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ENGLISH PEDAGOGY STUDENT TEACHING PRACTICE OBSERVATION STAGE Task 1: The School and Learning Environment Name of student:

Leonor Tulleres Cabrera Name of School: Colegio Espaol Number of students: 42 Date: April 2nd, 3rd and 5th Class: 7mo y 8vo bsico

Briefly describe the following aspects: 1. The school: The school is located in Errzuriz 650, Via del Mar. As it is downtown Via, the place and its surroundings are very peaceful and quiet. There are students from 7mo bsico to 4to medio; there is only one group per grade, of about 22 children each. The professional team of the school is formed by 12 teachers of different subjects, the principal, one psychologist, one inspector, one U.T.P. supervisor and one secretary. Also, there are two people in charge of cleaning and maintenance. All of them are very nice, tolerant and patient. They really seem to enjoy what they do and demonstrate a very warm relationship between them and the children. Children are very respectful and dont show bad manners. They are all friends and there is no bullying at all. When teachers talk to them, they show a lot of respect and obey the rules with no big problems. The school is based on a catholic method of teaching, with special attention to values and empathy. They pray every Monday at the school yard and ask for the needed. They even do social works as collecting food, surveys and money for charity. Teachers are very worried about discrimination and intolerance, so they do not accept that type of behaviour from anyone at school. When teachers observe a little sign of these, they talk to the children and take actions with the help of the psychologist in order to stop them as soon as possible. As children are very respectful, there are no big problems about discipline. Some students have differential evaluations due to special needs. They are given a second chance to take the tests if they do not reach the minimum approval mark.

2. The classroom Rooms have enough space for children and good light. Children are seating in different ways during the semester; it is usual for head teachers to seat a student with remarkable good marks next to other with special needs, so that the special needs student can have a sort of personal tutor. Sometimes, there are students with differential evaluation seating together to improve the quality of work teachers do with them. Children show respect between them and the teacher. They pay attention to the class and do not show big problems of comprehension. If they start making too much noise, teachers call their attention by talking about respect and how school is good for them; they stop very quickly and resume working. Rooms have one whiteboard each. There is one table and one chair for the teacher. Whiteboard markers are provided for free by the school. There is a good distribution of space, which allows teachers to walk across the room and observe the work of each student with no problem at all.

3. The activities & resources a) The English teacher performs different activities; listening (books CD), writing, reading and speaking. She talks almost all the time in English; if children do not understand, she speaks in Spanish. The teacher prefers to use the students book to work and teach with, while making students do the activities according to the unit and content. Children also have to take notes from the whiteboard in their copybooks. The teacher encourages students to talk in English, with short and direct questions. Children seem to be worried about being wrong, but she gives them time to think and helps them construct sentences. The teacher seems to be more comfortable using a direct language teaching method. She shows a very good control of the group and good relationship with the children, by congratulating them and providing support. Students demonstrate a lot of respect to the teacher and pay attention to the class. If they do not understand, they do not hesitate to ask again. The teacher explains the contents as many times as they need. b) Resources are limited at the school, as there are not too many students. Children are supposed to bring their own dictionaries, if they dont the teacher provides them with some given to the school by MINEDUC. There is no data projector at classroom; there are two for all of the grades. Teachers have to fill in a form explaining the objectives, contents and evaluations they will perform at class in order to use them. Also, they have to book the data projector and the computer lab with weeks of anticipation. There is a radio CD, which is mainly used by the English teacher for listening activities.

Task 2: Students learning In this second observation task, you should focus on the things that help to create conditions for effective learning and on the aspects that play a part in preventing learning. 1. The learners Students seem to be very motivated for studying English. They specially enjoy listening activities, mainly the ones related to music. Their likes are focused on international English speaking artists, as Justin Bieber, Miley Cirus, Bruno Mars, Chris Brown and Demi Lovato, so they say they really like English language and are very curious of knowing more about the subject. Some of them even want to become English fluent speakers some day and visit a foreign country. Most students show a lot of interest in being the main character in the process of English language learning, asking a lot of questions to the teacher and participating in all kind of activities. Just a few children seem to be uncomfortable with the class, stating that they are bored at school, asking the teacher for the answers and to do all the work for them, but after giving them some feedback and special attention they start working with the rest of the group and seem to get more confident with their own work. 2. Behaviour during classroom activities Students show a lot of interest and energy in English class, so in general there is no need to encourage them to participate in activities. There are just a few cases of children with special needs and self-esteem issues who need constant feedback and care in order to make them participate in class. The teacher shows a lot of confidence about it and also the group is worried in motivating them, so that type of students do not hesitate too much and start working with their friends. As they receive feedback and congratulations, they start getting more confidence and participate more in class. 3. Discuss the learning styles and levels of English in the classroom. Students in general seem to be used to the direct language teaching model rather than working on communicational activities. They show more confidence and understanding when they are taught the rules and grammar of the English language before using it. Some show no problems with any kind of activities and work very well if they are exposed to authentic English speaking situations. That group of children seem to have a very good level of English, quite higher than the rest of the class, who have an acceptable level of English according to their age and grade. Even though, it is noticeable that children in general understand very well oral instructions, which might be the result of being exposed to English speaking since they were young.

TEAM TEACHING STAGE Name of student: Leonor Tulleres Cabrera Name of School: Colegio Espaol Date: from April 9th to 19th Task N1: Collaboration activities For the following questions describe as accurately as you can how you have collaborated in school assigned: 1. What kind of activity did you perform the first time you were asked for help? How long did it take? I helped students understand better the contents by creating extra material. I checked the class and created some writing worksheets in order to give them a summary and assess their knowledge. I also helped students with special needs during the class, by supporting them and answering their questions. I was provided this aid during all times in the classroom. It took (apart from the time creating the material) one hour and a half. 2. What were the students doing before you started helping out? They were reviewing the use of the present simple and present continuous tense with activities in their books. 3. How did the students react? Describe the atmosphere of the room and the levels of engagement in the room. Students thanked me a lot for the help provided. They said that it had been easier to understand the contents with an extra material apart from the book. Children even seemed to understand the contents more quickly by doing these type of activities, they also demonstrated more participation in class. 4. What other assignments were asked you to do? How often? The teacher asked me to start with the lesson planning, because U.T.P. needed the lesson plan before 15 days of the class. She was really concerned on that matter and reminds me every time she saw me about it. She had no further requests. 5. Were you asked to prepare any kind of special audio visual material learning material for the students? Were they used? How effective were they? No, the teacher did not ask me for that kind of activities at the time. She was more concerned about lesson planning.

Task 2: Lesson Planning Answer the following questions and explain how you planned the learning activities for your students. Be as precise as you can. 1. How did you get the information for planning the lessons for your students? I checked the previous classes and students previous knowledge with some worksheets. Also, I received the Planes y Programas from the teacher in order to create the unit plan. I noticed that there were inconsistencies between the students book and the curriculum, so I mixed the classes; classes of one hour and a half were focused on what the students were supposed to do according to the Planes y Programas and the ones of 45 minutes were focused on contents of the book. 2. Did your guide teacher give you any suggestions for planning? She suggested I kept using the students book, because the U.T.P. and the MINEDUC demanded it. 3. How long did it take to you to prepare learning material for your first lesson? I remember not having free time to prepare material, so I spent my days off from work to create it. It would be from one to three hours.

Prctica Profesional Pedagoga en Ingls 2012. Formato de Consejo de Curso y Orientacin I. Datos Generales: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Nombre del Establecimiento Educacional: Colegio Espaol Curso: 7mo y 8vo bsico Profesor jefe: Delia, Leonor Profesor en Prctica: Leonor Tulleres Cabrera Fecha: 13 de julio Hora (inicio y trmino) 13:45 15:15

II.- Desarrollo del consejo de curso 1. Tema de Orientacin: Listas a presentarse para votaciones de Centro de Alumnos. 2. OFT cubierto: En relacin con la persona y su entorno: Participar responsablemente en las actividades de la comunidad y prepararse para ejercer en plenitud los derechos y cumplir los deberes personales que reconoce y demanda la vida social de carcter democrtico. Se procede a la presentacin de ambas listas ante el colegio, que expresan sus deseos de trabajar en temas de contingencia actual, tales como relaciones entre la comunidad para seguir generando instancias de donaciones y visitas a

centros de ayuda social. Junto con ello, ambas muestran un gran inters por escuchar las distintas ideas de proyectos a realizar a nivel de colegio, como mejoramiento de espacios comunes y de recreacin. El debate refleja que ambos grupos de estudiantes son personas con buena diccin y manejo de la voz; resuelven dudas y consultas de los dems estudiantes sin mayor problema y la actividad finaliza de manera ordenada, invitando a votar de manera sincera y consciente. Cabe mencionar que se observ un respeto mutuo entre los estudiantes, lo cual refleja una vez ms la excelente formacin de valores por parte de la comunidad educativa.

3. Tabla del Consejo de Curso: -Presentacin de listas para Centro de Alumnos. -Mesa de debate entre ambas listas y el resto de los estudiantes. -Breves conclusiones y resumen del proyecto de ambas listas. Si bien no era un consejo de curso formal al no realizarse en una sala de clases, sta fue una instancia de discusin y anlisis del proceso de elecciones del Centro de Alumnos del colegio. Se cre una mesa de debate para que las listas se presentaran y explicaran proyectos a seguir si resultaba electa. Cada una de las 2 listas era conformada por un presidente, secretario, tesorero y vicepresidente, los cuales eran estudiantes de cursos de enseanza media. Adems, contaban con 4 colaboradores; 2 de 7mo bsico y 2 de 8vo bsico, con el fin de nios de estos cursos se relacionaran con el trabajo de un Centro de Alumnos y as tener la experiencia de este tipo de trabajos.

Prctica Profesional Pedagoga en Ingls 2012.

Formato de reuniones de Profesores I. Datos Generales: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Nombre del Establecimiento Educacional: Colegio Espaol Profesor en Prctica: Leonor Tulleres Cabrera Fecha: Cada jueves. Tabla de la reunin: Segn corresponda Hora (inicio y trmino) 17:30 19:00

Cuando tuve la entrevista con el jefe de U.T.P. del establecimiento, ste me inform que los practicantes no estaban autorizados a asistir a reuniones de profesores. Por lo que pude conversar al respecto con los docentes, pude informarme de que stas se realizaban todos los jueves a las 17:30 horas. Haba una al mes que era para Consejo de disciplina, donde se trataban problemticas con respecto al comportamiento de algunos estudiantes y posibles medidas a tomar, la cual se realizaba en conjunto con el inspector y el psiclogo del establecimiento. Otra reunin contemplaba el planificar las actividades a realizar (clases) y otra se realizaba para tratar temas relacionados al sindicato de profesores del colegio.

Prctica Profesional Pedagoga en Ingls 2012 Formato de reuniones de Padres y Apoderados I. Datos Generales: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Nombre del Establecimiento Educacional: Colegio Espaol Curso: 7mo y 8vo bsico Profesor jefe: Delia y Leonor Profesor en Prctica: Leonor Tulleres Cabrera Fecha: ltimo jueves de cada mes. Hora (inicio y trmino) 19:00 21:00 hrs. Tabla de la reunin: Segn corresponda.

Cuando tuve la entrevista con el jefe de U.T.P. del establecimiento, ste me inform que los practicantes no estaban autorizados a asistir a reuniones de apoderados, al igual que de profesores. Al conversar al respecto con la profesora gua (lo cual ocurri al ella llenar la pauta de evaluacin de Prctica Profesional) me indic que lamentaba la situacin, porque, adems de enterarse ella en ltimas instancias, existi una incongruencia de horarios, ya que los das jueves en la tarde yo no poda asistir al colegio ni cualquier otra actividad de cualquier ndole, debido a estar nicamente yo disponible para el cuidado personal de mi hija menor de 4 aos. El tema se convers en ese momento entre la profesora gua y yo, y se determin que dada la tarda informacin sobre lo que haba sealado el jefe de U.T.P. en un principio y la problemtica personal de la estudiante, ella reflejara lo correspondiente al caso en la evaluacin. Seguido de esto, me inform de que la ltima reunin

de apoderados se realizara con el fin de entregar informes de notas y realizar observaciones de conducta de los estudiantes a los apoderados.

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