Chronicles of A Single Christian Bro

Well… where do I begin… OK the beginning might help… OK, I started this blog to kinda document my journey from being a single Christian man, looking for a spouse but not just any spouse, one that will walk this journey with me for life! I have a destiny, a call on my life from our Almighty Heavenly Father and I believe it requires a particular kind of woman who I can walk with to really fulfil the destiny that God has mapped out for me. When I initially began, there was someone in mind and I did pursue but… you’ll find out how that went as time goes by. In this blog I will speak VERY candidly about EVERYTHING I have or will encounter on my journey to the marriage milestone and at that point this blog will change to MARRIED CHRISTIAN BRO… lol I will talk about who I ‘like’, why I like them, where I hopefully see us going and of course my every thought a long the way. I will also include different bits of research I have done on relationships, women, men, marriage, courting and things of that sort. If you’re squeemish or like to ‘bury your head in the sand’ when it comes to this topic, this isnt your luck day… its time to ‘man up’ or ‘woman up’ The word of God says in Revelation “the fearful were cast into the lake of fire” (along with idolators, fornicators, liars and all the other bad traits that flesh harbours) simply put God is say… STOP BEING SCARED! …Of Anything… including relationships and REAL commitment! Join me on this awesome voyage! follow me: