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Unit Cover Page

Summary of Unit
Theme Days to Teach Unit Purpose
Essential Content, Subtopics and Comparisons Essential Geography
  Essential Terms
Essential Questions
Focus Questions
Readings Student Handouts and Aides
Miscellaneous Notes SOAPS-Tone OPTIC
  Formative Assessments Summative Assessments
  Interdisciplinary Links
  Websites and Links
Unit Design Status
Completed Template Stage 1 -
Completed Template Stage 2 -
Completed Template Stage 3 -
Completed Blueprint for each performance task -
Completed rubric(s) -
Completed Directions to students & teachers -
Materials and Resources listed -
Suggested accommodations -
Suggested extensions -
Initial Draft Date -
Revised Draft Date -
Peer Reviewed -
Content Reviewed -
Field Tested -
Validated -
Anchored -
Stage 1: Identify Desired
Established Goals:
What understandings are desired?
Students will understand that:
What essential questions will be considered?
What key knowledge and skills will students
acquire as a result of this unit?
Students will know:
Students will be able to:
Stage 2: Determine Acceptable
What evidence will show that students
Performance Tasks[1] (Summary in G.R.A.S.P.S.[2] form):
Other Evidence (quizzes, tests, prompts, observations, dialogues,
work samples, etc.):
Student Self-Assessment and Reflection:
Performance Task Blueprint[3]
What understandings/goals will be assessed
through this task?
Check: What criteria are impled in the
standard(s)/understanding(s) regardless of the task specifics?
What qualities must student work demonstrate to signify that
standards were met?
Through what authentic performance will
students demonstrate understanding?
What student products/performances will
provide evidence of desired understandings?
By what criteria will student
products/performances be evaluated?
Stage 3: Plan learning
experiences and instruction
Consider the W.H.E.R.E.T.O. elements[4].
Stage 3: Plan Learning
Experiences and Instruction
Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri





[1] Complete a Performance Task Blueprint for each task (next page).
[2] G.R.A.S.P.S. stands for goal, role, audience, situation, product, standard/criteria.
[3] There should be one blueprint completed for each performance task identified above.
[4] W.H.E.R.E.T.O. stands for where, hook, explore/experience/equip, reflect/re-think, evaluate,
tailored to individual needs, and organized for maximal engagement and effectiveness.

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