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HPH ALTA 209 - Part Four


This report prepared from 52.131 million reads of the ALTA 209 series. Meta Arts - Oops - wrong planet, SOCs Knitting, Women Unraveling While it is still possible that we are seeing an archetypical trend unfold, that is, a linguistic clue which will apply to several different occurrences/manifesting_circumstances all bearing the same core descriptors, *at the moment* it appears that we were 'off by 1/one' with our April 12th posting of the ALTA 1308 report in which we discussed the [arctic/antarctic mystery]. Yes there has been the manifestation of the language, but it is focused at [mars], and not Terra. Again, *assuming* that there is *not* an archetype displaying here (a'la the green death a few years ago which was prevalent for months in a variety of situations), then this [mars mystery] at the [polar region] is the [very cold haggis] described in the SpaceGoatFarts entity discussion of ALTA 1308. We have reposted that material below, and following it, are links to discussions within the global mediastream about the developing [phoenix mysteries (plural)]. There remains over half of the source language yet to appear in print/ stay tuned to this subject... more to be revealed. Probably in a late June/early July timeframe. Referenced material: 04.12.2008 SpaceGoatFarts - Very Cold Haggis, Ossary The Egyptian Mystery Schools will soon be taking a back seat to a new [center/locus/focus] of [terra/earth mysteries]. The data sets have a descriptor set which goes to the idea that a [phenomena], already (or may very soon be) discovered in the [antarctic/arctic], will [capture/seduce] the [attention] of [mystery hunters/seekers] globally. The data has very extensive cross links over to the ThePowersThatBe entity where we note that bespoke [excitement], modified by supporting aspect/attribute sets for [electric conditions] is the terminating set. These cross links are also dominated by supporting sets within the [scottish rite] sub set of TPTB entity. The idea coming across from the detail layer aspect sets are suggesting that the [scottish rite mob] will be so very excited about the [discovery/find] of the [phenomena] that, by their [motions/movements] of [persons/equipment], they will [alert] their [enemies], as well as [betray] the [secret] to the [populace]. The [betrayal] aspect/attribute set can also be interpreted as [unleashed], and [released (from) bondage], as well as the more mundane, [exposed/revealed]. In this set the data provides support for the more active forms of [unleashed], and [released/cut (from) bondage]. This 'more active' state is indicated on several levels, including the shear mass of the supporting lexical sets. So in this case, we have a high degree of action indicated, but as of the current processing, the [visibility] level does not come close to matching the [intensity] summations of the active verb supporting sets for this descriptor. Make sense? The [visibility] *may* be

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hidden from the general public for a while, but the [discovery] itself is showing as initiating *all* kinds of [excitement] and general thrashing around. There are suggestions that the [mysteries of the arctic/antarctic] will rise in [visibility] within the global mediastream as 2008 fades into 2009. The data suggests that [leaks] about the [mystery] will be first about what it is [not], and then about what it [does/creates?moves?animates]. These [rumors] will cause some serious consternation within the TPTB, *and* will be a very good temporal marker for yet another, much more intense [unknown energies from space]. The SpaceGoatFarts entity is clearly indicating that the first half of 2009 will far exceed 2008 in 'strange goings on', but also that the [volume/quantity] of [mental shocks] in the last half of 2009 will [double] the [weight/amount/measure] of the first half of the year. This is due in no small part from the forecast [growth] of the [antarctic/arctic mysteries] in both [leaks] *and* in direct impacts on [terra/environment]. The impacts of the [exposure/unveiling] of the [arctic/antarctic mysteries] is also shown as introducing a new word into our lexicon, and probably soon(ish) into the general parlance. This word defines a [place], a [state of mind], and a [form of education]. The word is [ossary]. Not to be confused with the 'bone houses' of the ossuary definition arising from Persia and spreading through old Europe (mostly as a result of the plagues, famines, and wars), the new word of [ossary] is defined by the [form of education], which is to say, the [study of the language of the unknown/not_perceivable]. This [form/type of education/study] is apparently *already* underway in several places scattered across the planet, however the [visibility] is very low and primarily restricted to those 'in the know'. The data sets are suggesting that this [lack of exposure] will be altered as the whole subject of [unknown language/tool] is now modified by supporting aspect/attribute sets for [emergent/manifesting], *and* it is recently shifted over to direct support for both the [secrets revealed] and the [conflict] meta data layers. The data would seem to be indicating that the/an [ossary] will be involved in a [conflict] *at* its [location/site] which will precipitate a very rapid rise in [visibility] of the *place*. Within a short period of the exposure of the [site/location], and the [naming of the place publicly], the [revealing (of its) purpose] will also be exposed. The data indicates a gap of perhaps months between the [minor], but [visible], [conflict], and the subsequent [revealing] of the [purpose/goal /function]. End Referenced Material: The "official" mystery is up first. That of the 'too small polygon'. Then the 'unofficial' mystery next, that of the "white tower".

SOC's, This is the acronym for the [self organizing collective] which we first saw in the data in early 2002. This linguistic set is *not* a descriptor of a [family], but does exist at the same level as [family] within the primacy of human emotion attachments. The [self organizing collective] is now becoming more apparent within the global mediastream as a result of the many natural disasters. As has been seen recently in China, the [SOC] creates itself at the time of need. These SOC's now being demonstrated both in China and the USofA may be temporary, though their life spans are, at the moment, indeterminate. However, the other characteristics shown for our SOC definition are manifesting. The data sets indicate that the [recovery] aspect/attribute set will be the largest emotional driver for [SOC creation] as we go forward. The very long term, low-granularity data also shows that [SOCs] are the most emotionally important social structure for our FuturePop entity {ed note:

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FuturePop is assumed to be effective as of 2018, but of course is a 'work in progress' until then}. The victims of the large quake and its continuing aftermath, in China are now forming SOCs as a primary means of supporting mutual survival. These SOCs are very much in evidence in the text descriptions coming out of the area, and even are glimpsed, albeit fleetingly, in the very brief video reports making it through the Corportacracy controlled media here in the USofA. The recent planetary series of disasters have put a fine point on the 'why' of SOCs...that is, why would SOCs come into existence as a social organizing principle? Well, apparently the [SOC] is the natural expression of humans attempting to recover 'normal life' after a large scale disaster has struck and disrupted the previous 'natural order', aka, 'family/tribe/region/government'. When we start over, we do so at the SOC level, as universe now demonstrates as the victims of these large scale disruptive climate/earth influences 'knit themselves a community' as the core part of the recovery. Nice to know that humans do/will create SOCs as needed, but probably *not* a good sign that we have so much need in recent years. Likely is a good pattern to observe for the future, since a SOC may be coming to a street near you sometime soon. We have received a number of emails about the woman politician in Israel being our uniter female personality. I can say that there is very little linguistic correlation here, actually less than 8/eight per cent of the language fits this person. The data has yet to reveal whether we are looking at a composite archetype which will emerge as a whole 'class/group of female personalities in the uniter mind set' or not. If so, we still have very little language specifically which can be applied to this particular female personality, and an additional note is that our descriptor set includes references indicating that the [female personality] is *not* a politician. There is some language suggestive of maybe her 'running/governing' an NGO, but even so the whole [organization] language sub set is relatively small. There are a number of cross links which indicate that the female uniting personality does *not* work for any political organization, and has been, in the past, actively in [conflict] with [political people]. So a bit confusing all around, and still building, so the influence of the [female personality] has yet to begin to manifest, though the data sets continue to point to her [visibility] rising over Summer, and becoming more [experienced/felt] in Fall and Winter. Populace/USofA - August Bubble 'T', Un-Revival, Roof-Top Boats. As we move through a typical ALTA series, we concentrate on the immediacy values in parts Zero and One. Part Two brings in the shorter term value set to the interpretation, and Part Three has the first of the longer term values. Usually we follow through with longer term data in parts Four and Five, and then return to immediacy values left out of the processing in Part Six. We are going to diverge slightly from that approach with this Part Four, in that we have several data bubbles popping up in the shorter term value sets which are large enough to draw attention. The majority of the bubble activity is associated with [august]. As may be expected, a lot of it is politically focused. The accretion patterns suggest that by mid August, Barack Obama will be mentally already 'elected' as president of the USofA by the [populace]. However there are indications of [sporadic/episodic violence] against him in early August, from about the 3rd through the 7th, when the 'episode' is clearly [complete/over]. This [episode] is further described as a [potential] and has high [visibility] values suggesting some discussion in the global mediastream. The references within the data are pointing toward a ["T"] as being significant in the episode. The outcome is apparently 'good' for Obama, as the descriptors for his [campaign] thereafter are filled with [sailing/wind_at_your_back] language through into January of 2009. Then reality bites, but that is another discussion, for another segment. At this point the shorter term value sets are pointing toward very late August as being the [calls for early election] or the [let's just get it over with, we all know who will win] language first seen nearly a year ago. And this fits to a 'T'. Another bubble of data for August is actually the termination of a tube-like structure which has its beginnings in very early June. This is a data stream

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indicating [vicious] and [frothing] language which will be the [mainstay/primary support] for the [republican attacks] on Obama/Democrats. This structure begins in the immediacy data and flows through into the shorter term data and then effectively 'blows up' to a maximum by August, followed by a very rapid deflation of the shape as the values just simply cease to accumulate. The interpretation is for a [viscous attack campaign] which [self destructs] in August as [mccain] and the [republicans] are 'swift boated' by the [truth out movement]. The data indicates that some portion of the [truth (about) the Bushies] and the last 35/thirty-five years of Bush/Clinton/Corporate rule will be [exposed] under the [secrets revealed] influence which is driven sharply upward in emotional summations in August by [destructive economic behavior]. This will seriously damage the 'republican party', and further sets the stage for the [great unwinding (of the) evangelical organizations] in December and through [winter 2009]. This point in history, that is to say, August, 2008, will be remembered as a key time in the soon-to-emerge [revolution]. As the [revolution] here in the Populace/USofA plays out as a meta data layer over these next few years, it will be the opinion of the future historians that the [republican party alliance with religion] hit a 'wall' in the Summer of 2008, and then [went too far] in response. There will be an agreement, historically, that August of 2008, was the 8-8 which began the [unrevivial] indicated to take [evangelical organizations/power acquisitors] back to the state of the meme found in 1830. The [revolution] meta data layer within the Populace/USofA entity is showing as manifesting against a background of Terra [intrusions] into [daily life] here in the USofA as Fall of 2008 flows into Winter 2008/2009. The data is indicating that by the time [spring 2009] arrives, the Populace/USofA will be [building toward revolution] in a number of emotionally driving areas, as well as attempting to cope with the [escalation] of the [inundations]. The [traumatic winds] of 2008, along with the [dramatic rains] will have produced a [climate (of) flooding waters] which is shown as [dominating] much of the [press/corporate media] and the [indy media] discussions. The [flooding] is indicated to be [severe] and to participate as a [driver/motivator] for yet more American [diaspora]. This [water flooding on top of water (already standing)] sub set is large, and is supported at the primary level by [extreme difficulties] which it its turn is supported by [long lasting influence/impact]. This last is supported by numeric references indicating a [generational impact of 22/twenty two years]. The [floods] *may* well be a part of the [global coastal event], though the linguistics with geographic associations are more heavily weighted to [inland] and [river/dry gulch] descriptors. So while this [flooding into extreme difficulties] might be a part of the [global coastal event], it is clearly *not* coastal in its locations in this set. This set is also specifically supported by [climate], and a further sub set which indicates that the [extreme flooding] is a [visible] indicator that the [planetary climate] {ed note: in winter 2008/2009} will be [sitting (on the) cusp (of) transformation]. Within the [flooding into extreme difficulties] set are detail level aspect/attributes which describe [visible (in the media)] instances of [rescue] and [aid (from) people in boats (with) ropes] as many people will require [life saving] due to the [ground/terrain altering/transformation] which is caused by the [extreme flooding]. This [flooding] is *not* dominated by [rainwater], though it does have many supporting sets for [rain]. It is supported at the primary level by [water (within/standing upon the) earth] which could be suggestive of [rivers], and [oceans] as the source for the [flooding]. Without regard to its cause, the data sets are unambiguously indicating that [rescue] will be a primary descriptor for the period, as will [emergency help]. At this point in the granularity, there are some descriptors going to [stranded boats], and [boats (bashed into) inland shores/beaches/locations] such that [leaking] is caused by the [damage of transiting (rooftops/obstructions /structures]. These references are supported with [coastal], but also [river] and [lakes] as locations. It apparently does not make much difference to the [flooding], nor to the [victims] of the [extreme flooding difficulties] as they are described as being [trapped (by) evil/bad choices] in which there is [flooding]

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driving them from their homes, but also [flooding] baring the [path (of) escape] such that it will be difficult to [know whether to proceed or retreat]. Further indicators are for a number of [drownings] due to [lack of help] which is itself further supported by [difficulties (in) knowing details (about what is happening regionally)]. There are indications of [people/groups] who will be [trapped] by the [waters] on [rooftops] including [commercial buildings]. Further descriptors go to [small hills] which will be [visible] in the global mediastream and will be [crowded] with [refugees] as though [blades of grass on a knoll]. Other indicators are pointing toward [courage] and [fortitude] being the descriptors which will come out of the global mediastream and applied to the [self-rescuing survivors] of the [floods]. A few of the detail levels of aspect/attribute sets are going toward a specific case of [self rescue] in which the [courageous] person will then [rescue others] on the way [out from the flood]. What makes this news is the [state of degradation] of this [person], and their [efforts in spite of personal risk/damage]. There are some indicators that this individual will end up with [no flesh] on their [hands] due to [rasping from rope] over the course of many [hours] of [labor] which will be required to [save the infants]. Hmmm. Looks like a warning here to never leave home without your gloves. The [floods] are also indicated to [affect/increase disease] as many [water sources/wells] will be [polluted beyond use]. Some of this [pollution] is indicated to be caused by [floating] and [submerged] [bodies/corpses]. This image also includes support for [weeks/months] of [hunting for the dead]. There are large numbers of supporting sub sets going to [disease] which will result from the [flooding], and which is also indicated to [affect/impact] the [wild life] populations. As the data sets late last year suggested that [traumatic winds] would dominate the [climate news] here in the [usofa] and globally, the longer term value sets are now pointing toward [floods] as being the [dominant] discussion within the [climate news] in the global mediastream next year. Terra - Alternative Duality, Tempting Temples, Emotive Sheer Winds The Terra entity continues to accrue values for a [flooding/changing event/occurrence] in 2009 which is described as [impacting] the [coastal plains] across the planet. The [impact] is described as [beginning with sound], and this [sound/noise] is described as being both [in the ground/earth], as well as like [thunder from a clear sky]. We note that the [sound/noise] can also be interpreted as a [wave], and so at this point the higher level of descriptor, that is a [wave] may well be more appropriate to the occurrence being described. Interpreted as a [sound] places the emphasis on the secondary level of descriptors, which admittedly has the largest supporting group of aspect/attributes, however, it also shifts the approach to applying meaning to the descriptor set. So in other words, if we use [sound] as the descriptor for the occurrence, then we get lots of detail sets going toward [body (self) reaction (to) sound (as though) body dissolves into earth/ground]. Further supporting details point toward a [sound] such that [everyone hears (it)] and that [in hearing /reacting to sound] the [life/humans/animals] will [feel (as though the ) earth/ground (will) not support (their) body], and the impulse is toward a [bowel releasing/cleansing fear]. Further details go to [sound] being [received as (a) shock] which is [felt/heard] from [half way around the globe], and which is further [heard (as though) cannon/explosions (were) less than 100/onehundred yards/meters away]. Within the supporting sets are further descriptors for [earth (will dissolve) (soon)] and that [body (will) sink/fade (into) the earth]. These sub sets are also supported in their turn by aspect/attributes going to specific [body reactions] to the [wave/sound/vibration] such as [vision blurs], and [ears plug], and [sinus fills/plugged/stopped]. Other supporting sets continue the body parts/processes descriptors with [heart (momentarily) stops], and [blood pools/fainting], as well as [equilibrium/balance lost], and [tumbling (induces/makes) heart beat faster]. Further support comes from [mind (feels like) brain (will) break apart (into) constituent atoms]. The [vibration/wave /sound] is also supported at a higher level with parallel sets going to [held/carried (by) the earth/ground] such that [bones (will) feel (the) wave]

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coming up from the [feet]. There are very high levels of [visibility] for this [sound/wave/vibration] which is to [impact] the [coastal plains]. If we examine the data set at a higher level of archetype, that is the [wave] level, then we gain a differing perspective which goes to the idea of a [wave] which impacts the [coastal plains], and which is supported at that level by the aspect/attribute sets of [instability] which itself is described as [lasting/persisting (for a) while]. The [problems with stability] gain support from the [3/three (or more) years] sub set aspect/attribute which is also supporting the emotional impact summations for the [wave]. Clear as a politicians true intentions? Well, to put a fine point on it, the data set could be interpreted as describing a [wave] which we *could* take to be a [tsunami]. This [wave] does *not* imply permanent coastal water level changes, though we do have those supported in the [oceans] sub set of the Terra entity. The [wave] does have direct support from the longer term values for a [continuing impact/effect] with a probable 'temporal reach' of over 3/three years. Curiously, within the higher level of the data set, that is at the [wave] descriptor level, the supporting sets bring out [ancestral temple] as a huge level of support. The aspect/attribute sets supporting the [ancestral temple] are suggesting that the [wave] will either [reveal] or [conceal/overcome] the [ancestral temple]. This area is ambiguous as regards to the 'direction' of the impact of the [wave], that is to say that the data set could be interpreted as suggesting that the [wave will remove the concealing matter/mud from the ancestral temple], *or* we could be looking at the reverse which is that the [wave will cover/conceal the ancestral temple with mud]. Both are equally weighted interpretations of the supporting sets, and both might happen with waves of sufficient size. However we note that [uncovering] would be counter to the trend for [rising water levels] seen within the [oceans] sub set of the Terra entity. Still...could happen. Without regard to which of the alternate levels of interpretation are taken for the higher level of the data set, that is [wave] versus [sound], the lower levels of common details reveal that [humans/observers] will be [dithering/mentally_ confused] by the [wave/sound] such that [biological imperatives] will be [raised to the fore/come to the front/be revealed]. The [biologic imperative] includes [right/correct decision] and [mental impurities/pollution] as supporting sub sets. There are also internally cross linked areas within the [biologic imperative/motivator/controller] which go to the idea that the [wave/sound] will be of a [continuing] or [long lasting] nature, and will cause [desperate (mental state) due to continuation (of the) wave/sound/vibration]. We need to note that the [vibration/sound/wave] sub set is very heavily cross linked over to the SpaceGoatFarts entity.

Returning to Fall of 2008, as is *still* pending and *still* continuing to build linguistic supporting sets, the October 7th shift from building emotional tension

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over to sudden shift in release language, as indicated in the Terra entity, along with the Populace/USofA entity, is now a small bit clearer in modelspace as the primary descriptor set is seemingly pointing at another [big ass storm] as a proximate cause for the emotive shift. We need to take extra care here as there are a multitude of emotional threads within the Populace/USofA entity which are at peak values prior to the release language, so the implication is that the [big ass storm/destructive winds] are not the *only* emotional driver once the shift into release language has been made. The others include the [death of the dollar], and the [political] and [military] aspect/attribute sets which are pointing to [large changes] in both those areas within the Populace/USofA. However, it now appears that we have a candidate for the actual trigger over into the release language. Not that humans really need a cause to go emotive and expressive. The [winds] aspect/attribute set in both the Terra entity and the Populace/USofA entity rises to prominence in the last days of September and becomes very [visible] within the global media stream in early October. The suggestion from the data set is that our [big ass storm] is referencing another hurricane of considerable power on the order of Katrina/Rita. The absence of such [devastating/destructive storms] in this last year, and its reappearance now as a rising and dominant aspect set are both within the expected pattern of [oscillation] as indicated within the [duality] meta data level. Stated another way, we can expect that the loss of [spring] and [fall] as [seasons] will be part of larger cycles of change including [alternate/dual year storm cycles]. Noting that in 2007, all the ALTA report series were forecasting huge levels of [trauma] from [winds] throughout the year, and noting the very rapid rise in emotive summations around [winds] now, this also fits with the manifesting pattern of excessive [tornado] and other [wind] issues so far encountered in 2008. The [wind] aspect/attribute set is supported by [ship wrecks] and [storm damage], and [building floods], and [missing streets], and other descriptors in support of a bespoke [dangerous situation] which develops due to the [massive storm clouds] and [traumatic winds].

Conclusion: ALTA 209 - Part Four - Energy, Immediacy, Preparations Against Calamity We have noticed over these last few years that when the linguistics line up with other intuitive indicators all going in the same direction, that the forecasts from those points have a higher degree of accuracy than our other linguistic ramblings. The other day I received a call from Robert Hitt ( who is a long term associate making his living as an astro-progosticator in areas of [markets] activity. He mentions this June, around the 9th through the 11th as being astrologically significant at several layers relative to the [markets]. At that time we had not had a specific focus on mid June, but decided to have a look by processing the latest immediacy value set with a focus on Markets entity and the mid June time. Our data has provided some interesting linguistics focused on the middle of June which begins to get emotionally active on June 8th in modelspace and continues on through the 22nd of the month. The highest level of linguistic support gained during that period is under the context of [bankruptcy], and further, that whole set is cross linked extensively over to the Markets entity (via internal linguistic sets) in mid September through early October. The 'pre-echo' part of the equation is very interesting as we have had such a late Spring to early Fall echo effect showing up under other linguistic structures which include [mccain/republican party -health and corruption highlighted], [military - defeats, withdrawals, retreats, and mutinies], [political - violence in late Spring, revolution in Fall]. This 'energetic form' of a design pattern where the 'pre echo effect' is present in multiple entities at multiple levels has also been correlated to a higher degree of accuracy of predictions over the last few years. As we have also had the [bankruptcy] context on deck and building since early

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in 2007, and as the Bear Stearns 'issue' is yet un-resolved, it is possible that we are seeing another archetype develop, and the *next* large bankruptcy will be [visible] and showing in mid June. This would be supported by some of the astrologic information imparted by Robert. It also dovetails nicely with past future forecasts for this time, and is also supported within the immediacy data set just processed. The immediacy values bring along a large jump in emotional tension values for mid June, but nothing compared to the rates of change of October. Bearing in mind that the turn to release language is both sudden, and steep, and further that the October through January release language state is *without* any episodes/breaks of building tension language, then *if* we are correctly picking out the linguistic sets within the astro supported general time, then the [bankruptcy] indicated will be a 'process', not an event, and the culmination will occur in September, as a major component of the October release language shift. Further this whole time from June 1 through to end of February of 2009 is indicated to have [violence] and [conflict] as backdrop memes against which these other, more immediately demanding linguistics will play out. Further, we note that previous forecasts from 2007 had indicated that the [bankruptcy] would be a huge boost in [secrets revealed] which would be a giant weight of [corruption] being placed on the [republicans], and their [candidate] for emperor. Also note that the [bankruptcy], as shown in 2007, would be the start of the [return to mean], and [normalization] of the [precious metals] relative to global currencies, as well as the actual 'kick off' of the [commodities wars] forecast to dominate 2008. Again we note that the immediacy data sets range goes from 3/three days through 3/three months, and then also that this last processing of these values brought out the [calamity] linguistic set (previously applied/seen in relation to the Columbia disaster, Katrina/Rita, and Sumatran tsunami). This is clearly supported by aspect/attribute sets going to [prepare for/expect calamity], and further, the data set at it accretion pattern level is focusing this set guessed it...early October. Might be something we will want to think about seriously....espcially if we get a large, secrets revealing bankruptcy in mid June. ###

Speculator slices will be posted by late on Sunday, June 1. Part Five is expected to be posted by late on Saturday, June 7th.

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