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Egyptian Dental Youth Association E.D.Y.

Public Health Awareness Committee

Public health is "the science and art of preventing disease, prolonging life and promoting health through the organized efforts and informed choices of society, organizations, public and private, communities and individuals , It is concerned with threats to health based on population health analysis.

Our Message & Aim

The focus of public health intervention is to improve health and quality of life through the prevention and treatment of disease, so it is not only limited to the Awareness , it also involves the improvement in the medical & paramedical hygienic state of individuals in a given society .

1. Health awareness 2. Medical interventions PHA committee comes second in line as the social image of the E.D.Y.A after Social committee , so in addition to the goals listed above , public health is the image of the E.D.Y.A presented to people outside our faculty campus.

Heath Awareness
A- Dental Students . B- Janitors .

Dental Students

Dental Students , as they are subjected to many health hazards on a daily basis , can represent not only a serious danger on their own health , but on their families & everyone they come in contact with as well , thats why me & my colleague considered this issue as a starting point for our efforts inside the campus .

Our Ideas
1. Listing correct vaccines to the first year clinical students before they come in contact with patients . 2. Introducing the optimum ways of infection control for the students inside the clinic & on the way outside carrying the infected material & instruments .

3. Demonstrating on the ideal ways cleaning , disinfection & sterilization of infected instruments . 4. Awareness in case of accidental contact with infected or contaminated waste & how to deal with injuries of both patient or dental student inside the clinic .

* Dental students should be reached out through a booth inside the campus , handing-out brochures , also flyers & posters can prove to be an effective way to appeal to the students , as students are in no mood & have no such time for attending a simposium on infection control .


Janitors , as well as dental students , can represent not only a serious danger on their own health , but on their families & everyone they come in contact with as well , the only difference is that janitors deal with contaminated & infected waste a lot more than students , that gentelmen is our starting point .

Our Ideas
1. Demonstrating correct ways of cleaning & disinfection of the dental chairs , clinics floors & bracket tables . 2. Demonstrating the correct ways of handling the infected waste & their disposal . 3. Again, listing the correct vaccines for future hazards of contamination & infection. 4. Finally , how to deal with their uniform at the end of the day & the proper ways o wash it .

Janitors , as they probably have the time & a number of them is illiterate , they should be reached out through simposiums to make sure they get our point , also illustrated flyers & posters can be some kind of a good deal to reach our goal .

Medical Interventions

Our therapeutic campaigns must focus on low income areas such as suburban areas , where there is no education or self hygiene , my previous medical-dental convoy with the PHA committee in november showed me how people in these areas can neglect themselves even if they are in pain , thats why our campaigns should focus on these areas & other low income areas where people cant afford dental treatment or there is no such thing as a Dental Office .

We can also appeal to the educated areas but ONLY AS AN AWARENESS CAMPAIGN , our resources should not be wasted on those who can afford treatment on their own .

Prepared by : Ahmed Tarek Kamal Magi Essam El-Askary

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