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The Dick and Carey Model

An Instructional Systems Design Model

Who Are Dick & Carey?

Walter Dick: Studied with Robert Gagne.
Professor at Florida State University. Emeritus

Lou Carey: Studied with Walter Dick and Robert Gagne.

University of South Florida Professor and Interim Dean.

Dick & Carey Model

Performance-oriented model, stressing the identification of skills students need to learn and the collection of data from students to revise instruction Based on the reductionist perspective, which emphasizes breaking instruction down into smaller components. Focuses on the skills, knowledge, attitudes that need to be learned and provides the right learning conditions for the outcomes. Based on the idea that there is a predictable and reliable link between a stimulus (instructional materials) and the response that it produces in a learner (learning of materials).

Dick & Carey, Past and Present

First Edition, 1978: Very traditional ISD approach, with emphasis on behavioral theory and some cognitivist theories.
Second Edition, 1996: Still traditional, reflects an attempt to incorporate changes in the field, such as shifts toward constructivism, growth in computers, etc.

Dick & Carey Model

Conduct Instructional analysis

Revise Instruction

Develop Assessment instruments Assess needs to Identify goals Write Performance Objectives Develop Instructional strategy

Develop and Select Instructional materials

Design and Conduct Formative Evaluation of instruction

Analyze learners And contexts

Design and Conduct Summative evaluation

Shell Island Simulation

Contexts for Dick & Carey Model seem to endless.
Shell Island is a good example of how modify the traditional ISD approach with constructivist goals. Part of a reform project by Carolina Coastal Science project with a goal to create an online environment for primary and secondary students to engage in authentic scientific inquiry.

Shell Island Dilemma

Students investigate the fate of the Shell Island Resort through the resources available on NCS website.
After considering the scientific, social, political issues, they engage in a debate over its future.

QuickTime and a Cinepak decompressor are needed to see this picture.

Shell Island D&C Model

Determining Instructional Goals
Determined out of a lack of good environmental science curricular and inquiry-based simulations in North Carolina secondary schools. Instructional goal is for learners to be able to identify the scientific, social, political, and moral issues that different stakeholders must deal with in a current environmental science issue.

Analyzing the Instructional Goal

Students identify environmental and economic concerns of stakeholders. Students take a position for or against building a hard structure to protect the Shell Island Resort.

Shell Island D&C Model

Analyze Learners and Context
Use technology skills and critical thinking skills to explore online resources and construct a logical argument for unresolved issue. Use decision-making skills to act on personal and social interests.

Write Performance Objectives

Students will list the 3 strongest arguments for and against building a hard structure to protect Resort. Students will identify individuals for and against. Students will prepare statement for next course of action.

Shell Island D&C Model

Developing Assessment Instruments
Students complete a Position Statement Handout designed to assess stated objectives for an in class debate. Students complete a Student Record Sheet Assessment at the conclusion of debate.

Developing Instructional Strategy

Terminal Objectives:
Design role-playing activity Select unresolved issue Collect background info Develop real-life scenario Identify roles of real people (stakeholders) Develop student roles Select Debate format with time limits

Shell Island D&C Model

Developing and Selecting Instruction
Materials are developed in the context of The Shell Island Dilemma web site, with many resources for students Educators Guide is provided, recommending teaching strategies and assesments

Designing and Conducting Formative Evaluation

Included a small group of primary and secondary school educators enrolled in a ET graduate course. They made recommendations to modify program

Shell Island D&C Model

Revising Instruction
Upon recommendations by group:
Specific descriptions of stakeholders were developed. Student Record Sheet Assessment was developed. Debate simulation was tested on 10th grade environmental science class. Position Statement Handout was created.

Conducting Summative Evalution

Conducted by marine education specialist, a coastal geologist, a university professor with C&I expertise, and two secondary school environmental science teachers. No further recommendations were made.

Dick & Carey Model

Can be applied in almost any context. Can adjust well for changes in theory or technology. Has been around a long time.

Learning is nonlinear. Presumes that learning is predictable and reliable. Does not allow for mistakes.

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