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TK090207 : Manajemen Operasi


Topic: Silabus & Prinsip-Prinsip Manajemen

Silabus Manajemen Operasi



TK090207 : Manajemen Operasi TK090207 : Operation management Credits: 2 sks (Systems of Unit Credits) Semester: V Memberikan pengertian/pemahaman tentang manajemen dan dasar-dasar manajemen operasi dalam pabrik kimia dan industri pada umumnya agar dalam pekerjaannya mereka dapat berperan secara maksimal pada jalur profesional maupun managerial. To give basic understanding concerning management and the basics of operation management in chemical factory and industry in general in order that in their work they can have a role maximally in either professional or managerial aspects.

Silabus Manajemen Operasi



Mahasiswa mampu mengimplementasikan manajemen operasi pada pabrik kimia dan industri pada umumnya. Mahasiswa mampu menghitung biaya operasi dan biaya lainnya. Students are capable to implicate operation management on chemical factory and industry in general. Students are capable to count operation cost and other costs. Prinsip-prinsip manajemen: perencanaan, pengorganisasian, aspek sumber daya manusia dalam manajemen dan pengendalian. Dasar-dasar struktur permodalan, struktur pembiayaan dan biaya operasi . Penentuan kapasitas, tata letak dan lokasi pabrik kimia Dasar-dasar pengaturan kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja pada industri kimia.


Silabus Manajemen Operasi


The management principles: planning, organizing, actuating and controlling. The basics of capital structure, cost structure and operation cost. The decision of capacity, lay out and location of chemical factory. The basics of health management and job safety in chemical industry. PUSTAKA Terry GR, Principles of management, 8 ed, Richard Erwin Inc, UTAMA/ 1982 REFERENCES Ellen A. Benowitz, CliffsQuickReview Principles of management, Hungry Minds, Inc., New York, 2001. Tony Morden, Principles of management, 2nd Ed., Ashgate Publishing Limited, Aldershot-England, 2004. ( Babcoek, DL., Managing of Engineering and Technology, New

WHAT IS management

The process of activities, completed efficiently and effectively with and through people is called management.

management (from Old French mnagement the art of conducting, directing, from Latin manu agere to lead by the hand) characterises the process of leading and directing all or part of an organization, often a business, through the deployment and manipulation of resources (human, financial, material, intellectual or intangible).

The guidance and control of action required to execute a program. Also, the individuals charged with the responsibility of conducting a program.

Manager Definition: Descriptions the person responsible for planning and directing the work of a group of individuals, monitoring their work, and taking corrective action when necessary.


A manager's primary function is to solve problems

A manager's understanding of his or her approach to problems and problem-solving style most often used is an essential early step to becoming a more effective creative problem solver.


1- First line managers (supervisors and manager)

2- Middle managers (Responsible for implementation ) 3- Top Managers.

Manager Two basic problem-solving styles: Descriptions

Systematic thinkers are logical and rational. They prefer narrow and focused problems, step by step processes, rules to be followed, and computer programs that grind to a recommendation.

Intuitive thinkers are more comfortable with solutions that just "came to" them. Compared with systematic thinkers, for the intuitive thinker, data are less important, complexity is less bothersome, changing external and internal environments are expected rather than assumed away, and being more or less right is more important than being precisely wrong.

Manager Competencies


Kemampuan yang harus dimiliki oleh manager:

Commitment to Continuous Learning untuk memperbaiki kepribadian dan keterampilan, pengetahuan dan kemampuannya. Conceptual Thinking untuk mengklarifikasi problem/situasi yg kompleks dan tidak jelas menjadi jelas. Customer/Client Focus Developing Others Initiative / Proactivity Strategic Business Sense Motivation Leadership Communication (verbal & writing) Teamwork and Cooperation bekerjasama dengan orang lain yang menjadi bagian dari tim.


3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


Defined as the psychological forces within a person that determine:

1) direction of behavior in an organization; 2) the effort or how hard people work; 3) the persistence displayed in meeting goals.

Intrinsic Motivation:

refers to motivation that comes from inside an individual (because it is enjoyble and the challenge of finding a solution) rather than from any external or outside rewards, such as money or grades. refers to motivation that comes from outside an individual (rewards such as money or grades).

Extrinsic Motivation:


Leadership is the process, where a person

exerts influence over others and inspires, motivates and directs their activities to achieve goals.

Effective leadership

increases the firms ability to meet new challenges.

Leader: The person exerting the influence. Personal Leadership Style:

the ways leaders choose to influence others.

Some leaders delegate and support subordinates, others are very authoritarian. Managers at all levels have their own leadership style.

Groups, Teams and Effectiveness


two or more people who interact with each other to accomplish a goal.


group who work intensively with each other to achieve a specific common goal. All teams are groups, BUT, not all groups are teams. Teams often are difficult to form. Takes time for members to work together. Teams can improve organizational performance.

Competitive Advantage with Groups & Teams

Performance Enhancement: Make use of synergy

Workers in a group have the opportunity to produce more or better output than separate workers.

Members correct others errors, bring new ideas to bear. Managers should build groups with members of complimentary skills. Safety issues, regulations, costs. Cross-functional teams provide the wide variety of skills needed.

Responsive to Customers: Difficult to achieve given many constraints.

Teams consist of members of different departments.

Innovation: individuals rarely possess the wide variety of skills needed.

Team members also uncover flaws and develop new ideas. Managers should empower the team for the full innovation process.

Motivation: members of groups, and particularly teams, are often better motivated and satisfied than individuals.

It is fun to work next to other motivated people. Team members see their contribution to the team. Teams also provide social interaction

Formal Groups & Teams created by manager to meet the firms goals.
Cross-functional: members of different departments. Cross-cultural: members of different cultures. Research and Development Teams: Create new products. Top management team: help develop firms direction.

Important to have diversity in it to avoid group think.

Command Groups: members report to same manager. Task Force: created to meet a given objective.

Standing committees are permanent task forces.

Self-Managed Teams: members are empowered to complete some given work.

Team decides how to do the task.


Communication is the process of sending and receiving messages through verbal or nonverbal means--speech (oral communication), writing (written communication), signs, signals, or behavior. Importance of Good Communication allows a firm to

Learn new skills and technologies. Become more responsive to customers. Improve Quality of their product or service. Foster innovation

Effective communication is needed by all Managers.

Successful managers are effective communicators in 3 areas. They are effective speakers and can put their points forward clearly. They are also effective at getting their message whether it is an e-mail or report. Finally, they are effective listeners.

The Communication Process

Communication consists of two phases:

1. 2.

Transmission phase: information is shared by 2 or more people. Feedback phase: a common understanding is assured. Sender must decide on a message to share Sender also puts the message into symbols or language, a process called encoding.

Starts with the Sender who wants to share information.

Noise: anything harming the communication process Messages are transmitted over a medium to a receiver.

Medium: pathway the message is transmitted on (phone, letter).

Receiver: person getting the message. Decoding allows the receiver understand the message.

Receiver next decodes the message.

This is a critical point, can lead to mis-understanding.

Feedback is started by receiver and states that the message is understood or

Communication Skills for Managers as Senders

Send clear and complete messages. Encode messages in symbols the receiver understands. Select a medium appropriate for the message AND monitored by the receiver. Avoid filtering (holding back information) and distortion as the message passes through other workers. Ensure a feedback mechanism is included in the message. Provide accurate information to avoid rumors.

Communication Skills for Managers as Receivers

Pay Attention to what is sent as a message. Be a good listener: dont interrupt.

Ask questions to clarify your understanding.

Be empathetic: try to understand what the sender feels. Understand linguistic styles: different people speak differently.

Speed, tone, pausing all impact communication. This is particularly true across cultures.

Managers should expect and plan for this

The Communication Process

Transmission Phase
Messages Encoding Medium Decoding



(now sender)




Message s

Feedback Phase

Dangers of Ineffective Communication

Managers spend most of their time communicating so both they and the subordinates must be effective communicators. To be effective:

Select an appropriate medium for each message. There is no one best medium. Consider information richness: the amount of information a medium can carry. Medium with high richness can carry much information to aid understanding. Is there a need for a paper/electronic trail to provide documentation?

The Principles of management

Definition The principles of management : are statements of fundamental truth. serve as guidelines for decisions and actions of managers. are derived through observation and analysis of events which managers have to face in practice.

are the essential, underlying factors that form the foundations of successful management.

The Principles of management

Henri Fayol (1841-1925) who was the first to provide a conceptual framework of management, evolved the following fourteen principles of management in his book General and Industrial management (1916) 1st principle: Division of Work The specialization of the workforce according to the skills a person , creating specific personal and professional development within the labour force and therefore increasing productivity; leads to specialization which increases the efficiency of labour. By separating a small part of work, the workers speed and accuracy in its performance increases. This principle is applicable to both technical as well as managerial work. Advantages Specialization results in efficiency. It leads to better work with the same effort.

The Principles of management

Henri Fayol (1841-1925) Disadvantages Worker suffers boredom because of repletion of the same type of work. Difficult to reschedule if any worker is absent. 2nd principle: Authority and responsibility/
kekuasaan dan tanggung jawab

Authority is the legal right to command over others to do an act or not to do an act. In the other words it is the power given to a person to extract work from his subordinates. Responsibility crops up with authority. It is the obligation of a person to perform his duties towards a job. Authority may be delegated where as responsibility cannot be delegated. For example: The production manager is answerable to the General Manager if the production is very less. He cannot say that he has delegated the responsibility to the production engineer.

The Principles of management

Henri Fayol (1841-1925) People often seek of authority but fear of responsibility. The fear of responsibility spoils initiative and destroys other good qualities. Authority without responsibility and responsibility without Authority are the major defects of any organization. Therefore, management should clearly arrange and distribute the Authority and Responsibility 3rd principle: Discipline Discipline is very much essential for the smooth running of any organization. Discipline is respect for agreements, sincere effort for completing a given task and outward marks of respect. The essence of discipline is obedience, diligence, correct attitude and outward mark of respects, with in the limits fixed by the agreement between management and its employees. Maintenance of discipline requires: 1. Good supervisors at all levels. 2. Clear and fair agreements.

The Principles of management

Henri Fayol (1841-1925)

4th principle: Unity of Command

A subordinate should receive orders and instructions from one superior only. But it does not mean that a superior should have only one sub-ordinate. If it is not followed, there will not be any discipline. A sub-ordinate needs to receive orders only from one superior because multiple commands will cause confusions and conflicts. Therefore a sound management should avoid dual commands.
This means that there should be one head and one plan for each group of activities having the same objectives. Similar activities should be grouped together under one manager. Only then all efforts could be directed towards the common goal. Unity of command cannot function without unity of direction.

5th principle: Unity of Direction_ One head One Plan.

The Principles of management

Henri Fayol (1841-1925) 6th principle: Sub-ordination of Individual Interest Individuals who work for an organization should sacrifice their interest for the benefit of the organization i.e. the common interest. The interest of an organization is more important than the interest of an employee. It is necessary to maintain unity and to avoid friction among the employees. In any industry, an employee interest is to earn money to meet his personal needs whereas the organization interest is to maximize the production and develop the factory. The supervisors should set the following to others to maintain general interest: Fair agreements, effective supervision and good example.

7th principle: Remuneration is the money paid to the employees for their Remuneration of physical and mental efforts in carrying out a work. Fair and personnel/upah equitable remuneration should be provided to employees to personel ensure better production and satisfaction. It should be fair

The Principles of management

Henri Fayol (1841-1925) 8th principle: Centralization If the power and responsibilities are retained at top level management, the organization is centralized. Only the top executive at the centre takes all the decisions. It has more span of control. When the power is being dispersed/delegated then it is called de-centralization. It has a shorter span of control. In an organization for certain important decisions power should be centralized. For Quick and Routine decisions, power should be decentralized. For effective management, decentralization is necessary. Scalar chain means line of authority Instructions and orders should be sent from top level to the bottom level only through the line of authority. There should be an unbroken line of power and command from top level to bottom level. Over lapping any one in the organization structure will spoil

9th principle: Scalar Chain

The Principles of management

Henri Fayol (1841-1925) 10th principle: Order Arrangement of things and persons. Order is of two types: Material order and Social order. A place for everything and everything in its place material order and a place for every one and everyone in his place is called social order.Scientific Selection, training and placement are necessary so that materials can be easily taken out and men can be easily located. Every one in an organization should be treated equally fair play and justice. This would help to improve the employees morale, sincerity and loyalty. There will not be any friction among the employees. People who work in an organization should not be allowed to move out quite frequently because stable and secure work force is an asset to any organization. It is better to keep a manager of average ability than a very efficient manager who merely comes and goes.

11th principle: Equity/kesamaan

12th principle: Stability of tenure of personnel/stabilit

as masa jabatan

The Principles of management

Henri Fayol (1841-1925) The management should create favorable working conditions by providing good salary, promotion opportunities, welfare facilities etc. 13th principle: Initiative Initiative is the power of thinking and executing any task with enthusiasm voluntarily. Everyone should be given an equal opportunity to use their creativity and come out with better ideas of doing the work. When employees come forward with new ideas, new methods etc., they must be encouraged. It improves good morale among the employees. It is a French word, which means feeling of harmony and union among personnel of an organization. Union is strength. Team spirit and a sense of unity and togetherness should be fostered and administrated. management should avoid the policy of divide and rule.

14th principle: Espirit de corps

FACTORS of Management
6 Factors

Description of FACTORS OF management

Very important factor should have qualified skilled leader. Manager is first/ major part of organization who is responsible for activities. It may be first line manager (supervisors), second line (Middle managers, deal between top management and first line and top line managers who bring policies make lot of time in planning and takes decision. Simply a manager is one who innovate, take decision and risk and get. MAIN CHARACTERSITICS OF MANAGER 1. Power delegation (To share authority and responsibility among the team according to capability. 2. Decision making (Takes decision at any level of in authority and do the needful. 3. Problem solving Approach (Should be able to solve the problems of in teams regarding the organization and personal. 4. leader ship (he should have the leadership skills.

FACTORS of Management

FACTORS OF management (continue....

It is systematic arrangement of people to accomplish some 2) ORGANIZATION: specific purpose. It have four important parts. MAIN CHARACTERISTICS OF ORGANIZATION: 1) 2) 3) 4) PRODUCTION MARKETTING HUMAN RESOURCES FINANCE

The organization are based on above four factors and arrange the people in order to achieve the desire goals, when it innovate, invest and takes risk.


(It is a labor through with production or output obtained. Placing of right man at right place is staffing) - The responsibilities of staff - Shortage of managerial manpower - Skilled about the modern machinery & its use - Relation of organizational structure to staffing

FACTORS of Management

FACTORS OF management (continue....

- Keep in mind key factors of leadership - Technical qualification & short courses of staff - Trade recognition of the problems - Personal interest of staff in filed of work - Personal relation with staff and manager - Limitation of work in staff - Suitable timings of work - Rewards and benefits of staff


(The orders passed from authorities for implementation to run organization effectively is called DIRECTIVES. Followed strictly the directive issued time to time according to the need. This is factor of checking the desired result or output by some technical method as well as surprise check. These are hard and fast rules of organization, which may be applied from very beginning. These are followed by all strictly


The Five Functions of management

5 Functions

is the ongoing process of developing the business' mission and objectives and determining how they will be accomplished. Planning includes both the broadest view of the organization, e.g., its mission, and the narrowest, e.g., a tactic for accomplishing a specific goal.

The Five Functions of management

5 Functions Organizing

Description is establishing the internal organizational structure of the organization. The focus is on division, coordination, and control of tasks and the flow of information within the organization. It is in this function that managers distribute authority to job holders. is filling and keeping filled with qualified people all positions in the business. Recruiting, hiring, training, evaluating and compensating are the specific activities included in the function. In the family business, staffing includes all paid and unpaid positions held by family members including the owner/operators.


The Five Functions of management

5 Functions Directing

Description is influencing people's behavior through motivation, communication, group dynamics, leadership and discipline. The purpose of directing is to channel the behavior of all personnel to accomplish the organization's mission and objectives while simultaneously helping them accomplish their own career objectives.


is a four-step process of establishing performance standards based on the firm's objectives, measuring and reporting actual performance, comparing the two, and taking corrective or preventive action as necessary.

PDCA_Plan, Do, Check, Act

PDCA singkatan dari arti Rencanakan, Kerjakan, Cek, Tindak lanjuti, adalah suatu proses pemecahan masalah empat langkah iteratif yang umum digunakan dalam pengendalian kualitas. Metode ini dipopulerkan oleh W. Edwards Deming, yang sering dianggap sebagai bapak pengendalian kualitas modern sehingga disebut dengan siklus Deming. Deming sendiri selalu merujuk metode ini sebagai siklus Shewhart, dari nama Walter A. Shewhart, yang sering dianggap sebagai bapak pengendalian kualitas statistis. Belakangan, Deming memodifikasi PDCA menjadi PDSA ("Plan, Do, Study, Act") untuk lebih menggambarkan rekomendasinya.





Demings Cycle
Check Do

Modified Demings Cycle



PDCA_Plan, Do, Check, Act

Plan (Rencanakan) Meletakkan sasaran dan proses yang dibutuhkan untuk memberikan hasil yang sesuai dengan spesifikasi. Do (Kerjakan) Implementasi proses. Check (Cek) Memantau dan mengevaluasi proses dan hasil terhadap sasaran dan spesifikasi dan melaporkan hasilnya. Act (Tindak lanjuti) Menindaklanjuti hasil untuk membuat perbaikan yang diperlukan. Ini berarti juga meninjau seluruh langkah dan memodifikasi proses untuk memperbaikinya sebelum implementasi berikutnya.


Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs He hypothesized that within every human being there exists a hierarchy of five needs. These needs are:

1- Physiological:

Includes hunger, thirst, shelter, sex, and other bodily needs.

2- Safety:
3- Social:

Includes security and protection from physical and emotional harm.

Includes affection, belongingness, acceptance and friendship.


Includes internal esteem factors such as self-respect, autonomy and achievement and external esteem factors such as status recognition and attention.

5- Selfthe drive to become what one is capable of becoming actualization: of these needs becomes substantially satisfied the next need includes growth achieving ones potential and self fulfillment. As each
becomes dominant.

Teori hirarki kebutuhan merupakan hipotesa Abraham Maslow bahwa setiap orang memiliki keinginan yang kuat untuk merealisasikan potensi potensi dalam dirinya, untuk mencapai tingkatan aktualisasi diri.

Hal ini karena manusia mempunyai potensi untuk termotivasi dalam memenuhi kebutuhan-kebutuhan hidupnya, yang memiliki tingkatan atau hirarki, mulai dari kebutuhan dasar yang paling rendah (fisiologis) sampai yang paling tinggi (aktualisasi diri).
Manusia yang mengaktualisasikan dirinya, dapat memiliki banyak puncak dari pengalaman dibanding manusia yang kurang mengaktualisasi dirinya. Untuk berhasil menjadi seorang manager, maka harus memiliki motivasi untuk mencapai aktualisasi diri.

Lesson Summary

Pengertian Manajemen

Mempelajari pengertian manajemen dan manajer.

Mempelajari fungsi-fungsi, pendekatan dan 2 macam gaya penyelesaian persoalan yang sangat berbeda, yaitu sistematis dan intuitif yang digunakan oleh manajer dalam mengambil keputusan-keputusan. Mempelajari pengertian kompetensi/kemampuan yang dimiliki oleh seorang manajer (motivasi, leadership, komunikasi dll) Prinsip-prinsip manajemen Memperlajari penjelasan prinsip menajemen untuk Mempelajari 14 prinsip-prinsip manajemen Henry Fayol, yang pertama kali memberikan kerangka kerja konseptual manajemen. Mempelajari faktor-faktor dan fungsi manajemen. Mempelajari siklus Deming atau pendekatan PDCA_plan, do, check, act untuk menyelesaikan persoalan secara iteratif, serta modifikasinya yaitu PDSA.

Mempelajari teori hirarki Maslow tentang tingkat pemenuhan kebutuhan hidup manusia dari yang paling dasar, yaitu psikologis hingga paling tinggi yaitu mencapai aktualisasi diri.

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