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Spatial data warehouses and SOLAP: a new GIS technology

Geosciences, mapping day

Jean-Paul KASPRZYK, phd student

JP Kasprzyk Spatial data warehouses and SOLAP: a new GIS technology

Introduction: GIS and SOLAP

GIS : OnLine Transactional Processing (OLTP)
Daily management of spatial data
Easy update, integrity and no redundancy of the data

Based on transactional databases

Entity association approach Easy access to data

SOLAP : Spatial OnLine Analytical Processing (Bdard, 1997)

Decision support (Business intelligence)
Archiving temporal dimension

Based on data warehouses

Multidimensional approach Easy exploration of the data at different aggregation levels Integration of large amount of heterogeneous data

October 2011

JP Kasprzyk Spatial data warehouses and SOLAP: a new GIS technology

Multidimensional approach
Time: day Time: month Time: year Fact: offence Province Commune Offence Place

Offender address Serial Commune Snowflake schema of the criminal data Province
October 2011

JP Kasprzyk Spatial data warehouses and SOLAP: a new GIS technology

SOLAP Architecture
ETL Source data Data warehouse


Data cube (SOLAP server)


October 2011

JP Kasprzyk Spatial data warehouses and SOLAP: a new GIS technology

Data integration : ETL (extract transform load)

October 2011

JP Kasprzyk Spatial data warehouses and SOLAP: a new GIS technology

OLAP interface : drill down Operation

drill down

October 2011

JP Kasprzyk Spatial data warehouses and SOLAP: a new GIS technology

OLAP interface : drill through operation

drill through

October 2011

JP Kasprzyk Spatial data warehouses and SOLAP: a new GIS technology

OLAP interface: slice operation

Slice (time) Slice (serie)

October 2011

JP Kasprzyk Spatial data warehouses and SOLAP: a new GIS technology

OLAP interface: graphic exports

October 2011

JP Kasprzyk Spatial data warehouses and SOLAP: a new GIS technology

SOLAP Interface: spatial drill down (1)

MDX request
SELECT {[Measures].[offence]} ON COLUMNS, {[offence place].[province].members} ON ROWS FROM [offence]

October 2011

JP Kasprzyk Spatial data warehouses and SOLAP: a new GIS technology

SOLAP interface: spatial drill down (2)

October 2011

JP Kasprzyk Spatial data warehouses and SOLAP: a new GIS technology

SOLAP Interface :

October 2011

JP Kasprzyk Spatial data warehouses and SOLAP: a new GIS technology

Advantages of SOLAP
Integration and exploration of large amounts of heterogeneous data Simple interface Quick requests Ideal for decision support

Spatial OLAP = new technologies

spatial operations can still be improved
Example: buffer operation through the data cube

October 2011

JP Kasprzyk Spatial data warehouses and SOLAP: a new GIS technology

Thank you for listening

Any question?

October 2011

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