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GE 2211 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING UNIT I Part A 1. State the significance and scope of environmental education. 2.

. What is the need for public awareness for solving environmental problems 3. State the environmental effects of extracting and using mineral resources. 4. Why world environment day is observed on 5th June every year 5. State the need for public awareness for solving environmental problems. 6. Define environmental science. 7. State the problems caused by the construction of dam. 8. What are the conventional sources of energy for the mankind? 9. What is geothermal energy? 10. What is water logging? 11. What is meant by desertification? 12. What is biomass energy? 13. What is biogas? 14. How is Ocean Thermal Energy converted into electrical energy? 15. What is an aquifer? What are the types of aquifer? Part B 1. What is meant by deforestation? What are the impacts of deforestation on the environment? 2. What is meant by soil erosion? What are its causes? Suggest in-situ remedies. 3. What are the measures recommended for conservation of natural resources? 4. Explain in detail the role of an individual in conservation of natural resources. 5. What are the major causes of deforestation? Discuss its consequences. 6. Explain briefly the various methods of harvesting solar energy? 7. Write a note on tidal power. 8. Discuss the development of modern agriculture and its effect.

UNIT II Part A 1. Define Biodiversity. Mention its various levels. 2. What is an ecosystem? 3. Why biodiversity is rich in tropics? 4. Name 2 endangered and endemic species of India 5. Define bio-geochemical cycle and state its importance. 6. Define food web with suitable example. 7. What is sustainable forestry? 8. What are the characteristics of desert eco-system? 9. India is a mega diversity nation-Account. 10. What do you understand by the terms flora and fauna? 11. How a biome does differ from an eco- system? 12. Define genetic diversity and species diversity with example. 13. What are the classifications of biotic components of ecosystems? 14. What is food chain and food web? 15. Explain endangered species. 16. What is meant by biosphere? 17. Distinguish between primary and secondary consumer. 18. What is the role of Keystone species in an ecosystem? 19. What is meant by environmental impact statement? Part- B 1. Discuss in detail the characteristics, structure and function of forest ecosystem 2. Discuss in detail the characteristics, structure and function of aquatic forest ecosystem. 3. Discuss the different hierarchical levels to understand the concept of biodiversity. 4. Write notes on hot spots of India. 5. How do you justify India as mega diverse nation? 6. Briefly explain the values of biodiversity. 7. Explain in detail in different methods of conservation of bio-diversity 8. Discuss in detail the energy flow in ecosystem.

9. Discuss in detail the various threats to biodiversity 10. Discuss in detail Biogeographical classification of India 11. Write short note on ecological pyramids and their types. 12. What are the various hotspots of Bio-Diversity in India? 13. Discuss the endangered and endemic species of India 14. Explain how fat soluble pollutants like DDT get biomagnified. 15. With a neat sketch explain the flow of energy through the various components of the ecosystem. (Producers, consumers and decomposers). 16. Explain food chain and food web. 17. Explain: energy flow in ecosystem, food chain, food web and ecological pyramids. Unit III Part A 1. What is meant by anthropogenic source so pollution? 2. Distinguish between point and non point sources of water pollution. 3. Draw the flow chart showing the function elements of solid waste management. 4. Distinguish between insitu and exsitu conservation. 5. Name any four air pollutants, and their sources and effects. 6. Name the sources and effects of marine pollution. 7. Write any two causes of soil pollution. 8. When a sound cause noise pollution? 9. Define thermal pollution. 10. What are the types of solid waste? 11. Write any four major water pollutants? 12. What are the primary and secondary air pollutants? 13. What are the natural and man made air pollutants? Part B 1. What is meant by solid waste? How is it classified? Explain its disposal by incineration. 2. What is meant by leachate? Discuss it impacts on ground water pollution. How can we prevent ground water pollution by leachate?

3. Draw a flow sheet and explain the process of municipal wastewater treatment by activated sludge process. 4. Describe any four pollution control acts in India. 5. Explain the causes, effects and control measures of water pollution. 6. What are the effects of improper municipal solid wastes management? State the measures recommended for proper management of the solid wastes. 7. What are the major pollutants of atmosphere? Enumerate the adverse effects caused by these pollutants. 8. How will you take care of Solid wastes generated in urban areas? 9. Write a note on disposal of radioactive wastes. 10. Compare the nuclear power with coal power. 11. Discuss the various aspects of prevention and control of noise. 12. Write briefly the harmful effects of air pollution. 13. Discuss the major air pollutants and their impacts. 14. Explain the various methods of controlling air pollution. 15. Discuss briefly the disposal of municipal solid waste. 16. What are the sources of radio active pollution? 17. What is thermal pollution and explain its effects. 18. Write short notes on the following (i) Activated sludge systems (ii) Rotating biological contactors (iii) Advanced wastewater treatment techniques. 19. Discuss the various methods of removal of particulate matter from gases. 20. Discuss the consequences of over-utilization of surface and ground water. 21. Discuss with examples the major sources of surface water and ground water pollution, adverse effects and control of water pollution 22. Discuss the primary and secondary treatment of wastewater. 23. Discuss the water conflicts among nations and states with examples Unit IV Part A 1. Mention any found compounds that are responsible for ozone layer depletion. 2. What are the causes and effects of global warming? 3. What are the causes and effects of ozone layer depletion?

4. What is acid rain? 5. Explain the term sustainable development? 6. What is acid deposition? 7. Define photochemical smog. Part B 1. State the important provisions in environmental protection act, Air act and Water act 2. Explain the various functions of pollution control boards, in detail. 3. Discuss the international efforts on protection of ozone layer. 4. What is meant by rain water harvesting> Why is it necessary nowadays? 5. Discuss about global warming 6. Name the laws that have been framed for environmental protection and mention the objectives for each act. 7. Discuss the agenda for sustainable development. 8. Explain the mechanism of ozone layer depletion. 9. Write briefly on the community participation in environmental management programmes. 10. Discuss briefly on the Indian Environmental acts. 11. Write a note on watershed management. 12. Discuss briefly on Environmental act 1986. 13. Write briefly on Bhopal disaster and Chernobyl disaster. 14. What are the sources of green house gases in atmosphere? Unit V Part A 1. Distinguish between environmental audit and environmental impact. 2. State any four goal so waste audit. 3. What is population explosion? 4. State how environment and human health are related. 5. State the role of information technology in environment. 6. Define population equilibrium. Part B

1. Explain the role of information technology in environment and human health. 2. Write a short note on value education. 3. Population explosion affects the environment seriously-Discuss. 4. Deterioration of environment leads to deterioration of human health-Justify. 5. Discuss briefly the reasons for population explosion. 6. Discuss the environmental and social impacts of growing population. 7. Write briefly on the effect of increasing affluence on environment. 8. Write briefly on implement6ation of family planning programme. 9. Write a note on AIDS in developing countries 10. Discuss the factor influencing the family size. 11. Write a note on the various methods of family planning. 12. What is population dispersion? Explain.

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