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HPH ALTA 509 - Part Four

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This report in the ALTA 509 series is from 44.195 million reads. It includes immediacy, and short term value sets as well as longer term values. Posted: August 2, 2008

Meta Arts - Radical linguistics experiment Revealing Your Personal Future

In his book "Limitless Mind: A Guide to Remote Viewing and Transformation of Consciousness", Russell Targ has a chapter on precognition in which he discusses the quanta physics of 'nonlocality' and how this may apply to time. Within this discussion, there are a few tidbits about the idea of humans as, paraphrasing here, 'beings out of time'. The idea is that the aware observer, recognizing that time is a 'non local phenomena', can receive 'messages from themselves'. Of course it is not possible to send messages back in time, due to the non locality of the past having completed its finite existence, but it is possible to receive messages from your self in its future time. The concept is that once aware of the non-locality nature of time, the observer can instill in themselves this knowledge, and take 2/two specific actions; the first to begin to practice awareness of 'incoming messages' from their future self; and then to begin the practice of 'sending messages back' to themselves of the past. The context allows such behavior as perhaps your key decisions in your life *were* the result of 'listening' at a quantum physics level to the 'messages you'll now begin sending back'. You just were not necessarily aware as to why you both 'listened' to the universe at that time in the past, and why you trusted it enough to act upon. Further as you are now starting to send back messages on a pretty regular stream basis about what works for your life, or things to watch out for...which is to say referring to the *correct* path you chose back then...can't change the past, you realize. But you can send back 'reinforcing messages' which emphasize the correct choices you have made. This then


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begins a radical linguistic experiment wherein you daily practice sending back need only be for a few minutes a day...and you also increase your awareness of the possibility of these messages from your future self popping up during your daily activities. Perhaps they will come in the form of 'intuition' about certain situations which are currently affecting your thinking. Perhaps it will be an increase in especially clear dreaming. Perhaps it will come in the form of a 'sensitization' to certain symbols, or letters, or words....or ? that you will start to realize is becoming part of a new pattern manifesting in your life. So you then start, hesitatingly at first to recognize the patterns as the messages you are sending back to yourself from a 'future self' which actually has already 'been there, done that' relative to your current challenges. The experiment begins to get real interesting as the actual process of recognizing such messages starts to shape a future feedback loop in which you look for more of such messages in that form as you are now sending the messages in that form. So the 'successful you' from say, a year in the future, has been the 'you of the now' who has been 'sending back messages' for this soon-to-be-past-but-is-now-still-in-the-future year. Make sense? Clear as Mandarin calligraphy pee'd into dirty snow by a drunk monk? Hmmm. Now comes the fun part, since we think that this next year is going to be just filled with all kinds of gas, and excrement flowing out from both ends of the power elite class amidst a background of hoo-doo, and woo-woo from space and the environment, let us start our radical linguistic experiment today by starting to look for messages from the 'us' of 1/one year in the future. And to form the loop, think back to a challenge you had a year ago, and beam back a mental message to the you of that time that would reinforce the plosive choices you made. Ok, The laboratory (your awareness) is open. You might wish to record your results as universe may have a pop quiz for us all in this next year.

Meta Art - Un-Navigation

Having ridden the planet in the slide past the middle of July, we are now into the 2/two (more or less) month window of a 'more ebullient mood', or a 'more buoyant mood' for the [markets] as had been forecast by the ALTA reports for the last year. This period, while not a dancing in the streets party atmosphere, *has* shed the [depression] word of recent weeks, as well as many of the other


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linguistics associated with the [gloom] of this past Spring (primarily March). As forecast, the 'buoyancy' of the current weeks is expected to be [maintained] or [propped up] by ThePowersThatBe until sometime in late September. Our previous forecasts were for the mood to begin to break shortly after the autumnal equinox on September 21. The most likely target date that we have in the currently-processed immediacy data sets is for September 26th to be the [receiving point] at which the [crises du jour] will [conjunct] and [break open] which starts a 2/two week (more or less) period in which the meta data layer of [secrets revealed] brings out a slap-inyour-face [duality] message to the [populace/usofa]. The previous data sets from past ALTA reports indicate that the [duality slap in the face] will go to the [separated, *and* un-equal] status of [citizen/slave] and [ruling elite] becoming [shockingly visible] here in the USofA. While the [slap in the face] status change is not the cause of the October 7 shift into release language, it is coincident with the [set up week] which primes the [markets] for the [degradation/derailing] of early October. Now we note that for over a year we have been forecasting the late Summer, 2/two months of more relaxed language, and the subsequent early Fall denouement of this particular soap opera we call 'Life Here on Earth', and *coincidently* we have had recent markets activity seemingly support the 2/two months of [propping up] part. This lends some further credence to the idea that the shift into release language *will* actually occur, and even may be as we have forecast over this last year. The issues for us, even at this late date of less than 11/eleven weeks distance to the 'release language shift' is that our method of forecasting future events {ed note: PURELY for entertainment, grins and chuckles, that sort of thing} is very much like being in an airplane and navigating by taking snapshots out of the nose of the plane. In our metaphoric vehicle, we have no windows into the future, merely an old 'instant' camera sticking out ever so slightly forward. It is as though we are attempting to determine our position by exposing a roll of film, and then rushing back to develop the photo's in order of their taking. Then we carefully examine the blurred images, each in its turn, to discern what it can tell us about where we are now, and what is directly ahead of us. We do this knowing that we are 'racing time' as our plane continues to fly along while we are developing and then interpreting the blurry photo's. As may be expected, such a method is only approximately accurate at best, and requires on a lot of educated guess-work in sorting out the images. And of course we all recognize that this is not 'navigation' per se, as we, as a species,


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have absolutely *NO* capability of flying this plane. In our view here at HPH and to take the analogy to its logical conclusion, the only thing that humans can control is where they are within the plane when it decides to come down. We note that humans have no control over when or where the 'coming down' happens, nor whether it is a landing or a crash. So we content ourselves with the idea that our interpretations of these blurred future looking snapshots will allow us to better position ourselves in the plane as we continue this interesting journey on Universal Airways. In a sense, our 'un-navigation' is an attempt to seize control of the natively uncontrollable 'flight path of life'. It does not work of course, but it amuses the passengers now that the in-flight video machines are breaking down, and the food service is running out, the 'pilots' have revealed themselves as delusional mental defectives who only imagine that they have found the controls for the plane, and are lying about both their ability/skills at flying, and the denial that they are under the control of space-aliens, *and* the toilets are backing up. Earlier snapshots in our 'un-navigation' method have indicated that the plane-of-fools is about to take an abrupt downward plunge in early October. We don't know why (yet), but we do know that when it does the passengers will collectively let loose with the type of 'release language' that accompanies a sudden drop in elevation in a packed passenger jet. There will be screaming, moaning, crying, praying, gasping, peeing, farting, and shitting. Such is the nature of the very rapid, and steep plunge coming up. It will not be a pleasant time for the collective human species that we label omnihumanity. So....while we wait, let's go interpret some more snapshots...

Terra - Igniting Waters, Jump'n Chartreuse Lobsters, Pouring

The Terra entity has now begun to suggest that our forecast of a [global coastal event] has a [proximate cause]. The [global coastal event] sub set has gained supporting structures under the primal aspect/attribute of [fire]. While the [fire] aspect contains sub sets such as [volcano], and [magma] and other 'hot' subjects, in this instance we are finding that the [fire] aspect/attribute set is supported in its primary position by [mountain(s) of fire] *BUT* these [mountains] are shown as [coming from space]. The interpretation of the totality of supporting sets is going to focus on


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what we are interpreting as a [CME (coronal mass ejection)] as the proximate cause of our forecast [global coastal event]. The supporting sets for the [global coastal event] are now also suggestive of [inundations] which will be affecting broad areas of the inland plains globally by way of [atmospheric torrents] that are indicated to [pour] from the [sky] so rapidly as to appear as [solid river flows]. These [sky torrents] are part of the [global coastal event] and presumably are generated by the [absorption] of the [energies (of the CME)] by evaporation of large masses of [ocean waters]. Along with the [atmospheric torrents] aspect/attribute supporting the [global coastal event], we have a number of cross links, both originating, and terminating between this set and the SpaceGoatFarts entity which share a common set of descriptors. This commonly held supporting set has [mutations] as a large area of emotional summation, and apparently with good reason. The data is seemingly pointing toward an [unknown energy] from [space] which will [initiate] the [CME] activity within the [sun], and which also is the proximate cause for a [building wave] of [mutations] across the planet, and presumably the [solar system]. Both the [CME] and the [mutations] are indicated to be caused by the [rapid increase], or [quickening/excitation] of the [vibratory frequency] by way of the [unknown energies from space]. This wave of [mutations] is indicated to begin with significance in 2009 in [plants], and [animals], including humans, and specifically [creatures] of the [oceans]. Hmmmm. So guess we start looking for the emergence of the [chartreuse jumping lobsters] on local restaurant menus. The data sets within the Terra entity in support of the [mutations] sub set have cross links over to both the populace entities where the termination points are suggesting that a whole lot of [humans] will be very [emotionally traumatized] by the [mutations] and specifically the very rapid rise in [visibility] of the subject. These supporting sets within the GlobalPop and Populace/USofA entities are showing that the [duality] meta data layer will be expressing itself in the [mutations] story. There are supporting aspect/attribute sets for large groups of humanity to be [very concerned] at a [personal level] about the [rise in mutated births], *as may be expected*, but the odd part of the supporting sets is a group of aspect/attributes which go to the idea that the [mutations] will be [rushing/pushing/accelerating] the [Agenda]. Note that [Agenda] in


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this case is capitalized, and apparently is a *whole complex* of contexts to those who have their [lives dominated/ruled] by it. These aspect/attributes seemingly are describing a [cognoscenti] or [in-the-know] sub set of ThePowersThatBe who have a very high bespoke [fear] sum associated with the [rise in mutated births]. They are also equally bothered by specific [plant mutations]...though the reasons for this [plant fixation] are less well supported at the detail level. If we extract the [plant mutation fears] from the bespoke [fear] aspect set of the terminating links over to the ThePowersThatBe entity, we are still left with a significant emotional driver for TPTB entity for all of 2009 and 2010. ThePowersThatBe entity via cross links from this Terra set, are seemingly most concerned about 2/two components of the general [mutations wave]. The first of their bespoke [fears] is supported at the primary level by the context of the [masters/bosses/controllers], and a [fear] of their reaction to the [premature/unexpectedly early appearance (of the) mutation wave]. The second of the [fears] has to do with the [populace] within the context of [enemy], and the [probability] that [time (before the) awakening] is [shorter] than expected. The populace entities have the support from the [mutations wave] in direct line of support for the [surreal] sub set which has been a part of the [sun disease] context for a number of years in our work. The [sun disease] context also includes these [mutations] as a supporting sub set, and further has the aspect of [mutation/radical alteration of core expressions] as a directly held sub set for the [behavior] of the [sun]. The data sets in support of a large [earthquake] in December 2008 are suggesting that a [disputed territory], or [long chain of disputes over lands] will be the location of the most [damage]. These [disputed lands] are indicated to be very [near/proximate] to a [hyper spatial/sacred geometry] point in the [northern hemisphere]. The indications are that the latitudes will be near or in the range between [32/thirty-two] and [37/thirty-seven] degrees. Now we note that the most prominent [disputed territory] within this latitude band is Kashmir, and that it is also in very geophysically active area. The [32/thirty-two] and [37/thirty-seven] degrees could also be a number of other locations, most of which are also geophysically active as they are within the [hyper spatial/sacred geometry] band. These include California around San Francisco, and the New Madrid fault in the central USofA, as well as all of


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Turkey, and areas in China near the recent very large earthquake. This last is probably less likely as presumably the great quake there has released strains. As the modelspace is progressed through Winter and into 2009, it is possible to observe that the [global coast event] sub set, supported by [sun disease/fires-from-space/CME] has the most growth in those sets with [fall/September equinox] associations. This is an apparent shifting of the 'temporal location' of the [global coastal event] impacts from [summer] into [fall]. In previous ALTA reports the [global coastal event] was first {ed note: several years ago} identified as 'striking' in late [winter] of 2008/2009 which would have placed it prior to the March, vernal equinox. Then, over the course of 2007, the data sets identified a [period of between 3/three and 6/six months] in which the [global coastal event] would manifest. We had originally, in 2007, interpreted this as indicating a 'recovery period', however in early 2008, the data had more granularity, and it started to appear as though the [global coastal event] itself would span the [3/three to 6/six month] period. These data sets are still growing and indicating that the [global coastal event] does span multiple months. So the interpretation then shifted from forecasting something like an earthquake plus a tsunami and more toward a slooooow moving water mass, or rising tides which just [keep exceeding normal daily boundaries], and never quite go back to previous lows. We still have growth in the data sets pointing toward a multiple month occurrence of the 'event'. So perhaps to be less misleading, we need to rephrase the [global coastal event] to something like a [global coastal degradation process]. Of course, not the same zip or zing, but likely is more accurate in how it will affect humans. What ever the proximate cause, whether a [fire/electricity/energy (of unknown type) from space] or a [CME], the data seems to go to the idea that the [ocean floors] will [resonate/ring] in [sympathy], and cause a [swelling] of the [water basins] such that [inflows] start to [invade the low lands]. This data set has always had consistent growth in the supporting sub set of [diaspora] within the GlobalPop, *and* Populace/USofA sub sets. The whole of the [diaspora] supporting set has picked up very large increases in its summations, and the recent additions to this lexical mass are all bringing in associations toward the [Fall] of 2009. The [diaspora] sub set has gained supporting sets for [swept away (by) strong/dramatic winds], and [currents] which are described as


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[turning buildings into boats] which are then [moved inland] where the imagery would have them [tilting into/laying upon (the) hillsides]. There are other supporting sets with details going toward [wind sweeping waters] which [build/create] very large [mountains of mists/fogs]. There are indications for huge [masses of foam] which are [filled with waste/debris]. These sets also are cross linked over to the populace entities where the [diaspora] sub sets are gaining supporting aspect/attribute sets which describe [small boats] and [punts/rafts] that will be [employed/used] to [ferry/transport] many [thousands] of persons from [new islands], and [swamped/flooded structures]. Further growth in supporting sets includes aspect/attributes describing [hard shelves] which will be [perpetually covered] with [soft mud (and) tidal waters]. Further sets are providing details for [ice flows] which are described as [becoming rigid/firm], and which will [dissolve their rigidity] in the [ringing of the ocean floors]. Other newly acquired data sets include many descriptors for [boats] being used to [cross rivers] since all of the [low land bridges] have been [flooded over]. There are also descriptors for [new tidal flows] that will create [crabs in houses], and [fishes in attics] as the oceans push inland and create new tidal basins over human habitations. We still have the data levels of [people/groups/tribes] who will [reside/live] in the non-flooded [upper floors] of the [new islands]. These data sets seemingly are pointing to [permanent settlements], or [those who refuse to leave], rather than [those awaiting rescue on the roof]. The Terra entity has a number of [flood] related sub sets scattered in their appearance over the movement of modelspace from December 2008 onward. Close to half of these [flood] sub sets are supported by [rain] in some form, or [rain caused river flood] as opposed to [ocean] induced [flooding]. In most cases of the [river floods] there are also supporting sets for [land changes] which are caused either by the [saturated ground/slopes] which [sink/give way], or by [redirected scouring] of the [lands] by the [changed river flow]. The gestalt of the data sets focused on [flood] are suggesting a coming year of very high levels of [property loss] and [infrastructure damages] *just* from the [rain] produced flooding, As modelspace is progressed forward through 2009, the total amount of [flooding] globally is indicated to be so [extreme] as to [threaten] the [existence (of) insurance] as a business sector.

GlobalPop - Vanishing Act, Harvest Interruptus, Night Jitters


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the GlobalPop entity has had a large spurt of growth in support of the aspect/attribute set of [disappeared (humans)]. This set is extensively cross linked over to the SpaceGoatFarts entity where a number of the termination points are within the [space alien/UFO] sub set. The point of origin set within the GlobalPop is focused on the negative emotional connotations of the context of the [disappeared (not recovered)]. The accretion patterns suggest that the sudden rise in [visibility] of the [disappeared] meme globally will come about as a result of rampaging [duality] beginning this [winter 2008/2009]. The [duality] meta data layer is 'hosting' supporting layers which also support the [secrets revealed] and [revolution] meta data layers. The common detail sets indicate a [surge/rash/upsurge/increase] in [abductions] will become very [visible] within the global mediastream over Winter and into Spring of 2009. The movement of modelspace through to May of 2009 points to a continuing [increase] in the complete [disappeared] meme all through 2009, though the context will change in Spring of 2009. Prior to its [change of state/context], the [disappeared] meme will be presented within the global mediastream in [fits and starts], or [dribs and drabs] such that early on *just* the aware observer will be able to distinguish the developing pattern of manifestation. However, after the [new year], the data indicates an [new aberration/modification] in previous [abduction patterns]. The [visibility] of the [modification of abduction patterns] will be in 2/two distinct areas. First is that the [nature/core] of the [reported abduction experience] will radically alter, especially within the [european press], and second, the 'who' of the [abduction phenomena] will also undergo a radical change in that [reports] of many of the [upper echelons] of ThePowersThatBe, or their [near relatives] will start showing up as [disappeared]. The data pattern growth indicates that all sorts of theories, both [native] to the [conspiratorially minded] as well as [implanted] will pop up to explain the [disappearance] of an increasing number of the [prominent] and [hyper wealthy]. Many of the 'theories' which will originate [natively] will go to the idea that they are [fleeing] to [underground refuges] in anticipation of the [global coastal event], or other [woo-woo disaster du jour]. However, the links over to ThePowersThatBe entity suggest that the [disappeared] amongst the [elite] will *not* be about [fleeing], and instead will *greatly* [agitate] the [ruling ranks] as they will suspect that the [rules of engagement (of the enemies/masters/rulers/controllers)] have changed. This set is supported by aspect/attributes going to


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[as/since (time/distance) is short/near]. Further there will be [visible] indications that the [contact decision] as well as the [2/two poor bastards] are 'involved' in the [rash] of [disappearances]. These sub sets also contain specific [fears] that ThePowersThatBe, *and* their [minions/stooges] have had an [externally imposed (change of) personal status]. This apparently will start a general [freak out] which will result in some truly [bizarre behavior] showing up in the [popular media] as ThePowersThatBe come to grips with their [new vulnerability]. This will include [large cadres] of [bodyguards] such that [movements] of certain high profile members of ThePowersThatBe will be [visibly curtailed] as it is such a *huge* production to [go to town (with) 3/three hundreds (of) bodyguards]. There are even deeper supporting detail layers of aspect/attributes which describe this [guarding (by personal) armies] to be a relatively short lived phenomena, as soon there will be [visible] evidence that the large [good squads] don't help. The data sets are indicating that several highly [visible] occupancies of the [principle] *and* many, if not all, of the [bodyguards] all going [disappeared] at once will put the [kibosh] on these [moving masses of armed humans], as well as greatly reduce the [enlistment] pool as word gets out that [bodyguards] are [disappeared] in the [hundreds]. As we move through May, and further into 2009, the whole of the [global populace] will begin to [react] to the [disappeared] meme such that new [social conventions] will emerge in many parts of the planet. These will include the [right to defense at night]. This meme is a bit complicated as we are obviously not modeling contexts which are exactly expressive of the ideas. The core idea is that it humans will begin to [retreat (into) caves/houses] as [night falls], and will further be [armed] and [nervous]. This area goes further to the point that many groups within the [planetary populace] will [allow] that it is a [basic human right] to [kill space aliens] in [defense of home/hearth]. This sub set is indicated to be a very small part of the over all [change of vision/perspective] that [humans] will be [forced] to [undergo/internalize] as the [disappeared] meme grows over 2009. We need to note that the [disappeared] meme also participates in both the [radicalization] of the general planetary populace from Summer of 2009 through Summer of 2010, and also that it is a direct supporting aspect/attribute set for [revolution] in 2010. The [disappeared] set, including the sub sets with links to ThePowersThatBe entity are directly supported by the [unburdening


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(of the) evangelicals] within the Populace/USofA entity where the terminating links are into sub sets describing a [radicalization] of [government/secret societies] against the [hidden agents] within the [evangelical community]. As a sub set of the [death of religion] meme playing out over these next 4/four years, the [unburdening] sub set is now pointing to [external pressures/releases] which will come from ThePowersThatBe such that [evangelical leaders] will be [outted] for their [corruption] relating to [money], and [drugs], and [sex]. The details suggest that the [masters/controllers] in Europe have issued [instructions] to the [officialdom] of the USofA to [remove] the [agents] within the [evangelical community] this Winter. Our data has continued to indicate that in December, the [raids] and [law enforcement] will begin to [uproot] the [bases of support] for the [hidden agents] which so concern the [masters of the elite]. The cross links over to the SpaceGoatFarts entity would *seem* to argue that the [agents] are [space aliens], or are thought to be [space aliens] by ThePowersThatBe. This area of linguistic sets is a supporting set for the [disappeared] sub set, but has lowered [visibility] values such that it will be months before the connection is made between the [evangelical unburdening] of December and the TPTB [freak dance] over their fellows gone [disappeared] in 2009.

Populace/USofA - Violent Dithering In Place, Spit Sputters, Black SOC

As we have noted in the forecasts for the Fall of 2008, a disproportionate percentage of the 'release language' following the shift on October 7th is derived from the Populace/USofA entity. The emotional sums are indicating that the 'per centage of release factor' is rising relative to this entity. The data suggests that the global mediastream will be focused on the USofA nearly 30/thirty percent more than the current ratio of [local] to [empire] level of reports. This is probably *not* a good sign for those of us who reside within [empire central command (ECENTCOM)]. While the [2/two faces on the same political elite] fraud labeled as [elections] would naturally be expected to draw extra global mediastream attention, the levels that we are seeing are above those percentages of rise observed in 2004 and 2006 elections. So the extra attention is drawn due to the [extra ordinary] circumstances which become [rampant] in Fall, and then through to near the end of Winter 2008/2009.


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The immediacy value sets are indicating that August through to the end of September will be a real [duality] party here in the USofA. The accretion patterns are pointing toward [renewal/recreation] of a [sense of optimism], most of which rises from the [continuing failures] afflicting the [republican campaign] as expressed by J. McCain. The data sets are indicating that a rough early August for the country which produces very [unexpected], and [sudden bursts] of [brutal military actions], and [suppressive] and [significant] reactions to [violent attacks] in both [Afghanistan] and [Iraq] will put very mixed emotional waves in play. The [brutally violent battles] will fade by late August (last week thereof), but the [damage] will have been done to the [republican face] of the TPTB. In the data sets it indicates that [conditions/ground truth] which will manifest globally in the first 3/three weeks of August will set the McCain into [fits of fury] with very high levels of [visibility]. That these will later be [blamed upon health problems] will *not* help the situation. The McCain is shown as [bursting] into [irrational rage] in [episodes] which will start to escalate in [visibility] around mid August, perhaps a few days earlier, and that thereafter continue to occur over the next 30/thirty days. These will be [significant] episodes of [irrationality] and [foaming at the mouth rage], and will seriously add emotional sums to the [let's just vote and get it over with] thread within the Populace/USofA. There are several linguistic sets of interesting complexity within this area which point to a specific episode of [mccain] being [outraged irrationally] such that the [spit flies]. This area has a high degree of visibility, *and* has complex internal cross links over to the [vote now/early elections] sub set where the terminating cross links go to [angry *old* man] which in its turn has supporting sets indicating that [mccain] will do something in this [spitting episode] to [convince all] that he is [mentally defective]. As a smaller part of the [duality] issues surfacing in August within the Populace/USofA, the linguistics are pointing to [extreme weather], and [severe accidents], many of which *will* involve [flying machines] of all kinds, with some special attention being paid to [helicopters]. The [extreme weather] will also be coincident in a general sense with [episodes/attacks] of [extreme volatility] within *all* parts of *all* [markets] which are [empire based], which is to say [usofa dollar denominated]. Not that the [volatility] will 'go anywhere'. Rather the data sets are providing details suggesting that all the [internal market violence] will produce a [standstill/stationary] result such that as we approach the end of Summer at the September equinox, not much will have changed


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since the March vernal equinox. The data set accrual patterns are indicating that some [unexpected economic lies/news-from-thepowers-that-be] will contribute to the increased [optimism] of the [deluded populace]. This seemingly builds around events in late August, and then is able to be sustained until about the last day of September. The [optimism] sub set is filled with supporting sets cross linked over to ThePowersThatBe entity where much of the originating links are supporting sub sets of the bespoke [fear of populace], and which itself is under the influence of the [secrets revealed] meta data layer. However the [optimism] sub set is also heavily supported by [military], and [official 'buoyancy'/lightness]. The ThePowersThatBe entity is showing a *huge* input of relative energies which the data indicates will [sustain the lies] through the end of September. This [input of emotional energies] is indicated to [degrade/decrease] over the months of [October] and [November] such that near the end of the month, right around [thanksgiving holiday] here in the USofA, the [markets], and the [economy] will receive [twin blows], or a [double hit/strike]. This late November [doubled hit] is indicated to be the precise point of origination of the [multiple decade] impacting [reformation/revolution wave] previously discussed in ALTA series of 2007, and 2008. This [wave of reform] is indicated to be the [supporting platform] for the [global insurrection] and the [Nine Years Struggle] which begins in Summer of 2010. The [wave of reform/revolution] is also indicated to [start] in the [populace/USofA] as it [dismantles] the [elite control structures of debt/debasement/dollar/death], but the [revolution wave] will also spread to the larger super set of the GlobalPop as the [secrets revealed] within the [second american revolution (AmRev2)] become known globally. The situation described by the data is very similar to the kinds of language that were seen in Iran/Persia, following the taking of the American hostages, and the subsequent [recreation of destroyed knowledge] . We also have very large building sets with staggeringly high emotional sums in the longer term data sets under [recreation/rediscovery of forbidden/hidden/occult knowledge] which are entirely housed within [usofa officialdom] and which are also swinging under the supporting linguistic sets of the [secrets revealed] meta data layer. There are so many [secrets] indicated to be [released] into the global mediastream, that the [rediscovery] process is indicated to take nearly 20/twenty years. The [reformation wave] which begins in the [markets/debt slavery] in the late November [twinned disasters] is shown in the modelspace


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via the longer term 'duration' values as peaking in about 2018, and finally winding down in 2025 with the last of the [trials] for [crimes against omnihumanity]. In the early years the [officialdom] will attempt to co-opt the[reformation wave] several times, and each time it will [exceed their grasp], and [burn through controls] such that it begins to [transform] from a [reformation wave] through [officialdom suppression] into [bloody/violent revolution]. It is during a later (2010) [suppression attempt] that the [resolution] of the [peoples/tribes/nation] will be [hardened] and the [trials] will begin which will lead to [mob actions/lynchings/public (bloody) executions]. There are some supporting elements indicating that for a while [spectacular] and [public] episodes of [personal debasement] will be [routine] parts of the [pre-killing periods] of [public revenge]. This is indicated to be a meme which begins in the Populace/USofA and later, flows into the GlobalPop as the [elite/TPTB] are [arrested] and [tried for crimes]. Many of these areas are nauseatingly filled with [child abuse/murder/deformation] supporting sets. There are some particularly gruesome language sets indicating that a [revenge SOC] will form around the [child abuse] meme in the early years of the [revolution] (2010/2011) and that this SOC will be a [committed (unto death/hallelujah)] [revenge brigade] whose members have been trained by the [elite/TPTB] in [torture]. This group is indicated to take great delight in [reversing the process] and [torturing the TPTB/elite] who fall into their hands. What makes this whole area of the linguistics within the [revolution] meme so [bloody] and [horrific] is that the 'hallmark' of this [revenge SOC] will be that they will leave their 'victims' [alive] and [deformed/scarred beyond recognition]. The data sets indicate that in late 2011, the [revenge SOC] will reach global visibility as the [control] mechanisms of the TPTB fail under the onslaught of [revolution] and the [secrets revealed] meta data layer, *and* the impact of [global planetary changes].

Markets - Twins, Veep Season

The previously discussed [reformation wave] which begins with the [double hit/twin daters] that are forecast for the Markets *by* late November are indicated to [crush] the [consumer confidence] indicators into [surrender] as well as to begin a process of [reality shifting] in which [personal spending] virtually ceases compared to the [spending binge] induced by the [credit expansion bubble] of the early years of this century. The larger trends will find support


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within the mundanity of [markets controls] as the [crash continues]. The data sets are indicating that by late November the [process] of [personal introspection /examination] will begin such that it is coincident with the [officialdom] *also* beginning to manifest the [restrictions] meme by attempting to [regulate] the [collapsing markets] with the bespoke [hope] that [paper debt/dollar fraud] can be [resurrected] by [heightened regulation]. The accretion patterns are indicating that the [corporate masters/elites] will [deliberately plot] to [co-opt/control] the [reformation wave] from [within] by [duplicity/lies] from the [petty people/politicians/political support class], but that as the [corporate masters] begin in early 2009 to [manipulate] the [governments] of their [empire], the [plot/plan] will actually [go too far], be [too brutal] and the [summer of hell/2009] will result. It will be the [corporate masters/elites] who will begin the [repression/suppression] that in turn will [radicalize] the [global populace] over the following year such that [personal attacks] against [corporations] and [corporate officers] will be [condoned/accepted] as [correct response] within the [populace consensus reality] starting in about mid Summer of 2010. There are some indications that the [seizure] and [gutting/disemboweling] of a [global corporation headquarters] will be the [spark] that [ignites] the [global insurrection]. Again, *much* of the [global insurrection] language is directly associated with the Markets entity, and is fed by the [crises of control] and the [economic murder of tens of millions] of persons globally that begins in late November of 2008. The Markets entity, when progressed along with modelspace into about mid November of 2008 becomes a significant level of support for the [diaspora] meme within both populace entities, but with special emphasis on the Populace/USofA as the very early seeds for [radicalization] are sown in this coming Winter as the [corporate masters/elites] begin to [fight/strike back] against the [trends]. This somehow will [displace tens of thousands] starting in December, and this [impact on neighborhoods/communities] will have very large [visibility] over Winter. It is within these sets that the [closure of schools], and [restrictions on personal movement] memes gain their largest emotional values. The data sets are indicating that the climate of [brutal/unfeeling repression/suppression] created by the [corporate elite] will *not* be counter balanced by the [optimism] being generated within the


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[control party of the USofA - democrat brand]. Rather the accretion patterns are suggesting that a [deliberate shock] to the [political system] in late Fall or early Winter of 2008 will precipitate [open capitulation] to the [corporate elite/masters] by [officialdom] over the first months of 2009. The [rancor] and [ill feelings] generated by this within the [populace/USofA] is indicated to produce the first instances of [veep hunting] seen globally. This context, currently creating itself within the Markets entity, has been labeled as [veep hunting] by Igor. The descriptor set is still 'soft' in its definition, that is to say, not yet completely filled, but there are indications that this will be a very socially important area. The [veep hunting] descriptor was chosen due to some of the imagery presented at the detail aspect/attribute level where we find that [citizens/members of the populace] who have been [driven beyond reason] by the [conditions] will set out to [hunt down] the [responsible parties]. The data sets indicate that in many cases this will involve former [good old boys] going [socially insane] and seeking [justice] in the form of [retribution] against the [corporate beasts]. Unfortunately for the [vice presidents] of the [corporate power structures], their bosses are not quite as visible/accessible due to rank, and a [surge/rash/series/trend] of [vice president] [kidnappings/killings/assassinations] will start building over Summer of 2009. The data is pointing toward some very [visible] example of [veep hunting] to 'start the season' in late May of 2009. This linguistic set is located within the Markets entity due to its huge impact on the [power elite] and their [control structures]. The [veep season] data sets also will be [blurring] the whole of the [disappeared elites] through Summer of 2009.

Conclusion: ALTA 509 - Part Four :Epiphanonious Days, Faces

The [unknown energies from space] within both the SpaceGoatFarts entity, and the Populace/USofA entity are suggesting that the [whole/complete] experience of these [energies] will be the proximate cause for a series of [epiphany (#3)] days. Even though generally a 'good thing', the [wave of epiphanies] is indicated to cause [disruptions] within the [social order] as large numbers of the [populace] are either [digesting/integrating] their recent [epiphany experience], or they are already [changing] their [behavior] in response. This group of [epiphanonius days] *will*, according to modelspace, cause large [upsets] within both the


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[general populace] *and* ThePowersThatBe. This last is largely due to some [minions/stooges] receiving a [measure of enlightenment], and, from the view point of the TPTB, [reacting badly]. On the whole, the modelspace can be taken as a large expression of [duality] in that all the entities are now filled with data sets indicating that this Fall brings [continued change] at levels not seen in the social order perhaps ever. The [duality] comes into play when entities such as Markets, ThePowersThatBe, and various sub sets of the populace entities, including [religion, organized], and [religious control organizations], are intent on [supporting the status quo], and [suppressing change]. The [elites/TPTB] *require* the [continuation] of their [power structures] such as the [dollar], the [contrived paper markets], and [religious organizations/churches]. They will not take the rapid shift of the planet into [change state] well. We can expect their first response to be [force] applied to [suppression] of [change]. As the change wave they are facing is generated by universe, their efforts at stopping it will fail. This will make them grumpy and nervous at first which will gradually morph into desperately fearful. This will shift them into unpredictable fits of rage. At this point, the [elite] become a danger to the populace. The accretion patterns are suggesting that the whole of the [face of celebrity] will be undergoing its own change with a rising [visibility] beginning in May of 2009. This will occur as a result of the [splitting] of the [social order] within the [elites]. Modelspace is indicating that we should all start paying attention to just which [faces (of the) elite] begin to [disappear] from the [main stream media] starting in Spring of next year. The data is indicating that the actual [power] sub set of the [elites] will deliberately [distance themselves] from [visibility] as they begin to [wrestle] with the [twin problems] of [veep hunting/revenge killings] and the [disappeared (by) space aliens or ?] begins to [prey] upon their increasingly fragile minds. The movement of the modelspace is pointing to this [absence] from [former levels of visibility] as being [evidence] of [actual positions] within the [power structures]. Basically, those of the [elite/celebrity] class who are *still* promoting their [visibility] in Summer of 2009 are [without power], and are being [cast away] by TPTB....they just are not then aware of it. Of course, a lot of the lower echelon [elites], as with the regular humans in the general populace, will be going mildly crazy trying to wrap their minds around the whole [contact] meme....and all the


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questions it raises about [officialdom], and [humans place in universe]. This will also impact the whole [culture of celebrity] as it now exists in what we laughingly call 'western civilization' so a lot of [face changes] can be expected anyway, but still the data sets are indicating that absence of visibility will become evidence of gnosis to the aware observer not seeing what used to be seen. Make sense? ### Speculator slices will be posted by late on Sunday, August 3rd. Part Five (with the very long term views) is expected to be posted by late on Saturday, August 9.


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