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Amigurumi Chick/Baby Bird

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Filed under: General, 4 - Medium, Synthetic, Toys & Games, amigurumi, toy, plush, chick, baby bird

* A small amount of yellow (chick) or blue (baby bird) yarn, double-knitting weight * A very small amount of black yarn, same weight as above * A small amount of polyester stuffing


Materials List


Just in time for Easter, you can make cute little baby birds or chicks! These guys are perfect for stuffing Easter baskets or just putting on your desk at work.










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v6 .3

* 2.50 mm crochet hook * Tapestry needle

Finished Size

Again, the finished size depends on the type of yarn and hook you use. It will be about 1-1/2 to 2 inches tall.

Abbreviations used: mr: make a ring sc: single crochet st: stitch inc: increase

invdec: invisible decrease

The Pattern
Making the body:

Make a ring, and work 6 sc into the ring. (6 st)






This bird is worked in spiral rounds, so do not join at the end of each round. Use a stitch marker to mark the first stitch of each round.



Please note that this bird is intended to be enjoyed by adults and older children only. Because there may be sharp ends on the pipe cleaners, I would avoid giving it to a child under three. (Also, if your kids are anything like mine is, they'll be quite good at pulling its little eyes out.)




Gauge is not used in this pattern.



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It doesn't really matter what type of yarn you use or what size hook you use; it will just change the size of the finished bird. I would suggest you use whatever yarn you can find, and use the smallest hook that you have that won't split the yarn when you work with it. The bird in the picture was made with 100% acrylic DK yarn and a 2.50 mm crochet hook, and stands about 11/2 inches tall.

v6 .3

* 1 pipe cleaner, orange (chick) or yellow (baby bird)

Rnd 13: (invdec over next 2 st, sc in next st) 6 times. (12)

At this point, cut the yarn about 20 cm from your work, and pull the loop on your crochet hook bigger and bigger until the tail of the yarn comes through and you're left with a single strand coming out of your work.

The long and short of it is: use the remaining pipe cleaner to fashion two three-toed birds' feet, with the leg sticking upright, using the photo as a guide to the shape of the feet.









Making and inserting the feet: This part of the pattern is the most difficult to describe, so I've drawn a diagram:



With the tapestry needle and the black yarn, embroider a French knot for each eye, using the photo as a guide to placement. Don't forget to use a dab of craft glue on each French knot to hold it together, or it is likely to unravel.

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Cut a 2" length of pipe cleaner and fold it in half; this will be your beak. Insert the two ends between rounds 7 and 8, two posts apart. Push the beak in until it's of the desired size, then twist the ends together inside so they're secure. Cut off any excess pipe cleaner.

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Rnd 1: 2 sc in each st around. (12) Rnd 2: (2 sc in next st, 1 sc in next st) 6 times. (18) Rnds 3-6: inc 3 times evenly. (30 st at the end of rnd 6) Rnds 7-8: work even. (30) Rnds 9-12: invdec 3 times evenly. (18 st at the end of rnd 12)

Finishing the body:

Making the wings (optional):

Rnd 1: 2 sc in each st around. (12) Rnd 2: work even. (12)

To finish the bird, whipstitch the wings to its sides, using the photo as a guide.






Fasten off, leaving a 20 cm tail. Repeat for the second wing.


Rnd 3: sc in the first 6 st, ch 1. Now, pinch the fabric together and for the next 6 st, stitch through both layers of the fabric. You will have stitched the wing closed, into a half-circle shape.



Make a ring, and work 6 sc into the ring. (6 st)


It's up to you whether you choose to put wings on your bird; some people insist they're just as cute without. If you would like to add wings, as in the picture, here's how you do it:


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Close the hole by threading the end of your yarn onto a tapestry needle and inserting it through the front loop only of each st around. Pull the yarn tight, and the hole will close naturally. Then weave in the ends.

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Now that you've finished the eyes, beak and feet, you can stuff your bird with a bit of polyester stuffing, and close the hole. I like to under-stuff these birds because they make quite good stress toys and they're fun to squeeze!

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The legs should be placed between rounds 11 and 12, 9 posts apart. To fix them in place, push the leg through the fabric, then twist it into a loop, which then lies flat against the fabric on the inside. I like to think of this configuration kind of like how you would imagine a snake coiled up in the bottom of a basket. Anyway, this whole exercise is to ensure that the leg can't simply be pulled out, so any way you can accomplish that is sufficient.

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