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Derived from the Latin word CULTURA which means care or CULTUS means civilization.

Is defined as the set of learned behaviors, beliefs, values, and ideas that are characteristics of a particular society or population.




MATERIAL Tools, Medicines Clothing Transportation Technologies

Language Symbols

Ideas Knowledge Beliefs Values Accounts

Norms Mores Laws Folkways Rituals

LANGUAGE is the systematized use of speech and hearing to communicate feelings and ideas. SYMBOL is anything that carries a particular meaning recognized by people who share culture.

IDEAS Are mental representations which are the basic units out of which knowledge is constructed and a world emerges. KNOWLEDGE systematically summarizes and

elaborates how we think and act

BELIEFS a statement, principle, or doctrine that a person or group accepts as true. VALUES defined as culturally defined standards of
desirability, goodness and beauty, which serve as broad guidelines for social living.

ACCOUNTS people who share a culture share a common language for talking about their inner selves.

are rules and expectations by

which a society guides the behavior of its members. Mores, Laws, Folkways and Rituals are the different types of Norms.

FOLKWAYS are customary patterns of

everyday life that specify what is socially correct and proper in everyday life.

MORES are customary behavior patterns or folkways which have taken a moralistic view.

LAWS are components of culture

regulating or controlling the peoples behavior and conduct.

RITUALS these are highly scripted ceremonies or strips of interaction that follow a specific sequence of actions.

of culture refer to physical

objects of culture such as machines, equipment, tools, books, clothing, etc.

Culture is learned.

Culture is shared by a group of people.

Culture is cumulative

Cultures change.

Culture is a group product.

Culture is dynamic

Culture is ideational.

Culture is diverse.

Culture gives us a range of permissible behavior patterns

Culture is transmitted from generation to generation.

Culture is compulsory

Culture helps the individual fulfill his or her potential as a human being.

Through the development of culture, an individual can overcome ones physical disadvantages and provide himself or herself with basic needs such as food, clothing and shelter.

Culture provides rules of proper conduct for living in a society.

Culture provides the individual, the concept of family, community and society. It also creates new needs and arranges for ones satisfaction.

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