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Israelite religion Israelitiese godsdiens

Lecture 2 Lesing 2

Lecture 2: Israelite religion Lesing 2: Israelitiese godsdiens


The Biblical account from Abraham to the Babylonian Exile

1. Die Bybelse vertelling van Abraham tot die Babiloniese Ballingskap.

Abraham the father of the Jewish faith.

Abrahams obedience when offering his only son Isaac. Abraham received his son back from death through faith.

Isaacs two sons, Esau and Jacob. Jacob would later be called Israel.

Jacob had twelve sons. These sons should become the fathers of the twelve tribes of Israel.

God saved Joseph when his brothers sold him into slavery. He became second in charge of Egypt and saved his family from the famine.

The Israelites were enslaved in Egypt.

Moses' parents saved his life because they knew he was a special child. Moses was raised by the faro's daughter.

God revealed Himself as I am to Moses in a burning bush. God sent Moses to save the Israelites from slavery in Egypt.

God sends Ten Plagues over Egypt. Finally the faro let the Israelites go.

The first Passover.

The miraculous parting of the Sea of Reeds.

The Israelites worships the golden calf.

God gives the Ten Commandments.

God instructs the Israelites to build the Ark of the Covenant and the Tabernacle.

God sustained the Israelites in the desert for forty years. They could however not enter the Promised Land because of their sins.

Moses dies on Mount Nebo.

Joshua and the Israelites capture Jericho and the rest of the Promised Land.

The time of the Judges when everyone did that what was right in his own eyes.

The Israelites asked for a king and God anointed Saul as the first king of Israel. The Israelites rejected God as their King.

Because Saul acted sinfully in the sight of God, God chose another king, David the shepherd boy.

David was able to slay Goliath because he believed that God would help him.

Solomon, Davids son, built the first Temple for God in Jerusalem.

The kingdom of Israel divided into two kingdoms. Israel in the north and Judah in the south.

The northern kingdom of Israel sinned against God. They were taken into exile by the Assyrians.

King Josiahs religious reform in Judah.

The southern kingdom of Judah sinned against God. They were led into exile to Babylon.

2. Critical reconstruction 2. Kritiese rekonstruksie

The influence of Canaanite religion/ Die invloed van Kanaanitiese godsdiens. El Asherah/Asjera

3. Deuteronomic reform 3. Deuteronomiese hervorming

King Josiahs reform, discovering the Book of the Law, religion centred in Jerusalem/ Koning Josia se hervorming, die boek van die Wet word ontdek, godsdiens word in Jerusalem sentreer. Babylonian exile, destruction of the Temple / Babiloniese ballingskap, die Tempel word verwoes. Jewish exiles takes copies of the Book of the Law to Babylon/Joodse ballinge neem afskrifte van die boek van die Wet na Babilon. Judaism developed as a religion independent of geographical location/ Judasme ontwikkel as n godsdiens onafhanklik van geografiese ligging.

4. Second Temple period 4. Tweede Tempel periode

Temple rebuilt fifty years after the destruction of the first Temple/ Die tweede Tempel word gebou vyftig jaar nadat die eerste verwoes was.

Torah expanded to include the writings and prophets/ Tora uitgebrei om geskrifte en profete in te sluit.
Authority shared by governor and high priest/ Gesag word gedeel deur goewerneur en ho priester.

Influence of Hellenistic customs, Maccabean revolt/ Invloed van Hellenistiese gebruike, die opstand van die Makkabers. Hasmonean rule, both king and priest/ Hasmonese bewind, beide koning en priester Pharisees and oral tradition/ Farisers en mondelinge tradisie Essenes and purity/ Essene en reinheid Sadducees, traditional Judaism centered on the temple cult/ Sadusers, tradisionele Judasme gesentreer op die tempel kultus

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