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by B~1

I. GENERAL FEATURES A. FUNGSI UMUM Transpor dan hemoestasis berfungsi

untuk menyebarkan oksigen, bahan

nutrisi, antibody dan hormon ke seluruh jaringan tubuh serta mengumpulkan karbon dioksida dan produk limbah metabolik lain untuk dikeluarkan melalui organ ekskretoris.

B. 2 system sirkulasi

1. The cardiovascular system

Pembuluh darah tertutup Pompa darah

Four components : jantung,arteri,vena dan kapiler

Bergerak dalam 1 arah Aliran limfe tidak merupakan peredaran tertutup Three types : Kapiler limfaticus

2. The lymphatic vascular system

Pembuluh limfaticus
Duktus limfaticus

C. Walls of the blood and lymphatic vessels

1. Tunica intima Lapisan terdalam lapisan Endothelium dan subendothelial Lapisan tengah terdiri atas sel-sel otot polos yang teroriantasi melingkar Arteri tipis

2. Tunica media

3. Tunica adventitia Lapisan terluar Terdiri atas Serat kolagen dan elastis

1. Adventitia

4. Intima

2. Elastic lamellae in media 5. Internal elastic membrane

3. Smooth muscle in media (unstaine)

Large Artery : Aorta (Transverse Section)

B. ARTERIES Three types : a. Large elastic arteries, conducting arteries exp : Aorta, pulmonary arteries, common carotid arteries, large lumen T. intima - endothelium cells

- subendothelial : elastic fibers, collagen, smooth muscle cells.

Internal elastic lamina T. Media - concentric fenestrated elastic laminae - some collagen fibers and smooth muscle cells

Poorly defined external elastic lamina

T. Adventitia : Scattered collagen fibers

Small elastic fibers

Vasa vasorum Small lymphatic

Nerve fibers

1. Sympathetic ganglion nerve cell bodies and nerve fibers 2. Nerves 3. Arteriole 4. Venule 5. Lymph node hilus and lympathetic tissue 6. Lympathic vessels

10. Nerves 11. Lymph node : medulla 12. Lymph node : cortex 13. Marginal sinus 14. Capsule 15. Tunica Adventitia 16. Tunica Media 17. Internal elastic membrane 18. Lumen of large (elastic) artery 19. Endothelium and subendothelial connective tisuue 20. Adipose tissue 21. Capillaries 22. Medium-sized vein (l.s) filled with blood 23. Tunica media 24. Tunica adventitia 25. Nerve 26. Arterioled

7. Veins 8. Nerves (o.s and t.s.) 9. Arterioles

Neurovascular Bundle (Transverse Section)

b. Muscular arteries Medium sized, distributing arteries Relatively thick wall More smooth muscle Fewer elastic fiber in

Exemple a brachialis, a mesenterica superior

T. intima Endothelium

Subendothelial connective tissue

Internal elastic lamina : promineut

T. media :
Thick Circularly smooth muscle layer

Elastic and reticular fibers

External elastic lamina T. Adventitia relatively thin (smaller) than t. media Collagen fibers Elastic fibers Vasa vasorum

Internal Elastic Lamina media Adventitia

Photomicrograph of a section of muscular artery stained by Weigerts method for elastic



Internal elastic lamina Intima Endothellium



Diagram comparing the structure of a muscular artery (left) and accompanying vein (right). Note that the tunica lamina and tunica media the highly development in the artery but not in the vein

c. Arterioles 0.5 mm T. intima Endothelium

Lack subendothelial connective tissue

Membrana elastica interna (smaller arteriole)

T. Media : 1-5 layer, smooth muscles

T. adventitia, very thin

collagen fibers

d. Metarteriole Small branches of arteriole Precapillaary sphincters T. Intima :

Internal elastic membrane T. Media : single layer smooth muscle

C. VEINS Thinner walls than arteries Thicker adventitia Valves

Three types :

1. Venules
2. Medim and small size 3. Large

1. Venules :

T. Intima, endothelium
T. Media and adventitia very thin

2. Small and medium sized V. saphena, hepatic portal T. Intima : endothelium + subendothellial connective tissue, valus + Internal elastic membrane T. Media :

thin smooth muscle cells and elastic fibers

T. adventitia, relatively thick

Blood and Lymphatic Vessels

1. Arteriole 2. Nerves (t.s) 3. Venule (o.s) 4. Small (terminal) artery tunica media 5. Arteriole 6. Tunica adventitia of small artery 7. Vein (o.s) 8. Arteriole with a clot (l.s) 9. Capillary (l.s) with erythrocytes 10. Venule 11.Capillary 12. Lymphatic vessel with valve 13. Adipose tissue 14. Nerve 15. Vasa vasorum 16. Endothelium 17. Subendothelial layer 18. Vein with blood clot 19. Internal elastic membrane 20. Capillaries 21. Small (terminal) artery 22. Medium-sized vein 23. Nerves (t.s) 24. Endothelium 25. Tunica media 26. Tunica adventitia 27. Vein (o.s) 28. Adipose tissue

3. Large
e.g. superior and inferior venaecavae T. Intima :

Endothelium and subendothelial connective tissue

Value +

T. Media : smooth muscle, reticular fibers, collagen, elastic fibers T. Adventitia : Thickest Prominent bundles of smooth muscle + collagen fibers Vasa vasorum

Intima Media


Photomicrograph of a section of a larger vein. Observe the well-developed adventitia with characteristic longitudinal smooth muscle bundles.

Muscular artery



Capillary bed

Simplified schematic diagram of the vessels of the blood vascular system. Schematic cross sections of the various types of vessels are also shown. Compare the relative thickness of the 3 tunics in the cross-sections : intima (white, media (heavy stipple) and adventitia (light stipple).

Blood and Lymphatic Vessels

1. Arteriole 2. Nerves (t.s) 3. Venule (o.s) 13. Adipose tissue 14. Nerve 15. Vasa vasorum

4. Small (terminal) artery tunica media

5. Arteriole

16. Endothelium 17. Subendothelial layer 18. Vein with blood clot 19. Internal elastic membrane 20. Capillaries 22. Medium-sized vein 21. Small (terminal) artery 23. Nerves (t.s) 24. Endothelium 25. Tunica media 26. Tunica adventitia 27. Vein (o.s) 28. Adipose tissue

6. Tunica adventitia of small artery

7. Vein (o.s) 8. Arteriole with a clot (l.s) 9. Capillary (l.s) with erythrocytes 10. Venule 11. Capillary

12. Lymphatic vessel with valve

C. CONNECTIONS BETWEEN SMALL ARTERIES AND VEINS 1. Capillaries 2. Portal system 3. Asteriovenous anastomoser 4. Glomus
Types of microcirculation formed by small blood vessels. The usual sequence of arteriole Metarteriole capillary venule and vein is shown at (1). An arteriovenous anastomosis is shown at (2) and an arterial portal system as is present in the kidney glomerulus is shown at (3). A venous portal system such as occurs in the liver is shown at (4).

III. HEART A. Chambers

Two atria
Two ventricles

B. Tunics, walls of the heart 1. Endocardium Endothelium Subendothelial connective tissue Subendocardium Purkinje fibers

2. Myocardium : cardiac muscles 3. Epicardum Visceral pericardum Single layer squamous

C. Cardiac Skeleton Annuli fibrosae

Trigona fibrosae
Septum membranaceum cells

Superior vena cava


of the heart,
Left bundle branch

Anterior fascicle Sinoatrial node

the impulsegenerating
Atrioventricular node

and conducting

Bundle of His Right bundle branch Posterior fascicle


Purkinje system


10. Coronary artery 1. Endocardium of atrium 2. Myocardium of atrium 11. Coronary sinus 12. Coronary vein with valve 13. Epicardium of atrium 14. Subepicardial connective tissue and fat 15. Perimysial septa with blood vessels 16. Epicardium and subepicardium of ventricle 17. Columnae carneae 18. Apex of papillary muscle

3. Annulus fibrosus 4. Mitral valve : a. Endocardium b. Connective tissue core 5. Chorda tendina

6. Endocardium of ventricle
7. Myocardium of ventricle 8. Purkinje fibers (conduction fibers) 9. Plate A


1. Endocardium

2. Purkinje fibers (t.s) 3. Transitional fiber

4. Purkinje fibers (l.s) 5. Myocardial fibers (l.s and t.s)

D. Cardiac value

Control the direction of blood flow through the heart

Endocardium enclosing dense connective tissue and continuous with the anulli fibrosae

Tricuspid value : between r atrium and R ventricle (Three cusps). Free edges of each cusp anchored to papillary muscles in the floor of each ventricle by fibrous cords called chordae tendinae.
Bicuspid valve : between L atrium and L ventricle (2 cusps), anchored to papillary muscles by chordae tendinae.

E. The conducting system

Sinoatrial node (pacemaker node) Atrioventicular (AV) node Atrioventicular (AV) bindle (of his) Purkinje fibers Coronary arteries Lymphatic capillaries in myocardium Myelinated and unmyelinated autonomic motor fiber Sympathetic Parasympathetic increases heart rate decreases

F. Blood supply G. Lymphatic supply H. Innervation

IV. LYMPHATIC VESSELS A. Lymphatic vessels and ducts

Walls resemble veins

Adventitia Thin

Lacks smooth muscle Media contains : longitudinal and circular smooth muscle

B. Lymphatic capillaries Simple squamous endothelial Large diameter Thinner basal lamina

Lack fenestrations, lack basal lamina

Section of the thoracic duct

C. Route of the lymph

Blind ending lymphatic capillaries Lymphatic vessels

Lymph node
Lymphatic vessels

Right Lymphatic duct Venous system

Junction of angular and subclavian veins in the neck

Thoracic duct (left)

Venous system

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