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TEDDS calculation version

1000 560 250 42 kN/m 1990 2 kN/m2

3750 300 2800

Wall details Retaining wall type; Height of retaining wall stem; Thickness of wall stem; Length of toe; Length of heel; Overall length of base; Thickness of base; Depth of downstand; Position of downstand; Thickness of downstand; Height of retaining wall; Depth of cover in front of wall; Depth of unplanned excavation; Height of ground water behind wall; Height of saturated fill above base; Density of wall construction; Density of base construction; Angle of rear face of wall; Angle of soil surface behind wall; Effective height at virtual back of wall; Retained material details Mobilisation factor; M = 1.5 Unpropped cantilever h stem = 3750 mm twall = 250 mm ltoe = 560 mm lheel = 1990 mm lbase = ltoe + lheel + twall = 2800 mm tbase = 300 mm d ds = 0 mm lds = 1490 mm tds = 300 mm h wall = h stem + tbase + d ds = 4050 mm d cover = 0 mm d exc = 0 mm h water = 0 mm h sat = max(h water - tbase - d ds , 0 mm) = 0 mm wall = 23.6 kN/m 3 base = 23.6 kN/m 3 = 90.0 deg = 0.0 deg h eff = h wall + lheel tan() = 4050 mm



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H Moist density of retained material; Saturated density of retained material; Design shear strength; Angle of wall friction; Base material details Moist density; Design shear strength; Design base friction; Allowable bearing pressure; Using Coulomb theory Active pressure coefficient for retained material

5/8/2012 m = 18.0 kN/m 3 s = 21.0 kN/m 3 ' = 24.2 deg = 0.0 deg mb = 18.0 kN/m 3 'b = 24.2 deg b = 18.6 deg P bearing = 200 kN/m 2

K a = sin(+ ') 2 / (sin()2 sin(- ) [1 + (sin(' + ) sin(' - ) / (sin(- ) sin(+ )))]2 ) = 0.419 Passive pressure coefficient for base material K p = sin(90- 'b )2 / (sin(90- b ) [1 - (sin('b + b) sin('b ) / (sin(90 + b )))]2 ) = 4.187 At-rest pressure At-rest pressure for retained material; Loading details Surcharge load on plan; Applied vertical dead load on wall; Applied vertical live load on wall; Position of applied vertical load on wall; Applied horizontal dead load on wall; Applied horizontal live load on wall; Height of applied horizontal load on wall; Surcharge = 2.0 kN/m 2 W dead = 42.3 kN/m W live = 0.0 kN/m lload = 1000 mm F dead = 0.0 kN/m F live = 0.0 kN/m h load = 0 mm
42 2

K 0 = 1 sin() = 0.590

21.4 130.7 28.2



Loads shown in kN/m, pressures shown in kN/m 2


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H Vertical forces on w all Wall stem; Wall base; Surcharge; Moist backfill to top of wall; Applied vertical load; Total vertical load; Horizontal forces on w all Surcharge; Moist backfill above water table; Total horizontal load; Calculate stability against sliding Passive resistance of soil in front of wall; Resistance to sliding;


w wall = h stem twall wall = 22.1 kN/m w base = lbase tbase base = 19.8 kN/m w sur = Surcharge lheel = 4 kN/m w m_w = lheel (h stem - h sat) m = 134.3 kN/m W v = W dead + W live = 42.3 kN/m W total = w wall + w base + w sur + w m_w + W v = 222.5 kN/m F sur = K a Surcharge h eff = 3.4 kN/m F m_a = 0.5 K a m (h eff - h water) 2 = 61.8 kN/m F total = F sur + F m_a = 65.2 kN/m F p = 0.5 K p cos( b) (d cover + t base + d ds - d exc) 2 mb = 3.2 kN/m F res = F p + (W total - w sur) tan( b ) = 76.8 kN/m PASS - Resistance force is greater than sliding force

Overturning moments Surcharge; Moist backfill above water table; Total overturning moment; Restoring moments Wall stem; Wall base; Moist backfill; Design vertical dead load; Total restoring moment; Check stability against overturning Total overturning moment; Total restoring moment; M ot = 90.3 kNm/m M rest = 327.6 kNm/m PASS - Restoring moment is greater than overturning moment Check bearing pressure Surcharge; Total moment for bearing; Total vertical reaction; Distance to reaction; Eccentricity of reaction; Bearing pressure at toe; Bearing pressure at heel; M sur_r = w sur (lbase - lheel / 2) = 7.2 kNm/m M total = M rest - M ot + M sur_r = 244.5 kNm/m R = W total = 222.5 kN/m x bar = M total / R = 1099 mm e = abs((lbase / 2) - x bar) = 301 mm Reaction acts within middle third of base p toe = (R / lbase ) + (6 R e / lbase 2) = 130.7 kN/m 2 p heel = (R / lbase) - (6 R e / lbase2) = 28.2 kN/m 2 PASS - Maximum bearing pressure is less than allowable bearing pressure M wall = w wall (ltoe + twall / 2) = 15.2 kNm/m M base = w base lbase / 2 = 27.8 kNm/m M m_r = (w m_w (lbase - lheel / 2) + w m_s (lbase - lheel / 3)) = 242.5 kNm/m M dead = W dead lload = 42.3 kNm/m M rest = M wall + M base + M m_r + M dead = 327.6 kNm/m M sur = F sur (h eff - 2 d ds) / 2 = 6.9 kNm/m M m_a = F m_a (h eff + 2 h water - 3 d ds) / 3 = 83.4 kNm/m M ot = M sur + M m_a = 90.3 kNm/m


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TEDDS calculation version

Ultimate limit state load factors Dead load factor; Live load factor; Earth and water pressure factor; Factored vertical forces on w all Wall stem; Wall base; Surcharge; Moist backfill to top of wall; Applied vertical load; Total vertical load; Factored horizontal active forces on w all Surcharge; Moist backfill above water table; Total horizontal load; Passive resistance of soil in front of wall; Factored overturning moments Surcharge; Moist backfill above water table; Total overturning moment; Restoring moments Wall stem; Wall base; Surcharge; Moist backfill; Design vertical load; Total restoring moment; Check stability against overturning Total overturning moment; Total restoring moment; M ot = 90.3 kNm/m M rest = 327.6 kNm/m PASS - Restoring moment is greater than overturning moment Factored bearing pressure Total moment for bearing; Total vertical reaction; Distance to reaction; Eccentricity of reaction; Bearing pressure at toe; Bearing pressure at heel; Rate of change of base reaction; Bearing pressure at stem / toe; M total_f = M rest_f - M ot_f = 342.4 kNm/m R f = W total_f = 312.3 kN/m x bar_f = M total_f / R f = 1096 mm e f = abs((lbase / 2) - x bar_f) = 304 mm Reaction acts within middle third of base p toe_f = (R f / lbase ) + (6 R f e f / lbase2 ) = 184.1 kN/m 2 p heel_f = (R f / lbase) - (6 R f e f / lbase2 ) = 39 kN/m 2 rate = (p toe_f - p heel_f) / lbase = 51.84 kN/m 2 /m p stem_toe_f = max(p toe_f - (rate ltoe ), 0 kN/m 2) = 155.1 kN/m 2 M wall_f = w wall_f (ltoe + twall / 2) = 21.2 kNm/m M base_f = w base_f lbase / 2 = 38.9 kNm/m M sur_r_f = w sur_f (lbase - lheel / 2) = 11.5 kNm/m M m_r_f = (w m_w_f (lbase - lheel / 2) + w m_s_f (lbase - lheel / 3)) = 339.4 kNm/m M v_f = W v_f lload = 59.2 kNm/m M rest_f = M wall_f + M base_f + M sur_r_f + M m_r_f + M v_f = 470.2 kNm/m M sur_f = F sur_f (h eff - 2 d ds ) / 2 = 11 kNm/m M m_a_f = F m_a_f (h eff + 2 h water - 3 d ds) / 3 = 116.8 kNm/m M ot_f = M sur_f + M m_a_f = 127.8 kNm/m F sur_f = f_l K a Surcharge h eff = 5.4 kN/m F m_a_f = f_e 0.5 K a m (h eff - h water)2 = 86.5 kN/m F total_f = F sur_f + F m_a_f = 91.9 kN/m F p_f = f_e 0.5 K p cos( b ) (d cover + tbase + d ds - d exc )2 mb = 4.5 kN/m w wall_f = f_d h stem twall wall = 31 kN/m w base_f = f_d lbase tbase base = 27.8 kN/m w sur_f = f_l Surcharge lheel = 6.4 kN/m w m_w_f = f_d lheel (h stem - h sat) m = 188.1 kN/m W v_f = f_d W dead + f_l W live = 59.2 kN/m W total_f = w wall_f + w base_f + w sur_f + w m_w_f + W v_f = 312.3 kN/m f_d = 1.4 f_l = 1.6 f_e = 1.4


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H Bearing pressure at mid stem; Bearing pressure at stem / heel;

5/8/2012 p stem_mid_f = max(p toe_f - (rate (ltoe + twall / 2)), 0 kN/m 2) = 148.6 kN/m 2 p stem_heel_f = max(p toe_f - (rate (ltoe + t wall)), 0 kN/m 2) = 142.1 kN/m 2

Design of reinforced concrete retaining w all toe (BS 8002:1994) Material properties Characteristic strength of concrete; Characteristic strength of reinforcement; Base details Minimum area of reinforcement; Cover to reinforcement in toe; Calculate shear for toe design Shear from bearing pressure; Shear from weight of base; Total shear for toe design; Calculate moment for toe design Moment from bearing pressure; Moment from weight of base; Total moment for toe design; M toe_bear = (2 p toe_f + p stem_mid_f) (ltoe + t wall / 2)2 / 6 = 40.4 kNm/m M toe_wt_base = ( f_d base t base (ltoe + twall / 2) 2 / 2) = 2.3 kNm/m M toe = M toe_bear - M toe_wt_base = 38.1 kNm/m V toe_bear = (p toe_f + p stem_toe_f) ltoe / 2 = 95 kN/m V toe_wt_base = f_d base ltoe t base = 5.6 kN/m V toe = V toe_bear - V toe_wt_base = 89.4 kN/m k = 0.24 % c toe = 25 mm fcu = 25 N/mm 2 fy = 250 N/mm 2




Check toe in bending Width of toe; Depth of reinforcement; Constant; Lever arm; Area of tension reinforcement required; Minimum area of tension reinforcement; Area of tension reinforcement required; Reinforcement provided; Area of reinforcement provided; b = 1000 mm/m d toe = t base c toe (toe / 2) = 267.0 mm K toe = M toe / (b d toe 2 fcu) = 0.021 Compression reinforcement is not required z toe = min(0.5 + (0.25 - (min(K toe , 0.225) / 0.9)),0.95) d toe z toe = 254 mm A s_toe_des = M toe / (0.87 fy z toe) = 690 mm 2 /m A s_toe_min = k b tbase = 720 mm 2/m A s_toe_req = Max(A s_toe_des, A s_toe_min) = 720 mm 2/m 16 mm dia.bars @ 250 mm centres A s_toe_prov = 804 mm 2 /m PASS - Reinforcement provided at the retaining wall toe is adequate Check shear resistance at toe Design shear stress; Allowable shear stress; v toe = V toe / (b d toe) = 0.335 N/mm 2 v adm = min(0.8 (fcu / 1 N/mm 2 ), 5) 1 N/mm 2 = 4.000 N/mm 2 PASS - Design shear stress is less than maximum shear stress


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H From BS8110:Part 1:1997 Table 3.8 Design concrete shear stress;


v c_toe = 0.469 N/mm 2 v toe < v c_toe - No shear reinforcement required

Design of reinforced concrete retaining w all heel (BS 8002:1994) Material properties Characteristic strength of concrete; Characteristic strength of reinforcement; Base details Minimum area of reinforcement; Cover to reinforcement in heel; Calculate shear for heel design Shear from bearing pressure; Shear from weight of base; Shear from weight of moist backfill; Shear from surcharge; Total shear for heel design; Calculate moment for heel design Moment from bearing pressure; Moment from weight of base; Moment from weight of moist backfill; Moment from surcharge; Total moment for heel design;

fcu = 25 N/mm 2 fy = 250 N/mm 2

k = 0.24 % c heel = 25 mm V heel_bear = (p heel_f + p stem_heel_f) lheel / 2 = 180.2 kN/m V heel_wt_base = f_d base lheel tbase = 19.7 kN/m V heel_wt_m = w m_w_f = 188.1 kN/m V heel_sur = w sur_f = 6.4 kN/m V heel = - V heel_bear + V heel_wt_base + V heel_wt_m + V heel_sur = 34 kN/m M heel_bear = (2 p heel_f + p stem_mid_f) (lheel + t wall / 2)2 / 6 = 168.9 kNm/m M heel_wt_base = ( f_d base tbase (lheel + twall / 2)2 / 2) = 22.2 kNm/m M heel_wt_m = w m_w_f (lheel + twall) / 2 = 210.6 kNm/m M heel_sur = w sur_f (lheel + twall) / 2 = 7.1 kNm/m M heel = - M heel_bear + M heel_wt_base + M heel_wt_m + M heel_sur = 71 kNm/m


Check heel in bending Width of heel; Depth of reinforcement; Constant; Lever arm; Area of tension reinforcement required; Minimum area of tension reinforcement; Area of tension reinforcement required; Reinforcement provided; Area of reinforcement provided; b = 1000 mm/m d heel = tbase c heel (heel / 2) = 267.0 mm K heel = M heel / (b d heel2 fcu ) = 0.040 Compression reinforcement is not required z heel = min(0.5 + (0.25 - (min(K heel, 0.225) / 0.9)),0.95) d heel z heel = 254 mm A s_heel_des = M heel / (0.87 fy z heel) = 1287 mm 2/m A s_heel_min = k b t base = 720 mm 2 /m A s_heel_req = Max(A s_heel_des , A s_heel_min) = 1287 mm 2/m 16 mm dia.bars @ 150 mm centres A s_heel_prov = 1340 mm 2/m



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5/8/2012 PASS - Reinforcement provided at the retaining wall heel is adequate

Check shear resistance at heel Design shear stress; Allowable shear stress; v heel = V heel / (b d heel) = 0.127 N/mm 2 v adm = min(0.8 (fcu / 1 N/mm 2 ), 5) 1 N/mm 2 = 4.000 N/mm 2 PASS - Design shear stress is less than maximum shear stress From BS8110:Part 1:1997 Table 3.8 Design concrete shear stress; v c_heel = 0.556 N/mm 2 v heel < v c_heel - No shear reinforcement required Design of reinforced concrete retaining w all stem (BS 8002:1994) Material properties Characteristic strength of concrete; Characteristic strength of reinforcement; Wall details Minimum area of reinforcement; Cover to reinforcement in stem; Cover to reinforcement in wall; Factored horizontal active forces on stem Surcharge; Moist backfill above water table; Calculate shear for stem design Shear at base of stem; Calculate moment for stem design Surcharge; Moist backfill above water table; Total moment for stem design; M s_sur = F s_sur_f (h stem + t base) / 2 = 10.2 kNm/m M s_m_a = F s_m_a_f (2 h sat + h eff - d ds + tbase / 2) / 3 = 103.8 kNm/m M stem = M s_sur + M s_m_a = 114 kNm/m V stem = F s_sur_f + F s_m_a_f = 79.2 kN/m F s_sur_f = f_l K a Surcharge (h eff - tbase - d ds) = 5 kN/m F s_m_a_f = 0.5 f_e K a m (h eff - tbase - d ds - h sat)2 = 74.2 kN/m k = 0.24 % c stem = 25 mm c wall = 25 mm fcu = 25 N/mm 2 fy = 250 N/mm 2




Check w all stem in bending Width of wall stem; Depth of reinforcement; Constant; Lever arm; Area of tension reinforcement required; Minimum area of tension reinforcement; b = 1000 mm/m d stem = t wall c stem (stem / 2) = 215.0 mm K stem = M stem / (b d stem 2 fcu) = 0.099 Compression reinforcement is not required z stem = min(0.5 + (0.25 - (min(K stem , 0.225) / 0.9)),0.95) d stem z stem = 188 mm A s_stem_des = M stem / (0.87 f y z stem ) = 2787 mm 2/m A s_stem_min = k b twall = 600 mm 2/m


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H Area of tension reinforcement required; Reinforcement provided; Area of reinforcement provided;

5/8/2012 A s_stem_req = Max(A s_stem_des, A s_stem_min ) = 2787 mm 2 /m 20 mm dia.bars @ 100 mm centres A s_stem_prov = 3142 mm 2/m PASS - Reinforcement provided at the retaining wall stem is adequate

Check shear resistance at w all stem Design shear stress; Allowable shear stress; From BS8110:Part 1:1997 Table 3.8 Design concrete shear stress; v c_stem = 0.838 N/mm 2 v stem < v c_stem - No shear reinforcement required Check retaining w all deflection Basic span/effective depth ratio; Design service stress; Modification factor; Maximum span/effective depth ratio; Actual span/effective depth ratio; ratio bas = 7 fs = 2 fy A s_stem_req / (3 A s_stem_prov) = 147.8 N/mm 2 factortens = min(0.55 + (477 N/mm 2 - fs)/(120 (0.9 N/mm 2 + (M stem /(b d stem 2 )))),2) = 1.36 ratio max = ratio bas factortens = 9.55 ratio act = h stem / d stem = 17.44 FAIL - Span to depth ratio is unacceptable v stem = V stem / (b d stem ) = 0.368 N/mm 2 v adm = min(0.8 (fcu / 1 N/mm 2 ), 5) 1 N/mm 2 = 4.000 N/mm 2 PASS - Design shear stress is less than maximum shear stress


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Indicative retaining w all reinforcement diagram

Stem reinforcement

Toe reinforcement

Heel reinforcement

Toe bars - 16 mm dia.@ 250 mm centres - (804 mm 2 /m) Heel bars - 16 mm dia.@ 150 mm centres - (1340 mm 2/m) Stem bars - 20 mm dia.@ 100 mm centres - (3142 mm 2/m)

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