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Kawalan Ransangan (Stimulus control)

Behavior is reinforced in specific circumstances (when specific antecedents are present) Behavior is more likely to occur in the future in similar circumstances (when similar antecedents are present)

Behavior is no longer reinforced when it occurs in specific circumstances (when specific antecedents are present) Behavior stops occurring in the future in similar circumstances

Behavior is punished in specific circumstances (when specific antecedents are present) Behavior stops occurring in the future in similar circumstances

Rangsangan Kawalan Perkara / objek / peristiwa yang boleh memberi kesan (meneguh atau melenyapkan) sesuatu tingkah laku seseorang individu. - Semua rangsangan kawalan boleh menjadi antecedent dan memberi kesan kpd tingkah laku.. Bau makanan ---------- selera makan meningkat.
(Ransangan anteceden) (Kesan)

* Ransangan antecedent = rangsangan pendahulu

Samb Kawalan sesuatu rangsangan ke atas sesuatu tingkah laku menyebabkan tingkah laku tersebut diperteguhkan atau dilenyapkan oleh kehadiran rangsangan tersebut. Contoh: Papan tanda tolong diam, jangan merokok, jangan meludah Semua rangsangan antecedent boleh menjadi rangsangan kawalan





Mom is present
Dad is present

Jake ask for money Jake ask for money

Mom gives him the cash Dad does not give him the cash

Outcome: Jake ask his mom for money in future and does not ask dad for money anymore

A -------------------------> B -------------------> C Phone rings Pick it up Talk to someone Phone doesnt ring Pick it up No one there

Outcome: You are more likely to pick up the phone when it rings but not when its not ringing. A -----------------------> B --------------------> C With friends tell stories friends laugh With parents no laughs, reprimands Outcome: You are more likely to tell stories to friends but not to parents. tell stories

Contoh tingkah laku di bawah rangsangan kawalan.

Cerita lucu/lawak Buah mangga Ketawa terliur

Menonton TV

Mengunyah makanan

Apakah tingkah laku manusia di bawah rangsangan kawalan?

Membangunkan rangsangan kawalan:

Latihan Diskriminasi Rangsangan (Stimulus Discrimination Training (SDT)

Rangsangan antecedent yang diberi untuk meneguhkan tingkah laku itu dikenali Rangsangan diskriminasi (SD) (Reinforce the behavior in the presence of one antecedent)

Ransangan antecedent yang tidak meneguhkan tingkah laku dinamakan S-Delta (S^).
(Do not reinforce the behavior in the presence of other antecedent). Rangsangan (SD) ditingkatkan menerusi latihan iaitu Stimulus Discrimination Training (SDT) Sesuatu rangsangan antecedent boleh menjadi SD dan S^ pada satu

tingkah laku sahaja.

SD = discriminative stimulus: The SD is the antecedent stimulus that is present when the behavior is reinforced S = S-delta The S is the antecedent stimulus that is present when the behavior is not reinforced SD ----> Behavior ----> Reinforcer (SR) S ----> Behavior ----> Extinction (EXT) Outcome: In the future, the behavior is more likely to occur when the SD is present
** Stimulus control is the outcome of stimulus discrimination training

Discrimination Training
SD --------------------> R -----------------------> SR large dog child says dog praise

S --------------------> R ------------------------> Ext a pony a goat child says dog child says dog no praise, correction no praise, correction

Outcome: Child more likely to call a large dog a dog and less likely to call other animals dogs

Contoh: Samb
Lampu Hijau Jalan Peneguh

Lampu merah Jalan Bukan Peneguh

* Tingkah laku lebih cenderung berlaku pada masa hadapan apabila

terdapat kehadiran SD tetapi kurang berlaku sekiranya terhadap kehadiran SA

Contoh rangsangan kawalan

Bimbingan fizikal Sentuhan fizikal yang menyebabkan seseorang itu terikat dengan tingkah laku orang lain. Bagaimana menggunakan bimbingan fizikal * Perlulah yang menyeronokkan, relak dan selesa. * Gunakan peraturan supaya mudah mengawal t/laku. * boleh dilakukan bersama kaedah fading.

Feedback (Maklumbalas)
Feedback melibatkan pujian atau jenis-jenis peneguh yang lain untuk meneguhkan tingkah laku yang diingini.

Faktor yang mempengaruhi keberkesanan feedback:* Harus diberikan sejurus selepas suatu tingkah laku.

* Selalunya melibatkan pujian (peneguhan lain) bagi tingkah laku yang betul dan sekiranya kurang betul harus memuji juga beserta dengan pembetulan dan arahan.

Arahan berupa lisan atau penulisan, dengan tujuan mengawal suatu tingkah laku yang diingini atau membentuk tingkah laku yang baru. Contoh Jangan Bising

Bagaimana Arahan Boleh Dilakukan dengan

Perlulah ringkas, mudah difahami


Boleh dikemukakan dalam bentuk tulisan, gambar atau lisan. Ditulis dengan besar dan jelas

Prestasi yang perlu dicapai. Menetapkan matlamat:

Realistik dan mencabar

Bersifat spesifik Ada tarikh tamat Sediakan maklumbalas Komitmen kpd matlamat.


Behavior occurs in the presence of stimuli that are similar in some way to the SD Because the behavior was reinforced in the presence of the SD, in the future, the behavior also occurs in the presence of similar stimuli.

SD----------------> R --------------> SR
Parent makes request Child complies Praise

Repeat with many different requests

Outcome: Compliance to parent requests is reinforced and, as a result, the child complies with novel requests.

SD -------------> R ---------------> SR
Example of extinction Label the example correctly Positive feedback

Repeat with different examples Outcome: Can now label novel examples correctly

Generalization Training
SD ------------- R ---------------> SR
Large dog, small dog, medium dog, etc. child says dog praise

Outcome: Child is more likely to label any dog she sees as a dog





Adult in the room

Another child in the room (but no adult)


No attention

Outcome: Millie bangs her head only when an adult is present not the presence of other child You learn to drive a car which has a manual transmission. The behavior then generalizes to most other cars with a manual transmission also.

Discrimination The behavior occurs in the presence of a particular stimulus (the SD)

Generalization The behavior occurs in the presence of similar stimuli (similar to the SD)

Promoting Generalization

Generality of Behavior Change

Stimulus generalization The target behavior occurs in all relevant circumstances The target behavior occurs outside of the training situation Response Generalization Change in the target behavior results in changes in other relevant behaviors. Maintenance Target behavior continues to occur in relevant situations after training

Learning assertiveness skills Teaching social skills to an autistic child Learning to hit a baseball

Strategies to Promote Generalization

Reinforce instances of generalization - Train in the target situation - The training stimuli and criterion stimuli are the same Train skills that contact natural contingencies of reinforcement - Must first analyze the natural contingencies - Train skills that will work for the learner - Train the learner to solicit reinforcement

Strategies to Promote Generalization, Cont

Modify natural contingencies of reinforcement and punishment - Must have some control over the natural contingencies (for example, in educational settings or treatment environments) Incorporate a variety of relevant stimulus situations in training - Sample all relevant SDs for the target behavior - Train sufficient exemplars - General case programming

Strategies to Promote Generalization, Cont

Incorporate common stimuli - The stimuli from training have stimulus control over the target behavior in the criterion situation - May include people or aspects of the physical environment Teach a range of functionally equivalent responses - Increases the chances of a successful response to a novel or difficult situation

Strategies to Promote Generalization Cont

Incorporate self-generated mediators of generalization - May include self-instructions or some other behavior of the learner - May involve self-generated cues or prompts

Indicators of Successful Treatment for Problem Behaviors


Reduction in the problem behavior

2. Increase in desirable alternative behaviors 3. Generalization of the behavior changes to all relevant circumstances 4. Increase in the quantity or quality of positive reinforcement

Guidelines for Achieving Generalized Reductions in Problem Behaviors

Conduct a functional assessment Utilize functional interventions Plan for generalization in advance using known generalization strategies Focus on functionally equivalent alternative behaviors - a constructional approach Maintain extinction (or punishment) contingencies across situations and over time

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