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Fiqh (Jurisprudence)

Noor-ul-Idha wa Najatul Arwaah

(The light of clarification and the Salvation of Souls)

The Eitiquettes Of Wudhu

There are 14 practices that are recommended in Wudhu.

1. To sit on an elevated place.

2. Facing the direction of Qiblah.

3. Not to seek assistance from others in performing Wudhu.

4. To abstain from talking in a manner of general speech of peolpe.

5. To unite the intention of the heart with the verbal utterance of the tongue.

6. To make supplications which have been transmitted from the Prophet (s.a.w), Sahabah (ra) and Tabieen is recommended.

7. To recite Tasmiyyah at the time of washing or wiping of each limb.

8. To insert the little finger within the opening of the ears.

9. To move around the loose ring.

10. To gargle and draw water into the nostrils with the right hand and withdraw the nasal mucus with the left.

11. Performing Wudhu before the time of prayer has entered, though not for a person who is excused.

12. To recite both the Shahadah of faith after the completion of Wudhu.

13. To drink from the remaining water of Wudhu standing.

14. Upon this, it is recommended to say, Allahumma jalni min at-tawwabin wajalni minal mutatahhirin.

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