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Kertas 2
zj iam Dua jam lima belas minit


1. Tulis nombor kad pengenala n d a n a n g k a g ilira n a n d a p a d a ru a n g
yang disediakan.
2. Kertas soalan ini mengandungiempat bahagian: Bahagian A, Bahagian B,
Bahagian C dqn Bahagian D.
3. Jawab semua bahagian dalam kertas soalan ini.
4. Soalan-soalondalam Bahagian A mempunyaiempat pilihan jawapan. Jawab setiap
soalan dengan menghitamkanruang yang betul di halaman 20.
5. And a dinasihati supaya meng a mb il ma s a 2 5 min it u n t u k me n ja wa b s o a la n
Bahagian A,25 minit untuk Bahagian B, 50 minit untuk Bahagian C dan 35 minit
untuk Bahagian D.

1. IYriteyour I.C. number and index number in the spoceprovided.
2. This questionpaper consists of four sections: Section A, Section B, Section C
and Section D.
3. Answer zll sectionsin this questionpaper-
4. QuestionsiruSection A have four options. Answer each question by blockening the
correct space on page 20.
5. You are advised to spend 25 minutes on Section A, 25 minutes on Section B,
50 minutesor Section C and 35 minutesozl Section D.

Kertas soalanini mengandungi20 halamanbercetak dan 2 halamantidak bercetak

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[15 marks]


a .m . p .m .

KUANTAN lsolatedrain Fair


KOTA BHARU Rain Heavyshowers

KANGAR Sunny lsolatedrain

From the weather chart above, which place will have similar weather throughout
the day?
A Kangar
B Kuantan
C Kota Bharu
D Johor Bahru

SMK Damai had organiseda jogathon recentlyto raise funds to build

a school hall. A well-known local businessmanwas invited to /Iag off
the event.As a former student of SMK Damai- he was happy to help.

In the report above,flag off can best be replaced with

A watch
B start
C mark
D compete

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SULIT ttrg/2


GE O R G E TOW N : P opu la r' n a s i k a n d a r 'c h a in o f r e s t a u r a n t s ,
Pa y ungE mas(M) S dn. B h d . is s e t t in ga n e x a m p let h a t o t h e r
restaurantsshouldfollow. It will not raisethe pricesof food
and drinksat its 20 outletsdespitethe increase in the priceof fuel.
Th e managementhad d e c id e dt o t a k e in t h e a d d it io n a cl o s t
incurredfollowingthe fuel pricehike.

(Adapted from The NSI, March 2006)

From the newspaperreport above, we know that Payung Emas (M) Sdn. Bhd. will
A decide on the food prices in other restaurants
B bear extra expensesdue to the fuel hike
C increasethe prices of food and drinks
D follow the fuel price hike

The Chinatown in KualaLumpurcontinues to draw localand foreign

tourists.Its colourfuland uniqueblendof Chinese, Malayand Indian
culturessetsit apartfrom otherChinatowns in the world.Whatkeeps
p e o pl e fl oodi ng i n thro u g h it s win d in g a n d c r o wd e d s t r e e t s
is definitelythe bargains.

From the extract above,the Chinatown in Kuala Lumpur keeps attractingtourists

becauseof its
A unique people
B winding streets
C cultural blends
D good bargains

[Lihat sebelah
L Llg 12 o 2 00 8 Hak c ipr a Ker aiaanM alav s ia SULIT
SULIT ttlgt2

W h a t's th e co mp l a i n t
a bo u t a 3 0 se n i n cre a se Wow!Wheredid
i n a b o w l o f n o o d l e s? you learnto speak
M a l a ysi asti l l h a s o n e o f likethat?Did you
the lowesthawkerfood go to nightclasses?
p r i ce si n th e re g i o n .

(Adapted from The Star,March 2006)

From the cartoon strip above, we can say that the woman was surprisedbecause
A Malaysiansare going to night classes
B the hawker was able to speakgood English
C Malaysia has the lowest food prices in the region
D the price of a bowl of noodleshad gone up by 30 sen

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STJLIT tttgt2



Zaidi Akid


Pei Soo Sanjay

(Assistant) (Treasurer)

CommitteeMembersof the Gouncil

Based on the chart above, which of the following statementsis correct about Liyana?
A She receivesinstructions from the Treasurer.
B She is responsibleto Pei Soo and Ina.
C She gets directionsfrom Zaidi Akid.
D She leadsthe Students'Council.

[Lihat sebelah
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BENTONG: An unemployed man was arrestedfor using counterfeit

money in a bid to cheata superrnarket.The man had told the cashierthat
he wanted to changea RM50 note. Later, the cashierrealisedthat the note
she had receivedfrom the man was a fake. She alertedthe managerwho
then lodged a police report.An investigationwas carriedout and the man
later arrested.

(Adapted from The NSZ, March 2005)

In the report above, the unemployedman was

A caught for trying to cheat
B cheatedby the cashier
C found at the supermarket
D arrestedfor usins a RM50 note

The man in the cartoon strip above is asking the lady to

A learnEnglish
B teachEnglish
C think in English
D speakproper English

lll912 o 2oo8HakcioraKe r a ja a n M a laysi a SULIT

STJLIT tttgt2

Questions 9 - 15 are based on the following passqge.

Everything was nornal till 9 p.m. Then all of a sudden,the night 9 extremely
quiet. All we could hear 10 the sound of flowing water.A few of us noticed the sudden
quietnessand were bewildered 11 it. But my brother, who has the most experience
in the jungle, cautionedus to be quiet and 12 still.
13 , everyone was together at the campsite. Twenty secondspassedand then

near the fringe of the jungle, a 14 light appeared.It looked like it came from a candle.
As the light drew nearer,we were able to 15 three figures; an adult and two children,
all dressedin white. They would have looked perfectly normal exceptthat they were floating
at least 1.5metres above the sround.
(Adapted from The Sunday Star,2005)

9A become 13A Happily

B became B Obviously
C becomes C Surprisingly
D becoming D Fortunately

10A is t4A soft

B are B clear
C was C strong
D wefe D colowful

lrA by 15A make into

B at B make off
C wittr C make out
D about D make over

12A stays
B stayed
C to stay
D is staying

ILihat sebelah
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SULIT 8 rtlgt2

Section B
[10 marl<s]
Questions16 - 25
Readthefollowing information and onswer the questions that follow.


TheOlymp.ics, an international muiti-sporting event,takesplaceevery
-f our y e a r sa n d i n c l u d e su
s m m e ra n d win te rg a m e s.T h e g im e s were
originally held in olympia,Greecein 776 Bc. It 1896,theyftere revived
by a F r e n c h n o b l e m a n,th u s b e g in n in gth e e r a o f th e m o d ern
Olympic games.


The olympicGameswas first held to honourgodsin Greekmythology.

Backthen, only men and boys couldtake part, as athleteswere not
allowedto wear a singlestrandon their bodies- they had to compete
. Uponwinningan event,the winnerwas presented with a crownof olive
leaves.The olive branchis a sign of hope and peace.


.. Today's
olympicGamesunitesthe world.The modernolympicgames
allowedwomento competealongwith menfor the first time.'
. Medalsare givento athleteswho are placedfirst, second,or third
in eachevent.The winnersreceivegoldmddals.The runners-upreceive
silvermedalsand the third-placed


olympicringsis the best knownlogo.It represents the unity

of- f-The
iv e c o n t i n e n t sa n d a pp e a r sin five co lo u r so n th e o lym p icflag.
The officialolympicmotto is "citius,altius,fortius,,'a r_5tiriphraie
Onecustomthat hasnot changed sinceancienttimesto moderndays
is the lightingof the olympicflame.It is the signof the olympicspiiit
of competition, unityandfriendship.
(Adapted from Wkipedia and Going places,August 2004)

lll9l2 o 2008 Hak cipta KerajaanMalaysia

SI]LIT 9 Lttgt2

Qu e sti on s16 - 2l
Based on the information given, complete the diagram below.

Categories Ancient Olympics Mo d e rn O ly mp ic s

l6 11

18 lq
Differences Prtze

Purposeof 20 27
the Games


Questions22 - 25
Complete the sentencesbelow based on the information given.

22 The bestknown logo in the Olympic gamesis..............

l1 marlcl

23 The five colourson the Olympic flag represent............

fl marlc]

24 The meaning of the Olympic motto is

I mark)

25 The traditional custom that remains is

I markl

4 marksl

[Lihat sebelah
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SULIT 10 tttqt2

Section C

Questions 26 - 3l are based on the following passage.
Thefollowing passage is about a professional hunter of wild animals such as tigers,
wolves and leopards that prey on livestock.
I have spent 20 years hunting wild animals in the Sarawakjungles. The leopard
is one of the most unpredictableanimals I have ever come across.A cunning animal, it will
changeits direction for no obvious reason.Although I had faced numerousencounterswith
ferocious creatures,none scaredme the way the leopard did, the day it attackedme.
On January24, a goat was killed at a nearby farm. TWo weeks earlier, farmers had
reported missing livestock. A leopard had been seen around the areaat dusk. On that
very day, fifteen experiencedmen volunteeredto track it. Before the hunting party arrived,
I went out to look for the tracks. Without a thought, I left my rifle in the car and
that was the worst mistake of my life. Unarmed, I was exposed to danger.
I steppedinto the busheswhere the goat was killed. Suddenly,I senseddangerfrom 1 0
behind. I looked around and there, under a tree, all set to strike, was an adult leopard.
I rememberedmy rifle and turned back to my car to get it.
Then it happened.The leopard leapt onto my back. I heard nothing when it hit
me as it happened very fast. The impact was enough to set me off balance.
For a moment I felt dizzy, as if the surroundingswere spinning. I could not make sense 1 5
of the things around me. They seemedto be blurring. Before I realised it, I slumped onto
the ground with the leopard clawing at my back. I could faintly hear the grunting from
the leopard.Although I could feel sharp pain all over my back, I still managedto gather
enoughstrengthto roll over. My suddenaction took the creatureby surprise- I had caused
it to let go of me and I was free for a short time. 20
That was the best chanceI had to run away. However, before I could do anything,
the creaturehad grabbedmy right shoulder.This time, the leopard becamemore aggressive.
It was certainly not going to let me escapeand started shaking me vigorously. The sheer
strengthof the mighty animal was incredible. There was simply nothing I could do to stop
it. At that instant, I was sure I was going to die. 25
Without thinking, I placed my hand on the leopard's neck. I realisedthat to gain
control over the animal, I had to act swiftly before it could overpower me. This was
somethingI had learned from my past hunting experience.I never hesitated.I wrestled with
the leopard's head and neck over my chest. Knowing that it was either me or the leopard,
I had to fight for my life. There was no time to waste. With whatever strengththat was left 3 0
in me, I wrapped my left arm tightly round the leopard's neck, trying to choke it.
Furious with my action, the animal let out a loud and deafening growl. In fighting back,
it struggledwith such force that I had to put more pressureon its neck.
A young man, who was a member of the hunting group, was scouting the area.
Suddenly,he heard a loud growl. Sensing someonewas in danger, he rushed towards 3 5
the scene.He stood hesitatingly about three metres away from the leopard, not knowing
whether he could shoot accurately. Frantically, I yelled at him to move nearer.
Bang! The first shot went off target. Then the second shot hit the leopard in the spine.
This time he did it. There was a loud growl before it went limp. Seeingthe lifeless animal
next to me, I was overcomewith relief. 40

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1l ttrg12

8 Looking back, I think the leopard had every reasonto attack me. It was starving.
When I looked straight into its face, I felt sorry. This was the closest encounterI have
ever had with such a fierce animal.
(Adapted from Reader's Digest, July 2003)

26 From paragraph1, where does the writer hunt?

lI mark)

21 From paragraph2,

(a) what had happenedto the farmers' livestock?

ll markl

(b) "...that was the worst mistake of my life." (Line 9)

(i) What was the mistake?

ll markl

(ii) Why was it a mistake?


28 From paragraph4,

(a) what threw the writer off balance?

I markl
(b) which word means fell?

p markl

29 From paragraphT,

(a) what made the young man rush to the scene?

l1 markl

(b) why did the young man hesitate to shoot?

ll marlcl

30 In your own words, give two reasons why do you think the writer felt sorry
for the leopard.

12 marksf
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SULIT 12 t1t912

31 Based on the passagegiven, write a summary:

. of how the leopard attackedthe writer and

. what he did to save himself

Credit will be given for use of own words but care must be taken not to change
the original meaning.

Your summary must:

. be in continuous writing form (not in note form)
. use materials from lines 13 to 37
. not be longer than 130 words, including the 10 words given below

Begin your summary as follows:

He realised he was being attacked by a leopard when -.'

ll5 morksl

lll912 Malaysia
@ 2008Hak cipta Kerajaan SULIT


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Section D

32 Read the following stanzas af lf and answer the questions that follow.

If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about don't deal in lies,
Or being hated don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise;

If you can dream - and not make dreams your master;
If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools;
Rudyard Kipling

(a) From stanzai, write down the line in which the father tells his son to believe
in himself despitewhat people think.

ll markl

(b) What value is the line If you can wait and not be tired by waiting referring to?

ll marlcl

(c) Name one of the impostorsmentioned in stanzaii.

fl markl

@ In your own words,

(i) what is your dreamin life?
ll markl

(ii) why is it importantto you?


lll9l2 o 2008 Hak cipta KerajaanMalaysia SULIT

STILIT 15 ttrg12

33 Read the extract from the short story The Sound Machine below and answer
the questionsthat follow.

And looking round, the woman saw her neighbour standing on his lawn - a
fantastic, arm-waving little person with a pair of earphoneson his head - calling
to her in a voice so high and loud that she became alarmed.
"Cut anotherone! Pleasecut anotherone quickly!"
She stood still, staring at him. "Why, Mr Klausner," she said, "what's the matter?"
"Pleasedo as I ask," he said. "Cut just one more rose!"
Mrs Saundershad always believed her neighbour to be a rather peculiar
person; now it seemedthat he had gone completely crazy. She wondered whether
ihe should run into the house and fetch her husband.No, she thought. No, he's
harmless.I'll humour him. "Certainly,Mr Klausner, if you like," she said. She took
her scissorsfrom the basket,bent down and snipped another rose.

(a) Who is the woman in the first line of the above extract?


(b) Why was the woman afraid when Klausner called her?

ll markl

(c) Why did she decide to cut anotherrose instead of fetching her husband?

ll markl

(d) If Klausner was your neighbour, what would you do? Explain why.


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The following are the no v e ls s t u d ie d in t h e lit e ra t u re c o mp o n e nt i n

English Language.

Jungleof Hope Keris Mas

The Pearl John Steinbeck

The Return K. S. Maniam

Choose any one of the novels above and answer the question below.

Using the details from the novel that you have studied,
. describewhat happensat the end of the novel
. explain why you find the ending either happy or sad

Support your answerwith close referenceto the text.

ll5 marksl

lll912 Malavsia
o 2008Hak cipta Kerajaan SULIT
t7 1tr912




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