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Cancer is a process uncontrolled growth and spread of cells. It can appear almost anywhere on the body.

The growths often invade surrounding tissue and can metastasize to distant sites. Many cancers could be prevented by avoiding exposure to common risk factors such as smoke snuff. In addition, a significant proportion of cancers can be cured by surgery, radiotherapy or chemotherapy, especially if detected at an early stage.

Increase or decrease the number of cancer cases in the world?

Cancer is a major cause of mortality and total number of cases is increasing worldwide.
It is anticipated that, globally, cancer mortality increased by 45% between 2007 and 2030 (from 7.9 million to 11.5 million deaths), partly due to population growth and aging of the population. The estimate takes into account the slight reductions in mortality provided by some types of cancer in high-resource countries. It is estimated that during the same period the number of new cancer cases will increase from 11.3 million in 2007 to 15.5 million in 2030.

In most developed countries, cancer is the second leading cause of death after cardiovascular diseases, and epidemiological data show the beginning of this trend in the less developed world, particularly in countries "in transition" countries middle income, for example in South America and Asia. Over half of all recorded cases of cancer and in developing countries.

The major preventable risk factors for cancer are:

snuff consumption: cause 1.8 million cancer deaths per year (60% of these occur in countries of low and middle income); overweight, obesity and physical inactivity: together cause 274,000 deaths annually from cancer; Harmful drinking: causes 351,000 deaths annually from cancer; infection with human papilloma virus transmitted through sexual: cause 235,000 deaths annually from cancer carcinogens in the workplace: causing at least 152,000 deaths from cancer.

Universal vaccine against cancer closer

Curing cancer has been, is and will remain the great man's losing battle. Or not. Israeli scientists have announced that they are one step to develop the vaccine that cured 90 percent of tumors. Invent the cancer vaccine. The owner is so often dreamed now closer to reality, according to scientists at the University of Tel Aviv, they have developed, together with the pharmaceutical company Vaxil BioTherapeutics, ImMucin vaccine that is effective, they say, against 90 percent of cancers, including breast and prostate.

The news was received with reservations by the medical community, and of course it is too early to take it for good and throw the rooftops. In fact, the treatment is still under study, but results so far have been amazing.

If this was medical progress as announced, it would, without doubt, the most important news of the last few years, and surely that would substantially change the life expectancy of human beings

An effective treatment against cancer

According to the newspaper The Daily Telegraph has revealed the news that this new vaccine has been able to detect and then destroy cancer cells containing the MUC1 molecule. The big news here is that this molecule is present in nine out of ten cancers diagnosed, so the vaccine becomes almost "universal" against tumors.
According to the statement issued by Vaxil BioTherapeutics, the vaccine begins to be delivered to patients cancer detected nothing, and after a scheduled way that begins to be effective in some cases even after the second dose, and from other the dozen. According to the pharmaceutical, preliminary studies show that the vaccine causes a surprising way a response against the tumor patients, makes them immune to the disease and reduce its effects. Nevertheless, they warn, will still be testing a larger number of patients. After this first contact, surely no shortage of volunteers.

In fact, researchers say ImMucin can be very useful for small tumors detected early, but can also help prevent the recurrence of the disease for cancer patients and treated earlier, especially by surgery, which would mean an unexpected table salvation for many of these patients. The cancer cells circumvent the defense systems of the human body because they are not detected by the organism as a threat, something which does occur, for example, bacteria. This new scientific discovery, if confirmed, would help the body to detect this threat through the MUC1 molecule, which is present in 90% of cancers.

The detection of a tumor

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