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Presentation to PCM & PRSO-SR interface meeting

Lessons learnt


Mid Web Tear in PSOM

Separation within propellant grains/mid web tear observed in all the three segments of PS0-FM-56 and two segments of PS0-FM 58 motors Cause Lumps of ground Ammonium Perchlorate (AP) observed at the time of addition to the mixer
PSOM Segment

Propellant Tear/Separation

Implication of Deviation From mission point of view, separation/ tear within propellant is not allowed. This may cause catastrophic failure of the mission. All the segments of PSOM-FM-56 and FM-58 got rejected. Corrective/Preventive Actions Fine AP is to be added within 2 hrs. of grinding Fine AP to be added in 3 installments against earlier practice of 2 installment Fine AP passed through sieve placed on the kneader during addition to break the lumps, if any Scrapping of blades after each addition of AP to the mixer

Lessons Learnt
Any deviation observed from the standard practice (may be very minor) to be reported immediately to the supervisor and wait for the decision before proceeding further. Visual observation is very important. Carry out visual inspection of the raw materials, mixer, surroundings etc. Moisture is very harmful for propellant. Take all possible steps to prevent ingression of moisture during propellant processing.

PS0-XL Igniter casting

Issue: Rejection of Igniter propellant mix during vacuum casting in the pressure casting vessel

Before propellant casting, the pressure vessel was covered with a polythene sheet to avoid contamination which was to be removed prior to vacuum casting but it was not removed. As a result, the cast propellant fell on the Polythene sheet and inside the vacuum chamber instead of going into the vessel. Implication:


Polythene wrapping


Mix got rejected.

Pressure casting vessel

Vacuum Chamber

Corrective / Preventive action:

Checklist should be available and it is to be filled properly and authorized by the concerned engineer.

Lessons learnt:
Visual inspection is to be carried out at every step of operation and logged.

Strain gauge bonding cement, Adhesive CS 2 Part A Synthesis

Issue: One batch of Adhesive CS2 Part A was rejected due to the formation of precipitate during resin synthesis.

Cause :
During the assembly of the reaction setup, Inlet and outlet of the moisture trap system [H2SO4 based] got interchanged. Due to this, the conc. H2SO4 entered the reaction vessel causing the formation of precipitate during resin synthesis.

Connections got inter changed To N2 cylinder


Stirrer CaCl2 guard tube




Fig: Reaction Set up

Corrective / Preventive action: Process document with the reaction setup sketch /drawing is included. Inlet and outlet were properly labeled. Training was provided. Verification of the setup prior to use by the supervisor. Lesson learnt: Precautions are to be taken to avoid such human errors.

Polarity reversal of the electrochemical impregnation (EI) bath

Nickel hydrogen cells are being used in spacecraft powering systems. It consists of Nickel and Hydrogen electrodes. Positive nickel electrode is processed in two steps: 1. Processing of Nickel plaque 2. Impregnation of Nickel hydroxide active material into the plaque.

Issue: During the electrochemical impregnation step the nickel plaques dissolved into the EI bath instead of the nickel hydroxide active material impregnating into the plaque matrix.

Cause: Due to human error, polarity of the terminals got reversed during the impregnation operation. Implication: The EI bath was rejected. Corrective action:

Thorough check of the connections prior to the operation.

Lessons Learned:

A Log sheet/ checklist were incorporated into the system.

TDI Lesser Quantity Weighed

Error in weighing Inferior Tensile Bond Strength (TBS) between propellant linerinsulation in PS0-74 Head Segment

Cause Lower TBS was due to under curing of Pedcoat liner Insufficient quantity of curative (TDI) was added during liner application During weighing of TDI, empty beaker weight was not tared to zero. As a result lower quantity of TDI was added to the Pedcoat premix

Implication of weighing error Due to poor TBS property, the segment PSO-74-HS got rejected.

Corrective/Preventive Actions Weighing balance with printer is to be used. TDI quantity by volume is also to be verified by putting mark on the outer surface of the glass beaker Curing condition of the liner is to be verified on the sample surface, which is coated along with the main segment.

Lessons Learnt
A minor error in weighing caused the rejection of a PS0 segment Ensure the calibration status of the measuring devices Ensure proper tareing of the container Re-verify the weighing

Pedcoat Liner Application

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