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Rendering Webinar Training

Manpower Handling

Allana Sons Ltd

Since 1865


To provide managers with a sound understanding of their roles and responsibilities within their organizations and the skills they need to achieve their objectives.

Allana Sons Ltd

Since 1865

Management Levels
Strategic level Technical level Operations level Top



Employees / Individual Contributors

Allana Sons Ltd

Since 1865




Allana Sons Ltd

Since 1865

Specific expertise: Engineering Finance Accounting Administration

Planning Organizing Controlling Coordination Problemsolving & Decisionmaking Negotiation Time management

Communication Delegation Negotiation Motivation Team-building Rewarding

Allana Sons Ltd

Since 1865

The Managerial / Technical split

Top management Middle management Supervision




Allana Sons Ltd

Since 1865

Leadership is a Facet of Successful Management

I am compelled to respect him He has taught me a lot

He knows what to do In emergencies

Takes Responsibility when things go wrong

I feel powerful working for him

I trust what he says

Allana Sons Ltd

Since 1865

Why Do People Follow Leaders ?

85% Sets Vision and works for others Strives to encourage and assist subordinates Reacts professionally in crisis situations Makes subordinates feel proud Holds responsibility


78% 75%


Allana Sons Ltd

Since 1865

Leadership Style
Pace-setter Autocratic




Allana Sons Ltd

Since 1865

Commitment through participation Makes me feel important Fosters participation in decision-making Listens to me and to my perspectives Recognizes good performance

Do What I Tell you Assigns unpleasant tasks Doesnt listen to me Makes my life hard Reacts effectively in crisis situations
Allana Sons Ltd Since 1865

Pace Setter
Expects perfection Makes me proud of what I am doing Sets high standards of performance Will not forgive mistakes

Priority to Subordinates Provides protection, I feel safe working for him Strives to please subordinates Ignores work conflict Ineffective in emergency situations

Allana Sons Ltd

Since 1865

Firm but fair Always reminds me of my duties Lacks flexibility

Most Appropriate Style

Sets and communicates vision Empowers employees Sets clear objectives Delegates authority Provides constructive and timely feedback Provides recognition when necessary Develops subordinates skills

Allana Sons Ltd Since 1865

Team Work
A Team Is More Than a Collection of Individuals. It Is, in Part, an Emotional Entity, Rooted in the Feelings As Well As the Thoughts of Its Members, Who Actively Care About Their Teams Well-being.

Allana Sons Ltd

Since 1865

Benefits Of Teamwork
- Needs of individual are catered for by team.

Technical expertise

In disciplines

Ability to make clear decisions

Problemsolving skills

Teamworking skills

Ability to cope with others

The Collective Utilization Of Individuals Efforts

Integration of the Talents and Competencies they Possess

Allana Sons Ltd

Since 1865

Choosing Individuals for Specific Tasks

Draw up a job profile before talking to people Check on paper profile against details of individuals Favor individuals with wide-ranging skills Consider any shortcomings Note any shortcomings in personal skills Offer the role to the individual who brings most overall to the team Which qualities are required for the job? Are there any suitable people? What are their respective key skills? Can any weaknesses be overcome? Will I enjoy working with this person? Make a final decision based on responses to the question above

Assume that anyone will suit the role Rely solely on word of mouth recommendations Ignore shortfalls in favor of particular experience

Hope weaknesses will be overlooked by the team Ignore signs of individual not being a team player
Offer the role to the Allana Sons Ltd Since excels 1865 15 individual who at one particular skill

Manager Role in Resolving Team conflicts

Clarifying impact of conflict on performance. Identifying causes of conflict. Inviting parties to explain their points of view suggesting solutions. Selecting appropriate methods for solution. Agreement on roles to resolve the conflict. Developing a plan of implementation.

Team Cohesion Has A Great Effect on Productivity

Tips to Promote Cohesion

Keep enemies apart Put friends together Give special attention to people who find it difficult to make friends Avoid fostering competing subgroups



Delegation Authority
Many managers resist Delegation authority for fear - A job wont be done well - Or that it will be done too well

Higher efficiency Increased motivation Develops the skills of your team Better distribution of work through the group Makes the manager focus on more important tasks Preparing the second line

Evaluating Your Activities

What tasks am I doing that does not need to be done at all?
Do not complete them yourself or delegate them

What am I doing that can be done by somebody else?

Delegate these tasks to subordinates

What tasks am I doing that

only I can do?

Dont delegate these, so prioritize them

Steps to Delegate
Identify a suitable person for the task

Explain the task clearly. Leave room for ingenuity / initiative

Grant the necessary authority to do the job properly

Keep in touch with the person for support and monitoring progress. Do not get too close
Praise / acknowledge a job well done

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