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Neural Net Primer A brief introduction to the use of neural networks suitable for futures forecast ing As the

cost of computing power has declined, the popularity of Neural Networks a s an analytical tool to provide solutions to difficult problems has increased dramatically. Once considered an arcane area for academic research, neural nets are now widely offered as a tool for financial time-series analysis by individua l traders and investors. A lot has been published about Artificial Intelligence and Neural networks. Whi le on the surface, these would seem to be similar, if not identical, avenues of research, they are actually quite different. Artificial intelligence is largely a study of symbolic logic, which attempts to emulate the analytical capability of the mind and its ability to remember and recall facts. Typically AI techniques are used either for control systems or in expert systems to encapsulate the memories and decision-making process of people with encyclopedic knowledge in a particula r specialty in order to automate response to inquires in that area. AI computer programs are typically written in Lisp and Prolog - languages optimized for deal ing with symbolic logic. Neural networks, on the other hand, attempt to duplicate the actual parallel processing capability of the nervous system at an elementary level to perform so me control or analysis function. The physical implementation could be either a sol idstate circuit or a computer program. A neural network is composed of simple processing elements communicating through a rich set of interconnections with variable strengths. The network is trained rather than programmed, with more sophisticated networks being structured to train themselves or learn as they process information. PCs utilize the von Neumann architecture which operates by reading successive instructions and data from memory, processing those instructions in a physical C PU circuit and returning results back to memory. By contrast, in neural networks t he program permeates the structure of interconnected neurons itself. The elemental network component is a neuron modeled after the biological element s of our nervous system and performs its function in three steps. First, each neu ron receives a pattern of input signals from either the network inputs or the output of other neurons. The signals enter at points called synapses because of their functional similarity to their biological counterparts. Synapses each have thei r own weights, passing their programmed percentage of input signal into the neuron .

Secondly, the combined input stimulation is modified by the transfer function of the neuron; and third, the output is passed through network interconnections to one or more other neurons. All signals in a neural network are typically normalized to operate within some limits such as 0 to +1 or -1 to +1 - a time-consuming part of input data preparation. In addition, input data may be pre-processed or filtered to enhanc e the effectiveness of the network. Synapses usually have a programmable weightin g factor that determines the percentage of input signal passed into the neuron. I n addition, a neuron can have a threshold level that must be exceeded before any signal is passed. As in our own nervous system, the signal might also be delaye d. Almost any imaginable synapse weighting transfer functions can be used but simpl e multipliers are fairly common. The neuron's internal transfer function, called its "activation" in neural-net jargon, is almost invariably non-linear. A common behavior is described as sigm oid or S-shaped, with little output being produced until a threshold of combined inp ut signal is approached, then rising to some saturation output with little addition al change as input increases to maximum. This non-linear "squashing" behavior keep s signals within the design limits at each point in the network. Although signals may be selectively routed from the network output back to the input to perform recurrent processing, they pass through individual neurons within the network fr om input to output unidirectionally. Probably the most successful and widely studied neural network system is the backpropagation network. Signals actually flow forward from input to output as just described, but the name of this architecture comes from the process used in training, or programming the network for use. To understand backpropagation and relate conceptually to our intended use of neural networks, suppose the network will be used to track five related markets and produce a forecast of the directi on of the target market three bars in the future. Imagine a fully-interconnected network consisting of three layers - five neurons in the first, input layer, each with its own input; three neurons in the second lay er, each receiving an input from each of the first layer neurons; and one neuron in the third, output layer receiving the three outputs from the middle layer. This wou ld require 15 interconnections between the first and second layer and 3 interconnections between the second and third layer, each ending in a synapse. The synaptic weights of these 18 interconnections plus the 5 synapses on the input

neurons determine the behavior of the network and are the target of programming during the training process. The middle layer is often described as a hidden la yer because of its lack of direct external connection. Initially all synaptic weights would be set to low, random values. The network would then be presented with a series of input patterns from the test data set. Based on the error between the actual output and the price three bars forward in the test data, the synaptic weights would get adjusted in such a manner as make the network output more closely approach the known forecast value. This transfer of the output error back to adjust the synaptic weights of the earlier layers is th e process referred to as backpropagation. After repeating this process on the test data set many times until the output er ror is within acceptable limits, the synapses would have characteristic weights such that the transfer function of the network as a whole would respond to the test inputs with the appropriate output value. At this point the neural network is considered "trained". The synaptic weights are, in effect, the coefficients of terms in a non-linear transfer function too complex to have been derived by dire ct mathematical means with any reasonable amount of effort - in our example, an expression with over 20 terms! To the extent that the test data is representati ve of future conditions that the network will see, its output will then provide the desired forecast. This is confirmed by passing test data through the network to check that the output error is within acceptable limits before actually putting the network into operation. Complexity of useful neural network structures varies from the simple adaline, o r ADAptive LINear Element, consisting of a single neuron, to multi-dimensional cub elike arrays with full interconnection utilizing thousands of neurons, sometimes with multiple feedback paths. The adaline, while it seems simplistic, has been quite successful in applications such as high-speed modems or for echo cancellat ion on telephone lines. Large arrays are more commonly used for pattern recognition applications such as artificial vision, weather prediction or turbulent flow stu dy. A medium-sized system is more appropriate for our application - correlation of several markets and/or other fundamental factors to extract useful forecasting signal out of the background market noise. As the cost-performance of PCs improves, the popularity of neural networks continues to increase due to their ability to provide inexpensive, generalized solutions to problems such as futures price forecasting which defy analysis by conventional means.

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