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Chapter 2

Body Coordination
Prepared by: En. Shafie Bin Buyamin

2.1 : Understanding Body Coordination

What is body coordination: - Working together of different parts of the body so that the body can carry out an activity or function correctly and efficiently Importance of body coordination: 1. Enables us to protect our body from harmful stimuli 2. Enables our body to carry out activities to respond to the stimuli 3. Regulates appropriate responses to stimuli

2.2 : Understanding the Human Nervous system

Nervous system

Central nervous system

1. Brain 2. Spinal cord

Peripheral nervous system

Autonomic nervous system (Involuntary)

Somatic nervous system (Voluntary)

1. Cranial nerves 2. Spinal nerves

Autonomic nerve (nerve from Internal organ)

1. Basic unit of nervous system 2. Function: Carry impulses 3. Cell body contains nucleus and cytoplasm 4. 3 types of neurone

Sensory Neurone

Motor Neurone

Relay Neurone

Characteristic Position of the cell body Length of axon Function

Sensory neurone Middle of neurone short Carries impulses from the sensory organ or receptor to the central nervous system

Relay neurone End of neurone changes Transmit impulses from the sensory neurone to the motor neurone

Motor neurone End of neurone

Long Transmits impulses from the central nervous system to the effector

Part of neurone


Cell body

Controls all the activities of neurones Receives impulses and transmits them to the dendron Receives impulses and transmits them to the cell body



Part of neurone Axon

Function Transmits impulses out of the body Axon insulator to prevent leakage of impulses. Increases the speed of impulse transmission

Myelin sheath

2.3: Nervous Coordination

1. Receptor : cell in the sensory organ that detects stimuli resulting from the changes of surrounding 2. Effector : Organ that responds to the stimuli (e.g: muscle, gland) 3. Response : Reaction to a stimulus

Pathway of impulses

Sensory neurone

Central Nervous System (brain / spinal cord) Relay neurone



Effector (Muscle Or gland)

Motor neurone Synapse

5. Reflex actions : automatic and fast response of the body towards external stimuli that take place in the spinal cord 6. Reflex action protect us from dangerous situations or injuries 7. Path of reflex action : Reflex arc

Reflex Arc
Stimuli Synapse Sensory neurone Central Nervous System (spinal cord) Relay neurone



Effector (Muscle Or gland)

Motor neurone Synapse

2.4 : Proprioceptors
1. Kinaesthetic senses enables us to be aware of the movement and position of the limbs to maintain balance 2. Detect body movements 3. Helps maintaining balance and body coordination 4. Kinaesthetic senses receptor: (proprioceptors) Found in muscles, joints, ligament and tendons 5. Sensitive to tension of muscles

2.5 : The Human Brain

Brain is part of central nervous system Receive impulse, interprets and send impulses to the effectors Can store information Control centre that coordinates body Consists: 1. Cerebrum 2. Cerebellum 3. Medulla oblongata

Part Cerebrum



1. Largest 1. Control mental 2. Folded to increase activities like surface area thinking, 3. Large number of memory and neurone emotions 4. Left hemisphere: receive nerve impulse from right 2. Control senses: sight, side of body hearing, 5. Right hemisphere: smelling, receive nerve impulse touching from left side of body 3. Control 6. Control voluntary actions muscle movement

Part Cerebellum

Feature 1. Lower part of cerebrum 2. Has folded surface

Function 1. Control body balance and posture 2. Coordinates muscle movement 3. Control activities like cycling 1. Control involuntary action: breathing, blood pressure, heartbeat

Medulla Oblongata

1. Connect brain with spinal cord 2. Control action for involuntary action

Voluntary and involuntary actions




- Action with consciousness - According to will - Control by cerebrum

- Without consciousness - Not involve thinking - Control by medulla oblongata

Part of the Brain

A: Motor area (skeletal muscle movement) B: Sensory area (skin and muscle) C: Speech D: Smell and taste E: Vision F: Hearing

Effect of Injuries to Specific Parts of the Human Brain

Voluntary movement Effect: Paralysis Thinking and Memory Effect: Memory lost Touch Effect: Unable to interpret Stimuli from the receptor in The skin Taste Effect: Losing tasting ability

Speech Effect: Dumb Hearing Effect: Deafness Vision Effect: Blind or Partially blind

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