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Bentuk soalan:
1. 2. 3.



Melabel Padanan Betul/salah Word equation Urutan proses Menggunakan formula Give a reason

8. Aplikasi 9. Banding bezaa 10. Pengkelasan 11. Kemahiran Proses Sains


Diagram 1.0 shows a section of the human skin.

a) Label the following parts of the skin in Diagram 1.0

Dermis Epidermis Adipose layer

Epidermis Dermis Adipose layer

b) The skin contains several types of sensory receptors. Name any two of the receptors labelled as R, S and T in Diagram 5.0

Pain receptor Heat receptor

Pressure receptor

c) Explain why a blind person uses his finger tips to read Braille.
The fingertips have thin epidermis and many receptors that are sensitive to touch.


1) Diagram 2.0 shows the structure of the human heart. Rajah 2.0 mcnunjukkan struktur jantung manusia.


a) Name the parts labelled K, L, M and N in Diagram 2.0, using the following words.
Namakan bahagian berlabel K, L, M and Ndalam Rajah 2.0 menggunakan perkataan berikut.






b) Match to show the correct descriptions of the parts labelled K and N. Padankan untuk menunjukkan huraian yang betul bahagian berlabel K dan N.
[2 marks]

Prevents blood from flowing back Menghalang pengaliran balik darah The upper chamber of the hear Kebuk atas jantung

The largest blood vessel in the human body Salur darah terbesar dalam badan manusia

Situated at the lower part of the heart Terletak dibahagian bawah jantung

2) Diagram 3.0 shows the human digestive system. Rajah 3.0 menunjukkan sistem pencernaan manusia.


a) Label three of the following parts in Diagram 3.0 Label tiga bahagian yang berikut berdasarkan Rajah 3.0 [3 marks] Oesophagus Esofagus Pancreas Pankreas Liver Hati Stomach Perut Large intestine Usus besar



Large intestine

b) Give one function of organ X. Nyatakan satu fungsi organ X.

[1 mark]

X = small intestine Absorption of digested food Penyerapan makanan tercerna


Match the cells in the human body and their functions in Diagram 1.0


Carries oxygen around the body
Carries male gametes To cause movement To carry messages around the body

b) Name one organ in the human body in which would you find muscles cells.

Heart / leg Jantung / kaki

c) Which system in the human body involves sperms?

Reproductive system Sistem pembiakan


Diagram 1.0shows the cross section of a human eye. Rajah 1.0 menunjukkan keratan rentas mata manusia


Structures / Struktur M

Functions/ Fungsi Receives light stimulus and sends impulses to brain Menerima rangsangan cahaya dan menghantar impuls ke otak Focuses on light Memfokuskan cahaya


Diagram 1 shows examples of hazardous symbols used in laboratory. Mark the symbol that shows corrosive substances.

Tick ( ) in the box provided


1) Diagram 2.0 show tools used to measured diameter.

Rajah 2.0 menunjukkan alatan yang digunakan untuk menyukat diameter.

Diagram 2.0

i) Which of the tools in Diagram 2.0 is used to measure the diameter of a ping pong ball. Tick () in the box provided.

ii) Diagram 2.1shows an activity carried out by a student to find the thickness of a beaker. Rajah 2.1 menunjukkan aktiviti dijalankan oleh pelajar untuk mencari ketebalan sebuah bikar.

Based on diagram 2.1, what is the thickness of the beaker ( shows the calculation) Thickness = External diameter 2 = 2 - 1.8 2 = 0.1 internal diameter


2) Diagram 2.2 shows a various form of energy and their explaination State true or false Rajah 2.2 menunjukkan berbagai bentuk tenaga dan penerangannya. Nyatakan betul atau salah. A stretch cord of a bow store potential energy. Tali pada busur yang diregangkan menyimpan tenaga keupayaan The object that make us feel hot contain heat energy. Objek yang menyebabkan kita berasa panas mempunyai tenaga haba.




Diagram 2.3 shows the comparison of the mass of three solids labelled P, Q and R

P denser than Q >Q

P>R P denser than R

R>Q denser than Q

The volume P, Q and R are equal.Mark ( ) in the box below ro show the solid with the highest density

Mark ( ) in the box which state the correct meaning of electrolysis Tandakan ( ) dalam petak yang menyatakan maksud elektrolisis yang betul.

The process of breaking down the water into its elements. Proses penguraian air kepada komponenkomponennya.

The process of following electricity through the water. Proses pengaliran arus elektrik di dalam air.


The graph below shows the solubility of certain solutes against temperature Graf di bawah menunjukkan beberapa zat terlarut melawan suhu

a ) What is meant by solute?

The substance that dissolves in a solvent. ...................................................................................

Bahan yang larut dalam pelarut .
( 1mark )


Which solute dissolved the most in 100ml of water at 25oC?

Potassium nitrate


C ) i)

At what temperature will potassium nitrate and potassium chloride have the same solubility?

17 oC 19oC


Which of the solutes is least affected by temperature? Potassium chlorate

( 1 mark

d)Based on the graph, state the relationship between the solubility of the three solute and temperature? RV MV
( 1 mark )

MV dulu, diikuti RV
The higher the temperature, the higher the solubility of the solutes

Semakin tinggi suhu, Semakin tinggi kadar keterlarutan bahan


State the two other factors that affect the rate of solubility
( 2 marks)

- the size of solute / saiz zat terlarut - the volume of solvent / isipadu pelarut - Stirring / kacau


A student carried out an experiment an experiment of neutralisation between potassium hydroxide and sulphuric acid as shown in the below figure.
Seorang pelajar menjalankan eksperimen peneutralan antara kalium hidroksida dan asid sulfurik seperti rajah di bawah.

( acid )

( alkali )


i ) Name the method used in this activity

Namakan kaedah yang digunakan dalam aktiviti ini


Nyatakan kaedah, bukan PROSES !!l Peneutralan=proses


Neutralisation: Acid + alkali salt solution

pH< 7 pH>7 pH=7

Menggunakan asid untuk meneutralkan Alkali.

Based on Figure, write the word equation for the experiment.

Solution P

Sulphuric + acid

Potassium hydroxide

Potassium sulphide


ii )Based on Figure, write the word equation for the experiment

Berdasarkan rajah, tuliskan persamaan perkataan bagi eksperimen itu

Sulphuric acid

Potassium hydroxide

Potassium sulphide

+ water

Awalan nama alkali

Potassium sulphide

Jenis asid


State the pH value of solution P Nyatakan nilai pH larutan P

pH 7

Potassium sulphide

Hasil peneutralan


Give another indicator that can be used to determine the colour change of solution P
Berikan satu penunjuk lain yang boleh digunakan untuk mengenalpasti perubahan warna larutan P

Blue and red litmus paper Kertas litmus biru dan merah // Universal indicator Penunjuk universal

change of pH value of potassium hydroxide solution i) The From the graph in figure, state the volume of sulphuric when mix to sulphuric acid is shown in Figure acid requiredwithneutralize the whole volume of potassium Nilai pH solution hydroxidekalium hidroksida berubah apabila bercampur
dengan asid sulfurik seperti dalam nyatakan isipadu asid sulfurik yang 15 cm3 Daripada graf pada rajah di atas, rajah
diperlukan untuk meneutralkan keseluruhan larutan kalium hidroksida

ii) Why does the pH value of the mixture of sulphuric acid and sodium hydroxide solution reduce gradually
Mengapakah nilai pH campuran asid sulfurik hidroksida berkurangan secara sekata dan kalium

Because the pH value of the alkali (sodium hydroxide) has been reduced by the acid (sulphuric acid) Kerana nilai pH alkali (kalium hidroksida ) telah dikurangkan oleh asid ( asid sulfurik ) secara pentitratan.


Diagram shows the set up apparatus for the experiment to determine the action of heat on magnesium sulphide.

a )Describe the colour changes of the acidic

potassium dichromate (vi) solution

Green to yellow / hijau kepada kuning

b )State two elements found in the magnesium

sulphide Nyatakan dua unsur di dalam magnesium sulfida

i )Magnesium ii )sulphur

c ) Write the word equation for the reaction of

heat on magnesium sulphide
Magnesium sulphide

Magnesium oxide

Sulphur dioxide

1) Diagram 5.3 shows the requirements and products in photosynthesis. Rajah 5.3 menunjukkan keperluan dan hasil dalam fotosintesis.

V : water

carbon dioxide


W : glucose S: oxygen

Diagram 2.1 shows an experiment that involves heating the mixture of iron filling and sulphur powder.

2) Diagram 2.1 shows an experiment that involves heating the mixture of iron filling and sulphur powder. Rajah 2.1 menunjukkan satu eksperimen melibatkan pemanasan campuran serbuk besi dengan serbuk sulfur.

Keys / Petunjuk:

Iron atom

Sulphur atom

b) Name the type of substances formed after being heated.

Namakan jenis bahan yang terbentuk selepas proses pemanasan.

Iron sulphide besi sulfida


Complete the word equation below Lengkapkan persamaan perkataan di bawah.

Iron + Sulphur Besi + sulfur

iron sulphide / Besi sulfida


Figure 1.0 shows the structure of the human ear.

a) Identify the parts marked P, Q, R and S to show how sound vibration travel from the ear to the brain.
2 marks

Ear canal

P: Eardrum


S : Auditory nerves

R: Cochlea

Q : Oval window

2 marks


NO 1

Diagram 2.0 shows the cross section of a human eye.

Complete diagram 2.0 using the words in Table 2.1 to show how light enters into the eye.
Cornea Eye lens

vitrous humor

2 marks

NO 2

Diagram 3.0 shows a human respiratory system

Using the letters in Diagram 3.0, complete Urutan proses to show the air flow hembus nafas the diagram below Tengok pd rajah!! during exhalation.

2 marks

3) The word equation below shows the process of respiration in living things.
Persamaan perkataan di bawah menunjukkan proses respirasi di dalam benda hidup.
Glucose +


Energy + Carbon dioxide + water

Using the following words, complete the word equation above.

Dengan menggunakan perkataan berikut, lengkapkan persamaan perkataan di atas.
[2 marks]

Water Air

Oxygen Oksigen

Carbon dioxide Karbon dioksida

Nitrogen Nitrogen

) Diagram 5.0 shows the movement of food along the digestive system.
Rajah 5.0 menunjukkan pergerakan makanan dalam sistem pencernaan.


What organs are represented by T and U in Diagram 5.0? Apakah organ yang diwakili oleh T dan U pada Rajah 5.0 ?

T: Oesophagus U: Anus


Figure 6 shows the formation of the star. Complete the blanks boxes.

Rajah menunjukkan pembentukan bintang. Lengkapkan rajah di bawah.


X X : :Large star

Super giant

Y : Supernova

Bintang neuron


Diagram 1.0 shows how is a submarine work

Why submarine can emerge under water? Explain

1 mark

Ballast tank is filled with water causes the submarine denser than sea water.

1 mark

Tangki balas diisi dengan air menyebabkan kapal selam lebih tumpat berbanding air laut.

2 marks

NO 1

Diagram 2.0 shows how is a submarine work

Lihatsubmarine can floats on the Why dan perhatikan pd rajah. Apakah perbezaan ?? surface of water? Explain

Water is removed from the ballast tank causes the submarine becomes less dense than sea water.
Air dibuang dari tangki balas menyebabkan kapal selam menjadi kurang tumpat dari air laut 2 marks

Figure 3.0 above shows an apparatus + carbon dioxide Acid + calcium carbonate Salt + water setup to study the reaction between teeth and hydrochloric acid.
Lighted wooden splinter
Lighted wooden splinter will

Hydrochloric acid teeth

Calcium carbonate


What happen to the lighted wooden splinter at the end of experiment? Extinguishes / padam.


Explain your answer in (a)

The reaction between hydrochloric acid and teeth produce carbon dioxide gas. Tindak balas antara asid hidroklorik dan gigi menghasilkan gas karbon dioksida

NO Figure 4.0 below shows a model of a human 3 respiratory system.

Using the model, explain the process of exhalation

Bila kepingan getah ditolak When the rubber sheet is ke atas,tekananair pressure pushed up, the udara dalam bell jar increases. Air in the balang gas meningkat.Udara the balloon is forced out and dipaksa keluar dan belon mengecut deflate

NO 3

Diagram 4.0 shows a model of glass made of plasticine and full of water.

Draw two situations showing increased stability in a glass model and give the explanation for each situation.

1 marks

EXPLAINATION: EXPLAINATION: Lower the centre of Rendahkan pusat graviti untuk meningkatkan gravity to increase the stabilityof the glass kestabilan gelas. 1 marks

Situation 2/ situasi 2 Drawing Lukisan

(1 mark)
Explanation: Increase the base area to increase the stability of the glass

Besarkan luas tapak untuk meningkatkan kestabilan gelas (1 mark)

NO 5

Diagram 5.0 shows two situation P and situation Q

4.0 cm


NO 5

Diagram 5.0 shows two situation P and situation Q

Work done (J) = Force (N) X Distance (m)

4.0 cm

= Force X 0 = 0 Dinding tak bergerak;


Distance adalah 0, bermakna tiada kerja dilakukan


Based on diagram 5.0, state one situation where no work is done Situation Q
Explain your answer in (a)


Because it does not involved the changes of distance. Kerana ia tidak melibatkan perubahan jarak.

NO 6

Ali and Adam are arranging story books onto a book case. Ali takes the books from the floor and places them on the lower shelf. Adam does the same, but he puts the book on a higher shelf.


Who does more work ?



Explain your answer in 5 (i). Because Adam has more distance compare to Ali. Kerana jarak Adam lebih jauh berbanding Ali

7) i- Based on Diagram 6.0, calculate the value of current that flows in both electrical appliances. Berdasarkan Rajah 6.0, kira nilai arus yang mengalir dalam kedua-dua alat elektrik itu.

Appliances Alat

Value of current Nilai arus

Electric iron

6.25 A 4.58 A

ii- What is suitable fuse rating for electric iron? Apakah fius yang sesuai untuk sterika elektrik ? [1 mark]

10 A
iii- Explain your answer in (d) (ii). Terangkan jawapan anda dalam (d)(ii)
[1 mark]

Nilai fius mesti lebih besar dari nilai arus alat elektrik ( seterika )

NO 7

Diagram 7.0 shows a step down transformer.

Explain how to change this transformer into a step up transformer.

Increase the number of turn in Q coil./ decrease the number of turns in P coil.
Menambah bilangan lilitan pada gegelung Q /

Mengurangkan bilangan lilitan pada gegelung P

1500 cm

3500 cm


Explain why the man is said to do a work?

He used a force of 500N to push a box at distance of 15 m @ He used a forced to push a box at certain distance

ii) What happen to the work done, if the man in Figure 8.2 use a trolley to push the box. Explain your answer.
Berkurang , kerana daya geseran berkurang bila troli digunakan Decreases because frictional force is reduced when trolley is used


10) Diagram 3.1 shows animals P,Q,and R which have various support systems. Rajah 3.1 menunjukkan haiwan-haiwan P,Q dan R yang mempunyai pelbagai sistem sokongan .


Name any two types of skeletons animals P,Q and R in Diagram 3.1 using the following words

Endoskeleton (Internal skeleton) Exoskeleton( External skeleton)

Endoskeleton (rangka dalam)

Eksoskeleton (Rangka Luar)


P: Hydrostatic Q: Endoskeleton R:Exoskeleton

ii) Organism P will die when it loses too much water to its surrounding . Explain why? Organisma P akan mati jika kehilangan air yang terlampau banyak di sekelilingnya. Terangkan mengapa?

Lost its support system // No support system Sistem sokongannya hilang / Tiada sistem sokongan


Diagram 1.0 below shows an iron is used for 90 minutes.

Calculate electrical energy used by the iron.

Using formula:Energy (kWh) = Power (kW) x time (hour)


Energy (kWh) = Power (kW) x time (hour) 90 minutes = 1.5 hour = 1.5 kW x 1.5 hour = 2.25 kWh 1 mark 1 mark

NO 1
Diagram 20 shows a vegetables seller carrying two baskets, F and G. F has a mass of 40 kg and G has a mass of 60 kg. The distance between G and the seller is 1.0 m.

What should be the distance between the seller and F in order to balance both the baskets? ( 1KG = 10N )
Load x distance of load = Force x distance of force

Load x distance of load = Force x distance of force (60 kg x 10)N x 1.0 m = (40kg x 10)N x distance of force (m ) 600 N x 1.0 m = 400 N x distance of force (m) Distance of force ( m ) = 600N = 6 400N 4 = 1.5 m

NO 2

The diagram shows a pupil pushing a box to make it closer to a wall. He is pushing with a force of 350N.


How much work is done by the pupil ? Work done = Force x distance

Work done = Force x distance

= 350N x 5m = 1750J

1 marks

1 marks

2 marks

NO 3 Diagram 4.0 shows a man, carries

the box with mass 40 kg up a flight of stairs.

If the mass of the man is 60 kg calculate the work done. (Assume that I kg = l0 N) Use the following formula:
Work done = Force X Distance = (100 x 10)N X 3 m

= 3000 J

NO Diagram 5.0 shows a man pulling a load of 70 3 kg up an inclined plane to the platform
(assume 1 kg= 10N)

In the box provided in Diagram 5.0, draw an arrow to show the direction of force that opposes the motion of load.

Name the force for the answer in (a)(i) Frictional force

Calculate the work done. Use the following formuila:

Work done = Force X Distance = (70x10)N X 2m = 1400 J

NO 5

Diagram 6.0 shows Arif is climbing up a flight of stairs which is 300cm high in 10 seconds. Arif has mass of 65 kg.

300 cm


Calculate the work done by Arif.

Work done (J) = Force (N) X Distance (m)
= (65 x 10)N X 3 m = 1950 J


Calculate the power used by Arif.

Power (W) = Work done (J) Time (s)

= 1950 J 10s
= 195 W

NO 6

Diagram 7.0 shows a man is pushing a box into a lorry.

1500 cm 3500 cm

Work done (J) = Force (N) X Distance (m) = (50 x 10)N X 15m = 7500 J

Based on Diagram 7.0, using

Work done= Force x Distance, how much work is done by the man? Work done = Force(N) x Distance(m) =(50 X 10)N X 1.5m =750 J




Diagram 2.1 shows a few animals J,K and L. ( i 2.1 menunjukkan support system for J, K dan Rajah )State the type of thebeberapa haiwan animal J. L.
Nyatakan jenis sistem sokongan pada haiwan J.

K J Endoskeleton

( ii ) Give one reason for the answer in 2 (a) (i).

Berikan alasan untuk jawapan dalam 2(a) (i).

It has internal skeleton Ia mempunyai rangka dalam

( iii ) If the shell for animal K is removed, what happened to the animal K? Jika cengkerang haiwan K ditanggalkan, apakah yang berlaku pada haiwan K?

The animal K will lose its body support cannot maintain the shape of the body.

Haiwan K akan hilang sokongan badannya / Tidak dapat mengekalkan bentuk badan

( iv ) If animal L is exposed to sunlight, what happened to this animal?

Jika haiwan L didedahkan kepada cahaya matahari, apakah yang berlaku pada haiwan ini?

The animal L will lose their body fluids and cannot support its body. Haiwan L akan hilang bendalir badan dan tidak boleh menyokong badannya.




Diagram 2.2 shows a whale that is supported If the by the is washed water. mainly whale buoyancy ofashore, can it move

back to the sea? Rajah 2.2 menunjukkan seekor ikan paus yang sebahagian besar badannya disokong olehdi pantai, bolehkan ia pulang ke laut? Jika paus itu terdampar daya apungan air.


ii) Give one reason for the answer in 2(b)(i).

Berikan satu alasan untuk jawapan dalam 2(b)(i).

The whale needs water to support its body

Paus perlukan air untuk menyokong badannya.


Diagram 1.1 shows two land plants.

Rajah 1.1 menunjukkan dua tumbuhan daratan

Diagram 1.1/Rajah 1.1


Based on Diagram 1.1, which plant wilt faster on a hot day?

Berdasarkan rajah 1.1 , tumbuhan manakah yg akan layu lebih cepat pada hari panas?

Plant (b) / Balsam

ii )Give one reason for the answer in (i) Beri sebab bagi jawapan Plant (b)/balsam depends on cell turgidity for support @ The support system of plant (b) is the turgidity of cells @ The support system depends on the water in cell

3) State the difference between purify river and liquid X Figure shows the way to water a) river water
in laboratory.
Nyatakan perbezaan diantara air sungai dan cecair X.
Rajah menunjukkan cara pembersihan air sungai di dalam makmal. River water contain impurities but liquid X

Ingat!!!nyatakan perbezaan kedua-duanya.. do not contain impurities

b) If 100g of salt are added in the liquid X, what will happen to its boiling point?
Jika 100g garam dimasukkan ke dalam cecair X, apakah yang berlaku pada takat didih?

above 100oC

c) Suggest other way of purifying river water to make it safe and suitable to drink.
Cadangkan cara lain untuk membersihkan air sungai supaya ia selamat dan sesuai untuk diminum.

Boil the water / didihkan air itu d) Give your reason based on your answer in ( c ).
Berikan alasan anda berdasarkan jawapan in ( c).

to kill harmful microorganisms / Untuk membunuh mikroorganisma berbahaya


Diagram 1.0 shows the circuit of a fire alarm

Based on the diagram above, explain the working principle of the fire alarm.

When the bimetallic strip is heated, it will bend and touched the contact screw.

The circuit is completed and the bell ring.

2 marks


1) Figure below shows a lime being squeezed i) What is the gas produced when the lime juice reacts into a test tube containing zinc powder. with zinc powder?
Rajah di gas yang terhasil apabila limau nipisnipis itu ke Apakah bawah menunjukkan sebiji jus limau diperah dalam tabung uji yang mengandungi serbuk zink.

bertindak balas dengan serbuk zink?


ii) Why does the lime juice able to remove rust from rusty knife?
Mengapakah jus limau nipis boleh menanggalkan karat daripada pisau yang berkarat?

Lime juice neutralises the rust

Jus limau nipis meneutralkan karat

2) State theFigurequality ifawater purifying processes are water shows water purification and ignored supply system stages at the following
Rajah menunjukkan sistem pembersihan air Nyatakan kualiti air jika proses pembersihan tidak dan bekalan air dipedulikan pada peringkat berikut

M : contain suspended particles N : contain harmful microorganisms

Alum: menggumpal bahan terampai kecil menjadi lebih besar dan mendap ke dasar tangki Lime : mengurangkan keasidan air

Klorin: membunuh mikroorganisma Florine : mengurangkan pereputan gigi

M : contain suspended particles N : contain harmful microorganisms

A device use for raising or lowering the VOLTAGE of an ALTERNATING current

Step- up transformer

Step- down transformer

3) Diagram 3.0 shows an electrical energy transmission and Based on Diagram 3.0, state the function of transformer distribution system from a power station to industrial, station Y. town and residential areas. Berdasarkan Rajah 3.0 ,nyatakan fungsi sistem transformer Y.
Rajah 3.0 menunjukkan satu sistem penghantaran dan pengagihan decreases the voltage value To tenaga elektrik dari satu stesen kuasa ke kawasan industri, bandar dan perumahan.


Diagram 3.1 shows a step down transformer.


What is the function of the laminated soft iron core? The laminated softmengurangkan kehilangan Teras besi lembut iron core reduces the lost of electrical energy in the core. tenaga elektrik dlm teras


Why can a transformer be used only with alternating current?

The alternating current produces a changing magnetic field which will induce current in the secondary coil of the transformer. Arus ulang alik akan menghasilkan medan magnet yang tidak tetap dan ini akan menghasilkan arus pada gegelung sekunder transformer itu.


Diagram 3.2 shows electrical cables.


Based on Diagram 3.2, which area does this electric cables suitable to supply electric energy.

Residential areas
Kawasan perumahan

ii- Give your reason

Residential areas/town are needed a lower voltage (240V/415V) Kawasan perumahan mempunyai nilai voltage yang rendah

ii- Give your reason

Residential areas/town are needed a lower voltage (240V/415V) Kawasan perumahan / bandar perlukan voltan rendah ( 240V / 415V )

3) Name the parts in humans ear that involve in the activity shown in Figure 2.2

2 mark

f) Name the parts in humans ear that involve in the activity shown in Figure 2.2
i) Eustachian tube ii) Semi circular canal

2 mark


Diagram 1.0 shows how to push a box using two different situations.

Situation Q Situasi Q

Situation R Situasi R

i) Based on diagram, which situation is harder to push the box?

Situation Q.

ii) Give a reason

Because the box has to overcome the gravitational force

Kerana kotak itu perlu melawan daya graviti



b) Based on Diagram 2.0 which table will topple first when the wooden plank is tilted? Explain why

Table: Q

Reason :

It is less stablekerana luas Ia kurang stabil because its base area is smallerpusat its tapak lebih kecil dan and centrelebih tinggi is higher. graviti of gravity
2 marks

Diagram 3.0 shows two animals with different type of vision.

Animal P

Animal Q


Name the type of vision for animal P. Monocular vision


Draw the visual field in the eye of animal P and animal Q in diagram 3.1


Based on (b), state the difference of visual field between animal P and animal Q.

Animal P has larger visual field of vision LEBIH / THAN!!! than animal Q Nyatakan tentang P dan Q Haiwan P mempunyai medan penglihatan lebih luas berbanding haiwan Q

d) Can animal Q hunts its prey if one of its eye is not function? Give your reason. Cannot. Because it can not estimate/judge the distance of prey accuretely

Tidak boleh. Kerana ia tidak boleh menganggar jarak dengan tepat.

Kemahiran menjawab soalan pengkelasan



7. Diagram 7.1 shows four gas jar that contain different density of liquids. Rajah 7.1 menunjukkan balang gas yang mengandungi bahan-bahan yang berbeza ketumpatan.

Alcohol/ alkohol P Water/ Air

Alcohol/ alkohol
Water/ Air

Water/ Air
Glycerin/ gliserin S

Cooking oil/ Minyak masak

Water/ Air

Diagram 7.1

State the position of the blocksink R and S in the liquids. Float / P, Q, Nyatakan kedudukan blok P, Q, less dense cecair tersebut Denser / R dan S dalam P :sink in alcohol / float in water ... Q :float in water / float in alcohol ... R :sink in water / float in glycerin ... S :sink in cooking oil / sink in water ..................
[4 marks]

b) Predict the density of block S based on its position in Diagram 1.0

Denser than water and cooking oil

Lebih tumpat dari air dan minyak masak.

C ) Classify block P, Q, R and S in Diagram 1.0 into two groups based on their density in the water.
Denser than water Less dense than water




1) Diagram 2.0 shows four electrical State one characteristic that can be observed from any circuits by referring to three electrical circuitsP, Q, R and S the arrangement of the dry cells OR bulbs

State one characteristic that can be observed from any three electrical circuits by referring to the arrangement of Dry cells cells or bulbs parallel the dry are arranged in
Dry cells are arranged in parallel are arranged in series Dry cells Dry cells are arranged in series Characteristics Electrical

circuit P Q R

Dry cells are arranged in series

Dry cells are arranged in parallel Dry cells are arranged in parallel Dry cells are arranged in series

State one characteristic that can be observed from any three electrical circuits by referring to the arrangement of the dry cells OR bulbs Dry cells are arranged in series / P bulb are arranged in series

Q Dry cells are arranged in parallel / Jawapan anda samada susunan bulbs are arranged in series Sel kering ATAU mentol R
Dry cells are arranged in parallel / bulbs are arranged in parallel Dry cells are arranged in series / bulbs are arranged in parallel


Classify the electrical circuits P, Q, R and S into two groups based on their common characteristics.
Kelaskan litar elektrik, P, Q, R dan S kepada dua kumpulan berdasarkan ciri sepunya

P, Q, R, S
Dry cell are arranged in series Dry cell are arranged in parallel

P, S

Q, R


Diagram 2.1 shows three situations J, K and L of electrical circuit with identical bulbs

c) Diagram 2.1 shows three situations J, K and L of electrical circuit with identical bulbs
Based on Diagram 2.1 i) State one inference about the bulbs

..................................................................... ................................................................... [1 mark]

Based on Diagram 7.2

Berdasarkan Rajah 7.2

i-State one inference about the bulbs

Nyatakan satu inferens tentang mentol-mentol.

Bulb is brighter BECAUSE the number of bulb is less

observation because observation


ii-Predict the brightness ofthe bulb, if another bulb is added at L.

Ramalkan kecerahan mentol, jika satu mentol lain ditambah di L.


Become dimmer

iii-State the relationship between the number of the bulbs and the brightness of the bulb
Nyatakan hubungan antara bilangan mentol-mentol dengan kecerahan mentol

The increase the number of the bulb, the brightness of bulb becomes decreases.

The _______the MV,the ______the RV .


Kemahiran proses sains yang perlu ada bagi menjawab soalan no 8:

Hipotesis Inferens Mengenalpasti pemboleh ubah Merekod data dalam bentuk jadual Menyatakan perhubungan antara pembolehubah dimanipulasi dengan pembolehubah bergerakbalas. Membina graf atau carta bar Membuat ramalan Membuat kesimpulan Mendefinisi secara operasi

A student carried out an experiment to study the effect of temperature to the rate of dissolving of Potassium nitrate. Diagram 1.0 shows the arrangement of the apparatus for the experiment.

The students takes the following steps: Step 1: Step 2: Step 3: Step 4: Step 5: 100cm3 of distilled water is heated to 200C 50g of potassium nitrate crystal are put into the beaker The solution is then stirred frequently using a glass rod. The time taken for dissolving of the potassium nitrate is recorded. Step 1 to step 4 is repeated using different distilled water at temperature 300C, 400C, 500C and 600C.

The temperature of distilled water = 200C

Stop clock reading = 17 seconds

The temperature of distilled water = 300C

Stop clock reading 14 seconds =

The temperature of distilled water = 400C

Stop clock reading 11 seconds =

The temperature of distilled water = 500C

Stop clock reading 8 seconds =

The temperature of distilled water = 600C

Stop clock reading 5 seconds =


Complete the table 1.1 by recording the stop clock reading on the respective temperature of the distilled water.
Temperature of distilled water/0C
Suhu air suling /0C






Stop clock reading/s

Bacaan jam randik/s


State your hypothesis based on the observations in this experiments

The higher the temperature, the shorter time taken to dissolve potassium nitrate Semakin tinggi suhu, Semakin pendek masa yang diambil untuk melarutkan kalium nitrat


What is the inference that can be made based from this experiment? Potassium nitrate dissolve faster because the temperature is higher Kalium nitrat cepat larut KERANA suhu tinggi


State the variables involved in this experiment.

MV : Temperature of water RV : Stop clock reading/time taken the potassium to dissolve/the rate of dissolving CV : Volume of water / mass of potassium nitrate


Based on the reading in Table 1.1, draw a graph of temperature against time

f) Based on the graph, predict the time taken by Potassium Nitrate crystal to dissolve at the temperature of 70C. Berdasarkan graf, ramalkan masa yang diambil untuk hablur Kalium Nitrat larut pada suhu 70C.



Suggest one other way to increase the rate of dissolving of 50g potassium nitrate. Add more volume of water Tambah lebih isipadu air


Based on your answer in (g), what can you conclude about the relationship of your answer and the rate of dissolving.

The more volume of water, The_______the MV, the ________the RV . the higher the rate of dissolving


SEMINAR DIDIK RAKYAT PMR 2011 Diagram 8.1 shows Amin and Anas playing on swings.Amin's swing faster has a shorter rope but he swings and higher than Anas.
Rajah 8.1 menunjukkan Amin dan Anas bermain buaian. Tali buaian Amin lebih pendek, tetapi dia dapat berbuai dengan lebih cepat dan lebih tinggi daripada Anas.

a) Predict the motion of Anas if he uses a swing which has a length of 8 metres.
Ramalkan pergerakan Anas jika dia menggunakan buaian yang panjangnya 8 meter.
( 1 mark )

He will swings slower than Amin Ayunan Anas lebih perlahan berbanding Amin.

b) Diagram 8.2 shows the set-up at appratus to study the effect of the length of rope on the oscillation of a pendulum.
Rajah 8.2 menunjukkan susunan radas untuk mengkaji kesan panjang tali ke atas ayunan satu pendulum.

Diagram 8.2/ Rajah 8.2

The time taken for the pendulum to swing 20 complete oscillations are recorded in Table 8.3
Masa yang diambil oleh pendulum untuk membuat 20 ayunan lengkap dicatatkan dalam Jadual 8.3 i- Complete Table 8.3 by recording the time to complete 20 oscillations.
Lengkapkan Jadual 8.3 dengan merekodkan bacaan 20 ayunan lengkap pendulum itu.





( 3 marks )

ii- Based on Table 8.3 , draw a bar chart to represent the data.
Berdasarkan Jadual 8.3, lukis satu carta bar yang mewakili data tersebut.


State the variable involved in this experiment.

Manipulated the length of the pendulum variable

Responding the time taken for the oscillation. variable

Constant variable
the mass of pendulum bob

2 marks

d ) Based on the bar chart above, state the relationship between the length of pendulum and the time taken for the oscillation.
Berdasarkan carta bar di atas nyatakan hubungan antara panjang pendulum dengan masa diambil untuk ayunan bandul.

The longer the length of the pendulum, the longer the time taken for the oscillation.

Semakin panjang pendulum, Semakin lama masa untuk ayunan bandul

e) Write one hypothesis for this study

Tuliskan satu hipotesis bagi kajian ini

The longer the length of the pendulum, the longer the time taken for the oscillation. Semakin panjang pendulum, Semakin lama masa untuk ayunan.

f) When the length of pendulum is 100 cm, the time taken to complete 20 oscillations is more than 30 seconds. What happens if the length is 120 cm long ?
Apabila panjang pendulum 100 cm, masa yang diambil untuk 20 ayunan lengkap adalah lebih daripada 30 saat. Apa berlaku jika panjang pendulum 120 cm ?

Time taken for the oscillation is longer

Masa yang diambil untuk ayunan lebih lama.

g) Based on the bar chart and Table 8.3 , state the operational definition of "oscillation of a pendulum".

Berdasarkan carta bar dan Jadual 8.3, nyatakan definisi secara operas ayunan pendulum.

Oscillation of a pendulum is shown by the reading of stop watch / time taken Ayunan pendulum ditunjukkan oleh bacaan jam randik / masa yang diambil


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