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Hypertensive Disorder in Pregnancy

dr. Valleria, SpOG

Hypertensive Disorder in Pregnancy


2. 3. 4. 5.

Gestational hypertension ( Hipertensi dalam Kehamilan ) Preeclampsia Eclampsia Superimposed Preeclampsia Chronic Hypertension

Hypertensive Disorder in Pregnancy

One of the deadly triad (hemorrhage, infection) 3,7 % of all pregnancy

1. Gestasional hypertension
BP > 140/90 mmHg for first time during pregnancy No proteinuria BP return to normal < 12 weeks post partum May have other signs for preeclampsia (epigastric discomfort, thrombpcytopenia)

2. Preeclampsia
Preeclampsia: Mild-Severe

Mild : BP > 140/90 mmHg after 20 weeks gestation Proteinuria > 300 mg/24 hours or > 1+ dipstick



BP > 160/110 mm Hg Proteinuria 2 g/24 hours or > 2+ dipstick Serum Creatinin > 1,2 mg/dL Platelets < 100.000/mm3 Increase LDH Elevated AST/ALT Persistent headache or other cerebral or visual disturbance Persistent epigastric pain

3. Eclampsia
Seizures that cannot be attributed to other causes in women with preeclampsia Coma

Eklampsia imminens severe headache or visual disturbances

4. Superimposed preeclampsia
New onset proteinuria > 300mg/24 hours in hypertensive women but no proteinuria before 20 weeks gestasion Sign and symptoms severe preeclampsia

5. Chronic Hypertension

BP > 140 mmHg before pregnancy or diagnosed before 20 weeks gestation

Risk Factor Preeclampsia

Nulliparous Multiple pregnancy History of chronic hypertension Maternal age over 35 years Obesity

Patophyisiology Preeclampsia
Maternal vascular desease Faulty placentation Excessive trophoblast

Reduced uteroplacental perfusion

Endothelial activation

Endothelial activation Vasospasme -Hypertension -Seizure -Oliguria -Abruption -Liver ischemia

Capillary leak

Activation of coagulation

Thrombocytopenia Edema Proteinuria Hemoconcentration

General Management of Severe Preeclampsia


Delivery is the cure for preeclampsia > 35 weeks gestation : induction of labor < 35 weeks gestation, no complication: expectant ( the hope that few more weeks in utero will reduce the risk of neonatal mortality and morbidity )

Anti hypertension Lung maturation : dexametason 12 mg/day, 2 days Observation : Blood pressure, symptom impanding eclampsia, lab., fetal surveillance any disturbance termination

General Management of Severe Preeclampsia

2. Anti hypertensive Drug -blocking agent : labetolol Calcium channel blocker : nifedipine ACE inhibitor (Angiotensin-converting-enzyme): should be avoided : oligohidramnios, IUGR, limb contractur, Persistent PDA, pulmonary hypoplasia, etc Methyldopa : delayed onset (long-acting)

General Management of Severe Preeclampsia

3. Preventive and control convulsion - MgSO4 : control convulsion without central nervous system depression - i.v : 4-6 g loading dose diluted in 100 ml of iv fluid 15-20 min, maintenance 1-2 g/ hour in 100 ml - i.m : 4 g loading dose, 5 g i.m in both buttock / 4 hour

General Management of Sever Preeclampsia

Before giving MgSO4 :

1. 2. 3.

The patellar refleks is present Respiration are not depressed ( RR>16/min) Urin output > 100ml/4 hour

MgSo4 is discontinued 24 h after delivery MgSO4 toxicity : respiratory depression, paralysis, and arrest Antidotum MgSO4 : calcium gluconate

Severe Preeclampsia
> 35 weeks gestasion : termination of pregnancy < 35 weeks gestasion :

Find any complications if any termination of pregancy and treat complication No diuretik Limitation activity MgSO4 Antihypertensive agents Close observation for mother and baby

Management of Mild Preeclampsia

> 37 weeks gestation : termination of pregnancy < 37 weeks gestation :


No medication if blood pressure not more than 140/90 mmHg No diuretik Limitation activity ANC 2x/weeks : Blood Pressure, proteinuria, refleks, fetal surveillance Close monitoring for complications

Management of chronic hypertension/gestational hypertension

Find any complications during antenatal care Antihypertensive drugs control blood pressure If no complications wait until aterm with close monitoring If there is any complications consider pregnancy termination


Eclampsia Generalized tonic-clonic seizures Coma without convulsion Antepartum, intrapartum, postpartum Cerebral edema ICU

2. HELLP Syndrome

Hemolysis : fragmented erythrocyte, bilirubun > 1,2 ml/dL Elevated Lever enzymes : SGOT > 72 IU/L, LDH > 600IU/L Low Platelet count : < 100.000/mm3 DIC Tx : dexamethason 2 x 10 mg, then 2 x 5 mg

3. Pulmonary edema

Tachypneu/dyspnea Respiratory distress Severe hypoxemia Diffuse rales in both lung ICU, ventilator Furosemid

4. Acute Renal Failure 5. Hepatic rupture 6. Abruptio placentae 7. Cerebral hemorrhage 8. Visual disturbances

Low dose aspirin ? Calcium? Anti oxidant?

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