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1) Introduction.
2) Types of speeches.
3) How to make the speech effective.
4) Characteristics of speeches.
5) Types of delivery of speeches.
6) Delivery of speech.
1) Introduction
 “Talking and eloquence are not
the same ; to speak and to
speak well are two things.”
Ben Johnson
 History.
 Mahatma Gandhi

 Adolph Hitler
Why do we need to
give a good speech?
 To influence important decisions.
 To attract media and public
 To establish an image.
 To explain the importance of
organizational change.
 To dispel rumours.
2) Types of speeches
 Speaker aim is  Speaker aim is
to give audience to give audience
what they need. what they want.
 Audience is  Audience is
homogeneous. heterogeneous.
 Audience want  Audience do not
complete details expect lot of
about topic. details.
 Information is  Information is
more. less.
3) How to make
speech effective?
 Preparation
 “ A well prepared speech is

already ninth tenth delivered.”

Dale Carnegie
 “Speech requires a lot of

preparation, there is just no way

around it – you have to do your
homework. A speaker may be
very well informed, but if has not
thought out exactly what he
wants to say today to his
audience, he has no business,
To be continued…
 Planning
 Occasion

 Audience

 Purpose

 Thesis

 Material
4)Characteristics of a
good speech
 It should be clear in ideas and
 It should be brief.
 It must be informative and
 It should be interesting.
 It should be tuned to the
wavelengths of the audience
To be continued…
 It should not be to formal.
 It should convey the concrete facts
rather than uncertain ideas.
5)Types of delivery of
 Speaking from notes.
 Speaking impromptu.
 Reciting from memory
 Reading from a manuscript.
6)Delivery of speech
 In the start of the speech
 Raising a question.

 Narrating a related interesting

 Opening with a striking

 Narrating how topic affects the

 Highlighting shocking facts.
To be continued…
 During speech
 One should put his heart into
one’s talk.
 Stress the important words.

 Vary the pitch of one’s voice

flowing up & down.
 Establish & maintain eye
contact with the audience.
 Speak loudly enough to be
To be continued…
 At the end of speech
Dale Carnegie suggests the
following seven ways of closing.
 Summarizing the main points
you have covered.
 Appealing for action.

 Paying the audience sincere

 Raising a laugh.

 Quoting a fitting verse of poetry.

To be continued…
 Using a biblical quotation.
 Building up a climax
Thank you

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