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HERstory HERU USURY FREE GLOBAL BAR JESUS = PAGAN WITCH AMEN RA = GOD of WAR. U NITED FISHER KINGDOMS- (not V KNIGHTED) Wašícu - Lakota word for "taking the fat" and it is used by natives to refer to non-Natives who rob tribes of their resources. (SOS ALERT TO VIRAL THIS! emailer edition // cramnote // NOV 2011 doc // // videos // //EArthPARty cards // Holyhealthy DVD / TSNEWS V 13 ) // True Geostrategics & Astrostrategics // Recent Earthquakes & Active Volcanoes Dec 1-15 2011 THORsday 12 15 2011=4 Stop WARshipping CRONUS and his DARK SONs/STARs/ ARCHONs. ZEUS JUPITER DIAS PATRE 666 NesaRA WARNING +++SUN +SOUL+ SOL ( SOLAR PLEXUS) + and LUNA + illuminary MOON LITE+++) NEUTRALIZE DARK STARS MARs and SIN/ ALLAH -DARK side of MOON (11 or - ) or LORD of the RINGS SATURN 9 ( 9-11) NEUTRALIZE to reach ZERO POINT = Ascension= Light Body. ( ADD +, Protons, orgonemasters , OLEE H20 ) Stay focused in the now and remember what you resist- persists, so visualize the future you want and give power only to those positive thoughts to see them energized into reality - energy follows thought. All is about to be revealed, secrets told. The fact remains, if it's public, it is far from the facts. Even the queen knows that isn't going to fly. Protecting the 'city of london' from that bad euro. " In the last days every knee shall bend." ZEROPOINT+++++ MERCREDI ( MERCURY) 12 14 2011 = 12= 3 SATURN, SIN, MARs ( Unholy Trinity with mother of VAMPIRES-LILITH). ( has been missing for a month) Maitreya Is Out of the Picture - They're Planning to Bring Sananda In Now - Lowest Ranking Ascended Master, Is Coming as Jesus of the Bible JESUS is the IMPOSTER PAGAN WITCH. DRACO BLACK MAGICIAN. LEO- LEVIATHAN- PINDAR the DRAGON LORD BAR JESUS ("son of Jesu or Joshua"): Jewish magician described in Acts xiii. 6-11 as a "sorcerer, a false prophet," who, when Paul and Barnabas came to Cyprus, was found in the company of Sergius Paulus, the Roman proconsul. He also bore the title of "Elymas" (= sorcerer; perhaps related to , Deut. xiii. 2; explained also from the Arabic alim = wise). He opposed Paul in his attempt to convert the proconsul; whereupon Paul, "filled with the Holy Ghost, set his eyes on him," and cursed him with temporary blindness, calling him "son of the Devil" ("Ben Belial"); and "immediately there fell on him a mist and a darkness," and he had to be led by the hand. The proconsul, "when he saw what was done," was converted. Simon Magus, to whom Bar Jesus bears a striking resemblance, is apparently the person mentioned by Josephus ("Ant." xx. 7, § 2), as "Simon . . . a Jew, born in Cyprus," who "pretended to be a magician," one of the friends of Felix, the procurator of Judea, and employed by him to seduce Drusilla from her husband, Azizus, king of Emesa. The same Simon Magus occurs in the story of Peter the Apostle (Acts viii. 20-24), of which the Paul story obviously forms a counterpart. New Testament critics therefore doubt the authenticity of the whole story (see Holzmann, on Acts xiii., and P. W. Schmiedel, in "Encyc. Bibl.") The Syriac, taking offense at "Son of Jesus" being called "Son of the Devil," has changed the name "Bar Jesus" into "Bar Shuma" (Son of the Name); one Latin translation has "Bar Jesuba," which again has led modern writers like August Klostermann to new conjectures. MARdi 12 13 2011= 11 = MARs- GOD of WAR -MARduk RA ATON NATO ATOM AMUN AMEN Mars of Roman mythology (of Ares in Greek mythology) is known to be the God of War. However, he was also God of Violence, Manly Courage, Fear and Cowardice, Rebellion, and Civil Order. Roman Mythology: March is named after him. Greek equivalent Ares. 1= neg line, neg charge, atom, electron, matter, stuck in MALKUTH ( ROOT- 3d). ( UNHOLY TRINITY= LILITH - SATURN ( SATAN) - HORUS MARS) SET DARK STAR, IHS, RAmen, ROMAN ANTIPOPES, PROTESTANT RELIGION, FREEMASONRY, VAMPIRES, GEN 6:6, INCUBUS, SUCCUBUS, dark stars, parasites, shadows, illusions of our LIGHT bodies, possession by archons, jinn, unresolved spirits, feed off our life force, crave alcohol, sex, RED ROOT CARNEL 369, off the mark, fallen angels, NEPHALIM Spirit in MATTER, Star upsidedown, REVERSED. FALLEN, MATRIX, MOONday 12 12 2011= 10 = ATEN ATOM AMEN AMUN NATO AMEN RA= GOD of WAR; MOONgod- SIN- (Lilith's brother the moongod) ALLAH. SIN- GOG, SYNaGOG, SIN number, 666 , moon matrix, loosh, mind CONtrol, SUNday 12 11 2011 = 5 11 11 = 9 9-other Son (SIN of SATURN) ( moongod) SUN ADONAI, SON of SIRIUS (OSIRUS), ANU + DANU, HOLY TRINITY, PHOTONs, PROTONS, +++ IAMSPIRIT Toronto Spiritualist Temple 7 pm tonight hope to see you Thank you for the service again tonight and I will see you next weekend. NOTE BAR JESUS is a PAGAN WITCH and AMEN RA is GOD of WAR. G.H.REES. TO INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES OF ISRAEL, RUSSIA AND PERSIA-IRAN: CONCERNING THE SHORTENED TIMETABLE TOWARDS IGNITION OF WORLD WAR III The Draconians see that they have no time anymore, and are cutting scenes fr om their program-prophecy, in a desperate attempt to catch up. They are planning to engage NATO against Iran, in order for Russia and China to intervene, and from there after the defeat of NATO, will arise and the Islamic axis for a swift and final counter-attack. - Don't be alerted by 2012 sinoZionist motivated catastrophologies and Armageddonologies. 2012 and the following years will be an awakening and evolutionary leap for Gaia and humanity ...not a planetary destruction! SATURNday 12 10 2011- 8 - SATURN, SATURNALIA, Sabbath, LORD of the RINGS, DARK SUN, NAZI, Chaos, Counterclockwise, Leviathan, SATAN, PINDAR, DEMIURGE, Ialdabaoth, (ELECTRON, NEG charge) FRIAday 12 09 2011 - 7 SUN-FULL MOON on FRIA's NIGHT fullfriamoon FREE us from the MARK of the BEAST 666. KALI MAA has broken her bond. We are on our OWN LADIES! Time to U NITE under the MOON . REMEMBER the OLD WAYs BOHEMIAN GROVE - the PLACE where the BAVARIAN ILLUMINATI ritually sacrifice women and children. SATANISTS under the NAZI LIZARD LONDON IMPOSTER QUEEN. LADY DIANA murdered by the MONARCHY. Served her purpose and produced a RED DRAGON tubal cain ANTICHRIST (WILLIAM ARTHUR pendragon). Mind Control Slavery and the New World Order High-tech slavery - World War II United States Government's Project Paperclip sponsored the resettlement of about 2,000 high-level Nazis in the United States. CIA's MKULTRA program to the Monarch Project - mind control which involves US military, CIA, NASA and other government agencies. "...the basis for the success of the Monarch mind-control programming is that different personalities or personality parts called 'alters' can be created who do not know each other, but who can take the body at different times. The amnesia walls that are built by traumas form a protective shield of secrecy that prevents the abusers from being found out and prevents the front personalities who hold the body much of the time to know how their system of alters is being used." The mind-control programming, however, has not worked according to plan. In fact, the perpetrators, in their arrogance and hubris, never dreamed that their methods could fail. The retrieval of survivors' photographic-like memories of actual abuse incidents, including images, sounds and smells, constitutes a major exposure of human rights abuses. These victims bear witness to the secret atrocities of the so-called New World Order. Satanic Bloodline Dynasty Rothschild Choice // 911-The Movie-Longest 9/11 Documentary on the internet-PREPARE to be SHOCKED! THE WOMEN'S MYSTERIES -Bona Dea was the only old Roman deity who admitted freed slaves to the priesthood, as the foreign religions of Kybele, Isis, and Mithras also did. No social distinction between ex-slaves and the freeborn was evident in the veneration of Bona Dea. To the unease of patrician men, matrons of rank, prostitutes, poor women, and slaves participated. The priesthood spoke in the harshest terms against women drinking herb infusions that prevented conception. Canon lawyers equated refusal of hospitality to the fertile egg with murder, while absolving men who raped or killed in battle and fully intended to do it again. Warlords were protected by the church's fiction allowing for “just wars.” For the priesthood, the sexual was sacred only if it was reproductive, and excusable only for the male, who did not have to worry about the seed he sowed. Celtic Legends of Attacks on Priestesses- rapes we re not isolated incidents, but a pattern of attack by aristocratic men that destroyed a social institution of priestesses at sacred wells. There is no dating this cultural sea-change, though it could well have resulted from the breakdown of inviolability of pagan shrines during christianization. As the old religion fell, the old taboos against violence in sanctuary were overridden, and new taboos came into being, such as those forbidding females to approach certain holy wells. Numerous Irish legends refer to christian monks barring women from wells. But even in the 12th century, when this and other legends were written down as the Grail cycle, the tellers still imagined divine reprisals against those who blasphemed against the animist holy places. The waters dried up, plants ceased to sprout and flower, and the meadows and forests shrivelled away. The theme of the wasteland in Celtic literature grows from this violation of the life-nurturers and the goddess without whom nothing grows. Goddess tradition -Church and state both declared women inferior to men. Their movement and inheritance was limited. They had no legal standing except through male guardians. They had no recourse against philandering husbands, though men could cast off their wives on the pretext of adultery or barrenness. And husbands held other privileges over wives. By accusing them of infidelity or magic, Germanic husbands could literally put them through an ordeal, as legal, historical and folkloric records attest. It was common knowledge that women were at a disadvantage in the patriarchal scheme of society, and expected that they would find ways to assert their own needs and desires. Older avenues of power were known to women from the wellspring of folk culture. Chanting over herbs and knotted cords, wearing amulets, giving herbal potions to be drunk, all were used in protective magic, love spells and luck charms. Such rites could also be used to repel unwelcome sexual advances. Popular opinion recognized these as effective. - Bohemian witches, the fear was that women would find magical ways to overcome social restrictions and assume privileges reserved for men. Female sexual independence was harshly discouraged in other ways. Secular Bavarian laws imposed on obstetrical witches the same penalties we have seen elsewhere assigned to "sorcerers": heavy scourging and enslavement: