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Basic Energy System


Form of energy the

Chemical Electrical Electromagnetic Thermal Mechanical Nuclear

Typically 60-70% of the total energy in the human body is degraded to heat.

Energy for Cellular Activity

Energy heat, amount of energy released is is calculated from the amount of heat produced. Energy measured by Kcal

Energy Source

The energy in food molecules bonds is chemically in our cells, then stored in the form of high energy compound called adenosine triphosphate (ATP). At rest carbs & fats. Protein bodys building blocks (provide little energy). During mild-severe muscular effort, more carbs is used (less fat). In maximal short duration effort, ATP - carbs


Our muscles dependence on carbs during exercise is related to carbs availability & our muscles well developed system for metabolism Carbs are converted to glucose. At rest - glycogen Glycogen storage 40% liver 60% skeletal muscle Energy limited to less than 2000kcal energy (~32km running)


Our body stores more fat than carbs Energy reserve from fat is higher than carbs 1g fats 9 kcal energy But fat is less accessible for cellular metabolism. Why? It must first reduce from its complex form triglycerides to its basic component: glycerol & FFA Only FFA ATP Energy stored > 70000kcal



Glucose FA


Protein supply 5 10% of energy to sustain prolonged exercise Basic unit of protein - AA

Bioenergetics: ATP Production

ATP = Adenosine + 3 Inorganic Phosphate (Pi)

When acted by enzyme ATPase, the last phosphate group split away from ATP & rapidly release energy This reduce ATP to ADP (Adenosine Diphosphate) &Pi

Energy Release
ATPase Adenosine Pi Pi Pi Adenosine Pi Pi + Pi + E



The process of storing energy by forming ATP from other chemical sources phosphorylation (e.g., ADP ATP) Aerobic metabolism (with oxygen); Anaerobic metabolism (without oxygen) Aerobic conversion ADP ATP oxidative phosphorylation

Cell Generate ATP by 3 Methods

ATP PCr system Glycolytic system Oxidative system

ATP-PCr System
PCr = Phosphocreatine / Creatine Phosphate

Release of energy is facilitated by enzyme creatine kinase (CK), which acts on PCr to separate Pi from creatine The energy release used to couple Pi to an ADP forming ATP This process does not required oxygen anaerobic Stores can sustain needs for 3-15s during all out sprint

ATP-PCR System



Creatine Energy Pi



ATP-PCR System
During the first few seconds of sprinting:


ATP - constant level PCr declines steadily (used to replenish the depleted ATP) Exhaustion:

resting value



Both ATP & PCr low (unable to provide energy)

0 Time (s)


The Glycolytic System

Glycolysis produce pyruvic acid When conducted without O2, pyruvic acid is converted to lactic acid. One mole of glucose yields 2 moles of ATP, but one mole of glycogen yields 3 mole of ATP.

The Glycolytic System



Glucose 6 Phosphate
Glycolytic enzyme ATP

Pyruvic acid

Lactic Acid

The Glycolytic System

This energy system does not produce large amounts of ATP. The ATP-PCr and Glycolytic systems are major contributors during the early minutes of high intensity exercise. Limitation:

causes accumulation of Lactic Acid. Acidification of muscle fiber inhibits further glycogen breakdown (impair glycolytic enzyme function) Decrease the fiber calcium binding capacity (impede muscle contraction)

The Oxidative System

Involves breakdown of fuel with the aid of O2. This system yield more energy

Oxidation of Carbohydrate

Involve 3 process:
Glycolysis Kreb

cycle transport chain


Oxidation of Carbohydrate


In the presence of O2, the pyruvic acid is converted to acetyl co enzyme (acetyl CoA)

Kreb cycle (citric acid cycle)

Once form, acetyl CoA enters the KC End of cycle 2 mole of of ATP, carbon and hydrogen Remaining carbon then combine with O2 CO2 The CO2 transported to the lung via blood to be expired

Oxidation of Carbohydrate

Electron transport chain

During glycolysis, hydrogen is released More hydrogen is released during Kreb cycle. Hydrogen released by both cycle will combine with two coenzyme NAD (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) and FAD (flavin adenine dinucleotide) NAD and FAD will carry the hydrogen atom to the electron transport chain & split into protons & electron. End of chain H+ combine with O2 to form H2O (prevent acidification) End result H2O, CO2 and 38 or 39 ATP

Oxidation of Carbohydrate
CHO (Glycogen)
G-6-P Glycolysis Pyruvic Acid Acetyl CoA Kreb Cycle O2 H+





Electron Transport Chain (ETC)

34 ATP



CO2 O2

Oxidation of Fat

Only triglycerides are major energy source Triglycerides are stored in fat cell & skeletal muscle fiber. To be used as energy, a triglycerides must be broken down into 1 glycerol + 3 FA This process is call lipolysis (enzyme lipase) Fat oxidation begins with oxidation of free fatty acids, then follow the same path as carbohydrate oxidation. However the complete combustion of a FFA molecule requires more O2 because FFA carries more carbon than glucose (FFA - C16 H32 O0; G C6 H12 O6) More carbon in FA - more acetyl CoA - more electron - more energy However, only 40% energy release used to form ATP, 60%- heat

Oxidation, Kreb Cycle & ETC

Oxidation of Fat
Fats (FFA) H2 H+ H+ H+ O2 H2O

B Oxidation

Acetyl CoA H2


Kreb Cycle


Protein Metabolism

Some amino acids (BCAA) can be converted into glucose (gluconeogenesis) Our body utilized less protein (5-10% of total energy expenditure) during rest and exercise Chemically, protein contain the same atoms as carbs & lipids carbon, hydrogen, oxygen. But protein also contain nitrogen.

The Oxidative Capacity of Muscle

Depends on

Oxidative enzyme levels

Succinate dehydrogenase (SDH), citrate synthase (CS), mitochondrial enzymes involved in KC Endurance athletes 2 - 4 x more than untrained ST more mitochondria, higher [oxidative enzymes]

Fiber type composition

Oxygen availability

Measuring of Energy Expenditure

Direct Calorimetry

Measurement of body heat production Advantage: Provide an accurate measure of total body energy expenditure Disadvantage: cannot follow rapid changes in energy release (high intensity exercise).

Calorimetric Chamber

Direct Calorimetry
CO2 + H2O + Heat (kcal)

Glucose Lipids Proteins Lipids: 9.4 kcal/g Glucose: 4.2 kcal/g Proteins: 4.3 kcal/ + O2

Measuring of Energy Expenditure

Indirect Calorimetry

Measurement of respiratory gases (O2 consumption & CO2 release) Glucose & fat metabolism depend on O2 availability to produce CO2 & H2O. The amount of O2 and CO2 exchanged in the lungs normally equals that used and released by body tissues E.g. Metabolic Chart, Douglas bag

Indirect Calorimetry

Cycle ergometer test

Douglas bags

Indirect Calorimetry

Gas Analyzer

The Respiratory Exchange Ratio (RER)

To estimate the amount of energy used by the body, we need to know the type of food (carbs, fats or protein) being oxidized. Indirect calorimetry measures the amount of CO2 released (VCO2) and oxygen consumption (VO2) The ratio between these two values is termed RER

The Respiratory Exchange Ratio (RER)

Caloric Equivalence of the Respiratory Exchange Ratio and % kcal From CHO & Fats
Respiratory exchange ratio 0.71 Energy kcal L-1 O2 4.69 % Kcal carbohydrates 0 Fats 100

0.85 1.0

4.86 5.05

50.7 100

49.3 0

Estimates of Anaerobic Effort

Post Exercise O2 Consumption

The elevation above resting O2 consumption that occur after exercise

O2 Requirement

O2 Deficit


Resting O2 consumption
Start Exercise

Steady state O2 consumption



End Exercise

End Recovery

Estimates of Anaerobic Effort

Post Exercise O2 Consumption

Because O2 needs & O2 supply differ during the transition from rest to exercise, your body incurs an O2 deficit. O2 deficit = diff between O2 required and actual O2 consumption During recovery, O2 demand remain elevated temporarily. This consumption O2 dept or EPOC (Excess Post Exercise O2 Consumption) Factors contribute to EPOC:

Fast portion - Some of the O2 consumed early in the recovery period is used to resynthesize stored PC in the muscle & replace O2 in muscle & blood. Slow portion elevated body temperature, O2 required to convert LA to glucose (gluconeogenesis) & elevated blood levels of epinephrine & norepinephrine.

Estimates of Anaerobic Effort

The Lactate Threshold

Point at which blood lactate begins rapidly accumulate above resting levels during exercise


Estimates of Anaerobic Effort

Onset Blood lactate Accumulation (OBLA)

Standard value set at either 2.0 or 4.0 mmol lactate


Estimates of Anaerobic Effort



Generally, individuals with higher LT or OBLA value, expressed as a % of their VO2max, are capable of the best endurance performance

Energy at Rest & During Exercise

The Metabolic Rate

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