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Medical Terminology Victoria Fils, EdD, MPH, RHIT

Musculoskeletal System

Musculoskeletal System

Musculoskeletal System
(arthr/o) + (-scopy) = (cost/o = rib) + (chondr/o = cartilage) + (-itis) = (ligament/o = ligament) + (-ous = pertaining to) = (myel/o) + (-dys = abnormal) + (plas- = growth) + (-ia) =

Musculoskeletal System
(oste/o)+ (myel/o)+ (-itis) = (inter- ) + (vertebral) = (ten/o = tendon) + (-rrhapy = suture/fixation) = (tendin/o = tendon) + (-itis) =

Musculoskeletal Pathology
(DJD) = Degenerative joint disease the cartilage loses elasticity and may split pieces of cartilage may break off and float around in the synovial fluid the cartilage may break down, leaving the bone exposed and unprotected the bone loses shape and thickens at the rims of the joint, producing bony spurs called osteophytes

Musculoskeletal Pathology
Rheumatoid arthritis:
Autoimmune disorder Inflammation of synovial membrane Cartilage erosions Bone loss

ESR : elevated sedimentation rate RF: rheumatoid factor

Musculoskeletal Pathology
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome:
Compression of medial nerve by inflamed ligaments Repetitive motion injury

Loss of density of bone mass Replacement of normal bone with porotic weakened bone

Gouty arthritis:
Crystal arthropathy Deposits of uric acid crystals in the synovial fluid

Musculoskeletal Pathology
Herniated Nucleus Pulposis (HNP)
slipped disc Herniation of intervertebral disc May compress nerve root causing neuralgia and paralysis

Musculoskeletal Pathology
Closed: fractures of bone without puncture of skin
Open: (compound) fracture of bone with open wound to outside of body

Musculoskeletal Pathology
Fractures: Compound Greenstick

Diagnostic Procedures
Electromyogram (EMG):
Record of muscle strength

Bone Scan:
Infusion of radioactive contrast Uptake measured in bones

Muscle biopsy:
Muscle specimen

Bone density test:

Low density X-Ray of spine, pelvis, and wrist to test for osteoporosis

X-Ray of a joint

Therapeutic Procedures
Surgical excision of lamina to remove compression of nerve

Injection of enzyme to dissolve nucleus pulposis

Endoscopic diskectomy:
Endoscopic removal of herniated disc

Therapeutic Procedures
Fractures Reduction and Fixation
Reduction: return to normal anatomical position Fixation: setting or securing fracture fragments in place with hardware OREF:
Open reduction external fixation

Open reduction internal fixation

Closed reduction internal fixation

Chabner: D, Medical Terminology: A Short Course Fils, V.

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