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fabrication of prosthesis for edentulous arches encounters a special challenge when soft tissue and bony undercuts, interferences, tilted teeth and deranged occlusion are present. Flexible dentures have emerged as a viable option to treat edentulous conditions.


plastics introduced in 1950s. Teflon like fluoro polymers 1962 Acetal ( unbreakable thermoplatic resin material ) 1971 Recently Flexible resin system introduced and is popularly used due to its excellent durability Flexible denture material is a nylon based thermoplastic denture base material.


Translucency of the material picks up underlying tissue tones Good strength- Can be made thin- Patient comfort Better accuracy Adapts well in undercut areas Biocompatibility


nightguards Sleep apnoea appliances Microstomia Scarring in the oral and facial areas

No way of controlling and understanding the way stresses are transmitted Discoloration Processing is technique sensitive Patients with less vertical dimension and small crown length are unfit cases for flexible denture. No repair or reline is feasible. Debonding of teeth as polyamide denture base material does not chemically bond with acrylic resin. Mechanical bonding by mechanical undercuts in the centre of each tooth is the only mode to use.


to their ability of excellent mouldability and high thermal strength, thermoplastic materials have occupied an envious place for making complete and partial dentures. However careful case selection and clinical judgement is required to use flexible dentures in appropriate situations in order to obtain a successful treatment outcome.

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