Marilu Henner

Actress Marilu Henner has graced the Broadway stage, judged pageants, competed on The Celebrity Apprentice and starred in popular TV movies. When she's not performing, being a wife and a mom, or writing, Henner shares health and wellness information with thousands of others via her website, where visitors can participate in her Total Health Makeover® experience. But there's one thing that truly sets Marilu Henner apart from the rest, and it's not her memorable role as Elaine on the popular 1980s series, Taxi. Henner is a memory expert. She is only one of 12 documented cases of Highly Superior Autobiographical Memory (HSAM) in the world. HSAM is a rare, absolutely fascinating ability that allows one to vividly recall every detail of his or her life, since childhood. While most of us would prefer to keep our past in the past— especially the unhappier days, Henner explains how she discovered that by remembering the past,.