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Estimating Methods
Unit Method Example : Number of beds in a hospital Number of seats in a cinema Number of bedrooms in a hotel Number of parking lots in a car park Advantages Provides a convenient form of stating a cost limit Provides a simple method of comparing a different schemes Speed of application Disadvantages Lack of precision Unsuitable for estimating the cost of individual building and different buildings Difference in time excluded Location of the site excluded Method of construction excluded

Superficial Method Is the most popular method of approximate estimating. Total building cost divided by total floor areas.

Simple method, easiest to remember Rapid method, widely used by architect and QS Easily understood by employer Wide availability of data
Disadvantages Building must be of similar shape, size, heights and specifications

Approximate Method Is considered to be the most reliable and accurate method of approximate estimating.
Advantages An estimate can be divided into individual items or elements which assist the development of a balance designed. Adjustments can be made to a estimate for specification changes and other reasons with the minimum fuss or disturbance. Disadvantages Requires detailed specifications and method statements Requires detailed materials and labour costs Time consuming

Estimate the Quantities of:

Earthwork in excavation in foundation Concrete in foundation Brickwork in foundation and plinth Brickwork in superstructure

Details of Measurement and Calculation of Quantities

No Particular 1 Earthwork in excavation in foundation Long walls Short walls No Length Width Depth Quantity Note

2 2

6.2 3.4

0.9 0.9

0.9 0.9 Total

10.04 Length =5.3+0.9=6.2m 5.51 Width=4.3-0.9=3.4m 15.55 cu.m.

2 Concrete in foundation Long walls Short walls 2 2 6.2 3.4 0.9 0.9 0.3 0.3 Total 3.35 Length =5.3+0.9=6.2m 1.84 With=4.3-0.9=3.4m 5.18 cu.m.

3 Brickwork in foundation and plinth Long walls 1st footing 2nd footing Plinth walls Short walls 1st footing 2nd footing Plinth walls

2 2 2 2 2 2

5.9 5.8 5.7 3.7 3.8 3.9

0.6 0.5 0.4 0.6 0.5 0.4

0.3 0.3 0.6 0.3 0.3 0.6 Total

2.12 length=5.3+0.6 = 5.9m 1.74 length=5.3+0.5 = 5.8m 2.74 length=5.3+0.4 = 5.7m 1.33 1.14 1.87 10.94 length=5.3-0.6 = 3.7m length=5.3-0.5 = 3.8m length=5.3-0.4 = 3.9m cu.m

4 Brickwork in superstructure Long walls Short walls 2 2 5.6 4 0.3 0.3 3.5 3.5 Total 11.76 Length =5.3+0.3=5.6m 8.40 With=4.3-0.3=4.0m 20.16 cu.m.

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