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Genetic Engineering started as early as 1866`s Augustinian monk Gregor Mendel who discover the laws of heredity. Mendel `s studies made a significant contribution to the discover of the human genes. Human genes was determined that in the nuclei of the cells are thred-like strands known as chromosomes. These chromosomes originate from the cells used in fertilization, the sperm and the egg cells. Scientists discover that these chromosomes contain spiral staircase structures known as DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid) , which they coined as the master molecules if life for they containing the secret of one`s heredity, growth, disease, and even aging.


The word gene comes from the Greek word genea meaning breed, kind and genesis which means descent, origin. Genetic engineering means direct intervention in the genetic make-up of a living being, the replacement of genes or the addition of new genes to the genetic code or blueprint of an organism. Genetic engineering includes genetic testing which refers to biochemical studies or chromosomal analysis for purposes of detecting genetically-cause diseases. Tay Sachs disease which is the gradual dibilation and death of affected infants before the age of five. Genetic testing has been used in detecting phenylketonuria (PUK) in newborn infants. If diagnosed early, this genetically-base inborn error of metabolism can be controlled by means of special diet so that the brain damage which may otherwise result from the disease can be limited. Pregnant women can also undergo prenatal diagnosis through a procedure known as amniocentesis by which the malformation or deformity of the fetus in utero can detected as early as the fifth month or 16th week of pregnancy onwards.

In this process , sample of amniotic fluid is extracted as early from the sac that surrounds the fetus. Genetic screening (GS) is other procedure whose main purpose is to screen, choose or select the genes for proper detection of any genetic disease and other chromosomal activities or malformation. Genetic intervention include intervention techniques such as genetic control, genetic therapy, and genetic surgery. People can now intervine in the biological process and control bad or defective genes that will most likely produce deformed or retarded children. One can cure (therapy), slice (surgery), splice (recombine), and repair genes in order to redesign (engineering) them for one`s own ends. Another process is In Vitro Fertilization (IVF). In vitro means within a glass. IVF is known as laboratory fertilization since the fusion of the generative cells is done in the laboratory. It is also called test tube fertilization since it is performed in a petri dish or test tube. In other words, the technique of in vitro fertilization involves conception outside the womb by artificial means, which is also referred to as the procreation as sex or baby making as love making.

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