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Korean for Beginners

The Korean Alphabet

The modern Korean alphabet is called Hangul and was created in 1443. Before Hangul was used, standard Chinese characters were used for the Korean writing system. Hangul was created by King Sejong of Korea to raise the literacy rate of the peasants; for Chinese characters were deemed to difficult to read.

The Consonants

K n D R m B s g t l p

The Consonants Review

Consonants Continued

ng j ch kk tt pp h

The Consonants Review

There are 10 basic consonants There are also 4 aspirated consonants, and 5 tensed consonants, which are an emphasized version of the basic consonants

Tense Consonants

kkk ttt ppp sss jjj

Tense Consonants Review

Categories of Sound
Plain Asspirated Tense

(k) (t) (p)


(kk) (kkk) (tt) (ttt) (pp) (ppp)

(ch) (jj)




Salty (a)

To sleep Car, tea (v) (n)

There are ten simple vowels There are eleven complex vowels Some of them are difficult to differentiate from each other, do your best!

Simple Vowels




father yard

Simple Vowels Review

Yard Oil Father Yup Cut

Simple Vowels Continued




Yo-yo sue

Simple Vowels Review

Sue Easy Yo-yo Good You


add yam edit yes water where

Diphthongs Review
Water Yam Yes Where Add Edit

Diphthongs Continued






Diphthongs Review

Syllable Order
The syllable order in Korean usually starts with a consonant, vowel, consonant. Ex: + + = Consonants = red, Vowels = green

Syllable Placeholder
is a syllable placeholder is called a pachim ()

Syllable Placeholder
is left of vertical vowels Vertical (light/yang) vowels are: , , , , , , , , ,

Syllable Placeholder
is above horizontal vowels Horizontal (dark/yin) vowels are: , , , , , , , , , , ,

Syllable Stacking Rules

If there is a consonant and vertical vowel, the consonant is on the left and the vowel is on the right Ex: + =

Syllable Stacking Rules

If there is a consonant and a horizontal vowel, the consonant is on top and the vowel is below. Ex: + =

Cultural Insight
Korean letters were once considere d to hold certain properties, such a s light or yang values or dark or yin values. The Korean culture values balance and harmony. This preference is de monstrated by the alphabet.

Cultural Insight

Cultural Insight
Even the Korean flag represents symmetry and balance The black lines represent many properties such as spring, summer, winter, autumn, or south, north, west, east

Writing Practice + + + + + + += += = = += =

Pronunciation Practice
++= Ss + a + ng = +++=* S+a+l+m= ++= i+l+k

Listening Comprehension
A) 1 B) 1 C) 1 D) 1 E) 1 F) 1 2 3 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 3

Listening Comprehension
A) (open) 1) 2) 3) B) (bail) 1) 2) 3) C) (yacht) 1) 2) 3) D) (late) 1) 2) 3) E) (date) 1) 2) 3) F) (sand) 1) 2) 3)

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