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The Importance of Prayer A.J.

Gordon said : You can do more than pray after you have prayed; but you can never do more than pray until you have prayed.. Prayer is important. To get things done for the Kingdom of God , we need to pray. We need to pray in good times and bad times. We need to pray always. Prayer can change circumstances. Prayer can change situations. Prayer can change a point of view from a negative one to a positive one. It is important to pray. Prayer unleashes The Power of heaven on earth. Prayer links earth to heaven and links heaven to earth. We must pray and give thanks in all things. GOD is in control. GOD cares. GOD is watching and waiting for people that can pray and do pray with an honest heart. Prayer ushers an individual into the Presence of GOD into The Throne Room of The Creator through the Blood of Yeshua Messiah The Lord Jesus Christ. Prayer is not a burden. Prayer is not a punishment. Prayer is a Blessing ! Prayer is Privilege. You have the right to pray and to talk to your Creator and Redeemer and Listen to His Still Small Voice to receive daily bread that will provide spiritual sustenance for our pilgrimage on earth. Prayer changes things.. To do something for the Kingdom of God we need to attend the daily Briefing Meetings with The Lord of the Harvest. He alone knows the needs of the people. We must communicate with Him so that He may communicate with us. GOD is in control. GOD knows the needs of the people. He knows their trials and troubles and afflictions and He cares for them. GOD looks ..beyond their faults and sees their needs... GOD knows that satan has afflicted many. GOD knows that many are walking in darkness waiting for deliverance. To direct our footsteps GOD has to speak to our hearts to communicate His Word of Knowledge to our hearts and our spiritual ears. But if our hearts are cluttered with the cares of this life and our ears are dull of hearing because we have filled our ears with everything else but the Word of the LORD , how then can GOD speak to us ?

We need to pray and be still in the Presence of GOD. Sometimes after all the singing and rejoicing and Prayer Requests and Thanksgiving , all of which are good and essential ,we need to be still in His Great August Majestic Presence and abide in His Presence with an open honest heart and ears that are not dull of hearing. ..Faith cometh by hearing The Word of The LORD... [ #Romans 10:17 ]. GOD speaks to His children in a Still Small Voice. His sheep know His Voice. Before we can do anything for the Kingdom of GOD we need to know the Desire of GOD for that season for that specific day and time. The Great commission is to Preach The Gospel. We all know that. We all know that we must witness and testify and reach the Lost. It is good to be obedient in all things including prayer. Prayer reveals the Word of the Lord for that day for a specific situation and a specific individual. ..Its not by power, or by might but by His Spirit... #Zechariah 4:6 But GOD deals in specifics.GOD knows the secrets of the hearts of the individuals. [ #Hebrews 4:12 ]. GOD speaks His Word that is Divine. The Word of GOD is The language of Heaven. Prayer helps an individual to get our hearts and minds in tune with the Word of The LORD the Language of Heaven. We do not need to trample on the Lords Harvest with Hobnail shoes. Fools walk with hobnail shoes where Angels fear to trod... May GOD help us. May GOD have Mercy on us. Before we can venture out to do witness and to testify and tell others of the Goodness of the LORD and Preach about the Kingdom of GOD, we need to pray. Brothers and Sisters , pray. There is a Blessing in prayer. Pray. GOD answers the prayer of faith.Pray. ..The effectual fervent prayer of the righteous man availeth much. #James 5:16 We cannot just rush about and do what we want in the Harvest of the LORD without knowing specific instructions for that day.

We need to know the Will of The LORD. We need our heart sand minds to be in tune with The Voice of GOD. We need our hearts to be pulsating in faith. We need to get into step so that we may walk in Rhythm with The Word of The LORD. We need to be connected with Heaven ! We need to get our Marching orders for the day ! It is important to pray ! Pray ! When we got our Marching orders for the day we can walk in confidence and do the Work of the Lord and carry out the great commission. In the Book of #Acts Chapter 1 verse 8 , the disciples were told to tarry in Jerusalem until they were endued with Power from up High ! They obeyed Yeshua Messiah The Lord Jesus Christ and tarried in Jerusalem.They repented. They fasted.They prayed. they asked for forgiveness. It was soul searching time. They got rid of bitterness. They got rid of grudges. They searched their hearts and minds. They asked for forgiveness. They made their peace with one another and where necessary they made restitution ! Their hearts and minds were fixed on the Divine Purpose of GOD. They wanted their birthright. They wanted to be like Jacob that wrestled with the Angel of The Lord until his heart was changed and his name was changed from JACOB to ISRAEL because like a Prince , he had wrestled and prevailed with GOD and GOD had Blessed him ! Prayer changes character ! Prayer can change you. Prevail in prayer. Jacob prevailed and Jacobs heart was changed from the heart of Jacob to the heart of Israel ! The disciples prayed. On the Day of Pentecost They were in one mind and one accord. [ #Acts 2:1-4 ]. When they were in one mind and in one accord they received The Promise from up High. they were born again ! They received the Baptism of the Holy Ghost. They were #BornAgain ! [ #Acts 2:1- 47 ]. No wonder in their day the Gospel of The Kingdom spread so rapidly ! they had received their marching Orders and were endued with Power from up High to carry out their Marching Orders ! they were Anointed ! They were called, chosen and faithful. They were Appointed by GOD and Anointed by GOD ! They had a Divine Mission. They were Anointed by GOD to do the Greater Works ! [ #John 14:12 ]. The Bible says in #Mark 16:20 ..And they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen. GOD confirmed ..the Word with signs following. Amen...

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