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By: Crystal Jean Natividad Christian Mae Perez Patricia Elena Manalili Coleen Irish Gonzales Rossa Brynae


are a group of animals that have a hard exoskeleton, jointed legs, and a segmented body that is bilaterally symmetrical they have two pairs of sensory antennae, one pair of mandibles (for chewing food), and two pairs of maxillae (to help the mandibles in positioning the food)

are invertebrates and arthropods
most live in water, but some live on land are the most numerous animals in the oceans, but some crustaceans live on fresh water there are about 30,500 known species of crustaceans around the world

Characteristics of Crustaceans
A hard exoskeleton made of calcium - no internal skeleton. The head has two compound eyes, two pairs of antennae, and three pairs of mouthparts. A pair of green glands excrete wastes near the base of antennae. The abdominal segments have swimmerets (swimming legs)

Characteristics of Crustaceans
The sexes are separate. Eggs are attached to the swimmerets (swimming legs) of the female. The first pair is enlarged in the male (it is used to pass sperm to the female). The tail is fan-shaped, and ends in uropods and a telson.

Characteristics of Crustaceans
The circulatory system is open; there is no heart and the "blood" is pumped by vessels into sinuses, and does not flow in a closed loop). The nervous system consists of a primitive ventral nerve cord and ganglia system (similar to those of an earthworm).

Kingdom Animalia, Phylum Arthropoda, Subphylum Crustacea, Classes:
Class Cephalocarida (primitive, shrimp-like, discovered in 1955) - 9 species Class Branchiopoda (with flattened gill-carrying appendages) - about 800 species, including brine shrimp, fairy shrimp, water fleas, etc.

Class Malacostraca - 18000 species, including lobsters, shrimp, crabs, woodlice, isopods, amphipods, krill, etc. Class Maxillopoda (ostracods, copepods, barnacles) Class Remipedia (primitive crustaceans discovered in submerged caves by Jill Yager in 1980)

Examples of Crustaceans

A small saltwater animal with a protective shelllike covering There are more than 1,000 species Attach themselves permanently to ships, wharves, and rocks, and to other marine animals.

Copepods (meaning "oar feet") are small, shrimplike crustaceans that swim in seas, lakes, and ponds are very important in the food web since many animals eat them.

Crabs are 10-legged animals that walk sideways There are almost 5,000 different species of crabs; about 4,500 are true crabs, plus about 500 are hermit crabs (hermit crabs don't have a very hard shell and use other animals' old shells for protection) Most crabs live in the oceans, but many, like the robber crab, live on land.

Are closely related to lobsters, crabs, and shrimp Live in streams, rivers, swamps, ponds, and other freshwater habitats Most are strictly aquatic but some live in semiaquatic environments. The semi-aquatic crayfish burrow into the soil to get to water (so that they can breathe).

Hermit Crab
Is a type of crab that doesn't have a very hard shell Not a true crab, it uses other animals' old shells for protection; they especially like old whelk shells As the hermit crab grows in size, it must find a larger shell.

Are small, shrimplike crustaceans that swim in the seas These pink, translucent animals congregate in large, dense masses called "swarms" or "clouds," that turn areas of the ocean's surface pink Are very important in the food web since many animals eat them.

Are animals that have a tough shell and live on the ocean floor Invertebrates, animals without a backbone Cold-blooded; their body temperature depends on the temperature of the water.

Pill Bug
Is a small, segmented land creature that can roll into a tiny ball for protection Is NOT an insect, but is an isopod (another type of arthropod)

Are small animals that live on the floor of oceans and lakes There are over 2,000 different species of shrimp worldwide Are invertebrates (anim als lacking a backbone) that have a tough exoskeleton

Are extinct, hard-shelled animals that lived in the seas millions of years ago They evolved at the beginning of the Paleozoic Era (over 500 million years ago) and went extinct during the late Permian period (248 million years ago)

Thank you for listening and we hope you learned something from our report ;)

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