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Why Children fail in school?

False expectations of parents are often the root cause of children in school. Most parents meant a dream child a child who will satisfy all their unfulfilled desire and ambitions, and they feed dejected and disappointed when their children dont meet their aspiration. What parents fail to understand is that in the process they are robbing their children of their mental peace. Very often these children grow up aggressive and defiant their individuals on account of the wrong handling of children by parents they loose self-confidence and become moody and intruders in a world of increasing complicities many parents find it difficult to give priority to their childrens problems over their own. The children are thus deprived of experiencing love and affection during their childhood and this lead to their poor academic performance. They are not able to concentrate on their studies and the result is failure in school exams.

Education for all

According to Indian constitution primary education up to 14 year and compulsory. It remains to be a shocking realty that most of the private and public schools demand huge amount in the form of donation at the time of admission to primary classes. In the name of education they are minting money. This is not giving education but selling education only a minority of Indians is able to afford this education fee. Thus the majority remains illiterate of. They never get are opportunity to rise up in life. Without proper education

Economic prosperity is not possible if Indian remains to be a backward and undeveloped country the reasons lies in the simple fact that universalization of free and compulsory education remains to be a mirage and the political setup in the India encourage selling of education unless some remedy is found soon.

School does matter but parents play vital role in education of child.
Getting a child into a public school is a billion dollar question and a real nightmare experience for the parents. Our public school is always in the limelight with the onset of the admission season parents believe that these school provide good moral education to their children to become good human beings in life. As soon as the admission is over the parents casually ignore their role in the upbringing of child. Parents duty doesnt by sending them to morally educated besides being physically educated. The parents are to be blamed for their eagerness to put their child in the school when has a name. There are many schools that are not an as famous as other and the children of those schools also do very well. The parents should give sufficient time to their children can do the and seek for the possibility when their children can do the best even are not admitted to these famed schools.

Importance of education the tribal girls

Education for tribal women is not only a basic human right but also a genuine national need and a great social objective. Given opportunities of good education tribal girls

have proved better than boys in their tribes and even better than non tribal girl. This will help to reduce high birth rate infant mortality and will improve the nutritional standard of children. To spread education among tribal women must first be trained I n the socio culture background of the land value and system of tribal societies and more particularly the tribes concerned. In a more general sense of policy for education, which will lead to, integrated economic social and political development of the tribes without having to sacrifice their age-old culture or separate tribal identity. Some policy invites and a scheme of potent increase both for teachers and students would be necessary schools for tribal girls both residential and school. School is opened in large number in all cluster of tribal village. Improving your child While appreciating the work done by a childcare should be taken not to praise him/her very lavishly or never praise at all. Kids lack the power of judgment and experience. Therefore the more democratic you are in the early years the more demanding and spoiled kids become. Try not to lose temper. When you are calm look into yours child eyes and speak sternly. Save shorts for emergencies such as warning a toddler away from a hot stove. Never change strategies before children be consistent. Different types of disciplinary decision should be given to children of different age groups. Kids personalities should also color your disciplined decision. Avoid physical punishment as far as possible but there is nothing wrong with punishment, provided you are fair and humane. Never misuse rewards. A reward used to stop misbehavior is a bribe. It implies that

the rule itself has no intrinsic value .use reward used to reinforce behavior after the fact. Parents should avoid hot argument in front of children, this ill make them feel insecure v. also never assume that your child is always at wrong. Listen to your children and their problems. Let them know that you are on their side. This will help them to see the situation.

Is education a joyful activity in todays world?

Education is no longer a joyful activity in todays world. Particularly school education. It needs to be pursued as a serious preparation for realities. So one is no longer able to look for any joy in this endeavor but pursue it with the seriousness that it deserve. On account of the explosion in the field of information technology. The younger generation has to be equipped with education to be able to manage the future shocks that lie in store for them. With the integration of Indian economy with the world economy we have become one of many key players in the international market. It is a scenario where the Darwins principal of survival of the fittest is fully at play. The question at stake is seriously and as disciplined activity on which our future depends .we must prepare to face the challenges of learning and not look for joy in it. Hard work is the only solution to our entire problem. If we want the nation to complete and progress fast if we want the next generation to be tough completion on the world stage the school and college going students be made to toil hard.

Education is incomplete without vocational training

Education is all that is left when all that is taught is forgotten. An ideal education can never be based on bookish language. It should be based more on real life situation. It must help us to lead a better life. Training for life is what we get vocational training. Other than languages mathematic and social studies must also be trained life. It can improve our skills and we will be able to lad a quality life. If education fails to teach us to lead a better life. It is insufficient lack of proper vocational training is one of the quality of the education imparted to the students. In spite of 60 years of independence our education system has not taken the shape of what Mahatma taught.

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