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Anterior View 1. Frontal Bone 2. Supra-Orbital Foramen 3. Orbit (Orbital Cavity) 4. Superior Orbital Fissure 5.

Inferior Orbital Fissure 6. Zygomatic Bone 7. Infra-Orbital Foramen 8. Maxilla 9. Mandible 10. Mental Foramen 11. Incisive Fossa 12. Symphysis 13. Vomer 14. Inferior Nasal Concha 15. Middle Nasal Concha 16. Perpendicular Plate of Ethmoid 17. Nasal Bone 18. Lacrimal Bone

Lateral View 1. Parietal Bone 2. Coronal Suture 3. Frontal Bone 4. Nasal Bone 5. Vomer 6. Lacrimal Bone 7. Orbital Part of Ethmoid 8. Zygomatic Bone 9. Maxilla 10. Body of Mandible 11. Ramus of Mandible 12. Coronoid Process 13. Mandibular Condyle 14. Mental Foramen 15. Styloid Process 16. External Acoustic Meatus 17. Mastoid Process 18. Zygomatic Process 19. Temporal Bone 20. Greater Wing of Sphenoid 21. Inferior Temporal Line 22. Superior Temporal Line 23. Squamosal Suture 24. Lambdoidal Suture 25. Occipital Bone

Inferior View 1. Anterior Palatine Foramen

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. Palatine Process of Maxilla Palatine Greater Palatine Foramen Lesser Palatine Foramen Pterygoid Processes of Sphenoid Zygomatic Process Squamous Part of Temporal Bone Mandibular Fossa Styloid Process Stylomastoid Foramen Mastoid Process Mastoid Foramen Superior Nuchal Line External Occipital Protruberance Median Nuchal Line Inferior Nuchal Line Foramen Magnum Condyloid Canal Occipital Condyle Hypoglossal Canal Jugular Foramen Carotid Canal Foramen Spinosum Foramen Ovale Foramen Lacerum Vomer Transverse Palatine Suture Median Palatine Suture

Internal View 1. Frontal Sinus

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Foramen Cecum Crista Galli Cribriform Plate Anterior Cranial Fossa Lesser Wing of Sphenoid Chiasmatic Groove Hypophyseal Fossa Dorsum Sella Optic Canal Anterior Clinoid Process Foramen Rotundum Foramen Ovale Foramen Spinosum Squamous Part of Temporal Petrous Part of Temporal Groove for Transverse Sinus Posterior Cranial Fossa Foramen Magnum Hypoglossal Canal Jugular Foramen Internal Acoustic Meatus Posterior Clinoid Process Foramen Lacerum Superior Orbital Fissure

Mandible 1. Mandibular Condyle 2. Mandibular Notch 3. Coronoid Process 4. Ramus 5. Angle 6. Oblique Line 7. Body 8. Alveolar Process 9. Mental Foramen 10. Mylohyoid Line 11. Mandibular Foramen

Fetal Skull 1. Future Coronal Suture 2. Anterior Fontanel 3. Anterolateral Fontanel 4. Future Squamosal Suture 5. Posterolateral Fontanel 6. Future Lamdoidal Suture 7. External Acoustic Meatus 8. Future Sagittal Suture 9. Posterior Fontanel

Atlas 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Superior Articular Surface Transverse Foramen Transverse Process Odontoid (Dens) Facet Vertebral Foramen Inferior Articular Surface

Axis 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Spinous Process Lamina Transverse Process Pedicle Superior Articular Surface Odontoid Process (Dens) Body Vertebral Foramen Inferior Articular Surface

Cervical 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Spinous Process Lamina Superior Articular Surface Transverse Foramen Transverse Process Body Pedicle Vertebral Foramen

Thoracic 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Spinous Process Lamina Superior Articular Surface Transverse Process Pedicle Body Vertebral Foramen Articular Facet for Rib Inferior Articular Surface

Lumbar 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Spinous Process Lamina Superior Articular Surface Transverse Process Pedicle Body Vertebral Foramen Inferior Articular Surface

Sacrum 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Promontory Transverse Ridges Coccyx Body of Sacrum Sacral Canal Superior Articular Surface Median Sacral Crest Sacrum to Ilium Articular Surface Dorsal Sacral Foramina Sacral Hiatus

Sternum 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Jugular Notch Manubrium Sternal Angle Body (Gladiolus) Xiphoid Process

Left Scapula (Posterior Aspect) 1. Coracoid Process 2. Scapular Notch 3. Superior Margin 4. Supraspinatus Fossa 5. Superior Angle 6. Scapular Spine 7. Vertebral Margin 8. Infraspinatus Fossa 9. Inferior Angle 10. Axillary Margin 11. Glenoid Cavity Margin 12. Acromion Process

Right Humerus - Proximal End (Anterior Aspect) 1. Head 2. Anatomical Neck 3. Lesser Tubercle 4. Intertubercular Groove 5. Greater Tubercle 6. Surgical Neck 7. Deltoid Tuberosity

Right Humerus - Distal End 1. Radial Fossa 2. Lateral Epicondyle 3. Capitulum 4. Trochlea 5. Medial Epicondyle 6. Coronoid Fossa 7. Olecranon Fossa

Right Ulna - Proximal & Distal End (Anterior Aspect) 1. Olecranon Process 2. Semilunar Notch 3. Coronoid Process 4. Tuberosity 5. Radial Notch 6. Ulna (Shaft) 7. Head of Ulna 8. Styloid Process

Right Radius - Proximal & Distal End (Anterior Aspect) 1. Head of Radius 2. Neck of Radius 3. Radial Tuberosity 4. Radius (Shaft) 5. Styloid Process 6. Ulnar Notch

Bones of the Right Hand (Palmar Surface) 1.Navicular (Scaphoid) 2. Lunate 3. Triquetral 4. Pisiform 5.Trapezium 6. Trapezoid 7.Capitate 8.Hamate 9.Metacarpal 10.Proximal Phalange 11.Middle Phalange 12.Distal Phalange

Left Os Coxa (Lateral Aspect) 1. Anterior Superior Spine 2. Iliac Crest 3. Posterior Superior Spine 4. Posterior Inferior Spine 5. Greater Sciatic Notch 6. Body of Ilium 7. Ischial Spine 8. Lesser Sciatic Notch 9. Body of Ischium 10. Ischial Tuberosity 11. Obturator Foramen 12. Inferior Ramus of Ischium 13. Inferior Ramus of Pubis 14. Body of Pubis 15. Acetabulum 16. Anterior Inferior Spine

Left Os Coxa (Medial Aspect) 1. Iliac Fossa 2. Anterior Superior Spine 3. Anterior Inferior Spine 4. Arcuate Line 5. Obturator Foramen 6. Symphysis Pubis
Articulating Surface 7. Ischial Tuberosity 8. Lesser Sciatic Notch 9. Ischial Spine 10. Greater Sciatic Notch 11. Sacrum Articulating Surface 12. Posterior Inferior Spine 13. Posterior Superior Spine 14. Iliac Crest

Left Femur - Proximal End (Anterior & Posterior Aspects) 1. Head 2. Neck 3. Greater Trochanter 4. Intertrochanteric Line 5. Lesser Trochanter 6. Shaft of Femur 7. Gluteal Tuberosity 8. Intertrochanteric Crest 9. Linea Aspera

Left Femur - Distal End (Anterior & Posterior Aspects) 1. Medial Condyle 2. Lateral Condyle 3. Intercondylar Fossa

Left Tibia - Proximal & Distal End (Anterior Aspect) 1. Intercondylar Eminence 2. Lateral Condyle 3. Tibial Tuberosity 4. Anterior Crest 5. Medial Condyle 6. Anterior Surface 7. Medial Malleolus

Left Fibula - Proximal & Distal End (Anterior Aspect) 1. Head of Fibula 2. Neck of Fibula 3. Anterior Crest 4. Lateral Malleolus

Bones of the Left Foot (Superior Aspect) 1. Calcaneus 2. Talus 3. Navicular 4. Cuboid 5. Cuneiform, First 6. Cuneiform, Second 7. Cuneiform, Third 8. Metatarsal 9. Proximal Phalange 10. Middle Phalange 11. Distal Phalange

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