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Institute Of Professional Education & Research


Environmental Degradation

Presented By:

Manish Yadav Monika Jain Manoj Lithkar

Environmental degradation is the deterioration of the environment through depletion of resources such as air, water and soil; the destruction of ecosystems and the extinction of wildlife. It is defined as any change or disturbance to the environment perceived to be deleterious or undesirable. Environmental degradation is not a new thing, it has been happening all over the world for centuries. The problem is that it is now occurring at a much faster rate, therefore not leaving enough time for the environment to recover and regenerate. The greater demands placed on the environment by an ever increasing human population is putting a great strain and drain on the earths limited natural resources

Problems Of Anna Nagar

Water Pollution:
Gutter & Gullies water flows into fresh water bodies. Long term water lodging results into the pollution of under ground level water.

Impacts on environment:
Fresh water bodies are getting polluted. Aquatic species are reducing rapidly. Many known and unknown viral disease are taking place. Percentage of fresh water is deteriorating.

Problems Of Anna Nagar

Solutions for water pollution:
Proper sanitary line should be laid down. Water pollution awareness program should also be conducted. Proper drainage system should be made so that this dirty water should not mix with fresh water bodies. Government help should be taken through paper work.

Problems Of Anna Nagar

Water Scarcity:
Nagar Nigam supply the water which is:Not on time Only thrice a week Not at all sufficient

Impact Due to water Scarcity:

Very less water or no water to drink. War for water every day. Resulting in to bad health of a person. Wild animals are about to extinct.

Problems Of Anna Nagar

Solutions For Water Scarcity:
Proper Coordination with Narmada Project plan. Can get bore well & few safety tanks. Nagar Nigam should facilitate water supply at least six day a week.

Proper allotment of water to particular family.

Problems Of Anna Nagar

Noise pollution :
N number of vehicles running every day. Railway line behind the residence area.

Impacts of noise pollution:

Resulting in to mental stress. Intake of harmful chemicals and gases. Causing problem to patients of career hospital. neurological problems

Problems OF Anna Nagar

Solutions for Noise pollution
Plantation of dense bushes and shrubs. Effective use of white noise machine. Banned of loudspeakers . Soundproof doors and windows Should be installed. Television and music system should be listen at a moderate volume.

According to the most important need of whole humanity we all need water and that too fresh water so it should be our prime duty to keep fresh water fresh and try to maintain the purity of the ground level water. As we all know that all resources are limited and gifted to us so its our prime duty to utilize them efficiently and effectively. Humans are the most intelligent social animal but they have in tangled in their own creativity that is development of technology creating huge noise pollution. So we must start looking for good alternatives for reducing noise pollution

Thank You

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