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ENGLISH TEST Name: Grade: 8th Date: Content: Present Perfect, reading comprehension, listening, how much/many/countable and uncountable nouns/ some or any/ too much-many/ enough. Present perfect. Sequence adverbs. Object pronouns. Directions and prepositions of place. Legible Handwriting: 2 Presentation: 1 I. Read the text and answer the questions below. (5 points) Habilidad: comprensin lectora.

Tom: So, what do you want to do tomorrow? Carol: Well, let's look at this city guide here. Uh, here's something interesting. Oh! Why don't we first visit the art museum in the morning? Tom: Okay. I like that idea. And where do you want to eat lunch? Carol: How about going to an Indian restaurant? Humm The guide recommends one downtown a few blocks from the museum. Tom : Now that sounds great. After that, what do you think about visiting the zoo? Oh . . umm . . well . . . Well, it says here that there are some very unique animals not found anywhere else. Carol: Well, to tell you the truth, I'm not really interested in going there. Really?. Yeah. Why don't we go shopping instead? There are supposed to be some really nice places to pick up souvenirs. Tom: Nah, I don't think that's a good idea. We only have few travelers checks left, and I only have fifty dollars left in cash. Carol: No problem. We can use my credit card to pay for my new clothes. Tom: Oh, no. I remember the last time you used my credit card for your purchases. Carol: Oh well. Let's take the subway down to the seashore and walk along the beach. Tom: Now that sounds like a wonderful plan.

1. Where are they planning to go in the morning? a) to a park b) to an art museum c) to a shopping center

2. What kind of restaurant do they want to visit for lunch? a) Italian b) Indonesian c) Indian

3. Why does the man want to visit the zoo in the afternoon? a) The zoo will be closed the rest of the week. c) There are unusual animals on display b) The zoo is free to visitors that day only.

4. Why does the woman want to go shopping instead? a) She wants to buy mementos of their visit b) She saw some great prices at a shopping center c) She wants to buy a gift for her friend.

5. How do they plan to get to the seashore at the end of the conversation? a) by taxi b) by bus c) by subway

.II. Complete the text with the correct word. (10 points ) Habilidad: conocimiento y anlisis.
Next some any- first then some after that- some - finally any. The Perfect Pasta ______ cut 450g of tomatoes, a large onion, and _____ garlic into small pieces. ________ fry the onion and garlic in oil for a few minutes. Dont let them get brown. ________, add the tomatoes. Dont add _______ salt nor pepper, Cook slowly for 2025 minutes. __________ heat _______water in a saucepan and add salt. When the water is boiling, put 275g of spaghetti. When the spaghetti is ready, pour away the water and add ______ olive. _______, mix the tomato sauce with the spaghetti. Eat right away with some Parmesan cheese. There isnt _______ pasta like this!

III. Complete with too much, too many, enough, how much and how many. (10 points) Habilidad: conocimiento 1. - .salt do we need to make rice? 2. - She doesnt buy clothes. 3. - I havent got . ..time. 4. - Do you play . football? 5. - I dont think theres ....................... time to watch the movie. 6. - water is necessary to make coffee? 7. - We dont have .. rain in Summer. 8. - I dont eat .. meat. 9. - .. hours do you often work a day? 10. - We dont go to .. films.

IV. Decide whether these nouns are countable (C) or uncountable (U) (5 points) Habilidad: clasificar

1.- The children are playing in the garden ______________ 2.- I don't like milk ______________ 3.- Scientists say that the environment is threatened by pollution ______________ 4.- My mother uses butter to prepare cakes ______________ 5.- There are a lot of windows in our classroom ______________

V. Choose the suitable word to fill in the blanks (5 points) Habilidad: Discriminar 1. is in class with a) Her/ us b)She/we c)She/us

2. Does use a laptop at home? a) He b) it c)him

3. These are my mums friends. usually goes out with . a)She/ they b)Her/them c) She/them

4. Do eat pasta? No, I dont like a)we/it b)you/it c)you/her

5. We dont talk to Sam. Were angry with a) he b) him c) his

VI. Complete the questions and then look at the city plan and write the answers. (5 points)Habilidad: reconocer y aplicar
Bob is at the library. Bob: Excuse me, ____________ the museum? Officer: _______ along Old Avenue and ______ the first ______ on the left. The museum is ________ the caf. Kelly is at school. Kelly: Excuse, me, ____________ the park? Officer: ________ _________ Church Road and ______the first ______ on the ________. The park is ______ the hospital.

VII. Complete the sentences with the present progressive of the verbs in brackets. (5 points) Habilidad: analisis 1. Camille and Mike are so excited about the party. They _________________ (wear) funny costumes. 2. Our movie _________________ (start) at eleven oclock so please be on time this time. 3. I cant meet you on Friday because I _________________ (go) to restaurant with my love. 4. The airplane _______________________ (take off) at 1 oclock, so we have to hurry up! 5. ________ Emily ___________(visit) her grandparents this afternoon? 6. What time ________ you ___________ (return) to the hotel?

VII. Use the words to write sentences in Present Perfect. (10 points) Habilidad: conocimiento 1.- Mary / just / talk to/ John ___________________________________________________________________ 2.- Peter and Danny / ever / eat/ duck? ___________________________________________________________________ 3.- Susan / never/ have/ a boyfriend ___________________________________________________________________ 4.- You/ decide/ what to / film? ___________________________________________________________________ 5.- I/not / travel/ abroad/ yet ___________________________________________________________________ 6.- Philip/ not/ send/ an e-mail/ to his mom ___________________________________________________________________ 7.- The students/ already/ see/ the new computer program ___________________________________________________________________ 8.- Your father/ do/ a lot of sightseeing/ this year? ___________________________________________________________________ 9.- We/not/see/the sunset /together /yet ___________________________________________________________________ 10.You/ ever/ be/ in Africa? ___________________________________________________________________

IX. Listen to the conversation and choose the correct alternative. (5 points) Habilidad: comprensin auditiva. 1. What are they planning on doing in the morning? A. fishing B. mountain biking C. hiking

2. According to the weather report, when would it start raining? A. in the afternoon B. at night C. in the morning

3. What did Paul forget to bring? A. rain coats B. umbrellas C. rain boots

4. Where did Sara leave the playing cards? A. next to picnic table B. on picnic table C. under picnic table

5. What do they finally decide to do? A. stay at a hotel. B. return home. C. sleep at the campground.

Good Luck!

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