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The general features Plant life cycles Alternation of Generations The different phyla Non-vascular and vascular plants

General features of Plantae

Terrestrial, adapted to living on land

Multicellular eukaryotes
Photosynthetic nutrition The cell walls contain cellulose

The cells have chloroplasts, containing chlorophyll a

and b and other pigments Store starch in chloroplasts Has alternation of generations life cycle

Alternation of generations
sporophyte 2n
zygote DIPLOID (2n)


fertilisation ------------------------------------meiosis


spores gametophyte n

The different phyla and classes


Class Hepaticae (liverworts) Class Musci (mosses) PHYLUM LYCOPODOPHYTA (club mosses) PHYLUM SPHENOPHYTA (horsetails) PHYLUM FILICINOPHYTA (ferns) PHYLUM CONIFEROPHYTA (conifers) PHYLUM ANGIOSPERMOPHYTA (angiosperms, flowering plants) Class Monocotyledoneae (monocotyledons) Class Dicotyledoneae (dicotyledons)

The different phyla

Plant phyla have traditionally been called divisions Living plants are grouped into 12 phyla Members of 3 of the 12 phyla are called non- vascular plants and include Mosses (Phylum Bryophyta) Liverworts (Phylum Bryophyta) Members of 9 of the 12 phyla are collectively called vascular plants and include The ferns The conifers and The flowering plants

Non vascular plants Phylum Bryophyta

Class Hepaticae (liverwort)

eg Marchantia
Habitat: moist places,

because the flagellated sperm must swim in water to fertilize the eggs

The gametophyte (haploid

generation) is the dominant generation (larger, exists for a longer period of time) The gametophyte is a flattened, green, lobed structure called a thallus Each lobe is up to 1 cm long, Reproduce asexually and sexually Asexual reproduction

Gemma cups on upper surface of thallus Contain gemmae

- Groups of cells that detach from the thallus, and - Can start a new plant

Gametophyte is small in size, not more than 7 cm high

Do not have true roots, stems and leaves ( Have rootlike,

stemlike and leaflike structures), Upper surface of thallus is smooth Lower surface has thin filamentous structures called rhizoids (rootlike hairs) which anchor the gametophyte to the soil, and absorb water from the soil Lacks xylem and phloem or have poorly developed ones

Sexual reproduction
Disc headed stalks that bear antheridia (male sex organs) Antheridium - produces flagellated sperm

Umbrella headed stalks that bear archegonia (female sex organs) Archegonium produces eggs

Fertilization a tiny sporophyte ( a few mm in length) is formed Consists of a foot, a short stalk and a capsule Windblown spores are produced within the capsule

Vascular plants
Have a dominant sporophyte (diploid generation) Have water-conducting xylem and food-conducting

phloem in roots, stems and leaves of sporophyte Presence of waxy cuticle and stomata on leaves Include seedless and seed plants In seedless vascular plants, windblown spores disperse the species In seed plants, seeds disperse the species

Phylum Filicinophyta (Ferns) Genus Dryopteris

Are seedless vascular plants The fern sporophyte is the familiar plant Has a horizontal underground stem called rhizome, with roots growing out Has large green leaves called fronds, which develop from tip of rhizome


On the underside of the fronds there are clusters of sporangia (sori) that produce spores Most sori are protected during their development by a transparent , umbrella covering called an inducium The inducium later shrivels, exposing the sporangia Sporangium produces haploid spores by means of meiosis Spores released from sporangium when mature

Part of fern frond - underside

Young fronds growing out of ground

On suitable damp places spores develop into haploid gametophytes which are Heart shaped, Have rhizoids Have flask shaped archegonia and globular antheridia on same or different thalli

When water is present flagellated sperm swim towards egg and fertilizes egg in archegonium

Zygote formed develops into new sporophyte

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