Creat de Ryan Fortier

The Final Battle Series

This is the longest Jimmy Neutron fanfiction series in existence. Over the course of The Final Battle and Pushing Through, Jimmy and his friends face the greatest threats Earth has ever seen. They also realize who each of them truly are and what they are willing to do to save their world. Can the powers of love and friendship combat true evil? The Lost Chapters is a fully canonical extenstion to the two previous books. Instead of a regular novel, it is a collection of eleven indepedent stories set in the series' universe. These eleven stories reveal key pieces of information and expands on plot points hinted at throughout the series. In my opinion, The FInal Battle is the weakest entry of the series. I wrote it when I was around 15, so I was not at my current level. But it still got very positive reviews when I released it. I consider Pushing Through to be the best entryI, but many people have told me they consider The Final Battle their favorite story in the series. So it should be far from all bad. Just know that I do agree there are some issues. Please review or leave any comments or questions you may have. I love discussing my work with its audience. And if you like the series, join its Facebook page. It is titled "The Final Battle Series."