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Huawei Radio KPIs

For internal use 1 Nokia Siemens Networks

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1. Overview 2. 2G Radio KPIs 3. 3G Radio KPIs

For internal use 2 Nokia Siemens Networks

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1. Overview 2. 2G Radio KPIs 3. 3G Radio KPIs

For internal use 3 Nokia Siemens Networks

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The aim of this SVU is to present the main Huawei 2G and 3G Radio KPIs. For each KPI will be presented: - Detailed formula - Use case and known problems if any - Reference values Software versions applicable: - GSM: GBSS9.0 - WCDMA: RAN12

For internal use 4 Nokia Siemens Networks

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1. Overview 2. 2G Radio KPIs 3. 3G Radio KPIs

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2G KPIs categories
Accessibility Mobility Retainability Traffic

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1. Overview 2. 2G Radio KPIs
2.1 Accessibility 2.2 Mobility 2.3 Retainability 2.4 Traffic

3. 3G Radio KPIs

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Accessibility CS - Immediate Assignment Success Rate

KPI name: Immediate Assignment Success Rate Scope: Cell & BSC KPI formula: - Cell: ([Call Setup Indications (Circuit Service)]/[Channel Requests (Circuit Service)])*{100} - BSC: The BSC level KPI is calculated by aggregating all the cell counters Unit: % Use case: Measures immediate assignment success rate for CS services, including Call, SMS, LAU. Measurement points are between A (attempts) and C (success). Reference Values: KPI should have a value above 98% in live network.

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Accessibility CS - SDCCH Drop Rate

KPI name: SDCCH Drop Rate Scope: Cell & BSC KPI formula: - Cell: ([Call Drops on SDCCH]/[Successful SDCCH Seizures])*{100} - BSC: The BSC level KPI is calculated by aggregating all the cell counters Unit: % Use case: Measures call drops on SDCCH including drops during handover. Reference Values: KPI should have a value below 1% in live network.

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Accessibility CS - Assignment Success Rate

KPI name: TCH Assignment Success Rate Scope: Cell & BSC KPI formula: - Cell: ([Successful Assignments]/[Assignment Requests])*{100} - BSC: The BSC level KPI is calculated by aggregating all the cell counters Unit: % Use case: Measures TCH assignment success rate. Measurement points are between A (attempts) and C (success). Reference Values: KPI should have a value above 98% in live network.

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Accessibility CS - SDCCH Congestion Rate

KPI name: SDCCH Congestion Rate Scope: Cell & BSC KPI formula: - Cell: ([Failed SDCCH Seizures due to Busy SDCCH]/[SDCCH Seizure Requests])*{100} - BSC: The BSC level KPI is calculated by aggregating all the cell counters Unit: % Use case: Measures SDCCH blocking due to busy SDCCH during immediate assignment and handover. SDCCH Dynamic Allocation feature can decrease SDCCH congestion rate (i.e. blocking). Reference Values: KPI should have a value below 0.1% in live network.

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Accessibility CS - TCH Congestion Rate

KPI name: TCH Congestion Rate Scope: Cell & BSC KPI formula: - Cell: (([Failed TCH Seizures due to Busy TCH (Signaling Channel)]+[Failed TCH Seizures due to Busy TCH (Traffic Channel)]+[Failed TCH Seizures in TCH Handovers due to Busy TCH (Traffic Channel)])/([TCH Seizure Requests (Signaling Channel)]+[TCH Seizure Requests (Traffic Channel)]+[TCH Seizure Requests in TCH Handovers (Traffic Channel)]))*{100} - BSC: The BSC level KPI is calculated by aggregating all the cell counters Unit: % Use case: Measures TCH blocking due to busy TCH during assignment procedure (signalling and traffic channel) and handover. Reference Values: KPI should have a value below 1% in live network.

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Accessibility CS - CSSR
KPI name: Call Setup Success Rate Scope: Cell & BSC KPI formula: - Cell: (([Immediate Assignment Success Rate]*[TCH Assignment Success Rate])*(1-[SDCCH Drop Rate]))*{100} - BSC: The BSC level KPI is calculated by aggregating all the cell counters Unit: % Use case: Measures call setup success rate. Reference Values: KPI should have a value above 99% in live network.

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Accessibility PS - TBF Establishment Success Rate

KPI name: Uplink Assignment Success Rate, Downlink Assignment Success Rate Scope: Cell & BSC KPI formula: - Cell: (([Number of Successful Uplink GPRS TBF Establishments]+[Number of Successful Uplink EGPRS TBF Establishments])/([Number of Uplink GPRS TBF Establishment Attempts]+[Number of Uplink EGPRS TBF Establishment Attempts]))*{100} (([Number of Successful Downlink GPRS TBF Establishments]+[Number of Successful Downlink EGPRS TBF Establishments])/([Number of Downlink GPRS TBF Establishment Attempts]+[Number of Downlink EGPRS TBF Establishment Attempts]))*{100} - BSC: The BSC level KPI is calculated by aggregating all the cell counters Unit: % Use case: Measures UL and DL TBF (GPRS & EGPRS) establishment success rate. Reference Values: KPI should have a value above 98% in live network.

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1. Overview 2. 2G Radio KPIs
2.1 Accessibility 2.2 Mobility 2.3 Retainability 2.4 Traffic

3. 3G Radio KPIs

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Mobility - Handover Success Rate

KPI name: Handover Success Rate Scope: Cell & BSC KPI formula: - Cell: (([Successful Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell Handover]+[Successful Outgoing External Inter-Cell Handovers])/ ([Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell Handover Requests]+[Outgoing External Inter-Cell Handover Requests]))*{100} - BSC: The BSC level KPI is calculated by aggregating all the cell counters Unit: % Use case: Measures handover success rate. KPI includes intra-BSC and inter-BSC inter-cell handover. Reference Values: KPI should have a value above 98% in live network.

For internal use 16 Nokia Siemens Networks

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1. Overview 2. 2G Radio KPIs
2.1 Accessibility 2.2 Mobility 2.3 Retainability 2.4 Traffic

3. 3G Radio KPIs

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Retainability CS - TCH Call Drop Rate (1)

KPI name: TCH Call Drop Rate (including handovers) Scope: Cell & BSC KPI formula: - Cell: ([Call Drops on Traffic Channel]/([Successful TCH Seizures (Signaling Channel)]+[Successful TCH Seizures (Traffic Channel)]+[Successful TCH Seizures in TCH handovers (Traffic Channel)]))*{100} - BSC: The BSC level KPI is calculated by aggregating all the cell counters Unit: % Use case: Measures TCH call drop rate. Includes drops occurred during handover. [Successful TCH seizures (signaling channel)] refers to successful channel activations during immediate assignment procedure (TCHF & TCHH). See point A2 below:

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Retainability CS - TCH Call Drop Rate (2)

[Successful TCH Seizures (Traffic Channel)] refers to the successful assignment procedure which is indicated with the ASSIGNMENT COMPLETE message. Point B in below figure:

TCH seizure is counted in following cases: - MOC (assignment and mode modify procedures) - MTC (assignment and mode modify procedures) - Emergency Call (assignment and mode modify procedures) - Call Re-establishment (assignment and mode modify procedures) [Successful TCH Seizures in TCH handovers (Traffic Channel)] refers to successful seizure of TCH during handover procedure. TCH seizure is counted in following cases: - Internal intra-cell handover (TCHF & TCHH) - Incoming internal inter-cell handover (TCHF & TCHH) - Incoming external inter-cell handover (TCHF & TCHH) Reference Values: KPI should have a value below 1% in live network.
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Retainability PS - TBF Drop Rate

KPI name: - Uplink GPRS TBF Drop Rate - Uplink EGPRS TBF Drop Rate - Downlink GPRS TBF Drop Rate - Downlink EGPRS TBF Drop Rate Scope: Cell & BSC KPI formula: - Cell: Uplink GPRS TBF Drop Rate = (([Number of Uplink GPRS TBF Abnormal Releases due to N3101 Overflow (MS No Response)] +[Number of Uplink GPRS TBF Abnormal Releases due to N3103 Overflow (MS No Response)])/[Number of Successful Uplink GPRS TBF Establishments])*{100} Uplink EGPRS TBF Drop Rate = (([Number of Uplink EGPRS TBF Abnormal Releases due to N3101 Overflow (MS No Response)]+[Number of Uplink EGPRS TBF Abnormal Releases due to N3103 Overflow (MS No Response)])/[Number of Successful Uplink EGPRS TBF Establishment])*{100} Downlink GPRS TBF Drop Rate = ([Number of Downlink GPRS intermit transfers]/[Number of Successful Downlink GPRS TBF Establishments])*{100} Downlink EGPRS TBF Drop Rate = ([Number of Downlink EGPRS intermit transfers]/[Number of Successful Downlink EGPRS TBF Establishments])*{100} - BSC: The BSC level KPI is calculated by aggregating all the cell counters Unit: % Use case: Measures TBF drop rate. Reference Values: KPI should have a value below 1% in live network.
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1. Overview 2. 2G Radio KPIs
2.1 Accessibility 2.2 Mobility 2.3 Retainability 2.4 Traffic

3. 3G Radio KPIs

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Traffic CS - TCH Traffic Volume

KPI name: TCH Traffic Volume Scope: Cell & BSC KPI formula: - Cell: [K3014:Traffic Volume on TCH] - BSC: The BSC level KPI is calculated by aggregating all the cell counters Unit: Erlang Use case: Measures TCH traffic volume. Reference Values: N/A

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Traffic PS - GPRS RLC Throughput per Cell

KPI name: Average Throughput of Uplink GPRS RLC, Average Throughput of Downlink GPRS RLC Scope: Cell KPI formula: - Cell: Average Throughput of Uplink GPRS RLC = ([Total Number of Uplink RLC Data Blocks Using CS1]*{23}+ [Total Number of Uplink RLC Data Blocks Using CS2]*{34}+ [Total Number of Uplink RLC Data Blocks Using CS3]*{40}+ [Total Number of Uplink RLC Data Blocks UsingCS4]*{54})*{8}/({1000}*[Total Duration of Uplink GPRS TBFs]) Average Throughput of Downlink GPRS RLC = ([Total Number of Downlink RLC Data Blocks Using CS1]*{23}+ [Total Number of Downlink RLC Data Blocks Using CS2]*{34}+ [Total Number of Downlink RLC Data Blocks Using CS3]*{40}+ [Total Number of Downlink RLC Data Blocks Using CS4]*{54})*{8}/({1000}*[Total Duration of Downlink GPRS TBFs]) Unit: Kbps Use case: Measures cell GPRS RLC throughput. Reference Values: N/A
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Traffic PS - EGPRS RLC Throughput per Cell

KPI name: Average Throughput of Uplink EGPRS RLC, Average Throughput of Downlink EGPRS RLC Scope: Cell KPI formula: - Cell: Average Throughput of Uplink EGPRS RLC = ([Total Number of Uplink EGPRS MCS1 RLC Data Blocks]*{22}+ [Total Number of Uplink EGPRS MCS2 RLC Data Blocks]*{28}+ [Total Number of Uplink EGPRS MCS3 RLC Data Blocks]*{37}+ [Total Number of Uplink EGPRS MCS4 RLC Data Blocks]*{44}+ [Total Number of Uplink EGPRS MCS5 RLC Data Blocks]*{56}+ [Total Number of Uplink EGPRS MCS6 RLC Data Blocks]*{74}+ [Total Number of Uplink EGPRS MCS7 RLC Data Blocks]*{56}+ [Total Number of Uplink EGPRS MCS8 RLC Data Blocks]*{68}+ [Total Number of Uplink EGPRS MCS9 RLC Data Blocks]*{74})*{8}/({1000}*[Total Duration of Uplink EGPRS TBFs]) Average Throughput of Downlink EGPRS RLC = ([Total Number of Downlink EGPRS MCS1 RLC Data Blocks]*{22}+ [Total Number of Downlink EGPRS MCS2 RLC Data Blocks]*{28}+ [Total Number of Downlink EGPRS MCS3 RLC Data Blocks]*{37}+ [Total Number of Downlink EGPRS MCS4 RLC Data Blocks]*{44}+ [Total Number of Downlink EGPRS MCS5 RLC Data Blocks]*{56}+ [Total Number of Downlink EGPRS MCS6 RLC data blocks]*{74}+ [Total Number of Downlink EGPRS MCS7 RLC Data Blocks]*{56}+ [Total Number of Downlink EGPRS MCS8 RLC Data Blocks]*{68}+ [Total Number of Downlink EGPRS MCS9 RLC Data Blocks]*{74})*{8}/({1000}*[Total Duration of Downlink EGPRS TBFs]) Unit: Kbps Use case: Measures cell EGPRS RLC throughput.
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1. Overview 2. 2G Radio KPIs 3. 3G Radio KPIs

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3G KPIs categories
Accessibility Mobility Retainability Traffic

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1. Overview 2. 2G Radio KPIs 3. 3G Radio KPIs
3.1 Accessibility 3.2 Mobility 3.3 Retainability 3.4 Traffic

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Accessibility - RRC Setup Success Rate Service

KPI name: RRC Setup Success Rate Service Scope: Cell & RNC KPI formula: - Cell (RAN12): (([RRC.SuccConnEstab.OgConvCall]+[RRC.SuccConnEstab.OrgStrCall]+ [RRC.SuccConnEstab.OrgItrCall]+[RRC.SuccConnEstab.OrgBkgCall]+[RRC.SuccConnEstab.OrgSubCall]+ [RRC.SuccConnEstab.TmConvCall]+[RRC.SuccConnEstab.TmStrCall]+[RRC.SuccConnEstab.TmItrCall]+ [RRC.SuccConnEstab.TmBkgCall]+[RRC.SuccConnEstab.EmgCall]+[RRC.SuccConnEstab.Unkown]+ [RRC.SuccConnEstab.OgHhPrSig]+[RRC.SuccConnEstab.OgLwPrSig]+[RRC.SuccConnEstab.CallReEst]+ [RRC.SuccConnEstab.TmHhPrSig]+[RRC.SuccConnEstab.TmLwPrSig])/([RRC.AttConnEstab.OrgConvCall]+ [RRC.AttConnEstab.OrgStrCall]+[RRC.AttConnEstab.OrgInterCall]+[RRC.AttConnEstab.OrgBkgCall]+ [RRC.AttConnEstab.OgSubCall]+[RRC.AttConnEstab.TmConvCall]+[RRC.AttConnEstab.TmStrCall]+ [RRC.AttConnEstab.TmInterCall]+[RRC.AttConnEstab.TmBkgCall]+[RRC.AttConnEstab.EmgCall]+ [RRC.AttConnEstab.Unknown]+[RRC.AttConnEstab.OgHhPrSig]+[RRC.AttConnEstab.OgLwPrSig]+ [RRC.AttConnEstab.CallReEst]+[RRC.AttConnEstab.TmHhPrSig]+[RRC.AttConnEstab.TmLwPrSig]))*{100} - RNC (RAN12): The RNC level KPI is calculated by aggregating all the cell counters. Unit: % Use case: Measures RRC setup success rate for service related reasons. Measurement points are between A (attempts) and C (success). Reference Values: KPI should have a value above 99% in live network.
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Accessibility - RRC Setup Success Rate Other

KPI name: RRC Setup Success Rate Other Scope: Cell & RNC KPI formula: - Cell (RAN12): (([RRC.SuccConnEstab.IRATCelRes]+[RRC.SuccConnEstab.IRATCCO]+ [RRC.SuccConnEstab.Reg]+[RRC.SuccConnEstab.Detach])/([RRC.AttConnEstab.IRATCelRes]+ [RRC.AttConnEstab.IRATCCO]+[RRC.AttConnEstab.Reg]+[RRC.AttConnEstab.Detach]))*{100} - RNC (RAN12): The RNC level KPI is calculated by aggregating all the cell counters Unit: % Use case: Measures RRC setup success rate for other than service reasons, i.e. registration, detach, iRAT cell reselection, iRAT cell change order. Measurement points are between A (attempts) and C (success). Reference Values: KPI should have a value above 98% in live network.

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Accessibility - CS AMR RAB Establishment Success Rate

KPI name: CS AMR RAB Establishment Success Rate Scope: Cell & RNC KPI formula: - Cell (RAN12): ([VS.RAB.SuccEstabCS.AMR]/[VS.RAB.AttEstab.AMR])*{100} - RNC (RAN12): The RNC level KPI is calculated by aggregating all the cell counters Unit: % Use case: Measures AMR Voice RAB setup success rate. Measurement points are between A (attempts) and B (successes). Reference Values: KPI should have a value above 99% in live network.

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Accessibility - CS VP RAB Establishment Success Rate

KPI name: CS VP RAB Establishment Success Rate Scope: Cell & RNC KPI formula: - Cell (RAN12): ([VS.RAB.SuccEstCS.Conv.64]/[VS.RAB.AttEstCS.Conv.64])*{100} - RNC (RAN12): The RNC level KPI is calculated by aggregating all the cell counters Unit: % Use case: Measures Video Call RAB setup success rate. Measurement points are between A (attempts) and B (successes). Reference Values: KPI should have a value above 98% in live network.

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Accessibility - CS RAB Establishment Success Rate

KPI name: CS RAB Establishment Success Rate Scope: Cell & RNC KPI formula: - Cell (RAN12): (([VS.RAB.SuccEstabCS.Conv]+[VS.RAB.SuccEstabCS.Str])/([VS.RAB.AttEstabCS.Conv]+ [VS.RAB.AttEstabCS.Str]))*{100} - RNC (RAN12): (([VS.RAB.SuccEstabCS.Conv.RNC]+[VS.RAB.SuccEstabCS.Str.RNC])/ ([VS.RAB.AttEstabCS.Conv.RNC]+[VS.RAB.AttEstabCS.Str.RNC]))*{100} Unit: % Use case: Measures CS RAB setup success rate. Measurement points are between A (attempts) and B (successes). Reference Values: KPI should have a value above 99% in live network.

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Accessibility - PS RAB Establishment Success Rate

KPI name: PS RAB Establishment Success Rate Scope: Cell & RNC KPI formula: - Cell (RAN12): (([VS.RAB.SuccEstabPS.Conv]+[VS.RAB.SuccEstabPS.Str]+[VS.RAB.SuccEstabPS.Inter]+ [VS.RAB.SuccEstabPS.Bkg])/([VS.RAB.AttEstabPS.Conv]+[VS.RAB.AttEstabPS.Str]+ [VS.RAB.AttEstabPS.Inter]+[VS.RAB.AttEstabPS.Bkg]))*{100} - RNC (RAN12): (([VS.RAB.SuccEstabPS.Conv.RNC]+[VS.RAB.SuccEstabPS.Str.RNC]+ [VS.RAB.SuccEstabPS.Int.RNC]+[VS.RAB.SuccEstabPS.Bkg.RNC])/([VS.RAB.AttEstabPS.Conv.RNC]+ [VS.RAB.AttEstabPS.Str.RNC]+[VS.RAB.AttEstabPS.Int.RNC]+[VS.RAB.AttEstabPS.Bkg.RNC]))*{100} Unit: % Use case: Measures CS RAB setup success rate. Measurement points are between A (attempts) and B (successes). Reference Values: KPI should have a value above 98% in live network.

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Accessibility - HSDPA RAB Establishment Success Rate

KPI name: HSDPA RAB Establishment Success Rate Scope: Cell & RNC KPI formula: - Cell (RAN12): ([VS.HSDPA.RAB.SuccEstab]/[VS.HSDPA.RAB.AttEstab])*{100} - RNC (RAN12): The RNC level KPI is calculated by aggregating all the cell counters. Unit: % Use case: Measures HSDPA RAB setup success rate. Measurement points are between A (attempts) and B (successes). Reference Values: KPI should have a value above 98% in live network.

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Accessibility - HSUPA RAB Establishment Success Rate

KPI name: HSUPA RAB Establishment Success Rate Scope: Cell & RNC KPI formula: - Cell (RAN12): ([VS.HSUPA.RAB.SuccEstab]/[VS.HSUPA.RAB.AttEstab])*{100} - RNC (RAN12): The RNC level KPI is calculated by aggregating all the cell counters. Unit: % Use case: Measures HSUPA RAB setup success rate. Measurement points are between A (attempts) and B (successes). Reference Values: KPI should have a value above 98% in live network.

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Accessibility - CS CSSR
KPI name: CS Call Setup Success Rate Scope: Cell & RNC KPI formula: - Cell (RAN12): (([RRC.SuccConnEstab.OrgConvCall]+[RRC.SuccConnEstab.TmConvCall]+ [RRC.SuccConnEstab.EmgCall])/([RRC.AttConnEstab.OrgConvCall]+[RRC.AttConnEstab.TmConvCall]+ [RRC.AttConnEstab.EmgCall]))*[CS RAB Setup Success Rate (Cell)]*{100} - RNC (RAN12): The RNC level KPI is calculated by aggregating all the cell counters. Unit: % Use case: Measures CS call setup success rate. Measurement points are between RRC Connection Request (attempts) and RAB Assignment Response (successes). Reference Values: KPI should have a value above 98% in live network.

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Accessibility - PS CSSR
KPI name: PS Call Setup Success Rate Scope: Cell & RNC KPI formula: - Cell (RAN12): (([RRC.SuccConnEstab.OrgBkgCall]+[RRC.SuccConnEstab.OrgItrCall]+ [RRC.SuccConnEstab.TmBkgCall]+[RRC.SuccConnEstab.TmItrCall])/([RRC.AttConnEstab.OrgBkgCall]+ [RRC.AttConnEstab.OrgInterCall]+[RRC.AttConnEstab.TmBkgCall]+[RRC.AttConnEstab.TmInterCall]))*[PS RAB Setup Success Rate (Cell)]*{100} - RNC (RAN12): The RNC level KPI is calculated by aggregating all the cell counters. Unit: % Use case: Measures PS call setup success rate. Measurement points are between RRC Connection Request (attempts) and RAB Assignment Response (successes). Reference Values: KPI should have a value above 98% in live network.

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1. Overview 2. 2G Radio KPIs 3. 3G Radio KPIs
3.1 Accessibility 3.2 Mobility 3.3 Retainability 3.4 Traffic

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Mobility - SHO Success Rate

KPI name: SHO Success Rate Scope: Cell & RNC KPI formula: - Cell (RAN12): (([VS.SHO.SuccRLAdd]+[VS.SHO.SuccRLDel])/([VS.SHO.AttRLAdd]+ [VS.SHO.AttRLDel]))*{100} - RNC (RAN12): ([VS.SHO.Succ.RNC]/[VS.SHO.Att.RNC])*{100} Unit: % Use case: Measures soft handover success rate. Measurement points are between B (attempts) and C (successes). Reference Values: KPI should have a value above 99% in live network.

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Mobility - IF HO Success Rate

KPI name: Inter-frequency Handover Success Rate Scope: Cell & RNC KPI formula: - Cell (RAN12): ([VS.HHO.SuccInterFreqOut]/[VS.HHO.AttInterFreqOut])*{100} - RNC (RAN12): ([VS.HHO.SuccInterFreq.RNC]/[VS.HHO.AttInterFreq.RNC])*{100} Unit: % Use case: Measures inter frequency handover success rate. Measurement points are between B (attempts) and C (successes). Reference Values: KPI should have a value above 95% in live network.

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Mobility - CS iRAT HO Success Rate

KPI name: CS iRAT Handover Success Rate Scope: Cell & RNC KPI formula: - Cell (RAN12): ([IRATHO.SuccOutCS]/[IRATHO.AttOutCS])*{100} - RNC (RAN12): ([VS.IRATHO.SuccOutCS.RNC]/[VS.IRATHO.AttOutCS.RNC])*{100} Unit: % Use case: Measures CS inter-RAT handover success rate. Measurement points are between C (attempts) and D (successes). Reference Values: KPI should have a value above 97% in live network.

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Mobility - PS iRAT HO Success Rate

KPI name: PS iRAT Handover Success Rate Scope: Cell & RNC KPI formula: - Cell (RAN12): ([IRATHO.SuccOutPSUTRAN]/[IRATHO.AttOutPSUTRAN])*{100} - RNC (RAN12): ([VS.IRATHO.SuccOutPSUTRAN.RNC]/[VS.IRATHO.AttOutPSUTRAN.RNC])*{100} Unit: % Use case: Measures PS inter-RAT handover success rate. Measurement points are between B (attempts) and C (successes). The KPI measures the Cell Change Order procedure, i.e. the handover when the UE has a PS service and is in cell-DCH state. Reference Values: KPI should have a value above 90% in live network.

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Mobility - HSDPA Serving Cell Change with SHO

KPI name: HS-DSCH Service Cell Change Success Rate with SHO Scope: Cell & RNC KPI formula: - Cell (RAN12): ([VS.HSDPA.SHO.ServCellChg.SuccOut]/[VS.HSDPA.SHO.ServCellChg.AttOut])*{100} - RNC (RAN12): The RNC level KPI is calculated by aggregating all the cell counters. Unit: % Use case: Measures HSDPA serving cell change with (possibly) A-DCH channel in soft handover. Measurement points are between A (attempts) and B (successes). Basically the KPI measures the intra-RNC HSDPA serving cell change. Reference Values: KPI should have a value above 95% in live network.

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Mobility - HSUPA SHO Success Rate

KPI name: E-DCH Soft Handover Success Rate Scope: Cell & RNC KPI formula: - Cell (RAN12): ([VS.HSUPA.SHO.SuccOut]/[VS.HSUPA.SHO.AttOut])*{100} - RNC (RAN12): The RNC level KPI is calculated by aggregating all the cell counters. Unit: % Use case: Measures HSUPA soft handover procedure, i.e. E-DCH RL additions and deletions due to soft handover. Measurement points are between B (attempts) and C (successes). Reference Values: KPI should have a value above 98% in live network.

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Mobility - HSUPA Serving Cell Change with SHO

KPI name: E-DCH Service Cell Change Success Rate with SHO Scope: Cell & RNC KPI formula: - Cell (RAN12): ([VS.HSUPA.SHO.ServCellChg.SuccOut]/[VS.HSUPA.SHO.ServCellChg.AttOut])*{100} - RNC (RAN12): The RNC level KPI is calculated by aggregating all the cell counters. Unit: % Use case: Measures HSUPA serving cell change while UE is in soft handover. Measurement points are between A (attempts) and B (successes). Reference Values: KPI should have a value above 98% in live network.

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1. Overview 2. 2G Radio KPIs 3. 3G Radio KPIs
3.1 Accessibility 3.2 Mobility 3.3 Retainability 3.4 Traffic

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Retainability - CS AMR Call Drop Rate

KPI name: CS AMR Call Drop Rate Scope: Cell & RNC KPI formula: - Cell (RAN12): ([VS.RAB.AbnormRel.AMR]/([VS.RAB.AbnormRel.AMR]+[VS.RAB.NormRel.AMR]))*{100} - RNC (RAN12): The RNC level KPI is calculated by aggregating all the cell counters. Unit: % Use case: Measures AMR voice call drops. The RNC level formula does not include the drops over Iur. Reference Values: KPI should have a value below 1% in live network.

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Retainability - CS VP Call Drop Rate

KPI name: CS VP Call Drop Rate Scope: Cell & RNC KPI formula: - Cell (RAN12): ([VS.RAB.AbnormRel.CS64]/([VS.RAB.AbnormRel.CS64]+[VS.RAB.NormRel.CS64]))*{100} - RNC (RAN12): The RNC level KPI is calculated by aggregating all the cell counters. Unit: % Use case: Measures video call drops. The RNC level formula does not include the drops over Iur. Reference Values: KPI should have a value below 1% in live network.

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Retainability - PS Call Drop Rate

KPI name: PS Call Drop Rate Scope: Cell & RNC KPI formula: - Cell (RAN12): ([VS.RAB.AbnormRel.PS]/([VS.RAB.AbnormRel.PS]+[VS.RAB.NormRel.PS]))*{100} - RNC (RAN12): ([VS.RAB.AbnormRel.PS.RNC]/([VS.RAB.AbnormRel.PS.RNC]+ [VS.RAB.NormRel.PS.RNC]))*{100} Unit: % Use case: Measures PS service call drops. R99 and HSPA services are included. Reference Values: KPI should have a value below 5% in live network.

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Retainability - HSDPA Call Drop Rate

KPI name: HSDPA Call Drop Rate Scope: Cell & RNC KPI formula: - Cell (RAN12): ([VS.HSDPA.RAB.AbnormRel]/([VS.HSDPA.RAB.AbnormRel]+[VS.HSDPA.RAB.NormRel]+ [VS.HSDPA.H2D.Succ]+[VS.HSDPA.H2F.Succ]+[VS.HSDPA.HHO.H2D.SuccOutIntraFreq]+ [VS.HSDPA.HHO.H2D.SuccOutInterFreq]))*{100} - RNC (RAN12): The RNC level KPI is calculated by aggregating all the cell counters. Unit: % Use case: Measures HSDPA service call drops. The RNC level formula does not include drops over Iur. The HSDPA RAB releases due to channel change (HS-DSCH to DCH/HS-DSCH to FACH, intra-cell/inter-cell) are measured separately and they are normal releases as well. Reference Values: KPI should have a value below 1% in live network.

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Retainability - HSUPA Call Drop Rate

KPI name: HSUPA Call Drop Rate Scope: Cell & RNC KPI formula: - Cell (RAN12): ([VS.HSUPA.RAB.AbnormRel]/([VS.HSUPA.RAB.AbnormRel]+[VS.HSUPA.RAB.NormRel]+ [VS.HSUPA.HHO.E2D.SuccOutIntraFreq]+[VS.HSUPA.HHO.E2D.SuccOutInterFreq]+[VS.HSUPA.E2F.Succ]+ [VS.HSUPA.E2D.Succ]))*{100} - RNC (RAN12): The RNC level KPI is calculated by aggregating all the cell counters. Unit: % Use case: Measures HSUPA service call drops. The RNC level formula does not include drops over Iur. The HSUPA RAB releases due to channel change (E-DCH to DCH/E-DCH to FACH, intra-cell/inter-cell) are measured separately and they are normal releases as well. Reference Values: KPI should have a value below 1% in live network.

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1. Overview 2. 2G Radio KPIs 3. 3G Radio KPIs
3.1 Accessibility 3.2 Mobility 3.3 Retainability 3.4 Traffic

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Traffic - AMR Traffic

KPI name: AMR Traffic Scope: Cell & RNC KPI formula: - Cell (RAN12): [VS.RB.AMR.DL.12.2] - RNC (RAN12): [VS.RB.AMR.DL.12.2.RNC] Unit: Erlang Use case: Measures voice traffic. Reference Values: N/A

For internal use 53 Nokia Siemens Networks

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Traffic - VP Traffic
KPI name: VP Traffic Scope: Cell & RNC KPI formula: - Cell (RAN12): [VS.RB.CS.Conv.DL.64]*{2} - RNC (RAN12): [VS.RB.CS.Conv.DL.64.RNC]*{2} Unit: Erlang Use case: Measures video call traffic. Above formulas are applicable for V2 platform, i.e. BSC6810, BSC6900. Reference Values: N/A

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Traffic - R99 PS Throughput

KPI name: R99 PS UL Throughput, R99 PS DL Throughput Scope: Cell & RNC KPI formula: - Cell (RAN12): VS.PS.Str.Kbps.UL64; VS.PS.Int.Kbps.UL64; VS.PS.Int.Kbps.UL128; VS.PS.Int.Kbps.UL144; VS.PS.Int.Kbps.UL384; VS.PS.BKG.Kbps.UL64; VS.PS.BKG.Kbps.UL128; VS.PS.BKG.Kbps.UL144; VS.PS.BKG.Kbps.UL384 VS.PS.Str.Kbps.DL64; VS.PS.Str.Kbps.DL128; VS.PS.Str.Kbps.DL144; VS.PS.Int.Kbps.DL64; VS.PS.Int.Kbps.DL128; VS.PS.Int.Kbps.DL144; VS.PS.Int.Kbps.DL384; VS.PS.BKG.Kbps.DL64; VS.PS.BKG.Kbps.DL128; VS.PS.BKG.Kbps.DL144; VS.PS.BKG.Kbps.DL384

- RNC (RAN12): [VS.R99PSLoad.ULThruput.RNC], [VS.R99PSLoad.DLThruput.RNC] Unit: Kbps Use case: Measures throughput of R99 packet services. Cell level counters show only typically used services, not all possible rates of the system.
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Reference Values: N/A

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Traffic - HSDPA Throughput

KPI name: - Cell: HSDPA RLC Throughput - RNC: HSDPA Throughput Scope: Cell & RNC KPI formula: - Cell (RAN12): [VS.HSDPA.MeanChThroughput.TotalBytes]*{8}/({SP}*{60}*{1000}) - RNC (RAN12): [VS.HSDPAPSLoad.DLThruput.RNC] Unit: Kbps Use case: Cell level KPI measures average cell throughput of HSDPA service. Cell level KPI should be calculated in busy hour. Reference Values: N/A

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Traffic - HSUPA Throughput

KPI name: - Cell: HSUPA RLC Throughput - RNC: HSUPA Throughput Scope: Cell & RNC KPI formula: - Cell (RAN12): [VS.HSUPA.MeanChThroughput.TotalBytes]*{8}/({SP}*{60}*{1000}) - RNC (RAN12): [VS.HSUPAPSLoad.ULThruput.RNC] Unit: Kbps Use case: Cell level KPI measures average cell throughput of HSUPA service. Cell level KPI should be calculated in busy hour. Reference Values: N/A

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