th. Further the data sets are indicating that the 'defeat' is [substantially] [crippling] for [multiple generations].

There are a number of rumors of pending war, and given the fear state of the populace of the planet, the thoughts naturally turn to [nuclear war]. In the case of the data sets, we have *ALWAYS* been very care with examinations of the 'nuke issues' as they are so emotionally hot as to defy simple interpretation, and *always* present the very real risk of getting it wrong. It should be noted now that



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the Populace/USofA entity, and the GlobalPop entity are pointing to the middle of September, on or near our [sudden] [emotional] shift day of September 19th, and saying, through a very complex descriptor set, that at that time, all humans will stop and [watch]. The [watch] descriptor set contains some levels of subtle and diaphanous nuance making the whole a very challenging interpretation. Both entities have [watch/observe] ruling the lexical sets of the time. As the modelspace is moved through Spring and Summer into Fall, the [tensions] of Summer appear to [contract] and [compact] in late August. A number of individual [personalities] of [no worth] are shown to be [removed] or as having been [removed] from the global stage. As may be expected, the global mediastream has found other personalities to focus on, however, the cross links to the Press entity tend to focus on the idea that the global mediastream will become fascinated with [watching] through the particular [view/lens] of a [single] [perception/aisthanesthai...]. The [watching] aspect has some supporting sets going to [stay alert], and [watch sound], and [observe/concentrate] as well as the very ominous..[reverence] conjunct to [radiation]. Any of the bespoke emotion labels such as [fear], [grief], [joy] et al, are seriously evocative of the very fundamental archetypes of human existence. The interpretation of this particular set *must* focus on the supporting forms for all of the bespoke emotion of [reverence] plus [radiation] sub sets due to the cluster of emotions which humans apply to the issue of [nuclear]. Within the supporting sets the [reverence] plus [radiation] have 2/two very well populated sub sets. The first goes to the idea of [all/omnes] [watching] (through) a [crack] in the [wall]. The details here suggest a [very narrow view/window] through which some [small light escapes] such that the twin populace entities are able to get a [transfixing/riveting/rigidifying] [[perception/aisthanesthai]. The second of the supporting sets for [reverence] goes to the aspect/attributes of [watching self][ownership/possession] [fear][life][advance][retreat]. The interpretation in more human terms would run towards...[watching one's own life advance and retreat]. Neither of these state absolutely that [nuclear war] will erupt in September, but both do point to the planetary populace being [transfixed] by that [developing/emerging] possibility. A scenario which would fit our current processing stream would have the [revolutionary movements] in full swing by August with likely Pakistan already lost to ThePowersThatBe, and many other fronts in the [revolution] beginning to emerge which places stress on all the major power states including Russia, China, Japan, and the Anglo Confederation under the Bushistas. Turmoil within many layers of the political institutions of the USofA present a [bound] Cheney with such pressures that his circulatory system melts down. Without the ramrod up his spine, Bush is completely ineffective and is increasingly retreating into his personal bunker and fantasy world. Terra pressures, extra energy from space affecting human emotions, and economic collapse have a number of [conflicts] beginning to merge into larger [war] themes. Desperate Zionistas, acting on their own, or at the behest of their 'illuminated' masters are pushing the middle east toward nuclear war. At that point, the emotional tension values switch in an instant, and a 75/seventy-five day period of intense stress starts as emotional tensions build, while the planetary populace is actually [watching] with [no breath] as their [lives/fate] are held in a balance of [advance] versus [retreat]. Will there be an actual nuclear war? We cannot say from our data sets. As must be remembered, our data sets extract emotional perceptions, not facts about the probable future history. So, as in the case of the NE power outage, if *everyone* at the time thinks that it was caused by [terrorism], then that is what we first get, that 'impression' of [terrorism] plus the effect of the [power outage]. So in the current case, what comes through in the data is that the possibility becomes 'real' in the emotions of the time. Not that the event become real, merely the emotional wave fearing it derives enough strength from the construct of that point in time to propagate out the 'bow wave' of that emotional shock which we *think* we have picked up.



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Now here is where it all becomes a bit thick, but tricky. There are indications that the [watching through a single focus] is not proper for the circumstances. The data set has a number of contradictory aspects in support of the [watching] sub set. These are pointing to a [herd] mentality rising up which itself presents very large problems. It is as though the data is suggesting that the aware individual should *not* follow the herd during this period of the sudden emotional building tensions beginning in September. The lexical structures are pointing to [tidal] effects which are shown as much more pertinent to the issues of the times, than that which is [presented](from) the [singular view]. Another possibility could be that we are being advised that what will be presented on teevee, arguably the [singular point of view] is bogus, and that the very real stressors are something other that what is being served to the global mediastream. There are 2/two other supporting sets for this area worth mentioning. They are [dispersing] and [incrementally exposing/manifesting]. In both cases these will be very key modifiers to the developing circumstances in September, and modelspace is providing a clue that by December, a [complete/whole] new world will have formed for our entertainment. Again, a last curious note is references internal to this set for the [eighth lunar month] specifically. This corresponds to September in the solar calendar. This is significant in that the modelspace is presenting a bespoke reference in the data to September as showing up in September. This 'doubling' of the pointers to September reinforces the idea previously noted when [conflict] as a meta data layer is going vertical in most entities in September. The 'outcome' of the 75/seventy-five days of building stress and emotional tension is only vaguely hinted at within our descriptor sets which says to us that our 'definitions' no longer suit the developing circumstances that closely. The hints we have for December of this year show that Terra has intruded with its dominating aspect of [wind], and that the operative mentality of humans at that point is dominated by [humility]. Conclusion: Part Five - Subtle Currents A man wakes up grumpy in the morning, has coffee and consults his horoscope. It says, 'be careful Mars is poking you, providing upsets, and irritations. Don't be such a prick.' or words to that effect. He says 'hmmm', finishes his coffee and goes about his day being less of a prick than if he was merely reacting to the energies unaware of being impacted by them. From this brief specific case, a broader, underlying more general rule of existence can be inferred: to whit, that the future, at least at the level of the individual, is mutable. It can be changed by awareness, and knowledge. We can but hope that the general case of the individual human is also applicable to the general case of all humans. We can also note its converse/complement general case which can be stated as 'those unaware of the energies affecting them, are doomed to react mindlessly'. There are reasons to suspect that such a rule lives deep at the base of what we call karma. The modelspace is similar to a very complex river. Within the grosser currents, swirls, eddies, and influences, more subtle currents are occasionally glimpsed. We have such a view now in that the data suggests that the Summer of 2007, in the middle of the 'year of emergence' is also to be a 'summer of the test'. This test will be over the [injury/wounding] of the [brilliance] of humanity. Hopefully, there will be enough of the 'aware humans' who recognize the existence of the test, and the context in which it is being given, to [return] to the [alternate path]. Our data is grimly showing that we should all be 'watching' very carefully, from as wide a view point as possible, developments all through Spring and Summer, with an increased attention for August through September.



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Errata: The data sets are confirming within the immediacy bulge processing that a large minority of the 'green death' language has been referenced within the 'tainted pet foods' events. However, please note that a large(ish) majority of the language has yet to play out so much remains of the 'green death' story for the coming months. Also note that the 'green death' is of a multiple layered nature, and is a major synchronicity with fractally repeating elements which will continue at least through November and which apply to a number of developing circumstances. Also note that the shorter term data bulge is presenting details on the projected large earthquake and subsequent alterations of the oceans/atmosphere. We have a [volcano] connection, and the new details suggesting that before Fall, the [mountain] will [slough/fall away], and that will be the initiator of that series of events. These will manifest into the alteration of the flow of the equatorial atmospheric currents which will cause such concern in Fall and Winter. Part Six processing begins tomorrow. We expect to have it posted by late Sunday next.

Copyright 2007 by HalfPastHuman. All rights reserved. Not to be republished in any form without written, prior approval.

ALTA 1207 - Part Six

Asymmetric Language Trend Analysis Intelligence Report Changes in language precede changes in behavior. By Tenax SE for Note this report is offered for entertainment value only. Any resemblance between the events portrayed in this report and any developing reality is purely co-incidental and in no manner represents foreknowledge on the part of the authors of this report. Note that this information is derived from humans exPressing themselves on the internet. As such, human emotional values and the words used to exPress them are being sampled and interpreted here, NOT THE FUTURE. Any resemblance between this report and future developments is entirely in the mind of the perceiver and does not exist in reality. The Authors cannot be held liable for accuracy of lack thereof in this report. Authors cannot be held liable for human interpretation of this report nor any action any human takes as a result of this report. Any human foolish enough to alter their behavior based on this entertainment-only analysis demonstrates themselves incapable of rational appreciation of reality, and the authors are explicitly held harmless and blameless for any and all such mental aberrations on the part of the reader.



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4.01.2007 Note: Entities are identified by a blue typeface. Aspect words are enclosed in brackets [aspect]. Attribute words/phrases are within parentheses (attributes). Near sentences or concepts composed of both leading aspect and trailing attributes are single quoted '. Interpretive editorial comments are preceded by an asterisk *. Editorial notes are within {} curly braces. Navigation links are in italicized bold green, and red when visited. Last report in the ALTA 1207 series. This report in the series created from 72.34 million reads. Populace/USofA - Regime Change, a Play in 3/three acts, Guard the 'nads It is the nature of our work to always err on the side of the most extreme. Further since we get our lexical clues from the changes within the language of the global human interaction with the internet, and since the internet has so far been dominated by negative emotions, our processing tends to concentrate the whole into a thick, syrupy, negative-emotion mass. It is the nature of the processing at this time that we will necessarily focus on the negative. The above caution noted, let us describe a probable scenario developing within the many entities currently loaded into modelspace. We can call this model 'regime change/USofA' as it is centered on 2/two dominant entities, the Populace/USofA and Bushista. The model has 3/three basic segments of 'action', and can be thought of as a play with 3/three acts. Act 1: War is the central theme. How like the Americans to be herded into yet another war by TPTB. Of course, the play here centers on Iran. Within the 'Iran' sub set of the data, the dominant aspect/attribute is headed by [relief]. Curiously, while our play starts here at [relief] of [hardship], there is a small flashback emotionally to set the stage. The [aggression] has just [occurred/manifest], what the audience will understand to be the [war] of aggression against Iran by the twin Anglo puppets of Bush and Blair. Mostly Bush, but the presence of the TPTB is symbolized within the play by the frequent walkthroughs, and brief expository appearances of Blair as a deep-foreground character. The [war] has happened. Iran has been attacked. Of course, as is known by those aware of the times, [war] cannot be won in the kali yuga, so *things* go awry for the attackers. This is what brings the [relief of hardship] to the [iranians]. They have been in a situation where [hardship] has [prevailed] (beyond) or to the [point] of [ending]. And [relief] comes in the form of [swift change]. The audience is privy to the deep background views of the war and sees that the [swift change] runs through all the various layers of the scenery including the [aggressive forces] and their social support housed within the Populace/USofA which at this point is very far in the background. Just following the [attacks], the [war] seemingly [pauses], but in reality, the audience sees that some major changes are taking place in the middle level players of [governments] including those of [china] and [russia]. Certain [negotiations/agreements] are being formed in the face of the obvious [insanity] of the Bushistas as they pursue their [aggression] and exPress [militarism] outward. This occurs over the course of April. The Bushistas are still in [military] mode in May, but things have changed by then and the [aggression] aspect has been replaced with [defense] and [desperation]. While the brief [attacks] occur, the Populace/USofA is dominated by [duality] and [diversity/divergence] of [viewpoint]. Those of the populace still under the control of the [fascistic/authoritarian] mind set accept the lies proffered by government, but the rest of the populace [refuses] to [accept the look] (in the) [eyes]. This 'divergence of view point' between the majority of the populace and the Bushistas sets the stage for May, or act 2/two



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of the play, but for the period of the [war], the [populace] of the USofA is [briefly] (constrained) by manifesting circumstances. Very briefly. The [war] goes well for Cheney, that is, for the actual 12/twelve hours of initial combat, and the subsequent short lull. Then the reports start coming in globally about the [totality/completeness] of the screw-ups/mistakes. Of course the whole idea is a mistake, and therefore universe provides in a nicely fractal fashion, many many layers of mistakes within the over all 12/twelve hour war. The [loss] of the [war] occurs not within the [aggression] of the moments of the action, but rather within days as Bushista are still feeling the testosterone rush and flush of [battle]. The Markets entity enters our play by way of cross links and says, in transition to Act 2/two, that "oh, just to let y'all know, the Chinese and Russians are selling all their USofA Treasuries/Dollars, and announcing huge gold buys". It is on his exit stage left that Markets throws back over his shoulder, "thought you might like to know the economy collapsed this morning with the Dow futures *down* 3700 points before opening". In Act 2/two the Populace/USofA characters lead off by enacting all the [misery] and [confusion] which accompany the [collapse] of the [usofa dollar] and the subsequent impacts to the economy. The Populace/USofA character plays out the developing [chaos] and [social disorder] that [cascades] from the many [bank/financial] institution failures. The [rupture] in the [gut] of the economy leads to a massive wave of [de facto/manifested] [lay-off/firing] as businesses nationwide simply start shutting their doors [3/three days] after the end of the [war] as the [supplies] stop arriving. The Populace/USofA character portrays the [confusion], [anxiety], [duality of mindset] and [fear] of the people as [conditions crumble] within the social order as the economy shuts down. Some comic relief is provided to the audience near the end of the expository segment of Act 2/two as Populace/USofA characters meet and beat members of Congress, the Senate, the Press, and the Bushistas unlucky enough to find themselves in 'public places'. The chaos on stage has small vignettes of Senators [beaten] and [covered with urine/feces] in the streets of Washington DC. Several [prominent] and [lying] members of Press entity are shown [stripped] and [bloodied] running through the streets in the background. As the exposition ends, the audience sees the beginning of a self-organized flash mob of "unprecedented" size gathering in the streets of Washington and effectively holding Congress, and government hostage by sheer numbers. Huddled in [fear] based [groups/mobs/tribes], the non-Bushista members of government, including the [senate], [congress], and [civil/military] services plot their next actions against the constant, [threatening] noises of the [revolution] building outside the tall windows separating them from the Populace/USofA characters. The [disharmonious] [chanting/yelling] of the Populace/USofA entity in the background shifts gradually into [unity/harmony] as the foreground characters make their plans. The initial [diversity] of view among the [fear] based [mob] that used to be [government] also starts to [blend] as the [mounting] [Pressure] of the [congealing unity] of the [crowds] outside [Press the case] for [action]. Finally, as April slips into May, the transition is complete. May has arrived as signified by the [pole dance] within the Terra entity in the background, and the main players on the stage begin to move and act with a [focused] [will]. They start to [chant] themselves, and it is soon taken up by the [mob] outside...[regime change], [regime change].... And then the intermezzo arrives and while the band plays on, the stage is cleared and reset as a [court room]. As the curtain goes up on Act 3/three, the Bushista entity is [seized/arrested] and hauled into the [court room] in [chains] and [bloody rags]. The [trials] begin... Of course, as noted in the beginning, we always err on the side of the most extreme language by the nature of our processing, and so the above is merely a brief rendering of a most-extreme play. It won't go down as shown here. But what is worth noting is that our modelspace does show that [aggression] will lead to [rapid] and [stinging] [defeat] which in its turn is further aggravated by [retaliation] for the



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[risk] and [stupidity] of the initial [aggression]. Further, [alliances] are set up to [punish] the [guilty] and they intend to [crush] the [dollar] and the [usofa] [economy] to [hobble] the [madness]. There are many lexical areas within the Populace/USofA entity providing potentially conflicting interpretations. What does show as a very high probability is that [congress/senate/government] will be [radically] (shifted) into [new area/country] in May. This will be against a background of the Bushista entity moving from [aggression] into [desperate defensiveness]. Further the whole of the Populace/USofA entity is shown as [transiting/transforming] into [complete/whole/total] (unexplored/unforeseen) [new endeavor/approach/methods/path]. It is the [transformation to the new] which dominates the Populace/USofA entity from about April 20th onward through the remainder of the 'release period'. Further the [transformation] layer is developing into a meta data layer in that the same lexical constructs are showing within multiple entities and all are continuing to grow. The dominance of the [transformation to the new] also has many supporting aspects/attributes which can be summarized as (presenting/developing) [shock of the new/changes]. This area is the apparent manifestation and culmination of our continuing thread of [mind set change] which was shown emerging within the populace of the USofA over the course of the release period, though primarily within Summer. This lexical area of [transformation] is also a dominate aspect for the numerous [revolution] memes within Populace/USofA. The imPression given by the Populace/USofA entity as it transits the Summer portion of modelspace is that a very large part of the populace will be [shocked] at the [changes] which bring a [new world] into existence around them. There are some interesting synchronicity within the data sets. As the 'iran' sub set is processed, it is under the initial dominance of [relief] from [continuing hardship], which is where the [congress of the usofa] sub set is in May. That is, the [creation/deliverance] of [relief] from [hardship]. In *both* cases the supporting aspect/attribute sets include [new constitution cast/drawn], as well as [abolish/elimination] of the [old] and [hidden] [ways]. As a necessity, the data sets are showing very large emotional releases associated with both of these sub sets. Taken in isolation, the viewing of these sub sets make it hard to *not* predict a [war] and subsequent mass social changes in both countries. However there are paths short of actual combat which would still allow for the emotional exPressions that are showing in our data sets. And within a wide range of potentials, would also allow for the [transformations]. Consider that any [aggression] which manifests against 'iran', successful or not, war or not, will increase fuel costs for the globe. Consider that *all*, that is the [sum total] of the Bush admin's "foreign policy" is [naked] [aggression], and consider that existing [constitutional crises] as predicted in previous ALTA reports are manifesting at the beginning of the release period. All of these factors are supporting a [change] in the [social order/power structures] within the populace of the USofA and the nominal rulers. All of these factors are continuing to Pressure the [extremely fragile] global [paper debt] collusion that is labeled [globalism]. Consider what happens to an already stressed [globalism empire] if further Cheney/Bush [aggression] is unleashed. Further, there are a number of aspect/attributes within the Populace/USofA entity which argue against an actual [war] breaking out. Rather these aspect/attribute sets go to a [weak person/little man] who [rides the chariot of state]. Repeatedly the data set points to [little fellow] who is [totally] (out of place/not correct). This [little fellow] (occupies) the [top position], but is [unsuited] and even worse [inappropriate]. The supporting aspects for [inappropriate] include [not compatible] with the [position] either by [talent] or [placement]. The [little fellow] who [rides the carriage of state] is shown as [tempting] [brigands]. The terminating supporting layers of this aspect set are headed by bespoke [regrets]. The [regrets] are those of the [populace]. Further these [regrets] are tied to [rebellious elements].



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The whole of the 'iran' sub sets are cross linked internally to an area that terminates in a very complex context headed by [hermit] or [withdrawing inward]. This is a difficult area to interpret as it can be both applicable to a personality which arises at this time, or to a [shift in focus] of the populace in general. In the supporting sets for the personality interpretation are lexical groups which state that the [hermit] is [brought forth] to [relieve] the people of their [long hardship]. This area supplies support to the lexical sets which accrue for the May points within the modelspace when the [relief] of the [long hardship] and [hidden burdens] is [exposed] under the [secrets revealed] meta data layer, and the Bushista entity is [trembling] and [trepidations] of [life/survival]. A possible interpretation is the arrival on the political stage of a [wise] [personality], with [hermit] like qualities, who [manifests] [relief] in the form of a coup de 'tat against the Bushistas. The interpretation can also be pointing toward a [turning inward/self examination] of the populace which [arrives suddenly] as the result of yet more [failures] on the part of Bush and the [naked aggression]. This mind shift would have to be very rapid however, and would have to be caused by some very large 'emotional release event' to shift the masses into movements such that May yields the levels of release shown within the modelspace. Yes, a failed [war] and the [destruction] of much of the armed forces of the USofA and Israel would/could generate such levels of emotional release as are indicated by the entities. And may trigger [coup de 'tat] out of the simmering [revolution] within the Populace/USofA. The point of our dilemma in the interpretation is the rapidity of the emergence of the May [transformation to new path] and [new constitution] language. The progression of modelspace over the course of April and May moves the [congress/senate/government] into [relief] and the [destruction of the past methods].The populace simultaneously goes [transforming] and then [suffering] the [shock] of the [new]. The populace in the remarkably short period of the month of April moves from [duality/diversity-of-view] through [harvest/collections] to [fulfillment of the clansman] then to [focus] on [contrary to reason]. Of course this is about as clear as Mississippi mud at midnight on a moonless night, however it starts to become more meaningful when the second and third layers of the descriptors are examined. Then we would see the last [contrary to reason] as also showing as [covered in slime/corruption/mud], and [wallowing with devils]. Of course this is *much* clearer now. The secondary layer of the [harvest/collections] includes [great harvest lost] as [wagon dragged sideways by dull witted ox]. The tertiary and lower supporting layers here also point to a [ship of state] and the [chariot of the leader] and the [carriage of state] as being [driven insanely/wrongly] such that [collisions] and [catastrophe] end up [heaping mud/dirt] on the populace...who apparently don't much like it. The [fulfillment of the clansman] has nothing to do with the KKK or other supremist groups, but rather speaks to [unity] and [the tribes coming together/understanding]. This last has explicit internal links to [how/when to proceed]. Again ...noting the shift to 'action' language and the very large rise in emotional release values in a very short period of time. At its core the Populace/USofA entity is saying ...'something new this way comes'. Further, the Populace/USofA entity is saying that [congress/senate] will [pay the price] and [guarding genitals], * [follow]* the [people/tribe] into the [new path] or [new place]. Again, just to note, the whole of this progression begins within the last [10/ten days] in April, and then grows [stiffened/resolved] through May as [action] is [released] by the [relief of hardship/suffering] meme. Basically, it looks like the modelspace is showing that [congress/senate], observing the [revolution] [potential] looming, and fearing that [revolution] topples *all* the chairs of power, tries a [desperate] [last measure/breath] at being [strong/forthright] and we have the classic [plot to overthrow] the [vain glorious, contrary to reason, regime]. My how retro...all the way back to Roman Empire times. The language is very similar to what may be read in the reports of writers of the time of Caligula/Gaius, or the senatorial/family plots against Nero. Within our very emotionally hot [congress/senate] sub set, as it passes through modelspace, we are able to note that from very late on April 26th through to and including May 15th the



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emotionally driving value set is headed by [emergence/release/manifestation], and further that the primary supporting aspect/attribute set is headed by [explosive]. It is interesting to note also that [explosive/tumultuous] is directly descriptive of [emotional release]. The [congress/senate] sub set is also showing that [explosive emotions manifesting] within the Populace/USofA *at this time* is what is [Pressing on] the [congressional/senatorial] [genitals/gonads]. Hmmm. Nothing like the foot of the populace crushing down on a politicians 'nads to get them motivated.

Markets - Exhausted, Gasping The Markets entity has continued to gain [dispersing] and [breaking/melting] as dominant aspects within the processing of the last of the twin data bulges. Both the shorter term values, and the immediacy value set are still gaining a significant percentage of their emotional sum growth in the aspects of [dispersing], which is supported by [separate/scatter], and [breaking/melting] which is supported internally in Markets by [rupture] of the (power) [structure]. The [breaking/melting] also gains disproportionate emotional summation value by way of the very extensive cross links to Terra entity, and Populace/USofA entity. In the Terra entity the [melting/breaking] aspect cross link terminates in [ice], while in the Populace/USofA entity it terminates in [trust/faith]. Further reinforcement within the Populace/USofA entity comes from cross links which terminate in our 'change of mind set/universe view' lexical set. This area is itself cross linked back to Markets entity where it terminates in a sub set of [devastation/death/disability]. This area within Markets has internal cross links over to 'usofa dollar' sub set. In a rather ominous manner, the Markets entity does not progress much across the Spring, and throughout the movement of modelspace through April, the dominant aspects remain [breaking/melting] and [dispersing]. This [stuck in motion] will be very distressing to elements of the populace, but more so it seems the impact will hit Bushista entity very hard indeed. The cross links from Markets to Bushista terminate in [resignations] as in 'leaving jobs', and also to [aggressive response]. The former is filled with supporting details indicating that late April through May will be a time of 'deserting the ship' for a number of very 'featured faces' of the recent past. There will be a number of [surprises] within the [resignations/leavings], and as May moves forward the Press will have the words [collapse] and [deserted] apply to the Bush regime. This will come just as [aggression] from Cheney moves the [face] of Bushista to make some rather odd remarks in a very [public] setting {ed note: likely a college square} which will [produce] an [immediate] (resonance) within the Markets. And not in a good way. All of the values recently processed point to [danger] for April for the Markets entity. Many of the references include such aspects as [disintegration], and [dispersal]. This last is almost always supported by aspect/attributes for [across the waters/planetarily]. The other references of note include aspects of [breaking of the blockage] and [energies] (used to be/previously) [blocked] (become) [free/liberated]. For some reasons these lexical sets are particularly annoying to both Bushista entity and the TPTB entity. Within the Bushista entity the cross links for these new sets terminate under [knife] which is supported by [in/between] [ribs]. We once again make note that human body parts and processes are very profound archetypical data sets which in the past have had very public manifestations. It is clear from the data sets that a very large temporal marker for the Markets entity is when Bush and/or Cheney show up at the [temple] on Wall Street during the [dispersal crisis]. At this point, [odd words] are [heard] and the immediate impact is a [global panic]. The only details which we have for the



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'odd words' is that they will involved the [pronouncement of wood]. Hmmm. Yep that sure is clear. Oh well, probably will just jump right out at us at the time, even though makes very little sense at the moment. Of course, the Markets future is still bound to the continuing accrual of data sets for [mind set changes] which are directly tied to the emerging social waves within the global populace. Try as they might, the TPTB cannot change the nature of time itself, nor the impact, on the planetary mind, of the times. Within the [exhaustion] sub set for Markets entity and cross linked back to the [usofa dollar] sub set main aspect/attribute set, there is an aspect of [control/controlled/managed]. This is of a particular interest when the [usofa dollar] sub set transits the modelspace along with Markets entity. The further away from the Spring equinox this sub set travels, the larger the [disparity], and [willful] (management) sub sets become, just as the [hollow/lacking substance] sub set is also growing. As the progression toward the Summer solstice proceeds, the [willful control] of the [usofa dollar] is indicated to [break] with the modification of [quietly] and [humbly]. In both of these aspects are supporting sets going to [misfortune] and [reduction of the whole by half] as well as [proceeding/dropping] [under] the [bed]. This last may be a pointer to 'dropping to the floor' in the sense of some 'support' levels. That is unclear, however what does come across is that the combination of populace problems, biospheric problems, and underlying governmental lying produce a perfect storm for [currency woes] in Summer. IF this projection of the linguistics is correct, then the astute observer will note the signs in how the 'usofa dollar' trades in late April and May, and thus might be prepared for strangeness/dropping to the floor in Summer. There are additional linguistic sets as descriptors which include the 'destruction of selfconfidence' applied to the dollar, as well as 'lost all {his} money', and 'misfortune {for the} standing upright and meek', again focused on the usofa dollar. This last is part of a descriptive set which could be interpreted as describing what happens to a group of [patriotic] and [trained/managed] money traders who are [standing] (insistent) that 'all is well' with the dollar as the whole paper mess turns into a strange form of 'soggy quicksand/cement' which [traps the feet](on the floor), and thus [prevents] (movement/relocation). Again, if correct there will be early signs of 'systemic failures' in April and May. Many of these are associated with 'encounters with scarcity' which will be brought on as a result of political 'restrictions on movements'. As may be expected, there will be 'dollar price' ramifications for all commodities, none more so than the precious metals, [gold/silver]. Our data shows very graphically that the next 6/six months bring a period over which people [stand attentively] with [eyes wide open] as they [watch] (things) [become] (great). This last is part of a complex linguistic picture in which there are descriptions of [gathering places] where people will [naturally/natively] [congregate] to [watch/stare/observe] the [unfolding] of the [events]. The picture includes a description of 'crowds transfixed' as 'lights flash rapidly' and [wealth vanishes/drains]. Hmmm. Not too good a scenario. There is the compensatory side of this in that the 'price' of precious metals is shown as rising, but as a result of 'paper/currency/debt problems'. This area is also extensively cross linked to the 'employment crash' and should be able to be used as temporal marker for its emergence shortly thereafter. There are indications within the modelspace that the movements of the 'usofa dollar' over Spring and Summer are the 'set up' to 'drop to the floor' in September. There are many supporting references for a very large and sudden change of emotional tension values in September, and certainly a 'dollar reversal' or 'crash' either alone or in concert with 'war' would account for the level of 'global financial disturbance' that is presented in the modelspace. The progression of the 'dollar to the floor' which is described and shown associated with the Summer solstice is can be interpreted as a [beginning/initiation] with the [culmination] occurring just prior to the September equinox. The data is very clear after September as indicating 'rapid, sudden, shocking' rise in emotional tensions which have seemingly turned on a single day. This scenario also makes the most sense in terms of the releasing emotional period of the Spring



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and Summer. Following the Fall emotional reversal, the data set points to [gold/silver] being in a state of [rising fulfillment]. There are some [restrictions on movements] meta data layer influences manifesting, and these may be impacting the [dollar price], but the underlying condition is for a [gold/silver] [state change] to emerge. This likely represents the beginning of [gold/silver] as money, as the [paper crisis] globally is showing as [dispersing/dissolving] (wealth). Heavily cross linked into both Bushista and the Populace/USofA entities, and focused on the August 13th through the 16th (more or less by a few hours) *and* dominated by the cross links to the Terra entity, are a number of Markets based linguistic sets based around 'energy'. These are all headed by [energy] as an aspect, but are diversely supported by attribute sets with a wide range of meanings. The terminating cross links over in the Terra entity *also* are headed by aspects of [energy] with specific supporting sets describing [solar system] [energies]. Further there are indications of a [restrictions on movements] which will arise from these [solar system energies] which in turn are showing as impacting the Markets entity just prior to our September sudden reversal of emotional direction. repeatedly throughout these otherwise widely diverse entity sets are a number of commonly held concepts including [energy], and [restrictions on movement], and [solar/sun] (influences). There are repeated [fire] references also within the various entities. The [fire] shown within Markets is supported by [belly], and [blood], and other bespoke body reference pointing to a period of 'fired up or energetic' emotions with attendant impact on the 'flesh' of those 'subjected to' the emotional exPressions. The [fire] references within Terra entity are much more diverse and go to both [solar fire(s)] as well as [extra solar energies]. Further indications are that the 'energies force relocations/create refugees'.



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Press - Freaks Frustrate, She Wears Yellow Within the last of the twin data bulges, and found equally represented in both the immediacy data set and the shorter term values, the Press entity is shown as being dominated by the [extension/emergence] of a [new] [social phenomena/order/arrangement]. At the primary level of support for [manifestation of new social phenomena], the aspect/attributes which dominate are under [response to submission/acceptance/realization]. This in turn is supported by the idea that a [new wave/way/understanding] (emerges/manifests) such that all the Press entity is able to do, in spite of [commands/orders] to the contrary, is to [submit/accept] and [respond/reflect]. This area is heavily cross tied to ThePowersThatBe entity and the terminating values indicate that TPTB are going to be really [pissed/urinating hot] over the whole [new social order]. While TPTB entity shows that it is busy trying to [co-opt/coerce] the [phenomena], the Press entity is filling with lexical sets in support of a [participation/joining/acceptance/submission] to the [new/change] of [mind]. It would appear that [social Pressures] from the [populace/masses] will start showing up very visibly within the remainder of the release period as the formerly slavish/cowardly Press entity begins to see its core membership [shred] as



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they take sides over the [new social phenomena]. *Ed Note: In the previous private ALTA series, a transfer of actual 'wealth' was shown moving out of the Anglo-centric Markets and into other areas of the planetary financial structure. The transfer is actually more of a wave of rats jumping from the sinking dollar ship, but what is actually of more importance now is this [new social order] which has developed. It is cross tied to the longer term values in a number of ways, and also is cross linked extensively to the wealth transfer *and* the appearance of the same [social wave] for [deep change/core value alterations] which has been indicated for many of the societies in South America and Asia. Brazil is/will take the lead within the wave of new social phenomena emerging internally, as well as acting as an [anchor/departure point/reference] for the rest of the GlobalPop as they also wrestle with the [acceptance] of the [new social phenomena]. *Ed Note: The way in which our processing works has those contexts which we have well defined being populated by values during the aggregation of the lexical changes which have been picked up by the spyders/gathering_bots. If a new phenomena emerges within the exPressions of change of linguistics, we are in the position of having to build a context around the newly observed lexical shifts. Such new lexical constructs emerge in what we call "serendipitous mode processing". Frequently these are less than well defined, *or* conversely they may be very well defined, but meaningless to the interpretation as the data points are too tightly clustered into an 'ambiguous aspect'. Such is the case now. We have the emergence of 'new' attached to 'phenomena' and supporting the [social order]. That this new context is materializing within the Press entity fits as it is the duty of the [Press/global mediastream] to [label] and [construct lexical descriptors/report upon] the [events/personalities/news] of the day. Usually by the time the Press entity starts to show a new development, the meme is well manifest within the social matrix and is likely also broadly taken root. This is reflected in 'real world reporting' in how new language, or other social 'waves' are always reported upon after nearly everyone has had a personal encounter with 'it'. The primary descriptive path within the context for the [new social phenomena] is repeatedly referencing [earth]. This new [phenomena] is also described as [beyond/after/post/transforming] [green], as well as [acceptance] of [reality/perceptions]. The [phenomena] aspect is also extensively supported by cross links to [space] within the Terra entity, as well as repeated internal links within the Press entity to [forbidden][knowledge]. This area makes sense within the overall formation of modelspace as we had previous observed a [change of mind set] over the course of Spring and Summer affecting the twin populace entities. Now, ever the laggard, the Press entity is stating that the [new social phenomena] which the TPTB entity finds so [distasteful] and [frustrating] will be [labeled/named] by the Press in an effort to [induce/impart/seize] [control] of it. The summation of the emotional values for the TPTB entity indicate that the [efforts at control] of the [new social phenomena] will [drain blood] from TPTB, while [raising bile] to the [mouth]. Hmmm. Probably not a good sign for them. This area is also cross linked over to the Terra entity, sub set [volcano], and specifically the sub set in support headed by [explosive emissions/expellation]. Also, a very curious interpretation of the Press entity [new social phenomena] and the Terra entity cross links *could* be interpreted as [manifestation of expansion of the earth/planet/ground]. Further *IF* it were to be read in just the correct way, the data *could* be hinting that a [revolution in thinking] about the [manifesting expansion of the planet (s)/suns/solar systems] will [cause/make manifest] a [new/novel] (active/activity) of [consciousness/awareness]. Yes, clear as mud. Basically, the idea coming across is that there is an 'acceptance/submission' to the idea that the [energies] from space previously noted in these ALTA reports is causing a [real time/human perceptible] change in the planet(s). The Terra entity has this as a relatively low level emotional summation sub set and presents the imPression of a 'factual' descriptor,



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while the [response/resonance] within the populace entities, cross linked back over to the Press entity where it motivates a [change] within this entity, has the TPTB entity moving into bespoke [rage] (at/because of) (unrelieved) [bowels/intestines]. This construct is taken as the modelspace's way of indicating that the TPTB will be [constipated] by their (powerlessness) in the face of this [new social phenomena]. A fascinatingly complex cross linked lexical set which has great depth, if not great detail in the descriptors. What does show is a repeated reference to [works/work/effort] attached to [personal/private] and [consciousness]. Further the cross links are indicating that the [phenomena] which so frustrates the TPTB entity, does so because this [wave of social change] is [morphing/mutating/altering] faster than the Press entity or the TPTB entity can [grasp] it. Much of these areas of extensive cross links resolve down to [internet] and [independent media]. Please watch for the emergence of the first of the 'labels/names' and 'notice/awareness' of the 'phenomena/change/wave' to come from 'southern hemisphere' independent media. Further, the cross links indicate that the [observed field effect] which is to say, the 'noticed interaction of social fields/energies' is 'too fluid' for the TPTB to control precisely due to its [uber/ultimate] [green] nature, both as language, and in origin. There are repeated references to the emergence of a [group/tribe/self-organizing-collective] of what we are terming as 'global shamans'. The [teacher] description is supported and modified with references to [explorer] and [collector of ?] such that we are predicting the re-emergence of a planet wide push toward 'exploration of consciousness'. This does include numerous references to the entheogenic movements now globally thriving, and slowly manifesting 'above the radar' level of the Press entity. These numerous references to entheogenic plants/fungi are all clustered under the aspect of [liberation] within the twin populace entities, and now the Press entity hits the [morphing entheogenic philosophy] wall like a tomato propelled by a hurricane. Thus the repeated references to the [shattering] of the Press entity, and the contribution of the [rupture/splitting] Press entity on the [frustrated bile] level within TPTB entity. The Press entity, as it crosses through April, is moved by [energies/response/resonance] such that the effect will be the [upending/over-turning] of the [power][pyramid]. Noting that the property owning elite of the globe are the top of the pyramid, and that this area cross links to the populace entities where it terminates in [revolution], it makes sense that the modelspace is showing the [new social phenomena] as being so [dire] and [frightening] to the TPTB entity. There will be a very concerted effort by the TPTB to control the Press entity over this [new social phenomena], and it will last longest in those parts of the Press directly controlled by the [petite people/politicians/politicals], but the aware observer should be able to notice the shift spreading from the [independent media] over to the Press entity in a pattern reminiscent of the spread of disease in the water rich environment of South America. Unlike the spread of influenza, the emerging of the novel social wave cannot be controlled by vaccination. The details as we have them for the spread of the 'disease' of the new social wave show that [she] emerges from the [amazon], and spreads [north] and [south] by way of [discovery], and specifically [not/negative] by [announcement]. Rather this phenomena is to be [discovered] rather than [announced], and thus the Press entity will be [late] in [understanding] what has occurred. But we do note that the Press entity itself is showing a [fracturing] about the [middle] as [key/prime] (personalities) within the Press are [converted/awakened] on their own. This implies a visible 'dropping out' of some Press personalities. This manifests within the modelspace in mid Summer, and we can anticipate some 'resignations' of prominent Press people as a temporal marker for the near manifestation of the Press *finally* catching on to [what is going down/emerging]. The [she] personality is further described as [serving no king] and [denying self-credit]. The [she personality] is heavily aspected with [feminine] qualities at the archetypical level. These are a very key element to the descriptor set, though the [feminine] aspects are not supporting a [visual appearance/image], but rather are showing up as support for the [incredible/undeniable] (ability) by this



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personality to [carry things through to the end] in spite of [harsh treatment] at a [body] level. There are further indications of [previous/past] [damage/wounding/torture] of this [she personality], but in the vein of Nietzsche, while it may not kill you, and indeed may make you stronger, it can also [scar] for a very long time. There are indications that the [female person] who will be [discovered] as the [edge] of the [social wave] will use [scars/wounds] from the past as [weapons/strength] for the [emergence] * [through/past/beyond]* the Press entity. The indications are that [she] will be very well established planetarily along with the [new social phenomena] by mid August, though the first signs of emergence will show over the course of April. The few other minor details we have present a [woman who carries a bag] and who will/does [not accept] either [praise nor blame]. This descriptor set has huge levels of supporting details all of which point to an [enlightened being] as the concept is understood in Daoist/Buddhist/Hindoo philosophies. Curiously, a great deal of Press [blather/noise-sans-meaning] will be focused on her [bag] and its [multiple colored/textured threads]. This is an odd focus, but will perhaps be more meaningful as we catch up to modelspace late in April. The only other specific details are her [fondness/attachment] to [yellow] colors, and an ability to [impart energies] at a very personal level. This last is directly stating some activities which the [faith based] religions will interpret as [miracles], and which the TPTB will first use to try to [block] further manifestation of the [social wave], and then later, after that has failed, will try to use to [control] (manifesting) [circumstances/events]. This also is showing as failing, and with very far reaching consequence. The Press entity is also indicating that events in April will set the stage for the Press to [follow] the [lead] of the [congress/senate] entity in late April/May as the [revolutions] and [plots] against Bushista begin to reach visibility. The unknown factor, for the [congress/senate] sub set, shows in aspects of [concern] which head lexical sets in which [response] and [resonance] from [corporate masters/slavers] is referenced. Will the Press, the [corporate slaves] who [speak their masters voice] (accept) the [changing] which is driven by bespoke [fear] and [bowel release] felt by the [congress/senate]? The indications are that by mid May, the [maturing] of the [relationship] between Press and their [slavers] will have occurred, and [revolution] will fill the [air waves]. Terra - Water, More Dam Water, Bouncing Turkey, Undulating Plains The Terra entity continues to point to [flooding] and [excessive/extreme water problems] as troubling to the twin populace entities, though the worse of the situation appears to strike the Populace/USofA disproportionately. Further data sets are now tying the [emergence of the explosive volcano(s)] as a participating factor and/or a temporal marker for a very large, and sudden [water/rainwater/river waters] problems for the Populace/USofA. Headed by an aspect of [falling] which is further supported and defined by aspect/attributes for [falling into a water filled pit], the Terra entity has provided more volume, and higher emotional summation values for April within the aspect of [water] than within all other Terra aspects combined. The [water] within our [pit] shows as [continuously filling] with special emphasis on [rainwater]. This in turn is supported by aspects/attributes indicating that the impacts of the [water] will last for [months]. Further that the [months] will involve [daily suffering] on the part of those affected, as well as beginning a [chain of depletion/dispersal] which will show up as [encounters with scarcity] for very large numbers of people within [3/three months] of the onset of the [continuous flooding problems]. Along with the other supporting aspects for the [water/rainwater] problems are thick mats of cross links to both Bushista and Populace/USofA indicating that Bushista will reach a point of [organizational/tribal] [disintegration] just as the [populace] starts the long [suffering][months]. Apparently this [lack of energy/ability] on the part of Bushista participates within the critical mass of the [point of view] shift among the populace which so troubles Bushista later in Summer.



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The supporting layers within the Terra entity are *not* reassuring. Bearing in mind that our data *always* errs on the extreme side of the language involved, we nonetheless need to note that the Terra entity is forecasting that an [exploding] [volcano] will [mark/scent] the [atmosphere] and that by the time the [plume] has come back to [reach itself] {ed note: traveled around the planet}, the [rainwaters] will be upon us. These [rainwaters] as showing as so severe as to [create/carve] (new) [lakes] as well as to [restore] (old/ancient) [rivers]. Further the [damage] from the [rainwaters] are showing as being most severe in the [deserts] and on the [western slopes] of [eastern mountains]. This last is supported by [flooding out/over reaching/breaching] of [dams] as well as [rupturing] of [canals] due to [excessive waters]. Where ever we find [water] as an aspect within the Terra entity within the processing of the data bulges, we also find [excessive] as present in the supporting sets. It becomes a bit tedious as the modelspace is moved forward to see the many repetitions of these now linked aspects appear, but in a curious way, the actual visual show within the CAD program display mimics the flow of a river through the modelspace. So, again, universe provides a fractal like reinforcement at all levels from the very highest visual imPression all the way down to the terminating cross links from the [waters] sections of Terra entity to all other entities. The new constant, showing up first in April, is a linkage between [rainwater/water] and [excessive]. As if this is not troubling enough, the [waters] are described most frequently in terms such as [running], [rushing], [destructive], [carving], [gouging], [shaping], [moving], [piling up], [tearing down], and about 3/three thousand other variants. The impacts of the [water] problems of April are not limited to the Populace/USofA, but the cross links and Terra geographic references point to more [damage/destruction] within the American hemisphere than elsewhere; with more of that within the north American continent than the southern. The supporting sets for the [damage/destruction] aspects provide details of [bricks/buildings] (scoured) [out of place/dislocated], and [misfortune] befalling [whole/total] [communities] as [supports/pillars/piers/pilings] wash out and [strand] the [fleeing][tribes/mobs]. Further details under [misfortune] continue to point to [airlifts/airdrops] which [go awry], as well as [crashed/failed] (rescue) [efforts/works] over the [foot hills]. These [foot hills] are described as [glowing in the dark] from the [tens of thousands] of [fires/lights] of the [trapped/snared/entangled] [survivors/displaced]. The data set further provides that much of the [increased misery] will come from an [attempt] at the [grandiose], while cross links to the Press point to a [small/little things] (meme/movement) which provides (surcease) to the [aggravation] of the [displaced][tribes]. {ed note: the appearance of 'surcease' in the data is important as the more formal, or the older the lexical reference, the more impacting for temporal distance is the manifestation.} The imPression of the linguistic sets is of yet-another-Bush-admin FEMA style general screw-up which [greatly/seriously] [enhances/increases] [misery], but that some [relief] of the pain-and-suffering comes from [man-who-practices-small-acts] on the scene. This area is heavily cross linked to the Press entity as though there will be very little available other coverage, and so they will concentrate on this [man working small details] fellow such that he becomes one of the early faces of the [waters] problems affecting the country. This in turn is shown, via cross links, as being greatly irritating to Bush et al. The data provided here shows that the appearance of the [man working small details] within the Press relative to the [excessive waters misery] can act as a temporal marker for the next large wave of [disintegration] within the Bushista entity. Again, the data set is pointing to April as the time period for the [excessive waters problems] to escalate to mass national consciousness, and then to GlobalPop awareness as the USofA [struggles internally] in the [miserable waters]. As the [waters misery] unfolds, there will be reports surfacing of the most fundamental human archetypical behavior. These reports will tend to concentrate on the extremes of either [common bonds] of [suffering] with attendant [acts of kindness/sharing], and the occasionally [hyper ass holes] who will exacerbate the [collective misery]. The rather intriguing thing about these [hyper ass holes] within the data is that there are indications via cross links to Press entity that reports will come out of [collective]



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(actions) on the part of the [afflicted] which will be [labeled] by [officialdom] as [insurrection]. These will mark the first appearance of [open/active] [revolution] within the populace. These are/will be seen as, and labeled as 'rebellion' by the Press, however our data sets indicate that several of these individual situations will [progress/grow/evolve] into [new][political exPressions]. Within all of the [flooding] references we still have the building data set for the [global coastal event]. The indications are that this will indeed involve a global [flooding], but also that it is still pending. The data sets continue to grow, and are being out paced by the [flooding] sub set [rainwaters/waters/rivers]. The data continues to build for the [unusual tidal flooding] which results from the [wave] which itself is shown as being [underseas] and [land form alteration] driven. There are some suggestions for a late in 2007 arrival of a [fit/seizure] within the Terra entity which derives directly from our previously noted [extra solar] radiation. The idea coming across is for an early December to late January (2008) [reaction period]. This is not very well formed within the lexical set so there is only small amounts of top level details, however hanging under this set is the growing mass for the [global coastal event] as well as [earthquakes] of a [disease-like] type. This last is the best approximation that we can make. It may be suggesting a near-continuous [brain disease] like set of tremors which induce an [underseas mountain] into a bit of a [walk-about/relocation] that in turn sends a [wave] around the planet several times. There are some geographic references, probably of an *un-trust-worthy* nature, which point to an [equatorial] location for the [initiation] of the [wave]. But as noted, geographic references are very unreliable. Within the [earthquake] sub set there are indications pointing to a largish quake in the 7.9 range to strike in the Turkey/Iraq/Greece area. Again, noting that our geographic references are not too specific in these, the majority of geographic pointers go to Turkey. Within those we have a majority for north western Turkey. The quake is indicated to cause considerable damage, and to come with a number of very [unsettled] and [displacing] aftershocks. Our best guess as to timing would have this in the mid April to end of May time. This area contributes to the release period emotive summations. It should be widely reported given the Press cross links. Also within the [earthquake] sub set are some indicators of a [west coast, usofa] based [earthquake] within the Spring period, which is to say likely prior to the Summer solstice which will result in the [perception/view/seeing] of [undulations across the plain]. This [earthquake] is also associated with [fluttering] which is supported by [fluttering](creates) [loss of] (solidarity) [with neighbors]. And [fluttering][loss] (results from) [no notice/admonishment]. Further descriptors point to a [plain] with [upright structures] which will [receive undulations] such that [tips/points] [touch] and [severe hardship] follows. The imagery is clearly of a 'ripple' sort of earthquake unlike the 'sharp shocks' previously felt in the area. This last comes across in the descriptors which cross link to the Press entity in which [foreign/extra-country] (Press) apparently have either the [first] or the [best] video of the [undulations] (reaction). The [shock] of the [citizenry] over the [hardship] is [masked/covered] by the [stunned] (awe) over the [undulations]. The rising aspects within this set are headed by [hindrance] which is supported by aspect/attribute sets pointing to [downed/tumbled] [structures] which create a [hindrance/barrier] of [great/large] [accumulation]. There are also descriptors for 'buildings toppled into waters' in which the 'waters' are described as [fouled/polluted] though we cannot tell if the [pollution] is as a result of the earthquake or was pre-existing. As an apparently [visible] aftermath of the [earthquake] there will be video, as indicated by Press entity cross links, of [fires/energetic fires] (floating) on [waters]. The implication is for a [damaged] [tub] which [spills] [oils] and that these ignite, causing some [considerable distress] and [hindrance] to [rescue]. Conclusion - Part Six, ALTA 1207 - An Energetic Spring Produces Fiery Summer



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So far the 'release period' begun on the Ides of March is living up to its advance billing. We have had a continuing [green death] story within the 'tainted wheat gluten' which greatly increased the visibility of [encounters with scarcity] as predicted for Spring/Summer. Additionally the [petty people/politicians] have also participated with their own increase in emotional releases, while Terra entity is [flooding] and [gouging] away around the planet with strange weather. Markets continue to [degrade] in spite of large efforts on the part of the PPT. The [housing] 'industry' grows ever sicker day by day as the last of the building boom rushes to add more houses to the glut of unsold properties before the absolute failure of the lending 'industry' deprives the builders of the building loans. The 'cracks' are appearing in the Press entity just as the Bushies begin to get even more squirrelly and aggressive. There is some comfort to be taken in the huge rise in language about the 'pending Cheney/Bush war with Iran'. The more the linguistics fill the descriptor sets, the less likely there will be an actual 'conflict'. In our data processing it is the emotional summations that if enough people fear and speak about possible war, then that matches the emotional summations required. Not that this means that the 'power junkies' and 'religiously crazed' "leadership" of the USofA Empire *will not* cross yet another karmic line and initiate conflict. And if it does come to that, the data set is very clear about the 'severity' of the internal to the USofA reaction, and that is described as a 'rapid' and 'new' form of 'regime change'. Of course, 'rapid' is relative to the size of government and it takes nearly all of Summer for the show trials to be completed and the guilty dispensed to their 'justice'. As noted, the political chaos of 2007 is merely the surface layer of reaction to large scale changes in the mind set of the populace. This is the 'year of emergence' of the first signs of this change, and as with all fundamental change/growth, [disturbance] is a necessary component. It is safe to say that the [disturbance] factor has begun a visible rise since March 15th. While the whole of this release period is interesting, the 2/two key periods seem to be showing as April through to mid May, and then mid August through to mid September. These are merely 'stand-out' emotional times within a very chock-full emotional release period. With the repeated references to 'energy' of all kinds popping up, it looks as though a very energetic Spring will spark a very hot Summer. Endeavor to stay cool. ****** This report ends the ALTA 1207 series. A PDF file of the complete report series will be available shortly at the access page. We are planning a very rapid turn around of the servers and the lexicon for another ALTA series aimed at the January 2008 time frame, however the contexts need to be adjusted so this may delay the start of processing beyond the usual 10/ten days or so of data gathering. Details will be posted once we have examined the lexicon for necessary changes and noodled out the schedule. Thank you for participating in the ALTA 1207 series. Copyright 2007 by HalfPastHuman. All rights reserved. Not to be republished in any form without written, prior approval.



ALTA 1207 Part Zero

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