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I can see you're Jimmies have been rustled, but in actuality, it's not "ok" to b elieve in _A_ God,

and to take it on as "faith" since it is the root of most evi l in this world. The more it's questioned (although at this point the questionin g is over, it's come to the point where we're mostly sure enough (>99.999%) that there is no God) and denied as an excuse or as a reasonable explanation for any thing the better. No, it's not fucking cool if you want to be Christian. It's not fucking cool to think fossils are forgeries. What the fuck do you think the world would look lik e if we taught this fucking bullshit in biology classes? Save your hippy-dippy, liberal bullshit for reddit. These people want to infring e on our basic human rights and create an environment where everyone accepts the ir brainwashing without question. They will smash all the brilliant scientific a dvances of the past hundred years in the name of fundamentalism. They seek to be little the beauty of nature and the power of human advancement. They are a plague and deserve exile from the intelligent beautiful expansion of human consciousness. We are ALL atheists. You were BORN atheist. You DECIDED to swallow the indoctrin ation your family/priest/culture shoved down your throat. Please, for the sake o f your credibility, dont pretend that god actually wants to/could communicate wi th you Yeah, why shouldn't it be? The world is suffering from overpopulation. According to the law of nature, evolution only takes place if there is a struggle to surv ive for a species - otherwise all "less evolved" and "inferior" members are allo wed to reproduce, thus stalling the evolution. I should be allowed to take a gun to all genetically inferior members of the human race and kill them, in order t o ensure the further evolution and advancement of our species as a whole. It's absolutely disturbing, OP. I can't believe some of the bullshit that comes out of the mouths of these religious morons. My ex-girlfriend was telling me recently how the world is going to end very soon because it says so in the bible. Then went on to say all of this other bullshit and I blocked her number immediately. Before doing that, however, I responded w ith a verse from 1 Timothy regarding the subservience of women. Given her recent reticence, it would appear she takes the bible quite seriously! It's a little thing called evidence r tard, we KNOW e because we can see what they left behind. We KNOW ion events in earth's history because what was left behind. Rational inquiry and objective observation, ability to do it. Religion seeks to kill it. But why kind of y human ed onto convert that there there have behind, or all humans was a Roman Empir been mass extinct rather, not left are born with the

shouldn't we kill off all "inferior" humans? How does evolution set any morality for us to live by? It doesn't answer any questions as to how an should treat another human - and as such, shouldn't be a philosophy forc everybody. Anymore than the christfags should push their philosophy of " or burn for eterntity," or the sandniggers with "conver or die!"

Point taken. However, let's say that James and Jill have a child that's born wit h a deformity - how about a crippled arm? Not long after, Bob and Julie have a c hild, but it's born normal. Now, life progresses as normal, in this mutual, stab le relationship. However, eventually, hard times come, and a famine hits. Why sh ould Bob's child not kill James' child, in order to preserve food, and prevent t he corrupt DNA in the child to keep from being passed on?

But what about the fact that the mentally challenged tend to be more fertile tha n average? And what about the sickos who would jump at the chance to have their own sex toy? What kind of kids do you end up with then? Just like culling the si ck cattle out of a herd when you can't afford to feed them all, why should we ke ep the mentally handicapped alive and on welfare when the entire nation is in de bt? Concerning Down Syndrome, specifically: You're point is invalid. We don't have the resources to be wasting on the mental ly ill - hundreds of insane asylums across the U.S. That money could be spent sa ving soldiers lives. Besides, aren't they the fittest? Shouldn't they be treated with the utmost of respect? Again, your point is invalid. We should intervene and remove the mentally handic apped - especially those in prisons. That's a waste of money on human "waste," a s evolution would have it. That money should be spent on starving - but intellig ent - Africans, so as to ensure the constant advancement of their race. I can easily disprove God right here right now. When people say such things such as the "word" of God is obsolute but in reality words aren't an actual tangible thing. Words are just sounds coming out of your throat for the purpose of commu nication And your pitiful minds try to make due with such arbitrary illusions. T hus proving God is a man made creation made from man's flawed perceptuon of real ity and was created to promote fear and create stability, makes sense why so man y people who were stroke with poverty centuries ago fell for this bullshit but t he fact that people are still falling for the hypocrisy is making me lose faith in humanity if I haven't already. BTW denizens of /b/ hear me out, I know there is still brilliance among you and wat I have said here tonight may prove just th at

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