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Is a common, acute, and highly contagiuos viral infection.

Can occur at any age but most common in children between 2-8 of age.

It is usually more severe in adults and very young infants than children.

It usually common during rainy season. Winter and spring in other countries.

Human (alpha) herpes virus 3 or also known as varicella-zoster virus.

And is often categorized with other common so-called viral exanthems (viral rashes):

Rubeola Rubella

Mumps Virus

5th disease (Parvovirus B13)


Direct Contact Airborne droplets (coughing, sneezing, kissing, talking with an infected person)

Skin to skin (fluid from blisters and sores) Acute maternal infection in 1st or early 2nd semester of pregnancy Indirect Contact

> contact with articles of clothing and other items (fomites) exposed to fresh drainage from open sores.

Lasts from 13-17 days (2-3 wks) It is probably communicable from 1 day before lesions

erupt to 6 days after vesicle form Most contagious in early stages of skin lesions eruption.

Symptoms tend to appear 14 to 16 days after the initial

exposure but can occur anytime from 10 days to 21 days after contact with the virus. Two days of mild fever up to 102F (sometimes with cough and cold) General weakness and Headache

Nausea Anorexia And a rash (first sign of the disease)

* the rash of chicken pox develops in crops with raised red spots arriving first, progressing to blisters that burst, forming open sores, before crusting over. * blisters usually starts on the scalp, then the trunk, and finally the arms and the legs. Pruritus and pain on blisters that burst Sore throat Myalgia

Occurs worldwide and endemic in large cities Outbreaks are sporadic usually in areas with large

groups of susceptible children Affects all gender, races, and age groups. Second attacks are rare, probably 70% have the disease by the time they are 15 years of age.

Acute Pain Hyperthermia Altered Comfort Anxiety Imbalance Nutrition: Less than Body Requirement Impaired Skin Integrity Activity intolerance/Impaired Physical Mobility Ineffective Airway clearance/Impaired Gas Exchange/Ineffective Airway Clearance Disturbed Body Image Self-Care Deficit Risk For Infection Risk For Injury

^ aims to decrease symptoms and to prevent bacterial infection Acetaminophen (Tylenol) - to decrease fever and aches often associated with the initial presentation of the viral infection. Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) or other anti histamine to control itching. Acyclovir (Zovirax) an antiviral that used to shorten the duration of the infection. To control the risk for secondary bacterial infection, nails are trimmed in young children.

Bacterial Infection related to an open pox sore. CNS: Cerebral Ataxia (with wobbliness, dizziness,

tremors, and altered speech). Encephalitis (inflammation of the brain with headache, seizures and decrease level of consciousness). Reyes Syndrome (fatal with combination of liver and brain disease). Patients taking cortisone-related medications are at risk patients with AIDS, SLE, Leukemia, and Cancer will have serious complications

Most people develop lifetime immunity to chickenpox

after the first occurrence and never experience it again. Shingles (zoster) vaccine. The vaccine requires 2 shots. 1st given at about 1 year of age. The second one (booster shot) is given at 4 years of age. If an older person has not had chickenpox, the shot may be given at any time. Vaccinations have been associated with a 90% decrease in the incidence of chickenpox and significantly lower complication rates in those who do develop the symptoms.

Chickenpox is caused by the varicella-zoster virus which

also causes shingle. Chickenpox is highly contagious and spreads by contact with someone with chickenpox. Fever, malaise, and a rash (red spot, blisters, and crusted lesions) are all symptoms and signs of chickenpox. Treatment for chickenpox is basically supportive. Although usually self-limited, chickenpox can also cause more serious complications, including pneumonia, encephalitis, and secondary skin infections. The chickenpox vaccine has resulted in a decrease in chickenpox incidence by 90% after two shots of zoster vaccine.

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